Fuzzy Topsis Approach For Evaluating Job Satisfaction in India
Fuzzy Topsis Approach For Evaluating Job Satisfaction in India
Fuzzy Topsis Approach For Evaluating Job Satisfaction in India
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Current study is an attempt to prioritize the they even ban the use of mobile phones in office, and there are
significant factors for better utilization of available human others which demand silence and formalities in the office.
resource potential in order to increase or develop job
satisfaction in companies especially IT sector in India. In But at the same time there are perks and facilities to the
this regard, a study is done on the basis of most important employees, which allow employees to work from home, part
factors that impact the effective utilization of human power time and believe in a schedule which is more result-oriented
and ranking is done of these factors accordingly. Six factors than following a strict discipline. These companies reach out to
are found to be the most influential parameters and this its employees in the time of crisis, supporting them financially
study is performed under the consideration of these six at that time and even taking care of the medical expenses of the
parameters. The corresponding ranking of different factors ailing members in their family.
is done by TOPSIS. It is found that the recent employees
want changes in work schedules. Flexible Timing is found To a great extent especially in the IT sector, the employee
to be the most dominant factor both men and women in Job has to be engaged on the job 24*7i.eeverytime, which results
Satisfaction. These type of studies are capable to make a into increasing reports of stress and work imbalance among the
paradigm shift in human resource utilization and employees [2].The constant requirement and need to perform at
government policy formulation and employers to think optimum level which further takes its sacrifice in the form of
differently and optimum job satisfaction obtained by the job dissatisfaction, employee switching over, efficiency
employee. reduction, unhealthy work environment and even deaths in
some cases. Stressed workplace leads to problems like absent
Keywords:- Prioritization, Fuzzy Logic, MADM, TOPSIS. employees, alcoholic staff, bad or poor decisions, indifference
among them and unavailability of motivation or creativity. So
I. INTRODUCTION the difference between work-life and family-life has vanished.
The extended or joint families, even in India, is slowly
Poor work-life balance usually becomes a reason for decreasing [3]. Small families have come to stay, where both
dissatisfaction with job to the employees. This state of affairs is the spouses are working. On top of that due to increase in
whopping with an increasing rate. The job paradigm of divorces due to dissatisfaction, there is an increasing number of
satisfaction has changed from salary hike to career optimisation single parent [4]. But this problem is not as serious in Delhi as
with a proper work life balance. As per the survey the level of in the West, especially in IT Sector but it could become a
dissatisfaction has increased year-on-year. In 2015, 78% serious problem in the future. Despite more working women,
employees in spite of them being happy with their current job there is a slight shift in patterns of responsibilities in household
were still open to other job opportunities [1].The report further [5]. Women usually take the domestic responsibility, and child
stated that of the unsatisfied employees, 80% belong to the upbringing. It has been seen that the gender duty at work as
junior level, 60% are from the middle level and 40% women seek no major benefits, such as flexible hours [6] due to
respondents are from the senior level. Sadly, a lot of Indian family responsibilities. Often the work interfere with the family
companies are still focusing on salary increment to increase and social life, on the other hand sometimes family pressure
employee satisfaction in their jobs. 50% count poor work-life disturbs the work performance. Present study comes with such
balance, 30% state meaningless work and 20% say poor salary an approach in order to prioritize factors which hinders the Job-
as the reason for their dissatisfaction in jobs among the Satisfaction. This study aims to1) Determine various criteria
respondents who claimed to be unsatisfied. of the employees that affects the Work-Life Balance in India; 2) Predict weight
who are satisfied, 45% express their work-life balance as their age and hierarchy among these parameters; 3) Calculate rank of
major reason for their job satisfaction and WLB. 35% a good factors.
salary and 20% stated a good work profile as the reason for
their satisfaction and contentment. According to this study, II. METHODOLOGY AND DATABASE
60% employees dissatisfied with their job, 80% looking for a
switch to another job. In the past there were the days when Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) approach
employees only looked for only high salaries in an over is quite effective in such type of problems [7]. These include
demanding and tough office environment. Even highly paid methods like Modified Digital Logic (MDL), Analytic
employees agree that after a certain point of time in any job Hierarchy Process (AHP) [8], graph theory and matrix
money package does not matter; it is job satisfaction and work approach (GTMA) [9], TOPSIS [10], VIKOR [11] and many
culture that ultimately makes a difference. There are many kind others. These methods can be applicable to many areaslike
of companies, some who keep an hawk eye over its employees, Alternate selection materials selection, supply chain
management (SCM), decisions of scientists and engineering
x max b
TOPSIS Method ij 4 k
ijk 4
The present study aims to provide a ranking for Step 5: Calculate the weighted normalized decision matrix as
evaluation of the parameters (under techno-socio-economic given:
constraints) considering the job satisfaction in IT sector in
India. Once the evaluation criteria and the parameters are
decided the analysis requires a methodology that is capable to
convert the verbal qualitative reasoning (obtained from
understanding developed discussion, brain storming sessions
and available literature) to the quantitative numbers which are Step 6: Calculate the positive ideal and negative ideal solution:
calculated to results. In this present study fuzzy-TOPSIS is
incorporated with weight age to these parameters. This The positive ideal solution Vj+ and negative ideal solution Vj-
approach is used to calculate the ranking and thus prioritizing
of the factors affecting the present scenario of work life
Matrix. Afterwards, the linguistic variables and their weightage 0.16 0.14 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.19
corresponding fuzzy values are defuzzified. Men (S1) 0.541 0.456 0.417 0.411 0.254 0.304
Women(S2) 0.486 0.445 0.486 0.465 0.210 0.263
Variables Parameters Table 8. Formation of Normalized Decision Matrix
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 State P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
(%AGE) (%AGE) (%AGE) (%AGE) (%AGE) (%AGE)
Men(S1) 3 3 3 7 5 7 Men (S1) 0.086 0.064 0.067 0.065 0.041 0.057
Women(S2) 0.077 0.062 0.077 0.074 0.034 0.049
Women (S2) 9 7 9 5 7 7
Table 9. Weighted Normalized Matrix
Total 12 10 12 12 12 14
Parameters Si+ Si -
Weightage 0.16 0.14 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.19
Men Women Men Women
Flexible Timing (P1) 0 0 0.045 0.043
Table 6. Crisp Values of Linguistic Variables Option to work from
Home (P2) 0.022 0.015 0.023 0.028
The Crisp Values are written in the form of the linguistic Availability of child
variable. These values are considered according to the care facility (P3): 0.019 0 0.026 0.043
parameter given. These crisp values are then arranged to form Flexibility to meet
the decision matrix which needed for the process of emergencies at
prioritization which is further solved and calculated. home (P4): 0.021 0.003 0.024 0.04
Work Environment
(P5) 0.045 0.043 0 0
Spill-over of work
into family life (P6): 0.029 0.028 0.016 0.015
Table 10. Distance Si+ and Si- from the positive ideal solution
and negative ideal solution respectively