(Toyin Falola) The Power of African Cultures (Roch

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Notes – Compiled by Leon du Preez 1

Activating The Supernatural! 05-02-2012

This morning I will be laying a short foundation for the activation of the Supernatural & the
Kingdom of God on in each of our lives. Most in this place partook of the 21 Day Daniel fast and
therefor there will be a powerful release of the Supernatural Power of God in our lives over this
Holy Spirit Fire Conference period.

As we witness the events taking place around the world, we begin to realize that biblical
prophecies are coming to fulfillment. Both the frequency and severity of "natural disasters", such
as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis, seem to be on the rise. Evil seems to be rapidly
increasing, not decreasing. Rebellion, wars, and rumors of war fill the evening newscasts.
Hunger is a terrible problem, as nearly one billion of the world's people will go to bed hungry
tonight. Financial crises are affecting the whole globe. People are desperately looking for
answers to these problems, but neither governments not political leaders nor the religious
system seems able to offer valid solutions. Sadly, religion has, for the most part, offered the
world only a historic god- "elder of days" who sits on his throne, waiting for the world to fail so
he can punish it; a distant god who lacks both supernatural ability and an intimate relationship
with mankind. Thankfully, this ineffectual god is not the real, living God of Scripture.

The true, real, living God has given us supernatural power to live in victory. Without the
ingredient of His supernatural power, it is impossible to overcome tribulation, sickness, and any
other adverse circumstances that rise against us.

I want us to look this morning at how we can live a lifestyle of walking in the supernatural power
of God:

1.) I Must Understand that God is a God of Revelation

God is a spiritual, eternal, and immutable Being with supernatural attributes and abilities. He
dwells in the dimension of eternity-the spiritual realm-and manifests in visible form in the natural

Isaiah 57:15 "Thus says the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity."

The only way to know God is through revelation, but what is revelation? In Greek, the word for
"revelation" is apokalypsis, which means "laying bare, making naked… a disclosure of
truth, instruction concerning things before unknown."

Revelation is the knowledge of God revealed to our spirit, and it is received by spiritually seeing,
hearing, and perceiving. This process is referred to as "spiritual perception." Revelation allows
you to suddenly understand something without the aid of the natural senses. This knowledge or
understanding can be given only by the Holy Spirit, as in the case of Peter, who received the
revelation that Jesus was the Messiah because the Father had revealed it to him through the
Holy Spirit.

Matt 16:17 "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in

Destiny Harvest Centre

Tel: 031 584 6065
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.destiny.co.za
Notes – Compiled by Leon du Preez 2

Revelation includes knowing things you otherwise would not know, seeing things that have yet to
occur, and perceiving things without prior knowledge. It is the mind of God revealed so that
mankind can exercise dominion over time, space, and matter. In the Western culture, intellectual
formation has overtaken divine revelation. Thus, we are trained to reject anything and everything
that makes no sense or that cannot be explained according to human understanding.

In the absence of progressive divine revelation, we tend to turn to formal, natural intellectual
education, much of which serves to discredit faith. I am not undermining intellectual knowledge,
there is a definite place for that in society, but it can never substitute spiritual knowledge.

I can only know God by REVELATION.

2.) I Must Understand That God Reveals Himself to Those who Hunger & Thirst for Him

Many theologians and philosophers speculate about the nature of God. They seek to understand
Him through logic but fail in their attempts.

Plato tried to analyze God and concluded that He does not exist. Aristotle also concluded that
God is not real. Many other scientists and theologians have reasoned the same, but this is
because they failed to understand that God can be known and understood only by faith and
revelation. God cannot reveal Himself to those who lack the desire to know Him, or to those who
choose not to have a relationship with Him. For this reason, Jesus his the mysteries of the
kingdom from the religious leaders of His time.

Matthew 7:6 "Do not cast your pearls before the swine"

Jesus spoke in parables precisely to keep certain mysteries, secrets and revelations hidden from
those who had no intention of knowing God, and from those who seek such knowledge only as
ammunition for debate rather than as an authentic encounter with God.

When we begin to hunger & thirst, then he begins to give us revelation and secrets of the

3.) I Must Eliminate the Enemies of the Supernatural

i.) Ignorance

Isaiah 5:13 "Therefore my people have gone into captivity, because they have no

The devil hates revealed knowledge because it leads to deliverance. When people discover the
truth, they are delivered, but when they lack knowledge, they are held captive in their ignorance.

ii.) Bad Theology

Theology is the study of God through the mind and reason. When we study God with improper
motivation, or without inspiration, illumination, and revelation from the Holy Spirit, theology
becomes carnal-of a worldly intellect that is influenced more by the desire of the flesh than by
the Spirit.
Destiny Harvest Centre
Tel: 031 584 6065
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.destiny.co.za
Notes – Compiled by Leon du Preez 3

I remember how in the beginning of my salvation I had many such encounters with certain
"professors and theologians", from a very large institute in South Africa, trying to challenge and
convince me of the fact and reality that Jesus no longer does miracle, and that the Holy Spirit no
longer gives gifts to believers. While I was being questioned, the Holy Spirit softly whispered to
me "Just ignore them and don't answer them a single word". This caused them to leave my
house red in the face and infuriated.

However, there are good theology, one that studies God with revelation from the Holy Spirit. We
are blessed to have Destiny Bible College where people can be trained up under the inspiration
and authority of the Holy Spirit.

iii.) The "spirit of Jezebel," or witchcraft

The "spirit of Jezebel" refers to Queen Jezebel, one of the most evil persons in the Bible. After
she married Ahab, the king of Israel, her controlling and domineering nature led the nation into
worshipping false gods. She also ordered the extermination of all God's prophets. A reference to
the spirit of Jezebel applies to anyone who acts in the same manner-engaging in immorality,
idolatry, false teaching, and unrepentant sin.

Gal 3:1 "O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the

Paul used the word bewitched, which means "to bring evil on one by feigning praise or an
evil eye… to charm, to bewitch." Paul was rebuking the Galatian church because prior to this
moment they were flowing in the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit, until ‘something’ crept into
their midst that stopped the flow of that power! This why Paul asked them who has
bewitched them.

Rebellion opens the door to witchcraft. Rebellion consists of stirring up or subverting any
authorities established by God. Rebellion replaces divine authority with an illegitimate one that
is sustained by a spirit of witchcraft. This is usually done by a form of manipulation, control,
intimidation and domination. When rebellion creeps into a church’s camp, then it will always
remove the supernatural power of God in that church.

4.) I Must Activate the Supernatural by:

i.) Having Eyes of Faith

Luke 17:20-21 "Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God
would come, He answered them and said, "The kingdom of God does not COME with
observation; nor will they say, 'See here' or 'See there'! For indeed, the kingdom of God is
within you."

The scripture makes it very clear that the kingdom of God does not COME via observation.
Observation is the art of judging according to the externals. For example: That preacher has a
Gucci suite and a big house, so he must be anointed and from God. That is judging the
externals. So, if observation is external judgement, then surely I must see beyond that, into the
heart of the person. I can only do that with "Eyes of Faith". If the kingdom does not COME with
observation, then it has to COME with "Eyes of Faith"… When I begin to see with eyes of faith,
then the kingdom will COME and be made manifest in my midst!
Destiny Harvest Centre
Tel: 031 584 6065
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.destiny.co.za
Notes – Compiled by Leon du Preez 4

ii.) Changing my Mind-Set

Romans 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that you may PROVE what is that good and acceptable and
perfect will of God"

I can only learn to PROVE and DEMONSTRATE the will of God, which is walking in the
"supernatural", when I am TRANSFORMED through the continual renewing of my mind. One
sure way to do this by radically studying the word of God and allow it to transform me.

Even Jesus had to be transformed on the mount of "transfiguration" in Matt 17. If Jesus had to
be transformed, surely, we too have to be!

iii.) Having a Personal & Corporate Prayer Life

Luke 11:1 "Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased,
that ONE of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray."

Jesus was praying with His disciples, but only ONE asked Him to teach them to pray. In the
same manner, this is still happening today. Very few people unfortunately understand the
importance of personal and corporate prayer.

Personal and Corporate prayer are the keys that have created the supernatural atmosphere that
rests upon this ministry. Most people that visit us comments on the atmosphere that is filled with
love and power of God!

iv.) Praise & Worship which will Manifests His Glory

2 Chron 5:13-14 13 indeed it came to pass, when the trumpeters and singers were as one,
to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord….that the house, the
house of the Lord, was filled with a cloud, 14 so that the priests could not continue
ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God.

The Glory of God comes in through Praise & Worship. Praise & Worship is one of the most
ultimate essentials which creates the atmosphere for miracles.

When we begin to live the principles set out above, we will clearly understand that God has
restored us and called us to be His representatives. The world is hurting, waiting for a special
touch to rescue them from the emptiness of life. Remember that Jesus will continue His healing,
deliverance and miracle ministry through you, and you will continue to grow as you share Christ
with others. This produces an incredible joy!

Destiny Harvest Centre

Tel: 031 584 6065
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.destiny.co.za

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