ISSN (2210-142X)
Int. J. Com. Dig. Sys. 6, No.4 (July-2017)
Ibtesam R. K. Al-Saedi1, Farag Mahel Mohammed2 and Saif Aldeen Saad Obayes2
Communication Engineering, University of Technology, Baghdad, IRAQ
Electromechanical Engineering., University of Technology, Baghdad, IRAQ
Received 6 Dec. 2016, Revised 11 Mar. 2017, Accepted 15 May 2017, Published 1 July 2017
Abstract: This paper focus on the integration of wireless technology and CAD/CAM system for CNC workshop development. A
specific case study is described a system based on embedded wireless device and Internet of Things (IoT) concept with Bezier
techniques for the proposed model. The focus of the case study is to show a complete stage of manufacturing process starting from
modeling in CAD system passing through CAM system, transferring NC code, gathering machine data, monitoring whole process
and finally manufacturing product. Using MATLAB and UG-NX software for modeling, Monitoring machining process using
temperature, accelerometers and gyroscope sensors based on IoT concept. Transferring NC codes to CNC machines using FTP
protocol and DNC software, real-time report demonstrate information about machine name, parts progress, time, operation condition
and Machine Cycle Time depending on DNC network.
Keywords: CAD/CAM; Bezier technique; Wireless Controller system; IoT; DNC; NC code; CNC workshop.
central computer in charge of the NC program’s
There are various types of controller system which are management and transfer. At present, DNC system
controlling different machines in any kind of includes not only the NC program, but also the
manufacturing industries. Considering a small industry to manufacturing data of the specific tasks required for the
a large industry everywhere in production scenario, it is production, such as cutting tools data, scheduling,
required to keep a track of production process and the configuration information of machine tools, and so on,
machine time consuming [1]. In workshops which employ and part of the DNC system also has the functions of
mass production daily, the registering of daily production machine tool state acquisition and remote control. This
is done manually by using a production line counter. And automation should include as many parameters of
about the monitoring of CNC machines, most registering machine as possible to be continuously recorded mostly
of machine performance, the operation, the number of on some sort of local storage as well as a remote storage.
jobs produced/worked upon are entirely drafted on paper. This remote storage can act as an effective monitoring
Produced reports are also manual which are either printed tool for the supervisory persons. If the remote storage is
on paper or generated on computer by manually entering on internet, the data monitoring can even be done sitting
the data. The data can be like machine running time, almost anywhere in the world also achieved CAD / CAM
machining time, number of work pieces. Likewise, the and numerical control system integration, so as to realize
report generation if done manually is a time taking job Group Control Processing by machine network and
and highly erroneous. This also leads sometimes to data centralized control [3].
manipulation as well as misunderstanding. The other
feature is to make a remote control of CNC machine using Based on HLK-RM04, an embedded Wi-Fi
a local wireless network [2]. communication module is constructed to facilitate the
communication between the upper industrial control
DNC is referred to as the Direct or distributive computer, the field monitoring host and the various CNC
Numerical Control, Heading for direct digital control. The machine Tools. It can be applied to many traditional NC
definition depends on if it means a number of numerical systems to realize remote monitor and management [4].
control equipment directly connected to a computer or
multiple network connected with each other, and the
The new age of CNC machines is how to integrate the device ports (RS-232 and RJ-45). Some of the
communication system and the advancement in the workshop’s machines have a DNC option in its platform
information technology (IT) with CNC machines. that’s made it easy to connect to DNC network, in other
Wireless technology had been developed and becomes the hand, some doesn’t have only RS-232 port used to
major connection for computer network or devices [5]. transfer NC program to the machine. In this paper had
With the improvement of the performance and reliability implemented a complete system with all types of interface
of Wi-Fi technology, industries are stirring Ethernet ports (WLAN, Ethernet and RS-232), starting from
connections aside. As Wi-Fi gains favor and usurps wired modelling, monitoring, management, processing to
access, Wi-Fi capabilities are varied rapidly, producing an manufacturing.
important difference in WLAN architectures and
implementation models [6,7]. Xinghong Kuang and Haibo 2. SYSTEM DESECRUPTION
Huo [8], had designed a Wi-Fi wireless transmission According to the aim of research, a developed system
module based on the control of the machine control unit had been used consist of:
(MCU). The design explain hardware schematics and
wireless transmission process, describes the principle of A. Wireless Controller System
Wi-Fi wireless transmission based on the MCU. This system consists from Central Computer and the
wireless devices that’s connected to Machine Control Unit
The Internet has changed industry and personal life in
(MCU) of the machine to make wireless network. Due to
last years and continues to do so. Internet of Things (IoT)
the variety machine types that exist in the workshop and
gives the ability to make integration between sensors and
commonly workshop machines had been limited with two
things by using the internet as a communication medium,
types of connection (Ethernet RJ-45 or RS-232). In this
which gives developers a wide area to take benefit of it.
case, to achieve our aims have to use a low-cost
Claiton de Oliveira et al [9], made an analysis of using
embedded UART-ETH-Wi-Fi module (Serial port,
wireless technology to create automatic shop-floor data
Ethernet and Wireless network) which offer Wi-Fi
collection by monitoring and supervision systems, adds
possibility to transfer data to different types of machines.
precision and control improvements into the decision-
The embedded UART-Wi-Fi modules (HLK-RM04)
making process. Li Boquan et al [10], improved the level
based on the universal serial interface network standard,
of automation in CNC equipment by using CNC machine
built-in Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) / Internet
with RS232 interface to connect it with WLAN and create
protocol (IP) protocol stack, enabling the user serial port,
a DNC network. Y. L. Zheng et al [11], design an IoT
Ethernet, wireless network (Wi-Fi) interface between the
protocol to achieve the real-time communication between
conversions. This module work with network standard:
the CNC operating platform and the wireless sensor nodes
IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b., IEEE
and show that the CNC monitoring system based on (IoT)
802.3, IEEE 802.3u, as shown in figure (1). Any computer
technology can provide the temperature and vibration
with wireless capability like (personal computer, laptop,
information for the CNC operating platform in time with
Pad and Pendent) can connect to the CNC machine and
the advantages of simple layout and reliable
become the device under Wi-Fi LAN and more of that
communication. Kong Dexin et al [12], applied Ethernet
was having the capability to become a part with other
hardware connection (ZNE-100TL module) as a solution
network connected to internet through WAN.WAN
to implement information management, which provides a
default IP is dynamic IP address. LAN, Wi-Fi for the
convenient for production management and data
same local area network, enabled by default DHCP server.
transmission in numerical controlled workshop. Jaromir
Skuta [13], used standard personal computer (PC) as a
higher level of control and running the CAD/CAM
application with a user interface for generating G-code.
The commands between the PC and the controller are sent
using modules that provide wireless transmission of
information. L. Gui et al [14], has been developed a CNC
online monitoring system based on IoT use the machine
tool as an example, by the way of internet
communication, monitor the parameters of machine
equipment effectively and uniformly at Web server. Then
achieve the ultimate goal of connection between two
Figure 1. Wireless Controller System.
The main objective of this research is to create a
system that’s having the ability to gather and transfer data, B. Internet of Things for CNC Machine Monitoring
processing and reporting for workshop’s machines. Any In the process of machining workpiece, the simulation
workshop has various types of machines which have and automation center needs a real time data information
different type of operation system platform and output about vibration, temperature, humidity, noise level,
Int. J. Com. Dig. Sys. 6, No.4, 205-212 (July-2017) 207
accelerometers, rotation and object detection to make the B. CNC Milling Machine
right decision if any problem happen, The IoT for CNC The CNC milling machine C-TEK model KM80D as
monitoring is consist from: sensors, middleware and shown in figure (3) was used. This machine has RS-232
application or user interface. port and Ethernet for FTP file transfer.
1) Sensing Unit: Each sensing unit consisting from
Bluetooth Low Energy chip, printed circuit board (PCB)
and Li/ion coin cell battery. This unit consists of multiple
sensors like:
a) Temperature/Humidity: HTU21D (F) RH/T
Sensor IC, a low power digital sensor of relative
humidity and temperature, Low power consumption, Fast
response time.
b) Accelerometers/Gyroscope: MPU-6500 Sensor
IC, six-axis (gyroscope+ accelerometer).
2) Middleware: All sensors will have connected to Figure 3. CNC Milling Machine.
master unit and by using BLE to crate Node, this node
has to be connected to the internet by Wi-Fi via gateway
like a wireless router. Modeling process depend on CAD/CAM software, as
3) Application and User Interface: After connecting a case study of the proposed surface shown in figure (4)
was designed based on Bezier method with 7 control
sensors with master unit and connected master unit with
the internet, sensor units must be defined to the cloud
server, Create account in Relayr cloud server with an
email, this account will be pairing the specific master unit
with its relevant sensing unit, so that when they start
publishing data, only master unit will be able to collect
that data and transmit it to the cloud platform, making it
available for user interface application. The dashboard
app posts a request to the cloud server application
programming interface (API) to register a new device.
The API processes the request and returns a set of IDs to
be written to the Master unit and the six Sensor unit. The
IDs ensure that only the specific Master unit is then able Figure 4. Proposed surface with control point.
to receive data from the specific sensors and relays it to
the cloud. Once all the sensing unit’s setup with master The proposed surface and G- code generation were
unit and connected to internet, now can view the real- presented by using MATLAB as a laboratory software
time sensor data on webpage (Device Dashboard). This and UG-NX10 as workshop software:
will let know if and how the devices are communicating 1) MATLAB software: To design the proposed surface
and can act as a way to troubleshoot. Can also view use the Bezier matrix control points as input data to
sensor data through the phone by using Dashboard MATLAB software. Figure (5.a), represents the flow
downloaded from google play as shown in figure (2). chart of it. While figure (6) represent the program
output. The G- code generation here will depend on
G-code that generated from the proposed flow chart
of tool path shown in figure (5.b), the G-code
generated with linear interpolation (G01), and
according to the written program in MATLAB a text
file contain G-codes will save. This file opened in
CIMCO edit V5 program for making a simulation of
tool path.
208 Saif Aldeen Saad Obayes, et. al. : CNC Machine Based on Embedded Wireless and Internet…
Path: An optional filter that lets to differentiate
between multiple readings / commands /
Figure 5. (a) Flowchart of Bezier surface design. (b) Flow chart of configurations with similar meanings / names.
tool path in MATLAB.
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