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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,

www.ijtra.com Volume 3, Issue 1 (Jan-Feb 2015), PP. 109-112


Rohit Ratnakar Vaidya
Department of Electronics & communication Engineering
Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management Studies,
Aurangabad (MS), India
[email protected]

Abstract— In this paper we have to design and implement adopt the MVM or not. The PIR sensor groups obtain the
surveillance system by use of smart sensors like ultrasonic sensing signals from human temperature. If the voting results
sensors and pyroelectric infrared sensors (PIR) to detect an of ultrasonic and PIR sensor groups pass the criteria, the
intruder in a home, ATM, Industries, Bank Locker room or a embedded surveillance system starts the camera to capture
storehouse. The PIR sensors are placed on the ceiling, and the
images. When it capture the image this image is send to the
ultrasonic sensor module consists of a transmitter and a receiver
which are placed vertically on the wall. We are going to use the specified Email ID via Internet.
camera to capture images of the people those are coming under
the surveillance area. And we are sending these images to
authorized and related personnel via e-mail to avoid the storage Camera
cost. This system will also help to reduce the power consumption. Signal
Keywords—AVR Microcontroller; Raspberry Pi; Surveillance PIR Sensor -oning Raspberry Internet
System; PIR and ultrasonic Sensors; Webcam; Internet groups Pi

I. INTRODUCTION Ultrasonic Internet Connectivity

Recently surveillance systems have become more important Sensors
for everyone’s and everywhere for the purpose of security. The
Remote Place
embedded surveillance system, frequently used in a home, an
office or a factory [1-3], uses a sensor triggered to turn on a
camera [4-5]. Some designs use different types of sensors to
achieve reliability by means of the different features of each
sensor [6-7] but they do not provide any facilities like sending
an image through internet. In this paper we have to extend this Figure 1. Use of smart sensors to improve the sensing reliability of an
embedded surveillance system
previous system not only by using both multiple PIR sensors
and ultrasonic sensors as a sensor group, but also by using the A. Software Required
Maximum Voting Mechanism (MVM) [8-11]. Ultrasonic We choose Embedded Linux as our operating system. The
receivers and transmitters are located at opposite ends to program of the majority voting mechanism contains a
reduce the interference from other frequencies in ultrasonic detection of the GPIO function, a counting and majority voting
signals. Some research explores the influence of attenuation in function, an image captured function and a Web server.
air and crosstalk of ultrasonic signals. In our system, We have Fig.3.2 shows the detection software flowchart of the
to use Raspberry Pi credit card-sized computer to send an embedded system. The embedded system scans the GPIO
Email of captured image to the specified Email ID. So that sockets, which are connected to external PIR sensors and
there is no issue of storing images as well no issue of losing ultrasonic sensors. To verify the state of each IR and ultrasonic
the confidential data (captured images). sensor, the embedded system reads the voltage levels of the
GPIO sockets. When the system reads 5V from a GPIO
II. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE socket, we learn that the ultrasonic sensors or the PIR sensors
As shown in Fig. 1 our system which contains several have been triggered and will execute the majority voting
groups of ultrasonic and PIR sensor. The transmitter circuit program by counting the state of each ultrasonic and PIR
generates a multi-frequency square waveform, and the receiver sensor. Majority voting is achieved by the sensor groups of the
circuit amplifies the received signals and filters out any noise. different GPIO sockets. The embedded system, when
When a transmitter transmits an ultrasonic coding signal, the interrupted by the detection procedure, starts the Web camera
ultrasonic receiver determines whether there is an intruder or to capture images. When this is finished, the embedded system
person passing through the sensing area. If there is no starts the detection procedure over again. If the intruder is still
intruder, the MCU (Micro Controller Unit) will keep our in the monitoring area, the count of the GPIO sockets’ voltage
camera off but as soon as intruder is detected and camera can levels continues the majority voting mechanism, and the
capture the image. Our design reduces the environmental embedded system again starts the Web camera to capture
interference with the ultrasonic signal. All sensing signals are images. The embedded system uploads the captured images by
input to the embedded surveillance system by the GPIO means of both the Web server and the streaming server
(General purpose input and output), and the MVM program through the Internet.
counts the number of sensing states to determine whether to
109 | P a g e
International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 3, Issue 1 (Jan-Feb 2015), PP. 109-112
Table I shows our comparison of the sensing characteristics of
both the ultrasonic sensor and the PIR sensor [6]. We have
found that the ultrasonic sensor and the PIR sensor can both
compensate each other and enhance the overall sensing
probability in our design.


Effect of
Condition Sensing
Sensors Environment
For trigger Type
Moving Line
Ultrasonic Independence
block direction
Temperature Projection
PIR Dependence
change area

 Why Raspberry Pi?

Figure 2. Detection software flowchart
  The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card-sized single-board
B. Hardware modules computer developed in the UK. The Raspberry Pi has
We use two groups of the external hardware circuits, the PIR a Broadcom BCM2835 system on a ip (SoC), which
and the ultrasonic sensor group. As the PIR sensor produces a includes an ARM1176JZF- 700 MHz processor,
weak voltage, we input the sensed signal to a two-stage OP Video Core IV GPU, and was originally shipped
amplifier to amplify the weak voltage by about 1000 times. with 256 megabytes of RAM, later upgraded to
Since the amplified signal changes between positive 512 MB. It does not include a built-in hard
disk or solid-state drive, but uses an SD card for
booting and persistent storage.
 The Processor. At the heart of the Raspberry Pi is the
same processor you would have found in the iPhone
3G and the Kindle 2, so you can think of the
capabilities of the Raspberry Pi as comparable to
those powerful little devices. This chip is a 32 bit,
Figure 3. PIR module.
700 MHz System on a Chip, which is built on the
and negative voltage, we input this signal to the absolute value
ARM11 architecture. ARM chips come in a variety of
circuit, and then we input it to the adjustable comparator to
and negative voltage, we input this signal to the absolute value architectures with different cores configured to
circuit, and then we input it to the adjustable comparator to provide different capabilities at different price points.
compare the sensing voltage and the reference voltage which The Model B has 512MB of RAM and the Model A
are set according to the environment temperature. Fig. 3 shows has 256 MB.
 The Secure Digital (SD) Card slot. You’ll notice
the block diagram of the PIR module. Compact and complete,
there’s no hard drive on the Pi; everything is stored
easy to use Pyroelectric Infrared (PIR) Sensor Module for
human body detection. Incorporating a Fresnel lens and on an SD Card. One reason you’ll want some sort of
motion detection circuit. High sensitivity and low noise. protective case sooner than later is that the solder
Output is a standard 5V active low output signal. joints on the SD socket may fail if the SD card is
accidentally bent.
Fig. 4 shows the ultrasonic circuit which uses a pulse
 The USB port. On the Model B there are two USB
width modulation (PWM) function in the MCU to send out the
desired frequency of the ultrasonic signal. The ultrasonic 2.0 ports, but only one on the Model A. Some of the
transducer transforms the voltage waveform into an ultrasonic early Raspberry Pi boards were limited in the amount
transmission, and the transducer of the receiver transforms the of current that they could provide. Some USB devices
ultrasonic transmission into the voltage waveform. The can draw up 500mA. The original Pi board supported
100mA or so, but the newer revisions are up to the
ultrasonic sensor can easily be interfaced to microcontrollers
full USB 2.0 spec.
where the triggering and measurement can be done using two
I/O pin. The sensor transmits an ultrasonic wave and produces
an output pulse that corresponds to the time required for the Features of coding signal-
burst echo to return to the sensor. By measuring the echo pulse In this paper we use a coding signal to increase the reliability
width, the distance to target can easily be calculated. of the ultrasonic sensor group. Equation (1) is the function of
probability of code breaking. Equation (2) is the function of
reliability. when the number of bits increases, the reliability
approaches 1. According to Eqs. (1) and (2) we know that with
one bit if the probability of code breaking is 0.5, the reliability
would be 0.5. To increase the number of bits of the ultrasonic
signal code is to increase the reliability.
Figure 4. Ultrasonic Sensor with Controller R=1-P

110 | P a g e
International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 3, Issue 1 (Jan-Feb 2015), PP. 109-112
Fig.6 shows Arrangement of our experimental environment
that detect intruders in a suitable place. We place the PIR
sensor on the ceiling or above the detection area. Transmitter
and receiver of the ultrasonic sensor module are placed in a
line direction. When an intruder enters the detection area, the
ultrasonic coding signal will be blocked and the PIR sensors
will detect temperature changes.

Figure 7.Ultrasonic Sensor Voltage Vs Distance Graph

With 2.5V - 5.5V power provides very short to long-range

detection and ranging, in an incredibly small package. The
LV-Max detects objects from 0-inches to 254-inches (6.45-
meters) and provides sonar range information from 6-inches
Figure 6. Arrangement of our experimental environment. out to 254-inches with 1-inch resolution. Objects from 0-
inches to 6-inches range as 6-inches. The interface output
Table II compares our coding signal and noncoding signal.
The coding signal is not interfered with by other frequencies
unless their patterns are similar. It is easier to break a
noncoding signal than a coding signal. When we add to the
bits of the ultrasonic coding signal, the message type rise with
. A noncoding signal transmits just two types of messages,
0 and 1. N means number of bits. With more message types,
more codes can be used in the same design to decrease the
probability of breaking a signal. In our design, when N is
equal to 8, the message conbination of the ultrasonic coding
signal is 128 times better than that of noncoding signal, and
the reliability is enhanced from 0.5 to 0.996 as shown in Eq.
NONCODING SIGNAL In Image 1 Upper line of LCD shows the distance of object
from all three ultrasonic sensors. Lower line shows all three
Ultrasonic Interference Probability Message Reliability
signal by other of combination PIR sensors are ON.
patterns ultrasonic breaking
signal signal
Coding Low Low High
Noncoding High High 2 Low


A. Ultrasonic Sensor-
15 CM 0.06 mV
20 CM 0.08 mV
25 CM 0.10 mV
30 CM 0.12 mV


In image 2 we can see that we get a new mail. Which is like a

any common mail. We can send this email to many email ids.

111 | P a g e
International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 3, Issue 1 (Jan-Feb 2015), PP. 109-112
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Use of Multiple Ultrasonic Sensors”, The 28th IEEE
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IMAGE 3 [7] Yang Cao, Huijie Zhao, Na Li and Hong Wei “Land-Cover
Classification by Airborne LIDAR Data Fused with Aerial
In image 3 we can see that image is attached to mail. This is Optical Images,” International Workshop on Multi-
just 70kb to 100kb. That is very small. Here we can see that Platform/Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing and Mapping
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To: [email protected]
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26 May, 2001, vol.3, pp. 2879-2884.
In image 4 we can see the image when we click on the

This system shows two different types of sensors which are
Improving the overall sensing probability by using the MVM
to reduce the shortcomings of both the ultrasonic sensors and
the PIR sensors. As well as we are providing the facility of
sending live images to certain (Authorized) person via
EMAIL. In future may be we are also able to send some
videos (clips).

[1] Jun Hou, Chengdong Wu, Zhongjia Yuan, Jiyuan Tan,
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[3] L. Lo Presti, M. La Cascia, “Real-Time Object Detection in
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[4] Wen-Tsuen Chen, Po-Yu Chen, Wei-Shun Lee and Chi-Fu
Huang, “Design and Implementation of a Real Time Video

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