LiDAR Mod5 GeneratingContours
LiDAR Mod5 GeneratingContours
LiDAR Mod5 GeneratingContours
This tutorial will show you how to generate contour lines from the LiDAR
Image Services located at:,
using ArcGIS for Desktop (requires Spatial Analyst extension). After the
contour lines are generated, you will learn how to build an index and symbolize the lines
Contour lines are vector features used to represent the landscape in a relatively familiar way.
A contour is a line through all contiguous points of equal value.
Contour lines are used as a familiar media for representing the elevations of a land surface
above sea level. These lines are typically used for basemaps and general topographic
representation; contour lines do this appropriately.
Contours should not, on the other hand, be used for analyzing the surface elevations above
and beyond for aesthetic purposes. Users who require the raw data, countywide DEMs are
available for download from the MD iMAP LiDAR Download page.
First we will need to connect to the MD iMAP Maryland LiDAR Topography Server, for more
information please follow this link to learn How to Access Maryland LiDAR Image Services.
3. If smooth contour lines are the desired final product, we must generate contours that are
data-driven. This is critical to preserving the data’s accuracy and minimizing the level of
error. DO NOT generate contours and smooth the vector lines after they are built; this
method does not determine the direction and level of smoothing based on the DEM. This
incorrect method of smoothing is not data-driven and therefore nullifies the accuracy of our
The appropriate method for generating smooth data-driven contour lines is by smoothing
the input DEM using the focal statistics tool in ArcGIS. This output will be data-driven and
will allow us to build contours at different levels of smoothness; leaving the control at the
user’s hand.
1. Open ArcMap.
5. This step assumes you are working with the DEM_m product and need to convert it to feet
elevation units first. If you already have your DEM in the appropriate elevation units, click
here to skip ahead.
Using the [Search] tool [ ], locate and open the Raster Calculator tool.
You can also locate the “Raster Calculator” tool in the “Spatial Analyst Tools” toolbox
Note: The LiDAR data in Maryland needs Quality Level 2 (QL2) specifications, with NVA
(NonVegetated Vertical Accuracy) at 95% Confidence Interval, of less than or equal to
19.6cm. Our conversion to the 5th decimal place is well within the accepted level of
accuracy for the QL2 data we are working with.
7. In order to create smooth contour lines, we first need to smooth our DEM to ensure the
vector output is data-driven. The most efficient way of doing this in ArcGIS is by using the
Focal Statistics tool in the Spatial Analyst toolbox.
11. With this new raster, “DEM_ft_FOCAL” we can now generate smooth contour lines.
Using the [Search] tool [ ], locate and open the Contour tool.
You can also locate the “Contour” tool in the “Spatial Analyst Tools” toolbox.
1. Indexing your contours after they have been generated is an efficient way to setup labels
and symbology across different intervals.
2. Open the attribute table for your contour line feature class; click “Options” [ ] > “Add
Name the new field, “Index”
click [OK]
3. Right click the new field in the attribute table, scroll down and select “Field Calculator”
Click [OK]
Click [Apply]
7. Open the layer properties for the contour feature class > Navigate to the Symbology tab.
10. Double click the symbol for your added value “Index(0)”
Set line color and width for index lines.
13. Click “SQL Query” [ ] to write the expression for labelling our index
Click [OK]
15. Close layer properties > Inspect map for labels and symbology:
For more information about additional training opportunities, please visit the MD iMAP Training
Overview page, or contact Lisa Lowe, Senior GIS Analyst with the Maryland Department of
Information Technology, Geographic Information Office at [email protected].
For additional MD iMAP datasets, please visit the GIS Data Catalog
For all other inquiries related to Maryland LiDAR, please contact the GIO Office at
[email protected].