Effective Lesson Planning

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EFFECTIVE TEACHERS A Good Lesson includes:

 Know the content  TEKS

 Understand the development of the student  Objective – expected student behaviour
 Value the diversity of the students  Warm-up & instruction
 Use multiple assessments to evaluate progress  Procedure
 Create a suitable learning  Materials – worksheets, film, text, etc
 Adapt & modify instruction  Presentation
 Use effective communication  Practice
 Application
 Collaborative with all members of the learning
 Closure
 Evaluation – test, assignment, teacher observation
 Engage in sustained professional growth experiences
 Maximize Instructional Time
Instructional Planning & Strategies
 Integrate Diverse Teaching Strategies
 Plans are developed to provide students with
meaningful learning experience  Have All Students On Task
 Plans connect to related learning opportunities
 Teaching is based instructional strategies that focus on
 The format of a lesson should
best practice & research
 Go one step at a time
 Teaching is supported by strategies that foster interest
 Have a picture for every step
& progress
An effective lesson plan is a set of plans for building
General policy
something – it “constructs” the learning
 Plans are a legal document
 Usually required weekly to the supervisor
The greater the structure of a lesson & the more precise
 Plan books (district, purchased, self-made notebooks) the directions on what is to be accomplished, the higher
 Substitute plans the achievement rate. Harry Wong, The First Days of
 Must include Teaching
 Objectives OBJECTIVES
 Needed materials  A description of what the student will be able to do at
 Bell ringer the end of the lesson
 Procedures  Provides alignment with district & state goals (TEKS)
 Closing  Use behavioural verbs to describe the expected
outcomes (ACTION)
Good Planning  No-no’s: appreciate, enjoy, love
 Keeps the teacher & students on track
 Achieves the objectives Warm-up & Introduction
 Helps teachers to avoid “unpleasant” surprises  Grab the attention of the students
 Provides the roadmap & visuals in a logical sequence  Provides the interest/motivation factor
 Provides direction to a substitute  Set the tone for the lesson connected to the objective
 Encourages reflection, refinement, & improvement  A question
 Enhances student achievement  A story
 A saying
Poor Planning  An activity
 Frustration for the teacher & the learners  A discussion starter
 Aimless wandering Be creative
 Unmet objectives
 No connections to prior learning PRE-ASSESSMENT
 Disorganization  What are the characteristics of the learners in the class?
 Lack of needed materials  What do the students already know & understand?
 A waste of time  How do my students learn best?
 Poor management  What modifications in instruction might I need to
 Sets up a step-by-step plan  Assess the learning-rubric
 Provides a quick review of previous learning  Teacher made test
 Provides specific activities to assist students in  In-class or homework assignments
developing the new knowledge  Project to apply the learning in real-life situation
 Provides modelling of a new skill  Recitations & summaries
 A picture is worth a thousand words.  Performance assessments
 I do, We do, You do!  Use of rubrics
 Portfolios
MATERIALS  Journals
 Plan! Prepare! Have on hand!  Informal assessment
 Murphy’s Law
 Envision your needs REFLECTION
 List all resources  What went well in the lesson?
 Have enough manipulatives (when needed) for groups  What problems did I experience?
or individuals)  Are there things which I could have done differently?
 How can I build on this lesson to make future lessons
PRACTICE successful?
 Provide multiple learning activities THE SUBSTITUE…NOW WHAT?
 Guided practice (teacher controlled)  The key to substitute success –
 Use a variety of questioning strategies to determine DETAILED LESSON PLANS
the level of understanding  Discipline routines
 Journaling, conferencing  Children with special needs
 Independent practice  Fire drill & emergency procedures
 Practice may be differentiated  Helpful students, helpful colleagues (phone #’s)
 Build on practice  Classroom schedule
 Name of administrators
LEARNING ACTIVITIES  Expectations for the work
- Graphic Organizers  Packet of extra activities
- Creative play
- Peer presenting LESSON PLANS: Review
- Performances
- Role playing Reflection/Open Discussion
- Debates  Main components of a lesson plan
- Game making  Critical thinking skills
- Projects  Characteristics of a good lesson
- Cooperative groups  Teacher responsibilities
- Inquiry learning
- Direct instruction Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Differentiation  Use daily in questioning to develop higher order of
- Direct instruction thinking skills…critical thinking skills
 Knowledge
CLOSURE  Comprehension
 Lesson Wrap-up: Leave students with an imprint of  Application
what has been covered in the lesson  Analysis
 Students summarize the major concepts  Synthesis
- Displays internalized student knowledge  Evaluation
 Teacher recaps the main points
 Teacher sets the stage for the next phase of learning
Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Remembering - Interpreting - Problem solving
- Memorizing - Translating from one medium to - Applying information to produce
- Recognizing another some result
- Recalling (identification & recall of - Describing in one’s own words - Use of facts, rules & principles
information) - Organization & selection of facts - How is…an example of….?
- Who, what, when, where, how…? and ideas - How is…related to….?
- Describe - Retell - Why is…significant?


- Subdividing something to show - Creating a unique, original product - Making value decisions about
how it is put together that may be in verbal form or may issues
- Finding the underlying structure of be a physical object - Resolving controversies or
a communication - Combination of ideas to form a new differences of opinion
- Identifying motives whole - Development of opinions,
- Separation of a whole into - What would you predict/infer judgements or decisions
component parts from…? - Do you agree…?
- What are the parts or features of…? - What ideas can you add to…? - What do you think about…?
- Classify…according to… - How would you create/design a - What is the most important…?
- Outline/diagram… new…? - Place the following in order of
- How does…compare/contrast with? - What might happen if you priority…
- What evidence can you list for…? combines…? - How would you decide about…?
- What solutions would you suggest - What criteria would you use to
for…? assess…?

GREAT TEACHING starts with GREAT PLANNING 5 Important Things a Teacher can DO for her Students
Characteristics of great lesson plans  Care
 Clear instructions, explanations, timelines, expectations  Set high expectations
and assessment  Create orderly, structured classroom
 Interactive; hands on activities  Earn respect – stay calm, exercise self-control
 Engaging and FUN!  Treat each student with courtesy & respect
 Allow students to feel sense of shared exploration and
discovery LESSON PLAN: Preparation Summary
 Give students choices DO’s DON’T’s
- Always date your plans - Do overly concise, use
Students engaged & motivated - Indicate daily plans (even verbs & highly descriptive
 Break assignments into small chunks if carrying over activities) phrases
 Hands-on manipulatives - Indicate open-ended - Hesitate to embrace a
writing & critical thinking typeset format.
 Ask open ended questions activities (daily for LA/Lit, Reference Staff
 Make lesson relevant weekly for Math, Science Handbook for sample
 Allow students to develop own questions to research & Social Science - Write illegibly, if not
 Integrate diverse teaching strategies - When appropriate, indicate typing.
 Talk at appropriate level specific exercises for Ask
- Plan differentiated
- Closely correlate NJ Core
They’re all about High Expectations Curriculum Content
Keys to great goal setting Standards
 Regular routine – “mini goals” – focus on small, - Indicate where Crisis
immediate, action-oriented Management folder can be
 Very specific actions – what, when, how? found
 Level Appropriate
 Followed by reflection – students need to evaluate –
leads to feeling of accomplishment & future goal

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