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E pmectORver ‘WOMENS ORGANIZATION _—_ PHILIPPINES Cane operas ~ National Council con = Pin 8 (NCWP) ~ National Com et eo ‘a poo no Women (NCRFW} DIRECTORY or WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS PHILIPPINES ee GQ ky A project ofthe National Council of Women of the Philippines (NCWP) National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) CMa an The joint effort of the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW), the governmental advisory body on women’s affairs to the President and the Cabinet, and the National Council of Women of the Philippines (NCWP), the oldest and largest Filipino women organizational network and alliance marks another milestone that women can be proud of. Going through this National Directory of accredited women’s organizations makes one realize the dramatic growth of the women’s movement in the Philippines in the last decade and the latent power of women. Indeed, organized women have gone a long way in pushing its agenda in the arena of gender and development. May the efforts poured into this directory pave the way tor mote linkages, better networking and increased communication among the women’s organizations and their partners, across’ sectors and all levels. With the numerous organizational configurations and varying levels of women’s capabilities reflected in this instrument, the key players in development can find great use in the voluminous information included here. In behalf of the NCRFW and the NCWP Board of Directors and Officers, it is our great pleasure that we extend our heartfelt congratulations to all those dedicated women who, in one way or another, have generously given time and effort to this project. We also thank the many women’s networks, national organizations and councils of women, without whose cooperation and collaboration this national directory of women’s network would not have been developed. To all the women behind this undertaking, let us be one, strengthen our bond and build women’s solidarity and power. Drs tte Mn wut, = Flona 4 ea IMELDA M. NICOLAS NONA S. RICAFORT, NCRFW Chairperson NCWP President SROT MBO The challenges of the future require the increasing participation of organized groups in all aspects of development and nation-building. Emerging scenarios would demand the consolidation, convergence and partnership-building among key stakeholders of development. Inevitably and increasingly, © women’s organizations across sectors and at all levels (ie. international, regional, national, and local) would be at the forefront to play critical roles in the pursuit of equality, development and peace, especially at the local levels. Today, various avenues are open for women’s greater participation and representation in all aspects of development, e. g., social, economic, governance, political, ete. The 1991 Local Government Code (LGC), ushered women’s groups into a process that resulted to the installation of a nationwide mechanism for participation and sectoral representation in special bodies of Local Government Units (LGUs). In the spirit of the LGC, various women’s non-government organizations (NGOs) and people’s organizations (POs) including women’s cooperatives, clubs, federations, associations and councils participated in the nationwide accreditation of NGOs and POs. The COMELEC, by virtue of the power vested in it by the Constitution has appointed NCWP together with NCRFW, WAND and G-10 (now ‘Lakas ng Kababaihan) to National Accreditation Committee for Women’s Organizations (NACWO). This process paved the way for determining the geographic reach and programmatic profiles of all participating women’s groups. The rich array of information gathered, however, can come to naught if not used to harness women’s resources, potentials and capacities towards gender-responsive development. TROPPO The challenges of the future require the increasing participation of organized groups in all aspects of development and nation-building. Emerging scenarios would demand the —_ consolidation, convergence and partnership-building among key stakeholders of development. Inevitably and _ increasingly, women’s organizations across sectors and at all levels (ie international, regional, national, and local) would be at the forefront to play critical roles in the pursuit of equality, development and peace, especially at the local levels. Today, various avenues are open for women’s greater participation and representation in all aspects of development, e. g., social, economic, governance, political, etc. The 1991 Local Government Code (LGC), ushered women's groups into a process that resulted to the installation of a nationwide mechanism for participation and sectoral representation in special bodies of Local Government Units (LGUs). In the spirit of the LGC, various women’s non-government organizations (NGOs) and people’s organizations (POs) including women’s cooperatives, clubs, federations, associations and councils participated in the nationwide accreditation of NGOs and POs. The COMELEC, by virtue of the power vested in it by the Constitution has appointed NCWP together with NCRFW, WAND and G-10 (now Lakas ng Kababaihan) to National Accreditation Committee for Women’s Organizations (NACWO). This process paved the way for determining the geographic reach and programmatic profiles of all participating women’s groups. The rich array of information gathered, however, can come to naught if not used to harness women’s resources, potentials and capacities towards gender-responsive development. Thus, the National Council of Women of the Philippines (NCWP) having accredited 90% of the women NGOs took on the challenge and initiated the task of producing an instrument for information, communication and networking. This initiative primarily aimed at developing a tool that would foster enlightened awareness on up-to-date innovations and women’s programs and strengthen the linkages among key actors and target clientele To a large extent, this concretized a service mission of NCWP as a facilitator and catalyst for development. With this tool, NCWP can serve the broad range of women’s groups including its full membership of 221 national affiliates and 4,419 local councils of more than 10 million members nationwide. The National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) having seen the need for a comprehensive listing to assist government agencies, the international community, other private business sectors, - has entrusted NCWP the task and generously provided the support that resulted to the production of “Directory of Women’s ”. The close collaboration of NCWP member organizations and other cooperating women’s networks and NGOs/POs all over the country, has made their gigantic task possible. This national directory provides the organizational profile and geographic reach of accredited women’s organizations across sectors from all parts of the country. It also presents the different configurations of women’s groups in terms of membership size, organizational typology (e.g. as network, affiliate, chapter, etc.) and geographic reach or areal coverage (i.e. national, regional, provincial, city, municipality and barangay). More than being an information package of organizations’ goals and objectives, programs and activities, as well as their resources and expertise, this resource directory is a vital guide and reference for communication, networking and linkage-building. Planners, decision-makers, ‘ government agencies, non-government organizations, funding and resource agencies, and the private sector organizations with interest in gender and development can use this tool extensively The NCRFW and NCWP is confident that this vehicle can heighten awareness and participation among women and their partners in achieving our common goals for the future of all Filipino women, their families and communities. TABLE _OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. Introduction 1 Section I 4 Women Networks 5 Section II 24 National Organizations 25 Section II 160 Councils of Women 161 Editorial Board 627 Acknowledgment 628 SOeHAGSORN SS The Directory of Women's Organizations is an undertaking of the National Council of Women of the Philippines (NCWP), in cooperation with the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW). It was initiated to respond to the information, communication and networking needs of women's organizations and other interest groups involved in gender and development. This compilation of profiles of women's organizations at the national, regional, provincial, municipal, city, and barangay levels provides information and data on women's non-government organizations and 4,419 local council of women. Specifically, a brief about each organization contains the following information: addresses phone/telefax numbers contact persons/incumbent head membership size geographic coverage type of organization objectives areas of concern programs/activities registration and international affiliation PURPOSE The purposes of the directory are the following © Toserveasa general information cum reference material and to aid in establishing contacts and in generating networking facilities for women non-governmental organizations nationwide; . To facilitate access to associations which have the potential to host national and even international congresses. . To provide interested individuals/organizations with expanded information about the expertise, resources and locations of other women's networks/organizations/groups who can become their partners in the local, national or international programs and projects. This compilation has three major sections: : Section I covers the leading networks of women's organizations arranged according to membership size. : Section II includes women's organizations that are national in scope and with a large constituency in terms of members and target beneficiaries. . Section III features 4,419 local councils of women that operate in the provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays, under NCWP's membership. METHODOLOGY The information in the Directory which took fifteen months (15) of preparation was obtained through a Questionnaire Survey conducted by the NCWP. About 5000 questionnaires were sent to various NGOs including the 4,419 NCWP’s national affiliates and networks and councils of women nationwide. Follow-ups through postal and phone calls were also done toensure that the questionnaires were accomplished and submitted by the target respondents and that the information obtained from the survey was accurate and complete. Additional data were gathered through telephone inquiries. CHANGES/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Every effort was made to secure complete and accurate data. Nevertheless, the NCWP requests for understanding and kind consideration for any inaccuracy or omission that may occur. The NCWP-Directory project staff was very persistent in sending and following - up questionnaires. Nevertheless, any changes or additions to the current list should be sent to: 1 Office Address: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN OF THE PHILIPPINES (NCWP) PHILIPPINE WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY TAFT AVENUE, MANILA Telephone Numbers (632) 58-82-01/50-9119/523- 3439 Fax Numbers (632) 58-82-01/522-3654/633- 2145 2. NCWP Women and Youth Development Center NCWP Women and Youth Development Center Building Ninoy Aquino Ave., cor Chapel Road, Pasay City (beside Nayong Kabataan and Nayong Pilipino) Z2o™sanmn | WOMEN'S NETWORKS WITH NATIONWIDE COVERAGE In focus are the operating umbrella or networks of women organizations with nationwide coverage. As such, these women's aggrupations are composed of large constituencies of national women's affiliates, i. e. national women's organizations, networks of individual women members or chapters of women NGOs with national presence, including locally-based women's non-government organizations, federations, associations, clubs and councils. In most cases, these networks widely operate in strategic centers of the country, e. g. National Capital Region, Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The geographic reach of their membership is nationwide. The networks’ programs and activities cover a broad range of sectoral areas of concern and national issues. These networks usually enjoy the mandate to represent their membership, after due consultation and a process of consensus. They serve as the women's voice at international fora and consultations in relation to critical women's issues and positions with global significance. The broad-based membership of each network adhere to common vision, mission and goals, as defined by the general assembly of the network. However, members operate autonomously and are free to develop their own strategies and programs to the extent that these do not contradict the network principles and membership guidelines. 001 NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN OF THE PHILIPPINES OFFICE ADDRESS WOMEN'S DEVELOPMENT CENTER ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. FAX NOS. HEAD OF OFFICE INCUMBENT HEAD TERM OF OFFICE FOUNDER(S) DATE FOUNDED MEMBERSHIP SIZE NGOs GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE CHAPTERS AFFILIATION(S) International ‘National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION VISION (NCWP) NCWP, Philippine Women’s University Campus, Taft ‘Avenue, Manila; or P.O. Box EA2I P.O. 1045, Ermita, Manila NCWP Women and Youth Development Center Bdlg. Ninoy Aquino Avenue cor Chapel Road, Pasay City 588201/5233439/5243207 58-8201/522-3654/633-2145 President Ms. Nona S. Ricafort 1995 to 1997 Francisca Tirona Benitez 1946 221 national organizations Member Councils nationwide: 4,419 consists of more than 10 million individual members National Nationwide International Council of Women (ICW) ASEAN Confederation of Women’s Organization (National Councils of Women (ACWO) National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) . Non-governmental The full integration of women in society through the inclusion of an integrated women's program into the government plans, with women's direct involvement in all stages towards peace, equality development and women empowerment. MISSION To develop the capabilities of women non-governmental organizations and consolidate their efforts and involvements towards the promotion of the well-being ofits constituents, communities and families. GOALS + To guide and support its members on cooperative planning, social mobilization and consciousness-reasing endeavors; * To assert ans strengthen leadership status amongst women leaders and organizations as ‘women network with UN bodies and other entities at the international levels; + To encourage united action towards addressing the problems and issues affecting the women, their families and communities, as well as the nation. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Women Development Initiative on Anti-Poverty, Cooperative Loan, Education and Training assistance to NCWP members, Day Care Centers, Consultancy Services, Policy Advocacy, Networking and Linkages, Resource Mobilization FUNDING SOURCES Local International Presidential Management Staff National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) Office of Sen. Santanina Rasul, Senate Office of Speaker Jose de Venecia, Jr., House of Representatives Department of Social Welfares and Development Department of Labor and Employment Department of Agrarian Reform Department of Trade and Industry TESDA Technology and Livelihood Resource Center Department of Agriculture USAID UNICEF FORD FOUNDATION Canadian International Developnient Agency (CIDA) International Council of Women (ICW) AREAS OF CONCERN Cluster I Cluster II Cluster HT Cluster TV ‘Cluster-V Peace and Human Rights Armed Conflicts Violence Health & Nutrition Mental & Health Differently Abled Elderly Sports Environment & Sustainable Development Science & Technology Food and Agriculture Agrarian Reform Education Culture & Indigenous Women Moral Recovery Social Development/Property Alleviation Debts & Structural Adjustment Program Economic Empowerment Livelihood Labor and Migration Trafficking of Women Industrial Relations & Trade Consumerism Women & Habitat Cluster VI International Linkages & Networking, Cluster VII Political Participation & Decision Making Public Affairs & Advocacy Mass Media. Cluster VIII Women & Family Girl Child PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES © Cooperative Fund for Women - Provision of technical inputs and loan assistance to women organizations * Documentation of Women NGOs Contribution in Economic Recovery - A compilation of success stories of women and their income generating projects * NCWP Directory - Preparation of a directory of NCWP Affiliates (Completed); * Day Care Centers - Implementation of a child development program to prepare pre- schoolers for Grade I (Ongoing); * Workshops and Conferences - Conducts and assists management of national fora, seminars and conferences such as: the ASEAN Women’s Workshop on Demographic Changes (AGEING), Women’s Month Celebration, etc. + Women and Youth Development Center + Primers and tools for women - a number of women's publications are available: NCWP Women's Commitment and Action; Primer for Organizing Local Councils and Women's Conference; NCWP Primer on Women Development Initiative on Anti-Poverty; Resource Directory of Women's Organization; NCWP Success Stories of Livelihood and Cooperative Beneficiaries: Compilation of NCWP Centerpiece Action Towards the Philippine Centennial. + GO-NGO National Women's Summit + Women’s Initiative on Anti-Poverty + Designation of NCWP as NGO Monitoring Arm of Government (Presidential Executive Order #329) for effective implementation of the Global Platform of Action and Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development, May 7, 1996 + Designation of NCWP as Women's Sector NGO Committee for participation in the National Centennial Commission to the Philippine Centennial Celebratiou in 1998 + Issuance of His Excellency President Fidel V. Ramos of Proclamation #760 declaring June 4 of every year as the NCWP Day. MEMBERS/AFFILIATES. ABIERTAS HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP AKSYON PARA SA KAPAYAPAAN AT KATARUNGAN AL KHAIRIYA MUSLIM WOMEN ASSOCIATION, INC. ALL NATIONS WOMEN’S GROUP (ANWG) ALTRUSA CLUB OF GREATER MANILA ‘AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY ‘AN-BICOL_ WOMEN APPROTECH ASIA ARMED FORCES LADIES CLUB ARMM LEGISLATOR SPOUSES FOUNDATION ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK WOMEN’S CLUB (ADBWC) ASSOCIACION DE DAMAS DE FILIPINA ASSOCIATION OF LADIES SECURITY OPERATOR OF THE PHILIPPINES ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS OF MAKATI ASUNCION PEREZ MEMORIAL CENTER, INC. AUXILIARY TO THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AYALA FOUNDATION, INC. BAGONG INA NG BAYAN BAHA| FAITH FOUNDATION BALIKATAN SA KAUNLARAN INC. (BSK) BALIKATAN SA KAUNLARAN FOUNDATION, INC. (BSK-NCR) BATANGAS PROVINCE LADIES ASSOCIATION BOHOL OFFICIAL LADIES FOUNDATION, INC. (BOLFI) BRAHMA KUMARIS WORLD SPIRITUAL UNIVERSITY BUDHI NG PILIPINAS FOUNDATION, INC. BULACAN LADIES ASSOCIATION BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES CABANCALAN WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE (CWL) CENTER FOR ASIA-PACIFIC WOMEN IN POLITICS CENTER FOR HOUSING AND HUMAN ECOLOGY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION, INC. CENTER FOR MEDIA FREEDOM AND RESPONSIBILITY CENTRO ESCOLAR UNIVERSITY WOMEN’S CLUB (CEU-WC) CHILDREN’S WORKSHOP FOR TOTAL DEVELOPMENT CHRISTIAN CHILDREN’S FOUNDATION, INC. (CCF) CHURCH WOMEN UNITED-PHILIPPINES (CWUP) CLUB DE DAMAS DE MANILA CONCERNED WOMEN OF THE PHILIPPINES CONGRESSIONAL SPOUSES FOUNDATION, INC. (CSF) CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING SERVICE, INC. CONSTABULARY WOMEN’S CLUB COUNCIL OF DEANS AND HEADS OF HOME ECONOMICS AND COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITY OF ‘THE PHILIPPINES COMMISSION ON WOMEN PHILIPPINE PROVINCE OF THE RELIGIOIUS OF GOOD SHEPHERD DAUGHTERS OF MARY IMMACULATE (DMI) DCI WOMEN’S LAWYERS CLUB DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST WOMEN OF THE PHILIPPINES (DSWP) DEPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN REFORM LADIES ASSOCIATION (DARLA) DEVELOPMENT ADVOCACY OF WOMEN VOLUNTEERISM FOUNDATION, INC. (DAWV) DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE OF WOMEN IN ASIA (DIWA) DOVE FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL, EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE FOUNDATION, INC. (ERDA) FAMILY COOPERATION HEALTH SERVICES FOUNDATION, INC. (FAMCOHSEF) FEDERATION OF WOMEN’S CIVIC ORGANIZATION OF QUEZON CITY INC. (FWCO-QC) FIDA PHILIPPINES CHAPTERS, INC. FILIPINO CHINESE WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (FCWC) FOUNDATION FOR ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT, INC. (FAD) FOUNDATION FOR FILIPINO ADOLESCENTS, INC. FOUNDATION OF OUR LADY OF FATIM CENTER OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT FRANCISCA TIRONA BENITEZ RURBAN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION, INC. (FTBRDF) GENERAL DOUGLAS MAC ARTHUR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION GIRL SCOUTS OF THE PHILIPPINES (GSP) GOLD STAR MOTHER & UNITED WAR WIDOWS AND ORPHANS ASSOCIATION. INC. GOOD SHEPHERD LAY AFFILIATES INC. (GSLA) GSIS LADIES ASSOCIATION HEART OF MARY VILLA HOME ECONOMICS EXTENSION ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES HOME DEVELOPMENT MUTUAL FUND (PAG-IBIG) IN TOUCH FOUNDATION ISABELA GREEN LADIES ORGANIZATION, INC, (IGLO) INA-ANAK, INC. INNERWHEEL CLUB OF THE PHILIPPINES (ICWP) INTEGRATED MATERNAL CHILD CARE SERVICE & DEVELOPMENT, INC INTEGRATED MEDICINE ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES INTEGRAIED MIDWIVES ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL TRAINING NETWORK INSTITUTE FOR SMALL-SCALE INDUSTRIES-UP KABABAIHANG KABALIKAT NG LALAWIGAN NG QUEZON (KKLQ) KABABAIHANG RIZALISTA, INC. KANNAWIDAN, KAISAHANG BUHAY FOUNDATION KALAKASAN-KABABAIHAN PARA SA KALAYAAN, INC. (KALAYAAN, INC.) KASAYAHAN KASOROG FOUNDATION INC. KATIPUNAN NG MGA BAGONG PILIPINA (KABAPA) KATIPUNAN NG MAY KAPANSANAN SA PILIPINAS, INC. KIDAPAWAN FOUNDATION, INC. LEAGUE OF CIVIC LEADERS COUNCIL OF WOMEN-BRGY. PALIGSAHAN, Q. C. LEAGUE OF WOMEN'S VOTERS OF THE PHILIPPINES LINGKOD NG TAO SA KALIKASAN MAB GERRY ROXAS FOUNDATION MABUHAY ANG KABABAIHAN MAGIC FOUNDATION, INC. MAMPI-AN FOUNDATION, INC. MANILA JAYCEERETTES, INC. MANILA WOMEN'S CLUB MAHARILIKA VILLAGE ISLAMIC FOUNDATION MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER FOUNDATION, PHILIPPINES (MCHAP) METRO MANILA COUNCIL OF WOMEN BALIKATAN MOVEMENT, INC. MIDWIFE ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. MILITARY NURSES ASSOCIATION MGA LINGKOD NG BAYAN MONTANOSA OFFICIALS SPOUSES FOUNDATION, INC. MOTHER ROSA MEMORIAL FOUNDATION MUSLIM PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES NATIONAL COUNCIL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION, INC, (NCSD) NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDIGENOUS WOMEN (NFIW) NATIONAL FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS OF THE PHILIPPINES (NFWC) NATIONAL SANDIGAN FOUNDATION OF THE PHILIPPINES NAYONG PILIPINO WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION NEGROS OCCIDENTAL REHABILITATION FOUNDATION, INC. ‘NIA WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT NORFIL FOUNDATION, INC. NUTRITION FOUNDATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. NUTRITION CENTER OF THE PHILIPPINES NUTRITIONIST AND DIETICIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES (NDAP) OPERATION SHARING FOUNDATION NGO FASHION DRESSES COUNCIL, ORANGE RIBBON FOUNDATION, INC. (ORFI) ORIENTAL MINDORO WOMEN'S CLUB ORGANISATION MONDIALE POUR L’EDUCATION PRESCOLAIRE(OMEP) PAMBANSANG SAMAHAN NG MGA GINANG NG TAHANAN SA KABUKIRAN PAMBANSANG TAGAPAG-UGNAY NG MGA MANGGAGAWA. SA BAHAY (PATAMABA) PANGKAT NUEVA ECIJA, INC. PANITIK NG KABABAIHAN PAN PACIFIC SOUTH EAST ASIAN WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION, INC. PI LAMBDA THETA. PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN (PAUW) PHILIPPINE CENTRAL CONFERENCE BOARD OF WOMEN’S WORK PHILIPPINE FEDERATION FOR NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING (PFNFP)-WOMENS DESK PHILIPPINE FOUNDATION FOR MUSLIM “NISSA”, INC. PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION PHILIPPINE MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION PHILIPPINE NAVY OFFICERS AND WIVES ASSOCIATION PHILIPPINE MEDICAL WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (PMWA) PHILIPPINE WOMEN DENTAL FOUNDATION PHILIPPINE NURSES ASSOCIATION (PNA) PHILIPPINE WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION (PWCTU) PHILIPPINE HOME ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION, INC. PHILIPPINE MUSLIM WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (PMWA) PHINECSTAR CONSTRUCTION, INC PHILIPPINE WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY (PWU) PWU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. INC. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE (PNP) PHILIPPINE JUDGE ASSOCIATION 10 PROFESSIONAL & CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FOR WOMEN FOUNDATION, INC. (PCDW) PRO-LIFE PHILIPPINES FOUNDATION, INC. QUEZON CITY BALIKATAN SA KAUNLARAN (BSK-QC) QUEZON CITY JAYCERETTES FOUNDATION, INC. QUOTA CLUB OF MANILA RAMON ABOITIZ FOUNDATION RELIEF SOCIETY RETIRED OFFICERS WIVES & WIDOWS ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION, INC. RIZAL FEDERATION OF WOMEN’S CLUB. ROTARY ANNS ASSOCIATION OF DISTRICT 3800 RURAL IMPROVEMENT CLUBS OF THE PHILIPPINES SANDIGAN WOMEN'S LEAGUE SANDIGAN WOMEN'S LEAGUE OF LARGO INC. ‘SAN JUAN LIONESS SAMAHAN NG KABABAIHAN NG LBC SEAMEN’S WIVES ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF THE PHILIPPINE REGION (SIPR) STOP TRAFFICKING OF PILIPINOS (S.T.0.P) TAHANANG WALANG HAGDANAN THE ANTIQUENO FESTIVAL ‘THE CLIQUE CAREER WOMEN’S CLUB THE FOUNDATION FOR THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING, INC. & THE HOMEMAKERS OF POLICE ‘AND_ SOLDIERS’ HOMES ‘THE SALVATION ARMY HOME LEAGUE WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION TOUCH MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 75 DIVISION AREA 3 TOWNS FOUNDATION, INC. (TF) UP CENTER FOR WOMEN STUDIES UP WOMEN LEADERS UP SIGMA BETA FOUNDATION UP WOMEN LAWYERS CIRCLE (WILOCI, WOMEN ADVANCING GOVERNMENT ACTION FOR-SHELTER (WAGAS) WOMEN ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTISTS IN THE PHILIPPINES WOMEN ADVOCATES OF RAMOS MOVEMENT (WARM) WOMEN’S AUXILIARY TO THE MANILA MEDICAL SOCIETY WOMEN’S DENTISTS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES WOMEN’S FEDERATION FOR WORLD PEACE (WFWP) WOMEN’S HEALTH CARE FOUNDATION WOMEN IN FINANCE AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP PHILIPPINES, INC. (WIFE) WOMEN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATION, INC. WOMEN’S INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE, WOMEN’S LAWYERS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES (WLAP) WOMEN’S LEGAL BUREAU, INC. WOMEN’S MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES WOMEN’S RIGHT MOVEMENT OF THE PHILIPPINES WOMEN SPORTS FOUNDATION PHILIPPINES (WSFP) WORKING WOMEN AND YOUTH WELFARE ORGANIZATION YOUNG LADIES ASSOCIATION OF CHARITY (YLAC) YOUNG WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF QUEZON CITY YOUNG WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF MANILA YOUNG WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES YOUTH AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CENTER (YFDC) YOUTH & STUDENT TRAVEL ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES ZERO WASTE MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY TO TOTAL RECYCLING ZONTA CLUB OF NORTHERN LUZON & NCR ZONTA CLUB OF SOUTHERN LUZON & NCR ZONTA CLUB OF VISAYAS ZONTA CLUB OF MINDANAO Plus 4.419 NCWP local Councils of Women with approximately 10 million women members from different regions, provinces cities municipalities and barangays. 002 WOMEN’S ACTION NETWORK FOR DEVELOPMENT, INC. (WAND) ADDRESS 142-A Scout Rallos Street, Kamuning, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 96-14-31 FAX NO. 96-14-31 INCUMBENT HEAD JURGETTE HONCULADA DESIGNATION Chairperson DATE FOUNDED 1989 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 100 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE ‘National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental OBJECTIVES 1. To increase the visibility of women and enable women leaders to deal with national ques- tions with more expertise. 2. To strengthen the capabilities of women NGOs through the development of pilot innova- tive programs along the areas of livelihood, altemative child care support and legal assis- tance, » . To facilitate an on-going relationship between NGOs and the funding sources through provision of technical assistance to organizations in developing women-focused programs. PROJECT/ACTIVITIES 1, WAND in Harmony Project - is an effort for the conservation of the environment. This includes the training of trainors for conducting Ecological Visioning and Awareness Workshops in the different regions. It also provided seed fund for local projects on ecology in four organized communities WAND participates in international conferences and national issues -¢.g. International Con- ference on Health. . WAND is a member of the group of convenors for the National Peace Conference; it is also a member of the women’s committee in the freedom from debt Coalition, to study the gen- der-specific impact of the debt problem; it also sits in the national Executive Council and the Execom of Project 2001 (an electoral movement of the NGO/PO community); it also partici- pates in the Ugnayan ng Kababaihan sa Pulitika (UKP), and helped in the struggle for the nomination of women representatives in Congress. MEMBERS/AFFILIATION ASSOCIATED CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT COOPERATIVE CENTER FOR LABOR AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER FOR SOCIAL POLICY-PUBLIC AFFAIRS 2 FOUNDATION FOR EDUCATIONAL EVOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT (FEED) FEDERATION OF FREE WORKERS (FFW) FORWARD LOOKING WOMEN, INC. HARNESSINGSELF-RELIANT INITIATIVES AND KNOWLEDGE INTEGRATED MIDWIVES ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILS. INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL ORDER NATIONAL FEDERATION OF LABOR (NFL WOMEN'S DEPT.) LABOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH NETWORK (LEARN) NATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF COOPERATIVES (NATCCO) PHILIPPINE PARTNERSHIP FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN RURAL AREAS SAMAHAN KABABAIHANG MANGGAGAWANG PILIPINO ASIAN WOMEN COOPERATIVE FOUNDATION SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT INDEX UNION OF FILIPINO WORKERS, ‘WOMEN INVOLVED IN THE NATION BUILDING (WIN) INSTITUTE FOR URBAN POOR ‘WOMEN IN FINANCE AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP BABAI BAYAN IISA BALIKATAN SA KAUNLARAN PIGLAS KAMAO ANG KILUSAN NG KABABAIHANG PILIPINO PINAGBUKLOD NA SAMAHAN NG MGA MAGULANG LAKAS MANGGAGAWA AGENCY FOR COMMUNITY EDUCATIONAL SERVICES (ACES) PINAGKAISANG SAMAHAN NG KABABAIHAN SA NUEVA ECIJA (PSK-NE) BICOL COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE BICOL SMALL BUSINESS INSTITUTE BUHI RURAL WOMEN MULTI-PURPOSE COOPERATIVE CARRD CENTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES COCONUT FARMERS TECHNOLOGY CENTER CRUSADES OF RURAL YOUTH-WOMEN'S GROUP DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST WOMEN OF THE PHILIPPINES (DSWP) KABABAIHANG BARANGAY LIVELIHOOD FOUNDATION IGOROTA FOUNDATION ILOCANA WOMEN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR RURAL RECONSTRUCTION KALINGA APAYAO WOMEN'S FEDERATION KALUSUGANG BAYAN FOUNDATION KATIPUNAN NG SAMAHANG MAGSASAKA KATIPUNAN NG MGA BAGONG PILIPINA LAKAS NG KABABAIHAN 003, ALLIANCE OF MUSLIM WOMEN’S AND CULTURAL COMMUNITTEES CoMMUNITIES ADDRESS clo MTRCB 1373 Francisco Bldg., E. Rodriguez Ave., Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 931-94-38/924-15-02/721-35-22 FAX NO. 71-31-06 INCUMBENT HEAD MRS. HADJA PUTRI ZORAYDA A. TAMANO DESIGNATION Coordinator DATE FOUNDED 1991 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 16 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Socio-civic OBJECTIVES * To create awareness, discussions and analysis of current and emerging issues AMONG Muslim women, + To facilitate sharing of knowledge and political maturity among Muslim women with the end in view of enhancing capabilities and contribution to community development. * To develop more dynamic, vigilant and responsive women with a keen awareness of events not only women and youth issues but also on vital issues affecting our communi- ties and country. * To have unity among cultural communities group FUNDNG SOURCE ‘National Steering Commission AREAS OF CONCERN Family and Livelihood MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS PAN PACIFIC SOUTHEAST ASEAN WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES PHILIPPINE MUSLIM WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION MAMPIA-AWFDN 004 ANG KILUSAN NG KABABAIHANG PILIPINO (PILIPINA) ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. INCUMBENT HEAD DESIGNATION FOUNDER DATE FOUNDED GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE CHAPTERS AFFILIATION(S) ‘National International TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 142 - A Scout Rallos, Kamuning, Quezon City 961431 Remedios I. Rikken National Coordinator ‘Women engaged in social development work in the country 1981 ‘National Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Butuan, Davao BUNSO; ANAK; AWRAN; PWRC; WAND; LAW; SIBOL; Coalition for Peace Lakas ng Kababaihan; Lakas ng Sambayanan AWRAN Socio civic/Nongovernmental OBJECTIVES Vision For mass-based feminists organization which affirms the vision of a transformed society in which both women and men possess dignity, autonomy and equality. In this transformed soci- ety, wealth and resources are shared equitably; care and nurture of persons are valued; and development is premised on sustainable communities and global well being. Goals PILIPINA will pursue the following: + women’s constituency that will hold public officers accountable through the exercise of a women’s vote; and monitoring and implementation of NGO of a women’s agenda; * qualitative increase in the number of gender sensitive women leaders in: elective public officers at all levels; appointive positions in strategic government bodies; key social move- ments; and academe; Mainstreaming and Institutionalization of the women’s agenda as manifested in: adoption by social movements of gender equality as an operating principle; enactment of laws and policies on reproductive rights, violence against women, economic rights of women and other primary concems of women; serious consideration and adoption of the women’s agenda by political parties; Establishment of support systems, particularly for women with multiple burdens in communities, and for women in leadership; and Re- search, documentation and popularization of baseline data and information on women. This shall also highlight models and experiences in the feminist exercise of power-and leadership. PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES, + Consciousness Raising for women geared towards creating a critical awareness of women’s oppression in their respective sectors and the realization that women must work for their ‘own liberation; + Organizing of women to create alternative structures of support and service for poor women; + Sensitizing non-government organizations and social development agencies to the gender question; + Advocating women’s equal rights and full development in public policy, legislation and gov- emment programs; + Practising and promoting non sexist values in the social institutions of family, schools, churches and mass media. 005 HEALTH ACTION INFORMATION NETWORK (HAIN) ADDRESS + 9 Cabanatuan Road, Philam Homes, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 978805; 976860 HEAD OF OFFICE Executive Director INCUMBENT HEAD Dr. Michael L. Tan FOUNDER(S) Dr. Michael L. Tan and E. Montecillo J. Lim DATE FOUNDED 1985 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National AFFILIATIONS Intemational Health Action International Global Reproductive Rights Network TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Socio-civic Non governmental OBJECTIVES * General To:service research and documentation needs of individuals and groups involved in health care and development. Specific + To promote a holistic approach to health care considering economic, socio political and cultural factors; + Todo advocacy work for specific issues as: women and health; child labor; and drug policy. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES + Library service (open to all on Tuesdays through Saturdays) + Information search Publications: Health Alert; Drug Monitor + Production of papers, primers or other background materials on health related matters for workshops purposes AREAS OF CONCERN Women’s health: Reproductive rights Pharmaceuticals Sexuality Sexually exploited women ‘Women and pharmaceuticals Theoretical perspectives in feminism. PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Resource Center/Library/Data Bank - Maintains a Resource Center open to the public, with a rapidly growing stock of books, periodicals, microfiche, audiovisuals and “non-ortho- dox materials such as teaching aids, workshop proceedings and unpublished rhaterials such as students theses. Participatory Research - Works with communities and with advocacy groups on diverse health related issues, blending formal academic research methods such as surveys with a community based perspective where the subjects of the research become the main re- searchers, deciding the thrust of the project and the methods for analyzing data. Documentation/Publication - Health Alert, A forth nightly newsletter with a special feature focusing on a particular theme per issue. In addition, it has brief news and features on major developments in medicine and health, news on economic and political developments that shape the health care situation, as well as news on activities of alternative health groups. The Drug Monitor - A monthly bulletin which provides independent and objective informa- tion on pharmaceuticals and drug policies. Health Education and Information - Organization of symposia and workshops on primary health care, medical and nursing education, women’s health, rational drug use and other health related concerns and production of book stand pamphlets on issues relating to child health and welfare, pharmaceuticals and public policy. 006 LAKAS NG KABABAIHAN, INC. ADDRESS 131 Sct. Limbaga St., Kamuning, Q. C. TELEPHONE NO. 922-4995 DATE FOUNDED September 1980 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 39 TYPE OF ORGANIZATION NGO TYPES OF SERVICES Education and training, Advocacy and Alliance Lakas ng Kababaihan is composed of the following women’s groups and institutions: Center for Women’s Resources General Assembly Binding Women for Reforms, Integrity, Leadership, equality and Action (GABRIELA) KALAYAAN Katipunan ng Bagong Kababaihan (KaBaPa) National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP), Program Unit on Women ‘Women Development and Technology Institute (WDT1) ‘Women’s Resource and Research Center (WRRC) ‘Women’s Studies Consortium (WSC) WomanHealth Philippines Writers Involved in Creating Cultural Alternatives (WICCA) 007 ALLIANCE WOMEN’S HEALTH (AWH) ADDRESS 1589 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 924-07-17 FAX NO. 924-07-17 INCUMBENT HEAD DR. FLORENCE M: TADIAR DESIGNATION Executive Director TERM OF OFFICE 1984- DATE FOUNDED September 1980 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 39 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION NGO OBJECTIVES 1, To provide quality, affordable and comprehensive health care services and information for women and their families 2 To operate affordable clinical and laboratory facilities for women and families; to motivate/ train women/community health workers for them to realize/enact responsibilities/rights con- cerning reproductive health. PROJECT/ACTIVITIES 1. Small Business Organization (SBO) - Provide reproductive health services and information care through group discussions and lectures. Beneficiaries are employers, workers of busi- ness establishments in Quezon City, particularly around Cubao Clinic. 2. Outreach Program - Provide accessible and affordable medical, counselling, laboratory, referral services to clients from depressed communities in Muntinlupa and Quezon City and information activities in various communities. 3. Community Health - Training community health workers in FP, Clinic management, repro- ductive health and related skills. 4, BALITA sa WHCE - Bi-annual newsletter MEMBER/AFFILIATES BUKAS cWR GABRIELLA Commission on Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights Katipunan ng mga Bagong Pilipina ISSA kalayaan DIWATA ; LABOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH NETWORK (LEARN) TUCP ucWwS ‘WRRC WDTI SAMAKANA 9 20 008 UGNAYAN NG MGA KABABAIHAN SA PULITIKA (UKP) ADDRESS 1126 Matimtiman St., Sikatuna Village, Quezon City PHONE NUMBER 921690 FAX NUMBER 9223205 INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Jenny Llaguno DESIGNATION Coordinator 009 DEVELOPMENT ACTION FOR WOMEN IN TUCP (DAWN-TUCP) ADDRESS PUCP, PGEA Comp., Maharlika cor. Masaya, Ellipti- cal Road, Quezon City PHONE NUMBERS 922-2185 /921-5236 FAX NUMBER 921-9758 INCUMBENT HEAD Connie M. Angco DESIGNATION President GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-Government OBJECTIVES + Toestablish and maintain an effective and unified women's organization within TUCP. * To work in collaboration with the TUCP and its department of women for the improve- ment of the condition of work and lives of the working people under families. AREAS OF CONCERN Cooperative and Livelihood, health and nutrition MEMBERS/AFFILIATION ASSOCIATED LABOR UNIONS OF WOMEN'S COMMITTEE. ASSOCIATION OF TRADE UNIONS - DAVAO WOMEN'S COMMITTEE CLASS WOMEN'S COMMITTEE PASEWU NACSIP WOMEN'S COMMITTEE PTGWO - WOMEN'S COMMITTEE PHILIPPINE FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S COMMITTEE NATIONAL MINES AND ALLIED WORKERS UNION WOMEN'S COMMITTEE KILUSAN OF WOMEN'S COMMITTEE FARMERS GROUP ORGANIZATION WOMEN'S COMMITTEE PALEYA WOMEN'S COMMITTEE PSLink WOMEN'S COMMITTEE | PGEA - PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION WOMEN'S COMMITTEE a 010 SAMA-SAMANG INISYATIBA NG MGA KABABAIHAN SA PAGBABAGO NG BATAS AT LIPUNAN (SIBOL) ADDRESS clo DSWP #7 Big Horseshoe Drive, Horseshoe Village, Quezon City PHONE NUMBER 78-1510 INCUMBENT HEAD Elizabeth Cunanan-Angsioco DESIGNATION National Chairperson AREAS OF CONCERN : Sibol maintains that the traditional definition of rape should be changed - Some legislators have expressed the belief that expanding the definition of rape is unacceptable since it goes against the traditional or universal definition of rape. They have submitted that rape has always been understood as pertaining only to the genitals. Yet progressive anti-rape laws that encompass their way into the statute books of some countries and states in the United States. SIBOL believes that this so-called "Universal" definition of rape is not necessarily women's understanding of the concept. The present legal definition of rape did not come from the women who have experienced the horrors of being at the receiving end of men's creative violent fantasies. Furthermore, it is submitted that universality not be the consideration but the merits of the proposal itself. . Sibol maintains that sexual assault does not capture the essence of rape - It has been proposed that acts which do not involve penetration of the vagina by the penis be termed sexual assault not rape. This proposal views the use of terminology asa matter of semantics which should not be given much weight as long as the same penalty is. given both rape and sexual assault. This reasoning, however, affirms what it denies: that the term does matter and has significance. . Sibol maintains that marital rape does happen and must be penalized.- Marriage is a contract of bondage and should be a relationship of oppression and subordination. A woman's basic human rights to liberty and human dignity do not cease to exist upon marriage. These rights are guaranteed by the Constitution and all human rights conventions to which the Philippines is a party. The Family Code itself provides that the husband and the wife should observe mutual respect, love and support. Marital rape is inconsistent with legal framework. A woman's basic human rights and the obligation to respect, love and support her are violated when a husband commits rape against his wife. The Supreme Court ruled in no uncertain terms in the case of Arroyo vs. Arroyo that no woman can be forced to have sex with her. husband. To do so, according to the Court would violate her to liberty. To say that women, even when they are raped by their husbands, should not be given the right to file a criminal complaint for rape is tantamount to legitimizing rape‘in marriage. The argument that allowing the wife to file a complaint for rape against her husband undermines the solidarity of the family is entirely devoid of merit. The violations ofa spouse's human Tights undermine the marriage and the family, not the right to seek redress for those violations. It is the lack of respect for a spouse's person and human dignity which destroys family solidarity, not the right to file a case of marital rape. The Constitutional mandate to protect the Filipino family is not meant to deny rights to redress for violations ofhuman rights. MEMBERS/AFFILIATION cLD DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST WOMEN OF THE PHILIPPINES ISSA KALAYAAN MAKALAYA ANG KILUSAN NG KABABAIHANG PILIPINO (PILIPINA) wec WEDPRO WLB, INC. WOMAN-HEALTH WRRC, INC. Z2orsama NATIONAL WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS This: section features national women's organizations operating nationwide and are usually affiliated with at least one umbrella or women's network. By and large, they operate autonomously on the basis of well-defined goals and objectives adopted by their general membership of individual women, Being national in scope, their presence is felt in a wide number of communities all over the country, where their constituent members have consolidated into chapters, clubs, affiliated councils or associations of locally-based women. Although these chapters or local affiliates may differ in terms of sectoral focus, they are expected to adhere to the goals and objectives of their national organizations. These local units are established in strategic centers that are accessible to local members within specific regions, provinces, cities, municipalities or barangay. Usually, a national women's organization maintains a national secretariat or headquarters in Metro Manila with local secretariat in strategic centers in the country. They may be registered with any government instrumentalities. Some maybe affiliated with an international organization. ABIERTAS HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP ( AHF) OFFICE ADDRESS #21 Santolan Road, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 703969 HEAD OF OFFICE Officer in Charge INCUMBENT HEAD ‘Mrs. Litio B. Vietorino TERM OF OFFICE 1994 FOUNDER(S) Mrs. Asuncion A. Perez DATE FOUNDED November 21, 1930 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National AFFILIATION(S) ‘National Council of Women of the Philippines (NCWP) TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental OBJECTIVES General To give refuge for women with problems related to out of wedlock pregnancy. Specific + To promote the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development of the unwed mother under the care of the home; To help the unwed mother plan for her eventual return to society . To help the unwed mother make the wisest plan for the future of her child in order to provide the normal home environment as soon as possible; To provide care and protection for the proper nurturing and development of the infant of the unwed mother, To care for the destitute and orphaned infants until a proper home can be found for them; and To disseminate favorable information in order to wipe out age stigma among these women to enable them to return to the community without prejudice and discrimination. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES. Residential care for pregnant women and their babies ‘AREAS OF CONCERN Unmarried pregnant women PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES + Social Work Service = involves casework services for unwed mothers and their babies in solving their problems, and eventually rehabilitating them es early as possible; + Residential Care and Group Living Activities - Enable the matron to provide the clients homelife environment ‘and group living activities rather than an institutionalized atmosphere; + Housekeeping activities - are assigned to the mothers on rotation depending on the stage of their pregnancy. The matron and the social worker help them in organizing and planning recreational activities, + Medical and Dental Services - include different services such as: prenatal, post natal checkup and health instruction by volunteer lady obstetricians. The expectant mothers are likewise allowed to visit any physician of their choice for the prenatal and post natal checkups. 0002 AKSYON PARA SA KAPAYAPAAN AT KATARUNGAN OFFICE ADDRESS 2215 Pedro Gil St., 1009 Sta, Ana, Metro Manila ‘TELEPHONE NO. $71008/502168 FAX NO. 571008 INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Tess Ramiro GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE. National 25 ALLIANCE OF CONCERNED TEACHERS OF THE PHILIPPINES (ACT) ADDRESS S6B F. Manalo Street, Cubao, Quezon City ‘TELEPHONE NO. 9221082 INCUMBENT HEAD Prof. Enrique D. Torres TERM OF OFFICE 1993 to 1995 FOUNDER(S) Ella Rosales, Raul Segovia, Rene Romero and Oscar Pascual DATE FOUNDED June 1982 MEMBERSHIP SIZE, 150,000 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National CHAPTERS 13 Regions: Central Luzon, Bicol, NCR, Dumaguete, Panay, Bacolod, Central Mindanao Region, Southern Mindanao AFFILIATION(S) National Freedom from Debt Coalition Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates, Philippine Environmental Action Network Intemational Education International TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ProfessionalNon-governmental OBJECTIVES General To promote teachers professional and economic welfare, To advance a nationalist, democratic and scientific education; + To encourage active and dynamic teacher participation in social transformation; + To uphold human rights whenever and wherever these are threatened and violated; and” To represent, assist and defend its affiliates and their individual members, in particular, and the teachers and all other education workers, in general, in the advancement of their rights and interests. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Research Action program, Organizing Publication and Information Dissemination, Education and Training, Cooperation, Intemational Solidarity, Legal service FUNDING SOURCES Local membership dues, Sales of reading materials, Income from cooperatives, Income Generating Projects, Donations from local groups and individuals, International grants AREAS OF CONCERN Gender oppression among Filipino women teachers, Gender fair curriculum, Sexist curricula, materials and pedagogy, Initiatives of women in education, Linkages with other women’s groups both locally and internationally PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES + Gender Consciousness Course I. - This is an introductory course to the woman question and its relevance to Filipino women teachers. Gender Consciousness + Course If - This is a three days special leadership training for women members of ACT. Research on Sexism in ‘Textbook Content analysis of textbooks is ongoing, AL KHAIRIYA MUSLIM WOMEN ASSOCIATION, INC. (AKAMUWA) ADDRESS Block 11 Lot 3, Maharlika Village, Taguig, Metro Manila TELEPHONE NO. $37-36-30/837-40-£ HEAD OF OFFICE President INCUMBENT HEAD Bai Delilah S. Dimapunong TERM OF OFFICE 1994-1999 DATE FOUNDED May 18, 1993 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 35, GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION NGOReligious OBIECTIVES To uplift the living condition of its members, and to cultivate interest in indigenous tradition and to instill awareness of the rich cultural heritage of the Muslim Filipinos. To establish, manage, operate, design and undertake charitable and humanitarian projects To help preserve and protect the ecological balance. To augment family income of Muslim Women in the Philippines. To teach basic ARABIC Language PROJECT/ACTIVITIES Livelihood Projects - Hand weaving (Malong, Langkits, placemats, Making women accessories, Pasbi (Beads Religious Rosary of Muslims) Making, etc. Basic Arabic Lessons - Teaching Arabic Language for groups or on tutorial basis. 0005 ALL NATIONS WOMEN’S GROUP (ANWG) OFFICE ADDRESS Manila YWCA Hdqters, # 1144 Gen, Luna Street Ermita, Manila TELEPHONE NO. 597639; 587849; 590660; 588290 HEAD OF OFFICE President INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Aurora Udarbe Gonzales TERM OF OFFICE 1993 to 1995 FOUNDER(S) President A. Barcelona DATE FOUNDED July 11, 1947 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 400 AFFILIATION(S) * National Manila YWCA of the Philippines National Council of Women of the Philippines (NCWP) Intemational NGOs American Woman’s Club Latin Ameriean Woman’s Club United Nations Ladies Club International Woman’s Ciub Asean . Development Ladies Woman’s Club TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-governmental OBJECTIVES The All Nations Women’s Group is a civie nonprofit organization, dedicated to the cause of Intemational Fellowship and goodwill by developing among its members an appreciation and an understanding of the lives 27 28 ang cultures OI GlTerent nationality groups, irrespective of race, religion or political beliets. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Yearly scholarship program to the poor and deserving students in Metro Manila; The ANWG holds monthly cultural program depicting the live arts and culture of different nationality groups with the cooperation of the different embassies in Manila. " FUNDING SOURCES Fund raising activity; Membership dues; Donations AREAS OF CONCERN Sexual harassment on women; Child abuse; Battered women; and Exploitation of women PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES ‘Awarding of scholarships to underprivileged and deserving students. to Metro Manila colleges, universities and vocational schools, Monthly cultural exchanges held whenever possible in the homes of Ambassadors/Chiefs of Missions or 5 Star Hotels and visits to art collections and historical places; Financial assistance to the Street Children Project of YWCA. 0006 ALTRUSA CLUB OF GREATER MANILA OFFICE ADDRESS 76 Aurora Boulevard, San Juan, Metro Manila TELEPHONE NO. 793337/780621 FAX NO. 703896 HEAD OF OFFICE President INCUMBENT HEAD Ms, Aurora Udarbe Gonzales 0007 AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY, PHILIPPINE DEPARTMENT OFFICE ADDRESS #1733 Leveriza St. Pasay City 1300 TELEPHONE NO. 50-59-59; 59-86-37 HEAD OF OFFICE President INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Loreto “Inday” D. Melencio FOUNDER(S) First President Mrs. Revilla DATE FOUNDED . April 1966 (Philippine Department) MEMBERSHIP SIZE Paid up members: 2,000 Member councils/chapters: 60 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National units in different regions, cities and provinces AFFILIATION(S) National National Council of Women of the Philippines International International American Legion Auxiliary based in Indianapolis, Indiana TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental OBJECTIVES The Auxiliary is for women of all ages and from all walks of life, who join together in the fellowship of giving ‘No matter how an auxiliary member chooses to contribute, she can help fill a need and address one of countless social problems through the our many programs. FUNDING SOURCES ‘Membership fees; Benefits from raffles, Proceeds from beauty contests AREAS OF CONCERN . Family life, Welfare of children; and Drug abuse PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Children & Youth ; Liaison to child welfare foundation; Substance abuse prevention; Crisis intervention and family support; Child safety, Community Service, Blood drivers/first aid/CPR training, Help for the homeless, Environmental protection/community beautification; Crime prevention/neighborhood watch programs, Emergeney/disaster relief; Education-Literacy Program; Scholarships and grants, Leadership treining and seminars, Girls State/Girls Nation Legislative; Awareness assembly/forum; Support for veterans programs, National Security, Awareness forum and seminars - USO, Disaster prevention and relief operation programme, The Poppy Program Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation; Hospital and hospice volunteer work; and Program-field and home service programs volunteers 008 ARMED FORCES LADIES CLUB OFFICE ADDRESS AFPOLC, 648 Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City HEAD OF OFFICE Mrs. Monette de Villa 009 ARMM LEGISLATOR SPOUSES FOUNDATION OFFICE ADDRESS 104 Wilson Circle, Greenhills, San Juan TELEPHONE NUMBERS {6335762/795279/8323767 FAX NO. 6335762 HEAD OF OFFICE President INCUMBENT HEAD Bai Monera Pendatum oo10 ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK WOMEN’S CLUB (ADBWC) OFFICE ADDRESS 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City TELEPHONE NO. 6713350 INCUMBENT HEAD Mrs. Ursula Stryk on ASIAN REAGA, INC OFFICE ADDRESS Unit 401-A 24th Floor, Textite Towers Condominium, Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City 29 30 TELEPHONE NO. — 6337056/6337059/6346749 FAX NO, _ 6337175/6337057 CONTACT PERSON Hajah Hajara Canoy Abbas 012 ASIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT ADDRESS Joseph R. MeMicking Campus, 123 Pasco de Roxas MCPO Box 2095 , 1260 Makati, Metro Manila TELEPHONE NO. (632) 8933338; (632) 892401125 INCUMBENT HEAD Mr. Felipe B. Alfonso CHAPTERS Jakarta, Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Bangkok, Thailand, Hongkong, Singapore, San Francisco, USA, India AFFILIATION(S) + ‘National Ateneo de Manila University De La Salle University TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-governmental OBJECTIVES General To become the center of Asian management education, Specific To prepare men and women for managerial leadership in Asian business, government, and nonprofit organizations, to equip them with the unique tools required to be eapable developers and managers of Asian economies and societies. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES, Management Education FUNDING SOURCES ‘ Local AIM Scientific Research Federation Tuition grants International Grants AREAS OF CONCERN ‘Women in management, Women in development PROGRAMS /PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Women in Development Training programs in the use of gender analysis as # tool for project development and policy formulation Includes program development as well as case writing. A CIDA Funded project, 19871992, involved 20 three day programs on gender analysis run in the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries. Participants included NGOs and govemment personnel. Gender Analysis workshops continue to be offered in response to requests by donor agencies and govemment bodies. Workshops are run cither on an institutional basis or by individual faculty members. Women Managers Program Rescarch on successful women managers; training programs for women managers, including women entrepreneurs, women managers employed in large and medium corporations. and women managers in government and NGOs, Includes program development and case writing 0013 ASIAN WOMEN’S HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL (AWHRC) OFFICE ADDRESS PO. Box 190 #1099 Manila TELEPHONE NO. s2aag2d HEAD OF OFFICE Regional Coordinator INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Nelia Saneho TERM OF OFFICE 1993 to 1994 FOUNDER(S) Ms. Nelia Sancho Liao; Ms. Milagros Isabel Cristobal; Ms. Nora Gamolo; Ms. Victoria Corpuz, Ms. June Rodriguez; Ms. Rose Ceredea Quebral; Ms. Aida Jean Nacpil Manipon; Ms. Aiko Carter, Ms. Aruna Granadson; and Ms. Corinne Kumarsonza DATE FOUNDED January 2, 1990 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National Intemational/Regional Secretariat AFFILIATION(S) National - LA Pilipina TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-governmental OBIECTIVES + To promote a new understanding of human rights and development from a feminist perspective and in the provess, generate new concepts of human rights; + To challenge gender subordination and patriarchy and the existing development models which have brought new and more violent forms of human rights violations on Asian women; and + To provide a focal point and stimulus at the national and regional level for the advocacy and defense of Asian ‘women’s human rights. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Workshops, Seminars, Publications FUNDING SOURCES Local Membership fees and Publication sales International Grants from foundations, Membership fees, Subscription fees, Publication sales AREAS OF CONCERN Sex trafficking, Military prostitution, Sex tourism, Violence against women, Indigenous women, Childre Asia, end Women’s human rights PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Development (India in June 1994), religion and violence on women (Malaysia in September 1994), and on indigenous women (Manila in December 1994), Asian Consultation on Violence Against Women In June 1993, in partnership with the Unit III on Justice, Peace and Creation/Women of the World Council of Churches, Women’s Desk of Christian Conference of Asia in Bali, Indonesia; Drafting of the Asian Declaration on Women’s Human Rights in the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand, China and Nepal; International Fact Finding Mission on the Dalit Women in India on October 1993; Co-sponsorship of the March 1993 Asia Pacific Conference on Human Rights in Bangkok; Attends NGO Regional preparatory meeting for the UN World Conference on Human Rights and participation in the UN Regional meetings in Asia (.e., Jakarta Ministerial Women and Development, etc.); Participation in the June 1993 UN World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna and the NGO Forum with the co-sponsorship of intemational workshop on: a) Military Sexual Slavery; b) Sex trafficking globally Participation ia the Intemational ‘Symposium on Critical Perspectives on the Population Issues; Participation in the NGO Planning Committee Consultation held in Vienna on March 16-17, 1993 for the 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing; Participation in the June 1995 World Conference of Women in Beijing, China: World Public Hearing on Crimes Against Women in the South. 31 32 0014 ASOCIACION DE DAMAS DE FILIPINAS, INC. (ADF) OFFICE ADDRESS #1451 Pres. Quiririo Avenue, Paco, Manila TELEPHONE NO. 393974 HEAD OF OFFICE, President INCUMBENT HEAD Mrs. Nellie C. Delgado TERM OF OFFICE 1994 to 1995 FOUNDER(S) Dr. Honoria Acosta Sison, Francisca Benitez, Maria Buencamino, and Lagrimas Vda. de Icasiano DATE FOUNDED September 1913 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 15 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National AFFILIATION(S) National Council for Social Development National Council of Women of the Philippines ‘Community Chest Foundation, Ine. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Socio-civie_Non-govemmental OBJECTIVES + To render social welfare work with special emphasis on child welfare; + To protect well infants and other children, help them live normal lives through temporary institutional care *+ To provide temporary care and shelter to abandoned, orphaned and children of unwed mothers and whose parents who ate financially incapable to provide family needs. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES, Temporary Institutional Care Services for Children Under Six FUNDING SOURCES Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office; Community Chest Foundation, Inc.; Membership fees; Contributions from benevolent donors; Private volunteers and individuals PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES + Residential Care - Caring and placement services from abandoned, orphaned, abused or neglected children irespective of creed and nationality. Age group are 3 months to 6 years old Day Care Provide care for children of working mothers or parents, + Promote the psychosocial, emotional need and the physical development of children through constructive and creative group experience. oo1s ASSOCIATION OF LADIES SECURITY OPERATOR OF THE PHILIPPINES OFFICE ADDRESS 7 Sta. Teresita St, Bo. Kapitolyo, Pasig City TELEPHONE NUMBERS 6313496/582230 FAX NUMBER 573486 INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. NENA O. LANTING 0016 ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS OF MAKATI INCUMBENT Ms. Nora M. Uy TELEPHONE NUMBER 851405 017 ASUNCION PEREZ MEMORIAL CENTER, INC. (AAPMC) ADDRESS. Peace Corps Compound, 2139 Fidel Reyes St-vet, Malate, Mani TELEPHONE NO. 59-24-21 1oe.238/947-32-78 INCUMBENT HEAD Mrs. Avelina C. Ongkiko DESIGNATION Executive Director TERM OF OFFICE, 1981-1995 DATE FOUNDED 1969 GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-sectarian OBJECTIVES ‘To develop the presence of the Center in every area of need and to pursue God’s plan of transformation ‘To develop individuals to their fullest stature so that they may become agents of change and development. ‘To make individuals aware of Gods redeeming love as demonstrated in service and mission. To involve local churches in community development programs in partnership with the agencies PROJECT/ACTIVITIES Spiritual Upliftment - Bible studies, fellowships, retreat, trainings on value enhancement, discipleship, self understanding, famiy life and social awareness. Home Management and Family Life - Informal education that focuses on health and nutrition, respo parenthood and homecrafts Economic Productivity - Loan assistance, livelihood projects, Education - Scholarships, personality and leadership development, non-formal education, skills training. Propet Nutrition and Health Education - Supplemental feeding program for 0-6 year old matnourished children, mother’s classes and mother’s organizations in support of feeding and child care programs. os AUXILIARY TO THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OFFICE ADDRESS Philippine Medical Association, North Ave., Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 973514 HEAD OF OFFICE President INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Dyna Espiritu 33 0019 AYALA FOUNDATION, INC. OFFICE ADDRESS ‘Ayala Museum, Makati Avenue, Makati City TELEPHONE NO. 810-1096 FAX NO. 817-3209 HEAD OF OFFICE President INCUMBENT HEAD Ms, Victoria P. Garchitorena 0020 BAGONG INA NG BAYAN BARANGAY FEDERATION INC. (BINB) OFFICE ADDRESS #7684 Saint Paul Street, San Antonio Village, Makati City TELEPHONE NO. 867339 HEAD OF OFFICE President and Chairman of the Board INCUMBENT HEAD . Ms. Rosario Charito Go TERM OF OFFICE 1987 FOUNDER(S) Ms. Rosario Charito Go DATE FOUNDED October 29, 1987 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE ‘National CHAPTERS AFFILIATION(S) National National Council of Women of, the Philippines (NCWP) International Frailey Foundation International TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental OBJECTIVES General ‘To promote the welfare and well being of the members through involvement in their community Specific To extend all possible assistance to the members. AVAILABLE RESOURCESISERVICES, Livelihood training and. Provision of social services to indigent constituents FUNDING SOURCES Fund raising activities AREAS OF CONCERN Battered women and Women empowerment ACTIVITIES Provision of social. services to indigent constituents in West Rembo, Makati Training of members in livelihood projects in their own multi-purpose center ‘Networking with private companies vant BAHA'I OFFICE ADDRESS 34, Hydra St, Bel-Air 3, Makati City TELEPHONE NO. 819-3721/812-5055 FAX NO. HEAD OF OFFICE President INCUMBENT HEAD Dr. Martha Taylor on BALIKATAN SA KAUNLARAN FOUNDATION, INC. (BSK) OFFICE ADDRESS Unit 1003. 10/F Centerpoint Building , J. Vargas Avenue comer ‘Gamet St., Ortigas Complex, Pasig City "TELEPHONE NO. '706500/6360537-42/6345133 fax HEAD OF OFFICE National President (CUMBENT HEAD Ms. Guia G. Gomez TERM OF OFFICE 1994101996 FOUNDER(S) Dr. Leticia P. de Guzman )ATE FOUNDED 1976 SERSHIP SIZE 1000000 IRAPHIC COVERAGE Nationwide WFFILIATION(S) 1 National National Council of Women of the Philippines, Stop Trafficking of Filipinos; National Couneit for Social Development; United Nations Association of the Philippines; Legislative Advocates for ‘Women; Ina Poon’ Bato Association ‘TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-governmental OBJECTIVES To develop the potentials and skills of woren and youth thus, enabling them to be active members of society | through a strong structure that will continuously mediate and facilitate their full and active participat AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Skils training and Entrepreneurial development ING SOURCES Local -Philippine Business for Sucial Progress Intemational - Philippine Australian Community Assistance Program ‘S OF CONCERN ‘Women’s exonomie development OGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES ‘Women’s Cooperative Project - This project involves the establishment of cooperatives in San Juan, Taguig and ‘Makati as a strategy to provide capital assistance to their income generating projects. ‘Women Enterprise Development - This project has assisted women entrepreneurship in San Andres, Manila and Marikina, San Andres women are involved in Cloth Scraps Recycling while the Marikina women converted leather scraps into bags, shoes and belts. (Ongoing) 35 36 0023 BALIKATAN AT UGNAYANG NAGLALAYONG SUMAGIP SA SANGGOL (BUNSO) OFFICE ADDRESS. Rm, 508 WEBJET Bldg. #64 Quezon Avenue cor. BMA Ave. , Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 7120951 to 54; 7113905 loc 37 HEAR OF OFFICE, Board Chairperson INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Petite Peredo TERM OF OFFICE 1991 to 1995 FOUNDER(S) ‘Mr. Raul Segovia, Sr. ; Pilar Verzosa, Ms. Lita Logarta, Ms. Julie Amargo, Ms. Remedios Rikken DATE FOUNDED November 21, 1981 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National AFFILIATION(S) National BUKAS SALINLAHI; NFPC; QCDC; QC3 International WABA and IBFAN TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-governmental OBJECTIVES General To protect and support the health and rights of mothers and children Specific To promote and protect breast-feeding as a natural and superior mode of infant feeding; To build awareness and raise community consciousness in health and socioeconomic problems and its root causes, To develop community participation in addressing community and social problems, To provide community serviees, such as the maternal and child health clinic, feeding program and breast- feeding counseling, To develop attitudes, knowledge and skill on preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative health care; To empower mothers with socioeconomic tools such’as peer counseling and management of health care services and livelihood projects, that they may gain self reliance and self esteem. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Membership in the coalition Formal requests addressed to the secretariat FUNDING SOURCES Local - UNICEF/DOH International = Foreign NGOs AREAS OF CONCERN Health issues PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES. Community Maternal and Child Health Capability: building of mothers in the community which will lead to the development of community. The said project has different phases: Training of mothers in MCH and orientation on women’s issues and _other issues that affect their ives. It also includes developing their skills in health and attitudes and values of people in the community; Training of the mothers to enable them develop their knowledge and skills to serve the community. BATIS CENTER FOR WOMEN (BATIS) OFFICE ADDRESS Rm. 711 Don Santiago Bldg., 1344 Taft Avenue, Ermita, Manila TELEPHONE NO. $211279; $361256; 5224357 (fax) HEAD OF OFFICE Executive Direotor INCUMBENT HEAD ‘Ms. Carmelita G. Nuqui_ TERM OF OFFICE Indefinite DATE FOUNDED November 1988 MEMBERSHIP SIZE Board of Management: 11 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE ‘National, AFFILIATION(S) ‘National MIGRANTE (Alliance for Migrant Concems Asia Pacific and Middle East) International Asian Women’s Human Rights Council (AWHRC) TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-governmental OBJECTIVES ‘General, To assist distressed Filipino women migrants, their children and families to enable them to restore their self-worth and self-respect. Specific To respond to specific needs of distressed women migrants, and their families (legal case handling, welfare services; educate the women and public on the effects of continued sending of women for overseas employment). AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES. Legal services, Welfare educational, medical, livelihood assistance (income generating projects) Library/Research FUNDING SOURCES Local Donations International Donations ‘AREAS OF CONCERN Migration of women, phenomenon and social cost, Children of Filipina migrants like Japanese-Filipino children PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Social Case Management Programme - Includes legal services for cases of Filipina entertainers who went to Japan and with Japanese-Filipino children (JFC) eases. (As of June 1994, out of the 312 cases BATIS handles, ‘44 are resolved. Number of clients 291; women with JFC 127, women without JFC 19; JEC 143; Others 2. Welfare Assistance - Covers education, medical, livelihood, airport assistance and temporary shelter to deserving, women. ‘Networking and Advocacy - With more or less 50 network organizations in 20 countries composed of intemational and local Japan GO/NGOs. This covers the following activities such as: campaigns (picket, dialogue, lobbying), conferences, issue advocacy (committee hearings, resolutions proposed), special project (etudy tours), ete, Information; Education and Research - Refers to publication services through the BATIS newsletter, tr-media issue project assistance involving print, radio, television for media projection locally, internationally and particularly in Japan, and research and library services. 37 BOARD OF WOMEN’S WORK (eww) ADDRESS 900 United Nations Avenue, Ermita, Manila, ‘TELEPHONE NO. 521-11-14 to 15 local 6 INCUMBENT HEAD SOLIDAD V. GANADEN DESIGNATION, President DATE FOUNDED 1960 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE ‘National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Socio-ci OBJECTIVES General To interpret the role of Board in fulfiling the mission of Christ and His church, To develop a program to meet the needs and interest of women related to the concems and responsibilities. To devise ways and means of developing fuller participation of women related in the total life of the church and ‘community. To provide resources and opportunities for women. Specific: To coordinate and interpret all efforts and concems of women, To secure an appropriate fund with special concer for needs and responsibilities of women, + To enlist church workers. PROJECT/ACTIVITIES BEPZ-Project for Industrial Women Workers - The BWW maintains a full-time women worker to implement a three program a) spiritual nurturing, b) counseling, and) women’s right education Scholarship - Provides scholarship to 10-12 women for any 4 year course (except Nursing) or Masteral Studies. 3. Financial Assistance for Cooperative Endeavor - Given to groups of women in the rural areas to undertake livelihood projects. Training - Church women leaders are trained in various programs such as evangelism, peace with justice, leadership and delivery of health care services. 0026 BRAHMA KUMARIS WORLD SPIRITUAL UNIVERSITY OFFICE ADDRESS B. K. Raja Yoga Center, 7484 Bagtican cor. Dao St., Makati City TELEPHONE NO. 815-2236 . FAX NO. 7220236 HEAD OF OFFICE - Sis. Alma Echano INCUMBENT HEAD National Coordinator GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE 0027 BUDHI NG PILIPINAS FOUNDATION, INC. OFFICE ADDRESS ‘SIF Singapore Airlines Bldg., 138 H. V. Dela Costa St, Salcedo | Village, Makati City TELEPHONE NO. 817-7649/ (Pager) 141-247-537 FAX NO. 817-9476 | HEAD OF OFFICE President | INCUMBENT HEAD Ma. Leonora C. Mirasol GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE, National BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES (BPWAP) OFFICE ADDRESS 1011 Escoda St., Ermita, Manila TELEPHONE NO." 8445829; 86-58-29; 86625612 HEAD OF OFFICE President INCUMBENT HEAD Atty. Clarita Tankiang Sanches. DATE FOUNDED 1983 AFFILIATION(S) National National Council of Women of the Philippines (NCWP) International Intemational Federation of Business and Professional Women TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Professional and business group / Non-governmental |» OBJECTIVES General . + To promote friendly relations and undertaking among the business and professional women of all countries, + To present the views of business and professional women to world organizations and agencies. Specific + To promote and protect the interest of business and professional women through their concerted actions; + To work for and maintain high standards of service in business and the professions; + Toinstil and encourage in women an acceptance and fulfillment of their responsibilitis to the community on the local, national and international levels To-encourage women and girls to: acquire basic and advance education and /or occupational training;” use their talents and capacities for their advancement as well as thet of others; and participate in activities of the BPWAP. + To work for the interests and equal status of women in the economic, social and political life in the country and abroad; ‘+ Topromote friendship, cooperation and understanding between business and professional women of all countries. ANAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Help establish small business for beginning entrepreneurs Placement service Scholarships FUNDING SOURCES Local Annual fees; Fund raising drives International Intemational grants ‘AREAS OF CONCERN ‘Women in business PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES + Provide scholarships for junior or senior students as recommended by the school head or dean; + Conduct seminars, * Coordinate with the international federation for other projects and activities, ‘+ Send delegates to international conferences and meetings. 0029 CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE PHILIPPINES, INC. (CWL, INC.) ADDRESS 1141 Ma. Orosa Street, Ermita, Manila TELEPHONE NO. 59-38-14/ 813-13-31 FAX NO. 50-37-29 INCUMBENT HEAD SUSANA P. AFRICA DESIGNATION President DATE FOUNDED 1919 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE. National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Religious OBJECTIVES General: To promote the self-sanctification of its members and that of others; To unite Catholic women in a national organization for the promotion of the spiritual, moral educational and socio-economic welfare of the country, To provide a medium through which Catholic women may uphold that faith and act unitedly in matters affecting the church, the laity, the home and the community, ‘To foster ecumenical relations with other women’s organizations on local, regional and international levet, To participate in evangelization, and Christian renewal of society as approved by the Church. Specific: To prepare young Catholic girls for adult responsibility and membership in regular CWL with whom they. shall integrate their programs and services, To promote tmits of character building socal consciousness leadership interpersonal and communication sills spirituality and other Christian values; To foster participation in youth own milieu in evangelization and in the Christian renewal of society. To provide a medium through which Catholic youth may voice their opinions.on matters affecting themselves the family, the Church and the country. PROJECT/ACTIVITIES + Apostolic Formation - Involves the organization of a catechetical structure embracing all levels of CWL membership from the national to the parochial, through deepening of the teaching of Vatican II documents. + Human and Social Rehabilitation - Aims to develop or improve the situation of self and the family: a) through the conduet of family life, education seminars, values education, adult educationflterary classes, leadership training, ete; b) children and youth through training, scholarships, etc. and; c) to promote Health/Nutrition and ‘Community Development through urban tree planting, green revolution, medical services primary health care, hospital visitation. It elso includes the provision of legal services. + Economic Recovery - Includes the provision of skills and capital for cottage industries, mini project such as doll and toy making, soap making and meat processing, food production, livestock raising as well as establishment of credit unions and cooperative and_ self-employment-assistance. 0030 CENTER FOR ASIA-PACIFIC WOMEN IN POLITICS OFFICE ADDRESS 4227-429 Tomas Claudio St.; Baclaran, Paranaque | TELEPHONE NO. 832-2112 | FAX NO. 832-2263 | HEAD OF OFFICE President INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Irene Santiago CENTER FOR HOUSING AND HUMAN ECOLOGY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION, INC. OFFICE ADDRESS 4 Calderon St., Project 4, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 922-3726 FAX NO. 922-3726 HEAD OF OFFICE Chairperson INCUMBENT HEAD Sis, Annie B. Abion, EMM. CENTER FOR MEDIA FREEDOM AND RESPONSIBILITY OFFICE ADDRESS Unit 405 Horizon Condominium, Meralco Ave., Ortigs ‘Complex, Pasig City TELEPHONE NO. 633-5917/633-9437/634-1773 FAX NO. 633-9437 CONTACT PERSON Melinda de Jesus DESIGNATION Executive Director 0083 CENTER FOR OVERSEAS WORKERS (cow) RESS 1043 Aurora Boulevard, Cubao, Quezon City 1108 ‘TELEPHONE NO. 922-8244 FAX NO. 921-56-62 CUMBENT HEAD SR. MARIE TARCILLA ABANO DESIGNATION Director OF OFFICE 1990-1995 :DATE FOUNDED May 15, 1982 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 10 GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE, National E OF ORGANIZATION NGOReligious A Professional service arm of the CBCP - ECMT in the socio-pastoral care of land -based overseas workers and their families: Direct services to OCWs and Families Information and Training on realities of overseas work Coordination network and linkage Organizational resource development a 42 PROJECT/ACTIVITIES Assistance to Migrant orders - Clients who call rite or walk-in are given counseling, referral, temporary shelter according to needs articulated and within the capability of the organization PDOS - Workers who have completed requirements are given the mandated PDOS. This is in collaboration of POEA, PASE I and OPAP: an application for accreditation for in-house PDOS is in process PEOS - Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar/Training - training and information against illegal recruitment and realities of overseas work; target are schools and parish organizations. COW Newsletters - three issues a year provides information to trainors and network contact on center activities and overseas employment in general Day of Recollection for OCWs and Families - Twice a year this is offered for spiritual formation and consolation of overseas workers and their families. Linkage and networking with GOs and NGOs - Sustained contact with GOs and NGOs on. the specific concern for labor and migration 0034 CENTRO ESCOLAR UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S CLUB (CEU-WC) OFFICE ADDRESS Centro Escolar University, Mendiola St., Manila TELEPHONE NO. 742-2091 loc. 212 / 634-5133 FAX NO. 741-0913/ 741-0915 CONTACT PERSON Dean Zensida Austria DESIGNATION 0035 CHILDREN'S WORKSHOP FOR TOTAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICE ADDRESS 1430 Yeasa St., San Miguel, Manila ‘TELEPHONE NO. 741-1186 CONTACT PERSON Ms, Juanita Belgica DESIGNATION Director 0036 CIRCULO DE ABOGADAS (CIRDA) OFFICE ADDR! ‘Mezzanine Floor, Phileomcen Bldg. Ortigas Avenue, Pasig City TELEPHONE NO. 6334557; 6334558 (fax) INCUMBENT HEAD Atty. Zenaida P. Reyes DESIGNATION President and Chairman of the Board FOUNDER(S) Atty. Zenaida P. Reyes Comm. Graduacion R. Claravall DATE FOUNDED December 1982 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National AFFILIATION(S) International Federation International de Abogadas New York TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ProfessionalNon-governmental OBJECTIVES General To inculeate high level of professional expertise in the field of law and To provide legal consultancy services to non-lawyer groups. Specific | Toestablish free legal consultancy; and To conduct free legal information services. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Free Legal Information and Counseling (FLIC) Free legal assistance/service to women and women workers in court FUNDING SOURCES Membership dues and donations |AREAS OF CONCERN Women workers’ rights sexual harassment Legal literacy and family law |PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Lingkod Batas Joint project of CIRDA and Lingkod Bayan ABS-CBN (On going: now on its 6th year) free legal ‘assistance service in court and in the documentation of cases, free service to women workers Free Legal Information and Counseling (FLIC) (On going; now on its 10th year) Services: Sponsorship of Forum and seminars on Family Law, Barangay Law and Labor Law Consultaney on NCW Task Foree on women and children. Resource person or speakers on women concern Radio programs Funds sources: CIRDA participation Local sponsor on venue, faci CHRISTIAN CHILDREN’S FUND, INC.-THE PHILIPPINE OFFICE (CCF-TPO) JADDRESS PO, Box 13225 Ortigas Center, Emerald Avenue, 1600 Pasig, Metro Manila {ONE NO. 631-15-75 to 78 UMBENT HEAD MA. SATURNINA L. HAMILI ISIGNATION National Director OF OFFICE 1991-pres. sTE FOUNDED Sep. 1, 1971 IERSHIP SIZE 30077000 IRAPHIC COVERAGE, National 'YPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental/Socio-civie/Religious ‘A global and national community the nurtures and develops children to become healthy, productive, responsible and free members of the society. 4 FPIRUIEL TAU LLYELIES: Empowering the Poor - This involves the organization of parents particularly the mothers, to undertake such functions as planning programs and services. forming committees to monitor the implementation of these programs and services and the continuous training for parent leaders in project management as community building facilitators. Economic Productivity - Parents of CCF children and the children themselves now engage in small businesses either as individuals or in groups. After a series of training activities aimed at helping them to identify what are the viable businesses they can engage in, the parents are provided with small loans. Repayment of loans and monitoring of these small businesses are done by the parents themselves through their income-generating project ‘communities. Cooperative Formation is evolving as a strategy to suslain the economic productivity program after CCF assistance is completed Land and Housing - To meet the need of hundreds of families living in urban slums and facing the ever present threat of eviction, twenty projects have embarked on a land and housing program. Total of 2,575 families have been assisted to own individual lots in an area of their choice. P4,087,364 have been allocated for the lots and 2,240,734 for the housing construction within « span of three to five years. Education - CCF assistance makes possible the aspiration of a poor Filipino family to sce their children carn a college degree. Ninety to 95% of the total number of children at any given time attend classes through the CCF formal education services which range from provision of tuition fees, school supplics and uniforms, to tutorial lessons. Through the years, CCF has produced a breed of professionals such as accountants, teachers, engineers, nurses and others who are now well-placed. 0038 CHURCH WOMEN UNITED OF THE PHILIPPINES INC. (CWUP) ADDRESS 47 A, Mabini Street, Mandaluyong City 1501 Philipppines. ‘TELEPHONE NO. 531-8341 FAX NO. 5332-85-81 INCUMBENT HEAD GLORIA FORTU GAA DESIGNATION President TERM OF OFFICE 1991-1995 DATE FOUNDED October 10, 19 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 500 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Religious OBJECTIVES To coordinate the efforts of church women in their programs of development and involvement in church and society. To bring together in fellowships Christian Women of various denominations to speak and out on issues and situations in the country which affect the people especially it unites the women’s commitment to Jesus Christ and His Church through the propagation of the Gospel and service to the people. PROJECT/ACTIVITIES World Day of Prayer - Celebrated every Ist Friday of month by the women in different areas all over the world. Share A Love Project Easter Joy Project - Recipient is chosen every Feb. or Easter wherein VWUP bring gifts and gives joy to charitable institutions. Fellowship of the Least Coin Celebration (movement for peace, justice and reconciliation through prayers). ~ month of Sept. women offer their collected least c ‘a worship service which is in. turn remitted to ICFLC in Geneva, s. The funds accumulated is used for development projects for needy women all over the world, Women Empowerment Seminars — Awareness raisit Loans for livelihood projects tor Mt. Pinatubo vi ‘of church women on issues affecting them ims - Livelihood support for women affected by the Mt 4 PIRUIEL AU ALY ELIS Empowering the Poor - This involves the organization of parents particularly the mothers, to undertake such functions as planning programs and services. forming committees to monitor the implementation of these programs and services and the continuous training for parent leaders in project management as community building facilitators. Economic Productivity - Parents of CCF children and the children themselves now engage in small businesses either as individuals or in groups. After a series of training activities aimed at helping them to identify what are the viable businesses they can engage in, the parents are provided with small loans. Repayment of loans and ‘monitoring of these small businesses are done by the parents themselves through their income-generating project communities. Cooperative Formation is evolving as a strategy to sustain the economic productivity program after CCF assistance is completed. Land and Housing ~ To meet the need of hundreds of families living in urban slums and facing the ever present threat of eviction, twenty projects have embarked on a land and housing program. Total of 2,575 families have been assisted to own individual lots in an area of their choice. P4,087,364 have been allocated for the lots and 2,240,734 for the housing construction within a span of ‘three to five years Education - CCF assistance makes possible the aspiration of a poor Filipino family to sec their children cam a college degree. Ninety to 95% of the total number of children at any given time attend classes through the CCF formal education services which range from provision of tuition fees, school supplies and uniforms, to tutorial lessons. Through the years, CCF has produced a breed of professionals such as accountants, teachers, engineers, nurses and others who are now well-placed. 0038 CHURCH WOMEN UNITED OF THE PHILIPPINES INC. (CWUP) ADDRESS 47 A, Mabini Street, Mandaluyong City 1501 Philippines. TELEPHONE NO. 531-83-41 FAX NO. 532-85-81 INCUMBENT HEAD GLORIA FORTU GAA DESIGNATION President ‘TERM OF OFFICE 1991-1995, DATE FOUNDED October 10, 19 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 500 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Religious OBJECTIVES To coordinate the efforts of church women in their programs of development and involvement in church and society. To bring together in fellowships Christian Women of various denominations to speak and out on issues and situations in the country which affect the people especially it unites the women’s commitment to Jesus Christ and His Church through the propagation of the Gospel and service to the people. PROJECT/ACTIVITIES World Day of Prayer - Celebrated every Ist Friday of month by the women in different areas all over the world Share A Love Project Easter Joy Project - Recipient is chosen every Feb. or Easter wherein VWUP bring gifts and gives joy to charitable institutions. Fellowship of the Least Coin Celebration (movement for peace, justice and reconciliation through prayers). - month of Sept. women offer their collected least coins in a worship service which is in turn remitted to ICFLC in Geneva, . The funds accumulated is used for development projects for needy women all over the world, ‘Women Empowerment Seminars — Awareness raising of church women on issues affecting them Loans for livelihood projects for Mt. Pinatubo victims - Livelihood support for women affected by the Mt Pinatubo eruption in Pampanga Hesed Christian Children’s Home - An orphanage of 15 children ages 5-15 supported by CWUP with food, clothing, and honorarium for teachers 039 CHURCH-BASED CONSUMERS, MOVEMENT t (CBCM) 217-B Philippine Social Science Center, Don Mariano Marcos Ave. Diliman, QC PHONE NO. 92-96-21 loc 316/97-68-42 UMBENT HEAD FRANCISCA C. BAWAYAN DESIGNATION Executive Director DATE FOUNDED August 1978 (EMBERSHIP SIZE 18 SRAPHIC COVERAGE National 'YPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental To unite consumers to assert their rights and to promote their welfare. Specific To build people's awareness regarding issucs and problems of consumers particularly those in the low income and subsistence groups particularly the women; To help form people’s organizations to challenge those who abuse and violate consumer's rights and welfare, To profess “stewardship of nation” through the promotion of vigilant consumer attitudes and active environmentalism, To encourage consumers to actively support the people’s aspiration for total human development and liberation PROJECT/ACTIVITIES Research Organizing. Publication and information dissemination - Education and training, CLAVER SAMAHANG NAYON (CSN) SS Claver, Surigao del Norte UMBENT HEAD Mr. Pedro B, Paqueo OF OFFICE 1994-1995 DER Mr. Pedro B, Paqueo DATE FOUNDED September 18, 1982 EMBERSHIP SIZE Officers: 9 Members: 130 BEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National LATIONS) National PDAP PhilDHRRA International Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), CPAR 45 46 OXFAM Quebec TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental OBJECTIVES General To work towards forest regeneration, agro-forest development, and livelihood and augmentation of income of poor farmers Specific To develop commercial tree farm, Cash erops plaiting AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Seedlings (Gmelina, Falcata, Mangium), Contact CSN temporary Office of Claver Town Proper, AgroForest Technology: (Trained workers on Agro Forestry to train other proponents) FUNDING SOURCES CPAR and OXFAM Quebec AREAS OF CONCERN Agricultural development, Training and Education PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Seventy (70) Hectares Reforestation Project at Surigao City Watershed * Awarded and financed by DENR undertaken in two years period. CSN members did the development. (Project completed); Fifly-two (52) Hectares AGRO FOREST Development Commercial Tree Farm undertaken in two years period. Songkoy ‘Chapter undertook the development. (Project completed); Claver Samahan Consumers Cooperative Store - ‘Was opened last March and is operating on smoothly, funded from members’ capital build up; needs additional capital Expansion Program; One hundred (100) Hectares Reforestation at Claver) Watershed Community Based Development * Commercial Tree Farm was already started through cooperative effort, Water system were already installed for use and consumption at the nursery and community. Pangi Chapter is undertaking the project; (Wanting of finance) One hundred (100) Hectares Agro Forest Development: at Urbiztondo, Claver del Norte and Taganito, Claver Surigao del Norte Community Based Development Commercial Tree Farms in Multi-Sequential Cropping. The Association is preparing pertinent papers for the undertaking of these projects by the Urbiztondo Chapter and Taganito Chapter, respectively. (No funding yet) 0041 CLUB DE DAMAS DE MANILA OFFICE ADDRESS 155 Boni Serrano Avenue, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. ‘78-7757 / 99-3593 CONTACT PERSON, Mrs. Segunda Sales DESIGNATION President 0042 COALITION AGAINST TRAFFICKING IN WOMEN-ASIA. PACIFIC-BUKLOD PHILIPPINES. OFFICE ADDRESS Suite 406 Victoria Plaza, 41 Annapolis St., Greenhills, Manila TELEPHONE NO. 722.0859 FAX NO. 722.0155 CONTACT PERSON Ms. Cecilia Hoffman DESIGNATION President COMMUNITY AND FAMILY SERVICES INTERNATIONAL (CFSI) ADDRESS MCC P.O. Box 2733 Makati, Metro Manila TELEPHONE NO. $22-19-36 to 37 INCUMBENT HEAD MR. STEVEN MUNCY DESIGNATION Executive Director TERM OF OFFICE 198]-date DATE FOUNDED June 01, 1981 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 1S GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE ‘National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental OBJECTIVES To enable and equip uprooted and psychologically vulnerable persons, families, and communities to prevent and/or cope with social and mental health problems. PROJECT/ACTIVITIES Psychosocial Services to Indo-Chinese Refugees and Asylum - Provision of comprehensive psychosocial services for refugees and asylum seckers. Family Psychosocial Support Services - Technical assistance for establishing a crisis facility for Cambodian women, training of Cambodian women as social services paraprofessionals. Community-based HIVIAIDS Educational Program - Provision of community-based HIV/AIDS education to the tourism sector of Puerto Princesa. ‘Women in Detention - Study on the psychosocial situations of Vietnamese women in the Hongkong refugee and asylum camps. ots COMMISSION ON WOMEN PHILIPPINE PROVINCE OF THE RELIGIOUS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD (CWPPRGS) OFFICE ADDRESS Good Shepherd Provincialate 1043 Aurora Boulevard Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 9220930 HEAD OF OFFICE, Provincial Coordinator INCUMBENT HEAD Sr. Joan Salamanca, RGS TERM OF OFFICE 1991 to 1996 FOUNDERS) St. Mary Euphrasia Pellettier DATE FOUNDED 1912 in the Philippines and 1835 as ¢ Congregation in France MEMBERSHIP SIZE. Fiye (5) members of Provineial Council and 19 local communities in the country GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National AFFILIATION(S) National Association of Major Religious Superiors in the Philippines, International Good Shepherd Generalate with more than 750 chapters all over the world TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Religious 47 48 OBJECTIVES General The vision of the Religious of Good Shepherd is a world transformed through Jesus Christ, where there is fullness of life for all beings; where no one is marginalized, oppressed and exploited; where everyone enjoys equally the comprehensive security of God’s care, Specific + To form religious communities of justice, peace and integrity of creation, animated by a feminist mode of leadership for mission and sustained by sisterhood in day to day life; + To ensure that an ecofeminist perspective permeates each one’s world view and upholds values of nurturing, caring, compassion, and mutuality: + To engage in appropriate, effective, timely corporate production, arising from the depth of our contemplation, in line with contemporary challenges that affect all areas of our life and mission; and + To link with local, national, regional and international groups who are engaged in similar efforts. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES All of the services mentioned above can be availed by the target clientele in the areas covered by the RGS. FUNDING SOURCES Local Through honoraria and allowance of sisters, income generating projects, donations. AREAS OF CONCERNS Prostitution, domestic violence. rape, incest, women and ecology , other speci poverty. issues affecting women, i. PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES ‘The RGS Philippine Province has 19 local communities all over the country and all our communities are involved in ongoing programs in all of these: Residential Services provides a home for the care and rehabilitation ‘of prostitutes and another preventive work (rural girls who have newly arrivéd in Metro Manila), and maintains ‘two houses, one in Cebu City and another in Legazpi, functioning as a drop-in center, crisis intervention and counseling center, shelter for a short term stay and in Cebu, as a youth center for street children. Education Information Campaign brings together different women’s groups or individual participants to view the situation affecting girls and women from the perspective of the “victims” and to make this view known through consciousness raising seminars, Radio Veritas programs and sharing with parish or civic groups to which they belong: holds liturgical, paraliturgical and reflection sessions with various groups. 004s CONCERNED WOMEN OF THE PHILIPPINES OFFICE ADDRESS F. Campanilla St., Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 721-9331 / 721-7324 CONTACT PERSON Ms. Ma. Gloria L. Alcuaz DESIGNATION President GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE National CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING SERVICE, INC. ‘WOMEN IN POLITICS PROGRAM (CRTSWIPP) OFFICE ADDRESS Rim, 217 Philippine Social Science Center, ‘Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 984030; 9229621 loc. 329 HEAD OF OFFICE Executive Director INCUMBENT HEAD Dr. Socorro L. Reyes TERM OF OFFICE 1994 to 1998 FOUNDER Dr. Socorro Reyes DATE FOUNDED March 1988 MEMBERSHIP SIZE Officers: 6 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National AFFILIATION(S) National Samasamang Inisyatiba ng Kababaihan Para sa Pagbabago ng Batas at Lipunan (SIBOL) International ‘AsiaPacifie Women in Politics (APWIP) International Leg TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental OBJECTIVES To facilitate women’s participation in the decision making process as advocates and/or holders of formal positions of political power and authority at all levels of government by providing research, training and information development services. + To develop legislative advocacy skills of women’s organizations in pushing for the passage of laws in the national and local levels of government that promote and protect their welfare and interest; + To raise the level of policy debate on issues affecting women such as violence, reproductive health rights, family andmarriage, political representation, economic opportunities, gender fair education, etc.; + To actively participate in the ereation of a women’s vote for more effective women’s representation in policy making bodies, and + To train women with a feminist perspective and agenda to run and win elections. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Research - Training on Legislative Advocacy Ski FUNDING SOURCES International The Asia Foundation PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Legislative Monitoring and Briefing Involves tracking and abstracting bills and resolutions on women’s issues filed in. both houses of the Philippine Congress. The information is disseminated to women’s organizations through quarterly briefings which also include a discussion of the legislative process and techniques of advocacy. Issue Forums Features debates on jssues raised by major legislative initiatives such as the Anti- Rape Bill which redefines rape from a crime against chastity to a crime against persons. The forum aims to put the issue in perspective, present the positions of contending sides and help women make informed decisions and choices. Local Legislative Advocacy Shifts attention from national to local policy making and how women’s groups work for their agenda in local political structures such as the Provincial Assembly and the Provincial Development Councils. Includes a review of effectiveness of advocacy techniques and nature of relationship with policy makers. 49 { CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING SERVICE, INC. WOMEN IN POLITICS PROGRAM (CRTSWIPP) OFFICE ADDRESS Rim. 217 Philippine Social Science Center, Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 984030; 9229621 loc. 329 HEAD OF OFFICE Executive Director INCUMBENT HEAD Dr. Socorro L. Reyes TERM OF OFFICE 1994 to 1998 FOUNDER Dr. Socorro Reyes DATE FOUNDED March 1988 MEMBERSHIP SIZE Officers: 6 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National AFFILIATION(S) National ‘Samasamang Lnisyatiba ng Kabebaihan Para sa Pagbabago ng Batas at Lipunan (SIBOL) International AsiaPacific Women in Politics (APWIP) International Legislative Support Services Association (ILSSA) TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental OBJECTIVES To facilitate women’s participation in the decision making process as advocates and/or holders of formal positions of politcal power and authority at all levels of government by providing research, training and information development services. * To develop legislative advocacy skills of women’s organizations in pushing for the passage of laws in the national and local levels of government that promote and protect their welfare and_ interest, + To raise the level of policy debate on issues affecting women such as violence, reproductive health rights, family andmarriage, political representation, economic opportunities, gender fair education, ete.; + To actively participate in the creation of a women’s vote for more effective women’s representation in policy making bodies, and + To train women with a feminist perspective and agenda to run and win elections. ‘AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Research - Training on Legislative Advocacy Skills NING SOURCES International The Asia Foundation PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Legislative Monitoring and Briefing Involves tracking and abstracting bills and resolutions on women’s issues filed in both houses of the Philippine Congress. The information is disseminated to women’s organizations through quarterly briefings which also include a discussion of the legislative process and techniques of sdvocacy. Issue Forums Features debates on jssues raised by major legislative initiatives such as the Anti- Rape Bill which redefines rape from a crime against chastity to a crime against persons. The forum aims to put the issue in perspective, present the positions of contending sides and help women make informed decisions and choices. Local Legislative Advocacy Shifts attention from national to local policy making and how ‘women’s groups work for their agenda in local political structures such as the Provincial Assembly and the Provincial Development Councils. Includes a review of effectiveness of advocacy techniques and nature of relationship with policy makers. 49 CONGRESSIONAL SPOUSES FOUNDATION, INC. (CSFI) OFFICE ADDRESS C/O House of Representatives, Batasan Complex, Quezon City CONTACT PERSON ‘Mrs. Gina de Venecia DESIGNATION President GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE National 0048 CONSTABULARY WOMEN'S CLUB OFFICE ADDRESS HPC Ladies Club, Camp Crame, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 722-0949 /704892 CONTACT PERSON Mrs. Hedy Lopez DESIGNATION President 0049 COUNCIL OF DEANS AND HEADS OF HOME ECONOMICS AND COLLEGES OF THE PHILIPPINES OFFICE ADDRESS Pangasinan State University ‘TELEPHONE NO. 99-8563 CONTACT PERSON Dr. Estrella Millan DESIGNATION President 0050 CORDILLERA STUDIES CENTER (CSC) ‘ADDRESS University of the Philippines, UP Campus, Baguio City TELEPHONE NO. 4425794 INCUMBENT HEAD Narcisa Paredes Canilao TERM OF OFFICE July 1994 to September 1994 FOUNDER Dir. Bienvenido Tapang, Jr DATE FOUNDED 1981 MEMBERSHIP SIZE Core members: 6 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National Local AFFILIATION(S) CWERC TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Professional OBJECTIVES To promote interdisciplinary collaborative research on development issues in the uplands, and + To address gender issues in the Cordillera and Region 1 AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Research Teaching seminars on gender issues especially on gender theories Consciousness raising on gender issues ‘AREAS OF CONCERN Indigenous knowledge of indigenous women. Health Environment Violence against women Empowerment PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES “MAAMONGAN? - Serves as a venue for scholarly discussion/dissemination of recent theoretical and empirical research on gender issues. Target audiences and participants are GOs, NGOs, educators, and other women’s groups on gender issues. For SY 1994.95, ten topics have been scheduled, one of which Third World Feminism has been delivered on August 19 by CWERC Director, Mrs. Vicky T. Corpuz. Other topics coming up are: feminism and ethnicity, women in sustainable agriculture, feminist science, GAD: A survey of empirical studies, Paychoanalysis and feminism, Gender sensitive methodologies, and Sexuality, Women and Spirituality Research and Women and Health A study of health’ practices of Cordillera women. Networking Establishment of linkages with women organizations with the end in view of sharing materials, resources and expertise. Special Services Component _in campus based student services component of the program oflers counseling, consciousness raising services. Publications and Resource Center Serves as venue for publication of gender related original researches_and has A library component. (In the process of publishing an Issue Paper on Third World Feminism, and in the process of building up gender library) ost DAUGHTERS OF MARY IMMACULATE (DMI) OFFICE ADDRESS lo Knights of Columbus, Gen. Luna St, Intramuros, Manila TELEPHONE NO. 70-5391 FAX NO. 527-2248 CONTACT PERSON Sis, Fely Gonzales DESIGNATION President GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE National 02 DCI WOMEN'S LAWYERS CLUB OFFICE ADDRESS 12 Jose Abad Santos St., Heroes Hills, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 964402 CONTACT PERSON Atty. Felicidad S. Calip DESIGNATION President GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE National 053 t DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST WOMEN OF THE PHILIPPINES I (DSWP) lomrice appREss 7 Big Horseshoe Drive, Horseshoe Village, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. ‘71732; 7215677 7215677 (fax) ‘HEAD OF OFFICE National Chairperson ‘INCUMBENT HEAD Elizabeth Cunanan Angsioco st 52 TERM OF OFFICE 1992 to 1995 FOUNDER(S ) Founded by a group of women in 1987, and increased to include a membership of 81 groups in 1994. DATE FOUNDED March 1987 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National CHAPTERS Luzon: Laguna, Quezon, Batangas, Bataan, Benguet, Mt. Province, ‘Camarines Sur, Albay, National Capital Region, Visayas: Antique, Guimaras, Hoilo, Negros Oce.; Mindanao: Agusan del Sur, Agusan del Norte, Cagayan de Oro, Bukidnon, Davao del Sur, Lanao del Sur, Lanao del Norte AFFILIATION(S) National Women’s Action Network for Development, ‘Samasamang_Inisyatiba ng Kababaihari sa Pagbabago ng Batas at Lipunan Konsyensyang Pilipino Movement, Kilusan ng Mamamayan Para sa Repormang Elektoral Women Overseas Workers; NGO Network International Socialist International ‘Women (STW), ‘TYPE OF ORGANIZATION People’s organization: OBJECTIVES + To advance and promote the praxis of socialist feminism; ‘To seek concrete expressions of gender equality by combating all forms of discrimination against women, + To promote a concept of development that recognizes the co-equal and co-responsible role of women in the development process; + To develop alternative women’s programs to raise the level of our consciousness, enhance our self-confidence and economic independence, + To-seek venues for the substantive and effective participation of women in all levels of decision making; and ‘To forge solidarity and linkages with democratic women, sectoral and political organizations in order to promote four common goals and objectives. FUNDING SOURCES Local DIWATA International Canada Fund ‘Nordheim Westfalen (Germany) ‘Womankind Worldwide Marie Schlei Foundation (Germany) AREAS OF CONCERN Violence against women Women’s sexuality and reproductive rights ‘Woren and polities Sexual harassment ‘Women and migration Economie subordination PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Development of Trainors on Basic Gender Sensitivity From Grassroots Women’s Organizations - It is the objective of the project to develop a pool of twenty five (25) Trainors on Gender Sensitivity Activities which include conduct of Basic Gender Sensitivity Seminar (BGSS), actual Session Guide Formulation; Conduct of Speaker's training. (Completed) Integrating Gender Perspective into the education program of center for Agrarian and Rural Development (CARD) in Bataan. The project aims to integrate gender perspective into the education program being implemented by CARRD among its assisted POs in Bataan among which are seven ‘women’s organizations. These organizations belong to groups being assisted by CARRD in fishing communities. A teview of CARRD's education thrust among fisher folk as well as the conduct of BGSS shall be implemented. (Completed). Development of women towards more meaningful participation in local governance. This project ‘ims to develop women leaders from women’s organizations with the Panay Guimaras Democratic Feminist ‘Movement (PGOFM) towards meaningful participation in local Governance which will be done through (a) conduct of provincial level training on LGC; (b) Information dissemination specifically in sectoral elections: and (© )establishment of provincial networks of women’s organizations as mechanism for the advocacy of women’s concerns. (Completed) Kalye uno: Libotlihok Kababaenhan (Conscientization through the use of theater arts). The project aims to increase the level of consciousness and networking on the women question of leaders and ‘members of POs and NGO workers in Northem Mindanao through theater ars Specific Objectives of the project include: mounting a play on gender sensitivity to be staged in the key places ‘of Northern Mindanao, forum after each play; conduct of BGSS and an informal network of NGOs and women’s ‘groups in Northern Mindanao on gender issues. (Completed) Development of Gender Sensitive Livelihood Program for Grassroots - Women The project hopes to create economic opportunities for members through an alternative re-lending scheme which will enable them to. start or improve their income generating projects, development for entrepreneurial skills of women beneficiaries through the conduet of basic financial management seminar and raise the level of gender consciousness through the conduct of BGSS. (Ongoing) Development of Gender Sensitive Livelihood Program for Muslim Women The project sims to (a) create economic opportunities for Lanao Women’s Assembly (LWA) members through an alternative credit scheme which will enable them to start or improve their income generating projects; (b) taise the level of gender consciousness through the conduct of BGSS contextualized within Moro women realities; and (¢) create a core group of Moro women among LWA leaders and members who will advocate and push for gender equality within the context of Moro culture . (Ongoing) 084 DEVELOPMENT ACTION FOR WOMEN IN TUCP: (DAWNTUCP) OFFICE ADDRESS TUCP Compound Masaya cor. Maharlika Streets Elliptical Road, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 9222185, 9215236; 9219758 (fax) HEAD OF OFFICE Chairperson INCUMBENT HEAD Consuelo Morales Angeo TERM OF OFFICE 1990 to 1995 FOUNDER(S) Sisters Adelisa Raymundo/Consuelo M. Angco/Carmen Solinap Flor Cabatingan, etc, DATE FOUNDED 1980 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 500,000 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE All over the regions CHAPTERS Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao and Metro Manila where there are TUCP affiliates AFFILIATION(S) Intemational International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) Women’s Committee and the ICFTU Asian and Pacific Regional Organization (ICFTUAPRO) Women’s Committee TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental OBJECTIVES General DAWNTUCP functions as an autonomous organization, while being the women’s section of the TUCP. It is an integral partner in the efforts to create a just society in which women have equal rights and can develop their full potential, to their benefit and that of the community. FUNDING SOURCES Local Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) International ICFTUAPRO, ILO, FINNIDA, etc. AREAS OF CONCERN ‘Women’s rights and assertiveness, Leadership Organizing, Full integration of women into Trade Unions, Equality, Work attitudes, Psychosocial facts and problems in the workplace, ete. 53 PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Mobilize women coordinators and its members in the planning and implementation of the various projects and activities of the Women’s Committees and the Department of Women, Enhance the awareness of women on policies, issues and development affecting them; Assist local officers in setting up of women’s committee, Stimulate women’s consciousness by means of small groups, workshops, lectures and discussions, Promote cooperation and unity among women workers of the various organizations, Provide women's committees centralized services for planning, training, funding, program/project formulation and implementation, Insure the inclusion of their suggestions and recommendations in legislations, decisions and policy making through: conferences and meetings, seminar/workshops, advance and intermediate training programs, evaluation and planning, organizing women’s committees, special projects. 0055 DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE FOR WOMEN IN ASIA-PACIFIC (DIWA) ‘ADDRESS Mezzanine Floor, PWU, Taft Avenue, Manila TELEPHONE NO. 4). 93/50-28-57/52-13-83 FAX NO. 52-40-02 INCUMBENT HEAD DR. AMELOU B. REYES, DESIGNATION Executive Director TERM OF OFFICE N/A DATE FOUNDED 1988 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE Nationwide TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Socio-civie/NGO/Service-oriented Foundation OBJECTIVES General to make positive contribution to total human development of women in the Philippines and in thc Asia Pacific region in the pursuit of EQUALITY, DEVELOPMENT and PEACE. 2. Through gender in development education and leadership initiatives, it hopes to become an effective partner in national and regional development. It stresses the potential contribution of women in national and regional development through the active participation in action projects that seek to improve and transform communities, particularly in the rural areas and improve the quality of life for all. It also engenders to influence the orientation and capability of educational institutions towards a gender-fair education and delivery systems. Specific: 1, Promote the contribution of women to nation-building and to the strengthening of home, family and community. 2. Help establish curriculum review procedures to enable the academic community to evaluate and ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of educational delivery systems based on gender perspectives. 3. Mobilize and build the capacities of women to become catalysts of change in the pursuit of women’s empowerment and social transformation. 4. Design and conduct trainings and seminars - workshops on gender issues, leadership and service as well as skills in income generation, project planning, management and monitoring and evaluation. 5. Develop and produce audio-visual materials,e.g. training manuals, newsletters and other forms of communication links for information dissemination and exchange, advocacy and popularization of the women’s agenda, 6. Conduct researches and studies on women’s issues and concems. 7. Undertake community outreach programs for women to provide the channels for improving their quality of life, 8. Create linkages and network with local, regional, and international women's organizations and other institutions involved in gender -related programs and projects ROJECT/ACTIVITIES 1. Research 2. Action Program 3. Organizing 4, Publication and Info Dissemination 5, Education and Training 6 Networking and Linkages 056 DEVELOPMENTAL ADVOCACY OF WOMEN VOLUNTEERISM FOUNDATION, INC. (DAWY) ADDRESS S/F Quad Alpha Bldg., 125 Pioneer, Mandaluyong, TELEPHONE NO. 634-85.95 INCUMBENT HEAD MA. GORGONIA R. TRIAS DESIGNATION President TERM OF OFFICE 1993-1998 DATE FOUNDED October 6, 1988 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 144 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-governmental OBJECTIVES * General DAWV believes in optimizing the talents and resources of women. DAWV’s objective, therefore, is to encourage these women to volunteer in uplifiing the quality of life of the less privileged, Specific Support DAWV volunteers in assisting the poor in restoring their sense of dignity; transforming, their lethargy into self-refiance and work for development through cooperation and unity, PROJECTIACTIVITIES 1. Examiner Puso at Piso Club, West Triangle, Bulacan - Group ready to register as cooperative Meetings with values education included Members continue with SSS remittance for future benefits (Medicare, housing, pension & funeral), dental service c/o Tanglaw University Center Preparation for housing project for members with SSS privileges. 2. Swine Raising Project, Baluiag, Bulacan 3, Immaculada Concepcion Puso at Piso Cooperative, Baluiag, Bulacan 4, Balete Family Farm School Parents’ Association, Lipa, Batangas 5. 6 2 ‘Mamburao Puso at Piso Savings Club, Mamburao, Mindoro Dau Puso at Piso Savings Club, Camachile, Pampanga Capaya TI Puso at Piso Savings Club, Angeles, Pampanga 8. Welfarevlle Puso at Piso Savings Club, Mandaluyong City 9, Retiro Puso at Piso Savings Club, Sampaloc, Manila 10. Tondo Puso at Piso Project, Tondo, Manila I, Our Lady OF Mt. Carmel Multi-Purpose Coop. Libis, Quezon City 12, Punlsan School Puso at Piso Club, San Juan, Rizal, Metro Manila - Mobilized sponsors for students? scholarship and World Youth Day fees coordinated with volunteers for part-time means of livelihood. 13. MTRCB Puso at Piso Savings Club, E. Rodriguez Street, Quezon City 14. Liliw Puso at Piso, Liliw, Laguna 15, Anihan Rural Center For Professional Development, Calamba, Laguna - Mobilized sponsors for scholarships and donors for laboratory equipment. Introduced students” products. to possible markets. Ashiya Cosmopolitan Association donated industrial oven and computers. 5s 56 16. Ioilo Puso at Piso Savings Groups, (20 chapters), Hoilo 17. Shakey’s Baclaran, Pasay City, Metro Manila 18, West Crame Puso at Piso Savings Group, West Crame, Quezon City 19. Unson & Faustmann Employees’ Puso at Piso Savings Club, New Manila, Q.C. 20, 13th St. Puso at Piso Savings Club, New Manila, QC, 21. Ayala Heights Puso at Piso Savings Club, Diliman, QC 22. Kaisa Puso at Piso Savings Club, Cainta, Rizal 23. Palanan Multi-purpose Cooperative, Palanan, Maka 24, Workers of St. Joseph Service Cooperative, Makati 25. Mary, Mother of Good Counsel Multi-purpose Coop, Manggahan, Paranaque 26. Sitio Sto. Nino Puso at Piso Savings Club, Alabang, Metro Manila 27. Antipolo Puso at Piso Savings Club, Antipolo 28. Fort Bonifacio Gilidgers Puso at Piso Savings Club, Makati 29. Bangea Taya Puso at Piso Mandaluyong City 0057 DUERO COUNCIL OF WOMEN LEADERS (DCWL) ADDRESS San Antonio, Duero, Bohol 6309 INCUMBENT HEAD ROSITA B. FERRER DESIGNATION Chairperson TERM OF OFFICE 1993-1995 DATE FOUNDED July, 1990 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 300 TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental OBJECTIVES 1. To establish livelihood projects; give rights to women; to call special care for family and children; to campaign for clean and honest government; to uphold moral and spiritual values; to preserve talents and cultures; to protect the rights of students against drug abuse. 2. Uphold the rights of women, help the family and children by establishing livelihood projects; to educate them and in upholding moral and spiritual. values. PROJECT/ACTIVITIES 1. Catsup Making - Banana and tomato - existing operation is slow due to lack of funds 2. Soap Making 3 Cut Flowers Note: We have long made for several projects only they have to be done with exact information for researches done by our members 0058, EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND ‘DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE FOUNDATION, INC. (ERDA) ADDRESS P.O. Box 3600, 1099 CPO Manila TELEPHONE NO. 732-3 1-98/732-43-27/712-46-10 INCUMBENT HEAD FR. PIERRE TRITZ, S.J. DESIGNATION President DATE FOUNDED Sept. 19,1974 MEMBERSHPP SIZE N6 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental OBJECTIVES To enable Filipino children and youth from low income families to gain access to educational opportunities Available to pre-school, elementary and high school levels PROJECT/ACTIVITIES Operasyon: Balik-Paaralan - Brings the out-of-school youth and dropouts back to the classrooms; and helps potential school leavers maintain their schooling while prodding late enrollees to start schooling, Pre-school Program - It opens children to a variety of learning experiences which will be helpful when they enter Grade I. This is offered to 5 1/2 to 7-year old children. Health Services Program - Maintains and monitors the physical and mental well-being of children and their immediate family members; includes health training, health teaching and referral of cases for treatment or hospitalization. Services Program - Training for students and volunteers geared towards social orientation NGO and community involvement are given to various schools, includes Christian formation, Bible sharing, catechetical instructions for adults and children, Livelihood Program - Activities on small or micro-business management specially participated in by mothers of different communities include: services in Business Management; capital loans to individuals, social credit sg10ups, organized consumer's association; and job placement. Skills Development and training - Gives training in taldring and dressmaking classes for pattem making and high speed sewing 0059, FAMILY COOPERATION HEALTH SERVICES FOUNDATION, INC. ADDRESS: Room 401 DHIBidg.,2 Lapu-lapu Ave., Magallanes, 1232, Makati City ‘TELEPHONE NO. 8338566 loc. 26 FAX NO. 804-032 ‘INCUMBENT HEAD Dr. Norma L. Sotto DESIGNATION President TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-Government Organization 0060 FAMILY LIFE ADDRESS 141 Jamboree St., Kamuning, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 921-0602 INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Asuncion O. Sison DESIGNATION President TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-government Organization 0061 FEDERATION INTERNACIONAL DE ABOGADAS (FIDA-PHILS.) ‘ADDRESS 684 Vito Cruz comer M. Adriatico Street, Malate, Manila TELEPHONE NO. 361749 1/588824/594320/77454 FAX NO. 722-09-90/633-45-86 INCUMBENT HEAD ATTY. LILY LIMPE DESIGNATION President DATE FOUNDED 1960 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Professional Group OBJECTIVES To uphold the and promote the well being the legal profession. To enhance the standing of Filipino lady lawyers the focal and community of professional To assist in the speedy orderly and administration of justice. To give meaning to human rights through legal aid the needy and/or in indigent and provide basic legal education to non-lawyers but the dissemination of legal information through seminars, lectures, radio, televisions and others forms of media. To provide continuing legal education to members of the legal profession and update them on current laws and jurisprudence. To present the country in the FIDA and other associations, weather foreign or local and to hold conventions, of women lawyers in the Philippines on an intemational levels, and for such purpose to undertake any transactions and to do everything necessary to ensure its success. 0062 FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CIVIC ORGANIZATION OF QUEZON CITY, INC. (FWCO-QC) ADDRESS FWCO Bldg., Quezon City Hat! Compound, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 961364 / 978828 / 9216340 INCUMBENT HEAD Fiscal Lea T. Castelo DESIGNATION President TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-government Organi 0063 FIDA PHILIPPINES CHAPTERS, INC. ADDRESS 684 Pablo Ocampo St., cor M. Adriatico, Malate, Metro Manila TELEPHONE NO. 588824/594320/986936 FAX NO. $94320, INCUMBENT HEAD Atty. Celia B, Delima DESIGNATION President GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-government Organization 0064 FILIPINO CHINESE WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION (FCWC) ADDRESS ‘Le Mar Ben Condominium, Suite 401 676 Florentino Torres St., cor Soler St., Sta. Cruz, Manila TELEPHONE NO. 7124938/7122577 FAX NO. 3614801/7324656 INCUMBENT HEAD ‘Mrs. Ma, Theresa Ong DESIGNATION President GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-Government Organization 0065 FOUNDATION OF ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT, INC. (FAD) ADDRESS 1164 R, Hidalgo St., Quiapo, Manila TELEPHONE NO. 7424662 FAX NO. 7424662 INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Aurora Go DESIGNATION President GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-government Organization 0066 FOUNDATION FOR EDUCATION EVOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. (FEED) ADDRESS. 3IF Valderrama Building, 107 Esteban Street, Legaspi Village, Makati, MM. TELEPHONE Nt 816-00-08/816-14-09 INCUMBENT HEAD Mercedes V. Arroyo DESIGNATION President TERM OF OFFICE 1992- DATE FOUNDED Sept. 26, 1979 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 28 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-governmental OBJECTIVES General: To promote the upliftment and transformation of people and communities through training and education, technical assistance, institutional collaboration and networking and other related development services. Specific: To directly assist underdeveloped communities in strengthening the institutional capabilities of NGOs ‘working with grassroots organizations, or by forging partnerships with government and other NGOs to implement development programs and projects with a wholistic perspective. PROJECT/ACTIVITIES 1. Provincial Master Development - Preparation of provincial environmental scan analysis, strategy paper and investment programs and conduct of strategic planning workshops for Antique, Guimaras and Romblon. (Completed) 2. Livelihood Enhancement for Agricultural Development Program - Provic groups of the LEAD program through feasibility study preparation, linkage enterprise management (completed) 3. Development Assistance program I and II Institutional capability building: technical assistance: project development and enterprise management (Completed) technical assistance to farmer's 59 FOUNDATION OF FILIPINO ADOLSCENTS, INC. ADDRESS Lundayan ng Kabatean, V. Luna Road, cor. Malakas St. Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 9240146/614695 FAX NO. 7120845/9317568 INCUMBENT HEAD ‘Ms. Elena Ines Cuyegkeng, MD DESIGNATION President GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-government Organization 0068 THE FOUNDATION OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA CENTER FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, INC. (FACE) OFFICE ADDRESS Fatima Center for Human Development, Inc. San Agustin 4431 Iriga City TELEPHONE NO. 289 HEAD OF OFFICE Executive Director. INCUMBENT HEAD Sr. Felicitas B, de Lima, SSA ‘TERM OF OFFICE 1975 to present FOUNDER(S) Sr. Felicitas B. de Lima, SSA and Sr. Ma. La Salette Baysa, SS/ DATE FOUNDED May 31, 1975 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 38 AFFILIATIONS) National PhilDHRRA International KOLPING TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Religious / Non-governmental OBJECTIVES General To attain people empowerment through community organizing, Christian education and communit development; and To coordinate and cooperate with other agencies and organizations for national developmen Specific To undertake « comprehensive educational program for the children, youth, adult group and agrarian reforn farmers, fisherfolks, tribals that would facilitate the formation of worshipping community; To promot community health awareness, To establish linkages with POs, NGOs and GLUs as well as forcign agencies, T provide home, resources and opportunities for Social Special Ministry in attaining self reliance and eventuall becoming agent of change in their community, and To implement continuous staff development program the ‘would provide Fatima Center personnel with integrated and wholistic awareness of his personhood to meet th needs of the community. AREAS OF CONCERN Nabua, Dam, Abortion PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES ‘Value Formation and Spiritual Growth - Affirmation of human worth and dignity and encourage a close walk with God, rights, privileges and responsibilities of individuals in society, role of the family in society biblical studies and reflections, etc. Kiddie Centers - In coordination with local barangay and church leaders along the coastal villages of Ragay Gulf, established ten (10) kiddie centers. Leadership and Management Trainings/Community - Organizing Enhancement of local leadership with regards to management of self-help projects, expansion of community organization, etc. Agricultural/Fishing Assistance - A program extended to) three inland fishing villages of Lake Buhi and two coastal fishing villages of Balatan. The Center assisted in the rehabilitation of the fish cages, provided fishing boets, fishing gears to the coastal fishermen since their nets were destroyed by typhoon Sisang. Cooperatives Education Development - Provision of trainings on community cooperative building and management, credit, consumers, producers and marketing cooperatives, management of ‘8 working loan program, etc. Environmental Protection/Ecological Balance - Promotion of environment and ‘ecological consciousness and concem vis a vis the pursuit for sustainable development. The Foundation, in partnership with the children and youth, maintain a nursery school. Send collection/assistance/contribution to the promotion of environmental protection. Social Special Ministry - Formation of missionary consciousness in the hearts and minds of the orphans and abandoned children. Some have finished schooling and are working with the Foundation as Staff/Volunteer workers. The Center (FACE) also house and cares for elderly, re- ‘education and character formation of transient girls who need patient understanding individual/group guidance ‘and counseling. Tribal Filipinos Purchase and development of 46.6 hectares Maryhill Resettlement area presently occupied by the Agta tribes. Their living conditions have been improved through the provision of literacy class for both children and adults health and livelihood projects. 0069 FOUNDATION FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT IN THE PHILIPPINES, INC. (FYDP) ADDRESS Room 313, NFWC Building, Escoda Cor. San Street, Ermita, Mia. TELEPHONE NO. 59-99.24/521-69-19 INCUMBENT HEAD SEN. LETICIA RAMOS - SHAHANT DESIGNATION Chairperson TERM OF OFFICE 1991- DATE FOUNDED Oct. 7, 1966 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 15 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-Governmental OBJECTIVES General To promote the development of the youth, particularly the out-of-school, so that they can be developed into productive citizens of the country. Specific: To promote productivity among out-of school youth through livelihood skills training utilizing applied functional literacy techniques. PROJECT/ACTIVITIES 1. Funetional Literacy - this program aims to develop the literacy (reading, writing, computing numbers) of literate out-of-school youths and young adults. It also provides exercises to strengthen the skills gain by the semi- literates. (on-going) 2. Livelihood Skills Development - this program id design to equip out-of-school youths and young adults with the needed technical or vocational skills which will help them start livelihood projects and thereby improve their ‘earning capacity. (on-going) 3. Small-Scale Industry or Trade - this program aims to help out-of-school youths and young adults with newly acquired livelihood skills to engage in small scale industry or trade for increased family income. (on going) 4, Cooperatives - the target clientele the out-of-school youths and young adults will be given practical experience in the formation and management of cooperatives in this particular program. (on going) 5. Leadership Training - in this program the leamers will be given the needed pointers in the development of 61 62 leadership. They will also be given the opportunity to gain experience on leadership in actual life situations. (on going) 0070 FRANCISCA TIRONA BENITEZ RURBAN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION, INC. (FTBRED, INC.) ADDRESS Mezzanine Floor, PWU, Taft Avenue, Manila TELEPHONE NO. $213383/584093 FAX NO. 5224002 INCUMBENT HEAD Dr. Amelou B. Reyes DESIGNATION Executive Director TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-government Organization oon FRIENDS OF FILIPINO MIGRANT WORKERS, INC. (KAIBIGAN) ADDRESS Rm. B. Ben-Lor Bldg., 1184 Quezon Avenue, Q.C, TELEPHONE NO. 99-26-41 FAX NO. 71-58-28 INCUMBENT HEAD ARNEL F. DE GUZMAN DESIGNATION Executive Director TERM OF OFFICE 1993-1995 DATE FOUNDED March 1991 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 16 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-Governmental OBJECTIVES: To promote the rights and welfare of Filipino overseas workers. PROJECT/ACTIVITIES 1. Research Programs - Aim to come up with relevant studies, investigations and analysis regarding the phenomenon of overseas migration and manpower export, It also pays particular attention on the problems and conditions of overseas Filipino and their families 2. Education and Liaison - Education and orientation services are provided to departing migrant workers and visiting overseas Filipinos. Organizational links and communications between local organizations and Filipino centers and organizations abroad are facilitated through the liaison service. Referrals, briefings and endorsements of outgoing Filipinos are perforined through this function, 3. Publications - Through its monthly magazine, “Pinoy Overseas Chronicle” and “Migration Review”, aims to update and educate overseas Filipinos about the current political, economic and social events in the Philippines. 0072 GENERAL ASSEMBLY BINDING WOMEN FOR REFORM, INTEGRITY, EQUALITY, LEADERSHIP AND ACTION (GABRIELA) OFFICE ADDRESS 3 Scout Delgado, Roxas District. Quezon City ‘TELEPHONE NO. 998034 HEAD OF OFFICE Secretary General 62 leadership. They will also be given the opportunity to gain experience on leadership in actual life situations. (on going) 0070 FRANCISCA TIRONA BENITEZ RURBAN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION, INC. (FTBRFD, INC.) ADDRESS Mezzanine Floor, PWU, Taft Avenue, Manila TELEPHONE NO. 5213383/584093 FAX NO. 5224002 INCUMBENT HEAD Dr. Amelou B. Reyes DESIGNATION Executive Director TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-government Organization 0071 FRIENDS OF FILIPINO MIGRANT WORKERS, INC. (KAIBIGAN) ADDRESS Rm. B. Ben-Lor Bldg., 1184 Quezon Avenue, Q.C, TELEPHONE NO. 99-26-41 FAX NO. 731-58-28 INCUMBENT HEAD ARNEL F. DE GUZMAN DESIGNATION Executive Director TERM OF OFFICE 1993-1995 DATE FOUNDED March 1991 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 16 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-Governmental OBIECTIVES To promote the rights and welfare of Filipino overseas workers, PROJEC’ ACTIVITIES 1. Research Programs - Aim to come up with relevant studies, investigations and analysis regarding the phenomenon of overseas migration and manpower expor. It also pays particular attention on the problems and conditions of overseas Filipino and their families 2, Education and Liaison - Education and orientation services are provided to departing migrant workers and visiting overseas Filipinos. Organizational links and communications between local organizations and Filipino centers and organizations abroad are facilitated through the liaison service. Referrals, briefings and endorsements of outgoing Filipinos are perforined through this function. 3. Publications - Through its monthly magazine, “Pinoy Overseas Chronicle” and “Migration Review”, aims to update and educate overseas Filipinos about the current political, economic and social events in the Philippines. 0072 GENERAL ASSEMBLY BINDING WOMEN FOR REFORM, INTEGRITY, EQUALITY, LEADERSHIP AND ACTION (GABRIELA) OFFICE ADDRESS 35 Scout Delgado, Roxas District, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 998034 HEAD OF OFFICE Secretary General INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Liza Maza FOUNDER(S) ‘Women’s organizations among which are the Samahan ng . Makabayang Kababaihang Nagkakaisa (SAMAKANA) and Center for Women’s Resources (CWR) DATE FOUNDED March 1984 MEMBERSHIP SIZE ‘Members: 58,000 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National Cordillera Region, Bicol Region, Central Luzon Region, Southern ‘Tagalog, Bacolod, Panay, and Mindanao AFFILIATION(S) BAYAN TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental OBJECTIVES General ‘As a movement, it seeks to transform women into an organized political forces to: deal distinctly with the problems of women as women, working to free women from all forms of economic and political oppression and discrimination, sexual violenée and abuse, neglect and denial of their health and reproductive rights; become integral to the national liberation struggle for sovereignty, a democratic and representative government and ‘equality between women and men in all aspects of life; hamess the power of half of the country’s population towards liberation, Specific To arouse, mobilize and organize the greatest number of women for genuine liberation; To promote and conduct information and education activities to initiate sociocultural transformation; To promote and create programs and projects to uplift the condition of women; To promote organized action to eliminate unjust and discriminatory practices, unequal and oppressive structures that deter the full development of Filipinas as persons, + To form networks among local and international women’s organizations to foster understanding and solidarity towards the resolution of common problems, and + To explore areas of cooperation and collaboration with other agencies and organizations to promote equal opportunities for women and their development, AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES ‘Trainors/speakers training Consciousness raising Leadership training ‘Technical support to sectoral actions Lobbying for women’s rights and against all civil laws discriminatory to women Seminar house services FUNDING SOURCES Local Grants/donations AREAS OF CONCERN All women’s issues general and specific such as: violence, health and reproductive rights, imperialism and its effects on women, other economic issues. 0073 GENERAL DOUGLAS MAC ARTHUR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION ADDRESS 1733 LEVERIZA St., 1300 Pasay City TELEPHONE NO. 598637/505959 FAX NO. 5217489 INCUMBENT HEAD Mrs. Lorenzo D. Melencio DESIGNATION Vice President GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National 64 TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-government Organization 0074 GIRL SCOUTS OF THE PHILIPPINES (GSP) OFFICE ADDRESS 901 Padre Faura Street Manila TELEPHONE NO. 593624; 5219346 597021 to 32 HEAD OF OFFICE President INCUMBENT HEAD Dr. Amelita Dayrit Go TERM OF OFFICE 1994 to present FOUNDER Josefa Llanes Escoda DATE FOUNDED May 26, 1940 MEMBERSHIP SIZE Girls: 1,414,383 Adults: 178.462 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National CHAPTERS Northern Luzon Region, Central Luzon Region, Souther Luzon Region, Visayas Region, Western Mindanao, and Eastern Mindanao AFFILIATION(S) National National Council of Women of the Phil International World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Socio-civie/Non-governmental OBJECTIVES + To help girls: develop desirable values to live by; become self-reliant and disciplined members of their ‘community, participate actively in the development of their community, deepen their self-awareness, realize their worth as individuals and relate to others constructively. + To promote international goodwill and understanding; + To open to girls opportunities for congenial activities in a largely outdoor setting and for service to others, particularly joint activities with the Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) for community service, under careful supervision by adult leaders; and + To extend the Movement to girls of every class, creed or race. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES, Training centers/Camp facilities Workshop demonstration on different livelihood skills FUNDING SOURCES ‘Membership fees, Donations Fund drives; National equipment, services (GS uniforms equipment) insignia, AREAS OF CONCERN Individual wel-being Family life Economie self sufficiency Environment Disaster preparedness/management Heritage and citizenship Arts World community/international relations PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Troop Implementation Under this thrust, girls worked on, regular badge work activities as well as other ‘badges which included the program for intemational education, the Asia Pacific, Regional badge and Environment. ‘They also conducted outdoor activities which provided girls the experience of living in the out-of-doors. Other activities also include: The Scouts Auxiliary Volunteer for Emergency Relief Service (Savers) An activity which raises the girls’ consciousness of the challenge of emergency preparedness when calamities strike, the awarding of the Chief Girl Scout Medal, the Eight Point Challenge, which would adequately prepare the Filipino gitl of today to face and cope with the changing time and the “Tulong Bata” which addresses the needs of children and FAX NO. 811-4149 INCUMBENT HEAD Atty. Vilma Q. Flores DESIGNATION ‘Vice President for Luzon Operation GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National 0082 HOME ECONOMICS EXTENSION ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES: (HEEAP) OFFICE ADDRESS HEEAP c/o M.Y. Orosa Hall, Agricultural Training Institute, Elliptical Road, Diliman Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 998741 loc. 251 or 230 HEAD OF OFFICE, ‘National HEEAP Foundation President INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Aurea A. Rivera TERM OF OFFICE 1991 to 1996 FOUNDER Former Home Economics Programs Division of the Bureau of Agricultural Extension now Agricultural Training Institute DATE FOUNDED 1979 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 1,000 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National CHAPTERS All provinces AFFILIATION(S) National Philippine Home Economics Association (PHEA) National Confederation of Women of the Philippines Intemational Intemational Federation of Home Economics (IFHE) TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Professional OBJECTIVES General To promote, support and sustain the role of Home Economies Extension in the development of the country and to unite individual in achieving this objective. Specific + To establish and improve standards of HEEAP service in the Department of Agriculture, + To initiate, promote and support goverment programs related to the profession of HEEAP and the well being of the family, and + To coordinate innovative resource building strategies by members of the organization for the purpose in line with the objectives of the organization. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Credit and technical assistance Technical assistance to the Rural Improvement Clubs of the Phil FUNDING SOURCES ‘Membership fees and annual dues AREAS OF CONCERN + Retention of Home + Economics discipline in curriculum and degree courses in State Colleges and Universities * Gender and equal opportunity with co-workers in LGUs and the Department of Agriculture PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES + Scholarship/Educational Assistance Provision of scholarship to deserving members who will take-up HEEAP 69 families who are severely affected by natural and man-made disasters; and the participation in intemational events. Training and Retraining of Adult Members As of 1994, a total of 157,262 adults from all levels have undergone trainings. Effective Communication System Program Works tot: have a functional reporting and monitoring of activities, and to organize more 'V club, junior journalist guild and from radio group and ultimately have licensed ham operators. Utilization of Available Resources This program uses a lot of efforts and strategies to ensure the smooth delivery of program services to the fields. Such resources include buildings, campsites, the national equipment service, finance and human resources. Public Relations Activities Hope to the prestige and credibility of the organization, Such activities include radio programs, rallies, media publicity, handouts, forging linkages, and awards recognition giving. 007s GOLD STAR MOTHER AND UNITED WAR WIDOWS AND ORPHANS ASSOCIATION, INC. ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. INCUMBENT HEAD DESIGNATION GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 20 Kamuning Road, Quezon City 9220930 ‘Mrs. Josefina K. Luna President National ‘Non-government Organization GOOD SHEPHERD LAY AFFILIATES ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. INCUMBENT HEAD DESIGNATION TERM OF OFFICE DATE FOUNDED. MEMBERSHIP SIZE GEOG? APHIC COVERAGE TYPE OF ORGANIZATION OBJECTIVES (GSLA,INC.) Good Shepherd Provineialate, 1043 Aurora Boulevard, 1108 Quezon City, MM. 1922-09-30 SR. MARY JOAN SALAMANCA, RGS September, 1986 35 National Religious/Socio-civie To live a deeper Christian life while maintaining their present state; to intensify their Christian commitment as baptized and members of the church in the spirit of the gospel and according to the spiritually and charisma of the good shepherd sisters. To provide an opportunity to share in the mission of the good shepherd sisters in their apostolate towards women, young girls and the marginalize. PROJECT/ACTIVITIES SME Scholarship Program - Raising funds to send poor girls to school ‘Voters Education Program - Non partisan seminar to raise quality of voting power. “Sagip Buhay Sagip Dangal” - Raising consciousness/awareness of public on realities of OCW’s. 6s Relief Rehabilitation Work for Disaster Vietims - Relief, debriefing, assistance for IGP in Zambales, Pampanga. Herbal and Livelihood Seminars - Herbal medicine education seminars and training for IGP's. Advocacy Work - Networking with other NGO's, i.e, KONSENSIYA, KABATID, COW, STOP, NCRW on relevant issues like violence against women, child abuse, pornography, environmental concerns and government accountability and transparency. ‘Tanglaw ng Pag-asa - Walk-in counseling center at EDSA shrine, ‘Nazareth Growth Home - Rehabilitation of prostitutes. Euphrasian Residence - Group counseling with young girls with problems. + Family Life Apostolate - Counseling, equples, solo parents, wives/husbands of OCW. 0077 GREEN FORUM PHILIPPINES PHILIPPINE CORE GROUP ON CLIMATE CHANGE ADDRESS 3rd Floor Liberty Bldg., 836 Pasay Road, Makati City TELEPHONE NO. 8190545/815386 FAX NO. 8160986 INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Anita Celdran DESIGNATION President GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-government Organization 0078 HEALTH ACTION INFORMATION NETWORK (HAIN) ADDRESS 9 Cabanatuan Road Philam Homes, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 978805; 976860 HEAD OF OFFICE Executive Director INCUMBENT HEAD Dr. Michael L. Tan FOUNDER(S) Dr. Michael L. Tan and E, Montecillo J. Lim DATE FOUNDED 1985 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National AFFILIATIONS International Health Action Intemational Global Reproductive Rights Network TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Socio-eivie Non-governmental OBJECTIVES General To service research and documentation needs of individuals and groups involved in health care and development. Specific To promote a holistic approach to health care considering economic, sociopolitical and cultural factors; and To do advocacy work for specific issues as: women and health; child labor, and drug policy. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Library service (open to all on Tuesdays through Saturdays) Information search Publications: Health Alert, Drug Monitor Production of papers, primers or other background — materials on health related matters for workshops purposes. AREAS OF CONCERN Women’s health: Reproductive rights, Pharmaceuticas, Sexuality, Sexually exploited women, Women and pharmaceuticals, Theoretical perspectives in feminism. PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Resource Center/Library/Data Bank - Maintains a Resource Center open to the public, with a rapidly growing stock of books, periodicals, microfiche, audiovisuals and “nonorthodox materials such as teaching aids, ‘workshop proceedings and unpublished materials such as students theses. Participatory Research - Works with communities and/ with advocacy groups on diverse health related issues, blending formal academic research methods such as surveys with a community based perspective where the subjects of the research become the main researchers, deciding the thrust of the project and the methods for analyzing date. Documentation/ Publication. - Health Alert - A forth nightly newsletter with a special feature focusing on a particular theme per issue. In addition, it has brief news and features on major developments in medicine and health, news on economic and political developments that shape the health care situation, as well as news on activities of alternative health groups. The Drug Monitor - A monthly bulletin which provides independent and objective information on pharmaceuticals and drug policies. Health Education and Information - Organization of symposia ‘and workshops on primary health care, medical and nursing education, women’s health, rational drug use and other health related concerns and production of book stand pamphlets on issues relating (o child health and welfare, pharmaceuticals and public policy. 0079 HEART OF MARY VILLA (HMV) OFFICE ADDRESS 394 M. H. del Pilar Street Maysilo, Malabon 1477 Metro Manila ‘TELEPHONE NO. 233888; 223726 HEAD OF OFFICE Superior/Executive Director INCUMBENT HEAD Sr. Mary Aida Violago, RGS TERM OF OFFICE, 1991 to 1996R FOUNDER(S) Sr. John Toomey ‘Mother Eucharista Hickey DATE FOUNDED ‘March 1953 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National The HMV is a residential facility run by the Good Shepherd Sisters, Philippine Province. It has no chapters all over the Philippines but its clientele group comes from different parts of the country: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. There are also girls ‘coming from the different parts of Asia and the world. There is an increase in take of Filipino women retuming from working abroad. AFFILIATION(S) National ‘Association of Child Caring Agencies in the Philippines National Council for Social Development International Institutions all over the world menaged by the Religious Society TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ReligiousNon-governmental OBJECTIVES + To provide warm adult acceptance and protection for the: expectant unwed mother, with the objective of promoting her physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being; to do so within the context of professional relationship that offers opportunity for the client to understand herself, and + To assist the expectant mother in planning realistically for their eventual retum to society, and to help her distinguish between her own needs and those of her child. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES, Nursery Residence for pregnant girls/women in crisis Damayan Community Center FUNDING SOURCES ine Charity Sweepstakes Office ‘Community Chest Arzobispado de Manila Donations from individuals/groups AREAS OF CONCERN Unwed mothers which include battered women, abused and exploited women. PROGRAMS/PROJECTS ACTIVITIES Group Work and Group Living Attempts to enhance group living experiences through meaningful and growth producing interpersonal relationship. (Ongoing) Casework/Individual Counseling To help the pregnant girls gain feeling of self worth and self-respect, clarity her rights and responsibilities, strengthen her potentials and capacities to solve the problem imposed by her pregnancy; assist to formulate a plan for herself and her child Helping Process Unwed mother is helped in planning for her eventual return to society and to distinguish her ‘own needs and those of her child. She is provided with professional knowledge, attitudes and a clear perspective to enable her to make the wisest decision for her child which is her paramount consideration. Scripture, Christian Formation and Values Clarification, The girls study the Word of God and attempt to make Jesus their model. They learned and practiced the Christian values. Filipino values are clarified; positive values are enhanced, appreciated and practiced. Current Events The girls are encouraged and critique news items on national and world issues. The process of cconscientization is being done to the girls. Prenatal Care/Lamaze, Child & Matemal Care Girls are guided to understand the growth and development of the human being within them. Arts and Crafts Music Gardening Cooking The girls: learned to develop and improve their talents and skills. It also give them the idea of using their ‘own skills as part of their livelihood. Personality Development Helps the individual in knowing her own self as she deals with others. Home ‘Management Prepares an expectant mother in running her own abode and managing her time in forming her duties and responsibilities with good heart. Pro-Life Seminars Learned how to treasure and protect life. (Every three months) Retreats/Recollection Putting them more closer to God and doing His Word. (Every three months) Confession Removing the ‘gaps between them and Jesus Christ and learned how to be forgiving, (Every month) Outreach Project The Damayan Community Center is the project of the Heart of Mary Villa which offers the following: Livelihood Program Housing Program Health and Nutrition Program Christian Formation and Family Life Program Educational Program Community Development Seminars 0080 HOLY SPIRIT CENTER FOR DEVELOPMENT OFFICE ADDRESS 1384 E. Quintos St, cor Ma. Clara, Sampaloc, Manila ‘TELEPHONE NO. 7217286 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National 0081 HOME DEVELOPMENT MUTUAL FUND (PAG-IBIG) OFFICE ADDRESS 8/f Atrium of Makati, Makati Ave., Makati City ‘TELEPHONE NO. 811-4401 loc. 357/397 FAX NO. 811-4149 INCUMBENT HEAD Atty. Vilma Q. Flores DESIGNATION Vice President for Luzon Operation GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National 0082 HOME ECONOMICS EXTENSION ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES: (HEEAP) OFFICE ADDRESS HEEAP c/o M.Y. Orosa Hall, Agricultural Training Institute, Elliptical Road, Diliman Quezon City ‘TELEPHONE NO. 998741 loc. 251 oF 230 HEAD OF OFFICE National HEEAP Foundation President INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Aurea A. Rivera TERM OF OFFICE 1991 to 1996 FOUNDER Former Home Economies Programs Division of the Bureau of Agricultural Extension now Agricultural Training Institute DATE FOUNDED 1979 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 1,000 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National CHAPTERS All provinces AFFILIATION(S) National Philippine Home Economics Association (PHEA) National Confederation of Women of the Philippines Intemational International Federation of Home Economics (IFHE) TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Professional OBJECTIVES General To promote, support and sustain the role of Home Economics Extension in the development of the country and to unite individual in achieving this objective. Specific + To establish and improve standards of HEEAP service in the Department of Agriculture; + To initiate, promote and support government programs related to the profession of HEEAP and the well being of the family, and + To coordinate innovative resource building strategies by members of the organization for the purpose in line with the objectives of the organization. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Credit and technical assistance Technical assistance to the Rural Improvement Clubs of the Philippines FUNDING SOURCES Membership fees and annual dues AREAS OF CONCERN + Retention of Home + Economics discipline in curriculum and degree courses in State Colleges and Universities + Gender and equal opportunity with co-workers in LGUs and the Department of Agriculture PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES + Scholarship/Educational Assistance Provision of scholarship to deserving members who will take-up HEEAP 70 related courses (Three (3) masteral degrees completed) + Livelihood Provision of IGP loans to individual and group members. Among the IGP or livelihood project funded are include food production, food processing, catering, RTW, swine raising, rice subsidy and goat raising. Since 1986 twenty ongoing ineome generating projects were established and sill some that are self financed by the members. 0083 INNERWHEEL CLUBS OF THE PHILIPPINES, INCORPORATED (IWC-PHILS.) ADDRESS IWCPI Bldg,, Dao Street comer Kamagong Street, San Antonio Park, Makati City TELEPHONE NO. 858183 / 997796 / 986788 / 7226041 FAX NO. 917-24-691899-63-42 INCUMBENT HEAD ‘Mrs. Vel Religioso DESIGNATION President TERM OF OFFICE 1994. DATE FOUNDED 1965 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Socio-civie OBJECTIVES To promote true friendship. To encourage the ideas of personal service. To foster international understanding, PROJECT/ACTIVITIES Tubig sa Baryo - Bringing potable water through deep well pumps in remote waterless arcas Operation Paglingap - Provision of aid to calamity victims due to fire, typhoon, flood. Operation Karunungen - Helps the public gain knowledge through pocket libraries and reading centers, Education - Provides vocational training for out-of-school youth and run a nursery and kindergarten school. 0084 INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL STUDIES AND ACTION (ISSA) OFFICE ADDRESS 3 Mahabagin comer Malumanay Sts Teacher’s Village Diliman, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 9217180 or 9243620 HEAD OF OFFICE Executive Director INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Rowena O. Alvarez FOUNDER(S) Mr. Alfredo F. Tadiar, Mr. Amor N. Oribello, Jr. , Ms. Carrie Lorenzana, Ms. Trinidad Gomez, Mr. Cesar P. Borje DATE FOUNDED November 14, 1983 MEMBERSHIP SIZE 25 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE Local (Quezon City) AFFILIATION(S) ‘National Alliance for Women’s Health (AWH) Marching for Life Coalition (MLC) ‘Samasamang Inisyatiba ng Kababaihan Para sa Pagbabago ng Batas at Lipunan (SIBOL) Philippine National AIDS Council (PNAC) Bukluran Pera Sa Kelusugan ng Sambayanan(BUKAS) International International Women’s Health Coalition TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-governmental OBJECTIVES General ‘+ Toempower individuals to exercise their and reproductive rights and have access to safe and quality health care, and + To work towards the attainment of a socio political and cultural environment responsive to women’s health needs. Specie + Toinerease the access of people and organizations in the regions to materials and information on speeifie women and health issues, particularly on ISSA’s five priority issues: maternal health; fertility management and contraception, including abortion, health of reproductive organs of males and females through their life cycles (STDs, HIV/AIDS, RTIs), sexuality (with emphasis on adolescent fertility and sexuality), and violence against + Tocontinuously monitor developments related to wo:nen’s health issues in media and in the legislative, executive and local government levels to take a more proactive role in presenting factual information; + Tocontinue networking and alliance building activities with selected NGOs/GOs working along ISSA’s priority issues to further consolidate and maximize its efforts in promoting women’s reproductive health and rights; and + To build/strengthen its linkages with local government units in ISSA’s focal areas in the regions in line with the on-going devolution process and for the delivery of gender sensitive education and training services. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Reproductive Health Reference and Resouree Center (RHRRC) Education and training Research and Documentation FUNDING SOURCES Ford Foundation, PATHUSAID AREAS OF CONCERN ‘Women’s Health and Reproductive Health with five priority issues, namely: maternal health; fertility management and contraception, health of reproductive organs of males and females through their life cycles (STDs, HIV/AIDS, RTIs), sexuality (with emphasis on adolescent fertility and sexuality); and violence against women, PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention among Bar Girls/Beerhouse Dancers in Selected Establishment in Quezon City The project seeks to determine the level of awareness of bar girls/beethouse dancers, bar managers/owners and other bar workers on HIV/AIDS as well as to get information on their attitudes towards sex and sexuality, their life and work situation. (On going July 1994-June 1996); Enhancing Gender Sensitivity and Gender Responsiveness in FP and Population Programmes (A Pilot Project) The project aims to improve the status of ‘women through the provision of gender sensitive Family Planning Services and Population Programmes. Profile of New Women Patients at ISSA’s Outreach Clinic: Emphasis on RTIs The project sought to determine the characteristics of new women patients at ISSA’s clinic as well as to get information on their experiences as regards RTIs. (Completed) An Analysis of the Life Stories of Selected Women Abortees in ISSA’s 1989 Fertility Management Study . The project sought to provide an in-depth account of the situation of women abortees prior and during the actual event and the period afterwards. (For press work) Understanding Women’s Perceptions of the Abortion Issue Through Focus Group Discussions (Oct. 1991 Sept. 1992 and Mar. 1993 present) The project aimed to elicit the views, experiences and insights of grassroots women on abortion nationwide. (Report write-up is ongoing.) a INTEGRATED MEDICINE ASSOCITION OF THE PHILIPPINES OFFICE ADDRESS ‘TELEPHONE NO. FAX NO. HEAD OF OFFICE INCUMBENT HEAD GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE, Department of Health, San Lazaro Compound, Sta Cruz, Manila 9244711 9244711 Dr. Alicia dela Gente President National INTEGRATED PAMILYA FOUNDATION OFFICE ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. HEAD OF OFFICE INCUMBENT HEAD GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE, Eastside Housing, Fort Bonifacio, Makati City 8127416 loc. 6835 ‘Mrs. Severina M. Santos President National INTEGRATED MIDWIVES ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. (IMAP) OFFICE ADDRESS ‘TELEPHONE NO. HEAD OF OFFICE x INCUMBENT HEAD TERM OF OFFICE FOUNDERS) DATE FOUNDED MEMBERSHIP SIZE EOGRAPHIC COVERAGE, CHAPTERS AFFILIATION(S) International TYPE OF ORGANIZATION OBJECTIVES General MAP Building Cor. Pinaglabanan and Ejercito Sts. San Juan, Metro Manila 05335 resident Ms. Alice Sanz de la Gente 1994 to 1995 Ms. Elvira A. Montilla and Dr. Ricardo B. Gonzales, et. al. March 1975 48,000 National All cities and provinces nationwide, International Federation of Midwives (ICM) London, England Non-govemmental To carry out and accomplish the objectives and purposes for which the Association was created Specific + To unite graduate registered midwives both in the government and private sectors with the fundamental aim to elevate the standards of the midwifery profession; and + To foster and maintain on the part of its members high ideals of integrity, conduct and camaraderie. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Education and Training as often as the need arises FUNDING SOURCES Local General membership fees paid by individual members annually ‘AREAS OF CONCERN Safe mothethood Reproductive health care Maternal and child health are PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Project ABCC A project designed for women most especially in the rural areas with more emphasis on Anti Abortion, Breast-feeding, Contraception Control and Cancer Detection preferably on PAP Smearing, making it accessible and affordable to women of child bearing age. (Ongoing) Balikatan Para Sa Kalusugan Ng Mag Ina A safe motherhood project giving information to mothers on the early recognition of high risks pregnancy and also to midwives, especially on management of high risks newborns. (Ongoing) JOMAP Johnson & Johnson Outstanding Midwife Award of the Philippines A joint project of IMAP, Inc. and Johnson & Johnson to recognize the country’s outstanding midwives. An annual award. (Launched last April 27, 1994, Culmination uring IMAP national convention on October 21 at PICC. IMAPKIMBIES Partnership for the Gift of Life monthly advertorial in three leading newspaper of national circulation giving information to the public regarding the midwives and the midwifery profession in the country. (Ongoing) Continuing Midwifery Education (CME) A series of lectures and seminars given to members at he local chapter for their professional growth and development. (Ongoing) Career Development Seminar A series of seminar workshop conducted to IMAP officers of the local chapter on Values, Leadership, Administration and Management. (Ongoing) 088 INTERNATIONAL TRAINING NETWORK PHILIPPINES (ITN) ADDRESS. Training Network Center ITN (Philippines) 4/F LWUA Building 11(atipunan Road Balara, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 953261 to 69 loc 226V 951757 (fax) INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Dianne D. Arboleda DATE FOUNDED Global ITN in 1984 while ITN Philippines) in 1990 MEMBERSHIP SIZE Participating institutions: 17 Affiliate Members: 26 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National AFFILIATION(S) International Global ITN Headquarters UNDP/WB Water and Sanitation Program, International Institute for Infrastructure, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (IHE) Environmental Systems Information Network IRC International Water and Sanitation Center TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-governmental OBJECTIVES General To assist the sector in the detivery of water supply and sanitation services by promoting the use of appropriate technologies and approaches in the management of sustainable water supply and sanitation programme, strengthening sector capacities and advocating, improved policies and investments through a multi-sectoral network of organizations concemed with water supply and sanitation 73 4 Specific + To assist water and sanitation organizations in their implementation of water and sanitation programs with increased human resource capability, financial resources and access to appropriate technology and information; + To provide opinion makers with information, education and sustained communication to enable them to formulate and legislate policy that promotes equal access by Filipino communities to sustainable water supply and sanitation; * To assist action research activities that would provide accurate date on the real conditions of the sector and results in prototypes that can encourage new methods and approaches in water supply and sanitation; and + To establish and strengthen a functioning network that finds common bond in the need to share resources, information and work together to bring water supply and sanitation to disadvantaged communities. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Resources Persons/Experts on water supply and sanitation (referral) Training courses ITN basie library/ bibliographic data on water and sanitation Union catalogue and database Equipment pool FUNDING SOURCES National Government of the Philippines (GoP) International Government of the Netherlands (GoN) AREAS OF CONCERN Exchange of data/information Program/project management Construction of water supply and sanitation facilities Community organization and training Gender issues and concerns in water supply and sani PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Training and Education Provides improved training standards and capabilities to members, affiliate institutions and other interested parties. ITN ( -s) courses bring in both the collective experience of network members and the worldwide expertise of ITN’s international links, in topies even beyond water supply and sanitation. Information and Advocacy Seeks to refocus or ereate public attention on water and waste management especially towards disadvantaged Filipino communities, and to make accessible reliable studies on the sector. It also seeks reforms in the sector especially those involving allocation of resources, and promotes the feasibility of investments in water supply and sanitation as well as the availability of appropriate technologies. Research and Development Builds up ITN as a clearing house where information about developments in the seetor local and international is available to the public. This program includes action research such as project management ‘of community based prototypes which provides tangible evidence of appropriateness and viability. 0089 (STITUTE FOR SMALL-SCALE INDUCTRIES - U. P. OFFICE ADDRE! Enrique Virata Hall, UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 1989238 /997076 - 79 FAX NO. 98-1034 INCUMBENT HEAD Mrs. Sonia Tiong-Aquino DESIGNATION President GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-governmental 0090 ISIS INTERNATIONAL MANILA ADDRESS Office 66 Sct. Delgado Brgy. Laging Handa, Kamuning, Quezon City Mail: PO. Box 1837 Quezon City Main 1100 Quezon City TELEPHONE NO. 9241065; 967297 (telefax);8170756/8179742 (commercial fax) HEAD OF OFFICE Director INCUMBENT HEAD Ms. Marianita C. Villariba TERM OF OFFICE 1994 to 1995 FOUNDER(S) ‘Ms, Marilee Karly and Ms. Jane Cottingham DATE FOUNDED 1974 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE International/Regional CHAPTERS Intemational with an Asia-Pacific focus AFFILIATION(S) International ISIS International Santiago Chile ISIS/WICCE Kampala, Uganda TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Non-governmental OBIECTIVES General ‘An international women’s NGO with the aim of providing information and communication services to women. Specific ‘To empower women through information, communication, networking and skill sharing. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Information through a library and resouree center Publications and access to Philippines, Asia Pacific and international publications and books Maintain a human resource data book FUNDING SOURCES International Government and Non-governmental organizations AREAS OF CONCERN Violence against women Religion Human rights Sexuality and identity Health Environment Science Feminism ‘Women in economic change PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES Resource Library Contains more than 2,000 books, numerous journals, 500 vertical files (Ongoing) Human Resource Data Bank (HURES) Contains data on 300 women’s organizations in the Asian region (Ongoing) KABABAIHANG RIZALISTA, I) OFFICE ADDRESS 932 UN Avenue Ermita, Manila TELEPHONE NO. 305631; 509249 HEAD OF OFFICE President INCUMBENT HEAD Dr. Amparo de Ocampo TERM OF OFFICE 1992 to 19940 FOUNDER(S) Dr. Severino Orosa, Flora agan, Dr. Encarnacion Alzona Nieves Bueno del Rosario DATE FOUNDED October 18, 1958 MEMBERSHIP SIZE Basically 15 in each chapter GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National CHAPTERS National Pasig, Baliwag, Makati Lubao, Kalookan City, Cavite City Calamba, Naga City Araneta Univ., Basilan, Adamson Univ., Ozamis City. Binondo, Pagadian City, Mandaluyong, Koronadal Baguio City 1s 6 Le NUBSIVA, YOR, TWasTINgUN, VOR, oyuncy, Aust: Windsor, UK Canada Tokyo, Japan AFFILIATION(S) National Council of Women of the Philippines qicwry, TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Sociocivie group/Non-governmental OBJECTIVES General To revere the memory of our national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal; To promote understanding of his ideas, and To exhort Filipinos to follow his examples and teachings. Specific To cooperate with Knights of Rizal by sending young students to attend seminars held in Baguio every year. AVAILABLE RESOURCES/SERVICES Sponsorship of delegates to the Yearly Knights of Rizal Seminar FUNDING SOURCES Yearly membership due, Chapter yearly dues AREAS OF CONCERN Moral values Contribution of women in nation building PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES. Rizal Commemoration - Regular floral offering and visits to Rizal shrines and monuments. Education and Training - Includes the sponsorship of delegates to yearly Rizal Knights Semi of Rizal teachings. 0092 KABALIKAT NG PAMILYANG PILIPINO FOUNDATION, INC. (KABALIKAT) ADDRESS 3rd Floor, B & M Building No. 116 Aguirre St. Legaspi Village TELEPHONE NO. 8130478; 8136476, 8128425 (fax) INCUMBENT HEAD Ms Teresita Bagasao ‘TERM OF OFFICE ‘988 to present FOUNDER(S) Kabalikat was set up as the Philippine affiliate of the US based Program for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive Technology (PIACT) DATE FOUNDED 1979 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE National AFFILIATION National Association of Foundations (AF) TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Non-governmental

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