project lead Thursday, 26. 2. 2015 Friday, 27. 2. 2015
Moderation: Jochen Butt-Posnik Moderation: Jochen Butt-Posnik SPORTUNION Österreich Falkestraße 1, 1010 Wien Phone: +43 (0) 1 – 513 77 14 9.00– 9.15 Arrival 10.00 Press conference invitation only [email protected] With Dr. Sophie Karmasin, Austrian Federal 9.15– 9.30 Welcome to the second day Minister of Families and Youth Jochen Butt-Posnik until 11.00 Arrival and accreditation 9.30– 10.30 Summary and prospects of the project partners 11.00– 11.30 Introduction project / Discussion Edge Hill University | uk Recommendations from Sport respects Jochen Butt-Posnik Italian Aerobic and Fitness Federation your rights My story Dr. Bettina Rulofs and Anno Kluß, Campaign Against Homophobia | pl Gloria Viseras, former professional athlete German Sport University Cologne NOC*NSF | Dutch Olympic Committee * Dutch Sports Federation 11.30– 12.00 Opening 1o.30– 11.00 Coffee break DJK Sports Youth | de Brigitte Luggin, Official representation German Sport University Cologne of the EU in Austria 11.00– 11.15 Safe Sport International – an Hartwig Löger, President of SPORTUNION Austria German Sports Youth end to violence against athletes? Dr. Sophie Karmasin, Austrian Federal Minister Austrian Athletics Federation Prof. Celia Brackenridge, Brunel University for Families and Youth ENGSO Youth | eu 12.00– 12.20 Harassment and abuse in sport: 11.15– 12.15 Panel discussion: Policy and What research tells us empowerment – Creating a safe Prof. Em. Celia Brackenridge, Brunel University sport environment Moderator: Jochen Butt-Posnik 12.20– 12.35 My mission Ulrike Lunacek Charlie Webster, TV presenter and campaigner Vice President of the European Parliament 12.35– 12.50 What do you think? Heinz K. Becker Meike Schröer and Anno Kluß, Member of the European Parliament German Sport University Cologne Dr. Sophie Karmasin 12.50– 13.05 Sport respects your rights – Austrian Federal Minister of Families and Youth Project overview Yves Le Lostecque final conference supported by Agnes Kainz, SPORTUNION Austria Head of Sport Unit, Directorate General Jan Holze, ENGSO Youth Education and Culture, European Commission
13.05– 14.00 Lunch break Marja Routanen
University of Vienna, Kleiner Festsaal (1st floor) Director of Human Dignity and Equality, Guided walk to the location, ca. 500m Directorate General of Democracy, Council 14.00– 15.20 Exhibition of the youth campaigns of Europe Guided walk back to Haus der EU Robert Biedron General Rapporteur on the rights of LGBT 15.20– 15.50 Beginning with oneself people towards the Parliamentary Assembly Knowledge, understanding and the of the Council of Europe This publication has been produced with the prevention of child sexual exploitation Anne Tiivas financial support of the DAPHNE III Programme and abuse in European sport Director of Child Protection in Sport Unit, 2011/2012 of the European Union. The contents Dr. Mike Hartill, Edge Hill University National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty Empowering young Europeans of this publication are the sole responsibility to Children in sport for a culture of respect and 15.50– 16.30 Insights on project of the project network Sport respects your rights implementation Jan Holze integrity — against sexualised and can in no way be taken to reflect the views Vice Chairman of German Sports Youth of the European Commission. From the coordinators’ perspectives violence and gender harassment Representatives of the partner organisations 12.15–12.30 Closing of the conference Presentation of the Sport respects your rights 16.30– 17.00 Coffee break w w project publication programme 17.00– 17.45 Stories from grass roots level Jochen Butt-Posnik Representatives of the local participating clubs 12.30–13.30 Lunch snack and departure sport uN ioN 17.45– 18.00 Closing Final Conference Jochen Butt-Posnik 26 + 27 February 2015 18.30–21.00 Dinner reception Vienna Hosted by the Austrian Ministry of Families and Youth | Restaurant Hansen, The conference will be held in English Haus der EU Wipplingerstraße 34, 1010 Vienna Haus der EU: Wipplingerstraße 35, 1010 Vienna Opposite the conference venue Tram 1, D, 71 Börse | Subway U2 Schottentor speakers speakers speakers speakers
Gloria Viseras Meike Schröer Dr. Bettina Rulofs Marja Routanen
Former professional athlete German Sport University Cologne, German Sport University Cologne, Director of Human Dignity and Institute of Sociology and Gender Studies Institute of Sociology and Gender Studies Equality within the Directorate General 1980 Spanish national champion in of Democracy, Council of Europe artistic gymnastics; Moscow 1980 Meike Schröer is a lecturer at the German Dr. Bettina Rulofs is a senior lecturer at Olympian; survivor of child sexual Sport University in Cologne. Since 2010 the German Sport University. She is a Marja Routanen has held several posi abuse in elite gymnastics in Spain. she instructs and supports sport organisa member of the National Working Group tions in the Council of Europe since Gloria Viseras Meike Schröer Dr. Bettina Rulofs Marja Routanen tions to set up Child Protection and Safe on Child Protection in Sport and leads 1990. In her current role she is respon My story What do you think? Summary and Panel discussion Thursday, 11:00 Thursday, 12:35 guarding Policies. She is a mediator and prospects of the a research project on safeguarding Friday, 11:15 sible for Violence against Women, Traf systemic coach by profession. project children funded by the German Ministry ficking in Human Beings, Children’s Dr. Sophie Karmasin Friday, 9:30 of Education and Science. Rights, Gender Equality, Sexual Orien Federal Minister of Families tation and Gender Identity issues, as Anno Kluß and Youth, Austria well as Anti-Discrimination and Sport. German Sport University Cologne, Ulrike Lunacek Dr. Sophie Karmasin is the patroness Institute of Sociology and Gender Studies Vice President of the European of the final conference of Sport respects Parliament, The Greens/EFA, Austria Robert Biedron Anno Kluß contributed to Sport respects your rights. Mayor of Słupsk, Poland, and General Dr. Sophie Karmasin your rights with approved concepts of Ulrike Lunacek has been a member of the Rapporteur of Parliamentary Assembly Press Conference intercultural communication in sports, as European Parliament (Greens/Austria) Thursday, 10:00 Anno Kluß of the Council of Europe well as external evaluation of the educa since 2009; she is a member of the Com Opening What do you think? Mag.a Ulrike Lunacek Thursday, 12:35 tional process. Facilitating international mittee on Foreign Affairs and Substitute As a founder and long-time president of Thursday, 11:30 Panel discussion trainings is one part of Kluß’ wide-ranged Friday, 11:15 in the Committee on Civil Liberties, the Campaign against homophobia in Panel Discussion Robert Biedron Friday, 11:15 portfolio on intercultural learning. Justice and Home Affairs and co-president Poland, one of the most successful LGBTI Panel discussion of the LGBTI Intergroup of the European Friday, 11:15 rights groups in Central and Eastern Hartwig Löger Parliament. In 1995/1996 she was the Europe, Robert Biedron was an active Agnes Kainz President of Sportunion Austria first Austrian politician to be open about member of the Parliamentary A ssembly Project Manager of Sport respects your her lesbian sexual orientation. of the Council of Europe (PACE) and Hartwig Löger is CEO of UNIQA rights, SPORTUNION Austria elected as the general rapporteur on Österreich AG. Agnes Kainz initiated the project Sport LGBT issues. In December 2014 he was Heinz K. Becker respects your rights for SPORTUNION elected as Mayor of the city of Słupsk. Member of the European Parliament Hartwig Löger Österreich and is working there as project Agnes Kainz Opening manager. She has conceived and coordi As a member of the Committee on Em Thursday, 11:30 Project overview Anne Tiivas Thursday, 12:50 nated numerous transnational network ployment and Social Affairs and a former Director of Child Protection in Sport projects in the European sport and youth member of the Committee on Culture and Prof. Celia Brackenridge Unit, National Society for the Pre sector since 2010. Education, Heinz K. Becker has always Brunel University, London Heinz K. Becker vention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) regarded the issues of fair play, tolerance, Panel discussion Celia Brackenridge has worked in gen equal opportunities, social inclusion and Anne Tiivas manages the Child Protec Jan Holze Friday, 11:15 der equity and harassment research and intercultural dialogue as central points tion in Sport Unit of the National Society ENGSO Youth; dsj | German Sports Youth Anne Tiivas prevention in sport for the past thirty in his political endeavour. for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Panel discussion years, specialising in sexual abuse and Jan Holze is Chairman of ENGSO Youth Friday, 11:15 (NSPCC) which provides safeguarding Prof. Em. Celia child protection. She was awarded the (Youth organisation of the European support to over 200 sports bodies in the Brackenridge OBE Yves Le Lostecque Harassment and Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the Non-Governmental Sport Organisation) UK, among them the Sport respects your Head of Sport Unit, Directorate General abuse in sport: 2012 Queen’s New Year’s Honours and as well as Vice Chair of German Sports rights project partners in the UK. What research tells us Jan Holze Education and Culture (DG EAC), now co-chairs Safe Sport International, Youth (dsj | Deutsche Sportjugend); both Thursday, 12:00 Project overview European Commission a new NGO for p revention of violence organisations have a focus on children’s Thursday, 12:50 Jochen Butt-Posnik in sport. Panel discussion rights in their work. Yves Le Lostecque joined the Commission Die Zusammendenker Friday, 11:15 in 1993 where he worked as a lawyer in DG Yves Le Lostecque Internal market. He was then responsible As a moderator and project coordinator, Charlie Webster Dr. Mike Hartill Panel discussion Friday, 11:15 for inter-institutional issues in DG EAC Jochen Butt-Posnik has been involved in TV presenter and campaigner, Edge Hill University and served as the assistant of two Direc a number of European projects on youth, Great Britain Mike Hartill is the coordinator for Edge tors General. Since 2013 he is Head of the participation, sports and integration. He Jochen Butt-Posnik British TV presenter Charlie Webster Hill University, or Sport Respects Your Sport Unit (DG EAC). works in various educational and social Moderation is an ambassador of Women’s Aid and Rights UK. He lectures in the sociology fields in Germany and all over Europe. is a member of the UK government’s of sport and researches the sexual abuse Charlie Webster Dr. Mike Hartill Ministry of Justice advisory panel. of children in sport and the systems My mission Beginning with Thursday, 12:20 Charlie campaigns extensively around oneself: Knowledge, developed to safeguard athletes’ welfare. domestic violence issues and has been understanding honoured at a House of Commons and prevention of child sexual exploi reception for her work. tation and abuse in European sport Thursday, 15:20