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RR - Executive Order 417

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RR – Executive Order 417


It is a policy of the State under the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines to protect
Persons with Disabilities (PWD) and promote their welfare and development.
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is to promote, protect and
ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by
all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.
Adoption of the Incheon Strategy to “Make the Right Real” for Persons with Disabilities
in Asia and the Pacific, to catalyse action that shall accelerate, during the new Asian
and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2013-2022, the achievement of the
regional vision of an inclusive society that ensures, promotes and upholds the rights of
person with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific.
Republic Act No. 7277, otherwise known as the Magna Carta for the Disabled Persons,
also affirms, confirms and mandates rehabilitation, self-development and self-reliance,
and integration of Persons with Disabilities into the mainstream society.
All agencies of the government shall formulate plans, programs and projects intended to
address the concerns of Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities, insofar as it
relates to their mandated functions and integrate the same in their regular activities.
The National Anti-Poverty Action Program and the Administration’s 10 point Legacy
Agenda ensures the delivery of services and the development of the sector with
The following definition of terms shall apply in this IRR for EO 417, series of 2005
Accessible Work Centers – refer to a place of work for Persons with Disabilities
complete with accessible facilities, and are usable by all people.
Capital – generally refers to financial or physical assets or wealth especially that used
to generate income.
Consulting Services – these are services rendered by independent contractors/
individuals possessing adequate technical and professional expertise that are beyond
the capability and/or capacity of the government to undertake such as but not limited to:
(i) advisory and review services; (ii) pre-investment or feasibility studies; (iii) design; (iv)
construction supervision; (v) management and related services; and (vi) other technical
services or special studies.
Cooperative of Persons with Disabilities – an enterprise or organizations owned,
managed, controlled and benefiting Persons with Disabilities duly registered with the
Cooperative Development Authority (CDA).
Cooperatives – are duly registered associations of persons with common bond of
interest, who have voluntarily joined together to achieve a lawful common social or
economic end, making equitable contributions to the capital required and accepting a
fair share of the risks and benefits of the undertaking in accordance with universally
accepted cooperative principles.
Economic Independence – refers to the state of persons with disabilities wherein
he/she is able to enjoy a quality of life that is characterized by autonomy, dignity,
sustainability, full access to resources, services and support likewise provided to the
general population.
Employment – working for another where one gets paid for the labor or services he/she
Entrepreneurship – refers to the process of putting together and taking control of the
natural resources, human resources and man-made resources to translate them into
production, creation and innovation for economic ventures and job creation.
Goods – refer to all items, supplies, materials and general support services, except
consulting services and infrastructure projects, which maybe needed in the transaction
of the public businesses or in the pursuit of any government undertaking, project or
activity, whether in the nature of equipment, furniture, stationary, materials for
construction or personal property of any kind, including non-personal or contractual
services such as repair and maintenance of equipment and furniture, truckling, hauling,
janitorial, security and related or analogous services as well as procurement of
materials and supplies provided by the procuring entity or such services.
Government Financial Institutions – refer to public enterprise engaged in financial
services such as but not limited to banking and micro-lending.
Government Owned and Controlled Corporations – a government-owned or
controlled corporation is a stock or non-stock corporation, whether performing
governmental or proprietary functions which is directly chartered by a special law or it
organized under the general corporation law is owned or controlled by the government
directly or indirectly through a parent corporation or subsidiary corporation to the extent
of at least a majority of its outstanding capital stock or of its outstanding voting capital
Livelihood – an economic engagement to achieve a desired end – that of a secure life
where both one’s basic physiological needs and psycho-social aspirations are met and
Local Government Units – refer to political units such as municipalities, cities, provinces
and other political subdivisions as maybe created by law.
Marginalized Persons with Disabilities – refer to Persons with Disabilities who lack
access to rehabilitative services and self-development opportunities to be able to
participate fully in socioeconomic activities and who have no means of livelihood and
whose income fall below the poverty threshold.
Micro-enterprises – refer to any small business activity or enterprise engaged in
industry, agribusiness, and/or services whether single proprietorship, cooperative,
partnership or corporation whose total assets, inclusive of those arising from loans but
exclusive of the land on which the particular business entity’s office, plant and
equipment are situated must have value of not more than Three Million Pesos
(P3,000,000.00). This amount is subject to periodic determination of the Department of
Trade and Industry (DTI) to reflect economic changes.
Microfinance – refers to small credit and savings mobilization program exclusively for
the poor to improve the asset base of households and expand the access to savings of
the poor. It involves the use of viable alternative credit schemed and savings programs
including the extension of small loans, simplified loan application procedures, group
character loans, collateral-free arrangements, alternative loan repayments, minimum
requirements for savings and small denominated savers’ instrument.
National Government Agencies (NGAs) and Instrumentalities – refer to government
bodies, including its affiliate institutions, identified in Title 1 Section 5 of Republic Act
8425 or the Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act.
Organizations of Persons with Disabilities – refer to associations managed and
controlled by Persons with Disabilities duly recognized by national and local government
Persons with Disabilities – include those who have long-term physical, mental,
intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder
their full and effective participation in society on equal basis with other.
Rehabilitation – an integrated physical, psychosocial, cultural, spiritual, educational or
vocational approach that improves conditions for the individuals, particularly a Person
with Disability, to attain the highest possible level of functional ability.
Relevant Unified Training Programs – skills training programs that match the interest
and aptitude of Persons with Disabilities and the demand of the labor market.
Rights of Persons with Disabilities – refer to the alienable and inalienable right of all
Persons with Disabilities to fully realize all universally recognized rights and
fundamental freedoms without discrimination of any kind on the basis of disability.
Self-Development – refers to the improvement of Person with Disabilities to enjoy and
exercise all their rights to participate in all rational endeavours of the society.
Self-Reliance – refers to personal independence or the ability to decide for personal
growth or development based on one’s own efforts and abilities.
Social Skills – generally refer to skills applied by a person to interact and communicate
with others.
Vocational Skills – generally refer to the skills in performing a particular trade/job/tasks
acquired through work experience, studies or other activities.
System of Equivalency – refers to an educational scheme that measures knowledge,
skills and prior learning obtained by individuals from non-formal, informal and
indigenous learning system as well as self-learning, independent and out-of-school
study programs particularly those that respond to community needs.
Unused Government Building – refer to idle or unoccupied structures or facilities owned
by the national/local government that are still structurally sound and conducive to
shelter multifarious (or diversified) activities of persons with disabilities.
Section 1. The state shall ensure that persons with disabilities are given equal
opportunities to attain economic independence.
Section 2. The National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC), in coordination with all
national government agencies and instrumentalities including Government-Owned and
Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), Government Financial Institutions (GFIs), State
Universities and Colleges (SCUs), and Local Government Units (LGUs) shall adhere to
and compliant to the Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities in developing
national economic and fiscal policies, programs and project that will address the
Economic Independence Program of Persons with Disabilities focusing but not limited to
the following principles;
a) Habilitation and Rehabilitation;
b) Self-Development;
c) Self-Reliance; and
d) Integration into the mainstream society;
e) Freedom of Choice;
f) Inclusivity
g) Accessibility
h) Guidance to vocational training programs
2.1 All national government agencies, except those not mandated by Executive Order
No. 417, including their attached bureaus or offices and local government units shall
assign an official who shall serve as the focal person responsible for the planning and
implementation of the Economic Independence Program for Persons with Disabilities.
Section 3. The role of NAPC
3.1 The NAPC shall exercise regular policy oversight functions/responsibilities to ensure
the implementation of the Economic Independence Program for Persons with
3.2 The NAPC shall regularly perform policy analysis and formulate policy-related
recommendations for endorsement to policy makers and implementers and to
coordinate with the PWD sector. For this purpose, NAPC shall monitor existing
programs and projects that result to economic independence for Persons with
4. The functions of the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Basic Sectoral Council:
4.1 The Persons with Disabilities Sectoral Council shall initiate and fully participate in all
activities relative to the implementation and realization of EO 417
4.2 The Persons with Disabilities Sectoral Council, in consultation with NCDA, shall
formulate guidelines and criteria for the selection of organizations that will qualify for
participation in the following activities:
Enhancement of skills;
Marketing of products and services;
Identification of accessible work center;
Accessing capital for livelihood programs; and
Collaboration in the preparation of work and financial plans of all national agencies
including LGUs, GFIs, GOCCs, and SUCs.
Section 1. A National Social Preparation Program shall be developed by the
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
Section 2. A system of Equivalency shall continually be developed, upgraded, updated
and implemented in terms of skills, eligibility and credentials to ensure Person with
Disabilities access to gainful employment and sustainable entrepreneurship by the
Department of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) thru the Ladderized
Education Program and other equivalency schemes.
Section 3. A relevant skills and entrepreneurship training programs shall be developed
and implemented by TESDA and DTI for Persons with Disabilities to provide them
access to employment opportunities.
3.1 All trainings should tailor-fit with existing employment opportunities.
Section 4. Programs to promote cooperatives organization and development among
Persons with Disabilities by the CDA.
Section 5. The NAPC shall initiate the formation of a technical committee composed of
GFIs and the NAPC-Persons with Disabilities Sectoral Council that shall provide
technical assistance, to facilitate access to funding facilities to entrepreneurial initiatives,
programs and projects of Persons with Disabilities organizations/cooperatives.
Section 1. All NGAs, bureaus, offices, instrumentalities, SUCs, GOCCs and GFIs
including LGUs shall reserve at least one (1%) percent of all positions for Persons with
Disabilities, as mandated under Republic Act No. 10524 or An Act Expanding the
Positions Reserved for PWDs, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7277,
otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities.
Section 2. All NGAs, bureaus, offices, instrumentalities, SUCs, GOCCs and GFIs
including LGUs shall, avail of at least ten (10%) percent of their procurements from
Persons with Disabilities provided that those goods and services shall meet the set
standards and requirements. The procurement process shall be in accordance with the
guidelines set by the Government Procurement Policy Board being implemented by the
Agency’s Bids and Award Committee.
2.1 NAPC to directly coordinate with the Government Procurement Policy Board to
develop the mechanics of procurement from Persons with Disabilities.
Section 3. The DTI, together with DOLE, DOST, PIA, and the CDA in collaboration with
Persons with Disabilities Basic Sectoral Council and the National Council on Disability
Affairs (NCDA), shall develop and implement marketing promotion and product
development which shall include trade and livelihood fairs and bazaars to come up with
a database of organizations of Persons with Disabilities and a directory of the products
and services of Persons with Disabilities.
Section 4. All national and local government offices are enjoined to reserve display
spaces for Persons with Disabilities products and services in their respective offices.
Section 1. The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the Housing
and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) shall conduct an inventory of
unused government buildings and must pass the safety standards and accessible
features for free temporary usage as work centers for Persons with Disabilities.
Section 2. The DSWD, in coordination with other relevant authorized government
agencies including LGUs shall facilitate post-identification activities including assisting
organizations of Persons with Disabilities to source equipment and other operational
assistance. It shall also enhance the existing social and vocational training centers and
sheltered workshops.
2.1 The DSWD, DTI and DOLE shall formulate a comprehensive program to establish
Area Vocational Rehabilitation Centers (AVRC) nationwide within six (6) months, and
DTI to include the marketing of products as one part of the comprehensive program for
Persons with Disabilities.
Section 3. Policy direction and operational decision on the utilization of unused
government building shall be in coordination with the DOF and in consideration of
relevant Commission on Audit (COA) accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
Section 1. The Secretary of Public Works and Highways shall initiate the strict
implementation of “B.P. 344 through the City/Municipal Engineers who shall also act as
Local Building Officials pursuant to Section 477 of R.A. 7160, otherwise known as the
Local Government Code of 1991 as applied to:
1.1 Buildings and other related structures; and
1.2 Street and highways
Section 1. The Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), Land Bank of Philippines
(LBP), People’s Credit and Finance Corporation (PCFC), Quedan and Rural Credit
Guarantee Corporation (Quedancor), the National Livelihood Development Corporation
(NLDC) and other financial institutions shall make available funds for the credit
requirements of eligible Persons with Disabilities cooperatives and organizations. They
shall likewise develop other financial services for the Persons with Disabilities sector
where viable. Subject to availability of funds. The GFIs shall develop and implement
accessible and reasonable credit programs and facilities for accredited Persons with
Disabilities organizations.
Section 2. The PCFC shall enjoin its affiliated microfinance institutions, which may
include Persons with Disabilities (PWD)-managed microfinance institutions, to open
programs for PWD entrepreneurs and promote the development of microfinance
schemes designed for PWD micro-enterprises. It shall also collaborate with other
stakeholders to assist PWD-managed microfinance institution in developing and/or
strengthening their skills in managing/implementing their respective microfinance
programs and providing livelihood and micro-enterprise training services for their
Section 1. the NAPC, in coordination with NCDA as part of its monitoring function shall
require implementing agencies to submit the programs and projects of all stakeholders
that will ensure economic independence for Persons with Disabilities.
Section 2. All agencies with the participation of Persons with Disabilities Sectoral
Council shall formulate and include in their annual work and financial plans, programs,
projects, activities and other relevant plans in compliance with EO 417 and its IRR.
Section 3. The NAPC shall exercise regular policy oversight functions over all
government agencies in the implementation of and compliance to EO 417.
Section 4. All concerned government agencies, bureaus, offices, instrumentalities,
SUCs, GOCCs and GFIs including LGUs shall submit reports, at least on semi-annual
basis, on the implementation of Economic Independence Program for Persons with
Disabilities to the NAPC and NCDA.
Section 1. All NGAs, LGUs, GFIs and GOCCs pursuant to EO 417 shall immediately
institutionalize the funding of this provision in their own Work and Financial Plans and
Programs with the participation of the Persons with Disabilities Basic Sectoral Council of
National Anti-Poverty Commission.
Section 2. NAPC is directed to allocate funds from its ordinary annual budget (GAA) to
ensure the effective implementation of EO 417 and its IRR.

These rules and regulation shall take effect thirty (30) days after the date of publication
in the Official Gazette promulgated by:
Secretary and Lead Convener
National Anti-Poverty Commission
Department of Health
Department of Social Welfare and Development

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