Survival Strategies For Parenting The Child & Teen With Bipolar
Survival Strategies For Parenting The Child & Teen With Bipolar
Survival Strategies For Parenting The Child & Teen With Bipolar
Asperger’s Syndrome
A Guide for Parents and Professionals
Tony Attwood
Foreword by Lorna Wing
ISBN 1 85302 577 1
Pretending to be Normal
Living with Asperger’s Syndrome
Liane Holliday Willey
Foreword by Tony Attwood
ISBN 1 85302 749 9
Eating an Artichoke
A Mother’s Perspective on Asperger’s Syndrome
Echo Fling
Foreword by Tony Attwood
ISBN 1 85302 711 1
The right of George T. Lynn to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by
him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Acknowledgements 8
Introduction: The Broken Necklace Rage 9
V. Hard Decisions
Schools, professionals, psychiatric hospitals, and police involvement
12. How to Choose the Best Neurologists, Psychiatrists, 198
Therapists, Schools, and Teachers for the Child with Wild
and Extreme Behavior
13. The Hardest Decisions: How to Make Police Involvement
or Psychiatric Hospitalization Part of Your Healing Plan 209
Conclusion: When All Is Said and Done:
Six Keys to Personal Wellness for Families of Children
with Bipolar Disorder 219
This work would not have been completed without the assistance of my wife
Joanne Barrie Lynn. Joanne has reviewed each chapter with a sharp and loving eye
and given the work the mark of her powerful ability to get to the point and give
people practical help. She lives this work with me as a parent and conceptual col-
laborator and I am deeply grateful that she is in my life.
Then there are my personal, professional, and online friends, all of us children
of the Net who have delighted in many evenings of rapid-fire exchange of notes,
opinions, inspirations, and personal suffering on this topic, pro and con. These
include Thorn Hartmann, Martha Hellander, Carla Nelson, and Carol Bruce.
This work also shows the influence of several powerful thinkers, researchers,
physicians, and therapists who have taken on the task of understanding children
with Bipolar-like challenges, Tourette Syndrome, and Asperger’s Syndrome.
These pioneering leading lights include Dr David Comings, Dr Kenneth Blum,
Dr Hagop Akiskal, Dr Joseph Beiderman, Dr Charles Popper, and Dr Daniel
I would like to express particular appreciation for the information provided by
the people at the National Institute of Mental Health’s Stanley Foundation. I await
each issue of the Stanley Foundation Newsletter with the anticipation of a little boy
waiting for his Boy’s Life to come in the mail. You can tell that the professionals at
Stanley care and are excited about their work. Each issue has documented some
new breakthrough in the research, understanding, and treatment of Bipolar
Disorder that has enabled me to be more effective as a therapist and a writer.
Finally I want to thank Helen Parry, my editor at Jessica Kingsley Publishers,
for her guidance in helping me make this book more accessible to children with
Bipolar Disorder and their parents.
The Broken Necklace Rage
Johnny is five years old. Most probably his diagnosis would be early-onset Bipolar
Disorder but he has not yet been diagnosed. He has obsessions. He rages at the
drop of a hat, and out of nowhere. Usually a small frustration sets off his rages.
He is staying with his grandmother, whom I shall call Carol, at her home in the
country. This morning Johnny is working intently on a beaded necklace. He
brings it to show Carol and drops it by mistake. This little setback sets him off and
he goes into a terrible rage, crying, laughing, spitting, running, frothing at the
mouth. Carol clears the area and finally gets him to a quiet place sitting at the
kitchen table.
He pounds the table again and again. ‘I’m so sad, I’m so sad!’ he screams. So
much discomfort and dark mood for such a little kid. It blasts out of him like a
Carol knows what to do. Though his anger is frightening, she is moved by his
sadness and her heart opens to him. She makes sure that he is safe, there is nothing
nearby that he can throw or break. She sits with him and tries to be (to use her
words) ‘very quiet in my heart.’ She is a gardener and so she knows how to be
quiet, centered in her heart, and in enjoyment of nature and peaceful meditative
work. She sits with Johnny and listens to him, speaking only when moved to
speak. Eventually he calms down, and as he does she begins to talk about the
opportunity for new beginnings when things fall apart. He is soothed by her
words. They work together to reconstruct the necklace to Johnny’s satisfaction
and eventually the world is right again.
She told me that this incident and many others have informed her that her
grandson has a compelling need for perfect beauty and has a zero tolerance for
frustration. It wasn’t anything his parents were doing to him or any fault of his
own. As his grandmother she knew that his mother, her daughter, also had these
traits. Her daughter and her grandson had the hearts and souls of artists, but
became inconsolable when things didn’t go just right. And she knew that the best
way to balance this lack of control was to be very mindfully and peacefully in
control of herself.
My intention is that this kind of consciousness comes through to you in the
pages of this book. I am a psychotherapist who has worked with hundreds of
adults and children with issues caused by being born with a brain chemistry pre-
dilection for emotional excess that is termed Bipolar Disorder. I try to do justice to
what my clients have taught me about their experience and what they need to do
to have successful lives.
This book summarizes lessons I have learned from these kids and their parents
about how biochemistry forms their personalities, and what the most successful
parents have done to make life better for their children and themselves.
half million adults in the US are diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and given the
fact that there is a powerful inheritability factor for the condition, close to that
number of children are probably afflicted with BD.
Virginia Woolf, Frederick Chopin, Gerard Manley Hopkins, James M. Barrie, and
many other poets and writers. Children in this archetype often leave me
jaw-dropped in astonishment at their wisdom and accomplishment.
‘The profile of the child at risk for bipolar illness suggests that whatever emotion
– negative or positive – these children experience, they seem to experience it
intensely or passionately. Their behavior is likewise dysregulated and dis-
Dr Hagop Akiskal
The Warrior thrives on intensity. He will create a fight just to make things interest-
ing. He has the wisdom gained from experiencing the highs and lows of
existence. He may have gifts in literary and creative artistry. He has a powerful will
to achieve his goals and does well in academic areas. He is fierce as an enemy.
He can be his own worst enemy. The excess of fire in the temperament of the
Warrior is his biggest challenge. He can become powerfully isolated from others
because of his rage and impulsivity which may flare out of nowhere. His
self-centeredness and hunger for stimulation and excitement can make him a
monster in the eyes of others. In his moments of depression, he may decide to take
his own life or undertake other forms of self-destruction to escape the depression.
personality. There is a good possibility that she will be able to attend college in a
couple of years. Things are beginning to look up.
Physicians are beginning to accept the fact that children like Jessie may be
suffering from a disorder that, up until a few years ago, was thought not to occur in
children her age. She shows a pattern of behavior that she shares with many adults
now diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.
The fast ideas come too fast and there are far too many. Overwhelming confusion
replaces clarity. You stop keeping up with it – memory goes. Infectious humor
ceases to amuse. Your friends become frightened. Everything is now against the
grain. You are irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and trapped.
Dr Michael Norden, a Seattle-based expert on Seasonal Affective Disorder, a form
of depression, uses the acronym ‘APES SWIM’ to define the key somatic/psycho-
logical characteristics of depression (Norden 1995, p.7). When these symptoms
are severe, the person is said to be suffering from ‘major depression.’
Somatic symptoms
A: appetite or weight reduction or increase (5% in a month)
P: psychomotor retardation or agitation (moves slowly, or is jittery)
E: energy reduction (fatigue)
S: sleep reduction or increase
Psychological symptoms
S: suicidal ideas or thoughts of death
W: feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt
I: interest or pleasure decreased in most activities
M: mental ability, concentration, focus, decision-making, decreases
Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2
Figure 1.3
Figure 1.5
kinds of organic brain diseases may be involved. Some children will experience a
short-duration Unipolar Mania (a day or less) which then fades away but which
may be a forewarning of the development of Bipolar Disorder later.
Figure 1.6
Bipolar Disorder in children mixes the manic and depressive states together to
form aggressive depression.
Bipolar Disorder, termed ‘early-onset Bipolar Disorder’ when it occurs in
children, is most often seen as a ‘mixed-state,’ ‘rapid-cycling’ type of affective
illness in kids as young as four years old (Wozniak and Biederman 1995). The
child will move from a relatively normal mood or an anxious and sad state to
become wild, rageful, and unpredictable. Early-onset Bipolar Disorder may be
diagrammed as follows, with low points on the line corresponding with the
emergence of the most aggravating symptom: rage.
Figure 1.7
This pattern shows all the marks of Cyclothymia (Bipolar III) but lacks the clear
split between hypomania and mild depression seen in that disorder. Bipolar
Disorder IV, that variation caused by administration of antidepressant medication,
will also show this extreme rapid-cycling pattern along with the child’s loss of
control and violent behavior.
Very few Bipolar Disorder-diagnosed children score high on the ‘elevated
mood’ criteria of the standard diagnosis. Perhaps not wildly optimistic, these kids
show the quality of mania in children described by eminent researcher Dr Hagop
Akiskal as ‘extreme irritability, mood lability [rapid, unpredictable mood change],
emotional storms, sudden wild behavior, and explosive anger’ (Akiskal 1995,
The drop into the depressive stage is heralded by a worsening of the aggressive
and irritable aspects, what is called ‘dysphoria’ (from the Latin for ‘bad mood’), of
the syndrome and the emergence of rage. This drop often occurs suddenly, taking
parents by surprise.
2. A predisposition to rage
Rage is usually kicked off by a requirement to follow a rule or to stop some
behavior. It is a signature feature of Bipolar Disorder in children. Rage occurs
from an early age. It is unstoppable, and goes on for over a half-hour. It may be
violent and often results in exhaustion. The child does not remember what
happened during the fit of rage. Dr Charles Popper of the Harvard Medical
School, an authority on Bipolar Disorder in children (Popper 1989, p.6), says that
this rage ‘could not be imitated by an adult without becoming exhausted in a few
How to assess for the presence of a sleep disorder Keep a sleep log for your
child in which you note how much sleep she needs when she doesn’t
have to get up at a particular time. Weekends and school holidays are
a good time to document her sleep habits. Some children need very
little sleep. Some need a lot. Most need much more (12–14 hours a
night is not uncommon) when they hit their teen years. If she cannot
get out of bed until the afternoon, becomes hyperenergized or
tyrannical at night, or likes to stay up all night, there is a possibility
that she is experiencing an affective disorder such as depression or
Bipolar Disorder.
How to identify the presence of Bipolar Disorder in fire and knife play
Observe your child’s behavior with these items. A child with ADHD
may act clueless about his motivation for dangerous play and getting
into trouble. The child with Bipolar Disorder may fantasize that use
of these materials gives her power or protects her. She may show a
disregard for the rights of others and be slow to experience remorse
for her actions. Look for the quality of intentionality and planning
to detect BD.
How to assess the danger or suicide for children and teens with Bipolar
1. The child has verbalized that suicide may be an acceptable
choice for him to escape the misery that he is experiencing.
2. The child has discussed the means he might use to kill
3. The child has given away precious toys; is tying up his
4. The child manifests a high degree of anxiety and agitation and
at least one of the preceding factors is in evidence and/or:
5. The child becomes calm, happy, and seems at peace with
himself after a period of psychological agony.
language that describes the appearance of the depressed child when he stops
trying to accomplish things in his life and pulls back into his shell.
Some researchers, noting that depression has the look of Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome (Croft et al. 1993), suggest that getting an Epstein – Barr titer (the
check for CFS) on a child with serious lethargy problems might be in order. The
exact link between depression and CFS is not known, but children with
early-onset Bipolar Disorder often show symptoms of this kind of lethargic
affective state when they hit their teens. It may be treated pharmacologically and
with psychotherapy.
Medical tests often show a link between a malfunctioning thyroid gland and
the powerful sense of internal pressure that people with Bipolar Disorder experi-
ence. Many physicians routinely ask for a lab report to determine if hyper- or
hypothyroidism is a contributor to manic behavior.
Another factor may be low birth weight. Forty percent of the children I treat
for Bipolar Disorder in counseling are reported to have been born prematurely.
(a) Attention and cognitive ability drop in the depressive phase, but are fine
in more normal consciousness.
(b) Inattention is caused by the rush of ideas that occurs in the hypomanic
(c) Poor decision-making occurs in hypomanic phase, but no problems
making decisions in non-manic states.
(a) Yes
(b) No
Scoring key
This is a self-awareness checklist. It is not meant to be used as a diagnostic instrument but is a
method for developing understanding of the components of Bipolar Disorder that are seen in a
majority of cases.
The only essential diagnostic question at issue under present guidelines is
point 1. A child has to show mood shift between manic (or hypomanic) and
depressed states in order to be considered to have manic-depressive illness, or she
must evidence the mixed-state aggressive-depression profile for early-onset
Check any responses that apply to the child you are evaluating. If you checked
in the affirmative on any of the choices (a, b, c, d, etc.) for ten or more of the points
seen as 1 through 12 (and have checked point 1), there is a probability that the
child suffers from Bipolar Disorder and you should pursue formal diagnostic eval-
uation with your doctor. Points 11 through 16 describe features of BD often seen
in children but which do not show up as primary features in current research.
their own stress and mood swing, it takes enormous strength to exercise this
Parents help the child to the degree that they reward even little gestures of
moderation and reasonable behavior. They help her develop character strength
when they note and affirm every time she is able to put boundaries around her
own wild emotional reaction. And they stick to their consequences. They require
her to repair the wall and compliment her for doing a good job of it.
And they provide boundaries on her actions that are strong enough to contain
her attack. They do not let her run the house or manipulate them and they do not
protect her from the natural consequences of her actions. If she breaks the law, she
answers for it. If she attacks a family member, 911 is called. This is a central
theme of this book: that children with Bipolar challenges who survive to
adulthood have had the benefit of tough love, of strong, take-it-to-the-limit
parenting. If adults drop their responsibilities out of exhaustion, the child will
spin free and may be consumed by her own disorder or end up in the penal system.
The Warrior archetype in a child will set up a battlefield in her home and her
parents, like it or not, will have to engage her and contain the anarchy in her tem-
perament. This is a crucible experience for families. Some survive. Some do not.
must struggle greatly with his ‘animal’ or ‘wild’ instincts to adapt to the demands
of culture and school.
Sensory cortex
Prefrontal cortex
thinking and
Base brain
or “reptillian” brain
Limbic brain
Figure 2.1
All three of these brains operate within the framework of two great neurotrans-
mitter systems that function throughout the nervous system: (a) the aminergic
system which is responsible for our waking consciousness, and (b) the cholinergic
system which regulates the involuntary functions in the body and takes us into
sleep by shutting down the cortex. Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that
switch different parts of the brain on and off. A good example is the effect of
stimulant medication such as Ritalin to upregulate the neurotransmitter dopamine
in nerves which are important for attention in the brain. The drug ‘switches on’
the inhibitory neurons so that the child can screen out distraction.
The neurotransmitters that coordinate the function of the aminergic system are
serotonin, a mood-calming brain chemical; dopamine, which powers both excit-
atory and inhibitory nerves; and norepiniphrine, which powers adrenaline and
the body’s muscles and nervous system. The primary neurotransmitter that coor-
dinates the function of the cholinergic system is acetylcholine. As the body moves
into sleep, acetylcholine pathways from the base brain energize forward to even-
tually reach the prefrontal cortex and shut it down, thus bringing on sleep.
The left and right frontal lobes, sitting over the left and right eyes respectively,
have specialized roles to play in the experience of emotion. Studies show that the
left frontal lobe is specialized for the experience of positive emotions, the right
frontal lobe is specialized for the experience of negative feelings and for tasking
the body’s reaction to stress. In depression and Bipolar Disorder, the right frontal
lobe may be overactive and may flood consciousness with negative, fear-based
thoughts. The frontal lobes connect with two structures in the limbic brain called
the amygdala and thalamus to make up the brain’s emotional circuit.
The amygdala (from the Greek word for ‘almond-shaped’) compares messages
from the different sense organs with the thalamus, to orchestrate emotional
reactions to stimuli. The thalamus is responsible for the integration of sensations,
emotions, a sense of pain and sexual feelings and the transmission of these stimuli
to the motor cortex, the part of the brain tasked to movement and response. It is
probably the hypersensitivity of neurons in the area of the amygdala and thalamus
in children with neuropsychological conditions that causes their emotional
extremes and hypersensitivities to external sensory experience (Strakowski et al.
1999) One example is the child’s oversensitivity to the feeling of clothing or to
sensations of heat and cold. This hypersensitivity also creates a chronic sense of
internal stress, the ‘driven’ feeling, seen in both Bipolar Disorder and ADHD.
In Bipolar Disorder, limbic oversensitivity causes an inappropriate excitatory
reaction to stimuli. Parents of children who rage as a result of the presence of
Bipolar Disorder say that they feel they are walking a tightrope around their
child’s mood swing. One little stressor, one little remark taken the wrong way, can
upset the apple cart and throw the child into a dysphoric mood. Oversensitivity of
the thalamus, hypothalamus, and amygdala, which are tasked to moderating
emotion, puts continual pressure on the thinking brain, the cortex, resulting in a
lowered ability to inhibit impulsive action. The result is a natural predilection to
overreact to everything.
In Survival Strategies, I applied this model to the experience of rage but it also
accounts for the rapid shift in mood seen in Bipolar Disorder and the descent into
intense irritability and rage seen in early-onset Bipolar children.
The children I treat with early-onset Bipolar Disorder tell me that as their
mood changes, a feeling of darkness descends, and a deep sense of discontent
comes over them that no one else can see. As the limbic brain wave builds, there is
a loss of the ability to think and make decisions.
Hallucinations are also experienced during the limbic wave. Children will
often report that they feel unpleasantly dreamy or disconnected from reality, as if
they are in a bad dream. These states of consciousness are probably associated
with sleep disturbances and point to a dysfunction in the brain between the
aminergic and cholinergic neurotransmitter systems. Dr Allan Hobson, a
researcher on the relationship between sleep and mental disorders, hypothesizes
that Bipolar Disorder may be related to the imbalance in these two systems in such
a way that the person is experiencing a waking bad dream 24 hours a day – never
quite asleep or awake at any particular time (Hobson 1995). It makes sense that
just as the limbic system is contaminating consciousness residing in the cortex, the
cholinergic system is contaminating the aminergic system, resulting in the
person’s feeling of being in a waking dream.
Research on the limbic system indicates that the brains of people with Bipolar
Disorder are often influenced by cholinergic neurochemicals during the day – the
dreaming brain takes over in waking consciousness. As this happens, neurotrans-
mitter levels of the brain chemicals that govern wakefulness, especially dopamine
and serotonin, decrease. This change happens throughout the limbic brain and as
the wave moves through the brain, it creates an involuntary sense of being pulled
to sleep which is sensed as enormously aggravating and crazy-making by the
child. The whole process is akin to having a ‘bad trip’ on LSD, though the
dramatic hallucinatory activity of a drug-induced trance is not present.
The limbic brain is the lord of sleep and the animal emotions in us, but when
this animal consciousness takes over a child’s waking mind, the feeling is horrible
and he explodes in rage or dysphoria, seeking a target for what he is feeling, in an
attempt to gain a sense of control over the experience.
1. Mood stabilizers
These are the primary medications used to treat Bipolar Disorder. They are called
‘mood stabilizers’ in that they reduce mania and hypomania seen in the condition.
In the mixed-state early-onset manifestation of BD, they greatly calm rage. The
mood stabilizer lithium carbonate has been the gold standard for the treatment of
Bipolar Disorder in teens and adults for many years. Because of side-effects
(weight gain, cognitive dulling, acne) it has taken a back seat to the use of the
anticonvulsants for treatment of early-onset Bipolar Disorder. There is some
evidence that lithium is more effective for the ‘traditional’ manic-depressive
cycling types of BD (Bipolar I and Bipolar II Disorders) in which clear states of
depression and mania occur. The anticonvulsants are more effective for treating
rage issues associated with atypical aggressive depression and rage seen in
children who develop Bipolar Disorder. Lithium administration also requires
blood draws to titrate to therapeutic levels and prevent liver and white blood cell
The anticonvulsant medications stabilize mood but, unlike lithium, do not
generally reduce depression (Sobo 1999). This being said, these medications may
be greatly helpful in early-onset BD, because they take the aggressive teeth out of
the child’s depression and help her calm. These drugs include divalproex sodium
(b. Depakote), carbamazepine (b. Tegretol), lamotrigine (b. Lamictal), and
gabapentin (b. Neurontin). Tegretol may be as effective in controlling rage but
does not have the power of mood stabilization that Depakote has, and Tegretol
may increase the power of other medications the child is taking. Neurontin and
Lamictal are new medications and there is very little research on long-term effects
or adverse side-effects of these drugs, though research at the Stanley Foundation
is showing that Lamictal may also have an antidepressant effect (Post 1999). The
Foundation, however, cautions against the use of Lamictal for children under 16
because of a potentially lethal skin rash side-effect.
As of this writing a new anticonvulsant, topiramate (b. Topamax), is showing
promise for both mood stabilization and reduction of the tics seen in Tourette
Most of the anticonvulsant medications require blood work to ensure that the
drug is at therapeutic levels and that the child’s white blood cell count and liver
toxicity levels are within acceptable range. Overdose can result in destruction of
the immune response and can be lethal.
The anticonvulsants are also used to treat seizure disorders. I have discussed in
the previous chapter the fact that psychosomatic presentation of rage in many
Bipolar children has the appearance of the seizure phenomenon – there is an aura
and a loss of memory about what happens during the rage. There is an explosive
episode, and a diminution. I have found that parents of kids with Bipolar chal-
lenges are relieved to see the similarities between their child’s behavior and that of
people who suffer from some forms of epilepsy. This way of looking at the
disorder helps them see that though the child can appear to be intensely malevo-
lent, it is her neurology, not her personality, that is causing the behavior. When the
neurological issue is treated, the child may return to relative normalcy. She may be
affectionate, pleasant, and helpful instead of maniacal, vicious, and abusive.
2. Antipsychotic medications
Also called ‘neuroleptics’ because they downregulate the brain’s use of serotonin
and dopamine. This enables the person to screen out intrusive thoughts or
emotions that can take over consciousness. Drugs in this classification include
risperidone (b. Risperdal) and olanzapine (b. Zyprexa). Antipsychotic drugs are
used to resolve the child’s most severe symptoms and restore some calm to his life.
They reduce mania, psychotic thinking, hallucinations, and the paranoid behavior
that a child with BD may experience. The down side of using this class of medica-
tion is that there is risk of developing Tardive Dyskinesia, which is a painful and
disfiguring facial tic, or dystonia (painful large-muscle cramping). Though these
effects are usually remedied by discontinuance of neuroleptic medications and are
most often seen after long-term use, in about 3 percent of cases, TD remains after
medication discontinuance. Neuroleptic medication may be continued well
beyond the acute phase if psychotic symptoms continue, or if there is a previous
history of symptoms being exacerbated every time neuroleptics, antidepressants
or other psychotropic medications are discontinued.
3. Antidepressant medications
Used to soothe the brain’s vigilance centers, relieving depression and permitting
the release of neurochemicals associated with good mood. Antidepressants and
stimulants should only be given after administration of a mood stabilizer for BD
kids. The Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) such as fluoxotine (b.
Prozac), setraline (b. Zoloft), or citapram (b. Celexa) raise brain serotonin levels
and thus help the child put a break on impulsivity. Atypical antidepressants that
have the ability to energize focus while raising brain serotonin levels (and
soothing depression) such as buspirone (b. Wellbutrin), or venlafaxine (b. Effexor),
may strengthen the editor function of the frontal lobes while decreasing
dysinhibition of the limbic brain. Wellbutrin has been shown to be free of the
aggravating side-effect of mania for many BD children.
4. Stimulants
Used to strengthen the ability of the cortex to regulate attention and emotional
states. ADHD-related impulsivity is treated with these drugs. Stimulant medica-
tion is used to strengthen the brain’s ability to inhibit the excitatory response and
improve attention and focus by improving the function of a little structure that sits
over the right eye in the right frontal lobe called the orbitofrontal cortex. Stimu-
lants such as dextroamphetamine (b. Dexedrine), or metaphenyidate (b. Ritalin),
which are used to treat ADHD may also be useful in treating the more serious
behavior problems associated with frontal-lobe dysfunction such as dangerous
impulsivity, an absence of common sense, and lack of conscience. Read Chapter 5
for more detail on the association between these issues and Bipolar Disorder in
children and teens.
5. The benzodiazepines
Bipolar Disorder may be treated in its acute phase (when symptoms emerge with
great force, such as in rage or panic) with anti-anxiety agents in the benzodiaz-
epine class, such as alprazolam (b. Xanax), and lorazepam (b. Ativan). These medi-
cations have been shown to have significant anti-manic effects, but they are not
mood stabilizers. They should be monitored closely with an eye to discontinuing
them two or three weeks after symptoms are under control, because children with
affective disorders are especially susceptible to addiction to this class of medica-
New treatments from naturopathic medicine are showing promise for the
treatment of rage associated with mood disorders. These are described in detail in
Chapter 6 and include the use of vegetable-based lithium (which does not have
the toxic side-effects of the lithium carbonate prescribed by medical doctors), and
essential fatty acids in the Omega-3 classification.
Martha’s Story
Understanding and Managing Rage in Children
with Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder
Everyone has advice for, and judgments of, parents of rageful children: be
firmer, be more lenient, pray, go to church, deal with your own anger, be more
consistent, lock her up, don’t let her run your life. But they cannot know what it is
like until they experience the pure force of parenting a child like this themselves.
You have to live with this problem to understand it.
In Bipolar Disorder rage results from the collision of the manic and depressed
phases of the disorder in the ‘mixed-state’ diagnosis. In this situation, rage
expresses the ‘despairing anxiety’ of the depressed phase in combination with the
flight of ideas and feeling of internal pressure of the manic state. I have seen this
rage emerge in children as young as four.
reaction, and therefore may diminish quickly if the stress is removed or parents
handle the situation skillfully – perhaps using Ross Greene’s system of setting
parenting priorities using three ‘baskets’ for essential, negotiable, and less
important issues.
The rage seen in Bipolar Disorder is different first because it expresses the
child’s depression greatly amplified by his manic energy. Depression energizes
the ‘fight’ aspects of his character and makes his rage aggressive, demanding and
destructive. Unlike meltdown which is typically ineffectual, a big temper tantrum
or a screaming fit, Bipolar-related rage will often result in kids attacking adults
with objects, and these kids are not usually amenable to negotiation.
Rage in children with Bipolar Disorder often comes out of nowhere, like a
seizure. There is something so wild about its onset that there is no question about
negotiation by the time it hits. It is totally explosive and mindless. There may be
no real reason for its occurrence other than the build-up of stress on the child.
Children who experience meltdown hate losing control and may recover
within 15 minutes or so, but children with Bipolar challenges will often report
that the rage felt energizing and helped them focus, and the rage goes on well past
half an hour.
2. The rage may erupt at the drop of a hat for no apparent reason – when
the child is denied something or some prohibition is put on behavior.
The child may deliberately provoke adults around her to get a rage
cycle going. I term this ‘stalking a reaction.’ This is the opening salvo in
her gambit to realize stimulus satisfaction in the adrenaline rush of the
chaos that ensues.
3. Once activated, the rage takes a predictable course through build-up,
explosive behavior, and diminution. The child will often report
headaches or exhaustion, or go to sleep after the rage.
4. The volume of the rage is great. Dr Charles Popper (Popper 1989, p.6)
says that Bipolar-related rage is so powerful that ‘you could not imitate
it if you tried.’ The child may rave, giggle, cry so hard tears squirt
across the room or shout obscenities. She may lose all coping skills and
emotionally regress to a younger age.
5. Gory thinking, involving the use of knives, fire, dismemberment of
loved ones, will be verbally expressed by the child during rage. Rarely
does she follow through on threats, but the intensity of the delivery can
be terrifying.
6. The child will attack and destroy objects precious to her, such as a
prized teddy bear. She will go after her parents’ things, throwing the
remote at the answering machine or chucking the pepper mill through
the dining-room window. Often the child will experience an ‘obsessive
feeling’ that she needs to attack a particular object. When the limbic
brain takes over, its energies may turn on her to destroy everything that
is precious to her in normal consciousness.
7. The child describes the rage as a build-up of heat that is sensed up the
anterior side of the body, from the stomach, the sternum, the throat, the
face, and the head. Some children report an aura before the build-up of
rage; visual fuzziness, a waking ‘bad dream,’ sensitivity to smells, or
headaches. This indicates the involvement of the limbic brain’s olfactory
tubercle and the neurotransmitter system, the catecholamine system,
which is operant when the child is sleeping.
8. Children will report rage almost as an entity that takes them over or
that is clearly localized as a presence. ‘It’s like the Donald Duck cartoon
in which the devil [rage] sits on my left shoulder and the angel on the
right.’ One of my clients reported it as ‘my brain [rage] vs. my heart
[her family].’ This girl had intuitively localized the demon in her limbic
brain and felt caught in a cross-fire between it and the rest of her
in some photographs and had cut the eyes out of several pictures in her mom’s
photo album. Now, at twelve, she experienced obsessional thoughts about sex –
bizarre scenarios involving cartoon characters that were extremely distressing to
Martha hadn’t really been a problem at school until the last couple of years, but
things were getting out of hand there too. When the school principal tried to calm
her she threw a book at the woman and called her a ‘fucking bitch.’ When she was
back at school after a two-day suspension, her parents were put on notice by the
principal that the school would call 911 if there were another incident.
Martha had no friends. The other kids learned that, though she could be
fiercely loyal, if she became annoyed she was verbally abusive. Several of the
children in her class were afraid of her. Their parents had put the school on notice
that they considered her a menace and that something had to be done or they
would file an official complaint with the district.
When she came in to counseling for her first session, she appeared somewhat
hyperactive, unsmiling and tense but otherwise presented as an intelligent,
normal, and attractive kid. She admitted that she had a problem losing her temper,
though she was not willing to admit that it was as bad as her parents said it was.
Her rage pattern fit the early-onset Bipolar type and like many children with these
challenges, she felt a deep suspicion of therapy, along with a need to talk with
someone who would not judge her.
Though she was well aware of what set off her rage, there were times when she
reacted normally to the requirements her parents put on her. The times that rage
emerged were always preceded by a drop in mood, into a dark, depressed,
self-critical, unable-to-think, low-energy place. It was as if a black net dropped
around her and sapped all her good feelings, making any little disappointment or
noise impossible to bear.
John and Kim were working with a local psychiatrist to find the right medica-
tion to treat her rage. Her parents and doctor had tried to calm it with a moderate
dose of quanfacine (b. Tenex), which had been partially effective. When she began
treatment with me, her psychiatrist had just finished a re-evaluation for the use of
valproate (b. Depakote) and she had begun a prescription of that drug with good
and the accusation that her parents were to blame for all the rage incidents that
had occurred.
It makes sense that children with rage issues carry powerful denial of the
situation because at the time of rage their consciousness is functionally incapable
of ‘seeing the big picture.’ At this moment everyone else is the enemy. Research
shows that at the time of rage, ‘executive function’ areas of the frontal lobes shut
down. These are the areas tasked to complex thought, decision-making, and for
giving us perspective on our actions. In this state of consciousness the child cannot
see her own part in the problem.
The mood disorder itself tends to create a style of perception in which denial is
the operant defense mechanism. In the elated and euphoric stage, the person with
Bipolar Disorder can see no reason to take medication or do anything that
decreases the frankly pleasurable state of consciousness. Depressed, she becomes
combative and antagonizes everyone around her, thus making it more difficult to
get the help she needs.
self-control. But this injunction blocks ownership of rage in kids like Martha, who
come to see themselves as bad, defective, or broken because they carry so much
rage and cannot admit it.
Martha would not have been able to turn the corner and take more ownership
of her Bipolar Disorder if her parents had not called 911. As we talked about the
night several weeks later, John and Kim shared how embarrassing it was to have
two police cars pull up outside their house. But they decided that things had
gotten so bad that necessity overcame pride and they asked for help. Their action
got Martha’s attention long enough for her to agree on the vigorous pursuit of
medication and to work hard in psychotherapy.
Dysphoric affect
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Discuss with the child examples of the rage-related behavior that occurs at each
point on the scale. Tell her that a 1 is like mild medication withdrawal. A 4 is a
painful drop in mood but may be reversed with some activity like exercise or a
pleasant experience. A score of 6 or 7 describes full-on misery: aggressive depres-
sion that will soon be expressed as verbal attacks on those around her. Use an
informal, non-shaming tone of voice. For young children, use a color range. White
means calm, yellow means heating to rage, orange means rage at the early-onset
stage, red means fully involved in rage.
‘You know, Martha, we can all get heated up around here and lose our tempers
and I hate it when that happens. We need to be able to tell each other quickly how
we’re feeling so things don’t get worse. I’d like to use a little code so that we can
check things out without a lot of talk, OK?’
Introducing the use of this scale makes the situation a communication problem
and takes the pressure off the child. The Tension Feedback Scale is a vehicle for
her to stay more aware of her experience and not get lost in a blaming attack on
everyone around her.
(d) Call the game. If the child seems to be following you around looking for
a fight, say ‘I have the feeling that you are trying to get a rise out of me
for the fun of it. But I don’t want to play that game. What can we come
up with that would be more interesting for both of us?’ Take the child’s
provocative behavior as her way of telling you that she is approaching
her wits’ end and needs some inspiration to keep from crashing into
dysphoria and rage.
rage subsides. Other parents see no problem with restraint. Work out
your operating philosophy before you need to exercise the decision.
Having to physically restrain a child may push a parent to lose
self-control. Getting yelled at is one thing, but getting punched, bitten,
or spit on repeatedly, full in the face, can drive the most restrained
parent over the edge. These assaults often occur when the parent tries to
physically restrain the child. Be prepared for the worst.
If restraint is necessary, most parents prefer the stand-behind
position. They hold the child’s wrists, her arms crossed over her front.
They stay clear of her thrashing head. These parents have a fine-tuned
awareness of their own stress reaction, and remove themselves from the
situation if they experience an urge to be rough or otherwise hurt the
(d) The circumstances that will result in a call to 911. If you lose control of the
situation and your child is in danger to herself or others, you may have
to call 911. There should be no argument between parents when the
call is made.
Implement the plan and don’t let hot emotionality rule the day. Parents must
know when to insist that their child comply with some demand and when to back
off. Above all, they must know that they are in charge of the situation and the
child is not.
6. If you begin to lose control, call for back-up from supportive adults, the police,
or your doctor
It is important that parents commit to nonviolence in their dealings with their
child. They may need to restrain her or call 911, but they must not hit her.
Once the rage has begun it is most important to create physical safety for the
family and the child.
Though the raging child may not attack others with homicidal intention, she
may mount a crazy flailing assault, punching, biting, and scratching those around
her. If she possesses a weapon, such as a knife or heavy object, she is much more
dangerous and may behave like an angry drunk. At these times isolate the rest of
the family, call 911, and let the police handle the situation. It is best to keep guns
out of the house. If you have to call the police, let them know your child’s
diagnosis right away and tell her that if she is holding a knife when the police
come in she is in danger of being shot. This grim reality will calm most children
enough to put any weapon down that they are holding.
you than it is for her to listen to your suggestions for change. If conversation
proceeds naturally, you may get the opportunity to introduce and process the
event. Use these questions to frame that discussion:
• What behavior did she believe was problematic?
• What was her concern or need?
• What set things off?
• What could we all do if this situation comes up again?
This is an opportunity for reflection, bridge-building, and corrective action
planning. It should result in the affirmation of the child’s intention to have more
control in the future and build the feeling of ‘live and learn,’ of planning for a
better future.
It should be taught to the child by a supportive adult (her ‘rage coach’) during a
period of mood stability when she is feeling confident enough to learn new skills
to deal with her rage.
1. Ask the child to remember a time when she had a bad rage attack.
Because recall is difficult, you (her rage coach) may need to help the
child recall a particular episode. Once she has brought the scene to
mind ask her to describe her mental picture of the incident in detail and
recall as much as she can about the feelings that she experienced as if
she were describing a dream.
• In her memory of the incident, does she see herself in color or black
and white?
• If there are other people in the image, are they bigger or smaller than
• If she can describe her feelings as a color that surrounds the image in
her mind, what color does she give these feelings?
• Finally ask her where, in her internal imagery, does she see the image?
If she were to look at the memory as a picture floating above a flat
landscape in her mind, is the picture on her right or left or in the
middle? Is it high or low on the horizon? When she has done this, ask
her to set the image in place ‘just a bit to the left in your mind picture,
around the place where the nine or ten o’clock would be on a clock
2. Next, ask her to recall another incident in which she was stressed to the
point of rage but was able to hold her temper. What is her mental
imagery of this successful experience? Using the same questions noted
above, get her to describe the incident. When she has done this, ask her
to set that image just a bit to the right in her mind picture, at about the
‘two o’clock position’ over her internal landscape.
3. Now ask her to imagine a ‘light bridge’ between this image and that of
her rage incident. The light bridge would be represented as a band of
light or energy or a feeling of connection between the two images.
Across this light bridge, ask her to transport all the details from the
image in which she behaved successfully to the image of her losing it to
the rage. Ask her to change the negative image gradually, as all the
details come across, to look like the positive image. If the positive image
had a blue light around it, the negative image should now have that
light. If, in the positive image, she saw herself as the same size as
others, the negative image should also show her as the same size. Check
with her after 30 seconds or so to see if she has done this. If she has
difficulty letting her internal imagery form, tell her it’s OK to just
imagine the scene.
4. Once she has completed the light bridge, ask her to take the negative
image and move it down left in her mind’s eye, putting it at about the
nine o’clock position and making it smaller and dimmer, about the size
of a postage stamp. When she has done this, she should see the positive
image vividly in the upper right-hand corner of her mind’s eye. Ask her
to ‘just look at the positive image’ and let it set itself naturally in that
5. Once her internal imagery has been adjusted, she will need a way to
remind herself to remember this internal positive image when she starts
heating up to a rage. This is called an ‘anchor.’ If she can bring it to
mind quickly, it will have a powerful calmative effect on her. Ask her
what she notices in her body when she starts moving into rage. Some
kids will say that their temples throb or their eyes feel squinty, or the
head feels like it’s on fire. Choose one of these somatic signals and ask
her to put a couple of her fingers together and touch her temple or
forehead – wherever she first notices the rage – as she thinks about the
positive image.
6. Practice this cross-association with her by asking her to briefly pull up
a memory of getting enraged and ‘short-circuiting’ it with a positive
image and anchor. She will probably report that the exercise results in a
very rapid decrease in her angry thoughts.
Step 1: When the child enters the dysphoric stage of the rage reaction, say ‘Please
go to your refuge.’
A refuge is a place the child associates with calm and relaxation. It may be her
room or a place outside in the back yard such as a tree house or fort, or anywhere
that has a positive, non-punitive connotation for her.
Step 2: Teach the child to say to herself (once she is in her refuge) ‘Breathe to a
count of three.’
Before using this exercise, teach the child to breathe deeply. The calming
breath is a deep, slow intake of air to the lower abdomen, which results in the
expansion of the diaphragm. She should breathe to a slow count of three in, three
out, ‘as if filling up a bottle with air from the bottom up.’ It is physically impossible
to be anxious when doing this kind of breathing. Children with rage issues should
practice deep breathing every day by incorporating it into their daily routine
before or after school on a regular basis. I suggest ‘book breathing,’ an exercise in
which the child lies on the floor with a book on her lower abdomen and slowly
raises and lowers the book with the breath, in and out, for twenty breaths or so.
Step 3: Teach the child to say to herself (once in her refuge) ‘Ground yourself.’
The request to ‘ground’ is a reminder to the child to feel her feet on the
ground, to feel supported, to feel herself in her body. The nature of the rage reaction
is to blast consciousness upward to the head and out of the body so that the child
becomes breathless, dizzy, and feels ‘ungrounded’ or ‘out of it.’ This experience of
dissociation contributes to panic and a worsening of rage.
To ground herself, the child first stands with knees relaxed, and breathes down
to the diaphragm, while rocking very gently on the heels and balls of her feet.
The second part of grounding is the ‘droop,’ an ancient Chinese grounding
exercise in which the child bends over from the waist, letting her head, neck and
arms hang down loosely (‘like a sack of potatoes’) for a minute or so. After doing
this, she should slowly rise back up to standing, one vertebra at a time. Once she is
back in the upright standing position, I suggest the use of another position
borrowed from yoga called ‘the Bow,’ a position in which she thrusts her chest out
with her hands on her hips, elbows back, bringing her shoulders back so that they
are roughly in line with her heels. Have the child take a breath in with her chest
bowed out in this position, letting the air go through her all the way from her feet
to her head. Then ask her to gently bring herself up to an erect standing position.
As a result of these exercises she feels ‘heavier’ on her feet, more relaxed, and more
in touch with her body and her surroundings.
This variation of the RBG command set uses a specific body feeling as an anchor.
Here is a variation of the RBG delivered in the sentence syntax of an
11-year-old. If the child is able to self-calm using the Rage Freeze or other
methods, you may be able to teach her to use a specific body feeling that accompa-
nies the emergence of limbic brain tension such as a tightening of the jaws, a
queasy feeling in the stomach, or shortness of breath to cue the relaxation
response. Practice the following syntax to help her self-calm:
Child begins: My ears feel hot, Mom, and my jaws are getting tight.
(Silly giggle.)
Mother: Thanks for telling me this, Linda. Do you need a reminder of
what to do?
Linda: Yes.
Mother: OK. I want you to breathe to the count of three. OK? (Linda
Mother: Now can I get you to spend five minutes in your refuge until you
feel calm? I’ll set the timer and let you know when time’s up.
Linda: I’m on my way, Mom.
Use of the RBG method with very young children with early-onset
Bipolar rage problems
Very young children need a little more guidance to activate this method but can be
very receptive to it, and responsive when rewarded with simple praise from
parents or teachers. Here is an example of a work-through of the RBG method
with a seven-year-old. This method requires that you have taught the child a
calming image beforehand such as going with her dad fishing, sitting by the lake,
quietly talking, and that you have taught her to use the Tension Feedback Scale:
Mother: I notice that you seem pretty angry. What number are you at?
(Or for a very young child ‘What color are you at?’)
Child: ‘I think I’m at about four, Mom. I feel funny.’
Mother: OK. Please breathe down to your tummy and let it out to my
count of three. (The parent leads the child through this exercise
five times slowly.)
Mother: Please bring your calming image to mind. Are you seeing the
calming image? If not, say ‘Hold [specify the image] in your
mind and tell me when you can see it and feel it.’ Once the child
has focused on the image, say ‘Would you like to go to your ref-
uge space to calm?’ Guide the child to her refuge, or disengage if
she is self-calming.)
Once the child completes the process, finish with a compliment.
Mother: You did a good job of calming yourself that time. I’m real proud
of you!
Tom’s Story
Charting a Change Strategy for
a Teen with Bipolar Disorder
Craig was diagnosed with ADD himself, and was taking medication for it.
Though Linda did not have a diagnosis for any attention difference, she described
herself as ‘moody, high-energy, high-strung, and perfectionist’ with a tendency to
get pretty depressed every few months or so for a couple of weeks. She was in
marketing and her high energy paid off in terms of career success but she admitted
that there were times when she felt decidedly depressed about her life, to the point
that she had a difficult time getting out of bed in the morning.
Linda told me that her mother had been diagnosed with manic-depressive
illness in her twenties and had been in and out of depressions that could last for
months her whole life. Linda told me that she could track these same qualities
back into her family history along with a strong predilection for alcohol abuse on
both her mother’s and father’s sides. Her narrative did not surprise me. People
with mood disorders often come from family lines in which substance abuse and
mood disorders are present, and transmission along the maternal side is often sig-
nificant. Drs Frederick Goodwin and Kay Redfield Jamison maintain in their
landmark book Manic-Depressive Illness (Goodwin and Jamison 1990) that Bipolar
Disorder is one of the most inheritable human conditions – if one parent is
diagnosed with the disorder, they say that there is a high probability that any
children of this parent will also meet diagnostic criteria for it.
Tom’s family physician had diagnosed him with ADHD but stimulant medica-
tion made him more hyper and irritable. They had also tried the antidepressant
class of medications including Prozac and Zoloft, which made him more agitated,
weepy, or oversensitive to all kinds of stimuli. They were fed up and discouraged,
thinking that they had an ADHD kid who could not be treated with the kinds of
medications that were supposed to help kids like him.
I suspected that his primary attention difference might be a mood disorder, but
one not described accurately by the classic definition of Bipolar Disorder. Though
he met the central diagnostic criteria for extremes in mood swing seen in
manic-depressive illness, he did not really experience the ‘manic’ or hypomanic
highs of that disorder but instead experienced pressured, anxious normalcy punc-
tuated by descent into dark and foreboding mood states. His presentation
indicated that he probably suffered from early-onset Bipolar Disorder that had
become more florid as he approached puberty but had probably always been with
him and been misdiagnosed as ADHD. A review of his history showed that as a
child he had experienced night terrors, rage, very wild behavior, such as running
into busy streets as if there were no traffic present, and pressured speech – all indi-
cations that something other than pure ADHD was going on.
I asked him to give me specific examples of what he experienced when he got
into self-destructiveness or fought with his parents. He told me that though he
always felt a little blue, there was a lot of difference between feeling blue and what
happened when his mood dropped. He would be going about his life, going to
school perhaps, and then suddenly look up and a weird mood would descend on
him and pull him down. He said it was ‘like a spider growing out of my forehead
and taking over my body.’ He drew a picture of what this felt like and as he did I
could see that his mood swing followed a predictable sequence somewhat like the
experience of a migraine headache. He would first sense the arrival of his mood
change by awareness of particular smells that he could not quite identify. He
would then become hypersensitive to light and feel mildly nauseated. These sen-
sations would be replaced by a feeling of internal agitation, of unpleasant ner-
vousness. Soon after this feeling the spider image would emerge. At this time if
any demand were put on him he would explode in curses or withdraw deeply into
himself. If he suppressed the impulse to scream out his anger, he would become
depressed and sometimes developed migraine headaches.
I hypothesized that his mood shift was heralded by the limbic wave phenome-
non described in Chapter 2, and that hypersensitivities, nausea, and peculiar
effects were related to the onset of the wave.
Tom appeared fairly ordinary on the outside, but he told me that he felt
numbed out on the inside, and that it took extreme action to get any sensation or
feeling – like sneaking out into the night and puffing on a cigarette butt he found
on the street. And once the spider mood, the dark funk, came to stay, any demand
put on him was intolerable – even the requirement to get out of bed and go to
school. He would meet these ordinary demands with ferocious push-back – thus
the diagnosis of oppositional defiance.
And once he fell into a funk, his ability to succeed at anything was severely
curtailed, and made worse by the stress he experienced when people accused him
of being lazy, defiant, or unmotivated.
is responsible for his own life and has the right to make decisions regarding what
kinds of medications or drugs he will accept. Many Bipolar children are suscepti-
ble to illegal drug abuse because of their biochemical craving for high stimulation
and relief of the depressing numbness of the condition. Forcing a child to take a
medication gives him the message that his body is not his own, that he is not in
charge of his life, and that drugs are the only help you can find. He needs to hear
another message: that as difficult as it may be, he has to walk the lonely road to
self-care himself and that important people in his life support his self-strength-
ening in this regard.
Heartened by the possibility that change was possible and that the initial
negative side-effects of Depakote, the headaches, dullness, and stomach upsets,
would usually fade in a week or two, Tom decided to start taking the medication
and quite soon experienced excellent results from it. His grades went from failing
to As and Bs. His mood shift improved markedly. Though he still experienced
mood swing, he was now able to identify and talk about the mood swing in
process and take action to help himself. The Depakote greatly enabled his change
in therapy and was a powerful force for building the stress-positive lifestyle that
he had made his primary goal as we worked together into the early recovery
Figure 4.1
We talked about Tom’s mood swings in these terms, drawing together the forces
that were driving toward a status quo of failure, oppositionality, and misery, and
those that were resisting it.
It was important that Tom and I were able to talk about the forces that maintained
the misery in his life because in so doing he could begin to get an idea of what
change was possible. This was an interactive assessment in which how I developed
my concept of Tom’s problem became part of the solution. After working with
many teenagers I have learned that change requires dialogue and that teens will
push back with great ferocity toward any professional who assumes a know-it-all
position of detachment in the interaction.
In order to change you have to be able to see the state of change you want and
be able to define it. The next step was for Tom to describe his desired new state:
‘To graduate from high school in one piece and go to community college to study
some aspect of the healing arts.’ He had not decided what field he wanted to enter,
but he was able to identify his long-term objectives and mobilize a positive feeling
around the outcome. This is a very important step for him as a person suffering
from depression, because the depression itself can sit on the energy needed for
movement toward a more resourceful way of dealing with the situation. In permit-
ting himself to have the thought of a positive future he was beginning to climb out
of his hole.
We drew a new force field diagram putting this new objective on our status line
and reversing the driving and resisting forces pushing toward this outcome.
Five survival strategies to help kids like Tom deal with Bipolar Disorder
Once we had diagrammed the desired status quo we began to plan actions that he
could take to weaken the forces that resisted this outcome and strengthen those
that drove for it. Change requires that both sides of the line be addressed, or there
will be an imbalance in which noble plans flounder on unacknowledged resis-
tance. Each of the lines of the diagram became starting points for informal brain-
storming and psychotherapeutic techniques for the next six or eight of our
sessions together.
about the challenges that he faced from his bipolarity, we also talked about his
gifts, strengths, and aspirations. It’s easier for a kid to discuss his ‘brokeness’ if he does
so from the psychological position of basically being OK, though challenged!
The biggest hurdle for Tom, as it is for other teens with a Bipolar challenge,
was to accept that he has a biochemically caused brain condition that makes him
different from other kids and that he will have to deal with possibly all his life. But
as we discussed the positive aspects of his personality, he saw that he was a pretty
neat kid apart from the great surface disturbances, the wild waves of his hyperac-
tivity, and mood shifts. As things came more into perspective, I could see him
begin to visibly shift to a state of greater calm, self-confidence and more effective
I downplayed the gloom and doom aspects of the term ‘Bipolar Disorder,’
saying that he ‘probably fit the diagnosis pretty well’ because of his mood shift but
that it was important to understand that he was not crazy or ‘mental,’ to use
teenager jargon, but had a problem managing his highs and lows that he shared
with millions of other people.
I told Tom that I understood the stress he had gone through his whole life,
trying to hide his moody and dysphoric side, to make nice all the time, when there
was a fire-fight going on inside between the self-critical aspects of himself. I asked
him if he would give up trying to be nice for a week and tell people around him as
honestly as he could what was going on. He agreed, giving me that look teenagers
give adults that says ‘You’re crazy but maybe crazy-good in some way that is
useful to me.’ I chose this suggestion carefully to build on his natural sense of
honesty. His mother reported a lessening of his dysphoria immediately after our
session – saying that the overall pressure of his mood shift had lessened from
about a daily average of –3 (on a 1 to –7 scale – see below) to about –1.5. This was
a signal that we were on the right track.
When he came in the next time, I used the technique outlined in the box on
p.80 to help him integrate and accept different ‘parts’ of himself involved in his
bipolarity. He had defined his Bipolar, depressed, side as his ‘head’ or ‘brain’
aspect and the part that opposed this aspect as his ‘heart’ or ‘love’ side. I knew that
the power of denial is decreased by the integration of conflicting voices in oneself.
Once competing voices are integrated, considerable energy is freed for the
healing process.
Children react differently to exercises like this. If the time is right for the
exercise, the child will often look relaxed after completing it. Some kids will just
act differently in subtle ways in the days that follow to clue you that they are ‘more
together.’ A shy child becomes more assertive. An angry one can decide that she’s
going to drop her grudge with a schoolmate.
Parents and therapists can use this technique if a child has the interest and
cognitive/emotional acceptance of the process. It is important to give him time to
complete and process the experience on his own terms. If he encounters resis-
tance, you may want to halt the exercise and let him speak his resistance. Do not
rush through this kind of integrative approach but give opportunity for all aspects
of the self that are involved to have a voice in the integrative process. The child
might say, for example, ‘I can’t do this. My angry and normal parts don’t get along
well enough yet.’ Respect this resistance. Change happens at its own pace.
An essential step in giving Tom more control was to establish better communi-
cation between himself and his parents – to decrease the desperation they felt
when he became unresponsive or hostile. Early on he told me about the ‘spider.’ I
asked him to calibrate his drop in mood on a – 4 to +4 scale in which 1 means
‘normal consciousness’ and – 4 means ‘fully depressed’ or ‘out of it,’ and a +4
means that he feels ‘rushy,’ ‘pressured,’ ‘agitated,’ or ‘manic.’
– 4______________________________+1_____________________________+4
Tom had mentioned to me that he used to have rage fits quite frequently when his
mom or dad wanted him to do something when his mood was dropping. We
practiced assigning different numbers to specific feelings during his mood shift
until he could clearly link a number with a point on the cycle. Once he was able to
calibrate his change in feeling this way, he could tell his parents what was going
on. Now he had more perspective on what his brain was doing and thus more
control over that reaction, so that he could simply withdraw psychologically,
sitting and staring into space, or go to his room, lock the door, play video games,
or try to sleep.
Linda and Craig also had a valuable resource to head off Tom’s mood shift.
They had a way of knowing when he was most vulnerable to it and could help him
relax and relieve stress at the time. A mood state of –3 would not be a good time to
put demands on him for homework, chores, or any task that required effort, espe-
cially cognitive effort.
Once a child and his family have a way of communicating about the child’s
inner experience of Bipolar Disorder, acceptance of the physiological basis for the
child’s behavior is possible – that he is not doing what he does just to make his
parents’ lives miserable. The paradox is that a depressed child will use strategies to
try to get the upper hand in power struggles and will project the horrible feelings
he experiences on everyone else so as to get a sense of relief from these feelings.
But he rarely does so out of genuine malevolence or manipulativeness – he does so
because he is miserable and Bipolar misery loves company! The way to short-
circuit the depression–misery cycle is to talk about it up front, when it starts,
before it gets a grip on the emotional lives of everyone in the home.
Opening communication relieves parents of the terror that they are raising a
deranged child – the part brain chemistry plays becomes clear. If they are able to
see Bipolar Disorder as something like a seizure condition, they do not feel
stalked by the malevolence of it, and can give the child help with self-manage-
ment and stress management.
If rage is part of the picture, the rage may continue, but it will not be nourished
by the terror of the parents. And parents will be able to let the child know that
violence will not be tolerated. They know what they are facing and where to get
As we continued to work in therapy, Tom gained greater awareness of how his
drop in mood impacted his cognitive and emotional functions. This was a big step
and a big part of his acceptance of medication because he wanted to succeed at
school. Once the Mood Feedback Scale technique was communicated to his
teachers, they had a way of understanding how Tom’s affective disorder impacted
his school performance and were able to devise ways to help him compensate for it
in class, such as finding a refuge for him in the school building where he could
turn down the lights, and do some breathing and relaxation exercises which
would sometimes head off the drop into depression.
routine before it began to influence his perception. I asked him to post this infor-
mation over his desk at home as an awareness reminder.
Developing awareness of when his mood was shifting was a powerful move in the
right direction because it gave him a sense of control. He would need his parents’
help and medication (see below) to pull through, but making this list gave him a
sense that there was something that he could do to keep a little bit of control over
his mood. Every bit of confidence is important for a kid with early-onset Bipolar
Disorder challenges.
After we had better specification of the feelings, thoughts, and behavior that
he experienced during the mood shift, we put together a second list which would
also be posted in a conspicuous place in his bedroom as a reminder of situations to
avoid to keep a healthy head space. These ‘trigger’ situations included:
4. Ensure that the child has a regular sleep schedule to prevent worsening of mania
Many research studies have shown that lack of sleep can worsen hypomania. It is
important to make sure that your child’s sleep cycle is stable. Use of stimulant
medication or antidepressant medication may contribute to the onset of mania as
5. To help a child build a sense of self, help him identify Bipolar Disorder
as part of Big Story
Dr Jean Houston (Houston 1987), preeminent educator and philosopher, says
that the goal of psychotherapy, education, and philosophy is to enable people to
see the pain and drama in their lives as what she calls Big Story. She believes that
suffering will always be with us and we each have our own variation of it. It is very
important to see the perfection in the kind of suffering that is in our lives and how
we can use it to make ourselves stronger. Houston talks about how ‘being
wounded’ as a requirement for ‘being healed’ is found in stories and myths from
around the world. The feeling of being grace-full and the desire to be blessed are
central motifs in every religion. The word ‘blessed’ is derived from an Old English
word meaning ‘to sanctify by wounding.’ It is through the wound that grace,
change, and growth are said to come. Being born with Bipolar Disorder is such a
It is a condition that requires a child to live in extremes whether he’d like to or
not. It is also one that carries powerful energy for genius, especially in the arts. It is
important that sooner or later Bipolar children become aware of their connection
to Big Story in this way. They inhabit the archetype of the Warrior and they must
choose how to direct the energy they command with this temperament.
The invitation to raise the issue to Big Story does not express Pollyannaish
sentiment. Bipolar Disorder is a great stressor and it has inflicted excruciating pain
on many children and their families. But once it is accepted, as one would accept
the existence of any other disorder or illness, it becomes clear that it gives the
child a depth of knowledge about the human condition and about the reality of
suffering in the world that his non-Bipolar friends could never approach.
I have worked thousands of hours with children with a variety of attention dif-
ferences and in that time have learned one thing very clearly: healing does not
occur until the child can see his condition in terms of the big picture of his life, or
his Big Story. What is required of me as a psychotherapist is that I listen carefully
to help him identify his strengths, his resources, and to tie these in with his
uniqueness as a child with Bipolar Disorder.
Tom was a skilled actor in school and local little theater productions and was a
decent poet for his age and sophistication. He enjoyed my talking about the lives
of eminent people who were diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder or may have been
Bipolar. Some of his favorites were writers Edgar Allan Poe, Ernest Hemingway
and actress Patty Duke. In Tom’s acting personas and his writing, he seemed able
to assume the archetypes of the characters, to know quickly their central themes
of suffering and joy. He could do this because of his familiarity with emotional
extremes. As we talked, he recognized that acting was therapeutic for him (as he
put it, ‘good for my head’) because it required him to pull together aspects of
himself (his dysphoric, angry, normal, and good-kid aspects) that could spill out
of him at the wrong time if the pressure was not released through acting.
Every session gave me the opportunity to note strengths in Tom’s character –
his honesty, his courage, his intelligence, and his compassion. With every one, I
could see his energy lighten a bit – tip a bit more toward better management of his
Bipolar-related challenges. He needed to feel strong about himself, and the adults
around him were helping him with firm limits and lots of praise even for small
successes. Tom was excruciatingly pained by being made the ‘identified patient.’
His mother and father knew this and had used humor, straight talk, even anger to
express their acceptance of him, Bipolar and all. As is the case with a lot of the
families I have worked with who have Bipolar children, this family had the grit to
Children with Bipolar Disorder and the other Attention Different conditions
discussed in this book may be very self-centered. This is a problem that accompa-
nies the inner feeling of being out of control, of experiencing reality as a chaotic
blur. This state of consciousness moves a child to want to simplify things, reduce
novelty, and do things his way. This quality is seen in all children with BD chal-
If the quality of empathy is present, self-centeredness will be less problematic.
Empathy is the ability to sense the feeling of others and understand the connec-
tion between one’s behavior and its impact on others. If empathy is not present to
balance the natural selfishness of the Bipolar presentation, a child is in double
trouble. Many, though not all, children with Bipolar Disorder show a lack of
empathy in their dealings with others (Kovacs and Pollock 1995), and so it is
essential to get a good idea of what is going on in order to help them. I term the
inability to experience empathy ‘anempathy,’ using the Latin prefix to mean ‘not,’
or ‘not able to,’ in the same sense as the prefix an is used in ‘anhedonia’ – the
inability to experience pleasure.
ourselves looking down. Without empathy, we may behave as if we were the only
beings alive on the planet and this can have disastrous results. Without empathy
the monkey-feel-monkey-do reflex of the limbic system rules.
Many children with ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, and
Tourette Syndrome feel every emotion to the extreme. These Attention Different
kids are in a dangerous situation if empathy is not on board to apply the brakes to
their emotional states. In this situation, there is no reason not to go all the way. The
lack of empathy may cause the child to develop endless rationalizations to defend
his self-destructive behavior. And it cuts him off from experiencing at any depth
the harm he may do to his community, and his family.
Accurate assessment of a child’s ability to experience empathy is crucial. A
child who has a sense of social conscience is motivated to change his behavior
because he feels ashamed for hurting others. A child who does not have a sense of
social conscience needs a particular kind of parenting and psychotherapy; one in
which firm boundaries and discipline share an equal status with parental love. And
one in which loving mistrust and tough love must be the operant principles.
A child may manifest anempathy as a result of any of five factors: (1) frontal-
lobe dysfunction, (2) a developmental disorder termed ‘Alexithymia’ (described
below), (3) psychosis, (4) Post Traumatic Stress, or (5) Asperger’s Syndrome. The
purpose of this chapter is to help parents understand which of these factors might
be contributing to their child’s anempathy so that they can give him the help he
1. Frontal-lobe dysfunction
This presents a severe challenge to the experience of empathy, and is seen in
dangerous impulsivity.
The frontal lobes of a child’s brain, the part of the cortical brain which sits
behind the forehead, gives him ‘observer perspective’ – the ability to see his
actions in the context of their impact on others. They contain the brain’s ‘editor’
function, which enables the child to evaluate action and moderate emotion
(Comings 1990). The frontal cortex is the locus of the ability to pay attention and
organize one’s activity. This vital brain structure balances the excitatory response
of the limbic brain, enabling the child to pull back, to think for a moment about
what he is doing, to focus on appropriate action and make the right decision.
Brain research shows that misguided, dysinhibited behavior may be caused by
underfunction of a frontal-lobe structure found right over and behind the right
eye called the ‘orbitofrontal cortex.’ The OFC is the structure responsible for
‘executive function’ in the child’s mental processes; his ability to observe his
actions in the context of their consequences, to pay attention, and to edit his
thoughts and impulses (Mate 1999).
maturity. Getting an impulsive teen to this point requires that his parents have the
endurance of marathon runners. The prize for this extraordinary effort is the
knowledge that they have done all that they can to give their son or daughter a
foundation for being successful in life despite the challenge of dysinhibition.
Anempathy in a child may also relate to Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS). I
pointed out in Chapter 2 that people normally get a little shot of pleasure
neurochemical (in the form of enkaphalins or endorphins) in the frontal lobes of
their brains when they learn something. This is the way the brain marks the
learning so that it can be remembered and used as part of the person’s overall
learning process. In RDS, this neurochemical spurt does not happen and so the
person cannot experience satisfaction from any activity.
Researchers Kenneth Blum and David Comings (Blum and Comings 1996)
refined the RDS hypothesis in their work on the genetics of alcoholism. Their
results showed that flaws in the brain’s reward circuitry were contributory to alco-
holism and other addictions. People with this problem pursued substance use as
self-medication from the awful feeling of dullness and depression in their lives.
Teenagers who show vulnerability to addiction may do so as a result of the
low-level chronic depression caused by RDS.
RDS causes a lack of empathy because the child lacks the energy to focus
outside himself long enough to see the suffering of others. His attention is riveted
on relieving the pain he experiences from his inability to get any enjoyment from
his life. In a real sense, RDS deprives the child of the ability to laugh, to be happy
for even a few moments, and so to rise above his situation and see his life in
context. Life becomes a grim struggle in which getting through the day is all that
counts and there is very little emotional energy left over for anything.
mad, glad, sad, or scared to situations in which these feelings are not present. This
is a process of constructing fluency in emotional labeling and empathy, one step at
a time, in the same way one would learn a foreign language.
that he was not the only one in the world who functioned with such low
emotional arousal. I asked him if he wanted to try medication to deal with some of
the anxiety that he experienced from the Alexithymia. He thought that was a
good idea and so I discussed the possibility with his parents of talking to a psychi-
atrist about starting low-dosage antidepressant therapy with him.
I taught John several strategies that he could use to bridge communications
with other kids and his teachers (see a description of these techniques as survival
strategy numbers 11 and 12 below). I revisited these strategies every time he came
in to counseling for the next several months, so that he could use them fluently in a
particular situation. Psychotherapy with John was not directed to making him
more emotionally responsive. It was directed to helping him learn ways to make
his perceptual style less of a problem so that he could engage in social interaction.
ing its psychotic and amoral characters (serial killer types) as having ‘Bipolar
Traditionally, affective and interpersonal traits such as egocentricity, deceit,
shallow affect, manipulativeness, selfishness, and lack of empathy have been con-
sidered evidence that a person may be psychopathic. In 1980 this tradition was
broken with the publication of the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual, the template used by psychiatrists to diagnose mental illness. The
DSM-III renamed ‘Psychopathy’ as ‘Antisocial Personality Disorder’ (APD),
which it defined as persistent violations of social norms, including lying, stealing,
truancy, inconsistent work behavior and traffic arrests. These types of behavior are
also seen frequently in teenagers and adults with Bipolar Disorder (BD). The
result is to confuse the line between psychopathology and BD, so that children
with Bipolar challenges may be mislabeled as psychopaths.
Children and adults with Bipolar Disorder may experience psychotic thinking
from time to time but their delusional thought patterns tend to wax and wane with
their mood swings. Lack of empathy is seen in both psychopathology and Bipolar
Disorder. In psychopathology it expresses the deep hatreds resident in the person-
ality of the child. The child with Bipolar Disorder, on the other hand, lacks
empathy because of his inability to escape focus on his own depression and misery
long enough to see the misery of others. The psychopath’s coldness to the
suffering of others expresses his destructive desires and mental illness. Some
persons experience a sense of calm when committing violent acts. This disturbing
phenomenon is noted by Dr Daniel Goleman (Goleman 1995, p.97) to be present
in some spouse batterers and child abusers.
Obviously it is extremely important to understand the cause of a child’s
anempathetic behavior. If a child is psychopathic, his behavior must be monitored
closely to prevent harm to himself or others. Inpatient psychiatric hospitalization
is a first-order choice, not a last resort as it is in the case of the child with Bipolar
Disorder. A careful clinical assessment must be made to administer medication.
Typically the antipsychotic class of medication is not a first choice for treatment of
Bipolar Disorder, but it is for treatment of psychosis.
It is crucial to understand the different factors that cause anempathy because a
decision on this factor is central to making the right diagnosis. Misdiagnosing the
child’s Bipolar Disorder as psychopathology may cost the child his freedom.
Misdiagnosis may result in prescription of the wrong medication and wrong
psychotherapeutic approach. It is also dangerous (for the community) to
misdiagnose a psychotic child with the milder label of Bipolar Disorder, thus
leaving people in his life unguarded from the destructive effects of his psychotic
allegiance to his peer group. Lacking any nurturing in his life he gives himself over
to other disturbed souls for his education. His merciless violence is part of his ini-
tiation into his violent peer group and his only concern is their acceptance and
that he not get caught. Though he must be held responsible for his actions, he has
also been formed by the abuses that surrounded him as he grew into adulthood.
This must be taken into account as a factor in his anempathetic behavior.
Persons with combat stress also show a lack of empathy. ‘Kill them all and let
God sort them out,’ was the chillingly anempathetic motto of many US soldiers in
Vietnam. The exceptional cruelty of war in places like Vietnam, Bosnia, Rwanda,
and Chechnya has burned the empathy out of hundreds of thousands of soldiers
and civilians who have essentially given up hope that there is any justice in the
universe. Persons suffering from this type of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD) may not be so much a risk to others as they are to themselves (Orsillo et al.
1995). Over one hundred thousand returning American servicemen have taken
their own lives since the war in Vietnam ended in 1975. This is a good example of
the anempathetic response turned against oneself when all hope is lost.
Diagnostically, if there is evidence of this kind of extreme violence in a child’s
life, then there is a good case to be made for PTSD being to blame for his lack of
ability to experience empathy.
is ‘the other.’ Psychotropic medication also treats the impulsivity, and the destruc-
tive behavior that is a core aspect of anempathy. The overall intended impact is to
upregulate the inhibitory ability of the frontal lobes and moderate the wildness of
the limbic system. Physicians will usually begin treatment with the most benign
medication (with the least side-effects) and add other medications as needed.
Here are some typical medication approaches (Wilens 1998):
• Stimulant medication to strengthen the brain’s ability to inhibit the
excitatory response and improve attention and focus may be prescribed.
Stimulants such as dextroamphetamine (b. Dexedrine) or
metaphenyldate (b. Ritalin), which are used to treat ADHD, may also
be useful in treating the more serious brain condition evidenced by
frontal-lobe problems. Careful assessment needs to be made to make
sure that stimulants do not cause the exacerbation of tics, agitation, or
obsessive-compulsive behavior.
• Atypical antidepressants that have the ability to energize focus while
raising brain serotonin levels such as buspirone (b. Wellbutrin) or
venlafaxine (b. Effexor) may strengthen the editor function of the
frontal lobes while decreasing dysinhibition of the limbic brain. As I
have noted elsewhere in this book, there is a caution about the use of
these drugs, which may agitate the child if Bipolar Disorder is present.
• Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) such as fluoxotine (b.
Prozac) or setraline (b. Zoloft) may also be in order to raise brain
serotonin levels and thus help the child put a brake on impulsivity.
• Medications which downregulate the body’s use of adrenaline may be
in order. Clonidine (b. Catepres) or quanfacine (b. Tenex) permits the
child to have a more relaxed response to stress and improve his ability
to inhibit his reflex to anger or rage.
• Mood stabilizers in the anticonvulsant class such as carbamazepine (b.
Tegretol), valproate (b. Depakote), or lamotrigine (b. Lamictal) may
also help modulate the limbic brain’s contribution to unregulated wild
and extreme behavior. These are primary medications for early-onset
Bipolar Disorder, and given the fact that anempathetic behavior is
likely to occur, either when a child is hypomanic or is experiencing the
mixed state of aggressive depression, any medication that stabilizes his
mood will give him more control over his dangerous, destructive, risky,
and anempathetic behavior. The novel anticonvulsant topiramate (b.
Topamax) shows promise for relieving many of the flashback
symptoms associated with PTSD (Sherman 1999).
• Lithium carbonate is a powerful mood-stabilizing agent and may be
used in combination with an anticonvulsant. Lithium may be indicated
seen in the parents’ willingness to let the teen know that his room is not off limits
to search and that they may search him when he comes in the door if they suspect
he is carrying contraband or drugs. It means that they give up the illusion that
they can continue to parent democratically. They must become firm, fair, and
authoritarian. Some impulsive and anempathetic teens will respect these limits,
others will push back or run away. Whatever happens as a result, the parents really
have no choice in the matter but to require adherence to the controls they put on
the teen’s behavior and to the rules of the family. It may be heart- wrenching to
call the police if a teen gets out of hand and hits his parents, but it is something
that must be done for the sake of the teen and the emotional survival of his parents
and siblings.
Three basic types of residential schools are: (a) those which use strict, mili-
tary-style control methods; (b) those which may have a strong disciplinary
structure but also see personal emotional growth to be a part of the program; and
(c) those which do not have a strong disciplinary approach and depend on the
attractiveness of the program to keep children in attendance. Two good Internet
sites to learn more about boarding schools are seen at: or
The teen may thrive in the residential environment if she gets psychological coun-
seling, has a healthy peer group, and benefits from a very predictable schedule.
There is little opportunity for wrongdoing and a lot of real-time feedback and
sanction when it occurs.
Impulsivity and anempathy can make a teen a loner. No other kids want to
associate with her because she has a reputation for being a hothead or a loser. In a
residential placement, many impulsive children will find friends with the same
type of problems they have. This is an opportunity to develop awareness of the
challenges that they face and acquire tools to deal with these challenges.
• Drug use might lead to more drug use, depression, rage at home,
failure at school, and jail.
• Driving crazy might lead to ending up in a wheelchair, or death.
• Stealing from her parents might lead to a permanent state of distrust in
her most important relationship.
4. Ask her to imagine a range meter at the bottom of this visualization
which rates the negative effects in her life and the losses she suffers as a
result of the behavior. Use a rating of 1 to indicate that there is very
little loss or negative cost to the action. A rating of 7 indicates a major
cost in terms of damage to her relationships or the potential
involvement of the penal system.
5. When she has a sense of the feeling of this experience, ask her to let it
fade and replace the internal frame with a picture of something positive
that she is looking forward to.
6. Give her a way to remember to act appropriately, an anchor for positive
behavior. Ask her to bring the negative consequence to mind while
asking her to lightly pinch herself on the hand or arm. She can do this
when her intuition tells her that she may be approaching a dangerous
situation, in order to remember what can happen if she gets into
impulsive behavior. Cross-check her reaction by asking her to lightly
pinch herself and see if this brings the image of the negative behavior
to mind.
7. Finish the exercise with an affirmation of her intention to take good
care of herself and those she loves, and that a way to do this is to let
herself react appropriately when she approaches a situation that could
lead to destructive impulsive action. When dealing with teens with
these issues, understatement is key to their acceptance of a new way of
looking at a situation. Don’t ever lecture them (you are talking only to
yourself ), but wait until the misery that they experience opens them to
ask for new ways of behaving.
When violence is not a problem: Two more survival strategies for helping
Asperger’s Syndrome children and Alexithymics develop empathy
Unlike children and teens with Bipolar Disorder, frontal-lobe problems, or
psychosis, the Asperger’s child or the Alexithymic may also demonstrate
anempathy, but he or she will not be violent. Once again, accurate assessment of
the issue is vitally important. Though both Alexithymics and AS children may
demonstrate anempathy, the patterns of these disorders are dramatically different.
Alexithymia is a learning disorder that may exist within the context of a person’s
life that is otherwise marked by success and personal happiness. The Alexithymic
needs help decoding others’ emotional nonverbal messages. The Asperger’s child,
on the other hand, carries profound differences in his ability to adjust to novelty,
to generalize learning from his experience, and to relate to others in the world.
Children with Asperger’s challenges or Alexithymia are no more likely to par-
ticipate in conduct-disordered-type behavior than other children. But their
inflexibility and inability to respond to others can be very isolating and contribute
to their depression. If they are to have friends, they will need help in learning the
basics of reading others’ nonverbals and responding appropriately. The following
two strategies help build their skill for empathetic response:
This technique helps the child appear ordinary enough that he is not scolded by
other adults or criticized by potential friends for being unfeeling. It does not
change his personality, or make him more of a social gadfly, but it does help him
overcome his isolation and be more successful. Asperger’s children may have the
most difficulty using this technique because they do not remember the appropri-
ate response in the appropriate situation; so they will need a lot of prompting from
teachers, parents, and other adults with whom they interact on a day-to-day basis.
12. Teach the child to label his feelings from emotional memories
The only experience of sadness that Jeremy, a ten-year-old Alexithymic, could
remember was the death of his dog, Ralph. Ralph’s passing put Jeremy into a
crying funk for a week. His mother helped him come to terms with the loss and
made a special area in Jeremy’s room where he could put things he associated with
Ralph. I helped him develop more empathetic reactions to other kids by first
exploring with him the body sensations he organized around his sadness from
losing Ralph. His feelings of sadness were sensed as tension and tears in his eyes, a
red face he could notice in the mirror, a hot feeling in his chest, and the lump in his
throat which made talk about his feelings difficult. Once he could identify these
sensations and the look of sadness in his own face and body, he had a template for
evaluating the sadness (and anger) in the nonverbal behavior of other people. I
helped him compare what he felt with the physical referents of sadness and anger
he observed in others (crying, yelling, tightened mouth, and looking down). To
complete the loop, I tied in specific empathetic statements that Jeremy could make
when he noticed others’ sadness or anger. This three-step emotional training
process is summarized as follows:
1. Help the child remember an experience of a specific emotion.
2. Help him analyze and identify the sensations and physical nonverbal
behaviors associated with this emotion.
3. Help him compose a scripted response when he sees these nonverbal
behaviors in others.
Innovative Non-Pharmacological
Treatment Approaches for
Bipolar Disorder, ADD,
and Depression in Children
Medication may not be a feasible alternative for treating children with wild and
extreme behavior, for several reasons.
Bipolar Disorder In the manic phase of Bipolar Disorder, the child does not
want to dampen his sense of euphoria with medication, and spits out pills given to
him. In the depressed phase, he is angry, hypercritical, and pessimistic about
anything helping him and he pushes back at medication. Other BD children may
see no symptom relief from medication, or side-effects may be intolerable.
Tourette Syndrome Children with TS are notoriously hypersensitive to medica-
tion and may react to anything but the lowest therapeutic dosage. This is probably
an effect of the greatly overcharged systems of these kids on emotional, physical,
and cognitive levels. Medication that increases the brain’s use of dopamine in the
frontal lobes may make it easier for the child to pay attention, but because the
medication also increases dopamine in his base brain, it may give him worse tics or
Asperger’s Syndrome Asperger’s children show intense anxiety and may also
experience the tics which are diagnostic of Tourette. Any medication which
upregulates the brain’s use of dopamine and serotonin may cause AS children to
experience intense agitation. Research on the issue of medication and AS shows
that many of these kids are helped more by naturopathic remedies than by
Attention Deficit Disorder Most ADD kids are greatly assisted by stimulant medi-
cation, but if depression is on board this may be made worse by stimulants. And if
there is a question of a comorbid Bipolar Disorder or Tourette Syndrome, medica-
tions in the antidepressant class are counterindicated.
Naturopathic remedies
(With contributions from Walter Crinnion, ND.)
Research on the efficacy of naturopathic remedies for wild and extreme behavior
is not well established but I have seen that the following types of herbal, vitamin
and mineral supplementation can have a significant impact in reducing symptoms. A
good general rule is to check with your physician before using any over-the-
counter supplement.
Dr Walter Crinnion, a naturopathic physician from Kirkland, Washington,
who wrote a chapter on diet and ADD in Survival Strategies for Parenting Your ADD
Child (Lynn 1996), has contributed the following comments (in italics) about each
of these supplements and vitamins. Dr Crinnion may be contacted at
[email protected] (Walter also does a radio show in Seattle on naturo-
pathic medicine).
intervals to be sure that the reduction in dosage is appropriate. For most persons 6 months is
sufficient time to produce a therapeutic change. I have seen these drops work successfully with
anger outbursts, ADD/ADHD, depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Some of my patients
have referred to them as their ‘miracle drops.’
two vitamins is to act as a tonic for focus and mood control of children with a wide
range of attentional differences. Therapeutic dosage of vitamin E is 200 to 400
mg a day. Vitamin E should be balanced with an increase in the daily dose of
vitamin C, recommended at 250 to 1000 mg of C daily and supplemented with
10 to 30 mg a day of beta carotene. Studies show that a combination of these
vitamins is important for the prevention of overproduction of free radicals, which
can occur if vitamin E is taken on its own.
Many parents use melatonin (some cut the 3-mg tab in half ) to help their
Attention Different kids get to sleep. Insomnia may be a medication side-effect or
a natural expression of the child’s cognitive hyperactivity. Give the child the
melatonin (on an empty stomach) an hour before bedtime. Melatonin stimulates
the body’s waking-to-sleeping cycle, making a person more apt to get sleepy
when it gets dark. A small percentage of children and adults report unpleasant
feelings, obsessions, or mild hallucinations just before falling off to sleep after
taking melatonin. Melatonin may also lengthen the time the child is in the deep
sleep stage of sleep. This may cause bedwetting because the child’s arousal switch is
turned to the ‘off ’ position. Watch carefully for these effects, and discontinue use
if you observe them. It is possible that children with early-onset Bipolar Disorder
are more susceptible to melatonin-induced hallucinations, just as they may be
more likely to be adversely affected by the SSRIs. Some children respond well to
as little as 1 mg of it a day. Check with your physician before using melatonin.
Some children do not produce enough melatonin in their systems. If this is the case, they
will definitely have trouble sleeping. I will often do a salivary test for melatonin production.
Otherwise I do a trial of melatonin supplementation. If you take more than your body wants
you will feel drugged or groggy the next day. If this occurs you should reduce your dosage.
Take the amount your body is happy with. Melatonin is also a very potent antioxidant (one of
the most potent).
Many children with affective disorders, ADD, and Tourette who show aggressive
depression in their behavior have a chronic sugar-craving. A probable cause for
sugar’s impact on mood is its ability to downregulate serotonin and blood sugar,
especially when consumed in high doses. Just one tablet (200 mg) of chromium
picolinate a day may greatly reduce your child’s craving for refined sugar and the
products that contain it.
Biotics Research in Houston, Texas, came up with a unique way to produce mineral supple-
ments some years back. They grow medicinal plants that are then made into tablets. If they
want the tablet to have iron or lithium or another mineral they ‘feed’ the plants water with a
high content of that mineral. The plants incorporate the mineral from their water supply.
Since the tablets are made out of plant material, they are cellulose-based tablets. Cellu-
lose-based tablets are the most absorbable nutrient supplements (according to a study at the
Linus Pauling Institute in Menlo Park, California, done a decade ago).
It has long been thought that the challenges of autism and Asperger’s Syndrome
are related to neurochemical imbalance in the body or to adverse reactions to
certain types of food. Research indicates that secretin, a natural hormone
In the CST procedure, the client is fully clothed and lies on a padded table. A
session lasts 45 minutes to an hour. CST may be intensely relaxing as well as ther-
CST is not advised for people who have had a recent stroke, cerebral
aneurysm, brain-stem tumor, head injury, or bleeding within the head.
Immediate side-effects from ECT are rare except for headaches, muscle ache or
soreness, nausea and confusion, usually occurring during the first few hours
following the procedure. Over the course of ECT, it may be more difficult for
patients to remember newly learned information, though this difficulty disap-
pears over the days and weeks following completion of the ECT course. Some
patients also report a partial loss of memory for events that occurred during the
days, weeks, and months preceding ECT. While most of these memories typically
return over a period of days to months following ECT, some patients have
reported longer-lasting problems with recall of such memories.
parenting. As a statement it is: ‘We accept the challenge of our child’s attention
difference. We will not let it destroy us! And we will leave no stone unturned to
help him heal.’
Typically these parents are willing to try a variety of interventions to help their
child: they know the situation is complex and they are skeptical about ‘one size
fits all’ solutions. They use psychotherapy, medication, stress management, and
alternative therapies to gradually change the field of biochemical and environ-
mental factors that influence their child so as to promote his overall psychoso-
matic healing.
Part Two
The Hermit
Asperger’s Syndrome – Helping the Brilliant,
Anxious and Oppositional Child Find
His Way and Express His Gifts
If Asperger’s Syndrome had somehow been stamped out of the human genetic
code, we’d all still be in caves making pleasant social chit-chat.
Temple Grandin (as told by Dr Tony Attwood 1998b)
People who were Asperger’s probably include Albert Einstein, the great Bach
interpreter Glenn Gould, Madame Curie, and many other luminaries in the arts
and sciences. Their contributions are original and fundamentally creative and
come from a penetrating, obsessive attention to a problem within their subject
The ability of the Asperger’s child to explore the depth of his subject is matched
by his inability to explore its width: he may get so stuck in his specialization that
he cannot generalize learning to other activities. He may have great difficulty
switching from one thing to another. The Asperger’s Hermit predilection for
solitude is matched by his inability to understand the behavior of others. He lacks
a ‘theory of other’s mind,’ which means he lacks the ability to look at the verbal
and nonverbal expressions of others and guess what they are experiencing. He is a
social ignoramus.
Asperger’s children are not biochemically suited for the rapid change of
attention that is required in human society and in highly dynamic learning envi-
ronments such as the modern classroom. Because they cannot shift focus quickly,
they become extremely anxious, frustrated, and angry.
Richard’s story
Richard was a 15-year-old referred to me by his family physician for treatment of
anxiety and low self-esteem. He came in with his mother Pam and father Howard.
Richard carried a medical diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome. I felt fortunate to be
working with him because he did not have symptoms of other disorders seen with
AS, such as depression, Bipolar Disorder, Tourette Syndrome, or obsessionality. In
short, Richard gave me a clear and perfect picture of his temperament as a child
with Asperger’s Syndrome.
The first thing that struck me about him was the difference between the way
he looked and acted and his mother’s statement that he had no friends. He was a
good-looking kid and though his manner of speaking was a bit odd, he could
easily have gotten away with people thinking this was just another version of teen
speak. I have noticed that good looks and popularity generally go together for
teens, but Richard seemed to be an anomaly to this rule.
‘I’m amazed that you don’t have girls falling all over themselves for your phone
number, Richard. What’s the deal?’
‘Girls? No thanks.’ He looked at me like I was just a bit out of line. ‘They just
get in the way of my work.’
Richard’s passion was the martial art of aikido and he was very good at it. He
practiced every evening. But his excellence in this area meant nothing to his PE
teacher, who had a tendency to deliver loud, shaming comments to the kids who
were not good team players. Richard was not a good team player. Just thinking
about PE filled him with dread.
His lack of interest in girls and social events generally was also right on
Asperger’s. Many AS teens simply don’t care about sex and they do not get a sense
of enjoyment out of social events. The ideal social relationship for an AS kid is one
other kid, who is either AS himself or has the ability to bridge from the way most
people see things to the logical and unemotional way that Asperger’s kids relate to
the world.
‘And those pep rallies. I hate those pep rallies. All the yelling just really stresses
me. I mean what’s the point? Gawd! I don’t know what’s worse. Having to go to
the pep rallies or having to go to PE!’
For Richard, social interaction did not seem to deliver the little shot of
endorphin, of pleasure neurotransmitter, that it gives other kids. Participation in a
team was especially painful because of his slowed processing ability. Non-AS
people take it for granted, but human social interaction, including the exchange of
nonverbal cues, happens very fast, and children with AS cannot follow at this
speed. They get left behind in confusion and embarrassment.
Richard’s single-minded enjoyment of aikido and his disdain for PE also fit
the picture. Asperger’s children tend to excel in one thing – this is the area of their
gift. They go very deep in this area. Aikido was Richard’s special interest but PE
was a nightmare of social interactions, bullying, and screaming from his teacher
that left him a wreck.
Did he feel lonely? ‘Yeah’ – he copped to sometimes feeling lonely but he was
resigned that he was so odd that no one could like him.
‘But it’s so much work talking to people. I guess I just prefer to do my own
thing.’ He made another distinction that I first read in Donna Williams’ book
Nobody Nowhere: The Extraordinary Autobiography of an Autistic (Williams 1992). He
said he knew that he was different, living in his own world and that there was
another world out there. But he didn’t know quite how to join it. This comment
cued me to the work that we had to do on Richard’s self-esteem. Being ‘a stranger
in a strange land’ was taking its toll on this kid. As it has for millions of other
Asperger’s children.
The hassles Richard was having in class following the teacher’s lecture, despite
his high intelligence, hinted at the presence of auditory processing issues which are
so common in Asperger’s children they are close to diagnostic (Karen Williams
1995). An ideal learning environment for these children is more visual, with much
more time for the explanation of operations and sequences than is available in
mainstream classrooms.
In a typical mainstream classroom, long verbal strings are delivered by the
teacher and multisequenced tasks are set up to teach the kids everything from dia-
gramming a sentence to completion of an experiment in biology. Richard’s mind
processed too slowly to complete these tasks. He ended up bluffing his way
through class and taking everything home to complete. Usually this meant that he
and his parents had to slug through five hours of homework or more a night.
I could help Richard recover a better sense of himself, but the way it turned
out, I ended up being more of assistance consulting with his parents about their
child’s civil rights (that Richard receive educational services appropriate to his
disability) and by participating in meetings at his school to change things in his
learning environment. It took several meetings, but the school district eventually
placed Richard in a class for gifted teens who had learning styles similar to his
own. The program utilized small class size, was very structured, and had a chal-
lenging curriculum. A lot of attention was given to the reduction of extraneous
stressors. Because children like Richard often have short-term memory problems,
the program took its time teaching concepts and made sure that the kids knew
how to apply them before moving on.
A ‘guiding hand,’ a staff member at school who liked Richard and wanted to
work with him, was appointed. She helped him organize his material daily, sort
out what he didn’t need to take home, and make sure that he got his assignments
home on time. Richard’s homework dropped to less than one hour a night. And
his school agreed to let him do his aikido during PE and get credit for it. He did
not have to participate in the team sports that he dreaded.
disorder that has been linked definitively to some defect in brain structure. It is
rather, like a syndrome, a constellation of traits that form an identifiable pattern.
The DSM-IV diagnosis contains the following diagnostic criteria:
they want, and are breathtakingly honest. Many seem well compensated for their
lack of social ease with the presence of one or two close friends that share their
special interest.
The most successful parents of children with Asperger’s have their priorities in
order – they accept the child’s lack of interest in social reciprocity, his oddness, and
physical problems, and focus on keeping his spirits up and anxiety at bay so that
his genius can shine through.
1. Asperger’s children have a powerful predisposition for anxiety and stimulus sensitivity.
Anxiety is a dread of something unnamed, a feeling that something bad, which
cannot be identified, is going to happen. Teens with Asperger’s Syndrome experi-
ence anxiety when they are pushed beyond their capability to perform tasks by
adults, and when they are overstimulated or understimulated.
Asperger’s children show powerful preferences and aversions to all kinds of
stimulation. Younger children become hyperenergized and highly anxious when
put around more than a few other people. A vicious cycle occurs as the close
proximity of others shuts down the child’s ability to interact. Parents of AS
children often habituate themselves to solitary activities with their children that
put no demands on the child for social interaction. In one-to-one situations the
child may have no difficulty communicating and can focus on things normally
and effectively.
Many Asperger’s and autistic children will demonstrate peculiar cravings for
stimulation and aversions to other stimuli. Stimulus-seeking behavior includes such
activities as self-delivered low-voltage electrical shock, self-compression (such as
the piling of cushions on oneself or wrapping things around oneself ), cutting
oneself, self-choking, enjoyment of painfully cold or hot water, tasting extremely
sour or spiced foodstuffs, or extreme physical activity. Younger Asperger’s
ually feed themselves flashes of images of the next movement a split second before
the movement happens. Without this feed, the Asperger’s child is profoundly
slowed in movement to the point of oftentimes not moving at all.
This predilection for inertia is not a sentence of permanent institutionalization
for the child but is an indication that his learning curve is different from most
children. For example, Asperger’s children may become fine athletes, but they
usually have to be shown every move that is possible on the playing field and have
to physically rehearse every move. To learn how to play baseball, for example, the
child has to be taken physically through each position on the field and be coached
through the movements of the player of that position in much the way you would
coach someone who is learning a dance. Once the child learns the feel of a
movement, he may become splendid at its enactment, but the training process can
take a long time.
4. The Asperger’s child has an impaired ability to learn from his experience: he is low on
common sense. Learning is a process of focusing on something, taking it in, assimi-
lating it (putting it in long-term memory) and then shifting to the next focal
object. Rapid shifts in focus are necessary if learning is to be efficient. The
Asperger’s child has a difficult time making these shifts and so has a difficult time
learning from his experience at home and in school. This leaves him short of
common sense, which is a term used to describe the practical wisdom people use
to guide their everyday lives. He is the proverbial ‘absent-minded professor’; pow-
erfully knowledgeable about some esoteric subject but woefully short on practical
Whereas a neurotypical child will know better than to walk past a group of
bullies who hang out in a certain part of the playground, the Asperger’s boy will
blithely walk into their midst. And the child may be a target of other children who
take advantage of his gullibility to talk him into perpetrating mischief while they
make a getaway. Lacking common sense, the Asperger’s child will not display suf-
ficient guile to get away with the mischief and will be easily caught.
Lack of pragmatics also impairs the child’s ability to be successful in ordinary
social situations. One bright Asperger’s boy told me that people call him impolite
because he cannot do more than one thing at a time. He could only greet the first
person in the door for his birthday party, and ignored the four or five other kids
who followed. This behavior is called ‘social apraxia’ – the inability to plan social
behavior. Most people put social niceties on baseline – automatic reaction – but
the Asperger’s child cannot divide his focus this way and will become disoriented
if required to do so.
The child will also show a lack of pragmatics in his understanding of language.
He does not understand figures of speech and may detest their use. ‘What do you
mean “You’re tied up and can’t talk?”’ or ‘What do you mean when you say you
have a hunch? Show it to me.’ Or yelling indignantly, ‘I did not go ballistic. I did
not turn into a bullet!’ (now showing real distress, holding his head) ‘I have to
know what you meant by that remark!’ The child needs help understanding the
complexity of speech if he is to be successful.
always tried to have a good relationship with their child. They do not realize that
the child’s brain is delayed in its ability to allow him to be emotionally autono-
mous and that there is a need for him to keep attached to them through his
emotional ‘umbilical cord’ so as to develop parts of his brain required for
Paradoxically, the child may be extremely angry at his parents because he is so
dependent on them. The solution is for parents to have the patience and the
firmness to keep nurturing him while they are teaching him to be more independ-
ent and responsible.
The child with AS-related challenges is good at aggravating his parents to the
point that the adults devolve into screaming out orders or threatening the child’s
well-being. It may be difficult for parents to relate to their child’s suffering when
he confronts them angrily at every turn. But this appears to be the surest way to
begin turning around the chronic oppositionality that leads to meltdown.
Though the child’s anxiety may bring great trouble, crisis, and uproar to his
family, the family’s sense of connection and love must remain intact if the child is
to get through and grow to adulthood. What builds the relationship increases the
child’s sense of self-confidence, decreases his anxiety, and militates against
After you finish watching your program on TV, sit down and do some homework.
I will help you with it and give you a five-minute warning to help you prepare.
4. Ask yourself what is the best thing to do to reduce his anxiety, and do that thing
If he is frustrated at not being able to complete a task, try to gently redirect him to
something else for a few moments. If he is carrying stress from a hard day at
school, give him the chance to decompress. One Asperger’s boy told me that he
needed time to cry and scream for a few minutes when he came home after school,
because the experience of holding himself together in the highly stimulating
school environment built up pressure for discharge. His parents helped him by
giving him private space and time to discharge this energy without scolding him.
6. Know that the anxious child is visually and auditorily cued to your behavior
If you are upset, the child will be upset. If you are calm, she is calm. It is important
to choose the images and sounds you put in front of her, as she may not ‘edit’ her
behavior but will follow what is put before her. If you are not calm yourself, expect
that your child will be just as uptight as you.
the humiliation he suffered in PE two hours before. Work with him to draw out
these stressors and get him to talk about them.
break-neck speed on the inside. Just sit next to him calmly and let your relaxed
pace of breathing relax his. Tell him whatever you think he needs to hear to be
more relaxed, and then get back to helping him get to the next step when he is in a
better position to hear.
(d) Teach him binary decision-making One of the most powerful causes for inertia is
the feeling of the Asperger’s child that some task is so vast and complex that he
can’t possibly accomplish it. To overcome this barrier, teach him how to factor any
problem into two decisions. He makes one of those decisions, and then factors the
next part of the issue into two more decisions, and makes one of these decisions
until the job is done.
To help him clean up his room, have him first make two piles. One pile is for things
that stay. One pile is for throwaways. When he’s down to the pile for things that
stay, divide it into one pile for clothes and one pile for electronic parts. When this
is done, take each pile in turn. In the electronic parts pile, put all parts that pertain
to current projects on one shelf and all parts from past projects on another, and so
forth. Then have him put clean clothes in one pile, and dirty clothes in another.
He needs a very concrete way to work from the whole to the parts. It’s easier to
get going on things if he deliberately uses the ‘yes/no,’ ‘zero/one’ language of
binary code to break the problem into manageable chunks.
is important because what the child needs most is the rehearsal of the context –
the details of the situation – so that he can orient himself and take action. He will
forget what to do if he becomes overloaded with requirements.
Type this script out on the computer and print out a copy for the child in large
letters. Affix this copy to the inside of his daily organizer or three-ring binder for
his ready reference throughout the day. Cue his teacher to help him use the aid
enough times that it becomes second nature.
Many Asperger’s teens will accept the suggestion that they use this kind of
visual representation of a situation because, even though it may seem juvenile to
non-AS kids, the AS child knows that he needs the help to navigate through social
situations that may baffle him.
3. Teach him to visualize himself behaving assertively to help him deal with rigid
social behavior
Many Asperger’s children get stuck in feuds with other kids because their internal
picture of the situation shows them less powerful than the other child or bullied
by him. To enable the Asperger’s child to behave more assertively, teach him the
following visualization:
(a) Ask him to imagine himself with the other child. If he sees himself as
markedly smaller, ask him to imagine himself as the same size as the
other. If he sees himself looking down, away, or not moving while the
other moves, ask him to imagine himself facing the other and moving
in an animated way.
(b) After he has changed his internal visualization of the event, ask him if
he feels any differently about the situation. Most likely he will tell you
that he feels more confident about dealing with it.
(c) Ask him to imagine that he is interacting with the other child
surrounded by this new feeling of confidence. With this thought in
mind, work with him to develop a more resourceful, assertive,
conversational strategy for dealing with the situation.
(d) Finish by asking him to keep this image in mind while breathing down
to his diaphragm. Practice the breathing behavioral anchor a couple of
times. The deliberate, slow breath down to the gut should bring with it
the feeling of dealing confidently with his social hassle.
Any novel demand may upset him greatly. He may yell, swear, moan, groan, and
cry. Good planning makes management of these transitions much easier.
If he has to get to school early for his field trip tomorrow, make sure that all
logistics are taken care of tonight. Have his clothes laid out, his pills, vitamins and
breakfast ready. Make sure that your own morning routine is planned, so that you
can devote your full attention to him. If your stress is handled, it will be much
easier for you to handle his.
5. Help him to take ownership of the problem by listening to his complaint and
using logical solutions
If he is in denial of the problem or experiencing agitation, you will not be able to
change his attitude by disciplining him or haranguing him. He will open up and
accept his part only after you have listened to his aggravation. Richard had been
complaining to me about his mother’s anger at him for the long showers that he
would take. When he showered, it seemed he couldn’t stop until all the hot water
was gone. This was either a mild obsession or showed his inability to keep track of
time in the shower, which was a highly stimulating experience for him. Whatever
the reason, Richard’s inability to know how long he was showering showed a sig-
nificant lack of common sense.
‘She bitches at me for no reason. My showers go for maybe ten minutes at the
most. What is she talking about?’ He was genuinely confused.
‘Do your showers tend to get cold after a while?’ I asked him.
‘Yeah. Every time. My parents need to get a bigger water heater.’ I suppressed a
chuckle. He was absolutely serious.
‘Oh, it’s a little one, too small for the house or something?’ I said.
‘No, it holds a hundred gallons,’ he replied.
‘OK. Do an experiment for me,’ I said. ‘Maybe this will prove your mom
wrong. Take a clock in there with you and measure the amount of time it takes to
go from hot to cold, OK?’
‘Sure.’ Richard seemed pleased to have a way to deal with his mother’s aggra-
vating behavior.
(When he came in the next time:)
‘So how did your experiment turn out?’ I asked him.
‘Well, maybe I was going on a little too long. It took about thirty-five minutes
to run out of hot water.’ He paused thoughtfully for a moment. ‘I guess I just kind
of space out in there, you know.’
lesson plans. They build carefully on what the child knows already with very
specific examples:
• To teach about the relationship between speed, distance, and time, talk
about how long it takes for the child to ride the school bus to school.
• To teach about politics, talk about the pecking order in the classroom.
• To teach math, build on known facts (if 4 + 6 = 10, then 4 + 7 = 11).
• Check frequently to make sure that the student understands the
material. Asperger’s children often will not ask for help.
• To teach spelling, ask the child to visualize the word and the thing it
describes at the same time – with the word running across the front of
the image. After giving him the correct spelling of the word, practice it
with him. (Some AS children are such excellent internal visualizers that
they can spell words backwards and do the alphabet backward from an
early age.)
• Monitor progress frequently. The best teachers test frequently for
concept retention and involve AS kids in frequent completion of tests
that give them continual feedback on their progress. This helps the
Asperger’s child overcome the difficulty he experiences remembering
what he has learned so that he can apply this learning to current
Instructions: write a sentence or two in response to each of these points. You don’t
have to do them all at once.
(a) I hate these noises:
(b) I like these noises:
(c) I like this kind of touch:
5. Extensive use is made of computers in the classroom and the child has
one assigned for her personal use.
6. A lot of practical examples are used to illustrate concepts.
7. Teachers are skilled at using the concrete language of the AS child.
They avoid figures of speech and other abstract language.
8. Social behaviors are learned using storytelling techniques.
9. The child is taught a charting system for monitoring her progress.
10. Homework assignments are light and used only to review material, not
to teach concepts that she did not learn during the school day.
Parents who get appropriate services for their children know about the relevant
parts of the law and they know their child’s learning needs. They work with the
parents of other Asperger’s and autistic children to make sure that the educational
system provides appropriate services.
Habit 2: The parents are successful advocates for their child at school
The most successful parents ensure their child’s success in school by making sure
that the ‘system’ is doing its part. Schools must not be allowed to slide past their
responsibilities by tasking the parents to do the teaching through homework.
Schools are bureaucracies. Nobody at school is paid to educate the child. Staff are
paid to move large groups of students from one class to the next, from one year to
the next. The AS child will fall between the cracks if parents do not monitor the
situation carefully and consistently to make sure he is actually being taught.
Sean’s Case
Helping a Child with the Dual Diagnosis
of Bipolar Disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome
Some of the most troubled kids that I work with show signs of having the dual
challenges of Asperger’s Syndrome and Bipolar Disorder. The lack of common
sense that comes with Asperger’s and the aggressive depression of Bipolar
Disorder are a combination that creates enormous challenges for the teen and his
parents. And this is a combination that is seen in about half of children with
Asperger’s Syndrome or Pervasive Developmental Disorder (DeLong and Nohria
In order to help a kid with this dual diagnosis, it is necessary to get an idea of
the feelings, perceptions, and stress that he experiences. Once you have an idea of
what he goes through on a day-to-day basis, you are in a position to help him get
what he needs in order to be successful. A good way to describe the inner life of
children with these challenges is to tell you about Sean, a smart, handsome
Sean’s parents, Paul and Tricia, brought him to see me because of his refusal to
go to school, his pot use, oppositional defiance, chronic use of profanity to his
mother, and his involvement with a gang of kids who were into law-breaking
activities such as breaking into parked cars. Sean’s mother and father told me that
he refused to acknowledge their authority over him and was basically a loose
cannon at home, coming and going to his own schedule and behaving more and
more out of control.
The first glimpse I had of Sean was his shoulder-length jet black hair which
flew out behind him as he ran out of my waiting room to avoid the possibility of
conversation. He knew I was in league with his parents and he suspected that I was
sent by the Civilizing Forces in Society to bring him back. Sean inhabited the
Wild Boy archetype to a tee. He looked, spoke, and acted like Mowgli, the boy
with the animal spirit who is the hero of Kipling’s Jungle Book stories. Sean did not
possess Mowgli’s canny resourcefulness or ability to live in the wild, but he did
show his impulsivity and wildness of spirit, and like Mowgli, he was highly dis-
trustful of other human beings.
Following him out to the back porch of my office, I sat down on the floor a few
feet from him. Without getting into social niceties (Asperger’s children do not like
small-talk), I told him that I knew that life was hard for him, knew that he was real
smart, knew that he wasn’t ‘mental,’ and knew a lot of kids just like him. He
flashed an incredulous look at me as if to say ‘No. I’m the only one like this!’ But I
could tell he was intrigued. Here was someone (me) who might be able to under-
stand what he was going through. I finished my brief contact with him by letting
him know that I do not try to make kids obey their parents, but try to help them
have happier lives. I asked him to talk to his parents after our session and come
back only if he saw it as useful. Sean did return for a second session and continued
to work with me for about six months after that. When he and his parents termi-
nated with me, he was back on track at school and had a sense of purpose and
stability in his life. He had worked hard.
Sean as a Bipolar/AS child was a different person when his bipolarity lifted.
In the last chapter, I discussed four major challenges that Asperger’s Syndrome
can bring to a child: (1) a powerful predisposition for anxiety and stimulus sensi-
tivity, (2) auditory processing issues, (3) inertia or the inability to initiate action
when stressed, and (4) impaired ability to be practical about things. As I worked
with Sean in therapy, it became clear that these challenges were expressed differ-
ently, depending on where he was in his Bipolar mood shift.
When he was in the ebb tide position of his daily mood cycle, a place of relative
normalcy between bouts of dysphoria, his behavior was relatively typical of
Asperger’s Syndrome without other complications. He was somewhat passive, but
could be quite assertive. If he were in gym class, for example, he might take
another kid to task with a shouted verbal insult for bullying him. He was still
odd-looking and odd-sounding but could get by.
In this ‘normal’ Asperger’s mood, his stimulus-cravings were considerably
reduced from the level when he was hypomanic or depressed. He did not lose his
predilection for extremes. He enjoyed sleeping on cold nights with few covers
and the window open. He enjoyed extremes of hot, spicy foods. He was addicted
to nicotine and satisfied this craving by picking up and smoking cigarette butts.
This is an addiction that he shared with many children I have worked with who
have the Asperger’s with Bipolar Disorder presentation.
go into the night. The wild pleasure he experienced at these times gave him
momentary relief from the painful competing inner pressures he felt between
numbness to any stimulation and painful oversensitivity to many stimuli. Clearly,
he needed help in getting this situation more under his control.
ally running program right out of awareness. So doing, we are able to remember
what kind of action is appropriate in a situation and automatically plan back from
the picture we hold of the future. And we are able to motivate ourselves with the
knowledge that we may be moving toward future delights.
Kids with Asperger’s challenges do not possess this automatic sense of past and
future and so have a tendency to get stuck in the present without a clue as to how
to get to the next order of business in their lives. And they also get stuck in depres-
sion because they literally have nothing to look forward to.
Sean could be hard on himself in the depressed phase. As is the case with many
teens with the dual diagnosis, he developed fixations on things or got into perfec-
tionism; he had to do everything just right. His perfectionism and fixations were
made worse by stress, fatigue, and movement into the more depressed phase of his
mood shift.
Bipolar/AS diagnosis. If the child cannot connect the person standing in front of
him yelling (his teacher) with the paper on his desk (the task that he has no idea
how to finish), he will feel deeply powerless. His urge may be to call up the
‘dragon’ of his Bipolar Disorder to mount an attack on that ‘abusive’ teacher who
puts these unreasonable and silly demands on him. If the child lets his Warrior
temperament emerge in this way, he may deepen his isolation.
Bipolar Disorder brings with it a powerful sense of being driven, of being
overenergized, and the child may experience a strong need to relieve the tension.
The Bipolar child who is not Asperger’s may be able to find some way to discharge
this feeling of pressure; he has the means to plan his release. But children with the
Bipolar/AS challenge may lack this ability to take the initiative, to plan far
enough ahead to find some way to get relief. The pressure builds up and they
explode in miserable, aggressive, anxious depression.
Children with Asperger’s Syndrome are slow cognitive processors. The
Warrior aspect of the child (the Bipolar archetype) wants to react quickly to
people and events, to be decisive and aggressive. But the reactions of the child
with dual challenges are greatly slowed by his Asperger’s nature, and he reacts to
those around him like a drunken sword-fighter. Though not really a threat to
anyone, he is totally obnoxious, insulting, and depressing to be around.
Sean lived in Asperger’s time, not in culture time, and this caused him problems in
Fundamental to Sean’s temperament was the difference in his sense of time
between himself and everyone around him. He told me that he saw a particular
time of the day – getting the school bus at 8.30 a.m., for example – as a point of
light in a circle. Because of his lack of internal chronometer, he often did not
know when a task was finished but would perseverate on it long past its comple-
tion. Or he would be unable to manage ordinary transitions from one task to
another in the classroom and would require prompting from his teacher.
Sean had developed compensation for this lack of ability to hold a timeline by
forcing himself to act appropriately in the moment. To avoid missing the school
bus, he would sleep in his clothes and within five minutes of his alarm going off in
the morning, be out the door with a Power Bar in his hand which he would eat on
the bus for breakfast. Because he got lost between class changes, he would jump
up immediately when the bell rang to signal the end of the period and run, black
hair flying behind him, to his next classroom. He would be first there, and first in
his seat, sitting and staring blankly at the blackboard when the other kids started
arriving several minutes later buzzing with the pleasant social conversation that
they enjoyed between classes. Sean lost his opportunity to have this kind of inter-
action because he had to concentrate on one thing at a time, and just getting to the
next classroom took all his resources.
He did not talk about his feelings but tried to figure everything out
Sean told me at the beginning of counseling not to do what the other counselors
had done, which was to ask him a lot of questions about his feelings or ask him to
draw pictures. I took him at his word, knowing how difficult it is for Asperger’s
children to access their feelings about themselves and others.
To Sean, the whole idea of talking about feelings was absurd. On one occasion,
he came in to counseling badly shaken from an encounter with his father that had
resulted in violent pushing and shoving and destruction of property in the family
home. The fight began when Sean kicked through a door his parents had locked
to prevent him getting some cigarettes that they had taken from him. His father
came home after a long day to find the door in splinters and Sean rummaging
through his things. A pushing and shoving match ensued as his dad attempted to
physically remove him from the room. Sean did not react with remorse to what he
had done. His only concern was ‘figuring out’ if his father could be held legally
liable for pushing him and stealing his property.
In a follow-up session I discussed the event with Sean and his father, Paul.
Though the fight with his dad had made him extremely anxious, Sean could not
identify or describe his feelings about the event. He showed a lack of empathy for
the suffering he had caused his parents. He seemed incapable of having the kind
of ‘heart-to-heart’ conversation with his dad that would prevent this kind of
situation from happening again.
Empathy wasn’t present to motivate him to repair his relationship with his
father, but he didn’t like the anxiety that he experienced and he was highly logical.
I needed to talk to these parts of his Asperger’s temperament to make things
‘Sounds like that fight with your dad was extremely upsetting for you, Sean.’
‘Yeah. It was fucking child abuse. Next time I’m calling 911.’ He was still
angry but I sensed he was also scared.
‘911? Like they should be protecting you?’
‘Uh huh.’ He glowered at Paul.
‘So you felt kinda like “What’s happening here? He’s my dad. Why is he
attacking me? I’m scared?”’ I said.
‘Yeah.’ Sean’s clipped response did not hide his extremely anxious nonverbal
behavior; his eyes were wide, his face pale, and his posture tight.
‘Yeah. Logically speaking there should be a way to keep this from happening.
Any ideas?’ I asked.
Sean’s voice rose a bit: ‘I want those cigarettes. Those are my fucking ciga-
Paul broke into the conversation. ‘Well, son, you’re addicted to those damn
things, and I’m not going to support that addiction.’ Paul was in a bind.
I knew Sean was addicted to nicotine and that the cigarettes his father had
confiscated were a special treat in that they were not the soggy cigarette butts he
was usually forced to smoke. I decided to appeal to Sean’s innate selfishness and
sense of logic. ‘OK. Sean, how many cigs do you smoke a day?’ Minimizing his
addiction, he replied ‘Oh, maybe three a day.’
‘So what if your dad agreed to give you three a day, would you be willing to get
rid of your butt collection and just stick to that program?’
I had discussed this option with Paul privately before our session and he was
agreeable if Sean agreed to start medication for his issues, which he had resisted
doing to this point. Sean’s doctor had told Paul that buproprion (b. Wellbutrin)
might be a good starter medication as it had antidepressant qualities, would not
aggravate Sean’s Bipolar symptoms, and (Sean did not know this) would contrib-
ute to smoking cessation.
Paul cut in. ‘Well, that deal might work for me, but I’d only go for it if Sean
agreed to start on the Wellbutrin Dr Findley recommended. What do you say, son?
The doc told you this one is pretty mild on the side-effects and we can pull it if it
doesn’t help.’
Sean thought about the deal for a moment. His logical sense told him that his
father was holding the cards here and despite his angry bravado, it didn’t help him
get closer to smoking those cigarettes. He was also positively motivated to try the
Wellbutrin if there was a chance it could help him with understanding things a bit
better at school. He looked suspiciously at his dad, then at me.
‘Dad has no right to keep them. They’re mine!’
I allowed him to save face with this bluster and did not argue. ‘Yeah, you’re
right there, Sean. You paid the money to get them from your friend, but your dad’s
doing his job keeping them away from you. That’s the way it is.’
Sean looked away for a moment and then back at Paul. ‘OK. I’m OK with
keeping them in one place, like in the laundry room or someplace where everyone
knows where they are and they don’t get moved to some hiding place.’
‘Sure,’ Paul said, ‘I’m willing to do that, and I will maintain a count of them
which I will verify every day, Sean.’
‘Trust but verify. I like that,’ I said.
‘I’ll call 911 if he fucks with this deal!’ Sean said, flashing a fierce look at his
father. I ignored the impropriety of calling the police to force one’s father to
return his son’s cigarettes.
‘Good,’ I answered his concern. ‘That’s a right that you both have if there is
any violence.’
Paul and Sean came in several weeks later. Their deal had been holding up.
Sean had been on the Wellbutrin for two weeks and had already cut back on his
cigarettes to two a day and he was doing better in school.
‘You guys are doing the “trust but verify” thing, right?’ I said. ‘Any other places
where this might apply?’
Paul pondered my question for a moment. ‘Hmm. Sean’s been after me to take
him paint-balling. I’ve been after him to stop swearing at his mother. Maybe we
could work a deal. The swearing is easy to verify.’
I figured this solution might work. ‘Sean, how about this? If you can keep the
remarks you make to your mother reasonably civil, and this means not use the “f
word” at her, your dad takes you paint-balling. But if you don’t, paint-balling is
off and will be, at least until you guys come back here and talk.’
His father affirmed this solution. ‘Works for me.’
Sean also liked the idea. ‘Paint-balling! Yes! Sure, I’ll chew on a washcloth or
something when I feel like cussing her out.’ He grimaced. ‘Her voice drives me
nuts. But for paint-balling, I’ll keep my f word to myself !’
Sean did get to go paint-balling. He was able to control his insults at his
mother, though the constant impulse to verbally abuse her remained because he
was hypersensitive to her voice and his stress reaction was set off when he heard it.
The little bit of movement in his relationship with his father on the cigarette and
paint-ball issues, however, eventually put his dad in more of a ‘good guy’ role with
Sean and opened the way for us to do family therapy with his mother present. The
stage had been set for several months of very productive family therapy that
resulted in a marked improvement in Sean’s relationship with his parents.
• high anxiety camouflaged by aggressive irritability
• impulsivity and hypomania
• lethargy and severe loss of focus under stress
• obsessionality
• low frustration threshold
• depression
• depersonalization and disorientation
• different sense of time
• lack of common sense
• social isolation
• learning disorders: planning tasks, following sequences, writing,
reading, negotiating transitions
five strategies over the six months that we worked together to help him turn his
life around.
immediate positive impact of getting out of the push–pull power struggle that
they had been in with him.
2. Legitimize his sensory aversions and help him find safe ways to
realize his craving for extreme stimulation
Children with Asperger’s Syndrome may experience shame as a result of their
unconventional orientations to stimulation. They need to know that having very
unusual sensory aversions and cravings is a result of being born with a certain kind
of brain chemistry, and that everyone is different in this regard. I told Sean that his
strange stimulus aversions (which included his aversion to the feel of certain types
of clothing and the creepiness he felt when his mom tried to hug him) were related
to his ‘being Asperger’s,’ and that many other kids share these issues. I talked with
him to identify his sensory preferences and normalize these preferences.
Sean had shared with me that he often choked himself to numb out to stimula-
tion (such as that which occurred in his classroom). I discussed this practice in a
matter-of-fact way, suggesting that getting the right medication in place was more
efficient than choking oneself to decrease unpleasant stimuli.
And I helped him to find safe ways to experience stimuli intensity. Sean’s
interest in vigorous physical exercise led us to explore his participation in the
annual 26-kilometer marathon that is conducted every year near his home in
Seattle. He got into this activity with a lot of enthusiasm because he had already
built up his physical stamina and found it relatively easy to train for the run. Given
his problems following through on his plans, it was possible that he would not
actually run the course, but he told me that he felt a sense of confidence preparing
for it. Added benefits were seen in the powerful antidepressant effect of this
aerobic exercise along with its effect to limit Sean’s use of cigarettes and pot. He
needed to keep his lung capacity up, and smoking caused a direct and palpable
reduction of his ability to sustain the long haul in the run.
Every Bipolar/AS child is a little different when it comes to satisfying a need
for a peculiar kind of stimulation. Here are some ideas:
• If he craves hot, spicy food, find the best ethnic restaurant with the
hottest food and take him there frequently. Teach him how to make
chili hot enough to power a drag racer!
• If he craves legalistic banter, get him to sign up for his school’s debate
club where he can exercise his logical aggressiveness and get points for
• Some Bipolar/AS children are drawn to body-piercing. They like the
wild look of it and easily take the pain involved in the process. They
also may find the use of an ear ring or nose ring to be pleasantly
self-stimulating. If he pesters to get some part of his body pierced or
4. Find his special interest and use it to tip up his mood and build his
resourcefulness one step at a time
In the last chapter I discussed how possession of a ‘special interest’ is diagnostic of
Asperger’s Syndrome. The AS child will have one interest such as computers, or
dinosaurs, or dietary practices, that he will obsess about, fixate on, and study in
great depth. Sean’s special interest was dogs. It became clear that this interest was
a way for him to get a sense of purpose into his life. With his affective illness and
Asperger’s on board, he didn’t have much to feel good about. But his interest in
dogs gave us an avenue for turning things around.
I spoke with Sean’s parents about a part-time volunteer position in a local
animal shelter. Sean agreed to try it out for a couple of weeks and before long had
developed a contagious enthusiasm for his work there and the job became
‘part-time, permanent.’ As is the case with many Asperger’s kids, he had a
genius-grade understanding of his chosen field and impressed staff with his
diligence and interest in taking care of orphaned animals. He had found his niche.
Everyone needs something to look forward to. The problem with having
Asperger’s Syndrome is that a child may not be able to keep a sense of future in his
mind; he lacks the past, present, future timeline which neurotypical kids take for
5. When it comes to medication, treat the Bipolar Disorder first, then the
Asperger’s Syndrome
One of the most important breakthroughs in Sean’s recovery was the identifica-
tion of the right medication to treat his symptoms. About the same time that he
began therapy with me, his parents contacted a local psychiatrist who understood
the medication challenges that Sean faced from his dual diagnosis. Though his
depression could be merciless, he was highly reactive to antidepressant medica-
tion because of his bipolarity – when he had taken this class of medication in the
past he had become extremely agitated, and dysphoric.
Sean had agreed to take buproprion (b. Wellbutrin), an atypical antidepressant
that had been quite effective in raising his mood. Though he did not realize it, the
Wellbutrin had also greatly decreased his craving for cigarettes so that he was in a
position to terminate this addiction altogether. Of all the antidepressants,
Wellbutrin was the one that has been shown not to aggravate children suffering
from BD and it had worked marvelously for Sean to take the edge off his depres-
sion and compulsive smoking.
After beginning the Wellbutrin, Sean started becoming more successful at
school because the drug has a mild anti-ADHD effect and he was focusing better.
This little shot of positivity enabled him to cop to more of the problem he had
with his mood shift and agree to begin another medication to stabilize it more. His
doctor chose gabapentin (b. Neurontin), a newer-generation anticonvulsive that
has fewer side-effects than others in this class. Other medications that have shown
promise for helping children with problem behavior related to the Bipolar/AS
presentation include risperidone (b. Risperdal) to treat distorted thinking and
aggression, and the antidepressants to treat obsessionality and anxiety (L’Ecuyer,
Koenig and Martin 1999). Sean tolerated the side-effects of this medication well
(tiredness and slight dizziness from time to time), and was happy to finally experi-
ence some relief from the distressing mood swing that had left him feeling totally
out of control of his life.
Tourette Syndrome
The Wild Heart of the Restless Explorer
Quickness in thought and movement, radical creativity, and affinity for nature and
the ecology are the gifts of this archetype. The Tourette child follows power, espe-
cially natural power, and is intrigued by it. He may be fascinated with chemistry,
computers, and electrical energy. Or he may be drawn to the arts where he will
create new artistic forms. The presence of the limbic brain in his personality gives
him a physical glow that is evident from the moment of his birth.
The Tourettic child can be thin-skinned and combative. His sensitivity to the
world around him can be overwhelming and he may react against others as if they
have deliberately caused him pain. His rage may come out like thunder as physical
energy that needs expression: a wild pressure that needs to be let out so that he can
breathe and think. When this pressure pushes obsessions and compulsions, the
child may become a fanatic little king–priest who demands that others comply
with his rituals.
tory sensations. A motor tic may assume any movement that a body is capable of
Children will show a vast variety of tics from the simplest eye blink to a
massively complex tic sequence involving jumping, arm throwing, body twisting,
head jerking, spitting, tongue clicking, and clapping. Vocal tics also come in an
amazing variety – grunting, clucking, shouting, swearing, screeching, and
barking. A vocal tic may assume any sound a human is capable of uttering.
Tourette Syndrome also includes a strong measure of vocal perseverance – the
semi-voluntary repetition of heard sounds called ‘echolalia,’ or of swearwords,
called ‘coprolalia.’ Some Tourettic youngsters show a fascination with scatology,
body and bathroom function, and will shock adults with incessant talk about
excrement and copulation using the vilest words.
Thankfully many children experience a remission of tics in the mid-teen years
and may experience further improvement in the ability to concentrate as well as a
drop-off of obsessional thinking. These effects are probably a result of the last
stage of limbic-brain growth that happens at puberty and of frontal-lobe growth
that happens in the late teens. Kids with severe motor and vocal tics, or severe
obsessionality, have the least favorable prognosis for an early remission of
Most Tourette children also experience obsessions and compulsions. It is
difficult to differentiate the performance of a compulsion such as repetitive
light-switching, jumping to touch a door jamb every time he enters a room, or
endless hand washing, from a tic. Dr Mort Duran, a preeminent Canadian neuro-
surgeon, himself diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, says that the tics are
movements in response to feelings such as premonitory muscle itching or hypersensi-
tivity to clothes, and other stimulation. His says that compulsions are movements in
search of a feeling (Duran 1998). The act is done to makes things feel right, to get a
sense of order and satisfaction. The common denominator of perseverance is seen
in obsessions, compulsions, and the tics.
Though many professionals and parents of Tourettic children do not like to
admit it, these children may also experience profoundly disturbing thoughts
about sex, perversity, horror, nightmarish scenarios involving dismemberment,
the Holocaust, hurting a favorite pet, gouging out the eyes of parents, or innumer-
able wild and shameful sexual fantasies. I have never seen a child take any action
to move to completion of these scenarios, but I have seen many suffer the experi-
ence of them in horrific fantasy.
The presence of horrific thoughts is an indication of the dysinhibition of
emotional centers in the limbic brain. As I mentioned in Chapter 1, the limbic
system contains many structures that enable us to experience and understand
emotions and sensations and to react to events in our lives. The limbic system is
properly called the ‘animal brain’ because its representations of reality are very
primitive, animal-like and instinctive. Its voice is seen in our emotional and sexual
response and in our dreams.
Though the presence of tics is essential for diagnosis, the essence of Tourette
Syndrome is seen in the power of the limbic brain in people with TS. Most, if not
all persons with Tourette, experience intense emotional states that are far in excess
of the normal population. Unlike neurotypicals, whose behavior is governed by
the civilizing influence of the cerebral cortex and frontal lobes, in TS these struc-
tures may sit respectfully at the feet of the limbic system. The result is a great pre-
dilection for emotional dysinhibition – for excess in the emotional arena, for wild
child, it makes sense that he should express the animality of his nature with
themes involving all the bodily functions.
ical. I have worked with many Tourettic children who are creative geniuses in the
physical sciences, though they often abhor the humdrum, everyday science of
researchers – the careful categorization of facts and details. They like to make
things work – and work in different and unusual ways. My own son Gregory,
diagnosed with TS and a genius with computers on both the hardware and
software side, once described the ‘twenty-five different kinds of sparks’ one can
get from making mistakes or through intentionally tinkering with electronic
instruments and computers. This is a wisdom gained through trial and error, and
the perseverant following of paths that power takes!
Tourette children also follow power in their expression of the disorder in a
social setting. The words that they repeat compulsively may shock other people;
they may be obscene, perverse, or racist. These words are delivered without
malevolence but they can be extremely hurtful. Many people wonder why
Tourettic persons choose certain terms for coprolalic expression. One hypothesis
is that these words were automatically locked into the hear-it-repeat-it loop
because of the emotional intensity with which they were first heard. The TS
child’s felt sense of ‘This is powerful, hot stuff. People get nervous around this
word,’ had the required signal strength to stick the expression into the limbic
brain where it became part of a perseverant loop for verbal or graphic expression.
autistic helped her maintain continuity of her perspective and helped her focus.
Considering that the tic may have a beneficial effect on focus and concentration
suggests a new approach to dealing with tics in the classroom. First, the question
becomes not should the child have tics, but which tics should he have? And it
becomes clear that if he is not allowed to tic in class, his learning will be adversely
affected. Providing a refuge for the child to express his tics is a humane adaptation
but if that is where he is able to focus, he may be getting cheated out of the
education he is entitled to in the regular classroom.
This argues for looking at a child’s tics to determine which ones may be benefi-
cial and which, because of their severity or potential for muscle injury, need to be
extinguished with therapy, such as the naturalistic habit-reversal method
described below.
My own son Gregory has greatly enlightened me on this question. For years
Gregory has used calisthenics to improve his concentration. Recently he has
developed a whole-body vibration that he performs in his seat in class that he says
helps upregulate his ability to focus. It may be time for teachers to understand that
those annoying tics, leg shaking, running around, and ‘hyperactivity’ of Tourettic
children are necessary if they are to participate fully in the academic program.
As a survival strategy it becomes clear that two things have to occur. First, a
conscious choice has to be made about what tics are acceptable. Then a course of
therapy to treat those tics which are unacceptable must be identified. This prob-
lem-solving process should occur with the full participation of the child contrib-
uting information on his own experience so as to craft a plan that he can support.
People with tics and obsessions learn how to hide them, and this technique makes
that effort more efficient and more a part of the healing process.
• To deal with the anxiety that accompanies a tic attack, have him
breathe down to his diaphragm as if he were filling up a bottle from
the bottom first. Have him hold that breath and release it gently.
• To correct an eye-rolling tic, the child might be assisted by: (a)
devising a competing response in which he rolls his eyes slowly in a
different direction than the tic, and (b) using an eye-relaxing exercise in
which he puts the palms of his hand over his eyes, presses very gently,
and imagines black velvet or black night to soothe his eyes.
• To relax a full body tic during the day at school, the child may be able
to unobtrusively clench his body as he sits at his desk. The idea is to
curl the toes, tighten the arms and other muscle groups, and hold this
position seven seconds while holding his breath. When time is up, have
him breathe out and release all the tension and imagine that tightness
and discomfort are streaming off him on all sides and going into the
Staying motivated to participate in the healing process of behavior therapy is a
real challenge for kids with Tourette Syndrome. A kid has to know that there is a
reason for doing something difficult. It may be helpful to talk to him about how
habit reversal works by saying that it ‘closes the door’ on the bothersome premon-
itory sensations that come before the tics and permits the muscles to relax and
soothe themselves. Start with the least problematic tics and work from there.
Your best bet of helping him through is to drop into the spiritual perspective:
to see yourself as the guide of an exceptional kid into adulthood who really needs
some help. Be aware that he is not trying to get you, but that he is miserable and
needs to blow off some steam. You must walk the tightrope between helping him
gain relief and protecting the rights of everyone around him.
his mind, front and center. An image stuck in that place can get incorporated into a
child’s pressured speech or tendency to perseverate, causing him to either bother
adults incessantly or drive himself crazy with the thought of it. Here is a way to
move the obsessional fixation out of its central place in his consciousness:
1. Explain to the child that people tend to see internal pictures as follows.
They see the past on the left, the present in front, and the future to the
right. Ask him to test this by remembering what happened right after
he got out of bed this morning and then ask him where in his mental
landscape he saw this image. He will probably say ‘To my left or by the
nine o’clock position on the [analog] clock face.’ Talk with him about
how when things get stuck in our minds, they usually are stuck straight
ahead of us so that everything we do is seen ‘through’ our fixation.
2. Ask him to deliberately focus on the thought he is obsessing about, to
imagine visual details and really get to know the thought consciously.
Now ask him to picture it as if it is on a movie or computer screen.
When he has done this, ask him to tinker with the light value on the
screen so as to darken it or brighten it.
3. Now ask him to deliberately move the screen to the left of his visual
field and down so that it is moving behind him (the appropriate place
for things in our past). As he does this ask him to make the screen
much smaller, and turn down the illumination on it so that it is barely
visible. Suggest that he use a little clicking sound that he subvocalizes,
to lock the image into place down left behind him.
4. Make sure to replace the image with some thought that interests and
motivates him but about which he will not obsess. Talk about the fun of
playing soccer, going swimming, seeing his friends at school, or
accomplishing something that he has been looking forward to.
5. Finish the exercise by asking him to take a deep breath and experience
‘just feeling relaxed, knowing that we always can take things out and
look at them if we want to but that it also feels good to put them
behind us when we need a rest.’
greatness without the wound. Children with Tourette Syndrome carry certain
wounds or challenges that are the central focus of their struggle for success and
normalcy. These include the perseverance, anxiety, overarousal, rage, intensity, and
loneliness that are seen in TS. Are these challenges a curse, or the path toward a
better world for themselves and others?
On a personal level, TS may be seen as a pathway to a child’s self-awareness
and self-acceptance on levels that are impossible for children without this
challenge. I have mentioned that Tourettic children seem drawn to break taboos
and to invent. Their echolalia, coprolalia, interest in every form of power, ardent
sexuality, irritability, rage, and tics all violate social taboos. The child is forced by
his own nature to come to terms with who he is. He cannot be what others want
him to be. He must be himself.
And he must invent new solutions and follow power. Be he a Mozart, a
Mahamoud Abdul Rauf or a Witty Ticcy Ray, he will follow his own urges to bril-
liance and his contribution will be original, creative, and fulfilling to himself and
I have noticed that some Tourettic boys in the age range of eight to eleven or so
enjoy cross-dressing as girls. They are fascinated by the taboo on male–female
impersonation and drawn to the power that simply wearing a dress gives them
over adults. Cross-dressing in Tourette children does not signify emotional distur-
bance but is another example of how the TS child delights in uncovering the heat
beneath the surface of social taboos. He lives the Restless Explorer archetype as he
dives beneath social niceties to look at how things really are.
In primitive cultures, children with this predilection for shape shifting and
cross-dressing would probably have been chosen to train as shamans, the
medicine people who are able to communicate with the spirit world and bring
back the good energy of deceased ancestors to protect the tribe and heal illness.
The tribe would believe that the fundamentally unorthodox attitude of the child
was an asset – not a liability – which could be used to face the challenges too big
for the culture to handle. This capability for daring invention is the blessing for
humanity that TS holds.
A Shoulder to Scream On
How to Help Children Living with the Fiery Extremes
of Tourette Syndrome and Bipolar Disorder
The child who is diagnosed with both Tourette Syndrome and Bipolar Disorder
has a different set of problems than the child who is ‘simply’ TS. These issues
relate directly to the presence of the directed dysphoria or aggressive depression
that is signatory of the early-onset Bipolar Disorder condition.
Tourette Syndrome typically includes mild OCD and ADHD (with very severe
impulsivity) as well as the classic symptoms – the motor and vocal tics. If a child
has these issues, he will need a lot of help, but his prognosis is good. There is no
reason for his self-esteem to be dangerously low, if he is given the right attention
at home and appropriate accommodations at school.
But if Bipolar Disorder is present, the child is at much greater risk. All the
excesses of BD, the hyperemotionality, rage, and depression, are made worse by
the overall systemic overcharge of Tourette Syndrome. For this reason, it is
important to know when Bipolar-related issues are present. Nine markers for the
presence of Bipolar Disorder are:
4. The child requires his parents to comply with his obsessional fixations
Children with Tourette Syndrome experience obsessions and compulsions but
they do not as a rule try to force others to comply with their obsessions. The
obsessions of children with the dual diagnosis can be heavily flavored with the
irritability, hyperexcitation, and psychotic thought patterns of the Bipolar con-
dition and they will inflict these phenomena on others. An eight-year-old girl
with the combined diagnosis may have an obsessional fixation on avoiding any
other child in her class outside of school, and may become enraged if her parents
drive near school. Another child will refuse to go to school because of a fear of
germ contamination. Or the child will destroy her toys, books, or behave cruelly
toward the family pet in obedience to an obsessive ‘feeling’ that told her to
commit the acts to ‘purify’ her family. In children with Bipolar challenges,
obsessionality may be accompanied by violent hallucinatory commands. If this
occurs, the family should investigate psychiatric hospitalization as an option.
exhibit themselves. As shocking as these behaviors are, the Tourettic child will not
experience sexual arousal but will perform the actions in a tic-like fashion and
may be deeply embarrassed after the event. Inappropriate sexual behavior looks
like a tic or tic-obsession. By the time most Touretters are in their teens, they have
learned how to behave appropriately.
Many children and teens with Bipolar challenges will experience a predilec-
tion for promiscuity in the hypomanic phase. In Bipolar Disorder, there may be a
deliberate and manipulative quality to inappropriate sexual behavior, and this
behavior will show a development in sophistication as the child grows into her
teen years. She will report sexual arousal or appear to be planning a behavior.
Bipolar teenagers may quickly get the reputation of being promiscuous. They are
at greater risk for involvement in sexual behavior that is experimental,
anonymous, and spontaneous – the three hallmarks of dangerous teen sexual
It is important to look closely at the sexual issues of a child to differentiate if
she is experiencing these symptoms as a result of Bipolar Disorder or TS.
Different medication and psychotherapeutic treatment modalities are in order in
each situation. The Tourettic child who demonstrates inappropriate sexual
behavior may be helped with response prevention training and self-awareness
counseling. The Bipolar child may require psychotherapeutic intervention along
the lines of that used to treat substance abuse or sexual addiction, augmented with
support for self-esteem development. The SSRI class of medication may treat the
sexual hyperacuity of Tourette children (Prozac generally suppresses sexual
arousal) but may make the mania worse if a child has Bipolar Disorder.
volume and intensity in the blind fury of Tourette Syndrome cannot match the
much greater force of rage driven by Bipolar Disorder.
When Bipolar Disorder is on board with the TS, the child’s rage will have a
more directed effect. All the symptoms of Bipolar-driven rage listed in Chapter 3
will be seen. The rage will go on much longer and the child will not show remorse.
He will have severe thought distortion, a craving for the stimulation of a
violent encounter with his parents, and he will show the aggressive depression of
the mood disorder. In a TS rage, the child may punch a hole in the wall or dent the
refrigerator by hitting it with a pan. In a Bipolar rage, the child will taunt his
parents, deliberately trash their property, stab his brother’s pet frog, or fantasize
about going on a killing spree. The rage of Tourette Syndrome is felt as a random
explosion. The rage of Bipolar Disorder is directed fury; it feels like an act of war,
not like a violent act of nature that is the rage of the child with Tourette Syndrome.
The different challenges that children with the dual diagnosis experience as
they grow into their teen years
Dual-diagnosed children go through major changes in the way that their
symptoms manifest themselves at different times in their lives:
As young children (birth to eight years) they
• may be powerfully impacted by extreme cognitive distortion and
hallucinations and pushed by the extreme emotional pressure and the
physical pain of tics
• experience the inability to achieve satisfaction (Reward Deficiency
Syndrome) by nature of their Bipolar Disorder, and are pulled by
powerful cravings for stimulation by their Tourette side
• are cognitively disabled by the auditory processing difficulties of the
Tourette side (they have a hard time understanding what is said to
them) and the low-level chronic paranoia from the Bipolar side
• share qualities of impulsivity, poor behavior editing, and intense
emotionality with ADHD children.
As pre-adolescents they
• are pulled to complete openness to others by the Tourette side and to
anempathy by the Bipolar side
• experience extreme confusion about who they are, because Bipolar
mood shift makes their days totally unpredictable. This comes at a time
when their concept of self is firming up as they move through their first
big identity crisis (which usually happens around age twelve).
As adolescents they
• have a hypercharged desire for stimulation from both the Bipolar and
Tourettic sides, which makes them vulnerable to substance abuse and
law-breaking or conduct-disordered behavior
• are naturally moved to separate from parents and merge with the peer
group but their neurological challenges make this separation very
difficult. They are emotionally younger than neurotypical children and
need their parents’ help longer.
• find their gifts at the extreme end of the continuum. Touretters are
performers, musicians, artists, quick people – the heart of Tourette is
speed and intuitive knowing. Those with Bipolar-type challenges find
their art crashing into problems, diving deeper and higher than others.
2. Balance the extremes of each diagnosis with the positive aspects of the other
The positive features of the Restless Explorer archetype of Tourette Syndrome are
fearless exploration, movement, curiosity and energy, mixed with a powerful con-
nection to nature. The positive features of the Warrior archetype of Bipolar
Disorder are its knowledge of intense states of being and its devotion to achieving
personal goals whatever the cost. Wise caregivers bring as much of the positive
aspects of these archetypes into the child’s life as they can:
• They get the child into nature a lot and give him time for solitary and
self-sufficient activity. They encourage him to hunt the wisdom of
• They promote his participation in artistic activities or scientific pursuits
and they are not offended or alarmed when the art he creates is very
• They encourage leadership qualities in the child (the Bipolar side) and
build his personal resilience to peer pressure to indulge in dangerous or
self-destructive behavior.
• They listen to him and try to understand what he is going through.
They have learned that it is more important for him to be able to tell
them his story than it is for them to deliver their guidance to him.
• They gently appeal to the deeply empathetic aspects of his Tourettic
nature to balance the anempathetic tendencies of his Bipolar side. This
process begins with the child’s ability to love himself. Kids with
Bipolar Disorder often are deeply self-contemptuous and they benefit
from the influence of the joyous and more self-accepting aspects of the
Tourette Syndrome in themselves. This is one of the positive aspects of
‘being TS’ that many of my young clients have told me they do not
want to give up.
ors, athletics coaches, teachers, and others are sought out by the children because
these elders do not carry the taint of the child’s angry dependence. One father
told me the story of how his teen daughter with Bipolar/TS challenges was
stone-walling and wailing about going to summer camp. She was already an hour
late and was about to miss her bus. My client said that his first impulse was just to
tell her the heck with it, she didn’t get to go. Or to get angry. Instead he called the
girl’s therapist and had that woman call back. His daughter picked up the phone.
The conversation lasted about thirty seconds. At the end of it, the girl stuffed her
clothing into her bag, got her stuff together and indicated she was ready to go.
When my client asked his daughter what the counselor had said, she recounted
that all she had said was ‘Quit your bitchin’. Get your bag. Time to go.’ The girl
could hear and comply with the message as long as it was not her dad delivering it.
In this chapter I outlined the change of symptoms that a child with the
Bipolar/TS presentation goes through, from the behavioral wildness and random
rage of his early years to the directed power plays and abuse of his Teen Tyrant
As grim as this picture looks, the teenager has a good chance of making it to
adulthood if his parents are able to guide him through his childhood and teens.
The good news is that toward the end of adolescence, his brain goes through a
final growth spurt, and his prefrontal cortex gets a boost of development,
balancing its power somewhat with the fierce, self-centered energies of the limbic
brain. Though the issues of impulsivity, wild behavior, and depression may dog a
person well past adolescence, if the teen can make it that far with his self-esteem
intact he has a fighting chance of realizing success in his life.
Part Four
A Matter of Degree
How to Know the Difference between ADHD
and Bipolar Disorder
The clinical features of children with ADHD and mania that lead to their
psychiatric hospitalization indicate the presence of mania, not ADHD. These
children are not admitted because of failure to complete homework.
Dr Joseph Biederman (Biederman 1998)
Hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention are seen in children with ADHD and
Bipolar Disorder, but these two disorders are radically different in terms of the
impact that they have on a child’s life. Determining what is causing a child’s
behavior problems is extremely important. ADHD is far less severe an impairment
than Bipolar Disorder. The most important thing for an ADHD child to learn is
how to slow down, focus, organize herself, and deal with stimulus-cravings. The
most important thing for a child with Bipolar Disorder to learn is how to manage
her mood shift from giddy, potentially destructive hypomania to a depression so
dark that it can be paralyzing or suicidal.
2. Does she have any family members diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder
or other affective disorders?
A meticulous study of her family history is very important for making the
ADHD/Bipolar distinction. Children with Bipolar Disorder often have the
condition in their family especially if they are diagnosed at an early age. You will
see BD in the family history in the occurrence of suicide and hospitalization
episodes involving the child’s ancestors, from grandparents to aunts and uncles all
the way back. Some parents tell me that their own father or mother was extremely
moody, depressed all the time, or obsessive-compulsive. These are all indicators
that affective disorder may exist in the family line. If it does, there is a high proba-
bility that it will be passed on (Goodwin and Jamison 1990).
away for days, only to return exhausted and sleep for forty-eight hours straight.
She may become fascinated by some pet interest and be unable to attend to
anything else but that interest day and night for a week or two – dropping every-
thing to go hunting for magic mushrooms, becoming fixated on an interactive
game on the Internet with other kids, or stealing her parents’ credit card number
and spending hundreds of dollars sampling every kind of porn available on the
Net or cable TV.
5. Does she rage (Bipolar Disorder) or does she get angry (ADHD)?
In Bipolar Disorder, rage is present from an early age. It may come up at the drop
of a hat. Once it is engaged, it is unstoppable. It may go on for over half an hour. It
can be violent, and it often results in exhaustion and rage-state-specific amnesia.
The child may report feeling pleasantly energized by rage. She may hate what
happens when she is enraged but she is drawn to the feeling of it.
ADHD children will get enraged because of frustration or simple hot-
temperedness. And there can be other problems on board such as depression or
obsessionality. ADHD children do not rage on a consistent basis as do children in
the mixed state of aggressive depression seen in BD. And they do not generally get
pleasantly energized by it nor do they experience state-specific amnesia of what
they did when enraged. They lack the expressed malevolence of the Bipolar child,
who can deliberately attack someone in a fit of rage and try to hurt them. It is
important to identify the severity of a child’s rage.
Bipolar Disorder is unlikely to admit her part in the issue even when confronted
with evidence to the contrary. It is as if a ‘cognitive hallucination’ is present that
blocks her perception of reality. Unlike the ADHD child, who will most likely end
up as the underdog in an encounter with parents, defending herself from some
accusation of wrongdoing, the child with Bipolar Disorder will take the offensive.
She will attempt to impose her will on the family at all costs.
7. Does she show other aspects of Bipolar Disorder such as the night-time
hyperarousal pattern, the lack of empathy, and Conduct Disorder?
There are some additional challenges that Bipolar children typically have that
ADHDers don’t.
Night-time hyperarousal is sometimes seen in ADHD and is usually a medica-
tion side-effect or insomnia. Bipolar children come alive at night when their brain
levels of serotonin, the ‘civilizing’ neurotransmitter, are at a twenty-four-hour low.
They may become very nasty characters and can go into full-blown fits of rage or
attempt to tyrannize everyone in the family.
Many Bipolar children are anempathetic. They just don’t have much under-
standing of the feelings of others and may show a shallow affect themselves.
ADHD children tend to be, if anything, supersensitive to the feelings of others
when they can stop long enough to pay attention to them. ADHD kids wear their
hearts on their sleeves. This is part of their challenge and charm. Children with
Bipolar Disorder may show cruelty and be very circumspect when it comes to
their own feelings.
Many children with Bipolar challenges will also qualify for the Conduct
Disorder diagnosis (DSM-IV, 312.82) with its list of law-breaking, crimes against
people and animals, and lack of remorse. Though ADHDers do have a greater
chance of being diagnosed with CD than unaffected kids, they do not show the
high percentage of comorbidity (69%) that is seen in the pediatric BD population
(Kovacs and Pollock 1995).
Hard Decisions
Schools, professionals, psychiatric hospitals,
and police involvement
I worked with Jerry, a 13-year-old boy in crisis as a result of his Bipolar Disorder,
and his mother, Laura. Though bright, Jerry was flunking all his classes in school.
He had threatened suicide on several occasions. He was hyperactive and impulsive
and had the habit of yelling the ‘f word’ at any teacher who asserted her authority
sternly. At home he would terrify his mother with frequent rages. And he was
being groomed for membership by a local gang of kids into sexual promiscuity
and drugs. His medication was being managed by the family’s doctor (their
‘Primary Care Physician’ or ‘PCP,’ for insurance referral) but it was not helping
him deal with his Bipolar-related challenges. Jerry’s teacher had advised Laura
that she should home-school her son, but Laura was a single mom and had to
work. Home schooling was out of the question. Children like Jerry need a lot of
help for multiple issues, and oftentimes very little real help is available.
Laura faced two major problems that she had to deal with immediately. First,
her PCP was not knowledgeable about Bipolar Disorder. She needed to get
another doctor and she needed to get a psychotherapist who would help Jerry on
an ongoing basis.
Laura’s second problem was lining up a good school placement for Jerry for the
next year. Jerry did not have Special Education qualifications. The school district
was dragging its feet and making threats to expel Jerry.
First things first – get the right medical and psychotherapeutic treatment
Laura knew that she had to change doctors, but she was at a loss for finding a new
physician who could prescribe the right medication for Jerry. She also wanted to
get her son into psychotherapy, but was concerned that if she made the wrong
decision, she could end up spending a lot of money on psychotherapeutic
treatment that did not meet her son’s needs. She needed someone who knew how
to work with children with affective disorders. I shared the following process
with her for guiding her search for these important caregivers for Jerry.
Neurologists and psychiatrists use the same medications to treat your children,
but the specialties are different in the treatment methods they use. A neurologist
will test for movement disorders in her work-up. She may evaluate how the brain
functions by asking the child to touch his nose, stand or jump on one foot, or she
may test for hearing and vision problems that could result from organic brain con-
ditions or delayed physical development.
Psychiatrists make a diagnosis based on interview and a psychological evalua-
tion of the child. Because they search for psychological causes as well as
neuropsychological issues, they would likely use the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual IV, the diagnostic list written by the American Psychiatric Association. A
psychiatrist may have physician privileges at an inpatient psychiatric hospital, and
may be part of the hospital’s crisis management team who would be called if
parents were to request their child’s admission.
Either specialty may manage your child’s medication. Talk to several practitio-
ners before making your choice of doctors. It is not a good idea to go with a partic-
ular doctor until you have talked to her personally, and feel that she is a good fit
for your child.
If your child has complicating neurological issues such as seizures or a
movement disorder, involve a neurologist in the assessment process. He is more
apt to be knowledgeable about physiologic causatives and syndromes. Tilt toward
a psychiatrist if your child’s challenges are fairly clear and fit a standard diagnosis,
such as Asperger’s Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD, or depression. Many
parents choose to have a neurologist make the primary diagnosis and then switch
to a psychiatrist for ongoing medication management. This makes sense in terms
of the professional orientation of each specialty (a psychiatrist will more likely be
involved in an ongoing supportive role) and in terms of cost. The services of a
good neurologist who may employ a large professional medical staff are generally
more expensive than the hourly fees of a psychiatrist.
whom you can afford for that amount of time or who is covered by your insurance
plan. Change plans if you have to.
Five criteria for choosing the right physician for your child
Laura had attended a lecture given by a psychiatrist who was associated with a
clinic for kids with affective disorders in her area. She was pleased that the doctor
listened to several of her questions after his talk without rushing her, and gave her
answers that reflected his knowledge of Bipolar Disorder in children and that
communicated his respect for her as a parent of a very difficult kid.
In the several days that followed her meeting, she assessed the doctor using the
following five criteria (getting Jerry’s input after a visit with him in his office), and
decided to set up an ongoing schedule with him for medication management. She
was relieved to find someone who had expertise and a sense of humility about his
job (he did not get up on his high horse and present himself as a know-it-all).
these goals. A teen is surrounded by adults telling him what they want from him,
but rarely do these caregivers listen to hear what he wants out of life, even if that
goal seems odd.
One sixteen-year-old ADHD boy who consulted with me said that his goal
was to work in his local 7–11 convenience store as a clerk. This limited vision of
his potential was bitterly contested by his parents, who wanted him to buckle
down at school and set his sights on college. I encouraged his personal goal,
knowing that this kind of work was exactly what he needed. It would afford him
the opportunity to learn arithmetic, responsibility, and improve his social skills.
When his parents accepted this rationale, the year-long power struggle between
them and their son ended in five minutes. I was not surprised to learn that once
they gave him their blessing for his convenience store job, he lost interest in it.
Underneath all his bravado, he was looking for his parents’ affirmation of his
ability and independence, even though the prospect of being more independent
was frightening to him.
Jerry’s case illustrates the challenges parents face getting educational services
for the child with Bipolar challenges
Laura’s next priority was getting Jerry back on track in school. He had flunked
eighth grade and she had no options in sight for him except to repeat this failure
experience next year. She was so frustrated with the lack of response from the
local school district that she was contemplating pulling Jerry out of school.
I advised her to hold off on taking Jerry out of public school. The system is
legally responsible for providing an education to children with learning impair-
ments. Though it might take a few months to get a plan in place, it was definitely
worth the effort to do so.
Many Attention Different children, especially those with ADD, Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder, and Bipolar Disorder, become expert at faking it to get
through school. They are audacious enough to bluff their way through or scare
their teachers with a glare. But when these kids hit the sixth grade, they collapse
academically. The system begins expecting them to be independent learners, and
removes the one-to-one attention they had been getting in lower grades. The
failure that the AD child experiences at this juncture can mark him for life.
Table 12.2
Five characteristics of the best education plans for children with Bipolar
Disorder and other attention differences
placing the burden for the child’s education on to his parents. Better to call this
arrangement ‘home schooling’ because this may indeed be what is happening.
The purpose of homework is to keep learned concepts current, not teach new
concepts that the child did not get in school. If the latter situation is occurring,
parents have the right to do what one mother of a brilliant Asperger’s kid did: she
requested and received instruction for herself in algebra from the district, under
the provisions of the law that say that parents of children who have English as a
second language are entitled to training in English if this is required to help their
children do homework. Her son’s school was doing such a poor job teaching him
algebraic concepts, that the district was required to ‘deputize’ his mother to do
their job.
When I learned that Linda had Bipolar Disorder, I realized that my life was going
to be a marathon, not a quarter-mile race with her. Now, as she gets into her teens,
it feels like I’m running the marathon through machine-gun fire.
Maria, mother of a 13-year-old girl with Bipolar Disorder
It is impossible to describe the stress it puts on parents to call 911 and to have the
police take their child to detention or to a psychiatric hospital. But many parents
of children with Bipolar challenges have had to face the task. The purpose of this
chapter is to describe how to put together a plan so that if you have to make this
call, it is part of your child’s healing process. This may be the most difficult
decision that you will ever make in your life and so it is extremely important to
give it careful attention ahead of time.
routines with other prisoners may cause him to dissociate from the whole experi-
ence. Parents who choose the detention must weigh the psychological agony that
their child will experience in detention against the psychological or spiritual
agony he is inflicting at home.
How putting your child in police custody serves his healing plan
Children and teens with Bipolar Disorder are natural boundary pushers. They will
try to get away with anything they can. Younger kids become expert at going
right up to the demarcation of prohibited behavior again and again without
crossing the line, but causing great aggravation to adults. An eight-year-old with
BD challenges may devise hundreds of ways to bug his teacher and distract the
other kids in her classroom. When the teacher threatens a consequence, he
switches tactics and comes up with another way to annoy her. Teenagers tend to
be more blatant. They will snarl angrily at their parents, insult them repeatedly
and do what they please, deliberately sabotaging parents’ attempts to get behav-
ioral compliance.
This is the Warrior archetype in action, transformed into a petty tyrant. The
child is pulling on the energy of his limbic brain and defying any attempt to curb
his wildness and anarchic nature. My clinical research on the lives of children with
Bipolar Disorder suggests that those who survive experienced firm limits in the
home and at school. On many occasions, the kids themselves have told me this in
counseling: ‘My parents better be in control of me because there are times that I
am not in control of myself.’
To stay on top of the situation, you must have the attitude that you will not be
pushed around and are willing to go the distance to ensure behavioral compliance.
You have to be willing to engage in the encounter with all your will. Children with
Bipolar Disorder ‘take no prisoners.’ Trying to negotiate with a child with Bipolar
challenges who is trying to take over the house will not work. The model of
Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister who thought that he had
charmed the tyrannical nature of Adolf Hitler in 1938, comes to mind. ‘Peace in
our time’ was Chamberlain’s famous motto. Hitler humored him and seized
Czechoslovakia soon after Chamberlain got on his airplane back to London.
Bipolar Disorder may bring out the Hitler nature in a child. Give him an inch and
he will take over the landscape.
To maintain control of the situation you must decide what your bottom-line
requirements (BLRs) are. This means that you identify clearly to the child the most
important house rules, and that you are willing to call 911 to enforce them.
Your BLRs include any issue involving family health and safety: the child may
not behave violently toward anyone in the household or insult and torment
others. He must be out of the family area by a certain time and in his bedroom. He
must not bring drugs into the house, light fires, or play with knives dangerously.
You have a right to expect that the child obey you when you direct him to cease
some behavior that is disturbing the common peace. Other aspects of his behavior
may be negotiable, but these are not.
Parents of teens with Bipolar challenges must be willing to call 911 if their
child attacks them physically. And the child must know that this will be the conse-
quence for attack. If a teenager indulges in chronic verbal abuse or tormenting of
his parents, they should take action to remove him to his room for a period of time
and cease giving him privileges. If, in the process of attempting to physically
move him, they are attacked, they should not hesitate to call the police and let
them handle the situation.
Physical discipline involving spanking, putting Tabasco sauce in a child’s
mouth, taping his mouth, or other forms of ‘corporal punishment’ do not make
the situation better and may cause the violence to escalate. But parents must know
their rights when using physical force to protect themselves or other family
members from a kid who may be out of control.
It is a good idea for you to get a copy of the law in your state which governs
physical discipline of your child so that you know what you can do without
getting in trouble for abuse. Common standards in most states around discipline
are that caregivers may not hit a child with a closed fist, throw him, bite him,
shake him, or use implements like knives, rods, belts, or other objects to punish
The standard assumption that guides most family therapists is that everyone is
equal and that if a child is violent there is a good chance he has learned this
behavior from his parents. In families with Bipolar children, a child may behave
tyrannically simply because of his brain chemistry. The conventional models do
not apply in this situation because it is the parents who must protect themselves
and the other kids in the family from the child with Bipolar challenges. Therapists
do the family a favor by helping parents maintain the chain of command and stay
in charge all the time. Parents who try to abide by a therapist’s ‘Neville Chamber-
lain rules’ and not hit, restrain their child, or call the police will be victimized
many times over before they finally let the authorities take over. Better this be
done sooner than later.
If that call to 911 has to be made, you must be willing to accept the conse-
quences. Police presence in the home is totally invasive. Police officers get killed
breaking up family fights and so they may come in with their weapons drawn if
the child menaces them with an object such as a knife. If you call 911, advise your
child to sit down by the door with his hands in view so that when the police
respond they do not feel threatened by him.
In many states, police responding to a call are required to file charges against
the child if he has struck one of his parents. The police have no choice in this
regard. When an arrest is made, the child will be handcuffed, searched, and
marched out of the house into the police cruiser to be taken to detention. This
experience may be terrifying for him. Parents who choose this option are making
a grave choice, a last-ditch attempt to help the child control himself by suffering
the pain of a period of time in juvenile detention.
makes them especially open to acceptance of parental control. They now know
that parents mean what they say. The game is over.
One of the paradoxes of Bipolar Disorder in children is that though the
condition is caused by dysfunction of structures deep within the limbic brain,
extreme consequences or the threat of extreme consequences may be what the
child needs to maintain control over his own impulses. Many of the BD teens I
work with who have been sent to detention because of their attempts to take over
the house have profited from the experience. Their natures are so wild that it is
only the sure and certain consequence of being separated from their family and
going to jail that gives them the strength to control themselves.
The purpose of psychiatric hospitalization – to heal the child, not punish him
Hospitalization should never be considered as punishment, or a way to reduce a
child’s oppositionality. It must only be used to facilitate medical evaluation (such
as in the planning of medication and psychotherapeutic intervention) or limit
dangerous behavior. Medication refusal might be a good reason for hospitaliza-
tion if the child is endangering his health or others’ safety in refusing medication.
Hospitalization may also be in order if the child’s behavior becomes suddenly
erratic or psychotic as the result of an adverse effect of a new medication.
assessed for SSI, contact your local Social Security office. Staff there will contact
your psychiatrist and your child’s school to determine his eligibility for SSI.
The need for psychiatric hospitalization may come as a sudden emergency
when your child loses the ability to pull back from neuropsychological distress
and goes ‘condition red’ on you. You may have to call 911 at the same time you are
calling his psychiatrist. It is a good idea to have your options in place. If 911
responds, staff on the scene will look to you and your doctor for a suggestion as to
what they need to do. It is very important to have your preferred options lined up
so that you can get help for your child quickly.
There is no denying it is a hard, hard road, loving someone with bipolar disease
… It is their problem, not yours, and yet it becomes yours if you love the person
suffering from it. You have no choice. You must stand by them. You are trapped as
surely as the patient is. And you will hate that trap at times, hate what it does to
your life, your days, your own sanity.
But hate it or not, you are there, and whatever it takes, you have to make the
best of it.
Danielle Steel, from the Introduction to His Bright Light (1998, p.xxii)
The mother of a son with Bipolar Disorder once told me: ‘Some days are hard
because my son’s behavior puts so much stress on me that I think I’m going nuts
myself. And some days are hard because they’re not: you’re stuck in place just
waiting for the worst to happen.’
This mother and every other parent of a child with this condition is faced with
a sobering statistic: suicide takes the life of upwards of 15 percent of those
diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. And whether a child lives or dies may depend
on the way he is parented. Some kids (as was the case with Danielle Steel’s son)
will not survive, even with the best parenting. But even though it may seem
impossible, as Steel puts it, ‘you have to make the best of it.’ Here are six principles
for surviving the enormous stress of parenting these most difficult-to-parent
children and teenagers:
Teens with the condition may be verbally abusive or may attempt to intimidate
their parents with threats of violence. Manic depression can have a very nasty
edge. As a result of it, teenagers are vulnerable to law-breaking, substance abuse,
and dangerous behavior. The teen with a conduct problem needs to face the con-
sequences of her own actions. She needs to know that she cannot push you
around. You listen. You try to help. But if she is not willing to communicate, you
remove yourself, put on the earphones, or put physical distance between your
child and yourself. If she gets physically abusive, you call 911.
2. Surrender to the situation and see the misery behind her behavior
The child’s anxiety and depression can infect the lives of everyone in your home,
as if the molecules of air were red-hot. It is hard to keep one’s perspective. But it is
a little easier if you consider that you are dealing with a disorder that is psychically
contagious; if you are not careful, you can end up as depressed as she is. Your child is
suffering greatly and she is trying to control you and everyone else in order to
relieve that suffering. Relate to her misery with empathy, but try not to be infected
by it. Your child does not want to be depressed. Your real opponent is not your
child but the brain chemistry that causes her psychological dynamics. This is
illness as surely as if she had some major physical disease. Give her your empathy
but do not be infected by her disease by getting into combat with her or running
away. Empathize with the scared little kid in her. Communicate with her. But do
not give up control.
6. Let yourself grieve the loss of your illusion that your love is enough
to make your child normal
This brings us back to Danielle Steel’s words (Steel 1998). Reading her moving
account of the life and death of her son Nick, I could see how the experience
tempered her to the place of wisdom expressed in those words. Her path, like that
of many parents of children with Bipolar Disorder (Nick also showed signs of
severe ADHD), was marked by the loss of the illusion that she could make him a
normal person if only she loved him more. Steel got to a place of knowing that
though there was a lot she could do for Nick, she eventually had to let him go. She
was not his guardian angel. She could not be.
Bipolar Disorder can make life hell for your child, but this condition doesn’t
need to make your life hell. To help him, you have to keep your own perspective
and not give in to creeping depression in your own life. Remember the example of
Carol, the heart-centered grandmother from the Introduction to this book? The
background to her ability to cope with her grandson, Johnny, was the fact that she
had other work in her life that she enjoyed and people around her who loved her.
These two assets helped her have the ‘quiet in her heart’ that enabled her to be
there for Johnny. Life is full of trouble. The research on stress and hardiness is clear
that you need love in your life, and some purpose other than your parenting, to
prevail over the parenting challenges that you face. Take care of yourself, and you
are in the best position to take care of your child!
These Internet sites are not necessarily the largest ones on the Net, but they are
among the most helpful in terms of parent-to-parent contact and professional
resource information.
Bipolar Disorder for Significant Others provides up-to-date information about BD for
families with members with Bipolar challenges. It is also a vital parent contact source.
The Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation is an excellent resource for information about
Bipolar Disorder in children and for referral to professionals and useful books.
The National Depression and Manic Depression Association is a comprehensive resource for
information on both depression and Bipolar Disorder.
A good site for information on Asperger’s Syndrome, including classroom pointers
and parenting tips.
Pete and Pam Wright are attorneys who work with parents of Special Needs kids. Pete
successfully represented parents in a case brought against a school district in the Supreme
Court in 1993. A highly informative and useful site!
LD OnLine offers information about learning disabilities for parents, teachers,
and children. Find here also information on the local chapters of learning disability
associations which can provide information on professionals who serve families
with neurologically involved children.
An invaluable resource for reviewing residential school options.
A unique source of information for parenting teenagers with Oppositional Defiant Disorder,
Conduct Disorder, and Bipolar Disorder. Also includes great referral links for legal,
professional, and academic services.
The National Tourette Syndrome Association is a central source of information
and local linking for parents of kids with TS challenges. Also a recruitment
source for research subjects.
The Stanley Foundation is the clearing house set up by the National Institute of Mental
Health for families with members diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. It is an excellent source
of up-to-date information about advances in the treatment of Bipolar Disorder.
Bruun, R., Cohen, D. and Leckman, J. (1988) Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders. New
York: John Wiley and Sons.
Budman, C. and Bruun, R. (1998) Tourette Syndrome and Repeated Anger Generated Episodes.
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CHADD (Children and divalproex sodium see Hermit archetype 14, 120
Adults with ADD) 199 Depakote Hitler, Adolf 210
Chamberlain, Neville 210 doctors 200–1 homeopathic physicians 200
Children and Adults with dopamine 42 Hopkins, Gerard Manley 14
ADD (CHADD) 199 DSM-IV 20, 21, 124 hospitalization 209–14, 216,
choline 114 Duke, Patty 85 218
cholinergic system 42 dysinhibition 89, 165, 166, choosing a hospital 215
Chopin, Frederick 14 193 costs of 215–16
chromium picolinate 114 plans for 213, 215–16
citapram 46 early-onset Bipolar Disorder recovery stages of 216–17
clomipramine 170 24, 25, 26–39, 74, 146 human brain 29, 48–9,
clonazepam 53 ten markers for 53–6 128–9, 169
clonidine 47, 100, 170 echolalia 165, 167, 180 base brain 41
cognitive apraxia 149 ECT (electroconvulsive cortex 41, 88
cognitive distortion 179 therapy) 116–17 frontal lobes 42–3, 88–91
combat stress 96 education, 139, 141–2, 143, limbic brain 41–4, 50, 89,
common sense 130 203–7 91, 165
communication skills 80–2, Effexor 46, 100 human relationships 132–3,
157 Einstein, Albert 14, 120 152
conversational skills 126 electroconvulsive therapy hyperactivity 27–8, 36,
coprographia 167 (ECT) 116–17 181–2
coprolalia 165 empathy 87–8, 153 hypomania 20–1, 23, 24,
copropraxia 167 Epstein–Barr titer 35 48, 147, 193
corporal punishment 211 exercise, physical 63 hypothalamus 43
cortex 41, 88 eye contact 126
craniosacral therapy (CST) imipramine 23, 170, 181
111, 115–16 family history 23, 35, 74, impaired judgement 28, 36
Crinnion, Dr Walter 111, 192–3 impaired practical ability 127
112 family therapy 155 impulsivity 28, 36, 89, 146,
cross-dressing 177 family wellness 219–21 166
CST (craniosacral therapy) fatty acids 112 in Bipolar/ADHD 191,
111, 115–16 flow state activity 169 193
Curie, Marie 120 fluoxitine 11, 23, 46, 100, in Bipolar/TS 181, 187
Cyclothymic Disorder 22–3, 181, 182 exercise to control 104–5
24 for depression 114, 170 in-hospital psychotherapy
effects of 32, 74 217–18
dangerous behavior 31, 37, for meltdown 53 inattention 29, 31, 37, 191
104–5, 193 fluvoxomine 23, 32, 53 Inderal 47
Depakote 32, 45, 47, 100, food and drink 63 inertia 127, 129, 130,
186, 196 force field psychotherapy 135–41, 149
side-effects 76 76–8 inositol 114
therapeutic effects 76 frontal-lobes 42–3, 88–91 internet sites 223–4
depersonalization 150–1 irritability 30, 37
depression 25, 114, 149, gabapentin 45, 160
170, 187 Gardener, Dr Robert 111 juvenile detention 209–14
major depression 21, 22, Gould, Glenn 120
23 grounding (RBG method) 70 Klonopin 53
desipramine 23, 170
Dexedrine 47, 100, 125 Haldol 170 Lamictal 45, 100
dextroamphetamine 47, 100, hallucinations 33–4, 38, 44, lamotrigine 45, 100
125 180, 194 learning 122, 130, 141,
discipline 102–3, 184, 211, haloperidol (b. Haldol) 170 143, 204–6
213 Hermingway, Ernest 85 disorders 166
distractibility 29, 37
psychosis 88, 94, 95, 108 SBD (Severe Behavioral stress 88, 95–6
psychotherapy 76–8, 91, Disorder) 152 suicide 31–2, 37–8, 196,
175, 198–200, 217–18 scatology 165, 167 214, 219
choosing a therapist 201–3 schools 103–4, 141, 151–2 of war veterans 96
puberty 89, 125, 183–4, script writing intervention support groups 199
186 136–7 survival strategies
secretin 114–15 for anempathy 98–107
quanfacine (b. Tenex) 47, 57, seizure 25, 45–6, 48 for anxiety 135–41
100, 170, 186 Selective Serotonin Reuptake for auditory processing
Inhibitors (SSRIs) 32, problems 135–41
rTMS (repeated transcranial 46, 100, 170, 181 for Bipolar Disorder
magnetic stimulation) self-centeredness 29–30, 37, 39–40, 78–86
117 87 for Bipolar Disorder/AS
RAD (Reactive Attachment self-esteem 121, 122 156–60
Disorder) 201–2 sense of humor 126 for Bipolar Disorder/TS
rage 25, 27, 36 serotonin 42 184–6
four phases of 60–2, 66 setraline 46, 100 family wellness 219–21
management strategies Severe Behavioral Disorder for inertia 135–41
62–72 (SBD) 152 for lack of pragmatism
medication 47–8 sexual issues 34, 38, 146, 135–41
rage freeze 67–9, 135 167, 181–2 for meltdown 132–5
see also Bipolar rage siblings, protection of 64 for rage 62–72
Rauf, Mahamoud Abdul side effects of medication for Tourette Syndrome
167, 177 160, 170, 221 170–6
Ray, Witty Ticcy 167, 177 Single Photon Emission swearing 167
RBG (refuge, breathe, Computed Tomography symptom suppression 169
ground) method 69–72, (SPECT) 35
82 sleep 30, 37, 84, 180–1, taboos 177
RDS (Reward Deficiency 195 Tardive Dyskinesia 46, 101,
Syndrome) 55, 90 sleep log 29 112, 170, 216
Reactive Attachment sleep patterns, normalizing teachers 139, 206
Disorder (RAD) 201–2 218 teaching methods 204–6
refuge (RBG method) 70, 82 Social Security (Disability) teenagers 75–6, 80, 182,
religiosity 37, 174 Insurance (SSI) 215 214
repeated transcranial special interest 124, 150, dysinhibited 89, 193
magnetic stimulation 159 gifted 122
(rTMS) 117 SPECT (Single Photon hypomania 147, 193
residential schools 103–4 Emission Computed John’s profile 92–3
Restless Explorer archetype Tomography) 35 therapists for 202–3
14, 164, 185 SSI (Social Security Tom’s profile 73–86
Reward Deficiency (Disability) Insurance) see also adolescence
Syndrome (RDS) 55, 90 215 Tegretol 45, 47, 100
Risperdal 46, 47, 101, 160, SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Tenex 47, 57, 100, 170, 186
170 Reuptake Inhibitors) 32, tension feedback scale 62–3,
risperidone see Risperdal 46, 100, 170, 181 69
Ritalin 42, 47, 100, 125, Stanley Foundation 45, 221 terror 127
186 stimulants 32, 38, 46–7, thalamus 43, 91
role models 143, 185 100, 108, 196 therapy
stimulation exercise 139–40 craniosacral therapy (CST)
SAM-e stimulation, physical 140–1 111, 115–16
(s-adenosylmethionine) stimulus aversion 128 electroconvulsive therapy
115 stimulus-seeking behavior (ECT) 116–17
127, 148–9, 158–9, family 155
war, cruelty of 96
Warrior archetype, in BD
13–14, 18, 185
websites 223–4
Wellbutrin 46, 100, 154,
wild behavior 27–8, 36,
166, 187
Battery 204
Woolf, Virginia 14
Hilkevich, J. 166 Wilens, T.E. 44, 100
Author Hobson, J.A. 44, 194
Houston, J. 85
Williams, D. 122, 144, 170
Williams, K. 122, 141
Index Jacobs, D. 214
Wozniak, J. 24