Standard Shipment Process (Mass Processing) : LE (Logistics Execution)
Standard Shipment Process (Mass Processing) : LE (Logistics Execution)
Standard Shipment Process (Mass Processing) : LE (Logistics Execution)
Amitesh Anand
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LE (Logistics Execution)
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7/4/2018 Standard Shipment Process (Mass Processing) | SAP Blogs
Execute. 4/9
7/4/2018 Standard Shipment Process (Mass Processing) | SAP Blogs
Step 7: This transaction gives you option for doing the changes
in Shipment Document in mass for different activities like
changing the Plan Dates, Forwarding Agents, Shipping Type,
and many more. Here I am explaining it for Actual deadlines &
You can see that in this tab there is option for entering
the dates against the ‘REFER’ line. So enter the relevant dates
against each activity and also if you wish you can enter the
time, as below.
Step 8:
After entering the date and time (if you wish), click on the
‘set/reset status button’ for every activity. By clicking on
set/reset status button, system will set the status, and if the
status is already set, then remove the status.
Step 9: Now select the deliveries which you wish to update with
the dates and status maintained in ‘REFER’ line. 5/9
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7/4/2018 Standard Shipment Process (Mass Processing) | SAP Blogs
Step 11:
Transaction – VI04
Step 12: System will display all the Shipment Document based
on selection criteria. Select all the Shipment Document and
then Execute (F8). 7/9
7/4/2018 Standard Shipment Process (Mass Processing) | SAP Blogs
Step 16: You may also check one of the Shipment document,
and you will found that now the Shipment cost is transferred to
accounting and related PO and Service Entry Sheet created in
background. 8/9
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