Effective Lesson Planning
Effective Lesson Planning
Effective Lesson Planning
GREAT TEACHING starts with GREAT PLANNING 5 Important Things a Teacher can DO for her Students
Characteristics of great lesson plans Care
Clear instructions, explanations, timelines, expectations Set high expectations
and assessment Create orderly, structured classroom
Interactive; hands on activities Earn respect – stay calm, exercise self-control
Engaging and FUN! Treat each student with courtesy & respect
Allow students to feel sense of shared exploration and
discovery LESSON PLAN: Preparation Summary
Give students choices DO’s DON’T’s
- Always date your plans - Do overly concise, use
Students engaged & motivated - Indicate daily plans (even verbs & highly descriptive
Break assignments into small chunks if carrying over activities) phrases
Hands-on manipulatives - Indicate open-ended - Hesitate to embrace a
writing & critical thinking typeset format.
Ask open ended questions activities (daily for LA/Lit, Reference Staff
Make lesson relevant weekly for Math, Science Handbook for sample
Allow students to develop own questions to research & Social Science - Write illegibly, if not
Integrate diverse teaching strategies - When appropriate, indicate typing.
Talk at appropriate level specific exercises for Ask
- Plan differentiated
- Closely correlate NJ Core
They’re all about High Expectations Curriculum Content
Keys to great goal setting Standards
Regular routine – “mini goals” – focus on small, - Indicate where Crisis
immediate, action-oriented Management folder can be
Very specific actions – what, when, how? found
Level Appropriate
Followed by reflection – students need to evaluate –
leads to feeling of accomplishment & future goal