The Water Technology Sector in The US
The Water Technology Sector in The US
The Water Technology Sector in The US
United States
Examining stakeholders, trends and opportunities in the American water technology sector
M.A. Bosma
September 2013
Washington, DC
The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
Examining stakeholders, trends and opportunities in the American water technology sector
This report is the result of a study conducted at The Netherlands Office for Science and Technology
(NOST) located at the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Washington, D.C. Because of the need at NOST
for an overview of the water technology sector in the United States, this study was conducted in the
period of March through August 2013 as part of my internship at NOST. Already in February 2013, the
Dutch water technology sector was examined by using available literature (Netherlands Water
Partnership Report) and interviewing several Dutch water professionals.
For this research of the water technology sector, the United States (US) is divided in two parts. The scope
of this report is on the eastern part of the US, meaning all the states east of the horizontal line North
Dakota – Texas. The water technology sector west of this figuratively line will be scouted another time.
- Examine important stakeholders and the structure of the water technology sector;
- Identify trends, innovative techniques and scientific researches;
- Examine and identify water technology clusters in the United States;
- Compare the Dutch and American water technology sector.
My period in Washington D.C. was very inspiring. For me to experience the capital of the world was quite
special. Moreover, researching an innovative, growing water industry is very stimulating, especially if you
can contribute by creating awareness for the opportunities in the United States in the field of water
I want to thank everyone who helped me to set up and complete this report with an overview of the water
technology sector in the eastern part of the United States.
Matthias Bosma
The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
The water industry in the United States (US) is growing rapidly, offering opportunities in different sectors
like equipment and oil and gas. The Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Acts are the most
important federal policy programs within the American water technology sector. These programs,
coordinated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), provide treatment and discharge regulations,
funding programs and frameworks for operating and applying innovative water and wastewater treatment
technologies. Other federal agencies are involved in financial programs as well.
The techno-economic network analysis that has been made of the American water technology market is
starting to be more convergent, meaning that communication between the different actors is increasing.
Specific questions or problems are addressed by efforts of actors working together in the network, for
example participating in public private partnerships. Because the different actors in the US water
technology sector are collaborating and communicating more, the techno-economic network is a strong
Within the US water technology sector several trends have been identified that offer potential
technological opportunities.
- The aging drinking water and wastewater infrastructure is in poor condition and systems require
investments in maintenance, repairs and upgrades. Also new and more cost effective
assessments (e.g., leak detection, prediction models of condition systems, asset management
models) and rehabilitation techniques are needed. Green infrastructure for storm water
management and decentralized approaches that can reduce pumping and treatments costs are
receiving more attention.
- Water reuse and the use of reclaimed water are widely applied and is increasing in the US.
Industrial water reuse continues to gather momentum and onsite water reuse is becoming one of
the most adaptable approaches by industries. There are significant needs for technologies and
approaches that foster substantially greater water reuse, or sewer mining, which in turn can
reduce pollution and conserve energy.
- Although the US is the second largest desalination market in the world after Saudi Arabia,
desalination is not widely used at a large scale in the US. However, desalination is gaining more
attraction, particularly in the arid coastal regions where production of water and disposal of waste
is more feasible. Challenges include brine disposal, pretreatment optimization, energy
conservation and overall productivity of membrane systems.
- An important issue in the American water technology sector is storm water management. Stricter
federal and state regulations for wastewater and storm water systems are the main drivers for
improving such systems. There is a need for technologies that address non-point sources of
pollution. There is a demand for storm water control mechanisms and green infrastructure (e.g.,
recharge basins, rapid infiltration beds, bioretention systems).
- Nutrient recovery (e.g., wastewater mining) will be an important topic in the United States for the
coming years. Driven by the need to reduce nutrient pollution (e.g., more stringent regulations) in
surface water and drinking water supplies (caused by e.g., nitrogen and phosphorous), emerging
technologies for treating and recovering nutrients in a more efficient way from water and
wastewater will be needed in the United States.
- In the US many utilities are considering changes in treatment process to avoid noncompliance
with new disinfection byproduct (DBP) rules. The stage II of DBP regulations therefore is an
important driver for technological changes in disinfection methods. As a result advanced
The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
oxidation, ozonation, electro chlorination, biological filtration and other disinfection methods are
becoming increasingly popular in the US.
- Smart water networks are growing in the US. Smart water grid techniques (e.g., smart water
meters, electromagnetic and acoustic sensors, basic data management software, real-time data
analytics and modeling software) are needed in order to address non-revenue water, to increase
energy efficiency and reduce costs.
- Monitoring and removal of emerging contaminants (e.g., pharmaceuticals, nanomaterial) will be a
trending topic in the US water technology market in the coming years. These contaminants of
emerging concern (CECs) are often unregulated and occur in untreated and fully treated water
and wastewater. The EPA will be implementing new or stricter drinking water limits on numerous
contaminants. Therefore, techniques to monitor and remove those emerging contaminants are
Within the US water technology sector several water clusters and initiatives have been identified that offer
potential opportunities for collaboration to commercialize products for the American market. The water
technology clusters and initiatives are established to become international water hubs, developing and
commercializing new and innovative technologies, and attracting business and universities (e.g.,
Confluence, Milwaukee, Michigan, Northeast Ohio, and Massachusetts). The clusters and initiatives are
looking for international collaboration. For example, The Akron Water Initiative is looking for partnerships
with foreign parties, especially Dutch water technology companies and startups. Some water clusters and
initiatives offer programs to support companies, with facilities like pilot test sites, accelerators,
professional teams, aid by finding funding, validating technologies (e.g., Milwaukee Global Water Center,
Indianapolis: Living laboratory for smart water grid technologies, The City of Akron’s Accelerator,
Massachusetts). Storm water management is also a major issue for most clusters and initiatives (e.g.,
Northeast Ohio (Cleveland and Akron), Michigan, The Greater Pittsburgh region, Philadelphia).
Other challenges in the different regions are:
Both the American and the Dutch water sector have a lot in common regarding water issues and research
themes. Innovative water technologies and equipment are needed in order to find solutions for water
issues in the United States. The Dutch water technology sector offers specific niche water technologies
that form potential solutions for the US water issues. The American water clusters and initiatives have
opportunities to support Dutch companies to enter the US market.
The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
Dutch Summary
De watertechnologie markt in de Verenigde Staten (VS) groeit snel en biedt daardoor kansen in
verschillende sectoren. De Safe Drinking Water Act en de Clean Water Act vormen binnen de
Amerikaanse watertechnologie sector de belangrijkste federale beleidsprogramma’s. Deze programma’s,
die door de Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gecoördineerd worden, voorzien in zuiverings- en
lozingseisen, financieringsprogramma’s en kaders voor het beheren en toepassen van innovatieve water-
en afvalwater technologieën. Andere federale overheden zijn via eigen financierings- en
subsidieprogramma’s ook betrokken bij de watersector in de Verenigde Staten.
Binnen de watertechnologie sector in de Verenigde Staten zijn verscheidene trends geïdentificeerd die
potentiele technologische kansen bieden.
kunnen bieden voor de water kwesties in de VS. Sommige Amerikaanse water clusters en initiatieven
bieden hulp aan bij het betreden van de markt.
The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 11
1.1 Key facts...................................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Federal water policy .................................................................................................................... 11
1.2.1 Clean Water Act ...................................................................................................................... 12
1.2.2 Safe Drinking Water Act .......................................................................................................... 14
1.3 Financing ..................................................................................................................................... 14
6. Sources ............................................................................................................................................... 56
1. Introduction
Globally, the water technology market is growing, creating new opportunities for companies, universities
and other organizations to commercialize their products, start collaborations for knowledge and
technology transfers and to solve water availability problems in the world. Besides emerging countries like
China and Brazil, the United States also offers opportunities in the field of water technology. This chapter
will provide an introduction to the American water technology market by describing some key facts of the
market, the federal water policy and ways of financing water-related projects.
- The total utility water and wastewater capital expenditure in the US will grow from $26.8 billion in
2010 to $49.8 billion in 2016. The largest area of expenditure is the rehabilitation of the water and
wastewater distribution network (39.2%), followed by capital expenditures for upgrading water
and wastewater treatment plants (34.9%). Seawater and brackish water desalination (for drinking
water production) expenditures will be the fastest growing market within the utility market, from
$256 million in 2010 to $1.9 billion in 2016.
- The total industrial water capital expenditure in the US will increase from $2.5 billion in 2010 to
$3.9 billion in 2016. Especially the water capital expenditures in the oil and gas sector will grow
dramatically, from $100.5 million in 2010 to $509.7 million in 2016. Other industrial water sectors
that will grow significantly between 2010 and 2016 in the US are power generation (+52%) and
food, beverage (+32%) and pharmaceutical manufacturing (+39%).
- The total industrial and municipal equipment market in the US is forecast to grow from $16.9
billion in 2010 to $30.2 billion in 2016. The fastest growing water technology markets in the US
between 2008 and 2016 will be ultrafiltration and microfiltration membranes (+280%), UV
disinfection (+227%), ozone disinfection systems (+233%), membrane bioreactors (+180%), and
reverse osmosis membrane systems (+165%).2 The demand for water treatment equipment will
grow to $13 billion in 2017.3
Global Water Intelligence, 2010
Water Market USA, 2008,
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The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
In the past, local governments and states were responsible for their own water supply and wastewater
treatment. Most states and local authorities in those days only used primary treatment (e.g., primary
sedimentation tanks). Surface water quality deteriorated quickly, with potential consequences for drinking
water supply and the environment. In order to create funding and financing for improvements, both above
mentioned acts were established.
The use of water is considered as an important right in the United States. The allocation of water is
determined by two different principles: prior appropriation and riparian water rights.
The riparian water rights are mostly applied in the eastern states of the US and include that property
owners adjacent to water bodies (e.g., rivers, lakes, stream) in a watershed, have the right to use this
water reasonably, for swimming, fishing, sailing and other useful purposes (e.g., irrigation, livestock
watering, pollution control). Riparian water rights cannot be sold or transferred separately from the
property. These rights also do not allow transportation of water from one to another watershed.
The appropriation water rights are often applied in the western states of the US and are based on the
“First in time, first in right” principle. This means that the first person, who is using a certain amount of
water from a body of water, acquires the right to use this amount continuously over time. Other users of
water are only allowed to exploit the remaining amount of water. Appropriation water rights are not bound
to the property. Therefore, it is allowed to transfer water for useful purposes to other watersheds. This can
lead to imbalances in water allocation between different watersheds.5
Presentation, Lorraine White, GEI Consultants, June 19, 2012, slide 5.
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According to the results of interviews conducted, the most important CWA permit program is the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program, which regulates direct and indirect
discharges of point sources (e.g., industrial and commercial facilities). For direct wastewater discharges
to surface waters by industrial and commercial facilities, the general NPDES permit applies: permitting
on-site sewage treatment technologies. For indirect wastewater discharges, the NPDES pretreatment
program applies: which permits wastewater discharges to municipal sewer systems or publicly owned
treatment works (POTWs), controlling interference and pass-through of pollutants.7
The American states have the authority to promulgate and administer such permits. For five states
(Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Alaska, Idaho and New Mexico) NPDES permits are regulated via the
EPA’s regional offices. The discharge limits in NPDES permits are determined based on a combination of
water quality standards and technology-based limits, whereby the most stringent limit applies.
The water quality standards are determined by the ecological water quality standards of the receiving
type of surface water. The EPA has defined seven main types of water bodies (e.g., lakes and reservoirs,
rivers and streams, oceans, coasts, estuaries and beaches) and is responsible for determining intended
uses of these water bodies (e.g., swimming, fishing, drinking water source). It recommends water quality
criteria and standards for specific pollutants per type of water body to the state environmental agencies.
This advice serves as a framework and is not intended as a minimal requirement that has to be
implemented before a certain deadline. The state and local authorities are not obligated to adopt or
implement the recommendations of the EPA. They determine their own water quality criteria and
standards for specific contaminating substances to protect human health and aquatic life in ambient
water, which may be more or less stringent.
The technology-based limits are national standards, which are developed and established by the EPA.
These standards intend to realize the greatest possible reduction of pollutants with techniques that are
economical feasible for the industry. Therefore, the EPA identifies best available technologies (BATs) for
different industrial categories. Based on the treatment process’ performance and efficiencies, regulatory
effluent limits are determined by EPA with which the technology (e.g., end of pipe treatment technology)
has to be able to comply with. These national standards serve as a minimal requirement that apply for all
the states.8
The effluent limits for indirect industrial and commercial discharges to POTWS are determined after
analysis of the national pretreatment standards and local limits. The permit is administered by local
authorities or entities (e.g. city’s wastewater division or utility).9
Discharges of storm water from industrial and commercial facilities are considered as point sources and
require coverage under an NPDES permit. Therefore, storm water runoff is covered under the storm
water NPDES permitting program. Regulations and policies related to storm water are determined at the
state and local level. Permitting is also authorized to states.10
Wastewater treatment systems are generally in compliance with federal requirements for effluent
discharges, although most urban utilities face increasing storm water and municipal sewer overflow
Presentation ,Jan Matuszko, USEPA Office of Water, Clean Water Authorities and Activities Applicable to Oil and
Gas Extraction, May 2013
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The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
The National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR) establishes standards based on maximum
contaminant levels (MCLs) or treatment technique requirements for drinking water contaminants. The last
update was The Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 that included significant changes (e.g.,
stricter standards) to national drinking water standards. Currently, the regulated drinking water
contaminants include MCLs for inorganic- (e.g., nitrate, arsenic), volatile organic- (e.g., benzene),
synthetic (e.g., pesticides), radiological- (e.g., radium) & microbial contaminants, disinfection byproducts
and residuals (e.g., bromoform), lead and copper.
The states are obligated to implement the NPDWRs in their drinking water supply system and they are
allowed to implement stricter water regulations. Primary enforcement of the SDWA is delegated to the
All public water systems in the states are required to monitor the water in order to demonstrate that the
water supply complies with MCLs or treatment requirements. Monitoring requirements vary with system
type, size and source type (e.g., groundwater or surface water) and monitoring may be required for
treated water, distribution systems or at the source. The EPA identifies three types of public water
- Community;
- Non-transient non-community (e.g., schools, hospitals);
- Transient non-community water systems (e.g., campgrounds).12
Water utilities (public and private) are in the process of meeting stricter limits set by the EPA on drinking
water contaminants, in particular arsenic, radioactive particles, microbial and disinfection by-products.
The SDWA requires EPA to protect underground sources of drinking water from contamination caused by
underground injection. The EPA Underground Injection Control (UIC) program regulates the injection of
waste and water into underground wells or depleted reservoirs. Within in this program six classes of wells
are identified. About 800,000 injection wells are used in the US, ranging from brine disposal related to oil
and gas production (Class II), to fresh treated water storage in order to use it later in a drought period or
for replenishing aquifers to be protected against salt intrusion (Class V).13
1.3 Financing
The two largest sources of federal funding for water and wastewater infrastructure in states and local
communities are the Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF). Both funds are
Presentation Michael Finn, USEPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, Drinking water Regulation and
Monitoring, May 2013
Presentation Bruce Kobelski, Office of Water Drinking Water Protection Division, EPA Office of Ground Water and
Drinking Water: Activities Related to Class II Injections Wells, May 2013
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The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
administered by the EPA and started in respectively 1987 and 1997. These funds are intended to assist
states and local communities to implement the CWA and SDWA requirements.
The EPA and its Office of Water receives federal appropriations from Congress. Through the Clean Water
and Safe Drinking Water SRF these federal appropriations are granted to the states. In the fiscal year
2012, the EPA financed $1.5 billion for the Clean Water SRF and $918 million for the Safe Drinking Water
The states use this money in combination with state funds, in order to loan low- or no-interest money to
local communities, municipalities and utilities. The local communities and utilities use this capital for
investments in renewing, replacing, improving distribution systems, drinking water and wastewater
treatments systems, sewer lines and other similar water technology infrastructure. Repayments of the
loaned capital refill the SRFs.
Funding from the Clean Water SRF can be used for renewing, replacing or updating secondary or
advanced wastewater treatment facilities. It is also possible to spend this money for improving the
collection system (e.g., sewer lines). The CWSRF program funds a significant amount of nonpoint source
and estuary activities such as watershed management, wetlands protection, contaminated urban and
rural runoff control, ground water protection, habitat protection, and estuary management.14
Safe Drinking Water SRF funds can be used to replace or to update water infrastructure that causes
incompliance with the drinking water standards, like aging water conservation tanks, distribution pipeline
or drinking water treatment plants. With the help of the Drinking Water SRF both private and public
community drinking water systems, as well as nonprofit noncommunity systems can be supported
financially. In contrast with the Clean Water SRF, every state in the United States is required to receive
1% or more of the Safe Drinking Water SRF.15
Both programs are chronically underfunded in comparison with the needs in the water and wastewater
infrastructure. Presently, water and wastewater treatment plants are aging and in need of replacements
and improvements, whereby the latest technologies have to be applied in order to comply with modern
standards for water quality (see paragraph 3.1).
The federal stimulus bill of 2009 provided a short-term increase in funding, because The American
Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) provided extra appropriations for the Clean Water SRF ($4
billion) and Drinking Water SRF ($2 billion).16
As described earlier several federal departments are involved in the American water technology sector.
Table 1 contains an overview of the most important programs that provide financial assistance to states
and local communities for investing in water and wastewater infrastructure.
Another source for funding and financing water technology projects is the private sector. According to my
interviews, the six largest private companies invest each year about $2 billion in the American water
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Department of Agriculture, Provides funding for water and wastewater infrastructure projects in communities
Rural Utilities Service, Water with populations less than 10,000 people.
and Waste Disposal Program
Department of Housing and Provides block grant funds to states for distribution to communities, and to
Urban Development, certain metropolitan areas; communities use funds for a broad range of
Community Development activities including water and wastewater infrastructure. According to
Block Grant department officials, about 10 percent of funding is used for this purpose.
Department of Commerce, Provides grants to small and disadvantaged communities to construct public
Economic Development facilities, including drinking water and wastewater facilities, to alleviate
Administration, Public unemployment.
Works and Economic
Development Program
US Army Corps of Engineers Provides assistance for water and wastewater infrastructure projects,
typically for specific locations as authorized by Congress.
Bureau of Reclamation Provides assistance for water supply projects through individual projects and
under its rural water supply program.
Indian Health Service Provides funding for water and wastewater infrastructure on tribal lands.
Department of the Administers provisions for tax-exempt bonds issued by local governments to
Treasury, Internal finance qualified projects.
Revenue Service
Financing water projects through public private partnerships with municipalities is becoming more
common in the American water technology sector. Although forming public private partnerships is still
difficult for municipalities (e.g., complicated structure, negotiations and overview), water projects can be
financed in this way with public and private capital. The Netherlands and Canada are fine examples in
this regard. In Canada, federal and provincial governments support municipalities by delivering advice
and professional services. As a result, public private partnerships in Canada have increased in recent
years, both in volume and in capital that has been transferred via transactions. In The Netherlands it is
obligatory to finance water projects through public private partnerships in order to receive approval. With
the top sector policy, governmental funding will only be received if public private partnerships are used to
finance water technology projects. In this way it is stimulated to form such partnerships. The Dutch water
technology sector has a lot of experience with public private partnerships.
One factor affecting the need for funding is the low tariff (water rate) in the United States. Clean, cheap
water has been considered a right by many in the US, resulting in water rates of less than a penny per
gallon drinking water (or 0,2 Euro cents per liter). However, after a decade of outpacing other utility rate
increases, water prices are receiving increased scrutiny from both consumers and state regulators.
US Government Accountability Office, Water Infrastructure, Approaches and Issues for Financing Drinking Water
and Wastewater Infrastructure, page 3,
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Since the price of delivering drinking water is largely driven by the capital costs of maintaining an aging
infrastructure, water bills have been rising and are expected to continue rising in the future. At the same
time, utilities are facing higher costs to treat and deliver water, with stricter EPA regulations and
increasing energy prices. For instance, the average monthly residential water and sewer bill in
Washington D.C. has increased by $36 in the last five years to an average of $78 per month (for using
5,004 gallons).18 Such significant increases in water rates are already causing concerns in many parts of
the country. As a result, regulatory agencies are expected to push utilities to improve efficiency and
reduce the amount of nonrevenue water, lost through leaks and water main breaks, with better asset
management (see paragraph 3.1).
This chapter provided an introduction into the water technology market in the United States. The water
industry in the US is growing rapidly, offering opportunities in different sectors (e.g., equipment,
(industrial) wastewater treatment). The Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Acts are the most
important federal policy programs coordinated by the EPA. They provide treatment and discharge
regulations, funding programs and a framework for operating and applying innovative water and
wastewater treatment technologies. Other federal agencies are involved in financial programs as well.
Presentation George Hawkins, General Manager DC Water, Water Innovation Alliance Foundations Water 2.0
Event, May 2013 (see
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The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
The goal of this chapter is to create insight in the comprehensive structure of the sector, focusing on the
type of relationships between the different stakeholders or actors in the American water technology
sector. In order to examine the type of relations, roles and interactions a techno-economic network
analysis has been made. This chapter will describe the results of this analysis and provide an overview of
the structure and important stakeholders in the water technology sector in the United States.
Figure 3: Techno-economic network for the US water technology sector, according to Callon.20
Callon et al. (1992).
Callon et al. (1992).
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The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
In the case of the water technology sector in the United States, the Science main group (S) represents
those actors that develop knowledge about water technologies (e.g., wastewater treatment techniques)
and water issues (e.g., behavior and effects of contaminants). The focus of this group is on new
innovative scientific and applied research. Universities and research institutes belong to this group.
The role of the Technology main group (T) is to establish water policy (e.g., discharge limits) on a federal,
state and local level (e.g., municipalities and cities) in order to maintain, develop and protect the water
quality of water sources in the United States. The Technology group is also responsible for establishing
and enforcing regulations and runs different programs to stimulate water and wastewater infrastructure
projects and research, financed by grants and loans. Organizations that are included in this group are the
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and environmental state agencies.
The Market main group’s (M) function is to implement water policy (e.g., federal and state) and
regulations and use the information from research so that water and wastewater treatment systems are in
compliance with the latest requirements for safety, technology practices and operations, effluent
discharge limits and others. The Market group includes public and private local water and wastewater
utilities, companies (e.g., contractors, equipment suppliers, engineering and consultancy firms) and the
customers or end-users.
The two-way relation between Science and Technology policy (S T) includes actors that translate and
implement scientific knowledge into water-related policy themes and regulations. They also set out
research projects to gain information that is needed from a policy perspective. In the American water
technology sector, the EPA Office of Research and Development fulfill this task by having several federal
water-related research programs. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Institute for Water
Resources (IWR) is conducting research (e.g., analysis of emerging water resources trends and issues)
to aid their Civil Works program.
The Market to Science (M S) relation includes actors that provide research from a market perspective,
driven by Market needs and demands. Scientific and applied research is conducted by organizations like
the WateReuse Research Foundation and the Water Environment Research Foundation.
The Science to Market (S M) relation includes actors that translate scientific results to market themes.
They are informing the Market group about the latest scientific insights, tools, issues and developments in
the field of water technology (e.g., drinking water, wastewater, storm water, reuse, desalination), by
education and communication. This group includes the American Water Works Association and the Water
Environment Federation and the WateReuse Association.
The Technology to Market (T M) group advocates for the interests of actors from the Technology
group towards the Market. In the case of the water technology sector in the United States, this
responsibility includes overseeing and monitoring grants programs and enforcing of policy regulations.
The EPA’s Office of Water and the state environmental agencies do this.
The Market to Technology (M T) group advocates for the interests of Market actors towards the
Technology group. Organizations like, the National Association for Water Companies, the National
Association for Clean Water Agencies, the Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association
and the National Rural Water Association are the examples of spokesmen of several Market actors. Also
organizations like the US Water Alliance, Alliance for Water Efficiency and Water Innovations Alliance are
advocating for polices, standards and programs in the field of water technology.
Techno-economic networks have certain properties. A network can be chained or incomplete, convergent
or dispersed and long or short. In case of the US water technology sector, the techno-economic is
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The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
chained, meaning that all different groups of actors in the network are represented. In the ideal situation,
every group within the network would have an equal amount of actors. In this techno-economic network
analysis the S T actors are underrepresented.
The network is starting to be more convergent, meaning that communication between the different actors
is increasing. Specific questions or problems are addressed by efforts of actors working together in the
network, for example participating in organizations like the US Water Alliance. Because the different
actors in the US water technology sector are collaborating and communicating, the techno-economic
network is a long network.
The most important federal agency within the American water technology sector is the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA is the authority to establish and enforce environmental
regulations. In the field of water technology, the Office of Water21 is the main part of the EPA in the United
States that is responsible for establishing and implementing water and wastewater-related advisories,
guidelines and regulations. Four departments conduct the activities, initiatives and programs of EPA’s
Office of Water:
Some of the states in the United States have received the authority from the EPA, for permitting,
monitoring and enforcement (paragraph 1.2). Through several grants and funding programs, the EPA
forms the main channel of federal funding to state and local water and wastewater systems (see
paragraph 1.3).23
The implementation and enforcement varies by state and is often divided among state and local water
and wastewater agencies. Also the names of responsible state agency vary (e.g., Virginia Department of
Global Water Market 2011, United States of America (USA), Volume I
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Environmental Quality (DEQ), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)). In some states
drinking water supply is overseen by the Department of Public Health.
Therefore the approximately 55,000 water and 20,000 wastewater agencies are responsible for
overseeing water supply, conservation, allocation, wastewater management, as well as the monitoring of
water quality and quantity. As a result the water technology governance is fragmented.24
2.3 Science
The Science main group within the American water technology sector is responsible for developing
knowledge and technologies feasible to address the challenges in the water industry. This group includes
universities and research foundations and institutes that perform scientific and applied research.
The EPA stimulates R&D through grants. The Office of Research & Development is the scientific research
arm of EPA and supports six integrated research programs that are established in cooperation with EPA
offices, partners and stakeholders (e.g., state agencies, industry, utilities).
One of the programs is the Safe and Sustainable Water Resources (SSWR) Research Program that was
created by integrating EPA’s Drinking Water and Water Quality research programs. The new SSWR
program has two major research themes that will provide innovative science and engineering solutions
needed in order to maintain and protect the drinking water sources and ecosystems:
1) Sustainable Water Resources focuses on protecting water quality and restoring water resources
and their designated uses (e.g., drinking water, aquatic life, recreation, industrial processes and
so forth).
2) Sustainable Water Infrastructure Systems focuses on water infrastructure management
approaches in order to optimize the use of water conservation, wastewater reuse, groundwater
recharge, green infrastructure, energy conservation and resource recovery.25. 26
- The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Institute for Water Resources (IWR);27
- The Water Research Foundation;
- The Universities Council on Water Resources;
- The National Institutes for Water Resources;
- The WateReuse Research Foundation;
- The Center of Advanced Materials for the Purification of Water with Systems.
Global Water Market 2011, United States of America (USA), Volume I, page158
EPA, Office of Research and Development. Safe and Sustainable Water Resources Action plan 2012-2016, June
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The Water Research Foundation is an organization that sponsors drinking water research and provide the
information to their subscribers (e.g., manufactures, water utilities, consultancy) in the US and abroad
(Europe, Canada). For the coming years the foundation has identified ten focus areas. These areas
include research projects related to issues like hexavalent chromium contamination, the water and energy
nexus, pharmaceutical products in drinking water and water system infrastructure. The Dutch KWR
Watercycle Research Institute has a bilateral partnership with the foundation and served as a contractor
for several research projects.28
The Universities Council on Water Resources (UOCWR) is an organization with member universities and
non-academic institutions that are leading and at the forefront of water resources related research. The
54 National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWR) are located in every state at top land-grant universities
and conduct water supply and resource research. Both organizations provide a useful overview of their
members and institutes who are busy with water quality and water technology related research in the
US.29 One example of a university on the list of UOCWR and NIWR is Virginia Tech. Within the university,
The Virginia Water Resources Research Center has an outstanding water resources program. The
Environmental and Water Resources Engineering department is conducting water and wastewater
treatment research and has three leading professors in drinking water technology. These three leading
professors in drinking water technology were named in a list of the leading professors received from the
American Water Works Association. Figure 4 shows the distribution of these leading drinking water
professors at different universities throughout the United States. Every dot in the map represents a
university with one or more professors. Based on this map it can be said that most of the leading
universities and professors in the field of drinking water are located in the northeastern part of the United
States. The information necessary to make the same figure of leading wastewater professors in the US
could not be collected within the timeframe of this internship.
The Center of Advanced Materials for the Purification of Water with Systems (WaterCAMPWS) is a
National Science Foundation (NSF) science and technology center. Such centers conduct innovative and
potentially transformative research. Ten universities (e.g., Yale University, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology) and seven partners at national laboratories and water institutions (e.g., NSF, The National
Risk Management Research Laboratory) in the US are working together in WaterCAMPWS. Research
efforts focus on developing advanced materials (e.g., membranes, disinfectants, and sorbents), material
treatments (e.g., coatings, particles) and chemical and biological processes.30
The WateReuse Foundation’s research covers water reuse, recycling, reclamation and desalination.
These themes include chemical contaminants, microbiological agents, treatment technologies, salinity
management, public perception, economics and marketing.31
28 en
29 en
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Figure 4: Distribution of leading drinking water professors at different universities in the United States.32
AWWA, June 2013.
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According to EPA’s Drinking Water Information Systems statistics from 2008, approximately 160,000
public drinking water systems are located across the United States. Of these, about 53,000 are
community water systems that collectively serve more than 295 million people in the US. The remaining
non-community systems (e.g., non-transient and transient) serve about 20 million people. About 80% of
the community systems are small or very small (e.g., serving 0-3,300 people).33
The United States has approximately 14,780 operational wastewater treatment facilities and 19,739
wastewater pipe systems as of 2008. These facilities are mostly publicly owned and serve about 220
million people. The majority are small wastewater treatment plants (e.g., 0 – 10,000 million gallons per
The National Rural Water Association (NRWA) represents rural and small water and wastewater
2.4.2 Customers
This actor represents end users of water in the American water technology market. Several definitions for
water customer sectors are used. Generally, a top-level category is used to identify water customers,
namely residential, commercial, institutional and industrial (CII sector).36
Residential customers include single family and multi-family houses in urban or rural areas, in
municipalities and counties. The average American uses more than 54,684 gallons per year (207 m3).
Commercial and institutional customers are grouped by the EPA, because the distinction between them
can be somewhat arbitrary. Commercial customers include water users that provide or distribute a
product or service, and institutional customers are water using establishments dedicated to public service.
Therefore, commercial and institutional (CI) customers are defined by the EPA as any user other than
residential accounts and those that can be clearly classified as industrial accounts. This definition
includes: restaurants, office buildings, commercial and retail centers, hospitals, laboratories, golf courses,
churches, utilities and infrastructure, food stores, hotels and motels and other subsectors.37
Following the CII sector definition, industrial water users are primarily manufactures or processors of
materials. This does not include agriculture, which officially is counted separately. Water is essential for
all industrial processes. Industrial water is used in different stages of the production process: fabrication,
processing, washing and cooling. Without water there will be no production. The largest industrial water
users in the US are the thermoelectric sector (e.g., energy production and cooling) and the manufacturing
EPA, Clean watersheds needs survey 2008 report to Congress, 2010, page I-4
Gleick, Peter, et. al. Waste Not, Want Not: The Potential for Urban Water Conservation in California . Pacific
Institute. November 2003.
EPA Watersense, Water efficiency in the Commercial and Institutional Sector: Consideration for a Watersense
Program, Page 3, August 2009
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sector. The manufacturing sector includes production of chemicals, paper, food, metal, wood and the
pharmaceutical industry. The water use in the gas and oil industry is rising because of developments in
shale gas production.
Table 2 describes the daily water withdrawals and consumption of water customers in the
abovementioned sectors (e.g., industry, commercial). In total 346 billion gallons per day (BGD) is
withdrawn; this water is returned to local water supplies and can be used again. The actual consumption
is 100 billion gallons per day; this water is removed from the hydrologic source and cannot be used again.
2.4.3 Companies
This group of stakeholders represents the private water industry. The group includes the largest American
private water and wastewater companies, as well as professional water service providers, equipment
suppliers, manufactures and consultancy and engineering firms.
The National Association of Water Companies (NAWC) represents the individual companies in the private
water industry. The members of the NAWC are privately owned and publicly traded (listed on stock
market) drinking water utilities, wastewater services companies and also professional water contracting
companies are all active and operating in the United States. They range from large companies owning,
operating or partnering with hundreds of utilities in multiple states to individual utilities. According to the
NAWC, the private water industry serves 15% of drinking and wastewater community directly and another
10% through existing partnerships with municipal and other public systems.
The Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association (WWEMA) represent the equipment
suppliers and manufactures.39 The large water and wastewater companies in the US provide services in
the field of drinking water (from surface or groundwater) and wastewater treatment for residential (e.g.,
civilians, municipalities), commercial (non-industrial companies), institutional and industrial customers.
Examples are American Water, Veolia Water North America, United Water, Aqua Company, TonkaWater,
Filtronics, Sensus, Blue Earth Labs, Aqua-Aerobic Systems, CH2M HILL and Global Water Technologies.
At the Aquatech in November 2013 multiple US companies will exhibit their products and services in the
RAI Amsterdam.40
Kris Mayes presentation delivered at Workshop on Energy-Water Nexus in Electric Power Production, the Atlantic
Council, May 17, 2011, slides 7 and 9.
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- WateReuse Association;
- National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA);
- Water Environmental Research Foundation (WERF);
- US Water Alliance;
- Alliance for Water Efficiency;
- Water Innovations Alliance (WIA);
- American Water Works Association (AWWA) (drinking water);
- Water Environment Federation (WEF) (water quality, wastewater).
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The United States is facing serious challenges (e.g., deteriorating infrastructure, emerging contaminants)
therefore technology innovation needs to be accelerated. In March 2013, the EPA presented the Blueprint
for Integrating Technology Innovation. The blueprint calls for national support of emerging technologies in
water and wastewater treatment, testing, and reuse. Also, collaboration between academic, industry and
government researchers need to be stimulated and made easier. In this blueprint several key market
opportunities to employ innovative technology are identified.41, 42
Bringing emerging technologies to the forefront of the water technology market is difficult. Small
innovative companies have a hard time to apply new technologies, because the regulatory authority
slowly accepts these new technologies. The process usually takes 10 years, because of the complex
system of federal, state and local requirements which complicates acceptance, adoption and use.
This chapter will briefly describe the most important trends in the water technology sector in the United
States. Relevant examples are given of techniques and projects in the eastern part of the US.
The definition for water and wastewater infrastructure in the United States includes all facilities and
installations needed for the development and management of the water resources. For instance supply,
treatment, provision and distribution of water to the end-users, as well as the collection, removal,
treatment and discharge of sewage and wastewater (e.g., water and wastewater treatment plants,
distribution pipelines, collection systems, tanks and other related equipment for transporting water and
In 2012, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) concluded that more than $1 trillion nationwide
is needed over the next 25 years in order to maintain and improve the drinking water infrastructure.45 The
EPA estimated that $384 billion in improvements (in pipelines, treatment plants, storage tanks and water
distribution systems) are needed for the drinking water infrastructure in the United States over the next 20
On the wastewater side, EPA reported in 2008 that more than $300 billion is needed to improve the
sewage collection and treatment infrastructure over the next 20 years in order to keep US surface waters
safe and clean.47
Capital spending has not kept pace with needs for water and wastewater infrastructure, in part due to
budget cuts in federal programs. It is estimated that the shift of financial burden to state and local
EPA Blueprint For Integrating Technology Innovation, March 2013,
The 2013 Strategic Directions in the US Water Industry Report, Black & Veatch June 2013
The American Society of Civil Engineers 2013 Report Card for America’s infrastructure
The American Water Works Association report Buried No Longer February 2012
EPA report Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assessment April 2013
EPA Clean Watersheds Needs Survey 2008 Report to Congress
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governments’ will continue, assuming the bulk of the investment requirements in the coming decades will
continue to rise, with local governments’ paying an increasing share of the costs.
In addition, the condition of many miles of pipelines is unknown, with some pipes dating back to the Civil
War era. Main breaks are becoming more common (240,000 water main breaks per year in the US)
According to the ASCE seven billion gallons of treated drinking water are lost due to leaks in drinking
water pipeline. This volume represents 15% of the US total daily drinking water production. Because of
these problems, non-revenue water problems have become an important issue in the American water
industry as well.
There is a huge need for system rehabilitation in the US by repairing, renewing and replacing distribution
and transmission systems, treatment plants and storage and source intake facilities (e.g., reservoirs,
wells). ASCE’s Report Card conclusion states: “America’s drinking water systems are aging and must be
upgraded or expanded to meet increasing federal and state environmental requirements that add to the
funding crisis. Not meeting the investment needs of the next 20 years risks reversing the environmental,
public health, and economic gains of the last three decades”.
One symptom of the problem of aging pipes is represented by combined sewer overflows (CSOs). CSOs
contain not only storm water but also untreated human and industrial waste, toxic materials, and debris
when heavy rainfall produces a volume of water that exceeds the capacity of a combined sewer (see
paragraph 3.4). CSOs affect more than 700 American cities and towns and represent a major challenge
to the implementation of the Clean Water Act, which regulates sewage treatment.
The conclusion of the ASCE’s Report Card is: “Wastewater systems will incur growing costs over the next
20 years as they expand capacity to serve current and future growth. Other costs will result from stricter
permitting standards, nutrient removal requirements, technology updates, and new process methods,
among others. Beyond budget and financing options, the nation needs to consider multiple solutions to
the wastewater infrastructure quandary.”
According to Black & Veatch, more than 90 percent of the American utilities are planning to have formal
asset management programs in place or in progress by 2016. By using such structural condition
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After investigating infrastructure assets and conducting water and sewer system evaluation surveys,
rehabilitation programs are the next step for utilities to improve their infrastructure. The Washington
Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) is the water and wastewater utility in Prince George’s and
Montgomery County in Maryland (counties surrounding Washington D.C.). The utility is working on their
sewer repair, replacement and rehabilitation program since 2005. In order to reduce the amount of
sanitary sewer overflows, which are unintentional discharges of raw sewage, WSSC is planning to invest
$1.6 billion. To improve the quality and conditions of main sewer pipes, manholes and laterals, pipe lining,
grouting, armoring pipe bursting, relocation and replacement techniques are used.49
Resiliency of the existing (aging) water and wastewater infrastructure has become an important issue
after Super Storm Sandy hit parts of the East Coast in 2012. This extreme weather event showed how
vulnerable the water and wastewater infrastructure is in the United States. In order to achieve greater
resiliency, all of the American states except Louisiana and two Canadian provinces (Ontario, Alberta)
have signed a Mutual Aid Agreement (MAA) in order to participate in WARN, the Water and Wastewater
Agency Response Network. The voluntary members of this network (e.g., local water and wastewater
agencies) offer each other the necessary help (e.g., equipment, trained professionals) to be able to
manage disasters without federal or state aid for at least 24 to 72 hours. WARN has been successfully
used between the affected states (NY, PA, NJ, MA) during Super Storm Sandy.50
The City of New York is making efforts to increase the flood resistance of drinking water and wastewater
infrastructure. First an assessment has been conducted to identify which wastewater infrastructures are at
risk for sea level rise or severe storms. Next an action plan was developed that includes several
adaptation strategies, advising that water and wastewater infrastructure should be built in such a way to
be able to cope with a once in a hundred year storm plus 30 inches of sea level rise.51
New and more cost effective assessments (e.g., leak detection, prediction models of condition systems,
asset management models) and rehabilitation techniques are needed. Increased emphasis should be
placed on green infrastructure for storm water management and decentralized approaches (e.g.,
downsizing to small piping systems) that can reduce pumping and treatments costs.
It is estimated that nationally approximately 2.5 billion of gallons per day of treated wastewater is reused
in the U.S and the reuse volume is growing with an estimated 15% per year. 90% of the volume of reused
Presentation Rudolph Chow, Joint Spring Meeting CSAWWA & CWEA, May 2013
Presentation Mark Behe, Joint Spring Meeting CSAWWA & CWEA, May 2013
Presentation Terry Biederman, Water Innovation Alliance Water 2.0 Event, May 2013
Presentation Pinar Balci, ACCO 2013 Rising Seas Summit, June 2013
EPA 2012 Guidelines for Water Reuse, September 2012
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water takes places in four states: California, Florida, Arizona and Texas.53 In the Water Stress Index as
defined by Pfister in 2009, these states have the highest scores on a scale from 0 till 1 (e.g., Arizona
0.998), meaning that the water withdrawals are relatively high in comparison with the hydrological
availability of water and while taking into account the variability in precipitation, causing water stress and
Agricultural irrigation is responsible for the largest amount of water reuse in the US. With a growing
abundance of reclaimed wastewater, reused water is becoming a reliable alternative water source. The
trend in areas where the groundwater table is dropping is the recharge of aquifers, for example in states
like Florida and California. In such ground water recharge projects, recycled water is spread or injected
into ground water aquifers. In this way ground water supplies can be replenished and fresh water barriers
against salt intrusion are established. The state of Florida is very supportive of water reuse, evidenced by
incentives and regulations (
Industrial reuse continues to gather momentum and onsite water reuse is becoming one of the most
adaptable approaches by industries. Driven by the need to secure their water resources for industrial
processes, water intensive industries (e.g., computer chip and car parts manufactures) are moving their
facilities to areas where water is not a scarce liquid.
My interviews also show that “sewer mining” is the latest trend in industrial water reuse. This practice is
different from wastewater or sewage mining. During sewer mining, satellite or decentralized wastewater
treatments plants tap water from a sewer collection system and treat the water on-site to the necessary
water quality for local reuse and recycling applications (e.g., industrial process, cooling, irrigation). The
process residuals are returned to the collection system and treated at centralized treatment facilities.
Sewer mining as a water reuse technique is beneficial in several ways, because it enhances collection
system capacity, thereby avoiding sanitary overflows and increases capacity of the drinking water supply
by using less tap water.
Most and best used techniques for sewer mining are decentralized membrane systems. After conducting
research American Water concluded that membrane bioreactors (MBR) in combination with ultraviolet
disinfection, produces the best water quality in order to be used as reclaimed water. The fact that MBR is
becoming more popular in wastewater treatment is acknowledged by the interviews. MBR application
research conducted for American Water showed a reduction of 40 percent in energy intensity and
improvement of effluent quality for nitrogen and phosphorus removal.56
Presentation Guy Carpenter, Reclaimed Water Trends Nationally and Internationally, February 2010
See Water Stress Index as shown in the USA map on
Asano, et al., Water Reuse: Issues, Technologies, and Applications, 2006
Innovation & Environmental Stewardship: Review of Significant Water Industry Trends, report American Water
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Reuse of water can enhance energy conservation (e.g., reduced pumping requirements) and water
quality management (e.g., stream flow augmentation, nutrient management). Mid-Atlantic water reuse
projects in Virginia and Maryland include the Upper Occoquan Service Authority that uses physical-
chemical advanced treatment to discharge 42 million gallons per day (MGD) into Lake Occoquan for
indirect potable uses. Other projects are related to landscape irrigation and the cooling of data centers.
New data centers will be opened in the Mid-Atlantic region that will need a lot of water for cooling.
In the State of Colorado, the Denver Water Recycling Plant improves the water quality of treated
wastewater from the Metro Wastewater treatment facility, so that water can be reused for Xcel Energy’s
cooling towers and for the irrigation of parks, golf courses, schools and the zoo. Technologies like
biological aerated filter, flocculation, sedimentation and filter beds of anthracite are used to treat the water
for reuse.
There are significant needs for technologies and approaches that foster substantially greater water reuse,
or sewer mining, which in turn can reduce pollution and conserve energy. Utilities, municipalities and the
industrial sector are seeking ways to implement environmentally friendly en economically feasible
solutions to reserve water resources and meet demand.
3.3 Desalination
Although the US is the second largest desalination market in the world after Saudi Arabia, desalination is
not widely used at a large scale in the US. However, desalination is gaining more attention, particularly in
the arid coastal regions in the US where production and disposal is more feasible.57
Desalination can be described as the process of purifying salt or brackish water into fresh water. There
are different technologies to remove dissolved salts from water employed worldwide, like thermal
technology (e.g., distillation) and membrane technology (e.g., reverse osmosis). Challenges include brine
disposal, pretreatment optimization, energy conservation and overall productivity of membrane systems.
In the US the majority of the plants use membrane technology which is used both to convert seawater
into drinking water and for treating brackish groundwater. The majority of US desalination plants treat
brackish water, boiler feed water or process water and most of them (80%) are located in states with
water scarcity like California, Texas and Florida.58
According to my interviews, membrane technologies are used in the eastern part of the US to desalinate
brackish water, mostly driven by a shortage in water or groundwater threatened by salt intrusion.
In the Orange County Water District, CA, a large UV-oxidation facility was built to have a groundwater
replenishment system that indirectly reuse potable water (IPR) by injecting the treated water into local
aquifers in order to prevent salt water intrusion. This plant uses microfiltration (MF), reverse osmosis (RO)
Global Water Intelligence 2010, Volume 1, United States
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and an ultraviolet (UV) oxidation/disinfection system.59 In this way a new water supply and a fresh water
barrier for the salt water is achieved.
- Forward osmosis (e.g., increasing flux to make surface of membranes more efficient);
- Selective membrane technologies;
- Nanotechnologies.
An interesting new innovative product in the field of membranes feasible for desalination is Perforene™
material, which is developed by Lockheed Martin. This molecular filtration solution is based on the
Perforene membrane that features holes of one nanometer or less in a graphene sheet. In this way the
flow-through of water is improved making it more cost-effective than current reverse osmosis systems.
This membrane can be adjusted in order to filter other specific size particles of interest.60
Another interesting innovative technique is the Okeanos WaterChip™. Although this product is still under
development (up scaling fase) this Waterchip uses a micro-electrochemical process with radical energy
efficiency to desalinate millions of liters at a time. It has the potential to produce desalinated water at
lower energy consumption rates than reverse osmosis for low flow rates.61
The uncertainty how environmental impacts are addressed in the permitting processes is a barrier for
implementing desalination technology in the US. As does the long period of time it takes to implement
new technology.62
Also, the EPA and the US Justice Department have made eliminating combined sewer overflows (CSOs)
a national priority. During periods of significant rainfall, the capacity of a combined sewer may be
exceeded. Release of this excess flow is necessary to prevent flooding in homes, basements,
businesses, and streets. But it is bad for the water quality of those rivers and streams. CSOs affect more
than 700 American cities and towns and represent a major challenge to the implementation of the Clean
Water Act.
Since 2007, these agencies have signed consent decrees under the Clean Water Act requiring cities
operating publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) to invest more than $15 billion in new pipes, plants,
and equipment to eliminate CSOs. Some cities, however, are employing nonstructural solutions to
address the problem of CSOs at lower overall cost and with good results for the environment.
WateReuse Research Foundation
63 first two news highlights
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Another threat for surface and groundwater quality is the discharge of 850 billion gallons of untreated
sewage each year into surface waters, because of aging wastewater management systems. Also yearly
10 billion gallons of raw sewage is released as a result of sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). These are
occasional unintentional discharges of raw sewage from municipal sanitary sewers due to blockages, line
breaks or sewer defects that allow storm water and groundwater to overload the system. The EPA
estimates that there are at least 23,000 to 75,000 SSOs per year.
There is a need for technologies that address nonpoint sources of pollution. There is a demand for storm
water control mechanisms and green infrastructure (e.g., recharge basins, rapid infiltration beds). On the
West Coast, the City of Portland, Oregon, is one of the cities who are at the forefront of storm water
management.65 In the eastern part of the US, the Chesapeake Bay cleanup program is a huge driver for
implementing green infrastructure, storm water management tools and new innovative technologies for
reducing total maximum dailylLoads (TMDLs) from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). States in the
Chesapeake Bay watershed are also working on a new agreement between the states to reduce TMDL
by October 2013. In order to reduce CSOs with 98%, DC Water is conducting the Clean Rivers Project,
building massive underground tunnels in the coming years, which will store combined sewage during
heavy rainfall. After the storm subsides, the diluted sewage water in the storage tunnels will be released
to the Blue Plains advance wastewater treatment plant (AWTP). See for more information the
Chesapeake Bay Program.66
As part of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative in the Midwest region, the EPA offers new grants for
green infrastructure projects (e.g., constructed wetlands, green roofs) in shoreline cities for the year 2013.
From 2010 until 2012, almost 1 billion USD was provided by the taskforce which includes eleven federal
agencies.67, 68
In the State of Pennsylvania, the City of Lancaster and the City of Philadelphia are working intensely to
implement green infrastructure (e.g., green roofs, rain gardens, infiltration and bioretenion system) to
capture and retain storm water. The City of New York also has plans to do so.69
One example of a successful implementation of an innovative technology for phosphorous and nitrogen
recovery in the eastern part of the United States, is the Struvite Recovery Facility of the Hampton Roads
Sanitation District (HRSD) in the state of Virginia70. After recovering the nutrients from the wastewater
recycle stream, including nitrogen and phosphorous, they are transformed into an environmentally friendly
and commercially available fertilizer. This is done by using the Ostara’s Pearl Nutrient Recovery
Process71, which produces Crystal Green fertilizer. This nutrient recovery facility was officially started in
Presentation Pinar Balci, ACCO 2013 Rising Seas Summit, June 2013
Ostara’s Pearl process (
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May 2010 and won the Innovation Award from The National Council of Public-Private Partnerships
In December 2010 the Water Environment Research Foundation published the report Nutrient Recovery
State of the Knowledge. This report stated that, besides nutrient recovery, “wastewater mining” also
includes the recovery of various metals (from wastewater biosolids) and other useful materials, such as
thermoplastics, ammonia, hydrogen and so forth. In this way wastewater becomes a renewable source.73
Furthermore, the EPA is considering setting more-stringent effluent limits for nutrients in waters treated at
wastewater treatment facilities. Therefore, advanced technologies for nutrient removal and recovery are
needed in the US. However, many wastewater treatment plants in the US only apply secondary treatment
(e.g., activated sludge and secondary sedimentation tanks) in order to remove organic materials. DC
Water is upgrading and expanding the nitrification and denitrification system in order to apply enhanced
nutrient removal to reach the goal of 4 milligram of nitrogen per liter. Therefore, DC Water is researching
the possibilities for mainstream deammonification with annamox bacteria.74
3.6 Disinfection
Worldwide the need for disinfection of water and wastewater treatment processes is increasing, driven by
industrialization, urbanization and more stringent legislation. New analysis from Frost & Sullivan Global
Water and Wastewater Disinfection Systems Market, finds that the market earned revenues of $1.94
billion in 2012 and estimates this to reach $2.96 billion in 2019.75
In the US many utilities are considering changes in treatment process to avoid noncompliance with new
disinfection byproduct (DBP) rules. The stage II of DBP regulations therefore is an important driver for
technological changes. Choices in drinking water purification system are mainly based on safety and
health arguments.76
According to my interviews, a transition is visible in disinfection methods in the American drinking water
sector; from only chlorine disinfection to upcoming ultraviolet radiation systems in combination with
chloramines. Also advanced oxidation, ozonation, electro-chlorination, biological filtration and other
disinfection methods are becoming more popular in the US. Up till now disinfection has always been
combined with chloramines or chlorine.
So far, UV and advanced oxidation (e.g., AOP) are not applied widely throughout the US. UV and
advanced oxidation can be used as disinfection method or as a polishing step, removing
pharmaceuticals, pathogens, nitrosamines, industrial chemicals and other contaminants. These
technologies are often used for direct potable reuse of wastewater, to remove specific compounds from
groundwater and for controlling bad taste, odor and color issues in drinking water.
72 ).
WERF, Nutrient Recovery State of the Knowledge, December 2010
Opflow article, Disinfection, source water quality drives treatment selection, Steve Hubbs, April 2013
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policy requirements on water quality and conservations in a more transparent way. Customers can use
available information and tools to make informed choices about their behaviors and water use patterns.77
Based on my interviews and events, smart water networks are growing in the US. Five drivers in the
water sectors for implementing smart water networks can be identified:
- Smart Cities;
- Net Zero Water;
- Aging, failing and insufficient, inefficient infrastructure;
- Water, energy and food security;
- Climate volatility;78
- Measurement and sensing devices (e.g., smart water meters, electromagnetic and acoustic
- Real-time communication channels for gathering data from sensing devices and instructing
devices with actions like remote shutoff;
- Basic data management software for processing data and visualization with GIS, spreadsheets or
graphs (e.g., work order management and customer information systems);
- Real-time data analytics and modeling software for real-time monitoring and analyzing responses,
changes to better understand potential impacts;
- Automation and control tools for conducting network management task remotely and
automatically (e.g., SCADA systems integrating with smart water network).78
One consequence of the aging infrastructure is non-revenue water. This water has been treated in water
treatment plants and is pumped into the distribution system, but is lost due to leaks in the aging
distribution system, therefore it never reaches customers. This loss forms a key challenge in the water
industry in the US, as the national average for non-revenue water is 20 percent. Improving system
metering, data integrity, leak monitoring and control will improve system performance and reduce costs
(e.g., costs for treating and pumping water). These efforts will also conserve precious water supplies.
The main challenge of a digital utility is how to cope with a flow of data and water. Engineering and
consultancy firms are helping water utilities to implement and to develop software for analyzing and
making data more understandable and visible. Companies like Innovyze, Sensus, GE Water and Power
IBM, Neptune and CH2M HILL offer utilities management solutions, meters, modeling software and other
technologies to help implement the available technologies in order to create smart water networks.
By making water systems smarter, utilities will be able to understand their buried assets, optimize their
performance and life span, making them more proactive instead of reactive. Efforts are made to
implement smart water networks in the water industry.
A case study in this regard is DC Water, which in collaboration with IBM, has implemented software to
help gaining greater visibility into its assets, improving their asset’s reliability and lifespan. By using
advanced spatial analytics that deliver real-time information DC Water is better able to predict potential
problems and occurrences based on location, time, weather and historical events.79
Water 20/20: Bringing Smart Water Networks Into Focus, Report, Sensus, December 2012
Presentation Paul Boulos, CEO Innovyze, Water 2.0, Water Innovation Alliance, May 2013
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Water reuse, climate change and the water & energy nexus are closely related. First of all reuse of water
is needed in order to have enough water resources in the coming years. Climate change will affect the
appropriation of water (water resources) and water quality, because of a greater occurrence rate of
extreme events such as severe droughts or flooding events. By using less water through higher
efficiency, less leakages and so forth, energy can be saved for the production of water, which saves
energy and reduces CO2 emissions. Energy conservation and recovery technologies are needed to
reduce energy consumption and treatment costs. The conservation of water is also an effective and
environmentally friendly way to reduce demand for water and conserve energy (e.g., less energy need for
treatment and supply).
Turning water and wastewater facilities into net zero energy consumers or net producers of energy is the
latest trend in the American water technology market. By installing renewable energy technologies (e.g.,
geothermal energy, geo-exchange, and sewer heat-recovery systems), heat is captured from wastewater
and then reused to help heating other buildings or complexes. Another ways to become a net zero energy
consuming wastewater facility is by producing energy by anaerobic digestion of sludge and other organic
materials. If a plant meets certain standards it can be classified as a class A, B or C type of product. For
example, The Blue Plains WWTP in D.C. will be using thermal hydrolysis and anaerobic digesters in
2014. When completed, it will be the largest thermal hydrolysis plant in the world. The process "pressure-
cooks" the solids left over after wastewater treatment to produce combined heat and power-generating 13
MW of electricity, cutting power consumption by a third. These vessels can also ingest scraps, fats and
grease to generate power. Besides producing energy this process will also create a Class A biosolid
product from sludge that can be sold for filling up golf courses or as a substitute for fertilizer.83
Innovation & Environmental Stewardship: Review of Significant Water Industry Trends, report American Water
82 Atlantic Council report, October 2012
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Because of the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996, the EPA is also implementing new or
stricter drinking water limits on numerous contaminants, including arsenic, radioactive contaminants, and
microbial and disinfection by products. Hexavalent Chromium is getting a lot attention in US, it is the most
toxic form (cancer causing). There are regulations for total byproducts but not for specific hexavalent
The findings from new research will be used to set up regulations on how to deal with those substances in
the different types of water, so that treatment requirements can be established in the future. The EPA is
requiring water utilities to sample for about 20 new emerging contaminants in 2013. The contaminant
candidate list (CCL) identifies priority contaminants for regulatory decision-making and information
collection. CCL 3 is a list of contaminants that are currently not subject to any proposed or promulgated
national primary drinking water regulations, that are known or anticipated to occur in public water
systems, and which may require regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). CCL 3 includes
104 chemical or chemical groups and 12 microbiological contaminants that are known or anticipated to
occur in public water systems.85
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In recent years water companies, universities and other organizations have established multiple clusters
in the field of water technology in the US. Besides established clusters, water technology initiatives are
started in other regions and cities including in Canada. These clusters offer opportunities for scientific
research collaborations, commercialize technologies and research and development partnerships.
The definition of a cluster is: “a geographic concentration of interconnected firms (business suppliers,
service providers) and supporting institutions (government, investors, universities etc.) that work together
in an organized matter to promote economic growth and technological innovation”. The EPA is involved
by initiating clusters and initiatives and is busy identifying emerging groups. The presentation of Sally
Gutierrez showed a map of ten water clusters in the United States. Most of them are very recently
initiated and established (0 - 3 years). Wastewater treatment, industrial water treatment and water use
management are the most important technological areas of the clusters.
Besides these ten recently established clusters, other water technology initiatives were identified with
information from my interviews, visits to events and the Dutch government (e.g., consulates Chicago,
Toronto). In this way, eight other water technology initiatives were identified. Based on the collected
information figure 5 was composed. The figure shows ten recent established water clusters as presented
by the EPA (green dots with black capital letters) and eight other water technology initiatives (orange dots
with black numbers). Notable to mention is the fact that half of the clusters are located in the northeastern
part of the US.
In the following paragraphs the ten clusters in the eastern states of the United States will be examined
into further detail. Due to the scope of this research the following clusters are not described in further
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CWTIC is an organized network nonprofit organization of public and private companies (small or large)
and supporting governments (local government, economic development agencies, universities, investors
and others) that work together to promote economic growth and technological innovation. They intended
to have intellectual development first. The Board Members represent all the organizations from across the
geographic Ohio River Valley Region that collaborates together within CWTIC. Examples of official
partners of CWTIC are:
The EPA serves as an ex-officio member of the Confluence’s board, offering technical expertise and
advice when solicited. EPA Cincinnati is also supporting CWTIC with their regional water research,
development and deployment laboratory and multiple state of the art research facilities (e.g., AWBERC)
in Ohio.86, 87
EPA Cincinnati researchers are seeking collaborations with external scientist and engineers to find
solutions for wastewater, storm water, drinking water, water reuse and watershed management
86 (visited on 06/20/2013)
Presentation Evelyn Hartzell, Cincinnati EPA Water Cluster Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator, May 2013
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The Board Members of this nonprofit organization consists of leaders representing the full cycle of water
(business, academia, government, NGOs, environmental and investment groups). Currently the
Milwaukee Water Council has 120 dues-paying members (also nonprofit organizations) that include:
The City of Milwaukee wants to create an environment for companies developing new water technologies
by leveraging its water facilities for testing and piloting. For example, the Milwaukee Metropolitan
Sewerage District (MMSD) provides on-the-ground testing support for new technologies in their treatment
facilities. Veolia Water and Veolia Innovation Accelerator (VIA) are promoting the development and
deployment of leading clean technologies in partnership with start-up companies. So far, data indicate
that there has been an $80 million investment in buildings and infrastructure from a variety of sources.
In March 2013, the Milwaukee Water Council and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp.
announced The Global Freshwater Seed Accelerator (GFSA) that will focus on startups that address
global challenges in freshwater. Six of the world’s best early stage water technology startups will
participate in the 6-month state-subsidized accelerator program for entrepreneurs. This program will be
accommodated in the new Global Water Center. The center will also house water-related research
facilities for universities, established water-related companies, start-up companies The Milwaukee Water
Council wants to serve as a hub for water R&D activities. They have $83.5 million in public and private
money budgeted over the next years to support water-related businesses and research. 92, 93, 94, 95
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The goal of Nortech is to revitalize the region’s economy, in emerging industries. Therefore, research is
conducted to determine which assets (companies, universities, innovative capacity) the Cleveland region
possess in emerging industries in relationship to the global demand. The strengths of the water
technology sector in northeast Ohio are automation and controls, sorbents and water infrastructure
corrosion protection.96 Two examples of innovative companies within this cluster are ABS Materials and
MAR Systems.97 Their different versions of sorbents (OsorbTM, SorbsterTM) are capable of capturing
different kinds of contaminants (e.g., oil, pesticides, metals and pharmaceutical products).98
In 2014 several accelerator water technology projects are planned to be started. These projects will
speed up the commercialization process of certain technologies in order to start to generate revenue. The
topics/technologies of the projects are not selected yet; however Nortech offers a large engagement
program in order to help companies get faster to the market. Most important elements of this program are:
- Forming project team that supports the company (e.g., personal mentor, improving weaknesses);
- Help finding possibilities for financing and funding (e.g., risk capital network, looking for industry
specific funds, non-dilutive funding);
- Find anchor clients and attach the companies or startups to credible customers (e.g., extra
access to resources and support).
The Alliance for Water Future works together with NorTech in order to stimulate growth of innovative
industrial water technologies.99 The Alliance for Water Future is a cross-sector alliance in the Cleveland
region, a neutral information provider. The foci of the Alliance are on public education and outreach,
economic development, research and public policy. The partners include Nortech and MAR Systems, but
also the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District.100 Together the partners are working on solving region’s
water challenges, spurring innovative solutions for freshwater issues.
Storm water management is a major issue. Residents do not want to pay an extra fee that businesses
already are paying. Green infrastructure implementation is potential solution. The City of Cleveland has a
Sustainable Initiative which runs to 2019. Within this initiative the focus is also on water, with a Water
Sustainability Council and 2015 as a celebration year of Clean Water.101 The City of Cleveland wants to
become a green and sustainable city, and in the field of water quality a lot of challenges have to be
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water-related industry cluster in the greater Pittsburgh region and to become a water innovation hub in
the United States.
The objective of WEN is to support regional water stakeholders to access new business opportunities,
encourage new company formation through innovative technology development and deployment, and
attract both national and international water-related industry.102
- Major storm water overflows and capacity issues in cost effective ways;
- Maintaining water accessibility and quality in an aging infrastructure system;
- Creating the capacity to make smart water system more effectively to address maintenance,
operation and investment challenges;
- Ensuring safe drinking and watershed protection while meeting the critical need to tap new
sources of energy.103
Within the focus areas (e.g., water reuse and treatment, green and storm water infrastructure), projects
are undertaken that can demonstrate innovative and sustainable solution to major regional water
challenges. In 2012 eight projects were identified as potential projects for regional water innovation
consortia.104 Membrane filtration systems and UV treatments represent two areas of innovation in the
Greater Pittsburgh region. Also, carbon nanotubes are being explored in desalination and other
applications by Bayer MaterialScience, LLG in cooperation with the Pennsylvania NanoMaterials
Commercialization Center.105
In Michigan there are approximately 400 companies active in the water sector.106 Also, six water-related
research centers and several universities with water and environmental programs are there. In 2008
Michigan signed a MOU with Israel and developed a strategic alliance with NewTech, Israel’s Water
Technologies Initiative.
By the end of 2009 the creation of a center of excellence with focus on municipal end-users was planned.
In the period 2009-2010 multiple pilot and full-scale projects were started with Israeli and Michigan
companies (e.g., Emefcy107). Also a legislative plan was developed to stimulate the innovative water
technologies market in Michigan.108
Michigan is currently facing different water quality challenges in the Great Lakes. For instance,
phosphorous is a growing concern for all the Great Lakes and inland lakes. It is causing algal mats, toxic
algae, dead zones and other detrimental response in the lakes. Regulated point sources of phosphorous
(e.g., wastewater treatment, urban storm water loading) have shown reductions of phosphorous loadings.
For example, the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department’s (DWSD) phosphorous discharge limit is now
Presentation Gil Pezza, Water Technologies Initiative MEDC, May 2009
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1.0 mg/L under normal dry-weather conditions. In the next NPDES permit of DWSD, tighter standards for
the discharge of phosphorous will be included (goal is 0.5 mg/L).109 However, for controlling unregulated
non-point sources of phosphorous in the Great Lakes region (e.g., agricultural runoff), low-cost non-
intrusive technologies are needed.
Another large issue in Michigan is sediment remediation and disposal. A vast amount of sediment is
causing navigation, flooding, concerns, and environmental impairment. Because disposal options are
limited in Michigan, sediment remediation is costly and the progress is slow. Therefore, there is a need for
cost effective and environmentally friendly means of sediment remediation, reuse and disposal
techniques for the surface waters.
Testing of E. coli cultures forms another challenge in Michigan and the Great Lakes region. E. coli
measurements are the primary way of measuring sewage contamination in natural water sources and
drinking water. However, detecting excrement from warm blooded animals (e.g., cattle, birds, squirrels,
dogs and so forth) through testing E. coli cultures requires several hours and is not useful for most
applications. A replacement for the E. coli test for quickly measuring human sewage as well as other
feces would be welcomed by the industry.110
So far the water industry in Massachusetts is not widely known yet as an organized water technology
cluster. The water industry in Massachusetts has published the Massachusetts Water Industry Market
Map.111. Companies in MA include innovative multiple (more than 30) water start-ups (e.g., Oasys Water,
Cambrian Innovation) product firms (e.g., Siemens, GE) and engineering firms (e.g., AECOM, CDM
Smith). Examples of research and education are the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tufts, MREC
and Boston University.
Areas of innovation covered by the water industry in MA are UV water treatment, forward osmosis,
nutrient recovery, engineered membranes and nanoporous membranes. Water businesses in MA bring in
over $4 billion in annual revenues. MA also signed a MoU with Israel.112, 113, 114
On June 19 2013 the Symposium on Water Innovation in Massachusetts was organized. During this
symposium 160+ industry leaders of business, academia and governmental organizations from
Massachusetts gathered to showcase cutting edge water technology and discuss how to make
Massachusetts the hub for water innovation in the United States.115 One of the proposals was to develop
NEWin, New England Water Innovation Network. This should become a network of resources to test,
pilot, and demonstrate new water technologies in order to attract companies and researchers to work and
build businesses in MA, advance new technologies to local water issues and connect innovators to
industry. NEWin’s goal is to reduce or shorten the time and capital needed to come to commercial water
Gil Pezza, Water Technologies Initiative MEDC, via consul Chicago June 2013
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technology product. It will connect firms with laboratories and operating facilities, such as the state’s Deer
Island Sewage treatment plant, to more quickly prove and commercialize new technologies 116,117
The development of this initiative is mainly driven by the aging water infrastructure problems in the US. In
Indiana routinely more than 20 percent of drinking water is lost through an aging network of leaking
underground pipes, most of them installed in the early to mid-1900s. Moreover, the water landscape is
fragmented, with hundreds of drinking water systems across Indiana. The systems lack smart water grid
technology to monitor conditions and identify problems.
The living laboratory concept has been developed in partnership with several local companies (e.g.,
Peerless Pumps, a Grundfos company) and Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI),
in order to deploy, test and refine new solutions in real-conditions. In that way smart water grid
technologies can be created with better measurement, more efficient delivery and greater customer
education on water use and conservation. An area north of IUPUI has been selected to become the
Riverside Watershed Environmental Living Lab for Sustainability (RWELLS). In July 2013 three
complementary smart technologies will be deployed and tested in RWELLS, for example the European
patented sensors and software that measure pressure, flow and acoustic reading of the pipelines (WLM-
SYSTEM119) will have their first US deployment in RWELLS.
Presentation NEWin, 2013 the Symposium on Water Innovation,
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Indiana overlaps two leading water technology clusters: Confluence (partner) and the Milwaukee Water
Council. With this living laboratory concept Indiana aims to attract more businesses, water technology
innovators, researchers, funding and public-private partnerships. The State of Indiana signed a MoU with
Kentucky, Ohio to develop shared protocols for approval of new water technologies..120,121
In 2012 the Philadelphia Water Department published her 25-year plan, “Green City, Clean Waters”, that
committed the city to deploy the most comprehensive urban network of green infrastructure in the United
States. More than 34 percent of the combined sewer area’s (nearly 10,000 acres) will be improved to
manage runoff on-site, relying mostly on green infrastructure for CSO reductions ($1.67 billion).
Investments ($345 million) will be made for expanding sewage treatment plant capacity and increasing
the transmission capacity of the combined sewer system. Another $420 million is budgeted to be spent on
combinations of additional green and gray infrastructure improvements.124,125 The City wants to become
the “greenest city in the United States”.126 The EPA and the City of Philadelphia are currently discussing
the creation of an innovative partnership to advance green storm water infrastructure for urban wet
weather pollution control.
Philadelphia is also the first city in the US with a commercial scale geothermal system that provides
building heat using domestic wastewater. This wastewater geothermal energy efficiency technology
saves up to 60% in heating and cooling costs. The system combines a water source heat pump with a
patented filtration device to transfer heat energy directly from sewage, using wastewater heat which is
directly assessed from the adjacent sewage infrastructure. The City of Philadelphia wants to become a
leader in resource recovery.127
Philadelphia has academic research centers that are important for the regional water technology sector.
For instance, the Water and Environmental Technology (WET) Center at the Temple University is
dedicated to research new cost-effective treatment technologies and optimization of existing operations at
water and wastewater treatment plant. Recently, the Water Technology Innovation Ecosystem (Water-
TIE) was established under direction of WET. The goal of WATER-Tie is to facility the identification,
development and commercialization of innovative water treatment technologies that are relevant to the
needs of industry and the environment.128
Global Water Technologies presentation, Erik Hromadka, Water 2.0 Event, May 15th 2013.
124 page 71-75.
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Water and wastewater infrastructure development in Florida receives attention from local, state and
federal authorities. Recently, a consent decree between the EPA, the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection and the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) was signed. In the
coming 15 years, $1.6 billion will be invested by WASD, the largest water and sewer utility in the
southeastern US, to make improvements in the wastewater collection (e.g., sewers, pump stations) and
the treatment (e.g., wastewater treatment facilities) system. These improvements are necessary because
of the aging water and wastewater infrastructure that is causing leaks of treated drinking water and spills
of raw waste into local waterways and the ambient environment.129 Miami Beach is experiencing
problems with aging infrastructure and is developing a storm water master plan to cope with events that
occur once every 20, 50 or 100 years.
Rising sea levels cause infiltration of salt water in the sewer collection system. As a consequence, the
salt water is affecting the treatment of municipal wastewater, making the treatment process less efficient
and effective. Rebuilding concrete structures, elevating equipment (e.g., 1 foot above normal) and
replacing pumping stations are examples of measures to improve resistance against flooding events.
However implementing such improvements at the wastewater treatment facility at Virginia Key is very
controversial because of the illogical location of the plant.130
40% of the residents in Florida live in Southeast Florida. The drinking water supply in this region is a huge
challenge because the population is growing rapidly and fresh water supply depends on the Biscayne
Aquifer. Water in this aquifer is coming from the Everglades ecosystem, including Lake Okeechobee. The
Everglades are heavily affected by human interference (e.g., C&SF plan) and approximately 70% less
water than several years ago flows through the ecosystem.131
The Southeast Florida Regional Compact for Climate Change was established by the State of Florida and
counties in order to find solutions on a regional level for problems with salt intrusion, flooding events as a
consequence of heavy rain and high tide or storms linked to drinking water and wastewater infrastructure.
Solutions are needed at the short term because salt water is already pushing fresh water further
landward, causing problems with water supply in the coastal areas. Because more fresh water sources
are affected by salt water, alternative water sources are being explored in Florida. Reuse of wastewater
(e.g., industrial), desalination (e.g., seawater or brackish water), aquifer recharge and coastal wetlands
rehydration projects are undertaken. In order to address these challenges nationwide, the Water Utility
Climate Alliance was established between public water and wastewater utilities and other agencies (e.g.,
Tampa Bay Water, New York City Department of Environmental Protection).132 Another collaboration in
Florida between water and sewer utilities is the Central Florida Water Initiative.133
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In their strategic plan ‘The Akron Water Initiative’, the City of Akron describes her goals to create bi-
national innovative partnerships with several countries with leading global water technologies (e.g. The
Netherlands). Akron wants to attract foreign innovative water technology companies to commercialize
their products and technologies. The City of Akron is offering companies a soft landing pad, finding
funding and helps them validate their technology for the US market. Because the City of Akron is the sole
owner of different industry parks, a technology accelerator, an extensive water and wastewater system
(e.g., reservoirs, pipelines, treatment plants) and several square miles of land, there are no long
procedures regarding permits for establishing pilot tests sites in real-time situations.
The Greater Akron Region in Ohio is facing several water issues (see below and Appendix III) Therefore,
the City of Akron is aiming for water technology companies (e.g., startup, small) who have potential
solutions for these problems. Those companies preferably already sell products in other markets (e.g.,
Europe, Asia) and have the commitment for commercializing their products within 1-3 years after starting
collaboration with Akron. There are short contact lines between the City, the University of Akron, Greater
Akron Chamber of Commerce and Ohio EPA.
For instance, the Akron Global Business Accelerator (ABGA) is a program of the City of Akron. This
business incubator is very successful (survival rate is 90%). The incubator, which is a member of Global
Cleantech Cluster Association, offers established and small companies, as well as startups in the field of
water technology and other sectors (e.g., manufacturing polymers, medical devices), the opportunity to
develop and manufacture their product and technology for entrance at the US market. The real value is
the management and consultation team. They assist in getting access to funding organizations,
mentoring and monitoring, support with basic strategy modeling (e.g., identify gaps, create vision),
strategic partnerships development (e.g., bring them in contact with the right people, leads, customers,
complementary businesses).
The City of Akron is working hard to find solutions for their problems within the regulatory boundaries of
the EPA, but is still looking for assistance from abroad. Regional water issues include:
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to assign $890 million for sewer upgrades in the coming 18 years.137 Besides funding, new
innovative and cost effective pipe (linings) replacements and repair technology, technology to
identify and detect pipe weakness and corrosion, leak prediction and detection techniques and
management and systems technologies are necessary to address the infrastructure problems.
- Process water or brine and waste treatment from horizontal fracturing in the Utica and Marcellus
shale formations. Both the drilling process and well production produce liquid wastes. Only 10%
of the used water in the process comes back up and can be reused. Until now the best way to
deal with the waste water is deep well injection. In Ohio the volume of brines and other wastes
from horizontal fracturing operations that have been disposed of in deep injection wells, has
increased with almost 19% from 2011 till 2012.138 Other ways to dispose the waste water are to
dilute and to release it in rivers or streams. In order to obtain a permit discharge, mobile on-site
treatment systems are needed that can cope with brine with high total dissolved solids (TDS)
concentrations. Additional issues with horizontal fracturing are problems with radioactive muds
and ground remediation.
The Midwest + Ontario region is a $4 trillion economy. Because the industry needs a lot of water for their
production process, there are issues in wastewater and industrial water treatment. Many industries are
relocating their manufacturing plant to the Midwest region because of the large freshwater source the
Great Lakes contain 20% of the world’s freshwater source. 139 Because of the Akron Water Initiative and
the emerging issues, The Greater Akron region is offering interesting opportunities for water technology
Because the state of Maryland is involved in the Chesapeake watershed protection, strict total nitrogen
and phosphorous requirements apply. Treated wastewater needs to be in compliance with the discharge
limits for total nitrogen and phosphorous when discharging wastewater in surface water (3-4 mg total
nitrogen/L) and groundwater (10 mg total nitrogen /L).Wastewater treatment plants are designed to
remove total nitrogen down to 3 ppm, phosphorous down to 2-3 ppm and to remove fecal and E. coli.
Depending on the amount of fecal matter in the effluent, treated wastewater may be sprayed on land for
infiltration to remove extra nitrogen and to serve as a buffer. Most of the treatment systems in Maryland
are activated sludge systems with a 3, 4, or 5 stage nitrogen removal (e.g., anoxic zone, aerobic zone). In
the US, deammonification (short cut nitrogen removal) is not widely used yet. Membranes in wastewater
treatment are slowly becoming more applied in MD. The state funds updates of treatment plants in order
to improve nitrogen removal.
Received from Dr. C. Miller, University of Akron, July 2013.
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Within Maryland there is a demand for decentralized small municipal wastewater systems that remove
enough total nitrogen and phosphorous. MES is operating a lot of such decentralized septic tanks and
onsite disposal systems that are not in compliance with the strict discharge limits. In the Clean
Watersheds Needs Survey 2008 conducted by the EPA, the decentralized wastewater treatment systems
needs in MD were between $1 and $5 billion.141 These systems are used in approximately 20 percent of
all homes in the United States. An estimated 10 to 20 percent of these systems malfunction each year,
causing pollution to the environment and creating a risk to public health.142 The required technology has
to be able to remove total nitrogen to a level of 10 mg/l for discharging on groundwater and 3-4 mg/l for
surface water. In MD discharging via groundwater is strictly regulated; normally septic tanks will treat
wastewater only for solids and then drain it into a drain field underground where the water will be treated
for nitrogen and phosphorous. This infiltrated treated wastewater will end up in the groundwater system
and eventually in the surface water. A German company, pilot tested their mobile system to treat
municipal sewage water: active biofilm in combination with ceramic membranes system with
nanoparticles of alumoxide (low pore size, high pressure needed). Because of the ions presented in the
water, as a result of a common polishing step (chloride), this technology did not work well.
In Maryland water reuse is getting more attention because groundwater reservoir levels are decreasing
and more datacenters are established that need a lot of water for cooling. According to MES the recovery
of nitrogen and phosphate is a trend in the US water technology market, but in MD such technologies are
not widely applied yet. The removal of medicine residuals and pharmaceutical from wastewater and
drinking water is an issue in MD as well. However, the main focus in coming years will be the removal of
nutrients in order to improve the water quality of the Chesapeake Bay.
141 blz. 72
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The previous chapters described the American water technology trends and focused on different water
technology clusters and initiatives in the eastern part of the United States. This chapter will provide an
overview of interesting opportunities for the Dutch water technology sector that were mentioned in the
previous chapters. This chapter also includes a list of key trade events in the coming months that
potentially offer opportunities for introduction in the US water technology market.
The water industry in the US is growing rapidly, offering opportunities in different sectors (e.g., equipment,
(industrial) wastewater treatment). The Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Acts are the most
important federal policy programs coordinated by the EPA. They provide treatment and discharge
regulations, funding programs and a framework for operating and applying innovative water and
wastewater treatment technologies.
New and more cost effective assessments (e.g., leak detection, prediction models of condition
systems, asset management models) and rehabilitation techniques are needed. Increased emphasis
should be placed on green infrastructure solutions for storm water management as well as on
decentralized approaches (e.g., downsizing to small piping systems) that can reduce pumping and
treatments costs.
Water reuse and the use of reclaimed water are already applied widely in the US and are increasing.
There is a significant need for technologies and approaches that foster substantially greater water
reuse or sewer mining, and can reduce pollution and energy use. Utilities, municipalities and the
industrial sector are seeking ways to implement environmentally friendly en economically feasible
solutions to reserve water resources while meeting water demands.
In the US the majority of the water treatment plants make use of membrane technology which is used
both to convert seawater into drinking water as well as to treat brackish groundwater. The need for
brine treatment is mostly driven by a shortage in available freshwater or when groundwater is
threatened by salt intrusion. Challenges include brine disposal, pretreatment optimization, energy
conservation and overall productivity of membrane systems. Significant barriers to implementing
desalination technology in the United States are the uncertainty regarding how environmental impacts
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are addressed in the permitting processes and the long period of time it takes to implement a new
- Storm water management tools and green infrastructure techniques (paragraph 3.4)
e.g., recharge basins, rapid infiltration beds, bioretention systems, storm water control
mechanism, reducing total maximum daily loads;
An important issue in the American water technology sector is storm water management. Stricter
federal and state regulations for wastewater and storm water systems are the main drivers for
improving such systems. Threats for surface and groundwater quality are the combined sewer
overflows and the sanitary sewer overflows, due to periods of heavy rainfall and aging wastewater
management systems. There is a need for technologies that can address nonpoint sources of
pollution, storm water control mechanisms and green infrastructure.
Nutrient recovery (e.g., wastewater mining) is expected to become an increasingly important topic in
the United States in the coming years. Driven by the need to reduce nutrient pollution because of
stricter regulations in surface water and drinking water supplies (caused by e.g., nitrogen,
phosphorous), emerging technologies that can both treat and recover nutrients from water and
wastewater will be needed in the United States. However, any new technology must be able to make
the case that recovery and reuse of the materials or water is economically feasible.
In the US many utilities are considering changes to their treatment processes to avoid noncompliance
issues with new disinfection byproduct (DBP) rules. A transition is visible in disinfection methods in
the American drinking water sector; from only chlorine disinfection to upcoming ultraviolet radiation
systems in combination with chloramines. Also advanced oxidation, ozonation, electro-chlorination,
biological filtration and other disinfection methods are becoming more popular in the US. Until now
disinfection has always been combined with chloramines or chlorine.
Smart water networks are gaining traction in the US and efforts are made to implement smart water
networks in the water industry. One of the problems is non-revenue water and improving system
metering, data integrity, leak monitoring and control to improve system performance and reduce costs
(e.g., costs for treating and pumping water). These efforts will also conserve precious water supplies.
The main challenge of the utility with a smart water grid is how to cope with a flow of data and water.
By making water systems smarter, utilities will be able to understand their buried assets, optimize
their performance and life span, in the process making them more proactive instead of reactive.
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In the US water and wastewater utilities uses significant amounts of electricity. Moreover, the
electricity industry is the second largest user of water. Water reuse, climate change and the water &
energy nexus are closely related. Turning water and wastewater facilities into net zero energy
consumers or net producers of energy is the latest trend in the American water technology market.
This change can be achieved by installing renewable energy technologies (e.g., geothermal energy,
geo-exchange, and sewer heat-recovery systems) or by anaerobic digestion of sludge and other
organic materials.
Monitoring and removal of emerging contaminants, which are often unregulated, will be a trending
topic in the US water technology market in the coming years. The EPA is also implementing new or
stricter drinking water limits on numerous contaminants, including arsenic, radioactive contaminants,
microbial and disinfection byproducts. CCL 3 is a list of contaminants that are currently not subject to
any proposed or promulgated national primary drinking water regulations, but that are known or
anticipated to occur in public water systems, and which may require regulation under the Safe
Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
- Water technology clusters and initiatives are established to become an international water
hub, developing and commercializing new and innovative technologies, and attracting
business and universities;
e.g., Confluence, Milwaukee, Michigan, Northeast Ohio, Massachusetts
- Clusters and initiatives are looking for international collaboration;
EPA Cincinnati researchers are seeking collaborations with external scientist and
engineers to find solutions for wastewater, storm water, drinking water, water reuse and
watershed management challenges
The Akron Water Initiative
- The US water clusters and initiatives offer programs supporting companies with facilities
like pilot test sites, accelerators, professional teams, funding aid, validating;
Milwaukee Global Water Center
Indianapolis: Living laboratory for smart water grid technologies
Akron Accelerator
- Storm water management is a major issues for the clusters and initiatives;
Northeast Ohio (Cleveland and Akron)
The Greater Pittsburgh region
- Other major challenges in the different regions are:
Water-related problems (e.g., brine disposal) caused by hydraulic fracturing (e.g., NE
Ohio, Pennsylvania)
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The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
Water quality challenges (e.g., nutrients, toxic algae) caused by non-point sources (e.g.,
Michigan, Philadelphia, Chesapeake Bay area)
Aging water infrastructure (e.g., water accessibility and quality) and the renewal (e.g.,
Indianapolis. Ohio, The Greater Pittsburgh)
Safe drinking and watershed protection (e.g., The Greater Pittsburgh, Florida)
Flood resistance of water and wastewater infrastructure (e.g., Florida).
The strengths of the Dutch water technology sector are represented in the fields of sensor technology,
membrane technology, decentralized approaches, industrial water reuse and effective nutrient removal
and recovery. Also the Dutch water technology sector has a lot of experience with advanced disinfection
techniques. Both the American and the Dutch water sectors have a lot in common regarding these issues
and research themes.
In the period from September 2013 until June 2014 the following water-related conferences will be held in
the United States:
- The Annual Water & Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference
WEFTEC 2013 in Chicago, Illinois; October 5 - 9 2013
With integrated event: WEF Storm water Congress
Latest developments in water quality and wastewater treatment technologies
- Net Zero Cities;144
Fort Collins, Colorado, October 23 - 24 2013
Focusing on net zero energy, carbon and water solutions
Water & Energy Nexus and Net Zero Water program
- American Water Works Association (AWWA): The Water Quality Technology Conference
and Exposition;145
In Long Beach, California; November 3 - 7, 2013
Water quality and drinking water focus
- AWWA WEF The Utility Management Conference;146
Savannah, Georgia; February 25 - 28, 2014
Water and wastewater management topics
- AWWA AMTA 2014 Membrane Technology Conference & Exposition;147
Las Vegas, Nevada; March 10 - 13, 2014
Presenting latest developments in membrane water and wastewater treatment
technologies (e.g., concentrate treatment, water reuse)
- AWWA Sustainable Water Management Conference;148
Denver, Colorado; March 30 - April 2 2014
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The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
The Aquatech and the International Water Week (IWW) in Amsterdam are an excellent opportunity for
American companies and clusters to meet the Dutch water technology sector. A lot of the Dutch water
technology companies, universities and other organizations will be represented during this conference
from November 4 - 8 2013. There will be a special focus on wastewater treatment and industrial water
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The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
6. Sources
The following list of sources is following the numeric order of endnotes in the report.
1, 23, 24, 58 Global Water Intelligence (2010). Global Water Market 2011, United States of America (USA), Volume I,
page 158 - 191. Oxford, UK.
2 Global Water Intelligence (2008), Water Market USA. Oxford, UK. Summary retrieved from
3 The Freedonia Group Inc. (2013). Water Treatment Equipment. Summary retrieved from
4 US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (n.d.). Overview of EPA’s regions and regional offices in the United
States. Retrieved from
5 State Water Resources Control Board (n.d.), The Water Rights Process in the United States. Retrieved from
6 Presentation Lorraine White, GEI Consultants (2012). Energy Intensity in the Water Cycle, slide 5. Workshop
on Water and Watts, the Atlantic Council.
7 EPA (2009). Information about the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Retrieved from
8 Presentation Jan Matuszko, USEPA Office of Water (2013). Clean Water Authorities and Activities Applicable to Oil
and Gas Extraction.
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Information about NIWR and UCOWR. Retrieved from
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Alan Roberson, Director of Federal Relations (2013). Datasheet with leading drinking water professors and
microbiology professors. American Water Works Association (AWWA).
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Gleick, Peter, et. al. (2003). Waste Not, Want Not: The Potential for Urban Water Conservation in California. Pacific
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EPA Watersense (2009). Water efficiency in the Commercial and Institutional Sector: Consideration for a
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Nexus: Challenges, Solutions, and Recommendations, page 4 - 7. Washington D.C. Retrieved from
Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association (n.d.). Information about the WWEMA. Retrieved
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EPA (2013). Blueprint For Integrating Technology Innovation. Retrieved from
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Retrieved from
Black & Veatch (2013). The 2013 Strategic Directions in the US Water Industry Report, page 11. Retrieved from
The American Society of Civil Engineers (2013). Report Card for America’s infrastructure: Drinking Water and
Wastewater infrastructure. Retrieved from
The American Water Works Association (2012). Buried No Longer: Confronting America’s Water Infrastructure
Challenge. Retrieved from
EPA (2013). Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assessment. Fifth report to Congress. Washington
D.C. Retrieved from
Presentation Rudolph Chow, City of Baltimore (2013). Joint Spring Meeting CSAWWA & CWEA.
Presentation Mark Behe, WSSC (2013). Joint Spring Meeting CSAWWA & CWEA.
Presentation Terry Biederman, Global Industry Manager GE (2013). National WARN system. Water Innovation
Alliance Water 2.0 Event (see
51, 69
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Resiliency- A Closer look at the New York City Wastewater Infrastructure, ACCO 2013 Rising Seas Summit.
EPA (2012). Guidelines for Water Reuse, page I-2. Office of Water, Washington D.C. Retrieved from
Presentation Guy Carpenter (2010). To the Arizona Governor’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Water Sustainability,
“Reclaimed Water Trends Nationally and Internationally”. Retrieved from
See Water Stress Index as shown in the USA map on
Asano, et al., (2006). Water Reuse: Issues, Technologies, and Applications. Metcalf & Eddy Inc., AECOM. McGraw
Hill, NY. Retrieved from
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Trends. Retrieved from
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Groundwater Replenishment System. Retrieved from
Lockheed Martin (2013). Lockheed Martin introduces affordable solution to address growing global problem:
Perforene material. Retrieved from
Waterworld (2013). Desalination Chip, the WaterChip by Okeanos Technologies. Retrieved from
Water Environment Federation (2012). A Happy Medium and Cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. WE&T Magazine
Augustus 2012, Vol. 24, No 8. Retrieved from
US EPA news (2013). National stormwater calculator helps to manage stormwater runoff. Retrieved from
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The City of Portland, Environmental Services (n.d.). Sustainable Stormwater management. Retrieved from
The Chesapeake Bay Program (n.d.). Official website Chesapeake Bay Program: Learning the issues and progress
in the Chesapeake Bay area. Retrieved from
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (n.d.). Official website of the GLRI providing information about this initiative.
Retrieved from
US EPA news (2013). EPA offers $8.5 million to US Great Lakes Shoreline Cities for Green Infrastructure projects.
Retrieved from
Hampton Roads Sanitation District (2010). Virginia Wastewater Treatment Plant and Ostara Nutrient Recovery
Technologies public/private project. Retrieved from
Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technologies (n.d.). Information about the Ostara’s Pearl process for nutrient recovery.
Retrieved from
Hampton Roads Sanitation District (2010). Innovation award from National Council of Public-Private Partnerships.
Retrieved from
Water Environment Research Foundation (2010). Nutrient Recovery State of the Knowledge. Retrieved from
AECOM (2012). Deammonification - Where are we today and where are we going? Retrieved from
Frost & Sullivan (2013). Summary of Global Water and Wastewater Disinfection Systems Market. Retrieved from
Steve Hubbs (2013). Disinfection, source water quality drives treatment selection. Opflow article April 2013.
Sensus (2012). Water 20/20: Bringing Smart Water Networks Into Focus, Retrieved from
Presentation Paul Boulos, CEO Innovyze (2013). Smart Water networks. Water 2.0, Water Innovation Alliance.
7979 IBM (2010). DC Water creates a smarter utility service with IBM. Retrieved from
Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd. Bloomberg New Energy Finance (2013). Water utilities will spend $2 billion
on smart meters by 2020. Retrieved from
Atlantic Council (2012) . Fueling America Energy & Water Nexus, page 6 - 9. Washington D.C. Retrieved from
DC Water (n.d.). Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant . Retrieved from
US EPA Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office (2013). Federal Facility Contaminants of Concern
Technical Fact Sheets. Retrieved from
EPA (2012). Contaminant Candidate List 3. Retrieved from
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EPA (n.d.). Confluence Water Technology Innovation Cluster. Retrieved from
Presentation Evelyn Hartzell, Cincinnati EPA Water Cluster Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator (2013). EPA
and Water Technology Innovation Clusters. Cincinnati, Ohio.
EPA (2013). Technology Collaboration and Transfer. Retrieved from
Confluence Water Technology Innovation Cluster news (2013). Tri-State Agreement to spur water technology
innovation in Greater Cincinnati region. Retrieved from
The City of Cincinnati (2013). Collaborative partnership with regional stakeholders and utilities in Israel and
Canada to establish a water technology innovation hub. Retrieved from
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The Water Council (n.d.). Global Fresh Water Sees Accelerator. Retrieved from
The Water Council (n.d.). The Global Water Center. Retrieved from
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Nortech (n.d.). Northeast Ohio Water Technologies Cluster. Retrieved from
Nortech (n.d.). Water Technologies Roadmap. Retrieved from
ABSMaterials (n.d.). Information about Osorb. Retrieved from
MAR System (n.d.). Information about Sorbster. Retrieved from
Both companies were listed in The Artemis Project Top 50 most promising Water Technology Start-Ups see Top 50
Water Tech Listing
The Alliance for Water Future (n.d.). Information about the role of the Alliance. Retrieved from
The Alliance for Water Future (2012). Launch of new organization that brings together business, universities and
municipalities. Retrieved from
Sustainable Cleveland 2019 (n.d.). Information about this Sustainable initiative. Retrieved from
Water Economy Network (n.d.). About the Water Economy Network. Retrieved from
Pittsburgh’s H2Opportunity (2011). An assessment of Southwestern Pennsylvania’s Water Sector. Retrieved from
Water Innovation Consortia Planning Committee (2012). Sustainable Water Innovation Initiative for Southwestern
Pennsylvania. Retrieved from
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Pennsylvania Nanomaterials Commercialization Center (2013). Accelerating nanomaterials research. Retrieved
Green Jobs for Blue Waters (n.d.). Overview of Michigan Water Sector. Retrieved from
Emefcy (n.d.). Information about Emefecy. Retrieved from
Presentation Gil Pezza (2009). The MEDC Water Technologies Cluster: Green Jobs for Blue Waters. Water
Technologies Initiative MEDC. Retrieved from
Detroit Water & Sewerage Department. Stricter NPDES permit limits. Retrieved from
Information from Gil Pezza. Water Technologies Initiative MEDC, via consul Chicago June 2013
Massachusetts Water Innovation Initiative (2012). The Massachusetts Water Industry Market Map. Retrieved from
Huang, G. (2012). Massachusetts Water Mission to Israel Looks to Win Inbound Innovation. Retrieved from
Presentation David Goodtree (2012). The Massachusetts Water Industry. Presented during symposium on Water
Innovation in Massachusetts. Retrieved from
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (n.d.). Massachusetts Israel Innovation Partnership. Retrieved from
Overview of water technology companies exhibiting during Symposium on Water Innovation in Massachusetts.
Presentation New England Water Innovation Network (2013). A proposal developed by selected participants in the
Symposium on Water Innovation in Massachusetts 2012. Retrieved from
News article of Erin Ailworth (2013). State seeks to build water tech cluster. Retrieved from
Global Water Technologies (n.d.). Information about Global Water Technologies and the Living Laboratory
concept. Retrieved from
Martinek Water Management GmbH (n.d.). Information about WLM - SYSTEM. Retrieved from
Global Water Technologies (2013). Smart water for a healthy economy. Retrieved from
Presentation Erik Hromadka, Global Water Technologies (2013). People + Pipe + Policy. Water 2.0 Event Water
Innovation Alliance.
The Philadelphia Water Department and Street Department. The First porous green street in Philadelphia.
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The Philadelphia Water Department (2013). Green Stormwater Infrastructure Project Map. Retrieved from
Garrison, N., Hobbs, K. (2011). Rooftops to Rivers II: Green strategies for controlling stormwater and combined
sewer overflows, page 71 - 75. The Natural Resources Defense Council. Retrieved from
The Philadelphia Water Department (2011). Green City Clean Waters: The City of Philadelphia’s Program for
Combined Sewer Overflow Control. Retrieved from
The City of Philadelphia (2009). Greenworks Philadelphia. Mayor’s Office of Sustainability. Retrieved from
The City of Philadelphia (2012). Wastewater Geothermal Heating Project. Retrieved from
The Water and Environmental Technology Center (2011). The Water Technology Innovation Ecosystem.
Retrieved from
The Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (2013). Capital Improvement Program. Retrieved from
Article of Charles Rabin (2012). Miami-Dade proposes spending $1.5 billion over 15 years to cure sewer system
woes. Miami Herald. Retrieved from
Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (n.d.). Restoring the Everglades. Retrieved from
Water Utility Climate Alliance. Understanding the impacts of climate change on water-related infrastructure and
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Central Florida Water Initiative. Overview of this water Initiative. Retrieved from
News article by Cheryl Powell (2012). Agreement bring Akron, Slovenian groups together for job creation. Akron
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News article by Bob Downing (2012). Israeli water company to open first US office in Akron. Akron Beacon
Journal. Retrieved from
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The City of Akron (2013). US city Akron earmarks $100m to develop water, sewer projects in 2013 budget.
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wastes. Akron Beacon Journal. Retrieved from
Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd. 2010 Census of Population and Housing, US Census Bureau; 2009 County
Business Patterns, US Census Bureau; 2011 Census of Population, Statistics Canada. Prepared by: Policy,
Page | 62
The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
Research, and Strategic Planning, Ohio Department of Development. (2/2011) Received from Dr. C. Miller, University
of Akron, July 2013.
Maryland Environmental Service (n.d.). Water and Wastewater overview. Retrieved from
EPA (2013). Information about septic systems in the United States. Retrieved from
Water Environment Federation (n.d.). Official website of WEFTEC 2013. Retrieved from
Net Zero Cities (n.d.). Official website of Net Zero Cities 2013. Retrieved from
American Water Works Association (n.d.). Information about The Water Quality Technology Conference &
Exposition 2013. Retrieved from
Water Environment Federation (n.d.). Information about the Utility Management Conference 2014. Retrieved from
American Water Works Association (n.d.). Information about the AWWA AMTA Membrane Technology
Conference & Exposition . Retrieved from
American Water Works Association (n.d.). Information about the AWWA Sustainable Water Management
Conference 2014. Retrieved from
American Water Works Association (n.d.). Information about the AWWA Annual Conference & Exposition ACE
2014. Retrieved from
Aquatech Amsterdam. Information about the Aquatech Amsterdam 2013 + International Water Week. Retrieved
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The water technology sector in the United States M.A. Bosma
Appendix I: Glossary
In the text of the report specific water technology terms are used. This annex contains an alphabetic list of
professional terms used in the water technology field that need more explanation in order to fully
understand their meaning. With the help of the WateReuse and glossaries from other water-related
reports, this glossary was established.
ADVANCED TREATMENT: Additional treatment provided to remove suspended and dissolved substances after
conventional secondary treatment. Often this term is used to mean additional treatment after tertiary treatment for the
purpose of further removing contaminants of concern to public health. This may include membrane filtration, reverse
osmosis (RO), advanced oxidation, and disinfection with ultraviolet light (UV) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
BRACKISH WATER: Water containing dissolved minerals in amounts that exceed normally acceptable standards for
municipal, domestic, and irrigation uses. Considerably less saline than seawater.
CONSERVATION: Obtaining the benefits of water more efficiently, resulting in reduced demand for water.
Sometimes called "end-use efficiency" or "demand management."
DIRECT INJECTION: Injecting recycled or reclaimed water through an injection well directly into a groundwater
basin. If the water will later be used for drinking, the recycled water will receive advanced treatment prior to injection.
DISINFECTION: Water treatment which destroys potentially harmful bacteria, viruses, and protozoa by using
chemicals (commonly chlorine, chloramine, or ozone) or a physical process (e.g., ultraviolet light).
EFFLUENT: The water leaving a water or wastewater treatment plant. If effluent has been treated to a high enough
standard, it may be considered reclaimed or recycled.
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING COMPOUNDS (EDCs): Chemicals that can interfere with the normal hormone function
in humans and animals.
FILTRATION: A process that separates small particles from water by using a porous barrier to trap the particles and
allowing the water through.
MAXIMUM CONTAMINANT LEVEL: The highest allowable amount of a constituent in water. Drinking water quality
criteria are established by the US Environmental Protection Agency as regulatory standards.
MGD: Abbreviation for million gallons per day. This term is used to describe the volumes water treated and
discharged from a treatment plant.
MICROFILTRATION: A physical separation process where tiny, hollow straw-like membranes separate particles from
water. It is used as a pretreatment for reverse osmosis.
PRETREATMENT: A process in wastewater treatment where metal screens are used to remove large objects and
chunks of debris.
PRIMARY TREATMENT: The first process in wastewater treatment where solid matter is removed
RECLAIMED WATER: Water that is used more than one time before it passes back into the natural water cycle.
Wastewater that has been treated to a level that allows for its reuse for a beneficial purpose. Reclaimed water is
sometimes another name for recycled water.
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RECYCLED WATER: Water that is used more than one time before it passes back into the natural water cycle.
Wastewater that has been treated to a level that allows for its reuse for a beneficial purpose. Recycled water is
sometimes another name for reclaimed water.
REVERSE OSMOSIS: A method of removing salts or other impurities from water by forcing water through a semi-
permeable membrane.
SALINITY: Generally, the concentration of mineral salts dissolved in water. Salinity may be measured by weight (total
dissolved solids - TDS), electrical conductivity, or osmotic pressure. Where seawater is known to be the major source
of salt, salinity is often used to refer to the concentration of chlorides in the water.
SEAWATER INTRUSION: The movement of salt water into a body of fresh water. It can occur in either surface water
or groundwater basins.
SECONDARY TREATMENT: Treatment of wastewater to a nonpotable level so that it may be discharged into the
natural hydrologic system. It is the minimum level of treatment that must be achieved for discharges from all
municipal wastewater treatment facilities.
TERTIARY TREATMENT: Treatment of wastewater to a level beyond Secondary Treatment but below Potable.
ULTRAFILTRATION (UF): A membrane filtration process that falls between reverse osmosis (RO) and microfiltration
(MF) in terms of the size of particles removed.
WASTEWATER: Water that has been previously used by a municipality, industry, or agriculture and has suffered a
loss of quality as a result of use.
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Figure 1: Dividing the US in two research foci. ............................................................................................. 3
Figure 2: The Water and wastewater cycle................................................................................................. 12
Figure 3: Techno-economic network for the US water technology sector, according to Callon…………..18
Figure 4: Distribution of leading drinking water professors at different universities in the United States. .. 23
Figure 5: US water clusters and technology initiatives. .............................................................................. 39
Figure 7: RWELLS in Indianapolis. ............................................................................................................. 45
Table 1: Federal agencies financial programs. ........................................................................................... 16
Table 2: Universities and their corresponding number as depicted in figure 4. .......................................... 23
Table 3: Summary of US Water Consumption and Withdrawals. ............................................................... 25
Table 4: List of water clusters and technology initiatives ............................................................................ 39
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Appendix III: Emerging Water Issues in NE Ohio and the Midwest region
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