A Preonic Quasi-Crystal Quark Model Based On A Cold Genesis Theory and On The Experimentally Evidenced Neutral Boson of 34 Me

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Global Journal of Physics Vol.

5, No 1, August 27, 2016

www.gpcpublishing.com ISSN: 2454-7042

A preonic quasi-crystal quark model based on a cold genesis theory and

on the experimentally evidenced neutral boson of 34 me
Marius Arghirescu*
*State Office for Inventions and trademarks, OSIM, RO

The new neutral boson of 34 m e , experimentally e videnced , supposed to be an X-boson of a fifth basic force and
predicted as being a basic z0 preon of cold formed quarks, resulted as quasi-crystallin cluster of paired quasi-electrons by
a cold genesis theory, allow- by a pre-quantum model of elementary particle and an etherono-quantonic theory of the
author, a quasi-crystallin model of quark, i.e – with quasi-crystallin preonic structure of its kernel, formed by the super-
dense centroids of the component quasi-electrons and contained by its current mass . In accordance with a resulted quark
mass relation, the proposed quark model may explain the known mass of the elementary particles discovered by decay
induced of cosmic radiation and considered in the model as Bose -Einstein condensate cluster of degenerate gammons
formed as pairs of quasielectrons.
By a semi-empiric relation for the impenetrable quantum volume of particles, it results a more general form of the
potential of strong interaction between two particles, which allow the propose of a quasi-unitary semi-classical equation of
fields, specific to the theory and is argued the conclusion that the hypothesis looking the existence of a boson which binds
the lepton to quarks is not strictly necessary. The brought arguments susta in also the conclusion that the z0 boson can be
a „dark matter” constituent.

Indexing terms/Keywords
Keywords: pre-quantum model, neutral boson, preon, quark model, B-E condensate, dark matter, X boson.

Academic Discipline and Sub-Disciplines

Elementary particles physics; Theoretical physics ; Astrophysics

General theories of fields and particles ; Beyond Standard Model


In a relative recent paper, [1], a research team of Science‟s In stitute for Nuclear Research in Debrecen, Hungary,
after some experiments for the detection of dark photons, announced that significant deviation from the internal pair
creation during the (e+ -e-) transition to the ground state of an excited Be8* nucleus was observed at large angles, which
indicates that, in an intermediate step, was formed a neutral super-light particle with a mass of 17 Me V/c2 , (34 m e), the
excited Be8* state being obtained by proton interaction with a target of Li7, i.e. by a re action of type:
Li7 + p +Be*Be8 + b 0 ; b 0 e+ + e- , (1)
In another paper, [2], a team of american physicists from California concluded that the evidenced new boson is not a
dark photon and this experimental result could be the evidence for a fifth fundamental force mediated by the predicted X-
boson, coupling quarks with leptons, which decay by a reaction of type: X → e + + e-
In a recent paper [3] was mentioned that a particle with the same mass: 34 m e , was considered by a cold genesis
quark model as being the basic preon, z0 , by which is composed the effective quark mass, according to a cold genesis
pre-quantum theory of particles and fields of the author, (CGT), [4-7].
According to this theory, based on the galileian relativity, the magnetic field is generated by an etherono -quantonic vortex
 M = A +   of s-etherons (sinergons -with mass m s  10-60kg)- giving the magnetic potential A b y an impulse density:
ps(r)=( sc)r and of quantons (h-quanta, with mass: m h = h/c2  7.37x10 -51kg), gi ving the magnetic moment and the
magnetic induction B b y an impulse density: pc(r)= ( c vc)r, generated by a m agnetic moment of an atomic particle but also
by a magnet or an electromagnet.
The theory deduces also a variation of the Compton radius and of the fermion‟s magnetic moment, inverse proportional
with the density in which is placed the particle‟s super-dense kernel, (the particle‟s centroid) and sustains the possibility of
a cold genesis of particles, which results theoretically in a chiral soliton model as Bose -Einstein condensate of photons - in
the electron‟s case and of “gammons”: c = (e+–e -) - considered as pairs of degenerate electrons, i.e- of quasielectrons - in
the case of mesons and of baryons, with the inertial mass m e , formed by a superdense centrod and a quantum volume of

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Global Journal of Physics Vol. 5, No 1, August 27, 2016
www.gpcpublishing.com ISSN: 2454-7042

ve xons (vectorial photons composed by vorte xed vectons), the parti cle‟s magnetic moment radius being given by its
Compton radius, r = λ/2 = Ћ /m pc.
-The virtual radius: r n of the proton‟s magnetic moment, p , results –in the theory, by a degenerate Compton radius
of the attached positron, which decreased when the protonic positron was included in the N p cluster volume, (Np –the
e -13 p
number of quasielectrons of the particle), from the value: r = 3.86x10 m, to the value: ri = r = 0,59fm, as a
consequence of the increasing of the impenetrable quantum volume mean density in which is included the protonic
positron centrol: m 0, from the value:  e to the value:  n  f dNp e , conformed with the equations:
 r
 1 e.c  .rp gp  (r  ) 
(2a) m
 p = k p e  e  k p e  e  k p  = ; k p =  2 .79 ; kp  n 0  e  d (2b)
fd  N P Bp
2 ge n
mp n

in which: kP-the gyromagnetic ratio;  e;  n – the mean density of electron and nucleon; r -the position of protonic

positron centrol in report with the proton centre; f d -the degeneration coefficient of the quasielectron mass, m e* .
The theory gives: re+ = 0.96 fm for the protonic positron axial position inside the protonic quantum volume, an electron
radius: a = 1.41 fm and a quanta density variation inside the electron‟s quantum volume:  e =  e0e-r/ ; with:  e0 = 22.24
kg/m 3 and:  =0.965 fm for the electron mass quanta density variation, [4-7].
The superposition of the (N p+1) quantonic vortices:  *of the protonic quasielectrons, generates inside a volume with
the radius: r a = 2.35fm, a total d ynamic pressure: Pn = (1/2) n(r)c2 which gives a nuclear potential: Vn(r) , in an eulerian
form, having a variation according to eq. (2b), with: * = 0.755fm, that is:
V n(r) = iPn =Vn 0e-r/*; V n0 = iPn 0 ; P n(r) = (1/2) n(r)c2 (3)
(i(0.6fm)  0.9fm - the impenetrable quantum volume of the nucleon;
 n9 (N +1)
 e0, [4 -7] ).
Also, the neutron results in CGT by a specific “dynamid” model, with a degenerate electron with dege nerate magnetic
moment: es = -4.597N rotated inside the quantum volume of a proton by the etherono-quantonic vortex  P of its magnetic
moment p , with a speed ve  1.7x10 -2c, to an orbital with a radius: r e*  1.283 fm under dynamic equilibrium of forces on
tangent and radial directions, [3].
The necessity of the preon with 34 m e resulted in CGT b y the conclusion that –in a cold genesis scenario, the
elementary particles could be formed in a magnetaric super-strong magnetic field, with B T  10 T, in a cascade

particles forming process, by masses given according to the sum rule and equal or very close to a value given as integer
number of basic preons, c0 . As helpful theory for this issue was used a theoretical result of Olavi Hellman which ded uces
the value of elementary particles mass, by a simplified relation:
Mp = (K m/2) m e , with  = e2/ħc = 1/137 (4)
with a tolerance under 1%, neglecting the electromagnetic field contribution, by integer values of K m, as a multiple of
the mass: M0 = 68.5m e; (K m = 3; 4; 14 for the mesons , , K).
In the paper [3] , was argued that- in a cold genesis model, the preon z0 may results as cluster of n = 42 degenerate
electrons with the mass: m e*  0.8 m e and with the superdense kernels (centroids) vorte xially confined in a volume of
radius rz  0.2 fm, which explain the observed reaction (1) by the conclusion that the z0-boson is given as a pair of
quarcins: c* = 21 m e*, which decay in the form:
z0(c0 * +c0*)  c0+ + c0-  e+ + e - ; (5)
The resulted sub-structure of the fundamental elementary particles, considered as formed “at cold”, by quarks with
effective mass (giving the particle‟s mass by the sum rule) and fractional electric charge q* = (+²/ 3e; - /3e), formed as
preonic clusters, is given by the preon z0 with the following sub-structures, [4]:
Table 1: The preonic particles substructure of cold genesis
a) –basic zerons (preons) : z = 34m e ; z*= 2 z0= 68 m e;
Z1 = 3Z 0 = 102 m e;
Z 2 = 4Z0 = 136 m e;
b) -derived zerons : Z 3 = 2(Z 1 + Z2) = 476 m e; Z 4 = 3(Z 1 + Z2) = 714 m e.
c) basic quarks: m 1+ = (Z2- m e*) = 135.2 m e, (mark1, +2e/3); m e*(e*)  0.8 m e;
d) derived quarks , (effective mass):
m 2- = m 1+e- + = 137.8 m e; (mark2 - q* = +2e/3); ( = e*+e*- = 2 m e* – gluol)
p+ = m 1+Z3 = 611.2 m e, (park, +2e/3); n - = m 2+Z3 = 613,8m e, (nark, -e/3);
λ- = m 2+Z 4 = 851.8 m e, (lark, -e/3); s - = λ+Z2 = 987,8 m e, (sark, -e/3);
m 2  m 1 + e + e; n  p+ + e- + e
- -
v = s+Z2 = 1123.8 m e, (vark, -e/3);

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www.gpcpublishing.com ISSN: 2454-7042

d) Elementary particles :
Mesons : (theoretic mass) / (experimentally determined mass)
- = 2Z1+e - = 205 m e ; / μ+ = 206.7 m e
o 0
π = m 1 +m 1 = 270.4 m e; / π = 264.2 m e
π+ = m 1 +m 2 = 273 m e ; / π+ = 273.2 m e
K+ = m 1 + λ = 987 m e ; /K+ = 966.3 m e
Ko = m 2 +λ = 989.6 m e ; /K o= 974.5 m e
ηo = m 2 +s = 1125.6 m e; / η 0 = 1073 m e ; (s = s-antiquark)

pr = 2p+n = 1836.2 m e; ne = 2n+p = 1838.8 m e; / p r = 1836.1 m e; n e = 1838.7 m e
Λo = s+n+p = 2212.8 m e ; / Λ0 = 2182.7 m e
Σ+ = v+2p = 2346.2 m e ; Σ- = v+2n = 2351.4m e; / Σ+ = 2327 m e; Σ- = 2342.6 m e;
Σo= v +n +p = 2348.8 m e ; / Σ0 = 2333 m e;
 o =2s+p=2586.8 m e;  - =2s+n=2589.4 m e; /  0 = 2572 m e;  - = 2587.7 m e
- -
Ω = 3v = 3371.4 m e; / Ω = 3278 m e.
Some “resonance” particles (*) may be formed also “at cold”, in:
o* =2 v+p =2858.8 m e; -* =2 v+n=2861.4 m e; (known mass: 2850 m e), and:
 = 3s = 2963.4 m e; (known mass: 3004 m e).
-* -

The differences between the theoretic mass and the experimental mass may constitute a photonic energy of quarks,
(„gluonic‟ –in QM), which is released in the cold genesis process of particles.
The theory predicts also the existence of the next particles:
- -*
Φ =2v + λ = 3099.4m e ; Φ = 2 v+s = 3235.4 m e; 2s + λ=2827.4; 3s = 2963.4 m e
Λ+ = s+2p = 2210.2 m e ; Λ- = s+2n = 2215.4 m e ; Z  = (Z1 + Z 2) = 238 m e;
It can be observed also that- excepting the particles  and  , the masses of the principal elementary particles can
be found as cluster of zerons: z* = 2z 0=   * = 68m e, having the form:
a) 2n z*, (n=1...5); b): (3 x2 n+n)z*, (n =1...3); c): 3x2 n z*, (n = 4) (6)
which indicates the tendency of clusters forming, in the a)-form:
a): n = 1 (m 1,2); n = 2 (0,); n = 4(0); n = 5 ( 0);
(specific specially to the mesons), or triplets (specific to baryons), in a b)- or c)-form:
b): n= 0  (); n=1 (z3); n= 2 (K0,-); n= 3 (pr, ne);
c): 3 x2 n z*; n= 4 ( -); d): [(4 x2 n+n)z*- z0 ]; n = 3 ( 0,); e): [(3 x2)n + n ]z*; n = 2  0,-
The obtaining of the particle‟s charge as sum of the internal quarks charge is equivalent - according to CGT, with an
attached positron, negatron or a negatron- positron pair, giving the same charge, to a neutral N p cluster , phenomenon
which may e xplain the  - - disintegration of the neutron and the  + - disintegration of the proton induced by an electronic

2. The preonic quasi-crystal quark model

The structure of a quark with effective mass which gives the particle‟s mass according to the sum rule, results in CGT
by a curent quark mass, of 6 10 MeV/c2 , given by its impenetrable quantum volume: qi(rp) and the maximal dens ity of
the particle‟s kernel, [9] and a quantum volume qv of confined vectorial photons (vexons), which forms - in CGT, the
vorte xial equivalent of the gluonic shell considered in Quantum Chromodymamics, the current quark mass having –in the
model, a scalar shell of 0.1fm thickness, which envelops the current mass of quark and which may explain - according to
CGT, the value of 0.3 fm for the quark radius determined by some scattering experiments as those made at Fermilab,
[11], evidenced for proton by p-p scattering at few TeV [10] , which may be considered also for the quark because that the
same cause which forms the repulsive, scalar shell of the protonic impenetrable quantum volume, according to CGT, i.e :
the attraction of kinetized quantonic clusters (vectonic inertial masses) by the vorte xial field:  v = ( *), may generate a
small scalar shell of scalar field quanta also around the current mass of an individual quark, according to the model, [9].

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www.gpcpublishing.com ISSN: 2454-7042

The importance of this scalar shell of the quark is given in CGT b y the fact that –similar to the nucleon case, it allow a
strong interaction between two, three or more quarks , generated by the diminishing of the repulsive gradient of static
quantum pressure in the zone of cold contact, (at very low temperature), by the vortexial field of quark‟s electronic
In the pre vious paper [3] were brought arguments for a quasi -crystalline structure of the preon z 0, with hexagonal
simmetry (with 7x6= 42 quasi-electrons, m e*). In this case, it is deductible the conclusion that the quark‟s stability may
result as consequence of a possible quasi-crystallin structure with hexagonal simmetry, given by the z 0-preon.
Indeed, we may observe– according to the model, considering also the existence of the zeron: z = (z1 + z2) = 7z0 ,
that the deduced quasicrystalline structure of the z0 preon explain the value of the rezulted quark masses (table 1) by a
quasicrystalline model of quark (figure 3) and by a quark equation:

q = m  k  z   n  (k - 2)  z 2 ; m  (m1 ; m -2 ); k  0  i  3 ; n  k, (n  0  2) (7)

with: m = (m 1+ , m 2-), the quasicrystallin form of quarks resulting from the quasicrystallin form with hexagonal simmetry of
the considered z0- preon and z = 7 z0 zeron, like in figure 3, i.e.:
-(k, n = 0)  q = m 1,2 ; (k= 1, n = 0 )  q = r  , (rark- un-stable quark); (k = 2)  q = p + , n - ;
- (k = 3, n = 0)  q = - ; (k = 3, n = 1 )  q = s - ; (k = 3, n = 2)  q = v- .
The mesons results by eq. (7) with: m = (m i + m k), i, k = 1, 2 , like in the old theory of quark, as combinations: (q 1-q2 ) and
the baryons results as combinations (q-q-q) but not only, by the equation:
b = M  k  z  n  (k - 6)  z 2 ; M   mi ; mi  (m1 ; m-2 ); k  6  9 ; n  2 (8)
i 1

Fig .1: a) m- basic quark; b) quasi-crystallin form of z ; c) quasi-crystallin structure of quarks, (CGT)
d) quasi-crystallin ring form of  ; e) the quasi-crystallin form of the quarcin c  = 21 m e*

The previous structure of elementary particles explains theirs weak reactions by quarks transforming reactions, like in
the example:

(Exp.): (Exp.): Ω (3 v)   (2s+p) + π (m 1+m 2) + Q; (Q- reaction energy);

- o -

( theor.): 2 v-  2s - + 2z1 ; v-  λ- + 2 z1  m 2 +z4 + 2 z1 ; 2z1  m 1 +m 1 ; (9)

z4  z2 + z3 ; m 1 + m 2  π ; m 1 + z3  p ;
- -

p- + 2s -  Ξo ; Ω-   o + π- + (2 z1 +z2); (2 z1 +z2) →Q;

The generating of particles with bigger mass than those of particles that enter in reaction is explained- in CGT, by the
decomposing of quantum vacuum “zerons” of m z- mass and a- radius in real (q- q )-pairs, by the Qi - interaction energy,
when Oi  Eq = m zc2. So, the polarised quantum vacuum contains also bosons as the zerons: z0, z2 , z3 , z4 and z , but in
a weakly thermalised state, i.e.- which may be components of the “dark” matter, according to CGT.
The degenerated mass of the quasielectron results by the degeneration of the vortex  M =  A +  of its magnetic moment,
according to the sub-solitons forming condition [8] which imply that the energy of the vortex  M must be: E (M)  2m c .
* 2

With a mean value : M  3z2 = 408 m e , the mean mass of the baryons known as elementary particles formed by three
quarks, results from eqn. (8) according to the table 2:

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www.gpcpublishing.com ISSN: 2454-7042

Table 2: theoretically resulted baryons

K / n n=0 n=1 n=2
k= 6 p ; n, ( 1836 m e ) -- --

 
k= 7 ? ( 2074 m e ) ( 2210 m e ) ( 2346 m e )
k= 8 ?* ( 2312 m e )  ( 2584 m e ) ?* ( 2856 m e )

 
* -*
k= 9 ? ( 2550 m e ) ( 2958 m e ) ( 3366 m e )

It is observed that there are possible – according to eqn. (8), some “exotic” particles (? *) which may be formed also “at
cold”, according to CGT. For example, the combination of 2856 m e is close to the known “strange” particle:  *- (2714 m e)
theoretically resulted in QCD.
Also, by the selection rule: Q(M) = (0;  1, 2 )e , (integer charge of the M- cluster), it results as possible the existence of
particles formed also “at cold” as penta-quark or hexa-quark cluster, with quasi-crystallin kernel of the impenetrable
quantum volume.
Also, if we take in eqn. (7) for quarks : k = 0  i ; i  5, we obtain some other cold genesis quarks, with bigger mass,
which- for i =5, for example, are included in the table 3:
An argument for the considered quasi-crystalline form of the cluster: z0 = 7 x6 =42 m e* is given by the fact that the
considered degenerate mass of the quasielectron: m e*  0.8 m e , results by the mass difference between neutron and
proton, which- in CGT, is given in the form: m n – m p = m e + m( ); m() = m(e *+e*- ) = 2 m e*  1.6 m e .

Table 3 : theoretically resulted quarks

K / n n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4

k=1 r (374 m e ) - - - -
+ –
k=2 p , n (613.8m e) - - - -
- -
 (851.8 m e)
k=3 s (987.8 m e) v (1123.8m e) - -
k=4 t0 (1089.8 m e) t1 (1361.8 m e) t2 (1633.8m e) t3 (1905.8m e) -
k=5 w0 (1327.8 m e) w1 (1735.8m e) w2 (2143.8m e) w3(2551.8m e) w4(2959.8m e)

In the same time, it results that the model allow the existence of a correspondent quark with positive charge (+⅔ e) for
each quark with negative (-⅓ e) electric charge.
This theoretical possibility, resulted phenomenologically as consequence of the resulted quasi -crystallin form of the
quark, may explain the possibility of heavy and ultra-heavy particles forming, with mass over 4GeV/c2 , and because that
the increasing of the quark‟s length gives a higher instability to the quarks cluster which forms the particle, the particles
formed with heavy and ultra- heavy quarks are more un-stable and – when are formed “at hot”, in particles collision of high
energy, are identifiable specially as “resonances”.
For e xample, the couple: (t0- - t1-) corresponds to the scalar meson a1(2465.7m e ), the triplet:
(v + t2 + w 2 ) corresponds to the charmed Sigma:  c (4929 m e) and so on.
- + - *0

This fact may be important also for the case of the transition of baryonic matter to quark matter which is supposed to
occur inside the neutron star core when the matter density exceed the neutron‟s density, [12], being sustained also the
possibility that the accreting X-ray binary pulsars are strange stars that are composed of color-flavor locked quark matter
throughout , [13] and the h ypothesis that a possible crystalline phase of quark matter may explain the “glitch” of the
neutron star observed as pulsar [12], consisting in the increase of the angular velocity at the crust of the star.
According to the proposed quasi-crystalline quark model, inside a rotational neutron star with an enough strong
magnetic field and a mass which allow its transforming into „black hole‟, it is possible the forming not only of a quark matt er
crystalline phase but also of super-quarks, corresponding- in eqn. (7), to i  3, b y the increasing the matter density until the
density of the current mass of the neutron quarks, (u, d), which- according to CGT [9], is the maximal density of the
proton‟s mass distribution, of value:  n0  5x10 17 kg/m 3, [3], b y the radiative partial loosing of the gluonic mass, (given by
vectorial photons - according to CGT).
In this state, at T0K, the cold contact between the surfaces of the impenetrable quantum volume of neutrons, by the
increasing of the value of dynamic quantum pressure Pn(a i) in the contact region, is reduced proportionally (according to
the Bernoulli law for ideal fluids) the value and the gradient of the static quantum pressure Ps(ai) and implicitly- is
reduced also the repulsive force: Fqr =Vqr (ai) of the repulsive scalar shell of the nucleon‟s impenetrable quantum
volume which- according to the “bag” model of quarks confining resulted in CGT [9], impede the transfer of quarks from a
nucleon to an adjacent interaction nucleon. In this case, the current masses of the first cluster of quarks enters in contact

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www.gpcpublishing.com ISSN: 2454-7042

with the current masses of the second cluster of nucleonic quarks and –because that –in a similar way, is reduced locally,
in the contact region, also the repulsive scalar shell of the interacting quarks, resulted by the model [9], it results in
consequence the possibility of the quark‟s quasi-crystallin kernel transferring from a current quark mass to another , with
the increasing of the current mass of the resulted new quark by the repeatability of the process.
The “hot” equivalent of this process is –according to CGT, the forming of heavier quarks and particles from strong
interaction between lighter quarks and particles, with the contribution of quarks resulted from bosons m b of the polarized
quantum vacuum, when the interaction energy, Q, is at least equal with the intrinsic energy m bc2 of the “splitted” boson
and allow the transforming of its „virtual‟ quarks in real (stable individualized) quarks, like in the reaction:
(Exp.) π-(m 1 + m 2) + p r(2p ++ n- ) + Q  Λo(s + n + p) + K o(m 2+λ) ;
m 1+ p+ + Q  m 1 + m 1 +z3+ Q = z2 + z3+Q  (s - + s +) ; s +  λ + z2 ; (10)
s +n +p  Λ ; λ + m 2  K ;
- - + o + o
- (permitted reaction).
According to the previous theoretical conclusion it is possible that some massive bosons experimentally evidenced at
very high energies, of few TeV, such as the Higgs boson, are produced by the reaction energ y, with the participation of the
mass/energy of lighter bosons, more probably than detected as previously existents in the quantum vacuum.

The strong and the weak interactions

It is know that the -mesons are attracted by the nuclear field , but a strong nuclear force acting over the electron was
not evidenced. It is raised in this case the question if the nuclear field acts also over the z 0 –preon.
According to CGT, the current mass of quarks is contained by their impenetrable quantum volume qi(rq ) which –for
concordance with the experiments, is considered with a radius r q  0.21fm, [9], resulting that: qi  3.87x10 -2fm 3.
The obtained value of qi may be obtained by a semi-empiric equation:
 m   mk 
 K  1 k k   1 
 mp   mp 
ki  ni  e  
; ke  
; K  8.97; ni (m p )  0.9fm 3 ; m p  1836 me (11)

in which the term „k‟ take into account the fact that- inside the quantum volume of a bigger particle, the value ki of a
smaller particle increases proportional with the local density, as in the case of quarks. For (qua si) free m k particles or
particles with m k  m p , we have: k = 1. By eqn. (11), for m k = m   270 m e and m k = m K  974 m e ,   i  2.5 x10 -2 fm 3;
Ki  2.3 x10 -1 fm 3 . It results also that- for: m k = m Z0 = 34 m e ,  zi  1.77x10 -4 fm 3 , rzi  3.48x10-17 m, inside a bigger
particle and: zi  1.35x10 -4 fm 3 , rzi  3.2x10 -17 m, in the free state, so we may conclude that the preonic cluster of 42
electronic superdense centroids with mass m 0  5x10 -5 m e and radius r0  10-18 m, [4-7], has the radius: rzi  3x10 -17 m.
In consequence, according to CGT, it results that also the z 0-boson is attracted by the scalar nuclear field with a pseudo -
“strong” force: Fz =  Vsz(r) with: Vsz(ai =0.6fm)  11.3 keV.
Because that the z0-preon is leptonic, like the muonic neutrino,   , it results that the hypothesis of a quantum
mediating the binding of leptons to quarks is not strictly necessary.
By the eqs. (3) and (11) , it results by the model a more general form of the scalar strong potential of the stron g
interaction between two composed particles, with the masses m a(ia) and m b( b0), ( b 0 = Nb e0; N b = (m b/m e*) = (m b/fm e);
f  0.8):
 ma  re  l *
r re  
1  *  ai  b0 0  * mb 0  K 1  m p k  
Vaf =  ai  b c e 
0 2 
 V sn  e   V sn  e e *
; Vsn0  127.5MeV ;  *  0.755 fm (12)
2  ni  n0 mp
(1 – m /m ) *
where m p is the proton mass, K = 8.97 , k = e a p and l is the vibration liberty of the m a - particle.
In the case of beta disintegration, according to the dynamid model of neutron of CGT, because that- inside the protonic
quantum volume may be neglected the electrostatic force between the protonic center and the neutronic electron, which is
diminished by the increasing of the electrostatic permitivity  proportional with the local quantum density, (   / e(a), [14]),
it results that its centrifugal potential of the neutronic electron is equilibrated by a pseudo -strong scalar force given
according to eqs. (3) and (11), i.e.:
re  l * re l*
    
Vcf = (1 / 2 )  m e v e2  ei Vsn0  e *
 ei Vsn0  e   e  ; Vsn0  127.5MeV ;  *  0.755 fm
* *
 ni  ni
where ei(rei) is the impenetrable quantum volume of the neutronic electron, resulted by eq. (11) of value:
ei  1.15x10 -4 fm 3 and l * is the vibration liberty of the neutronic electron.
With the values: ni  0.9 fm 3; ve  1.7x10 -2c ; r e*  1.283 fm, obtained in CGT, [3], it results that: Vc f = Ec = 74 e V;
Vs(re *; l* = 0)  2.98 ke V  Ec , being explained in this way the lifetime of the neutron in free state: e  881 s , by the

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conclusion that the electron‟s rotation induces an electron‟s vibration, of amplitude l *  l *M and a reciprocal vibration of the
superdense centroids of the linking degenerate gammon: * =  = e*+ e*- = 2 m e* -which explains in CGT the beta
disintegration by its transforming into an electronic antineutrino by the loosing of the quantum shell, when l  l M , [47].
* *

This conclusion is sustained by the fact that the value l*M resulted from eqn. (13) is: l *M  2.7 fm , of two time greather
than the proton‟s effective radius, with the value E c = Ec(re ). Even if it decrease at a value of 2fm at r = 1.4, when the

electron rotates with the superdense centroid exited from the protonic quantum volume, with a speed ve‟  2.6 x10 -2c
given by the dynamic etherono-quantonic pressure of the vortex:  M =  A +  of the proton‟s m agnetic moment, p , the
resulted l*M value, which explain the lifetime of a free neutron, indicates that the cause of  disintegration is the intrinsic
energy of the  –gluol considered in CGT: E() =E(e*+e*-) = 2 m e*c3  817 keV, which is released by its transforming into
an electronic antineutrino formed by the doublet of electronic centroids: 2m 0  10 kg , [47].

In the sametime, it results that the radius re* is a mean radius for the orbital: 2re* of the neutronic electron, because of its
oscillation with a mean amplitude: re  (re - ai)  0.68 fm under the action of the attractive potential: Vs(re) and the
* *

repulsive potential: Vr(r) = Vr e xp.(-(r –ai) /) of the scalar repulsive shell of the proton‟s impenetrable quantum volume,
0 2

which- with the values: Vr0(qi)  2.5Me V and   0.24, obtained in CGT [9], gives: Vr(re*, e)  2.3 e V  Vs(re* ; l* = 0) and:
Vr(0.65fm,e)  7.5 keV  Vs(0.65fm,e)  6.88 keV, (i.e. the electron is re-sent toward its mean position re* ).
Even if the effecti ve electron radius (a = 1.41fm - in CGT) is a little higher than those of the proton, the fact that the
electron‟s impenetrable quantum volume is much smaller than those of the proton is normal because that a less dense
quantum volume is more penetrable by the Vs- field quanta (by quantons , with m h = 1h/c2 –according to the model, [4-7]).

4. A pre-quantum quasi-unitary equation of fields

A pre-quantum quasi-unitary image over the basic fields conformed to the particle and field models specific to CGT, [4-
7], including also the eqn. (13), may be mathematically synthesized by an semi -empiric equation similar to the telegraphist
equation which may be generalized also for the case of the fundamental fields [15] if we use a field rank coefficient, u, and
a specific field source term, in the form specific for a source Q* placed in the center of the coordinate system:

1  2  2  2m (Q * q*)
2  u   u  k 2   (1  u) 2 V 0     - u    (r, t );   (r, t ) ; u  0, 1 ;  n  - i  mc / 
c t
2 2
c t   0mq
in which we have: u = 0 and  = n = -imc/ħ , for the short-range field (of nuclear type) and u = 1 for the long-range field,
(of gravitic and electro-magnetic type field), and:

mcc m e (15)
k ; V 0  2  V(r, t) ; q * = (q*e ; q*G ); Q * = (Q*e ; Q*G ); q*e (mq ) = n1  e; Q*e (M )  n2  e ; q*G = G ;
  c me
  S
v2 me ve
(c  1 -     p , r ) ; ve  r ) ;   R 2 ;   R  ei  ;
* 2
) ; Q G - 4 G 0 M (1 + ) ; (v e v p sin ( v
2c 2 e c
with: q*, Q*- generalized charges (of electric, q e or electro-gravitic, q G type, or charge operator: Q); vp –the speed of the
electro-gravitic charge q G* ; k –wave number associated to field quantum: m c .
For: u = 0 and  = - imc/ħ , is obtained the Schrödinger equation, particularly- with soliton-type solutions, with :
V(r) = V0 2, in which, according to eq. (12), we have:

 r l
( m p  ma ) *
K S
m *
V  b  Vn0 e ;     *  R ;   Rn  e ; S   (m i ) r c  y t ; R  e
0 mp 2 2 i  2
n n
with: V = Vs (m a;m b); (m i)r = ia b(r) ; yt  r ; * = 0.755 fm and Vs = 127.5 Me V, for the scalar nuclear field between
0 0 0

two particles (bosons, mesons , baryons), [3], and:

lv* 
  3 1   s
V V  c;  R e *
e *
l  l  (   p  n );   ;
0 0 0 2 2 2 * 0
n n nv ; v v (17)
2 2 2 s
for the tensorial interaction between two nucleons, wi th: * = 0.755 fm, l v*-the vibration liberty, l v0  1fm – for deuteron
and lv(Ev=0) = 0 ; (s- the nucleon spin ; Ev –the vibration energy, [4 6]).
For the inter-quarks strong field, according to CGT, [9], we have:

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( r  a )2
 i
q S

V 0  Vq0   ni (a i )  c 2 ;   R q2 ;   Rq  e i ; S   (m e ) r c  y t ; R q2  e
 (18)

with: q = q (rq  0.21fm) ;  = 0.28 0.24 and a i  0.6 fm , (force of static quantum pressure gradient in the field of a
repulsive shell of the nucleon‟s impenetrable quantum volume i(ai) acting over the q volume of the current mass of
quark, mq  4.5  10 MeV/c , [9]). At T10 K, Vq and  increases with T until a value: Vq (T)  2 Vq , ‟  ( Vq (T)/ Vq ).
* 2 10 0 0‟ 0 0

Also, for the neutronic electron of the free neutron, we have, according to eqn. (13):
re re  l *
  S 
V  ei  Vsn0  e  ;   R ;   Rq  e ; S   m e v e yt ; yt  r ; R  e *
* 2
0 2 i  2 (19)
q q

with ei  3.24x10 -51 m 3 and l *-the amplitude of electron‟s vibration which generates its release.
For: u = 1 and - the medium‟s conductivity, from eq. (14) is obtained a generalized form of the telegraphist equa tion,
which for  = 0, gives an equation of Proca-Maxwell type specific to a field of electro-magnetic type, with mediating quanta
with rest mass: m c and confined field source, (generalized charge, Q ), in which- for an unitary form, we must choose:
m c  m g  10 kg:

1  2  2  2 (Q * q*) (Q * q*) k r dv 
2   k  -  ( r ); (r,   0)   e ; a(r)   - (20)
c t
2 2
c t  0 mq 4 0 mq  r dt x
The eq. (20) may be transformed into a generalized wave equation of Klein type, for the case of a source field with
spatial-extended density, g = /0 and into a Maxwell type equation, for m c = 0 .
The “splitting of eqn. (14) into two derived equations by the field rank coefficient, u, may be written also in a matricial form:

 2 2m   2m
  i - 2 V0 
 ; 0
  t    (21)
  (Q * q*) ;    (r , t ) ;
 2 1  2
2   2 2
m c  -  (r , t )
  - 2 -  ; - c2  0 mq
 c t 2
c t  

5. Conclusions
According to the etherono-quantonic theory resulted in CGT, based on the galileian relativity, which sustains the
possibility of particles cold genesis by a vorte xial nature of the magnetic field - given by an etherono-quantonic vortex:
 M =  A +  of sinergons and of quantons , the new experimentally evidenced neutral boson of 34 m e , supposed to be an
X- boson of a fifth basic force but predicted in CGT as being a basic z preon of cold formed quarks, may constitute a
strong argument for the pre-quantum Bose-Einstein condensate Model of elementary particle, resulted in CGT, and it
may be also a bosonic component of the „dark” matter. The principal argument for this conclusion is the possibility to
explain the sub-structure of the elementary particles and their weak and strong interactions, in accordance with their
known mass, by a preonic structure of quarks , based on the z0 preon, resulted as cluster of quasi-electrons, in a quasi-
crystallin quark model with hexagonal symmetry, i.e – with quasi-crystallin preonic structure of its kernel, formed by the
super-dense centroids of the component quasi-electrons and contained by its current mass .
In accordance with a resulted quark mass relation, the proposed quark model may explain the known mass of the
elementary particles discovered by decay induced of cosmic radiation and considered in the model as Bose -Einstein
condensate cluster of degenerate gammons formed as pairs of quasielectrons, the model explaining also the quark‟s
relative stability.
According to CGT, the nucleon but also other composed particles attracts also the z0 basic preon, by a weak force of
nuclear type, as consequence of a non-null impenetrable quantum volume of the preon, which- for other particles,
increases with the particle‟s mass according to a semi-empiric relation. A consequence of this theoretical model is the
conclusion that- even if the z0 boson can be also –by the vorte xial field of its quasi-electrons, an intermediary gluon
between a quark and a lepton, i.e- a X-boson, as component of quarks, the hypothesis looking the existence of a boson
which binds the lepton to quarks and a heavy boson for the neutron‟s transforming is not strictly necessary.
Based on the deduced relation for the impenetrable quantum volume of particles, it results a more general form of the
potential of strong interaction between two particles, which complete the pre -quantum quasi- unitary theoretical image and
understanding of the fundamental interactions and allow the p ropose of a quasi-unitary semi-classical equation of fields,
specific to the particles and fields models of CGT.

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www.gpcpublishing.com ISSN: 2454-7042

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