Basic Tajweed Rules For Grade 1 PDF
Basic Tajweed Rules For Grade 1 PDF
Basic Tajweed Rules For Grade 1 PDF
Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 3
Tajweed means to recite every letter of the Qur'an correctly from its makhraj with all of
its qualities. The importance of tajweed can't be denied as reciting the Qur'an without
tajweed will not only effect the beauty of the Qur'an but sometimes it can change the
For example: The word Qalb means "heart". If instead of Qaaf, Kaaf is read the
meaning changes to "dog". The word "Rahim" used for Allah, means 'very merciful'.
If instead of ( )حletter ( )ﻫis read the meaning changes to " thirsty camel".
It is therefore compulsory (fardh) on each and every Muslim male or female to learn
In this book the basic rules of tajweed are explained in a very simple way so that the
junior students (grades SK-2) can understand and memorize the tajweed rules easily.
After learning and understanding these rules the students will inshaallah be able to
However, to read the Qur'an correctly with tajweed it is not enough to understand only
the rules of tajweed but it is also necessary to practice these rules with an expert
All praise is for Allah tabarak ta'ala who is our lord and our creator who enlightened us
with the Noor of Iman and made us Muslim and include us in the ummah of our beloved
This book is prepared by the teachers of Islamic Foundation of Toronto. May Allah
2. It is permissible to read the Qur'an from memory without wudhu (without touching it)
3. A person in a state of haidh, nifaas or janabat is not allowed to read any verse of the
Qur'an with or without memory and is not allowed to touch the Qur'an.
5. Begin the Qur'an with Ta-awwuz ......ُ اَع ُْو ُذand Tasmiyah .......ُلَا
ُِّ َ ِبسْ ِم
6. One must not talk during reading Qur'an. If an important matter has to be discussed
with anyone then the reading should be stopped and the Qur'an should be closed.
7. If one has spoken while reading Qur'an (due to some important reason) then recite
8. The reader should have this in mind that these are the words of Allah and Allah is
10. Do not put the Qur'an on the carpet or any place on which people stand or sit.
12. Do not have your back to the Quran or somebody else's back towards the Qur'an.
13. If one feels tired and begins to yawn while reading the Qur'an, then stop the recitation
16. It is sinful to carelessly discard, torn or worn pages of the Qur'an. Do not throw them
4. and are pronounced from the top of the throat nearest to the mouth.
1. Fatha , Dhammah and Kasra are called Harakaat.
2. Harakaat letters are read quickly with no stretch or jerk.
Example: Hamzah Fatha ( ) َُا Hamzah Fatha Madd ( ) Hamzah Sakin ( ) ُْا
2. Hamzah sakin ( ) is read with a slight twitch (jerk).
2. Example: Waaw Sakin ( ُْ) و Meem Sakin ( ُ) ْم Noon Sakin ( ُْ) ن
3. Sakin is read once by joining it to the letter before it.
Example: ُْ ُق
ُْ اَن- عِ ُْد- ل
4. –ث Thaa is pronounced when the tip of the tongue touches the edge of the
5. –ج Jeem is pronounced when the centre of the tongue touches the palate.
7. –خ Khaa is pronounced from the top of the throat which is nearest to the
8. –د Daal is pronounced when the tip of the tongue touches the roots of the
9. –ذ Zaal is pronounced when the tip of the tongue touches the edge of the
Note: The makhraj of تand دis same. The makhraj of ثand ذis same.
1. What is Makhraj?
Note: The sound of letters of madd should not come from the nose, especially in case of
letters Meem and Noon.
Q7. Read and note the difference in top and bottom rows.
Q7. Read and note the difference in top and bottom rows.
Q8. Read and note the difference in top and bottom rows.
4. As Fatha Madd, Dhammah Madd and Kasra Madd are in place of Alif maddah,
Waaw maddah and Yaa maddah they are also stretch equal to one Alif (1sec).
Q2. How are Fatha Madd, Dahmmah Madd and Kasra Madd read?
Q3. Read and compare the top and bottom rows ( Fatha Madd and Alif Maddah).
Q4. Read and compare the top and bottom rows (Dahmmah Madd and Waaw Maddah).
Q5. Read and compare the top and bottom rows (Kasra Madd and Yaa Maddah).
Q5. Read and compare the difference in the top and bottom rows (Waaw Leen and
Waaw Maddah).
Q6. Read and compare the difference in the top and bottom rows (Yaa Leen and Yaa
3. Mushaddad letters are read twice (First time by joining it to the letter before it and
second time on itself according to its own harakat).
4. All mushaddad letters, except Noon and Meem mushaddad should be read hard
with force.
5. Tashdeed is more powerful than jazam. Therefore if after jazam the next letter
has tashdeed, the previous letter is joined with tashdeed and not with jazam.
Q1. How does tashdeed look like?
Q2. What is mushaddad?
Q3. How is a mushaddad letter read?
Q4. If after jazam the next letter has tashdeed. The previous letter be joine to jazam or
The letter Raa is some time read with a full mouth and some time with an empty mouth.
The rules of Raa are explained as under.
1. A Raa with fatha, dhammah, fathatain or dhammatain will be read with a full
3. A Raa saakin (Raa with jazam) with fatha or dhammah before it, will be read with
a full mouth
5. A Raa saakin with Yaa sakin before it will always be read with an empty mouth.
َُق ِديْر
6. A Raa mushaddad with fatha, dhammah, fathatain or dhammatain will be read
with a full mouth.
7. A Raa mushaddad with a kasra or kasratain will be read with an empty mouth.
8. If a “Full Mouth Letter” appears after a Raa saakin, in the same word, the Raa
saakin will be read with a full mouth.
Q2. How will a Raa be read when there is a fathatain or dahammatain on it?
Q3. How will a Raa be read when there is a kasra under it?
Q4. How will a Raa be read when there is a kasratain under it?
Q5. How will a Raa saakin be read when there is a fatha or dahmmah before it?
Q6. How will a Raa saakin be read when there is a kasra before it?
Q7. How will a Raa saakin be read when there is a Yaa saakin before it?
Q10. How will a Raa saakin be read when there is a Full mouth letter after it, in the
same word?