Ijtra150160 PDF
Ijtra150160 PDF
Ijtra150160 PDF
Abstract— In this paper we have to design and implement adopt the MVM or not. The PIR sensor groups obtain the
surveillance system by use of smart sensors like ultrasonic sensing signals from human temperature. If the voting results
sensors and pyroelectric infrared sensors (PIR) to detect an of ultrasonic and PIR sensor groups pass the criteria, the
intruder in a home, ATM, Industries, Bank Locker room or a embedded surveillance system starts the camera to capture
storehouse. The PIR sensors are placed on the ceiling, and the
images. When it capture the image this image is send to the
ultrasonic sensor module consists of a transmitter and a receiver
which are placed vertically on the wall. We are going to use the specified Email ID via Internet.
camera to capture images of the people those are coming under
the surveillance area. And we are sending these images to
authorized and related personnel via e-mail to avoid the storage Camera
cost. This system will also help to reduce the power consumption. Signal
Keywords—AVR Microcontroller; Raspberry Pi; Surveillance PIR Sensor -oning Raspberry Internet
System; PIR and ultrasonic Sensors; Webcam; Internet groups Pi
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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 3, Issue 1 (Jan-Feb 2015), PP. 109-112
Fig.6 shows Arrangement of our experimental environment
that detect intruders in a suitable place. We place the PIR
sensor on the ceiling or above the detection area. Transmitter
and receiver of the ultrasonic sensor module are placed in a
line direction. When an intruder enters the detection area, the
ultrasonic coding signal will be blocked and the PIR sensors
will detect temperature changes.
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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163,
www.ijtra.com Volume 3, Issue 1 (Jan-Feb 2015), PP. 109-112
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In image 4 we can see the image when we click on the
This system shows two different types of sensors which are
Improving the overall sensing probability by using the MVM
to reduce the shortcomings of both the ultrasonic sensors and
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EMAIL. In future may be we are also able to send some
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