PART I: Simple Apprehension: Classification of Terms
PART I: Simple Apprehension: Classification of Terms
PART I: Simple Apprehension: Classification of Terms
C. Sub-contrariety
-the opposition existing between two
proposition having the same subject,
predicate, and quantity but different
-cannot be both false but may be
both true, if one is false the other is
true. If one is true, the other is
-the opposition is between the two
particulars: I and O
Logical Opposition
I = Some dogs are big
A. Contradiction
O= Some dogs are not big
-the opposition existing between two
proposition having the same subject,
D. Sub-alternation
and predicate but different quantity
-the opposition existing between
and quality.
propositions having the same
-both proposition cannot be true at
subject, predicate, and quality, but
the same time or false.
different quantity
-the oppositions are: A and O, E and
-If the universal is true, the particular
is true, if the particular is true the
universal may be doubtful
A = All dogs are cute
- the oppositions are: A and I, E and
O = Some dogs are not cute
E = No dogs are ugly
A = All dogs are cute
I = Some dogs are ugly
I = Some dogs are cute
B. Contrariety
E = No dogs are ugly
-the opposition existing between two
O = Some dogs are not ugly
proposition having the same subject,
predicate, and quantity but different
step 4: Retain the quantity
-Obvertend: original proposition
-Obverse: derived proposition
-Obverse Propositions:
A is to E and vice versa
I is to O and vice versa
Figure 4, Pre-Sub
Figure 4
- the middle term is the predicate of the
major premise and subject of the minor
- If the major premise is affirmative, the
minor premise must be universal
- if the minor premise is affirmative, the
conclusion must be particular
- if either premise is negative, the major
premise must be universal
Name Major Minor
Premise Premise
brAmAntIp A A I
cAmEnEs A E E
dImArIs I A I
fEsApO E A O
frEsIsOn E I O