A Spy A Shill A Go-Between or A Sociologist - Unveiling The Observer in Participant Observer
A Spy A Shill A Go-Between or A Sociologist - Unveiling The Observer in Participant Observer
A Spy A Shill A Go-Between or A Sociologist - Unveiling The Observer in Participant Observer
business information technology from a technical point of directly obvious and that in spite of this, or maybe
view I believe that our common sense understanding of because of this, ethics has to pay closer attention to IT as a
the term will mostly suffice for the purposes of this paper. fact of business life. Before we come to the heart of this
This same common sense knowledge of BIT allows us a argument, however, we should take a look at some of the
first glimpse of why it might be ethically relevant from a more commonly recognized ethical problems of BIT.
viewpoint of business ethics as well as from a viewpoint Information technology in general and its application
of computer ethics. Whether BIT is in fact the backbone in business can lead to a number of ethical problems that
of modern business may in some instances be doubted but have led to the development of an academic discipline
it is certainly true that "everyone working in the often called computer ethics or information ethics. One
businesses of today’s developed world experiences -- and purpose of ethics, as we have seen, is the description of
is affected by computers in virtually every aspect of their morality. Morality is often understood as having the
working lives" (Langford 1999, 3). objective of facilitating human life and coexistence. It can
If we want to ascertain this first suspicion that BIT is thus be understood to be a tool for solving interpersonal
ethically relevant we next have to shed some light on the conflicts and for optimising social life. Our ways of
subject of ethics. In this paper I want to follow the perceiving, managing and solving conflicts alter
"German tradition" of applied ethics that makes a necessarily with the advent of IT and so does our ability to
distinction between ethics and morality along the lines of be good citizens or contribute to a good society, whatever
theory and practice of moral philosophy. Morality in this that may mean. Briefly, "this puts information use
model stands for the stock of existing and factually squarely in the field of ethics" (Mason et al. 1995, 4).
recognized norms whereas ethics is the philosophical Without being able to discuss these points here in more
discipline that reflects the actual multiplicity of moralities detail it should be obvious that information is inherently
(Steinmann / Löhr 1994, 8). Morality is a notion of little ethically charged. Without information there would be no
controversy since it does nothing than contain the norms life, at least no human life, and there would not even be
and rules that govern our social interaction. Ethics can be the possibility for a need for ethics.
described in the widest sense to be the reflection of One branch of information ethics is computer ethics.
morality (Bechmann 1993, 214). Others are more This branch is more restricted in its subject because it
affirmative and believe that ethics has to provide us with leaves aside a large portion of questions related to
answers or at least arguments about which morality is the information and instead concentrates on ethical problems
"right" one (Hastedt 1994, 57; Siep 1993, 288). This related to computers. The term was coined in the mid
distinction between ethics and morality between theory 1970 by Walter Maner who "began to use the term
and practice, between doing and reflecting is a constant "Computer Ethics" to refer to that field of applied
feature of German moral philosophy and can be traced professional ethics dealing with ethical problems
back to Kant whose categorical imperative (Kant 1995, aggravated, transformed or created by computer
BA 67) is a purely ethical, that is to say reflective, technology" (Bynum 2000, 37). In this sense computer
position. Similar ideas can be found in most of the ethics is a notion denoting a special field of attention for
German literature about ethics, especially in modern ethics similar to business ethics, medical ethics, technical
thoughts about applied ethics such as medical ethics, ethics etc. While some of the authors differ as to whether
business ethics, computer ethics etc. The reason why I computer ethics will die out in the near future (Johnson
follow this tradition apart from my personal provenance is 2000, 25) or whether it will become the focal point and
that it allows a more precise use of the notions, which lone survivor of ethics (Bynum 2000, 51f), for the
would be impossible if one equated ethics and morality as moment it is a small but recognized field of ethics. One of
is often the case in Anglo-American literature (Hausman / the main differences between information ethics and
McPherson 1996, 222; Weckert / Adeney 1997, 1). computer ethics is that computers, contrary to
While it is rather obvious that ethics and morality have information, are generally not seen as inherently ethically
something to do with the realm of business this is far less charged. Computers only become ethically relevant
clear in the case of information technology. Even the because of their ubiquity in modern society and because
biggest sceptic of business ethics must admit that factual we cannot avoid their use in our everyday moral
morality of the economic subjects has relevance for dilemmas. Often this sentiment is expressed in phrases
economic decisions and for markets. Whether it is in fact like this: "Ethics is about human conduct, and the use and
true that the "Social Responsibility of Business is to development of computer technology is part of human
Increase Its Profits" (Friedman 1970) or whether we conduct." (Weckert / Adeney 1997, ix) This, to me, seems
believe that businesses have some kind of moral role to to be one of the central mistakes that, due to its status as
play, moral preferences of consumers or producers are an axiom of computer ethics, leads to wrong or
relevant because they matter in the bottom line. My incomplete conclusions. But before we discuss this let us
hypothesis is now that IT also has a high ethical relevance take a brief look at the important problems of computer
but in many cases this is due to reasons that are not ethics as they are discussed today.
The ethical problems of IT are usually divided into community than the view of humans as primarily self-
several categories. Hauptman (1999) for example sees the centred and anti-social.
problems of privacy, fraud, monitoring and surveillance, In order to find out how the anthropological
censorship, integrity, and overload. Apart from these implications of IT affect responsibility we first have to
general categories one can try to discern problematic areas give some thoughts to these implications and their roots.
for certain parts of IT, the most important of which today Information technology must have anthropological
is certainly the Internet. Here again one can find foundations. If computers and technology are made for the
categories or orders of problems such as those suggested use of humans then there need to be assumptions about
by Langford (1999, 108) who sees data piracy, publication these humans and their capacities. Some of these
of inaccurate or deliberately erroneous material, assumptions are so obvious that to mention them may
inappropriate linking, trademarks and domain name seem trivial. The use of a keyboard, for example, implies
‘passing off’, and wider issues as moral problems of the the existence of hands and fingers and for a monitor to
Internet. The connection between these problems and make sense the user must be equipped to see and
business ethics has also been made and De George understand the symbols displayed on it. There are other
concludes that assumptions or implications that are less obvious and that
are, maybe for that reason, important for the impact of IT
"There are […] some areas in which the on ethics.
introduction of the computer into business either One description of human beings is that they are
raises familiar problems in a somewhat different way incomplete when compared to other species (Gehlen,
or raises new problems […]: (1) computer crime; (2) 1997). Man's natural equipment seems to be lacking the
responsibility for computer failure; (3) protection of
necessities that almost any other species has. We have
computer property, records, and software; and (4)
privacy of the company, workers, and customers. neither fur nor weapons; we can neither run quickly nor
Three basic concepts emerge in many of the cases in swim well nor fly. In order to survive human beings had
these areas and will require special attention: to rely on their intellectual capacities. Since survival
information, privacy, and property." (De George would have been impossible in most environments
1999, 329) without the help of thought and consequently of tools man
has often been called the tool-making animal. His being
All of these problems and others have been discussed unspecialised has often been perceived as man's weakness
intensively and are still under investigation by many but it can also be seen as his strength. It can be argued that
researchers. We will therefore leave them aside as long as only our lack of specialisation enables us to the adaptation
they do not directly support my underlying thesis that one to many environments and that it made us the winner of
of the central reasons for the ethical problems of BIT is evolution that we are (Eibl-Eibesfeld 1997, 244).
located in its anthropological assumptions. 2 Either way, man has the capacity of developing and
using tools to change his environments according to his
3. IT and Anthropology needs and wishes. A commonly found interpretation of IT
is now that it is nothing but a certain sort of tool, albeit a
sophisticated one. Technology as the continuation of tools
Anthropology is the "science" of the human being and
extends human reach and substitutes for human action. It
it constitutes one of the fundamental pillars of philosophy.
helps us achieve our goals and it can even be seen as the
From the beginning of philosophy in ancient Greece up to
incarnation of our Western culture (Collste 2000, 181).
today anthropology has always had a close connection to
Technology gives man new power and this power is what
ethics. It is plain to see that the nature of man determines
is most commonly seen as the ethically relevant point of
the way men interact and the rules of this interaction; that
BIT. Before we come to this we should try to dig a little
is what we call morality in this paper. Furthermore the
deeper into the relationship of technology and
nature of man also determines the way we think about
anthropology and try to understand how the concepts of
ethics and our general ability to justify or criticise
man and machine sometimes become confused or even
morality, which is what ethics stands for. It is obvious that
a concept of human beings as primarily social beings
(Aristotle's zoon politicon) leads to another concept of a
3.1 Man and Machine
For the sake of completeness I have to mention that I do not claim The interpretation of the relationship of man and
that IT is only negative for man and for ethics. There are doubtlessly machine offers two extreme positions, namely that of man
many positive aspects of IT that have led to its widespread use and that as machine and that of machine as man. The first one,
also lead to the improvement of human life. Since my argument aims at
ethical problems, however, I will leave it with this remark and continue
man as machine, is an interpretation that can be found
with ethical problems. Some of the advantages of IT for ethics will be since the beginning of modern philosophy (Leukip,
named in the last section of this paper.
Demokrit) and is connected to such well-known names as capacity of communicating (Bollmann / Heibach 1998,
Descartes or Hobbes. In accordance with the technological 324).
ideas of his time Hobbes sees man as a mere mechanical The relationship of man and machine, especially IT, of
apparatus (Hobbes 1994). One can state that the course has more aspects than the ones mentioned so far. It
interpretation of man as a machine has changed with the would for example be possible to look at the age-old
machines used by mankind. The modern equivalent of question of body and soul from the perspective of IT. If
Hobbes's man as a mechanical puppet is therefore the we say computers are indistinguishable from humans then
model of man as an information processor. we might ask whether they have souls, which again leads
There are several aspects of man and computer that to a whole host of mostly theological problems (Weckert /
suggest this comparison. Human beings, in order to Adeney 1997, 146). For our purposes it will suffice to
survive, have to process information. If we were not able concentrate on the more manifest aspects described so far.
to receive information, filter the relevant pieces and act
accordingly we would not be able to survive. To some 3.2 BIT, Ethics, and Anthropology
extend this is true for every living being but it may be
especially true for us because our capacities of processing Ethics and morality both are based on assumptions
information are higher than those of most or all other about the nature of humankind. Many ethical theories are
animals. Another point may be the abstract and symbolic based on the "fundamental recognition that human life is
nature of the information we can process. Unlike animals vulnerable and fragile, defenseless and abandoned,
we can transform most of the information we receive into mangled and suffering. Ethics emerges from our
symbols like language or writing and then work with it on confrontation with this inescapable fact of human
an abstract level. In the end we can translate the results existence" (Mendieta 1999, 116).3 According to Habermas
back and they have a considerable impact on our (1991, 14), morality can be understood as a safeguard that
environment or on us. On the other hand there are relevant has the purpose of compensating the vulnerability that is a
differences between computers and humans, some of structural part of our socio-cultural form of life.
which will be discussed later. One philosophical concept with ethical relevance
It does seem clear that our society in general and based on anthropological assumptions is that of the
business in particular are moving towards the often person. It is worth noting in this paper because the person
invoked information society. Without bothering too much is often seen as the subject of responsibility and ethics.
what this notion stands for one can conclude that this The notion of a person descends etymologically from the
change will have consequences for the members of this Latin persona, which originally denoted the roles of a
society. Some authors conclude that for the information theatre play (French 1992, 134). From there it evolved to
society we even need a new conceptualisation of mankind describe the sides of a legal dispute and then it became a
is needed. This new archetype is then called the moral notion. According to Kant (1990, 53 f.) a person is
"information person". "Information persons are primarily the subject whose actions can be attributed. It follows
givers, takers, and orchestrators of information. They live from this that the person has to be the autonomous being,
and work in a period in which most people have close which follows the laws given by itself. Today there are
contact with information technology and in which all of us three different parts that constitute personhood in our
are affected by it." (Mason et al. 1995, 24) This idea is Western tradition: metaphysical, moral, and legal concepts
close to the idea of man as information processing (French 1991, 133f). Most important in this context is the
machine, it is the application of that concept to the moral side, the fact that the person is the centre of moral
developments of society. ascriptions (Flynn 1984, 10). Before we return to the
Another possible conception of the relationship question of the person under the heading of responsibility,
between man and machine other than the modelling of we should take a brief look at some other aspects of the
man according to the capacities of a machine is the connection of ethics, BIT, and anthropology.
attempt to reverse this association, to model machines as As already mentioned, the aspect most commonly
humans. While this was easy to reject when our named as a reason for ethical considerations of IT is its
technology was still mechanical it is now easier to use as a tool. Like all tools IT increases range and scope
conceive. Computers are becoming increasingly of humans' power over their environment and about
interactive. This new way of interacting with users fellow humans. "Power is the ability to achieve one's
combined with new approaches to computers such as goals, and in an information society information replaces
expert systems or artificial intelligence may lead us to weaponry and monetary wealth as the principal source of
believe that the computer actually is more than a machine. power. The exercise of power always raises ethical
This raises the question whether machines can think. Alan issues." (Mason et al. 1995, xvi) All uses of power are
Turing put forward the famous test according to which the
capacity of thinking could be measured in terms of the 3
This quote refers specifically to Dussel's ethics but it is applicable
to a number of other ethical concepts.
ethically charged because they affect others in their but they may even physically replace humans, thus
(moral) rights and obligations. Since modern technology making them redundant. While this may be positive in the
allows us to affect more people than ever before with case of hard or dangerous labor it may have devastating
decreasing effort it has ethical implications. The use of IT effects on whole industries and their employees.
as a tool brings disruptions to many traditional social The blurring of the distinction between man and
settings, thus threatening "existing distributions of power, machine can also lead to physical or psychological illness.
money, rights, and obligations" (Laudon / Laudon 1999, A lack of ergonomics can induce repetitive stress
453). What is worse, not only the actual use of IT leads to syndrome but more importantly, there is a new work
an increase of power, the mere consideration of its use and related illness called technostress. It is stress induced by
the subsequent rationalisation of processes and structures computer use and has symptoms including aggravation,
have the same effect (Johnson 2000b, 90). All of this I hostility towards human, impatience, and fatigue. This is
want to call the "tool-approach". It is held together by the caused by humans' continuously working with computers
thought that only the use of an otherwise ethically neutral and thus coming "to expect other humans and human
device leads to its ethical relevance. Representative for the institutions to behave like computers, providing instant
tool-approach is Johnson when she says: responses, attentiveness, and an absence of emotion."
(Laudon / Laudon 1999, 476)
"[...] it is not exactly computer technology that Privacy, one of the frequently discussed topics of
poses or could pose an ethical issue but rather what computer and information ethics, also has an
the technology makes possible for human action and anthropological side to it. Human communication, which
interaction." (Johnson 2000, 26) is at least an important part of what it means to be human
and may even be the base of reality, is severely
There are, however, views that see IT as inherently handicapped by invasions of privacy. It is one of the
ethically relevant independent of the use it is put to. An assumptions we make when we communicate that we
important reason for this kind of argument is the have complete power over who is privy to this
anthropological idea of man as a machine. If one communication. IT and especially its uses and abuses in
subscribes to this identification then it is no longer business call in question whether that is still so in the
important to observe moral rules since those apply only to information age. There are many possible ethical
humans, not to machines. "Once human and machine are arguments against the invasion of privacy, such as the
said to be indistinguishable, our previous moral argument that it is a sign for the use of man as a mean
commitments are easily cast aside in the name of progress. instead of an end but there is also an anthropological side
Conduct previously prohibited becomes permissible to it. "Privacy, or personal freedom, is the basis for self-
simply because technology makes it possible." (Kerr determination, which is the basis for self-identity as we
1999, 241) understand it in American society." (Severson 1997, 65)
Some other important ethical considerations are also After having established the link of BIT, ethics, and
based on the idea of the equality of human beings and anthropology I will in the final step of my argument focus
information processing machines. These considerations on the notion of responsibility and demonstrate that the
can be summarized under the heading of use of IT leads to increased problems in this area.
"dehumanization". This stands for a variety of ways that
computers, information systems, or modern technology in
general takes away some of the central and defining 4. IT and Responsibility
characteristics of mankind. According to Johnson (2000,
19) this was one of the first ethical problems discussed in Why does it make sense to further complicate the
relation to IT. Especially the fear that computers might discussion by introducing another notion and why do I not
take over our most important activities such as decision- leave it at the end of the last section? There are several
making is the background to this sentiment. It is reflected reasons for taking the notion of responsibility into
in popular culture in literature and films about computers account. First of all, responsibility makes it easier to
becoming independent of humans and taking over the communicate questions of ethics and morality in a
ruling of the world. Why would we see this as business setting. While many of the actors of business
dehumanizing? Apparently we take pride in our from top level management to the worker in the assembly
supposedly unique capacity of making judgments. If hall will quickly conclude that business ethics is a
computers can do the same thing this lessens our self- contradiction in terms, the same is not true for
respect. Information systems trying to duplicate these responsibility in business. Every manager or worker will
human abilities such as expert systems or artificial agree that she is responsible for her work and that there
intelligence thus have a potential for being dehumanizing. are a lot of responsibilities in economic life. The same is
The problem does not stop there. Computers taking true for technical communities that tend to avoid ethics
over human tasks not only affect our self-consciousness but will recognize the importance of responsibility. This
positive aspect of the notion of responsibility leads to a look at the additional advantages. Ethically motivated
negative aspect, to its ambiguity. The ubiquity of the responsibility is a social construct, which aims at
notion in today's discourse has led to the fact that it has no ascribing results to agents. Its most basic requirements are
binding meaning. When talking about responsibility it is the ability and the willingness to communicate by all
therefore necessary to say a few words about the notion affected parties. This is where the aims of IT coincide
before drawing any conclusions. Another reason for the with the aims of responsibility. In this sense the two
discussion of responsibility is that some of my arguments concepts are structurally similar. They not only help
become clearer when rephrased in terms of responsibility. people to communicate but they also aim at the creation of
Finally there are some structural similarities between a shared reality. Information systems have as one of their
business, information systems and responsibility that important points the task of informing people of what is
facilitate the translation from one area to the other. happening and what is real. Management information
systems are an example. They tell management what the
4.1 Responsibility status quo is, which in return serves as the base for further
decisions. Responsibility, on the other hand, requires
Responsibility is a term stemming from the legal exactly this kind of accord. In order to ascribe
sphere where it stands for the response that the accused responsibility, the affected parties not only have to share
has to give to the judge. This etymological root, the moral norms but, maybe more importantly, they have to
answer, can be found in the English respons[(e)ibility], share the same reality. IT can be helpful in this respect.
the French respons[(e)abilité] or the German Also, IT and its use in business allow for formerly
(Ver)Antwort(ung). The stem of the word points in the unimaginable increases in range and scope of
direction of communication, which will be the central communication. It is no problem for a user of the Internet
thrust of the following argument. Another important to acquire information about all kinds of facts or activities
aspect is that responsibility is not a fact of nature but a that used to be inaccessible. Therefore IT can help
social construct with the aim of ascribing something to responsibility develop in areas where it might not have
someone. Due to a lack of space I will omit a more been a useful concept before. On the other hand it
detailed discussion of the notion of responsibility and just increases the burden of information on the individual. We
try to show three features that most ascription of can no longer pretend we do not know what happens in
responsibility share. the third world or other places of global problems. As
Those common features are openness, closeness to Gorinak-Kocikowska puts it: "for the first time in the
action, and consequentialism. Openness stands for the history of the earth, ethics and values will be debated and
property of responsibility of not giving clear instructions transformed in a context that is not limited to a particular
how to behave, which is what many traditional moralities geographic region, or constrained by a specific religion or
do. Openness of responsibility is due to the fact that it is a culture." (Gorinak-Kocikowska, quoted in Bynum 2000,
communicative notion and that it aims at ascribing an 49)
object to a subject. While there may be meta-rules for that The positive effects of the spread of information are
there are no direct rules for our behaviour involved not confined to responsibility but can have political
(Kaufmann 1995, 88). Closeness to action means that the implications as well. This argument can be put as follows:
use of the word responsibility always promises some "if democracy means power in the hands of the many, if
manifest results. If we say that somebody is responsible information is power, and if the GII [Global Information
for something, be it good or bad, we imply that this Infrastructure, BCS] puts information in the hands of the
responsibility will have an effect. Consequentialism, many, then it follows that the GII means (supports, leads
lastly, is the consideration of results as the basis for an to) democracy." (Johnson 2000b, 98)
ethical judgement. It can also be interpreted as a kind of Furthermore, one can even conclude that the
teleology, which in this case means that some idea of the increasing use of BIT even leads to the necessity of
"good life" is the motivation for moral action (Ropohl responsibility and thus promotes its development. "[…]
1987, 157). All three of these points bear a close developing new expectations of appropriate electronic
proximity to business life and combined they are one behavior is essential, but such development can only be
possible explanation for the popularity of the notion of effective through emphasis on personal responsibility and
responsibility. appropriate education." (Langford 1999b 73) Whether this
is really so would have to be debated and this kind of
4.2 IT as Support of Responsibility conclusion looks very much like naturalistic fallacy.
However, there do seem to be numerous ways in which IT
Before we proceed to the additional problems for might further the assumption or discharge of
responsibility induced by the use of new technologies in responsibility. This discussion will have to wait for
businesses we should for the sake of a balanced argument another occasion since I now want to concentrate on the
intrinsic problems that BIT holds for responsibility.
4.3 BIT as a Problem for Responsibility information poor, which generally correspond to
financially rich and poor. The attempt of realizing
In the next part of this last section I want to take a brief responsibility via IT will lead to the exclusion of the
look at some of the problems, which the use of IT will information poor, who are the financially poor, who are
bring to responsibility (a) before I shift my attention to mostly excluded already. A moral notion like
those problems of responsibility that are specifically responsibility may thus lead to immoral effects.
caused by the anthropological assumptions and problems (b) Let us now come to the last point of my argument,
of IT (b). to the problems that the use of information technology
(a) One open question in relation to the use of causes problems for responsibility due to its
communication technology and responsibility is the anthropological assumptions. The first and in my mind
question of accountability. Accountability can be defined most important point is that of a structural weakness of
as the social side of responsibility, as "a feature of systems communication via electronic means. This structural
and social institution: It means that mechanisms are in weakness can best be explained on the basis of a theory of
place to determine who took responsible action, who is communication. The theory of communication that this
responsible." (Laudon / Laudon 1999, 457) If we accept paper is based on is that of Jürgen Habermas. Since it is
this definition then it is easy to see how the increasing use impossible to adequately reflect on this extensive
of IT may lead to problems in this area. Interconnection theoretical structure I can only point to the relevant
often makes it difficult to trace the origin of one particular literature (Habermas 1981) and try to spell out the most
piece of information. Collste (2000c) uses the example of important parts as I regard them as relevant for this topic.
medical consultations via the Internet to demonstrate this For Habermas communication is aimed at the
point. More generally it can be said that the tracing of coordination of the behaviour of different people. He
information and thus the ascription of accountability and states that every piece of communication implies three
responsibility may become more difficult due to IT. validity claims (Geltungsansprüche), namely truth,
Another problem is the legal aspect of responsibility. rightness, and veracity. That means that every sentence we
So far we have concentrated on moral responsibility but say implies that the speaker holds the stated facts for true,
that in many cases is closely related to the legal sort. holds the stated norms for valid and means what she says.
Legal responsibility faces a whole number of new This, of course, does not mean that we always speak the
problems caused by the increased use of IT. Laws are by truth, accept valid norms or mean what we say. It only
their nature slow entities to change and in the rapidly means that we have to rely on these assumptions if
changing world of information and communication communication is to be fruitful. All three of these validity
technology lawmakers are often hard pressed to keep up claims, in order not to remain in obscurity or idiosyncrasy,
with the relevant aspects. But even if one particular can be challenged by every participant of the discourse.
legislative body manages to do so that may turn out to be The discourse is another normative fiction, which
useless because of the international nature of today's comprises everybody who has something to say to a
technology. The Internet is again the best example for certain topic and which is without temporal or spatial
this. If a French person reads something on the Internet limits. All of these ideals, even though unattainable in real
that is illegal in Germany, that was written by an Italian life, play an important role for our factual communication.
and that is stored on an American server, but routed They also lead to consequences in different areas of
through German systems, then this produces numerous philosophy such as ethics (Habermas 1991), philosophy of
legal problems, which I do not even pretend to be aware the law (Habermas 1998) or sociology.
of. Habermas' ideas lend themselves perfectly to an
Apart from many further detailed problems that might interpretation of responsibility because of their emphasis
be discussed here such as the question whether IT really on communication. We have seen that communication is
helps democracy or does not in fact hinder it (Breen the theoretical and practical root of responsibility and
1999), the last general point I want to make now is the therefore the ethical but also the sociological results of
problem of access. Even without too much ethical theory Habermas theory of communicative action go well with it.
it seems plausible that a responsibility ascription can only This is certainly the reason why in the German field of
retain its moral status if all parties affected are involved. applied moral philosophy, especially in business ethics,
IT can be a big plus in this respect since it allows more Habermas has a large amount of followers who more or
people to interact on certain topics than ever before. The less directly try to derive their ideas from his theories (e.g.
downside, however, is that any attempts to discharge Ulrich 1997)
responsibility is doomed to failure if it relies on IT and not The central idea of doubting and justifying validity
all of the affected parties have access to IT. And this leads claims as a means to coordinate human action leads to
to the general problem of access to new technologies. We many difficulties when transformed from theory to
already divide the world into information rich and practice. The questions might be: What are the relevant
norms, who is affected, what is the relevant piece of
reality and how do we determine it, when do we end the user. The fact that such programs tend to block out names
discourse? etc. While this is already true for any sort of such as Sussex shows that they are error prone. While this
responsibility ascription it becomes much worse in case is no principal problem, it can become serious when it is
we attempt to do the same via IT. Our new media make it unknown what part of the information is suppressed.
harder to even discern which validity claim is contested. Another observation is that technological means are
While in a person-to-person communication it may be not able to reproduce all relevant aspects of
possible to determine the truth, that is to say those communication. In order for communication to be
propositions that are accepted by all participants of the successful as a means of coordinating people all of its
discourse, the same can no longer be said for aspects must be understood. Written communication like
technologically enhanced communication. The advantage Internet or email cannot reflect the nonverbal part, which,
of linking otherwise unacquainted people turns into a according to some authors, stands for up to 65 percent of
disadvantage if the respective life-worlds of these people communication (Mills, quoted after Weckert / Adeney
is so different that even the simplest validity claims 1997, 114).
become contested. For a successful communication, Yet another difficulty for the ascription of
though, one needs consensus; at least consensus about the responsibility caused by anthropological questions of IT is
points of dissent. This seems to become much harder to the relationship of responsibility and the person. We have
come by in the case of communication via IT. seen that the notion of the person is often used to denote
Apart from the differing life-worlds there are other the human being as a moral agent. It is a philosophical
difficulties that the medium of technology poses to construction that tries to capture some of the facets of
communication. One of these problems may be described human life, which go beyond simple and simplistic
under the heading of the "Other". The Other in this case is definitions of man.4 The property of being a person is
the other person with whom the moral agent wants to or often seen as a precondition for the participation in the
has to interact. This idea of the other as the central point process of responsibility ascription. Some authors go so
of ethics had a strong influence on the French ethics of the far as to say that responsibility and person are two
20th century from Sartre to Levinas. Even though there are concepts that are dependent on one another and that are
great differences between these theories of ethics their necessary for a comprehensive description of humanity
common point is that the other induces ethical (Neuberg 1997, 2). "We can assign responsibility only to
responsibilities on the moral agent. For Sartre it is the fact persons." (Baier 1972, 50) One of the many aspects of this
that the agent recognizes an entity similar to herself in the relationship between responsibility and person is the
Other. For Levinas, on the other hand, the Other signifies question of body and mind. For Velasquez (1991) moral
the otherness as what is completely alien to the agent. His responsibility has to originate in the agent and the
countenance then forces responsibility on the agent. origination (dependent on mens rea and actus reus) can
Whether one subscribes to these views or not, it is only come from human beings as having a mental and
easy to see that the Other is important for ethics. Morality bodily unity. Computers and IT in their actual form cannot
interpreted sociologically as a means to the end of group be persons, therefore they cannot be responsible in the
survival is grounded in human interaction in small groups. moral sense of the word.5 Their lack of personhood makes
This kind of interaction again finds its most important it more difficult to convey information necessary for
realisation in the interaction with other individuals, which responsibility. The complete lack of the bodily side of
can therefore be seen as the basis of ethics. Technological being human and being responsible leads to problems
interaction leads us to lose the other from sight and thus worth being further explored.
touches the anthropological roots of morality. "[…] the Another anthropological problem is the perception of
electronic environment can make us lose sight of the fact man as a machine, which leads to further problems for
that there is a person at the other end of the machine." responsibility than the lack of personhood of machines.
(Gannon-Leary 1999, 172) The other loses his face, even We have seen that human vulnerability, physical and more
his reality, and this of course reflects back on morality and importantly social vulnerability, can be seen as the reason
responsibility. It is difficult to envisage the duty to answer for morality and ethics. If we see man as a machine this
to somebody whom one cannot even imagine. This sense of vulnerability is lost and with it we lose the reason
situation may be aggravated by technological measures to for acting morally and thinking ethically. Also, a machine
stop certain kinds of communication such as censorship. that does not work any more can be repaired or has to be
While censorship may be justified, it holds a hidden
danger caused by the anthropological blindness of 4
A simplistic definition of humans would for example be the
technological communication. The danger is that we may ridiculous reduction of man to his genes that seems to follow the
lose possibilities of communication that we are not even publication of the genome. The notion of a person aims to comprise
more aspects of man than just the scientifically observable.
aware of. Many of the programs used for blocking out 5
Should computers ever progress to the form we find in science
certain parts of the Internet, for example, do so on the fiction the question might have to be reconsidered. The android Data in
ground of algorithms that are generally unknown to the Star Track for example is for a pertinent discussion.
replaced. Treating human beings this way is highly Responsibility has been shown as an integral notion
immoral. There are many who believe that today's for the transport of moral and ethical questions in
societies are drifting in this direction, not least of all businesses. As such any ethicist can probably approve of
because of the impact of IT. Man as a machine also does the attempt to increase the scope of responsibility in
not need rest, does not become ill, does not have social business. On the other hand this article shows clearly that
and personal wishes etc. On the other hand the often- there are limits to the increase and the acceptability of
bemoaned information overload or new diseases like responsibility. If these limits are recognized and taken into
techno stress seem to be the result of this view of humans. account then there is a good chance that the use of IT can
We tend to treat people like information systems, which not only further business processes but also moral issues.
have a high input capacity and can be upgraded if need be. Otherwise there are possibly severe pitfalls that may turn
By doing so we often do not recognise people's needs and ethical intentions to unethical results.
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