Emergence From Illusion

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“You've almost kind of like set a table for us all to sit; and you haven't just

set the table, that's number one, but you've provided us a chair to sit down
in, and it's almost like you're serving up a meal - a delicious meal called
Fred Smart, Host of National Collective Consciousness Conference
Call speaking with Ricardo Johansson www.beam.to/consciousness or


A Memoir of

Ricardo Johansson

Nation building should begin at home

“Well done. You have produced a wonderful documentation of where we are at and where we
should go. I’m forwarding it to all of my contacts. Thank you for being succinct but at the same
time comprehensive and easy to understand for people of average intelligence.”
John Waters, Queensland, Australia

This Book: Opens new possibilities;

Clears away spin doctor nonsense;
Provides clarity of what’s really going on;
Reminds us that We are the new world leaders

Endorsed by the Will of the People Project

A memoir of

Ricardo Johansson

Copyright © 2010 Ricardo Johansson

Manufactured in the United States of America

All rights reserved

This book avoids direct quotes wherever possible unless they are
authorized or considered to be in the Public Domain. There are some
references to copyrighted material for which approval has not been
received, but these are paraphrased descriptions only that may provide an
internet link to the direct quote. The author is making such material
available in an effort to advance understanding of the challenges that face
us all. The author believes this constitutes "fair use" and "fair dealing" of
any such copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the US
Copyright Law.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this book is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

Use of copyrighted material from this book for purposes that go beyond
"fair use" and "fair dealing" would require permission from the copyright



Dedication v

Prelude by Author vi

Foreword by Sampsel.J.Bitz vii

About the Author viii

Chapter 1: A Problem well stated is short and simple 1

Chapter 2: The Problem 3

Part 1: Amusement 7
Part 2: Division - "Us against them" 10
1. Political Parties 11
2. Religious differences 13
3. Racial differences 16
4. Money 19
Part 3: Confusion 29

Chapter 3: The Solution 33

Part 1: Reduction of Amusement 33

Part 2: Unite 37
A: Religion 39
B. Politics 44
1. Get a handle on Terror 44
2. Get Real with Power 44
a. Poll vs Meeting of the Minds 44
b. Adhesion Contracts 45
c. Our identity 46
1. Collective Sovereignty 50
C. Race 58
D. Money 59
Part 3: Organize 65
A. The Republican State of the World
The Story of "The Ordinary
Man's" Struggle for Power 66
1. What was the Congress in
Philadelphia doing? 70
2. What is a Republican Style
and Form of Government? 73
3. How and when was the initial new
American Republican Experiment
derailed in America? 77
Real-life Modern-day example 83
B. The People's Referendum 89
C: United People System 92
1. World Government 99
D. Technology's Exponential Factor 100

Chapter 4: The Story about the People of the

Byron Shire 107

Chapter 5: Plan B 113

Chapter 6: Philosopher's Stone 117

Chapter 7: When to Act 121

Post Script 124

Order an E-book or paperback copy 127


This book, on a personal level, is dedicated to my wife Trish.

She has faithfully supported me in this effort.

In the wider scheme of things, this book is dedicated to

"The Mothers of the Natural Republican State of the World"


This book addresses the political problems we currently face and

offers a number of suggestions for solving them using straight talk and as
little paper, ink and time as possible.
We see an accumulation of perpetual wars, total corporate
domination of our food supply, economic instability, political unrest and
serious concerns over healthcare. I think we've reached the point where
some of us have finally developed the capability of raising our heads above
the dust cloud for a moment, and we're able to take a good look at what's
going on for the first time. Calling a spade a spade, so-to-speak,
incompetence or outright fraud are staring us in the face; and they are
definitely reasons for responsible people to realize that we're now quite
literally in "survival mode" and it's time to step forward. It's time to un-
complicate things, tear ourselves away from being transfixed on the
problems within the dust cloud, and to usher in common sense, clarity and
solutions. As the majority is now becoming aware that our elected
officials/representatives within the Corporation of Government are not
even reading the bills before they pass them, prepared by someone outside
of the legislative authority, it's time the People start taking a leading role
and lead by example - with integrity (focused on a simplicity that everyone
can understand).
And don't be surprised if a large part of the solution depends upon
both mothers and fathers re-unifying their families around the kitchen
table. A read of Dr. Wendy Sarkissian's book "Kitchen Table
Sustainability" might help as well.
It's never too late, so we must continue the attempt to make positive
steps forward for the benefit of our species collectively, while at the same
time doing what's right for us and our families - however that may be
And lastly, it may be a good idea to have at least one living plant in
your home. For you never know when you might have to support the
claim that you are, in fact, a farmer (more on this later).

Truth, Love, Goodness, Peace and Non-violence


Finally, a whole new light has been shed upon a darkening World by
one of the finest and most dedicated documentary historians whom I have
known. The accuracy of his research over the many past years is attested
to, and is there for others once they know what they are looking for after
reading this great book of knowledge. It is more than just a book actually.
Ricardo is introducing the potential guidelines for a whole new
Republican State world order that has been waiting to happen for more
than 200 years, and which the European Royal Family and its Confederate
University Company has thought it had long buried from the minds of the
people of America and elsewhere; and Ricardo has prepared his memoir in
such a well-defined manner that it will naturally fit the weal of the
common man and woman, regardless of station, everywhere. It revives the
sleeping giant of the Republican State, not only of America, but indeed the
internet world.
Ricardo's book of knowledge is, at once, the will of the people's
voice and their direction as a Sovereign "governor"; not as the "governed".
He has made it clear to readers of all ages that in order to have a Sovereign
Free Republican State Plenary system, it must include all races and all
sexes without exception, on an equal footing in all respect whatever; and
that only their "seat of government" is the "governed". His book is
condensed knowledge that the peoples of the world and their posterity
should treasure in their minds, hearts, and classrooms for centuries, and
especially those in America. He has reminded the American people of
what they once had, and can once again resurrect in their behalf.
His "book of freedom" is a must read for all people, and should be
translated accurately into all languages. It needs to lie beside its
inspiration: The Unanimous Declaration of the United Republican States of
the American Colonies, 1776.
You mothers of America, and indeed the World, have your
government laying at your feet, if you wish to pick it up, enforce it, and
then keep it. You are the heart of the natural Republican State of the
World, and for that reason your Kitchen Tables are still considered as the
most powerful political desks on Earth. May I be the first to applaud you
in your magnificent work.

God bless you Ricardo and everyone.

Sampsel.J.Bitz, S.D.H.

About the Author:

Ricardo Johansson is a Navy veteran and an International Relations

graduate of Brigham Young University who is now domiciled in Byron
Bay, NSW Australia. He studied under Richard Beal, now deceased, who
later became a member of U.S. president Ronald Reagan's White House
Staff. Ricardo's 1979 senior class project was focused on international
terrorist groups. He found out too late in the game that International
Relations was just code for the study and support of perpetual war and
appeared to have nothing to do with the promotion of real peace. It was
Richard Beal's computer-assisted theory of international hot-spot
predictions that got the attention of the White House. Richard Beal claimed
that if you continually put all the information of what's going on in the
world into a computer, the computer will automatically tell you the
location of the next trouble spot.
Ricardo considered Beal's theory to be an arrogant and irresponsible
form of academic foolishness that dangerously chased after symptoms
rather than discovering the root cause of conflict and finding responsible
remedies. He considered Richard Beal's International Relations theory to
be a red magical box and America's voting process a black magical box.
He believes that the use of both these boxes has led Americans, and
everyone else in the world, to a very important political fork in the road:
Unite as the Natural Republican State of the World (more on this later) and
exercise collective responsibility with a focus on true world peace, or turn
a blind eye and allow the current corporate system to reach it's ultimate
destruction - taking everyone else with it. After the introduction of the
Internet, Ricardo felt it was time to create an on-line fully democratic and
transparent decision-making system that was fully owned and controlled
by the People.

That process started with the 1062.org on-line decision-making
technology and is now integrated into the United People Virtual World
Government Trust on www.upworldgov.org.
Ricardo, having taken a less-popular and less traveled path since his
college days in his pursuit of common sense, felt that it was now time to
initiate a dialog amongst the People starting with some straight-from-the-
hip and clear talk about some of the common sense which he believes he's

Chapter 1
A Problem well stated is short and simple

U nfortunately, we're the recipients of an archaic tradition of word

overkill. I think it's a tradition handed down to us by attorneys
who used to be paid by the word. They're no longer paid by the
word, but the documents they write (legal briefs or government legislation)
are just as long and confusing. It seems as though they still feel the need to
make sure their clients sense that they've gotten their money's worth.
The way I look at it is that we've got to come down off of our high
horses so-to-speak. I've come across too many people who have multiple
Ph.D.'s after their names and seem to believe that they can achieve a higher
prestige if they speak in a complex language that only a few people can
understand (or maybe no one can understand). The fact is that no one is
born with a Ph.D; therefore, we are all actually "equals" in nature. In order
to unite and survive as a species we've got to promote high-caliber thought
as we are all capable, but we also must insist on converting the highly
sophisticated results of that thought into a language everyone can
understand. It's time for some straight talk.
It seems as though we'd also be doing a great favor to the world's rain
forests if we were to reduce the need for more paper for people to write
more and more thick books when a thinner book would do just fine - or
maybe no book at all. Have you also noticed the thickness of those "For
Dummies" books?

Thoughts need to be stated shortly and precisely. Life is too short for
lengthy time killers. Problems that need to be solved should be
intelligently addressed and solved so that everyone can go on and enjoy
their valuable lives. Come on, life is too short, so let's get serious. This
book(let) is going the short and precise route.
My "off the main path" travels brought me into contact with many
interesting people and many different experiences over the past thirty years
or so. I poked my head into areas that some people feared to enter. One of
the out-of-the-ordinary experiences I had was to see and participate in
court proceedings of people who were trying to make sense of a very
confusing reality. There have been many people throughout the years who
have been awakening to the awareness that something was terribly wrong
in the world around them, and they wanted to start discovering the identity
of the 'wrong' and its cause. It is to this end that this brief manuscript in
plain language is dedicated.
The majority of my writing skills came from writing legal briefs
assisting these people (and myself at times) as they laboriously waded
through the legal system looking for answers. Although I had no formal
legal training, many times through the years people would tell me that I
write in legalese (that's Greek to them) and they couldn't understand it.
Writing this book has certainly been a challenge.
The information in this book is so important that I've done my best to
write it in an ordinary every-day language without trying to impress
anyone with big words - and a lot of words. Let me know if I've

Chapter 2
The Problem

T here are many issues into which we can all dive and get lost -
especially within the environment of the never-ending blame game.
However, the issues, number of issues or the identification of
alleged perpetrators are not the problem. The real core problem is our
collective inability to organize ourselves to responsibly deal with the issues
- with a clear focus on the problem issue itself and the best solution to the
problem itself. We've allowed ourselves to be consumed by the madness
of totally useless and perpetual witch hunts. Regardless of the issue, we've
strayed from the main focus and got caught up in the opera of distractions.
It's actually become a form of public sport - a very frustrating sport where
there never seems to be any winners nor end.
And I do want to be very clear that when I say "inability to organize
ourselves" that means all of us - not just a few so-called leaders that we
elect every four years or so in the Corporation of Government. Besides, I
think that type of "top-down" so-called organization has already proven
itself to be a failure, and I believe we are all aware of that problem.
In addition to having lost our ability to organize, we also have lost
our once-positive motivation to organize and solve public problems as they
arise. But how did that happen? I'm now going to use some wide brush
strokes, so-to-speak, to talk about this motivation. I just want to give you a
general idea as to the nature of this motivational factor, and I will get into
the details in the actual "Solution" in Chapter 3.
A colleague of mine in the Byron Shire, Joni Harvey (who is
originally from Canada), is my "Burning Man" connection. She keeps me
informed as to the on-going status of the annual event. People are
encouraged to quite literally "be and do" whatever they wish (some may
say "lawless"). I've been keenly interested in the event over the years
because this is what I refer to as a great social experiment. It's about how
individuals can think and act like Sovereigns - fully exercising the rule of
law that I call "Honor amongst Sovereigns". It actually works - and works
well. And that's important to know, because that's what this book is all
about: a "short course in Sovereignty".
It was Larry Harvey (no relation to Joni), who founded the annual
Burning Man event about 23 years ago, who was asked one time about
why Burning Man was so successful. He attributed its success to the stark
environment in which the event is held: in the middle of a vast scorching
desert. He felt that it was the challenging environment that put everyone in
"Survival Mode". And when everyone can't help but to acknowledge that
they're in survival mode together, they all pitch in and do what is necessary
to survive. See Larry speak on: www.beam.to/survivalmode or
I'm sure the "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" Hunter S. Thompson
would have known of this event, and no doubt knew of Larry Harvey
because the event would have fit him perfectly. Although Thompson
could be called the "extreme of extremes" he can't be faulted for his clear
observation of how his nation, America, was, in fact, something other than
what it was claiming to be. I sense that Thompson would have enjoyed
very much what we're in the process of initiating here, but, at the same
time, I know that he played his part well in the overall scheme of things.
Now it's our turn.
As a precursor, I want to plant the seed in your mind (to be made
clearer very soon) that in early America this survival mode was known as
"The American Republican State Revolution". The intent was for the
national posterity to pass it on from one generation to the next in
perpetuity. However, as is quite obvious, it never happened. I will use this
example throughout because it addresses the natural "Will of the People"
that was initially responsible for the creation and development of the most
powerful and envious nation of people on Earth in modern times -
sometimes known as "The Land of the Sleeping Giant of America".
I'm going to give two examples of how, while in survival mode, the
People once appeared to be organized, and how they, soon thereafter, lost
that ability. In Chapter 3 I will suggest how I feel we can not only re-
establish that organization, but maintain it in perpetuity as well.

Example 1: The American Founding Fathers

The American Founding Fathers, as were all of the people in the

Colonies, were in survival mode from 1774 to 1813. They were not only
fighting for their independence from Great Britain and its internal
corporate Agents, they were also fighting for their lives, their family
culture (land and water) developed by hard labor, and their sacred honor
gained by numerous sacrifices - no different than any of us people on Earth
today. You can't get much more survival mode than that. In all actuality,
mankind's need for independence from tyrannical corporate terror and
oppression by a few is no different today than at any time in the past. The
only real difference from today and the past is our super technology that
serves to make corporate tyranny potentially more dangerous on a world-
wide basis. As a side note, I thought you might find it as interesting as I
did that the present Corporation of Government operative in America is
now training its inter-corporate police forces to believe that the American
Founding Fathers were, in fact, terrorists (search YouTube for "FEMA
calls founding fathers terrorists"). I would assume that the police officers
would extrapolate that to mean that anyone who currently considers the
actions of the Founding Fathers to be valiant, and who celebrate the 4th of
July, would be a terrorist sympathizer at the very least. The humor here is,
of course, that the European Royal Monarchy and its corporate culture-
control Agents would naturally consider anyone opposed to their style of
corporate government to be a "terrorist". However, from the American
purview, the King and his Agents were the actual terrorists from within -
as well as from without.
Unfortunately, as Chapter 3 will explain in detail, the ability of
Americans to "organize" was lost over just a couple of generations of
posterity. Was this a natural event, or did it happen by deliberate design?
The American Founding Fathers, as an organizing team, died off by
1836 and had no replacement to carry on their organizational abilities into
the future - other than to rely upon future generations of posterity to
maintain their vigilance. And these future generations would have to
remain in a state of perpetual revolutionary survival mode while, at the
same time, recognizing that they had been given the most unique Form and
Style of natural, corporate-free government ever conceived by the minds of
Because of the American People's inability to maintain their
collective organization, the Natural (hence "National") plenary style and
form of government that the Founding Fathers established was able to be
cleverly converted from within into a Federal corporation by 1847. The
Corporation of Government was very willing to take over all

organizational responsibilities; and, while at the same time, cleverly
creating a fantastic illusion that the People still actually mattered.
I feel that I need to repeat for emphasis: The American Founding
Fathers, establishing all of the People as the First Estate Sovereigns in
America, failed to create, and establish the tamper-proof means for, an on-
going survival mode "Founding Father Team" that would be the watch
dogs/caretakers of the People's organizational skills. This was a serious
restructuring of the "estates" listed by the Corporation of government:
Clergy is the First Estate, Nobility is the Second Estate, the commoners are
the Third Estate, and the news media, that's supposed to be the watch dog
for the people, is the Fourth Estate - but that has failed us miserably. In
Corporation of Government terms, the re-emergence of this organizational
"We the People" Team may be seen as the structure for the Fifth Estate that
includes "everyone". In the language of the People, "We the People" are,
once again, ready to resume our rightful First Estate Sovereign position.
The United People System is the proposed system that may help
accomplish this - to be fully discussed shortly.

Example 2: Baby Boomers

With very few people in the "Corporation of Government" making

all decisions "for the People", America, once again, experienced "survival
mode" during the Civil War and the First and Second World Wars. I guess
I could say that nearly everyone faithfully pulled together in this "us
against them" endeavor. Then the Baby Boomers were born.
It was the Baby Boomers who were raised within the post World War
period. I like to separate that period into three transitional steps. One was
"We won together, and we survived together"; the second was "We're
experiencing the post-war 'American Dream' together"; and the third was
"We're awakening to reality and initiating a new search for the American
Dream we were told about in the second step". Serious apathy started to
grow like a slow-spreading cancer feeding upon public lack of knowledge -
eventually consuming their bodies. But there were the few who started to
ask some serious questions in many ways and in many places - to find that
no one can be apathetic or ignorant to that which they do not know.
A colleague of mine in California, Pete Wood, brought to my
attention that it was in the third step that Robert Putnam, in his book
"Bowling Alone", recognized that the social fabric of America was
beginning to deteriorate. People were becoming disillusioned about
government, even many within the government, and began to lose interest
in being part of any type of social club. There was also the on-going use of
techniques created by the founders of "Public Relations" (code for
propaganda) illusions: Sigmund Freud and his nephew Edward Bernays.
These efforts by the organized Corporation of Government were to
make the unorganized people feel comfortable with the decision-making
process being completely and exclusively placed in the safe hands of the
Corporation of Government's select few "for the common good". The
people simply became subject "tax payers" and "consumers" within the
sugar-coated 'Red, White and Blue' illusion that was specially created for
them. It was a mass retreat from social engagement - and especially the
democratic method. The Bridge clubs, and even bowling clubs, started to
disappear. Hence, the name of the book: "Bowling Alone".
Hunter S. Thompson could be called a member of the Baby Boomer
generation who was awakened to the reality that not all was well in
Denmark so-to-speak. As a sort of spoof, but reflecting a very real and
serious belief and intent, Thompson traveled the country in search of the
'American Dream'. I think the real ignition spark was when he and
hundreds of thousands of other Americans witnessed, live in person or on
television, peaceful protestors at the 1968 Democratic Convention in
Chicago being clubbed to death; and students at Kent State University in
1970 being shot to death - only for stating their disagreement with the
"Corporation of Government" concerning the Viet Nam War. What we
didn't know yet then was what this "Corporation of Government" was and
how and exactly when we got it. It was the beginning of the "Awakening".
Some may say that by the grace of God we're transitioning back into
another collective "Survival Mode". We're now confronted with the
questions as to how we're going to survive this very well entrenched and
organized "Corporation of Government" and its decisions and actions that
seem to be entirely against the common good of the People without
The road blocks to our collective organization, other than the
obvious: Uniform Lack of Knowledge, must be overcome. These are
broken down into 3 parts: Amusement, Division and Confusion.

Part 1: Amusement

To "muse" is to think; therefore, "amuse" is to not think. It's like

apolitical is not being political and amoral is not having morals.
Everywhere we look, whether it's in the business world or political
world, we see the same thing taking place. The small handful of people
who currently hold the power wish to retain the power. The most readily
available tool used to accomplish this is to control the public amusements
and limit the knowledge of those below you so they don't become as
intelligent, or more intelligent, than you. A sure way to accomplish this is
to "amuse" them.

I must quickly state here, although knowingly offending the
conspiracy theorists, that this is no conspiracy. It's simply part of the
current human condition of all people, or human nature, being openly
stated. Let's face it, we see this every day in our jobs, in the market place
and the world around us. Who hasn't had a supervisor who wasn't afraid of
losing his or her job at the hands of an overly ambitious underling?
Dumbing down is the least offensive formula for retaining power.
Focusing strictly on the political realm, let's quickly take a snapshot at
what we're really looking at.
A very small minority of corporate elite individuals control all radio,
TV or main Internet sites. This includes the main-stream news, weather
reports, soap operas, sports, music, etc. The news has simply become a
network of talking heads (people reading from teleprompters) with
intermittent songs, jokes and stories - just another form of entertainment or
amusement. And let's not forget the advertisements. It's been relatively
easy for someone extremely clever to design a system where people think
they're tuning into the news and then they're entertained instead.
It really is obvious: if someone controls the flow of public
educational information, and money, they control the government as well.
In a democracy and in a republic there's a small oligarchy elite that
controls all government functions. And it appears that besides being
entertained, we're being constantly bombarded with negativity and fear of
the Corporation of Government, and our "responsible duties" to that
government, as a part of the public entertainment every minute of the day.
We're now inundated with the sight or sound of continually operating
TV's, computers and radios in homes, offices, and stores literally
everywhere we turn. It's now not unusual to see many people walking
down the street with their I-pods or mobile phones stuck into their ears -
with their eyes open but not seeing. Will anyone hear and enjoy the sound
of a bird or the sound of a snow flake hitting the ground ever again? If
that's not enough, there are millions of people being herded into
"Amusement" parks every day; and millions more are being held hostage
via thousands of distractive amusement games on their home computer -
and even in the schools that are focused on athletics in lieu of knowledge.
Hence, we've been de-moralized, de-sensitized, disorganized and
apathy has permeated societies around the world. The common
understanding is that everything is just too complex; so we'll just expect
someone else to do it for us. Any other anesthetizing drug could not have
performed a better job of keeping the masses distracted and out of the way
of the power broker's business (in industry or politics). Monsanto and the
international drug cartel actually take a back seat to this form of mass
disabling; but at the same time they certainly have taken advantage of it.

As we're distracted, and being amused, everything is leading to the
same thing: a corporate One World Government. It will be a pyramid
structure with all the power held at the apex by just a limited few
privileged families believing they hold a 'higher royal station' than the rest
of us as the ultimate Sovereign. The Global Conference on Climate
Change in Copenhagen in December 2009 was a considerable wake-up call
for many. It was people like Christopher, Third Viscount Monckton of
Brenchley, who helped reveal the political and economic underpinnings
buried within the text of the treaty just in time to prevent a tyrannical
world government from forming and taking control at this time. But who
will be there next time? Many of the key "royalty" attendees of the
Copenhagen conference refused to accept defeat and stated that this is just
the "first step". It's truly time to awaken and see that the entire World of
people is in a survival mode, and that a World Government that is of, by,
to, for and from the People is inevitable for the very survival of Mankind.
The only question is, 'Are we going to just sit back, in the meantime, and
allow a World Government to be created and ruled by an elite group of
privileged family members, or are we going to rise to the occasion and take
the reins of destiny into our own hands now?'
If a "World Freedom Party" does emerge from the Copenhagen
experience, as Lord Monckton suggests, I wonder if it's 'party leaders' will
use a technology like www.1062.org to allow its entire body of members
to determine the 'party line' or if that privilege will be customarily retained
by its 'party leaders'.
Be assured, however, that I don't mean to belittle the environmental
movement. I traveled this world by sea for four years when I was much
younger. I have seen first hand the serious pollution problems for which
we, as a species, are totally responsible. I vividly remember one captain
dumping tens of thousands of gallons of diesel fuel into the ocean. This
was done just to lighten the ship enough to give him an advantage in the
betting pool with other captains. The bet concerned who would be first to
enter port. It's been 37 years since that time, and I know that the problem
has grown exponentially. We now face such things as a floating island of
trash twice the size of Texas in the mid-north area of the Pacific Ocean.
And that's just for starters.
After many years of irresponsible waste management on land, sea
and in the air we have imposed a harmful environment onto ourselves and
every other living organism on the planet.
Lastly, because of my close relationship with the Byron Shire
community and its history, I need to say something about the rainforest
I recently asked several people the question: "If you were a doctor
and had the "god-like" decision to replace an individual's damaged lungs,
would you only give the patient a very small part of one lung, half a lung,
one lung, or two full lungs?" I was told by everyone I asked that there is
only one answer: two full lungs.
Rain forests are the Earth's lungs: nature's own way of taking carbon
out of the environment and replacing it with oxygen - and the patient is
dying. As I understand it, the Earth's lungs used to consist of 14% of its
land surface. It may be debatable, but current claims put the area of rain
forest between 2% and 6% of the Earth's land surface. And it appears that
there is general agreement that one and one-half acres of rainforest are
being destroyed each second - with total destruction possible by the year
Reducing the destruction rate or maintaining the existing area of rain
forests globally, as suggested by all of the man-made treaties and carbon
credit schemes, is far too short sighted and medically irresponsible. I
believe we, as People united, have to think about working with nature and
increasing the area of rain forests. And the objective should be nothing
short of restoring the Earth's full lung capacity. For some reason I think of
Gandhi when I contemplate what actually has to be done and the wall of
corporate bureaucratic resistance between us and the solution.
The solution will need to include compassionate and loving attention,
not only among ourselves, but also for the culture of Mother Earth that
supports our life form and all others. I sense that this could be possible
from a caring and freedom-loving People, but I don't see it happening if we
all leave it to the present corporation. What do you think?

Part 2: Division - "Us against Them"

Does the expression "Us against them" sound familiar?

First there's the macro level. Not long ago, a United States President
had declared an 'Us against Them' "War on Terror". In response, the
United States Congress had passed legislation called the "Patriot Act". The
"Act" had virtually defined 'Terror' as any form of violence. Therefore, it's
not a surprise that after nearly ten years of the Patriot Act, the real statistics
are starting to bubble up from obscurity. There have been about 700 cases
in which the Patriot Act's "search without a warrant" authority was used to
bust down the doors of ordinary people across America as they went about
their every-day life. However, only about three of the 700 could even be
closely associated with what any normal individual would associate with
the 911 type terror. Meanwhile, evidence is mounting indicating that the
same government may be the actual terrorist. Nearly all of the cases were
ordinary criminal cases involving mostly drug activity. Power is becoming
frighteningly more centralized and more distant from the People - since
they are nowhere near the center of this new power structure. The so-
called War on Terror does not reduce terror in the world - in fact, it
increases it. It's just like the War on Drugs does nothing to decrease the
drug flow of the world - it increases it. Both of these so-called wars,
however, only create fear amongst us and cause us to be separated from
each other and from our own authority and power. Some might call this
"Divide and Conquer from within".
Then there's the micro level - what I refer to as the demagogues or
power trippers in our individual communities. These are the people who
you see at the town hall meetings that have the loudest voice; and few
others get a chance to speak due to the demagogues dominating the time.
This has also been looked upon as a form of division within the
community. Many people are completely turned off from going to
community meetings any more because of it. But don't get me wrong, I
don't mean to refer to the demagogue in negative terms. In reality, the
demagogue is a natural and valuable community asset. These are people
who so strongly and passionately believe in something that they can't help
themselves from conveying their thoughts to others. It's the responsibility
of the community to understand how to tap that resource in a safe and
beneficial way. These issues are dealt within Chapter 3.
You can quite literally take any issue in your community as an
example. It always boils down to an "us against them" situation. This
keeps us busily distracted in our witch hunts. It is about time we settle
down and realize we are finding ourselves in a war of "us against
However, I'm sure that most would prefer that everyone simply has
the opportunity to share their wisdom and talents with the whole
community without being criticized, mocked or attacked. The whole
community may then respect each other by simply listening to, and
reasoning with, one another - while relaxed and receptive. When all is
peacefully said and done, a community-wide decision is made. It really
can't get any easier than that.
We've been stuck in the rut of "us against them" and can't seem to get
out of it. It's like we've all been trained to engage in a school yard
mentality where we're just looking for someone with whom we can to try
to pick a fight or to fear that we will become a target of those looking for a
fight. Bullying seems to be a common thread between our school yards,
political, religious and money systems, etc. It's yet another sport, an
amusement or division.

1. Political Parties

We're being divided between various University fraternal political

parties. One of the results is that the two largest fraternal parties dominate
the political environment, and they are financially supported in a large part
by their major mid-19th century corporations - both foreign and domestic
as well as by contributing tax payers. That's why it's not too far from the
truth, using the United States as an example, that its Congress is the best
money can buy.
Rather than a party member individually speaking truth from his or
her heart, they voluntarily enslave themselves into the "Party Line" agenda
in order to make their financial sponsors happy and keep the funds rolling
We've been conditioned to go to town hall meetings to "meet the
candidates". Within the very limited time a small number of us get an
opportunity to ask a few "allowed" questions. We even take the extra
effort to read about the candidates' position on certain issues in the paper or
hear them on the news.
However, the reality is that, if we are really lucky, we might get to
identify with a candidate on only a few issues at best. Without addressing
the phenomenon of "broken campaign promises", after the candidate is
elected, he or she will be dealing with hundreds of different issues - not
just the few mentioned in the campaign. And all of these "additional"
issues will be determined by them alone - regardless of whether or not they
even bother to read the proposition because of the numerous
"entertainment" distractions.
If a "Party Line" is to be determined on all issues, it will invariably
be made only by the relatively few individuals who have very senior or
"select" positions within the respective political party. And, you, as a party
member, either a voter or a candidate, are supposed to blindly follow their
After I and others developed the 1062.org on-line decision-making
technology, it was very revealing when various political party leaders
refused to answer my phone calls or emails. I was simply suggesting that
they make the technology available to all of their party members so that the
"Party Line" could truly be representative of the "Will of the People" - at
least the people in their party. There was just no interest at all.
It's well known that the major political parties are favored by the
main stream media. All individual candidates (of minor parties or
independents) are virtually banned from the main stream campaigning
process. Did you know that there were 19 major contesters in the
American 2008 presidential elections, and there were an additional 36
contesters that only qualified in certain states? In reality, the amount of
money a candidate has should make no difference. A news agency, that
provides a public service, should give each candidate equal time - whether
they're affiliated with a party or not.

One of the unfortunate, but thought-provoking, realities of the
escalation of University political parties is the selection of a president in
the United States as a mere massive public entertainment. It's now looking
more like a coronation of a king to a throne than a simple formality of
honoring one individual candidate's choice to temporarily fill a position of
duty to his or her country at the Seat of Government. The cost of the
presidential election/inauguration extravaganza has now reached one
billion dollars (almost double the entire American National annual budget
for 1879) - and growing with the U.S. Supreme Court just ruling (Citizens
United v. Federal Election Commission) that corporations have no limits
concerning campaign spending. This is a tremendous shift since the
nation's early years when only a hand full of people attended the
inauguration of a president, and then quickly returned to their business
(Note: I just heard that, due to the Supreme Court case just mentioned, a
corporation is now running for a seat in Congress - since the Court has
recognized a corporation as a person).
What else can I say without just talking for the sake of talking? Isn't
the Hollywoodizing of the presidential election and inauguration just
another sport - an opera amusement? It's certainly a very apparent sign
that the people have gradually relinquished their responsibility over past
generations so that the "Power" has been eventually funneled down to one
office holder.
Within a plenary government that is truly of, by and for the People,
the idea of such a political party company is naturally detrimental to the
individual Republican State as the above example has well proved. But if
a party must exist due to long-established habit, the candidates for a
"University fraternal party company" get no more preferential treatment
than any other candidate - political party affiliated or not. It's a
government in which the people (the Republican State) return to exercising
their own personal responsibility.
Some hope is now appearing over the horizon since Graham
McCallum of the Citizen's Electoral Council of Australia party, and Nic
Faulkner who's launching the Global Peace Party in Australia, have been
demonstrating their support for the Will of the People Project in the Byron
Solutions within a government that has both Republican style and
form will be discussed in detail in Chapter 3.

2. Religious differences

People have been forever divided by their religious beliefs in their

mode of worship, which Monarchial tyrants have employed to their
advantage and forced upon the public masses. This is not an easy subject
to broach since many of us have been warned "never talk about religion".
Some concern should be focused on the fact that the terms Nation, State,
Country, Church, Parish, Tribe, Shire, Township, Colony and County
(encompassing the terms "politics" and "religion") are all direct synonyms
with essentially the same meaning and are all commonly used to describe a
certain people's "habits and customs" within a proscribed boundary of
"culture (land and water)". However, the term "Nation" is coined from the
American Colonial idea of "living in a state of nature as Nature's God
intended - free from manly corporate influences".
By the way, all my references to "God", in this book, are to "Nature's
God" in the same light as "The Divine Providence over all Worldly Men"
(without anyone needing to define it). Whether or not any of us believe in a
"God", I believe the vast majority of us will accept that life itself has
sprung forth from a higher intelligence than us. The object is still the
same: we cannot afford to place ourselves forward over and above that
intelligence. If we did, we would be admitting that any one of us, or any
group of us, could actually have despotic absolute control over the rest of
mankind - which, indeed, many of us have experienced. Then the World
of Nature's, and the Republican State's, God falls to turmoil, strife,
absolute slavery, and even to extinction. It was the American founding
framer's primary object to develop a whole new, untried but often thought
of, system whereby the naturally docile Republican State of America could
somehow be better protected from within as well as from without, by a
more Perfect system from the inbred, deformed, and mentally-damaged
Godless kind, that worshiped only themselves, and ran in packs
(Corporations) and preyed upon all of them, all races and all sexes as a
sport, either mentally by illusion, or physically by war, via the rules of
deception (University) practiced from hidden places, common only to
Worldly men without a country.
To start out properly, in an attempt to generate clear communication,
when I use the word "Church" in this section I mean a "uniform body of
believers". That "body of believers" may be associated with any number
of faiths or beliefs - even a faith or belief in no faiths or beliefs (but
definitely "habits and customs"); and they all reside within the same
Cultural (land and water) boundary - which, in this case, could
conceivably, and actually does, extend to the entire planet wherever
mankind (the Republican State) can be found. For those documentarians
and scholars who feel the terms "Politic" and "Religion" mean the same
thing (merely a difference of "tongues"), you'll appreciate what's coming
up - where an individual acquires the status of a Sovereign "Republican
State" - regardless of the numerous above-mentioned "synonymous
demagogy" illusions that have served to keep people, even immediate
family members, divided.
And when I use the word "state" in this section, unless clarified
otherwise, I mean any one of the corporate political states (culture) that
we've grown accustomed to such as Australia, United States, UK, etc.; as
distinguished from a "Nation", or a segment of a Nation, hence the People
on the culture, is referred to as a "State" (with a capital "S") in this text.
I spent the better part of five years as a co-author of the book series
"Uncle Tom's Cabin - The Rest of the Bloody Story" (published between
the years 1994 and 1997). A lot of it had to do with the study of
church/state separation. There is no doubt that I've been a part of an
extremely small group of people in the world who have ever studied in
depth the specific legal issues of church and state versus the Republican
State (from a purely jurisdictional perspective). The challenge is to now
do my very best to condense that remarkable and very meaningful
experience into just a few paragraphs.
The political/religious states have always tried to control the church,
and the church has always tried to control the political state (note that the
political church and state are not capitalized). But if you have your focus
on either one of these "illusions", you've lost your perspective of the
overall picture; most people are somewhat aware that "a house divided in
itself cannot stand". The church/state issue is only one of the illusionary
items twirling around in that busy tornado over our heads in the
political/religious game of "divide and conquer". It would be great to stop
it and take a good look at it as Sovereigns of the Republican State - not as
subjects of someone's private corporate political state.
This is where we need to turn to the concept of "Honor amongst
Sovereigns" - which I hope will be explained sufficiently in Chapter 3.
The "State" and the "Church", and the "church" and "state" are all four the
natural products of man, and one is not necessarily equal to or senior to the
other - while two are diametric from the other two (as explained above).
The perception of measured importance of either is totally within the
domain of the individual observer - based upon his or her elementary
knowledge of the important "laws of grammar" which in turn governs our
uniform written laws and all else read or written by mankind at large. This
is called "The Literary Factor". The uniform public understanding of what
is read, written and spoken is referred to as "Functional Literacy" - or
"Uniform Communications".
And when the individual observer sees him/herself and all others as a
Sovereign, he or she knows that nothing can be imposed on another.
Even if there were a number of people who assembled together
because they had similar beliefs (creating a church), they could not force
another individual to believe the way they do. Therefore, numbers don't
matter. The size of a church or a state makes no difference in its ability to
impose its will on anyone else. It's just like the political party, regardless
of its size, has no right to impose it's will on any other individual or groups
of individuals.
There have been times when a very large church, such as the
Catholic Church becomes a state. This happened in 1929 when the
Vatican City became a corporate state (I'm not saying this is the only time
it happened). In international law, a state isn't really a state unless formally
recognized as such by at least one other existing state. It's quite an
interesting part of history that the Vatican City was first officially
recognized as a state by Benito Mussolini, dictator of Fascist Italy. Many
of us may quickly recall Charles Dudley Warner's quote: "Politics makes
strange bedfellows."
And then there are political states, such as the "United States" of the
confederate Congress and University Company of New York (that
consumed the District of Columbia), that creates corporate culture-control
"license" statutes that require "churches" and all other political artificial
entities to become "corporations" within its "cultural" domain. That
sounds a bit "imposing" - doesn't it? Since a corporation is created and
controlled by the Confederate political state, the church, once incorporated,
conveniently is converted into the property of the confederated state. How
nice - for the private Confederate state.
I think that's enough to get your Sovereign thought process going.
I'll return to this issue later in the Religion section of 'solutions' in Chapter

3. Racial differences

The book series "Uncle Tom's Cabin - The Rest of the Bloody Story
also had a lot to do with the issue of racial differences.
I was living in San Diego, California at the time. And as any
respectable reporter would do to get to the truth, I visited and befriended as
many different racial groups as possible. As it turned out, there were three
quite radical groups: one African American, one Mexican American and
the other Native American (nick-named "Indians"). It was my association
with these three groups specifically that got me onto the San Diego County
Sheriff's "watch" list. I knew this because I started getting phone calls
from friends saying that they were just visited by the Sheriff's department -
and they were asking questions about me. Why were government officials
worried about me gaining an understanding of racial differences in
As it turns out, I discovered racial wounds go deep in America - and
around the world; but that the historical perpetrator remains the European
Royal Family Race to its own private advantage.

In the later part of the 19th century Leopold II, King of the Belgians,
initiated a colonial land grab of the African continent with his focus being
on the Congo. Most European nations were happy to follow suite. Shortly
thereafter, 90% of Africa fell to colonial control of various European
dynasties. And it was Leopold II who, under the guise of philanthropy,
was intent on stripping the Congo of its natural resources using its native
population as a slave workforce. He was also responsible for reducing the
population of the Congo from 20 million to 10 million in very short order
due to his merciless and brutal killings of the native people. He also
"motivated" the people of the Congo by chopping off the right hand of
nearly half a million people. He was losing so many workers that he
eventually had to import additional workers from neighboring African
countries. How's that for starters? And this genocide, that seems to have
been erased from the history books, is very much worth bringing back into
the day light. This is taking "differences" to the max; and we all have to
take a serious look as to whom, specifically, benefits from these claimed
"differences" - thus, who would like them to continue and is continuing
The 18th century also marked the introduction of the new American
Nation to the rest of the Candid Latin-English speaking World. Although
the original Colonial government plan addressed the entire Republican
State in general, the Confederate America was thrust onto the scene with
its laws and constitution clearly being for "Whites only". This was
accomplished via the 1777 Articles of Royal Confederate Congress illusion
forward. However, it's important to note that the original individual
Colonial Declarations of the Republican government plan actually
abolished all types of slavery and the corporate state that condoned it; and
it's essentially what the American Revolution is all about. It's absolutely
incredible how many people don't know that - even 10th generation
In order to more firmly understand the "source" of the racial dilemma
in America one has to be aware of the "slight of hand" manipulation that
took place in America's structure of government. In Chapter 3 I will go
into more detail concerning the incredible realization that two
diametrically opposed Congresses continued to operate in America at the
same time, more or less, from 1777 to 1847: one in Philadelphia and the
other in New York. These events and their actual results are not written in
public school history books. In other words, the Americans won the battle
physically but actually lost the war academically for want of a better term.
America had lost all original 1774-1812 official Colonial and National
documents and records in a convenient "fire in the archives" during the war
of 1812 - with the very important exception of only the July 4th, 1776
Unanimous Colonial Declaration. Of course the New York Confederate
Congress and University Company library content of "revised documents
and records" remained intact for now quite obvious reasons. This is now
known as the New York Public Library.
It was at this unique 1812 point in time of public stress and confusion
that all of the original American Colonial "Declarative Republican
Documents and Records" were thereafter "switched" for the desired
European Royal Family Charters disguised as "Enumerated Transition
Constitutions", but containing much of the original Colonial Declaration
language for the needed illusion, that had already been cleverly prepared
by the Royal University Publishing House Company system. And hardly
anyone then realized that such a monumental act of treachery had occurred,
and which has been systematically covered up so thoroughly, that only
until recently, with the advancement of new research technology, have
documentary historians discovered this tremendous public embarrassment.
Little has anyone realized until recently, that the American People, and
other Peoples of the world, have actually been held in continual state of
war with a private organization calling only itself "The United States",
complete with its own "private Constitution" and its unique network of
"Union states Corporate" while held under the University education
illusion that this "Union of states Corporate" was actually their "original
government"! Again, I will address this further in Chapter 3.
Then in 1868 the 1846 Wm. Hickey version of the "United States
Constitution FOR the American People", to include the desired "Federal
Charter of Appendages", was appended further in 1868 to change the legal
status of blacks from "property" to "free property". This is no
typographical error - but it will be a trigger for some to read a few more
history books and visit the law library. Subsequent articles of appendages
were added and the civil rights movement in the 1950's and 1960's did a lot
to give the impression that progress was being made in racial relations, but
in a purely legal sense, it was all a "legal fiction" smoke screen.
Although cleverly concealed by complex intergovernmental
(University legislative council) legislation, there has clearly been a well-
orchestrated and on-going campaign in America to keep the races divided,
as well as the general population, since the early 19th Century to the mid-
20th Century. This should not be surprising to a nation (of United
American Nation State Colonies) that allowed the creation of an
incorporated confederate state within called Washington D.C. (sometimes
simply called "The United States"). This was done via a cleverly-disguised
Confederate constitution that was adopted in 1847 with Charter
appendages (list of individual statutes for other purposes), and which gave
it virtually unlimited power to "protect" its creators (The "Select" People of
the "United States" of America). That "protector" has now gone to the
ultimate limits of that mandate by initiating preemptive military strikes
against any other nation around the world because of "thoughts" that there
might be a threat there against the small handful of Confederate elite
families who now hold the once limited "seats" of American government,
and who also refer to themselves as "People".
Then there's Australia. Not all the Australian states were as
successful as Tasmania concerning the "complete" genocide of the
traditional Aboriginal Peoples. Even though there's always plenty of talk
about reconciliation, there's just as much talk about the question: "How
could there be reconciliation when there was never any conciliation to
begin with?"
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd finally produced an official national
"Sorry" in 2008, but there's still quite a bit of work to do concerning the
true healing of racial wounds in Australia - especially since Aboriginal
poverty has gotten worse since the apology - says John Pilger on 8
November 2009 at the Sydney Opera House.
Also in 2008 a black man, with questionable qualifications, was
elected president of the United States. He then received the Nobel Peace
Prize in 2009 while many were still trying to understand why a man who
just sent 40,000 more military Troops to Afghanistan won such a prize.
And, quite ironically, racial relations in the United States have degraded to
pre 1950 levels. Someone's attempt to try to convince the world that
America is now a lovely place to live and race is no longer an issue
because it has a black president seems to be unbelievable to even the least
educated amongst us.
If people are truly free, race is not an issue - in order to coincide with
the abolition of all slavery. The quickest way to produce "division"
amongst the races is to enslave or imprison one or more of them. And if
you have a government that's intent on obtaining and imposing absolute
rule over all the people, it will ensure an ultimate division amongst them
by enslaving all of them regardless of race. All it takes to prove this is to
visit any prison or reservation and observe how the races segregate
themselves from each other. They do this for survival. Living in an
environment of near-daily fear promotion should be a constant reminder
that we are not free.
At this point many people might be looking around wondering how
it's possible that we're not free if we don't see any steel bars around us. All
I can say is that with the help of the great psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud
and his nephew Edward Bernays, the fathers of "Public Relations",
somebody's got real good at it.

4. Money

I'll start with what may now be perceived as a far-out statement and
then work backwards. I hope this will allow all of us to look forward into
the future, to see what our needs might be then, and then come back and
see what we need to create here and now to meet those needs.
According to various predictions, the exponential evolution of
technology may completely eliminate the need for money in the future. It's
good to know this and think about this because that's what Sovereigns do.
In the meantime, while we have to deal with money, it should be
accepted by most that we, the general public, deal with honest money - as
we would with any other "tool" so-to-speak. So we begin by asking
ourselves the meaning of "honest money".
We're all familiar with the expression "A fool and his money are
easily parted". It's simple: People have been separated from their money
supply. They don't even know what money is anymore. And don't think
that I've excluded myself from this group. I'm just a guilty as anyone else.
Not too many generations ago you could stop anyone on the street
and ask them to explain what money is and how it works - and they could
give you a correct answer: Gold and Silver Coin with a fixed value. What
happened to us in the here & now? How is it that the vast majority of us
are walking around in the complete dark when it comes to understanding
that most-important thing called 'money'?
Please take a look at a You Tube video of someone in America who's
trying to sell a US$1,100 gold coin for US$50 - and can't find any takers.
See: www.beam.to/goldcoin or www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk5aRIz17fk.
And then there's a great new movie on the net: "Oh Canada":
Look, if everyone agrees that a certain type sea shell, rum, cow, yam
or a certain weight in gold represents a certain fixed monetary value, and
that fixed monetary value can be traded for any goods or services of equal
par value at any time, there's no problem with understanding it. The value
is understood and it's never changing for anyone - not tomorrow, not next
year or next century. It's simple: A cow will always be a cow, a bottle of
rum a bottle of rum, a yam a yam, builders will build, tradesmen will
produce, etc. so that economies will balance - no matter how much time
goes by.
However, if you stopped anyone on the street today and asked them
what money is and how it works, you'd be lucky to find one in a million
who could only partially answer your question. This is because there is
neither par value nor balanced economy at any given time.
Let's take one currency that people call money, originating with the
U.S. gold and silver coin dollar standard, which is still described as the
mandatory lawful tender in the present American constitution. We'll try to
determine why it's impossible to understand. Immediately we discover that
the paper note is not actually a lawful United States of America Dollar - it's
a private Federal Reserve Note.
The Federal Reserve Note is not tied to any monetary value - like the
sea shells or gold. It's simply printed by the corporate Confederate
government with virtually no limit. And although the corporate
government actually "prints" the so-called "money", the Federal Reserve
Note is fully controlled by a privately owned corporate bank called the
Federal Reserve System - which is neither federal (as a government entity
controlled by Congress) nor does it have any reserves. It simply causes
more money to be created out of thin air. This is done by using the
impossible-to-understand special "bells and whistles" legislation created
between corporate Confederate government, calling itself "The United
States" and the private member corporate banks - in conjunction with its
associated "Internal Revenue" to round out the "reserve" system. It can
also be referred to as a "shell game" (like the three walnut shells and one
pea that you'd commonly see at a carnival) where the hand is quicker than
the eye - especially the eye of the public betting on that pea. After the
Carney has your money, and he's distracted, you turn over all the shells -
only to discover the pea is missing. In fact, the only solution government
currently has for any financial crisis is request printing print more Federal
Reserve Notes, or debt money called "book entry", increase the usury rate,
and demand more Internal Revenue "Return". The government likes this
because it can get more and more loans from the Federal Reserve System
(private banks) to run the government without having to tax the people for
it at once. The only problem, of course, is that the responsibility to repay
all these loans, and their back-breaking accumulating interest, falls upon
the people through more and more taxes (or more book-entry usury loans).
Roman history teaches us that which is Caesar's must eventually be
returned unto Caesar. And one last thing, the Federal Reserve System
prevents the government, or anyone else from auditing it. Everything it
does is behind closed doors in secret. How can we ever know how our
money works if we're not even let inside the door? And even if the Federal
Reserve Bank ever permits the government to really audit it (where a
legitimate audit is quite doubtful), why would the People want to continue
to borrow money from a private bank to run their country?
Inflation is basically created when the monetary fixed par value of a
nation's currency decreases, unlike the sea shell or gold currencies of times
past, and the government prints more and more money, while the services
and products available don't change.
Therefore, you have too many Federal Reserve Notes chasing after
too few services and products. The end result is that prices go up and up
while the economy gets closer and closer to complete meltdown and
eventual bankruptcy. In fact, people have gotten physically exhausted
carrying tons of paper notes around in wheel barrows while they do their
Then there are things like currency trading on the "futures" market
and the now infamous "derivatives" market that has backfired big time.
The only way you can successfully trade in currencies is if the
currencies have no agreed set and permanent value. If the value is
changing all the time, sometimes up, and sometimes down, clever vulture
investors calculate when to trade the currencies to make a profit on the
change in monetary value of the currency alone. No service or product has
been created or traded in these transactions. It's just a sport - a gambling
Derivatives are another ingenious scam. Derivatives are openly
called an "off balance sheet" transaction. That means no one is
accountable for them. It's a virtual playground for high-rolling gamblers -
at which some future time someone will be left holding the bag. The
ramifications of this activity will inevitably be far worse than the simple
perversion of the currency and most likely will result in a world-wide
impact. Ingenious! Absolutely ingenious!
We're now hearing terms like "Roll-over loans", "Extend and
pretend", and "Conduit loans". These terms are being used within the
commercial real estate realm. I've been told that the full effects of the
economic meltdown will be felt in the commercial real estate market after
the residential real estate balloon bursts. Picture yourself with a hotel that,
due to the economic downturn, is currently valued at ten million dollars
and you actually owe a mortgage of 20 million for it. You don't have the
money to get out, buyers don't have the money to buy in, and you can't pay
$500,000 for a new roof that's badly needed. Because of the leaking roof,
any good tenants you had have now left and the hotel is now a drug den for
meth labs. The bank doesn't want to foreclose either because it also doesn't
want to pay the $500,000 for the new roof or to fumigate the walls.
So, all these "new terms" are being used to simply put everything on
hold - waiting for a sunny day. But will a sunny day ever come for a
corrupt and fraudulent money system? Haven't the People been awakened
enough to prevent that from happening? No one likes to be considered a
Many say that we now have a choice: go bankrupt and go into a full
depression, or extend & pretend - for a recovery will come eventually
(won't it?).
No one is telling us about a third option: The People. The People, in
their Sovereign capacity, may take the reins of power into their own hands
- and convert the entire money system into an honest one by establishing a
"true base of economy" like they once had. The People are now beginning
to awaken to the significant difference between the People being the
authority and the Law-givers versus the corporation of government being
the authority and the law-maker in disguise.
According to the historical record of the Consumer Price Index, the
Federal Reserve Note is quickly becoming worthless. It appears the only
thing that's preventing a total collapse is the artificial and illegal
manipulation of the gold price to keep it lower than it actually should be.
The current graphs show its current value as 7 cents of the full par value
the U.S. dollar had in the year 1800. However, those current statistics
don't really reflect the tremendous increase in costs of food, health care and
energy for the average individual over the past few years. Hence, the
actual value of the Federal Reserve Note is most likely less than one
penny; and how far does this have to go before someone has the nerve to
declare the Federal Reserve Note as totally collapsed and valueless? As of
the year 2009 the majority of U.S. federal agency debt was being
purchased by foreign investors such as China and Japan and the British
Crown. However, now that the reality of the situation has become so
severe the Federal Reserve has been forced to buy all of its own ill-gotten
federal agency debt. This is because China and the Crown foreclosed on
their loans. Who else, in their right mind, would buy such worthless
paper? (See CPI Graph)

If, through some miracle, the Federal Reserve is able to survive this,
it won't be China and Japan that owns America and everything and
everyone in it - it will be the private Federal Reserve that owns everything
and everyone. But as of late it appears that the private Federal Reserve
System is about on its last legs.
There is one word for all of this, and that is FRAUD. The People
have been defrauded and completely separated from any understanding or
control of their money system. When the People no longer even
understand the meaning of a monetary system, the end is clearly in sight.
They and their money have been easily parted.
The major economic crisis we're experiencing today didn't just
happen over night. There were warning signs of its coming many years
ago, but they were ignored by a complacent public. There have been more
than bubbles making their appearance - cracks in the monetary system
have been appearing over the years as well. One of the first and most
substantial cracks has become known as the Credit River Decision.
On December 7, 1968 a Jury returned a unanimous verdict in the
Credit River Township in Scott County, Minnesota. The decision
acknowledged that the Federal Reserve Bank creates money out of thin air,
that the Federal Reserve Act and National Banking Act are
unconstitutional and void, and that the mortgage created by the Federal
Reserve Bank was void.
One might say that the Credit River Decision was quite an eye
opener - so why didn't that decision wake everyone up and change the
world? Well, it did, but it took a long time because it was ignored by
controlled public media system. Also, people are not so quick to act when
they see that the judge who sat over the Credit River Decision died under
mysterious conditions (a so-called fishing boat accident - but his body was
filled with poison) just months after the jury's verdict. It's times like this
when the jurisdictional lines between the corporation of government and
the People become blurred enough to see some reality through the illusion.
More information about the Credit River Decision can easily be
found via any search engine on the Internet.
It's time that we all get on the same page, so-to-speak, concerning
Traditionally, local communities have fought against the flight of
their money by creating "local currencies" sometimes called "trade
tokens". This has been successful in retaining money within the local
economy, but it does nothing for retaining the value of the money.
Local currencies do not retain the value because they are directly tied
to the adulterated currency. Local currencies are always printed and
distributed on par (or equal value) with the adulterated currency at that

point in time. Therefore, when inflation robs the adulterated currency of
its value, the value also gets sucked out of the alternative local currency.
Another reason why governments easily allow local currencies is
only if they are on par with the base (adulterated) currency. This way they
are taxed the same.
It becomes clear that before any solution for new or old honest
money can be implemented, the People must separate themselves from the
adulterated currency, and from the adulterated government. This is a
significant challenge, but because at that point everything is set back to
zero, and then restarted to meet the on-going base of economy at par, it
must be done. The current lawful money of the American States (the
People) is still gold and silver coin, but very few Americans have any in
their possession. Chapter 3 provides some directives to reach this goal.
In closing, whatever you think about climate change makes no
difference concerning the Copenhagen Treaty. There are two major
problem issues that we must address and resolve. One: creation of a
corporate tyrannical world government body which is not elected by the
People of the world - nor is it answerable to the People of the world.
Secondly: this is to be the beginning of a new world-wide carbon-based
economy, in the same hands; and we cannot afford to be blind as to what
this really means.
Blythe Masters is a 40 year old J.P. Morgan Bank employee who
created what is now known as 'credit default swaps'. Masters, in support of
the Copenhagen Treaty, has said that banks must lead the way in the
Climate Change battle through 'carbon derivatives'. I think I made it clear
enough that our current financial troubles have been, to a very large
degree, due to the casino-like derivative scam. Now the banks want to
control the 'carbon trading' scheme through a similar method already
failed. Many have said that this type of unregulated gambling amongst
futures speculators will cause the same boom and bust cycles with which
we have become quite familiar - but only worse.

End Note:

For those readers who are more advanced in this subject, and who
may have expected more details of people, places, times and events, let me
share a thought with you (optional reading - all other readers may go to
Part 3: confusion).
All of us will have our own perceptions of heroes and villains in the
money issue. When we have fresh in our minds the recent economic
history (from 1920's onward) we may make references to the economic
manipulating tools such as: Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, Banking

Relief Act of 1933, Monetary Control Act of 1980, Depository Institutions
Act of 1982 and the Financial Modernization Act of 1999.
When I wade through the details, I try not to get bogged down in
them; I try to raise myself above the situation so that I can get a bird's eye
view of the facts and the players involved. When I do this with the money
issue (specifically from 1920 onwards) I see a corporate government
merging with other corporate players within the corporate world. There
are individuals who can perceivably be labeled as the "People's Heroes"
and the "People's Enemies". But what is glaringly clear is that the People
are nothing but observers (as if they're sitting in a huge sport stadium) -
watching a very high-stakes game of economics (at least those who are not
totally distracted). There does appear to be times when the corporate
government intercedes and allows for refinancing of homes and farms to
prevent mass foreclosures (I guess we can put five points up on the score
board for that). There also appears to be times when the corporate
government can create massive work programs and other social programs
to help the People (maybe we can put up an additional ten points on the
scoreboard for that). Realistically, this is called "Dangle the carrot". But I
always try to keep an open and clear mind by asking: "What is the true
expense to the People for the perpetuation of this super sport that has a
fraudulent money system as its foundation?"
For example, during the Great Depression in America it appeared to
be a great thing for the corporate government to attempt to regulate the
private corporate banking industry that created the Great Depression (with
the exact same tactics as are being used in our current economic melt-
down). But in the name of fixing the problem, the corporate United
Kingdom government went off the gold standard in 1931. Then the United
States corporate government made it illegal for an individual to acquire or
hold gold on 6 March 1933. Hence, the corporate government, by 28
August 1933, ordered the People to turn over all their gold to the corporate
Federal Reserve Bank for $20.67 per ounce (the People facing the threat of
imprisonment for non-compliance). Within nine months, on 31 January
1934 the executive branch of the corporate government unilaterally set the
price of gold at $35.00 an ounce. As a side note, the United States
Congress had given its constitutional authority to regulate the value of the
currency to the U.S. President. It's interesting how this can be done
without a constitutional amendment - isn't it?
The United States returned to the gold standard via the Bretton
Woods Conference in 1944 (ten years after the gold grab). As another
side note, it's interesting to me how the U.S. Treasury Secretary Harry
Dexter White out-maneuvered British economist John Maynard Keynes by
cleverly inserting a different 'definition' for 'gold convertible currency' in
the final 96 page document during the evening just before printing - where
Keynes didn't have a chance to read it until days later. This strategy
sounds familiar - doesn't it? Then 27 years went by before the United
States went off the Gold Standard again via Richard M. Nixon's executive
order. The People, the Collective Sovereignty, were not able to legally
acquire or hold gold for 41 years - only regaining that 'privilege' on 31
December 1974 - that's when I was 25 years old.
My first question is: "Where does the corporate government get the
right to impose any form of money system on the People; and where does
it get the right to demand property from the People - only to almost double
its value after taking possession of it (thereby leaving the People holding
the bag)?" As I understand it, any one of us may trade or exchange any
goods or services in any way or in any form we wish. That's one of our
inherent Sovereign Rights. There may be a national (commonwealth)
currency, but it certainly should not be "imposed" on anyone. If it's
transparent, honest and fair, the People will no doubt use it when it benefits
My last question is: "While it was claimed that the 1933 Banking
Relief Act was 'guided' by the principles of national sovereignty; and it
allegedly recognized that a nation has the right and obligation to exercise
control over its financial and economic affairs for the general welfare of
the current and future generations against the control by financier
oligarchies, what was their specific definition of 'generations': the People
or the bureaucrats?" And it appears to me that, especially in view of our
current-day economic conditions, all these so-called precautions have not
protected the People from the 'financier oligarchies'. At the end of each
'economic season' there's the playoffs - and the People have to pay more
and more for a seat in the stadium until most of them can't even afford a
seat in one game - let alone season tickets.
Clearly, there is an absolute need for an economic system that
includes the provision of the necessary credits for massive social endeavors
that will benefit the Earth and all of her inhabitants. But this system must
be honest, transparent, fair and totally controlled by the Collective
Sovereignty - not by the corporate financier oligarchies or their counter-
part corporate bureaucrats.
I can't close this section without mentioning the "Two sets of books"
problem. If I were to ask any level of government to account for its
spending, it would send me its Annual Financial Report. It will not send
me the complete Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR) that
includes its total investment portfolio. In other words, the government is
actually making a tremendous amount of money through various
investments, but not reporting it to the public. Any one of us can only
wonder what all of this has to do with our current dilemma, but how can
we intelligently answer, when we can never see the real report?
The bottom line is that the People must recognize the fact that it's
time to get out of the spectator stadiums and start participating on the stage
of life. I look forward to a great dialog amongst the People on the United
People site that leads to a true resolution of the money issue in my lifetime.

Part 3: Confusion

Over the years we've allowed ourselves to become inundated with

endless dramas and stress. We quite literally bought into it. Nearly
everyone in the household now has to work, sometimes several jobs, to
afford the necessities of life; and I'm not talking about many, if any,
luxuries. And few have time to even sit down around the kitchen table for
a family meal together any more. When everyone is going in many
directions at the same time without truly connecting on anything, this can
hardly be defined as anything else but confusion. Everyone is so focused
on their own survival and their own schedule that no one has any time to
really come together and communicate. For some reason I see an image in
my mind of a rabbit running frantically - holding a pocket watch saying
"Oh dear! Oh dear!"
When we have attempted to communicate, it really equates to a
shallow version of communication with a pronounced functional illiteracy
gap between generations. Just little bits and pieces of attempted
communication now come in the form of many misspelled and shortened
versions of words that arrive in the form of text messaging.
A metaphor I have used to explain this confusion over the years that
most people can relate to is the virtual tornado over the head. The tornado
is made up of many thoughts and pictures, and it's spinning around at a
very high speed. I guess some may call it information overload, or even
"misinformation" overload.
Virtually every one of us is walking around with this spinning
tornado around us. We can't concentrate on any one of the spinning
thoughts or pictures for but a few seconds before we're forced to re-
connect to the larger aspect of the tornado and get lost in it again. We can
convince ourselves that we're perfectly functional since we can accomplish
many things on any given day, but we have to determine how many of
those "many things" can be classified in the "Amusement" category.
If we haven't set aside any amount of serious time to dedicate
towards working with our fellow neighbors to create a better world, we
may be entirely within the categories of Unmanaged Survival or
Amusement. This is exactly where someone would want us if they wanted
to maintain control over us. And, if you recall, the once great Republican
State of Rome was lost in the "entertainment arena".

The only way to free ourselves from the confusion is to take full
control of the tornado. Stop it on demand, and keep it stopped as long as it
takes to find one thought or picture, isolate it, and accomplish a proper
communication or reach a desired result.
The antidote, of course is to focus and organize. A process of
organization never before revealed will be discussed in Chapter three.
Another major area of confusion is what I call the "Babel
Most of us aren't aware of it, but we're so close to the confusion that
we can't see the absolute ridiculousness of it all. We need to step back and
look at our predicament from a distance in order to see it clearly. We
appear to be talking with each other, but we're not really communicating
because we each have a different meaning for many of the words we're
using - the definition of functional illiteracy.
For example, if you were to tell me that you fully support democracy,
it's an indisputable reality that you and thousands of others each have a
different meaning for the word "democracy". This also holds true for the
word "republic". If you don't believe me, go out into the street right now
and stop the first one hundred people you come across and ask them for
their definition of democracy. Professional Amusement people like Jay
Leno have successfully provided the public with great entertainment with
these information-gathering street interviews. We all laugh because it is
funny, but we don't seem to be able to find the time to think it out and see
that we need to do something about it. Once we see it, and we feel the
embarrassment, we know we have to do something about it.
To come back to your statement about supporting a democracy or a
republic, you have not properly communicated to me what you really
support. However, if you were to specifically define the word
"democracy" or "republic" within your statement of support, I would
clearly understand what you support and why you support it. And keep in
mind that a definition is sort of like an iceberg: you have to define the
whole thing - not just the tip that's seen above the surface. Regardless of
how many other definitions for 'democracy' or 'republic' are floating
around out there, I would then know exactly what you mean because you
specifically defined what you mean when you use the word.
We've all heard the jokes about politicians and lawyers, but there's
one thing for which they can't be faulted: They very carefully define the
words they use. They really understand this. In every legal brief and every
piece of legislation one can find a "Words and Phrases" section. It's in this
section where the author specifically defines the words or phrases that he
or she is using in the text that follows accordingly for 'uniform
understanding' purposes from their position. It doesn't matter how the
word or phrase is defined in any of the numerous dictionaries in the world.
In order to properly understand what the author is writing, only the
definitions in the "Words and Phrases" section of that particular brief or
legislation matters. This becomes extremely important when the author is a
'law-maker' - a common slang term given to the legislative authority. And
the court, with its full police powers of the state, can enforce it.
To make this even clearer, the "Words and Phrases" section is the
"key". And if you wish to unlock the true meaning (intent) of what is
written, you have to use the key. For example, if you read a quote from a
law printed in the news paper, and the news paper failed to include the
word definitions from the 'key', you could not fully understand the law -
thus allowing functional illiteracy to run rampant, and adverse from
originating intent. For in the quoted law the authors could have defined
white as black and black as white for their own personal adverse political
The Law of Grammar is the very most important part of all of our
written laws. It uniformly governs our written laws and uniformly clarifies
their originating intent in the general public mind. This will be further
addressed in Chapter 3.

Chapter 3
The Solution

Part 1: Reduction of Amusement

W e've first got to recognize that we've been put to sleep by

continuous and repetitious distractions, while failing to pay
attention to the tornado of new laws and their intent spinning
around us and over our heads.
We then have to understand that we must create a solution that will
benefit all of us and be uniformly understood. If we continually allow
someone else to manage our affairs under another name and by a different
authority than ours, the results assuredly will not be beneficial to us as
history has well established.
In order for this to happen we must exercise personal responsibility
and participate in community affairs. And in order for that to happen we
need to understand how to organize ourselves. And this includes deciding
on the specific method of decision making we will uniformly use to create
our own collective will while at the same time understand why former
methods failed.
Before we begin we must truly try to grasp the firm understanding
and the reality of the Law as it is already written and its original
grammatical intent. We don't need to adulterate it or complicate it with
endless additions and amendments written by us collectively or by a
corporate oligarchy of attorneys.
Looking at the significant paradigm shifts that need to take place in
the areas of politics, religion and money, separating ourselves from the
distractions is not going to be any easier. And in any of these shifts,
human nature is not going to change that much. So, we're not talking
about large numbers of people. We're most likely talking about less than
20% of the population that needs to change the way they're doing things.
These are people who are honestly motivated to become more responsible
in the way they inter-relate personally with each other, their families and
participate in politics, and the way they inter-relate with people of other
And I'm not talking about anything drastic here either - like giving up
your life as you know it and becoming a monk or a nun. I'm talking about
individuals accepting the challenge to responsibly manage their time to be
part of the solution with other like-minded responsible community
members. If just a small minority of people contributed only a little extra
time to community involvement, the floodgates will be open for solutions
to flow. We need to learn how to control and manage our own tornadoes.
Hey, we all need time out, and amusement can be used in a positive
way. But just like any drug, we must not allow ourselves to become
addicted to it.
The real challenge is to re-train ourselves to use that extra time
intelligently and focus our energies on getting the job done. This means
coming together.
For the first time since around 1776, it's unavoidable that we take a
serous look at what, exactly, the American Founding Fathers created in
their "Survival Mode", how they organized, and how, if the government
truly is supposed to be of, by, to, for and from the People, it got totally
consumed by the "Corporation of Government" - where the People live in
an illusion only and have no real say at all.
So, the solution appears to be totally centered on "knowledge" and
"organization". The organizational process must not only include its
construction; but also, and most importantly, its maintenance in reliable
perpetuity of, for, and by future generations is essential.
Speaking of on-going maintenance, it was also Pete Wood who
shared with me a main element of Henry Grady Weaver's book "Main
Spring of Human Progress": 'No organization can be sustained without a
paid inner core.' The emphasis here is that the People are responsible for
the creation and management of this inner core.
In a community sense, whether it's a group specializing in economic
reform, recreation or organization, we need to recognize and honor the
people around us who specialize in those various fields. We need to
establish and maintain a paid knowledgeable and dependable professional
inner core in each, and who is in no manner a product of, related to, nor an
operative of the European Royal Family's confederate University Company
nobility system. But it's essential that all of the inner cores recognize,
honor and conform to the authority of the People they serve. Concerning
the current American "Corporation of Government", although that inner
core is paid well, it's no longer professional (the best qualified organizers
for the Public Good) and it does not recognize, honor and conform to the
Will of the People - actually, it never did since 1777.
This has to be a bottom-up formation - not from the top down or
we'll be simply creating another monster in disguise. And we have to
exercise a collective responsibility to properly manage and control the
element amongst us that we can call "military-minded hot-heads". No one
can take the bit and run with it, so-to-speak, before their county/shire base
support assemblies are established and in place.
We now have a better-understood model from which we can all use
for the United People System, thanks to the American framers who never
had such a system themselves. But again, in order to fully understand the
unique "Republican Plenary System", and then apply it, it first has to be
completely separated and distanced from the European Royal Family
University Company Criminal Federation ("Con-Federation") illusion.
That illusion has been controlling the whole world for more than two
centuries without apparent detection until recently. And now we know that
is exactly what the American founding framers did in fact "dissolve and
absolve" themselves from in every respect whatsoever. They used those
two "separating" words "dissolve" and "absolve" so that the "University
Interpreter" is disarmed to that extent.
The only "weak spot" or "loop-hole" in the earlier American Colonial
Republican State plan, and it will be in ours too if we're not careful, is that
future Republican State posterity must first defend their "law of grammar
(language)" with due diligence in order to perpetually defend their
Republican laws and therefore their freedoms. If we allow any entity other
than ourselves complete control over any assembly of People's printing
presses and system of education, it will make no difference as to who
makes laws or money. Within but several generations all will be lost -
again. In this respect the "survival mode" must be held in perpetuation.
Fortunately, we have similar things happening all around us today
that the American Founding Fathers experienced just prior to the
Declaration of Independence, and again prior to 1787: Tea Parties.
The opportunity now exists for these new "Tea parties" to get onto
the same page, recognize what it takes to create and maintain
organizational skills of the People in perpetuity, and develop the paid
professional teams that can make it so. Again, this book will introduce the
United People System as part of the solution. And let's make this book
mandatory reading in all Australian schools, and elsewhere.
Lastly, we must guard against panic. Running in circles screaming in
unison "the sky is falling" will get us nowhere. This is the normal reaction
when people, long slumbering in their long-established complacency, are
finally rudely awakened. And, once awakened, they realize the full length
and width of the massive fraud that has been perpetrated upon them by a
very select few that they not only elected in place, but also funded under
disguise of public education at the public expense for the public good.
The consequences of not taking any action towards a just solution for
the People are numerous. Some examples are:
1. Whatever we see now will only get worse.
2. We will not be the Law-givers with charges brought against us
or our neighbors in our name and by our authority. The corporation of
government will continue to be the law-giver. This is currently observed
in courtrooms where the judges instruct the juries that they must accept the
law as given to them by the judge (a lawyer) - an officer of the corporation
- where only another officer (a lawyer) of the corporation has standing in
your behalf.
3. Legislators within the current corporation of government, also
officers of the corporation, will continue their illusionary "rubber-stamp"
role playing. Even they don't make the law - for they simply accept laws
that are already written by corporate special (University Legislative
Council) interest groups for the corporate good. Their cleverly-prepared
laws are so lengthy and complex that even their corporate legislative or
executive officers can't even understand them - many from the same
schools you and I attended. The corporate legislators simply vote on them
without even reading them.
4. Removing the People from the lawful Declaration of
Government is similar to the original U.S. dollar being replaced by the
corporate Federal Reserve Note: substance is replaced by fiction. The
source of the law is the Sovereign authority; and in all governments there
can be but only one "Sovereign". Either the People are that Sovereign
authority as Nature's God intended, or it's the European Royal Family's
University corporation leopard, that first eats out the brains of it hapless
student victims, and eventually their bodies, leaving behind only scattered
skulls and bones in its notorious lair. Which would you prefer?

Part 2: Unite

A. Religion

I'm going to really challenge you now. If you have the time, I invite
you to do some high caliber reading of what some say "wrap it all up": the
book entitled 'Bearing Witness' by Andrew Cohen.
Now back to Earth. It should become quite clear for everyone that,
in any area of solution, we quite literally have to "re-write the book".
We have to be brave enough to recognize and admit that we're not on
this planet alone. The term used by the American framers "The Natural
(Nation) Republican State" extends from the Roman era; and pertains to all
people in the World who are born to a natural family Mother. And when
you actually get right down to the "nitty-gritty" of world history facts, left
by our predecessors for us to intelligently observe in their Covenants of the
Arks of mankind, all peoples of the world are actually all inter-related from
that simple aspect alone. Interestingly enough, rapidly advancing new
DNA technology appears to be "scientifically" proving this very fact.
And, moreover, it also becomes glaringly apparent that there is
actually but a very fine line distinction between "politics" and "religion" in
the realm of mankind's governments; and in many cases there is no
distinction whatsoever, and this was obviously understood by the original
American Colonial families and their selected Deputies. The American
Colonists made it plain to all the rest of the World where their "true faith"
actually was focused, right there in one of the greatest instruments
conceived and written by mankind in all history, dated July 4, 1776. That
declaration was "perfected" by that same Assembly of men thirteen (13)
years thereafter as a means to "perpetuate" and "secure" the idea of the
Republican State Revolution in the minds of all American Posterity
beyond the year 2025. And it was in exactly the very same "Form" and
"Style" that already existed in the fourteen (14) original Colonies; while all
such National Seat "Deputies" remained under the very same two "oaths"
as their individual Colonial Deputy Seat counterparts of their residence - to
which they all would return.
We can no longer say: "All in my faith [fill in the blank] are going to
Heaven (including our house pets and house plants), and all others are
going to Hell." We've got to adopt a higher degree of tolerance and Love
for one another and our different faiths and beliefs. The golden rule,
recognized in the "Honor amongst Sovereigns" concept and/or the
"Common Law", is that we cannot impose anything on anyone or anything
(owned or controlled by someone else) - including our religious faiths.
And we can't harm anyone else - especially due to their choice of religion.
One can believe in and practice any religious faith as long as no one is hurt
in any way as it's being believed and practiced.
The realization that should motivate many of us to make the
adjustment is that our current corporate government officials and their
controllers would like us to maintain their status quo because they would
like us to continue fighting against each other and paying less attention to
them. It gives them more power over us. If we don't change, the
circumstances around us won't change, and they will only worsen. We
really must move on.
I now want to pick up where I left off in the "Problem" section in
Chapter 2.
First, I need to prepare you for a sort of transition. I'm going to
change the definition of the word 'state' from my original definition in
Chapter 2 that referred to a state as a corporate structure, or a 'political
state', like the United States, Australia, UK, etc. This may catch you off
guard a bit, but you will fully understand by the time you finish reading
this very short book.
When we specifically define each one of us as a 'Republican State', a
once very familiar term well understood by early Americans, as briefly, but
thoroughly, explained later in this chapter, the issue of church and state
becomes very interesting indeed. Since the church, up to this time, has
been defined as a "body of believers", this will not apply to a single
individual alone. From this point "The State" refers to the individual and
the People collectively - as in a family unit of the natural family Mother.
Hence, the familiar phrase: "Of the People, By the People, For the
People, To the People and From the People of the Natural Family Mother,
guided only by the Divine Providence over all Worldly Men.
This often-used phrase is otherwise known as the "Magnificent
Republican Statute of Rome"; but this very important point has been
cleverly held from the public view for a very long time by the University
"education" system.
We have the entire "Natural Republican State of the World" defined
and contained in one single statute (A Declaration) - from which term
"Republican in Form" is derived to describe the writing.
So, alone we all stand as individuals and as a family, living in a state
of Nature and Nature's God, free from corporate influences without being
an organized religious Church - contemplating our own existence and
importance as a single Republican State. And we find that as a Sovereign,
on an equal footing with all other Sovereigns, we have the inherent ability
to connect to a higher consciousness and awareness - without any conduit
or agent. We're our own authority and our own solution. We acknowledge
that we cannot "run to a Master" for solution because we are all our own

masters; and in the public square we essentially become our own
'temporary' Deputy as well.
Standing alone as individual Sovereigns, and as a Deputy
(Republican States), we then see the opportunity to honor each other and
recognize that we thus cannot impose anything on each other - especially
our religious or spiritual beliefs. If we wish to join a Church Assembly,
Parish Assembly, County Assembly, Colonial Assembly or National
Assembly, to mingle with fellow believers, we do it for our own reasons
that need no explanation to others. And even our own connection with the
universe needs no explanation to others.
I now sense the need to speak in terms that will bring all of this
together - an overview so-to-speak.
After carefully digesting 30 years of my own observations, I realize
that in order for me to make an attempt at reducing the entire issue of
"peaceful co-existence of religions" into its ultimate essence of
understanding, I'll have to bring Sovereignty back onto the scene.
I now invite you to join me on a journey through a labyrinth (maze) -
but an enjoyable and what I believe to be an enlightening one.
Sovereignty, simply stated, involving mankind, is on several levels,
but is a singular state of being where one individual has no other individual
superior to him or her. The Collective Sovereignty of the Republican
States, the People, is a natural state of being where many Sovereigns unite
for a singular purpose. Each of the members of the Collective Sovereignty
acknowledges to each other that they are each equal to one another and no
one is superior to anyone else.
As we enter the labyrinth, called 'The Path of Life', remember that
we do enter as an individual Sovereign. As history has well proved, we are
all forewarned that the Path of Life has several forks, along which there are
numerous potentially dangerous natural pitfalls that can impact the
individual, the family, the Colony and the Nation; thus, the entire Plenary
Natural (National) Republican system.
We, the People, 'the Republican State', as individuals, of the Family,
Tribe, Colony, Nation and the World, can choose to go straight ahead
along a proven safe path, or deviate to the right or left paths proven to have
certain potentially historically dangerous man-made disguised pitfalls.
These pitfalls have destroyed entire civilizations. To the right is the
pathway to man-made Secular (Earthly Sovereignty), to the left is the
pathway to man-made Religious (Heavenly) Political Sovereignty, and
straight ahead path is the way to the pure essence of natural Sovereignty in
Plenary Harmony of, by and for all five levels of Republican States in the
aggregate. This is where everyone is on an equal footing, with the "natural
plenary flow" that naturally occurs in the normal family home environment
- the "heart" of which, of course, is the family mother.
I'll first take you to the right: secular Sovereignty that hides under the
clever term "equality". Simply defined, this means promoting the false
illusion of being equal. This is the popular engine of choice used by
criminal federation companies against the will of the people, and which has
been successfully employed against the American people since at least
On the face of the Earth, within the realm of Mankind (the
Republican State of the World) in general, as set forth in the covenants of
the arks (centuries) of history, there have been and are individual despotic
men and women who, separating themselves from the Republican State,
have claimed "Royal Sovereign" status over all of Mankind (individuals,
families, Colonies and even Nations). This type of despotic Sovereign
made that claim either through his or her own brute force, cleaver
enticements, illusionary entrapment via controlled public education and
publications, to include manipulating public records, or as an alleged
divine appointment by secular God or another illusionary Higher Power
via a private Universal fraternal coronation - often referenced as a "Royal
Company" or a "Royal Family Confederation" (A Royal University
Fraternal Order). Its known primary historic-order objective being:
"Whomever controls all Worldly Culture (Land & Water) thereby controls
all life activity there upon." Feature the popular children's game "King of
the Hill".
Every man, woman and child, each being a Sovereign themselves, by
Sovereignty's core definition, is not subject to a proclaimed secular Royal
Sovereign unless they, as a natural Sovereign Republican State, choose to
do so - and thereby pass (by "constitution") all sovereignty to the
individual Monarch, or Monarchal Family, who alone is free and ordains
all law for the public majority who live in the illusionary state of
"equality". However, they are actually subjects to the corporate authority
to which there can be no "equal".
Now I'll take you back to the beginning of the Path of Life and take
you to the left trail along which lays 'man-made religious political
On the face of the Earth, within the realm of Mankind, also set forth
in the covenants of the arks, there have been individual designing men and
women in the religious realms who have claimed "Sovereign" or
"Messiah" status over either all of Mankind or a portion of them. This type
of Sovereign claims a divine appointment by a defined God or another
Higher Power, or even an "Idol of God" to be an intermediary between
God and Mankind. Every man, woman and child, each being a Sovereign
themselves, by Sovereignty's core definition, is not subject to this religious
Sovereign unless they, as a Sovereign, choose to do so. If so, they lose
their individual sovereignty to the will of the illusionary Divine Appointed
individual, or class of individuals, who alone are free and ordain all law
"for the common good" - sometimes by force, upon the majority who live
in the illusionary state of "equality".
In the "man-made Religious" world there are many men and women,
for one example, who uniformly believe in a Heavenly Divine Sovereignty
where there's an undefined Natural God or an undefined Higher Divine
Authority, that naturally radiates to and from the natural family mother,
and in turn likewise radiates to and from all men and women, the Natural
Plenary flow of government that exists within each family unit, and which
make up the entire Republican State of the World. All of these are created
in the image of that Natural Divine Authority existing from the natural
mother's womb, thus placing all of mankind at an equal station without
exception. Most or all of those believers consider that God or Higher
Divine Power to be Sovereign over them individually, all of Mankind
collectively, and all of Nature; and thus they are subjects only to and
guided by that Nature's God or Higher Divine Authority, as clearly set
forth by the American establishing Framers in a single written statute for
future generations of American National Republican State posterity to
faithfully follow and therefore remain as "Sovereign Equals" at all plenary
levels, and who are all free; provided, however, if they chose to do so.
Hence: the introduction of "Rule of and by all of the People who are
all free".
In another example, there are some people who believe that their God
or Higher Power is defined in fact, and divinely appoints one of their
fellow Sovereigns to be a special superior Sovereign over them: the
intermediary. This superior Sovereign would alone ordain all law,
especially anything that has to do with "religious-based politics". By this
act of faith and/or belief the religious follower totally and faithfully
relinquishes his or her Sovereignty - as it then applies only to the one or
more Sovereigns above them, who alone are free, to which they have
subjected themselves, while living under the illusion of "equality", or in
other case examples, there is not even equality but more likened to the
"law of the jungle".
Thus, I've briefly addressed the three styles of popular government,
from the religious aspect, experienced by mankind: A. Rule by King who
alone is free; B. Rule by Class who alone are free and finally to the new
American example C. Rule of by all of the People who are all free.
I'll now take you back to the beginning one last time and take you to
the path straight ahead to the pure essence of Natural Equal Sovereignty.
Regardless of whether one chooses the right path, the left path or the
path straight forward, one needs to acknowledge that on Earth there are
billions of other fellow earthlings who possess thoughts and desires just
like himself or herself. Even though an individual may have relinquished
his or her Sovereignty to a God or a Higher Power, or to another earthly
man or woman who is Sovereign over them (either in a secular or religious
sense), that does not mean that he or she relinquished his or her true
essence of individual Sovereignty to any of his or her fellow neighbors.
And as an equal Sovereign amongst all other Sovereigns on the face
of the Earth, one must still respect the core concept of Sovereignty: "Honor
amongst Sovereigns" on an equal footing. One Sovereign cannot impose
anything else, including religious or political views or beliefs, upon any
other equal Sovereign unless of mutual consent and understanding.
Therefore, when all is said and done, it's entirely possible that the
totality of Mankind can decide to free themselves from the bondage of self-
appointed human Sovereigns and regain the status of individual
Sovereignty - as well as join in a Collective Sovereignty. But one must
also remember that this powerful Declaration of Independence from all
human powers corporate does not interfere one bit with any of the
individual Sovereigns' religious beliefs and faiths. Each equal footing
Sovereign is totally free to wander the Earth in pure bliss within his or her
religious realm, as long as he or she does not try to impose it on any other
With this in mind, the reader can perhaps now more easily see that
it's possible for someone to take the pathway straight ahead at any time -
without any concern for a Godly or a worldly Sovereign if they so choose;
and you might recognize that this is essentially the path which the
founding framers of America chose for themselves and their future
And one could just as well go either right or left to their potential
detriment by yielding up the greater portion of their Sovereignty, or all of
it. This is essentially what most peoples of the World are confronted with
right now. What's important to understand is that anyone may take
whichever of the three paths they wish. He or she simply must never lose
the sight and understanding of his or her individual Sovereignty - and the
individual responsibilities that go with it.
It's the ultimate attainment of "Honor amongst Sovereigns" that will
assure peace on Earth. Religious wars, and the people who propagate
them, for the control or eradication of a public mind set, to control all
Worldly culture, or to control the number of the World's population (The
Republican State of the World), will both be relegated to the annals of
An inspiring and re-affirming video of the Charter for Compassion's
Karen Armstrong can be seen at: www.beam.to/golden_rule or

What do you think? Can we get our heads together and share this
understanding with one another within the next five to six years? Are we
ready to forgive the ridiculous and deadly mistakes we, and our
forefathers, have made for the opportunity for all of us to finally achieve a
peaceful world? Can we call on the Moms and Dads of the world to take
their respective loving, compassionate and guiding places at the kitchen
I can't close this section without specifically addressing our
American friends. It's no doubt true that 52 of the 56 signers of the
American Declaration of Independence were proclaimed Christians, but
there were still the other four who weren't.
Many people have, then and since, made the comment that a nation
cannot be built and maintained on anything less than a moral foundation. I
don't think that many people would argue this point. Actually, prior to
1774, there is still no original written reference found with regard to any
other people living as a "Nation"; which therefore, appears to be a mid-
18th Century coined term by the early American Colonies. This was used
to describe themselves as a class of people who lived within a proscribed
cultural boundary, free from manly corporate influences and in a state of
Nature. I, personally, believe that we should respect and honor those
individuals who did what they did to promote a better world for all
mankind because they, themselves, had such high moral principles. But
when one looks a bit closer, it is also becomes easy to see that they didn't
believe that the success of their endeavors would rest only upon
individuals who called themselves "Christians" - but upon all peoples who
firmly believed in a higher Divine Authority over all men.
To sum it all up I would like to quote the quite popular and respected
Patrick Henry, when he wrote in 1776: "It cannot be emphasized too
strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists,
but by Christians; not on religion, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For
that reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded freedom of
worship here."
One cannot argue the high degree of Christian influence amongst the
Framers in the early development of the American Nation, but it's easy to
see that the "moral foundation" was not considered an exclusively
Christian responsibility by those very Framers - nor should it by any of us.
I recently saw a four minute video called Hubble Ultra Deep Field
3D on: www.beam.to/deepfield or http://www.flixxy.com/hubble-ultra-
deep-field-3d.htm. The Hubble telescope was pointed at a very small area
of black space near the Big Dipper from which no light was appearing.
Magnified many times, the images that were retrieved were beyond
imagination. It revealed three thousand galaxies that, before this time, were
unknown - each one containing hundreds of billions of stars. A year later a
spot was selected near the constellation called Orion, and the magnification
was increased even further. This time it revealed ten thousand galaxies -
that became known as the Ultra Deep Field. The voice on the video then
said: "There are over one hundred billion galaxies in the Universe."
I think this helps to put things into proper perspective.

B: Politics

1. Get a handle on "Terror"

It was Franklin D. Roosevelt who told us that all we had to fear was
fear itself. Even though not everyone will agree with everything Roosevelt
said, we really should listen to that one - especially since entire populations
have been subdued by the promotion of fear.
When we fear something, it's generally a good idea to sit down,
relax, and try to get to the bottom of that fear. We need to properly
identify the root cause of that fear before we can try to eliminate it and its
The U.S. government's placing of all criminal activity under the
definition of terrorism "fear syndrome" is now accepted as outrageous by
most thinking people. The obvious and urgent need for a more specific
definition of "terrorism", as it relates to acts such as 911, has now surfaced
from such un-preferred sources as Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and
Libya's Moammar Kadafi in September 2009.
Regardless of what some may say about its source, it's surely time to
take heed of the message. We need to specifically define terrorism. We
need to know which current criminal laws do not properly accommodate
this new definition of terrorism.

2. Get real with power

We need to take a careful look at what elements create and maintain

political power. We also need to understand how some of these elements
create certain illusions. For example, in the past we have been led to
believe that the ordinary individual actually has some say in what goes on
in this world. Now that we're awakening, we can see that this was truly
just an illusion.

a. Poll vs meeting of the minds

Power is not obtained by being part of a poll or a survey - or even

being invited by the power brokers for "community consultation". The
eventual resting place for a poll, a survey or consultation is a waste paper
basket. How many politicians around the world heard the millions of
people who formally stated in a poll or survey that they were totally
against going to war with Iraq? Whoever may have heard it made no
difference - since the war was initiated against Iraq regardless of the polls
and surveys.
Polls and surveys are even more meaningless than adhesion

b. Adhesion contracts

Have you ever read the "fine Print" of any contract you've signed?
How many "terms and conditions" sections do you read in full before
entering a check mark in a box saying 'I've read and understand the terms'
before clicking "I Agree"?
Well, if you haven't heard it before, let me be the first to tell you:
"Unless you have read every word of a contract, understand it, and have
communicated that understanding with the other party(s), you have just
signed what is referred to in law as an "Adhesion contract." To put it in
plain English, it is a "one-way" attempt, by a clever individual, a company,
or a government, to force compliance onto someone by the first party
without the second party being able to alter or negotiate anything - while
usually remaining "open-ended" for only the party of the first part. And,
providing if you have the time and a lot of money (assuming you can also
find an honest judge or fully informed jury), you can most likely nullify
every contract of this type of "fixed-form contract" you have ever signed in
your life.
You may or may not have heard about the "Redemption Movement".
This movement basically involves the education of how to remove one's
self from the multitude of contracts that someone else, like your parents,
got you into, or that mysteriously just came into existence over the years
without your full knowledge, or "fixed-form, open-ended" contracts
founded upon false or improper "disclosure". For a start in finding more
information about the Redemption movement you can visit:
www.beam.to/redemption_mov or
I think the efforts of the people involved in the Redemption
Movement have been very valuable in bringing our attention to how we're
all harnessed by multitudes of so-called contracts; the majority of which
eventually prove impossible to perform, as shown by the present
"economic condition" surfacing everywhere. But learning how to play
someone else's very complex game of trying to reverse these so-called
contracts by committing ourselves to hundreds or thousands of hours
training is really not an option for the majority. We simply need to
recognize the one simple reality: no meeting of the minds, no contract. All
of these so-called contracts such as birth certificates, passports, social
security numbers, military service obligation, even extending to
governments, internal revenue, etc. are simply null and void because there
was never an informed meeting of the minds between you and the
individual or organization that claims they now own you - lock, Stock and
Unless you have had an honest and informed "meeting of the minds"
as they call it, you have no contract. And, of course, let's not forget that
once there is a meeting of the minds, there should be no force, threat,
duress or coercion that requires you to say yes. A contract is a fully
transparent and voluntary agreement, sometimes among friends for the
purpose of retaining their friendship.
Take charge of your contracts. Understand them. The only thing
that you need is the guts to stand up and tell the truth and make the claim
to your freedom, liberty and your right to pursue your happiness.

c. Our Identity

John Ralston Saul put it briefly and simply in his book 'Unconscious
Civilization' when he stated: "If individuals do not occupy their legitimate
position, then it will be occupied by a god or a king or a coalition of
interest groups. If citizens do not exercise the powers conferred by their
legitimacy, others will do so." Another relevant quote would be: "Evil
triumphs when good men and women do nothing."
Let's not pussy foot around: Power in governments is taken - it's
never given. If we're going into this project with the idea that we can't go
forward until we have everyone's (100%) agreement, or that we should
first obtain permission from certain government officials, we should stop
right here and not waste our time. And be certain to keep in mind that we
already have the inherent power and authority - we just haven't claimed it
and exercised it yet.
The important thing to remember is that when I and multitudes of
others say it's time for the People, the Sleeping Giant of the Republican
State" to claim their rightful power, I mean that the door is swinging open
for all who are capable to join ranks and make that claim together. At the
same time we have to fully acknowledge that many will not participate
because of fear or genuine lack of knowledge. Many will never be able to
escape their own tornadoes. This is much different to other bodies that
claim power with the door closed. The closed door policy is an element of
manly corporate forms and styles of government (to be explained in more
detail in the Republican State of the World that follows). The open door

policy of this discussion is an essential element of Republican forms and
styles of government.
The new question facing any people who have decided to regain their
Sovereignty from the corporate state of bondage is: "How do we fairly
exercise this power together as an unincorporated Republican State?"
Well-based suggestions for developing that process are the purpose of this
book to open the needed dialog.
At this point some people refer to the term "social contract" -which is
a typical corporate term. However, finding a "specific" and "appropriate"
definition for the term is not easy. Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition,
does not list the term along with its multitudes of "other" contracts, but
lists it separately under "Social Contract (or Compact)", and a very small
paragraph at that - merely making the illusionary statement: "Government
must thus rest on the consent of the governed." The Sovereign is not the
governed, but in fact the governor. This aloof definition is clearly leading
one to believe that the "People" are the "governed" or, in fact, the
"subjects". This definition does not comply with the understanding that the
People are the authority that has created the government, and the
government remains subject to the People. Besides that, there doesn't seem
to be any clear explicit or implied contract of any kind; and neither is there
any clearly specified method for obtaining consent. Therefore, the
inadequate and nearly hidden definition given by Black's Law Dictionary
does not appear to be part of the Republican Law of Grammar that the
"People" would be looking to support. Also, caution may be in order
before using the word "constituent". It, too, is a corporate word identifying
a corporate entity that has given exclusive authority to someone else to act
on its behalf.
The difficulty in preparing this book for today's readers, familiar only
with the University promoted corporate language and terms to which we
all have been long accustomed over time, is the application of those
familiar corporate terms and then providing the proper non-incorporated
opposite terms as a possible correction.
Later in this chapter is the section called "The People's Referendum".
This is where it all starts in the community's organization activities, within
the present democratic process already in place to our common advantage,
in order to achieve the desired Republican State process. And the People
of the Byron Shire, NSW Australia have already begun the plenary process
that starts with all of the people as the Sovereign, and ends with them.
The challenge facing the people of the Byron Shire, as well as any
other community, or assembly of people anywhere, is to get the majority of
all of the people uniformly behind the process and supporting it - even
though many of them won't be directly participating in it. This "power
grab" by the people is no secret. And we, quite literally, in order to get up
out of the rut we all find ourselves in without exception, have to re-write
the book.
In America it was called "The American Republican State
Revolution" - which, of course, happened in the minds of those American
Colonists (Farmers) and Citizens (City Dwellers) long before any shot was
fired at Lexington.
There's no other way or enough time left to dance around the issue.
The community must select, and agree to use, a specific decision-making
process that will properly organize the community and allow it to make
collective decisions. This is the only way the People can create and project
their collective Will (The Will of the People), and then protect it. The Will
of the People is what politicians have been promising to implement since
the beginning of time. Now the People can finally create it themselves and
deliver it to them, supported by clarification of their limitations.
But there has to be the wide support of the community to reach such
a long-awaited objective. It can't be a small number of people in the
community doing this or it obviously will be an embarrassment worse than
a joke. And there is no other way for a community to decide exactly how
many amongst them are required to go forward than the community
making that collective decision itself. It's hard to believe, but true, that
there has been no community up until now that has asked itself these
questions, and that is now being viewed by many as an embarrassment
itself. This is the reason to initiate the People's Referendum.
Make no mistake though: initiating this process is nothing more than
the beginning of a dialog within a community. There will most likely be
no overnight miracles. The important thing is that the dialog has begun.
Good people working together everywhere in good faith, with a common
understanding based upon trustworthy disclosure, and trusting one another
will guarantee eventual success.
While I'm talking about community coming together, there's
something else that all of us should consider as well - and that's what's
known as the "Pareto Principle".
The Pareto Principle or the "80:20 Rule" is usually used in
economics. However, the Rule can also be adapted to politics. In
economics, this rule states that 80% of sales will be generated by 20% of
the sales team. In other words, 20% of the sales force is the doers.
In politics, this translates to 20% of the registered voters can be the
expected "maximum" to actually turn out and participate in community
decision making when a call to action is sent out to the community at large,
and which commensurate with the registered voter turnout at most

For example, 20% of a community the size of the Byron Shire, with a
registered voter base of 14,000, would roughly equal 2,800 voters. This
would be the expected "maximum".
This is the REALITY of the Pareto Principle. We need to fully
comprehend that the 20% will be the maximum who turn out and
participate. We're only left with the question as to whether or not we can
trust 20% of the voters (our fellow neighbors) to make community-wide
decisions. To be more specific, can these decisions be "The will of the
Again, I feel that once trustworthy facts are properly disclosed to any
people, and they know their proper natural station in life and their
individual, as well as collective responsibilities to themselves, their
families and to all others, that history has clearly proved that the People
can be thus trusted. And they will make good decisions to release
themselves and others from the bonds of political tyranny to which they
have long been accustomed.
Along with the Pareto REALITY, we also need to look at our current
REALITY of what percentage of our community now makes all decisions
in the Byron Shire. There are currently nine councilors, and
mathematically speaking, that equals .06428% of the registered voters.
That's a pretty small number, but we currently put all of our faith and trust
in it.
Organizing ourselves as a community will not automatically happen
overnight, but we have to start somewhere. The question we now face is
what do the numbers need to look like at the beginning in order to get the
ship of the "Will of the People" under way? If that number is 1% at the
beginning, that's 140 registered voters - already about 16 times the number
of people currently making our decisions. If that number is 5% at the
beginning, that's 700 registered voters - or about 78 times the number of
people currently making our decisions.
The vital question to ask ourselves during this process is, "Do we, as
a community, want to open the door to all willing and able participants in
the decision-making process in order to co-manage our commons
together?" If so, we have to recognize the reality that no more than 2,800
people are going to show up to make that decision; and if we refuse to
recognize the reality of the Pareto Principle, we will be waiting forever if
we're waiting for any more than 20% of the community to give the "Go
Ahead". Indeed, in most all Public Elections, especially in America, a
simple majority of those voters who attend the Election and draw their
ballots, carries the Election issue in law and fact - unless stated otherwise
on the ballot. A simple majority of anything is one-half plus one.
One thing is certain: if we don't do anything, we're admitting to
ourselves that it's impossible for us to reach agreement on our collective
will on any matter. If that's the case, it becomes imperative that the
charade of all current governments must be brought to an end - for they
still exist under the clear premise that their authority comes from the
People and their duty is to implement the will of the People. Why live
within a fantasy, an illusion? Living in truth somehow makes me feel
better. If I knowingly and willingly relinquished my freedom and
succumbed to the authority imposed upon me, I would just have to truly
and honestly acknowledge that I'm no longer free and no longer a
functioning part of the lawful Collective Sovereignty. I could no longer
question any wrong done against me. I would just be a poor, pathetic soul
who voluntarily gets thrown back into the dark hole of my unstoppable
tornado. Maybe I'll just begin a regular diet of anti-depressants along with
the multitudes.
Those amongst us who have any integrity at all must come to the
realization that we just can't say "We didn't know" anymore. We just have
to make an informed decision, act upon it accordingly, and then live with
I know there are freedom loving people out there. And this is the
time to initiate our collective drive to take responsibility for self-
One last, but important, matter to mention in this section is the
difference between elected officials and "the unelected bureaucracy". I can
probably write another book about this, but I won't. It has become quite
clear that gaining control of elected officials does not necessarily mean that
control, in the current political environment, extends to the sea of
appointed (unelected) bureaucrats. Many, if not most, bureaucrats look at
elected officials as temporary nuisances - in much the same light as they
view the common people. However, if the Collective Sovereignty
exercised its inherent authority within a political structure that was truly
"Republican in Form and Style", and the rule of Law was "Honor amongst
Sovereigns", the so-called "necessary" bureaucrats would have to comply
with the Will of the People - just as would the elected officials.
Alternatively, they would have to close up shop and go find something
more legitimate to do with their time.

1. Collective Sovereignty

I, along with thousands of others through the years, have studied

what is known as the "Common Law". We decided to look into this
somewhat obscure subject since it started to appear to us that one day we
woke up and found ourselves outside the system of justice - asking
ourselves, "What Law is Common?"

We were taught in school that we were free and had certain
inalienable rights, but it became clearer every day that an exponentially
increasing number of so-called laws were, instead, entrapping us within a
system where there is no hope of obtaining any justice. Once there was a
day, not long ago, when we were innocent until proven guilty, but now
we're guilty until proven innocent. This has been a critical shift, and we
need to sort it out.
In order to save the reader from many years of study and heartache,
I'll condense what I, and many others, have learned in the process. When
one studies what is known as the "Common Law" he or she will quickly
understand that the Common Law can simply be classified as a concept of
"Honor amongst Sovereigns". The basic precept of Common Law is that
no one can impose anything on anyone else to do something against his or
her will. The collective has no more power than the individual. And
everyone has the freedom to do as they please as long as it's not harming
anyone or anything else (owned or controlled by someone else). It's quite
simple: No damage, no crime.
Once a government is established, it may create additional legislation
that further regulates any or all activities within that Seat of government
within the limitations set forth in the written framework. But it must be
clear that none of that "legislation", in any way, affects any of the
Sovereigns - either individually or collectively. The only way a Sovereign
can be affected by a government-created piece of legislation is if that
Sovereign, upon proper and full disclosure, knowingly and willingly enters
into a contract with that entity - such as an elected officer or staff member,
employee, etc.
It becomes very apparent that somewhere along the line We the
People, have succumbed to the status of servant to the corporate
government where the government makes many statutes which we must
obey or be penalized.
However, in reality, the People as the Collective Sovereignty, are the
true de jur de gratia (of lawful natural right and just title) Government, and
they are the only ones who make the Law. And that Law applies to
Sovereigns in their everyday life. It is not de facto (illusionary) legislative
statutes and it is not de facto (illusionary) corporate-made statutes.
Common Law may be amended or extended by the People Collectively,
using an agreed method of their choice, or by the People's Juries in
legitimate Courts of Law; but neither a judge nor any other government
official may amend or add to the Common Law. The People, collectively,
or the People's juries may thus negate any "legislation" that the
government created under false illusion because they, the People, are the
Masters of that government.

I was once asked, "Why is there so much crime?" I responded by
quoting a fairly popular phrase: "Monkey see, monkey do." When we live
in a TV opera entertainment environment where many things are imposed
upon us, we can quite easily get the impression that we can impose things
on others. Let's face the truth, we all have done our part, in one way or the
other (either consciously or unconsciously), to create the current
environment in which we live. It's up to us to consciously create a
different environment if we choose to do so - together.
We live in an environment in which elected government officials
have been allowed to create endless people and culture-control statutes and
impose them upon us - something like the endlessly expanding number of
galaxies. At this rate, one can only imagine that, at some point in the
future there will be a bureaucratically created statute for virtually
everything we do - if that is not the case already. We won't be able to go
right, left, up, or down without violating some statute. And we'll have to
pay the price through imprisonment or fines. And, they say, ignorance of
the "law" is no excuse - but there's a big difference between the "Law" and
statutes. And no one can ignore that which they do not know.
Facing that type of "illusionary complexity" that now confronts us,
there's no wonder why most of us would say: "I don't understand all of this,
so I'll leave it up to those who do understand it." Or: "I'm not a lawyer."
Both of which are actually the admission of functional illiteracy. That's
why politicians don't even read the bills anymore, let alone proof their own
bills which have been prepared by private interest lobbyists and
corporations for enumerated private purposes, called "pork". They, too,
are products of the same schools we attended. Politicians just go along to
get along with the illusion, without considering the prospect they too will
sooner or later find themselves victim of their own hand. That's the name
of the game.
The sad truth, unfortunately, is that it's too complex for anyone to
understand. This will change once the People have been disclosed
trustworthy and easy to understand facts - which is the purpose of this
But, if there's basically only one law, it would be quite easy for
everyone to understand. And that law states: "No one can impose anything
on anyone else." If one were to think about the "rights" to which a
Sovereign is entitled, one would first have to understand that a "Sovereign"
is all powerful in and of him or herself and has absolutely no need to issue
him or herself any 'rights'. When individual Sovereigns come together to
form a government that is "Republican in Form', all individual Sovereigns
accept a 'seat' in government; and the 'seat' is created by the Collective
Sovereignty by declaration. And remember the seats are permanent, but
the occupant is temporary. Therefore, in the realm of government that is
'Republican in Form' we could have a seat called 'mayor of the shire',
president of the Nation', or one of the 'governed' - yes, 'the governed' is a
seat. And it's the responsibility of the Collective Sovereignty to declare
rights and limitations to those seats of government (for when a 'Sovereign'
is sitting and acting in one of them). Remember a government that is
"Republican in Form" is both plenary in nature and has checks and
balances both ways like alternating current - not direct current (one way)
like a dictatorship. 'Rights' in seats of government, of which one is 'the
governed', are whatever the "Collective Sovereignty" provides. It's like a
basket of rights that the Collective Sovereignty feels is needed to protect
the Sovereign while sitting in a specific seat of government during the
operation of government (when one is actually involved in duties of
government) - and there is no need to prioritize them. They could include
things such as the right to live and be healthy, the right to think freely, and
the right to educate one's self in a manner one chooses (as is declared by
someone who feels very strongly about these rights on
I hope this explanation makes it clearer as to the significantly
different meaning and station between 'the governed' in the corporate form
and 'the governed' in a 'Republican Form' of government.
I know the shift from thinking like a subject to thinking like a
Sovereign may be difficult, but so is learning how to play the piano.
It's pretty basic: The actual exercise of Common Law boils down to
re-establishing local customs concerning potential breaches of the "no
imposing" law. There's always just one simple question: "Was damage
done or not?" If damage was done, the Collective Sovereignty may wish
to create a set of suggestions as per the best possible preventable solutions.
But these are local laws - they are commonly accepted solutions to
situations where one Sovereign damages another Sovereign. These
instances are not the Primary Laws of the National Will of the People. The
Collective Sovereignty may assemble at any time to establish local custom
concerning what type of response would be appropriate for any particular
crime. For example, if someone murdered someone else, he or she may be
condemned to life in prison. However, the jury is the ultimate check and
balance, in the event self defense might enter into the question, for
If you're following me and understanding what I've been saying up to
this point, great. But there's one more thing that's required to make it all
work: Full transparency at what some people would refer to as the "Soul
level" - or "heart level". What that means is that we can be fully honest
and open with each other - no holding our cards close to our chest so-to-
speak. We can't be afraid or ashamed to be exactly and fully who we are.
Again, life is too short. We need to be who we are or we waste our entire
lives hiding ourselves and trying to be who we aren't. This is the final step
in the Gathering process. Are we up to it? This is the last ingredient
discussed in chapter 6: "Philosopher's Stone".
We're now facing an almost total melt-down of our Sovereign rights
and Common Law and the inevitable collapse of the debt balloon that was
created by a corrupt monetary system where the amount of interest
compounds at an exponential rate (impossible to ever repay) compared to
the debt that only expands at a linear rate. In order to be safe we need to
create a new Republican system from the bottom up, and we need to start
now. And once properly done, no doubt the monetary problem for par
value will also be resolved.
One of my close colleagues told me this is too easy to be true. He
said that he can think of one example that will disprove the simple theory
of "One cannot impose his or her will on anyone else". For an example he
stated the need to impose traffic rules so that people would have to be
forced to drive on one side of the road or the other depending on which
direction they were heading.
My response was to acknowledge that he was thinking like a subject
and not a Sovereign - just as he has been trained to think all of his life.
We're constantly bombarded with things to fear by a designing control-
happy few in hopes that we will agree that more "statutory regulations" are
needed to keep us in line.
I explained that if we all thought as Sovereigns, and we wanted to
build a road, we would think "Honor amongst Sovereigns", and then apply
common sense as to how to use it safely to everyone's obvious advantage;
and not how we could further subject ourselves to more statutes and traffic
police (tax collectors). We would come together and intelligently discuss
how the road was to be built. We would agree that it could be prudent to
build the road in such a way that would allow traffic to move in two
opposite directions to prevent injury to body or machine. Would you pay a
contractor for a house without a door? Remember, you are paying that
contractor for that road, no different than that house. This would be a
collective decision, also called the exercise of common sense, among equal
Sovereigns - all who answered the call to participate in the project. This is
also referred to as establishing local custom. After the road was built it
was also decided to issue a public statement about how the road was built
and that all Sovereigns are advised to follow the agreed direction of traffic
signs that were already included in the public road project contract (no
rules or additional laws necessary).
If another Sovereign decided, for whatever reason, to move in the
opposite direction than thus recommended by those signs, no one would be
preventing him or her from doing so. And some do, with an unfortunate
arrival. However, the basic premise still applies: "One cannot impose his
or her will on anyone else." Therefore, if some people were driving in the
opposite direction to the majority who were respecting the road signs, and
therefore local custom, and they were to run into another machine or
individual, they would be "imposing" their will on another. They will have
created "damage" - and damage equals a crime.
When I was a child my mother turned the wrong way down a one-
way street in the middle of New York City. I'll never forget it - it was a
hair-raising experience. But my mother kept her cool after immediately
acknowledging her error, and she carefully maneuvered the car to the first
cross street and re-entered the realm of "normal driving" as the street signs
suggested. This could have been done by accident or on purpose. But in
either case, the burden is upon the one going against the natural flow to do
so safely. She didn't need the additional hassle of being temporarily
arrested, issued fines and forced to attend court appearances where no
damage occurred. Even if someone or something was damaged, the issue
would be totally resolved between the Common Law Court and the
insurance companies - and there would still be no need for further
harassment from statute enforcers.
Then there was the time when I was attending university classes.
Thousands of students living around the campus flowed into the campus
like herds of cattle every morning. The cross-walks in the roads were
inundated with pedestrian traffic that was unrelenting and constant for
quite some time.
I was in a car facing one of these cross-walks, and I, too, had a class
schedule to meet. I decided to very carefully merge forward, inch by inch,
through the moving crowds of people. At first they were in front of the
car, then they were in front and behind the car (flowing like water around
me), and then they were just behind the car - and then I was through.
A police officer witnessed this maneuver, pulled me over and issued
me a traffic violation ticket (a summons) for failure to give way to
pedestrians in a crosswalk (even though no one was damaged).
In court I presented my case to the judge. I said that I understood the
typical "letter of the law" restrictions that apply to cross walks, but one has
to use common sense in extraordinary circumstances - as well as
recognizing the "spirit of the law". I said that the roads were built for the
primary purpose of moving motor cars from one point to another.
Pedestrian walks were put into place to allow pedestrians the courtesy of
safe passage across the roads while warning them of the potential hazard -
to even include amber flashing lights in many such high-traffic conditions.
However, when the pedestrians, through no fault of their own, dominate a
cross walk for long periods of time, they're inadvertently imposing their
will on the drivers of the vehicles who are simply trying to navigate the
roads - ultimately holding the driver hostage. By moving forward inch by
inch, making sure no damage was done to anyone, I assured my right to
forward progress on the road in a safe and responsible manner. Hence, I
moved that the court dismiss the action against me.
The judge agreed with me and dismissed the case. This is another
example of two people, me and the judge, thinking like Sovereigns and the
police officer thinking like a subject - as, I guess, he's paid to do. One
would certainly think that if that policeman was sitting there that close by,
and saw the traffic problem, and doing the job we pay him to do, he would
have been there in that busy intersection directing traffic to prevent a
traffic jam, instead of just sitting back to get some more revenue.
Upon the completion of my court response, my colleague simply
said, "I'm sold".
By the way, you can tell whether someone thinks like a Sovereign or
a subject the very first time you meet them. The subject will ask you what
you do. The Sovereign will ask you to identify and explain your passion.
It only took 56 men to sign the American Declaration of
Independence in 1776. But all those men arrived at the signing after
having been strongly influenced by their wives and/or mothers - this is
evident upon its reading and related research. How many people in your
country with the same passion for freedom, independence and Sovereignty,
with a strong moral base, can and will sign a new Declaration of
Independence? Can we surpass the level of 56 participants this time?
Make no mistake: a new government cannot be created unless those
who are forming it can authentically prove that they have separated
themselves from their prior master/King. They also must, without any
doubt, have collectively and formally declared to be free and independent -
with the self-proclaimed authority to create such a government. Maybe a
read of the proposed "Declaration of Independence for the People of
Australia" on www.upworldgov.org would be a good start - or a look at
how one American group is reacting to the information contained in this
book: www.beam.to/american_group.
Other groups worth looking at are: the Earth Council Embassy at
www.EC2012.org; Robyn Harrison's Living Systems at
www.livingsystems.com.au; and Donnie Maclurcan's Project Australia at
The starting point is determining the identity of the "Sovereignty".
There is no doubt that it takes the awakening of the Collective Sovereignty
to usher in a Republican Form and Style of government.
Rather than writing reams about Collective Sovereignty, I think it's
best to just list a few quotes from people for whom I feel you may have
some respect.

Quotes on Collective Sovereignty:

"There is no earthly power higher than the collective sovereignty of those

individuals whose consent empowers government." CALIFORNIA
LEGISLATURE-2001-02 House Resolution No. 23

"We have entered a time period where individual and collective

sovereignty holds the highest priority amongst all things." Indigo Star

"If individuals do not occupy their legitimate position, then it will be

occupied by a god or a king or a coalition of interest groups. If citizens do
not exercise the powers conferred by their legitimacy, others will do so."
John Ralston Saul Unconscious Civilization

"I shall perform (my duties as president), so far as practicable, unless my

rightful masters, the American people, shall withhold the requisite means,
or, in some authoritative manner, direct the contrary." Abraham Lincoln

"The truth is that the supreme absolute and uncontrollable authority

remains with the people." Commentaries on the Constitution of the
Commonwealth of Australia (Quick and Garran 1901).

A couple quotes from May Parker Follett in her book 'The New State'
Chapter XXIX: www.beam.to/people_authority or
(http://www.sparknotes.com/philosophy/rousseau/themes.html) and

It is essential to understand that we are entering, for the first time in

history, a period where the People can truly have their own exclusive
Common Law. Prior to this time, the so-called common law was actually
an oxymoron: always under a king or an oligarchy playing the part of a
king in a parliamentary type democracy. This is why the People always
needed a "Bill of Rights" - to protect themselves from the King or
oligarchy. Once this is understood, it becomes obviously silly when the
People, fully established as the Collective Sovereignty, demand a Bill of
Rights - since a so-called Bill of Rights would only be protecting
themselves from themselves. A Sovereign needs no bill of rights to protect
himself from himself.
To wrap up, I'll give a plug for the Internet.
"In short, the Internet is like David taking a shot to the 3rd eye of the
power elite Goliath (and Congress lackeys) who value scarcity through
monopoly controls within mainstream media, medical, management and
marketing institutions that have been bought off by the perks of prestige,
profit and power-to-control above all. This Goliath feels extremely
threatened by the freedom and opportunity on the Net that 'levels the
playing field' and challenges the old money-is-power rules that have
usurped, co-opted or otherwise subverted our individual and collective
sovereignty in order to keep self-governing accountability FROM the
people rather than 'of, by and for the people'..." Christopher Rudy in
'Culture Clash and Paradigm Paralysis' (see:
Chapter 3, the Solution, includes how a community can initiate this
very important process by asking themselves questions that have never
been asked before.
If you'd like to discover more about Collective Sovereignty, go to
www.willofthepeopleproject.net and find C.S. Links in the navigation bar.
You may also read the Global Call for Collaboration in the "Want to
Help?" area of the navigation bar on www.upworldgov.org.

C. Race

It was recently brought to my attention that the autopsy report of my

deceased son-in-law identified him as a "pigmented male". It wasn't
Negro, Black or African - only pigmented. I guess from a purely
scientific/forensic perspective there would be various degrees of
pigmentation: non-pigmented, very lightly pigmented, lightly pigmented,
pigmented, strongly pigmented and very strongly pigmented.
A coroner has no option but to make a report and include all the
pertinent observations made during the autopsy. The coroner is not
interested in making any judgments about race; he or she is only stating the
obvious: identifying skin color.
Any one of us can do no differently. We can't be color blind. We do
not have to be afraid or ashamed to identify the obvious. Many of us have
different skin colors and pigmentations, and are of inter-mixed bloodlines;
which, incidentally, pertained to approximately two-thirds of the American
born framers, to even include George Washington.
Then just take some time to grab a good dictionary in which its word
authorities extend from the original Latin, and look up the definition of the
term "race".
What we must recognize is that for whatever the reasons, we have
become conditioned over the centuries to become very race sensitive,
which is actually an illusionary term. We have also been conditioned to
sense the need to separate the races - because, I guess, some were supposed
to be superior to someone else. If we continue to think like subjects, we'll

continue to do what we're instructed to do by our "perceived illusionary
Modern research, especially through the Genome Project, has
basically identified all of us as having the exact same genetic links more or
less - originating from Africa, and Southern Europe and Asia, or possibly
even visa versa. We're just experiencing the very beginnings of a huge
family reunion as we all come together and celebrate the knowledge of our
origins and the many pathways our ancestors took to reach our current
global reality.
Let's not ridicule each other for our minor differences - let's celebrate
Here we are faced with the same dilemma, regardless of who we are,
what we look like, what our skin colors are, as we are facing in many other
issues. We're either going to choose to be divided and be condemned to
eternally spin in our own separate tornadoes, to the benefit of the clever
few, or we're going to focus dialog on solutions and unite.
I guess one could look at skin color in the same way as church or
political parties. There may be a reason we all like to assemble together
due to our similarities in beliefs, colors, political views, etc. But if we, in
all these things, remember that we're each a Sovereign and we have Honor
amongst Sovereigns, our religion, political party or skin color really don't
matter - do they?
Either Honor amongst Sovereigns or all slaves under the Corporate
Oligarchy - it's our individual choice.

D. Money

Please allow me to start this section by stating that my 'solution'

to the money issue is to encourage all of us to start thinking like
Sovereigns - and prepare ourselves to come up with the actual
'solution' together. I think it's very important to get ourselves onto the
same frequency so-to-speak and make sure we're all using the same
definitions for the terms we are using. All of the following is my
attempt to get that Sovereign thought process stimulated.
Money is a big issue - there's no doubt about it. It is an important
tool that facilitates all trades and all life in the modern World serving as a
uniform stable base medium of par value exchange for all goods and
services over an indefinite period of time.
Indeed, the world economic "money" problem has gotten so bad that
it's like being at the bottom of a huge water fall, caught 10 meters deep in a
whirlpool with no chance of coming up for a breath of air. And it has
divided us for many years due to our inability to focus, but we can no
longer afford the luxury of sporting about amongst our differences. As
was suggested at the beginning of Chapter 2, it's very important that we all
get on the same page with the money issue.
And we can't afford to spend a moment longer in the most popular
sport in the money issue up to this time: a witch hunt chasing after any
number of people or organizations that we feel created the problem in the
first place. I think that it's about time that we start focusing a lot more on
solution, because the water has already gone under the bridge so-to-speak.
Understanding the cause and how to best correct it to prevent such a
potential catastrophe from happening again, appears more sensible and
At the same time I have to admit that I respect everyone's efforts to
bring forth knowledge of past events. That's what helped educate me and
many others. So, where there will be many others who will want to be
educated in the same way, someone has to provide them with the
information they want. But people who persist on consuming their, or
anyone else's, precious time on focusing only on blaming someone or
something for our current financial predicament, and don't share the
specific direction for solution, are the purveyors of division. I think it's
best to simply accept the fact that, for whatever reasons or circumstances,
we all got ourselves into this problem by not paying attention and we can
all get ourselves out of it - in any way that suits our particular individual
and collective needs and customs. We all, however, must keep our focus
on arriving at a solid and dependable solution for one and all.
As we begin to focus as Sovereigns, I think it's appropriate to share a
quote that I came across not too long ago:

"For the study of political economy you need no special knowledge, no

extensive library, no costly laboratory. You do not even need text-books
nor teachers, if you will but think for yourselves." - Henry George
American economist (1839-97)

Before we start "thinking", however, it's important to clearly identify

ourselves, as previously discussed, and therefore our frame of mind from
which we'll be thinking. In other words, we can either think as a subject -
looking for a hand-out for the rest of the slaves, or we can think like a
Sovereign - looking to give a hand up to ourselves and other Sovereigns.
And since it's the Sovereign's responsibility to create a definitive, fair,
explicitly defined, transparent and honest money system that's based upon
the common-wealth of the People, we'd better be certain we're thinking
like a Sovereign and acting like one.
The benefits of such a system are many - including, but not limited
to: elimination of inflation, usury and security of savings in perpetuity. All
of the People having access to the common wealth of the land, because
they are the commonwealth of their efforts upon the land, and in this
natural respect, the People control the value of the par value money versus
the private banks controlling the value of their private paper money of no
actual par value. And most importantly, once this problem is finally and
properly resolved, the People shall enjoy an all inclusive freedom and
prosperity rather than the vast majority of them suffering slavery and
poverty while a super rich rule over them.
In order to prepare ourselves to think like a Sovereign, we need to
understand that, as a Sovereign, we have no limits of thought and
individual achievement. Anything is possible, and whatever we envision
together, we can make a reality together. The Will of the People can make
it happen, and that means you.
Before I continue I'd like to make a statement that I know not many
people have heard, but this is a good time to say it. Not surprisingly, most
corporate-trained economists will tell you that the single element that
makes a currency work is to make its use a requirement for the payment of
taxes imposed by the government. How does "imposed currency and
imposed taxes" make you feel when you're consciously wearing your
Sovereign thinking cap? One can start seeing how a lawful currency can
truly assist the legitimate Sovereignty.
I'm not going to take advantage of this platform to introduce a
potential new money supply - although I could suggest that we all
collaborate on this subject on www.upworldgov.org. At this time I only
want to assist in getting the Sovereign thought process up and going again.
With that said, it's probably a good idea to look a bit back into
history and see some examples of what various "Sovereigns" decisions
were concerning the creation of a money supply, and related mistakes. At
one point Kings and Queens decided to use gold as a money supply. The
armies of the various kingdoms then savagely terrorized all other countries
throughout the world as they attempted to steal all their gold.
Many people seem to think that all we need to do to stabilize our
money system is to return to the gold and silver standard. As the
Collective Sovereigns today, we need to take a good look at gold before
we jump onto the "gold" bandwagon to see if it's is a good idea to
perpetuate the "gold standard" for our money supply in the future.
As of 2009, the total gold mined in all history is 161,000 tons, and at
the current Federal Reserve Note value (US$911 per ounce on 6 February
2009) that is US$4.6 trillion. This amount of gold can probably fit into two
Olympic-sized swimming pools (National Geographic January 2009 page
52). The total US M3 money supply in circulation (U.S. currency in
foreign countries) is US$16 trillion. And the total M1 money supply (U.S.
currency within the United States) is $8 trillion.

In clearer terms, as of 6 February 2009 there was a sub-total of $24
trillion Federal Reserve Notes in circulation around the world with only
US$4.6 trillion worth of presumed gold reserve at current value to back it.
These figures do not take into consideration the total amount of all
other national currencies throughout the world - that may or may not
consider their currencies to be backed by the same gold reserve. It also
does not take into consideration that the United States does not have
possession of the total reserves of all gold that currently exists in the
Many people have a low opinion of Richard Nixon for various
reasons, but with the knowledge above, his taking the Federal Reserve
Note off the gold standard in 1971 should most likely not be one of them.
What other choice could Nixon, or anyone else in his position, make while
knowing these facts. To continue claiming to back a currency with gold
that does not exist is fraud.
Nixon could possibly be condemned for the decision for two other
reasons, but then only in part.
One is that he was not totally transparent with the American People
by sharing this same information, and he did not have a transparent and
honest money system ready to replace the fraudulent one, which can also
be blamed on the American congress as well.
However, one also needs to take into consideration that at the same
time, Nixon was also hamstrung by the fact of the questionable 14th
Amendment, and that the Constitutional lawful money is gold and silver
coin and NOT private Federal Reserve Notes, which are not only
backfiring in America, but also the rest of the World.
When we're designing new money systems, while having been
imprinted with the "gold standard", let's be prepared to think outside the
box and be honest and innovative.
When the People recognize that they have the Sovereign authority to
create and issue a par value money, and they collectively decide to exercise
that authority, the first question is "What form of money shall we choose?"
And a second equally important question is: "What standard can we base
the value of the money upon for a uniform par value stability for future
generations?" We know that the basic foundational issue with money is
one's faith or trust in its value, which has proved to be a manifest
embarrassment, and its ability to be easily exchanged for goods and
services on a permanent par value, but convenient to carry. We also know
that people in the past have successfully placed their faith and trust in
various representations of money such as: branded cow hide, meat, milk,
eggs, grain, lumber, oil, shells, yams, cows, rum, gold, silver, other
precious metals, gems, paper notes, and of course land; and the more
recent electronic book entries that are accessible via more usurious plastic
cards. It can be virtually anything - the People simply need to choose one
and go to the next step of circulating the selected exchange currency
without usury and then using it, even if it be temporary. It should be a
matter of simple common sense.
When thinking about what constitutes a "constant value", it's
important to enter into the equation the possible influence of "changing
To give you an idea about what I mean by "changing conditions", I'll
give you an example. In the case of gold or seashells, there's an obvious
potential for their amounts in the system to increase faster than population
growth; therefore, as the reserves increase, there must be a built-in
provision that maintains a constant coinage value, or par value, while at the
same time ensuring sufficient money circulation supply for the public. As
more seas shells are being harvested from the ocean and more gold
extracted from the Earth (or maybe other planets in the future) the reserves
have the potential of becoming so large, that their value drastically
declines; and we all have seen that happen.
So, if we have a currency that's based upon gold or sea shells, how
do we adjust the system when these increases are made? Whether you use
the seas shells or gold directly, or you convert them to some paper
currency, there's still the reality of an increasing money supply where there
may not be any increase in available products or services. This is the fuel
for inflation. Without getting into specific economic remedies, I think this
is enough to stimulate the Sovereign thinking mind.
We all must agree to the value on which the currency is based. Just
to keep the thought process going, let's think about the average length of
time (labor) it takes someone, using the same technology, to make a cup of
cappuccino - just as an example. Once we have that value (or a par
equivalent), we can determine how much any unit may relate to that
established set value - even a unit of an electronic entry i.e. $2.50 dollars,
pounds, rupees, etc. And it doesn't matter how many years or centuries go
by, it will always take the same amount of time to make a cappuccino - on
the average.
Regardless as to what value we select as a medium of public
exchange, it must be understood that the value will never change over time.
It's a constant. It can't be tampered with. It can't alternate between various
higher or lower values and traded in the Future's Market as with other
unstable mediums.
The door is open, however, for those who wish to create a parallel
system. It's sort of an all encompassing pilot program invite that will
demonstrate the possibility of moving beyond the existing constraints of
the unstable global fractional private monetary system; which in reality is
actually backed by nothing other than our lives and those of our children.
This step on the ladder of development is already under way, with
many people working on the development of potential new approaches,
while observing our mistakes and failures of the past, so that we do not
repeat them. A growing number of people around the world are in the
process of creating an initial template of a specific and complete formula
for local, national and global Republican State application. When finished
and accepted by the Will of the People, it will be required that these
formulas are strictly followed. These proposed systems will specifically
determine how they will work within an ethos centered upon the common
will of all Mankind - not just the private elite few.
While considering a new monetary system, it may be a very good
idea to keep in mind that if it is set up properly, on the basis of the true
Commonwealth of the People, many believe that no taxes of any kind
would be required. If so, it will be free from the concept of taxes in its
entirety. Once upon a time in America that was the case, but then instead
of "counties" there were "parishes". How were the parish improvements
funded? What a simple answer: it was called "passing the collection plate"
- sometimes shaped like a hat that earned the popular name "passing the
hat". Everyone, regardless of their physical or mental state of health will
enjoy a standard of living that is the birth-right of every man and woman.
And everyone who is willing and able to be productive may engage in any
type of work they wish without being penalized or taxed for it. Their
homes and farms are their castles, and their homesteads therefore should
not be seized for debt; as in the case of any other Sovereign.
The cost of government function becomes the financial responsibility
of us all equally. If we, as a collective Sovereign body, create money for
government function, we knowingly and voluntarily agree that we all share
the liability of creating that money. The law of Mathematics, where both
sides of the equation must be equal, will apply. In order to see the liability
that exists by the creation of money for government function, I, and many
others, will look forward to the examples provided by certain members of
the Collective Sovereignty on the money issue on the
www.upworldgov.org site.
Just to make sure this is not interpreted as an outrageous statement, I
wish to make the current concept of taxes very clear. The U.S. presidential
'Grace Commission' of 1984 found that not one nickel of all income taxes
collected is used for the payment of public services - it is all paid to the
Federal Reserve Bank as interest payments on the debt.
For decades the American People have been waking up to the
Federal Reserve Bank Fraud. They have been asking the Internal Revenue
Service, either directly or via the courts, to specifically name the law
(within the massive and extremely complex IRS Code) that requires an

average American to pay income taxes. To this day the IRS has never
Not too long ago someone offered a $50,000 reward for anyone who
could find the law. Many attempted to find the law, even some IRS agents,
but to this day no one has found the law, and no one claimed the $50,000.
The courts have said that American citizens do have the
constitutional right to petition the government for a redress of grievances,
but it further stated that the government has no obligation to respond. My
question, along with millions of others, is: "Why would any nation subject
itself to paying interest on loans from a private bank when it has the full
authority to create its own money through its own national bank interest
Once this initial template is created it can be submitted to the
"Economic Remedies Prescribed by the People" issue on the United People
site (www.upworldgov.org). Then everyone will have an opportunity to
join forces to perfect it. Don't be bashful - join in.
Also keep in mind that whatever system is created by the People, it
cannot be implemented until appropriate privacy and security technology is
in place - a level of which is currently not available at this time.

Part 3: Organize

In order to be brief but clear, I'm going to present you with four short
sections - each being part of the organization process. In the first section
'A' I'll first present an introduction to the story of the ordinary man's
struggle for power. Then I'm going to present some very important
historical facts. These historical facts can actually be the backbone of this
entire book. I will then finish section 'A' with a real-life modern-day
example of how these historical facts connect with us in the here and now.
At this point I invite you to shift from a 'read' mode to a 'study and absorb'
mode. I can't think of any other way to convey the extreme importance of
this section.
Before I proceed, I feel that I need to share an experience with you
that will hopefully provide you with a better understanding and
appreciation of this section. A colleague of mine, after reading a previous
version of my manuscript, said he was confused about this section. He
didn't understand why the title includes the word "World" but most of the
content is about American History. He added that he was not an
American, he was not interested in American History, he was not
impressed by the mess caused by America, and he felt that 95% of the
readers of the book (most likely from other countries) would be offended.

Upon reading this, I knew that I failed to properly communicate what
I was trying to say. Therefore, I went back to the drawing board and tried
my best to clarify the significance of this section from a "World"
perspective. The bottom line is that America had actually developed the
only model of government known to the World (at that time or since) that
totally separated itself from the corporate forms and styles of government
that preceded it. That's what created the "Land of Liberty" that the World
envied and to which many were drawn. I believe it's absolutely essential
that everyone in the World understands that there is no other model from
which to work. It's that simple. And if the People of the World are
looking for the same Liberty and Freedom from tyranny that the early
American Founding Fathers were seeking, there has got to be a firm
understanding of what they actually created and how they lost it in only 38
years. I don't think we have to re-invent the wheel, so-to-speak, for we
simply don't have the time. If we all fail to understand what's being said in
this section, from a World perspective, I, personally, feel that we will have
lost all hope.

A. The Republican State of the World

The Story of "The Ordinary Man's" Struggle for Power

I'm writing this as a condensed version of historical materials that

have been accumulated and passed hand-to-hand by various Documentary
Historians over several generations (some still preferring to remain
anonymous). So I, personally, take no credit for it at all. I only pass on the
baton. The original materials are written in a more complex legalese
vocabulary and style and they cover the formulative events occurring in
America during the years 1774 and 1812.
This is a critical period of history - a record of which most of us have
never seen before (even Americans). Without a clear grasp of what is
contained in this section, we remain lost in our individual and collective
tornadoes, our total confusion, and our various choices for amusement.
For those who like a challenge and wish to go to the more-lengthy
and advanced documents from which this segment was derived, you may
go to: www.tinyurl.com/kuljfy.
What you are about to read is extremely important for all of us to
know and understand. Although it's one of America's segments of history,
you will see how critical it is for all of us to understand what happened and
how we can use that knowledge to succeed in our own communities where
those before us have failed.
Ironically as it might sound, it's our good fortune that it has become
virtually impossible not to see clearly how many things are being
manipulated around us today - against the common good and the Will of
the People. It's only due to this new insight that we can now, for the first
time, see, understand and acknowledge how things were manipulated many
years ago - even though the technology was less advanced and then how
these clever criminal manipulations systematically and gradually advanced
upon a docile and unsuspecting nation of people, generation to generation,
to finally engulf them.
I wanted to come up with just a few words that would hopefully
provide you with a key to make perfect sense out of this and for it to come
to life for you. After giving this much thought, the best thing I can do is to
make sure that you understand that there were two separate governmental
bodies doing two completely different things simultaneously during the
formation stages of the American government; and that, in a manner of
speaking, still exists today. One involved the two emergency Conventions
(1776 and 1787) of the American Continental Republican Congress
Colonial deputies of Philadelphia; and the other was the Confederate
Congress and its University Publishing House Company representatives of
New York, often referred to as "The Royal Company", and they were
totally opposed to each other in what form and style of government they
were supporting; the latter actually driven underground several times in
American History.
It really doesn't come to mind unless you sit down and think about it,
but the sugar-coated American History, as it's written and taught in the
University-controlled public school system, just doesn't make sense. At
the time of the Declaration of Independence, there were two realities - not
just one. Yes, there were many Christian farmers who were instrumental
in standing up for the rights of the common man, but there were also
multitudes of loyal British Agents and subjects living in what is known as
America. Surely we can't continue to be so naive to believe that all of
these British loyalists were sitting in the peanut gallery cheering on the
minority of American farming colonists who were fighting desperately for
their independence. There was, in fact, a substantial force 'behind enemy
lines' within the American colonies that remained loyal to the British
Crown and European Royal Family. And they weren't sitting idly by doing
nothing. A major sophisticated post-Revolutionary War, pro-British force,
that was already an entrenched bureaucracy (mainly consisting of
attorneys), instantly materialized following the famous July 4, 1776
Unanimous Declaration of the United Colonies, to launch an effort to
regain cultural control of the colonies for the King, known as "Articles of
Confederation", and more importantly, to undermine and suppress the idea
of a natural Republican Form and Style of government from spreading to
the minds of people throughout the rest of the world, threatening the end of
Royal Dynasties everywhere.
In other words, the American Revolution began in the minds of the
American people long before a shot was fired at Lexington, and then the
bloody revolutionary war which the British lost, was then cleverly
transformed into a cloak and dagger war of academics between a rag-tag
revolutionary force of colonists and citizens, and a very well-trained
sophisticated force of the King, with the underground Confederate
Congress and its notorious University Publishing House Company of New
York "federal agents", calling themselves "The United States", individually
and collectively, in the background supporting the King and Royal Family
to maintain the confusion among the Colonies and individual colonists -
which continues to the present.
One was the winner and it will be a surprise to most Americans, and
others, as to who were the losers. This may sound basic to you now, but
it's something most people, especially Americans have never known. I can
almost guarantee that if you keep the identity of the two different players
in mind as you read on you will have a clear understanding of what's really
happened, and is still happening today, and you will learn something that
you most probably will never forget.
Once the British King, through his agents, had cleverly converted the
American government of the People into a corporation, he crafted an
illusion of continued American independence that literally hundreds of
millions of people still believe and celebrate. The actual American
Declaration of Independence of 1776 was real - as well as the original
Perfected National Declaration of American Republican government as it
emerged from the second Continental Convention (it's important to know
this as you will soon see), but within 38 years (1774 to 1812) the King and
his agents had successfully re-subjugated the American People under the
King. The Congress in Philadelphia had created a government that was
truly of, by, to, for and from the People - and the only way to do that was
through a Declaration from the People (consistent with the declarative
form of the Declaration of Independence); this was commonly known as a
government that is "Republican in form and in style" (I'll explain this in
detail shortly). The Congress in New York was preparing to convert the
organic Republican government of the People into a "democratic/republic
corporation" under the King - and the only way to do that was through a
charter - also known as a constitution; this was commonly known as a
Republic or a Democracy corporate. I'll also make very clear the
significant difference between a government that is Republican in form and
style and a corporate Democracy/Republic. And I will end with giving a
very recent example of the significant difference between the two styles
and forms of government.
But for now, I'll just explain briefly that a Declaration starts out with
"Be it enacted by We the People (part of the enacting clause that identifies
the individual(s) making the declaration and his/her/their sovereign
authority in its singular purpose, and an integral part of the statute) Declare
as follows:" This enacting clause may be followed by one or more
paragraphs starting with "That..". A declaration is also sometimes referred
to as a single statute, where a constitution (corporate charter) is made up of
multiple enumerated statutes for numerous purposes - following a simple
preamble that is not an integral part of a statute, but which merely outlines
the charter content. Additionally, a Corporate charter, another name for a
"constitution", starts with a preamble (introduction) and is followed by
many numbered and/or lettered statutes for different purposes, called
"articles, sections or sub-sections". This may seem minor to some, at first
glance, but it truly is the difference between freedom and slavery for an
entire nation of people, once uniformly understood. This framework is the
basis of the style (stile) - meaning whether or not "corporate" in operation.
It's sometimes amazing what can be done in such little time if one is
focused and organized - and generously financed. Are you beginning to
understand why you've never been taught the significance of style and
form in government before? A public possessed of uniform knowledge is
impossible to enslave.
Jumping ahead just a bit, in 1917 U.S. President Woodrow Wilson,
as a reason for entering World War One, made the public declaration that
he wanted to make the world safe for democracy. I'm happy he made this
statement because this "democracy" he spoke about has had enough time to
develop an extensive track record. And I believe it's time that we take a
very honest and clear look at that record of "democracy" to help us now
firmly understand what it is and how it differs from a government that is
of, by, to, for and from the People (the Republican State).
It wasn't too long ago that I saw a Swedish film: "As it is in Heaven."
It was a very inspiring and moving film that could have very easily been
used as a metaphor for bringing people together onto the same frequency
on a political level. The power of multitudes of people singing the same
note (just one note) is breath-taking. This is where all of us have the
opportunity to harness the energy of our collective tornado. I believe that
the focus on, and clear understanding of, our specific preferred structure of
government has got to be where we all start off together.
You are going to be introduced to how the so-called "Manly
Democracies" of the world are merely a very small handful of wealthy
aristocrats hiding under the façade of their corporate charters that attempt
to conceal the fact that the People have been placed into their care as
simple property "for their own common good". It's absolutely amazing to
see what corporations have turned into and what they have done; especially
since they were considered as a felony against the Republican States of the
American Colonies; and they were actually held at bay until the last of the
founding framers died off. It wasn't too many generations ago that a
government would only issue a license for a corporation to exist for a
specific purpose and for a specific time. In fact, no man, nor set of men, in
America actually have the power of "license" even today. And the main
requirement for the limited existence of a corporation was that its existence
and purpose must have been for the Common Good of the Public such as
naturally occurs when people congregate in towns and cities. Unchecked
politicians succumbed to the financial gifts of the corporate world, and the
"common Good" restrictions were lifted - never to return.
However, all of us need to understand that what the corporations
(private or public) have done does not erase the fact that the essence of
one's desire to achieve the highest levels of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness is still, to a very large degree, retained by the majority of the
People in their minds and in their hearts. It's now just a matter of brushing
up on our knowledge, and connecting the dots, then getting our collective
thoughts down on paper, so-to-speak, in order to see very clearly the full
solution. And once understood it becomes equally well apparent that
competitive industry anywhere does not need to be "licensed" or
After learning from the American experience, nations around the
world will hopefully re-evaluate their future preference for their choice of
I hope you'll agree: This is the way to organize.
Now I'm going to get into some details that, when understood, will
tune us all into the same frequency. If you've never had a legitimate lesson
on "Style and Form" of government before, this will be your first, and one
you will most likely not forget.

1. What was the Congress in Philadelphia doing?

The Congress in Philadelphia was introducing what is now known as

the great American Republican Experiment. They were attempting to
create a new, untried, but often thought of style of natural Republican State
government that was truly in the hands of the People who controlled their
own culture, not the King or his corporate Representative Agents, and that
would provide peace and harmony for the People and their Culture (land
and water), free from "manly republics and democracies corporate" that
had been tried and failed. Hence, a new coined word: "Nation".
In order for us to fully understand the highly significant and unique
elements of this Great American Republican Experiment, we must first be
aware of one of the most important original requirements for political
participation: one must know how to properly read and write, and

uniformly understand what is written and read. This may sound too basic
for you, but be patient and hang in there - it's worth it.
With this in mind, the Law of Grammar, which in turn prevails over
the written Law of Statute, where certain precise words are needed to be
specifically defined before anyone can fully understand what's to follow.
I've already introduced you to the importance of clearly identifying words
in the Church/State issue in Chapter 2. Please bear with me and join me in
respecting the true Latin/English/Latin origins of the words I use here (as
they were applied and understood primarily by the Candid peoples of the
World at the time the Declaration of Independence was written), and at
least temporarily, resist your temptation to argue about word meanings as
they may relate to any particular dictionary (old or new), of which we
know there are numerous versions. Honoring me in this way will
immediately put an end to any potential wasteful semantics battle between
us since I have explained certain words as I have applied them, and this
will allow me to more clearly communicate with you.
I'm not going to apologize for this - since I know that you will thank
me after you finish reading this, for being honest and clear, but brief in my
definitions and explanations.
And one last thing: unlike the English language, Latin is expressed in
either masculine singular or feminine plural gender terms that are precise,
depending if translated in the positive or negative. Knowing the difference
is essential for proper communication, especially for examining the "flow
of government". For example, in excess of one-third (1/3) of America's
organic (original) written framework remains in the original Latin. I will
address a number of familiar word definitions, as I have applied, as follows
for your convenience.

Democracy: Anglicized singular male expression from original Latin

"demos + cratios" meaning "Upon the Majority of anything, including Men
(People)". The "flow", or the "res", is singular.

Republic: Anglicized singular male expression from original Latin "res +

publicus", meaning "For all Men (People)". The "flow", or "res", is

Republican: Anglicized plural-feminine expression from original Latin

"res + publicae" to "res + publicanus", meaning "Of, By, For, From, and
To all Men (People)". The "flow" is not only in the plural, but also
"plenary" in nature as in the natural Family Unit free of any corporate
influences. Hence "natural plenary checks & balances" that circulate
around the "Heart" (the Mother) to and from her husband to and from her
offspring, to and from their father!
Indeed, the family Mother's Kitchen Table is considered to be the
most powerful political desk in the World! Some learned writers and jurists
on American History and Government often refer to America as "A
Mother's Government" for this reason; and I wish to take the liberty to
extend that courtesy to the Mothers of the entire World in their natural
Republican State. In a manner of speaking one could probably applaud the
American Mothers' kitchen tables as the real source of the American
Republican State Revolution, called "home schooling" today.

Culture: Original Latin for "Land-water". Lately this has been extended to
include even the "air". For example: "Whoever controls all Worldly
Culture, thereby controls all life activity there upon." (This is the primary
objective of the University of the Royal Family and related World Order
aristocracy nobility 1664 to present).

Colony: Latin for Assembly of Farm Families (natural Republican States)

within a prescribed geographical boundary (of culture - normally used to
describe the permanent class - the farmers, tillers of the soil). This also
pertains to "Tribe", "Church", "State", "Nation". Root word: "Colon"
means farmer.

Citizen: Latin for City, Town, and Borough residents transient within the
respective established Colony (usually a corporate term applied to City,
Town or Borough Subjects): A City Dweller (temporary class).

Republican State: Anglicized Latin in reference to each of the flesh and

blood family members of every Natural Mother, to include her husband
and all of her offspring, individually and collectively, extending to all
families in the Parish, Colony and Nation as the "natural Sovereign
authority". Hence, "We the People" individually and collectively within
the Republican Plenary Scheme of Life.

Confederate: Anglicized Latin meaning a criminal federation involving

two or more individuals intentionally operating over and against the lawful
and accepted mode of "We the People" government by disguise from
within or without the nation, or against the will of the people by any
criminal deceptive means.

Federal: Slang term for Confederate. Opposed to National.

Deputy: A fellow Sovereign, from among We the People to which he will

return, who is temporarily administering a permanent seat of government,
under oath, established and limited of action by the People as set forth in
their organic Republican framework for that seat. A Deputy is not a
"representative" or "Public Servant" who has been given an unlimited
"agency" power of attorney by the People - something taken for granted by
today's elected officials.

Representative: A corporate individual standing in a place of, or in lieu

of, the corporate or Ruling class corporate in a Republic or a Democracy,
with implied unlimited Power of Attorney. This popular term also applies
to University B.A.R. Degreed lawyers in their enumerated charter
corporate courts.

Covenants of the Arks: Official writings that occurred to record between

the "Ark" (2000, 1900, 1800, 1700, 1600, etc. etc.) of each succeeding
Century as you go back in time. In this respect, I, with the help of other
Historians, am referencing the Covenants (official Writings) of the
Republican State (We, the People) of America occurring between the 18th
Ark (1700) and the 21st Ark (2000) in time. Those writings were through
and by our temporary Deputies selected and appointed by We, the People,
for that specific Limited Purpose delegated to their Seats of government in
behalf of We, the Sovereign People.

2. What is a Republican Style and Form of Government?

It's important to point out that the People, collectively, assembled as

a collection of Natural Republican States, can speak together (in one voice)
in only one way: a Declaration. A declaration of a Natural Republican
State is completely defined and contained in one single statute: "Of the
People, By the People, For the People, To the People, From the People, of
the Natural Family Mother, guided only by the Divine Providence over all
Worldly Men." This is referenced by the American Continental Congress
framers in Convention and other documentary researchers as "The
Magnificent Republican Statute of Rome". When a number of Natural
Republican States (the natural unincorporated State of the World) unite and
create a new national government, they do so by declaration; therefore,
only one single statute is required for that purpose. In other words, as in
the actual American organic framework, the written instruments of
government of, by and for them, in no manner resemble the never-ending
enumerated lists of separate corporate charter statutes to which the peoples
of the World had long been accustomed as subjects until the advent of the
New American Experiment was declared to (the rest of) the Candid World
on July 4, 1776. When you think about it, it makes perfect sense that the
formation of a government, by the authority of the People, would be done
in the same form (consistent with) as was used in the Declaration of
Independence: a "Declaration in Form and in "limited style" of operation.
This is a most unique "check and balance" by its "form" alone against the
natural internal "manly states corporate" that must rely upon the tried and
failed endless enumerated corporate charters, codes and compacts in order
to function and maintain power over its subjects, or even have "standing".
But, then realize that the Royal University company creatures (degreed
lawyers considered having a title of nobility) who require their never
ending culture control enumerated lists of statutes, now do not have
"standing" in a declarative un-incorporated Republican State Court
involving a jury of Republican State Peers who judge the facts and the law.
The "Judge" actually becomes a "Chairman" of the Court; the People of the
jury are the "judge".
The "Form", as in "Republican in Form" versus "Constitutional (co-
statutere) in Form" refers to the written framework establishing authority,
jurisdiction, and clarifying the flow of the government; and "Style" refers
to its actual operation within the confines of its framework, sometimes
referred to as The Flow of the Government, or the exercise of the delegated
authority to the respective government seat.
There are only three principal styles and forms of public
governments operating throughout the history of the World:

(1) Manly Republic: Rule by King, Queen or a Dictator and related

"representative agents" as the authority ("For all of the People Subjects"),
who alone are free; the "flow is singular (for) and corporate in style.

(2) Manly Democracy: Rule by Class and "representative agents" as the

authority ("Upon all People Subjects"), who alone are free; the flow is
singular (Upon), and corporate in style.

(3) Republican: Rule Of, By, To, For and From All of the People, and
who are their own "deputy agents" as the authority, who are All free. The
"flow is plenary (Of, To, By, For and From the People, individually and
collectively)", and is Non-corporate in Style. This pertains only to the
originating 1774-1812 government in America.

It's now easy to see that there's an extremely small difference

between a Manly Democracy Corporate and a Manly Republic Corporate:
"Upon" versus "For". In both cases the "flow of government" remains in a
single direction - from the top down - as in direct current.
The idea of a Government "Republican in Form and Style" is a very
serious and diametric departure from the rest of the world's democracies
and republics to which all peoples of the World are subject and long been
accustomed; in that it is not a "corporate representative" direct flow
scheme. This is because the flow of government is variable, as in
alternating current - parallel to that found in every natural family unit. It is
a very unique "plenary" (fully attended by all qualified members) style at
each Deputy level - from the local, to the Colony, to the National and back
to local - each of which serves as a "check & balance" against each other
Deputy level. In this sense, what the Deputy does unto all others from his
temporary official permanent seat, he also does to himself and his
posterity. The People, of course, are the final "check" against their
Deputies, at an election, and by a jury of peers, or a collective immediate
action using the Petition/Referendum method chosen by the People
collectively (such as the United People System).
However, the most important and primary "check" against the
"natural known manly corporate enemies from within" is to implement the
FORM of the Instrumentations of Government described as "Republican in
Form". Thus, the Style (Operation) is completely defined and contained in
"One Single Statute (A Declaration)". This explains why the American
framers never related to their frameworks of the individual Colonies
already in place, and their later "Perfected" National framework, as
"constitutions" in their original writings. Not even most Americans are
aware of the important fact that this has been cleverly and systematically
withheld from them, among other important American historical facts, by
their controlled schools. This Form (written framework) will perpetually
defend the intended "National Republican Style" of the government.
Present generations of posterity, as in the past, erroneously refer to
these governmental instruments as "Constitutions". This is because that is
what has been allowed to systematically happen within a functionally
illiterate society established by the corporate dominance over our Schools,
Churches, and public media.
The original "new and untried" American Colonial form and style of
government, introduced to the rest of the "Candid World" in 1776, is the
only government in history that is defined by a Latin feminine-gender-
plural Term: Republican. This was obvious because of the plural flow of
government extended to and from all of the People.
Remember that in this case "The People" of the original United
American Colonies ARE THE STATES, individually, as well as "United".
They act collectively via their appointed temporary Deputies, in a method
duly authorized, for the purposes set forth in their "Declarations" - not
corporate constitutions.
The official American Government was manned by Deputies at the
individual Colonial level as well as at the new Perfected National Supreme
Republican level. It was originally described as The Supreme Law of the
People, combined with the Colonial and local levels, NOT of the Land
(culture). In other words, that instrument merely made the government of,
by, and for all of the People "A More Perfect and Supreme" Plenary
system of "Checks & Balances", where the original July 4, 1776
Unanimous Declaration was left lacking. All individuals become
"Deputies" when performing specific duties for the assembly of People.
Each individual is a "Deputy" even unto him or herself and his or her own
families. All governmental authority was assigned or delegated to a public
SEAT - not to a specific individual. Therefore a qualified temporary
Deputy candidate was under oath to carry out the delegated functions of
that particular SEAT that was permanent as set forth in the single statute
The Great American Experiment is the only assembly of people in all
history (1774-1812) that has attempted to employ a Natural (hence
National) Republican Government (of, by, from, to and for the People) in
actual operation (in Style), and in writing (in declarative Form). But that
was quickly derailed, and I'll explain how in just a moment.
With the Republican Style and Form of government properly
defined, we can now easily see that there is no other governmental
operation in comparison. All other Styles of Worldly government
throughout all recorded history are defined by Latin male-singular terms:
Republic, Democracy, Anarchy, Monarchy, Oligarchy, etc, etc. All of
them are most commonly referred to as Manly States Corporate, whereby
all flow of government is in the singular (i.e. one way only) from Ruler or
the Ruling Class downward. Most all peoples of the World have lived, and
still live under these manly states corporate conditions. And their written
documents are in typical endless "enumerated" Corporate Charter (Charta)
form - hence in "Constitution (co-statutere) Form".
Unfortunately we have also just described the present Confederate
system of government that has encroached upon and has, by and large,
taken over via its transposed adopted "Constitutions" and other
"enumerated code" systems of culture control methods. Canada has such a
new "constitution" as of 1969, and believe it or not, this has also been
adopted by more than 20 of the American "states" more or less since 1970.
Nebraska even adopted the one-house parliamentary legislature in 1971.
The people of Montana voted against its adoption in 1972; but it was
forced into effect anyway, even though without a valid legislature because
of the Confederate University agenda that was ram rodded by a professor
of Paris, France, and who returned to France. And there is no record
anywhere that shows that the American Congress has approved any of
those new "constitutions"; because that is not the province of the courts.
This is a more current example of how that Confederate Congress
and University Company have further undermined the American people
with their enumerated corporate constitutional illusions, as that notorious
gang of criminals have practiced in the past, all the way back to 1812.
3. How and when was the initial new American Republican
experiment derailed in America?

The Congress in Philadelphia stood its ground and was making

significant progress amid strife and near continual confusion caused by the
British King and his loyal internal representative federalist agents residing
among the Colonies - calling themselves the Confederate Congress and the
United States. This federalist body was headquartered in New York, and it
was known as the Confederate Congress & University Company of New
York. It was also sometimes referred to as "The Royal Company of New
York". The framework of all original Colonial American Republican
Government was in Declarative Format until 1813 - consistent with the
Form of the Declaration of Independence. All original American Colonial
Instruments, including the "perfected Supreme National Republican
Declaration of September 1787" (thereafter called a "constitution" by the
Confederate Congress of New York), as is the July 4, 1776 Unanimous
Declaration of the Republican States of the Colonies, were "Republican in
Form". They were sometimes referred to all together as "the American
Republican Freeman Letters" for want of a better term by the King, his
royal clergy and his internal agents (see World Book Encyclopedia:
American Printing Presses---History of).
Then came the War of 1812, 25 years after the "Supreme National
Republican Declaration of September 1787" was perfected (and when most
of the founding Fathers were dead or feeble). This so-called war was when
the European Royal Family sacked Washington, D.C., and the American
Colonial Archives Depositories in Arlington and Richmond were burned to
the ground during the Madison presidency - along with only "select
content" in the New York Confederate Congress library by its own
librarians. This was actually done from within by Confederate operatives
posing as librarians. This is in reference to the librarians who were actually
Confederate Congress University operatives (equivalent to Rhodes
Scholars today) posing as trustworthy American Librarians. Only some of
the New York Confederate Congress Library contents were taken out in
the street and burned with some furniture by its librarians; thus leaving
only the desired "transposed versions of the official American Colonial
documents". Coincidently, little other additional damage was inflicted
during this very short incursion.
After the "records and document burning" the University Press,
Crown Press, and several other related private Confederate Congress Code
Publishing Houses printed hundreds of different versions of the destroyed
documents and scattered them throughout the land. This was together with
the introduction of the Confederate Congress and University Company
"statutes at large" publications or "culture control codes". This is quite
similar to the 40 alleged "original" Mona Lisa's that were in existence in
the mid 20th Century. All of the original Colonial Declarations of
Republican government were then switched for the clever enumerated
Confederate corporate constitution versions while retaining much of the
original language for illusion, thus eliminating the need for a public vote.
By 1845 the Confederate Congress and University Company
operatives of New York recognized that there were many various versions
of their alleged United States Constitutions in circulation. This was
causing mounting problems and confusion among the Colonies that had
been converted to states via the switched constitutions. Meanwhile, many
were operating via their third new revised "state version" on the average.
Therefore, the Congress and the Courts recognized the emergency for the
need of a "standard version" that could uniformly be relied upon.
Then with the help of Carnegie libraries, and the select members in
the Congress and in the Courts, the unique select member Sir William
Hickey, Esq.1846 version of "The Constitution for the American People"
was produced. It was in the form of a book containing more than 400-
pages of desired Confederate Congress versions of alleged original
American documents. These documents included an enumerated "Index",
were filed with the Secretary of State Buchanan, as the alleged "Standard
Version", which then was systematically adopted by resolution of volume
purchase by the select membership in the U.S. Congress and the Courts in
February 1847. It was then franked (distributed to the public) via the new
"Post Roads and Franking Act" of following March, 1847 - again without
requiring a public vote. This officially established the date in which the
so-called Twelve Articles (Charter) of Federal Appendages (commonly
known as the Bill of Rights) were first officially published in America as
an "appendage to the Constitution"; and as a point of interest, you need to
take note they involve only the "Hickey Version". This is the date that the
original 1787 National Republican Declaration instrument ratified by the
Colonies in 1789 was set aside and laid to rest on the shelf. And this is
how the present American "Constitution and Federal Appendages" was
actually adopted without public consent in typical Confederate Congress
and University Company style.
From 1813 forward, the Confederate Congress and its University
Publishing House Company system virtually took over the government
from within by replacing all of the original American non-enumerated
Declarations with cleverly transposed "enumerated Constitutions" in
typical Royal Family River Basin Corporate (Magna Charta) Charter style.
This was done by simply transposing (substituting) the word "That"
wherever it appeared in the text with a capital Arabic numeral symbol,
substituting semi-colons with ordinary commas, changing words and word
order. In some cases, involving the original individual Colonial
Declarations, a capital Arabic Numeral Symbol was added before the
declarative word "That". Later versions included the addition of small
Arabic numeral symbols within the "Capital Enumerated Articles" of the
After the 1812 Archives Depository fires, all such American official
assemblies, in which the Colonies were re-named "states" under Federal,
i.e., Confederate Congress control and authority. This was done via the
bastardized (Revised) American documents now called "constitutions
(corporate charters)" of 1787 Northwest Territorial Ordinance design, were
possessed of "A Committee of Style... and Arrangement". Prior to this, all
original Colonial Assemblies were possessed only of a "Committee of
Style" because "A Declaration (A Statute)" does not need to be "arranged"
nor "enumerated".
The clear objective was to remove the idea of corporate-free
Republican government from the minds of the People. There was a clear
intent to prevent its spread to the rest of the world - which would pose a
threat to all Monarchial dynasties. This was accomplished by re-directing
the operation (style) of the government non-corporate back to the desired
European Royal Family's corporate style control over all Worldly Culture
agenda via the substituted enumerated constitutions. This was done at a
time of public stress and confusion caused by the confederate operatives
from within, when very few people would then know the difference due to
the known public functional illiteracy problem, much less have any
knowledge that such a thing could have ever occurred due to poor
communications conditions, compounded by the King's military
However, it should be noted that the idea of a non-corporate
government was to remain implanted so strongly in the public minds, that
the only "companies" that existed, until the gradual introduction and
expansion of "Railroad Companies", were those connected with the select
members of the New York Confederate Congress and its University
Publishing "Company" - and of course with ties to the European Royal
Family. In other words, the concept of "company" was totally foreign to
the People who understood that the government was subject to them - not
the other way around. Using our "Sovereign" thinking, how did we ever
get to the point where we have to ask the government for a license to
conduct either personal or family business?
Therefore, from 1813 forward, the original fourteen American
Colonies no longer had a "Senate and House of Deputies", but instead
consisted of a "Senate and House of Representatives" under the illusion of
separate legislative bodies. Actually, there was only one house under the
Article, and their Seats of Colonial government were thus transposed to
"sovereign states" with alleged "states rights", and the "Sovereign
Republican States" were simply deleted of mention and thus reduced to
mere "corporate subject status" by reason of clever Private University
Publishing House manipulations. This was obviously achieved without
public vote. Simply put, the original sovereign Republican States (the
People) were all made subject to their "sovereign Seat(s) of Representative
government" at a time when the King and his royal Family Agents were
sacking the Colonial libraries, threatening Colonial Deputies and their
families as the needed distraction - typical to its tyrannical mode of
operation. Many readers will no doubt recognize this as being very
familiar today. And the realization should also be recognized that no man,
woman or child is exempt from such diverse implications, nor have they
ever been.
By 1846 the transition from the original American Republican Style
of government had matured enough to introduce the William Hickey
Version of "The Constitution, with Articles of Confederate (Federal)
Appendages, and Index" for the American People. At that time the people
of all of the former original "Colonies" were then operating under their
third new "corporate state constitution" on the average. And the purpose
of the enumerated and transposed Hickey Constitution Version, adopted by
the select members of the Congress and the Courts, was to cement and
secure all of the collective "new state constitutions" under the "Union" of
the Confederate University B.A.R. Representatives (known then as
"Legislative Council) of the European Royal Family were the new
operative of government - under the illusion that it was still the American
people's government (HD357, 59th Congress, 2nd Session, 1909 -
"footnotes"). This is to point out that the internal Confederate Congress
and University Publishing Company operatives' manipulation of the
original American laws, public education materials, and media publications
was so intense and extensive, which continues today, that it is just about
beyond anyone's comprehension at this late date. In this respect it can thus
be determined that the willful and deliberate violation of the Laws of
Grammar, upon which all written laws of the people depend, is the most
serious and deadly of all criminal violations that can be committed against
a whole nation of people. The proper term is "Treason".
"Representative" simply means "implied unlimited or limited power
of attorney". This is divested directly upon, or merely assumed by, an
individual, a class, or an assembly by "title", or "instead, or in lieu of", or
"as if, or as though" the true thing, individual, body, or sovereign,
distinguished by the respective operative "title" - common in corporate
government and its charter style of publishing process.
In comparison, a "Deputy" is an individual who is actually a part of
the true natural body of Sovereigns him or herself, but who has been
commissioned by the whole natural body of sovereign, including himself
or herself in ordinary capacity, under oath to perform a specific temporary
administrative function. The function is within limitations delegated to a
particular permanent administrative Seat established by the Natural
Sovereign authority embodied within a single statute for that purpose. It
could be said that the candidate serves as temporary Deputy, under oath, to
the permanent Seat, the title remaining only to the Seat (not upon the
individuals) established by the Natural Sovereign in a statute for that
purpose. For that reason, the reference "The Seat of Republican
Government" is in the singular in respect to the entire Colonial and
national plenary system as a whole. In this respect the candidate's oath to
the national plenary level Seat was actually the same required oath of the
Colony from which he had been temporarily chosen.
Therefore, by 1816 all original "Fourteen American Republican
Colonies" had been thus cleverly transformed into "Corporate Democratic
Republics". This was done by the Confederate Congress of New York and
its notorious private University Publish House Company. And the 14th
Colony, Providence Plantations, extending from Rhode Island to the
Northern tip of Nova Scotia and Territories West (most of which is now
referred to as Eastern Canada), had been cleverly ceded openly from the
United American Colonies by the Confederate Congress of New York and
its private University Publishing House Company. As usual, this was done
by manipulation (twisting) of the original American Colonial records that
had been destroyed. It was simply, but effectively, covered up by merely
referencing "Rhode Island-Providence Plantations" to pass the desired
illusion to posterity that Rhode Island Colony and Providence Plantations
Colony were one and the same; by insertion of a simple "dash" punctuation
Indeed, official records have surfaced proving two distinct, and
diametrically opposed American Congresses convened in session on the
very same date in July 1787. The American Continental Congress
"Deputies" (of the United Colonies) in Philadelphia was one; and the
Royal Confederate Congress of "Representatives" and University
Company nobility (Union of "United States" & Company) of New York
was the other. This fact by itself should clarify the extent of the strife and
confusion that the natural Republican State (the People) of America were
forced to endure by the British King, externally, and his Agents, internally,
during that period from 1776 to 1813. This was the true cause of the 1776
and 1887 emergency Conventions of the Philadelphia Continental
Congress. Of course, viewed from the flip side, this would be visa versa.
This is to say that it could be expected that the King and his agents
externally and internally would consider any assembly of people within its
corporate realm who would issue a declaration of independence severing
all political ties whatsoever from the long established corporate custom,
and thus declaring themselves all as the Sovereign, to be Confederate to
the Crown government.
This points out that from 1813 forward, the Royal Confederate
Congress and its University B.A.R. Legislative Council Publishing
Company were operating under various disguises. The clever grammar
transpositions remained continuous and uniform to coincide with its
"United States" Statutes at Large Operative Manuals (i.e. sometimes
known as Lawyers Guides of Great Britain...for the American
Colonies…in loosely-scattered pamphlets). This was more fully explained
in the Preface of fist volume of "United States" Codes, 1926. The
connection here is: "When in the course of Human Events, it becomes
necessary for one people..., etc, etc." (July 4, 1776).
This 1776 Unanimous Declaration of the United Colonies was
derived from the several existing Colonial Declaration Enacting Clauses
already in place (more or less). The Declaration made it clear to the rest
of the Candid World that henceforth all connection (all political and
religious ties whatever) is absolved and dissolved from the European
Royal Family and its University clergy (lawyers and professors of Degreed
Nobility). Also dissolved is its diverse Culture (Land Water) Control
agenda (controlling the Colonies) since at least 1646. That would include
those lawyers' Guides (more commonly known as state and federal
enumerated Codes) too, wouldn't it?
It's now clear that our ability to establish and secure a National
Republican government is certainly much greater now in this century than
what confronted those American Framers between 1774 and 1812.
Primarily, this is because of the massive increase of the World's
Republican (Family) State population.
Indeed, there is a growing number of people in America and Canada
living as independent Republican States, but who are living under strict
Northern European Colonial "Common" Rule. They are very skilled and
productive with regard to industrial fabrication and agriculture, pay no
individual taxes, control their own schools and curriculum, practice their
own faith in God, buy up huge tracts of culture (land and water) as a
Colony, police themselves from within and inter-marry selectively. Their
base language is German, but they are very literate in English vocabulary.
They directly compete in the local market place, while essentially
maintaining their own "base economy" from within their own Colonial
network at the same time, and apparently remain unmolested by either
The Royal University's near-complete control of all World Media
and Public Education, at the public expense from 1910 forward to the
present time in America (while common of origin to most all other parts of
the world), is becoming more transparent to almost everyone these days.
The University-induced functional illiteracy problem involving 98% of the
present population of North America, and vast areas of the World, is also
becoming quite obvious. Last, but not least, technology has rapidly
developed to such an extent, increasing the breadth and speed of
communications, that for the first time in history we can all be connected
and be better informed in a matter of minutes. This is compared with the
speed of the fastest horse during the early American Colonial era and
perhaps a carrier pigeon. At the same time we must also realize that
advanced "super" technology in the hands of a mentally disturbed few who
have placed themselves as superior to all mankind, has been developed to
selectively destroy mankind and all living things around him anywhere,
and even everywhere, instantly at the push of a button; and it has already
been deployed in numbers "tests". This also helps the perpetuation of the
"fear syndrome" among their corporate subjects.
It has taken more than 230-years for the European Royal Family
Confederate Congress to rise to its current culture control maturity level to
rob us of our freedoms, in America and other parts of the world, but it can
be overturned and corrected in a relatively short period of time. This is
especially true if more people decide to brush up on their grammar lessons
and become knowledgeable on an equal footing of Sovereign
understanding. The widespread public discovery and exposure of its
notorious secret criminal activity footprint from within remains its greatest
natural enemy as history has very well proved. Perhaps our combined
world-wide efforts today will make the conversion to Republican Form
and Style "permanent" among all peoples!
That's it for the historical facts. Thank you for your patience.
Hopefully, this information, made possible due to the efforts of hundreds
of very good dedicated men and women everywhere, thus condensed for
your knowledge and understanding, has been worthy of your time. You're
also invited to support these efforts if you feel it is time we are all free.

Real-life Modern-day example

I now want to share with you a personal experience that would help
explain in easy-to-understand terms the significant difference between the
corporate/constitutional form and the declarative form of government.
I'm going to select California as my example. California allegedly
became a member state of the United States of America, allegedly on an
equal footing with all previously existing states, in 1849. This was 37
years after the War of 1812 - almost equal to the 36 years between the
1776 Declaration of Independence and the War of 1812.
Keep in mind that by this time the Corporation of Government was
fully entrenched at the federal and state levels. And the state of California
was being formed under the federal Corporation of Government. This
happened even though the illusionary window dressing of the Constitution
of the United States of America adopted in 1847 (but cleverly changed to
"Constitution OF the United States" in 1871) clearly guarantees each new
"Union" state a government that is Republican in Form. However, the
state of California was clearly set up as a corporation (in constitutional
form) from the very start - right within and from the convention. There
was no carefully planned corporate transition needed there. But the need
for elaborate deception still existed to pass the illusion that the confederate
government that was being thus imposed was still somehow "Republican
in Form" even though "in enumerated corporate charter form". More
simply, in each of the Western State Conventions, beginning with
California, select Confederate Congress and University Company members
(Lawyers from Boston & New York) were sent into the territories as
Convention Delegates to ensure that the desired "Corporate state
Constitutions", instead of the known "Republican State Declarations",
emerged from those Conventions. This gave the people the illusion that
their shiny new "Constitution framework" was "Republican in Form".
Again, remember that "Form" is in reference to the writing; not its style of
This is important to point out to you because the 1849 California
model was thereafter cleverly used to influence the remaining territorial
conventions, to later include what was known as "The California Code".
I'm going to begin by asking a question: "How would you feel if I
introduced you to someone else and continued to refer to you as an 'it'
rather than a real living man or woman?" In other words, when I would
ordinarily say something like "He likes golf", I would alternatively point to
you and say "It likes golf". And how would you feel if every time I wrote
about you I would write your name in all lower-case letters - no
capitalization of the first letter of your first and last name? How long
would this need to continue before you became angry and insisted that I
stop referring to you as an "it"?
I feel safe to assume that you would not be happy, and you would
either politely or not so politely correct me. But now I'm going to
demonstrate to you how the People in the entire Corporate state of
California have been turned into an 'it' (a popular term for a mere
"subject") by the persons in government whom they trusted - and no one's
done anything about it (yet).
When charges are brought against someone in a court of law, there is
a specific written procedure that must be followed in order to properly and
lawfully make those charges. This is a required legal procedure called the
"Style of Process". It specifically names the identity of the Party(s)
bringing the charges - and the identity of the Party(s) upon who the alleged
charges are brought, both of which can be in the singular or plural. It's
simple to see that without this clarity, no one would fully understand who's
the damaged party bringing the charges against them, what the damages
are, and who the alleged damaging party(s) need to defend himself, herself
or themselves against in the "Complaint".
Both California constitutions (1849 and 1872) and even the current
California Code, Section 100, require that the Style of Process be presented
to operate as follows: "'The People of the State of California,' and all
prosecutions shall be conducted in their name and by their authority."
But in 1993 I had found that the California courts plea forms, such as
forms SDMC 711 and SUPCT CR-12 did not contain the wording required
in both the California constitutions and code. Contrary to the law, the
Style of Process used in the court forms read: "The People of the State of
California, plaintiff in the above-entitled criminal action, by and through
its attorney, EDWIN L. MILLER JR., District Attorney, concurs in the
defendant's plea of Guilty/No Contest as set forth above."
There you have it: not only is the word 'plaintiff' used in its
inappropriate singular sense, but it has lost the capital 'P' as used in earlier
court forms. Also, the People have clearly been reduced to an 'it' when it
says "through its attorney". In other words, "no one" is actually identified
as "damaged".
This discovery was disclosed in letters written to the Forms
Coordinator of the Municipal and Superior Courts, the Clerk of the Court,
District Attorney, Governor, and the Judicial Council of California. There
was conformity in their responses - they said they were amused by the
letters and denied any problem with the forms. Some of the most
innovative responses were as follows:
They said: "The definition of the word 'People' in Black's Law
Dictionary seems to refer to a singular entity." Of course the dictionary
was checked and the complete reverse is true.
Then they added: "The sentence structure of the currently used style
of process and the Preamble of the California Constitution is just too
confusing to understand. It is difficult to determine exactly what the word
'its' refers to; therefore, the style of process used makes no difference."
This individual has actually admitted that he or she is not qualified to hold
any office in that state - in that the Constitution provides that an "Idiot: one
who is illiterate and lacks knowledge" cannot vote or hold any public
It seemed obvious to me, but I wanted to remove all doubt by seeking
expert advice as to the antecedent (a word to which another word refers) of
the word "its" in the California Constitution. Hence, letters were sent to
the heads of the English department of Harvard University, University of
California Los Angeles, Wellesley College, Brigham Young University
and the West Point Military Academy. They all agreed that the antecedent
of the word 'its' in the California Constitution is 'freedom' - not the 'people'.
I either received no responses or received additional nonsense responses as
alluded to above after sending them variations of the expert advice I had
thus obtained from those sources. Therefore, it became very clear that a
'mistake' was not made. Whatever was happening was obviously being
done intentionally. The big question now was: "What was really
The answer is simple: If the People collectively declare something
into being, like a government, they are identified in the Enacting Clause of
that Declaration (A Statute) clarifying the authority issuing the declaration
and its singular purpose. They are the creators of that government. They
are the lawmakers and givers. They are given the respect they deserve - as
is evident with a capital 'P' in the word People - and in the word Plaintiffs
(plural) in court forms. This is another example of the importance, and
uniform understanding, of the Law of Grammar.
However, a corporate constitution begins with a 'preamble'. A
preamble is just an introduction to a constitution that is not legally part of
any of constitution enumerated statutes within itself. Therefore, if the
people are mentioned in a 'preamble', they are soon discarded or irrelevant
(are a mere illusion) within the enumerated listed text of the corporate
charter/constitution "Form".
So, what's really happening is very clear to see. The mere existence
of a 'constitution' with a 'preamble' is evidence of a corporate/charter form
of government. A corporate form of government is run by a CEO and a
Board of Directors, and it has nothing to do with real living individuals
known as 'The People'. The use of the words 'We the People' in the
corporate charter, regardless of position, is mere window dressing to give
the appearance, or the desired illusion, that the People might have anything
to do with it. In fact, the charade in California was carried on for quite a
long time - possibly up to 1966.
It was through the California Judicial Council and Commission for
Constitutional Revision, apparently out of concern of exposure for their
own criminal positions, that the decision was made to finally remove the
charade. No doubt someone in this corporate cabal felt that it would be
better to be revealed as a usurper of power rather than being found guilty
of fraud: unlawfully executing cases in the name of and by the authority of
the People of California as the Plaintiffs in any case brought before the
corporate court. It appears that for their own self-preservation they
decided to truthfully and openly execute criminal cases in the state of
California by the corporation called "The People of the State of California"
through "its" attorney (no change except in grammar). There was probably
also concern about the burgeoning caseloads involving another
"corporation" or another "it". It also appears that the people they refer to in
their documents are, in their minds, mere property of the corporation:
things or its. But, in reality, upon closer examination, there appears to be
no lawful link between the People and the Royal Confederate University
Company's "satellite constitutional state corporation". The People cannot
even consider themselves to be shareholders of the corporation; if they
were, they would hold stock certificates. How else could the usurper
corporation of government refer to those living men and women who are
walking around out there? They (the corporate CEOs) certainly wouldn't
be acknowledging them as an authority higher than themselves.
I wonder how many people who were convicted and imprisoned by
these corporate usurpers since 1847 actually understood or understand now
that there's still a problem. A good attorney may ask the corporation to
specifically identify the lawful authority by which the charges were
brought against his or her client. Was the client fully aware that the
government laying the charges was not a legitimate government that was
truly of, by, to, for and from the People (Republican in Form: by
Declaration from the People)? If the client was aware of the corporate
form of government masquerading as a government of, by, to, for and from
the People, was there a meeting of the minds where the client may have
voluntarily subjected himself or herself to the jurisdiction of the
corporation via contract - without coercion or fraud of any kind? I doubt it
since the charade did not allow it then or now.
After stating this example I now come to the most important
question: "What do you think now - as a knowledgeable Sovereign?"


Fortunately, Americans have their Declaration of Independence as

their foundation of government that is Republican in Form and Style.
They only need to transcribe the written form (constitution) from its
present transposed charta (corporate) form back to its original declaration
form via one simple classroom exercise: merely delete the so-called
"Charter of Federal Appendages (erroneously called "Amendments")
because they then no longer apply.
And fortunately for the People of Australia, the world is just waiting
for them to execute a Declaration of Independence to start the process for
the People of Australia. The Australian people have an interesting history:
It has become an independent nation through a sort of global inertia, but
it's a nation adrift in a lawful sense. I mean that the Australian Parliament
has opportunistically seized a ready-to-pick power by establishing a de
facto corporate government once Australia became independent. That de
facto government is still being operated under the British Parliament's
Australia Act of 1900 - with some newly added window dressing in an
attempt to make it look like something different. The publication
"Principles of Property Law" reveals that all land is ultimately owned by
the Crown. This is a very good example of the illegitimacy of that
It's time for the People to formally declare their independence from
Britain (or anyone else) and then formally declare into existence a lawful
de jur government of Australia that is of, by, to, for and from the People.
Then, and only then, the People may consider their present mere
"certificates of title" to be an "allodial title", and use their property as they
wish without the threat of anyone taking it away from them - for any
See sample of suggested Independence Declaration for the People of
Australia at www.upworldgov.org
To begin a journey into the reality of Australia's current governance
dilemma: View an introductory overview by Nic Faulkner at:
www.beam.to/nic_faulkner or
Otherwise, enter Australia, constitution and "null and void" (in
quotation marks) into a search engine like Google. You may also contact
Nic Faulkner at 011 614 8840 4882.
For a more complete and in-depth presentation of the Republican
Style and Form of Government go to:
For a look at how some people are reacting to the emergence of a
Republican Form and Style of government in America, take a look at

B. The People's Referendum

In order to quickly explain where all this must start I'll just jump into
the People's Referendum created by the People of the Byron Shire, New
South Wales, Australia. The very first challenge for any community is to
collectively decide on a choice of decision-making method. This, also, is
very basic, but a community is going nowhere until it decides on how,
exactly, it will organize and make decisions together. I suggest every
community around the world take notice of this and use it as a template to
initiate your own People's Referendum.

Public Notice

The People's Byron Shire Referendum

for a "Fair-go" in Governance


"The People" are the universally acknowledged source of political

authority for a democratic form of government. Their collective voice is
called the "Will of the People" - which elected officials are duty-bound to
implement to the best of their abilities. But, it's the responsibility of the
People to organize themselves for the purpose of creating and projecting
the "Will of the People" for their governments to implement.

Invitation to Vote

Currently in the Byron Shire, just 5 out of the 9 Councilors in the local
government, i.e. just 0.036% of the community's 14,000 voters, can make
all decisions on our behalf. This is because no process has been established
to determine what the "Will of the People" is on those matters. Some
Byron Shire community members are proposing an alternative to this
situation, believing it would be highly beneficial for the People of Byron
Shire to be able to agree on and make known their Will on any matter at
any time.

All Byron Shire voters are therefore now being invited to help decide, by
way of a People's Referendum, if a new government decision-making
process, which is indisputably based upon the "Will of the People", is
preferable to the current situation.

If the results of this Referendum demonstrate agreement on a new process

for determining our local government decisions based upon an agreed Will
of the People, the agreement made by those who participate in determining
what that Will is will carry the authority of the Collective Sovereignty of
the Byron Shire people.

Please respond to the following five (5) Referendum questions on line at:

1. How many residents of the Byron Shire, 18 years of age or older, do
you think need to participate in this Referendum to make its results valid?

Please note the following historical fact:

When the constitution of Australia was accepted by the Australian people

by referendum, only approximately ¼ of the population were eligible
voters and of them only 60% voted and only 72% of them voted "yes".
This means that our Australian Constitution was approved based upon the
vote of only 11% of the total Australian population of 4 million.

A number of people in the Byron Shire have studied processes for

generating agreements of whole communities. They have selected the
United People System, www.upworldgov.org, as the best available
technology to use. Please watch the 3 minute video on the WPP
website which is a short tour of the United People System.

After you have watched this video please answer the following question:

2. Are you willing to support the use of this online technology as a way of
defining the 'Will of the People' of the Byron Shire?

3. Presuming that a sufficient number of people participate, what

percentage of "YES" votes in question 2 do you think is necessary for the
results of this Referendum to be accepted as the "Will of the People" of the
Byron Shire?

4. Do you agree that the choice of the majority in questions 1 and 3 be

5. To verify that the participants are residents of the Byron Shire, would
you agree to a random check of the identity of voters and the use of a
statistical method to validate or invalidate the Referendum?

C. United People System:

Have you ever dreamed of a time when everyone would have the
opportunity to be heard without fear of being judged or ridiculed? Would
you prefer everyone having the opportunity to relax, and respect each
individual by listening to them without others quite literally sitting on the
edge of their seat waiting for the first opportunity to challenge them or
publicly humiliate them? The UP system allows for that. Everyone may
provide their input; and then everyone can, based on their honest perusal of
the input (in their own space and in their own time), make a collective
decision. The UP System allows our collective decisions the visibility to
be heard and read.
Struggling with and opposing one another's views is still a hard habit
to break. I see it happening every day - even with people who are starting
to use the United People System. However, with encouragement, old
habits can be broken, and the simple process of sharing information with
each other without the fear of immediate challenge will be a very enjoyable
change. No decision has to be made until the final vote - and each
individual's vote is confidential. So, no one's feelings have to be hurt; and
there's no one to blame or criticize since after all the information is in and
the vote is taken, no one knows how the other has voted.
Naomi Wolf is a well known political activist. When talking about
the need for the people (of Pakistan) to be able to properly respond to the
actions of their government, she emphasized how important it is for the
People to "Organize" or in need of a room in which to meet: 7 October
2008: www.beam.to/organize or http://www.huffingtonpost.com/naomi-
Many people have made reference to a concept of a Wise Council of
Elders. Well, that's exactly what the United People System is. It's a fair
and transparent system that has its doors open to everyone in the
community who feels they can contribute to the greater good of the
community. Once the "council" is created, it can determine the criteria or
qualifications for participation. By this I mean that it's only common sense
that it would most likely be a generally accepted rule that someone who
has already been convicted of fraud numerous times has relinquished his or
her right to act in a responsible community position of decision making.
Also, the community as a whole, just as a family unit, must decide to come
to terms with mental illness. Mental illness is currently a totally
mismanaged cancer within society. It's a simple matter of allowing the
mental illness to control the family or community, or vice versa. Anyone
having dealt with mental illness understands this; those who haven't owe it
to themselves and the community to learn more. It's no fault of the
individual him or herself that he or she has a mental illness - so the matter
must be handled compassionately. But it is the fault of the family or
community if it allows itself to be perpetually victimized, and quite
literally destroyed, by the mentally ill.
It's very clear that the People have the responsibility to organize
themselves and adopt a process in which they may make important
decisions together. The United People System started as a grass roots
movement, and it continues to be a grass-roots movement. The decision-
making process of the United People System is a growing and ever-
evolving process that is completely in the hands of the People. It's theirs to
do with as they please.
What's also quite important to mention is the scope of the United
People System. As Sovereigns, we have the responsibility to look ahead
and plan well in advance of perceivable future events. In this case, the
United People System has been created as a foundation. It is now prepared
for the house to be built above it; and as all know well, a house divided in
itself cannot stand. Communities all over the world are now freely able to
join into the structure and be part of the evolution of this collective
decision-making technology.
Without going into every detail of the site at www.upworldgov.org, it
shall suffice for the sake of simplicity and brevity in this book to provide
the following overview of the United People decision making process:

1. New Issue

A member may submit a new issue at any time if he or she feels that
it merits the attention of all members. A new issue will not proceed to the
discussion phase until enough members register in the issue. The members
collectively establish a minimum number of participants required for the
Members may prioritize the issues from when the issue is first
submitted to the end of the discussion phase. The prioritization process
helps individual members visualize how their individual priority of the
issue compares with those of all other participants.
Once an issue proceeds to the discussion phase the issue may be
viewed in either the current issue list or the personal issue list -- if the
member has registered in the issue. The personal issue list simply provides
for quick and easy access to the specific issues in which a member is
personally registered.

New Issue Phase

Proposition Title:
Proposition Summary:
Body of Proposition:
Accepted Suggestions by Author:
Supporting Text:
Forum Suggestions and comments:

2. Discussion Phase

The discussion phase is the period of time when the issue participants
can submit propositions in an issue and participate in the generalized issue
forums and specific proposition forums within the issue.
An overload of propositions is avoided by the members establishing
a limit to the number of propositions in a discussion group. Once this limit
is exceeded a discussion group is split in two. The propositions are evenly
distributed between the two new groups, and the issue participants can
make their choice as to which new group to join.
The discussion period ends only when a sufficient number of
members enter their notice to end the discussion -- a number determined
collectively by the members. When the members have ended the
discussion of a specific issue the issue goes into its final discussion phase.
A deadline, determined by the members collectively, is established for this
final discussion period. Members may continue to submit propositions or
make the final alterations on their existing propositions during this final

Discussion Phase
Proposition Title:
Proposition Summary:
Body of Proposition:
Accepted Suggestions by Author:
Supporting Text:
Forum Suggestions and comments:

3. Proposition Rating Phase

All issue participants have the opportunity to view and rate any or all
submitted propositions in their issue group. It is a simple process of
assigning 1 to 5 stars to a proposition. The proposition with the highest
number of stars at the end of the rating process is selected and presented to
all the members for their acceptance or rejection in the final vote.

Rating Phase
Click the number of stars to rate:
Proposition Title:
Proposition Summary:
Body of Proposition:
Accepted Suggestions by Author:
Supporting Text:
Forum Suggestions and comments:

4. Qualifying Questions Phase

Members determine the percentage of all issue participants required

to implement qualifying questions in a final vote of an issue. Qualifying
questions assure that all members who participate in the final vote have a
minimum level of understanding of an issue before they vote. This
provision fulfills the 'meeting of the minds' requirement. Members also
regulate the total number of qualifying questions that may be asked in a
final vote.
One must be cognizant of the fact that relatively few members are
actually involved in the development of the propositions. It's only when
the proposition development is completed that the wider membership will
enter the issue to vote their approval or disapproval.
If the issue participants require qualifying questions in a specific
issue, the issue goes into the qualifying question submission phase prior to
the final vote. Issue participants have the opportunity to submit and rate
qualifying questions that will be used in the final vote.
Establishing additional criteria for maintaining the integrity of the
system is the responsibility of the Collective Sovereignty.

Qualifying Question Phase

Selected Proposition from Rating Phase:
Qualifying Questions:
Multiple Choice:

5. Final Vote

In the final vote members will determine whether to accept or reject a

proposition that was developed by issue participants during the discussion
phase. Members determine what percentage of voters will be required to
accept a proposition. Members will also determine a minimum number of
voters required to legitimize the results of a final vote.

Final Vote Phase

Final Vote – Time remaining:
Selected Proposition from Rating Phase:
View Proposition
Accept Proposition
Reject Proposition

1. Response to paranoia over World Government

The League of Nations, United Nations, European Union, North

American Union, BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) or any other
similar effort is sponsored by our current de facto "leaders", regardless as
to time (past, present or future). They all lead to the same thing: One
World Government as a corporate pyramid structure with all the power
held on the top by just a limited few privileged families believing they hold
a "higher station". This is what people like Mirko Bagaric are strongly
promoting. It's truly time to awaken and see that a World Government is
inevitable - either for the pure satisfaction of ultimate power or for the very
survival of Mankind. The only question is, "Are we going to just sit back
and allow a corporate de facto World Government to be created via this
game of power dominoes and allow it to be ruled by an elite group of
privileged family members, or are we going to rise to the occasion and take
the reins of destiny into our own hands - forming a de jur government of
the People?"
I believe people generally have a fear of a world government (as well
as local government) because they have been mistakenly taught the
purpose of government structures are some kind of unseen monster that
will destroy them if they do not obey. Most were taught that the structure
of government was the Sovereign and had control over the People.
However, when the People awaken, they will see that they are the
Sovereign collectively, and that those calling themselves the government
actually put on shoes - just like they do. This makes them the Government
and the structures of government administration they create are their
implements to carry out their collective will. The People mustn't be afraid
of themselves - either on a local level or a global level. I believe we may
need to start educating the People about how to think together as a
Collective Sovereign. But, when the education is completed and the
talking is completed, we need action.
So, what is this new action that we need to embrace? As in any other
emergency, it's time for those who can take action to take action.
Many of us who have been trying to impress upon government the
need to properly and responsibly address important issues have, up to this
time, been restricted to a large degree because of a certain belief system.
That belief system is thinking, or having been told by government
officials, that we must convert the masses to the importance of our issue
before we can see any results. Some politicians have even been so bold as
to say that we would have to demonstrate a 100% acceptance among the
people before they considered it to be the 'will of the People'. Our
obstructive government officials would love to see us continue on this
impossible and totally non-productive path; while the actual number of
them barely makes a decimal point in contrast with the population
That is why many people are beginning to see the significance in
transitioning to "organizing" the informed via a community-approved
decision-making method. All politicians understand it is their duty to
implement the will of the People - but the People have never been able to
properly or formally organize to create and project their will before this
For example, if in America the People were to formally agree to the
use of one specific decision-making method, and the method allowed only
1% of the population to make important responsible decisions, that would
be about 3 million people. The concept that must be sold to the American
People is that if they select a decision-making method that allows the
potential for 3 million responsible neighbors or more to make a decision
and deliver it to their elected officials as an order (the formal will of the
People) - not a petition, the People would have a higher degree of trust in
this method than allowing the 538 Lobby-influenced Congressmen in DC
to make the decision for them. In this respect, 1% is no longer a small
number, and the trust is attainable - thus allowing us to concentrate on
making a decision rather than converting the masses which will occur in
due time. It may be time to take a serious look at www.upworldgov.org.
If we do nothing due to our fear of a world government, there is no
doubt that the de facto world government will succeed. Now that we are
aware, and we know how they operate, it's the People's choice.
The People in the Byron Shire, NSW Australia may soon choose
their decision-making method via the People's Referendum starting 3
November 2009. What's your community doing about it?
We hope to very soon have at least one virtual room online where
people around the world can start connecting and help move this process
along in many ways. One suggestion received already, from some
enthusiasts at www.creatingourparadise.org, is to begin a virtual
conference room online to start developing a script to be used in making a
top-end film about "The Awakening of the Natural Republican State of the
World via the United People System". Make routine visits to
www.upworldgov.org for updates.

D. Technology's Exponential Factor

Thinking like a Sovereign includes being able to see where we're

going before we get there. Therefore, a short focus on technology is
included in the "Organize" section because it's something to be kept at the
front of our minds as we travel down the pathway of organizing our
Technology advances exponentially. For example, it took a thousand
years for mankind to transform from the bronze-age to the iron-age. But it
took mankind only a hundred years to transform from the typewriter age to
the computer age. And now there are only months in between the new
advances in the hand-held mobile phone. There's now a mobile phone that
allows a blind individual to photograph a page in a book and the phone
will read it back within seconds for a blind individual to hear. And it will
do it in a dozen different languages!
Pretty soon all of us won't have to "type" text messages into our
phone, we can simple "speak" them into our phone - and then send them
out in any number of written languages.
For me it's hard to understand, but the scientists say that not too far
from now technology will advance to a stage where people will have to
actually become part of the technology to keep up with it. Star Trek's
"Borg" comes to mind.
Bringing this type of thinking to its furthest imaginable potential, it
may appear to be inevitable (very likely) that the human body can be so
entwined with new technology that it will be able to literally live forever -
or at least be extended for a long time.
Ray Kurzweil wrote a book: "When minds and machines become
one" that I believe is worth a read. One may see a brief presentation by
Ray himself called "Authors@Google: Ray Kurzweil" - available on
YouTube at: www.beam.to/one_mind or
There have been people who hesitate joining the "computer world"
because they don't want to become a permanent fixture in front of a
computer screen. They want to go out into the world and interact with it -
like any living being would want to do: Get Physical.
Pranav Mistry is a young MIT student who is originally from India.
He has invented a gesture interface system and is offering it freely to the
world via open source.
This allows people to interact with computers without having to sit
down at a computer. For example, you could be walking through the
airport thinking about what the weather is going to look like at your
destination for the next day or two, and come across a map of the world on
the wall. You could simply make certain hand gestures while facing the
map, and instantly you will start seeing moving weather patterns on the
map itself - just like you were watching the weather forecaster on TV.
This is definitely the answer for people who don't wish to be so
restricted by having to always sit down at the computer to get their
You may see Pranav's presentation on Ted.com:
www.beam.to/pranav or
Rather than looking at the advancement of technology as scary, we
should really embrace it.
Just as John Ralston Saul alluded to in the previous segment on
Religion, if we're not careful and not in full control of our destiny, others
will control it for us.
The advancement in technology comes to mind when I hear rumors
surrounding the current Swine Flu pandemic. Some people are saying that
the company that manufactures the needles actually have placed nano
particles in the needles so that unknown particles enter our bodies when we
receive the Swine Flu vaccine. When I get a vaccine, I want a guarantee
that I know what's in it and know that it's good for me. I don't want the
vaccine to carry unknown substances that were secretly put in there by my
"controllers" whom I distrust.
Search the web and start looking into nano technology yourself. If
it's still available for viewing, several Youtube videos are very much worth
viewing: www.beam.to/nano_tech or
Dr. Mehmet Oz, popularly known as Dr. Oz on his own talk show
and on Opra's talk show, is Vice-Chair and Professor of Surgery at
Columbia University. On live TV in October 2009 he allowed a Walgreens
pharmacist to give him a flu shot.
But what was extremely interesting to me, and probably millions of
other viewers, is that Dr. Oz admitted, in front of millions of viewers, that
neither his wife nor his four children will get the vaccine. It's obvious to
me that Dr. Oz is a very smart and brave man. He took the vaccine to keep
his job, but he gave the world, in his own way, a very strong warning.
There's no doubt that the cleverly crafted Dr. Oz "warning" was seen
and heard by millions of people through various alternative news sources,
blogs and emails on the Internet. It's this type of communication that's
ushered in the age of "Exponential Awareness". As of December 2009 the
Hawaii Council voted to amend "mandatory vaccination" laws to extend
exemptions to medical, religious and philosophical. This is a great start.
It's important to keep in mind that no more than 20 years ago, under
the same threat of the Swine Flu, everyone would have blindly followed
instructions from the government and stood in line for their "shot". And
many did; but the result was nearly catastrophic, and you certainly do not
hear about that on the "news".
More and more people are having their eyes opened to the fact that
they have been having their priorities in life set by the TV that's controlled
by the oligarchy elite of one's respective democracy or republic. Those
priorities have always been aligned with the need to preserve the political
power within the ranks of the oligarchies. The extent of the mind control
and crowd control techniques now being used to maintain that control is
becoming so gravely transparent that many people are being aroused from
their slumber. Now, people are also able to connect the dots so-to-speak.
Once they see the "no holds barred" methods used in these modern times
by the oligarchies of the world, in their last desperate attempt to retain
power, it becomes easier to understand how their cohorts acted in America
in 1774.
What we're really dealing with here is merging intelligence. If we're
not careful, we all could become just like the moral-less androids that we
create. Billions of robots (some fully mechanical and some half human),
taking their marching orders from a few elite. Assuming the elite would
want to be tied into the technology themselves, they would most likely
have a special version of the technology that provides the "special ones"
with freedom. It's interesting to note that in the 20 October 2009 Irish
Times, Derek Scally in Berlin wrote that German government officials and
military were to receive Swine Flu vaccine that did not contain the
controversial "additives" that the public was to receive.
Putting things into their proper perspective, the current oligarchy
elite are a mere speck in comparison to the number of people in the world
who wish to be free. We really must fully awaken to the fact that the
oligarchies of the world are simply made up of people who have an overly
inflated opinion of themselves and their own power. They are totally
disconnected from the higher levels of consciousness and awareness. It's
important to acknowledge this, but to then leave it behind as we
collectively work together in pursuit of our Life, Liberty and Happiness.
We, collectively, have the responsibility to assure that the merging of
intelligence takes place honestly and transparently while, at the same time,
retaining our individuality - our Sovereignty. We don't want to lose our
individual identity or Sovereignty. We also need to ensure that we can
have wisdom of crowds rather than wisdom of lynch mobs. Guided by our
"Moms", rather than the current purveyors of war, how long do you think
war would last on this planet?
Besides wars, what do you think most people, especially mothers,
would think about someone or some group of people deciding to blow up
the Moon - or have the atmosphere that contains the air that we all breathe
seeded with unknown chemicals? What about nuclear testing - either in
the atmosphere or on the ground?
And let me be clear about this: when I make reference to motherly
guidance, I do not mean that there will be women all over the world
running to their computers to participate on the United People Site.
Women are very intelligent beings and have many ways in which to have
their natural instinctive influence felt that is so valuable. It's the rest of our
receptiveness to this very important influence that will make a difference
when we participate on the United People Site. One can strongly feel that
influence while reading the American Declaration of Independence -
although it had no female signatories.
"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us "universe", a part
limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and
feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion
of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us
to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our
task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of
compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its
beauty." Albert Einstein
A number of people around the world are beginning to recognize that
they share a particular prediction: that the advancement of technology, as it
applies to this widening circle of compassion, will reach a high point
sometime between 2014 and 2015. This means that the days of the elite
oligarchy are numbered and the time for ushering in the realm of the
Collective Sovereignty of the People of the World is near. This is the
reason why the current elite's activities concerning a final push for their
World Government like the Copenhagen Conference in December 2009,
etc. are, in reality, of little consequence, while their failure is a sign of the
times. This is the final level of awareness for the People that the actions
taken by this elite group are not a result of the "meeting of the minds" of
the People. And, as we already clearly understand, No meeting of the
minds - No contract. In other words, everything they are doing is totally
unauthorized by the People, and it's just as null and void as the Federal
Reserve Act in America; its dismal failure now impacting the rest of the
World. It will end when the People say it ends. The appallingly vivid
photographs showing thousands of peaceful protestors in Copenhagen in
December 2009 being handcuffed tightly together like salves in a slave
ship (as a precaution against 'anticipated' violence) should act as a major
wake-up call to people around the globe. For this is no way to treat the
Collective Sovereignty.
Whatever catastrophes we face we, the Collective Sovereignty, must
be prepared. We must have a plan in place that will allow us to fully
connect with one another and share our responsibility to co-manage our
communities, our nations and the Earth as a whole.
The beginning of that plan is explained in this book. The question is:
Are you doing your part, or plan, to make this fully operational within the
next five or six years - and if not, why not?
Regardless of your age, if you would like to explore this subject in a
university setting, you may look at Singularity University at:
www.singularityu.org. Otherwise, among the very last motions to be
addressed in the final hours on the last day of the Philadelphia Convention,
was the need for a "Republican University for the Preservation of the
Language". Nothing materialized then, but it may be time for a review
and activation.
And finally, I cannot close this section without tying it into the story
of the Great American Republican Experiment mentioned earlier.
The very foundation of the freedom and independence movement
was the American farmer. Remember, it was the group of farming families
that made up those early colonies. This was very similar to the manner in
which the American Western Frontier was settled and developed, and
actually much of Australia. So, as we're now considering how to re-
connect ourselves to our Sovereign status, it may be a good idea to
reconnect to our culture (Earth and water) and once again become a
farmer. I include this in the Technological advances section because it's
those advances that will allow all of us to grow food in great abundance in
any environment - desert or tropics (in a field or in a high-rise building).
As Sovereigns we know that we have the responsibility to be both
collectively and individually independent concerning our food production.
If we're not, we become subject to another power over us.

Chapter 4
The Story about the People of the Byron Shire

I couldn't help but include this chapter because I think its important to
see how all this came to be. If this story sounds familiar because it's
exactly what's been going on in your neighborhood, great - keep up the
good work. If it doesn't, I hope this will inspire you to use what you find
in these pages as a template for implementation in your community. It
will be great if we can all reach the same level of responsible self-
governance somewhere down the road - say five to six years from now.
The Byron Shire is a beautiful sub-tropical locality in New South
Wales, Australia. It's a sacred place for native Aborigines and has become
a very popular place to live for many Australians - as well as a large ex-
patriot community that has attracted people from many countries around
the world. This has become a place where both Australian citizens and ex-
patriots alike have established a long history of co-creating new ideas for
the evolution of co-responsibility in our collective governance.
It was in 1973 when thousands of young Australians converged into
the area for the Aquarius Festival (Australia's equivalent to America's
Woodstock). The area had gone from a dying timber industry to a dying
whaling industry, to a dying dairy industry and it was wide open to be
taken over by somebody. So, it was the many young free-thinking
Australians who decided to stay there and take it over.
Previously abandoned villages that were virtual ghost towns with
boarded-up windows in most of the buildings came to life again. The
"New" people were full of life, had high hopes and great ideas for a better
Just a few years on the new locals created and participated in the
world's first community exercises for implementing the "Will of the
People" to save the ancient rainforests - at least what remained of them.
The forest (or deforest) industry was about to destroy the last remnants of
virgin rainforest left in the region. To make a long story short, a local
public demonstration against the state government's to permit the logging
of the Terania Creek Rainforest was successful and led to broad public
support that protected remaining rainforests throughout the state. This was
the first time in rural Australia that a local community brought public
attention to the destruction of the environment and what that means to us,
the Earth, and everyone and everything that lives on the Earth. The
documentary made at the time is still a local favorite that's shown over and
over again to boost public morale.
And today we have the reasons and the technology to push ahead
with completing the job that was so powerfully but peacefully started 30
years ago. During a recent 30 year anniversary of the event Carol Perry,
who participated in the demonstration 30 years ago said: "When we were
surrounded by hundreds of police it became apparent that they were very
organized. It also was very apparent that if we were to succeed, we needed
to become very organized as well, which we did."
Dr. Wendy Sarkissian, a vibrant local activist, and author of 'Kitchen
Table Sustainability', personally expressed to me: "Anyone who doesn't
acknowledge and accept the reality that it's now time for us to organize in a
serious way as communities will be on the tracks looking at the caboose
getting smaller and smaller as time goes by."
Dudley Leggett, one of the organizers of the Terania Creek
demonstration, is now a Director of the Sustainability Research Institute.
He publicly announced that the Will of the People Project is now assisting
the People of the Byron Shire to undertake a Referendum to begin this
organization process. This will be the first time in history when the People
of any community formally assemble, temporarily putting all issues aside,
to simply reach agreement as a community as to what process will be used
to generate agreement within the community on any issue. This will
"formally" create the "Will of the People" which the elected government
officials are duty-bound to implement.
As a matter of historical importance, in 1993 the residents of Gympie
in Queensland, not too far from Byron Shire, felt the need to express the
"Will of the People". They opposed council on the issue of council
amalgamation. An unofficial, unsanctioned and strongly debated
referendum was organized, paid for and conducted by local citizens. Over
26% of eligible voters took part, with 76% opposed to amalgamation. The
referendum forced council to hold an official poll later that year. Over 90%
of electors voted and the result stopped amalgamations from taking place.
The Gympie experience taught us all a lesson: If the community wants
involvement in the decision-making process, the community has to initiate
and implement the process itself.
Any community can take a look at the "Gympie" example and very
quickly see how much better off a community could be if it were organized
to the point where it could take any issue at any time and formally put it
through its paces. It's a matter of being able to implement an "already-
existing" process that's perpetually in "stand-by" mode. The battle cry
could be: "If Gympie can do it, we can do it - and do it better." Anyway,
this is just another important bench mark in the evolution of People Power.
Then in 1996, there was a significant call from the general
community in the Byron Shire that the People have more of a say in
Council decision-making. This was a reflection of the community just
recently having elected the majority of Councilors who were in support of
that platform. The Byron Shire Council promptly made provisions for a
new council and community committee to be formed to develop Council's
policy for Community Consultation and Participation in Council Decision
Making. Close to sixty Byron Shire residents responded and became
members of that committee. It's most likely that there has never been that
many people interested in joining a council committee either before or
Two years later, on 24 November 1998, the Byron Shire Council
adopted in principle the policy thereby developed as Policy 3.38.
However, only certain parts of the policy were implemented - such as the
creation and activation of CAPs (Community Access Places) throughout
the Shire.
It was the plan for these CAPs to be provisioned with publicly
accessible computers with appropriate software to be developed so that
each locality could have a recognized IT interface with Council and
develop their own proposals via LABs (Local Area Bodies) such as
Progress Associations.
Unfortunately, this most significant part of the policy has lain
dormant since its adoption - evidently because of a lack of Council's will to
proceed. However, over the years a few dedicated community members
have worked to determine exactly how this new policy could be
implemented - even without Council's help. They were not satisfied to
stand still and wait for Council to take the final steps to recognize and
empower the community's collective authority. Many retain fond
memories of the interim activities such as the Community Cauldron at the
Twisted Sista Cafe and the Co-Creating the Future Group at Ewingsdale
In a grass-roots effort, local Byron Shire residents started developing
a new on-line decision-making technology in 1999 that would eventually
be merged with the United People System. It was a concept for building
an inter-connected organization of "Will of the People" minded
communities world-wide. The actual initiator of the idea was a gentleman
by the name of Jarel who asked me if I would freely provide the 1062.org
technology that I had developed for use in such an international
In the September/October 2004 issue of the Councillor magazine
there was a seven-page article about community consultation entitled
'Engaging the grass roots'. Its sub-heading acknowledged: "A growing
number of councils are realizing that adopting more sophisticated
community consultation procedures not only enhances grass roots
[democratic process] but also helps ensure smoother handling of
potentially controversial issues." It's clear that the focus is fast becoming
the concept of community and council working together efficiently.
The United People System was formally launched in the Byron Shire
in July 2005.
Momentum is now building in the Byron Shire community to
introduce a workable and very affordable technology that will comply with
and even advance beyond the allowances and expectations of Policy 3.38.
Through the assistance of the Sustainability Research Institute, the Byron
Community & Cultural Centre, Island Quarry and the Living Together
Network, and major sponsors such as Eagle Farm, Santos Trading, Temple
Byron, Dish Restaurant, Byron New Energy, and Sophia Wisdom Centre
and Graham McCallum, community members have introduced a People's
Referendum to the Byron Shire community via the Will of the People
Project on 3 November 2009. That Referendum actually ushered in what
was requested by the community back in 1996 and what has been alluded
to in the Councillor magazine article in 2004.
If the People's Referendum is successful, the People of the Byron
Shire will no longer be denied access to any aspect of the Council's
decision-making process. This decision-making system, for both physical
and virtual meetings, offers all community members full participation in all
stages of decision-making in any matter of their choosing. This begins with
the introduction of an issue, development of specific policy, and then the
voting for or against. It also includes the option of voter accountability that
is controlled via a process of qualifying questions. As many residents of
the Byron Shire also understand, a fully functioning democratic system
depends not only on the will of the people, but also on their education
relating to informed decision making. Information must be augmented by
good communication skills for it to be usefully assimilated in any
Once the community decides on the method, the councilors can
directly receive a collectively produced clear and intelligent instruction
from the community on any particular issue. This new process allows each
resident equal access to the Council's decision-making process.
Instructions given to councilors may be complete policies or simple
guidelines for their voting on specific issues in council. What better way
could be imagined for the community to communicate with and
responsibly direct their elected councilors? This is a big step beyond a
disconnected and splintered community attempting to communicate with
council via petitions and sending individual letters to councilors. What is
possibly the most significant result of this new process is the potential to
make each councilor's job much easier. It's an all-inclusive process and no
one is excluded. Because of the on-line virtual connection residents can
even participate when they are traveling in other parts of the globe.
I must close this section by reinforcing the need for all of us to think
like Sovereigns and not subjects. That means that failure is not an option
and we must always have a plan B. If, at any time on our journey things
don't turn out quite the way we'd like, we can't think like subjects and run
to our "Master" for answers. We can be responsible Sovereigns and think
for ourselves.
With that in mind I'll provide a potential Plan B for the People of
Byron Shire, or any other community, if their plans for community
organization don't immediately take root. They can start leading by
One possible scenario is that once the dialog of community
organization is started in the Byron Shire, many people around Australia,
and possibly the world, will acknowledge the potential the Byron Shire
holds for community organization and want to be part of it. In that case,
they will possibly want to migrate to the Byron Shire. It may turn out that
in short order the Byron Shire is inundated with people who wish to take
community organization to its next level (remember - we may only have 5
to 6 years to prepare this). There may be enough people around Australia
or the world to make a big difference in whether the Byron Shire
community becomes organized.
On the other hand, there are a lot of intelligent people in the Byron
Shire. Out of 14,000 registered voters, how many do you think would
prefer living in a community where the People are organized and in control
of their government? Just for an example, let's say there's 20% - or 2800
people. At quick glance, there are some shires around Australia that have a
smaller population than 2800.
If the majority of the Byron Shire population would prefer to lose
2800 of its very valuable assets by not wanting to organize as a community
at this time, those 2800 intelligent people can organize themselves and
make a mass migration to any number of shires within Australia where
they could most likely be a majority - along with possibly many others
from other parts of Australia and the world who wish to hop onto the band
If this were to happen, and a community somewhere in Australia
finally organizes itself, it's more than likely that other communities will
recognize that it can be done and will follow suit. This is leading by
Certainly you've heard the expression: "The world is our oyster."
Let's pick a shire, county or colony and go for it - shall we?

Chapter 5
Plan B

Sovereign can't afford to get caught with his or her head in the
sand - or the clouds. We can all dream, we can all think big
without limits as is alluded to by Ray Kurzweil in Chapter 3, but
we must also have a Plan B: a plan for survival and continued prosperity if
the current systems collapse. That's just what a wise Sovereign does.
For example, we're going to be relying quite heavily on the
tremendous advantages the Internet gives us. However, if, for any reasons
such as excessive sun-spot activity, nuclear destruction or political
restrictions prevent our access to the Internet, what is our Plan B to keep
the communication channels open between us?
Of course, once we set our Sovereign minds to it, the most likely
answer would be that we need to have our own internet that we can control
and no one could ever possibly end or censor our communications with
each other. However, owning our own internet is not likely to happen in
the near future. Maybe I'm wrong, but let's not bet on it.
What would happen if we lost access to the Internet for whatever
Would we be forced to fall back on old communication methods such
as snail mail, pony express, or passenger pigeon, etc.? If so, how would
that work? Is it possible for us to maintain the high level of
communications between us using methods other than the Internet?

Of course, I must include one comment from another colleague of
mine: "If the Internet goes down (which is on the cards) we will need to
evolve into spiritual beings with telepathy, manifestation, free energy, anti-
gravity... It's all coming in the Golden Age." Solihin Millin
More on this thought may be heard in a twelve-part series entitled
"Quantum Communications" on: www.beam.to/quantum_com or
Without trying to use this platform to try to peddle anything, I just
want to throw something out there for us to at least begin thinking about.
Consider this an exercise to get the Sovereign-thinking brain working.
There may be any number of potential systems to use, but if you like the
idea, I encourage you to try it as well.
A research project called Global Environment for Networking
Innovations, or GENI, might be something to keep an eye on.
And there's a lot to start looking at by entering "when the internet
fails" (in quotation marks) on your internet search engine. If we all start
searching this way, we'll start collecting all the facts and possibilities.
In fact, any one of us can create a new issue on the UP site for stand-
by options. And when we all adopt an option, that doesn't mean it's the
only option. There may be many options that all merge together.
One individual who may submit an option is Alcy Infinity, another
familiar face around the Byron Shire. He has an advanced knowledge of
Internet Technology and has developed many computer programs. One of
his most interesting developments is what he calls CyberForceField - that
may very well be the best protection against computer viruses for PC
However, even with this knowledge, as well as a very positive
attitude, he suggests caution. Practicing what they preach Alcy, along with
his partner Tara Euphoria Infinity, has created a special system called
7POWER7. Alcy claims that it's entirely possible to build a network of
one million people in seven days, in 24 hours or even faster. A reasonable
achievable target is 8 links within 3-7 days and building a network of 1
million people within 3-7 weeks.
Sub-networks of millions can be built quite quickly, once the generic
7P7 network is built. It's fairly easy to understand, anyone may "self
initiate" it and it's free.
Alcy said, "We are building a human Internet, which will be one of
the structures of the future of the Internet, which will have any of us
playing the role of an ISP (Internet Service Provider), instead of a limited
amount of privileged companies (current ISPs)."
7POWER7 is a communication technique that can be easily used on
the internet via emails, but it can also work if the Internet fails for any
reason. We use the existing Internet to set up the network, but use the
links within the network, in any way possible (phone, fax, snail mail, etc)
to continue using the network if the current Internet fails.
Joining the 7POWER7 system is free and easy, and anyone can
become more familiar with 7POWER7 network at: http://beam.to/7power7
In closing, I'd just like to share an idea I had years ago. If I had
several friends who all agreed to read different news papers from
beginning to end and send the highlights to each of the other participants, it
would free all of us from having to read all of them ourselves. In today's
reality we've learned that we're not that interested in the censored news of
the Associated Press (which includes all the main-stream news papers and
television networks). The real and trustworthy news we want is from
many different alternative sources - sometimes hard to find.
At the very least, it appears that the 7POWER7 process could be a
good tool for promoting this type of alternative news distribution service.
We'd be the ones in charge - not the Associated Press. Of course I could
pick and choose which news items to pass on to my network, and everyone
else would have this option as well. If I included the individual who
introduced me to the 7POWER7 network in my 7POWER7 email list, he
or she would be able to see which items I have passed on and possibly
learn which items I'm interested in. This would help him or her regulate
what type of news items sent to me. This could be fun, and over time we
all could learn the proper protocols of such a network.

Chapter 6
Philosopher's Stone

I had a little trouble naming this chapter. I knew that it was time to veer
away from things that could be identified as political or religious - and
even spiritual - to focus on this one last ingredient. This is where it all
comes together: I call it the Primitive or Pure state of mind. In truth, each
of us can acknowledge ourselves as our own personal philosopher - for
what is philosophy but the love and pursuit of wisdom? The mental image
that most of us have of a philosopher is an old man sitting in a cave way up
in the mountains. Isn't it interesting that our modern mythologies seem to
have separated us from the concept of philosophy: all of us in the valley
and the single philosopher up in the mountain? It's just another division.
I've spent quite a few years now, stretching well beyond my
perceived limits, listening to and trying to understand what many people
are writing about concerning a somewhat mysterious or magical element
that eludes our immediate detection. Some call it the dance between the
seen and the unseen or the light and the shadow. Put simply, there's more
than meets the eye in many things that we do. It's sort of like an iceberg
where there's much more below the water's surface that can't be seen.
There are many things in our lives that we wish to keep hidden - in the
shadow and out of sight. This can be either a conscious or unconscious
behavior. But there's a danger lying within this shadowy activity.
As I have attempted to do in other sections, I want to condense a lot
of words and experiences into a few short paragraphs in order to convey
some important points without overkill. Therefore, I'll now go into what
some are saying about this state of mind and the remedy for its potentially
dangerous effects.
First of all let me give you a couple examples of what I'm talking
about, and then I'll explain why it's potentially dangerous.
Example One - External: In the light of day we can easily see how
well we're dressed and how many new clothes are within easy grasp. But
in the shadows, where it cannot be easily seen, there are sweat shops that
pay extremely low wages and provide hideous living conditions to other
people in this world - including children.
Example Two - Internal: In the light of day we can easily project a
persona (a mask) to others of who we are and how we think. But in the
shadows, where it can't be seen, we're hiding our true (primitive and pure)
nature and our true (primitive and pure) thoughts.
In both examples, we have transformed a natural, pure or primitive
state into an artificial one. The reasons we do this are numerous. They
could include fear, greed, arrogance, ignorance, etc. The damage caused
by this transformation in example one is a state of destitution for a certain
portion of humanity. The damage caused by this transformation in
example two is two fold: one is a condemnation of, and separation from,
true (primitive and pure) self - one's self denial to enjoy life in its fullest
sense; and the other is the denial of others to know your true self - thereby
possibly causing them to make decisions that could be awkward or
damaging to themselves and/or you.
Elijah Charles Donaldson is another Byron Shire local, originally
from the UK, who helped me see that the pure and primitive state of mind
can be obtained by stating: "I Am - and I don't need to be fixed"; and "It's
OK and it doesn't need to be fixed." Quite simply, some time ago
someone, or we, decided that we are not sufficient or the things around us
are not quite what they ought to be. Quite literally, we have "fixed"
ourselves and things around us to the point where everything is just about
ready to implode.
We simply need to return to that pure or primitive state. Once again,
we need to become as innocent as a child. We need to simply be as we are
without being afraid or ashamed. Hence, we need to shed that fear, greed,
arrogance, and ignorance, etc. We need to also accept the natural flow of
things around us - including the natural (primitive and pure) flow of
government. External structure, such as in government, is necessary, but it
will not work without the internal transformation to a natural (primitive
and pure) self.
Most of us know that we can't use the processes that we're currently
using because they have proven to divide us and make us fight against each
other. So what is this new way? And who are the people who are the
scouts (the point men and women) - finding and developing new pathways
for us to blossom into our new collective freedom and independence and
It was around 2005 when I met Alistair Smith in the Byron Shire,
NSW Australia. He's a former civil engineer with extensive project
management experience and a senior corporate executive within the
Australian natural gas industry. In 1999 he left the corporate world,
moved to Canada and dedicated himself to the exploration and
understanding of the way the collective consciousness of Mankind
influenced the world at all levels from the individual right up to global
affairs. I had the privilege of working with him and several others during
the development of the United People's Global Call for Collaboration.
Alistair is someone who I've grown to understand and respect as a
modern-day Shaman. How many of us even knew such a thing existed?
But unlike traditional Shaman who might focus on and sort of blend in
with the wind, the plants and the water, et al, Alistair has spent years
tapping into the collective energies that operate within the world of
politics, leadership, power, money and even religion and spirituality - in
context to those things that are hidden in the shadows. I have no doubt that
he's in the process of carefully digesting all of his experiences and
determining how to put them down into a writing others can clearly
understand. And keeping in mind the five or six-year time line many are
currently looking at, I feel comfortable in predicting that it won't be too far
off when we'll all be hearing something substantial from him.
In order to keep my promise of "short and simple", I'll leave the
responsibility in your hands to research and study what thousands of other
authors are saying about the philosophical requirements for the new and
inevitable Gathering for Mankind. I invite you to surf the net, or ancient
archives, at your leisure and to your content.

Chapter 7
When to Act

…with the help of a lot of Moms & Dads.

ur collective acknowledgement of the need to organize ourselves
brings us to the 'half-solved' mark. What we now need to do, in
order to achieve the level of 'fully solved', is collectively choose a
vehicle of organization and then activate the vehicle.
The vehicle should be capable of connecting our species in a way
that has never before been possible. I, personally, have no doubt that if
we're able to properly connect our roots and intertwine our branches as the
Natural Republican State of the World in perpetuity, we will be able to
forever free ourselves from corporate bondage.
With the short-term goal posts apparently set at around 2014 or 2015,
and long term at 2025 (a time when it's predicted that the technological
progress in one day will be more than all of the previously recorded history
of Mankind), there's really no time for hesitation.
And please don't forget that very-much required "Survival Mode".
Our continuing desire to keep the Corporation of Government at bay
should be reason enough for all of us to be in perpetual "Survival Mode".
Start holding meetings in your community now about how to start a
People's Referendum.

And one last thing: If you really get what's going on here, but you
feel this is not your personal battle to fight (your being too old, sick, etc.), I
personally encourage you, and invite you, to think of the younger
generations and the generations yet to come while you create or re-write
your Last Will and Testament.

Global Call for Collaboration

Which community will be first to officially adopt the United People

System? The Byron Shire is not the guaranteed contender. Mass
migrations of freedom-loving people may select any community in the
world to formally launch this process.
Maybe the Byron Shire, or some other beautiful area, is the
Gathering Point specifically for the purpose of forming the Global
Organizing Team: the United People Management Team. And just as the
old story about building a house tells us, the foundation must be built first.
And freedom is no longer an issue just for Americans - it's for the whole
world. Therefore, the foundation must be sufficient enough to
accommodate the whole world.
We're at a point now where it's expected that many people will either
review the Global Call for Collaboration, available on the UP site (See
"Want to Help?" in the left navigation bar on www.upworldgov.org), or
read it for the first time. This is the seventeen year plan for the greatly
expanded world-wide engagement of the United People System. It
conservatively sets a goal for 16 communities to have adopted the United
People System by the year 2015 and 1024 communities by the year 2027.
If you haven't read it yet, please do. And if you haven't told someone
else about it yet, please let them know now. This is a team effort, so let's
get the job done together.
It's time.

Then there's the game

Two remaining questions are: "How do we engage the vehicle when

there may be too few of us at the beginning?"; and "Since a new, honest
and transparent money system must be the foundation for a full activation
of the Collective Sovereignty, how can that be accomplished when there's
no corporate government on Earth that will allow it?"
In order to answer both of these questions Sol Millin, referred to
earlier, suggested we sort of jump start the process by playing a game (a
fun game that can fit into a 5 to 10 day retreat). There's no reason why we
can't have a lot of fun while we implement the solution. These retreats can
be scheduled at different locations around the world at different times.
Since we need to educate ourselves concerning how to start and use
the vehicle a game may be the answer. This will be a sort of on-the-job
training that will enable any one of us to fully experience how to think and
act as Sovereigns - while at the same time be able to experience a truly
honest, transparent and fair money system. Experiencing the money
system in this way will avoid any legal problem - because it's only a game.
Up to this time there have been hundreds of thousands of educated
and well-intentioned people who have gone up against the Corporation of
Government for one reason or another. But whether it was as a subject, or
an attempt to act as a Sovereign, the force field of the Corporation of
Government cannot be penetrated one individual at a time. That's why it's
so important to establish that first community, somewhere in this world,
that can collectively make the "Declaration of Independence" from the
Corporation of Government. As was discovered in 1776 in America - such
a declaration is quite powerful. That's why it's so important to prepare the
seeds during the Game so that they may return to their communities to be
planted and nourished.
What may have appeared to be an "Us against Them" scenario will
simply be transformed into the recognition that fiction cannot exist within
substance. Once we start thinking and acting like Sovereigns the fiction of
the Corporation of Government just disintegrates and disappears.
Separating one's self from a king is one thing, but separating one's self
from a fraudulent fiction is another.
I'll want to talk to anyone who wishes to be part of a 'commissioning
team' for this new game. Maybe it can start in the Byron Shire - with the
commissioning team developing the structure of the game at the very first
retreat. If you would like to be part of the game's commissioning team,
please let me know your qualifications, requirements and what you have to
If you like the game concept, and think that you may wish to
participate in a future retreat, register your interest on either the Will of the
People or United People web sites by signing on to the 'Game' email list.
The response may be the determining factor for going ahead with the
Game. You will receive news of our progress and retreat schedules.

Post Script:

A main part of the solution is education. And I think that I must

strongly encourage the militants amongst us to recognize that 'organization'
would still be a requirement in the aftermath of a bloody conflict.
Therefore, either way we go, the organization of the People is unavoidable
for significant positive change to be recognized in this world. It's my
personal hope that we can choose the peaceful way. And as I say that, I
feel the need, once again, to encourage everyone, whether it's in their
political party, church, or even military unit, to think for themselves:
exercising personal responsibility while seeking that innate inner wisdom
from within their hearts. Michael Prysner and James Circello, former
soldiers in the U.S. Army, who co-founded www.marchforward.org,
should be an inspiration. They're in the process of educating the tens of
thousands of active U.S. military personnel who are receiving orders to go
to Afghanistan and Iraq on how to refuse unlawful and immoral orders (as
per international law) - and not go.
If you think this book is a good start for someone who's beginning
their education curve for "People Solutions" (Nature's automatic immune
response to corporate tyranny) and think that it's worth sharing, pass it on
to a friend so it doesn't start collecting dust.
"There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come."
Victor Hugo
If not us, who?
If not now, when?
If not this, what?
I also look forward to the day when we as Sovereigns, thinking like
Sovereigns, can gather together and address other important issues such as
land ownership and how to take greater responsibility in feeding, housing
and educating our families - instead of accepting subservience to excessive
bureaucratic controls and mono-cultural norms.
Let's do it.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can

change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has."
Margret Mead - American Anthropologist Philadelphia Native
(December 16, 1901-November 15, 1978)

www.beam.to/peace_be_with_you or


Warning to our American friends:
Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing

Something must be said about the recent re-emergence of the

"federal constitutionalists", regardless of their organization names, because
it is a clear threat to the true Republican form & style of government that
the original American Founding Fathers created.
Any group that speaks of restoring the "American Republic" and
"Republics" and retains in place the "Constitution for the United States of
America (notice the use of the capital "U" here), and not restoring the
"Republican Plenary Form and Style" of American government from local
to National, should be looked upon with great suspicion.
Any group that speaks of a "Unanimous" Declaration of the
sovereign (notice the lower-case "s") People of the united States of
America (without specifically defining the word "State"), while actually
thumbing their noses at the American People and all other patriotic
organizations with impunity, should be looked upon with great suspicion.
Note: How can anything be a "Unanimous" Declaration of the
Sovereign People of the united States (States as defined in this book) of
America, as established by the original Colonial Declaration of
Independence in 1776 and perfected by the Colonial Continental Congress
in Philadelphia in 1787 - when the Sovereign People have not yet formally
assembled as per the outlined blueprint in this book? A true de jur
government cannot be in place until the Sovereign People themselves are
formally and authentically assembled - not visa versa. And a de jure Grand
Jury, or even Petite Jury cannot manifest itself from the ether; it must
spring forth from the formally and authentically assembled Sovereign
Anyone who openly "claims" to be self-appointed agents, in any
form, of the "Free Republics", especially if they claim to have "privately"
met with "high-ranking members of the armed forces" concerning any
"Plan" to restore America, (especially if it openly claims to have been
proposed by the federal military itself) should be looked upon with great
suspicion. Of course, there would be no authentic verification of these
meetings, and it seems pretty transparent that the so-called "agents" (under
any name) would simply be agents of Washington D.C. (who do, in fact,
have access to top military officials). They would be trying to do exactly
what their confederate predecessors had done over two hundred years ago.
The strong emphasis is on internal "secrecy" from top to bottom -
including any "joiners".

If the "military" were to win this so-called "peaceful" republic
restoration, where is the foundation of government that will replace the old
republican plan? These organizations will most likely say that they will
use the very public (corporate) institutions to execute those orders as
needed. This is a clear sign that they aren't going to change very much
after all, other than attempt a corporate-government take over.
None-the-less, it apparently will be whatever these "self-appointed"
agents impose. That sounds somewhat familiar.
Their instructions for "registration" into their "plan" will most likely
eerily resemble an entry form for Auschwitz - with a cloaked or subtle
threat of one's being prosecuted for releasing "classified" documents if he
or she shares it with someone else.
It's also interesting that the proposed "Declaration" (written by
someone other than the formally and authentically assembled Sovereign
People of America) will be claimed to be for all people - possibly those
inhabiting other areas besides the known boundaries of the American
states. Anything resembling this approach is just another corporate
adhesion contract forced upon the American people by a self-appointed
few (and the word "contract" will most likely be used); therefore, there will
be no true "meeting of the minds" there. Note, also, that the impostor
group will also most likely be promoting the "Law of the Land" versus the
"Law of the People" as the founding framers clearly intended.
Various forms of Warrants and Orders will probably be pre-drafted
by the "agents" and ready to go, and it is uncertain as to whether they will
have already been served to all the governors, or other government
officials, of all the states within the United States of America - and
possibly beyond.
If any such group were to have an open door policy where all so-
called "agents" and/or "participants (like all willing and able American
People)" can participate in the decision-making process, where is the
decision-making system in which full participation of the People can be
ensured? It will most likely be non-existent.

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Natural Republican State of the World
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Escaping the tornado
“Looks and feels wonderful Ricardo. Will of the People will serve as a
catalytic springboard for so very much!”
Francesca Lauria, NSW Australia

“Ten generations ago, my forefather and namesake, along with several other men
we today call "the Founders" of the United Republican States of America, wrote
for this nation a declaration that was to be the "Law of the People".

“I have for some time given praise and honor to the men and women of this great
nation for their tireless work and investigations to bring the truth to the forefront.
But I now wonder if they have gone back far enough. When did corruption in this
nation's governing system begin?

“In the National Archives Building, under glass for all to see, is a document we are
told is the original “framework” for the United Republican States of America. The
document under glass, our history tells us, was written in 1846 by a man named
William Hickey. Thus it is called the "Hickey version of the Constitution". This
Constitution was adopted by select members of Congress in 1847. On this
document, we are told, are the signatures of the 56 men we know as our countries
Founders. And of the men whose signatures appear on the document, James
Madison was the last survivor. However, James Madison died on June 28, 1836.

“My question is: How can a document, created at least ten years after the founding
fathers had all died, actually bear the signatures of those men? Is our nation built
on a fake, forged, document? I tell you emphatically, YES!!! Within this book my
friends and fellow Patriots, is, as Paul Harvey used to say, the rest of the story. I
not only recommend this book, but I beg you to read it, for the sake of the man
whose name I share. My thanks Ricardo. You truly are an honorable man.
Perhaps, freedom will ring once again.”
James Madison, Colorado


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