Sak 5664500000 en
Sak 5664500000 en
Sak 5664500000 en
Argentina Indonesia Saudi Arabia Weidmüller is the leading provider of solutions for
Australia Iran Serbia electrical connectivity, transmission, conditioning and
Austria Ireland Singapore processing of power, signals and data in industrial
Azerbaijan Israel Slovakia environments. The company develops, produces and
Bahrain Italy Slovenia sells products in the field of electrical connectivity,
Catalogue 2009/2010
Belarus Japan South Africa functional electronics and communication electronics.
Belgium Jordan Spain Weidmüller’s product and service portfolio is dedicated
Bosnia and Kazakhstan Sweden to add value to the products and thereby the business of
Herzegovina Korea Switzerland our customers. The Weidmüller Group has a global focus
Brazil Kuwait Taiwan with its own manufacturing plants, sales companies and
Bulgaria Latvia Thailand representatives in over 70 countries.
Canada Lebanon Tunisia
Chile Lithuania Turkey
China Luxembourg Ukraine
Colombia Macedonia United Arab
Costa Rica Malaysia Emirates
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Catalogue 2009/2010
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Product Portfolio
Weidmüller is the leading provider of solutions for electrical connectivity, transmission, conditioning and processing of power,
signals and data in industrial environments. The company develops, produces and sells products in the field of electrical
connectivity, functional electronics and communication electronics.
PLC (programmable logic controller) IP67 switch
PCB terminals
(power supply)
Passive sensor-actuator-
Surge interfaces and cables
protection Top-hat rail outlet
Terminal blocks
Cutting tools Stripping tools Crimping tools More tools Software Printer Markers
SAK-Series SAK-Series TS 35
SAK-Series TS 32
AKZ-Series TS 15
Marking systems
Search according to type or order number, Addresses worldwide
SAK – The Classic
“Once upon a time there was a company called
Weidmüller that created the best terminals in the
world using plastic and metal”.
Weidmüller has an interesting story to tell about SAK terminals. As well as joining the wiring, terminals are also equipped with
SAK (German abbreviation for „side-by-side mountable termi further functions:
nals“) is the designation for a terminal that has proven itself when fitted with markers, terminals make it possible to clearly
on the market for more than 55 years. Using the side-by-side arrange „electrical installations”. Moreover, they create a defined
mounting principal, electrical terminals made of plastic replaced connection point that can be extended as required. From this
breakable porcelain constructions in switchgear cabinets. point, the wiring is routed to individual devices in the switchgear
One could as a result say: „SAK was the first family of terminals cabinet or from the switchgear cabinet to the devices. Terminal
in the world that helped the electrical industry make a technolo- blocks increase serviceability, because electrical measurements
gical breakthrough”. can be carried out on them, targeted circuits can be opened or
Further developments of the terminals and passive connection protected with appropriate protective elements.
technology form the Weidmüller group‘s traditional core business.
Furthermore, cross-connections can be used to distribute
SAK wire connections – synonymous with reliable potentials.
connections and product variety.
This long-term experience in the market enabled many improve- A clamping yoke system is used for securing the wiring in SAK
ments to be made. Nobody can claim that any other terminal on terminals (see figure 1). The tension clamp system optimally
this earth has had as much know-how put into it as the SAK. combines the specific features of steel and copper. This system
has proven itself millions of times over in electrical installations:
A great deal of know-how has been put into the inconspicuous in rough and aggressive industrial atmospheres, in power sta-
insulating body with „clamping function” for electrical wires. This tions, ships and railway vehicles as well as in building automation.
is because terminals have to withstand all kinds of unfavourable
conditions. The connections system is chosen according to the The clamping yoke and the terminal screw used in Weidmüller’s
respective application. clamping yoke system are made from case-hardened steel.
The clamping yoke unit with a highstrength
When looked at more closely, the demands made of an allegedly terminal screw produces the required
trivial component such as a terminal are considerable. Appropri- contact force and presses the con-
ately, the EN 60 947-7-1 defines terminals and cable connec- ductor against the busbar, which
tors as equipment for connecting and joining electrical wires. is made either of copper or
Terminals can be mounted side-by-side or staggered, have two high-quality brass. The
or several, independently functioning connection points, and are latter being tin coated.
insulated both from one another and their mountings. They are
mounted, for example, onto mounting rails. Figure 1
SAK – The Classic
SAK – The Classic
PS Legend
STB PS Test plug
TSch STB Test socket screw
TSch Small partition
VL2 BS Fixing srew
QL VH QL Cross-connection link
VH Q BSK VH Q Connection sleeve
EW 35 End brackets
AP TS 35 Mounting rail
VL Connection link
BSK Fixing srew
AD 4 Cover
EW 35
DEK Markers
AP End plate
TS 35 TW TW Partition
Product range
Clamp type Rated cross-section Flat blade Push-on Spring Solder
2.5 mm2 4 mm2 6 mm2 10 mm2 16 mm2 35 mm2 connection connection connection connection
SAK-Series TS 35
SAK-Series TS 35
Modular PE terminals
TS 35 / PA A.14
Disconnect terminals
TS 35 / PA A.18
TS 35 / KrG A.20
Fuse terminals
TS 35 / PA A.22
TS 35 / KrG A.24
Fuse inserts and gauge rings for Weidmüller fuse terminals A.28
Installation terminals
TS 35 / PA A.30
Test-disconnect terminals
TS 35 / KrG A.32
Terminals for temperature measuring circuits
TS 35 / PA A.34
Terminals with screw-less connections
With tab connection TS 35 / PA A.36
With solder connection TS 35 / PA A.40
Feed-through modular terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Note With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 1.5, rated voltage is 690 V. With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 1.5, rated voltage is 690 V.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
beige SAKD 2.5/35 100 0268860000 SAK 2.5/35 100 0380460000
Blue SAKD 2.5/35 BL 100 0268880000 SAK 2.5/35 BL 100 0380480000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAKD2.5N 24 A 50 0367800000 Q 2 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337000000
3-pole Q 3 SAKD2.5N 24 A 50 0367900000 Q 3 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337100000
4-pole Q 4 SAKD2.5N 24 A 50 0368000000 Q 4 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337200000
10-pole Q 10 SAKD2.5N 24 A 20 0368100000 Q 10 SAK2.5 41 A 20 0368700000
Connecting sleeve
Mounting screw
Lock washer
Switchable link
Switchable link
Connecting sleeve
Mounting screw
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0280600000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP SAKD2.5N 1.5 mm 20 0150960000 AP SAK2.5 1.5 mm 20 0279560000
Blue AP SAKD2.5N BL 1.5 mm 20 0150980000 AP SAK2.5 BL 1.5 mm 20 0279580000
beige TW SAKD2.5N 1.5 mm 20 0191860000 TW SAK2.5 2.5 mm 20 0302860000
Blue TW SAKD2.5N BL 1.5 mm 20 0191880000 TW SAK2.5 BL 1.5 mm 20 0302880000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 3 SAKD2.5 N 5 mm 100 0366860000 TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 3 SAK2.5 50 0297900000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000
Feed-through modular terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
SAK 4 4 mm² SAK 6 6 mm² SAK 10 10 mm²
6.5 x 45 x 44 8 x 45 x 44 10 x 45 x 51.5
41 / 6 57 / 10 76 / 16
0.13...6 0.33...10 1.5...16
With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 2.5, rated voltage is 690 V. For AWG 8-7 and AWG 8-19, tightening torque is 1.21.4 Nm When used with twin ferrules ZH 0.5 - ZH 4, the rated voltage is 690 V.
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAK 4/35 100 0443660000 SAK 6/35 PA 100 0380560000 SAK 10/35 100 0443760000
SAK 4/35 BL 100 0443680000 SAK 6/35 PA/BL 100 0380580000 SAK 10/35 BL 100 0443780000
With AWG 6 and H07V-R10 conductors, an increased MD torque of 1.4 A higher torque of 2 to 2.4 Nm is necessary when using H07V-R16 and
to1.6 Nm should be used. AWG 6 conductors.
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000 Q 2 SAK6N 32 A 50 0456700000 Q 2 SAK10 57 A 50 0457100000
Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000 Q 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0456800000 Q 3 SAK10 57 A 50 0457200000
Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000 Q 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0456900000 Q 4 SAK10 57 A 50 0457300000
Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000 Q 10 SAK6N 32 A 20 0457000000 Q 10 SAK10 57 A 20 0457400000
Feed-through modular terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Note Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used. The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran-
ded conductors. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
beige SAK 16/35 PA 50 0380660000 SAK 35/35 20 0380760000
Blue SAK 16/35 PA/BL 50 0380680000 SAK 35/35 BL 20 0380780000
Note If QIs are aligned side by side, then a TW/AP must be used. It is possible to use twin ferrules with identical rated voltages (LAB 13090).
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAK16 76 A 50 0457500000 QL 2 SAK35 110 A 20 0123600000
3-pole Q 3 SAK16 76 A 50 0457600000 QL 3 SAK35 110 A 20 0123700000
4-pole Q 4 SAK16 76 A 50 0457700000 QL 4 SAK35 110 A 20 0123800000
10-pole Q 10 SAK16 76 A 20 0457800000 QL 10 SAK35 110 A 20 0338600000
Connecting sleeve VH 17/8/5 SAK35 50 0267000000
Mounting screw BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000
Lock washer SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 SAK16/SAKA 57 A 50 0135800000 VL 2 SAK35 50 0124000000
Connecting sleeve VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 50 0285100000 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 50 0298700000
Mounting screw BFSC M3X25 100 0292500000 BFSC M4X35 50 0298900000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
Socket STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 50 0169900000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 50 0140200000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP SAK16 1.5 mm 20 0271160000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 1.5 mm 10 0303660000
Blue AP SAK16 BL 1.5 mm 20 0271180000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 1.5 mm 10 0303680000
beige TW SAK35 1.5 mm 20 0304360000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 4 SAK16 50 0518200000 AD 4 SAK35 50 0178700000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT 100 0129100000
Feed-through modular terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
SAK 35/35/IK 35 mm² SAK 35N/35 35 mm² SAK 35N/35/IK 35 mm²
Hexagon socket head screw Hexagon socket head screw
18 x 58 x 60 16 x 58 x 60 16 x 58 x 60
150 / 50 150 / 50 150 / 50
2.5...50 2.5...50 2.5...50
The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran- The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran- The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran-
ded conductors. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used. ded conductors. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used. ded conductors. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used.
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAK 35/35/IK 20 0582460000 SAK 35N/35 20 0608260000 SAK 35N/35/IK 20 0608360000
It is possible to use twin ferrules with identical rated voltages (LAB 13090). It is possible to use twin ferrules with identical rated voltages (LAB 13090). It is possible to use twin ferrules with identical rated voltages (LAB 13090).
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAK35 99 A 20 0123600000 QL 2 SAK35N 110 A 50 0564900000 QL 2 SAK35N 99 A 50 0564900000
QL 3 SAK35 99 A 20 0123700000 QL 3 SAK35N 110 A 50 0565000000 QL 3 SAK35N 99 A 50 0565000000
QL 4 SAK35 99 A 20 0123800000 QL 4 SAK35N 110 A 50 0565100000 QL 4 SAK35N 99 A 50 0565100000
QL 10 SAK35 99 A 20 0338600000 QL 10 SAK35N 110 A 20 0565200000 QL 10 SAK35N 99 A 20 0565200000
VH 17/8/5 SAK35 50 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 50 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 50 0267000000
BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000
SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000
AP SAK35/TW SAK16 1.5 mm 10 0303660000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 1.5 mm 10 0303660000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 1.5 mm 10 0303660000
AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 1.5 mm 10 0303680000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 1.5 mm 10 0303680000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 1.5 mm 10 0303680000
TW SAK35 1.5 mm 20 0304360000 TW SAK35 1.5 mm 20 0304360000 TW SAK35 1.5 mm 20 0304360000
Feed-through modular terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No.
beige SAK 70/35 10 0139160000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAK70 192 A 20 0345300000
3-pole QL 3 SAK70 192 A 5 0167000000
Connecting sleeve VH 30.5/11/5.5 SAK70 20 0345500000
Mounting screw BFSC M5X45 20 0345600000
Lock washer SS M5 D 128-A 5 50 0346100000
Switchable link
Switchable link
Connecting sleeve
Mounting screw
Testing / Checking Width
Test plug PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
Socket STB 16/D7/4/M5 SAK70 50 0385400000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP SAK70/35 2 mm 10 0340960000
Small partition
Small partition
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 3 SAK70 10 0344300000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M5X45 PA/NA 50 0344400000
Feed-through modular terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
TS 35 / KrG SAK 2.5 2.5 mm² SAK 4 4 mm²
Note With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 1.5, rated voltage is 690 V. With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 2.5, rated voltage is 690 V.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAK 2.5/35 KRG 100 0380420000 SAK 4/35 KRG 100 0443620000
Blue SAK 2.5/35 KRG/BL 100 0380470000 SAK 4/35 KRG/BL 100 0443670000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337000000 Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000
3-pole Q 3 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337100000 Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000
4-pole Q 4 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337200000 Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000
10-pole Q 10 SAK2.5 41 A 20 0368700000 Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000
Connecting sleeve
Mounting screw
Lock washer
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 SAK4 32 A 50 0197000000
Connecting sleeve VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 50 0285100000
Mounting screw BFSC M3X25 100 0292500000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0280600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0168600000
End plate / Partition plate
Medium yellow AP SAK2.5 KRG 1.5 mm 20 0279520000 AP SAK4-10 KRG 1.5 mm 20 0117920000
Blue AP SAK2.5 KRG BL 1.5 mm 20 0279570000 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 1.5 mm 20 0117970000
Medium yellow TW SAK2.5 KRG 2.5 mm 20 0302820000 TW SAK4-10 KRG 2.5 mm 20 0130120000
Blue TW SAK2.5 KRG/BL 2.5 mm 20 0302870000 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 2.5 mm 20 0130170000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000 TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 4 AKZ4 50 0303400000 AD 4 SAK4 50 0285300000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000
Feed-through modular terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Note For AWG 8-7 and AWG 8-19, tightening torque is 1.21.4 Nm When used with twin ferrules ZH 0.5 - ZH 4, the rated voltage is 690 V.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAK 6/35 KRG 100 0380520000 SAK 10/35 KRG 100 0443720000
Blue SAK 6/35 KRG/BL 100 0380570000 SAK 10/35 KRG/BL 100 0443770000
Note With AWG 6 and H07V-R10 conductors, an increased MD torque of 1.4 A higher torque of 2 to 2.4 Nm is necessary when using H07V-R16 and
to1.6 Nm should be used. AWG 6 conductors.
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAK6N 57 A 50 0456700000 Q 2 SAK10 57 A 50 0457100000
3-pole Q 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0456800000 Q 3 SAK10 57 A 50 0457200000
4-pole Q 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0456900000 Q 4 SAK10 57 A 50 0457300000
10-pole Q 10 SAK6N 57 A 20 0457000000 Q 10 SAK10 57 A 20 0457400000
Connecting sleeve
Mounting screw
Lock washer
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT 50 0194700000 VL 2 SAK6/10/SAKB 32 A 50 0135900000
Connecting sleeve VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 50 0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 50 0285100000
Mounting screw BFSC M3X25 100 0292500000 BFSC M3X25 100 0292500000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
Socket STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 50 0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 50 0169900000
End plate / Partition plate
Medium yellow AP SAK4-10 KRG 1.5 mm 20 0117920000 AP SAK4-10 KRG 1.5 mm 20 0117920000
Blue AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 1.5 mm 20 0117970000 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 1.5 mm 20 0117970000
Medium yellow TW SAK4-10 KRG 2.5 mm 20 0130120000 TW SAK4-10 KRG 2.5 mm 20 0130120000
Blue TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 2.5 mm 20 0130170000 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 2.5 mm 20 0130170000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000 TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 4 SAK6N 50 0196600000 AD 4 SAK10 50 0178600000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000
Feed-through modular terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
SAK 16 16 mm² SAK 35N/35 35 mm² SAK 35N/35/IK 35 mm²
Hexagon socket head screw
12 x 50 x 57.5 16 x 58 x 60 16 x 58 x 60
76 / 16 125 / 50 125 / 50
2.5...16 2.5...50 2.5...50
Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used. The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran- The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran-
ded conductors. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used. ded conductors. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used.
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAK 16/35 KRG 50 0380620000 SAK 35N/35 KRG 20 0608220000 SAK 35N/35/IK KRG 20 0608320000
SAK 35N/35/IK KRG/BL 20 0608370000
If QIs are aligned side by side, then a TW/AP must be used. It is possible to use twin ferrules with identical rated voltages (LAB 13090). It is possible to use twin ferrules with identical rated voltages (LAB 13090).
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
Q 2 SAK16 76 A 50 0457500000 QL 2 SAK35N 110 A 50 0564900000 QL 2 SAK35N 99 A 50 0564900000
Q 3 SAK16 76 A 50 0457600000 QL 3 SAK35N 110 A 50 0565000000 QL 3 SAK35N 99 A 50 0565000000
Q 4 SAK16 76 A 50 0457700000 QL 4 SAK35N 110 A 50 0565100000 QL 4 SAK35N 99 A 50 0565100000
Q 10 SAK16 76 A 20 0457800000 QL 10 SAK35N 110 A 20 0565200000 QL 10 SAK35N 99 A 20 0565200000
VH 17/8/5 SAK35 50 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 50 0267000000
BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000
SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000
VL 2 SAK16/SAKA 57 A 50 0135800000
VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 50 0285100000
BFSC M3X25 100 0292500000
Width Width Width
PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 50 0169900000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 50 0140200000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 50 0140200000
Feed-through modular terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Note Ribbon cable (segmented ribbon) can be connected ranging from 3 to 6 segments
of 0.8x9 mm, up to 6 segments of 0.8x16 mm and up to 6 segments of 0.5x13 mm.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAK 95/35 KRG 10 0662220000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKG28 125 A 10 0551200000
3-pole QL 3 SAKG28 232 A 5 0407600000
4-pole QL 4 SAKG28 125 A 5 0407700000
Connecting sleeve VH 35/11/5.5 SAK95 10 0551100000
Mounting screw KISC M5X50/26 SAK95 20 0630200000
Lock washer SS M5 D 128-A 5 50 0346100000
Switchable link
Switchable link
Connecting sleeve
Mounting screw
Testing / Checking Width
Test plug PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
Socket STB 16/D7/4/M5 SAK70 50 0385400000
End plate / Partition plate
Medium yellow AP SAK95 KRG 3 mm 10 0550920000
Blue AP SAK95 KRG/BL 3 mm 10 0550970000
Medium yellow
Small partition
Small partition
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label ADP 3/HP3 1M 20 0485400000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M5X45 PA/NA 50 0344400000
Terminals with spring-loaded cable clamps
SAK-Series TS 35
TS 35 / PA RSF 3/35 4 mm²
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No.
beige RSF 3/35 50 9501160000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194300000
3-pole QL 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194400000
4-pole QL 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194500000
10-pole QL 10 SAK6N 57 A 20 0338300000
Connecting sleeve VH 13.5/4.9/3.3 SAK4 100 0248500000
Mounting screw KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 100 0303000000
Lock washer SS M3 D 128-A 3 50 0164400000
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT 50 0194700000
Connecting sleeve VH 21/5/3.5 SAK16-35 50 0309600000
Mounting screw BFSC M3X30 50 0296200000
Testing / Checking Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0168600000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP RSF3 3 mm 10 0270460000
beige TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0.5 mm 20 0474700000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label ADP 2/HP2 1M 36 0485300000
Two-tier modular terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Note With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 2.5, rated voltage is 690 V. With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 2.5, rated voltage is 690 V.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
beige DK 4/35 100 0527660000 DK 4Q/35 100 0590160000
Blue DK 4/35 BL 100 0527680000 DK 4Q/35 BL 100 0590180000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
10-pole Q 10 AKZ4 32 A 20 0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 32 A 20 0368600000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000 AP DK4Q 1.5 mm 20 1397160000
Blue AP DK4 BL 1.5 mm 20 0359280000 AP DK4Q BL 1.5 mm 20 1397180000
Dark beige Wemid WTW EN 3 mm 20 1058800000 WTW EN 3 mm 20 1058800000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 6 DKI S4 5 mm 100 0190260000 TSCH 6 DKI S4 5 mm 100 0190260000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 3 SAK2.5 50 0297900000 AD 3 SAK2.5 50 0297900000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT 100 0303300000 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT 100 0303300000
Two-tier modular terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
DK 4 QV/35 4 mm²
6 x 54 x 40.5
41 / 6
IEC 60947-7-1
500 300 300
32 27 10
4 AWG 22...12 AWG 26...12
A3 / V2
Rated connection
0.5...6 / 0.5...4
0.5...4 / 0.5...2.5
0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3)
8 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
0.5...1.5 / 0.5...1.5
AD 4 AKZ4 50 0303400000
BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT 100 0303300000
DEK 5/6
Modular PE terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
green/yellow EK 2.5/35 100 0661060000 EK 4/35 100 0661160000
Rail support Type Width Qty. Order No. Type Width Qty. Order No.
SH 2 40 mm 10 0494920000 SH 2 40 mm 10 0494920000
Modular PE terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
EK 6/35 6 mm² EK 10 10 mm² EK 16 16 mm²
8 x 56.5 x 44 10 x 56 x 45 12 x 56 x 50
/ 10 / 10 / 16
0.5...10 PE 0.5...10 PE 2.5...16 PE
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
EK 6/35 100 0661260000 EK 10/35 100 0661360000 EK 16/35 50 0190160000
Type Width Qty. Order No. Type Width Qty. Order No. Type Width Qty. Order No.
SH 2 40 mm 10 0494920000 SH 2 40 mm 10 0494920000 SH 2 40 mm 10 0494920000
Modular PE terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Note Use the TS 35x15/2.3 for 35 - 50 mm² conductors. For AWG 2/7 and Tightening torque for stranded conductors of 35 mm² and larger = 16 Nm
H07V-R50, torque is 6 Nm.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
green/yellow EK 35/35 20 0661460000 EK 95/35/1ZB BK 10 0535300000
Rail support Type Width Qty. Order No. Type Width Qty. Order No.
SH 2 40 mm 10 0494920000 SH 2 40 mm 10 0494920000
Modular PE terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
SAKE 70/35 70 mm²
18 x 94 x 59.5
/ 70
10...70 PE
IEC 60947-7-2
B10 / ---
Rated connection
10...16 / 10...70
10...70 / 10...70
6.0...12 Nm (M 8)
2.0...4.0 Nm
25 /
Disconnect terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Note Torque for SAKR with socket: 0.5 - 0.7 Nm. Tightening torque via the sockets is 0.5 - 0.7 Nm.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
beige SAKR/35 100 0172160000 SAKRD/35 50 0185760000
Blue SAKR/35 BL 100 0172180000
Note SAKR/35 2 StB order no. 0183360000
External cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000 QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR 100 0379400000 STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR 100 0379400000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP SAKR BE 1.5 mm 20 0211360000 AP SAKR BE 1.5 mm 20 0211360000
Blue AP SAKR BL 1.5 mm 20 0211380000 AP SAKR BL 1.5 mm 20 0211380000
Disconnect terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
DKT 4 4 mm² DKT 4 V 4 mm²
Without separated busbar
6 x 65 x 56.5 6 x 65 x 56.5
10 / 4 10 / 4
0.13...4 0.13...4
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000 QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
Width Width
PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Disconnect terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Note *UNDEFINED TEXT* Connections for stranded conductors from 10 mm² require a tightening
torque of 2 Nm.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAKC 4/35 100 0357520000 SAKC 10/35 1STB4 KRG 50 1404520000
Note SAKC 4/35 2 StB order no. 0340620000. SAKC 10/35 2 StB4 Order No. 1404620000
Tightening torque via the sockets is 0.5 - 0.7 Nm. Tightening torque via the sockets is 1.2 Nm.
Screwable cross-connection Type Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKA10 47 A 50 0135500000
3-pole QL 3 SAKA10 47 A 50 0135600000
4-pole QL 4 SAKA10 47 A 50 0135700000
Connecting sleeve VH 13.6/7/4.2 SAKA10 50 0299700000
Mounting screw BFSC M4X20 100 0362800000
Lock washer SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000
External cross-connection current
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
Socket STB 17/D6/4/M4 SAKC10 50 0147100000
End plate / Partition plate
Medium yellow AP SAK4-10 KRG 1.5 mm 20 0117920000 AP SAKB/C/T KRG 3 mm 20 0146720000
Blue AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 1.5 mm 20 0117970000
beige TW SAKB/C/T1 1.5 mm 20 0242960000
Medium yellow TW SAK4-10 KRG 2.5 mm 20 0130120000 TW SAKB-C-T 3 mm 20 0242920000
Blue TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 2.5 mm 20 0130170000
SAK-Series TS 35
Fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Technical data
Rated voltage V 250 600 250 600
Rated current A 6.3 10 13 15
Rated cross-section mm² 10 AWG 26...8 10 AWG 26...8
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/-
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class B6 / V-0 B6 / V-0
Approvals #a #a
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...16 0.5...16
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...10 0.5...10
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4) 1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 12 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm 12 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm
2 conductors with same cross-section (H05V/H07V)
solid / stranded -
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules -
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
KSKM 1/35 G20 20 9509600000 KSKM 2/35 GZ 1X1/4 20 9509610000
G-fuse cartridge, 5 x 20mm (IEC 60127-2) Type Qty. Order No. Type Width Qty. Order No.
0,10 A G 20/0.10A/F 10 0430300000
0,20 A G 20/0.20A/F 10 0430400000
0,25 A fast G 20/0.25A/F 10 0430500000
0,50 A fast G 20/0.50A/F 10 0430600000
0,63 A G 20/0.63A/F 10 0439000000
1,00 A fast G 20/1.00A/F 10 0430700000
1,60 A G 20/1.60A/F 10 0430800000
2,00 A fast G 20/2.00A/F 10 0430900000
2,50 A G 20/2.50A/F 10 0431000000
3,15 A G 20/3.15A/F 10 0431100000
4,00 A G 20/4.00A/F 10 0431200000
5,00 A G 20/5.00A/F 10 0431300000
6,30 A G 20/6.30A/F 10 0431400000
G25 with indicator / imperial (inch) fuse
1,00 A
0,50 A medium slow / 2 A
1,00 A medium slow / 3 A
Contact sleeve
SBL/1912 10 0446100000 SBL/2111 10 0446200000
Fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
KSKM 3 10 mm² KDKS 1/35 4 mm²
1 1/4“ x 1/4“
IEC 60947-7-3
440 600 500 300
10 15 6.3 10
10 AWG 22...8 4 AWG 22...12
B6 / V-0 A3 / V2
#a #a
Rated connection Rated connection
0.5...16 0.5...4 / 1.5...4
0.5...10 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4) 0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3)
12 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Note: max. conductor size = 2.5 mm² when using the cross-connection.
G 20/1.00A/F 10 0430700000
G 20/1.60A/F 10 0430800000
G 20/2.00A/F 10 0430900000
G 20/2.50A/F 10 0431000000
G 20/3.15A/F 10 0431100000
G 20/4.00A/F 10 0431200000
G 20/5.00A/F 10 0431300000
GZ 1.0A/F 10 0525500000
GZ 2.0A 10 0294500000
GZ 3.0A 10 0295700000
SBL/2489 10 0446300000
KOHUE ASK1 100 0553300000
Fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Technical data
Rated voltage V 500 600 600 500
Rated current A 10 6.3 10 6.3
Rated cross-section mm² 10 AWG 22...10 AWG 26...10 10 AWG 22...8 AWG 26...10
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 6/3 4/
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class B6 / 5VA B6 / 5VA
Approvals ?ru#~a #
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...16 / 1.5...10 0.5...16 / 1.5...10
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...10 / 0.5...10 0.5...10 / 0.5...10
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4) 1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 12 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm 12 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm
Note Connections for 10-mm² stranded conductors require a tightening torque Connections for 10-mm² stranded conductors require a tightening torque
of 2 Nm. of 2 Nm.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
500 V AC/DC SAKS 1/35/G20 20 0501620000
With GL 230 V AC/DC SAKS 1/35 G20 GL 230VAC 10 0199920000
With GL 115 V AC/DC SAKS 1/35 G20 GL 115VAC 10 8068330000
With LED 48 V AC SAKS 1/35 G20 LD 48VAC 10 0214020000
With LED 24 V AC SAKS 1/35 G20 LD 24VAC 10 1111320000
With LED +- 24 V DC SAKS 1/35 G20 LD 24VDC 10 0225820000
500 V AC/DC
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKS1 36 A 50 0191400000
3-pole QL 3 SAKS1 36 A 50 0191500000
4-pole QL 4 SAKS1 36 A 20 0191600000
10-pole QL 10 SAKS1 36 A 20 0338800000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
Medium yellow AP SAKS1+3 KRG 3 mm 20 0191320000 AP SAKS1+3 KRG 3 mm 20 0191320000
Fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
SAKS 1/35 5x25 10 mm² SAKS 1/35 5x25 10 mm² SAKS 3/35 10 mm²
With glow lamp
13 x 54 x 61 13 x 54 x 61 13 x 54 x 61
10 / 16 6.3 / 16 10 / 16
0.13...16 0.5...16 0.33...16
Connections for 10-mm² stranded conductors require a tightening torque Connections for 10-mm² stranded conductors require a tightening torque
of 2 Nm. of 2 Nm.
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAKS 1/35/G25 20 0501520000 SAKS 3/35 G/5X30 500V 20 0328920000
SAKS 1/35 G25 GL 230VAC 10 0198620000
Type current Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAKS1 36 A 50 0191400000
QL 3 SAKS1 36 A 50 0191500000
QL 4 SAKS1 36 A 20 0191600000
QL 10 SAKS1 36 A 20 0338800000
Width Width Width
AP SAKS1+3 KRG 3 mm 20 0191320000 AP SAKS1+3 KRG 3 mm 20 0191320000 AP SAKS1+3 KRG 3 mm 20 0191320000
Fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Note Connections for stranded conductors from 10 mm² and 7-wire AWG con- Connections for stranded conductors from 10 mm² and 7-wire AWG con-
ductors require a tightening torque of 2 Nm. ductors require a tightening torque of 2 Nm.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Without LED SAKS 2/35 20 1368720000 SAKS 4/35 20 0501820000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKS2 47 A 20 0207800000 QL 2 SAKS4 36 A 20 0328000000
3-pole QL 3 SAKS2 47 A 20 0207900000 QL 3 SAKS4 36 A 20 0328100000
4-pole QL 4 SAKS2 47 A 20 0208000000 QL 4 SAKS4 36 A 20 0328200000
10-pole QL 10 SAKS2 47 A 20 0338900000 QL 10 SAKS4 36 A 20 0339000000
Mounting screw BFSC M4X9T 100 0103300000 BFSC M4X9T 100 0103300000
Lock washer SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000
Screw cover cap Width Width
SK SK E16/SAKS2 25 0284110000 SK E14 SAKS4 20 0339410000
Gauge rings
P 16/10 RT SAKS2 100 0208900000 P 14/2 D01 RS SAKS4 50 0138000000
P 16/16 GR SAKS2 100 0209000000 P 14/4 D01 BR SAKS4 50 0138100000
P 16/20 BL SAKS2 100 0209100000 P 14/10 D01 RT SAKS4 50 0328700000
P 14/6 D01 GN SAKS4 50 0328600000
Fuse cartridges
E 16/10A RT TNDZ 25 0208500000 E 14/2A RS 10 0137400000
E 16/16A GR TNDZ 25 0208600000 E 14/4A BR 10 0137500000
E 16/20A BL TNDZ 25 0208700000 E 14/6A GN 10 0328300000
E 16/25A GE TNDZ 25 0208800000 E 14/10A RT 10 0328400000
E 14/16A GR 10 0328500000
Fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
SAKS 4/35 USA 10 mm² SAKS 5/35 16 mm²
1 1/4“ x 1/4“ D 02 - fuse
24 x 75 x 73 28 x 80 x 66
30 / 16 63 / 16
0.5...16 1.5...16
IEC 60947-7-3
400 600 600 400 600 600
16 30 30 63 40 63
10 AWG 20...8 AWG 22...8 16 AWG 14...6 AWG 14...6
6/3 6/3
B6 / 5VA B7 / 5VA
r#a ru#~a
Rated connection Rated connection
0.5...16 / 1.5...10 1.5...16 / 1.5...16
0.5...10 / 0.5...10 1.5...16 / 1.5...16
1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4) 1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4)
14 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm 13 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm
Connections for stranded conductors from 10 mm² and 7-wire AWG con- Connections for stranded conductors from 10 mm² and 7-wire AWG con-
ductors require a tightening torque of 2 Nm. ductors require a tightening torque of 2 Nm.
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAKS4 36 A 20 0328000000 QL 2 SAKS2 47 A 20 0207800000
QL 3 SAKS4 36 A 20 0328100000 QL 3 SAKS2 47 A 20 0207900000
QL 4 SAKS4 36 A 20 0328200000 QL 4 SAKS2 47 A 20 0208000000
QL 10 SAKS4 36 A 20 0339000000 QL 10 SAKS2 47 A 20 0338900000
BFSC M4X9T 100 0103300000 BFSC M4X9T 100 0103300000
SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000
Width Width
SK E14 SAKS4 USA 1 2012790000 SK E18 SAKS5 20 0359310000
E 18/20A BL 10 0361300000
E 18/25A GE 10 0361400000
E 18/50A WS 10 0361600000
E 18/63A KU 10 0361700000
Fuse inserts and gauge rings for Weidmüller fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Fuse inserts
Technical data Order data
for terminal type G fuse inserts 5 x 20 without indicator acc. to IEC 60127-2 (VDE 0820 T.2 Bl 1) Qty. Order No.
Size (mm) Rated voltage (V) Rated current (A) Type
SAKS 1 0.1 (F) G 20/0.10A/F 10 0430300000
SAKS 7 5 x 20 0.2 (F) G 20/0.20A/F 10 0430400000
ASK 1 Breaking capacity 1500 A 0.25 (F) G 20/0.25A/F 10 0430500000
WSI 6 (at 250 V, 50 Hz, cos, cos : 0.7) 0.5 (F) G 20/0.50A/F 10 0430600000
0.63 (F) G 20/0.63A/F 10 0439000000
1.0 (F) G 20/1.00A/F 10 0430700000
A 250 1.6 (F) G 20/1.60A/F 10 0430800000
2.0 (F) G 20/2.00A/F 10 0430900000
2.5 (F) G 20/2.50A/F 10 0431000000
3.15 (F) G 20/3.15A/F 10 0431100000
4.0 (F) G 20/4.00A/F 10 0431200000
5.0 (F) G 20/5.00A/F 10 0431300000
6.3 (F) G 20/6.30A/F 10 0431400000
D fuse inserts E 14 Size D 01 and E 18 size D 02 with indicator acc. to DIN 49522 (neozed)3)
SAKS 4 4) E 14/2 2 E 14/2A RS 10 0137400000
E 14/4 4 E 14/4A BR 10 0137500000
E 14/6 400 6 E 14/6A GN 10 0328300000
E 14/10 10 E 14/10A RT 10 0328400000
E 14/16 16 E 14/16A GR 10 0328500000
SAKS 5 E 18/20 20 E 18/20A BL 10 0361300000
E 18/25 25 E 18/25A GE 10 0361400000
E 18/35 400 35 E 18/35A SW 10 0361500000
E 18/50 50 E 18/50A WS 10 0361600000
E 18/63 63 E 18/63A KU 10 0361700000
Note: 1
) The SIBA company also supplies 5 x 25 G fuse inserts with indicators in a shipbuilding model for 450 V AC.
) 5 x 30 (500 V AC) fuse inserts for SAKS 3 are available from the WICKMANN company
) The LINDNER company also supplies neozed fuse cartridges in an additional shipbuilding mode for 440 V AC.
) Fuse cartridges with the dimensions 1“x1/4“ c 25.4x6.35 mm and 13/32“x11/2“ c 10.3x38.1 mm are not included in product line.
) Only for SAKS 1 and SAKS 7.
Fuse inserts and gauge rings for Weidmüller fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Gauge rings
Technical data Order data
for terminal type Gauge ring type Amp. Colour Type Qty. Order No.
SAKS 5 and 5/35 P 18/20 20 blue P 18/20D02 BL 50 0361800000
P 18/25 25 yellow P 18/25D02 GE 50 0361900000
P 18/35 35 black P 18/35D02 SW 50 0362000000
P 18/50 50 white P 18/50D02 WS 50 0362100000
Installation terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Note Tightening torque via disconnector is 0.5 ... 0.8 Nm. Tightening torque via disconnector is 0.5 ... 0.8 Nm.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Blue NT 2.5/35 10X3 BL 100 0471780000 NT 6/35 10X3 KRG/BL 100 0501470000
Support bracket for 10 x 3 (required every 20 cm) Type Width Qty. Order No. Type Width Qty. Order No.
Blue HP NT2.5 BL 1.5 mm 20 0352080000 HP NT6/10 BL 1.5 mm 20 0352880000
Busbar 10 x 3 (140 A)
OK, Busbar up to OK, TS35 = 25,5 mm SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN 10 mm 1 0348900000 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN 10 mm 1 0348900000
Clamping yoke for power supply to 10 x 3 busbars
Rigid / flexible 0,5 - 6 / 4 mm² ZB 4 5.6 mm 50 0316500000 ZB 4 5.6 mm 50 0316500000
rigid / flexible 6 - 16 mm² ZB 16 ZKSC 10 mm 50 0316600000 ZB 16 ZKSC 10 mm 50 0316600000
Flexible 16 - 35 mm² ZB 35/M6X16 14 mm 20 0266500000 ZB 35/M6X16 14 mm 20 0266500000
Installation terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
NT 10/35 10 mm² NT 16/35 16 mm²
10 x 45 x 44 12 x 59.5 x 58
57 / 16 NT 76 / 16 NT
0.5...16 2.5...16
Tightening torque via disconnector is 0.5 ... 0.8 Nm. Fix 10 mm² stranded Isolator can accommodate 0.8..1.4 Nm. 10 and 16 mm² stranded and
connection with 2 Nm tightening torque. AWG 8/7 connections are to be fixed with 2.4 Nm tightening torque.
Type Width Qty. Order No. Type Width Qty. Order No.
HP NT6/10 BL 1.5 mm 20 0352880000 HP NT16/10X3 2 mm 20 1266380000
Test-disconnect terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
Note 10 mm² stranded and AWG 8/7 connections are to be fixed with 1.6 Nm 10 mm² stranded and AWG 8/7 connections are to be fixed with 1.6 Nm
tightening torque. tightening torque.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Without socket SAKT 1/35/LT 50 0105420000
With open rear wall for cross-connection SAKT 1/35/DU1 50 0105820000
With 2 sockets SAKT 1/35/LT STB 50 0105620000
With 4 sockets
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194300000 QL 2 SAK6N 32 A 50 0194300000
3-pole QL 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194400000 QL 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194400000
4-pole QL 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194500000 QL 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194500000
10-pole QL 10 SAK6N 57 A 20 0338300000 QL 10 SAK6N 32 A 20 0338300000
Connecting sleeve VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 100 0249000000 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 100 0249000000
Mounting screw KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 100 0377100000 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 100 0377100000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
Medium yellow AP SAKB/C/T KRG 3 mm 20 0146720000 AP SAKB/C/T KRG 3 mm 20 0146720000
beige TW SAKB/C/T1 1.5 mm 20 0242960000 TW SAKB/C/T1 1.5 mm 20 0242960000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 2 0.6 mm 100 0353660000 TSCH 2 0.6 mm 100 0353660000
Cross-connection slider current current
2-pole QVS 2 SAKT1+2 20 0307300000 QVS 2 SAKT1+2 41 A 20 0307300000
3-pole QVS 3 SAKT1+2 20 0329300000 QVS 3 SAKT1+2 41 A 20 0329300000
4-pole QVS 4 SAKT1+2 20 0307400000 QVS 4 SAKT1+2 41 A 20 0307400000
Connecting sleeve for QVS VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 50 0318000000 VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 50 0318000000
Mounting screw for QVS BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 50 0334700000 BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 50 0334700000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
Socket STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 50 0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 50 0169900000
Miscellaneous accessories
Lockout device SSP 3 SAKT1 100 0531760000 SSP 3 SAKT1 100 0531760000
Short-circuit plug, 2-pole QS 2/8/4 20 0270960000 QS 2/8/4 20 0270960000
Test-disconnect terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
SAKT 1/QT 6 mm² SAKT 2/LT 6 mm² SAKT 4/35/LT 4 mm²
10 mm² stranded and AWG 8/7 connections are to be fixed with 1.6 Nm 10 mm² stranded and AWG 8/7 connections are to be fixed with 1.6 Nm Two conductors with the same cross-section can be accommodated. 1.5
tightening torque. tightening torque. mm² solid and 0.5...1.5 mm² flexible
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAKT 1/35/QT2 50 0124620000 SAKT 4/35/LT O.STB 50 1272420000
SAKT 1/35/QT1 50 0105720000
SAKT 2/35/LT/STB 50 0105920000 SAKT 4/35/LT STB2.0 50 1272520000
SAKT 2/35/LT 4STB 50 0106020000
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194300000 QL 2 SAK6N 32 A 50 0194300000 QL 2 SAK2.5 41 A 100 0155900000
QL 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194400000 QL 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194400000 QL 3 SAK2.5 41 A 100 0156000000
QL 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194500000 QL 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194500000 QL 4 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0156100000
QL 10 SAK6N 57 A 20 0338300000 QL 10 SAK6N 32 A 20 0338300000 QL 10 SAK2.5 41 A 20 0338100000
VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 100 0249000000 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 100 0249000000 VH 8/4.9/3.3 SAK2.5 100 0266700000
KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 100 0377100000 KISC M3X15/6 SAK2.5 CU5 100 0377200000
Width Width Width
AP SAKB/C/T KRG 3 mm 20 0146720000
TW SAKB/C/T1 1.5 mm 20 0242960000 TW SAKT2 2.5 mm 20 0351820000 TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0.5 mm 20 0474700000
TSCH 2 0.6 mm 100 0353660000 TSCH 2 0.6 mm 100 0353660000 TSCH 2 0.6 mm 100 0353660000
current current current
QVS 2 SAKT1+2 20 0307300000 QVS 2 SAKT1+2 41 A 20 0307300000 QVS 2/4 SAKT4 20 1319260000
QVS 3 SAKT1+2 20 0329300000 QVS 3 SAKT1+2 41 A 20 0329300000
QVS 4 SAKT1+2 20 0307400000 QVS 4 SAKT1+2 41 A 20 0307400000
VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 50 0318000000 VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 50 0318000000 VH 16/5/3.5 SAK10-35 50 0309700000
BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 50 0334700000 BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 50 0334700000 BFSC M3X22 SAKT4 50 1319900000
Width Width Width
PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000 PS 2.0 OR 5.4 mm 20 0293800000
STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 50 0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 50 0169900000 STB 8.5/D4.5/2/M3 SAKT4 50 0244600000
SSP 3 SAKT1 100 0531760000 SSP 3 SAKT1 100 0531760000 SSP 4 SAKT4 20 1319360000
QS 2/8/4 20 0270960000 QS 2/8/4 20 0270960000
Terminals for temperature measuring circuits
SAK-Series TS 35
TS 35 / PA DK 4 Q/TC 4 mm²
Busbars made from thermocouple materials
according to DIN IEC 584
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No.
(NiCr - Ni) type K DK 4Q/35/TC TYP K 100 1284160000
(Cu - CuNi) type T DK 4Q/35/TC TYP T 100 1285660000
(Fe-CuNi) type J DK 4Q/35/TC TYP J 100 1284060000 1 Thermocouple (sensor) 4 Reference junction
Note 2 Thermocouple terminals 5 Supply and return conductors
3 Compensating conductor 6 Measuring instrument
Busbar material
Terminal trade name
a) Type J
Fe Iron
(positive leg)
CuNi Constantan
(negative leg)
b) Type T
Cu Copper
(positive leg)
CuNi Constantan
(negative leg)
c) Type K
NiCr Chromel
(positive leg)
Ni Alumel
(negative leg)
Marking systems (see assortment in catalogue 7)
Marking tags DEK 5/6
For detailed information on other accessories and ap-
plications, refer to the „Accessories“ section
SAK-Series TS 35
Terminals with screw-less connections
Width/Length/height with TS35x7.5 mm 6.5 x 58 x 46 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 6.5 x 40 x 40.1 6,3 6,3
max. current / max. cond. cross-section A/mm² 20 / 2.5 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 20 / 2.5 2,8 2,8
Max. clamping range mm² 0.5...2.5 ...2.5
Technical data IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210 IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210
Rated voltage V 500 600 300 500 300 300
Rated current A 20 13 16 20 13 16
Rated cross-section mm² 2.5 2.5
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 6/3 6/3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class / V2 / V2
Approvals ru#a r#a
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm²
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...2.5 0.5...2.5
Tightening torque range (clamping screw)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/-
Note The rated voltage is 800 V when using a cable-lug (flat) connector with IH Cable-lug connections should be fitted with insulating sleeves. 20 A with
6.3 insulating sleeves. F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Slotted AST 1/35 6.3/2.8 50 0699660000 AST 3/35 6.3/2.8 100 0460360000
Not slit AST 1/35 6.3 50 0664860000 AST 3/35 6.3 100 0479360000
Note Cable-lug connections should be connected with insulating sleeves. 20 A
with F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000
3-pole Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000
4-pole Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000
10-pole Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000
Plug-in adapter Width
2-pole STA 2.5/2 100 0165860000
3-pole STA 2.5/3 50 0165960000
4-pole STA 2.5/4 50 0190360000
5-pole STA 2.5/5 50 0166060000
8-pole STA 2.5/8 50 0166160000
End plate / Partition plate Width
beige AP AST1+5 DB 1.5 mm 20 0266400000
Medium yellow AP AST3+4 KRG 3 mm 20 0298120000
beige TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 20 0607000000 TW 4 SAK4-10 1.5 mm 20 0130160000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000 TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Testing / Checking
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0168600000
Insulating sleeve
2,8 IH 2.8 DB 100 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB 100 0386060000
6,3 IH 6.3 WEM GE 100 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE 100 0386260000
Terminals with screw-less connections
SAK-Series TS 35
AST 4/35 2.5 mm² AST 5/35 4 mm² SAK 4 S/35 4 mm²
6.2 x 40 x 40.1 6,3 6.5 x 58 x 46 6,3 6,3 6,3 6.5 x 40 x 49.5 6,3
2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8
20 / 4 20 / 6 20 / 6 2,8
0.2...4 0.2...6 0.13...6 2,8
IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210 IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210 IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210
500 300 300 500 300 300 500 600 300
20 13 16 20 13 16 20 13 13
2.5 AWG 22...12 AWG 24...12 4 AWG 22...12 AWG 24...12 4 AWG 26...12 AWG 26...12
6/3 6/3 6/3
A3 / V2 A4 / V2 A4 / V2
ru#a ru#a ru#a
Rated connection Rated connection Rated connection
0.5...4 / 1.5...2.5 0.5...6 / 1.5...2.5 0.5...6 / 1.5...4
0.5...2.5 / 0.5...2.5 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
0.4...0.7 Nm (M 2.5) 0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3) 0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3)
9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 12 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 12 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
The rated voltage is 800 V when using a cable-lug (flat) connector with IH The rated voltage is 800 V when using a cable-lug (flat) connector with IH The rated voltage is 800 V when using a cable-lug (flat) connector with IH
6.3 insulating sleeves. 6.3 insulating sleeves. 6.3 insulating sleeves.
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
AST 4/35 SF 6.3/2.8 100 0460460000 AST 5/35 SF 6.3/2.8 50 0664960000 SAK 4 S/35 6.3/2.8 100 0630360000
AST 4/35 SF 6.3 100 0479460000
Cable-lug connections should be connected with insulating sleeves. 20 A Cable-lug connections should be connected with insulating sleeves. 20 A Cable-lug connections should be connected with insulating sleeves. 20 A
with F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8 with F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8 with F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000 QL 2 SAK4 32 A 100 0130600000
Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000 QL 3 SAK4 32 A 100 0130700000
Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000 QL 4 SAK4 32 A 50 0130800000
Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000 QL 10 SAK4 32 A 20 0338200000
STA 2.5/2 100 0165860000
STA 2.5/3 50 0165960000
STA 2.5/4 50 0190360000
STA 2.5/5 50 0166060000
STA 2.5/8 50 0166160000
Width Width
AP SAK2.5/35 + AST3+4 1.5 mm 20 0460560000 AP AST1+5 DB 1.5 mm 20 0266400000 AP SAK4-10 1.5 mm 20 0117960000
TW 4 SAK4-10 1.5 mm 20 0130160000 TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0.5 mm 20 0474700000 TW 4 SAK4-10 1.5 mm 20 0130160000
Terminals with screw-less connections
Width/Length/height with TS35x7.5 mm 6.5 x 40 x 49.5 6,3 6,3 6 x 54 x 60.5 6,3 6,3
2,8 2,8 2,8
max. current / max. cond. cross-section A/mm² 20 / 2.5 20 / 2.5 6,3 6,3
6,3 6,3 2,8 2,8
Max. clamping range mm² 0.5...2.5 2,8 2,8 0.5...2.5
Technical data IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210 IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210
Rated voltage V 500 600 300 400 300 300
Rated current A 20 13 13 20 10 10
Rated cross-section mm² 2.5 AWG 26...12 AWG 26...12 2.5 AWG 22...12 AWG 22...12
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 6/3 4/3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class / V2 / V2
Approvals ?ru#a ru#~a
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm²
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...2.5 0.5...2.5
Tightening torque range (clamping screw)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/-
Note The rated voltage is 800 V when using a cable-lug (flat) connector with IH Cable-lug connections should be fitted with insulating sleeves. 20 A with
6.3 insulating sleeves. F 6.3 and 2 x F 2.8
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Slotted SAK 4 SS/35 6.3/2.8 100 0630460000 DK 4SS/35 FF 4X6.3/2.8 100 0217160000
Not slit
Note Cable-lug connections should be connected with insulating sleeves. 20 A
with F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAK4 32 A 100 0130600000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole QL 3 SAK4 32 A 100 0130700000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole QL 4 SAK4 32 A 50 0130800000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
10-pole QL 10 SAK4 32 A 20 0338200000 Q 10 AKZ4 32 A 20 0368600000
Plug-in adapter
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
beige AP SAK4-10 1.5 mm 20 0117960000 AP DK4S 20 0631360000
Medium yellow
beige TW 4 SAK4-10 1.5 mm 20 0130160000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 6 DKI S4 5 mm 100 0190260000
Testing / Checking
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
Insulating sleeve
2,8 IH 2.8 DB 100 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB 100 0386060000
6,3 IH 6.3 WEM GE 100 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE 100 0386260000
Terminals with screw-less connections
SAK-Series TS 35
DK 4 S 4 mm²
6 x 54 x 59.5 6,3
20 / 4 2,8
AP DK4S 20 0631360000
DEK 5/6
Terminals with screw-less connections
Note Solder connection both sides with max. 1.5 mm² conductor
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No.
beige SAK 2.5/35 LL 100 0567260000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No.
10-pole Q 10 SAK2.5 41 A 20 0368700000
2-pole Q 2 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337000000
3-pole Q 3 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337100000
4-pole Q 4 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337200000
Testing / Checking Width
Socket STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0280600000
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP SAK2.5 1.5 mm 20 0279560000
Blue AP SAK2.5 BL 1.5 mm 20 0279580000
beige TW SAK2.5 2.5 mm 20 0302860000
Tropical applications TW SAK2.5 HP/TF/GE/1 1 mm 20 0297100000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 4 AKZ4 50 0303400000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000
SAK-Series TS 35
Special terminals - SAKG
SAK-Series TS 35
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAKG 32/35 I 10 0637120000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0194000000
3-pole QL 3 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441500000
4-pole QL 4 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441600000
End plate / Partition plate Width
dark brown EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0180700000
Tropical applications EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0180800000
dark brown TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000
Tropical applications TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AH 32 SAKG32 30 mm 5 0326760000
Special terminals - SAKG
SAK-Series TS 35
TS 35 / KrG SAKG 32 II 50 mm² SAKG 32 II G 50 mm²
Note Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234 and DIN Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234 and DIN
46235, from 10 .. 70 mm² 46235, from 10 .. 70 mm²
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAKG 32/35 II 10 0637320000 SAKG 32/35 II/GW 10 0637420000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0194000000 QL 2 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0194000000
3-pole QL 3 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441500000 QL 3 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441500000
4-pole QL 4 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441600000 QL 4 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441600000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
dark brown EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0180700000 EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0180500000
Tropical applications EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0180800000 EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0180600000
dark brown TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0151400000
Tropical applications TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0164600000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AH 32 SAKG32 30 mm 5 0326760000 AH 32 SAKG32 30 mm 5 0326760000
Special terminals - SAKG
SAK-Series TS 35
Note A tightening torque of 12 Nm must be applied to 50 - 70 mm² stranded Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234 with
and AWG 2 - 3/0 7-core connections. 16..95 mm² and DIN 46235 with 10 .. 50 mm²
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAKG 32/35 III 10 0637220000 SAKG 70/35 II/GW 10 0636620000
Screwable cross-connection Type Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0194000000
3-pole QL 3 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441500000
4-pole QL 4 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441600000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
dark brown EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0180700000 EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0180500000
Tropical applications EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0180800000 EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0180600000
dark brown TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0151400000
Tropical applications TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0164600000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AH 32 SAKG32 30 mm 5 0326760000 AH 32 SAKG32 30 mm 5 0326760000
Special terminals - SAKG
SAK-Series TS 35
SAKG 40 I 95 mm² SAKG 40 II 95 mm² SAKG 40 II GW 95 mm²
40 x 94 x 84.5 40 x 90 x 53 40 x 90 x 53
232 / 95 232 / 95 232 / 95
10...95 10...95 10...95
Conductor connection with cable lugs acc. to DIN 46234 from 10 .. 95 Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234, from 10 Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234, from 10
mm² .. 95 mm² .. 95 mm²
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAKG 40/35 I 5 0637520000 SAKG 40/35 II 5 0637720000 SAKG 40/35 II/GW 5 0637820000
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAKG40/35 232 A 5 0211400000 QL 2 SAKG40/35 232 A 5 0211400000 QL 2 SAKG40/35 232 A 5 0211400000
QL 3 SAKG40/35 232 A 5 0444900000 QL 3 SAKG40/35 232 A 5 0444900000 QL 3 SAKG40/35 232 A 5 0444900000
QL 4 SAKG40/35 232 A 5 0445000000 QL 4 SAKG40/35 232 A 5 0445000000 QL 4 SAKG40/35 232 A 5 0445000000
Width Width Width
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0180700000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0180700000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0180700000
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0180800000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0180800000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0180800000
TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000
TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000
Special terminals - SAKG
SAK-Series TS 35
Note Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234, from 10 ..
185 mm² and DIN 46235, from 25 .. 150 mm²
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAKG 40/35 III 5 0637620000 SAKG 46/35 II 5 0637920000
Screwable cross-connection Type Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKG46 309 A 5 0247000000
3-pole QL 3 SAKG46 309 A 5 0444400000
4-pole QL 4 SAKG46 309 A 5 0444500000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
dark brown EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0180700000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0180700000
Tropical applications EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0180800000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0180800000
dark brown TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000
Tropical applications TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AH 40 SAKG40 38 mm 5 0326860000 AH 46 SAKG46 46 mm 5 0326960000
Special terminals - SAKG
SAK-Series TS 35
SAKG 46 II GW 150 mm² SAKG 54 II 240 mm² SAKG 54 II GW 240 mm²
Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234, from 10 .. Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234 and DIN Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234 and DIN
185 mm² and DIN 46235, from 25 .. 150 mm² 46235, from 70 .. 240 mm² 46235, from 70 .. 240 mm²
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAKG 46/35 II/GW 5 0638020000 SAKG 54/35 II 5 0638120000 SAKG 54/35 II/GW 5 0638220000
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAKG46 309 A 5 0247000000 QL 2 SAKG54 415 A 5 0264400000 QL 2 SAKG54 415 A 5 0264400000
QL 3 SAKG46 309 A 5 0444400000 QL 3 SAKG54 415 A 5 0408000000 QL 3 SAKG54 415 A 5 0408000000
QL 4 SAKG46 309 A 5 0444500000 QL 4 SAKG54 415 A 5 0247400000 QL 4 SAKG54 415 A 5 0247400000
Width Width Width
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0180700000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0180700000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0180700000
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0180800000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0180800000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0180800000
TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000
TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000
AH 46 SAKG46 46 mm 5 0326960000
Stud Terminal - KST
SAK-Series TS 35
Technical data
Rated voltage V 1000 600 600 1000 600 600
Rated current A 57 50 65 76 65 80
Rated cross-section mm² 10 AWG 12...6 AWG 8...2 16 AWG 12...6 AWG 12...6
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 8/3 8/3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class / V2 / V2
Approvals # r#a
Rated connection Rated connection
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 2.0...4.0 Nm 3.0...6.0 Nm
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
TS 35 x 7,5 KST 6/35 M6X22 25 9506940000
TS 35 x 15/2,3 KST 5/35 M5X18 25 9528300000
Screwable cross-connection Type Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 KST6 76 A 5 9501350000
Partition plate Width Width
left TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM 10 1752800000 TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM 10 1752800000
right TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM 10 1718530000 TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM 10 1718530000
Stud Terminal - KST
SAK-Series TS 35
KST 8/35 35 mm² KST 10/35 70 mm² KST 12/35 95 mm²
24 x 62.5 x 72 34 x 60 x 82 34 x 60 x 74.5
125 / 192 / 232 /
... ... ...
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
KST 8/35 M8X30 25 9506950000 KST 10/35 M10X39 20 9506960000 KST 12/35 M12X37 20 9506970000
KST 8/35 M8X30 25 9528320000 KST 10/35 M10X39 20 9528330000 KST 12/35 M12X37 20 9528340000
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 KST8 125 A 5 9501360000 QL 2 KST10 5 9501370000 QL 2 KST12 232 A 5 9501380000
Width Width Width
TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM 10 1752800000 TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM 10 1752800000 TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM 10 1752800000
TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM 10 1718530000 TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM 10 1718530000 TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM 10 1718530000
Terminals with electronic components
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Green LED DK 4/35 LD GR 24VDC 25 0395460000 DK 4/35 LD GR 24VDC 25 0395760000
Neon lamp
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
External cross-connection
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000 QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 50 0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 50 0446700000
Connecting sleeve VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000
Mounting screw BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000 AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
Terminals with electronic components
SAK-Series TS 35
DK 4 LD/3 4 mm² DK 4 LD/4 4 mm² DK 4 LD/5 4 mm²
DC voltage indicator DC voltage indicator AC voltage indicator
24 / 5 24 / 5 24 / 5
Rated connection Rated connection Rated connection
0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3) 0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3) 0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3)
9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
DK 4/35 LD ROT 24VDC 25 0210260000 DK 4/35 LD 1D ROT 24VAC 25 0395960000
DK 4/35 LD GR 24VDC 25 0210460000 DK 4/35 LD GR 24VDC 25 0210060000
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
Terminals with electronic components
DK 4 GL I 4 mm²
TS 35 / PA
Current indicator
Technical data
Rated data IEC UL CSA
Rated voltage V 250
Rated current A 10
Rated cross-section mm² 4
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 1/3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A3 / V2
Approvals #
Electronic fixtures
Diode reverse voltage / Diode current -
Operating voltage for display, min. / Current V/A 3/1
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No.
Green LED
Neon lamp DK 4/35 GL 1D I1,0A 25 1111160000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
10-pole Q 10 AKZ4 32 A 20 0368600000
External cross-connection
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 32 A 50 0446700000
Connecting sleeve VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000
Mounting screw BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000
Testing / Checking Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
Terminals with electronic components
SAK-Series TS 35
DK 4 D/1 4 mm² DK 4 D/2 4 mm²
TS 35 / PA
Diode terminal, e.g. as reverse polarity pro- Suppressor circuit for contactor and soleno-
tection id valve (DC voltage)
Technical data
Rated voltage V 380 300 380 300
Rated current A 10 10 10 10
Rated cross-section mm² 4 AWG 22...12 4 AWG 22...12
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- /3 /3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A3 / V2 A3 / V2
Approvals # r#
Electronic fixtures
Diode reverse voltage / Diode current A 1000 / 1 1000 / 1
Operating voltage for display, min. / Current -/A
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3) 0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Note Diode current: max 1A. (1 N 4007) Diode current: max 1A. (1 N 4007)
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Red LED DK 4/35 1D A1 25 0538960000
Green LED DK 4/35 1D GET.SCH. 25 0396360000 DK 4/35 1D A1 BL 25 0538980000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
External cross-connection
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000 QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 32 A 50 0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 50 0446700000
Connecting sleeve VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000
Mounting screw BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000 AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
Terminals with electronic components
Technical data
Rated voltage V 380 300 380 300
Rated current A 10 10 10 10
Rated cross-section mm² 4 4
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- /3 /3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A3 / V2 A3 / V2
Approvals r# #
Electronic fixtures
Diode reverse voltage / Diode current A 1000 / 1 1000 / 1
Operating voltage for display, min. / Current -/A
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3) 0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Note Diode current: max 1A. (1 N 4007) Diode current: max 1A. (1 N 4007)
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Red LED DK 4/35 1D A2 25 0538860000 DK 4/35 2D GET.SCH. A1 25 0396660000
Green LED
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
External cross-connection
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000 QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 50 0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 32 A 50 0446700000
Connecting sleeve VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000
Mounting screw BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000 AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
Terminals with electronic components
SAK-Series TS 35
DK 4 D/5 4 mm² DK 4 D/6 4 mm² DK 4 D/7 4 mm²
Diode terminal for lamp test circuits Diode terminal for lamp test circuits Diode terminal for lamp test circuits, with
protective resistor
1000 / 1 1000 / 1 /1
Diode current: max 1A. (1 N 4007) Diode current: max 1A. (1 N 4007) Diode current: max 1A. (1 N 4007)
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
DK 4/35 2D GET.SCH. A2 25 0396860000 DK 4/35 2D GET.SCH. A1 25 0396760000 DK 4/35 1D 1K5 GET.SCH 25 0396960000
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
Terminals with electronic components
Technical data
Rated voltage V 230 400
Rated current A 10 10
Rated cross-section mm² 4 4
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- /3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A3 / V2
Approvals # #
Electronic fixtures
Diode reverse voltage / Diode current -
Operating voltage for display, min. / Current -/A
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...2.5
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3) 0.4...0.7 Nm (M 2.5)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 6 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Red LED DK 4/35 RC 220R/220N 5 0053160000 DKT 4/35 PT100 10 8014720000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
10-pole Q 10 AKZ4 32 A 20 0368600000
External cross-connection
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 32 A 50 0446700000
Connecting sleeve VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000
Mounting screw BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000 AP DKT4 PA 1.5 mm 20 0687560000
End bracket
Dark beige Wemid EW 35 8.5 mm 50 0383560000
Earth conductor isolating terminals
SAK-Series TS 35
SAKT E/35 6 mm²
neon lamp
Technical data
Rated data IEC UL CSA
Rated voltage V 115
Rated current A 27
Rated cross-section mm² 6
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- /3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A5 / 5VA • Slide link is closed
• Auxiliary circuit is earthed
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...10 • Display is illuminated green
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...6 / 0.5...6
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.8...1.6 Nm (M 3.5)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 12 / 4.0 x 0.8 mm Test position
Note When measuring insulation resistance with voltages
greater than UNom, the earth connection must first
be disconnected.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No.
20...30 V~ SAKT E/35 2LD 30VAC 5 1166820000
40...60V~ SAKT E/35 2LD 60VAC 5 0197920000
80...120 V~ SAKT E/35 2LD 120VAC 5 0198220000
115 V~ SAKT E/35 2GL 115VAC 5 0198020000
230 V~ SAKT E/35 2GL 230VAC 5 0198120000
Operational malfunction
For detailed information on other accessories and ap- To safe the test sockets use the SD-blade or bits with pilots!
plications, refer to the „Accessories“ section
SAK-Series TS 35
SAK-Series TS 32
SAK-Series TS 32
Modular PE terminals
TS 32 / PA B.12
TS 32 B.14
Disconnect terminals
TS 32 / PA B.16
TS 32 / KrG B.18
Fuse terminals
TS 32 / PA B.20
TS 32 / KrG B.22
Fuse inserts and gauge rings for Weidmüller fuse terminals B.26
Test-disconnect terminals
TS 32 / KrG B.30
Feed-through terminal
SAK-Series TS 32
Note With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 1.5, rated voltage is 690 V. With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 1.5, rated voltage is 690 V.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
beige SAKD 2.5N 100 0215560000 SAK 2.5 100 0279660000
Blue SAKD 2.5N BL 100 0215580000 SAK 2.5 BL 100 0279680000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAKD2.5N 24 A 50 0367800000 Q 2 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337000000
3-pole Q 3 SAKD2.5N 24 A 50 0367900000 Q 3 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337100000
4-pole Q 4 SAKD2.5N 24 A 50 0368000000 Q 4 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337200000
10-pole Q 10 SAKD2.5N 24 A 20 0368100000 Q 10 SAK2.5 41 A 20 0368700000
Connecting sleeve
Mounting screw
Lock washer
Switchable link
Switchable link
Connecting sleeve
Mounting screw
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0280600000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP SAKD2.5N 1.5 mm 20 0150960000 AP SAK2.5 1.5 mm 20 0279560000
Blue AP SAKD2.5N BL 1.5 mm 20 0150980000 AP SAK2.5 BL 1.5 mm 20 0279580000
beige TW SAKD2.5N 1.5 mm 20 0191860000 TW SAK2.5 2.5 mm 20 0302860000
Blue TW SAKD2.5N BL 1.5 mm 20 0191880000 TW SAK2.5 BL 1.5 mm 20 0302880000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 3 SAKD2.5 N 5 mm 100 0366860000 TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 3 SAK2.5 50 0297900000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000
Feed-through terminal
SAK-Series TS 32
SAK 4 4 mm² SAK 6 N 6 mm² SAK 10 10 mm²
With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 2.5, rated voltage is 690 V. For AWG 8-7 and AWG 8-19, tightening torque is 1.21.4 Nm When used with twin ferrules ZH 0.5 - ZH 4, the rated voltage is 690 V.
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAK 4 100 1716240000 SAK 6N 100 0193260000 SAK 10 100 0110060000
SAK 4 BL 100 0128380000 SAK 6N BL 100 0193280000 SAK 10 BL 100 0110080000
With AWG 6 and H07V-R10 conductors, an increased MD torque of 1.4 A higher torque of 2 to 2.4 Nm is necessary when using H07V-R16 and
to1.6 Nm should be used. AWG 6 conductors.
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000 Q 2 SAK6N 32 A 50 0456700000 Q 2 SAK10 57 A 50 0457100000
Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000 Q 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0456800000 Q 3 SAK10 57 A 50 0457200000
Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000 Q 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0456900000 Q 4 SAK10 57 A 50 0457300000
Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000 Q 10 SAK6N 32 A 20 0457000000 Q 10 SAK10 57 A 20 0457400000
Feed-through terminal
SAK-Series TS 32
Note Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used. The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran-
ded conductors. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
beige SAK 16 50 0271060000 SAK 35 20 0303560000
Blue SAK 16 BL 50 0271080000 SAK 35 BL 20 0303580000
Note If QIs are aligned side by side, then a TW/AP must be used. It is possible to use twin ferrules with identical rated voltages (LAB 13090).
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAK16 76 A 50 0457500000 QL 2 SAK35 99 A 20 0123600000
3-pole Q 3 SAK16 76 A 50 0457600000 QL 3 SAK35 99 A 20 0123700000
4-pole Q 4 SAK16 76 A 50 0457700000 QL 4 SAK35 99 A 20 0123800000
10-pole Q 10 SAK16 76 A 20 0457800000 QL 10 SAK35 99 A 20 0338600000
Connecting sleeve VH 17/8/5 SAK35 50 0267000000
Mounting screw BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000
Lock washer SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 SAK16/SAKA 50 0135800000 VL 2 SAK35 119 A 50 0124000000
Connecting sleeve VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 50 0285100000 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 50 0298700000
Mounting screw BFSC M3X25 100 0292500000 BFSC M4X35 50 0298900000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
Socket STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 50 0169900000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 50 0140200000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP SAK16 1.5 mm 20 0271160000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 1.5 mm 10 0303660000
Blue AP SAK16 BL 1.5 mm 20 0271180000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 1.5 mm 10 0303680000
beige TW SAK35 1.5 mm 20 0304360000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 3 SAK16 50 0297800000 AD 3 SAK35 50 0273400000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT 100 0129100000
Feed-through terminal
SAK-Series TS 32
SAK 35/IK 35 mm² SAK 35 N 35 mm² SAK 35 N/IK 35 mm²
Hexagon socket head screw Hexagon socket head screw
The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran- The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran- The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran-
ded conductors. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used. ded conductors. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used. ded conductors. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used.
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAK 35/IK 20 0476560000 SAK 35N 20 0550660000 SAK 35N/IK 20 0555760000
It is possible to use twin ferrules with identical rated voltages (LAB 13090). It is possible to use twin ferrules with identical rated voltages (LAB 13090). It is possible to use twin ferrules with identical rated voltages (LAB 13090).
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAK35 99 A 20 0123600000 QL 2 SAK35N 99 A 50 0564900000 QL 2 SAK35N 99 A 50 0564900000
QL 3 SAK35 99 A 20 0123700000 QL 3 SAK35N 99 A 50 0565000000 QL 3 SAK35N 99 A 50 0565000000
QL 4 SAK35 99 A 20 0123800000 QL 4 SAK35N 99 A 50 0565100000 QL 4 SAK35N 99 A 50 0565100000
QL 10 SAK35 99 A 20 0338600000 QL 10 SAK35N 99 A 20 0565200000 QL 10 SAK35N 99 A 20 0565200000
VH 17/8/5 SAK35 50 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 50 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 50 0267000000
BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000
SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000
AP SAK35/TW SAK16 1.5 mm 10 0303660000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 1.5 mm 10 0303660000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 1.5 mm 10 0303660000
AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 1.5 mm 10 0303680000
TW SAK35 1.5 mm 20 0304360000 TW SAK35 1.5 mm 20 0304360000 TW SAK35 1.5 mm 20 0304360000
Feed-through terminal
SAK-Series TS 32
Note With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 1.5, rated voltage is 690 V. With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 2.5, rated voltage is 690 V.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAK 2.5 KRG 100 0279620000 SAK 4 KRG 100 0128320000
Blue SAK 2.5 KRG/BL 100 0279670000 SAK 4 KRG BL 100 0128370000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337000000 Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000
3-pole Q 3 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337100000 Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000
4-pole Q 4 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337200000 Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000
10-pole Q 10 SAK2.5 41 A 20 0368700000 Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000
Connecting sleeve
Mounting screw
Lock washer
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 SAK4 32 A 50 0197000000
Connecting sleeve VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 50 0285100000
Mounting screw BFSC M3X25 100 0292500000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 6/D3.9/2.3/M2.5 ZB 50 0130200000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0168600000
End plate / Partition plate
Medium yellow AP SAK2.5 KRG 1.5 mm 20 0279520000 AP SAK4-10 KRG 1.5 mm 20 0117920000
Blue AP SAK2.5 KRG BL 1.5 mm 20 0279570000 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 1.5 mm 20 0117970000
Medium yellow TW SAK2.5 KRG 2.5 mm 20 0302820000 TW SAK4-10 KRG 2.5 mm 20 0130120000
Blue TW SAK2.5 KRG/BL 2.5 mm 20 0302870000 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 2.5 mm 20 0130170000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000 TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 4 AKZ4 50 0303400000 AD 4 SAK4 50 0285300000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000
Feed-through terminal
SAK-Series TS 32
SAK 6 N 6 mm² SAK 10 10 mm² SAK 16 16 mm²
When used with twin ferrules ZH 0.5 - ZH 4, the rated voltage is 690 V. When used with twin ferrules ZH 0.5 - ZH 4, the rated voltage is 690 V. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used.
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAK 6N KRG 100 0193220000 SAK 10 KRG 100 0110020000 SAK 16 KRG 50 0271020000
SAK 10 KRG/BL 100 0110070000
With AWG 6 and H07V-R10 conductors, an increased MD torque of 1.4 A higher torque of 2 to 2.4 Nm is necessary when using H07V-R16 and If QIs are aligned side by side, then a TW/AP must be used.
to1.6 Nm should be used. AWG 6 conductors.
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
Q 2 SAK6N 32 A 50 0456700000 Q 2 SAK10 57 A 50 0457100000 Q 2 SAK16 76 A 50 0457500000
Q 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0456800000 Q 3 SAK10 57 A 50 0457200000 Q 3 SAK16 76 A 50 0457600000
Q 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0456900000 Q 4 SAK10 57 A 50 0457300000 Q 4 SAK16 76 A 50 0457700000
Q 10 SAK6N 32 A 20 0457000000 Q 10 SAK10 57 A 20 0457400000 Q 10 SAK16 76 A 20 0457800000
AP SAK4-10 KRG 1.5 mm 20 0117920000 AP SAK4-10 KRG 1.5 mm 20 0117920000 AP SAK16 KRG 3 mm 20 0271120000
AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 1.5 mm 20 0117970000 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 1.5 mm 20 0117970000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 1.5 mm 10 0303680000
TW SAK4-10 KRG 2.5 mm 20 0130120000 TW SAK4-10 KRG 2.5 mm 20 0130120000 TW SAK16 KRG 3 mm 20 0281120000
TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 2.5 mm 20 0130170000 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 2.5 mm 20 0130170000
Feed-through terminal
SAK-Series TS 32
Note The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran- The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran-
ded conductors. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used. ded conductors. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAK 35 KRG 20 0303520000 SAK 35/IK KRG 20 0476520000
Note It is possible to use twin ferrules with identical rated voltages (LAB 13090). It is possible to use twin ferrules with identical rated voltages (LAB 13090).
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAK35 99 A 20 0123600000 QL 2 SAK35 99 A 20 0123600000
3-pole QL 3 SAK35 99 A 20 0123700000 QL 3 SAK35 99 A 20 0123700000
4-pole QL 4 SAK35 99 A 20 0123800000 QL 4 SAK35 99 A 20 0123800000
10-pole QL 10 SAK35 99 A 20 0338600000 QL 10 SAK35 99 A 20 0338600000
Connecting sleeve VH 17/8/5 SAK35 50 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 50 0267000000
Mounting screw BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000
Lock washer SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 SAK35 119 A 50 0124000000 VL 2 SAK35 119 A 50 0124000000
Connecting sleeve VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 50 0298700000 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 50 0298700000
Mounting screw BFSC M4X35 50 0298900000 BFSC M4X35 50 0298900000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
Socket STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 50 0140200000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 50 0140200000
End plate / Partition plate
Medium yellow AP SAK35 KRG 3 mm 10 0303620000 AP SAK35 KRG 3 mm 10 0303620000
Blue AP SAK35 KRG/BL 3 mm 10 0303670000
Medium yellow TW SAK35 KRG 3 mm 20 0304320000 TW SAK35 KRG 3 mm 20 0304320000
Small partition
Small partition
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 4 SAK35 50 0178700000 AD 4 SAK35 50 0178700000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M4X32 PA/RT 100 0129100000 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT 100 0129100000
Feed-through terminal
SAK-Series TS 32
SAK 35 N 35 mm² SAK 70 70 mm² SAK 95 95 mm²
The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran- Connection torque H07V-R70 = 12 Nm Ribbon cable (segmented ribbon) can be connected ranging from 3 to 6 segments
ded conductors. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used. of 0.8x9 mm, up to 6 segments of 0.8x16 mm and up to 6 segments of 0.5x13 mm.
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAK 35N KRG 20 0550620000 SAK 70 KRG 10 0340820000 SAK 95 KRG 10 0550520000
SAK 70 KRG/BL 10 0340870000
It is possible to use twin ferrules with identical rated voltages (LAB 13090).
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAK35N 99 A 50 0564900000 QL 2 SAK70 192 A 20 0345300000 QL 2 SAKG28 10 0551200000
QL 3 SAK35N 99 A 50 0565000000 QL 3 SAK70 192 A 5 0167000000 QL 3 SAKG28 5 0407600000
QL 4 SAK35N 99 A 50 0565100000 QL 4 SAKG28 5 0407700000
QL 10 SAK35N 99 A 20 0565200000
VH 17/8/5 SAK35 50 0267000000 VH 30.5/11/5.5 SAK70 20 0345500000 VH 35/11/5.5 SAK95 10 0551100000
BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000 BFSC M5X45 20 0345600000 KISC M5X50/26 SAK95 20 0630200000
SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000 SS M5 D 128-A 5 50 0346100000
Two-tier modular terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
TS 32 / PA DK 4 4 mm² DK 4 Q 4 mm²
Note With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 2.5, rated voltage is 690 V. With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 2.5, rated voltage is 690 V.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
beige DK 4 100 0355460000 DK 4Q/32 100 0590060000
Blue DK 4 BL 100 0355480000 DK 4Q/32 BL 100 0590080000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
10-pole Q 10 AKZ4 32 A 20 0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 32 A 20 0368600000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000 AP DK4Q 1.5 mm 20 1397160000
Blue AP DK4 BL 1.5 mm 20 0359280000 AP DK4Q BL 1.5 mm 20 1397180000
Dark beige Wemid WTW EN 3 mm 20 1058800000 WTW EN 3 mm 20 1058800000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 6 DKI S4 5 mm 100 0190260000 TSCH 6 DKI S4 5 mm 100 0190260000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label
Mounting screw (plastic)
Two-tier modular terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
DK 4 QV 4 mm²
6 x 54 x 59.5 B
41 / 6
IEC 60947-7-1 Ex e II T II 2 G D
IEC UL CSA EN 60079-7
500 300 300 275
32 27 10 28
4 AWG 22...12 AWG 26...12 4
A3 / V2
r#a SIRA 02ATEX3316U
Rated connection
0.5...6 / 0.5...4
0.5...4 / 0.5...2.5
0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3)
8 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
0.5...1.5 / 0.5...1.5
AD 4 AKZ4 50 0303400000
BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT 100 0303300000
DEK 5/6
Modular PE terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
green/yellow EK 2.5N 100 0474360000 EK 4 100 0354560000
Rail support Type Width Qty. Order No. Type Width Qty. Order No.
SH 2 40 mm 10 0494920000 SH 2 40 mm 10 0494920000
Modular PE terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
EK 10 10 mm² EK 16 16 mm² EK 35 35 mm²
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
EK 10 100 0354660000 EK 16 50 0374660000 EK 35 20 0354760000
Type Width Qty. Order No. Type Width Qty. Order No. Type Width Qty. Order No.
SH 2 40 mm 10 0494920000 SH 2 40 mm 10 0494920000 SH 2 40 mm 10 0494920000
Modular PE terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
EK 2 20 0323100000 SAKE 35 20 0144400000
Rail support Type Width Qty. Order No. Type Width Qty. Order No.
SH 2 40 mm 10 0494920000 SH 2 40 mm 10 0494920000
Modular PE terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
SAKE 70 70 mm²
18 x 94 x 59.5 B
/ 70
10...70 PE
IEC 60947-7-2
70 AWG 1...2/0
B10 / V-0
Rated connection
10...16 / 10...70
10...70 / 10...70
6.0...12 Nm (M 8)
2.0...4.0 Nm
25 /
Disconnect terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
Note Torque for SAKR with socket: 0.5 - 0.7 Nm. Tightening torque via the sockets is 0.5 - 0.7 Nm.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
beige SAKR 100 0412160000 SAKR 2STB 100 0412260000
Blue SAKR BL 100 0412180000 SAKR 2STB BL 100 0412280000
External cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000 QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR 100 0379400000 STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR 100 0379400000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP SAKR BE 1.5 mm 20 0211360000 AP SAKR BE 1.5 mm 20 0211360000
Blue AP SAKR BL 1.5 mm 20 0211380000 AP SAKR BL 1.5 mm 20 0211380000
Tropical applications TW SAK2.5 HP/TF/GE/1 1 mm 20 0297100000 TW SAK2.5 HP/TF/GE/1 1 mm 20 0297100000
Disconnect terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
DKT 4 4 mm² DKT 4 V 4 mm²
6 x 65 x 56.5 6 x 65 x 56.5 B
10 / 4 10 / 4
0.13...4 0.13...4
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000 QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
Width Width
PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Disconnect terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
Note Torque for SAKR with socket: 0.5 - 0.7 Nm. Tightening torque via the sockets is 0.5 - 0.7 Nm.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAKR KRG 100 0412120000 SAKR 2STB KRG 100 0412220000
Screwable cross-connection Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Connecting sleeve
Mounting screw
Lock washer
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR 100 0379400000 STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR 100 0379400000
End plate / Partition plate
Medium yellow AP SAKR KRG 1.5 mm 20 0211320000 AP SAKR KRG 1.5 mm 20 0211320000
Medium yellow
Tropical applications TW SAK2.5 HP/TF/GE/1 1 mm 20 0297100000 TW SAK2.5 HP/TF/GE/1 1 mm 20 0297100000
Disconnect terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
SAKC 4 4 mm² SAKC 10 10 mm²
Tightening torque via the sockets is 0.5 - 0.7 Nm. Tightening torque for socket is 1.2 Nm. Tightening torque is 2 Nm when
connecting 10-mm² stranded conductor
Fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
Technical data
Rated voltage V 250 600 250 600
Rated current A 6.3 10 13 15
Rated cross-section mm² 10 AWG 26...8 10 AWG 26...8
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/-
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class B6 / V-0 B6 / V-0
Approvals #a #a
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...16 0.5...16
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...10 0.5...10
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4) 1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 12 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm 12 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm
2 conductors with same cross-section (H05V/H07V)
solid / stranded mm²
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm²
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
KSKM 1/32 G20 20 9509570000 KSKM 2/32 GZ 1X1/4 20 9509580000
Screwable cross-connection Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
G-fuse cartridge, 5 x 20mm (IEC 60127-2)
0,10 A G 20/0.10A/F 10 0430300000
0,20 A G 20/0.20A/F 10 0430400000
0,25 A fast G 20/0.25A/F 10 0430500000
0,50 A fast G 20/0.50A/F 10 0430600000
0,63 A G 20/0.63A/F 10 0439000000
1,00 A fast G 20/1.00A/F 10 0430700000
1,60 A G 20/1.60A/F 10 0430800000
2,00 A fast G 20/2.00A/F 10 0430900000
2,50 A G 20/2.50A/F 10 0431000000
3,15 A G 20/3.15A/F 10 0431100000
4,00 A G 20/4.00A/F 10 0431200000
5,00 A G 20/5.00A/F 10 0431300000
6,30 A G 20/6.30A/F 10 0431400000
Contact sleeve
SBL/1912 10 0446100000 SBL/2111 10 0446200000
Fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
KDKS 1 4 mm²
8 x 73.5 x 55.6 B
6.3 / 4
IEC 60947-7-3
500 300
6.3 10
4 AWG 22...12
A3 / V2
Rated connection
0.5...4 / 1.5...4
0.5...4 / 0.5...4
0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3)
8 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
0.5...1.5 / 0.5...1.5
Note: max. conductor size = 2.5 mm² when using the cross-connection.
G 20/0.10A/F 10 0430300000
G 20/0.20A/F 10 0430400000
G 20/0.25A/F 10 0430500000
G 20/0.50A/F 10 0430600000
G 20/1.00A/F 10 0430700000
G 20/1.60A/F 10 0430800000
G 20/2.00A/F 10 0430900000
G 20/2.50A/F 10 0431000000
G 20/3.15A/F 10 0431100000
G 20/4.00A/F 10 0431200000
G 20/5.00A/F 10 0431300000
G 20/6.30A/F 10 0431400000
DEK 5/8
Fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
Technical data
Rated voltage V 500 600 600 500
Rated current A 10 6.3 10 6.3
Rated cross-section mm² 10 AWG 22...10 AWG 26...10 10 AWG 22...8 AWG 26...10
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 6/3 4/
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class B6 / 5VA B6 / 5VA
Approvals ?ru#i~a #
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...16 / 1.5...10 0.5...16 / 1.5...10
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...10 / 0.5...10 0.5...10 / 0.5...10
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4) 1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 12 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm 12 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm
Note Connections for 10-mm² stranded conductors require a tightening torque Connections for 10-mm² stranded conductors require a tightening torque
of 2 Nm. of 2 Nm.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
500 V AC/DC SAKS 1/G20 20 0191220000
With GL 230 V AC/DC SAKS 1/32 G20 GL 230VAC 10 0306120000
With GL 115 V AC/DC SAKS 1/32 G20 GL 115VAC 10 0385320000
With LED +- 24 V DC SAKS 1/32 G20 LD 24VDC 10 0371420000
500 V AC/DC
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKS1 36 A 50 0191400000
3-pole QL 3 SAKS1 36 A 50 0191500000
4-pole QL 4 SAKS1 36 A 20 0191600000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
Medium yellow AP SAKS1+3 KRG 3 mm 20 0191320000 AP SAKS1+3 KRG 3 mm 20 0191320000
Fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
SAKS 1 5x25 10 mm² SAKS 1 5x25 10 mm² SAKS 3 10 mm²
With glow lamp
13 x 54 x 61 13 x 54 x 61 13 x 54 x 61 B
10 / 16 6.3 / 16 10 / 16
0.13...16 0.5...16 0.33...16
Connections for 10-mm² stranded conductors require a tightening torque Connections for 10-mm² stranded conductors require a tightening torque
of 2 Nm. of 2 Nm.
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAKS 1/G25 20 0191120000 SAKS 3 G/5X30 500V 20 0297520000
SAKS 1/32 G25 GL 230VAC 10 0309320000
Type current Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAKS1 36 A 50 0191400000 QL 2 SAKS1 36 A 50 0191400000
QL 3 SAKS1 36 A 50 0191500000 QL 3 SAKS1 36 A 50 0191500000
QL 4 SAKS1 36 A 20 0191600000 QL 4 SAKS1 36 A 20 0191600000
QL 10 SAKS1 36 A 20 0338800000 QL 10 SAKS1 36 A 20 0338800000
Width Width Width
AP SAKS1+3 KRG 3 mm 20 0191320000 AP SAKS1+3 KRG 3 mm 20 0191320000 AP SAKS1+3 KRG 3 mm 20 0191320000
Fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
Note Connections for stranded conductors from 10 mm² and 7-wire AWG con- Connections for stranded conductors from 10 mm² and 7-wire AWG con-
ductors require a tightening torque of 2 Nm. ductors require a tightening torque of 2 Nm.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Without LED SAKS 2 20 0206820000 SAKS 4 20 0321320000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKS2 36 A 20 0207800000 QL 2 SAKS4 36 A 20 0328000000
3-pole QL 3 SAKS2 36 A 20 0207900000 QL 3 SAKS4 36 A 20 0328100000
4-pole QL 4 SAKS2 36 A 20 0208000000 QL 4 SAKS4 36 A 20 0328200000
10-pole QL 10 SAKS2 36 A 20 0338900000 QL 10 SAKS4 36 A 20 0339000000
Mounting screw BFSC M4X9T 100 0103300000 BFSC M4X9T 100 0103300000
Lock washer SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000
Screw cover cap Width Width
SK SK E16/SAKS2 25 0284110000 SK E14 SAKS4 20 0339410000
Gauge rings
P 16/10 RT SAKS2 100 0208900000 P 14/2 D01 RS SAKS4 50 0138000000
P 16/16 GR SAKS2 100 0209000000 P 14/4 D01 BR SAKS4 50 0138100000
P 16/20 BL SAKS2 100 0209100000 P 14/10 D01 RT SAKS4 50 0328700000
P 14/6 D01 GN SAKS4 50 0328600000
Fuse cartridges
E 16/10A RT TNDZ 25 0208500000 E 14/2A RS 10 0137400000
E 16/16A GR TNDZ 25 0208600000 E 14/4A BR 10 0137500000
E 16/20A BL TNDZ 25 0208700000 E 14/6A GN 10 0328300000
E 16/25A GE TNDZ 25 0208800000 E 14/10A RT 10 0328400000
E 14/16A GR 10 0328500000
Fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
SAKS 4 USA 10 mm² SAKS 5 16 mm²
1 1/4“ x 1/4“ D 02 - fuse
24 x 75 x 73 28 x 80 x 66 B
30 / 16 63 / 16
0.5...16 1.5...16
IEC 60947-7-3
400 600 600 400 600 600
16 30 30 63 40 63
10 AWG 20...8 AWG 22...8 16 AWG 14...6 AWG 14...6
6/3 6/3
B6 / 5VA B7 / 5VA
r#a ru#~a
Rated connection Rated connection
0.5...16 / 1.5...10 1.5...16 / 1.5...16
0.5...10 / 0.5...10 1.5...16 / 1.5...16
1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4) 1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4)
14 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm 13 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm
Connections for stranded conductors from 10 mm² and 7-wire AWG con- Connections for stranded conductors from 10 mm² and 7-wire AWG con-
ductors require a tightening torque of 2 Nm. ductors require a tightening torque of 2 Nm.
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAKS4 36 A 20 0328000000 QL 2 SAKS2 36 A 20 0207800000
QL 3 SAKS4 36 A 20 0328100000 QL 3 SAKS2 36 A 20 0207900000
QL 4 SAKS4 36 A 20 0328200000 QL 4 SAKS2 36 A 20 0208000000
QL 10 SAKS4 36 A 20 0339000000 QL 10 SAKS2 36 A 20 0338900000
BFSC M4X9T 100 0103300000 BFSC M4X9T 100 0103300000
SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000
Width Width
SK E14 SAKS4 USA 1 2012790000 SK E18 SAKS5 20 0359310000
E 18/20A BL 10 0361300000
E 18/25A GE 10 0361400000
E 18/50A WS 10 0361600000
E 18/63A KU 10 0361700000
Fuse inserts and gauge rings for Weidmüller fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
Fuse inserts
Technical data Order data
for terminal type G fuse inserts 5 x 20 without indicator acc. to IEC 60127-2 (VDE 0820 T.2 Bl 1) Qty. Order No.
Size (mm) Rated voltage (V) Rated current (A) Type
SAKS 1 0.1 (F) G 20/0.10A/F 10 0430300000
SAKS 7 5 x 20 0.2 (F) G 20/0.20A/F 10 0430400000
ASK 1 Breaking capacity 1500 A 0.25 (F) G 20/0.25A/F 10 0430500000
WSI 6 (at 250 V, 50 Hz, cos, cos : 0.7) 0.5 (F) G 20/0.50A/F 10 0430600000
0.63 (F) G 20/0.63A/F 10 0439000000
1.0 (F) G 20/1.00A/F 10 0430700000
250 1.6 (F) G 20/1.60A/F 10 0430800000
2.0 (F) G 20/2.00A/F 10 0430900000
2.5 (F) G 20/2.50A/F 10 0431000000
B 3.15 (F) G 20/3.15A/F 10 0431100000
4.0 (F) G 20/4.00A/F 10 0431200000
5.0 (F) G 20/5.00A/F 10 0431300000
6.3 (F) G 20/6.30A/F 10 0431400000
D fuse inserts E 14 Size D 01 and E 18 size D 02 with indicator acc. to DIN 49522 (neozed)3)
SAKS 4 4) E 14/2 2 E 14/2A RS 10 0137400000
E 14/4 4 E 14/4A BR 10 0137500000
E 14/6 400 6 E 14/6A GN 10 0328300000
E 14/10 10 E 14/10A RT 10 0328400000
E 14/16 16 E 14/16A GR 10 0328500000
SAKS 5 E 18/20 20 E 18/20A BL 10 0361300000
E 18/25 25 E 18/25A GE 10 0361400000
E 18/35 400 35 E 18/35A SW 10 0361500000
E 18/50 50 E 18/50A WS 10 0361600000
E 18/63 63 E 18/63A KU 10 0361700000
Note: 1
) The SIBA company also supplies 5 x 25 G fuse inserts with indicators in a shipbuilding model for 450 V AC.
) 5 x 30 (500 V AC) fuse inserts for SAKS 3 are available from the WICKMANN company
) The LINDNER company also supplies neozed fuse cartridges in an additional shipbuilding mode for 440 V AC.
)F use cartridges with the dimensions 1“x1/4“ c 25.4x6.35 mm and 13/32“x11/2“ c 10.3x38.1 mm are not included in product line.
) Only for SAKS 1 and SAKS 7.
Fuse inserts and gauge rings for Weidmüller fuse terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
Gauge rings
Technical data Order data
for terminal type Gauge ring type Amp. Colour Type Qty. Order No.
Terminals with spring-loaded cable clamps
SAK-Series TS 32
Note When used with an AWG 8/7 conductor, the tightening torque is 1.6 Nm.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
RSF 3 PA 50 0497560000 RSF 1 KRG 50 0270320000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAK6N 32 A 50 0194300000 QL 2 RSF1+2 57 A 50 0267400000
3-pole QL 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194400000 QL 3 RSF1+2 57 A 50 0267500000
4-pole QL 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194500000 QL 4 RSF1+2 41 A 50 0267600000
10-pole QL 10 SAK6N 32 A 20 0338300000 QL 10 RSF1+2 41 A 20 0341700000
Connecting sleeve VH 13.5/4.9/3.3 SAK4 100 0248500000
Mounting screw KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 100 0303000000
Lock washer SS M3 D 128-A 3 50 0164400000 SS M3 D 128-A 3 50 0164400000
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT 32 A 50 0194700000 VL 2 RSF 1+2 32 A 50 0528400000
Connecting sleeve VH 21/5/3.5 SAK16-35 50 0309600000 VH 27/5/3.5 SAK10-35 50 0309400000
Mounting screw BFSC M3X30 50 0296200000 BFSC M3X35 50 0309800000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
Socket STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0168600000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 50 0169900000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP RSF3 3 mm 10 0270460000
beige TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0.5 mm 20 0474700000 TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0.5 mm 20 0474700000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Terminals with spring-loaded cable clamps
SAK-Series TS 32
RSF 2 6 mm²
Material KrG
11 x 77 x 73 B
41 / 16
IEC 60947-7-1
500 300
41 30
6 AWG 14...8
/ 5VA
Rated connection
0.75...16 / 0.5...10
1.5...10 / 0.5...4
1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4)
12 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm
PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
STB 17/D6/4/M4 SAKC10 50 0147100000
DEK 5/5
Test-disconnect terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
Note 10 mm² stranded can be connected with 2 Nm tightening torque. 10 mm² stranded can be connected with 2 Nm tightening torque.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Without socket SAKA 10 25 0134120000 SAKB 10 50 0134920000
With open rear wall for cross-connection
With 2 sockets
With 4 sockets
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKA10 36 A 50 0135500000 QL 2 SAKB10 47 A 100 0114100000
3-pole QL 3 SAKA10 36 A 50 0135600000 QL 3 SAKB10 47 A 50 0114300000
4-pole QL 4 SAKA10 36 A 50 0135700000 QL 4 SAKB10 47 A 50 0114500000
10-pole QL 10 SAKA10 36 A 20 0338500000 QL 10 SAKB10 47 A 20 0338400000
Connecting sleeve VH 23/6/4.2 SAKA10 50 0348700000
Mounting screw BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000 BFSC M4X9T 100 0103300000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
Medium yellow AP SAKA KRG 3 mm 20 0134220000 AP SAKB/C/T KRG 3 mm 20 0146720000
Medium yellow TW SAK2.5-35/32 KRG 3 mm 10 0257120000 TW SAKB-C-T 3 mm 20 0242920000
Small partition
Small partition
Cross-connection slider
Connecting sleeve for QVS
Mounting screw for QVS
Testing / Checking
Test plug PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
Socket STB 13.5/D6/4/M4 SAKA10 50 0135200000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 50 0140200000
Miscellaneous accessories
Lockout device
Short-circuit plug, 2-pole
Test-disconnect terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
SAKT 1/LT 6 mm² SAKT 1/DU1 6 mm² SAKT 1/QT 6 mm²
10 mm² stranded and AWG 8/7 connections are to be fixed with 1.6 Nm 10 mm² stranded and AWG 8/7 connections are to be fixed with 1.6 Nm 10 mm² stranded and AWG 8/7 connections are to be fixed with 1.6 Nm
tightening torque. tightening torque. tightening torque.
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAKT 1/LT 50 0269120000 SAKT 1/DU2 50 0550420000 SAKT 1/QT2 50 0494820000
SAKT 1/DU1 50 0195620000 SAKT 1/QT1 50 0269320000
SAKT 1/LT STB14/4 50 0437920000
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194300000 QL 2 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194300000 QL 2 SAK6N 32 A 50 0194300000
QL 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194400000 QL 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194400000 QL 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194400000
QL 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194500000 QL 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194500000 QL 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194500000
QL 10 SAK6N 57 A 20 0338300000 QL 10 SAK6N 57 A 20 0338300000 QL 10 SAK6N 32 A 20 0338300000
VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 100 0249000000 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 100 0249000000 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 100 0249000000
KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 100 0377100000 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 100 0377100000 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 100 0377100000
Width Width Width
AP SAKB/C/T KRG 3 mm 20 0146720000 AP SAKB/C/T KRG 3 mm 20 0146720000 AP SAKB/C/T KRG 3 mm 20 0146720000
TW SAKB/C/T1 1.5 mm 20 0242960000 TW SAKB/C/T1 1.5 mm 20 0242960000 TW SAKB/C/T1 1.5 mm 20 0242960000
TSCH 2 0.6 mm 100 0353660000 TSCH 2 0.6 mm 100 0353660000 TSCH 2 0.6 mm 100 0353660000
current current current
QVS 2 SAKT1+2 20 0307300000 QVS 2 SAKT1+2 20 0307300000 QVS 2 SAKT1+2 41 A 20 0307300000
QVS 3 SAKT1+2 20 0329300000 QVS 3 SAKT1+2 20 0329300000 QVS 3 SAKT1+2 41 A 20 0329300000
QVS 4 SAKT1+2 20 0307400000 QVS 4 SAKT1+2 20 0307400000 QVS 4 SAKT1+2 41 A 20 0307400000
VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 50 0318000000 VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 50 0318000000 VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 50 0318000000
BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 50 0334700000 BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 50 0334700000 BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 50 0334700000
Width Width Width
PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 50 0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 50 0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 50 0169900000
SSP 3 SAKT1 100 0531760000 SSP 3 SAKT1 100 0531760000 SSP 3 SAKT1 100 0531760000
QS 2/8/4 20 0270960000 QS 2/8/4 20 0270960000 QS 2/8/4 20 0270960000
Test-disconnect terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
Note 10 mm² stranded and AWG 8/7 connections are to be fixed with 1.6 Nm Two conductors with the same cross-section can be accommodated. 1.5
tightening torque. mm² solid and 0.5...1.5 mm² flexible
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Without socket SAKT 2/LT O.STB 50 0445420000 SAKT 4/LT O.STB 50 0254120000
With open rear wall for cross-connection
With 2 sockets SAKT 2/LT STB 50 0330620000 SAKT 4/LT STB2.0 50 0310320000
With 4 sockets SAKT 2/LT 4STB 50 0437720000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAK6N 32 A 50 0194300000 QL 2 SAK2.5 41 A 100 0155900000
3-pole QL 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194400000 QL 3 SAK2.5 41 A 100 0156000000
4-pole QL 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0194500000 QL 4 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0156100000
10-pole QL 10 SAK6N 32 A 20 0338300000 QL 10 SAK2.5 41 A 20 0338100000
Connecting sleeve VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 100 0249000000 VH 8/4.9/3.3 SAK2.5 100 0266700000
Mounting screw KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 100 0377100000 KISC M3X15/6 SAK2.5 CU5 100 0377200000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
Medium yellow AP SAKB/C/T KRG 3 mm 20 0146720000
beige TW SAKB/C/T1 1.5 mm 20 0242960000 TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0.5 mm 20 0474700000
Medium yellow
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 2 0.6 mm 100 0353660000
Cross-connection slider current current
2-pole QVS 2 SAKT1+2 41 A 20 0307300000 QVS 2/4 SAKT4 32 A 20 1319260000
3-pole QVS 3 SAKT1+2 41 A 20 0329300000
4-pole QVS 4 SAKT1+2 41 A 20 0307400000
Connecting sleeve for QVS VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 50 0318000000 VH 16/5/3.5 SAK10-35 50 0309700000
Mounting screw for QVS BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 50 0334700000 BFSC M3X22 SAKT4 50 1319900000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 50 0169900000 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0280600000
Miscellaneous accessories
Lockout device SSP 3 SAKT1 100 0531760000 SSP 4 SAKT4 20 1319360000
Short-circuit plug, 2-pole QS 2/8/4 20 0270960000
SAK-Series TS 32
Terminals for temperature measuring circuits
SAK-Series TS 32
Technical data IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 60584 IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 60584
Rated voltage V
Rated current A
Rated cross-section mm² 2.5 4
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- /3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class / V2 A3 / V2
Approvals # #
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...2.5 0.5...4 / 1.5...4
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...2.5
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.4...0.6 Nm (M 2.5) 0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 10 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
NiCr SAK 2.5/TC CH 100 0107260000
Ni SAK 2.5/TC AL 100 0107160000
CuNi SAK 2.5/TC CO 100 0189860000
Fe SAK 2.5/TC FE 100 0190060000
Cu SAK 2.5/TC CU 100 0189960000
(NiCr - Ni) type K DK 4Q/TC TYP K 100 1338260000
(Cu - CuNi) type T DK 4Q/TC TYP T 100 1338160000
(Fe-CuNi) type J DK 4Q/TC TYP J 100 1338060000
End plate / Partition plate Type Width Qty. Order No. Type Width Qty. Order No.
beige AP SAK2.5 1.5 mm 20 0279560000 AP DK4Q 1.5 mm 20 1397160000
beige TW SAK2.5 2.5 mm 20 0302860000 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 20 0607000000
Dark beige Wemid WTW EN 3 mm 20 1058800000
Terminals for temperature measuring circuits
SAK-Series TS 32
SAK 2.5/TC / DK 4 TC
Busbar material
Terminal trade name
a) Type J
Fe Iron
(positive leg)
CuNi Constantan
(negative leg)
b) Type T
Cu Copper
(positive leg)
CuNi Constantan
(negative leg)
c) Type K
NiCr Chromel
(positive leg)
Ni Alumel
(negative leg)
Terminals with screw-less connections
B Width/Length/height with TS32x7.5 mm 6.5 x 58 x 46 F6,3 F6,3 F6,3 F6,3 6.5 x 40 x 46 6,3 6,3
max. current / max. cond. cross-section A/mm² 20 / 2.5 F2,8 F2,8 F2,8 F2,8 20 / 2.5 2,8 2,8
Max. clamping range mm² 0.5...2.5 0.5...2.5
Technical data IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210 IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210
Rated voltage V 500 600 300 500 300 300
Rated current A 20 13 16 20 13 16
Rated cross-section mm² 2.5 2.5
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 6/3 6/3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class / V2 / 5VA
Approvals ru#a #
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm²
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...2.5 0.5...2.5
Tightening torque range (clamping screw)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/-
Note Cable-lug connections should be fitted with insulating sleeves. 20 A with The rated voltage is 800 V when using a cable-lug (flat) connector with IH
F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8 6.3 insulating sleeves.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Slotted AST 1 6.3/2.8 50 0478260000
Not slit AST 1 6.3 50 0266360000 AST 3 6.3 100 0236760000
Note Cable-lug connections should be connected with insulating sleeves. 20 A
with F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000
3-pole Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000
4-pole Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000
10-pole Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000
Plug-in adapter Width Width
2-pole STA 2.5/2 100 0165860000 STA 2.5/2 100 0165860000
3-pole STA 2.5/3 50 0165960000 STA 2.5/3 50 0165960000
4-pole STA 2.5/4 50 0190360000 STA 2.5/4 50 0190360000
5-pole STA 2.5/5 50 0166060000 STA 2.5/5 50 0166060000
8-pole STA 2.5/8 50 0166160000 STA 2.5/8 50 0166160000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP AST1+5 DB 1.5 mm 20 0266400000 AP SAK2.5/35 + AST3+4 1.5 mm 20 0460560000
beige TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0.5 mm 20 0474700000 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 20 0607000000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000 TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Testing / Checking
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0168600000
Insulating sleeve
2,8 IH 2.8 DB 100 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB 100 0386060000
6,3 IH 6.3 WEM GE 100 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE 100 0386260000
Terminals with screw-less connections
SAK-Series TS 32
SAK 4 S 4 mm² SAK 4 SS 2.5 mm² DK 4 S 4 mm²
IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210 IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210 IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210
500 300 300 500 600 300 400 300 300
20 13 13 20 13 13 10 10 10
4 AWG 26...12 AWG 26...12 2.5 AWG 18...14 AWG 18...14 4 AWG 22...12 AWG 22...12
6/3 6/3 6/3
A4 / V2 / V2 A3 / V2
ru#a ru#a ru#a
Rated connection Rated connection Rated connection
0.33...6 / 1.5...4 0.5...4 / 1.5...4
0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...2.5 0.5...4 / 0.5...2.5
0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3) 0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3)
12 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 8 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Cable-lug connections should be fitted with insulating sleeves. 20 A with Cable-lug connections should be fitted with insulating sleeves. 20 A with Cable-lug connections should be fitted with insulating sleeves. 20 A sup-
F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8 F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8 plied via F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8.
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAK 4 S 6.3/2.8 100 0401260000 SAK 4 SS 6.3/2.8 100 0479660000 DK 4S SF 6.3/2.8 100 0631260000
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAK4 32 A 100 0130600000 QL 2 SAK4 32 A 100 0130600000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
QL 3 SAK4 32 A 100 0130700000 QL 3 SAK4 32 A 100 0130700000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
QL 4 SAK4 32 A 50 0130800000 QL 4 SAK4 32 A 50 0130800000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
QL 10 SAK4 32 A 20 0338200000 QL 10 SAK4 32 A 20 0338200000 Q 10 AKZ4 32 A 20 0368600000
Terminals with screw-less connections
SAK-Series TS 32
with Termi-Point / Wire-Wrap connec- SAK 2.5 T 1x1 2.5 mm² DK 4 T 4 mm²
tion TS 32 / PA
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
right SAK 2.5 SW 1X1 100 0108560000 DK 4 SW 1X1 50 0536560000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337000000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337100000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337200000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
10-pole Q 10 SAK2.5 41 A 20 0368700000 Q 10 AKZ4 32 A 20 0368600000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
beige AP SAK2.5 1.5 mm 20 0279560000 AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000
Blue AP DK4 BL 1.5 mm 20 0359280000
beige TW SAK2.5 2.5 mm 20 0302860000 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 20 0607000000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
External cross-connection current
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
Testing / Checking Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0280600000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
Terminals with screw-less connections
SAK-Series TS 32
SAKRT 4 mm² SAK 2.5 L 2.5 mm²
TS 32 / PA
Note QB 25 blank, refer to „Accessories“ section. Note that max. conductor connec- max 1.5 mm² conductor via solder connection
tion with QB = 2.5 mm². Twin wire-end ferrules ZH 0.5 - ZH 1.5 can be used.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
right SAK 2.5 SL 100 0351460000
left SAKR TS SE 1.6 100 0469360000
Screwable cross-connection Type Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337000000
3-pole Q 3 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337100000
4-pole Q 4 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337200000
10-pole Q 10 SAK2.5 41 A 20 0368700000
External cross-connection current
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
beige AP SAKR BE 1.5 mm 20 0211360000 AP SAK2.5 1.5 mm 20 0279560000
Blue AP SAK2.5 BL 1.5 mm 20 0279580000
beige TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 20 0607000000 TW SAK2.5 2.5 mm 20 0302860000
Blue TW SAK2.5 BL 1.5 mm 20 0302880000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 4 AKZ4 50 0303400000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000
Testing / Checking
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0280600000
Terminals with screw-less connections
Technical data IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 60068-2-20 IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 60068-2-20
Rated voltage V 250 250 300
Rated current A 10 10 10
Rated cross-section mm² 4 1.5 AWG 22...12
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 4/3 4/3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A3 / V2 / V2
Approvals # r#
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...4 / 1.5...4 0.5...1.5
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...2.5 0.5...1.5
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 8 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Note When using disconnect terminals with sockets, the tightening torque is
0.5 -0.7 Nm.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
beige SAKR LS 2STB 100 0518160000 SAKR LL 100 0464460000
Screwable cross-connection Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
External cross-connection current
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
beige AP SAKR BE 1.5 mm 20 0211360000 AP SAKR BE 1.5 mm 20 0211360000
Blue AP SAKR BL 1.5 mm 20 0211380000 AP SAKR BL 1.5 mm 20 0211380000
beige TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 20 0607000000 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 20 0607000000
Small partition
Small partition
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label
Mounting screw (plastic)
Testing / Checking
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR 100 0379400000
Terminals with screw-less connections
SAK-Series TS 32
SAKR LL mit STB 6 1.5 mm²
6.5 x 58 x 40.5 B
10 / 1.5
/ 0.6 x 3.5 mm
AP SAKR BE 1.5 mm 20 0211360000
AP SAKR BL 1.5 mm 20 0211380000
TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0.5 mm 20 0474700000
DEK 5/6,5
Terminals with screw-less connections
B Width/Length/height with TS32x7.5 mm 6.5 x 58 x 46 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 6.5 x 40 x 46 6,3 6,3
max. current / max. cond. cross-section A/mm² 20 / 2.5 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 20 / 2.5 2,8 2,8
Max. clamping range mm² 0.5...2.5 0.5...2.5
Technical data IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210 IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210
Rated voltage V 500 600 300 500 300 300
Rated current A 20 13 16 20 13 16
Rated cross-section mm² 2.5 2.5
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 6/3 6/3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class / 5VA / 5VA
Approvals ru#a r#a
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm²
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...2.5 0.5...2.5
Tightening torque range (clamping screw)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/-
Note Cable-lug connections should be fitted with insulating sleeves. 20 A with The rated voltage is 800 V when using a cable-lug (flat) connector with IH
F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8 6.3 insulating sleeves.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Slotted AST 1 6.3/2.8 KRG 50 0478220000 AST 3 6.3/2.8 KRG 100 0442420000
Not slit AST 1 6.3 KRG 50 0266320000 AST 3 6.3 KRG 100 0298020000
Note Cable-lug connections should be connected with insulating sleeves. 20 A
with F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000
3-pole Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000
4-pole Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000
10-pole Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000
Plug-in adapter Width
2-pole STA 2.5/2 100 0165860000
3-pole STA 2.5/3 50 0165960000
4-pole STA 2.5/4 50 0190360000
5-pole STA 2.5/5 50 0166060000
8-pole STA 2.5/8 50 0166160000
End plate / Partition plate Width
Medium yellow AP AST1+5 KRG 3 mm 20 0266420000 AP AST3+4 KRG 3 mm 20 0298120000
beige TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 20 0607000000 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 20 0607000000
Medium yellow
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000 TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Testing / Checking
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0168600000
Insulating sleeve
2,8 IH 2.8 DB 100 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB 100 0386060000
6,3 IH 6.3 WEM GE 100 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE 100 0386260000
Terminals with screw-less connections
SAK-Series TS 32
AST 4 2.5 mm² AST 5 4 mm²
Cable-lug connections should be fitted with insulating sleeves. 20 A with F Cable-lug connections should be fitted with insulating sleeves. 20 A with
6.3 or 2 x F 2.8 When used with F 2.8, the rated voltage is 500 V F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000
Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000
Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000
Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000
STA 2.5/2 100 0165860000
STA 2.5/3 50 0165960000
STA 2.5/4 50 0190360000
STA 2.5/5 50 0166060000
STA 2.5/8 50 0166160000
Terminals with screw-less connections
B Width/Length/height with TS32x7.5 mm 6.5 x 40 x 51.5 6,3 6.5 x 40 x 51.5 6,3 6,3
2,8 2,8 2,8
max. current / max. cond. cross-section A/mm² 20 / 6 20 / 2.5
6,3 6,3 6,3
Max. clamping range mm² 0.13...6 2,8 0.5...2.5 2,8 2,8
Technical data IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210 IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210
Rated voltage V 500 300 300 500 600 300
Rated current A 20 13 13 20 13 13
Rated cross-section mm² 4 AWG 26...12 AWG 26...12 2.5 AWG 18...14 AWG 18...14
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 6/3 6/3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A4 / 5VA / 5VA
Approvals ru#a ?ru#a
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.33...6 / 1.5...4
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...2.5
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 12 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Note Cable-lug connections should be fitted with insulating sleeves. 20 A with Cable-lug connections should be fitted with insulating sleeves. 20 A with
F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8 F 6.3 or 2 x F 2.8
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Slotted SAK 4 S 6.3/2.8/KRG 100 0401220000 SAK 4 SS 6.3/2.8 KRG 100 0479620000
Not slit SAK 4 SS 6.3/KRG 100 0352920000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAK4 32 A 100 0130600000 QL 2 SAK4 32 A 100 0130600000
3-pole QL 3 SAK4 32 A 100 0130700000 QL 3 SAK4 32 A 100 0130700000
4-pole QL 4 SAK4 32 A 50 0130800000 QL 4 SAK4 32 A 50 0130800000
10-pole QL 10 SAK4 32 A 20 0338200000 QL 10 SAK4 32 A 20 0338200000
Plug-in adapter
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
beige AP SAK4-10 1.5 mm 20 0117960000
Medium yellow AP SAK4-10 KRG 1.5 mm 20 0117920000
Blue AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 1.5 mm 20 0117970000
beige TW 4 SAK4-10 1.5 mm 20 0130160000
Medium yellow TW SAK4-10 KRG 2.5 mm 20 0130120000
Blue TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 2.5 mm 20 0130170000
Small partition
Small partition
Testing / Checking
Test plug
Insulating sleeve
2,8 IH 2.8 DB 100 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB 100 0386060000
6,3 IH 6.3 WEM GE 100 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE 100 0386260000
Terminals with screw-less connections
SAK-Series TS 32
SAK 2.5 L 2.5 mm²
TS 32 / KrG
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAK 2.5 LS KRG 100 0544120000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337000000
3-pole Q 3 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337100000
4-pole Q 4 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337200000
10-pole Q 10 SAK2.5 41 A 20 0368700000
Testing / Checking Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0280600000
End plate
Medium yellow AP SAK2.5L KRG 1.5 mm 20 0309220000
Blue AP SAK2.5L KRG BL 1.5 mm 20 0309270000
End plate / Partition plate
beige TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 20 0607000000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 4 AKZ4 50 0303400000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000
Special terminals - SAKG
SAK-Series TS 32
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAKG 28 I 10 0170020000
Version IIG Version III
with thread
Cables with cable lugs are connected to SAKG
Accessories terminals of Version I and to SS stud terminals.
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKG28 10 0551200000
3-pole QL 3 SAKG28 5 0407600000 Fitting instructions for SAKG terminals
4-pole QL 4 SAKG28 5 0407700000
End plate Width
When tightening the clamping screw, it is
recommended that the conductor be held against
dark brown EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205100000
the direction of tightening to prevent deformation
Tropical applications EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205200000
of the mounting rail and so as not to place the
End plate / Partition plate
terminal foot under undue torsional forces.
dark brown TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0151400000
Tropical applications TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0164600000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AH 28 SAKG28 26 mm 5 0326660000
To ensure shock protection following connections
of conductors, AH covers can be clipped onto
Marking systems (see assortment in catalogue 7)
the terminal.
Marking tags DEK 5/5
For detailed information on other accessories and ap-
plications, refer to the „Accessories“ section
Special terminals - SAKG
SAK-Series TS 32
TS 32 / KrG SAKG 28 II 35 mm² SAKG 28 II G 35 mm²
Note Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234 and DIN Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234 and DIN
46235, from 6 .. 50 mm² 46235, from 6 .. 50 mm²
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAKG 28 II 10 0170320000 SAKG 28 II/GW 10 0185020000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKG28 125 A 10 0551200000 QL 2 SAKG28 125 A 10 0551200000
3-pole QL 3 SAKG28 232 A 5 0407600000 QL 3 SAKG28 232 A 5 0407600000
4-pole QL 4 SAKG28 125 A 5 0407700000 QL 4 SAKG28 125 A 5 0407700000
End plate Width Width
dark brown EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205100000 EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205100000
Tropical applications EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205200000 EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205200000
End plate / Partition plate
dark brown
Tropical applications
dark brown TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0151400000 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0151400000
Tropical applications TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0164600000 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0164600000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AH 28 SAKG28 26 mm 5 0326660000 AH 28 SAKG28 26 mm 5 0326660000
Special terminals - SAKG
SAK-Series TS 32
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAKG 28 III 10 0170820000 SAKG 32 I 10 0286620000
Screwable cross-connection Type Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0194000000
3-pole QL 3 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441500000
4-pole QL 4 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441600000
End plate Width Width
dark brown EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205100000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205300000
Tropical applications EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205200000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205400000
End plate / Partition plate
dark brown
Tropical applications
dark brown TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0151400000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000
Tropical applications TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0164600000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AH 28 SAKG28 26 mm 5 0326660000 AH 32 SAKG32 30 mm 5 0326760000
Special terminals - SAKG
SAK-Series TS 32
SAKG 32 II 50 mm² SAKG 32 II G 50 mm² SAKG 32 III 50 mm²
32 x 80 x 53 32 x 80 x 53 32 x 94 x 84.5 B
192 / 70 192 / 70 192 / 70
10...70 10...70 10...70
Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234 and DIN Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234 and DIN
46235, from 10 .. 70 mm² 46235, from 10 .. 70 mm²
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAKG 32 II 10 0170420000 SAKG 32 II/GW 10 0185120000 SAKG 32 III 10 0286720000
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0194000000 QL 2 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0194000000
QL 3 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441500000 QL 3 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441500000
QL 4 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441600000 QL 4 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441600000
Width Width
EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205100000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205300000
EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205200000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205400000
EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0180500000
EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0180600000
TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0151400000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000
TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0164600000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000
Special terminals - SAKG
SAK-Series TS 32
Note Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234 with Conductor connection with cable lugs acc. to DIN 46234 from 10 .. 95
16..95 mm² and DIN 46235 with 10 .. 50 mm² mm²
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAKG 70 II/GW 10 0150420000 SAKG 40 I 10 0286820000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0194000000 QL 2 SAKG40 232 A 5 0194100000
3-pole QL 3 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441500000 QL 3 SAKG40 232 A 5 0263500000
4-pole QL 4 SAKG32+70 150 A 5 0441600000 QL 4 SAKG40 232 A 5 0409800000
End plate Width Width
dark brown EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205100000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205300000
Tropical applications EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205200000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205400000
End plate / Partition plate
dark brown
Tropical applications
dark brown TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0151400000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000
Tropical applications TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0164600000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AH 32 SAKG32 30 mm 5 0326760000 AH 40 SAKG40 38 mm 5 0326860000
Special terminals - SAKG
SAK-Series TS 32
SAKG 40 II 95 mm² SAKG 40 II GW 95 mm² SAKG 40 III 95 mm²
40 x 90 x 53 40 x 90 x 53 40 x 98 x 84.5 B
232 / 95 232 / 95 232 / 95
10...95 10...95 10...95
Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234, from 10 Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234, from 10
.. 95 mm² .. 95 mm²
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAKG 40 II 10 0170520000 SAKG 40 II/GW 10 0185220000 SAKG 40 III 10 0286920000
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAKG40 232 A 5 0194100000 QL 2 SAKG40 232 A 5 0194100000
QL 3 SAKG40 232 A 5 0263500000 QL 3 SAKG40 232 A 5 0263500000
QL 4 SAKG40 232 A 5 0409800000 QL 4 SAKG40 232 A 5 0409800000
Width Width Width
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205300000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205300000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205300000
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205400000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205400000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205400000
Special terminals - SAKG
SAK-Series TS 32
Note Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234, from 10 .. Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234, from 10 ..
185 mm² and DIN 46235, from 25 .. 150 mm² 185 mm² and DIN 46235, from 25 .. 150 mm²
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow SAKG 46 II 5 0170620000 SAKG 46 II/GW 5 0185320000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKG46 309 A 5 0247000000 QL 2 SAKG46 309 A 5 0247000000
3-pole QL 3 SAKG46 309 A 5 0444400000 QL 3 SAKG46 309 A 5 0444400000
4-pole QL 4 SAKG46 309 A 5 0444500000 QL 4 SAKG46 309 A 5 0444500000
End plate Width Width
dark brown EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205300000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205300000
Tropical applications EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205400000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205400000
End plate / Partition plate
dark brown
Tropical applications
dark brown TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 2 mm 10 0177100000
Tropical applications TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 2 mm 10 0179900000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AH 46 SAKG46 46 mm 5 0326960000 AH 46 SAKG46 46 mm 5 0326960000
Special terminals - SAKG
SAK-Series TS 32
SAKG 54 II 240 mm² SAKG 54 II GW 240 mm²
25...60 Nm M 16 25...60 Nm M 16
Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234 and DIN Conductor connection with cable lugs according to DIN 46234 and DIN
46235, from 70 .. 240 mm² 46235, from 70 .. 240 mm²
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAKG54 415 A 5 0264400000 QL 2 SAKG54 415 A 5 0264400000
QL 3 SAKG54 415 A 5 0408000000 QL 3 SAKG54 415 A 5 0408000000
QL 4 SAKG54 415 A 5 0247400000 QL 4 SAKG54 415 A 5 0247400000
Width Width
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205300000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 2 mm 10 0205300000
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205400000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 2 mm 10 0205400000
Stud terminal - KST
SAK-Series TS 32
Technical data
Rated voltage V 1000 600 600 1000 600 600
Rated current A 57 50 65 76 65 80
Rated cross-section mm² 10 AWG 12...6 AWG 8...2 16 AWG 12...6 AWG 12...6
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 8/3 8/3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class / V2 / V2
Approvals r#a r#a
Rated connection Rated connection
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 2.0...4.0 Nm 3.0...6.0 Nm
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
TS 35 x 7,5 KST 5 25 9503370000 KST 6 25 9501310000
Screwable cross-connection Type Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 KST6 5 9501350000
Partition plate Width Width
left TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM 10 1752800000 TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM 10 1752800000
right TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM 10 1718530000 TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM 10 1718530000
Stud terminal - KST
SAK-Series TS 32
KST 8 35 mm² KST 10 70 mm² KST 12 95 mm²
24 x 60 x 72 34 x 60 x 82 34 x 60 x 82 B
125 / 192 / 232 /
... ... ...
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
KST 8 25 9501320000 KST 10 20 9501330000 KST 12 20 9501340000
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 KST8 5 9501360000 QL 2 KST10 5 9501370000 QL 2 KST12 232 A 5 9501380000
Width Width Width
TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM 10 1752800000 TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM 10 1752800000 TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM 10 1752800000
TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM 10 1718530000 TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM 10 1718530000 TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM 10 1718530000
Terminals with electronic components
SAK-Series TS 32
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Red LED DK 4/32 LD ROT 24VDC A1 25 0495360000 DK 4/32 LD ROT 24VDC A2 25 0474460000
Green LED DK 4/32 LD GR 24VDC A2 25 0646560000
Neon lamp
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
External cross-connection
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000 QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
Switchable link
Mounting screw BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000
Switchable link VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 50 0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 50 0446700000
Connecting sleeve VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000 AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
Terminals with electronic components
SAK-Series TS 32
DK 4 LD/3 4 mm² DK 4 GL 4 mm²
DC voltage indicator AC voltage indicator
6 x 50 x 56.5 6 x 50 x 56.5 B
10 / 4 10 / 4
0.5...4 0.33...4
24 / 5 24 / 5
Rated connection Rated connection
0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3) 0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3)
9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000
VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 50 0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 32 A 50 0446700000
VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000
Width Width
PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
Terminals with electronic components
SAK-Series TS 32
Technical data
Rated voltage V 380 300 380 300
Rated current A 10 10 10 10
Rated cross-section mm² 4 AWG 22...12 4 AWG 22...12
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- /3 /3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A3 / V2 A3 / V2
Approvals r# r#
Electronic fixtures
Diode reverse voltage / Diode current A 1000 / 1 1000 / 1
Operating voltage for display, min. / Current -/A
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3) 0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Note Diode current: max 1A. (1 N 4007) Diode current: max 1A. (1 N 4007)
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Red LED DK 4/32 1D CSA GET.SCH. 25 0544660000 DK 4/32 1D CSA A1 25 0484060000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
External cross-connection
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000 QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
Switchable link
Mounting screw BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000
Switchable link VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 32 A 50 0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 32 A 50 0446700000
Connecting sleeve VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000 AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
Terminals with electronic components
SAK-Series TS 32
DK 4 D/3 4 mm² DK 4 D/4 4 mm² DK 4 D/5 4 mm²
Suppressor circuit for contactor and soleno- Diode terminal for lamp test circuits Diode terminal for lamp test circuits
id valve (DC voltage)
Diode current: max 1A. (1 N 4007) Diode current: max 1A. (1 N 4007) Diode current: max 1A. (1 N 4007)
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
DK 4/32 1D CSA A2 25 0467960000 DK 4/32 2D CSA GET.SCH. 25 0642760000 DK 4/32 2D CSA A2 25 0523760000
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000
VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 50 0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 50 0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 32 A 50 0446700000
VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000
Width Width Width
PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
Terminals with electronic components
SAK-Series TS 32
Technical data
Rated voltage V 380 300 24 300
Rated current A 10 10 10 10
Rated cross-section mm² 4 4
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- /3 /3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A3 / V2 A3 / V2
Approvals r# r#
Electronic fixtures
Diode reverse voltage / Diode current A 1000 / 1 /1
Operating voltage for display, min. / Current -/A
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3) 0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Note Diode current: max 1A. (1 N 4007) Diode current: max 1A. (1 N 4007)
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Red LED DK 4/32 2D A1 25 0663960000 DK 4/32 1D 1K5 25 0685260000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
External cross-connection
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000 QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
Switchable link
Mounting screw BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000
Switchable link VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 50 0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 50 0446700000
Connecting sleeve VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000 AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
Terminals with electronic components
SAK-Series TS 32
with electronic components DK 4 RC 4 mm² DKT 4 PT 100 4 mm²
Diode terminal for central control and com-
munication system
Technical data
Rated voltage V 230 250
Rated current A 10 10
Rated cross-section mm² 4 4
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- /3 /3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A3 / V2 A3 / V2
Approvals # #
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...2.5
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.5...0.8 Nm (M 3) 0.4...0.7 Nm (M 2.5)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 6 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Red LED DK 4/32 RC 220R/220NF 5 0692160000 DKT 4/32 PT100 10 8014730000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
External cross-connection
2-pole QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000 QB 2 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482700000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482800000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 27 A 50 0482900000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
beige AP DK4 1.5 mm 20 0359260000 AP DKT4 PA 1.5 mm 20 0687560000
Testing / Checking
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
Earth conductor isolating terminals
SAK-Series TS 32
SAKT E 6 mm²
green LED
Technical data
Rated data IEC UL CSA
Rated voltage V 60
Rated current A 27
Rated cross-section mm² 6
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- /3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A5 / 5VA • Slide link is closed
• Auxiliary circuit is earthed
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...10 • Display is illuminated green
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...6 / 0.5...6
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.8...1.6 Nm (M 3.5)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- / 4.0 x 0.8 mm Test position
Note When measuring insulation resistance with voltages
greater than UNom, the earth connection must first
be disconnected.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No.
40...60V~ SAKT E/32 2LD 60VAC 5 0699020000
End bracket Type Width Qty. Order No.
Dark beige Wemid EWK 1 9 mm 50 0206160000
Operational malfunction
For detailed information on other accessories and ap- To safe the test sockets use the SD-blade or bits with pilots!
plications, refer to the „Accessories“ section
TS 35 + TS 32
SAK-Series combination foot Feed-through modular terminals
TS 35 + TS 32 TS 35 + TS 32 / PA C.2
SAK-Series combination foot
Note With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 1.5, rated voltage is 690 V. With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 2.5, rated voltage is 690 V.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
beige SAK 2.5/EN 100 0218660000 SAK 4/EN 100 0467460000
Blue SAK 2.5/EN BL 100 0218680000 SAK 4/EN BL 100 0467480000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337000000 Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000
3-pole Q 3 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337100000 Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000
4-pole Q 4 SAK2.5 41 A 50 0337200000 Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000
10-pole Q 10 SAK2.5 41 A 20 0368700000 Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000
Connecting sleeve
Mounting screw
Lock washer
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 SAK4 32 A 50 0197000000
Connecting sleeve VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 50 0285100000
Mounting screw BFSC M3X25 100 0292500000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0280600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0168600000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP SAK2.5/35 + AST3+4 1.5 mm 20 0460560000 AP SAK4-10 1.5 mm 20 0117960000
Blue AP SAK4-10 BL 1.5 mm 20 0117980000
beige TW SAK2.5 2.5 mm 20 0302860000 TW 4 SAK4-10 1.5 mm 20 0130160000
Blue TW SAK2.5 BL 1.5 mm 20 0302880000 TW 4 SAK4-10 BL 1.5 mm 20 0130180000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000 TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 3 SAK2.5 50 0297900000 AD 4 SAK4 50 0285300000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000
SAK-Series combination foot
Feed-through modular terminals
TS 35 + TS 32
8 x 40 x 47.5 10 x 41.5 x 47.5 12 x 50 x 53.5
57 / 10 76 / 16 76 / 16
0.33...10 1.5...16 2.5...16
IEC 60947-7-1 Ex e II T II 2 G D IEC 60947-7-1 Ex e II T II 2 G D IEC 60947-7-1 Ex e II T II 2 G D
IEC UL CSA EN 60079-7 IEC UL CSA EN 60079-7 IEC UL CSA EN 60079-7
800 600 600 690 800 600 600 550 1000 600 600 690
41 40 47 36 57 60 65 50 76 80 87 66
6 AWG 22...8 AWG 26...6 6 10 AWG 14...6 AWG 16...6 10 16 AWG 12...4 AWG 14...6 16
8/3 8/3 8/3
A5 / V2 B6 / V2 B6 / V2
r#ia KEMA 97ATEX1798 U r#a KEMA 97ATEX1798 U r#a KEMA 97ATEX1798 U
Rated connection Rated connection Rated connection
0.5...10 / 0.5...6 1.5...10 / 1.5...16 2.5...16 / 4...16
0.5...10 / 0.5...6 1.5...16 / 1.5...10 4...16 / 4...16
0.8...1.6 Nm (M 3.5) 2.0...4.0 Nm (M 4) 2.0...4.0 Nm (M 4)
12 / 4.0 x 0.8 mm 12 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm 15 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm
For AWG 8-7 and AWG 8-19, tightening torque is 1.21.4 Nm When used with twin ferrules ZH 0.5 - ZH 4, the rated voltage is 690 V. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used.
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAK 6/EN 100 0212860000 SAK 10/EN 100 0337660000 SAK 16/EN 50 0339760000
SAK 6/EN BL 100 0212880000 SAK 10/EN BL 100 1784410000 SAK 16/EN BL 50 1784390000
With AWG 6 and H07V-R10 conductors, an increased MD torque of 1.4 A higher torque of 2 to 2.4 Nm is necessary when using H07V-R16 and If QIs are aligned side by side, then a TW/AP must be used.
to1.6 Nm should be used. AWG 6 conductors.
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
Q 2 SAK6N 32 A 50 0456700000 Q 2 SAK10 57 A 50 0457100000 Q 2 SAK16 76 A 50 0457500000
Q 3 SAK6N 57 A 50 0456800000 Q 3 SAK10 57 A 50 0457200000 Q 3 SAK16 76 A 50 0457600000
Q 4 SAK6N 57 A 50 0456900000 Q 4 SAK10 57 A 50 0457300000 Q 4 SAK16 76 A 50 0457700000
Q 10 SAK6N 32 A 20 0457000000 Q 10 SAK10 57 A 20 0457400000 Q 10 SAK16 76 A 20 0457800000
SAK-Series combination foot
Note The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran- With twin ferrules ZH 0.5 to ZH 2.5, rated voltage is 690 V.
ded conductors. Twin wire end ferrules ZH 2.5 - ZH 16 can be used.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
beige SAK 35/EN 20 0339860000 DK 4 Q/EN 100 1907040000
Blue SAK 35/EN BL 20 1784400000 DK 4 Q/EN BL 100 1907030000
Note It is possible to use twin ferrules with identical rated voltages (LAB 13090).
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAK35 99 A 20 0123600000 Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000
3-pole QL 3 SAK35 99 A 20 0123700000 Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000
4-pole QL 4 SAK35 99 A 20 0123800000 Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000
10-pole QL 10 SAK35 99 A 20 0338600000 Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000
Connecting sleeve VH 17/8/5 SAK35 50 0267000000
Mounting screw BFSC M4X30 50 0267100000
Lock washer SS M4 D 128-A 4 100 0136400000
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 SAK4 32 A 50 0197000000
Connecting sleeve VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 50 0285100000
Mounting screw BFSC M3X25 100 0292500000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 50 0140200000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0168600000
End plate / Partition plate
beige AP SAK35/TW SAK16 1.5 mm 10 0303660000 AP SAK4-10 1.5 mm 20 0117960000
Blue AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 1.5 mm 10 0303680000 AP SAK4-10 BL 1.5 mm 20 0117980000
beige TW SAK35 1.5 mm 20 0304360000 TW 4 SAK4-10 1.5 mm 20 0130160000
Blue TW 4 SAK4-10 BL 1.5 mm 20 0130180000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 1 2 mm 100 0319160000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 4 SAK35 50 0178700000 AD 4 SAK4 50 0285300000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M4X32 PA/RT 100 0129100000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000
SAK-Series combination foot
Feed-through modular terminals
DK 4 QV/EN 4 mm²
TS 35 + TS 32
6.5 x 54 x 47.5
41 / 6
IEC 60947-7-1 Ex e II T II 2 G D
IEC UL CSA EN 60079-7
500 600 600 690
32 30 36 28
4 AWG 22...12 AWG 26...10 4
A4 / V2
Rated connection
0.5...6 / 0.5...4
0.5...4 / 0.5...2.5
0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3)
12 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
VL 2 SAK4 50 0197000000
VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 50 0285100000
BFSC M3X25 100 0292500000
PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0168600000
AD 4 SAK4 50 0285300000
BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 100 0128900000
DEK 5/6
SAK-Series combination foot
Stud terminals
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
ST 5 PA/BE 20 0448360000 STL 5 20 0448460000
End plate / Partition plate Type Width Qty. Order No. Type Width Qty. Order No.
beige AP ST5 PPO/SW 10 0447240000 AP ST5 PPO/SW 10 0447240000
beige TW ST5 PA/BE 10 0477660000 TW ST5 PA/BE 10 0477660000
SAK-Series combination foot
Fuse terminals
TS 35 + TS 32
In hazardous area applications, the installation instructions
and the rated data specifications for accessories given in the
technical appendix must be followed.
Note Note: max. conductor size = 2.5 mm² when using the cross-connection. Note: max. conductor size = 2.5 mm² when using the cross-connection.
Twin wire-end ferrules ZH 0.5 - ZH 2.5 can be used.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
500 V AC/DC ASK 1/EN 100 0474560000
With LED 230 V AC ASK 1/EN LD 1D 230VAC 25 0225760000 KDKS1/EN LD 230VAC 25 8148910000
With LED 230 V DC ASK 1/EN LD 120K 230VDC 25 0225660000
With LED 115 V AC ASK 1/EN LD 1D 115VAC 25 0225560000 KDKS1/EN LD 115VAC 25 8142840000
With LED 115 V DC ASK 1/EN LD 56K 115VDC 25 0225460000
With LED 60 V DC ASK 1/EN LD 33K 60VDC 25 0226460000
With LED 48 V AC ASK 1/EN LD 1D 48VAC 25 0225360000 KDKS1/EN LD 48 VAC 25 8148920000
With LED 48 V DC ASK 1/EN LD 27K 48VDC 25 0225260000
With LED 24 V AC ASK 1/EN LD 1D 24VAC 25 0222860000 KDKS1/EN LD 24 VAC 25 8148930000
With LED +- 24 V DC ASK 1/EN LD 15K 24VDC 25 0222760000 KDKS1/EN LD 24VDC 25 8146450000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QB 2 WI RA8 IS 27 A 50 0461100000 QB 2 WI RA8 IS 27 A 50 0461100000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA8 IS 27 A 50 0461200000 QB 3 WI RA8 IS 27 A 50 0461200000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA8 IS 27 A 50 0461300000 QB 4 WI RA8 IS 27 A 50 0461300000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
AP ASK1 1.5 mm 20 0380360000 AP KDKS1 EN 20 9503340000
SAK-Series combination foot
End bracket Type Width Qty. Order No.
Dark beige Wemid EWK 1 9 mm 50 0206160000
Dark beige Wemid EW 35 8.5 mm 50 0383560000 • Slide link is opened
• Auxiliary circuit is not earthed
• No earth fault
• Display illuminated green and red with reduced
• Disconnected earth connection -> When
measuring insulation resistance with voltages
greater than UNom, the earth connection must
be disconnected.
Operational malfunction
SAK-Series for special applications Modular terminals for high-temperature applications
TS 32 / Ceramic D.2
Modular terminals for high-temperature applications
SAK-Series for special
D Rated voltage
Rated current
Rated cross-section mm² 4 4 4 4
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 8/3 8/3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A4 / 5VB A4 / 5VB
Approvals #a SIRA 03ATEX3425 U #a SIRA 03ATEX3425 U
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...6 0.5...6
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3) 0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 10 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 10 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
2 conductors with same cross-section (H05V/H07V)
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...1.5
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...1.5 / 0.5...1.5
Note Do not use mechanical or electrical torque screwdrivers for fastening the Do not use mechanical or electrical torque screwdrivers for fastening the
conductor. conductor.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
white SAKK 4 KER/WS 25 1598080000 SAKK 4 25 9502600000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QL 2 SAKK 4 TIN 32 A 100 9509420000 QL 2 SAKK 4 32 A 100 9502540000
3-pole QL 3 SAKK 4 TIN 32 A 100 9509430000 QL 3 SAKK 4 32 A 100 9502550000
4-pole QL 4 SAKK 4 TIN 57 A 50 9509440000 QL 4 SAKK 4 32 A 50 9502560000
10-pole QL 10 SAKK 4 TIN 41 A 20 9509450000 QL 10 SAKK 4 41 A 20 9502570000
Connecting sleeve VH 13.5 SAKK4 100 9509460000 VH 13.5 SAKK 4 100 9502580000
Mounting screw KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 100 0303000000 KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 100 0303000000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
white AP SAKK4/10 KER/WS 3 mm 10 9502630000 AP SAKK4/10 KER/WS 3 mm 10 9502630000
For detailed information on other accessories and ap- Twin wire-end ferrules ZH 0.5 - ZH 2.5 can be used. End bracket MEW End Barrier MEW 1/32 order no. 0445600000;
plications, refer to the „Accessories“ section 1/32 order no. 0445600000; locking pin SST3 order no. 0152700000 Locking pin SST3 order no. 0152700000
Modular terminals for high-temperature applications
- max. 250 °C tions - max. 750°C for 3 hours
11.5 x 40 x 53 11.5 x 40 x 53
76 / 16 76 / 16
1.5...16 1.5...16
Do not use mechanical or electrical torque screwdrivers for fastening the Do not use mechanical or electrical torque screwdrivers for fastening the
conductor. conductor.
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
QL 2 SAKK 10 TIN 100 9509470000 QL 2 SAKK 10 57 A 100 9502650000
QL 3 SAKK 10 TIN 50 9509480000 QL 3 SAKK 10 57 A 50 9502660000
QL 4 SAKK 10 TIN 50 9509490000 QL 4 SAKK 10 57 A 50 9502670000
QL 10 SAKK 10 TIN 20 9509500000 QL 10 SAKK 10 57 A 20 9502680000
VH 12.5 SAKK10 50 9509510000 VH 12.5 SAKK10 50 9502690000
KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 100 0303000000 KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 100 0303000000
Width Width
AP SAKK4/10 KER/WS 3 mm 10 9502630000 AP SAKK4/10 KER/WS 3 mm 10 9502630000
End barrier MEW 1/32 order no. 0445600000; End barrier MEW 1/32 order no. 0445600000;
Locking pin SST3 order no. 0152700000 Locking pin SST3 order no. 0152700000
Modular terminals for nuclear power stations
SAK-Series for special
Modular terminals for nuclear power stations
generating stations. Years of radioactive that comprise the following product cycles: • Optical inspection
radiation must not lead to failure. Signals
must be transmitted faultlessly in the 1. Functional Test/Initial Values As well as the special terminal blocks for
case of accidents, for example, steam • Insulation resistance the containment areas, which correspond
escaping after a coolant pipe burst. • Volume resistances to the standards according to Class 1
2. Radioactive Aging E, Weidmüller has subjected a range of
In particular, steam enveloping the • Total dose: 220 Mrad standard terminal blocks to intensive tests
terminal blocks could lead to problems. • Dose rate: 1 Mrad/h in accordance with test profile 1. They all
Unsuitable terminal blocks cause leakage • Volume resistance after contamination fully meet the demands set for terminal
currents, which lead to signal distortions. 3. Thermal aging equivelant to blocks for outside of restricted areas.
That is why only products which have 40 years of operation at ambient Accident Simulation Test Profile 1
been approved in accordance with IEEE temperature Typical PWR Outside Containment
Class 1 E are allowed to be installed in • 32 °C = 90 °F outside of Simulation
containment areas. containment area During the 4-hour test, saturated steam D
• 65 °C = 150 °F within the is fed to the temperature control. This
The special feature of the tests carried containment area simulation is carried out at atmospheric
out using Weidmüller‘s terminal blocks • Accelerated aging pressure.
is that not only was the insulation resi- • Insulation resistance after contamination Accident Simulation Test Profile 4
stance measured following an accident 4. Earthquake Simulation Typical PWR Inside Containment
simulation, but that the leakage current • 5 OBE, 1 SSE test in 3 axses Simulation
was recorded during the LOCA test • Monitoring of the electrical functions During the 29-hour test, saturated steam
(Loss of Coolant Accident). 5. Accident Simulation is fed to the temperature control. In the
• Inside and outside of the period from the 3rd to 24th hour, the
Weidmüller also offers for these appli- containment area test circuit that is coated with a chemi-
cations a choice of products made from • Monitoring of leakage currents for cal spray is alternatively coated with a
the special epoxy resin material EP with different applications during the deminaralizing spray. This simulation is
inorganic filler, which meets the demands accident simulation carried out at an increased pressure of
for high standards. • Insulation resistance after contamination a maximum of 4500 hPa (4.5 bar).
3 11 24 29 h
Modular terminals for nuclear power stations
SAK-Series for special
D Rated voltage
Rated current
Rated cross-section mm² 4 4 10
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 8/3 8/3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A4 / V-0 B6 / V-0
Approvals # KEMA 97ATEX1798 U #
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...6 / 0.5...4 0.5...16 / 10...16
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4 0.5...10 / 0.5...10
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3) 1.2...2.4 Nm (M 4)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 12 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm 12 / 1.0 x 5.5 mm
Note When using the twin wire-end ferrules ZH 0.5 - ZH 2.5 without a partition Twin wire-end ferrules ZH 75 - ZH 6 can be used.
wall, the rated voltage is 690 V.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
black SAK 4 EP/SW 100 0128300000 SAKH 6 EP/SW 50 0126600000
Black SAK 4 CUN/EP/SW 100 0168800000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 SAK4 41 A 50 0336700000
3-pole Q 3 SAK4 41 A 50 0336800000
4-pole Q 4 SAK4 41 A 50 0336900000
10-pole Q 10 SAK4 41 A 20 0368800000
Testing / Checking Width
Test plug PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
Socket STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 50 0168600000
End plate / Partition plate Width
black TW SAK4-10 EP/SW 2.5 mm 20 0130100000 AP SAKH6/10 EP/SW 4 mm 20 0131700000
Modular terminals for nuclear power stations
14 x 57 x 76.5 18 x 125 x 90
57 / 16 150 / 50
1.5...16 4...50
The tightening torque is 2 Nm when connecting AWG 6/7 conductors. The tightening torque is 4.5 Nm for 16 - 50 mm² and AWG 6 - 2/7 stran-
ded conductors.
AP SAKH6/10 EP/SW 4 mm 20 0131700000
Modular terminals for nuclear power stations
SAK-Series for special
TS 32 / EP KMVF LI 6.3 EP/SW 2.5 mm² KMVF RE 6.3 EP/SW 2.5 mm²
Technical data
D Rated voltage
Rated current
Rated cross-section mm² 2.5 2.5
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 8/3 8/3
Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class / V-0 / V-0
Approvals # #
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...2.5 0.5...2.5
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...2.5 / 0.5...2.5 0.5...2.5 / 0.5...2.5
Tightening torque range (clamping screw)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/-
Note 250 V rated voltage for standard straight alignment and 800 V rated vol- 250 V rated voltage for standard straight alignment and 800 V rated vol-
tage for staggered alignment with alternating KMVF LI and KMVF RE. tage for staggered alignment with alternating KMVF LI and KMVF RE.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
black KMVF LI 6.3 EP/SW 50 0249100000 KMVF RE 6.3 EP/SW 50 0249200000
Screwable cross-connection Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Testing / Checking
Test plug
End plate / Partition plate
Modular terminals for nuclear power stations
6 x 70 x 62 2,4 2,4 6 x 70 x 62 2,4 2,4 15 x 138 x 77
/ / 30 / 10
... ... 0.5...10
IEC 60947-7-1
0.5 0.5 6
8/3 8/3 15 / 3
/ V-0 / V-0 / V-0
# # #
Rated connection Rated connection Rated connection
0.5...2.5 0.5...2.5 0.5...10 / 0.5...10
0.5...2.5 / 0.5...2.5 0.5...2.5 / 0.5...2.5 1.5...6 / 1.5...4
12 /
250 V rated voltage for standard straight alignment and 800 V rated vol- 250 V rated voltage for standard straight alignment and 800 V rated vol-
tage for staggered alignment with alternating KMVT LI and KMVT RE. tage for staggered alignment with alternating KMVT LI and KMVT RE.
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
KMVT LI 2.4 EP/SW 50 0249300000 KMVT RE 2.4 EP/SW 50 0249400000 PPT/35 10 3835020000
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
PS 4 F.STB 4 7.6 mm 20 0299600000
STB 17/D6/4/M4 SAKC10 50 0147100000
AP PPT/35 3 mm 10 3835120000
SAK-Series for special
AKZ-Series TS 15
AKZ-Series TS 15
Mini modular terminals
Feed-through terminal
AKZ-Series TS 15
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Dark beige Wemid (PA)
Blue Wemid (PA)
beige (PA) AKZ 1.5 100 0340460000 AKZ 2.5 100 0697160000
Blue (PA) AKZ 1.5 BL 100 0340480000 AKZ 2.5 BL 100 0697180000
Note AKZ 1.5 order Nos 0340460000 and 0340480000 made from PA with V2 AKZ 2.5 order Nos 0697160000 and 0697180000 made from PA with V2
flammability rating to UL 94 flammability rating to UL 94
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ1.5 24 A 50 0368200000 Q 2 AKZ1.5 24 A 50 0368200000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ1.5 24 A 50 0368300000 Q 3 AKZ1.5 24 A 50 0368300000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ1.5 24 A 50 0368400000 Q 4 AKZ1.5 24 A 50 0368400000
10-pole Q 10 AKZ1.5 24 A 20 0368500000 Q 10 AKZ1.5 24 A 20 0368500000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
Dark beige Wemid AP AKZ1.5 1.5 mm 50 0340560000 AP AKZ2.5 2.5 mm 50 0697360000
Blue Wemid AP AKZ1.5 BL 1.5 mm 50 0340580000 AP AKZ2.5 BL 2.5 mm 50 0697380000
Dark beige Wemid TW AKZ2.5 0.5 mm 20 0318560000
Blue Wemid TW AKZ2.5 BL 0.5 mm 20 0318580000
Small partition
Small partition
End bracket
Dark beige Wemid EW 15 10 mm 50 0382860000 EW 15 10 mm 50 0382860000
Testing / Checking
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
Mini modular terminals
AKZ-Series TS 15
AKZ 4 4 mm² SAKR 15 4 mm²
0.5...1.5 / 0.5...1.5
EW 15 10 mm 50 0382860000 EW 15 10 mm 50 0382860000
Mini modular terminals
Modular PE terminals
AKZ-Series TS 15
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
green/yellow (PA) AKE 2.5 100 1303360000 AKE 4 MS 50 0211200000
Mini modular terminals
AKZ-Series TS 15
AKE 4 4 mm²
PE terminal
7 x 32 x 34.5
0.13...4 PE
IEC 60947-7-2 Ex e II T II 2 G D
IEC UL CSA EN 60079-7
4 AWG 22...12 AWG 26...12 AWG 26...12
480 A (4 mm²)
3 E
A3 / V2
r#a SIRA 02ATEX3001 U
Rated connection
0.5...4 / 1.5...4
0.5...4 / 0.5...2.5
0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3)
0.5...1.0 Nm
9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
DEK 5/6,5
Mini modular terminals
Fuse terminals
AKZ-Series TS 15
Technical data
Rated data IEC UL CSA
Rated voltage V 500 300 300
Rated current A 6.3 10 6.3
Rated cross-section mm² 4 AWG 22...12 AWG 26...12
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 6/3
E Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A3 / V2
Approvals r#a
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...4 / 1.5...4
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...4 / 0.5...4
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.5...1.0 Nm (M 3)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 9 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
2 conductors with same cross-section (H05V/H07V)
solid / stranded -
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules -
Note Note: max. conductor size = 2.5 mm² when using the cross-connection.
Twin wire-end ferrules ZH 0.5 - ZH 1.5 can be used.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No.
Without LED ASK 1/15 100 0376860000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole QB 2 WI RA8 IS 27 A 50 0461100000
3-pole QB 3 WI RA8 IS 27 A 50 0461200000
4-pole QB 4 WI RA8 IS 27 A 50 0461300000
AKZ-Series TS 15
Mini modular terminals
Technical data IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210 IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 61210
Rated voltage V 400 150 300 400 150 300
Rated current A 8 10 10 8 10 10
Rated cross-section mm² 2.5 AWG 22...12 AWG 24...12 1 AWG 22...12 AWG 24...12
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 6/3 6/3
E Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class / V2 / V2
Approvals r#a r#a
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm²
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² ...4
Tightening torque range (clamping screw)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/-
2 conductors with same cross-section (H05V/H07V)
solid / stranded -
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules -
Note Rated voltage is 400 V when insulation sleeves are used I max 20 A valid
when used with 2 x F 6.3 or 4 x F 2.8.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Slotted AKZ 4 SS SE 6.3/2.8 100 0324560000
Not slit AKZ 4 SS WA 2X2.8 100 0362460000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ4SS 20 A 50 0369000000 Q 2 AKZ4SS 20 A 50 0369000000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ4SS 20 A 50 0369100000 Q 3 AKZ4SS 20 A 50 0369100000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ4SS 20 A 50 0369200000 Q 4 AKZ4SS 20 A 50 0369200000
10-pole Q 10 AKZ4SS 20 A 20 0369300000 Q 10 AKZ4SS 20 A 20 0369300000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
Dark beige Wemid AP AKZ4 1.5 mm 20 0294460000 AP AKZ4 1.5 mm 20 0294460000
Dark beige Wemid TW AKZ4 0.5 mm 50 0348260000 TW AKZ4 0.5 mm 50 0348260000
Testing / Checking
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
Insulating sleeve
2,8 IH 2.8 DB 100 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB 100 0386060000
6,3 IH 6.3 WEM GE 100 0386260000
Mini modular terminals
AKZ-Series TS 15
AKZ 4 S WA 2*2.8 4 mm² AKZ 4 SF SE 6.3/2.8 4 mm²
6 x 27 x 30 2,8 2,8 6 x 27 x 30
8/ 8/4 6,3
... 0.2...4
Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
Q 10 AKZ4 32 A 20 0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 32 A 20 0368600000
Width Width
AP AKZ4 1.5 mm 20 0294460000 AP AKZ4 1.5 mm 20 0294460000
TW AKZ4 0.5 mm 50 0348260000 TW AKZ4 0.5 mm 50 0348260000
Mini modular terminals
Technical data IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 60068-2-20 IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC 60068-2-20
Rated voltage V 250 150 250 300 300
Rated current A 16 10 17.5 20 10
Rated cross-section mm² 1.5 AWG 24...16 4 AWG 22...12 AWG 24...12
Rated impulse voltage / Pollution severity kV/- 4/3 4/3
E Gauge to IEC 60947-1 / UL94 Flammability class A1 / V2 A3 / V2
Approvals # r#a
Clamped conductors (H05V/H07V) Rated connection Rated connection
solid / stranded mm² 0.5...2.5 / 0.5...1.5 0.5...4 / 1.5...4
flexible / Stranded wire with end ferrules mm² 0.5...1.5 / 0.5...1.5 0.5...4 / 0.5...2.5
Tightening torque range (clamping screw) 0.4...0.6 Nm (M 2.5) 0.6...0.8 Nm (M 3)
Stripping length / Blade size mm/- 7 / 3.0 x 0.5 mm 8 / 0.6 x 3.5 mm
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
beige AKZ 1.5L VS 100 0340160000 AKZ 4L SL VS 100 0334860000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type current Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ1.5 24 A 50 0368200000 Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ1.5 24 A 50 0368300000 Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ1.5 24 A 50 0368400000 Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
10-pole Q 10 AKZ1.5 24 A 20 0368500000 Q 10 AKZ4 32 A 20 0368600000
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 50 0446700000
Connecting sleeve VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000
Mounting screw BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000
Testing / Checking Width Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
End plate / Partition plate
Dark beige Wemid AP AKZ1.5W 1.5 mm 20 0329660000 AP AKZ4 1.5 mm 20 0294460000
Dark beige Wemid TW AKZ4 HP/DBR/0.5 0.5 mm 50 0166800000 TW AKZ4 0.5 mm 50 0348260000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 4 AKZ4 50 0303400000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT 100 0303300000
Mini modular terminals
AKZ-Series TS 15
AKZ 4 LL VS 1.5 mm² ADK 1 4 mm²
6 x 45.5 x 30 6 x 22 x 36.5
17.5 / 1.5 16 / 4
0.2...1.5 0.13...4
VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 32 A 50 0446700000
VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000
Width Width
PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
AD 4 AKZ4 50 0303400000
BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT 100 0303300000
Mini modular terminals
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Medium yellow AKZ 4L SL VS KRG 100 0334820000 AKA 2.5 100 0300720000
Blue AKA 2.5 BL 100 0300770000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
10-pole Q 10 AKZ4 32 A 20 0368600000
Switchable link
Switchable link VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 50 0446700000
Connecting sleeve VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 50 0446600000
Mounting screw BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 100 0266800000
Testing / Checking Width
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
End plate / Partition plate Width
Medium yellow AP AKA2.5 100 0162520000
Blue AP AKA2.5 KRG/BL 50 0162570000
Dark beige Wemid AP AKZ4 1.5 mm 20 0294460000
Dark beige Wemid TW AKZ4 0.5 mm 50 0348260000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
Cover / warning label
Cover / warning label AD 4 AKZ4 50 0303400000
Mounting screw (plastic) BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT 100 0303300000
Mini modular terminals
AKZ-Series TS 15
with Termi-Point / Wire-Wrap connection AKZ 4 T 4 mm² AKZ 2.5K 2.5 mm²
TS 15 / PA
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
right AKZ 4 SW 1X1 100 0445860000
Vertical right AKZ 2.5 K SW U/V 1X1 100 0108960000
Screwable cross-connection Type current Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q 2 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336400000
3-pole Q 3 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336500000
4-pole Q 4 AKZ4 32 A 50 0336600000
10-pole Q 10 AKZ4 32 A 20 0368600000
End plate / Partition plate Width Width
Dark beige Wemid AP AKZ4 1.5 mm 20 0294460000 AP AKZ2.5K 3 mm 50 0697260000
Dark beige Wemid TW AKZ4 0.5 mm 50 0348260000 TW AKZ2.5 0.5 mm 20 0318560000
Small partition
Small partition TSCH 4 AKZ4 6 mm 100 0363360000
Testing / Checking
Test plug PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT 5.4 mm 20 0180400000
Socket STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 50 0215700000
AKZ-Series TS 15
Multi-pole terminal strips for direct mounting
Multi-pole terminal strips
Ordering data
Version Type Length Mounting dimensions Qty. Order No. Type Length Mounting dimensions Qty. Order No.
2-pole MK 3/2 17.4 mm 18.5 mm 100 0273820000
3-pole MK 3/3 26.5 mm 18.5 mm 50 0273920000
4-pole MK 3/4 35.75 mm 18.5 mm 50 0274020000
5-pole MK 3/5 45 mm 18.5 mm 50 0274120000
6-pole MK 3/6 54.25 mm 37.0 mm 50 0274220000
7-pole MK 3/7 63.5 mm 37.0 mm 50 0274320000
8-pole MK 3/8 72.75 mm 55.5 mm 25 0274420000
9-pole MK 3/9 82 mm 55.5 mm 25 0274520000
10-pole MK 3/10 91.25 mm 74.0 mm 20 0274620000
12-pole MK 2/12 86 mm 80.0 mm 50 0241260000 MK 3/12 110 mm 92.5 mm 20 0243520000
Solder strip Type Width Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
MF 2/12 1X2.8/1.6 75 mm 100 0241760000
Marking strips, printed
Printed BSTB 28/12/6.35 U 1-12 50 0245700000 BSTB 28/12 MK U 1-12 50 0245900000
BSTB 28/12/6.35 O 1-12 50 0278500000 BSTB 28/8 MK U 1-8 50 0290200000
BSTB 28/6 MK U 1-6 50 0290000000
Marking strips, unprinted
Unprinted BSTO 28/12/6.35 50 0245600000 BSTO 28/12 MK 50 0245800000
BSTO 28/8 MK3/8 50 0284700000
BSTO 28/6 MK 50 0289500000
BSTO 28/4 MK3/4 50 0289300000
Multi-pole terminal strips for direct mounting
Type Length Mounting dimensions Qty. Order No. Type Length Mounting dimensions Qty. Order No. Type Length Mounting dimensions Qty. Order No.
MK 6/2 23.5 mm 50 0620420000
MK 6/3 36.5 mm 13.0 mm 50 0620320000
MK 6/4 49.5 mm 26.0 mm 20 0620220000
Type Breite Qty. Order No. Type Breite Qty. Order No. Type Breite Qty. Order No.
Multi-pole terminal strips for direct mounting
Multi-pole terminal strips
Ordering data
Version Type Length Mounting dimensions Qty. Order No. Type Length Mounting dimensions Qty. Order No.
2-pole MK 5/2 O.DE 40 mm 32.0 mm 100 0243820000 KS 2 O.D2 42 mm 32.0 mm 100 0134420000
4-pole KS 4 O.D4 66 mm 56.0 mm 50 0140320000
6-pole KS 6 O.D6 90 mm 80.0 mm 50 0140620000
10-pole KS 10 O.D10 138 mm 128.0 mm 20 0141620000
Lid / cover Type Width Qty. Order No. Type Width Qty. Order No.
D 2 MK5/2 PA/NA 18 mm 50 0244060000 D2 KS2 TP 25 mm 100 0134500000
D4 KS4 TP 48 mm 50 0140500000
D6 KS6 TP 72 mm 50 0140800000
D10 KS10 TP 120 mm 20 0141800000
Marking strips, printed
Printed ELSB 2 BEZ. 1-2 50 0143200000
Multi-pole terminal strips for direct mounting
22 x 20 / 3.4
Refer to order data
IEC 60947-7-1
400 300 300
32 10 10
4 AWG 22...12 AWG 22...12
A3 / 5VA
Rated connection
0.5...4 / 1.5...4
0.5...4 / 0.5...4 F
0.5...0.6 Nm (M 3)
8 / 4.0 x 0.8 mm
Multi-pole terminal strips for direct mounting
Multi-pole terminal strips
Ordering data
Version Type Length Mounting dimensions Qty. Order No. Type Length Mounting dimensions Qty. Order No.
2-pole BK 2/E 20 mm 100 7906040000 MK 3/2/E 17.4 mm 18.5 mm 100 7906110000
3-pole BK 3/E 31 mm 11.0 mm 100 7906060000 MK 3/3/E 26.5 mm 18.5 mm 100 7906120000
4-pole BK 4/E 38 mm 18.0 mm 100 7906080000 MK 3/4/E 35.75 mm 18.5 mm 50 7906130000
5-pole MK 3/5/E 45 mm 18.5 mm 50 7906140000
6-pole BK 6/E 52 mm 32.0 mm 50 7906090000 MK 3/6/E 54.25 mm 37.0 mm 50 7906150000
7-pole MK 3/7/E 63.5 mm 37.0 mm 25 7906160000
8-pole MK 3/8/E 72.75 mm 55.5 mm 25 7906170000
9-pole MK 3/9/E 82 mm 55.5 mm 25 7906180000
10-pole MK 3/10/E 91.25 mm 74.0 mm 25 7906190000
11-pole MK 3/11/E 100.5 mm 74.0 mm 20 7906200000
12-pole BK 12/E 92 mm 72.5 mm 25 7906100000 MK 3/12/E 110 mm 92.5 mm 25 7906210000
Marking strips, printed Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Printed BSTB 28/2 BK U 1-2 50 0203600000 BSTB 28/12 MK U 1-12 50 0245900000
HASUE SAKR15LS n.a. 2038000000 BSTB 28/8 MK U 1-8 50 0290200000
BSTB 28/4 BK U 1-4 50 0197300000 BSTB 28/6 MK U 1-6 50 0290000000
BSTB 28/6 BK U 1-6 50 0197500000
BSTB 28/12 BK U 1-12 50 0198800000
Marking strips, unprinted
Unprinted BSTO 28/2 BK 50 0203500000 BSTO 28/12 MK 50 0245800000
BSTO 28/3 BK 50 0203700000 BSTO 28/8 MK3/8 50 0284700000
BSTO 28/4 BK 50 0197200000 BSTO 28/6 MK 50 0289500000
BSTO 28/6 BK 50 0197400000 BSTO 28/4 MK3/4 50 0289300000
BSTO 28/12 BK 50 0198700000
Multi-pole terminal strips for direct mounting
23 x 22 / 3.4
Refer to order data
IEC 60947-7-1
6 AWG 22...10 AWG 22...10
A3 / 5VA
Rated connection
0.5...6 / 1.5...6
0.5...6 / 0.5...4 F
1.2...2.0 Nm (M 4)
9 / 4.0 x 0.8 mm
Multi-pole terminal strips
Overview shield connection terminals KLBÜ
KLBÜ shielded connection
Part 1 of the VDE 0133 standard specifies the required equipo- Control signals
tential bonding for the electrical components of a machine. The Digital Analogue CNC – GND CNC – GND Position signals
Booster Personal-
• Routing all connections parallel to the bonding surface. RESOLVER PC
These shielded cables for signals are grounded at one end. WPE BRAKE
• The mass current is neutral grounded KLBÜ
+DC To further
–DC servo-amplifiers
For busbars For direct mounting For C-profiles For TS 35 Clip-on for
10 x 3 insulating/conducting 10 x 3 busbar
Overview shield connection terminals KLBÜ
• To ensure both simple handling and • Simply swivel onto the busbar by • For conductors from 2 to 37 mm
proper connection with permanent hand – retrospectively if necessary diameter
contact pressure as a result of the
spring effect
Shield connection terminals KLBÜ for 10 x 3 mm busbars
KLBÜ shielded connection
Clamping yoke
KLBÜ 2 x 2-6 KLBÜ 3-8 KLBÜ 4-13.5 KLBÜ 10-20 KLBÜ 15-32
1 2 3 4
! ! T b + 4 mm
G ✓
KLBÜ Ordering data
Type For cable diameter Dimensions (a x b x c) mm Qty. Order No.
a b KLBÜ 2 x 2-6 2.0 ... 6.0 mm 15.0 x 18.0 x 24.0 10 1675350000
KLBÜ 3-8 3.0 ... 8.0 mm 13.0 x 18.0 x 26.0 10 1600480000
KLBÜ 4 x 13.5 4.0 ... 13.5 mm 20.0 x 20.5 x 31.5 10 1592810000
KLBÜ 10-20 10.0 ... 20.0 mm 25.0 x 26.0 x 40.0 10 1600490000
KLBÜ 15-32 15.0 ... 32.0 mm 36.0 x 32.0 x 63.9 10 1716300000
Shield connection terminals KLBÜ for 10 x 3 mm busbars
1 2 3
! ! T a + 4 mm
✓ G
KLBÜ CO Ordering data
Type For cable diameter Dimensions (a x b x c x d) mm Qty. Order No.
c KLBÜ CO 1 3.0 ... 10.0 mm 18.0 x 12.0 x 13.2 x 32.0 10 1753311001
a b KLBÜ CO 2 4.0 ... 15.0 mm 18.0 x 20.0 x 21.1 x 41.6 10 1752131001
KLBÜ CO 3 10.0 ... 20.0 mm 25.0 x 23.0 x 24.0 x 45.0 10 1749151001
KLBÜ CO 4 15.0 ... 28.0 mm 25.0 x 31.0 x 32.0 x 56.0 10 1749161001
KLBÜ CO 5 20.0 ... 37.0 mm 32.0 x 40.0 x 42.7 x 64.5 10 1755081001
Shield connection terminals KLBÜ for 10 x 3 mm busbars
KLBÜ shielded connection
Busbar holders
Insulated mounting on TS 35
Shield connection terminals KLBÜ for 10 x 3 mm busbars
Conductive mounting on TS 35
Shield connection terminals KLBÜ – Mounting directly on metal plate
KLBÜ shielded connection
Clamping yoke
1 2 3
Drilling template KLBÜ 15-32 SC
ø 4.2 mm
! a>b=✓
! ! T c + 4 mm
G 10 mm
✗ ✓ ✓
KLBÜ SC Ordering data
Type For cable diameter Thread length Dimensions (a x b x c) mm Qty. Order No.
c KLBÜ 3-8 SC 3.0 ... 8.0 mm 5.65 mm 13.5 x 11.5 x 18.0 x 26.0 10 1692261001
b KLBÜ 4-13.5 SC 4.0 ... 13.5 mm 5.30 mm 20.0 x 17.8 x 20.3 x 31.4 10 1712311001
KLBÜ 10-20 SC 10.0 ... 20.0 mm 5.30 mm 24.8 x 23.0 x 26.0 x 40.0 10 1712321001
KLBÜ 15-32 SC 15.0 ... 32.0 mm 4.80 mm 36.0 x 33.3 x 32.0 x 64.0 10 1718341001
Shield connection terminals KLBÜ – Mounting directly on metal plate
Busbar holder 28
Mounting plate
ø Du for M 5
ø = 5.2 mm
M6 outer and inner thread
(15 mm, 20 mm and 30 mm long)
Shield connection terminals KLBÜ – Mounting on TS 35
KLBÜ shielded connection
FM 4 foot
The KLBÜ SC clamping yokes
(see page G.8)
are screwed onto the FM 4 foot.
BS 35 II BS 35 II / KLBÜ 3-8 BS 35 II / KLBÜ 3-8 / 2 x 2-6
(without KLBÜ)
FM 4 / BS 35 II Ordering data
FM 4 foot Qty. Order No.
FM 4 40 0687900000
KLBÜ shielded connection terminals for the C profile
KLBÜ 3-8 CPF KLBÜ 4-13.5 CPF KLBÜ 10-20 CPF KLBÜ 15-32 CPF
KLBÜ shielded connection
Busbar overview
Busbars / Terminal rails
In switchgears and controls, it may be necessary to bring the in the system. The cable clamp serves as the protective conduc-
neutral conductor and the protective conductor together at a tor connection and can be supplied with green/yellow insulating
central point. Busbars are available for this purpose and can be caps. These caps indicate the protective function and marking
used for connecting a large number of conductors in a confined tags allow clear identification of each conductor. If the cable
space (up to 70 conductors on a 1 m busbar). The conductors clamps are used to connect neutral conductors, they can be
are connected by means of a screw clamp or tension clamp. marked with a blue insulating cap.
usbars are held in position by pressure clamps or screw clamps
onto the busbar holders. The cable clamps can be pushed on ZBE 6 can also be swivelled onto the busbar retrospectively
the busbar and adjusted to the entire wiring in the system. The
busbars can be used unperforated in any lengths. They are fixed
using the SH busbar holder which can, for longer busbars, also
be positioned between the clamps.
Cable clamps
Busbars / Terminal rails
Busbar holders SH
With clip and base Type Figure For busbar cross-section Qty. Order No.
1. 10 x 3, 6 x 6, 15 x 2, 12 x 2
26.5 SH 1 TS 15 complete 20 0299860000
2. 15 x 2, 15 x 6
1. 12.5
10.5 2. 24.5
Individual parts SH1
SH 1 Base 20 0401460000
With metal bridge Type For busbar cross-section Qty. Order No.
26 SH 2S 10 x 3, 6 x 6, 15 x 6, 10 x 5 10 0641720000
With metal bridge Type For busbar cross-section Qty. Order No.
SH 3 10 x 3, 6 x 6, 10 x 5 10 0556660000
Connection element AK 95
Type For busbar cross-section Qty. Order No.
AK 95 15 x 6 mm 10 0364200000
Busbars / Terminal rails
Clamping screw M4
Stripping length 19 mm
Also for 10 x 5 mm busbar
Connection cross-section: ZB 10, blank - 19.5 8.2 19.5 19.0 50 1261300000
Solid 1.5 ... 10 mm2
Flexible 2.5 ... 10 mm2
H Stranded -
Clamping screw M4
Stripping length 19 mm
Clamping screw M4
Stripping length 16 mm
Clamping screw M6
Stripping length 19 mm
For 6 x 6 mm busbar ZB
Type Colour Dimensions [mm] Qty. Order No.
a b c h1
Connection cross-section: ZB 4/6, blank 14.7 5.6 12.5 10.0 50 0556700000
Solid 0.5 ... 6,0 mm2
Flexible 0.5 ... 4,0 mm2
Stranded -
Clamping screw M3
Stripping length 16 mm
Clamping screw M4
Stripping length 12 mm
Clamping screw M4
Stripping length 19 mm
Connection cross-section: ZB 16K GN/GE green/yellow 24.0 10.0 19.2 20.0 50 0502860000
Solid 2.5 ... 16 mm2 ZB 16K BL blue 24.0 10.0 19.2 20.0 50 0502880000
Flexible 2.5 ... 16 mm2
Stranded 16 ... 25 mm2 H
Clamping screw M4
Stripping length 16 mm
Connection cross-section: ZB 35K GN/GE green/yellow 25.0 14.4 32.0 20.5 20 0502660000
Solid - ZB 35K BL blue 25.0 14.4 32.0 20.5 20 0502680000
Flexible 16 ... 35 mm2 ZB 35K SW black 25.0 14.4 32.0 20.5 20 0502610000
Stranded 16 ... 50 mm2
Clamping screw M6
Stripping length 19 mm
Tension clamp connection
Connection cross-section: ZF 4 S beige 22.0 6.1 24.5 - 50 1814680000
Solid 0.5 ... 4.0 mm2 ZF 4 S BL blue 22.0 6.1 24.5 - 50 1814660000
Flexible 0.5 ... 2.5 mm2 ZF 4 S GN/GE green/yellow 22.0 6.1 24.5 - 50 1814670000
Stranded -
Stripping length 10 mm
For 6 x 6 mm busbar ZB
Type Colour Dimensions [mm] Qty. Order No.
a2 b d h2
Connection cross-section: ZB 4/6K GN/GE green/yellow 21.2 6.0 25.0 14.0 50 0565460000
Solid 0.5 ... 6.0 mm2 ZB 4/6K BL blue 21.2 6.0 25.0 14.0 50 0565480000
Flexible 0.5 ... 4.0 mm2
Stranded -
Clamping screw M3
Stripping length 16 mm
Connection cross-section: ZB 16/6K GN/GE green/yellow 26.0 9.7 25.0 20.0 50 0569660000
Solid 2.5 ... 16 mm2
Flexible 2.5 ... 16 mm2
Stranded 16 ... 25 mm2
Clamping screw M4
Stripping length 12 mm
Overview Terminal rails
Busbars / Terminal rails
Both active and passive components and intelligent modules are Steel
mounted on terminal rails – a method which has proven its orth
over the years. But it is only after the use of certain consum- Weidmüller started developing RoHS-compliant surfaces at a
ables – which are frequently not taken into consideration – that very early stage to meet the requirements of EU directives. This
electrical installation is finally completed. In this chapter, users commitment is now paying off because Weidmüller products
will find a range of terminal rails and profile rails for component comply with the statutory instruments at an early date and
installation together with end brackets for holding and isolating provide you, the customer, with the customary, high Weidmüller
the components. This guarantees firm installation and isolation. quality. All the yellow-passivated surfaces so well known to
Weidmüller supplies components which show perfect functional users will in future be replaced by terminal rails with the new
compatibility. WIN-Q surface finish. This name stands for the Weidmüller
quality, in other words excellent surface protection and, at the
Terminal rails are made of either steel, stainless steel, aluminium, same time, excellent electrical properties.
copper or plastic, depending on the area of application.
A terminal rail can also be used as a protective conductor bus-
Stainless steel bar. Weidmüller PE / earth terminals in the W-Series, Z-Series,
I-Series, SAK- and AKZ-Series comply with requirements stipu-
Stainless steel is a collective noun for all kinds of steel (alloys) lated in IEC 60 947-7-2. According to VDE 0100 part 540, for
which are smelted in a special process and have a high degree conductors with cross-sectional areas exceeding 10 mm2, both
H of purity. Stainless steel has much-enhanced resistance to cor- protective and neutral conductors may be grouped together as
rosion. Weidmüller’s stainless steel terminal rails have the follow- a single category of conductors designated PEN.
ing composition: X5 CrNi 18-10 stainless steel (i.e. ~ 18 % chro-
mium, ~ 10 % nickel). If a terminal rail is used as a PEN busbar, the following criteria
must be observed:
• Only E-Cu or aluminium profiles are allowed
Aluminium is second only to copper in its electrical conductivity. • Short-circuit currents and thermal rated currents must be
One advantage is its light weight. Aluminium oxidises quickly in taken into account
air; thus passivated, it offers excellent corrosion protection. • The terminal rails are to be insulated as a contribution to
protective insulation
The plastic terminal rail scores on two counts: firstly, its insulat-
ing properties, and secondly, its low weight. This leads to its use
in special applications where, for example, clearance and creep-
age distances with respect to the mounting plate cannot be
achieved with the standard terminal rails.
Overview Terminal rails
5,5 mm
Possible diameters are 3.5 / 5.6 / 5.5 / 7 mm.
15 mm
TS 32
I2 5,5 mm
32 mm
TS 35
M 5x8
M 6x12
Stud TS 35 x 7.5
TS 32
7,5 mm
M 5x8 35 mm
Stud M 6x12
TS 15
M 5x6
TS 35 x 15
15 mm
35 mm
Terminal rails
Busbars / Terminal rails
TS 15 terminal rail U
5,5 mm
15 mm
TS 15 x 5
Unperforated Aluminium Short-circuit strength Material thickness Length Qty. Order No.
TS 15x5 2M/AL/BK 16 mm2 1 mm 2m 10 m 0134700000
(max. permissible rated current for PEN function = 76 A)
Steel, galvanised and passivated
TS 15x5 2M/ST/ZN 10 mm2 1 mm 2m 2m 0514200000
With slotted hole Aluminium Short-circuit strength Material thickness Length Qty. Order No.
TS 15x5/LL 2M/AL/BK 16 mm2 1 mm 2m 2m 0217900000
(max. permissible rated current for PEN function = 76 A)
Steel, galvanised and passivated
TS 15x5/LL 2M/ST/ZN 10 mm2 1 mm 2m 2m 0117500000
TS 15x5/LL 1M/ST/ZN 10 mm2 1 mm 1m 10 m 0117510000
TS 32 terminal rail
5,5 mm
32 mm
TS 32 x 15
Unperforated Aluminium Short-circuit strength Material thickness Length Qty. Order No.
TS 32X15 2M/AL/BK 70 mm2 1.5 mm 2m 2m 0169300000
(max. permissible rated current for PEN function = 192 A)
Steel, galvanised and passivated
TS 32X15 2M/ST/ZN 35 mm2 1.5 mm 2m 2m 0122800000
TS 32X16.2 2M/CU/BK 120 mm2 2.1 mm 2m 2m 0364300000
(max. permissible rated current for PEN function = 269 A)
Stainless steel
TS 32X15 2M/CRN 35 mm2 1.5 mm 2m 2m 0293220000
With slotted hole Steel, galvanised and passivated Short-circuit strength Material thickness Length Qty. Order No.
TS 32X15/LL 2M/ST/ZN 35 mm2 1.5 mm 2m 2m 0514400000
Terminal rails
7,5 mm
35 mm
TS 35 x 7.5
Unperforated Aluminium Short-circuit strength Material thickness Length Qty. Order No.
TS 35X7.5 2M/AL/BK 35 mm2 1 mm 2m 2m 0330800000
(max. permissible rated current for PEN function = 125 A)
Steel, galvanised and passivated
TS 35X7.5 2M/ST/ZN 16 mm2 1 mm 2m 2m 0383400000
TS 35X7.5 1M/ST/ZN 16 mm2 1 mm 1m 10 m 0383410000
Stainless steel
TS 35X7.5 2M/CRN 16 mm2 1 mm 2m 2m 1747350000
With slotted hole Steel, galvanised and passivated Short-circuit strength Material thickness Length Qty. Order No.
TS 35X7.5/LL 2M/ST/ZN 16 mm2 1 mm 2m 2m 0514500000
TS 35X7.5/LL 1M/ST/ZN 16 mm2 1 mm 1m 10 m 0514510000
TS 35 x 15 terminal rail
15 mm
TS 35 x 15
35 mm
Unperforated Copper Short-circuit strength Material thickness Length Qty. Order No.
TS 35X15/2.3 2M/CU/BK 150 mm2 2.3 mm 2m 2m 0270100000
(max. permissible rated current for PEN function = 309 A) H
Steel, galvanised and passivated
TS 35X15/2.3 2M/ST/ZN 50 mm2 2.3 mm 2m 2m 0498000000
TS 35X15/2.3 2M/AL/BK 70 mm2 2.3 mm 2m 2m 1848290000
(max. permissible rated current for PEN function = 192 A)
Unperforated Steel, galvanised and passivated Short-circuit strength Material thickness Length Qty. Order No.
TS 35X15 2M/ST/ZN 25 mm2 1.5 mm 2m 2m 0236400000
With slotted hole Steel, galvanised and passivated Short-circuit strength Material thickness Length Qty. Order No.
TS 35X15/LL 2M/ST/ZN 25 mm2 1.5 mm 2m 2m 0236500000
TS 35X15/LL 1M/ST/ZN 25 mm2 1.5 mm 1m 10 m 0236510000
Terminal rails
Busbars / Terminal rails
TS 35 x 15 terminal rail
15 mm
35 mm
TSK 35 x 15
Unperforated Plastic PVC RAL 7035 Length Qty. Order No.
TSK 35X15 2M PVC/GR 2m 2m 0514300000
Terminal rails
EW 15
EW 15/2
ZEW 15
EW 35
WEW 35/1
Terminal rails
Busbars / Terminal rails
Fixing screws
H TST FKSC M5x8 Ø9 50 0295900000
FKSC M6x8 Ø9 50 0642600000
FKSC M6x12 Ø9 50 0353500000
Weidmüller supplies fixing screws with hexagonal sockets and a very low
head for the terminal rail supports so that the terminals can also be fitted
over the screw.
Terminal rails
Mounting feet
Clip-on foot, steel for TS 35 Thread Qty. Order No.
FM 4 M4 40 0687900000
FM FM 5 M5 40 0636800000
FM 6 M6 40 0636900000
FM 4.2 Hole ø 4.2 mm 40 1724580000
Busbars / Terminal rails
Accessories Accessories
Overview I.2
Visual separation – side covers I.4
Colour coding options I.6
Potential distribution I.8
Testing/Checking I.14
Protective covers I.16
Accessories for modular disconnect test terminals I.20
Visual separation – Colour coding options Potential distribution
side covers Page I.4 Page I.6 Page I.8
To guarantee protection against fingers coming Another helpful feature of the accessories for Some 60% of all modular terminals are cross
into contact with live parts when working with modular terminals with screw connections are connected. Weidmüller can supply a wide range
modular terminals, open sides are blocked off the different colours available. of solutions.
with end cover plates and partition plates.
But in addition, end cover plates and partition
plates are available in various colours and so can
be used to create a visual distinction between
different circuits.
Weidmüller test plugs and sockets guarantee Electrical installations must be safe at all times. Special applications call for special solutions.
that the necessary tests can be carried out on Therefore, Weidmüller can supply a large range
the installation. of protective cover strips and plates, plus labelling
Visual separation – side covers
for mounting on TS 35
HP 2 120 75.5 0180500000 SAKG 32 II, 70
HP T* 2 120 75.5 0180600000
Dimensions (mm)
HP 2 160 90.5 0180700000 SAKG 32 I + III,
HP T* 2 160 90.5 0180800000 40, 46, 54
T* = suitable for tropical applications
Visual separation – side covers
bracket EP ... /32 EP 1 120 75.5 0271800000 SAKG 28 and SAKG 70
EP 2 160 90.5 0271900000 SAKG 32, 40, 46 and 54
EP 1/35 120 76.5 1381600000 SAKG 32 and SAKG 70
EP 2/35 160 91.5 0182000000 SAKG 32, 40, 46 and 54
Colour coding options
Colour coding options
SAK 2.5 AL BLUE (E) blue 100 6253140000 SAKH 10 EP/SW black 50 0126700000
SAK 2.5 BL blue 100 0279680000 SAKH 35 EP/SW black 20 1596240000
SAK 2.5 BL RS-SET blue 10 1817860000 SAKR 2STB BL blue 100 0412280000
SAK 2.5 KRG/BL blue 100 0279670000 SAKR BL blue 100 0412180000
SAK 2.5 OR orange 100 1326360000 SAKR OR orange 100 1461960000
SAK 2.5 SW 1X1 black 100 0108560000 SAKR/35 2STB BL blue 100 0183380000
SAK 2.5 SW 1X1/KRG black 100 0108520000 SAKR/35 BL blue 100 0172180000
SAK 2.5/35 BL blue 100 0380480000 SAKR/35 WS white 100 0172190000
SAK 2.5/35 DBL blue 100 1799920000
SAK 2.5/35 GE yellow 100 1821480000
SAK 2.5/35 KRG/BL blue 100 0380470000
SAK 2.5/35 OR orange 100 0380440000
SAK 2.5/35 RT red 100 1799910000
SAK 2.5/35 SW black 100 1799900000
SAK 2.5/35 SW 1X1 black 100 0514060000
SAK 2.5/EN BL blue 100 0218680000
SAK 2.5/EN BR brown 100 1858450000
SAK 2.5/EN SW black 100 1858440000
The colours listed here are available as standard. SAK 2.5/EN WS white 100 1858460000
Other types of terminals in custom colours can be SAK 2.5/TC AL BL blue 100 0107180000
supplied on request, provided a minimum quantity SAK 2.5/TC CH BL blue 100 0107280000
is ordered. SAK 35/35 BL blue 20 0380780000
SAK 35/EN BL blue 20 1784400000
SAK 4 BL blue 100 0128380000
SAK 4 BL RS-SET blue 10 1817780000
SAK 4 EP/SW black 100 0128300000
SAK 4 KRG BL blue 100 0128370000
SAK 4 OR orange 100 0105060000
SAK 4 SS/35 6.3 GR grey 100 0646930000
SAK 4/35 BL blue 100 0443680000
SAK 4/35 KRG/BL blue 100 0443670000
SAK 4/35 OR orange 100 1323660000
SAK 4/35/AP GG green/yellow 100 0443650000
SAK 4/EN BL blue 100 0467480000
SAK 4/EN BR brown 100 9130990000
SAK 4/EN GE yellow 100 9129930000
SAK 4/EN GN green 100 9129950000
SAK 4/EN GR grey 100 9129960000 I
SAK 4/EN GR 7042 grey 100 1853950000
SAK 4/EN OR orange 100 0467400000
SAK 4/EN RT red 100 9129920000
SAK 4/EN SW black 100 9130980000
SAK 4/EN WS white 100 1773340000
SAK 6/35 BL blue 100 0380580000
SAK 6/35 GN/GE yellow 100 1866850000
SAK 6/35 KRG/BL blue 100 0380570000
SAK 6/EN BL blue 100 0212880000
SAK 6/EN GE yellow 100 1772820000
SAK 6/EN OR orange 100 1772810000
SAK 6/EN RT red 100 0212840000
SAK 6/EN SW black 100 0212810000
SAK 6/EN WS white 100 1773350000
SAK 6N BL blue 100 0193280000
SAK 10 BL blue 100 0110080000
SAK 10 KRG/BL blue 100 0110070000
SAK 10 OR orange 100 0110040000
SAK 10/35 BL blue 100 0443780000
SAK 10/35 KRG/BL blue 100 0443770000
SAK 10/EN BL blue 100 1784410000
SAK 10/EN GR RAL 7042 grey 100 1853960000
SAK 10/EN OR orange 100 1772830000
SAK 10/EN SW black 100 1773900000
SAK 16 BL blue 50 0271080000
SAK 16/35 BL blue 50 0380680000
SAK 16/EN BL blue 50 1784390000
SAK 70 KRG/BL blue 10 0340870000
SAK 95/35 KRG/BL blue 10 0662270000
SAKC 4/2STB7 BL blue 100 0340670000
SAKD 2.5/35 BL blue 100 0268880000
SAKD 2.5N BL blue 100 0215580000
SAKH 6 EP/SW black 50 0126600000
Potential distribution
Cross-connection systems
Potential distribution
Cross-connection systems
Rated Pre-assembled Cross-connection links Conti- Connecting sleeves Fixing screws
current cross-connection nuous without thread
of current
modular rating of
terminals cross-
Type Type Dimensions Type Size
Type A Poles Order No. Poles Order No. b t L d1 l Length Order No. L d2 d1 Order No. Form M
SAK 2.5 24 A Q2 0370000000 QL 2 0155900000 6 0.6 6 3.4 2.4 32 A VH 8 0266700000 8 4.9 3.2 0359000000 B 3 x15
Q3 3710000000 QL 3 0156000000 32 A
Q4 3720000000 QL 4 0156100000 32 A
Q 10 0368700000 QL 10 0338100000 32 A
SAK 4 32 A Q2 0336700000 QL 2 0130600000 6 0.6 6.5 3.4 2.5 41 A VH 13.5 0248500000 13.5 5 3.2 0303000000 B 3x20
Q3 0336800000 QL 3 0130700000 41 A
Q4 0336900000 QL 4 0130800000 41 A
Q 10 0368800000 QL 10 0338200000 36 A
SAK 6 N 41 A Q2 0456700000 QL 2 0194300000 6 1 8 3.4 3 41 A VH 12 0249000000 12 5 3.2 0303000000 B 3x20
Q3 0456800000 QL 3 0194400000 41 A
Q4 0456900000 QL 4 0194500000 41 A
Q 10 0457000000 QL 10 0338300000 41 A
SAK 10 57 A Q2 0457100000 QL 2 0470300000 6 2 10 3.4 3.5 57 A VH 12 0249000000 12 5 3.2 0303000000 B 3x20
Q3 0457200000 QL 3 0470400000 57 A
Q4 0457300000 QL 4 0470500000 57 A
Q 10 0457400000 QL 10 0470600000 57 A
SAK 16 76 A Q2 0457500000 QL 2 0470700000 6 2 12 3.4 4 76 A VH 12 0249000000 12 5 3.2 0303000000 B 3x20
Q3 0457600000 QL 3 0470800000 76 A
Q4 0457700000 QL 4 0470900000 76 A
Q 10 0457800000 QL 10 0471000000 76 A
SAK 35 N 125 A QL 2 0564900000 8 3 16 4.5 5 99 A VH 17 0267000000 17 8 5 0267100000 A 4x30
QL 3 0565000000 99 A I
QL 4 0565100000 99 A
QL 10 0565200000 99 A
SAK 35 125 A QL 2 0123600000 8 3 18 4.5 5 99 A VH 17 0267000000 17 8 5 0267100000 A 4x30
QL 3 0123700000 99 A
QL 4 0123800000 99 A
QL 10 0338600000 99 A
SAK 70 192 A QL 2 0345300000 14 4 22 5.5 7 180 A VH 30.5 0345500000 30.5 11 5.5 0345600000 A 5x45
QL 3 0167000000 180 A
SAK 95 232 A QL 2 0551200000 14 4 28 6 7 180 A VH 35 0551100000 35 11 5.5 0630200000 B 5x50
QL 3 0407600000 180 A
QL 4 0407700000 180 A
SAKS 1 6,3 A QL 2 0191400000 6 2 12.9 3.4 3 47 A 0346200000 B 3x6
SAKS 3 10 A QL 3 0191500000 47 A
SAKS 6 10 A QL 4 0191600000 47 A
SAKS 7 10 A QL 10 0338800000 36 A
SAKS 4 16 A QL 2 0328000000 10 4 24 4.8 5 47 A 0199700000 A 3x7
QL 3 0328100000 47 A 0103300000 A 4x9
QL 4 0328200000 47 A
QL 10 0339000000 36 A
SAKS 2 10 A QL 2 0207800000 10 4 27.6 4.8 6.5 47 A 0103300000 A 4x9
SAKS 5 63 A QL 3 0207900000 47 A
QL 4 0208000000 47 A
QL 10 0338900000 36 A
DK 4 Q 41 A Q2 0336400000 QL 2 0297200000 4 0.8 6.1 2.8 2.5 32 A VH 5 0296800000 5 4 2.7 0400100000 B 2.5x11
DKB 4 Q/10 41 A Q3 0336500000 QL 3 0297300000 32 A
Potential distribution
Cross-connection systems
Cross-connections between terminals of different sizes
9 4
8 8 5
7 5
6 4
11 10
Terminal Position Type Order No. Current Terminal Position Type Order No. Current
from SAK 16 – 1 – – – von SAK 35 – 1 – – –
sleeve 3 VH 12 0249000000 – sleeve 3 VH 17 0267000000 –
screw 4 BS M 3 x 20 0303000000 – screw 4 BS M 4 x 30 0267100000 –
to SAK 6 N – 2 – – – washer 5 SS M 4 0136400000 –
cross-connection link 5 QL 2 0470300000 – zu SAK 10 N – 2 – – –
sleeve 6 VH 4,5 0303200000 – cross-connection link 5 QL 2 0207400000 47 A
screw 7 BS M 3 x 25 0292500000 – sleeve 6 VH 4,5 0303200000 –
washer 8 SS M 3 0164400000 – screw 8 BS M 3 x 35 0309800000 –
screw 9 BS M 3 x 20 0303000000 – washer 9 SS M 3 0164400000 –
sleeve 10 VH 12 0249000000 – zu SAK 6 N – 2 – – –
cross-connection link 11 QL 2 0194300000 47 A cross-connection link 6 QL 2 0207400000 47 A
cross-connection link 11 QL 3 0194400000 47 A sleeve 7 VH 27 0309400000 –
cross-connection link 11 QL 4 0194500000 47 A screw 8 BS M 3 x 35 0309800000 –
cross-connection link 11 QL 10 0338300000 36 A retaining screw 9 SS M 3 0164400000 –
I to SAK 2.5 – 2 – – – von SAK 35 N – 1 – – –
cross-connection link 5 QL 2 0470300000 – sleeve 3 VH 17 0267000000 –
sleeve 6 VH 12 0249000000 – screw 4 BS M 4 x 30 0267100000 –
screw 7 BS M 3 x 30 0296200000 – retaining screw 5 SS M 4 0136400000 –
retaining screw 8 SS M 3 0164400000 – zu SAK 10 – 2 – – –
screw 9 BS M 3 x 15 0359000000 – cross-connection link 6 QL 2 0207400000 47 A
sleeve 3 VH 12.5 0308000000 – sleeve 7 VH 27 0309400000 –
sleeve 3 VH 8 0266700000 – screw 8 BS M 3 x 35 0309800000 –
cross-connection link 11 QL 2 0155900000 27 A retaining screw 9 SS M 3 0164400000 –
cross-connection link 11 QL 3 0156000000 27 A zu SAK6 N – 2 – – –
cross-connection link 11 QL 4 0156100000 27 A cross-connection link 6 QL 2 0135500000 47 A
cross-connection link 11 QL 10 0338100000 27 A sleeve 7 VH 27 0309400000 –
from SAK 10 – 1 – – – screw 8 BS M 3 x 35 0309800000 –
screw 4 BS M 3 x 20 0303000000 – retaining screw 9 SS M 3 0164400000 –
to SAK 4 – 2 – – – von SAK 10 – 1 – – –
sleeve 3 VH 13.5 0248500000 – sleeve 3 VH 12.5 0300800000
cross-connection link 5 QL 2 1443000000 – screw 4 BS M 3 x 20 0303000000 –
screw 7 BS M 3 x 20 0303000000 – retaining screw 5 SS M 3 included –
screw 9 BS M 3 x 20 0303000000 – zu SAK 35 N – 1 – – –
sleeve 10 VH 13.5 0248500000 – sleeve 3 VH 13 0304000000 –
cross-connection link 11 QL 2 0130600000 36 A screw 4 BS M 3 x 20 0303000000 –
cross-connection link 11 QL 3 0130070000 36 A washer 5 SS M 3 included –
cross-connection link 11 QL 4 0130800000 36 A zu SAK 2.5 – 2 – – –
cross-connection link 11 QL 10 0338200000 36 A cross-connection link 6 QL 2 0130600000 27 A
to SAK 2.5 – 2 – – – sleeve 7 VH 16 0309700000 –
cross-connection link 5 QL 2 0193400000 36 A screw 8 BS M 3 x 20 0303000000 –
sleeve 1 VH 13 0304000000 – retaining screw 9 SS M 3 included –
screw 4+7 BS M 3 x 20 0303000000 –
screw 9 BS M 3 x 15 0359000000 –
sleeve 10 VH 8 0266700000 –
cross-connection link 11 QL 2 0155900000 27 A
cross-connection link 11 QL 3 0156000000 27 A
cross-connection link 11 QL 4 0156100000 27 A
cross-connection link 11 QL 10 0338100000 27 A
sleeve 3 VH 13 0304000000 –
sleeve 3 VH 6.5 0286400000
Potential distribution
cross-connection link, connecting
sleeves and fixing screws are
pre-assembled in a captive arrange
ment. However, all the individual
parts are also available separately
on request. During installation, these
pre-assembled cross-connectors
are simply inserted into the cross
connection slot in the middle of
the terminal and screwed tight.
Any number of poles can be
achieved by linking two cross
connections. For example, a Technical specification
20-pole cross-connection by continuous current, 2-pole/multi-pole A 32 / 32 24 / 24
joining together two 10-pole thread size M 2.5 M 2.5
cross-connections with the tightening torque Nm 0.4 ... 0.6 0.4 ... 0.6
cross-connection link of a 2-pole
cross-connection (see figure below).. Ordering data Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q...2 AKZ 4SS 0369000000 Q...2 DLI 2..5 1312500000
3-pole Q...3 AKZ 4SS 0369100000 Q...3 DLI 2..5 1312600000
4-pole Q...4 AKZ 4SS 0369200000 Q...4 DLI 2.5 1312700000
10-pole Q...10 AKZ 4SS 0369300000 Q...10 DLI 2.5 1313100000
Technical specification
continuous current, 2-pole/multi-pole A 24 / 24 32 / 32
thread size M 2.5 M 2.5
tightening torque Nm 0.4 ... 0.6 0.4 ... 0.6
Ordering data Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
2-pole Q...2 AKZ 1.5 50 0368200000 Q...2 AKZ 4 50 0336400000
3-pole Q...3 AKZ 1.5 50 0368300000 Q...3 AKZ 4 50 0336500000
4-pole Q...4 AKZ 1.5 50 0368400000 Q...4 AKZ 4 50 0336600000
10-pole Q...10 AKZ 1.5 20 0368500000 Q...10 AKZ 4 20 0338600000
Potential distribution
Removable cross- VL 2 VH BS
connection links Removable cross-connection Connecting sleeves Fixing screws
Removable cross-connection
links are intended for
2-pole, easily disconnected
cross-connections. They
are fitted together with a
VH connecting sleeve and
a BS fixing screw.
for terminal Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
SAK 4 VL 2 50 0197000000 VH 19 50 0285100000 BS M3x25 100 0292500000
SAK 6 N VL 2 50 0194700000 VH 19 50 0285100000 BS M3x25 100 0292500000
SAK 10 VL 2 50 0135900000 VH 19 50 0285100000 BS M3x25 100 0292500000
SAK 16 VL 2 50 0135800000 VH 19 50 0285100000 BS M3x25 100 0292500000
SAK 35 VL 2 50 0124000000 VH 24,5 50 0298700000 BS M4x35 50 0298900000
for terminal Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
* Height
in mm
Rail holder SH 2
For an insulated terminal rail arrangement in fully
insulated installations.
Potential distribution
enable current splitting at modular terminals that
do not have a cross-connection slot in the middle
of the terminal or that those where two potentials
have to be fed in parallel. Types QB 2, 3 and 4 are
insulated cross-connection combs. Types QB 58
and 75 are supplied in 58- and 75-pole versions
The poles are easily broken out/off manually.
Push-on insulation for subsequent shock
protection is available for both pitches.
When using such external cross-connectors, the
rated cross-section is reduced to the next smaller Poles are easily broken off manually for clamping points that
conductor size. do not need to be cross-connected.
Current-carrying capacity 27 A 2)
The mounting tolerances of the terminals must be taken
into account.
Plug-in cross-connectors type QS DQS 2 QS 2 QS 2
and DQS für Steckbuchsen 2.3 mm Ø für Steckbuchsen 2.3 mm Ø für Steckbuchsen 4 mm Ø belastbar bis 44 A
QS and DQS plug-in cross-connectors are used
in conjunction with sockets to create easily
disconnected cross-connections between
modular terminals.
Test plugs/Sockets
Test plugs (PS) are used for measurement The sockets (StB) enable the PS test plug and
Test plug purposes or for the final checking of a finished the QS plug-in cross-connectors to be plugged in.
Insulation terminal strip installation. Test plugs for sockets The sockets are screwed into the busbar in the
available in are available with 2.3 and 4 mm I.D. cross-connection slot in the middle of the terminal
various colours
The difference between these and a test adapter or screwed into the modular terminal instead of
Socket is that the test plug does not automatically clip the clamping screw.
into the terminal. This means that a secure If a cross-connection has to provide a test option
connection to modular feed-through terminals up as well, then an StB 28.5 or 30.5, which has an
to 35 mm2 is only possible in conjunction with a insulating sleeve and can accommodate the PS 4
socket. test plug, is screwed in instead of the fixing screw.
PS PS 2 / PS 2 MC
FK 4
FZS 2/4
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
ZS 2.3/4 20 0249600000 FZS 2/4 20 1276300000 TA 1 20 0535860000
Adapter plug for connecting sockets with Flexible adapter plug for connecting The conductor is soldered on, or crimped
2.3 and 4 mm I.D. Can also be plugged sockets with 2.3 and 4 mm I.D. on with the HTG 58 crimping pliers.
directly into threaded hole in busbar for FK 4 20 1678650000 HTG 58 1 9012000000
terminal types SAK 2.5 and SAK 4. Flexible coupling for connecting test conductor: max. 0.75 mm2
plug to test adapter. The unconnected end remove shoulder
of the conductor is protected against stripping length: 14 mm
fraying by a wire end ferrule.
StB 5.5…17
The SAKR modular disconnect terminals are
available already fitted with sockets (see “Modular
disconnect terminals”). These sockets are
provided with a slot for actuating with a screw-
driver. Weidmüller can supply special screwdrivers
with a shoulder for this purpose (chapter J). Type for terminal type L1 L2 d1 d2 M Qty. Order No.
StB 5.5 SAKL 4/20 1) 5,5 11 2.3 3.7 3 100 0122700000
StB 6 AKZ 4, DK 4, SAKR 1) 6 11.5 2.3 3.9 3 100 0379400000
StB 6 SAK 2.5 1) 6 13 2.3 3.9 2.5 50 0130200000
PS 4
StB 7 SAKC4,SAK4 1) 7 14.5 2.3 4 3 100 0358500000
StB 7.5 SAK 10, SAKB 10 1) 7.5 17 4 6 4 50 0130000000
StB 8.5 AKZ 4 / DK 4/ SAKD 2.5 N 8.5 11.5 2.3 4 2.5 50 0215700000
BS M 3 x 20
StB 8.5 SAK 2.5 8.5 12 2.3 5 3 50 0280600000
STB 30.5 StB 8.5 SAKT 4 8.5 12 2 4.5 3 50 0244600000
STB 25
QL StB 13.5 SAKA 10 / SAKC 10 13.5 18.5 4 6 4 50 0135200000
VH 12 StB 14 SAK 4 14 17.5 2.3 5 3 50 0168600000
STB 14 StB 14 SAK6N, 10, 16 / SAKT 1, SAKT 2 14 19 4 6 3 50 0169900000
StB 16 SAK70, SAK 95 16 28 4 7 5 50 0385400000
BS 25 StB 16 SAK 35, SAKB 10 16 23 4 7 4 50 0140200000
STB 35 StB 17 SAKC 10 17 22 4 6 4 50 0147100000
BS 25
StB 25 StB 35
Type Colour for terminal type Qty. Order No. Type Colour for terminal type Qty. Order No.
StB 25 yellow SAKT 1 and SAKT 2 50 0267200000 StB 35 yellow SAKT 1 and SAKT 2 50 0389000000
green 50 0271200000 green 50 0388900000
violet 50 0271300000 violet 50 0389100000
black 50 0271500000 black 50 0388500000
grey 50 0271400000 grey 50 0388600000
blue 50 0343400000 blue 50 0388700000
red 50 0343300000 red 50 0388800000
used instead of the clamping screw
Protective covers
Type Order No.
ADP 4 1430760000
(1000 mm)
ADP 4 1378160000
(300 mm)
HP 4 0485860000
TSK 31.5 0347960000
For fitting to TS 15
Protective covers
Several German VDE standards, e.g. VDE 0106 part AD/WAD covers
100 (March 1983), specify that mains terminals must
be covered. Weidmüller can supply a range of such
covers printed with a warning “lightning flash” and
the international warning symbol. The other side
features a “lightning flash” symbol with the warning
“Danger! Electricity”. Plastic screws are used to fix
the cover plates to the terminal strips. The cover
plates are intended for 3- or 4-pole terminals.
Type BSK plastic screws are used to fix the plates.
BSK = PA 66
AD 3 (3-pole)
Terminal type Terminal width (mm) Qty. Order No. Screw Qty. Order No.
SAK 2.5 6 50 0297900000 M 3 x 22 100 0128900000
AKZ 4 6 50 0297900000 M 2.5 x 18 100 0303300000
DK 4 Q 6 50 0297900000 M 2.5 x 18 100 0303300000
SAK 4 6.5 50 0297600000 M 3 x 22 100 0128900000
SAK 6 N 8 50 0297700000 M 3 x 22 100 0128900000
SAK 10 10 50 0178500000 M 3 x 22 100 0128900000
SAK 16 12 50 0297800000 M 3 x 22 100 0128900000
SAK 35 N 18 50 0273400000 M 4 x 32 100 0129100000
SAK 70 22 10 0344300000 M 5 x 45 50 0344400000
Screw for lead seal M 3 x 20 100 0451300000
AD 3 (4-pole)
SAK 2.5 6 50 0303400000 M 3 x 22 100 0128900000
AKZ 4 6 50 0303400000 M 2.5 x 18 100 0303300000
DK 4 Q 6 50 0303400000 M 2.5 x 18 100 0303300000
SAK 4 6.5 50 0285300000 M 3 x 22 100 0128900000
SAK 6 N 8 50 0196600000 M 3 x 22 100 0128900000
SAK 10 10 50 0178600000 M 3 x 22 100 0128900000
SAK 16 12 50 0518200000 M 3 x 22 100 0128900000
SAK 35 18 50 0178700000 M 4 x 32 100 0129100000
SAK 35 N 16 50 0576700000 M 4 x 32 100 0129100000
Screw for lead seal M 3 x 20 100 0451300000
for the SAK series for SAKG for SAKG
• Easily fitted by inserting the insulating plate into the existing Cover plates with self-adhesive label
insulating plate slot in the terminal. Dimensions of cover plates
• Labelling strips are clipped into the insulating plates.
• Labelling of stable labelling strip with felt-tip pen for
permanent labelling or pencil for temporary labelling.
2 mm thick
Protective covers
retaining plate
suitable for TS 32 and
TS 35 x 7.5
height for TS 32: 64.5 mm
height for TS 35 x 7.5: 63 mm
A selection of terminal types that can be fitted below A selection of terminal types that can be fitted below
this cover strip: this cover strip:
TS 32 TS 32 TS 35
SAKD 2.5 N ... SAK 10 SAKD 2.5 N ... SAK 10 WDU 2.5 to WDU 10
EK 2.5 N ... EK 10 EK 2.5 ... EK 10 WPE 2.5 to WPE 10
SAKR, ASK 1, SAKT 1, SAKT 4, SAKB 10 SAKR, ASK 1, SAKT 1, SAKB 10 WNT 2.5 to WNT 10
SAKS 1/35, SAKS 3/35
Accessories for modular disconnect test terminals
The fixing screws include an insulating sleeve for colour coding purposes and
a guide for the screwdriver. The cross-connection sliders are designed so
that the test plug sockets in the terminals remain accessible in every
The type QVS 2S 2-pole version is designed so that it can be slid even when
a test plug has been inserted. If a test option is required when a QVS has
been fitted, the fixing is best achieved with the StB 35 socket.
The clearance and creepage values required for the rated voltage of the
terminal change when accessories are fitted.
StB sockets are screwed into the busbar for the modular terminals. They are
used to accommodate PS 4 test plugs or QS 2 plug-in cross-connectors.
TW partition plates or TSch insulating plates Type Qty. Order No. Type No. of Qty. Order No. Type Colour Qty. Order No.
must be used to maintain the rated voltage.
poles STB 14
The SSP 3 and SSP 4 prevent the un- SSP 3 100 0531760000 QVS 2 2 poles 20 0307300000 STB 14 50 0169900000
intended making or breaking of circuits. They SSP 4 20 1319360000 QVSK 2 2 poles 20 1670360000 STB 25
lock the disconnection slider in its respective
QVS 3 3 poles 20 0329300000 STB 25 yellow 50 0267200000
position. The lockout device can be easily
pressed from above into the terminal and is QVS 4 4 poles 20 0307400000 STB 25 green 50 0271200000
then only removable with a tool. QVS 2S 2 poles 20 0358460000 STB 25 violet 50 0271300000
STB 25 black 50 0271500000
STB 25 grey 50 0271400000
STB 25 blue 50 0343400000
STB 25 red 50 0343300000
STB 30,5
STB 30.5 yellow 50 0341500000
STB 30.5 green 50 0341400000
STB 30.5 violet 50 0341600000
STB 30.5 black 50 0341000000
STB 30.5 grey 50 0341100000
STB 30.5 blue 50 0341200000
STB 30.5 red 50 0341300000
STB 35
STB 35 yellow 50 0389000000
STB 35 green 50 0388900000
STB 35 violet 50 0389100000
STB 35 black 50 0388500000
STB 35 grey 50 0388600000
STB 35 blue 50 0388700000
STB 35 red 50 0388800000
Accessories for modular disconnect test terminals
connections between adjacent the SAKT1/QT1 cross-connect/ For 4 mm dia. sockets, for up
VH connecting sleeves modular terminals. disconnect terminal. to 44 A.
The connection or disconnection is
then achieved by means of the
QL cross-connection links integral disconnection slider.
QL cross-connection links are
used as permanent, i.e. non-
switchable, cross-connections on
SAKT disconnect terminals.
VH 12 connecting sleeves and
BS M3 x 20 fixing screws (or
StB 30.5 sockets) are required
for fixing these in position.
The clearance and creepage
values required for the rated
voltage of the terminal can
change when accessories are
fitted. This is especially true with
cross-connections between
neighbouring terminals with
different potentials.
BS / VH QL / Q QB QS 2
Fixing screw Connecting
sleeve I
QL 2, QL 3, QL 4 Q3
Cross-connection link
(BS and VH Pre-assembled QB 2, QB 3, QB 4,
also required) cross-connection
Type Colour Qty. Order No. Type No. of Qty. Order No. Type No. of Qty. Order No. Type No. of Qty. Order No.
Fixing screws poles poles WQV poles
BS 25 yellow 50 0335700000 QL 2 2 poles 50 0194300000 QB 2 2 poles 50 0205700000 QS 2 2 poles 20 0270960000
BS 25 green 50 0335600000 QL 3 3 poles 50 0194400000 QB 3 3 poles 50 0205800000 x = 8 mm, y = 16 mm
BS 25 violet 50 0335800000 QL 4 4 poles 50 0194500000 QB 4 4 poles 50 0205900000 QS 2 2 poles 20 0270860000
BS 25 black 50 0335200000 QL 5 5 poles 50 0220500000 QB 10 10 poles 20 0343800000 x = 10 mm, y = 20 mm
BS 25 grey 50 0335300000 QL 6 6 poles 50 0220600000 QS 2 2 poles 20 0270760000
BS 25 blue 50 0335400000 QL 10 10 poles 20 0338300000 x = 12 mm, y = 20 mm
BS 25 red 50 0335500000 QL 15 15 poles 10 0221200000
BS 25 uninsulated 50 0334700000 E-Cu 57
BS M 3 x 20 100 0377100000 (copper alloy)
CuNi 60
(copper alloy) Q2 2 poles 50 0456700000
Q3 3 poles 50 0456800000
Connecting sleeves Q4 4 poles 50 0456900000
VH 12 100 0249000000 Q10 10 poles 20 0457000000
E-Cu 57
(copper alloy)
VH 19 50 0318000000
CuZn 39
(brass alloy)
Tools and ferrules
Cutter KT 8 KT 12
• C
utting formation for different cable sizes Notching tool Notching tool
increases the quality of the cuts for smaller
Cutting tool that does not damage the conductor; Cutting tool that does not damage the conductor;
for cutting copper and aluminium cables with a for cutting copper and aluminium cables with a
diameter of up to 8 mm. diameter of up to 12 mm.
• Not suitable for steel wires, steel-armoured • Not suitable for steel wires, steel-armoured
cables, aluminium alloys and hard-drawn cables, aluminium alloys and hard-drawn
copper conductors! copper conductors!
J Technical data
Max. cutting performance copper cable KT8 KT12
Solid (max. conductor cross-section) mm2 / AWG 16 / 6 16 / 6
Stranded (max. conductor cross-section) mm2 / AWG 16 / 6 25 / 3
Flexible (max. conductor cross-section) mm2 / AWG 16 / 6 35 / 2
Flexible, Stranded (max. diameter) mm 8 12
Sector line
Max. cutting performance aluminium cable
Stranded (max. conductor cross-section) mm2 / AWG 16 / 6 25 / 6
Stranded (max. diameter) mm 8 8
Solid mm2 16 25
Data-/ telephone-/ control cable
O.D. max. mm 8 12
Tool data
Length / width / height mm 165 / 65 / 25 215 / 66 / 28
Weight g 180 300
Information Tool closed Tool closed
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
KT 8 1 9002650000 KT 12 1 9002660000
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Tool for trimming poles from WQV 2.5 to WQV 35 Tool for punching out the cross-connection Cutter for non-pinch cutting of Weidmüller
cross connections used in Weidmueller W-Series windows of the Weidmüller W-Series, Z-series cross-connections.
terminals. Test-disconnect terminal WTR 2.5,
Fuse terminal WSI 6.
Tools and ferrules
Stripping and cutting tool for flexible conductors Stripping and cutting tool for flexible and massive
with PVC-insulation conductors with PVC-insulation
of 0.08...6 mm2 (~AWG 28...10) of 6...16 mm2 (~AWG 10... 6)
• No damaging of the conductor due to special, • Cutting of flexible and massive conductors up
self-adjustable stripping blades to 6 mm2 (AWG 10)
• Processing of multi-conductors, with thin flat • No damaging of the conductor due to special
ribbon cables even multiple conductors in one blade forms
J Technical data
Max. stripping performance stripax® stripax® 16
Cable model flexible & solid conductors with PVC insulation flexible & solid conductors with PVC insulation
Conductor cross-section mm2 0.08 … 6 6 … 16
Conductor diameter mm
Max. stripping length mm 20 20
Adjustable depth of cut mm
Cutting performance
Max. cutting performance mm2 6 6
Tool data
Length mm 190 190
Weight g 155 155
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
STRIPAX 1 9005000000 STRIPAX 16 1 9005610000
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
Cleaning brush 5 9005450000 Cleaning brush 5 9005450000
Spare stripping blades 1 9054030000 Spare stripping blades 1 9054080000
Technical data
Description of contact stripax® plus 2.5
Type of contact Strip of wire end ferrules
Crimping range mm2 0.5 ... 2.5
Crimping range 1 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2 0.5 ... 0.75
Crimping range 2 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2 1 ... 1.5
Crimping range 3 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2 2.5
Plug width mm
Tool data
Length mm 210
Weight g 260
Information Only Weidmüller wire end ferrules on strips à 50 pieces may be used.
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No.
stripax plus 2,5 1 9020000000
Tools and ferrules
Crimping tool for wire end ferrules (to DIN 46228 Crimping tool for wire end ferrules (to DIN 46228
part 1 and 4) with and without plastic collar and pt. 1 and 4) with and without plastic collar of
twin wire end ferrules of 0.5...2.5 mm2 0.25...6 mm2 (~ AWG 24...10) and twin wire end
• Only one crimping station for the whole cross- ferrules of 0.5...4.0 mm2
section • Crimp according to Euro-Norm EN 60947-1
• Five crimping stations corresponding to the
conductor cross-section
• Approval according to VG 95211 (military
designation VG 95 236 T 14 B 002)
Technical data
Description of contact PZ 4 PZ 6/5
Type of contact Wire end ferrules with/without plastic collar Wire end ferrules with/without plastic collar
Crimping range mm2 0.5 ... 4 0.25 ... 6
Crimping range 1 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2 0.25 ... 0.5
Crimping range 2 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2 0.75 ... 1.5
Crimping range 3 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2 2.5
Crimping range 4 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2 4
Crimping range 5 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2 6
Tool data
Length mm 200 200
Weight g 448 423
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
PZ 4 1 9012500000 PZ 6/5 1 9011460000
Crimping tool for wire end ferrules of 0.5...6 mm2 Crimping tool for wire end ferrules of 0.14...6 mm2
with and without plastic collar according to with and without plastic collar to DIN 46228 part 1
DIN 46228 part 1 and 4 (~ AWG 20...10) and and 4 (~ AWG 26...10) and twin-wire end ferrules
twin-wire end ferrules of 0.5...4 mm2 of 0,5...4 mm2
• Only one die for the whole cross-section • Only one die for the whole cross-section
• Wire end ferrule insertion from the front • Pivoted die for wire end ferrule-insertion
• Wire end ferrule insertion from the front or from
the side
Technical data
Description of contact PZ 3 PZ 6 roto
Type of contact Wire end ferrules with/without plastic collar Wire end ferrules with/without plastic collar
Crimping range mm2 0.5 ... 6 0.14 ... 6
Crimping range 1 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2
Crimping range 2 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2
Crimping range 3 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2
Plug width mm
Tool data
Length mm 200 200
Weight g 426 428
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
PZ 3 1 0567300000 PZ 6 roto 1 9014350000
Tools and ferrules
Crimping tool for wire end ferrules (to DIN 46228 Crimping tool for twin wire end ferrules (to
part 1 and 4) with and without plastic collar from DIN 46228 pt.4) with plastic collar from 6...16 mm2
6...16 mm2 (~ AWG 10...6) (~AWG 10...6)
• Three crimping stations corresponding to the • Three crimping stations corresponding to the
conductor cross-sections conductor cross-sections
• Crimp according to Euro-Norm EN 60947-1
• Approval according to VG 95211 (military
designation VG 95 236 T 14 B 002)
Technical data
Description of contact PZ 16 PZ ZH 16
Type of contact Wire end ferrules with/without plastic collar Twin wire end ferrules
Crimping range mm2 6 ... 16 6 ... 16
Crimping range 1 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2 6 6
Crimping range 2 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2 10 10
Crimping range 3 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2 16 16
Plug width mm
Tool data
Length mm 200 260
Weight g 418 700
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
PZ 16 1 9012600000 PZ ZH 16 1 9013600000
Technical data
Description of contact PZ 50
Type of contact Wire end ferrules with/without plastic collar
Crimping range mm2 25 ... 50
Crimping range 1 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2 25
Crimping range 2 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2 35
Crimping range 3 (with multiple crimping positions) mm2 50
Plug width mm
Tool data
Length mm 260
Weight g 700
Ordering data
Version Type Qty. Order No.
PZ 50 1 9006450000
Tools and ferrules
Technical data
Motor 2.4 V DC
Idling speed 200/400 min-1
Max. torque 3.0 Nm
Chuck 1/4" E 6.3 DIN 3126
Length 239 mm
Weight 400 g
Type 2 Ni-Cd batteries each 1.2 V
Weight 122 g
Input 230 V AC, 50 Hz, 50 mA
Output 2.9 V AC, 1.4 A, 4.1 VA
Charging time 1 hour
Weight 700 g
Ordering data
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
DMS 3 1 9007440000 DMS 3 set 1 (screwdriver incl. battery, 1 9007470000
Screwdriver incl. battery charger, bits, plastic carrying case)*
DMS 3 set 2 (as set1 1 9007480000
with 1 additional battery)
*) refer to figure
Type Qty. Order No.
Spare battery 1 9007450000
Charger 1 9007460000
• T
orque adjustable in four steps for
standard screws M2.5 to M4
• Selectable electric power cut-off upon
reaching a preselected torque
• High repetition accuracy
• Start-up in low gear and switchover to
operating rpm is controlled via the pressure
on the screw head
• Switchable forward and reverse
• Fatigue-free working due to ergonomic design
and low weight
• Ideal design for one-hand operation under all
working conditions and at different working
• Low noise
• Low energy consumption
Technical data
Ordering data
Standard equipment Type Qty. Order No.
DMS 2 with 1/4" drive 1 0664600000
Form E 6.3 DIN 3126 with hang-up clip and 4 bits for slotted screws (Length: 50 mm)
Blade dimensions 0.5 x 3 / 0.6 x 3.5 / 0.8 x 4 / 1.0 x 5.5
Type Qty. Order No.
Balancer for hanging up the DMS 2 BAL 2 (balancer for hanging up the DMS 2) 1 0181800000
Tools and ferrules
SoftFinish-grip SoftFinish electric
With the SoftFinish zone for use in dry conditions and for VDE-insulated screwdriver according to DIN EN 60900,
general applications, Weidmüller offers a complete range of IEC 900 for work on live equipment
screwdrivers that enables far higher torques and at the same
time substantially more comfort due to the soft material of
the grip. Product benefits:
• C
able cutting tool to mount on non-insulated
screw drivers with a blade diameter of 3.5 mm
• Minimum manual force required
• Automatic opening of the cutter
• Ergonomically designed grip
• Efficient operation:
• Only one tool for cable-processing
in IDC-technology
• Suitable for screw and tension clamps
• Readily available pocket size
• For right-handed and left-handed use
• One-hand operation
Technical data
Maximum cutting capacity
Copper cable:
Solid cable (conductor cross-section) mm2 1.5
Flexible cable (conductor cross-section) mm2 2.5
Tool data
Length x width x height mm 35 / 18 / 40
Weight g 20
Ordering data
Type Qty. Order No. Type Qty. Order No.
swifty® (without screwdriver) 1 9006020000 swifty®set (with screwdriver) 1 9006060000
Screwdriver 1 9008330000
(SD 0.6 3.5x100)
Tools and ferrules
SDI 0.4 x 2.5 x 75 0.4 2.5 80 9008370000
VDE insulated slot-head screwdriver, SDI DIN 7437, ISO 2380/2,
SDI 0.5 x 3.0 x 100 0.5 3.0 100 9008380000
output to DIN 5264, ISO 2380/1, SoftFinish grip
SDI 0.6 x 3.5 x 100 0.6 3.5 100 9008390000
0.8 x 4.0 x 100 0.8 4.0 100 9008400000
SDI 1.0 x 4.5 x 125 1.0 4.5 125 9008910000
SDI 1.0 x 5.5 x 125 1.0 5.5 125 9008410000
SDI 1.2 x 6.5 x 150 1.2 6.5 125 9025870000
SDI 1.6 x 8.0 x 175 1.6 8.0 175 9008430000
SDI 0.4 x 2.0 x 60 0.4 2.0 60 9205690000
SDI 1.0 x 4.5 x 175 1.0 4.5 175 9205700000
SDI 1.0 x 5.5 x 175 1.0 5.5 175 9205710000
SDIK PH0 0 60 9008560000
VDE insulated crosshead screwdriver, for Phillips screws, SDIK PH
SDIK PH1 1 80 9008570000
DIN 7438, ISO 8764/2-PH, output to ISO 8764-PH, SoftFinish grip
SDIK PH2 2 100 9008580000
SDIK PH3 3 150 9008590000
SDIK PZ1 1 80 9008900000
VDE insulated crosshead screwdriver type Pozidriv SDIK PZ
SDIK PZ2 2 100 9008890000
DIN 7438, ISO 8764/2-PZ, output to ISO 8764-PZ, SoftFinish grip
SDI T8 8 60 9201940000
VDE insulated Torx®-screwdriver, SDIT SoftFinish grip
SDI T10 10 80 9009640000
SDI T15 15 80 9009650000
SDI T20 20 80 9009660000
SDI T25 25 80 9009670000
SDI T30 30 100 9009680000
SDI T35 40 150 9009690000
SKI 5.0 x 125 5 125 9009000000
VDE insulated hexagon socket wrench, SKI SoftFinish grip
SKI 5.5 x 125 5.5 125 9008990000
SKI 6.0 x 125 6 125 9008980000
SKI 7.0 x 125 7 125 9008970000
SKI 8.0 x 125 8 125 9008960000
SKI 9.0 x 125 9 125 9008950000
SKI 10.0 x 125 10 125 9008940000
SKI 11.0 x 125 11 125 9008930000
SKI 13.0 x 125 13 125 9008920000
SD 0.4 x 2.0 x 60 0.4 2.0 60 9037160000
Slotted screwdriver with round blade SD DIN 5265, ISO 2380/2, output
SD 0.4 x 2.5 x 75 0.4 2.5 75 9009030000
to DIN 5264, ISO 2380/1, ChromTop tip, SoftFinish grip
SD 0.5 x 3.0 x 80 0.5 3.0 80 9008320000
SD 0.6 x 3.5 x 100 0.6 3.5 100 9008330000
SD 0.6 x 3.5 x 200 0.6 3.5 200 9010110000
SD 0.8 x 4.0 x 100 0.8 4.0 100 9008340000
SD 1.2 x 6.5 x 150 1.2 6.5 150 9009010000
SD 0.8 x 4.5 x 125 0.8 4.5 125 9009020000
SD 1.0 x 5.5 x 150 1.0 5.5 150 9008350000
SDK PH0 0 60 9008470000
Crosshead screwdriver, Phillips, SDK PH DIN 5262, ISO 8764/2-PH,
SDK PH1 1 80 9008480000
ouput to ISO 8764-PH, ChromTop tip, SoftFinish grip
SDK PH2 2 100 9008490000
SDK PH3 3 150 9008500000
SDK PZ0 0 60 9008520000
Crosshead screwdriver, Pozidriv, SDK PZ DIN 5262, ISO 8764/2-PZ,
SDK PZ1 1 80 9008530000
ouput to ISO 8764/1-PZ, ChromTop tip, SoftFinish grip
SDK PZ2 2 100 9008540000
SDK PZ3 3 150 9008550000
SD TH8 8 60 9009190000
Torx® TH screwdriver with hole in tip of blade (tamper-tesistant), SD
SD TH10 10 80 9009180000
TH for screwing Torx® and Torx®-TH security screws (pin in centre of
SD TH15 15 80 9009170000
Torx recess), ChromTop tip, SoftFinish grip
SD TH20 20 100 9009160000
SD TH25 25 100 9009150000
SD TH30 30 115 9009140000
SK 5.5 x 125 5.5 125 9009120000
Hexagon socket wrench SK DIN 3125, ouput to DIN 3125, SoftFinish
SK 6.0 x 125 6 125 9009110000
SK 7.0 x 125 7 125 9009100000
SK 8.0 x 125 8 125 9009090000
SK 9.0 x 125 9 125 9009080000
SK 10.0 x 125 10 125 9009070000
SK 11.0 x 125 11 125 9009060000
SK 12.0 x 125 12 125 9009050000
SK 13.0 x 125 13 125 9009040000
Tools and ferrules
9-piece offset screwdriver set in Prostar holder, with MagicRing: holds
standard screws (size 3 and larger) in any position thanks to spring steel ring,
with ball point: for working at angles up to 25°.
SK WSD-S 1.5-10.0 9008850000
7-piece Allen key set
SKS 2.0-8.0 9008860000
7-piece Allen key set with MagicRing and ball point: holds standard
screws (size 3 and larger) in any position thanks to spring steel ring, with ball
point: for working at angles up to 25°.
J 6
SKS 2.0-8.0 MR 9008870000
8-piece Torx®-TH screwdriver set
with hole in the blade point (tamper-proof), for screwing Torx® and Torx®-TH
tamper-proof screws (centre pin in profile)
TH-S 9-40 9008880000
Torque screwdrivers
• DMS manual
Each model is available with two torque ranges:
• 0.5 to 1.7 Nm
• 2.0 to 8.0 Nm
• setting tool included
• Compact and especially lightweight design Setting tool
• Torque set with special tool (included) to ensure the right set-
• Ergonomic handle size to match the torque range
• Every tool checked and given an ID No., 100% quality control
with verification and product reference
• Audible, unmistakable click upon reaching the torque, no
unnecessary effort
• Interchangeable blade made from high-quality wear-resistant
tool steel
• All tools comply with the accuracy stipulations of:
EN ISO 6798, BS EN 26789, ASME B107.14M
• Operating accuracy: ±6% of set scale value
Tools and ferrules
DMS manual
DMS MANUELL 0.5-1.7 0.5 - 1.7 Nm 9918370000
DMS MANUELL 2.0-8.0 2.0 - 8.0 Nm 9918380000
EN ISO 6798, BS EN 26789, ASME B107.14M
WK S 0.4 x 2.5 max. 0.6 Nm 0.4 2.5 175 9918520000
Interchangeable blades for torque-screwdriver
WK S 0.5 x 3.0 max. 0.6 Nm 0.5 3.0 175 9918530000
output according to DIN 5264, ISO 2380/1
WK S 0.6 x 3.5 max. 1.1 Nm 0.6 3.5 175 9918540000
WK S 0.8 x 4.0 max. 2.5 Nm 0.8 4.0 175 9918550000
WK S 1.0 x 5.5 max. 3.8 Nm 1.0 5.5 175 9918560000
WK K PZ0 max. 0.9 Nm 175 9918600000
Interchangeable blades for torque-screwdriver
WK K PZ1 max. 3.8 Nm 175 9918610000
output according to DIN 5260-PZ, ISO 8764/1-PZ
WK K PZ2 max. 5.5 Nm 175 9918620000
WK K PH0 max. 0.9 Nm 175 9918570000
Interchangeable blades for torque-screwdriver
WK K PH1 max. 3.8 Nm 175 9918580000
output according to DIN 5260-PH, ISO 8764/1-PH
WK K PH2 max. 5.5 Nm 175 9918590000
DMSI manual
DMSI MANUELL 0.5-1.7 0.5 - 1.7 Nm 9918390000
VDE insulated torque-screwdriver
DMSI MANUELL 2.0-8.0 2.0 - 8.0 Nm 9918400000
EN ISO 6798, BS EN 26789, ASME B107.14M
WK SI 0.4 x 2.5 max. 0.6 Nm 0.4 2.5 175 9918410000
VDE insulated interchangeable blades for VDE insulated torque-
WK SI 0.5 x 3.0 max. 0.6 Nm 0.5 3.0 175 9918420000
WK SI 0.6 x 3.5 max. 1.1 Nm 0.6 3.5 175 9918430000
output according to DIN 5264, ISO 2380/1
WK SI 0.8 x 4.0 max. 2.5 Nm 0.8 4.0 175 9918440000
WK SI 1.0 x 5.5 max. 3.8 Nm 1.0 5.5 175 9918450000
WK IK PH0 max. 0.9 Nm 175 9918460000
VDE insulated interchangeable blades for VDE insulated torque-
WK IK PH1 max. 3.8 Nm 175 9918470000
WK IK PH2 max. 5.5 Nm 175 9918480000
output according to DIN 5260-PH, ISO 8764/1-PH
WK IK PZ0 max. 0.9 Nm 175 9918490000
VDE insulated interchangeable blades for VDE insulated torque-
WK IK PZ1 max. 3.8 Nm 175 9918500000
WK IK PZ2 max. 5.5 Nm 175 9918510000
output according to DIN 5260-PZ, ISO 8764/1-PZ
Tools and ferrules
Allen key, with spigot Hexagon screwdriver with cross-grip made from Bits and screwdrivers with shouldered blades for
• Surface nickel-plated high-quality plastics fixing sockets to the Weidmüller range of modular
• Made from hardened chromium-vanadium steel • Surface nickel-plated terminals.
• According to DIN 6911 • Made from hardened chromium-vanadium steel • No damage to walls around contacts
• Designed for screws to DIN 6912 • According to DIN 6911 • Made from hardened chrome-vanadium steel
• Designed for screws to DIN 6912 • Suitable for all Weidmüller sockets
• Bit holders available for E6.3
• DIN 3126 for bits and DIN EN 60900, IEC 900
for screwdrivers
Wire end ferrules / Insulated cable lugs
Insulated cable lugs
Wire end ferrules with plastic collar
• Heat-resistant up to 105 °C
Tools and ferrules
ø D2
For conductors from 0.14 to 150 mm2 (AWG 26-300MCM)
Tin-plated copper
Dimensional tolerances to DIN 46228 part 4
Wire end ferrules with plastic collar
• Heat-resistant up to 105 °C
ø D2
For conductors from 0.5 to 2.5 mm2 (AWG 22-14)
Tin-plated copper
Dimensional tolerances to DIN 46228 part 4
Wire end ferrules with plastic collar
• Heat-resistant up to 105 °C
Tools and ferrules
ø D2
For conductors from 0.5 to 50 mm2 (AWG 20-1)
Tin-plated copper
Dimensional tolerances to DIN 46228 part 4
Wire end ferrules with plastic collar
• Heat-resistant up to 105 °C
ø D2
For conductors from 0.5 to 2.5 mm2 (AWG 20-14)
Tin-plated copper
Dimensional tolerances to DIN 46228 part 4
Wire end ferrules with plastic collar
• Heat-resistant up to 105 °C
Tools and ferrules
ø D2
For conductors from 0.14 to 25 mm2 (AWG 26-3)
Tin-plated copper
Dimensional tolerances to DIN 46228 part 4
Wire end ferrules with plastic collar
• Heat-resistant up to 105 °C
ø D2
For conductors from 0.5 to 2.5 mm2 (AWG 20-14)
Tin-plated copper
Dimensional tolerances to DIN 46228 part 4
Twin-wire end ferrules with plastic collar
Twin-wire end ferrules with plastic collar
Twin-wire end ferrules with plastic collar
Wire end ferrules for short-circuit and earth-fault-proof cables
• Heat-resistant up to 105 °C
ø D2
For conductors from 1.5 to 16 mm2 (AWG 16-6)
Tin-plated copper
Dimensional tolerances to DIN 46228 part 4
Wire end ferrules with plastic collar, special sizes
• Heat-resistant up to 105 °C
Tools and ferrules
ø D2
For conductors from 0.5 to 2.5 mm2 (AWG 20-14)
Tin-plated copper
Dimensional tolerances to DIN 46228 part 4
Wire end ferrules without plastic collar
Tools and ferrules
Tools for insulated cable lugs and ferrules
Order No.
9005990000 9020000000 0567300000 9012500000 9014350000 9013650000 9011460000 9012600000 9006450000
Ferrule mm2
H 0.25 l l l l
H 0.34 l l l l
H 0.5 l l1 l l l l l
H 0.75 l l1 l l l l l
H 1.0 l l1 l l l l l
H 1.5 l l1 l l l l l
H 2.5 l1 l l l l l
H 4.0 l l l l l
H 6.0 l l l l l
H 10.0 l
H 16.0 l
H 25.0 l
H 35.0 l
H 50.0 l
Twin wire end ferrules are to be crimped according to the following table:
Tool Ferrules
Order No. H 0.5 H 0.75 H 1.0 H 1.5 H 2.5 H 4.0 H 6.0 H 10.0 H 16.0
PZ 1.5 9005990000 l l
PZ 3 0567300000 l l l l l
PZ 4 9012500000 l l l l l
PZ 6 roto 9014350000 l l l l l l
PZ 6/5 9011460000 l l l l l
Station 1.5 mm2 1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 4 mm2 6 mm2
PZ ZH 16 9013600000 l l l
Tools and ferrules
Marking systems
Marking systems
Terminal markers
Marking systems
Terminal markers
The tables on the following pages show which markers fit the
various terminal series. The terminal pitch governs the selection Z series
of a marker. For example, a WDU 2.5 terminal has a pitch of
5 mm, the WS 12/5 marker is 12 mm long and suitable for a
5 mm pitch.
P series
Owing to the sheer number of possible applications and environmental influ- Due to the different identification system available on the market, we wish
ences such as moisture, radiation, gases or heat/cold to which the products to point out that Weidmüller does not guarantee industrial identification
can be exposed, Weidmüller accepts no liability for the suitability of products products if the Weidmüller components (markers – transparent sleeves – ink/
in all customer applications. Suitability tests for specific applications must toner/colour ink ribbons – printing systems) are combined with third-party
therefore be carried out by the customer. However, Weidmüller will be happy products, unless Weidmüller has explicitly agreed for the purpose of an
to provide help and advice upon request. individual application.
Terminal markers – Selection table
Marking systems
SchT 14/6
SchT 9/4
ZGB 15 /
WTS 3/4
WGB 5 /
EM 8/30
WAD 12
WAD 27
WGB 8/
ZGB 30
SchT 7
AKE 2.5/AKZ 2.5... 5 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AKZ 1.5... 5 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AKZ 4.../AKB 4... 6 6 8/5 - - x - - - - - - - - - -
BZT ZVL 1.5 5.08 5 12/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DLA 2.5... 6 6 8/5 - x x x - - - - - - - - -
DLD 2.5... 6 6 8/5 - x x x - - - - - - - - -
DLI 2.5 6 6 8/5 - x x x - - - - - - - - -
EW 15 9.5 5 12/5 - x x - x - - - - - - - -
EW 15/2 8 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EW 35 8.5 5 8/5 - - - - x - - - - - - - -
EWK 8.5 5 8/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EWK 1 8.5 5 8/5 - - - - x - - - - - - - -
EWK 2 8.5 5 8/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
IAK 1.5N 3L 5 5 10/52) 10/5 - - - - - - - - x - - -
IDK 1.5N 5 5 10/52) 10/5 - x3) - - - - - - - - - -
IDK 1.5N/V 5 5 10/52) 10/5 - - - - - - - - x - - -
IDU 1.5 N ... 5 5 10/52) 10/5 - - - - - - - - x - - -
IDU 2.5N... 6 6 10/61) 12/6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
IEK 1.5N... 5 5 10/52) 10/5 - - - - - - - - x - - -
IIK 1.5N... 5 5 10/52) 10/5 - - - - - - - - x - - -
IPE 1.5N... 5 5 10/52) 10/5 - - - - - - - - x - - -
IPE 2.5N... 6 6 10/61) 12/6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ITR 1.5N... 5 5 10/52) 10/5 - - - - - - - - x - - -
ITR 2.5N... 6 6 10/61) 12/6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
PTR 2.5/... 5 5 10/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
MAK 2.5/VLI 1.5... 6 6 8/5 - x x x - - - - - x - - -
WDK 1.5/R 3.5... 3.5 3.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WDK 2.5 ... 5 5 8/5 - - x - - - - - - x - - -
WDK 2.5 800V 6 6 8/5 - - x - - - - - - x - - -
WDK 2.5/BLA R5.08 5.08 5 8/5 - - - - x - - - - - - - -
WDK 2.5/BLZ R5.08 5.08 5 8/5 - - - - x - - - - - - - -
WDK 2.5N... 5 5 8/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WDK 4N... 5 5 8/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WDL 2.5/... 6 6 8/5 - - - - x - - - - x - - -
WDT 1.5 6.5 6.5 8/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WDTR 2.5... 6.2 6 8/5 - - x - - - - - - - - - -
WDU (WPE) 120/150 32 5 10/5 - - - - x - - - x - - - -
WDU (WPE) 35 N 16 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WDU (WPE) 70/95 27 5 12/5 - - - - x - - - x - - - -
WDU (WPE) 70N 20.5 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WDU 1.5 LD/BLA 5.08 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WDU 1.5/BLA 5.08 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WDU 1.5/BLZ R7.62 7.62 5 - - - - - - - - - - x - - -
WDU 1.5/BLZ/5.08 5.08 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WDU 1.5/BLZ/LD/5.08 5.08 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WDU 1.5/R 3.5... 3.5 3.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WDU 1.5/R/BLA 5.08 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WDU 1.5/ZZ 5 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WDU 10 SL 10 5 12/5 - x x x x x x - - x - - -
WDU 10... 10 5 12/5 - x x x x x x - - x - - -
WDU 16 (/ZA)
WDU 16 N
WDU 2.5 F 5 5 12/5 - - - - x - - - - - - - -
WDU 2.5 FF 5 5 12/5 - x - - x - - - - - - - -
WDU 2.5 N (WDU 1.5) 5 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WDU 2.5 TC... 5 5 12/5 - x x - x - - - - x - - -
WDU 2.5... 5 5 12/5 - x x x x x - - - x - - -
WDU 2.5/1.5/ZZ 5 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WDU 2.5/BLZ R7.62 7.62 5 - - - - - - - - - - x - - -
WDU 240... 36 5 12/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WDU 35 16 5 12/5 - x x x x - - x - x - - -
WDU 4 ... 6 6 12/6 - x x x x x - - - x - - -
WDU 4N ... 6 6 12/6 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WDU 50N 18.5 5 12/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WDU 6 ... 8 8 12/8 - x x x x x x - - x - - -
WDU 95N 27 8 15/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WDUL 4 6 6 12/6 - x x x x x - - - x - - -
WEW 32/1 12.2 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - x x - - -
WEW 35/1 12.2 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - x x - - -
WEW 35/2 8 8 12/5 - x x x x - - x - - - - x
WF 10... 35.6 6 15/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WF 12... 35.6 6 15/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WF 5... 13 6 15/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WF 6... 19.6 6 15/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WF 8... 24.6 6 15/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WFF 120... 42 5 12/6.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WFF 185... 55 5 12/6.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WFF 300... 55 5 12/6.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WFF 35... 27 5 12/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WFF 70... 32 5 12/6.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WGK 8-25 5.6.8 10/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
WMA 4... 6 6 12/6 - x x x x x - - - x - - -
WNT 10 10 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WNT 16 N 12 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WNT 2.5 5 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
= WS 10/6 Middle; 2) = WS 10/5 Middle; 3) = SnapMark
Terminal markers – Selection table
Marking systems
SchT 14/6
SchT 9/4
ZGB 15 /
WTS 3/4
WGB 5 /
EM 8/30
WAD 12
WAD 27
WGB 8/
ZGB 30
SchT 7
WNT 35 N 16 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WNT 4 6 6 12/6 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WNT 6 8 8 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WNT 70 N 20.5 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WPE 1.5/R3.5 3.5 3.5 12/3.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WPE 1.5/ZZ 5 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WPE 10... 10 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WPE 120 32 8 12/6.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WPE 16 12 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WPE 16 N 12 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WPE 2.5 N (WPE 1.5) 5 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WPE 2.5... 5 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WPE 2.5/1.5/ZR 5 5 12/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WPE 35... 16 5 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WPE 4 6 6 12/6 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WPE 4N 6 6 12/6 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WPE 50N 18.5 8 12/6.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WPE 6 8 8 12/5 - x x x x - - - - x - - -
WPE 95N/120N 27 8 15/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WPO 4 6 6 10/6 - - - - - - - - - x - - -
WSI 6... 8 8 12/5 - - - - x - - - - x - - -
WSI 6/2... 12 8 12/6.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WTD 6/1 8 8 12/5 - - - - x - - - - x - - -
WTL 4 ... 6 6 12/6 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WTL 6/1... 8 8 12/8 - - - - x - - - - x - - -
WTL 6/2 8 8 12/8 - - - - x - - - - x - - -
WTL 6/3... 8 8 12/8 - - - - x - - - - x - - -
WTQ 6/1 8 8 12/8 - - - - x - - - - x - - -
WTR 2.5 ... 5 5 12/5 - - - - x - - - - x - - -
WTR 4... 6 6 12/6 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZAP/TW ZIA 1.5/... 3.8 3.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZDK 1.5... 3.5 3.5 12/3.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZDK 2.5... 5 5 12/5 15/5 - - - x - - - - x - - -
ZDK 2.5-2... 5 5 10/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZDK 2.5/3AN 5 5 10/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZDK 4/S/... 6 6 - 12/6 - - - x - - - - x - - -
ZDK 6/S/... 8 8 - - - - - x - - - - x - - -
ZDKPE 2.5 5 5 10/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZDL 2.5/... 5 5 - 10/5 - - - - - - - - x - - -
ZDLD 2.5-2... 5 5 - 10/5 - - - - - - - - x - - -
ZDT 2.5 ... 5 5 10/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZDTPE 2.5... 5 5 10/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZDTR 2.5 5 5 12/5 15/5 - - - x - - - - x - - -
ZDU (ZPE) 10 10 5 12/5 15/5 - x - - - - - - x x x -
ZDU (ZPE) 10/S... 10 5 10/5 15/5 - x - - - - - - x x x -
ZDU (ZPE) 16... 12 5 12/5 15/5 - x - x - - - - x x x -
ZDU (ZPE) 16/S... 12 5 10/5 15/5 - x - - - - - - x x x -
ZDU (ZPE) 2.5N 5 5 10/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZDU (ZPE) 2.5 ... 5 5 12/5 15/5 - - - x - - - - x x x -
ZDU (ZPE) 2.5-2/... 5 5 12/5 15/5 - - - x - - - - x - - -
K ZDU (ZPE) 35...
ZDU (ZPE) 4...
ZDU (ZPE) 4-2... 6 6 12/6 12/6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZDU (ZPE) 6... 8 8 12/8 15/5 - - - x - - - - x x x -
ZDU (ZPE) 6-2... 8 8 12/8 12/6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZDU 1.5... 3.5 3.5 12/3.5 - - - - - - - - - - x x -
ZDUA (ZPEA) 2.5-2 5 5 8/5 15/5 - - - x - - - - x - - -
ZDUA 2.5-2N 5 5 10/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZDUB (ZPEB) 2.5-2/... 5 5 8/5 15/5 - - - - - - - - x - - -
ZEI 16 16 5 12/5 15/5 - - - x - - - - x - - -
ZEI 6 10 8 12/6 12/6 - - - x - - - - x x x -
ZEW 35/2 8 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
ZIA 1.5 ... 5.08 5 8/5 15/5 - - - x - - - - x - - -
ZMAK 2.5 5 5 10/5 15/5 - - - - - - - - x - - -
ZNT 10/S 10 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZNT 16/S 12 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZNT 2.5/S 5 5 10/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZNT 4/S 6 6 10/6 12/6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZNT 6/S 8 8 10/6 12/6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZP 2.5... 5 5 10/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZPE 16-2/1 AN 12 8 12/6 12/6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZPV 1.5 5.08 5 12/5 15/5 - x x x - - - - x - - -
ZRV 1.5... 5 5 8/5 10/5 - x x x - - - - x - - -
ZSI 2.5... 8 8 12/5 15/5 - - - x - - - - x - - -
ZSI 2.5/2... 12 5 12/5 15/5 - - - x - - - - x - - -
ZSI 6-2/FC 8 6 12/6 12/6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZT 2.5 ... 5 5 10/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZTD 6 8 8 12/6.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZTL 6 8 8 12/6.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZTPE 2.5 ... 5 5 10/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ZTR 2.5... 5 5 12/5 15/5 - - - x - - - - x - - -
ZTR 2.5-2... 5 5 14/5 10/5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
PDL 4... 5 5 12/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PDU 2.5/4... 5 5 12/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PDU 6/10... 8 8 10/8 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Terminal markers – Selection table
Marking systems
SchT 14/6
SchT 9/4
ZGB 15 /
WTS 3/4
WGB 5 /
EM 8/30
WAD 12
WAD 27
WGB 8/
ZGB 30
SchT 7
PDU 16 12 - 10/12 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PDK 2.5/4 5 5 12/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PPE 2.5/4 5 5 12/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PPE 6/10 8 8 10/8 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PPE 16 12 - 10/12 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PNT 2.5/4 5 5 12/5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PNT 6/10 8 8 10/8 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PNT 16 12 - 10/12 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PEI 16 12 - 10/12 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AST 1-4/35 6.2 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AST 5/35 6.5 6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
DK 4… 6 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DKT 4… 6 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EK 10 10 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EK 16 12 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EK 2.5… 6 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EK 35… 16 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EK 4… 6.5 6.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EK 6/35 8 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
KDKS 1… 8 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
KSKM… 13 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
KST… 24-34 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NT… 6-12 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RSF 1-3… 8 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SAK 10… 10 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SAK 16… 12 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SAK 2.5 6.1 6 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAK 2.5/35 5 5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAK 35… 18 5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAK 4… 6.5 6.5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAK 6… 8 8 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAK 95/35 28 5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAKC 10/35 12 6.5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAKC 4/35 6.5 6.5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAKG… 32-54 5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAKR… 6.5 6.5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAKS…. 13-28 5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAKT… 8 6.5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAKD 2.5N 5 5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAKA 10 12 5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAKB 10 10 5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
ASK 1 8 8 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAKK 4.. 8 6.5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAKK 10.. 11.5 5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAKH 4-10 6.5-14 5 - - x - - - - - - - - - - -
SAKH 35 18 6.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
KMVF… 6 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AKZ 1.5-2.5 5.1 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AKZ 4 6.1 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AKE 2.5 5.1 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AL 1 6.5 6.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AKA 4 6 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Terminal markers – DEK standard printing
Marking systems
Technical data
Ordering data
K on request
● brown ● red ● orange
● yellow ● green ● blue
● violet ● grey white
Qty 500 pcs
Pitch DEK 5 = 5 mm : DEK 6 = 6 mm : DEK 6.5 = 6.5 mm :
DEK 8 = 8 mm
Printing variations FZ = consecutive horizontal e.g. DEK 5 FW 1-50
FS = consecutive vertical e.g. DEK 5 FS 51-100
FWZ = consecutive horizontal line e.g. DEK 5 FWZ 1-10
FSZ = consecutive vertical line e.g. DEK 5 FSZ 21-30
GW = identical horizontal e.g. DEK 5 GW A
GS = identical vertical e.g. DEK 5 GS B
No. of characters horizontal vertical
Dek 5 max. 3 characters max. 3 characters
Dek 6 max. 3 characters max. 3 characters
Dek 6,5 max. 4 characters max. 3 characters
Dek 8 max. 5 characters max. 3 characters
Specify colour and characters for special printing
Terminal markers – DEK standard printing
Versions DEK
Marking systems
Type/Print Order No. Type/Print Order No. Type/Print Order No. Type/Print Order No.
DEK 5 BL NEUTRAL 0473391693 DEK 5 FW X6-Z6 0133261155 DEK 5 GW 16 0522660016 DEK 5 GW 88 0522660088
DEK 5 BR NEUTRAL 0473391692 DEK 5 FW X7-Z7 0133261156 DEK 5 GW 17 0522660017 DEK 5 GW 89 0522660089
DEK 5 FS 1-50 0473560001 DEK 5 FW X8-Z8 0133261157 DEK 5 GW 18 0522660018 DEK 5 GW 90 0522660090
DEK 5 FS 101-150 0473560101 DEK 5 FW X9-Z9 0133261158 DEK 5 GW 19 0522660019 DEK 5 GW 91 0522660091
DEK 5 FS 151-200 0473560151 DEK 5 FWZ 1-10 0523060001 DEK 5 GW 20 0522660020 DEK 5 GW 92 0522660092
DEK 5 FS 201-250 0473560201 DEK 5 FWZ 1-19 0235860000 DEK 5 GW 21 0522660021 DEK 5 GW 93 0522660093
DEK 5 FS 251-300 0473560251 DEK 5 FWZ 1-9 1572000000 DEK 5 GW 22 0522660022 DEK 5 GW 94 0522660094
DEK 5 FS 301-350 0473560301 DEK 5 FWZ 11-20 0523060011 DEK 5 GW 23 0522660023 DEK 5 GW 95 0522660095
DEK 5 FS 351-400 0473560351 DEK 5 FWZ 2-20 0236160000 DEK 5 GW 24 0522660024 DEK 5 GW 96 0522660096
DEK 5 FS 401-450 0473560401 DEK 5 FWZ 21-30 0523060021 DEK 5 GW 25 0522660025 DEK 5 GW 97 0522660097
DEK 5 FS 451-500 0473560451 DEK 5 FWZ 21-39 0235960000 DEK 5 GW 26 0522660026 DEK 5 GW 98 0522660098
DEK 5 FS 501-550 0473560501 DEK 5 FWZ 22-40 0236260000 DEK 5 GW 27 0522660027 DEK 5 GW 99 0522660099
DEK 5 FS 51-100 0473560051 DEK 5 FWZ 31-40 0523060031 DEK 5 GW 28 0522660028 DEK 5 GW 100 0522660100
DEK 5 FS 551-600 0473560551 DEK 5 FWZ 41-50 0523060041 DEK 5 GW 29 0522660029 DEK 5 GW 101 0522660101
DEK 5 FS 601-650 0473560601 DEK 5 FWZ 41-59 0236060000 DEK 5 GW 30 0522660030 DEK 5 GW 102 0522660102
DEK 5 FS 651-700 0473560651 DEK 5 FWZ 42-60 0236360000 DEK 5 GW 31 0522660031 DEK 5 GW 103 0522660103
DEK 5 FS 701-750 0473560701 DEK 5 FWZ 51-60 0523060051 DEK 5 GW 32 0522660032 DEK 5 GW 104 0522660104
DEK 5 FS 751-800 0473560751 DEK 5 FWZ 61-70 0523060061 DEK 5 GW 33 0522660033 DEK 5 GW 105 0522660105
DEK 5 FS 801-850 0473560801 DEK 5 FWZ 71-80 0523060071 DEK 5 GW 34 0522660034 DEK 5 GW 106 0522660106
DEK 5 FS 851-900 0473560851 DEK 5 FWZ 81-90 0523060081 DEK 5 GW 35 0522660035 DEK 5 GW 107 0522660107
DEK 5 FS 901-950 0473560901 DEK 5 FWZ 91-100 0523060091 DEK 5 GW 36 0522660036 DEK 5 GW 108 0522660108
DEK 5 FS 951-999 0473560951 DEK 5 FWZ L1-EIK 0354361203 DEK 5 GW 37 0522660037 DEK 5 GW 109 0522660109
DEK 5 FSZ 1-10 0460660001 DEK 5 FWZ L1-PE 0354361187 DEK 5 GW 38 0522660038 DEK 5 GW 110 0522660110
DEK 5 FSZ 11-20 0460660011 DEK 5 FWZ U,V,W,N,PE 0558360000 DEK 5 GW 39 0522660039 DEK 5 GW 111 0522660111
DEK 5 FSZ 18,20,...32 0582360018 DEK 5 GE NEUTRAL 0473391687 DEK 5 GW 40 0522660040 DEK 5 GW 112 0522660112
DEK 5 FSZ 2,4,6...16 0582360002 DEK 5 GN NEUTRAL 0473391688 DEK 5 GW 41 0522660041 DEK 5 GW 113 0522660113
DEK 5 FSZ 21-30 0460660021 DEK 5 GR NEUTRAL 0473391691 DEK 5 GW 42 0522660042 DEK 5 GW 114 0522660114
DEK 5 FSZ 31-40 0460660031 DEK 5 GS A 0132961021 DEK 5 GW 43 0522660043 DEK 5 GW 115 0522660115
DEK 5 FSZ 41-50 0460660041 DEK 5 GS B 0132961022 DEK 5 GW 44 0522660044 DEK 5 GW 116 0522660116
DEK 5 FSZ 51-60 0460660051 DEK 5 GS C 0132961023 DEK 5 GW 45 0522660045 DEK 5 GW 117 0522660117
DEK 5 FSZ 61-70 0460660061 DEK 5 GS D 0132961024 DEK 5 GW 46 0522660046 DEK 5 GW 118 0522660118
DEK 5 FSZ 71-80 0460660071 DEK 5 GS E 0132961025 DEK 5 GW 47 0522660047 DEK 5 GW 119 0522660119
DEK 5 FSZ 81-90 0460660081 DEK 5 GS F 0132961026 DEK 5 GW 48 0522660048 DEK 5 GW 120 0522660120
DEK 5 FSZ 91-100 0460660091 DEK 5 GS G 0132961027 DEK 5 GW 49 0522660049 DEK 5 GW 121 0522660121
DEK 5 FW 1,3,5,...99 1358460000 DEK 5 GS H 0132961028 DEK 5 GW 50 0522660050 DEK 5 GW 122 0522660122
DEK 5 FW 1-50 0473460001 DEK 5 GS I 0132961029 DEK 5 GW 51 0522660051 DEK 5 GW 123 0522660123
DEK 5 FW 10-500 0132660010 DEK 5 GS J 0132961030 DEK 5 GW 52 0522660052 DEK 5 GW 124 0522660124
DEK 5 FW 101-150 0473460101 DEK 5 GS K 0132961031 DEK 5 GW 53 0522660053 DEK 5 GW 125 0522660125
DEK 5 FW 151-200 0473460151 DEK 5 GS L 0132961032 DEK 5 GW 54 0522660054 DEK 5 GW 126 0522660126
DEK 5 FW 2,4,...100 1358560000 DEK 5 GS M 0132961033 DEK 5 GW 55 0522660055 DEK 5 GW 127 0522660127
DEK 5 FW 201-250 0473460201 DEK 5 GS N 0132961034 DEK 5 GW 56 0522660056 DEK 5 GW 128 0522660128
DEK 5 FW 251-300 0473460251 DEK 5 GS O 0132961035 DEK 5 GW 57 0522660057 DEK 5 GW 129 0522660129
DEK 5 FW 301-350 0473460301 DEK 5 GS P 0132961036 DEK 5 GW 58 0522660058 DEK 5 GW 130 0522660130
DEK 5 FW 351-400 0473460351 DEK 5 GS PE 0157261187 DEK 5 GW 59 0522660059 DEK 5 GW 131 0522660131 K
DEK 5 FW 401-450 0473460401 DEK 5 GS Q 0132961037 DEK 5 GW 60 0522660060 DEK 5 GW 132 0522660132
DEK 5 FW 451-500 0473460451 DEK 5 GS R 0132961038 DEK 5 GW 61 0522660061 DEK 5 GW 133 0522660133
DEK 5 FW 501-550 0473460501 DEK 5 GS S 0132961039 DEK 5 GW 62 0522660062 DEK 5 GW 134 0522660134
DEK 5 FW 51-100 0473460051 DEK 5 GS T 0132961040 DEK 5 GW 63 0522660063 DEK 5 GW 135 0522660135
DEK 5 FW 551-600 0473460551 DEK 5 GS U 0132961041 DEK 5 GW 64 0522660064 DEK 5 GW 136 0522660136
DEK 5 FW 601-650 0473460601 DEK 5 GS V 0132961042 DEK 5 GW 65 0522660065 DEK 5 GW 137 0522660137
DEK 5 FW 651-700 0473460651 DEK 5 GS W 0132961043 DEK 5 GW 66 0522660066 DEK 5 GW 138 0522660138
DEK 5 FW 701-750 0473460701 DEK 5 GS X 0132961044 DEK 5 GW 67 0522660067 DEK 5 GW 139 0522660139
DEK 5 FW 751-800 0473460751 DEK 5 GS Y 0132961045 DEK 5 GW 68 0522660068 DEK 5 GW 140 0522660140
DEK 5 FW 801-850 0473460801 DEK 5 GS Z 0132961046 DEK 5 GW 69 0522660069 DEK 5 GW 141 0522660141
DEK 5 FW 851-900 0473460851 DEK 5 GS g 0157261202 DEK 5 GW 70 0522660070 DEK 5 GW 142 0522660142
DEK 5 FW 901-950 0473460901 DEK 5 GS h 0157261203 DEK 5 GW 71 0522660071 DEK 5 GW 143 0522660143
DEK 5 FW 951-999 0473460951 DEK 5 GW 0576260000 DEK 5 GW 72 0522660072 DEK 5 GW 144 0522660144
DEK 5 FW U1-PE1 0133161114 DEK 5 GW 1 0522660001 DEK 5 GW 73 0522660073 DEK 5 GW 145 0522660145
DEK 5 FW U2-PE2 0133161115 DEK 5 GW 2 0522660002 DEK 5 GW 74 0522660074 DEK 5 GW 146 0522660146
DEK 5 FW U3-PE3 0133161116 DEK 5 GW 3 0522660003 DEK 5 GW 75 0522660075 DEK 5 GW 147 0522660147
DEK 5 FW U4-PE4 0133161117 DEK 5 GW 4 0522660004 DEK 5 GW 76 0522660076 DEK 5 GW 148 0522660148
DEK 5 FW U5-PE5 0133161118 DEK 5 GW 5 0522660005 DEK 5 GW 77 0522660077 DEK 5 GW 149 0522660149
DEK 5 FW U6-PE6 0133161119 DEK 5 GW 6 0522660006 DEK 5 GW 78 0522660078 DEK 5 GW 150 0522660150
DEK 5 FW U7-PE7 0133161120 DEK 5 GW 7 0522660007 DEK 5 GW 79 0522660079 DEK 5 GW 151 0522660151
DEK 5 FW U8-PE8 0133161121 DEK 5 GW 8 0522660008 DEK 5 GW 80 0522660080 DEK 5 GW 152 0522660152
DEK 5 FW U9-PE9 0133161122 DEK 5 GW 9 0522660009 DEK 5 GW 81 0522660081 DEK 5 GW 153 0522660153
DEK 5 FW X1-Z1 0133261150 DEK 5 GW 10 0522660010 DEK 5 GW 82 0522660082 DEK 5 GW 154 0522660154
DEK 5 FW X10-Z10 0133261159 DEK 5 GW 11 0522660011 DEK 5 GW 83 0522660083 DEK 5 GW 155 0522660155
DEK 5 FW X2-Z2 0133261151 DEK 5 GW 12 0522660012 DEK 5 GW 84 0522660084 DEK 5 GW 156 0522660156
DEK 5 FW X3-Z3 0133261152 DEK 5 GW 13 0522660013 DEK 5 GW 85 0522660085 DEK 5 GW 157 0522660157
DEK 5 FW X4-Z4 0133261153 DEK 5 GW 14 0522660014 DEK 5 GW 86 0522660086 DEK 5 GW 158 0522660158
DEK 5 FW X5-Z5 0133261154 DEK 5 GW 15 0522660015 DEK 5 GW 87 0522660087 DEK 5 GW 159 0522660159
Terminal markers – DEK standard printing
Versions DEK
Marking systems
Type/Print Order No. Type/Print Order No. Type/Print Order No. Type/Print Order No.
DEK 5 GW 160 0522660160 DEK 5 GW N 0522761034 DEK 6 FS 201-250 0468760201 DEK 6 FWZ L1-h 0631961203
DEK 5 GW 161 0522660161 DEK 5 GW n 0522861060 DEK 6 FS 251-300 0468760251 DEK 6 FWZ L1-PE 0631961187
DEK 5 GW 162 0522660162 DEK 5 GW O 0522761035 DEK 6 FS 301-350 0468760301 DEK 6 FWZ R,S,T,N,g 0631860000
DEK 5 GW 163 0522660163 DEK 5 GW o 0522861061 DEK 6 FS 351-400 0468760351 DEK 6 GE NEUTRAL 0468591687
DEK 5 GW 164 0522660164 DEK 5 GW P 0522761036 DEK 6 FS 401-450 0468760401 DEK 6 GN NEUTRAL 0468591688
DEK 5 GW 165 0522660165 DEK 5 GW p 0522861062 DEK 6 FS 451-500 0468760451 DEK 6 GR NEUTRAL 0468591691
DEK 5 GW 166 0522660166 DEK 5 GW PE 0537261187 DEK 6 FS 501-550 0468760501 DEK 6 GW 0 0526961000
DEK 5 GW 167 0522660167 DEK 5 GW PEN 0537261188 DEK 6 FS 51-100 0468760051 DEK 6 GW 1 0526960001
DEK 5 GW 168 0522660168 DEK 5 GW Q 0522761037 DEK 6 FS 551-600 0468760551 DEK 6 GW 2 0526960002
DEK 5 GW 169 0522660169 DEK 5 GW q 0522861063 DEK 6 FS 601-650 0468760601 DEK 6 GW 3 0526960003
DEK 5 GW 170 0522660170 DEK 5 GW R 0522761038 DEK 6 FS 651-700 0468760651 DEK 6 GW 4 0526960004
DEK 5 GW 171 0522660171 DEK 5 GW r 0522861064 DEK 6 FS 701-750 0468760701 DEK 6 GW 5 0526960005
DEK 5 GW 172 0522660172 DEK 5 GW RT/SW + 0576291737 DEK 6 FS 751-800 0468760751 DEK 6 GW 6 0526960006
DEK 5 GW 173 0522660173 DEK 5 GW S 0522761039 DEK 6 FS 801-850 0468760801 DEK 6 GW 7 0526960007
DEK 5 GW 174 0522660174 DEK 5 GW s 0522861065 DEK 6 FS 851-900 0468760851 DEK 6 GW 8 0526960008
DEK 5 GW 175 0522660175 DEK 5 GW T 0522761040 DEK 6 FS 901-950 0468760901 DEK 6 GW 9 0526960009
DEK 5 GW 176 0522660176 DEK 5 GW t 0522861066 DEK 6 FS 951-999 0468760951 DEK 6 GW 10 0526960010
DEK 5 GW 177 0522660177 DEK 5 GW U 0522761041 DEK 6 FSZ 1-10 0133360001 DEK 6 GW 11 0526960011
DEK 5 GW 178 0522660178 DEK 5 GW u 0522861067 DEK 6 FSZ 11-20 0133360011 DEK 6 GW 12 0526960012
DEK 5 GW 179 0522660179 DEK 5 GW V 0522761042 DEK 6 FSZ 21-30 0133360021 DEK 6 GW 13 0526960013
DEK 5 GW 180 0522660180 DEK 5 GW v 0522861068 DEK 6 FSZ 31-40 0133360031 DEK 6 GW 14 0526960014
DEK 5 GW 181 0522660181 DEK 5 GW W 0522761043 DEK 6 FSZ 41-50 0133360041 DEK 6 GW 15 0526960015
DEK 5 GW 182 0522660182 DEK 5 GW w 0522861069 DEK 6 FSZ 51-60 0133360051 DEK 6 GW 16 0526960016
DEK 5 GW 183 0522660183 DEK 5 GW W-STROM 0576261215 DEK 6 FSZ 61-70 0133360061 DEK 6 GW 17 0526960017
DEK 5 GW 184 0522660184 DEK 5 GW X 0522761044 DEK 6 FSZ 71-80 0133360071 DEK 6 GW 18 0526960018
DEK 5 GW 185 0522660185 DEK 5 GW x 0522861070 DEK 6 FSZ 81-90 0133360081 DEK 6 GW 19 0526960019
DEK 5 GW 186 0522660186 DEK 5 GW Y 0522761045 DEK 6 FSZ 91-100 0133360091 DEK 6 GW 20 0526960020
DEK 5 GW 187 0522660187 DEK 5 GW y 0522861071 DEK 6 FW 1,3,5...99 1358660000 DEK 6 GW 21 0526960021
DEK 5 GW 188 0522660188 DEK 5 GW Z 0522761046 DEK 6 FW 1-5 (10X) 0688660000 DEK 6 GW 22 0526960022
DEK 5 GW 189 0522660189 DEK 5 GW z 0522861072 DEK 6 FW 1-50 0468660001 DEK 6 GW 23 0526960023
DEK 5 GW 190 0522660190 DEK 5 GW + 0576261198 DEK 6 FW 101-150 0468660101 DEK 6 GW 24 0526960024
DEK 5 GW 191 0522660191 DEK 5 GW - 0576261199 DEK 6 FW 151-200 0468660151 DEK 6 GW 25 0526960025
DEK 5 GW 192 0522660192 DEK 5 GW g 0576261202 DEK 6 FW 2,4,...100 1358760000 DEK 6 GW 26 0526960026
DEK 5 GW 193 0522660193 DEK 5 GW h 0576261203 DEK 6 FW 201-250 0468660201 DEK 6 GW 27 0526960027
DEK 5 GW 194 0522660194 DEK 5 NEUTRAL 0473360000 DEK 6 FW 251-300 0468660251 DEK 6 GW 28 0526960028
DEK 5 GW 195 0522660195 DEK 5 OR NEUTRAL 0473391690 DEK 6 FW 301-350 0468660301 DEK 6 GW 29 0526960029
DEK 5 GW 196 0522660196 DEK 5 RT NEUTRAL 0473391686 DEK 6 FW 351-400 0468660351 DEK 6 GW 30 0526960030
DEK 5 GW 197 0522660197 DEK 5 SW NEUTRAL 0473391694 DEK 6 FW 401-450 0468660401 DEK 6 GW 31 0526960031
DEK 5 GW 198 0522660198 DEK 5 VI NEUTRAL 0473391689 DEK 6 FW 451-500 0468660451 DEK 6 GW 32 0526960032
DEK 5 GW 199 0522660199 DEK 6 FW 501-550 0468660501 DEK 6 GW 33 0526960033
DEK 5 GW 200 0522660200 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 1-10 1762320001 DEK 6 FW 51-100 0468660051 DEK 6 GW 34 0526960034
DEK 5 GW A 0522761021 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 101-110 1762320101 DEK 6 FW 551-600 0468660551 DEK 6 GW 35 0526960035
DEK 5 GW a 0522861047 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 11-20 1762320011 DEK 6 FW 601-650 0468660601 DEK 6 GW 36 0526960036
K DEK 5 GW B 0522761022 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 111-120 1762320111 DEK 6 FW 651-700 0468660651 DEK 6 GW 37 0526960037
DEK 5 GW b 0522861048 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 121-130 1762320121 DEK 6 FW 701-750 0468660701 DEK 6 GW 38 0526960038
DEK 5 GW BL/SW - 0576291741 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 131-140 1762320131 DEK 6 FW 751-800 0468660751 DEK 6 GW 39 0526960039
DEK 5 GW C 0522761023 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 141-150 1762320141 DEK 6 FW 801-850 0468660801 DEK 6 GW 40 0526960040
DEK 5 GW c 0522861049 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 21-30 1762320021 DEK 6 FW 851-900 0468660851 DEK 6 GW 41 0526960041
DEK 5 GW D 0522761024 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 31-40 1762320031 DEK 6 FW 901-950 0468660901 DEK 6 GW 42 0526960042
DEK 5 GW d 0522861050 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 41-50 1762320041 DEK 6 FW 951-999 0468660951 DEK 6 GW 43 0526960043
DEK 5 GW E 0522761025 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 51-60 1762320051 DEK 6 FW L,N,PE 0632560000 DEK 6 GW 44 0526960044
DEK 5 GW e 0522861051 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 61-70 1762320061 DEK 6 FWZ 1-10 0518960001 DEK 6 GW 45 0526960045
DEK 5 GW F 0522761026 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 71-80 1762320071 DEK 6 FWZ 101-110 0518960101 DEK 6 GW 46 0526960046
DEK 5 GW f 0522861052 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 81-90 1762320081 DEK 6 FWZ 11-20 0518960011 DEK 6 GW 47 0526960047
DEK 5 GW G 0522761027 DEK 5/3,5 MC FS 91-100 1762320091 DEK 6 FWZ 111-120 0518960111 DEK 6 GW 48 0526960048
DEK 5 GW g 0522861053 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 0 1755281000 DEK 6 FWZ 121-130 0518960121 DEK 6 GW 49 0526960049
DEK 5 GW H 0522761028 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 1 1755280001 DEK 6 FWZ 131-140 0518960131 DEK 6 GW 50 0526960050
DEK 5 GW h 0522861054 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 2 1755280002 DEK 6 FWZ 141-150 0518960141 DEK 6 GW 51 0526960051
DEK 5 GW I 0522761029 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 3 1755280003 DEK 6 FWZ 151-160 0518960151 DEK 6 GW 52 0526960052
DEK 5 GW i 0522861055 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 4 1755280004 DEK 6 FWZ 161-170 0518960161 DEK 6 GW 53 0526960053
DEK 5 GW J 0522761030 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 5 1755280005 DEK 6 FWZ 171-180 0518960171 DEK 6 GW 54 0526960054
DEK 5 GW j 0522861056 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 6 1755280006 DEK 6 FWZ 181-190 0518960181 DEK 6 GW 55 0526960055
DEK 5 GW K 0522761031 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 7 1755280007 DEK 6 FWZ 191-200 0518960191 DEK 6 GW 56 0526960056
DEK 5 GW k 0522861057 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 8 1755280008 DEK 6 FWZ 201-210 0518960201 DEK 6 GW 57 0526960057
DEK 5 GW L 0522761032 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 9 1755280009 DEK 6 FWZ 21-30 0518960021 DEK 6 GW 58 0526960058
DEK 5 GW l 0522861058 DEK 6 FWZ 31-40 0518960031 DEK 6 GW 59 0526960059
DEK 5 GW L1 0522361075 DEK 6 NEUTRAL 0468560000 DEK 6 FWZ 41-50 0518960041 DEK 6 GW 60 0526960060
DEK 5 GW L2 0522361076 DEK 6 BL NEUTRAL 0468591693 DEK 6 FWZ 51-60 0518960051 DEK 6 GW 61 0526960061
DEK 5 GW L3 0522361077 DEK 6 BR NEUTRAL 0468591692 DEK 6 FWZ 61-70 0518960061 DEK 6 GW 62 0526960062
DEK 5 GW M 0522761033 DEK 6 FS 1-50 0468760001 DEK 6 FWZ 71-80 0518960071 DEK 6 GW 63 0526960063
DEK 5 GW m 0522861059 DEK 6 FS 101-150 0468760101 DEK 6 FWZ 81-90 0518960081 DEK 6 GW 64 0526960064
DEK 5 GW MP 0537261235 DEK 6 FS 151-200 0468760151 DEK 6 FWZ 91-100 0518960091 DEK 6 GW 65 0526960065
Terminal markers – DEK standard printing
Versions DEK
Marking systems
Type/Print Order No. Type/Print Order No. Type/Print Order No.
DEK 6 GW 66 0526960066 DEK 6,5 FSZ 21-30 0407360021 DEK 8 FWZ 121-130 1276960121
DEK 6 GW 67 0526960067 DEK 6,5 FSZ 31-40 0407360031 DEK 8 FWZ 131-140 1276960131
DEK 6 GW 68 0526960068 DEK 6,5 FSZ 41-50 0407360041 DEK 8 FWZ 141-150 1276960141
DEK 6 GW 69 0526960069 DEK 6,5 FSZ 51-60 0407360051 DEK 8 FWZ 21-30 1276960021
DEK 6 GW 70 0526960070 DEK 6,5 FSZ 61-70 0407360061 DEK 8 FWZ 31-40 1276960031
DEK 6 GW 71 0526960071 DEK 6,5 FSZ 71-80 0407360071 DEK 8 FWZ 41-50 1276960041
DEK 6 GW 72 0526960072 DEK 6,5 FSZ 81-90 0407360081 DEK 8 FWZ 51-60 1276960051
DEK 6 GW 73 0526960073 DEK 6,5 FSZ 91-100 0407360091 DEK 8 FWZ 61-70 1276960061
DEK 6 GW 74 0526960074 DEK 6,5 FW 1-50 0468160001 DEK 8 FWZ 71-80 1276960071
DEK 6 GW 75 0526960075 DEK 6,5 FW 101-150 0468160101 DEK 8 FWZ 81-90 1276960081
DEK 6 GW 76 0526960076 DEK 6,5 FW 151-200 0468160151 DEK 8 FWZ 91-100 1276960091
DEK 6 GW 77 0526960077 DEK 6,5 FW 201-250 0468160201 DEK 8 GE NEUTRAL 1277091687
DEK 6 GW 78 0526960078 DEK 6,5 FW 251-300 0468160251 DEK 8 GN NEUTRAL 1277091688
DEK 6 GW 79 0526960079 DEK 6,5 FW 301-350 0468160301 DEK 8 NEUTRAL 1277060000
DEK 6 GW 80 0526960080 DEK 6,5 FW 351-400 0468160351 DEK 8 OR NEUTRAL 1277091690
DEK 6 GW 81 0526960081 DEK 6,5 FW 401-450 0468160401 DEK 8 RT NEUTRAL 1277091686
DEK 6 GW 82 0526960082 DEK 6,5 FW 451-500 0468160451 DEK 8 SONDERDR. FARBIG 1326690000
DEK 6 GW 83 0526960083 DEK 6,5 FW 501-550 0468160501 DEK 8 SONDERDR. WEIß 1326660000
DEK 6 GW 84 0526960084 DEK 6,5 FW 51-100 0468160051 DEK 8 VI NEUTRAL 1277091689
DEK 6 GW 85 0526960085 DEK 6,5 FW 551-600 0468160551
DEK 6 GW 86 0526960086 DEK 6,5 FW 601-650 0468160601 WS 8/5 Karte 1773360000
DEK 6 GW 87 0526960087 DEK 6,5 FW 651-700 0468160651 WS 10/5 Karte 1773370000
DEK 6 GW 88 0526960088 DEK 6,5 FW 701-750 0468160701 WS 12/5 Karte 1773380000
DEK 6 GW 89 0526960089 DEK 6,5 FW 751-800 0468160751
DEK 6 GW 90 0526960090 DEK 6,5 FW 801-850 0468160801 WS 12/5 FSZ 1 - 10 1773430001
DEK 6 GW 91 0526960091 DEK 6,5 FW 851-900 0468160851 WS 12/5 FSZ 11 - 20 1773430011
DEK 6 GW 92 0526960092 DEK 6,5 FW 901-950 0468160901 WS 12/5 FSZ 21 - 30 1773430021
DEK 6 GW 93 0526960093 DEK 6,5 FW 951-999 0468160951 WS 12/5 FSZ 31 - 40 1773430031
DEK 6 GW 94 0526960094 DEK 6,5 FW L1- h 0632161203 WS 12/5 FSZ 41 - 50 1773430041
DEK 6 GW 95 0526960095 DEK 6,5 FW L1-PE 0632161187 WS 12/5 FWZ 1 - 10 1773330001
DEK 6 GW 96 0526960096 DEK 6,5 FWZ 1-10 0519060001 WS 12/5 FWZ 11 - 20 1773330011
DEK 6 GW 97 0526960097 DEK 6,5 FWZ 11-20 0519060011 WS 12/5 FWZ 21 - 30 1773330021
DEK 6 GW 98 0526960098 DEK 6,5 FWZ 21-30 0519060021 WS 12/5 FWZ 31 - 40 1773330031
DEK 6 GW 99 0526960099 DEK 6,5 FWZ 31-40 0519060031 WS 12/5 FWZ 41 - 50 1773330041
DEK 6 GW 100 0526960100 DEK 6,5 FWZ 41-50 0519060041
DEK 6 GW 200 0526960200 DEK 6,5 FWZ 51-60 0519060051
DEK 6 GW BL/SW - 1318091741 DEK 6,5 FWZ 61-70 0519060061
DEK 6 GW PE 1318061187 DEK 6,5 FWZ 71-80 0519060071
DEK 6 GW RT/SW + 1318091737 DEK 6,5 FWZ 81-90 0519060081
DEK 6 GW + 1318061198 DEK 6,5 FWZ 91-100 0519060091
DEK 6 GW - 1318061199 DEK 6,5 FWZ R,S,T,N,ERD 0632060000
DEK 6 GW g 1318061202 DEK 6,5 GE NEUTRAL 0468091687
DEK 6 GW h 1318061203 DEK 6,5 GN NEUTRAL 0468091688
DEK 6 NEUTRAL 0468560000 DEK 6,5 NEUTRAL 0468060000 K
DEK 6 OR NEUTRAL 0468591690 DEK 6,5 OR NEUTRAL 0468091690
DEK 6 RT NEUTRAL 0468591686 DEK 6,5 RT NEUTRAL 0468091686
DEK 6 SW NEUTRAL 0468591694 DEK 6,5 SW NEUTRAL 0468091694
DEK 6 VI NEUTRAL 0468591689 DEK 6,5 VI NEUTRAL 0468091689
Terminal markers – Dekafix
Marking systems
DEK MultiCard
Technical data
Ordering data
K on request
● brown ● red ● orange
● yellow ● green ● blue
● violet ● grey white
Special printing Specify special printing and colours per diskette, Excel file or
using the M-Print® PRO software.
Minimum order quantity 1 pack
Notes on mounting Mount in strips when the marker pitch (width) corresponds to
the pitch of the terminals.
For example, DEK 5 mm pitch for terminals with 5 mm pitch
such as the WDU 2.5.
Mount individual markers when the terminal pitch is larger than
the marker pitch (width).
For example, DEK 6.5 mount individually on WDU 6 terminals.
Terminal markers – Dekafix
Marking systems
Clamping width: 3.5 mm Ordering data
DEK - blank Type Colour of material Length Qty. Order No.
DEK 5/3,5 MC white 5 mm 500 1755270000
DEK - Custom printing Type Colour of material Length Qty. Order No.
DEK 5/3,5 MC white 5 mm 100 1767730000
DEK - Custom printing Type Colour of material Length Qty. Order No.
DEK 5/5 MC white 5 mm 200 1609810000
DEK 5/5 Plus MC white 5 mm 200 1854500000
DEK 5/30 MC white 30 mm 20 1025680000
DEK - Custom printing Type Colour of material Length Qty. Order No.
DEK 5/6 MC white 5 mm 200 1609830000
Clamping width: 6.5 mm
DEK - blank Type Colour of material Length Qty. Order No.
DEK 5/6,5 MC white 5 mm 900 1609840000
DEK - Custom printing Type Colour of material Length Qty. Order No.
DEK 5/6,5 MC white 5 mm 180 1609850000
DEK - Custom printing Type Colour of material Length Qty. Order No.
DEK 5/7,5 MC white 5 mm 320 1770490000
DEK - Custom printing Type Colour of material Length Qty. Order No.
DEK 5/8 MC white 5 mm 160 1856750000
Terminal markers – Introduction – WS
Marking systems
Technical data
Ordering data
K on request
● brown ● red ● orange
● yellow ● green ● blue
● violet ● grey white
Special printing Specify special printing and colours per diskette, Excel file or
using the M-Print® PRO software.
Minimum order quantity 1 pack
Notes on mounting Mount in strips when the marker pitch (width) corresponds to
the pitch of the terminals. For example, WS 10/6 = 6 mm pitch
for terminals with 6 mm pitch such as the WDU 4.
Mount individual markers when the terminal pitch is larger
than the marker pitch (width). For example, WS 12/6.5 mount
individually on WDU 6 terminals. Weidmüller markers with
5 mm pitch (width) are suitable for all widths of terminals.
Terminal markers – Introduction – ZS
Marking systems
ZS markers – in the proven MultiCard format – were specially Halogen
developed for Z series terminals. They provide users with a
large labelling area. Their unique hinged form means that
cross-connectors, for example, are still readily accessible
without having to remove the marker. Markers can be clipped
on in strips to guarantee fast installation, but individual markers
are easily separated.
Technical data
Ordering data
Colour white
Notes on mounting height x width (pitch), e.g. ZS 10/5
10 mm high, 5 mm wide = 5 mm pitch
Special printing Specify special printing and colours per diskette, Excel file or
using the M-Print® PRO software.
Suitable printing systems SMark-Laser, PrintJet, MCP Plus Plotter, MC-Mobilo
Minimum order quantity 1 pack
Terminal markers – WS / ZS
Terminal markers – WS / ZS
Marking systems
can be used for the I-series. The ZS markers are
specially designed for the Z-series.
Ordering data
WS - Custom printing Type Colour of material Length Qty. Order No.
WS 10/6 MC white 10 mm 120 1828460000
WS 10/6 MC Middle white 10 mm 120 1818410000
WS 12/6 MC white 12 mm 120 1609910000
WS 12/6 MC PLUS white 12 mm 120 1927540000
WS - Custom printing Type Colour of material Length Qty. Order No.
WS 10/12 MC white 10 mm 60 1906060000
WS 10/15 MC white 10 mm 48 1854100000
Terminal markers – Tag carrier
This tag holder is specially conceived for the IDK 1.5N two-tier terminal of the I-series. The flexible hinge
mechanism allows cross-connections to be connected or disconnected at little effort. It can be fitted with
four DEK 5 tags or two WS 10/5 Middle connector markers.
Marking systems
Type Length Width Qty. Order No.
WS 10/5 MC Middle 10 mm 5 mm 720 1792000000
DEK 5/5 MC 5 mm 5 mm 1000 1609801044
The BZT marker carrier enables clear labelling of the ZDU 2.5/4/6 and ZDUA terminal range. The BZT is
equipped with the WS 10/5 connector marker. The ZA version ensures maximum stability due to block
construction of the marker carrier.
Type Length Width Qty. Order No.
WS 10/5 MC 10 mm 5 mm 720 1635000000
Terminal markers – Tag carrier
The SCHT 5 & SCHT 5 S group marker carrier is clipped directly to the TS 32 DIN rail (G-rail) or the
TS 35 DIN rail (top-hat rail). It is therefore possible to provide terminal strip labelling irrespective of the
terminal and the type of terminal.
Marking systems
SCHT 5 / SCHT 5 S Ordering data
Type Length Width Qty. Order No.
Technical specification SCHT 5 44,5 mm 19.5 mm 20 0292460000
Material Polyamide 66 SCHT 5 S 44,5 mm 9.5 mm 20 1631930000
UL 94 flammability rating V2
Min. temperature, continuous -40 °C
Max. temperature, continuous 100 °C
Colour beige
Type Length Width No. per sheet Qty. Order No.
ESO 5 white 40 mm 16.5 mm 60 10 1607710000
ESO 5 yellow 40 mm 16.5 mm 60 10 1631350000
ESO 5P white 40 mm 16.5 mm 60 10 1670370000
ESO 5P yellow 40 mm 16.5 mm 60 10 1670380000
ESO 5 S white 40 mm 7 mm 140 10 1631920000
STR 5 F.SCHT 5 40 mm 16.5 mm 20 0294000000
STR 5 S. F.SCHT 5 S 40 mm 7 mm 20 1631940000
The SCHT 7 is a hinged group marker carrier for inlay tags which still allows easy access to the clamping
screw. To equip with ESO 7, 4 tags of DEK 5/5 or 2 tags of WS 10/5 Middle.
Type Length Width No. per sheet Qty. Order No.
DEK 5/5 MC 5 mm 5 mm 1000 1609801044
ESO 7 white 27 mm 6.3 mm 240 10 1607720000
ESO 7 yellow 27 mm 6.3 mm 240 10 1634780000
ESO 7P white 27 mm 6.3 mm 240 10 1670390000
ESO 7P yellow 27 mm 6.3 mm 240 10 1670400000
STR 7 SCHT 7 27 mm 6.3 mm 20 0515300000
WS 10/5 MC Middle 10 mm 5 mm 720 1792000000
Terminal markers – Tag carrier
SCHT 9/4 and SCHT 14/6 are hinged group marker carriers for single dekafix and WS tags, allowing
easy access to the clamping screws.
Marking systems
Type Length Width Qty. Order No.
DEK 5/5 MC 5 mm 5 mm 1000 1609801044
WS 12/5 MC 12 mm 5 mm 720 1609860000
WGB group marker carrier for single dekafix and WS tags. The WGB also covers the cross-connection
Blank WAD covers for labelling with STI pen, or a special printing for the W-series. Cross-connection
channels are covered. Also available with lightning flash warning symbol to DIN 30600.
K Material
UL 94 flammability rating
Polyamide 66
33.5 mm
33.5 mm
7.7 mm
5 mm
Min. temperature, continuous -40 °C WAD 5 lightning flash 33.5 mm 5 mm yellow 50 1053460000
Max. temperature, continuous 100 °C WAD 8 33.5 mm 8 mm white 50 1056160000
WAD 8 lightning flash 33.5 mm 8 mm yellow 50 1053560000
WAD 12 36.2 mm 12 mm white 50 1056260000
WAD 12 lightning flash 36.2 mm 12 mm yellow 50 1055960000
WAD 27 64 mm 27 mm white 10 1062960000
WAD 27 lightning flash 64 mm 27 mm yellow 10 1062860000
Terminal markers – Tag carrier
The ZGB 15 / ZGB 30 is a hinged marker carrier. The tag holder can be fitted with the dekafix 5,
WS 12/5 connector markers or with the push-in tag ESO 15 / ESO 7.
Marking systems
ZGB 15 / ZGB 30 Ordering data
Type Length Width Qty. Order No.
Technical specification ZGB 15 15 mm 7 mm 20 1636530000
Material Polyamide 66 ZGB 30 32 mm 7 mm 20 1611930000
UL 94 flammability rating V2
Min. temperature, continuous -40 °C
Max. temperature, continuous 100 °C
Colour white
Type Length Width No. per sheet Qty. Order No.
DEK 5/5 MC 5 mm 5 mm 1000 1609801044
ESO 7 white 27 mm 6.3 mm 240 10 1607720000
ESO 7 yellow 27 mm 6.3 mm 240 10 1634780000
ESO 7P white 27 mm 6.3 mm 240 10 1670390000
ESO 7P yellow 27 mm 6.3 mm 240 10 1670400000
ESO 15 white 15 mm 6 mm 120 1 1636510000
STR 7 SCHT 7 27 mm 6.3 mm 20 0515300000
STR 15 ZGB 15 15 mm 6.3 mm 20 1636520000
WS 12/5 MC 12 mm 5 mm 720 1609860000
The EM 8/30 end bracket marker is suitable for labelling the WEW 35/2 and ZEW 35/2 end brackets as
well as marker carrier for W-series terminals. The EM 8/30 can be fitted with the ESO 7 and ESO 7P
inlay tags. The pocket guarantees that the labelling is well protected against environmental influences.
Type Length Width No. per sheet Qty. Order No.
ESO 7 white 27 mm 6.3 mm 240 10 1607720000
ESO 7 yellow 27 mm 6.3 mm 240 10 1634780000
ESO 7P white 27 mm 6.3 mm 240 10 1670390000
ESO 7P yellow 27 mm 6.3 mm 240 10 1670400000
Overview Printing systems
Marking systems
The Weidmüller labelling systems are the quick and efficient The unique printing speed of the SMark-Laser makes it a
way of producing markers for connectors, wires, cables and real winner. The PrintJet PRO is the reference model in
devices, plus labels for general use. The M-Print® PRO soft- industrial marking for high-resolution printing and maximum
ware enables users to mark electrical equipment quickly and wipe and scratch resistance. The MCP Plus plotter provides
simply. For professional and fast design, printing and ordering you with good flexibility because with its positioning frame
of your marking requirements. Borders, barcodes, graphics it can handle more than 120 different types of marker in the
or photos can all be easily integrated. The multitude of data MultiCard format. The MC-Mobilo is the ideal printer for
conversion routines presents you with fast and flexible options labelling on site without a PC and a mains power supply,
for data integration. The Weidmüller SMark-Laser, PrintJet directly during installation work. The printers of the
PRO, MCP Plus and MC-Mobilo printers plus those of the ThermoMark series are ideal for printing labels and/or shrink-
ThermoMark series can be used for printing. able sleeves in excellent quality.
Type of marker SMark-Laser PrintJet PRO MCP Plus plotter MC-Mobilo ThermoMark
Connector markers
DEK l l l l
WS l l l l 1
ZS l l l l
MF l l l l
Device markers
DMC l l l l
ESG l l l l
SM l l l l
ClipCard l l l l
THM WriteOn l
Except WS 15/5
SF 4 to 6 only with corresponding positioning frame
Printing systems – Laser printer
Marking systems
The SMark-Laser is a laser printer for printing
on markers in the MultiCard format. The fast pro-
duction of large numbers of individually printed
markers is the special feature of this printer. The
automatic feed function of the SMark-Laser
increases productivity even further and ensures
that your markers are available without delay.
• Fast printing speed, 4 MultiCards per minute
• Markers can be used immediately
• Fast operation irrespective of the file size
• Good flexibility thanks to production of markers
in MultiCard format to meet users’ requirements
• Reduces stocks because only blank markers
are required
• Printing of graphics and logos as well
• Optional automatic feed for large quantities
• Can be used together with the Weidmüller
M-Print® PRO software
Technical data
Type SMark-Laser
Application Prints all MultiCards
Technology Laser printer
Printing speed 4 MultiCards per minute
Print quality 600 dpi
Printer drivers WIN 9.x, NT, 2000/XP
Software M-Print® PRO
System requirements Windows® 2000/XP/Vista
Feed Manual or with optional loader
Interfaces Centronics
Power supply AC 230 V / 50 Hz / 16 A
Ambient conditions 20 °C – 35 °C
Dimensions: (L x W x H) 1000 x 430 x 380 mm
Scope of supply Laser printer, power cable, printer drivers, manual,
interface cable, M-Print® PRO software
Print options
Printing systems – Inkjet printer
PrintJet PRO
Marking systems
Ordering data PrintJet PRO
Type Order No.
PrintJet PRO 115V 1024050000
PrintJet PRO 230V 1001180001
PJ PRO TNTK INK SET BK Ink tank starter set, black 1027090000
PJ PRO TNTK INK SET COL Ink tank starter set, colour 1027110000
PJ PRO TNTK INK K l Ink tank Black 1027040000
PJ PRO TNTK INK C l Ink tank Cyan 1027050000
PJ PRO TNTK INK M l Ink tank Magenta 1027060000
PJ PRO TNTK INK Y l Ink tank Yellow 1027070000
PJ PRO TNTK FL Ink tank fluid 1027080000
Printing systems – Plotter
MCP Plus
Marking systems
The plotter MCP Plus complements the
Weimüller MultiCard concept. It is suitable for
smaller quantities of markers and when only part
of a MultiCard is to be printed on. The special
positioning frame for five MultiCards increases
productivity by 20 % over comparable systems.
With the positioning frame for SlimFix markers
sizes 4 to 6, printing on more than 120 MultiCard
types for terminals, cables, wires and equipment
is possible. Labels are printed with the MCP-Label
positioning frame. Suitable for use with the
Weidmüller M-Print® PRO software.
• 2 positioning frames for more than 120
MultiCard types
• MultiCards easily fitted into the frame
• Easy to use with partly used MultiCards
• Automatic pen activation function
• Safe storage of the plotter pens
Technical data
Type Plotter
Application printing of MultiCard markers and labels
Technology plotting technique
Print software M-Print® PRO
System requirements Windows® 2000/XP/Vista
Interface Parallel Centronics
Power supply 230/115 V AC
Feed manual
Location office conditions
Ambient temperature 10 °C - 35 °C
Dimensions (L x W x H) 660 x 440 x 125 mm
Weight approx. 8 kg
Scope of supply MCP Plus with Centronics cable, USB cable, power pack
(100-240 V AC/50-60 Hz), Euro and US plugs, MultiCard
positioning frame, 0.25 mm plotter pen, M-Print® PRO
software and manual
Printing systems – MCP Plus
Marking systems
MCP ink
Type Contents Qty. Order No.
Technical specification P-Ink 22 ml 1 1924340000
Ink 2000 25 ml 1 1772120000
MCP miscellaneous
Type Contents Qty. Order No.
Technical specification MCP adhesive strips 1 1924320000
P cleaner 22 ml 1 1924330000
MCP cover 1 1924350000
Cleaner Clean 2000 25 ml 1 1772130000
Cleaning beaker 1 1288300000
Inlay for MCP Plus 1 1935130000
MCP software
Type Qty. Order No.
Technical specification M-PRINT PRO 1 1905490000
The STI-S felt tip pen is suitable for labelling blank Weidmüller marking products. It can be used for
handwritten labels or, in conjunction with the STI-S adapter, for a plotter printout. A black, waterproof ink
is used.
Printing systems – Plotter
Marking systems
The MC-Mobilo allows users to work directly at
place. There is no need for a PC and no need for
a power supply so electrical equipment can be
labelled anywhere, anytime. The rechargeable
battery provides power for up to 3 hours. The
universal inlay enables up to 120 different marker
types of the MultiCard range to be processed.
Technical data
Type Plotter
Application Printing of MultiCard markers
Technology Plotting technique
Print software WM-Print
Interface RS 232
Power supply AC 230 / AC 115 V
Feed manual
Location can be used anywhere
Ambient temperature 15 – 30 °C
Dimensions (L x W x H) 380 x 190 x 68 mm
Weight 3 kg
Scope of supply MC-Mobilo, universal power unit, including adapters (EURO,
UK, USA), data cassette, operating instructions, PowerPack,
PC connecting cable, WM-Print, universal MultiCard mounting
frame, 0.25 mm plotter pen, carry case
Printing systems – Software
Technical data
System requirements
RAM > 64 MB
Processor > Pentium PIII or comparable model
Graphics > 800 x 600 pixels with 256 colours
optimum: 1024 x 768 with 16-bit High Colour
Hard drive > 90 MB free storage
Miscellaneous mouse, keyboard, CD-ROM drive (to install the software)
Technical appendix
Technical appendix
Installation instructions
Connecting the terminals W.10
The use of aluminium conductors W.11
Connection system
Free choice of connection technology W.12
Regulations / definitions W.14
The assembly of terminals rails W.15
Definitions of the various terminal types W.16
ATEX terminals W.18
ATEX directives W.20
ATEX codes W.21
ATEX cross-connection instructions W.22
Technical appendix
Insulating materials
Technical appendix
Product approvals
Electrical data
Technical appendix
Insulating materials
highest continuous high continuous operating very good electrical
operating temperature temperature properties
Specific volume resistance to IEC 60093 Ω x cm - 1011 1014
Electric strength to IEC 60243-1 kV / mm >10 10 160
Tracking resistance (A) to IEC 60112 CTI ≥ 600 ≥ 600 ≥ 600
Upper max. permissible temperature °C 250 130 160
Lower max. permissible temperature, static °C –60 –60 –60
Flamability class to UL 94 V-0 (5 V-B) V-0 (5 V-A) V-0
Fire behaviour to railway standard
Electrical data
Technical appendix
special Weidmüller insulating material insulating material with or without glass fibre with or without glass fibre
insulating material reinforcement depending on reinforcement depending on
application application
higher continuous operating flexible, virtually unbreakable excellent dimensional high dimensional high dimensional
temperature stability stability stability
good electrical and
improved fire resistance mechanical properties very good mechanical good electrical and high continuous
properties mechanical properties operating temperature
halogen- and phosphor-free self-extinguishing
flame-retardant agent behaviour halogen-free flame-retardant substances high electrical
flame-retardant agent do not lead to the formation insulation capacity
flame-retardant agent low halogen-free of dioxin or furan
smoke development in fire flame-retardant agent halogen-free
flame-retardant agent
certified for railway applica-
tions to NF F 16-101
Electrical data
Technical appendix
Three-phase Single-phase Electrical equipment Electrical equipment Electrical equipment Specially protected
systems systems with at the supplies point as part of the to be connected to electrical equipment Pollution severity category 3
neutral point of the installation permanent the permanent
installation installation • Conductive pollution, or dry, non-
(Surge (Surge (Surge (Surge conductive pollution that is liable to
category IV) category III) category II) category I)
120 to 240 4.00 2.50 1.50 0.80
be rendered conductive through
230/400 condensation.
277/480 6.00 4.00 2.50 1.50
400/690 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.50
1000 Values depend on the particular project of, if no values are available, the values of the Pollution severity category 4
preceding line apply.
• Contamination results in constant
*) to IEC 38
conductivity, e.g. caused by conductive
dust, rain or snow.
Surge categories Surge category III Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the
are stipulated in accordance with the • Equipment that is part of the permanent dimensioning of clearance and creepage
German standard DIN VDE 0110-1 electrical installation and other equip- distances and the resulting rating data
(for electrical equipment fed directly ment where a higher degree of avail- for electromechanical products (terminals,
from the low-voltage network). ability is expected, e.g. distribution terminal strips, PCB connection terminals
boards, circuit-breakers, wiring systems and plug-in connectors) is based on
Surge category I (including cables, busbars, junction pollution severity 3 and surge category III,
• Equipment that is intended to be boxes, switches, power sockets) in the taking account of all network types.
connected to the permanent electrical permanent installation, and equipment
installation of a building. Measures to for industrial use and some other equip-
limit transient surges to the specific ment, e.g. stationary motors with per-
level are taken outside the equipment, manent connections to the permanent
either in the permanent installation or installation.
between the permanent installation
and the equipment. Surge category VI
• Equipment for use at or near the power
Surge category II supplies in the electrical installations of
• Equipment to be connected to the buildings, between the principal distri-
permanent electrical installation of a bution and the mains, e.g. electricity
building, e.g. household appliances, meters, circuit-breakers and centralised
W portable tools, etc. ripple controllers.
Electrical data
Technical appendix
Design of clearances and creepage distances
in electrical equipment – influencing factors
The rated voltage is derived from the The insulating materials are divided
nominal voltage of the power supply and into four groups depending on the
the corresponding network type. comparative figures for creepage distance
(CTI = comparative tracking index):
12.5 12.5 – 60 63 32 63
24 / 25 25 – 110/120/127 125 80 125
30 32 – 150**) 160 – 160
The comparative tracking index must
42 / 48 / 50**) 50 – 208 200 125 200 be determined using special samples
60 63 – 220/230/240 250 160 250
30–60 63 32 300**) 320 – 320
produced for this purpose with test
100**) 100 – 380/400/415 400 250 400 solution A in compliance with IEC 60112
110 / 120 125 – 440 500 250 500
(DIN IEC 60112/DIN VDE 0303-1).
150**) 160 – 480/500 500 320 500
220 250 – 575 630 400 630
110–220 250 125 600**) 630 – 630
120–240 660/690 630 400 630
300**) 320 – 720/830 800 500 800
220–440 500 250 960 1000 630 1000
600**) 630 – 1000**) 1000 – 1000
480–960 1000 500 1) Phase-to-earth insulation levels for unearthed or impedance-earthed
systems are equal to those of phase-to-phase because the operating
1000**) 1000 – voltage to earth of any phase can, in practice, reach full phase-to-
phase voltage. This is because the actual voltage to earth is deter-
mined by the insulation resistance and capacitive reactance of each
phase to earth; thus, a low (but acceptable) insulation resistance of
one phase can earth it and raise the other two to full phase-to-phase
voltage to earth.
2) For electrical equipment for use in both 3-phase 4-wire and 3-phase
3-wire supplies, earthed and unearthed, use the values for 3-wire
systems only.
**) Because of the common changes, the meaning of the ** symbol has
not been used in table 1; i.e. the / symbol indicates a 4-wire 3-phase
distribution system. The lower value is the phase-to-neutral voltage,
while the higher value is the phase-to-phase voltage. Where only one
value is indicated, it refers to 3-wire 3-phase systems and specifies
the value phase-to-phase.
The values given in table 1 are still taken into account in tables 3a
and 3b by the ** symbol.
General technical information
Technical appendix
Protection against intrusion of external particle matter Protection against penetration of liquids
(1st digit) (2nd digit)
ID number ID number
0 No protection 0 No protection
General technical information
Technical appendix
Conversion table for AWG to mm2 conductors
Installation instructions
Technical appendix
Installation instructions
Technical appendix
The use of aluminium conductors
Weidmüller modular terminals are suitable Solid round and sector conductors
for the direct connection of solid round Terminal type Rated cross-section Reduced rated Clamping screw Tightening torque
current when thread size
and sector aluminium conductors. connecting an
In contrast to copper, aluminium exhibits aluminium conductor
W-Series mm2 „A“ Nm
certain characteristics that must be taken
WDU 2.5 2.5 20 M 2.5 0.5-0.8
into account when using this material as WDU 4 4 27 M 3 0.6-1.0
a conductor in electrical engineering. WDU 6 6 35 M 3.5 1.2-1.6
WDU 10 10 48 M 4 2.0-2.4
WDU 16 16 64 M 5 3.0-4.0
A thin, non-conductive layer of oxide forms WDU 35 35 105 M 6 4.0-6.0
WDU 70 70 163 M 8 10.0-12.0
immediately on the unprotected surface of WDU 120 120 230 M 10 15.0-20.0
the aluminium as soon as it is exposed to WDU 240 240 – M 10 12.0-20.0
the air. SAK 2.5 2.5 20 M 2.5 0.5-0.8
This layer increases the contact resistance SAK 4 4 27 M 3 0.6-1.0
SAK 6 6 35 M 3.5 1.2-1.6
between the aluminium conductor and the
SAK 10 10 48 M 4 2.0-2.4
current bar of the modular terminal. And SAK 16 16 64 M 4 2.0-2.4
that, in unfavourable conditions, can lead SAK 35 35 105 M 6 4.0-6.0
Connection systems
Technical appendix
Clamping yoke connection technology Leaf spring connection technology IDC connection technology
The Weidmüller clamping yoke system Weidmüller’s patented leaf clamp con- The IDC connection technology (Insu-
is an optimum combination of the specific nection system is a screw connection lation Displacement Connection) is a type
properties of steel and copper. This clam- system for large conductor cross-sec- of connection for copper conductors that
ping yoke system has proved its worth in tions. The insertion of large conductors does not require the conductor to be
billions of Weidmüller products over many into the clamping point is made easier prepared in any way – so no stripping and
decades. Both the clamping yoke and the here by the fact that the clamping unit can no crimping.
clamping screw are made from hardened be removed first. The conductor can then When connecting the conductor, the
steel. This clamping yoke arrangement ge- be placed directly on the current bar insulation of the conductor is penetrated
nerates the necessary contact force. The before re-inserting the clamping unit and an electrically conductive contact bet-
clamping yoke presses the incoming con- and tightening the screw to grip the ween conductor and current bar produced
ductor against a current bar made of cop- conductor. at the same time.
per or high-quality brass. The hardened The Weidmüller IDC principle, like
Weidmüller clamping yoke ensures a gas- Weidmüller’s other types of connection,
tight, vibration-resistant connection bet- again keeps mechanical and electrical
ween conductor and current bar. functions separate.
A spring made from rustproof stainless
steel presses the current bar onto the
conductor and therefore guarantees a
low contact resistance and a gas-tight, vi-
bration-resistant connection.
Connection systems
Technical appendix
The principle of vibration resistance
Like with the clamping yoke, the force
exerted by the steel lever as the screw
is tightened forces apart the two threa-
ded parts of the TOP connection. This
exerts a locking effect on the screw
and guarantees excellent vibration W
Technical appendix
Regulations / definitions
Terminals acc. to VDE 0611-1 Remarks: mm2 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0
This standard is also used as guide for A 17.5 24 32 41
This standard was published in Germany special kinds of terminals (e.g. isolating mm2 10 16 25 35
in August 1992: terminals) for which no special standards A 57 76 101 125
Technical appendix
The assembly of terminal rails
Definitions of the various terminal types
Technical appendix
A PE terminal is a component with one or Fuse terminals consist of a terminal base A multi-level distribution terminal is a unit
several clamping points for connecting and/ and a cartridge fuse holder. In the case of with clamping points for connecting and/
or branching PE conductors (PE and PEN fuse terminals for low-voltage cartridge or linking phase, neutral and PE
conductors) with a conductive connection fuses (D-system), the technical data are conductors to their mountings with a
to their mountings. Partly insulated PE ter- defined by IEC 60947-7-3 in conjunction conductive PE connection. They have
minals are insulated from adjacent live parts with VDE 0636 part 301. several connection levels, all isolated from
of terminals; the partial insulation is coloured In the case of fuse terminals for device each other.
green/yellow. protection cartridge fuses, the technical
data are defined by IEC 60947-7-3, which Applications IEC 60947-7-1 / IEC
Applications (IEC 60947-7-2) covers the range of applications of such 60947-7-2
This standard applies to PE terminals with products. DIN VDE 0611-4 (partly)
PE function up to 120 mm2 and to PE Fuse terminals for protecting devices are These standards apply to multi-level
terminals with PEN function for sizes up- rated for a certain maximum power loss distribution terminals with clamping points
wards of 10 mm2 with clamping points on the basis of IEC 60127-2, which with/without screws for connecting or
with or without screws for connecting covers G-type cartridge fuses. linking solid, stranded or flexible copper
round copper conductors with a cross- The product pages contain details of the conductors. In distribution terminals,
section between 0.2 and 120 mm2 (AWG maximum power loss for individual or phase conductor and/or N and PE
24/250 kcmil) for circuits up to 1000 Vac group arrangements for short-circuit and/ conductor connections are all realised in
1000 Hz or up to 1500 Vdc. PE terminals or overload protection. a compact space.
are used to produce the electrical and The N-conductor can be disconnected
mechanical connections between copper for insulation measurements; it is not used
conductors and the mounting. for disconnecting or switching.
PEN function
According to IEC 60947-7-2, only copper
terminal rails may be used for the PEN
function. Steel terminal rails may not be
Use of TS 35 x 15
In order to comply with the current-carry-
ing ability required by IEC 60947-7-2, the
W TS 35 x 15 terminal rail must be used for
PE terminals with a rated cross-section of
16 mm2 and upwards.
Definitions of the various terminal types
Technical appendix
N-conductor disconnect terminals Test-disconnect terminals
400 V applies to
phase conductor–phase conductor
250 V applies to
phase conductor–N-conductor
phase conductor–PE conductor
N-conductor–PE conductor
Technical appendix
ATEX terminals
Basic specifications
Technical appendix
Confirmed according to the new If the real ambient temperature is higher, Design for Ex i
European Ex-Directive 94/9/EC – ATEX – the permitted operating current must be
reduced accordingly. As defined in Terminals for “i” intrinsically-safe circuits
Electrical data EN 50 014, the continuous operating are passive components. Therefore, there
temperature for Wemid and KrG is is no requirement for certification when
The specified values of the current car- 100 °C, for PA material 80 ºC. being used in intrinsicallysafe circuits.
rying capacity are related to an ambient The terminals are light blue to ensure
temperature of 40 °C. At rated current Accessories clear identification and easy recognition.
load (+ 10%), the temperature of the The construction type of these terminals
currentbar of the terminal increases by The accessories listed in the tables can must comply with EN 60079-11.
a maximum of 40 K. be used, and are listed in the Ex certifi-
Recognizing an additional factor of safety cations. To maintain the creepage and You may request additional information
according to EN 50 014, gives the follow- clearance distances for “e”, end plates or from Weidmüller concerning the use of
ing results: partitions should be used, as specified in our terminals in intrinsically-safe circuits.
the table.
Temperature class Ambient temperature Accessories
T6 -50 °C to +40 °C
T5 to T1 -50 °C to +55 °C The listed accessory can be used. It must
comply with EN 60079-11.
Current carrying capacity of cables and conductors
The general statements also apply here
for Ex i applications. Additionally, the
Cross-section VDE 0298 Part 4 (IEC364-5-523) EN 50019 2nd. edtition
Ex i requirements always apply to the
Current carrying capacity of conductors Increased-safety type of pro
tection connection terminals complete circuit, therefore also for parts
Ambient temperature 30 °C Ambient temperature 40 °C Ambient temperature 40 °C in nonpotentially explosive atmospheres.
Routing type C + 3 Factor 0.87 40 K rise
for PVC 70 °C conductors Routing type C + 3 Current equivalent to
for PVC 70 °C conduct connect conductor Clampability of 2 conductors in Ex e
The current carrying capacity of cables and conductors in the installation is normally W
specified at 30 °C ambient temperature according to VDE 0298 Part 4.
At 40 °C, the operating current shall be reduced by a factor of 0.87.
Technical appendix
ATEX directives
Class of protection
Since July 1, 2003, all new facilities in Type of protection Code CENELEC EN IEC Product category
explosion protect.
explosion risk zones must be certified
according to ATEX Directive 94/9/EG or General requirements – 60079-0 60079-0 –
Oil immersion o 60079-6 60079-6 2
ATEX 95 (ATEX: ATmosphère EXplosive
Pressurised apparatus p 60079-2 60079-2 2
= explosive atmosphere). This directive is Powder filling q 60079-5 60079-5 2
one of the „New Approach“ directives. It Flameproof enclosure d 60079-1 60079-1 2
is valid in all European Union countries, as Increased safety e 60079-7 60079-7 2
well as Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway. Intrinsic safety ia 60079-11 60079-11 1
Intrinsic safety ib 60079-11 60079-11 2
In these countries, the directive refers to
Intrinsic safety ic 60079-11 60079-11 3
the sale and commissioning of products
Type n (Ex n) n 60079-15 60079-15 3
which have been designed particularly Encapsulation m 60079-18 60079-18 2
for high explosion risk environments
(where explosive atmospheres exist due Classification for potentially explosive areas
to gases, vapours, mists, or dusts). It now CENELEC Presence of potentially Product US classifi- Combustible
also covers the mining sector and purely classification explosive atmosphere category cation NEC 500 media
mechanical devices. IEC60079-10
Zone 0 permanent, long-term 1G Class I, Div 1 gases, vapours
Zone 20 or frequently 1D Class II, Div 1 dust
Zone 1 occasionally 2G Class I, Div 1 gases, vapours
Zone 20 2D Class II, Div 1 dust
Zone 2 rarely and 3G Class I, Div 2 gases, vapours
Zone 22 briefly 3D Class II, Div 2 dust
Explosion groups
Gas (e.g.) CENELEC NEC 500
Propane IIA D
Ethylene IIB C
Hydrogen IIC B
Acetylene IIC A
Methane (mining) I mining (MSHA)
Temperature classes
Max. surface Temperature class Temperature class
temperature (°C) CENELEC NEC 500-3
450 T1 T1
300 T2 T2
280 – T2A
260 – T2B
230 – T2C
215 – T2D
200 T3 T3
180 – T3A
165 – T3B
160 – T3C
W 135 T4 T4
120 – T4A
100 T5 T5
85 T6 T6
Technical appendix
ATEX codes
Example of marking –
modular terminal WDK 4 N V
1 • Rated voltage
2 5
4 • Rated conductor cross-section
1 • Type designation
2 • Serial number
2 6
3 • Approved for use in gases “G”
3 8
4 • Product category 2 – 4 9
for use in zone 1 or 2
5 10
5 • Approved for use in dusts “D”
7 11
6 • CENELEC protection type “e” – 13
increased safety 12
7 • Ambient temperature range deviating
from the standard
8 • CENELEC protection type tD
9 • Temperature class, e.g. T6 (gas), and
max. surface temperature (dust)
(for example T6 T85 °C)
10 • Certificate number
11 • Rated voltage W
12 • Rated current
13 • Power loss
Technical appendix
Maximum voltage
Range 1) Certificate No. Rated Rated Rated current Nominal Maximum voltage (V)
voltage current with QV cross-section (letters refer to the above diagrams)
AKZ… /V /A /A / mm² A C D E F G H I
AKZ 1.5 SIRA 02ATEX3001 U 176 15 15 1.5 176 176 -- 176 176 -- -- --
AKZ 2.5 SIRA 02ATEX3001 U 176 21 21 2.5 176 176 -- 176 176 -- -- --
AKZ 4 SIRA 02ATEX3001 U 275 28 28 4 275 275 -- 275 275 -- -- --
BK 2/E ... BK 12/E SIRA 01ATEX3247 U 275 28 25 4 176 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
DK 4 …
DK 4 SIRA 02ATEX3316 U 275 28 21 4 275 275 -- 275 275 -- -- --
DK 4Q SIRA 02ATEX3316 U 275 28 21 4 275 275 -- 275 275 -- -- --
DK 4QV SIRA 02ATEX3316 U 275 28 21 4 275 275 -- 275 275 -- -- --
I ... Series
IDK 1.5N KEMA 02ATEX2241 U 275 15 15 1.5 275 275 275 -- -- -- -- --
IDK 1.5N/V KEMA 02ATEX2241 U 275 15 15 1.5 275 275 275 -- -- -- -- --
IDU 1.5N KEMA 02ATEX2241 U 275 15 15 1.5 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 --
IDU 1.5N/2X2AN KEMA 02ATEX2241 U 275 15 15 1.5 275 275 275 275 275 275 275
IDU 1.5N/ZF KEMA 02ATEX2241 U 275 15 15 1.5 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 --
IDU 1.5N/3AN/ZF KEMA 02ATEX2241 U 275 15 15 1.5 275 275 275 275 275 275 275
IDU 1.5N/ZB KEMA 02ATEX2241 U 275 15 15 1.5 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 --
IDU 1.5N/3AN/ZB KEMA 02ATEX2241 U 275 15 15 1.5 275 275 275 275 275 275 275
IDU 2.5N DEMKO 03ATEX134054 U 550 21 21 2.5 550 550 550 550 550 550 -- --
IDU 2.5N/3AN DEMKO 03ATEX134054 U 550 21 21 2.5 550 550 550 550 550 550 -- --
IDU 2.5N/4AN DEMKO 03ATEX134054 U 550 21 21 2.5 550 550 550 550 550 550 -- --
IDU 2.5N/2x2AN DEMKO 03ATEX134054 U 550 21 21 2.5 550 550 550 550 550 550 -- --
IDU 2.5N/ZF DEMKO 03ATEX134054 U 550 21 21 2.5 550 550 275 550 550 275 -- --
IDU 2.5N/ZB DEMKO 03ATEX134054 U 550 21 21 2.5 550 550 275 550 550 275 -- --
MK …
MK 3/…/E SIRA 01ATEX3248U 275 21 21 2.5 176 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
W MK 6/…/E SIRA 01ATEX3249U 440 36 36 6 275 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Please refer to the catalogue and the certificate for details of precisely which article is approved.
Technical appendix
Maximum voltage
Range 1) Certificate No. Rated Rated Rated current Nominal Maximum voltage (V)
voltage current with QV cross-section (letters refer to the above diagrams)
P… /V /A /A / mm² A C D E F G H I
PDU 2.5/4 KEMA 06ATEX0177U 550 29 25.5 4 275 550 176 275 275 176 176
PDU 2.5/4/3AN KEMA 06ATEX0177U 550 29 25.5 4 275 550 176 275 275 176 176
PDU 2.5/4/4AN KEMA 06ATEX0177U 550 29 26.5 4 275 550 176 275 275 176 176
PDU 6/10 KEMA 06ATEX0177U 550 37 26.5 6 550 550 275 550 550 -- 220
PDU 6/10/3AN KEMA 06ATEX0177U 550 36.5 29.5 6 550 550 275 550 550 -- 220
PDU 16 KEMA 06ATEX0177U 550 59 57.5 16 275 550 -- 275 275 -- 110
PEI 16 KEMA 06ATEX0177U 550 66.5 25 (37) 4) 16 275 -- -- -- -- -- --
SAK …TS 32/TS 35
SAK 2.5 KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 550 21 21 2,5 550 550 176 550 550 -- -- --
SAK 4 KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 550 28 28 4 550 550 176 550 550 -- -- --
SAK 6N KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 550 36 36 6 550 550 176 550 550 -- -- --
SAK 10 KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 550 50 50 10 550 550 176 550 550 -- -- --
SAK 16 KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 690 66 66 16 550 550 176 690 690 -- -- --
SAK 35 KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 550 109 99 35 550 550 176 550 550 -- -- --
SAK … EN on TS32
SAK 2.5 EN KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 440 21 21 2.5 440 440 440 440 440 -- -- --
SAK 4 EN KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 440 28 28 4 440 440 440 440 440 -- -- --
SAK 6N EN KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 440 36 36 6 440 440 440 440 440 -- -- --
SAK 10 EN KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 440 50 50 10 440 440 440 440 440 -- -- --
SAK 16 EN KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 440 66 66 16 440 440 440 440 440 -- -- --
SAK 35 EN KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 440 109 109 35 440 440 440 440 440 -- -- --
SAK … EN on TS35
SAK 2.5 EN KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 690 21 21 2.5 690 690 440 690 690 -- -- --
SAK 4 EN KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 690 28 28 4 690 690 690 690 690 -- -- --
SAK 6N EN KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 690 36 36 6 690 690 690 690 690 -- -- --
SAK 10 EN KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 690 50 50 10 690 690 690 690 690 -- -- --
SAK 16 EN KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 690 66 66 16 690 690 690 690 690 -- -- --
SAK 35 EN KEMA 97ATEX1798 U 690 109 109 35 690 690 690 690 690 -- -- --
SAK 4 EP/SW KEMA05ATEX2061U 550 32 32 4 550 550 176 550 550 --
SAKH 6 EP/SW KEMA05ATEX2061U 1100 57 57 10 1100 1100 176 1100 1100 --
SAKH 10 EP/SW KEMA05ATEX2061U 1100 57 57 10 1100 1100 176 1100 1100 --
SAKH 35 EP/SW KEMA05ATEX2061U 1100 125 125 35 1100 1100 440 1100 1100 --
SAKK 4 SIRA 03 ATEX3425 U 275 28 28 4 275 275 -- 275 275 --
SAKK 10 SIRA 03 ATEX3425 U 275 50 50 10 275 275 -- 275 275 --
WDK 1.5/R3.5 KEMA 99ATEX6545 U 275 14 11 1.5 176 275 -- -- -- -- -- --
WDK 2.5 KEMA 98ATEX1687 U 275 21 21 2.5 275 275 60 275 275 60 -- --
WDK 2.5V KEMA 98ATEX1687 U 275 21 21 2.5 275 275 60 275 275 60 -- --
WDK 2.5DU-PE KEMA 98ATEX1687 U 275 21 21 2.5 275 275 60 275 275 60 -- --
WDK 2.5/EX KEMA 98ATEX1687 U 440 24 22 2.5 440 440 176 440 440 176 -- --
WDK 2.5N KEMA 00ATEX2061 U 550 21 21 2.5 550 550 275 550 550 275 -- --
WDK 2.5N V KEMA 00ATEX2061 U 550 21 21 2.5 550 550 275 550 550 275 -- --
WDK 4N KEMA 00ATEX2061 U 550 28 28 4 550 550 275 550 550 275 -- --
WDK 4N V KEMA 00ATEX2061 U 550 28 28 4 550 550 275 550 550 275 -- --
WDU 1.5/ZZ KEMA 98ATEX1685 U 550 15 15 1.5 550 550 110 550 550 110 110 --
WDU 2.5/1.5/ZR KEMA 98ATEX1685 U 550 15 15 1.5 550 550 110 550 550 110 110 --
WDU 1.5/R3.5 KEMA 99ATEX6545 U 275 15 11 1.5 176 275 -- -- -- -- -- --
WDU 2.5N KEMA 98ATEX1683 U 440 21 21 2.5 440 440 110 440 440 110 -- --
WDU 2.5 KEMA 98ATEX1683 U 550 21 21 2.5 550 550 110 440 550 110 110 2) 60 3)
WDU 4 KEMA 98ATEX1683 U 690 28 28 4 690 690 110 440 690 110 -- --
WDU 4N TÜV 04ATEX2630 U 440 27 27 4 440 275 69 440 440 69 69 --
WDU 6 KEMA 98ATEX1683 U 550 36 36 6 550 550 110 440 550 110 -- --
WDU 10 KEMA 98ATEX1683 U 550 50 50 10 550 550 110 440 550 110 -- --
WDU 16 KEMA 98ATEX1683 U 690 66 66 16 690 690 110 690 690 110 -- --
WDU 35 KEMA 98ATEX1683 U 690 109 109 35 690 690 110 690 690 110 -- --
WDU 50N KEMA 98ATEX1683 U 690 126 126 50 550 -- -- 550 550 -- -- --
WDU 70N KEMA 98ATEX1683 U 690 167 167 70 550 -- -- 550 550 -- -- -- W
WDU 70/95 KEMA 98ATEX1686 U 690 202 202 95 690 -- -- 690 690 -- -- --
Please refer to the catalogue and the certificate for details of precisely which article is approved. The outer cross-connection openings must be used for type ZQV.
For PDU2.5/4 and ZQV 2.5 cross-connection: 25 A; For PDU 6/10 and ZQV 6N cross-connection: 37 A Only possible with ZQV.
Technical appendix
Maximum voltage
Range 1) Certificate No. Rated Rated Rated current Nominal Maximum voltage (V)
voltage current with QV cross-section (letters refer to the above diagrams)
W… /V /A /A / mm² A C D E F G H I
WDU 95N/120N KEMA 98ATEX1683 U 880 243 243 120 880 -- 880 880 -- -- --
WDU 120/150 KEMA 98ATEX1686 U 1100 234 234 120 1100 -- -- 1100 1100 -- -- --
WDU 240 KEMA 01ATEX2186 U 1100 350 270 240 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
WDU 4 SL SIRA 02ATEX3242 U 275 28 28 4 275 275 176 275 275 176 176 --
WDU 6 SL SIRA 02ATEX3242 U 275 36 36 6 275 275 176 275 275 176 176 --
WDU 10 SL SIRA 02ATEX3242 U 275 50 50 10 275 275 176 275 275 176 176 --
ZDK 2.5/1.5 KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 275 18 18 2.5 275 275 275 275 275 275 -- --
ZDK 2.5/1.5V KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 420 20 19 2.5 275 275 275 275 275 275 -- --
ZDK 2.5/1.5NDU KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 275 20 20 2.5 275 275 275 275 275 275 -- --
ZDK 2.5/1.5NPE KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 275 20 20 2.5 275 275 275 275 275 275 -- --
ZDK 2.5/1.5DU-PE KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 275 20 20 2.5 275 275 275 275 275 275 -- --
ZDK 2.5-2 KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 550 20 18 2.5 440 440 275 440 440 275 -- --
ZDK 2.5-2V KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 550 22 18 2.5 440 440 275 440 440 275 -- --
ZDK 2.5-2DU-PE KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 550 20 18 2.5 440 440 275 440 440 275 -- --
ZDK 2.5/3AN KEMA 06ATEX0271U 550 21.5 21 2.5 275 275 275 275 275 -- -- --
ZDK 2.5/3AN V KEMA 06ATEX0271U 550 21 18.5 2.5 275 275 275 275 275 -- -- --
ZDK 2.5/3AN DU-PE KEMA 06ATEX0271U 550 21 21 2.5 275 275 275 275 275 -- -- --
ZDU 1.5 KEMA 01ATEX2106 U 550 15 15 1.5 275 275 176 275 275 176 176 --
ZDU 1.5/3AN KEMA 01ATEX2106 U 550 15 15 1.5 275 275 176 275 275 176 176 --
ZDU 1.5/4AN KEMA 01ATEX2106 U 550 15 15 1.5 275 275 176 275 275 176 176 --
ZDU 2.5 KEMA 97ATEX2521 U 550 21 21 2.5 275 275 275 275 275 275 60 --
ZDU 2.5/3AN KEMA 97ATEX2521 U 550 21 21 2.5 275 275 275 275 275 275 -- --
ZDU 2.5/4AN KEMA 97ATEX2521 U 550 21 21 2.5 275 275 275 275 275 275 -- --
ZDU 2.5N KEMA 06ATEX0271U 550 20.5 19 2.5 440 550 275 440 440 -- -- --
ZDU 2.5N/3AN KEMA 06ATEX0271U 550 21.5 21 2.5 440 550 275 440 440 -- -- --
ZDU 2.5N/4AN KEMA 06ATEX0271U 550 21 20 2.5 440 550 275 440 440 -- -- --
ZDU 4 KEMA 97ATEX2521 U 550 28 28 4 275 275 275 275 275 275 -- --
ZDU 4/3AN KEMA 00ATEX2107 U 550 28 28 4 550 550 275 -- -- -- -- --
ZDU 4/4AN KEMA 00ATEX2107 U 550 28 28 4 550 550 275 -- -- -- -- --
ZDU 6 KEMA 97ATEX2521 U 550 36 36 6 275 275 275 275 275 275 -- --
ZDU 6/3AN KEMA 00ATEX2107 U 550 36 36 6 550 550 275 -- -- -- -- --
ZDU 10 KEMA 99ATEX5514 U 550 50 50 10 550 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
ZDU 10/3AN KEMA 00ATEX2107 U 550 50 50 10 550 550 -- -- -- -- -- --
ZDU 16 KEMA 99ATEX5514 U 550 66 66 16 550 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
ZDU 35 KEMA 00ATEX2107 U 690 109 100 35 550 550 -- 550 550 -- -- --
ZDU 2.5-2/2AN KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 550 21 20 2.5 440 440 275 440 -- 275 176
ZDU 2.5-2/3AN KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 550 21 21 2.5 440 440 275 440 -- 275 176 --
ZDU 2.5-2/4AN KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 550 21 21 2.5 440 440 275 440 -- 275 176 --
ZDU 4-2/2AN KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 550 28 26 4 440 440 275 440 -- 275 110 --
ZDU 4-2/3AN KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 550 28 26 4 440 440 275 440 -- 275 110 --
ZDU 4-2/4AN KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 550 28 26 4 440 440 275 440 -- 275 110 --
ZDU 6-2/2AN KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 550 36 30 6 440 440 110 440 -- 110 -- --
ZDU 6-2/3AN KEMA 97ATEX4677 U 550 36 36 6 440 440 110 440 -- 110 -- --
ZDUA 2.5-2 KEMA 97ATEX4678 U 275 20 19 2.5 275 275 110 275 275 110 -- --
Please refer to the catalogue and the certificate for details of precisely which article is approved.
Index Index Type / Index Order No. X.2
Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page
AH 46 SAKG46 0326960000 I.17 AP DK4 0359260000 A.54 AP SAK2.5/35 + AST3+4 0460560000 I.6
AH 46 SAKG46 0326960000 A.46 AP DK4 0359260000 B.10 AP SAK2.5/35 BL 0460580000 I.6
AD 250 0634100000 I.18 AH 46 SAKG46 0326960000 A.47 AP DK4 0359260000 A.50 AP SAK2.5/35 DB 0460490000 I.6
AD 3 SAK10 0178500000 I.17 AK 95 0364200000 H.5 AP DK4 0359260000 B.56 AP SAK2.5L KRG 0309220000 I.4
AD 3 SAK16 0297800000 B.4 AKA 2.5 0300720000 E.12 AP DK4 0359260000 I.6 AP SAK2.5L KRG 0309220000 B.45
AD 3 SAK16 0297800000 I.17 AKA 2.5 BL 0300770000 E.12 AP DK4 BL 0359280000 A.12 AP SAK2.5L KRG 0309220000 I.6
AD 3 SAK2.5 0297900000 B.2 AKE 2.5 1303360000 E.4 AP DK4 BL 0359280000 B.38 AP SAK2.5L KRG BL 0309270000 I.6
AD 3 SAK2.5 0297900000 A.12 AKE 4 0380260000 E.5 AP DK4 BL 0359280000 I.6 AP SAK2.5L KRG BL 0309270000 B.45
AD 3 SAK2.5 0297900000 C.2 AKE 4 MS 0211200000 E.4 AP DK4 BL 0359280000 B.10 AP SAK35 KRG 0303620000 I.6
AD 3 SAK2.5 0297900000 I.17 AKKU DMS 3 9007450000 J.10 AP DK4/380 Q 0438560000 I.4 AP SAK35 KRG 0303620000 I.4
AD 3 SAK2.5 0297900000 A.2 AKZ 1.5 0340460000 E.2 AP DK4/380 Q 0438560000 I.6 AP SAK35 KRG 0303620000 B.8
AD 3 SAK35 0273400000 B.4 AKZ 1.5 BL 0340480000 E.2 AP DK4Q 1397160000 B.11 AP SAK35 KRG 0303620000 B.9
AD 3 SAK35 0273400000 I.17 AKZ 1.5L VS 0340160000 E.10 AP DK4Q 1397160000 A.12 AP SAK35 KRG 0303620000 A.9
AD 3 SAK4 0297600000 I.17 AKZ 2.5 0697160000 E.2 AP DK4Q 1397160000 A.13 AP SAK35 KRG/BL 0303670000 B.8
AD 3 SAK6N 0297700000 I.17 AKZ 2.5 BL 0697180000 E.2 AP DK4Q 1397160000 B.10 AP SAK35 KRG/BL 0303670000 B.9
AD 3 SAK70 0344300000 B.9 AKZ 2.5 K SW U/V 1X1 0108960000 E.13 AP DK4Q 1397160000 B.34 AP SAK35 KRG/BL 0303670000 A.9
AD 3 SAK70 0344300000 A.6 AKZ 4 0294360000 E.3 AP DK4Q 1397160000 I.6 AP SAK35 KRG/BL 0303670000 I.6
AD 3 SAK70 0344300000 I.17 AKZ 4 BL 0294380000 E.3 AP DK4Q 1397160000 A.34 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 0303660000 B.5
AD 3 WSD SAKG54 HP/DBR 0264900000 I.17 AKZ 4 LL VS 0346460000 E.11 AP DK4Q BL 1397180000 I.6 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 0303660000 I.6
AD 4 AKZ4 0303400000 E.10 AKZ 4 S WA 2X2.8 0324460000 E.9 AP DK4Q BL 1397180000 A.12 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 0303660000 C.4
AD 4 AKZ4 0303400000 B.39 AKZ 4 SF SE 6.3/2.8 0158760000 E.9 AP DK4Q BL 1397180000 B.10 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 0303660000 I.4
AD 4 AKZ4 0303400000 E.12 AKZ 4 SS SE 6.3/2.8 0324560000 E.8 AP DK4Q BL 1397180000 B.11 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 0303660000 A.4
AD 4 AKZ4 0303400000 E.11 AKZ 4 SS WA 2X2.8 0362460000 E.8 AP DK4Q BL 1397180000 A.13 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 0303660000 A.5
AD 4 AKZ4 0303400000 B.45 AKZ 4 SW 1X1 0445860000 E.13 AP DK4S 0631360000 I.6 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 0303660000 B.4
AD 4 AKZ4 0303400000 B.11 AKZ 4L SL VS 0334860000 E.10 AP DK4S 0631360000 A.38 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 0303680000 B.7
AD 4 AKZ4 0303400000 A.7 AKZ 4L SL VS KRG 0334820000 E.12 AP DK4S 0631360000 B.37 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 0303680000 C.4
AD 4 AKZ4 0303400000 A.40 AP DK4Q DB 0631300000 I.6 AP DK4S 0631360000 A.39 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 0303680000 I.6
AD 4 AKZ4 0303400000 I.17 AP 100 GR 1773410000 I.6 AP DK4S BL 0631380000 I.6 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 0303680000 B.5
AD 4 AKZ4 0303400000 A.13 AP 110 GR 1790080000 I.6 AP DKIT4 0635060000 I.6 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 0303680000 A.5
AD 4 AKZ4 0303400000 B.6 AP 2 DSG1.5T 2119490000 I.6 AP DKT4 PA 0687560000 B.17 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 0303680000 A.4
AD 4 SAK10 0178600000 C.3 AP 70 SAK70 KRG 0340920000 I.6 AP DKT4 PA 0687560000 B.61 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL 0303680000 B.4
AD 4 SAK10 0178600000 I.17 AP 70 SAK70 KRG 0340920000 B.9 AP DKT4 PA 0687560000 I.6 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 GE 2076910000 I.6
AD 4 SAK10 0178600000 B.7 AP 70 SAK70 KRG 0340920000 I.4 AP DKT4 PA 0687560000 A.19 AP SAK4 KRG M.FU 0460020000 I.6
AD 4 SAK10 0178600000 A.8 AP ADK1 0476260000 I.6 AP DKT4 PA 0687560000 A.56 AP SAK4-10 0117960000 A.38
AD 4 SAK10 0178600000 A.3 AP ADK1 0476260000 E.11 AP DLD2.5 1317660000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 0117960000 A.37
AD 4 SAK10 0178600000 B.3 AP AKA2.5 0162520000 I.6 AP DLD2.5 BL 1317680000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 0117960000 A.3
AD 4 SAK16 0518200000 B.7 AP AKA2.5 0162520000 E.12 AP DLD2.5 DB 1784210000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 0117960000 B.3
AD 4 SAK16 0518200000 I.17 AP AKA2.5 KRG/BL 0162570000 E.12 AP DLD2.5/PE 1595960000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 0117960000 B.37
AD 4 SAK16 0518200000 C.3 AP AKA2.5 KRG/BL 0162570000 I.6 AP DLD2.5/PE DB 1783800000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 0117960000 B.44
AD 4 SAK16 0518200000 A.4 AP AKZ1.5 0340560000 E.2 AP DLI2.5 1313260000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 0117960000 C.2
AD 4 SAK16 0518200000 A.9 AP AKZ1.5 0340560000 I.4 AP DLI2.5 DB 1783550000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 0117960000 C.3
AD 4 SAK35 0178700000 C.4 AP AKZ1.5 0340560000 I.6 AP DSK1.5 0532960000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 0117960000 C.4
AD 4 SAK35 0178700000 I.17 AP AKZ1.5 BL 0340580000 E.2 AP DUSA4/35 0401360000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 0117960000 C.5
AD 4 SAK35 0178700000 A.9 AP AKZ1.5 BL 0340580000 I.6 AP KDKS1 1.5 9503330000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 0117960000 I.6
AD 4 SAK35 0178700000 B.5 AP AKZ1.5W 0329660000 E.10 AP KDKS1 1.5 DB 9532470000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 BL 0117980000 C.3
AD 4 SAK35 0178700000 A.5 AP AKZ1.5W 0329660000 I.6 AP KDKS1 EN 9503340000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 BL 0117980000 C.5
AD 4 SAK35 0178700000 A.4 AP AKZ1.5W 0329660000 I.4 AP KDKS1 EN 9503340000 C.7 AP SAK4-10 BL 0117980000 C.4
AD 4 SAK35 0178700000 B.8 AP AKZ2.5 0697360000 I.6 AP KSKM 9509630000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 BL 0117980000 C.2
AD 4 SAK35N 0576700000 A.9 AP AKZ2.5 0697360000 E.2 AP MAK2.5 1615280000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 BL 0117980000 B.3
AD 4 SAK35N 0576700000 B.5 AP AKZ2.5 BL 0697380000 I.6 AP MAK2.5 DB 7917000000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 BL 0117980000 I.6
AD 4 SAK35N 0576700000 I.17 AP AKZ2.5 BL 0697380000 E.2 AP OSC 10/16 9154850000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 BL 0117980000 A.3
AD 4 SAK35N 0576700000 A.5 AP AKZ2.5K 0697260000 E.13 AP OSC 4 9154860000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 DB 0105100000 I.6
AD 4 SAK35N 0576700000 B.9 AP AKZ2.5K 0697260000 I.6 AP PPT/35 3835120000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 GE 2076890000 I.6
AD 4 SAK4 0285300000 C.4 AP AKZ4 0294460000 I.6 AP PPT/35 3835120000 D.9 AP SAK4-10 GR 7042 1853970000 I.6
AD 4 SAK4 0285300000 A.3 AP AKZ4 0294460000 E.8 AP RSF1 KRG 0270420000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 I 0117910000 I.6
AD 4 SAK4 0285300000 B.3 AP AKZ4 0294460000 E.9 AP RSF2 KRG 0301420000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 KRG 0117920000 I.4
AD 4 SAK4 0285300000 B.6 AP AKZ4 0294460000 I.4 AP RSF3 0270460000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 KRG 0117920000 I.6
AD 4 SAK4 0285300000 C.5 AP AKZ4 0294460000 E.11 AP RSF3 0270460000 A.11 AP SAK4-10 KRG 0117920000 A.7
AD 4 SAK4 0285300000 I.17 AP AKZ4 0294460000 E.13 AP RSF3 0270460000 B.28 AP SAK4-10 KRG 0117920000 A.20
AD 4 SAK4 0285300000 A.7 AP AKZ4 0294460000 E.12 AP RV 4145220000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 KRG 0117920000 B.44
AD 4 SAK4 0285300000 C.2 AP AKZ4 0294460000 E.10 AP SAK16 0271160000 I.4 AP SAK4-10 KRG 0117920000 B.7
AD 4 SAK6N 0196600000 A.8 AP AKZ4 0294460000 E.3 AP SAK16 0271160000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 KRG 0117920000 B.19
AD 4 SAK6N 0196600000 B.3 AP AKZ4 BL 0294480000 I.6 AP SAK16 0271160000 B.4 AP SAK4-10 KRG 0117920000 B.6
AD 4 SAK6N 0196600000 C.3 AP AKZ4 BL 0294480000 E.3 AP SAK16 0271160000 A.4 AP SAK4-10 KRG 0117920000 A.8
AD 4 SAK6N 0196600000 I.17 AP AKZ4 GE 2077070000 I.6 AP SAK16 0271160000 C.3 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0117970000 B.19
AD 4 SAK6N 0196600000 A.3 AP AKZ4 KRG 0294420000 I.6 AP SAK16 BL 0271180000 C.3 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0117970000 A.8
AD 4 SAK6N 0196600000 B.7 AP AKZ4 KRG 0294420000 I.4 AP SAK16 BL 0271180000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0117970000 A.7
AD 4 WSD SAKG28 HP/DBR 0263100000 I.17 AP ASK1 0380360000 C.7 AP SAK16 BL 0271180000 A.4 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0117970000 B.44
AD 4 WSD SAKG32 HP/DBR 0283100000 I.17 AP ASK1 0380360000 I.6 AP SAK16 BL 0271180000 B.4 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0117970000 B.7
AD 4 WSD SAKG40 HP/DBR 0263200000 I.17 AP ASK1 BL 0380380000 I.6 AP SAK16 GE 2076900000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0117970000 I.6
AD 4 WSD SAKG46 HP/DBR 0263300000 I.17 AP ASK1 DB 1753320000 I.6 AP SAK16 KRG 0271120000 I.6 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0117970000 B.6
AD 4 WSD SAKG54 HP/DBR 0261100000 I.17 AP ASK1 OR 0105360000 I.6 AP SAK16 KRG 0271120000 B.7 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0117970000 A.20
ADAPTER ALU STI-S 1762440000 K.25 AP ASK1 RT 0380350000 I.6 AP SAK16 KRG 0271120000 A.9 AP SAK4-10 KRG/DB 0177600000 I.6
ADAPTER ALU STI-S 1762440000 K.24 AP AST1+5 0266460000 I.6 AP SAK16 KRG 0271120000 I.4 AP SAK4-10 OR 0105160000 I.6
ADK 1/1.5 0303860000 E.11 AP AST1+5 DB 0266400000 B.36 AP SAK2.5 0279560000 A.2 AP SAK4-10 RT 0117900000 I.6
ADL 0210800000 I.18 AP AST1+5 DB 0266400000 A.37 AP SAK2.5 0279560000 B.38 AP SAK70/35 0340960000 A.6
ADP 1/HP1 1M 0485200000 I.16 AP AST1+5 DB 0266400000 A.36 AP SAK2.5 0279560000 B.39 AP SAK70/35 0340960000 I.6
ADP 2/HP2 1M 0485300000 I.16 AP AST1+5 DB 0266400000 I.6 AP SAK2.5 0279560000 A.40 AP SAK70/35 0340960000 I.4
ADP 2/HP2 1M 0485300000 A.11 AP AST1+5 KRG 0266420000 I.6 AP SAK2.5 0279560000 I.6 AP SAK95 KRG 0550920000 I.4
ADP 3/HP3 1M 0485400000 A.10 AP AST1+5 KRG 0266420000 I.4 AP SAK2.5 0279560000 B.34 AP SAK95 KRG 0550920000 I.6
ADP 3/HP3 1M 0485400000 I.16 AP AST1+5 KRG 0266420000 B.43 AP SAK2.5 0279560000 B.2 AP SAK95 KRG 0550920000 B.9
ADP 4/1000 1430760000 I.16 AP AST1+5 KRG 0266420000 B.42 AP SAK2.5 BL 0279580000 I.6 AP SAK95 KRG 0550920000 A.10
ADP 4/300 1378160000 I.16 AP AST3+4 KRG 0298120000 A.36 AP SAK2.5 BL 0279580000 B.39 AP SAK95 KRG/BL 0550970000 I.6
AH 28 SAKG28 0326660000 I.17 AP AST3+4 KRG 0298120000 B.43 AP SAK2.5 BL 0279580000 B.2 AP SAK95 KRG/BL 0550970000 A.10
AH 28 SAKG28 0326660000 B.48 AP AST3+4 KRG 0298120000 B.42 AP SAK2.5 BL 0279580000 A.2 AP SAKA KRG 0134220000 B.30
AH 28 SAKG28 0326660000 B.46 AP AST3+4 KRG 0298120000 I.4 AP SAK2.5 BL 0279580000 A.40 AP SAKA KRG 0134220000 I.6
AH 28 SAKG28 0326660000 B.47 AP AST3+4 KRG 0298120000 I.6 AP SAK2.5 GE 0279500000 I.6 AP SAKA KRG 0134220000 I.4
AH 32 SAKG32 0326760000 I.17 AP AST3+4/35 GE 2077060000 I.6 AP SAK2.5 KRG 0279520000 I.6 AP SAKB/C/T BE 0146760000 I.6
AH 32 SAKG32 0326760000 A.44 AP DK4 0359260000 A.12 AP SAK2.5 KRG 0279520000 B.6 AP SAKB/C/T BE 4140450000 I.6
AH 32 SAKG32 0326760000 A.42 AP DK4 0359260000 B.38 AP SAK2.5 KRG 0279520000 I.4 AP SAKB/C/T KRG 0146720000 I.6
AH 32 SAKG32 0326760000 A.43 AP DK4 0359260000 A.56 AP SAK2.5 KRG 0279520000 A.7 AP SAKB/C/T KRG 0146720000 B.32
AH 32 SAKG32 0326760000 B.48 AP DK4 0359260000 A.51 AP SAK2.5 KRG BL 0279570000 A.7 AP SAKB/C/T KRG 0146720000 I.4
AH 32 SAKG32 0326760000 B.50 AP DK4 0359260000 B.61 AP SAK2.5 KRG BL 0279570000 I.6 AP SAKB/C/T KRG 0146720000 A.20
AH 32 SAKG32 0326760000 B.49 AP DK4 0359260000 B.59 AP SAK2.5 KRG BL 0279570000 B.6 AP SAKB/C/T KRG 0146720000 B.31
AH 40 SAKG40 0326860000 A.45 AP DK4 0359260000 B.58 AP SAK2.5 KRS 0279530000 I.4 AP SAKB/C/T KRG 0146720000 A.32
AH 40 SAKG40 0326860000 B.51 AP DK4 0359260000 B.57 AP SAK2.5 OR 0279540000 I.6 AP SAKB/C/T KRG 0146720000 A.33
AH 40 SAKG40 0326860000 I.17 AP DK4 0359260000 A.53 AP SAK2.5/35 2144900000 I.6 AP SAKB/C/T KRG 0146720000 B.30
AH 40 SAKG40 0326860000 A.46 AP DK4 0359260000 A.52 AP SAK2.5/35 + AST3+4 0460560000 C.2 AP SAKB/C/T1 DB 4173520000 I.6
AH 40 SAKG40 0326860000 B.50 AP DK4 0359260000 A.55 AP SAK2.5/35 + AST3+4 0460560000 A.37 AP SAKB-C-T I 0146710000 B.19
X AH 46 SAKG46 0326960000 B.52 AP DK4 0359260000 B.60 AP SAK2.5/35 + AST3+4 0460560000 B.36 AP SAKD2.5N 0150960000 A.2
Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page
AP SAKD2.5N 0150960000 I.6 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 B.60 BK 2/E 7906040000 F.6 DEK 5 FS 701-750 0473560701 K.7
AP SAKD2.5N 0150960000 I.4 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 A.54 BK 3 CRN 0624920000 F.5 DEK 5 FS 751-800 0473560751 K.7
AP SAKD2.5N 0150960000 B.2 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT 0303300000 E.11 BK 3/E 7906060000 F.6 DEK 5 FS 801-850 0473560801 K.7
AP SAKD2.5N BL 0150980000 I.6 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT 0303300000 B.11 BK 4 CRN 0625120000 F.5 DEK 5 FS 851-900 0473560851 K.7
AP SAKD2.5N BL 0150980000 A.2 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT 0303300000 I.17 BK 4/E 7906080000 F.6 DEK 5 FS 901-950 0473560901 K.7
AP SAKD2.5N BL 0150980000 B.2 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT 0303300000 A.12 BK 6 CRN 0625220000 F.5 DEK 5 FS 951-999 0473560951 K.7
AP SAKH 4EX 0408730000 I.6 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT 0303300000 E.12 BK 6/E 7906090000 F.6 DEK 5 FSZ 1-10 0460660001 K.7
AP SAKH6/10 EP/SW 0131700000 D.7 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT 0303300000 A.13 BS 25 IH/BL SAKT1 0335400000 I.21 DEK 5 FSZ 11-20 0460660011 K.7
AP SAKH6/10 EP/SW 0131700000 I.6 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT 0303300000 E.10 BS 25 IH/GE SAKT1 0335700000 I.21 DEK 5 FSZ 18,20,...32 0582360018 K.7
AP SAKH6/10 EP/SW 0131700000 D.6 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 A.7 BS 25 IH/GN SAKT1 0335600000 I.21 DEK 5 FSZ 2,4,6...16 0582360002 K.7
AP SAKH6/10 KRG 0131720000 I.6 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 I.17 BS 25 IH/GR SAKT1 0335300000 I.21 DEK 5 FSZ 21-30 0460660021 K.7
AP SAKH6/10 KRS 0131730000 I.4 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 A.8 BS 25 IH/RT SAKT1 0335500000 I.21 DEK 5 FSZ 31-40 0460660031 K.7
AP SAKK4/10 KER/WS 9502630000 I.6 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 C.5 BS 25 IH/SW SAKT1 0335200000 I.21 DEK 5 FSZ 41-50 0460660041 K.7
AP SAKK4/10 KER/WS 9502630000 D.3 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 A.9 BS 25 IH/VI SAKT1 0335800000 I.21 DEK 5 FSZ 51-60 0460660051 K.7
AP SAKK4/10 KER/WS 9502630000 D.2 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 A.3 BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 0334700000 B.32 DEK 5 FSZ 61-70 0460660061 K.7
AP SAKR BE 0211360000 A.18 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 B.2 BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 0334700000 A.32 DEK 5 FSZ 71-80 0460660071 K.7
AP SAKR BE 0211360000 B.16 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 A.40 BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 0334700000 I.21 DEK 5 FSZ 81-90 0460660081 K.7
AP SAKR BE 0211360000 I.4 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 C.4 BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 0334700000 B.31 DEK 5 FSZ 91-100 0460660091 K.7
AP SAKR BE 0211360000 I.6 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 B.45 BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 0334700000 A.33 DEK 5 FW 1,3,5,...99 1358460000 K.7
AP SAKR BE 0211360000 B.39 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 B.39 BS 35/WSH 2 1760720000 G.7 DEK 5 FW 101-150 0473460101 K.7
AP SAKR BE 0211360000 E.3 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 A.4 BS 35II KLBUE HOLDER 1723800000 G.10 DEK 5 FW 10-500 0132660010 K.7
AP SAKR BE 0211360000 B.41 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 B.4 BS 35II KLBUE2X3-8/2X2-6 1768020000 G.10 DEK 5 FW 1-50 0473460001 K.7
AP SAKR BE 0211360000 B.40 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 B.3 BS 35II KLBUE3-8 1723810000 G.10 DEK 5 FW 151-200 0473460151 K.7
AP SAKR BE RS-SET 1820200000 I.6 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 C.3 BS 35II KLBUE3-8/2X2-6 1749430000 G.10 DEK 5 FW 2,4,...100 1358560000 K.7
AP SAKR BL 0211380000 I.6 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 A.2 BS 35II/KLBUE 4-13.5 1723820000 G.10 DEK 5 FW 201-250 0473460201 K.7
AP SAKR BL 0211380000 B.40 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 C.2 BST 2 BEZEICHNUNGSSTR. 1287700000 I.17 DEK 5 FW 251-300 0473460251 K.7
AP SAKR BL 0211380000 B.41 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 B.7 BSTB 28/12 BK U 1-12 0198800000 F.5 DEK 5 FW 301-350 0473460301 K.7
AP SAKR BL 0211380000 B.16 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT 0128900000 B.6 BSTB 28/12 BK U 1-12 0198800000 F.6 DEK 5 FW 351-400 0473460351 K.7
AP SAKR BL 0211380000 A.18 BFSC M3X22 SAKT4 1319900000 A.33 BSTB 28/12 MK U 1-12 0245900000 F.6 DEK 5 FW 401-450 0473460401 K.7
AP SAKR KRG 0211320000 B.18 BFSC M3X22 SAKT4 1319900000 B.32 BSTB 28/12 MK U 1-12 0245900000 F.2 DEK 5 FW 451-500 0473460451 K.7
AP SAKR KRG 0211320000 I.6 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 A.3 BSTB 28/12/6,35 O 1-12 0278500000 F.2 DEK 5 FW 501-550 0473460501 K.7
AP SAKS1+3 KRG 0191320000 B.22 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 C.2 BSTB 28/12/6,35 U 1-12 0245700000 F.2 DEK 5 FW 51-100 0473460051 K.7
AP SAKS1+3 KRG 0191320000 I.4 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 C.3 BSTB 28/16 MK O 1-16 0278700000 F.3 DEK 5 FW 551-600 0473460551 K.7
AP SAKS1+3 KRG 0191320000 A.24 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 A.7 BSTB 28/16 MK U 1-16 0262200000 F.3 DEK 5 FW 601-650 0473460601 K.7
AP SAKS1+3 KRG 0191320000 B.23 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 I.12 BSTB 28/2 BK U 1-2 0203600000 F.5 DEK 5 FW 651-700 0473460651 K.7
AP SAKS1+3 KRG 0191320000 A.25 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 C.4 BSTB 28/2 BK U 1-2 0203600000 F.6 DEK 5 FW 701-750 0473460701 K.7
AP SAKS1+3 KRG 0191320000 I.6 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 A.8 BSTB 28/4 BK U 1-4 0197300000 F.6 DEK 5 FW 751-800 0473460751 K.7
AP SAKS1+3 KRG/DB 0191300000 I.6 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 A.9 BSTB 28/4 BK U 1-4 0197300000 F.5 DEK 5 FW 801-850 0473460801 K.7
AP SAKT2 KRG 0329120000 I.6 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 I.10 BSTB 28/6 BK U 1-6 0197500000 F.6 DEK 5 FW 851-900 0473460851 K.7
AP SAKT2 KRG 0329120000 I.4 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 C.5 BSTB 28/6 BK U 1-6 0197500000 F.5 DEK 5 FW 901-950 0473460901 K.7
AP SAKT4 KRG 0244920000 I.6 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 B.7 BSTB 28/6 MK U 1-6 0290000000 F.6 DEK 5 FW 951-999 0473460951 K.7
AP ST5 PA/BE 0447260000 I.6 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 A.4 BSTB 28/6 MK U 1-6 0290000000 F.2 DEK 5 FW U1-PE1 0133161114 K.7
AP ST5 PPO/SW 0447240000 I.6 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 B.6 BSTB 28/8 MK U 1-8 0290200000 F.2 DEK 5 FW U2-PE2 0133161115 K.7
AP ST5 PPO/SW 0447240000 C.6 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 B.3 BSTB 28/8 MK U 1-8 0290200000 F.6 DEK 5 FW U3-PE3 0133161116 K.7
AP STA2.5 0.5MM 2012770000 I.6 BFSC M3X25 0292500000 B.4 BSTO 28/12 BK 0198700000 F.5 DEK 5 FW U4-PE4 0133161117 K.7
AP TAL 0212260000 I.6 BFSC M3X30 0296200000 B.28 BSTO 28/12 BK 0198700000 F.6 DEK 5 FW U5-PE5 0133161118 K.7
AP TOP4SF-FF 0483460000 I.4 BFSC M3X30 0296200000 A.11 BSTO 28/12 MK 0245800000 F.2 DEK 5 FW U6-PE6 0133161119 K.7
AP TOP4SF-FF 0483460000 I.6 BFSC M3X30 0296200000 I.10 BSTO 28/12 MK 0245800000 F.6 DEK 5 FW U7-PE7 0133161120 K.7
AP TW/SS.../35 1333200000 I.6 BFSC M3X35 0309800000 B.28 BSTO 28/12/6,35 0245600000 F.2 DEK 5 FW U8-PE8 0133161121 K.7
AP VLI1.5 1633260000 I.6 BFSC M3X35 0309800000 I.10 BSTO 28/16 MK 4/16 0262100000 F.3 DEK 5 FW U9-PE9 0133161122 K.7
AP VLI1.5 DB 1784150000 I.6 BFSC M3X7 STV1/5 0199700000 I.9 BSTO 28/2 BK 0203500000 F.5 DEK 5 FW X10-Z10 0133261159 K.7
AP VLI1.5/PE 1633320000 I.6 BFSC M4X20 0362800000 B.19 BSTO 28/2 BK 0203500000 F.6 DEK 5 FW X1-Z1 0133261150 K.7
AP VLI1.5/PE DB 1784160000 I.6 BFSC M4X20 0362800000 A.20 BSTO 28/3 BK 0203700000 F.6 DEK 5 FW X2-Z2 0133261151 K.7
ASK 1/15 0376860000 E.6 BFSC M4X30 0267100000 A.9 BSTO 28/3 BK 0203700000 F.5 DEK 5 FW X3-Z3 0133261152 K.7
ASK 1/EN 0474560000 C.7 BFSC M4X30 0267100000 C.4 BSTO 28/4 BK 0197200000 F.5 DEK 5 FW X4-Z4 0133261153 K.7
ASK 1/EN LD 120K 230VDC 0225660000 C.7 BFSC M4X30 0267100000 B.30 BSTO 28/4 BK 0197200000 F.6 DEK 5 FW X5-Z5 0133261154 K.7
ASK 1/EN LD 15K 24VDC 0222760000 C.7 BFSC M4X30 0267100000 I.9 BSTO 28/4 MK3/4 0289300000 F.6 DEK 5 FW X6-Z6 0133261155 K.7
ASK 1/EN LD 1D 115VAC 0225560000 C.7 BFSC M4X30 0267100000 B.8 BSTO 28/4 MK3/4 0289300000 F.2 DEK 5 FW X7-Z7 0133261156 K.7
ASK 1/EN LD 1D 230VAC 0225760000 C.7 BFSC M4X30 0267100000 A.5 BSTO 28/6 BK 0197400000 F.5 DEK 5 FW X8-Z8 0133261157 K.7
ASK 1/EN LD 1D 24VAC 0222860000 C.7 BFSC M4X30 0267100000 I.10 BSTO 28/6 BK 0197400000 F.6 DEK 5 FW X9-Z9 0133261158 K.7
ASK 1/EN LD 1D 48VAC 0225360000 C.7 BFSC M4X30 0267100000 H.4 BSTO 28/6 MK 0289500000 F.2 DEK 5 FWZ 1,3,5-19 0235860000 K.7
ASK 1/EN LD 27K 48VDC 0225260000 C.7 BFSC M4X30 0267100000 B.5 BSTO 28/6 MK 0289500000 F.6 DEK 5 FWZ 1-10 0523060001 K.7
ASK 1/EN LD 33K 60VDC 0226460000 C.7 BFSC M4X30 0267100000 A.4 BSTO 28/8 MK3/8 0284700000 F.6 DEK 5 FWZ 11-20 0523060011 K.7
ASK 1/EN LD 56K 115VDC 0225460000 C.7 BFSC M4X30 0267100000 B.9 BSTO 28/8 MK3/8 0284700000 F.2 DEK 5 FWZ 1-9 1572000000 K.7
AST 1 6.3 0266360000 B.36 BFSC M4X30 0267100000 B.4 BTWZ KLBUE 1742630000 G.8 DEK 5 FWZ 2,4,6-20 0236160000 K.7
AST 1 6.3 KRG 0266320000 B.42 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT 0129100000 B.5 BUE SPX 9005450000 J.4 DEK 5 FWZ 21,23,25-39 0235960000 K.7
AST 1 6.3/2.8 0478260000 B.36 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT 0129100000 A.5 BZT 1 WS 10/5 1805490000 K.16 DEK 5 FWZ 21-30 0523060021 K.7
AST 1 6.3/2.8 KRG 0478220000 B.42 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT 0129100000 B.4 BZT 1 ZA WS 10/5 1805520000 K.16 DEK 5 FWZ 22,24,26-40 0236260000 K.7
AST 1/35 6.3 0664860000 A.36 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT 0129100000 B.9 BZT 2 WS 10/5 1805480000 K.16 DEK 5 FWZ 31-40 0523060031 K.7
AST 1/35 6.3/2.8 0699660000 A.36 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT 0129100000 A.9 BZT 2 ZA WS 10/5 1805530000 K.16 DEK 5 FWZ 41,43,45-59 0236060000 K.7
AST 3 6.3 0236760000 B.36 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT 0129100000 C.4 DEK 5 FWZ 41-50 0523060041 K.7
AST 3 6.3 KRG
AST 3 6.3/2.8 KRG
A.4 C DEK 5 FWZ 42,44,46-60
DEK 5 FWZ 51-60
AST 3/35 6.3 0479360000 A.36 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT 0129100000 I.17 CleanUnit PrintJet II 1858950000 K.22 DEK 5 FWZ 61-70 0523060061 K.7
AST 3/35 6.3/2.8 0460360000 A.36 BFSC M4X35 0298900000 A.4 CTI 6 9006120000 J.35 DEK 5 FWZ 71-80 0523060071 K.7
AST 4 SF 6.3/2.8 KRG 0439120000 B.43 BFSC M4X35 0298900000 B.5 CTI 6 S 9006210000 J.35 DEK 5 FWZ 81-90 0523060081 K.7
AST 4/35 SF 6.3 0479460000 A.37 BFSC M4X35 0298900000 B.4 DEK 5 FWZ 91-100 0523060091 K.7
AST 4/35 SF 6.3/2.8
AST 5 SF 6.3 KRG
AST 5 SF 6.3/2.8 KRG 0479220000 B.43 BFSC M4X35 0298900000 I.12 D 2 MK5/2 PA/NA 0244060000 F.4 DEK 5 FWZ U,V,W,N,PE 0558360000 K.7
AST 5/35 SF 6.3/2.8 0664960000 A.37 BFSC M4X9T 0103300000 A.26 D10 KS10 TP 0141800000 F.4 DEK 5 GE NEUTRAL 0473391687 K.7
BFSC M4X9T 0103300000 B.24 D2 KS2 TP 0134500000 F.4 DEK 5 GN NEUTRAL 0473391688 K.7
BAL 2 0181800000 J.11 BFSC M4X9T 0103300000 B.30 DEK 5 BL NEUTRAL 0473391693 K.7 DEK 5 GS B 0132961022 K.7
BEZ.-KARTE ADP 0566700000 I.16 BFSC M4X9T 0103300000 H.4 DEK 5 BR NEUTRAL 0473391692 K.7 DEK 5 GS C 0132961023 K.7
BFEH 1/WSH 1082400000 G.7 BFSC M4X9T 0103300000 I.9 DEK 5 FS 101-150 0473560101 K.7 DEK 5 GS D 0132961024 K.7
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 E.12 BFSC M5X45 0345600000 A.6 DEK 5 FS 1-50 0473560001 K.7 DEK 5 GS E 0132961025 K.7
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 A.56 BFSC M5X45 0345600000 B.9 DEK 5 FS 151-200 0473560151 K.7 DEK 5 GS ERDE 0157261202 K.7
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 A.55 BFSC M5X45 0345600000 I.9 DEK 5 FS 201-250 0473560201 K.7 DEK 5 GS ERDE IM KREIS 0157261203 K.7
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 E.11 BFSC M5X45 PA/NA 0344400000 A.10 DEK 5 FS 251-300 0473560251 K.7 DEK 5 GS F 0132961026 K.7
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 E.10 BFSC M5X45 PA/NA 0344400000 A.6 DEK 5 FS 301-350 0473560301 K.7 DEK 5 GS G 0132961027 K.7
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 A.53 BFSC M5X45 PA/NA 0344400000 I.17 DEK 5 FS 351-400 0473560351 K.7 DEK 5 GS H 0132961028 K.7
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 B.56 BFSC M5X45 PA/NA 0344400000 B.9 DEK 5 FS 401-450 0473560401 K.7 DEK 5 GS I 0132961029 K.7
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 B.59 BFSC M5X8 Schlitz 0296700000 H.3 DEK 5 FS 451-500 0473560451 K.7 DEK 5 GS J 0132961030 K.7
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 B.58 BIT E6.3 Z 0.6X3.5X39 9025570000 J.20 DEK 5 FS 501-550 0473560501 K.7 DEK 5 GS K 0132961031 K.7
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 A.52 BIT E6.3 Z 0.8X4.0X39 9025590000 J.20 DEK 5 FS 51-100 0473560051 K.7 DEK 5 GS L 0132961032 K.7
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 A.51 BK 12 CRN 0625320000 F.5 DEK 5 FS 551-600 0473560551 K.7 DEK 5 GS M 0132961033 K.7
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 A.50 BK 12/E 7906100000 F.6 DEK 5 FS 601-650 0473560601 K.7 DEK 5 GS N 0132961034 K.7
BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N 0266800000 B.57 BK 2 CRN 0624720000 F.5 DEK 5 FS 651-700 0473560651 K.7 DEK 5 GS O 0132961035 K.7
Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page
DEK 5 GS P 0132961036 K.7 DEK 5 GW 176 0522660176 K.8 DEK 5 GW 86 0522660086 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 1 1755280001 K.8
DEK 5 GS PE 0157261187 K.7 DEK 5 GW 177 0522660177 K.8 DEK 5 GW 87 0522660087 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 2 1755280002 K.8
DEK 5 GS Q 0132961037 K.7 DEK 5 GW 178 0522660178 K.8 DEK 5 GW 88 0522660088 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 3 1755280003 K.8
DEK 5 GS R 0132961038 K.7 DEK 5 GW 179 0522660179 K.8 DEK 5 GW 89 0522660089 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 4 1755280004 K.8
DEK 5 GS S 0132961039 K.7 DEK 5 GW 18 0522660018 K.7 DEK 5 GW 9 0522660009 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 5 1755280005 K.8
DEK 5 GS T 0132961040 K.7 DEK 5 GW 180 0522660180 K.8 DEK 5 GW 90 0522660090 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 6 1755280006 K.8
DEK 5 GS U 0132961041 K.7 DEK 5 GW 181 0522660181 K.8 DEK 5 GW 91 0522660091 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 7 1755280007 K.8
DEK 5 GS V 0132961042 K.7 DEK 5 GW 182 0522660182 K.8 DEK 5 GW 92 0522660092 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 8 1755280008 K.8
DEK 5 GS W 0132961043 K.7 DEK 5 GW 183 0522660183 K.8 DEK 5 GW 93 0522660093 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 9 1755280009 K.8
DEK 5 GS X 0132961044 K.7 DEK 5 GW 184 0522660184 K.8 DEK 5 GW 94 0522660094 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC NEUTRAL 1755270000 K.11
DEK 5 GS Y 0132961045 K.7 DEK 5 GW 185 0522660185 K.8 DEK 5 GW 95 0522660095 K.7 DEK 5/30 MC NEUTRAL 1951920000 K.18
DEK 5 GS Z 0132961046 K.7 DEK 5 GW 186 0522660186 K.8 DEK 5 GW 96 0522660096 K.7 DEK 5/30 MC NEUTRAL 1951920000 K.11
DEK 5 GW 0576260000 K.7 DEK 5 GW 187 0522660187 K.8 DEK 5 GW 97 0522660097 K.7 DEK 5/30 MC SDR 1025680000 K.11
DEK 5 GW - 0576261199 K.8 DEK 5 GW 188 0522660188 K.8 DEK 5 GW 98 0522660098 K.7 DEK 5/5 MC BEDRUCKT 1609810000 K.11
DEK 5 GW + 0576261198 K.8 DEK 5 GW 189 0522660189 K.8 DEK 5 GW 99 0522660099 K.7 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. BL 1609801693 K.11
DEK 5 GW 1 0522660001 K.7 DEK 5 GW 19 0522660019 K.7 DEK 5 GW A 0522761021 K.8 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. GE 1609801687 K.11
DEK 5 GW 10 0522660010 K.7 DEK 5 GW 190 0522660190 K.8 DEK 5 GW A KLEIN 0522861047 K.8 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. GN 1609801688 K.11
DEK 5 GW 100 0522660100 K.7 DEK 5 GW 191 0522660191 K.8 DEK 5 GW B 0522761022 K.8 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. GR 1609801691 K.11
DEK 5 GW 101 0522660101 K.7 DEK 5 GW 192 0522660192 K.8 DEK 5 GW B KLEIN 0522861048 K.8 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. RT 1609801686 K.11
DEK 5 GW 102 0522660102 K.7 DEK 5 GW 193 0522660193 K.8 DEK 5 GW BL/SW - 0576291741 K.8 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. WS 1609801044 K.11
DEK 5 GW 103 0522660103 K.7 DEK 5 GW 194 0522660194 K.8 DEK 5 GW C 0522761023 K.8 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. WS 1609801044 K.19
DEK 5 GW 104 0522660104 K.7 DEK 5 GW 195 0522660195 K.8 DEK 5 GW C KLEIN 0522861049 K.8 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. WS 1609801044 K.18
DEK 5 GW 105 0522660105 K.7 DEK 5 GW 196 0522660196 K.8 DEK 5 GW D 0522761024 K.8 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. WS 1609801044 K.17
DEK 5 GW 106 0522660106 K.7 DEK 5 GW 197 0522660197 K.8 DEK 5 GW D KLEIN 0522861050 K.8 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. WS 1609801044 K.16
DEK 5 GW 107 0522660107 K.7 DEK 5 GW 198 0522660198 K.8 DEK 5 GW E 0522761025 K.8 DEK 5/5 PLUS MC GE 1907520000 K.11
DEK 5 GW 108 0522660108 K.7 DEK 5 GW 199 0522660199 K.8 DEK 5 GW E KLEIN 0522861051 K.8 DEK 5/5 PLUS MC NEUTRAL 1854490000 K.11
DEK 5 GW 109 0522660109 K.7 DEK 5 GW 2 0522660002 K.7 DEK 5 GW ERDE 0576261202 K.8 DEK 5/5 PLUS MC SONDERDR. 1854500000 K.11
DEK 5 GW 11 0522660011 K.7 DEK 5 GW 20 0522660020 K.7 DEK 5 GW ERDE I.KR. 0576261203 K.8 DEK 5/6 MC BEDRUCKT 1609830000 K.11
DEK 5 GW 110 0522660110 K.7 DEK 5 GW 200 0522660200 K.8 DEK 5 GW F 0522761026 K.8 DEK 5/6 MC NEUTRAL 1609820000 K.11
DEK 5 GW 111 0522660111 K.7 DEK 5 GW 21 0522660021 K.7 DEK 5 GW F KLEIN 0522861052 K.8 DEK 5/6 PLUS MC NE WS 1011320000 K.11
DEK 5 GW 112 0522660112 K.7 DEK 5 GW 22 0522660022 K.7 DEK 5 GW G 0522761027 K.8 DEK 5/6,5 MC BEDRUCKT 1609850000 K.11
DEK 5 GW 113 0522660113 K.7 DEK 5 GW 23 0522660023 K.7 DEK 5 GW G KLEIN 0522861053 K.8 DEK 5/6,5 MC NEUTRAL 1609840000 K.11
DEK 5 GW 114 0522660114 K.7 DEK 5 GW 24 0522660024 K.7 DEK 5 GW H 0522761028 K.8 DEK 5/7.5 MC NEUTRAL 1720620000 K.11
DEK 5 GW 115 0522660115 K.7 DEK 5 GW 25 0522660025 K.7 DEK 5 GW H KLEIN 0522861054 K.8 DEK 5/7.5 MC SONDERDR. 1770490000 K.11
DEK 5 GW 116 0522660116 K.7 DEK 5 GW 26 0522660026 K.7 DEK 5 GW I 0522761029 K.8 DEK 5/8 MC Neutral 1856740000 K.11
DEK 5 GW 117 0522660117 K.7 DEK 5 GW 27 0522660027 K.7 DEK 5 GW I KLEIN 0522861055 K.8 DEK 5/8 MC Sonderdruck 1856750000 K.11
DEK 5 GW 118 0522660118 K.7 DEK 5 GW 28 0522660028 K.7 DEK 5 GW J 0522761030 K.8 DEK 6 BL NEUTRAL 0468591693 K.8
DEK 5 GW 119 0522660119 K.7 DEK 5 GW 29 0522660029 K.7 DEK 5 GW J KLEIN 0522861056 K.8 DEK 6 BR NEUTRAL 0468591692 K.8
DEK 5 GW 12 0522660012 K.7 DEK 5 GW 3 0522660003 K.7 DEK 5 GW K 0522761031 K.8 DEK 6 FS 101-150 0468760101 K.8
DEK 5 GW 120 0522660120 K.7 DEK 5 GW 30 0522660030 K.7 DEK 5 GW K KLEIN 0522861057 K.8 DEK 6 FS 1-50 0468760001 K.8
DEK 5 GW 121 0522660121 K.7 DEK 5 GW 31 0522660031 K.7 DEK 5 GW L 0522761032 K.8 DEK 6 FS 151-200 0468760151 K.8
DEK 5 GW 122 0522660122 K.7 DEK 5 GW 32 0522660032 K.7 DEK 5 GW L KLEIN 0522861058 K.8 DEK 6 FS 201-250 0468760201 K.8
DEK 5 GW 123 0522660123 K.7 DEK 5 GW 33 0522660033 K.7 DEK 5 GW L1 0522361075 K.8 DEK 6 FS 251-300 0468760251 K.8
DEK 5 GW 124 0522660124 K.7 DEK 5 GW 34 0522660034 K.7 DEK 5 GW L2 0522361076 K.8 DEK 6 FS 301-350 0468760301 K.8
DEK 5 GW 125 0522660125 K.7 DEK 5 GW 35 0522660035 K.7 DEK 5 GW L3 0522361077 K.8 DEK 6 FS 351-400 0468760351 K.8
DEK 5 GW 126 0522660126 K.7 DEK 5 GW 36 0522660036 K.7 DEK 5 GW M 0522761033 K.8 DEK 6 FS 401-450 0468760401 K.8
DEK 5 GW 127 0522660127 K.7 DEK 5 GW 37 0522660037 K.7 DEK 5 GW M KLEIN 0522861059 K.8 DEK 6 FS 451-500 0468760451 K.8
DEK 5 GW 128 0522660128 K.7 DEK 5 GW 38 0522660038 K.7 DEK 5 GW Mp 0537261235 K.8 DEK 6 FS 501-550 0468760501 K.8
DEK 5 GW 129 0522660129 K.7 DEK 5 GW 39 0522660039 K.7 DEK 5 GW N 0522761034 K.8 DEK 6 FS 51-100 0468760051 K.8
DEK 5 GW 13 0522660013 K.7 DEK 5 GW 4 0522660004 K.7 DEK 5 GW N KLEIN 0522861060 K.8 DEK 6 FS 551-600 0468760551 K.8
DEK 5 GW 130 0522660130 K.7 DEK 5 GW 40 0522660040 K.7 DEK 5 GW O 0522761035 K.8 DEK 6 FS 601-650 0468760601 K.8
DEK 5 GW 131 0522660131 K.7 DEK 5 GW 41 0522660041 K.7 DEK 5 GW O KLEIN 0522861061 K.8 DEK 6 FS 651-700 0468760651 K.8
DEK 5 GW 132 0522660132 K.7 DEK 5 GW 42 0522660042 K.7 DEK 5 GW P 0522761036 K.8 DEK 6 FS 701-750 0468760701 K.8
DEK 5 GW 133 0522660133 K.7 DEK 5 GW 43 0522660043 K.7 DEK 5 GW P KLEIN 0522861062 K.8 DEK 6 FS 751-800 0468760751 K.8
DEK 5 GW 134 0522660134 K.7 DEK 5 GW 44 0522660044 K.7 DEK 5 GW PE 0537261187 K.8 DEK 6 FS 801-850 0468760801 K.8
DEK 5 GW 135 0522660135 K.7 DEK 5 GW 45 0522660045 K.7 DEK 5 GW PEN 0537261188 K.8 DEK 6 FS 851-900 0468760851 K.8
DEK 5 GW 136 0522660136 K.7 DEK 5 GW 46 0522660046 K.7 DEK 5 GW Q 0522761037 K.8 DEK 6 FS 901-950 0468760901 K.8
DEK 5 GW 137 0522660137 K.7 DEK 5 GW 47 0522660047 K.7 DEK 5 GW Q KLEIN 0522861063 K.8 DEK 6 FS 951-999 0468760951 K.8
DEK 5 GW 138 0522660138 K.7 DEK 5 GW 48 0522660048 K.7 DEK 5 GW R 0522761038 K.8 DEK 6 FSZ 1-10 0133360001 K.8
DEK 5 GW 139 0522660139 K.7 DEK 5 GW 49 0522660049 K.7 DEK 5 GW R KLEIN 0522861064 K.8 DEK 6 FSZ 11-20 0133360011 K.8
DEK 5 GW 14 0522660014 K.7 DEK 5 GW 5 0522660005 K.7 DEK 5 GW RT/SW + 0576291737 K.8 DEK 6 FSZ 21-30 0133360021 K.8
DEK 5 GW 140 0522660140 K.7 DEK 5 GW 50 0522660050 K.7 DEK 5 GW S 0522761039 K.8 DEK 6 FSZ 31-40 0133360031 K.8
DEK 5 GW 141 0522660141 K.7 DEK 5 GW 51 0522660051 K.7 DEK 5 GW S KLEIN 0522861065 K.8 DEK 6 FSZ 41-50 0133360041 K.8
DEK 5 GW 142 0522660142 K.7 DEK 5 GW 52 0522660052 K.7 DEK 5 GW T 0522761040 K.8 DEK 6 FSZ 51-60 0133360051 K.8
DEK 5 GW 143 0522660143 K.7 DEK 5 GW 53 0522660053 K.7 DEK 5 GW T KLEIN 0522861066 K.8 DEK 6 FSZ 61-70 0133360061 K.8
DEK 5 GW 144 0522660144 K.7 DEK 5 GW 54 0522660054 K.7 DEK 5 GW U 0522761041 K.8 DEK 6 FSZ 71-80 0133360071 K.8
DEK 5 GW 145 0522660145 K.7 DEK 5 GW 55 0522660055 K.7 DEK 5 GW U KLEIN 0522861067 K.8 DEK 6 FSZ 81-90 0133360081 K.8
DEK 5 GW 146 0522660146 K.7 DEK 5 GW 56 0522660056 K.7 DEK 5 GW V 0522761042 K.8 DEK 6 FSZ 91-100 0133360091 K.8
DEK 5 GW 147 0522660147 K.7 DEK 5 GW 57 0522660057 K.7 DEK 5 GW V KLEIN 0522861068 K.8 DEK 6 FW 1,3,5...99 1358660000 K.8
DEK 5 GW 148 0522660148 K.7 DEK 5 GW 58 0522660058 K.7 DEK 5 GW W 0522761043 K.8 DEK 6 FW 101-150 0468660101 K.8
DEK 5 GW 149 0522660149 K.7 DEK 5 GW 59 0522660059 K.7 DEK 5 GW W KLEIN 0522861069 K.8 DEK 6 FW 1-5 (10X) 0688660000 K.8
DEK 5 GW 15 0522660015 K.7 DEK 5 GW 6 0522660006 K.7 DEK 5 GW W-STROM 0576261215 K.8 DEK 6 FW 1-50 0468660001 K.8
DEK 5 GW 150 0522660150 K.7 DEK 5 GW 60 0522660060 K.7 DEK 5 GW X 0522761044 K.8 DEK 6 FW 151-200 0468660151 K.8
DEK 5 GW 151 0522660151 K.7 DEK 5 GW 61 0522660061 K.7 DEK 5 GW X KLEIN 0522861070 K.8 DEK 6 FW 2,4,...100 1358760000 K.8
DEK 5 GW 152 0522660152 K.7 DEK 5 GW 62 0522660062 K.7 DEK 5 GW Y 0522761045 K.8 DEK 6 FW 201-250 0468660201 K.8
DEK 5 GW 153 0522660153 K.7 DEK 5 GW 63 0522660063 K.7 DEK 5 GW Y KLEIN 0522861071 K.8 DEK 6 FW 251-300 0468660251 K.8
DEK 5 GW 154 0522660154 K.7 DEK 5 GW 64 0522660064 K.7 DEK 5 GW Z 0522761046 K.8 DEK 6 FW 301-350 0468660301 K.8
DEK 5 GW 155 0522660155 K.7 DEK 5 GW 65 0522660065 K.7 DEK 5 GW Z KLEIN 0522861072 K.8 DEK 6 FW 351-400 0468660351 K.8
DEK 5 GW 156 0522660156 K.7 DEK 5 GW 66 0522660066 K.7 DEK 5 NEUTRAL 0473360000 K.8 DEK 6 FW 401-450 0468660401 K.8
DEK 5 GW 157 0522660157 K.7 DEK 5 GW 67 0522660067 K.7 DEK 5 OR NEUTRAL 0473391690 K.8 DEK 6 FW 451-500 0468660451 K.8
DEK 5 GW 158 0522660158 K.7 DEK 5 GW 68 0522660068 K.7 DEK 5 RT NEUTRAL 0473391686 K.8 DEK 6 FW 501-550 0468660501 K.8
DEK 5 GW 159 0522660159 K.7 DEK 5 GW 69 0522660069 K.7 DEK 5 SW NEUTRAL 0473391694 K.8 DEK 6 FW 51-100 0468660051 K.8
DEK 5 GW 16 0522660016 K.7 DEK 5 GW 7 0522660007 K.7 DEK 5 VI NEUTRAL 0473391689 K.8 DEK 6 FW 551-600 0468660551 K.8
DEK 5 GW 160 0522660160 K.8 DEK 5 GW 70 0522660070 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC bedruckt 1767730000 K.11 DEK 6 FW 601-650 0468660601 K.8
DEK 5 GW 161 0522660161 K.8 DEK 5 GW 71 0522660071 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 101-110 1762320101 K.8 DEK 6 FW 651-700 0468660651 K.8
DEK 5 GW 162 0522660162 K.8 DEK 5 GW 72 0522660072 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 1-10 1762320001 K.8 DEK 6 FW 701-750 0468660701 K.8
DEK 5 GW 163 0522660163 K.8 DEK 5 GW 73 0522660073 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 111-120 1762320111 K.8 DEK 6 FW 751-800 0468660751 K.8
DEK 5 GW 164 0522660164 K.8 DEK 5 GW 74 0522660074 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 11-20 1762320011 K.8 DEK 6 FW 801-850 0468660801 K.8
DEK 5 GW 165 0522660165 K.8 DEK 5 GW 75 0522660075 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 121-130 1762320121 K.8 DEK 6 FW 851-900 0468660851 K.8
DEK 5 GW 166 0522660166 K.8 DEK 5 GW 76 0522660076 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 131-140 1762320131 K.8 DEK 6 FW 901-950 0468660901 K.8
DEK 5 GW 167 0522660167 K.8 DEK 5 GW 77 0522660077 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 141-150 1762320141 K.8 DEK 6 FW 951-999 0468660951 K.8
DEK 5 GW 168 0522660168 K.8 DEK 5 GW 78 0522660078 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 21-30 1762320021 K.8 DEK 6 FW L,N,PE 0632560000 K.8
DEK 5 GW 169 0522660169 K.8 DEK 5 GW 79 0522660079 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 31-40 1762320031 K.8 DEK 6 FWZ 101-110 0518960101 K.8
DEK 5 GW 17 0522660017 K.7 DEK 5 GW 8 0522660008 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 41-50 1762320041 K.8 DEK 6 FWZ 1-10 0518960001 K.8
DEK 5 GW 170 0522660170 K.8 DEK 5 GW 80 0522660080 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 51-60 1762320051 K.8 DEK 6 FWZ 111-120 0518960111 K.8
DEK 5 GW 171 0522660171 K.8 DEK 5 GW 81 0522660081 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 61-70 1762320061 K.8 DEK 6 FWZ 11-20 0518960011 K.8
DEK 5 GW 172 0522660172 K.8 DEK 5 GW 82 0522660082 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 71-80 1762320071 K.8 DEK 6 FWZ 121-130 0518960121 K.8
DEK 5 GW 173 0522660173 K.8 DEK 5 GW 83 0522660083 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 81-90 1762320081 K.8 DEK 6 FWZ 131-140 0518960131 K.8
DEK 5 GW 174 0522660174 K.8 DEK 5 GW 84 0522660084 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 91-100 1762320091 K.8 DEK 6 FWZ 141-150 0518960141 K.8
DEK 5 GW 175 0522660175 K.8 DEK 5 GW 85 0522660085 K.7 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 0 1755281000 K.8 DEK 6 FWZ 151-160 0518960151 K.8
Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page
DEK 6 FWZ 161-170 0518960161 K.8 DEK 6 GW 79 0526960079 K.9 DEK 6,5 NEUTRAL 0468060000 K.9 DKT 4/35 0687460000 A.19
DEK 6 FWZ 171-180 0518960171 K.8 DEK 6 GW 8 0526960008 K.8 DEK 6,5 OR NEUTRAL 0468091690 K.9 DKT 4/35 PT100 8014720000 A.56
DEK 6 FWZ 181-190 0518960181 K.8 DEK 6 GW 80 0526960080 K.9 DEK 6,5 RT NEUTRAL 0468091686 K.9 DKT 4V 2STB 1304860000 B.17
DEK 6 FWZ 191-200 0518960191 K.8 DEK 6 GW 81 0526960081 K.9 DEK 6,5 SW NEUTRAL 0468091694 K.9 DKT 4V/35 2STB 1304960000 A.19
DEK 6 FWZ 201-210 0518960201 K.8 DEK 6 GW 82 0526960082 K.9 DEK 6,5 VI NEUTRAL 0468091689 K.9 DMS 2 Set 0664600000 J.11
DEK 6 FWZ 21-30 0518960021 K.8 DEK 6 GW 83 0526960083 K.9 DEK 8 BEDR./FARBIG 1289690000 K.9 DMS 3 9007440000 J.10
DEK 6 FWZ 31-40 0518960031 K.8 DEK 6 GW 84 0526960084 K.9 DEK 8 FS 1-50 TAMPOPR. 1653350001 K.9 DMS 3 SET 1 9007470000 J.10
DEK 6 FWZ 41-50 0518960041 K.8 DEK 6 GW 85 0526960085 K.9 DEK 8 FS 51-100 TAMPOP. 1653350051 K.9 DMS 3 SET 2 9007480000 J.10
DEK 6 FWZ 51-60 0518960051 K.8 DEK 6 GW 86 0526960086 K.9 DEK 8 FSZ 1-10 1289660001 K.9 DMS MANUELL 0,5-1,7 9918370000 J.18
DEK 6 FWZ 61-70 0518960061 K.8 DEK 6 GW 87 0526960087 K.9 DEK 8 FSZ 11-20 1289660011 K.9 DMS MANUELL 2,0-8,0 9918380000 J.18
DEK 6 FWZ 71-80 0518960071 K.8 DEK 6 GW 88 0526960088 K.9 DEK 8 FSZ 21-30 1289660021 K.9 DMSI MANUELL 0,5-1,7 9918390000 J.19
DEK 6 FWZ 81-90 0518960081 K.8 DEK 6 GW 89 0526960089 K.9 DEK 8 FSZ 31-40 1289660031 K.9 DMSI MANUELL 2,0-8,0 9918400000 J.19
DEK 6 FWZ 91-100 0518960091 K.8 DEK 6 GW 9 0526960009 K.8 DEK 8 FSZ 41-50 1289660041 K.9 DQS 2 1D PS2,3 AG 0471460000 I.13
DEK 6 FWZ L1-ERDE I.KRE 0631961203 K.8 DEK 6 GW 90 0526960090 K.9 DEK 8 FSZ 51-60 1289660051 K.9 DQS 2 PS2,3 AG M.BRUECK 0471560000 I.13
DEK 6 FWZ L1-PE 0631961187 K.8 DEK 6 GW 91 0526960091 K.9 DEK 8 FSZ 61-70 1289660061 K.9 DQS 2 PS2.3 O.BATE 0471660000 I.13
DEK 6 FWZ R,S,T,N,ERDE 0631860000 K.8 DEK 6 GW 92 0526960092 K.9 DEK 8 FSZ 71-80 1289660071 K.9 DS 12.5 SAK10 0207630000 I.12
DEK 6 GE NEUTRAL 0468591687 K.8 DEK 6 GW 93 0526960093 K.9 DEK 8 FSZ 81-90 1289660081 K.9 DS 12.5 SAK6N 0207730000 I.12
DEK 6 GN NEUTRAL 0468591688 K.8 DEK 6 GW 94 0526960094 K.9 DEK 8 FSZ 91-100 1289660091 K.9 DS 14 SAK4 0207530000 I.12
DEK 6 GR NEUTRAL 0468591691 K.8 DEK 6 GW 95 0526960095 K.9 DEK 8 FW 1-50 TAMPOPR. 1653340001 K.9 DS 9 SAK2.5 0330930000 I.12
DEK 6 GW - 1318061199 K.9 DEK 6 GW 96 0526960096 K.9 DEK 8 FW 51-100 TAMPOP. 1653340051 K.9 DSTV VH 6.5 0286400000 I.10
DEK 6 GW + 1318061198 K.9 DEK 6 GW 97 0526960097 K.9 DEK 8 FWZ 101-110 1276960101 K.9
DEK 6 GW 0
DEK 6 GW 1
DEK 6 GW 98
DEK 6 GW 99
DEK 8 FWZ 1-10
DEK 8 FWZ 111-120
K.9 E
DEK 6 GW 10 0526960010 K.8 DEK 6 GW BL/SW - 1318091741 K.9 DEK 8 FWZ 11-20 1276960011 K.9 E 14/10A RT 0328400000 B.24
DEK 6 GW 100 0526960100 K.9 DEK 6 GW ERDE 1318061202 K.9 DEK 8 FWZ 121-130 1276960121 K.9 E 14/10A RT 0328400000 A.26
DEK 6 GW 11 0526960011 K.8 DEK 6 GW ERDE I.KR. 1318061203 K.9 DEK 8 FWZ 131-140 1276960131 K.9 E 14/10A RT 0328400000 B.26
DEK 6 GW 12 0526960012 K.8 DEK 6 GW PE 1318061187 K.9 DEK 8 FWZ 141-150 1276960141 K.9 E 14/10A RT 0328400000 A.28
DEK 6 GW 13 0526960013 K.8 DEK 6 GW RT/SW + 1318091737 K.9 DEK 8 FWZ 21-30 1276960021 K.9 E 14/16A GR 0328500000 B.24
DEK 6 GW 14 0526960014 K.8 DEK 6 NEUTRAL 0468560000 K.8 DEK 8 FWZ 31-40 1276960031 K.9 E 14/16A GR 0328500000 B.26
DEK 6 GW 15 0526960015 K.8 DEK 6 NEUTRAL 0468560000 K.9 DEK 8 FWZ 41-50 1276960041 K.9 E 14/16A GR 0328500000 A.28
DEK 6 GW 16 0526960016 K.8 DEK 6 OR NEUTRAL 0468591690 K.9 DEK 8 FWZ 51-60 1276960051 K.9 E 14/16A GR 0328500000 A.26
DEK 6 GW 17 0526960017 K.8 DEK 6 RT NEUTRAL 0468591686 K.9 DEK 8 FWZ 61-70 1276960061 K.9 E 14/2A RS 0137400000 A.28
DEK 6 GW 18 0526960018 K.8 DEK 6 SW NEUTRAL 0468591694 K.9 DEK 8 FWZ 71-80 1276960071 K.9 E 14/2A RS 0137400000 A.26
DEK 6 GW 19 0526960019 K.8 DEK 6 VI NEUTRAL 0468591689 K.9 DEK 8 FWZ 81-90 1276960081 K.9 E 14/2A RS 0137400000 B.26
DEK 6 GW 2 0526960002 K.8 DEK 6,5 BL NEUTRAL 0468091693 K.9 DEK 8 FWZ 91-100 1276960091 K.9 E 14/2A RS 0137400000 B.24
DEK 6 GW 20 0526960020 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 101-150 0468260101 K.9 DEK 8 GE NEUTRAL 1277091687 K.9 E 14/4A BR 0137500000 A.26
DEK 6 GW 200 0526960200 K.9 DEK 6,5 FS 1-50 0468260001 K.9 DEK 8 GN NEUTRAL 1277091688 K.9 E 14/4A BR 0137500000 B.24
DEK 6 GW 21 0526960021 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 151-200 0468260151 K.9 DEK 8 NEUTRAL 1277060000 K.9 E 14/4A BR 0137500000 B.26
DEK 6 GW 22 0526960022 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 201-250 0468260201 K.9 DEK 8 OR NEUTRAL 1277091690 K.9 E 14/4A BR 0137500000 A.28
DEK 6 GW 23 0526960023 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 251-300 0468260251 K.9 DEK 8 RT NEUTRAL 1277091686 K.9 E 14/6A GN 0328300000 A.26
DEK 6 GW 24 0526960024 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 301-350 0468260301 K.9 DEK 8 SONDERDR.FARBIG 1326690000 K.9 E 14/6A GN 0328300000 B.24
DEK 6 GW 25 0526960025 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 351-400 0468260351 K.9 DEK 8 SONDERDR.WEISS 1326660000 K.9 E 14/6A GN 0328300000 A.28
DEK 6 GW 26 0526960026 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 401-450 0468260401 K.9 DEK 8 VI NEUTRAL 1277091689 K.9 E 14/6A GN 0328300000 B.26
DEK 6 GW 27 0526960027 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 451-500 0468260451 K.9 DK 4 0355460000 B.10 E 16/10A RT TNDZ 0208500000 A.26
DEK 6 GW 28 0526960028 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 501-550 0468260501 K.9 DK 4 BL 0355480000 B.10 E 16/10A RT TNDZ 0208500000 B.24
DEK 6 GW 29 0526960029 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 51-100 0468260051 K.9 DK 4 Q/EN 1907040000 C.4 E 16/10A RT TNDZ 0208500000 A.28
DEK 6 GW 3 0526960003 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 551-600 0468260551 K.9 DK 4 Q/EN BL 1907030000 C.4 E 16/10A RT TNDZ 0208500000 B.26
DEK 6 GW 30 0526960030 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 601-650 0468260601 K.9 DK 4 QV/EN 1907020000 C.5 E 16/16A GR TNDZ 0208600000 A.28
DEK 6 GW 31 0526960031 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 651-700 0468260651 K.9 DK 4 SW 1X1 0536560000 B.38 E 16/16A GR TNDZ 0208600000 A.26
DEK 6 GW 32 0526960032 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 701-750 0468260701 K.9 DK 4/32 1D 1K5 0685260000 B.60 E 16/16A GR TNDZ 0208600000 B.26
DEK 6 GW 33 0526960033 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 751-800 0468260751 K.9 DK 4/32 1D CSA A1 0484060000 B.58 E 16/16A GR TNDZ 0208600000 B.24
DEK 6 GW 34 0526960034 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 801-850 0468260801 K.9 DK 4/32 1D CSA A2 0467960000 B.59 E 16/20A BL TNDZ 0208700000 B.24
DEK 6 GW 35 0526960035 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 851-900 0468260851 K.9 DK 4/32 1D CSA GET.SCH. 0544660000 B.58 E 16/20A BL TNDZ 0208700000 A.28
DEK 6 GW 36 0526960036 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 901-950 0468260901 K.9 DK 4/32 2D A1 0663960000 B.60 E 16/20A BL TNDZ 0208700000 A.26
DEK 6 GW 37 0526960037 K.8 DEK 6,5 FS 951-999 0468260951 K.9 DK 4/32 2D CSA A2 0523760000 B.59 E 16/20A BL TNDZ 0208700000 B.26
DEK 6 GW 38 0526960038 K.8 DEK 6,5 FSZ 1-10 0407360001 K.9 DK 4/32 2D CSA GET.SCH. 0642760000 B.59 E 16/25A GE TNDZ 0208800000 B.24
DEK 6 GW 39 0526960039 K.8 DEK 6,5 FSZ 11-20 0407360011 K.9 DK 4/32 GL 100K 115VAC 0569560000 B.57 E 16/25A GE TNDZ 0208800000 A.26
DEK 6 GW 4 0526960004 K.8 DEK 6,5 FSZ 21-30 0407360021 K.9 DK 4/32 LD GR 24VDC A2 0646560000 B.56 E 16/25A GE TNDZ 0208800000 B.26
DEK 6 GW 40 0526960040 K.8 DEK 6,5 FSZ 31-40 0407360031 K.9 DK 4/32 LD ROT 24VDC 0210160000 B.57 E 16/25A GE TNDZ 0208800000 A.28
DEK 6 GW 41 0526960041 K.8 DEK 6,5 FSZ 41-50 0407360041 K.9 DK 4/32 LD ROT 24VDC A1 0495360000 B.56 E 18/20A BL 0361300000 A.28
DEK 6 GW 42 0526960042 K.8 DEK 6,5 FSZ 51-60 0407360051 K.9 DK 4/32 LD ROT 24VDC A2 0474460000 B.56 E 18/20A BL 0361300000 B.25
DEK 6 GW 43 0526960043 K.8 DEK 6,5 FSZ 61-70 0407360061 K.9 DK 4/32 RC 220R/220NF 0692160000 B.61 E 18/20A BL 0361300000 A.27
DEK 6 GW 44 0526960044 K.8 DEK 6,5 FSZ 71-80 0407360071 K.9 DK 4/35 0527660000 A.12 E 18/20A BL 0361300000 B.26
DEK 6 GW 45 0526960045 K.8 DEK 6,5 FSZ 81-90 0407360081 K.9 DK 4/35 1D 1K5 GET.SCH 0396960000 A.55 E 18/25A GE 0361400000 B.26
DEK 6 GW 46 0526960046 K.8 DEK 6,5 FSZ 91-100 0407360091 K.9 DK 4/35 1D A1 0538960000 A.53 E 18/25A GE 0361400000 B.25
DEK 6 GW 47 0526960047 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 101-150 0468160101 K.9 DK 4/35 1D A1 BL 0538980000 A.53 E 18/25A GE 0361400000 A.28
DEK 6 GW 48 0526960048 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 1-50 0468160001 K.9 DK 4/35 1D A2 0538860000 A.54 E 18/25A GE 0361400000 A.27
DEK 6 GW 49 0526960049 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 151-200 0468160151 K.9 DK 4/35 1D GET.SCH. 0396360000 A.53 E 18/35A SW 0361500000 B.26
DEK 6 GW 5 0526960005 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 201-250 0468160201 K.9 DK 4/35 2D GET.SCH. A1 0396660000 A.54 E 18/35A SW 0361500000 A.28
DEK 6 GW 50 0526960050 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 251-300 0468160251 K.9 DK 4/35 2D GET.SCH. A1 0396760000 A.55 E 18/50A WS 0361600000 B.25
DEK 6 GW 51 0526960051 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 301-350 0468160301 K.9 DK 4/35 2D GET.SCH. A2 0396860000 A.55 E 18/50A WS 0361600000 A.27
DEK 6 GW 52 0526960052 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 351-400 0468160351 K.9 DK 4/35 BL 0527680000 A.12 E 18/50A WS 0361600000 A.28
DEK 6 GW 53 0526960053 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 401-450 0468160401 K.9 DK 4/35 GL 1D I1,0A 1111160000 A.52 E 18/50A WS 0361600000 B.26
DEK 6 GW 54 0526960054 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 451-500 0468160451 K.9 DK 4/35 LD 1D ROT 24VAC 0395960000 A.51 E 18/63A KU 0361700000 B.26
DEK 6 GW 55 0526960055 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 501-550 0468160501 K.9 DK 4/35 LD GR 24VDC 0210060000 A.51 E 18/63A KU 0361700000 A.27
DEK 6 GW 56 0526960056 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 51-100 0468160051 K.9 DK 4/35 LD GR 24VDC 0210460000 A.51 E 18/63A KU 0361700000 B.25
DEK 6 GW 57 0526960057 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 551-600 0468160551 K.9 DK 4/35 LD GR 24VDC 0395460000 A.50 E 18/63A KU 0361700000 A.28
DEK 6 GW 58 0526960058 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 601-650 0468160601 K.9 DK 4/35 LD GR 24VDC 0395760000 A.50 EK 10 0354660000 B.13
DEK 6 GW 59 0526960059 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 651-700 0468160651 K.9 DK 4/35 LD ROT 24VDC 0210260000 A.51 EK 10/35 0661360000 A.15
DEK 6 GW 6 0526960006 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 701-750 0468160701 K.9 DK 4/35 RC 220R/220N 0053160000 A.56 EK 16 0374660000 B.13
DEK 6 GW 60 0526960060 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 751-800 0468160751 K.9 DK 4Q/32 0590060000 B.10 EK 16/35 0190160000 A.15
DEK 6 GW 61 0526960061 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 801-850 0468160801 K.9 DK 4Q/32 BL 0590080000 B.10 EK 2 0323100000 B.14
DEK 6 GW 62 0526960062 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 851-900 0468160851 K.9 DK 4Q/35 0590160000 A.12 EK 2.5/35 0661060000 A.14
DEK 6 GW 63 0526960063 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 901-950 0468160901 K.9 DK 4Q/35 BL 0590180000 A.12 EK 2.5N 0474360000 B.12
DEK 6 GW 64 0526960064 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW 951-999 0468160951 K.9 DK 4Q/35/TC TYP J 1284060000 A.34 EK 35 0354760000 B.13
DEK 6 GW 65 0526960065 K.8 DEK 6,5 FW L1-ERDE I.KR 0632161203 K.9 DK 4Q/35/TC TYP K 1284160000 A.34 EK 35/35 0661460000 A.16
DEK 6 GW 66 0526960066 K.9 DEK 6,5 FW L1-PE 0632161187 K.9 DK 4Q/35/TC TYP T 1285660000 A.34 EK 4 0354560000 B.12
DEK 6 GW 67 0526960067 K.9 DEK 6,5 FWZ 1-10 0519060001 K.9 DK 4Q/TC TYP J 1338060000 B.34 EK 4/35 0661160000 A.14
DEK 6 GW 68 0526960068 K.9 DEK 6,5 FWZ 11-20 0519060011 K.9 DK 4Q/TC TYP K 1338260000 B.34 EK 6/35 0661260000 A.15
DEK 6 GW 69 0526960069 K.9 DEK 6,5 FWZ 21-30 0519060021 K.9 DK 4Q/TC TYP T 1338160000 B.34 EK 70/35/M.2ZB O.IK 1338300000 A.17
DEK 6 GW 7 0526960007 K.8 DEK 6,5 FWZ 31-40 0519060031 K.9 DK 4QV/32 0590260000 B.11 EK 95/35/1ZB BK 0535300000 A.16
DEK 6 GW 70 0526960070 K.9 DEK 6,5 FWZ 41-50 0519060041 K.9 DK 4QV/32 BL 0590280000 B.11 ELSB 10 BEZ. 1-10 0143500000 F.4
DEK 6 GW 71 0526960071 K.9 DEK 6,5 FWZ 51-60 0519060051 K.9 DK 4QV/35 0363660000 A.13 ELSB 2 BEZ. 1-2 0143200000 F.4
DEK 6 GW 72 0526960072 K.9 DEK 6,5 FWZ 61-70 0519060061 K.9 DK 4QV/35 BL 0363680000 A.13 ELSB 4 BEZ. 1-4 0143300000 F.4
DEK 6 GW 73 0526960073 K.9 DEK 6,5 FWZ 71-80 0519060071 K.9 DK 4S SF 6.3/2.8 0631260000 B.37 ELSB 6 BEZ. 1-6 0143400000 F.4
DEK 6 GW 74 0526960074 K.9 DEK 6,5 FWZ 81-90 0519060081 K.9 DK 4S/35 SF 6.3/2.8 0686660000 A.39 ELSO 10 F.KS 10 0143100000 F.4
DEK 6 GW 75 0526960075 K.9 DEK 6,5 FWZ 91-100 0519060091 K.9 DK 4SS/35 FF 4X6.3/2.8 0217160000 A.38 ELSO 2 F.KS 2 0142800000 F.4
DEK 6 GW 76 0526960076 K.9 DEK 6,5 FWZ R,S,T,N,ERD 0632060000 K.9 DKSUE NSCH/ESCH 0280100000 H.3 ELSO 4 F.KS 4 0142900000 F.4
DEK 6 GW 77 0526960077 K.9 DEK 6,5 GE NEUTRAL 0468091687 K.9 DKT 4 0687360000 B.17 ELSO 6 F.KS 6 0143000000 F.4
DEK 6 GW 78 0526960078 K.9 DEK 6,5 GN NEUTRAL 0468091688 K.9 DKT 4/32 PT100 8014730000 B.61 EM 8/30 1806120000 K.19
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EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR 0205100000 B.50 GZ 12,5A/FF 0245400000 B.26 H0,75/17 ZH W 9037240000 J.28
EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR 0205100000 B.47 GZ 12,5A/FF 0245400000 A.28 H0,75/17 ZH W SV 9004900000 J.28
EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR 0205100000 I.4 G 20/0.10A/F 0430300000 B.26 GZ 2.0A 0294500000 B.26 H0,75/17D ZH GR 9037420000 J.29
EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR 0205100000 B.48 G 20/0.10A/F 0430300000 A.23 GZ 2.0A 0294500000 A.28 H0,75/17D ZH GR SV 9004770000 J.29
EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR 0205100000 B.49 G 20/0.10A/F 0430300000 A.22 GZ 2.0A 0294500000 A.23 H0,75/17T ZH HBL 9037620000 J.30
EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR 0205100000 B.46 G 20/0.10A/F 0430300000 B.20 GZ 3.0A 0295700000 A.28 H0,75/17T ZH HBL SV 9005140000 J.30
EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE 0205200000 B.46 G 20/0.10A/F 0430300000 B.21 GZ 3.0A 0295700000 B.26 H0,75/18 W 9025910000 J.22
EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE 0205200000 B.47 G 20/0.10A/F 0430300000 A.28 GZ 3.0A 0295700000 A.23 H0,75/18 W SV 9028300000 J.22
EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE 0205200000 B.48 G 20/0.20A/F 0430400000 A.28 GZ 5.0A 0294600000 B.26 H0,75/18D GR 9019060000 J.24
EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE 0205200000 B.49 G 20/0.20A/F 0430400000 A.23 GZ 5.0A 0294600000 A.28 H0,75/18T HBL 9021060000 J.26
EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE 0205200000 B.50 G 20/0.20A/F 0430400000 B.26 GZ 7.0A 0295800000 A.28 H0,75/19DS ZH GR 9202830000 J.29
EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE 0205200000 I.4 G 20/0.20A/F 0430400000 A.22 GZ 7.0A 0295800000 B.26 H0,75/19S ZH W 9202820000 J.28
EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/DBR 0180500000 A.44 G 20/0.20A/F 0430400000 B.20 H0,75/19TS ZH HBL 9202840000 J.30
G 20/0.20A/F
G 20/0.25A/F
H H0,75/24,5 ZH W
H0,75/24,5D ZH GR
EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/DBR 0180500000 I.4 G 20/0.25A/F 0430500000 B.21 H 0,5/16 S OR 9202900000 J.32 H0,75/24,5T ZH HBL 9037630000 J.30
EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/TF/GE 0180600000 I.4 G 20/0.25A/F 0430500000 A.22 H 1,5/24 XS SW 9202870000 J.31 H0,75/6 0282700000 J.33
EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/TF/GE 0180600000 A.44 G 20/0.25A/F 0430500000 A.28 H 2,5/24 XS BL 9202880000 J.31 H0.75/14 HBL 9021040000 J.26
EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/TF/GE 0180600000 A.43 G 20/0.25A/F 0430500000 B.20 H0,14/10 GR SV 9005180000 J.22 H1,0/10 0282800000 J.33
EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/TF/GE 0180600000 B.49 G 20/0.25A/F 0430500000 A.23 H0,14/10T BR SV 9028250000 J.26 H1,0/12 GE 0409700000 J.22
EP 1/BW SAKG28/32 HP/DB 0271800000 I.5 G 20/0.50A/F 0430600000 A.28 H0,14/12 GR SV 9028240000 J.22 H1,0/12 GE SV 9028310000 J.22
EP 1/BW SAKG32/35 HP/DB 1381600000 I.5 G 20/0.50A/F 0430600000 B.21 H0,25/10 HBL 9025740000 J.22 H1,0/12D R 9019070000 J.24
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 0205300000 B.52 G 20/0.50A/F 0430600000 B.20 H0,25/10 HBL SV 9026050000 J.22 H1,0/12D R 9019070000 J.26
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 0205300000 B.51 G 20/0.50A/F 0430600000 A.23 H0,25/10T GE 9021010000 J.26 H1,0/14 GE 0463000000 J.22
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 0205300000 B.49 G 20/0.50A/F 0430600000 B.26 H0,25/10T GE SV 9021210000 J.26 H1,0/14 GE BD 9004320000 J.23
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 0205300000 B.48 G 20/0.50A/F 0430600000 A.22 H0,25/12 HBL 9025760000 J.22 H1,0/14 GE BD GSP 9005830000 J.23
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 0205300000 B.53 G 20/0.63A/F 0439000000 B.26 H0,25/12 HBL SV 9025780000 J.22 H1,0/14 GE SV 9026080000 J.22
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 0205300000 I.4 G 20/0.63A/F 0439000000 A.22 H0,25/12T GE 9021020000 J.26 H1,0/14D R 9019080000 J.26
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR 0205300000 B.50 G 20/0.63A/F 0439000000 B.20 H0,25/12T GE SV 9021220000 J.26 H1,0/14D R 9019080000 J.24
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 0205400000 B.50 G 20/0.63A/F 0439000000 A.28 H0,25/5 9018910000 J.33 H1,0/14D R BD 9004330000 J.26
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 0205400000 B.49 G 20/1.00A/F 0430700000 B.20 H0,34/10 TK 9025750000 J.22 H1,0/14D R BD 9004330000 J.24
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 0205400000 B.51 G 20/1.00A/F 0430700000 A.28 H0,34/10 TK SV 9026030000 J.22 H1,0/14D R BD GSP 9005880000 J.27
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 0205400000 B.52 G 20/1.00A/F 0430700000 A.22 H0,34/12 TK 9025770000 J.22 H1,0/14D R BD GSP 9005880000 J.25
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 0205400000 B.48 G 20/1.00A/F 0430700000 B.26 H0,34/12 TK BD GSP 9004390000 J.23 H1,0/14D R SV 9019420000 J.26
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 0205400000 B.53 G 20/1.00A/F 0430700000 A.23 H0,34/12 TK SV 9025790000 J.22 H1,0/14D R SV 9019420000 J.24
EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE 0205400000 I.4 G 20/1.00A/F 0430700000 B.21 H0,5/10 9004050000 J.33 H1,0/14S GE 9025970000 J.32
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 0180700000 A.47 G 20/1.60A/F 0430800000 B.21 H0,5/10 OR SV 9028260000 J.22 H1,0/14S GE SV 9025710000 J.32
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 0180700000 A.46 G 20/1.60A/F 0430800000 B.20 H0,5/12 OR 0409500000 J.22 H1,0/14S R 9018560000 J.32
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 0180700000 A.45 G 20/1.60A/F 0430800000 A.23 H0,5/12D W 9019000000 J.24 H1,0/15 ZH GE 9037260000 J.28
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 0180700000 A.44 G 20/1.60A/F 0430800000 A.22 H0,5/12D W 9019000000 J.26 H1,0/15 ZH GE SV 9018530000 J.28
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 0180700000 I.4 G 20/1.60A/F 0430800000 A.28 H0,5/14 OR 0690700000 J.22 H1,0/15D ZH R 9037440000 J.29
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 0180700000 A.42 G 20/1.60A/F 0430800000 B.26 H0,5/14 OR BD 9004270000 J.23 H1,0/15D ZH R 9037440000 J.30
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 0180700000 A.43 G 20/2.00A/F 0430900000 A.28 H0,5/14 OR BD GSP 9005810000 J.23 H1,0/15D ZH R SV 9018540000 J.29
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 0180800000 A.44 G 20/2.00A/F 0430900000 B.21 H0,5/14 OR SV 9026060000 J.22 H1,0/15D ZH R SV 9018540000 J.30
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 0180800000 A.47 G 20/2.00A/F 0430900000 B.20 H0,5/14D W 9019010000 J.26 H1,0/15S ZH GE 9018690000 J.28
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 0180800000 A.45 G 20/2.00A/F 0430900000 A.23 H0,5/14D W 9019010000 J.24 H1,0/15S ZH GE SV 9018650000 J.28
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 0180800000 A.46 G 20/2.00A/F 0430900000 B.26 H0,5/14D W BD 9004280000 J.24 H1,0/16 GE 9025950000 J.22
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 0180800000 I.4 G 20/2.00A/F 0430900000 A.22 H0,5/14D W BD 9004280000 J.26 H1,0/16 GE SV 9028320000 J.22
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 0180800000 A.43 G 20/2.50A/F 0431000000 B.20 H0,5/14D W BD GSP 9005860000 J.27 H1,0/16D R 9019100000 J.24
EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE 0180800000 A.42 G 20/2.50A/F 0431000000 A.22 H0,5/14D W BD GSP 9005860000 J.25 H1,0/16D R 9019100000 J.26
EP 2/BW SAKG46/32 HP/DB 0271900000 I.5 G 20/2.50A/F 0431000000 B.26 H0,5/14D W SV 9019400000 J.24 H1,0/18 GE 9025930000 J.22
EP 2/BW SAKG46/35 HP/DBR 0182000000 I.5 G 20/2.50A/F 0431000000 A.28 H0,5/14D W SV 9019400000 J.26 H1,0/18 GE SV 9028340000 J.22
ESCH 1 M 0280300000 H.3 G 20/2.50A/F 0431000000 B.21 H0,5/14S OR 9004560000 J.32 H1,0/18D R 9019110000 J.26
ESO 15 BOGEN DIN A4 1636510000 K.19 G 20/2.50A/F 0431000000 A.23 H0,5/14S W 9004590000 J.32 H1,0/18D R 9019110000 J.24
ESO 5 DIN A4 GELB BOG. 1631350000 K.17 G 20/3.15A/F 0431100000 B.20 H0,5/15 ZH OR 9037200000 J.30 H1,0/20 ZH GE 9037270000 J.28
ESO 5 DIN A4 WEISS BOG. 1607710000 K.17 G 20/3.15A/F 0431100000 A.28 H0,5/15 ZH OR 9037200000 J.28 H1,0/20 ZH GE SV 9004910000 J.28
ESO 5 POLY.GELB A4-BOG. 1670380000 K.17 G 20/3.15A/F 0431100000 A.22 H0,5/15 ZH OR SV 9004440000 J.28 H1,0/20D R ZH SV 9004760000 J.30
ESO 5 POLY.WEISS A4-BOG. 1670370000 K.17 G 20/3.15A/F 0431100000 B.21 H0,5/15D ZH W 9037380000 J.29 H1,0/20D R ZH SV 9004760000 J.29
ESO 5 S DIN A4-BOGEN 1631920000 K.17 G 20/3.15A/F 0431100000 A.23 H0,5/15D ZH W SV 9004780000 J.29 H1,0/20D ZH R 9037450000 J.30
ESO 7 A4-BOGEN GELB 1634780000 K.17 G 20/3.15A/F 0431100000 B.26 H0,5/16 DS Weiß 9202910000 J.32 H1,0/20D ZH R 9037450000 J.29
ESO 7 A4-BOGEN GELB 1634780000 K.19 G 20/4.00A/F 0431200000 B.26 H0,5/16 OR 9025870000 J.22 H1,0/25,6 ZH GE 9037280000 J.28
ESO 7 A4-BOGEN WEISS 1607720000 K.17 G 20/4.00A/F 0431200000 B.20 H0,5/16 OR 9025870000 J.14 H1,0/25,6D ZH R 9037460000 J.29
ESO 7 A4-BOGEN WEISS 1607720000 K.19 G 20/4.00A/F 0431200000 A.22 H0,5/16 OR SV 9028270000 J.22 H1,0/25,6D ZH R 9037460000 J.30
ESO 7 POLY.GELB A4-BOG. 1670400000 K.17 G 20/4.00A/F 0431200000 A.28 H0,5/16,5 ZH OR 9037210000 J.30 H1,0/6 0372600000 J.33
ESO 7 POLY.GELB A4-BOG. 1670400000 K.19 G 20/4.00A/F 0431200000 A.23 H0,5/16,5 ZH OR 9037210000 J.28 H1,5/10 0186500000 J.33
ESO 7 POLY.WEISS A4-BOG. 1670390000 K.19 G 20/4.00A/F 0431200000 B.21 H0,5/16,5D ZH W 9037390000 J.29 H1,5/12 9004060000 J.33
ESO 7 POLY.WEISS A4-BOG. 1670390000 K.17 G 20/5.00A/F 0431300000 B.21 H0,5/16D W 9019020000 J.26 H1,5/12S R 9025690000 J.32
EW 15 0382860000 H.13 G 20/5.00A/F 0431300000 B.26 H0,5/16D W 9019020000 J.24 H1,5/14 R 0463100000 J.22
EW 15 0382860000 E.3 G 20/5.00A/F 0431300000 B.20 H0,5/18,4D ZH W 9037400000 J.29 H1,5/14 R BD 9004340000 J.23
EW 15 0382860000 E.2 G 20/5.00A/F 0431300000 A.28 H0,5/18,5 ZH OR 9037220000 J.28 H1,5/14 R BD GSP 9005840000 J.23
EW 15/2 1071900000 H.13 G 20/5.00A/F 0431300000 A.23 H0,5/18,5 ZH OR 9037220000 J.30 H1,5/14 R SV 9026090000 J.22
EW 35 0383560000 A.56 G 20/5.00A/F 0431300000 A.22 H0,5/6 0282600000 J.33 H1,5/14D SW 9019120000 J.26
EW 35 0383560000 C.8 G 20/6.30A/F 0431400000 A.28 H0,75/10 0542500000 J.33 H1,5/14D SW 9019120000 J.24
EW 35 0383560000 H.13 G 20/6.30A/F 0431400000 B.26 H0,75/12 W 0409600000 J.22 H1,5/14D SW BD 9004350000 J.24
EW 35 0383560000 A.57 G 20/6.30A/F 0431400000 B.20 H0,75/12 W SV 9028280000 J.22 H1,5/14D SW BD 9004350000 J.26
EW 35 GR 7032 0383530000 H.13 G 20/6.30A/F 0431400000 B.21 H0,75/12D GR 9019030000 J.24 H1,5/14D SW BD GSP 9005890000 J.25
EW 35/SCHA/M3 0258660000 I.12 G 20/6.30A/F 0431400000 A.22 H0,75/12T HBL 9021030000 J.26 H1,5/14D SW BD GSP 9005890000 J.27
EWK 1 0206160000 H.13 G 25/0.25A/M GE 0546900000 B.26 H0,75/14 GRAU BD GSP 9005870000 J.25 H1,5/14D SW SV 9019430000 J.24
EWK 1 0206160000 B.62 G 25/0.25A/M GE 0546900000 A.28 H0,75/14 W 0462900000 J.22 H1,5/14D SW SV 9019430000 J.26
EWK 1 0206160000 C.8 G 25/0.50A/M WS 0510300000 A.28 H0,75/14 W BD 9004290000 J.23 H1,5/14DS SW SV 9028360000 J.32
EWK 1 ALT 0495160000 H.13 G 25/0.50A/M WS 0510300000 B.26 H0,75/14 W BD GSP 9005820000 J.23 H1,5/14S R 9025980000 J.32
EWK 2 0199360000 H.13 G 25/0.80A/M GR 0646400000 A.28 H0,75/14 W SV 9026070000 J.22 H1,5/14S R SV 9025720000 J.32
EWK 2/SCHA/M3/L 0258760000 I.12 G 25/0.80A/M GR 0646400000 B.26 H0,75/14D GR 9019040000 J.24 H1,5/14S SW 9025240000 J.32
EWK AKA 2.5 0348660000 H.13 G 25/1.00A/M RT 0265800000 B.26 H0,75/14D GR BD 9004300000 J.24 H1,5/16 R 0635100000 J.22
G 25/1.00A/M RT 0265800000 A.28 H0,75/14D GR SV 9019410000 J.24 H1,5/16 R SV 9028350000 J.22
F G 25/10.0A/M RT
G 25/10.0A/M RT
H0,75/14S W
H0,75/14S W SV
H1,5/16 ZH R
H1,5/16 ZH R SV
FK 4 1678650000 I.14 G 25/2.00A/F BL 0192700000 A.28 H0,75/14T BL BD GSP 9005900000 J.27 H1,5/16D SW 9019130000 J.24
FKSC M5X8 D9/SW2.5 0295900000 H.14 G 25/2.00A/F BL 0192700000 B.26 H0,75/14T HBL BD 9004310000 J.26 H1,5/16D SW 9019130000 J.26
FKSC M6X12 D9/SW3 0353500000 H.14 G 25/4.00A/F BR 0192800000 A.28 H0,75/14T HBL SV 9021230000 J.26 H1,5/16D ZH SW 9037470000 J.30
FKSC M6X8 D9/SW3 0642600000 H.14 G 25/4.00A/F BR 0192800000 B.26 H0,75/14TS HBL 9018550000 J.32 H1,5/16D ZH SW 9037470000 J.29
FM 4.2/TS35 1724580000 H.15 G 25/6.30A/F GN 0192900000 A.28 H0,75/15 ZH W 9037230000 J.28 H1,5/16D ZH SW SV 9004420000 J.29
FM 4/TS35 0687900000 G.10 G 25/6.30A/F GN 0192900000 B.26 H0,75/15 ZH W SV 9018510000 J.28 H1,5/16D ZH SW SV 9004420000 J.30
FM 4/TS35 0687900000 H.15 GZ 0.5A/F 0533800000 A.28 H0,75/15D ZH GR 9037410000 J.29 H1,5/17,5X SW SV 9006590000 J.31
FM 5/TS35 0636800000 H.15 GZ 0.5A/F 0533800000 B.26 H0,75/15D ZH GR SV 9018520000 J.29 H1,5/18 9004070000 J.33
FM 6/TS35 0636900000 H.15 GZ 1.0A/F 0525500000 B.26 H0,75/15T ZH HBL 9037610000 J.30 H1,5/18D SW 9019140000 J.26
FZS 2/4 RT/80 SAKT4 1276300000 I.14 GZ 1.0A/F 0525500000 A.23 H0,75/16 W 9025860000 J.22 H1,5/18D SW 9019140000 J.24
GZ 1.0A/F 0525500000 A.28 H0,75/16 W SV 9028290000 J.22 H1,5/19,5X SW SV 9006630000 J.31
GZ 10.0A 0293900000 B.26 H0,75/16D GR 9019050000 J.24 H1,5/20 ZH R 9037300000 J.28
X GZ 10.0A 0293900000 A.28 H0,75/16T HBL 9021050000 J.26 H1,5/20 ZH R SV 9004920000 J.28
Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page
H1,5/20D SW ZH SV 9004750000 J.30 H2,5/26,5D ZH BL 9037520000 J.29 IH 2.8 DB 0386060000 B.42 KSKM 3/35 GZ 1 1/4X1/4 9509620000 A.23
H1,5/20D SW ZH SV 9004750000 J.29 H2,5/26,5T ZH GR 9037660000 J.30 IH 2.8 DB 0386060000 E.9 KST 10 9501330000 B.55
H1,5/20D ZH SW 9037480000 J.29 H2,5/7 0373000000 J.33 IH 2.8 DB 0386060000 B.43 KST 10/35 M10X39 9506960000 A.49
H1,5/20D ZH SW 9037480000 J.30 H25,0/15 0124400000 J.33 IH 2.8 DB 0386060000 B.44 KST 10/35 M10X39 9528330000 A.49
H1,5/24 R 0565600000 J.22 H25,0/18 0375300000 J.33 IH 2.8 DB 0386060000 B.36 KST 12 9501340000 B.55
H1,5/24D SW 9019150000 J.24 H25,0/25 9004170000 J.33 IH 2.8 DB 0386060000 A.38 KST 12/35 M12X37 9506970000 A.49
H1,5/24D SW 9019150000 J.26 H25,0/30 BR 0317000000 J.22 IH 2.8 DB 0386060000 A.39 KST 12/35 M12X37 9528340000 A.49
H1,5/24D SW SV 9004140000 J.26 H25,0/30D 16 GE 9019280000 J.24 IH 6.3 WEM GE 0386260000 B.37 KST 5 9503370000 B.54
H1,5/24D SW SV 9004140000 J.24 H25,0/30T SW 9021190000 J.26 IH 6.3 WEM GE 0386260000 A.38 KST 5/35 M5X18 9528300000 A.48
H1,5/25,6 ZH R 9037310000 J.28 H25,0/32 9004180000 J.33 IH 6.3 WEM GE 0386260000 B.36 KST 6 9501310000 B.54
H1,5/25,6D ZH SW 9037490000 J.29 H25,0/36 BR 0317100000 J.22 IH 6.3 WEM GE 0386260000 E.9 KST 6/35 M6X22 9506940000 A.48
H1,5/25,6D ZH SW 9037490000 J.30 H25,0/36D GE 9019300000 J.24 IH 6.3 WEM GE 0386260000 B.43 KST 8 9501320000 B.55
H1,5/7 0372700000 J.33 H25,0/36T SW 9021200000 J.26 IH 6.3 WEM GE 0386260000 A.36 KST 8/35 M8X30 9506950000 A.49
H10,0/12 0282900000 J.33 H35,0/18 0368900000 J.33 IH 6.3 WEM GE 0386260000 A.39 KST 8/35 M8X30 9528320000 A.49
H10,0/15 0124800000 J.33 H35,0/25 9004190000 J.33 IH 6.3 WEM GE 0386260000 B.44 KT 12 9002660000 J.2
H10,0/18 0379300000 J.33 H35,0/30 BE 0317200000 J.22 IH 6.3 WEM GE 0386260000 E.8 KT 8 9002650000 J.2
H10,0/22 EB 0534200000 J.22 H35,0/30D 16 R 9019310000 J.24 IH 6.3 WEM GE 0386260000 A.37 KT ZQV 9002170000 J.3
H10,0/22D R 9019240000 J.24 H35,0/30D R 9019320000 J.24 IH 6.3 WEM GE 0386260000 B.42
H10,0/22T BR
H10,0/24,5X R SV
IK 16/ZB16 BL
IK 16/ZB16 GG
H.6 L
H10,0/24DS ZH R 9018880000 J.29 H35,0/39 BE 0317300000 J.22 IK 35/ZB35 BL 0502780000 H.6 LADEGERAET DMS 3 9007460000 J.10
H10,0/26 ZH EB 9037340000 J.28 H35,0/39D R 9019330000 J.24 IK 4 BL ZB4 0475480000 H.6
H10,0/26 ZH EB SV
H10,0/26D R ZH SV
H.6 M
H10,0/26D ZH R 9037570000 J.29 H4,0/17D GR 9019190000 J.24 IK 6 GG ZBE6K 0526060000 H.6 Magazin SMark Laser 1782880000 K.21
H10,0/26T ZH BR 9037710000 J.30 H4,0/17D GR 9019190000 J.22 IS 2 KG 1806630000 J.20 MB M3/M5 CRM 0503500000 H.15
H10,0/26T ZH BR SV 9005170000 J.30 H4,0/17T OR 9021100000 J.26 IS 3 KG 1806650000 J.20 MB M5/M3 SW 0553400000 H.15
H10,0/28 EB 0565800000 J.22 H4,0/18 9004110000 J.33 IS 4 DIN 6911 0485100000 J.20 MB M6/M4 GR 0334900000 H.15
H10,0/28D R 9019250000 J.24 H4,0/19,5X GR SV 9006750000 J.31 IS 4 KG 1806660000 J.20 MC-Mobilo 110V/220V 1741260001 K.25
H10,0/28T BR 9021160000 J.26 H4,0/20D GR 9019200000 J.22 IS 6 DIN 6911 0407900000 J.20 MC-MOBILO AUFN. SF 4-6 1802180000 K.25
H10,0/30 ZH EB 9037350000 J.28 H4,0/20D GR 9019200000 J.24 IS 8 DIN 6911 0235000000 J.20 MCP AP 1924360000 K.24
H10,0/30D ZH R 9037580000 J.29 H4,0/20T OR 9021110000 J.26 ISPF QB58 BL 0546080000 I.13 MCP AP LABLES 1924370000 K.24
H10,0/30T ZH BR 9037720000 J.30 H4,0/22D ZH GR 9037530000 J.29 ISPF QB58 RT 0546040000 I.13 MCP AP SF4-6 1924310000 K.24
H10/24S ZH EB 9018860000 J.28 H4,0/22D ZH GR 9037530000 J.28 ISPF QB58 SW 0546000000 I.13 MCP COVER 1924350000 K.24
H10/30DS ZH R 9018890000 J.29 H4,0/22T ZH OR 9037670000 J.30 ISPF QB75 BL 0526780000 I.13 MCP EP 1935130000 K.24
H10/30S ZH EB 9018870000 J.28 H4,0/22T ZH OR SV 9018590000 J.30 ISPF QB75 RT 0526760000 I.13 MCP KLEBESTREIFEN 1924320000 K.24
H120,0/32 9036240000 J.33 H4,0/26D GR 9019210000 J.24 ISPF QB75 SW 0526700000 I.13 MCP PLUS 1925000000 K.23
H120,0/50 BL 9028220000 J.22 H4,0/26D GR 9019210000 J.22 MEHA OB/UN 16² SPX 3 9054080000 J.4
H150,0/54 GE
H4,0/26T OR
H4,0/28D ZH GR
J.29 K MEHA OB/UN 6² SPX 3
MF 2/12 1X2.8/1.6
H16,0/12 0492500000 J.33 H4,0/28D ZH GR 9037540000 J.28 KDKS 1/32 9503300000 B.21 MK 10/14 0370160000 F.3
H16,0/15 0124300000 J.33 H4,0/28T ZH OR 9037680000 J.30 KDKS 1/35 9503310000 A.23 MK 2/12 0241260000 F.2
H16,0/18 0375200000 J.33 H4,0/9 0373100000 J.33 KDKS1/EN LD 115VAC 8142840000 C.7 MK 3/10 0274620000 F.2
H16,0/24 GN 0565900000 J.22 H4/17 GR SV 9026010000 J.22 KDKS1/EN LD 230VAC 8148910000 C.7 MK 3/10/E 7906190000 F.6
H16,0/24D BL 9019260000 J.24 H4/17 GR SV 9026010000 J.24 KDKS1/EN LD 24 VAC 8148930000 C.7 MK 3/11/E 7906200000 F.6
H16,0/24T W 9021170000 J.26 H4/17T OR SV 9021250000 J.26 KDKS1/EN LD 24VDC 8146450000 C.7 MK 3/12 0243520000 F.2
H16,0/25 9004150000 J.33 H4/22D ZH GR SV 9004730000 J.29 KDKS1/EN LD 48 VAC 8148920000 C.7 MK 3/12/E 7906210000 F.6
H16,0/25,5X BL SV 9006870000 J.31 H4/22D ZH GR SV 9004730000 J.28 KISC M2.5X11/4.5 AKZ1.5 0400100000 I.9 MK 3/2 0273820000 F.2
H16,0/28 GN 0566000000 J.22 H50,0/18 9004210000 J.33 KISC M3X15/6 SAK2.5 0359000000 I.9 MK 3/2/E 7906110000 F.6
H16,0/28D BL 9019270000 J.24 H50,0/25 9025880000 J.33 KISC M3X15/6 SAK2.5 0359000000 I.10 MK 3/3 0273920000 F.2
H16,0/28T W 9021180000 J.26 H50,0/32 9004220000 J.33 KISC M3X15/6 SAK2.5 CU5 0377200000 B.32 MK 3/3/E 7906120000 F.6
H16,0/29 ZH GN 9037360000 J.28 H50/36 OLIV 0444200000 J.22 KISC M3X15/6 SAK2.5 CU5 0377200000 I.12 MK 3/4 0274020000 F.2
H16,0/29D ZH BL 9037590000 J.29 H50/36D BL 9019340000 J.24 KISC M3X15/6 SAK2.5 CU5 0377200000 A.33 MK 3/4/E 7906130000 F.6
H16,0/29T ZH W 9037730000 J.30 H50/40D BL 9019350000 J.24 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 0377100000 A.33 MK 3/5 0274120000 F.2
H16,0/32 9004160000 J.33 H6,0,0/20T GN 9021130000 J.26 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 0377100000 I.12 MK 3/5/E 7906140000 F.6
H16,0/38 ZH GN 9037370000 J.28 H6,0/10 9004120000 J.33 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 0377100000 A.32 MK 3/6 0274220000 F.2
H16,0/38D ZH BL 9037600000 J.29 H6,0/12 0191900000 J.33 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 0377100000 B.31 MK 3/6/E 7906150000 F.6
H16,0/38T ZH W 9037740000 J.30 H6,0/15 0124700000 J.33 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 0377100000 B.32 MK 3/7 0274320000 F.2
H185,0/32 9036260000 J.33 H6,0/18 9004130000 J.33 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 0377100000 I.21 MK 3/7/E 7906160000 F.6
H2,5/10 9004080000 J.33 H6,0/20 SW 0533500000 J.22 KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 0303000000 D.3 MK 3/8 0274420000 F.2
H2,5/12 0186100000 J.33 H6,0/20D GE 9019220000 J.24 KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 0303000000 I.10 MK 3/8/E 7906170000 F.6
H2,5/12DS BL 9028490000 J.32 H6,0/23,0X GE SV 9006790000 J.31 KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 0303000000 D.2 MK 3/9 0274520000 F.2
H2,5/12TS GR 9036200000 J.32 H6,0/25 ZH SW 9037320000 J.28 KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 0303000000 B.28 MK 3/9/E 7906180000 F.6
H2,5/14 BL SV 9026100000 J.22 H6,0/25 ZH SW SV 9004930000 J.28 KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 0303000000 I.9 MK 4/16 0244220000 F.3
H2,5/14 BL SV 9026100000 J.24 H6,0/25D ZH GE 9037550000 J.29 KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 0303000000 A.11 MK 5/2 O.DE 0243820000 F.4
H2,5/14D BL 9019160000 J.22 H6,0/25T ZH GN 9037690000 J.30 KISC M3X6 SAKS1 0346200000 I.9 MK 6/2 0620420000 F.3
H2,5/14D BL 9019160000 J.24 H6,0/25T ZH GN SV 9005160000 J.30 KISC M5X50/26 SAK95 0630200000 B.9 MK 6/2/E 7906220000 F.7
H2,5/14D BL BD 9004360000 J.23 H6,0/26 SW 0565700000 J.22 KISC M5X50/26 SAK95 0630200000 A.10 MK 6/3 0620320000 F.3
H2,5/14D BL BD 9004360000 J.24 H6,0/26D GE 9019230000 J.24 KISC M5X50/26 SAK95 0630200000 I.9 MK 6/3/E 7906230000 F.7
H2,5/14D BL BD GSP 9005850000 J.23 H6,0/29 ZH SW 9037330000 J.28 KLBUE 10-20 1600490000 G.4 MK 6/4 0620220000 F.3
H2,5/14D BL BD GSP 9005850000 J.25 H6,0/29D ZH GE 9037560000 J.29 KLBUE 10-20 CPF 1752701001 G.11 MK 6/4/E 7906240000 F.7
H2,5/14S BL 1333100000 J.32 H6,0/29T ZH GN 9037700000 J.30 KLBUE 10-20 SC 1712321001 G.8 MK 6/5/E 7906250000 F.7
H2,5/14T GR 9021070000 J.26 H6/25D ZH GE SV 9004720000 J.29 KLBUE 15-32 1716300000 G.4 MK 6/6 0620120000 F.3
H2,5/14T GR BD 9004370000 J.26 H6/26T GN 9021140000 J.26 KLBUE 15-32 CPF 1752711001 G.11 MK 6/6/E 7906260000 F.7
H2,5/14T GR BD GSP 9005910000 J.27 H70,0/25 9004230000 J.33 KLBUE 15-32 SC 1718341001 G.8 MOFU 35 0495660000 H.15
H2,5/14T GR SV 9021240000 J.26 H70,0/32 9004240000 J.33 KLBUE 3-8 1600480000 G.4 MOFU 35/LO/1 0646260000 H.15
H2,5/14TS GR 9426770000 J.32 H70,0/40 GE 9028200000 J.22 KLBUE 3-8 CPF SS 1752681001 G.11 M-PRINT PRO 1905490000 K.26
H2,5/16DS BL 9036220000 J.32 H95,0/25 9004250000 J.33 KLBUE 3-8 SC 1692261001 G.8 M-PRINT PRO 1905490000 K.24
H2,5/17,5X BL SV 9006670000 J.31 H95,0/32 9004260000 J.33 KLBUE 4-13.5 1592810000 G.4 M-PRINT PRO ADVANCED 1905500000 K.26
H2,5/18 9004090000 J.33 H95,0/44 R 9028210000 J.22 KLBUE 4-13.5 CPF 1752691001 G.11
H2,5/18,5D ZH BL
H2,5/18,5D ZH BL
KLBUE 4-13.5 SC
G.5 N
H2,5/18,5D ZH BL SV 9004430000 J.28 HP 3 ADP3 0485760000 I.16 KLBUE CO 2 1752131001 G.5 NSCH 1M 0280200000 H.3
H2,5/18,5D ZH BL SV 9004430000 J.29 HP 4 ADP3 0485860000 I.16 KLBUE CO 3 1749151001 G.5 NT 10/35 10X3 BL 0471880000 A.31
H2,5/18,5T ZH GR 9037640000 J.30 HP 7 TSK31.5 0258260000 I.16 KLBUE CO 4 1749161001 G.5 NT 16/35 10X3 BL 0499280000 A.31
H2,5/18.5T ZH GR SV 9018580000 J.30 HP 8 ADP 1 0258360000 I.16 KLBUE CO 5 1755081001 G.5 NT 2.5/35 10X3 BL 0471780000 A.30
H2,5/18D BL 9019170000 J.22 HP EK132/2 AD250 0634300000 I.18 KLBUE SH1 0635960000 H.4 NT 6/35 10X3 KRG/BL 0501470000 A.30
H2,5/18D BL 9019170000 J.24 HP NT16/10X3 1266380000 A.31 KMVF LI 6.3 EP/SW 0249100000 D.8
H2,5/18T GR
H2,5/20,5 T ZH GR SV
HP NT6/10 BL
D.9 P
H2,5/20,5D BL ZH SV 9004740000 J.29 HP NT6/10 BL 0352880000 A.30 KMVT RE 2.4 EP/SW 0249400000 D.9 P 14/10 D01 RT SAKS4 0328700000 A.26
H2,5/20,5D BL ZH SV 9004740000 J.28 HTG 58 9012000000 I.14 KOHUE ASK1 0553300000 A.23 P 14/10 D01 RT SAKS4 0328700000 B.27
H2,5/20,5D ZH BL 9037510000 J.29 HTI 15 9014400000 J.35 KS 10 O.D10 0141620000 F.4 P 14/10 D01 RT SAKS4 0328700000 B.24
H2,5/20,5D ZH BL 9037510000 J.28 KS 2 O.D2 0134420000 F.4 P 14/10 D01 RT SAKS4 0328700000 A.29
H2,5/20,5T ZH GR
H2,5/21,5X BL SV
J.31 I KS 4 O.D4
KS 6 O.D6
P 14/2 D01 RS SAKS4
P 14/2 D01 RS SAKS4
H2,5/24D BL 9019180000 J.22 IH 2.8 DB 0386060000 A.37 KSKM 1/32 G20 9509570000 B.20 P 14/2 D01 RS SAKS4 0138000000 A.29
H2,5/24D BL 9019180000 J.24 IH 2.8 DB 0386060000 A.36 KSKM 1/35 G20 9509600000 A.22 P 14/2 D01 RS SAKS4 0138000000 B.27
H2,5/24T GR 9021090000 J.26 IH 2.8 DB 0386060000 B.37 KSKM 2/32 GZ 1X1/4 9509580000 B.20 P 14/4 D01 BR SAKS4 0138100000 A.29
H2,5/26,5D ZH BL 9037520000 J.28 IH 2.8 DB 0386060000 E.8 KSKM 2/35 GZ 1X1/4 9509610000 A.22 P 14/4 D01 BR SAKS4 0138100000 B.24
Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page
P 14/4 D01 BR SAKS4 0138100000 A.26 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 E.11 Q 10 SAK10 0457400000 A.8 Q 2 SAK4 0336700000 A.37
P 14/4 D01 BR SAKS4 0138100000 B.27 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.59 Q 10 SAK10 0457400000 B.3 Q 2 SAK4 0336700000 B.3
P 14/6 D01 GN SAKS4 0328600000 B.27 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.6 Q 10 SAK10 0457400000 B.7 Q 2 SAK4 0336700000 C.5
P 14/6 D01 GN SAKS4 0328600000 A.26 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.40 Q 10 SAK16 0457800000 A.9 Q 2 SAK4 0336700000 I.9
P 14/6 D01 GN SAKS4 0328600000 B.24 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.18 Q 10 SAK16 0457800000 I.9 Q 2 SAK4 0336700000 B.36
P 14/6 D01 GN SAKS4 0328600000 A.29 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.39 Q 10 SAK16 0457800000 C.3 Q 2 SAK4 0336700000 A.36
P 16/10 RT SAKS2 0208900000 B.24 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.58 Q 10 SAK16 0457800000 A.4 Q 2 SAK4 0336700000 A.3
P 16/10 RT SAKS2 0208900000 B.27 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.60 Q 10 SAK16 0457800000 B.4 Q 2 SAK4 0336700000 D.6
P 16/10 RT SAKS2 0208900000 A.29 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.36 Q 10 SAK16 0457800000 B.7 Q 2 SAK4 0336700000 A.7
P 16/10 RT SAKS2 0208900000 A.26 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.37 Q 10 SAK2.5 0368700000 I.9 Q 2 SAK4 0336700000 B.6
P 16/16 GR SAKS2 0209000000 A.26 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.39 Q 10 SAK2.5 0368700000 A.2 Q 2 SAK4 0336700000 B.42
P 16/16 GR SAKS2 0209000000 A.29 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.38 Q 10 SAK2.5 0368700000 A.7 Q 2 SAK4 0336700000 B.43
P 16/16 GR SAKS2 0209000000 B.24 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.37 Q 10 SAK2.5 0368700000 B.2 Q 2 SAK6N 0456700000 I.21
P 16/16 GR SAKS2 0209000000 B.27 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.20 Q 10 SAK2.5 0368700000 B.45 Q 2 SAK6N 0456700000 I.9
P 16/20 BL SAKS2 0209100000 B.27 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.36 Q 10 SAK2.5 0368700000 B.38 Q 2 SAK6N 0456700000 A.8
P 16/20 BL SAKS2 0209100000 B.24 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.61 Q 10 SAK2.5 0368700000 B.39 Q 2 SAK6N 0456700000 B.3
P 16/20 BL SAKS2 0209100000 A.26 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.12 Q 10 SAK2.5 0368700000 B.6 Q 2 SAK6N 0456700000 C.3
P 16/20 BL SAKS2 0209100000 A.29 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.32 Q 10 SAK2.5 0368700000 A.40 Q 2 SAK6N 0456700000 A.3
P 18/20 D02 BL SAKS5 0361800000 A.29 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 C.2 Q 10 SAK2.5 0368700000 C.2 Q 2 SAK6N 0456700000 B.7
P 18/20 D02 BL SAKS5 0361800000 B.25 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.16 Q 10 SAK4 0368800000 B.3 Q 2 SAKD2.5N 0367800000 B.2
P 18/20 D02 BL SAKS5 0361800000 A.27 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.10 Q 10 SAK4 0368800000 B.6 Q 2 SAKD2.5N 0367800000 A.2
P 18/20 D02 BL SAKS5 0361800000 B.27 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.17 Q 10 SAK4 0368800000 B.36 Q 3 AKZ1.5 0368300000 I.11
P 18/25 D02 GE SAKS5 0361900000 B.25 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.7 Q 10 SAK4 0368800000 C.2 Q 3 AKZ1.5 0368300000 E.10
P 18/25 D02 GE SAKS5 0361900000 B.27 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 E.13 Q 10 SAK4 0368800000 A.3 Q 3 AKZ1.5 0368300000 E.2
P 18/25 D02 GE SAKS5 0361900000 A.29 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 C.5 Q 10 SAK4 0368800000 B.42 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 A.50
P 18/25 D02 GE SAKS5 0361900000 A.27 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.11 Q 10 SAK4 0368800000 C.5 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 B.10
P 18/35 D02 SW SAKS5 0362000000 B.27 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 E.10 Q 10 SAK4 0368800000 B.43 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 B.60
P 18/35 D02 SW SAKS5 0362000000 B.25 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 C.4 Q 10 SAK4 0368800000 I.9 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 B.61
P 18/35 D02 SW SAKS5 0362000000 A.29 PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 E.12 Q 10 SAK4 0368800000 D.6 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 E.10
P 18/35 D02 SW SAKS5 0362000000 A.27 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 A.5 Q 10 SAK4 0368800000 A.36 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 A.51
P 18/50 D02 WS SAKS5 0362100000 B.27 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 B.7 Q 10 SAK4 0368800000 A.37 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 E.9
P 18/50 D02 WS SAKS5 0362100000 B.25 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 A.6 Q 10 SAK4 0368800000 C.4 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 A.13
P 18/50 D02 WS SAKS5 0362100000 A.29 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 A.3 Q 10 SAK4 0368800000 A.7 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 B.58
P 18/50 D02 WS SAKS5 0362100000 A.27 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 D.9 Q 10 SAK6N 0457000000 I.21 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 E.3
P-CLEANER 1924330000 K.25 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 A.4 Q 10 SAK6N 0457000000 B.3 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 A.52
P-CLEANER 1924330000 K.24 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 B.4 Q 10 SAK6N 0457000000 C.3 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 E.13
P-INK 1924340000 K.24 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 A.20 Q 10 SAK6N 0457000000 A.3 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 B.59
P-INK 1924340000 K.25 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 A.33 Q 10 SAK6N 0457000000 B.7 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 B.38
PJ PRO TNTK FL 1027080000 K.22 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 B.5 Q 10 SAK6N 0457000000 I.9 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 A.12
PJ PRO TNTK INK C 1027050000 K.22 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 C.3 Q 10 SAK6N 0457000000 A.8 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 E.12
PJ PRO TNTK INK K 1027040000 K.22 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 B.19 Q 10 SAKD2.5N 0368100000 B.2 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 I.9
PJ PRO TNTK INK M 1027060000 K.22 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 B.30 Q 10 SAKD2.5N 0368100000 A.2 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 A.39
PJ PRO TNTK INK SET BK 1027090000 K.22 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 B.3 Q 2 AKZ1.5 0368200000 I.11 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 A.54
PJ PRO TNTK INK Y 1027070000 K.22 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 I.14 Q 2 AKZ1.5 0368200000 E.2 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 B.11
PJ-Clean Unit 4062150000 K.22 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 A.9 Q 2 AKZ1.5 0368200000 E.10 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 B.37
PJ-PRO TNTK INK SET COL 1027110000 K.22 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 B.8 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 E.10 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 A.56
PLOTTER PEN 0.25 P-INK 1920640000 K.25 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 B.31 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 A.39 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 A.38
PLOTTER PEN 0.25 P-INK 1920640000 K.24 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 B.9 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 B.61 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 A.53
PLOTTER PEN 0.35 P-INK 1920650000 K.24 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 B.32 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 A.55 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 B.57
PLOTTER PEN 0.35 P-INK 1920650000 K.25 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 A.10 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 A.56 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 A.55
PLOTTER PEN 0.50 P-INK 1005710000 K.25 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 D.6 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 B.37 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 E.11
PLOTTER PEN 0.50 P-INK 1005710000 K.24 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 B.29 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 B.57 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 I.11
PLOTTER PEN 0.70 P-INK 1011450000 K.24 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 B.28 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 E.11 Q 3 AKZ4 0336500000 B.56
PLOTTER PEN 0.70 P-INK 1011450000 K.25 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 C.4 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 B.38 Q 3 AKZ4SS 0369100000 I.11
Plotterpen 0,18 1768570000 K.25 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 A.32 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 E.13 Q 3 AKZ4SS 0369100000 E.8
Plotterpen 0,18 1768570000 K.24 PS 4 F.STB 4 0299600000 A.8 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 A.12 Q 3 DLI 1312600000 I.11
Plotterpen 0,25 1768540000 K.25 PZ 1.5 9005990000 J.35 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 B.60 Q 3 SAK10 0457200000 C.3
Plotterpen 0,25 1768540000 K.24 PZ 16 9012600000 J.8 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 B.10 Q 3 SAK10 0457200000 B.7
Plotterpen 0,35 1768550000 K.25 PZ 16 9012600000 J.35 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 B.11 Q 3 SAK10 0457200000 A.8
Plotterpen 0,35 1768550000 K.24 PZ 3 0567300000 J.7 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 E.12 Q 3 SAK10 0457200000 A.3
Plotterpen 0,5 1768560000 K.25 PZ 3 0567300000 J.35 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 E.9 Q 3 SAK10 0457200000 B.3
Plotterpen 0,5 1768560000 K.24 PZ 4 9012500000 J.35 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 E.3 Q 3 SAK10 0457200000 I.9
PLOTTERPEN 0,7 1011440000 K.25 PZ 4 9012500000 J.6 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 A.38 Q 3 SAK16 0457600000 B.4
PLOTTERPEN 0,7 1011440000 K.24 PZ 50 9006450000 J.35 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 A.50 Q 3 SAK16 0457600000 A.9
POSC M3X20 PA/NA 0451300000 I.17 PZ 50 9006450000 J.9 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 B.56 Q 3 SAK16 0457600000 C.3
PPT/35 3835020000 D.9 PZ 6 HEX 9013650000 J.35 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 I.11 Q 3 SAK16 0457600000 B.7
PRINT KIT 1686920000 K.25 PZ 6 Roto 9014350000 J.35 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 A.51 Q 3 SAK16 0457600000 I.9
PRINTJET PRO 115V 1024050000 K.22 PZ 6 Roto 9014350000 J.7 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 A.53 Q 3 SAK16 0457600000 A.4
PRINTJET PRO 230V 1001180001 K.22 PZ 6/5 9011460000 J.35 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 A.52 Q 3 SAK2.5 0337100000 B.6
PS 2.0 MC 0310000000 I.14 PZ 6/5 9011460000 J.6 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 A.13 Q 3 SAK2.5 0337100000 B.38
PS 2.0 OR 0293800000 I.14 PZ ZH 16 9013600000 J.8 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 I.9 Q 3 SAK2.5 0337100000 A.2
PS 2.0 OR 0293800000 A.33 PZ ZH 16 9013600000 J.35 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 B.58 Q 3 SAK2.5 0337100000 C.2
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 E.3 Q 2 AKZ4 0336400000 B.59 Q 3 SAK2.5 0337100000 B.39
PS 2.3 RT
PS 2.3 RT
E.9 Q Q 2 AKZ4
Q 3 SAK2.5
Q 3 SAK2.5
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 E.8 Q 10 AKZ1.5 0368500000 E.2 Q 2 AKZ4SS 0369000000 E.8 Q 3 SAK2.5 0337100000 B.2
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.54 Q 10 AKZ1.5 0368500000 I.11 Q 2 DLI 1312500000 I.11 Q 3 SAK2.5 0337100000 A.40
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.28 Q 10 AKZ1.5 0368500000 E.10 Q 2 SAK10 0457100000 A.8 Q 3 SAK4 0336800000 A.3
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.19 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 E.3 Q 2 SAK10 0457100000 B.7 Q 3 SAK4 0336800000 A.37
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 I.14 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 E.9 Q 2 SAK10 0457100000 B.3 Q 3 SAK4 0336800000 B.36
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.50 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 B.38 Q 2 SAK10 0457100000 C.3 Q 3 SAK4 0336800000 C.4
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.51 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 E.12 Q 2 SAK10 0457100000 A.3 Q 3 SAK4 0336800000 I.9
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.52 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 A.56 Q 2 SAK10 0457100000 I.9 Q 3 SAK4 0336800000 B.6
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.53 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 E.11 Q 2 SAK16 0457500000 B.4 Q 3 SAK4 0336800000 C.5
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.11 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 E.13 Q 2 SAK16 0457500000 C.3 Q 3 SAK4 0336800000 D.6
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.40 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 A.13 Q 2 SAK16 0457500000 A.9 Q 3 SAK4 0336800000 A.7
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.55 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 B.37 Q 2 SAK16 0457500000 A.4 Q 3 SAK4 0336800000 B.42
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.56 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 A.38 Q 2 SAK16 0457500000 B.7 Q 3 SAK4 0336800000 B.43
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.45 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 B.11 Q 2 SAK16 0457500000 I.9 Q 3 SAK4 0336800000 B.3
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.43 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 A.39 Q 2 SAK2.5 0337000000 B.39 Q 3 SAK4 0336800000 A.36
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.42 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 A.52 Q 2 SAK2.5 0337000000 A.40 Q 3 SAK4 0336800000 C.2
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.41 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 B.10 Q 2 SAK2.5 0337000000 B.38 Q 3 SAK6N 0456800000 B.3
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.18 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 A.12 Q 2 SAK2.5 0337000000 A.2 Q 3 SAK6N 0456800000 I.9
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.38 Q 10 AKZ4 0368600000 E.10 Q 2 SAK2.5 0337000000 A.7 Q 3 SAK6N 0456800000 A.3
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.19 Q 10 AKZ4SS 0369300000 E.8 Q 2 SAK2.5 0337000000 B.2 Q 3 SAK6N 0456800000 A.8
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.56 Q 10 AKZ4SS 0369300000 I.11 Q 2 SAK2.5 0337000000 B.6 Q 3 SAK6N 0456800000 B.7
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 A.13 Q 10 DLI 1313100000 I.11 Q 2 SAK2.5 0337000000 B.45 Q 3 SAK6N 0456800000 I.21
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.57 Q 10 SAK10 0457400000 I.9 Q 2 SAK2.5 0337000000 C.2 Q 3 SAK6N 0456800000 C.3
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 E.2 Q 10 SAK10 0457400000 C.3 Q 2 SAK4 0336700000 C.2 Q 3 SAKD2.5N 0367900000 B.2
PS 2.3 RT 0180400000 B.2 Q 10 SAK10 0457400000 A.3 Q 2 SAK4 0336700000 C.4 Q 3 SAKD2.5N 0367900000 A.2
Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page
Q 4 AKZ1.5 0368400000 E.10 QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 A.50 QL 10 SAKS1 0338800000 A.24 QL 2 SAKS4 0328000000 I.9
Q 4 AKZ1.5 0368400000 I.11 QB 2 WI RA8 IS 0461100000 E.6 QL 10 SAKS2 0338900000 A.26 QL 2 SAKS4 0328000000 B.24
Q 4 AKZ1.5 0368400000 E.2 QB 2 WI RA8 IS 0461100000 C.7 QL 10 SAKS2 0338900000 A.27 QL 2 SAKS4 0328000000 A.27
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 B.58 QB 2 WI RA8 IS 0461100000 B.21 QL 10 SAKS2 0338900000 I.9 QL 2 SAKS4 0328000000 A.26
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 A.55 QB 3 SAKT1 0205800000 I.21 QL 10 SAKS2 0338900000 B.25 QL 3 DLI 0297300000 I.9
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 A.54 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 A.19 QL 10 SAKS2 0338900000 B.24 QL 3 RSF1+2 0267500000 B.28
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 A.12 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 B.57 QL 10 SAKS4 0339000000 A.27 QL 3 RSF1+2 0267500000 B.29
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 B.61 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 B.61 QL 10 SAKS4 0339000000 I.9 QL 3 SAK10 0470400000 I.9
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 A.53 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 B.39 QL 10 SAKS4 0339000000 B.24 QL 3 SAK16 0470800000 I.9
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 A.39 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 B.60 QL 10 SAKS4 0339000000 B.25 QL 3 SAK2.5 0156000000 B.32
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 B.59 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 B.56 QL 10 SAKS4 0339000000 A.26 QL 3 SAK2.5 0156000000 I.10
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 B.60 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 B.16 QL 15 SAK6N 0221200000 I.21 QL 3 SAK2.5 0156000000 I.9
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 A.56 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 B.38 QL 2 DLI 0297200000 I.9 QL 3 SAK2.5 0156000000 A.33
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 B.57 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 B.17 QL 2 KST10 9501370000 B.55 QL 3 SAK35 0123700000 C.4
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 E.3 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 A.55 QL 2 KST10 9501370000 A.49 QL 3 SAK35 0123700000 B.8
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 A.50 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 A.20 QL 2 KST12 9501380000 A.49 QL 3 SAK35 0123700000 B.4
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 A.38 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 B.40 QL 2 KST12 9501380000 B.55 QL 3 SAK35 0123700000 A.4
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 A.51 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 B.59 QL 2 KST6 9501350000 B.54 QL 3 SAK35 0123700000 A.5
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 E.9 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 A.50 QL 2 KST6 9501350000 A.48 QL 3 SAK35 0123700000 I.9
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 B.11 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 A.18 QL 2 KST8 9501360000 B.55 QL 3 SAK35 0123700000 B.5
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 I.11 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 A.56 QL 2 KST8 9501360000 A.49 QL 3 SAK35N 0565000000 B.9
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 A.52 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 B.58 QL 2 RSF1+2 0267400000 B.29 QL 3 SAK35N 0565000000 A.5
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 A.13 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 A.54 QL 2 RSF1+2 0267400000 B.28 QL 3 SAK35N 0565000000 I.9
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 B.37 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 A.53 QL 2 SAK10 0470300000 I.10 QL 3 SAK35N 0565000000 B.5
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 E.12 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 A.52 QL 2 SAK10 0470300000 I.9 QL 3 SAK35N 0565000000 A.9
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 B.10 QB 3 WI RA6 IS 0482800000 A.51 QL 2 SAK16 0470700000 I.9 QL 3 SAK4 0130700000 A.37
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 B.38 QB 3 WI RA8 IS 0461200000 E.6 QL 2 SAK2.5 0155900000 A.33 QL 3 SAK4 0130700000 I.9
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 E.13 QB 3 WI RA8 IS 0461200000 C.7 QL 2 SAK2.5 0155900000 I.9 QL 3 SAK4 0130700000 A.38
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 E.11 QB 3 WI RA8 IS 0461200000 B.21 QL 2 SAK2.5 0155900000 B.32 QL 3 SAK4 0130700000 B.44
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 E.10 QB 4 SAKT1 0205900000 I.21 QL 2 SAK2.5 0155900000 I.10 QL 3 SAK4 0130700000 B.37
Q 4 AKZ4 0336600000 B.56 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 A.53 QL 2 SAK35 0123600000 B.8 QL 3 SAK6N 0194400000 I.10
Q 4 AKZ4SS 0369200000 I.11 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 B.56 QL 2 SAK35 0123600000 I.9 QL 3 SAK6N 0194400000 B.28
Q 4 AKZ4SS 0369200000 E.8 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 A.54 QL 2 SAK35 0123600000 C.4 QL 3 SAK6N 0194400000 A.32
Q 4 DLI 1312700000 I.11 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 B.61 QL 2 SAK35 0123600000 B.5 QL 3 SAK6N 0194400000 I.21
Q 4 SAK10 0457300000 C.3 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 B.58 QL 2 SAK35 0123600000 B.4 QL 3 SAK6N 0194400000 A.33
Q 4 SAK10 0457300000 B.7 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 A.55 QL 2 SAK35 0123600000 A.4 QL 3 SAK6N 0194400000 B.32
Q 4 SAK10 0457300000 A.3 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 B.59 QL 2 SAK35 0123600000 A.5 QL 3 SAK6N 0194400000 A.11
Q 4 SAK10 0457300000 I.9 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 B.57 QL 2 SAK35N 0564900000 I.9 QL 3 SAK6N 0194400000 I.9
Q 4 SAK10 0457300000 B.3 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 A.52 QL 2 SAK35N 0564900000 A.9 QL 3 SAK6N 0194400000 B.31
Q 4 SAK10 0457300000 A.8 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 B.60 QL 2 SAK35N 0564900000 B.5 QL 3 SAK70 0167000000 I.9
Q 4 SAK16 0457700000 B.4 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 A.50 QL 2 SAK35N 0564900000 B.9 QL 3 SAK70 0167000000 B.9
Q 4 SAK16 0457700000 I.9 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 B.16 QL 2 SAK35N 0564900000 A.5 QL 3 SAK70 0167000000 A.6
Q 4 SAK16 0457700000 A.4 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 B.40 QL 2 SAK4 0130600000 A.38 QL 3 SAKA10 0135600000 B.19
Q 4 SAK16 0457700000 C.3 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 A.18 QL 2 SAK4 0130600000 B.44 QL 3 SAKA10 0135600000 A.20
Q 4 SAK16 0457700000 A.9 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 A.51 QL 2 SAK4 0130600000 B.37 QL 3 SAKA10 0135600000 B.30
Q 4 SAK16 0457700000 B.7 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 B.39 QL 2 SAK4 0130600000 A.37 QL 3 SAKB10 0114300000 B.30
Q 4 SAK2.5 0337200000 A.40 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 B.38 QL 2 SAK4 0130600000 I.10 QL 3 SAKG28 0407600000 B.46
Q 4 SAK2.5 0337200000 A.2 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 A.19 QL 2 SAK4 0130600000 I.9 QL 3 SAKG28 0407600000 I.9
Q 4 SAK2.5 0337200000 B.6 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 B.17 QL 2 SAK6N 0194300000 A.32 QL 3 SAKG28 0407600000 B.47
Q 4 SAK2.5 0337200000 B.45 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 A.56 QL 2 SAK6N 0194300000 I.9 QL 3 SAKG28 0407600000 A.10
Q 4 SAK2.5 0337200000 A.7 QB 4 WI RA6 IS 0482900000 A.20 QL 2 SAK6N 0194300000 I.10 QL 3 SAKG28 0407600000 B.9
Q 4 SAK2.5 0337200000 B.39 QB 4 WI RA8 IS 0461300000 E.6 QL 2 SAK6N 0194300000 A.11 QL 3 SAKG32+70 0441500000 A.43
Q 4 SAK2.5 0337200000 B.38 QB 4 WI RA8 IS 0461300000 C.7 QL 2 SAK6N 0194300000 A.33 QL 3 SAKG32+70 0441500000 A.42
Q 4 SAK2.5 0337200000 B.2 QB 4 WI RA8 IS 0461300000 B.21 QL 2 SAK6N 0194300000 B.32 QL 3 SAKG32+70 0441500000 A.44
Q 4 SAK2.5 0337200000 C.2 QL 10 RSF1+2 0341700000 B.29 QL 2 SAK6N 0194300000 B.28 QL 3 SAKG32+70 0441500000 B.48
Q 4 SAK4 0336900000 A.37 QL 10 RSF1+2 0341700000 B.28 QL 2 SAK6N 0194300000 I.21 QL 3 SAKG32+70 0441500000 B.49
Q 4 SAK4 0336900000 B.3 QL 10 SAK10 0470600000 I.9 QL 2 SAK6N 0194300000 B.31 QL 3 SAKG32+70 0441500000 B.50
Q 4 SAK4 0336900000 A.36 QL 10 SAK16 0471000000 I.9 QL 2 SAK6N-SAK35 0207400000 I.10 QL 3 SAKG40 0263500000 B.50
Q 4 SAK4 0336900000 C.4 QL 10 SAK2.5 0338100000 I.9 QL 2 SAK70 0345300000 A.6 QL 3 SAKG40 0263500000 B.51
Q 4 SAK4 0336900000 B.43 QL 10 SAK2.5 0338100000 A.33 QL 2 SAK70 0345300000 B.9 QL 3 SAKG40/35 0444900000 A.45
Q 4 SAK4 0336900000 C.2 QL 10 SAK2.5 0338100000 B.32 QL 2 SAK70 0345300000 I.9 QL 3 SAKG46 0444400000 A.46
Q 4 SAK4 0336900000 C.5 QL 10 SAK2.5 0338100000 I.10 QL 2 SAKA10 0135500000 I.10 QL 3 SAKG46 0444400000 B.52
Q 4 SAK4 0336900000 B.36 QL 10 SAK35 0338600000 C.4 QL 2 SAKA10 0135500000 B.19 QL 3 SAKG46 0444400000 A.47
Q 4 SAK4 0336900000 I.9 QL 10 SAK35 0338600000 B.8 QL 2 SAKA10 0135500000 A.20 QL 3 SAKG54 0408000000 B.53
Q 4 SAK4 0336900000 B.42 QL 10 SAK35 0338600000 A.5 QL 2 SAKA10 0135500000 B.30 QL 3 SAKG54 0408000000 A.47
Q 4 SAK4 0336900000 B.6 QL 10 SAK35 0338600000 A.4 QL 2 SAKB10 0114100000 B.30 QL 3 SAKK 10 9502660000 D.3
Q 4 SAK4 0336900000 A.7 QL 10 SAK35 0338600000 I.11 QL 2 SAKG28 0551200000 I.9 QL 3 SAKK 10 TIN 9509480000 D.3
Q 4 SAK4 0336900000 D.6 QL 10 SAK35 0338600000 I.9 QL 2 SAKG28 0551200000 A.10 QL 3 SAKK 4 9502550000 D.2
Q 4 SAK4 0336900000 A.3 QL 10 SAK35 0338600000 B.4 QL 2 SAKG28 0551200000 B.47 QL 3 SAKK 4 TIN 9509430000 D.2
Q 4 SAK6N 0456900000 A.8 QL 10 SAK35 0338600000 B.5 QL 2 SAKG28 0551200000 B.9 QL 3 SAKS1 0191500000 A.24
Q 4 SAK6N 0456900000 I.21 QL 10 SAK35N 0565200000 B.9 QL 2 SAKG28 0551200000 B.46 QL 3 SAKS1 0191500000 B.22
Q 4 SAK6N 0456900000 A.3 QL 10 SAK35N 0565200000 A.5 QL 2 SAKG32+70 0194000000 A.44 QL 3 SAKS1 0191500000 I.9
Q 4 SAK6N 0456900000 B.3 QL 10 SAK35N 0565200000 B.5 QL 2 SAKG32+70 0194000000 B.48 QL 3 SAKS1 0191500000 B.23
Q 4 SAK6N 0456900000 B.7 QL 10 SAK35N 0565200000 A.9 QL 2 SAKG32+70 0194000000 B.49 QL 3 SAKS1 0191500000 A.25
Q 4 SAK6N 0456900000 C.3 QL 10 SAK35N 0565200000 I.9 QL 2 SAKG32+70 0194000000 B.50 QL 3 SAKS2 0207900000 A.26
Q 4 SAK6N 0456900000 I.9 QL 10 SAK4 0338200000 B.37 QL 2 SAKG32+70 0194000000 A.43 QL 3 SAKS2 0207900000 B.24
Q 4 SAKD2.5N 0368000000 A.2 QL 10 SAK4 0338200000 A.38 QL 2 SAKG32+70 0194000000 A.42 QL 3 SAKS2 0207900000 A.27
Q 4 SAKD2.5N 0368000000 B.2 QL 10 SAK4 0338200000 A.37 QL 2 SAKG40 0194100000 B.50 QL 3 SAKS2 0207900000 B.25
QB 10 SAKT1 0343800000 I.21 QL 10 SAK4 0338200000 I.10 QL 2 SAKG40 0194100000 B.51 QL 3 SAKS2 0207900000 I.9
QB 2 SAKT1 0205700000 I.21 QL 10 SAK4 0338200000 I.9 QL 2 SAKG40/35 0211400000 A.45 QL 3 SAKS4 0328100000 B.25
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 B.40 QL 10 SAK4 0338200000 B.44 QL 2 SAKG46 0247000000 A.47 QL 3 SAKS4 0328100000 B.24
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 B.57 QL 10 SAK6N 0338300000 B.31 QL 2 SAKG46 0247000000 B.52 QL 3 SAKS4 0328100000 I.9
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 B.58 QL 10 SAK6N 0338300000 A.11 QL 2 SAKG46 0247000000 A.46 QL 3 SAKS4 0328100000 A.27
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 A.20 QL 10 SAK6N 0338300000 I.9 QL 2 SAKG54 0264400000 A.47 QL 3 SAKS4 0328100000 A.26
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 A.53 QL 10 SAK6N 0338300000 I.10 QL 2 SAKG54 0264400000 B.53 QL 4 RSF1+2 0267600000 B.29
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 B.60 QL 10 SAK6N 0338300000 I.21 QL 2 SAKK 10 9502650000 D.3 QL 4 RSF1+2 0267600000 B.28
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 A.54 QL 10 SAK6N 0338300000 B.28 QL 2 SAKK 10 TIN 9509470000 D.3 QL 4 SAK10 0470500000 I.9
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 B.61 QL 10 SAK6N 0338300000 B.32 QL 2 SAKK 4 9502540000 D.2 QL 4 SAK16 0470900000 I.9
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 A.51 QL 10 SAK6N 0338300000 A.32 QL 2 SAKK 4 TIN 9509420000 D.2 QL 4 SAK2.5 0156100000 I.9
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 B.16 QL 10 SAK6N 0338300000 A.33 QL 2 SAKS1 0191400000 A.24 QL 4 SAK2.5 0156100000 A.33
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 B.39 QL 10 SAKA10 0338500000 B.19 QL 2 SAKS1 0191400000 I.9 QL 4 SAK2.5 0156100000 B.32
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 B.38 QL 10 SAKA10 0338500000 B.30 QL 2 SAKS1 0191400000 A.25 QL 4 SAK2.5 0156100000 I.10
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 B.56 QL 10 SAKB10 0338400000 B.30 QL 2 SAKS1 0191400000 B.23 QL 4 SAK35 0123800000 A.4
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 A.56 QL 10 SAKK 10 9502680000 D.3 QL 2 SAKS1 0191400000 B.22 QL 4 SAK35 0123800000 I.9
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 B.59 QL 10 SAKK 10 TIN 9509500000 D.3 QL 2 SAKS2 0207800000 A.26 QL 4 SAK35 0123800000 C.4
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 A.52 QL 10 SAKK 4 9502570000 D.2 QL 2 SAKS2 0207800000 I.9 QL 4 SAK35 0123800000 B.5
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 A.55 QL 10 SAKK 4 TIN 9509450000 D.2 QL 2 SAKS2 0207800000 B.25 QL 4 SAK35 0123800000 B.4
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 A.19 QL 10 SAKS1 0338800000 I.9 QL 2 SAKS2 0207800000 A.27 QL 4 SAK35 0123800000 B.8
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 B.17 QL 10 SAKS1 0338800000 B.23 QL 2 SAKS2 0207800000 B.24 QL 4 SAK35 0123800000 A.5
QB 2 WI RA6 IS 0482700000 A.18 QL 10 SAKS1 0338800000 A.25 QL 2 SAKS4 0328000000 B.25 QL 4 SAK35N 0565100000 B.5
Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page
QL 4 SAK35N 0565100000 B.9 RSF 2 0623320000 B.29 SAK 4 CUN/EP/SW 0168800000 D.6 SAKG 46/35 II 0637920000 A.46
QL 4 SAK35N 0565100000 A.9 RSF 3 PA 0497560000 B.28 SAK 4 EP/SW 0128300000 I.7 SAKG 46/35 II/GW 0638020000 A.47
QL 4 SAK35N 0565100000 A.5 RSF 3/35 9501160000 A.11 SAK 4 EP/SW 0128300000 D.6 SAKG 54 II 0170720000 B.53
QL 4 SAK35N 0565100000 I.9 SAK 4 KRG 0128320000 B.6 SAKG 54 II/GW 0185420000 B.53
SAKG 54/35 II
SAKG 54/35 II/GW
QL 4 SAK4 0130800000 A.38 SAK 10 0110060000 B.3 SAK 4 OR 0105060000 I.7 SAKG 70 II/GW 0150420000 B.50
QL 4 SAK4 0130800000 A.37 SAK 10 BL 0110080000 B.3 SAK 4 S 6.3/2.8 0401260000 B.37 SAKG 70/35 II/GW 0636620000 A.44
QL 4 SAK4 0130800000 I.10 SAK 10 BL 0110080000 I.7 SAK 4 S 6.3/2.8/KRG 0401220000 B.44 SAKH 10 CUN/EP/SW 1104700000 D.7
QL 4 SAK4 0130800000 I.9 SAK 10 KRG 0110020000 B.7 SAK 4 S/35 6.3/2.8 0630360000 A.37 SAKH 10 EP/SW 0126700000 I.7
QL 4 SAK6N 0194500000 A.11 SAK 10 KRG/BL 0110070000 I.7 SAK 4 SS 6.3/2.8 0479660000 B.37 SAKH 10 EP/SW 0126700000 D.7
QL 4 SAK6N 0194500000 I.9 SAK 10 KRG/BL 0110070000 B.7 SAK 4 SS 6.3/2.8 KRG 0479620000 B.44 SAKH 35 EP/SW 1596240000 D.7
QL 4 SAK6N 0194500000 A.33 SAK 10 OR 0110040000 I.7 SAK 4 SS 6.3/KRG 0352920000 B.44 SAKH 35 EP/SW 1596240000 I.7
QL 4 SAK6N 0194500000 B.28 SAK 10/35 0443760000 A.3 SAK 4 SS/35 6.3 GR 0646930000 I.7 SAKH 6 EP/SW 0126600000 I.7
QL 4 SAK6N 0194500000 B.32 SAK 10/35 BL 0443780000 A.3 SAK 4 SS/35 6.3/2.8 0630460000 A.38 SAKH 6 EP/SW 0126600000 D.6
QL 4 SAK6N 0194500000 I.21 SAK 10/35 BL 0443780000 I.7 SAK 4/35 0443660000 A.3 SAKK 10 9502610000 D.3
QL 4 SAK6N 0194500000 B.31 SAK 10/35 KRG 0443720000 A.8 SAK 4/35 BL 0443680000 A.3 SAKK 10 KER/WS 1598090000 D.3
QL 4 SAK6N 0194500000 A.32 SAK 10/35 KRG/BL 0443770000 A.8 SAK 4/35 BL 0443680000 I.7 SAKK 4 9502600000 D.2
QL 4 SAK6N 0194500000 I.10 SAK 10/35 KRG/BL 0443770000 I.7 SAK 4/35 KRG 0443620000 A.7 SAKK 4 KER/WS 1598080000 D.2
QL 4 SAKA10 0135700000 B.30 SAK 10/EN 0337660000 C.3 SAK 4/35 KRG/BL 0443670000 A.7 SAKR 0412160000 B.16
QL 4 SAKA10 0135700000 B.19 SAK 10/EN BL 1784410000 C.3 SAK 4/35 KRG/BL 0443670000 I.7 SAKR 15 0412760000 E.3
QL 4 SAKA10 0135700000 A.20 SAK 10/EN BL 1784410000 I.7 SAK 4/35 OR 1323660000 I.7 SAKR 15 2STB 0412860000 E.3
QL 4 SAKB10 0114500000 B.30 SAK 10/EN GR RAL 7042 1853960000 I.7 SAK 4/35/AP GG 0443650000 I.7 SAKR 2STB 0412260000 B.16
QL 4 SAKG28 0407700000 B.47 SAK 10/EN OR 1772830000 I.7 SAK 4/EN 0467460000 C.2 SAKR 2STB BL 0412280000 B.16
QL 4 SAKG28 0407700000 I.9 SAK 10/EN SW 1773900000 I.7 SAK 4/EN BL 0467480000 I.7 SAKR 2STB BL 0412280000 I.7
QL 4 SAKG28 0407700000 A.10 SAK 16 0271060000 B.4 SAK 4/EN BL 0467480000 C.2 SAKR 2STB KRG 0412220000 B.18
QL 4 SAKG28 0407700000 B.46 SAK 16 BL 0271080000 I.7 SAK 4/EN BR 9130990000 I.7 SAKR BL 0412180000 I.7
QL 4 SAKG28 0407700000 B.9 SAK 16 BL 0271080000 B.4 SAK 4/EN GE 9129930000 I.7 SAKR BL 0412180000 B.16
QL 4 SAKG32+70 0441600000 B.49 SAK 16 KRG 0271020000 B.7 SAK 4/EN GN 9129950000 I.7 SAKR KRG 0412120000 B.18
QL 4 SAKG32+70 0441600000 A.43 SAK 16/35 KRG 0380620000 A.9 SAK 4/EN GR 9129960000 I.7 SAKR LL 0464460000 B.40
QL 4 SAKG32+70 0441600000 A.42 SAK 16/35 PA 0380660000 A.4 SAK 4/EN GR 7042 1853950000 I.7 SAKR LL 2STB 0294260000 B.41
QL 4 SAKG32+70 0441600000 A.44 SAK 16/35 PA/BL 0380680000 I.7 SAK 4/EN OR 0467400000 I.7 SAKR LS 2STB 0518160000 B.40
QL 4 SAKG32+70 0441600000 B.48 SAK 16/35 PA/BL 0380680000 A.4 SAK 4/EN RT 9129920000 I.7 SAKR OR 1461960000 I.7
QL 4 SAKG32+70 0441600000 B.50 SAK 16/EN 0339760000 C.3 SAK 4/EN SW 9130980000 I.7 SAKR TS SE 1.6 0469360000 B.39
QL 4 SAKG40 0409800000 B.50 SAK 16/EN BL 1784390000 I.7 SAK 4/EN WS 1773340000 I.7 SAKR/35 0172160000 A.18
QL 4 SAKG40 0409800000 B.51 SAK 16/EN BL 1784390000 C.3 SAK 6/35 GN/GE 1866850000 I.7 SAKR/35 2STB BL 0183380000 I.7
QL 4 SAKG40/35 0445000000 A.45 SAK 2.5 0279660000 B.2 SAK 6/35 KRG 0380520000 A.8 SAKR/35 BL 0172180000 I.7
QL 4 SAKG46 0444500000 A.46 SAK 2.5 AL BLUE (E) 6253140000 I.7 SAK 6/35 KRG/BL 0380570000 A.8 SAKR/35 BL 0172180000 A.18
QL 4 SAKG46 0444500000 B.52 SAK 2.5 BL 0279680000 I.7 SAK 6/35 KRG/BL 0380570000 I.7 SAKR/35 WS 0172190000 I.7
QL 4 SAKG46 0444500000 A.47 SAK 2.5 BL 0279680000 B.2 SAK 6/35 PA 0380560000 A.3 SAKRD/35 0185760000 A.18
QL 4 SAKG54 0247400000 B.53 SAK 2.5 BL RS-SET 1817860000 I.7 SAK 6/35 PA/BL 0380580000 I.7 SAKS 1/32 G20 GL 115VAC 0385320000 B.22
QL 4 SAKG54 0247400000 A.47 SAK 2.5 KRG 0279620000 B.6 SAK 6/35 PA/BL 0380580000 A.3 SAKS 1/32 G20 GL 230VAC 0306120000 B.22
QL 4 SAKK 10 9502670000 D.3 SAK 2.5 KRG/BL 0279670000 I.7 SAK 6/EN 0212860000 C.3 SAKS 1/32 G20 LD 24VDC 0371420000 B.22
QL 4 SAKK 10 TIN 9509490000 D.3 SAK 2.5 KRG/BL 0279670000 B.6 SAK 6/EN BL 0212880000 I.7 SAKS 1/32 G25 GL 230VAC 0309320000 B.23
QL 4 SAKK 4 9502560000 D.2 SAK 2.5 LS KRG 0544120000 B.45 SAK 6/EN BL 0212880000 C.3 SAKS 1/35 G20 GL 115VAC 8068330000 A.24
QL 4 SAKK 4 TIN 9509440000 D.2 SAK 2.5 OR 1326360000 I.7 SAK 6/EN GE 1772820000 I.7 SAKS 1/35 G20 GL 230VAC 0199920000 A.24
QL 4 SAKS1 0191600000 A.25 SAK 2.5 SL 0351460000 B.39 SAK 6/EN OR 1772810000 I.7 SAKS 1/35 G20 LD 24VAC 1111320000 A.24
QL 4 SAKS1 0191600000 A.24 SAK 2.5 SW 1X1 0108560000 I.7 SAK 6/EN RT 0212840000 I.7 SAKS 1/35 G20 LD 24VDC 0225820000 A.24
QL 4 SAKS1 0191600000 B.23 SAK 2.5 SW 1X1 0108560000 B.38 SAK 6/EN SW 0212810000 I.7 SAKS 1/35 G20 LD 48VAC 0214020000 A.24
QL 4 SAKS1 0191600000 I.9 SAK 2.5 SW 1X1/KRG 0108520000 I.7 SAK 6/EN WS 1773350000 I.7 SAKS 1/35 G25 GL 230VAC 0198620000 A.25
QL 4 SAKS1 0191600000 B.22 SAK 2.5/35 0380460000 A.2 SAK 6N 0193260000 B.3 SAKS 1/35/G20 0501620000 A.24
QL 4 SAKS2 0208000000 A.27 SAK 2.5/35 BL 0380480000 A.2 SAK 6N BL 0193280000 I.7 SAKS 1/35/G25 0501520000 A.25
QL 4 SAKS2 0208000000 A.26 SAK 2.5/35 BL 0380480000 I.7 SAK 6N BL 0193280000 B.3 SAKS 1/G20 0191220000 B.22
QL 4 SAKS2 0208000000 I.9 SAK 2.5/35 DBL 1799920000 I.7 SAK 6N KRG 0193220000 B.7 SAKS 1/G25 0191120000 B.23
QL 4 SAKS2 0208000000 B.24 SAK 2.5/35 GE 1821480000 I.7 SAK 70 KRG 0340820000 B.9 SAKS 2 0206820000 B.24
QL 4 SAKS2 0208000000 B.25 SAK 2.5/35 KRG 0380420000 A.7 SAK 70 KRG/BL 0340870000 B.9 SAKS 2/35 1368720000 A.26
QL 4 SAKS4 0328200000 I.9 SAK 2.5/35 KRG/BL 0380470000 A.7 SAK 70 KRG/BL 0340870000 I.7 SAKS 3 G/5X30 500V 0297520000 B.23
QL 4 SAKS4 0328200000 A.26 SAK 2.5/35 KRG/BL 0380470000 I.7 SAK 70/35 0139160000 A.6 SAKS 3 GZ/6.3X32 0248920000 B.23
QL 4 SAKS4 0328200000 B.25 SAK 2.5/35 LL 0567260000 A.40 SAK 95 KRG 0550520000 B.9 SAKS 3/35 G/5X30 500V 0328920000 A.25
QL 4 SAKS4 0328200000 B.24 SAK 2.5/35 OR 0380440000 I.7 SAK 95/35 KRG 0662220000 A.10 SAKS 3/35 GZ/6.3X32 0667520000 A.25
QL 4 SAKS4 0328200000 A.27 SAK 2.5/35 RT 1799910000 I.7 SAK 95/35 KRG/BL 0662270000 I.7 SAKS 4 0321320000 B.24
QL 5 SAK6N 0220500000 I.21 SAK 2.5/35 SW 1799900000 I.7 SAKA 10 0134120000 B.30 SAKS 4 USA 0162220000 B.25
QL 6 SAK6N 0220600000 I.21 SAK 2.5/35 SW 1X1 0514060000 I.7 SAKA 10/EN 2GL 230VAC 8109130000 C.8 SAKS 4/35 0501820000 A.26
QS 2/10/4 0270860000 I.13 SAK 2.5/EN 0218660000 C.2 SAKA 10/EN 2GL 24VUC 8150150000 C.8 SAKS 4/35 USA 0178220000 A.27
QS 2/10/4 0270860000 I.21 SAK 2.5/EN BL 0218680000 I.7 SAKB 10 0134920000 B.30 SAKS 5 380AC 0359420000 B.25
QS 2/12/4 0270760000 I.13 SAK 2.5/EN BL 0218680000 C.2 SAKC 10 2STB 0324120000 B.19 SAKS 5/35 0502120000 A.27
QS 2/12/4 0270760000 I.21 SAK 2.5/EN BR 1858450000 I.7 SAKC 10/35 1STB4 KRG 1404520000 A.20 SAKT 1/35/DU1 0105820000 A.32
QS 2/6.5/2.3 SAK4 0212700000 I.13 SAK 2.5/EN SW 1858440000 I.7 SAKC 4 KRG 0340720000 B.19 SAKT 1/35/LT 0105420000 A.32
QS 2/8/4 0270960000 A.32 SAK 2.5/EN WS 1858460000 I.7 SAKC 4/2STB7 BL 0340670000 I.7 SAKT 1/35/LT STB 0105620000 A.32
QS 2/8/4 0270960000 A.33 SAK 2.5/TC AL 0107160000 B.34 SAKC 4/35 0357520000 A.20 SAKT 1/35/QT1 0105720000 A.33
QS 2/8/4 0270960000 I.13 SAK 2.5/TC AL BL 0107180000 I.7 SAKD 2.5/35 0268860000 A.2 SAKT 1/35/QT2 0124620000 A.33
QS 2/8/4 0270960000 B.32 SAK 2.5/TC CH 0107260000 B.34 SAKD 2.5/35 BL 0268880000 I.7 SAKT 1/DU1 0195620000 B.31
QS 2/8/4 0270960000 B.31 SAK 2.5/TC CH BL 0107280000 I.7 SAKD 2.5/35 BL 0268880000 A.2 SAKT 1/DU2 0550420000 B.31
QS 2/8/4 0270960000 I.21 SAK 2.5/TC CO 0189860000 B.34 SAKD 2.5N 0215560000 B.2 SAKT 1/LT 0269120000 B.31
QVS 2 SAKT1+2 0307300000 B.31 SAK 2.5/TC CU 0189960000 B.34 SAKD 2.5N BL 0215580000 B.2 SAKT 1/LT STB14/4 0437920000 B.31
QVS 2 SAKT1+2 0307300000 A.32 SAK 2.5/TC FE 0190060000 B.34 SAKD 2.5N BL 0215580000 I.7 SAKT 1/QT1 0269320000 B.31
QVS 2 SAKT1+2 0307300000 I.20 SAK 35 0303560000 B.4 SAKE 35 0144400000 B.14 SAKT 1/QT2 0494820000 B.31
QVS 2 SAKT1+2 0307300000 A.33 SAK 35 BL 0303580000 B.4 SAKE 70/32 0213200000 B.15 SAKT 2/35/LT 4STB 0106020000 A.33
QVS 2 SAKT1+2 0307300000 B.32 SAK 35 KRG 0303520000 B.8 SAKG 28 I 0170020000 B.46 SAKT 2/35/LT/STB 0105920000 A.33
QVS 2/4 SAKT4 1319260000 B.32 SAK 35/35 0380760000 A.4 SAKG 28 II 0170320000 B.47 SAKT 2/LT 4STB 0437720000 B.32
QVS 2/4 SAKT4 1319260000 A.33 SAK 35/35 BL 0380780000 A.4 SAKG 28 II/GW 0185020000 B.47 SAKT 2/LT O.STB 0445420000 B.32
QVS 2/S SAKT1+2 0358460000 I.20 SAK 35/35 BL 0380780000 I.7 SAKG 28 III 0170820000 B.48 SAKT 2/LT STB 0330620000 B.32
QVS 3 SAKT1+2 0329300000 I.20 SAK 35/35/IK 0582460000 A.5 SAKG 32 I 0286620000 B.48 SAKT 4/35/LT O.STB 1272420000 A.33
QVS 3 SAKT1+2 0329300000 A.33 SAK 35/EN 0339860000 C.4 SAKG 32 II 0170420000 B.49 SAKT 4/35/LT STB2.0 1272520000 A.33
QVS 3 SAKT1+2 0329300000 B.31 SAK 35/EN BL 1784400000 C.4 SAKG 32 II/GW 0185120000 B.49 SAKT 4/LT O.STB 0254120000 B.32
QVS 3 SAKT1+2 0329300000 B.32 SAK 35/EN BL 1784400000 I.7 SAKG 32 III 0286720000 B.49 SAKT 4/LT STB2.0 0310320000 B.32
QVS 3 SAKT1+2 0329300000 A.32 SAK 35/IK 0476560000 B.5 SAKG 32/35 I 0637120000 A.42 SAKT E/32 2LD 60VAC 0699020000 B.62
QVS 4 SAKT1+2 0307400000 B.32 SAK 35/IK KRG 0476520000 B.8 SAKG 32/35 II 0637320000 A.43 SAKT E/35 2GL 115VAC 0198020000 A.57
QVS 4 SAKT1+2 0307400000 B.31 SAK 35N 0550660000 B.5 SAKG 32/35 II/GW 0637420000 A.43 SAKT E/35 2GL 230VAC 0198120000 A.57
QVS 4 SAKT1+2 0307400000 A.32 SAK 35N KRG 0550620000 B.9 SAKG 32/35 III 0637220000 A.44 SAKT E/35 2LD 120VAC 0198220000 A.57
QVS 4 SAKT1+2 0307400000 A.33 SAK 35N/35 0608260000 A.5 SAKG 40 I 0286820000 B.50 SAKT E/35 2LD 30VAC 1166820000 A.57
QVS 4 SAKT1+2 0307400000 I.20 SAK 35N/35 KRG 0608220000 A.9 SAKG 40 II 0170520000 B.51 SAKT E/35 2LD 60VAC 0197920000 A.57
QVSK 2 SAKT1 1670360000 I.20 SAK 35N/35/IK 0608360000 A.5 SAKG 40 II/GW 0185220000 B.51 SBL/1912 0446100000 A.22
SAK 35N/35/IK KRG 0608320000 A.9 SAKG 40 III 0286920000 B.51 SBL/1912 0446100000 B.20
RSF 1 KRG 0270320000 B.28 SAK 4 BL RS-SET 1817780000 I.7 SAKG 46 II/GW 0185320000 B.52 SCHT 5 S 1631930000 K.17
Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page
SCHT 7 0517960000 K.17 SS M3 D 128-A 3 0164400000 B.28 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 B.28 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 E.3
SCHT 9/4 1278460000 K.18 SS M3 D 128-A 3 0164400000 A.11 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 I.15 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 A.39
SD 0,4x2,0x60 9037160000 J.15 SS M3 D 128-A 3 0164400000 I.10 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 B.31 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 A.50
SD 0,4x2,5x75 9009030000 J.15 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 I.10 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 0140200000 B.5 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 A.51
SD 0,5x3,0x80 9008320000 J.15 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 A.20 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 0140200000 A.5 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 A.38
SD 0,6x3,5x100 9008330000 J.13 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 B.5 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 0140200000 I.15 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 E.11
SD 0,6x3,5x100 9008330000 J.15 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 A.26 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 0140200000 B.4 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 B.38
SD 0,6x3,5x200 9010110000 J.15 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 A.27 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 0140200000 A.9 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 B.37
SD 0,8x4,0x100 9008340000 J.15 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 C.4 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 0140200000 A.4 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 A.54
SD 0,8x4,5x125 9009020000 J.15 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 B.9 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 0140200000 C.4 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 E.12
SD 1,0x5,5x150 9008350000 J.15 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 B.8 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 0140200000 B.9 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 A.56
SD 1,2x6,5x150 9009010000 J.15 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 B.4 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 0140200000 B.8 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 E.2
SD TH10 9009180000 J.15 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 A.9 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 0140200000 B.30 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 E.8
SD TH15 9009170000 J.15 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 A.4 STB 16/D7/4/M5 SAK70 0385400000 A.10 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 E.13
SD TH20 9009160000 J.15 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 B.24 STB 16/D7/4/M5 SAK70 0385400000 I.15 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 B.61
SD TH25 9009150000 J.15 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 A.5 STB 16/D7/4/M5 SAK70 0385400000 B.9 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 B.56
SD TH30 9009140000 J.15 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 B.19 STB 16/D7/4/M5 SAK70 0385400000 A.6 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 B.57
SD TH8 9009190000 J.15 SS M4 D 128-A 4 0136400000 B.25 STB 17/D6/4/M4 SAKC10 0147100000 B.19 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 B.58
SDI 0,4x2,5x75 9008370000 J.14 SS M5 D 128-A 5 0346100000 A.10 STB 17/D6/4/M4 SAKC10 0147100000 A.20 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 A.12
SDI 0,5x3,0x100 9008380000 J.14 SS M5 D 128-A 5 0346100000 B.9 STB 17/D6/4/M4 SAKC10 0147100000 D.9 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 A.55
SDI 0,6x3,5x100 9008390000 J.14 SS M5 D 128-A 5 0346100000 A.6 STB 17/D6/4/M4 SAKC10 0147100000 B.29 STI Waterproof schwarz 0508401694 K.24
SDI 0,8x4,0x100 9008400000 J.14 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN 0348900000 G.7 STB 17/D6/4/M4 SAKC10 0147100000 I.15 STI Waterproof schwarz 0508401694 K.25
SDI 0.4X2.0X60 9205690000 J.14 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN 0348900000 G.6 STB 25 IH/BL 0343400000 I.15 STL 5 0448460000 C.6
SDI 1,0x4,5x125 9008910000 J.14 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN 0348900000 G.5 STB 25 IH/BL 0343400000 I.20 STR 15 F. ZGB 15 1636520000 K.19
SDI 1,0x5,5x125 9008410000 J.14 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN 0348900000 G.4 STB 25 IH/GE 0267200000 I.20 STR 5 F.SCHT 5 0294000000 K.17
SDI 1,6x8,0x175 9008430000 J.14 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN 0348900000 H.3 STB 25 IH/GE 0267200000 I.15 STR 5 S F.SCHT 5 S 1631940000 K.17
SDI 1.0X4.5X175 9205700000 J.14 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN 0348900000 A.31 STB 25 IH/GN 0271200000 I.20 STR 7 F.SCHT 7 0515300000 K.17
SDI 1.0X5.5X175 9205710000 J.14 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN 0348900000 A.30 STB 25 IH/GN 0271200000 I.15 STR 7 F.SCHT 7 0515300000 K.19
SDI T10 9009640000 J.14 SSCH 10X3X1000 MS/BK 0259800000 H.3 STB 25 IH/GR 0271400000 I.15 STRIPAX 9005000000 J.4
SDI T15 9009650000 J.14 SSCH 10X3X1000 ST/ZN 0438000000 H.3 STB 25 IH/GR 0271400000 I.20 STRIPAX 16 9005610000 J.4
SDI T20 9009660000 J.14 SSCH 10X3X1000 ST/ZN 1746130000 G.5 STB 25 IH/RT 0343300000 I.15 STRIPAX PLUS 2.5 9020000000 J.5
SDI T25 9009670000 J.14 SSCH 10X3X1000 ST/ZN 1746130000 G.7 STB 25 IH/RT 0343300000 I.20 STRIPAX PLUS 2.5 9020000000 J.35
SDI T30 9009680000 J.14 SSCH 10X3X1000 ST/ZN 1746130000 G.4 STB 25 IH/SW 0271500000 I.15 SWIFTY 9006020000 J.13
SDI T40 9009690000 J.14 SSCH 15X6X1000 CU/SN 0357400000 H.3 STB 25 IH/SW 0271500000 I.20 SWIFTY SET 9006060000 J.13
SDI T8 9201940000 J.14 SSCH 6X6X1000 CU/SN 0571300000 H.3 STB 25 IH/VI 0271300000 I.20
STB 28.5 IH/SW SAK2.5
I.15 T
SDIK PH2 9008580000 J.14 SSP 3 SAKT1 0531760000 B.31 STB 30.5 IH/BL 0341200000 I.20 TA 1 0535860000 I.14
SDIK PH3 9008590000 J.14 SSP 3 SAKT1 0531760000 A.32 STB 30.5 IH/BL 0341200000 I.15 TBS 2 1287860000 I.17
SDIK PZ1 9008900000 J.14 SSP 3 SAKT1 0531760000 I.20 STB 30.5 IH/GE 0341500000 I.15 TH-S 9-40 9008880000 J.16
SDIK PZ2 9008890000 J.14 SSP 3 SAKT1 0531760000 B.32 STB 30.5 IH/GE 0341500000 I.20 Tinte 2000 25ml 1772120000 K.25
SDIZ 0.6X3.5X100 9008450000 J.20 SSP 4 SAKT4 1319360000 I.20 STB 30.5 IH/GN 0341400000 I.20 Tinte 2000 25ml 1772120000 K.24
SDIZ 0.8X4.0X100 9008460000 J.20 SSP 4 SAKT4 1319360000 A.33 STB 30.5 IH/GN 0341400000 I.15 Tintenpatrone PrintJet 1797460000 K.22
SDK PH0 9008470000 J.15 SSP 4 SAKT4 1319360000 B.32 STB 30.5 IH/GR 0341100000 I.20 Tintentank PrintJet II 1858920000 K.22
SDK PH1 9008480000 J.15 ST 5 PA/BE 0448360000 C.6 STB 30.5 IH/GR 0341100000 I.15 TONER SMARK LASER 1770070000 K.21
SDK PH2 9008490000 J.15 STA 2.5/2 0165860000 B.43 STB 30.5 IH/RT 0341300000 I.20 TS 15X5 2M/AL/BK 0134700000 H.10
SDK PH3 9008500000 J.15 STA 2.5/2 0165860000 A.36 STB 30.5 IH/RT 0341300000 I.15 TS 15X5 2M/ST/ZN 0514200000 H.10
SDK PZ0 9008520000 J.15 STA 2.5/2 0165860000 A.37 STB 30.5 IH/SW 0341000000 I.20 TS 15X5/LL 1M/ST/ZN 0117510000 H.10
SDK PZ1 9008530000 J.15 STA 2.5/2 0165860000 B.42 STB 30.5 IH/SW 0341000000 I.15 TS 15X5/LL 2M/AL/BK 0217900000 H.10
SDK PZ2 9008540000 J.15 STA 2.5/2 0165860000 B.36 STB 30.5 IH/VI 0341600000 I.15 TS 15X5/LL 2M/ST/ZN 0117500000 H.10
SDK PZ3 9008550000 J.15 STA 2.5/3 0165960000 A.37 STB 30.5 IH/VI 0341600000 I.20 TS 27X12.5M/ST/F.ZN 1802690000 G.11
SH 1 0299860000 H.4 STA 2.5/3 0165960000 B.36 STB 35 IH/BL 0388700000 I.20 TS 32X15 2M/AL/BK 0169300000 H.10
SH 2 0494920000 A.14 STA 2.5/3 0165960000 B.42 STB 35 IH/BL 0388700000 I.15 TS 32X15 2M/CRN 0293220000 H.10
SH 2 0494920000 A.15 STA 2.5/3 0165960000 B.43 STB 35 IH/GE 0389000000 I.15 TS 32X15 2M/ST/ZN 0122800000 H.10
SH 2 0494920000 A.16 STA 2.5/3 0165960000 A.36 STB 35 IH/GE 0389000000 I.20 TS 32X15/LL 2M/ST/ZN 0514400000 H.10
SH 2 0494920000 A.17 STA 2.5/4 0190360000 B.42 STB 35 IH/GN 0388900000 I.20 TS 32X16.2 2M/CU/BK 0364300000 H.10
SH 2 0494920000 B.15 STA 2.5/4 0190360000 B.36 STB 35 IH/GN 0388900000 I.15 TS 35X15 2M/ST/ZN 0236400000 H.11
SH 2 0494920000 H.4 STA 2.5/4 0190360000 A.37 STB 35 IH/GR 0388600000 I.20 TS 35X15/2.3 2M/AL/BK 1848290000 H.11
SH 2 0494920000 B.14 STA 2.5/4 0190360000 A.36 STB 35 IH/GR 0388600000 I.15 TS 35X15/2.3 2M/CU/BK 0270100000 H.11
SH 2 0494920000 B.13 STA 2.5/4 0190360000 B.43 STB 35 IH/RT 0388800000 I.15 TS 35X15/2.3 2M/ST/ZN 0498000000 H.11
SH 2 0494920000 B.12 STA 2.5/5 0166060000 B.42 STB 35 IH/RT 0388800000 I.20 TS 35X15/6X18 2M/ST/ZN 1805980000 H.11
SH 2 0494920000 I.12 STA 2.5/5 0166060000 B.43 STB 35 IH/SW 0388500000 I.20 TS 35X15/6X25 2M/ST/ZN 1866290000 H.11
SH 2 S 0641720000 H.4 STA 2.5/5 0166060000 B.36 STB 35 IH/SW 0388500000 I.15 TS 35X15/LL 1M/ST/ZN 0236510000 H.11
SH 3 0556660000 H.4 STA 2.5/5 0166060000 A.36 STB 35 IH/VI 0389100000 I.20 TS 35X15/LL 2M/ST/ZN 0236500000 H.11
SK 10,0x125 9009070000 J.15 STA 2.5/5 0166060000 A.37 STB 35 IH/VI 0389100000 I.15 TS 35X15/LL/5 2M/ST/ZN 1837380000 H.11
SK 11,0x125 9009060000 J.15 STA 2.5/8 0166160000 B.42 STB 5.5/D3.7/2.3/M3 ZB 0122700000 I.15 TS 35X7.5 1M/ST/ZN 0383410000 H.11
SK 12,0x125 9009050000 J.15 STA 2.5/8 0166160000 A.36 STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR 0379400000 B.16 TS 35X7.5 2M/AL/BK 0330800000 H.11
SK 13,0x125 9009040000 J.15 STA 2.5/8 0166160000 B.36 STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR 0379400000 B.18 TS 35X7.5 2M/CRN 1747350000 H.11
SK 5,5x125 9009120000 J.15 STA 2.5/8 0166160000 B.43 STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR 0379400000 B.40 TS 35X7.5 2M/ST/ZN 0383400000 H.11
SK 6,0x125 9009110000 J.15 STA 2.5/8 0166160000 A.37 STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR 0379400000 A.18 TS 35X7.5/LL 1M/ST/ZN 0514510000 H.11
SK 7,0x125 9009100000 J.15 STB 13.5/D6/4/M4 SAKA10 0135200000 B.30 STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR 0379400000 I.15 TS 35X7.5/LL 2M/ST/ZN 0514500000 H.11
SK 8,0x125 9009090000 J.15 STB 13.5/D6/4/M4 SAKA10 0135200000 I.15 STB 6/D3.9/2.3/M2.5 ZB 0130200000 B.6 TS 35X7.5/LL/6 2M/ST/ZN 0514570000 H.11
SK 9,0x125 9009080000 J.15 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 A.11 STB 6/D3.9/2.3/M2.5 ZB 0130200000 I.15 TSCH 1 0319160000 A.9
SK E14 SAKS4 0339410000 A.26 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 B.3 STB 7.5/D6/4/M4 ZB/SAKB 0130000000 I.15 TSCH 1 0319160000 B.2
SK E14 SAKS4 0339410000 B.24 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 B.28 STB 7/D4/2.3/M3 ZB/SAKC 0358500000 B.19 TSCH 1 0319160000 A.8
SK E14 SAKS4 USA 2012790000 B.25 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 B.42 STB 7/D4/2.3/M3 ZB/SAKC 0358500000 I.15 TSCH 1 0319160000 A.37
SK E14 SAKS4 USA 2012790000 A.27 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 B.43 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0280600000 B.32 TSCH 1 0319160000 A.7
SK E16/SAKS2 0284110000 A.26 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 I.15 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0280600000 B.38 TSCH 1 0319160000 B.4
SK E16/SAKS2 0284110000 B.24 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 B.6 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0280600000 B.39 TSCH 1 0319160000 B.39
SK E18 SAKS5 0359310000 B.25 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 D.6 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0280600000 C.2 TSCH 1 0319160000 A.2
SK E18 SAKS5 0359310000 A.27 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 C.5 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0280600000 A.2 TSCH 1 0319160000 B.3
SK WSD-S 1,5-10,0 9008850000 J.16 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 A.36 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0280600000 I.15 TSCH 1 0319160000 C.3
SKI 10,0x125 9008940000 J.14 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 A.37 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0280600000 B.2 TSCH 1 0319160000 A.11
SKI 11,0x125 9008930000 J.14 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 B.36 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0280600000 B.45 TSCH 1 0319160000 A.36
SKI 13,0x125 9008920000 J.14 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 A.7 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0280600000 A.40 TSCH 1 0319160000 B.28
SKI 5,0x125 9009000000 J.14 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 A.3 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0280600000 A.7 TSCH 1 0319160000 C.2
SKI 5,5x125 9008990000 J.14 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 C.4 STB 8.5/D4.5/2/M3 SAKT4 0244600000 I.15 TSCH 1 0319160000 C.4
SKI 6,0x125 9008980000 J.14 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 0168600000 C.2 STB 8.5/D4.5/2/M3 SAKT4 0244600000 A.33 TSCH 1 0319160000 B.7
SKI 7,0x125 9008970000 J.14 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 B.32 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 A.2 TSCH 1 0319160000 C.5
SKI 8,0x125 9008960000 J.14 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 A.3 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 B.2 TSCH 1 0319160000 B.38
SKI 9,0x125 9008950000 J.14 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 A.9 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 A.13 TSCH 1 0319160000 B.36
SKS 2,0-8,0 9008860000 J.16 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 B.3 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 B.11 TSCH 1 0319160000 A.3
SKS 2,0-8,0 MR 9008870000 J.16 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 B.4 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 B.10 TSCH 1 0319160000 B.6
SMSE WSH U1 1083900000 G.7 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 B.7 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 B.59 TSCH 1 0319160000 B.42
Snap Mark I 1805880000 K.16 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 A.33 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 E.9 TSCH 1 0319160000 B.45
SO SH1 0401460000 H.4 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 A.8 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 A.53 TSCH 1 0319160000 A.4
SP 15 3896100000 G.9 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 I.20 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 E.10 TSCH 1 0319160000 B.43
SP 20 3896200000 G.9 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 A.4 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 B.60 TSCH 1 0319160000 A.40
SP 30 3896300000 G.9 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 A.32 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 I.15 TSCH 2 0353660000 A.33
SPEEDMARKING-LASER 1767090000 K.21 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 C.3 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ 0215700000 A.52 TSCH 2 0353660000 B.31
Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page
TSCH 2 0353660000 B.32 TW SAK2.5 KRG/BL 0302870000 B.6 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 A.56 VL 2 SAK16/SAKA 0135800000 A.9
TSCH 2 0353660000 A.32 TW SAK2.5 KRG/BL 0302870000 A.7 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 A.55 VL 2 SAK16/SAKA 0135800000 B.4
TSCH 3 SAKD2.5 N 0366860000 B.2 TW SAK2.5-35/32 KRG 0257120000 B.30 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 E.12 VL 2 SAK16/SAKA 0135800000 C.3
TSCH 3 SAKD2.5 N 0366860000 A.2 TW SAK35 0304360000 A.5 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 B.56 VL 2 SAK16/SAKA 0135800000 B.7
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 E.13 TW SAK35 0304360000 C.4 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 A.50 VL 2 SAK35 0124000000 A.4
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 A.55 TW SAK35 0304360000 B.4 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 A.54 VL 2 SAK35 0124000000 B.4
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 B.57 TW SAK35 0304360000 A.4 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 B.59 VL 2 SAK35 0124000000 B.5
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 A.51 TW SAK35 0304360000 B.5 VH 12.5 SAKK10 9502690000 D.3 VL 2 SAK35 0124000000 A.5
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 A.53 TW SAK35 KRG 0304320000 B.9 VH 12.5 SAKK10 9509510000 D.3 VL 2 SAK35 0124000000 I.12
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 E.3 TW SAK35 KRG 0304320000 A.9 VH 12.5/5/3.5 SAK10-2.5 0300800000 I.10 VL 2 SAK35 0124000000 B.8
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 A.54 TW SAK35 KRG 0304320000 B.8 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 0249000000 B.32 VL 2 SAK4 0197000000 I.12
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 A.52 TW SAK4-10 EP/SW 0130100000 D.6 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 0249000000 B.31 VL 2 SAK4 0197000000 C.4
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 E.12 TW SAK4-10 KRG 0130120000 A.8 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 0249000000 I.10 VL 2 SAK4 0197000000 C.2
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 E.11 TW SAK4-10 KRG 0130120000 B.44 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 0249000000 A.32 VL 2 SAK4 0197000000 B.6
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 B.60 TW SAK4-10 KRG 0130120000 A.20 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 0249000000 I.21 VL 2 SAK4 0197000000 A.7
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 B.56 TW SAK4-10 KRG 0130120000 B.6 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 0249000000 I.9 VL 2 SAK4 0197000000 C.5
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 B.59 TW SAK4-10 KRG 0130120000 A.7 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 0249000000 A.33 VL 2 SAK4 0197000000 B.3
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 B.38 TW SAK4-10 KRG 0130120000 B.7 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N 0249000000 I.9 VL 2 SAK4 0197000000 A.3
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 A.50 TW SAK4-10 KRG 0130120000 B.19 VH 13.5 SAKK 4 9502580000 D.2 VL 2 SAK6/10/SAKB 0135900000 B.7
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 B.61 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0130170000 A.8 VH 13.5 SAKK4 9509460000 D.2 VL 2 SAK6/10/SAKB 0135900000 A.3
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 E.10 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0130170000 A.7 VH 13.5/4.9/3.3 SAK4 0248500000 A.11 VL 2 SAK6/10/SAKB 0135900000 B.3
TSCH 4 AKZ4 0363360000 B.58 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0130170000 A.20 VH 13.5/4.9/3.3 SAK4 0248500000 I.9 VL 2 SAK6/10/SAKB 0135900000 I.12
TSCH 6 DKI S4 0190260000 B.37 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0130170000 B.19 VH 13.5/4.9/3.3 SAK4 0248500000 I.10 VL 2 SAK6/10/SAKB 0135900000 A.8
TSCH 6 DKI S4 0190260000 A.38 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0130170000 B.7 VH 13.5/4.9/3.3 SAK4 0248500000 B.28 VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT 0194700000 A.8
TSCH 6 DKI S4 0190260000 A.39 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0130170000 B.6 VH 13.6/7/4.2 SAKA10 0299700000 A.20 VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT 0194700000 A.3
TSCH 6 DKI S4 0190260000 B.10 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL 0130170000 B.44 VH 13.6/7/4.2 SAKA10 0299700000 B.19 VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT 0194700000 C.3
TSCH 6 DKI S4 0190260000 A.12 TW SAKB/C/T1 0242960000 A.20 VH 13/5/3.5 SAK 10 0304000000 I.10 VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT 0194700000 B.7
TSCH 6 DKI S4 0190260000 B.11 TW SAKB/C/T1 0242960000 B.32 VH 16/5/3.5 SAK10-35 0309700000 I.10 VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT 0194700000 B.28
TSCH 6 DKI S4 0190260000 A.13 TW SAKB/C/T1 0242960000 A.32 VH 16/5/3.5 SAK10-35 0309700000 A.33 VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT 0194700000 I.12
TSK 31.5 GR 0347960000 I.16 TW SAKB/C/T1 0242960000 A.33 VH 16/5/3.5 SAK10-35 0309700000 B.32 VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT 0194700000 A.11
TSK 35X15 2M PVC/GR 0514300000 H.12 TW SAKB/C/T1 0242960000 B.31 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 0267000000 A.9
TST 2/M5
TST 2/M6
VH 17/8/5 SAK35
VH 17/8/5 SAK35
I.10 W
TSTW 5/M5 0178100000 H.14 TW SAKB-C-T 0242920000 B.19 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 0267000000 B.9 WAD 12 M. BL. 1055960000 K.18
TSTW 5/M5 ZN 1779100000 H.14 TW SAKD2.5N 0191860000 A.2 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 0267000000 A.5 WAD 12 NEUTRAL 1056260000 K.18
TSTW 6/M6 0164000000 H.14 TW SAKD2.5N 0191860000 B.2 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 0267000000 B.5 WAD 27 M. BL. 1062860000 K.18
TSTW D 4.3 1610110000 H.14 TW SAKD2.5N BL 0191880000 B.2 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 0267000000 A.4 WAD 27 NEUTRAL 1062960000 K.18
TW 4 SAK4-10 0130160000 C.4 TW SAKD2.5N BL 0191880000 A.2 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 0267000000 C.4 WAD 5 M. BL. 1053460000 K.18
TW 4 SAK4-10 0130160000 C.5 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 0151400000 B.47 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 0267000000 B.8 WAD 5 NEUTRAL 1056060000 K.18
TW 4 SAK4-10 0130160000 B.3 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 0151400000 B.46 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 0267000000 I.9 WAD 5 Sonderdruck 1790060000 K.18
TW 4 SAK4-10 0130160000 B.37 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 0151400000 B.48 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 0285100000 B.6 WAD 8 M. BL. 1053560000 K.18
TW 4 SAK4-10 0130160000 A.38 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 0151400000 A.44 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 0285100000 B.3 WAD 8 NEUTRAL 1056160000 K.18
TW 4 SAK4-10 0130160000 C.2 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 0151400000 B.49 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 0285100000 B.7 WAD 8 SONDERDRUCK 1667700000 K.18
TW 4 SAK4-10 0130160000 A.37 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 0151400000 A.43 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 0285100000 A.4 WAW 1 NEUTRAL 9004500000 J.3
TW 4 SAK4-10 0130160000 A.36 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 0151400000 B.50 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 0285100000 B.4 WAW 2 9004510000 J.3
TW 4 SAK4-10 0130160000 B.44 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 0164600000 A.43 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 0285100000 A.3 WEW 32/1 1067600000 H.13
TW 4 SAK4-10 0130160000 A.3 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 0164600000 A.44 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 0285100000 C.5 WEW 35/1 1059000000 H.5
TW 4 SAK4-10 0130160000 C.3 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 0164600000 B.47 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 0285100000 A.8 WEW 35/2 1061200000 H.13
TW 4 SAK4-10 BL 0130180000 C.5 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 0164600000 B.50 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 0285100000 C.2 WEW 35/2 1061200000 H.5
TW 4 SAK4-10 BL 0130180000 C.4 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 0164600000 B.46 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 0285100000 I.12 WGB 5 ABDG.M.GRUPPENBEZ 1050760000 K.18
TW 4 SAK4-10 BL 0130180000 A.3 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 0164600000 B.48 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 0285100000 C.3 WGB 8 ABDG.M.GRUPPENBEZ 1050960000 K.18
TW 4 SAK4-10 BL 0130180000 C.3 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 0164600000 B.49 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 0285100000 A.7 WK IK PH0 9918460000 J.19
TW 4 SAK4-10 BL 0130180000 C.2 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 0177100000 B.52 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 0285100000 C.4 WK IK PH1 9918470000 J.19
TW 4 SAK4-10 BL 0130180000 B.3 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 0177100000 A.42 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 0285100000 A.9 WK IK PH2 9918480000 J.19
TW ADK1 HP/DBR/0.5 0442300000 E.11 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 0177100000 B.49 VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 0318000000 B.32 WK IK PZ0 9918490000 J.19
TW AKZ2.5 0318560000 E.2 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 0177100000 A.43 VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 0318000000 A.32 WK IK PZ1 9918500000 J.19
TW AKZ2.5 0318560000 E.13 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 0177100000 A.47 VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 0318000000 A.33 WK IK PZ2 9918510000 J.19
TW AKZ2.5 BL 0318580000 E.2 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 0177100000 B.53 VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 0318000000 B.31 WK K PH0 9918570000 J.18
TW AKZ4 0348260000 E.9 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 0177100000 B.48 VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 0318000000 I.21 WK K PH1 9918580000 J.18
TW AKZ4 0348260000 E.13 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 0177100000 A.44 VH 21/5/3.5 SAK16-35 0309600000 A.11 WK K PH2 9918590000 J.18
TW AKZ4 0348260000 E.12 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 0177100000 B.50 VH 21/5/3.5 SAK16-35 0309600000 B.28 WK K PZ0 9918600000 J.18
TW AKZ4 0348260000 E.3 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 0177100000 A.46 VH 23/6/4.2 SAKA10 0348700000 B.30 WK K PZ1 9918610000 J.18
TW AKZ4 0348260000 E.8 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 0177100000 B.51 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 0298700000 A.5 WK K PZ2 9918620000 J.18
TW AKZ4 0348260000 E.11 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 0177100000 A.45 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 0298700000 B.8 WK S 0,4x2,5 9918520000 J.18
TW AKZ4 0348260000 E.10 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 0179900000 B.52 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 0298700000 A.4 WK S 0,5x3,0 9918530000 J.18
TW AKZ4 BL 0348280000 E.3 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 0179900000 A.42 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 0298700000 B.5 WK S 0,6x3,5 9918540000 J.18
TW AKZ4 HP/DBR/0.5 0166800000 E.10 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 0179900000 A.45 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 0298700000 I.12 WK S 0,8x4,0 9918550000 J.18
TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0474700000 A.11 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 0179900000 B.49 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 0298700000 B.4 WK S 1,0x5,5 9918560000 J.18
TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0474700000 B.28 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 0179900000 B.48 VH 27/5/3.5 SAK10-35 0309400000 I.10 WK SI 0,4x2,5 9918410000 J.19
TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0474700000 A.37 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 0179900000 A.44 VH 27/5/3.5 SAK10-35 0309400000 B.28 WK SI 0,5x3,0 9918420000 J.19
TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0474700000 B.41 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 0179900000 B.53 VH 30.5/11/5.5 SAK70 0345500000 I.9 WK SI 0,6x3,5 9918430000 J.19
TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0474700000 B.32 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 0179900000 B.50 VH 30.5/11/5.5 SAK70 0345500000 B.9 WK SI 0,8x4,0 9918440000 J.19
TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0474700000 A.33 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 0179900000 A.47 VH 30.5/11/5.5 SAK70 0345500000 A.6 WK SI 1,0x5,5 9918450000 J.19
TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 0474700000 B.36 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 0179900000 B.51 VH 35/11/5.5 SAK95 0551100000 I.9 WS 10/12 MC NEUTRAL 1905970000 K.15
TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM 1752800000 A.49 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 0179900000 A.46 VH 35/11/5.5 SAK95 0551100000 B.9 WS 10/12 MC SONDERDRUCK 1906060000 K.15
TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM 1752800000 A.48 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 0179900000 A.43 VH 35/11/5.5 SAK95 0551100000 A.10 WS 10/15 MC Neutr. 1854090000 K.15
TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM 1752800000 B.55 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 0607000000 B.36 VH 4.5/5/3.5 SAK6N-16 0303200000 I.10 WS 10/15 MC Sonderdruck 1854100000 K.15
TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM 1752800000 B.54 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 0607000000 A.36 VH 5/4/2.8 AKZ4 0296800000 I.9 WS 10/5 MC BEDRUCKT 1635010000 K.14
TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM 1718530000 B.55 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 0607000000 B.40 VH 8/4.9/3.3 SAK2.5 0266700000 I.10 WS 10/5 MC Midd. Neutr. 1792000000 K.16
TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM 1718530000 A.49 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 0607000000 B.42 VH 8/4.9/3.3 SAK2.5 0266700000 B.32 WS 10/5 MC Midd. Neutr. 1792000000 K.14
TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM 1718530000 B.54 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 0607000000 B.34 VH 8/4.9/3.3 SAK2.5 0266700000 A.33 WS 10/5 MC Midd. Neutr. 1792000000 K.17
TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM 1718530000 A.48 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 0607000000 A.34 VH 8/4.9/3.3 SAK2.5 0266700000 I.9 WS 10/5 MC Midd. Sonder 1792010000 K.14
TW SAK16 KRG 0281120000 B.7 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 0607000000 B.43 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 0446700000 A.54 WS 10/5 MC NEUTRAL 1635000000 K.16
TW SAK16 KRG 0281120000 A.9 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 0607000000 B.17 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 0446700000 E.11 WS 10/5 MC NEUTRAL 1635000000 K.14
TW SAK2.5 0302860000 A.40 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 0607000000 B.38 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 0446700000 E.10 WS 10/5 MC neutral BL 1773531693 K.14
TW SAK2.5 0302860000 A.2 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 0607000000 B.39 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 0446700000 B.60 WS 10/5 MC neutral GE 1773531687 K.14
TW SAK2.5 0302860000 B.39 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 0607000000 B.45 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 0446700000 E.12 WS 10/5 MC neutral RT 1773531686 K.14
TW SAK2.5 0302860000 B.38 TW SAKT2 0351820000 A.33 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 0446700000 A.56 WS 10/5 Sonderdr. Laser 1773370000 K.9
TW SAK2.5 0302860000 B.34 TW ST5 PA/BE 0477660000 C.6 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 0446700000 A.55 WS 10/6 MC Midd. Neutr. 1818400000 K.14
TW SAK2.5 0302860000 B.2 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 0446700000 A.50 WS 10/6 MC Midd. Sonder 1818410000 K.15
A.2 V VL 2 AKZ4/DK4
TW SAK2.5 BL 0302880000 C.2 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 A.52 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 0446700000 A.51 WS 10/6 MC MIDDLE OR 1917410000 K.14
TW SAK2.5 BL 0302880000 B.2 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 E.11 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 0446700000 A.53 WS 10/6 MC MIDDLE RT 1917440000 K.14
TW SAK2.5 BL 0302880000 B.39 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 B.57 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 0446700000 B.57 WS 10/6 MC NEUTRAL 1828450000 K.14
TW SAK2.5 HP/TF/GE/1 0297100000 B.16 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 B.60 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 0446700000 B.58 WS 10/6 MC Sonderdruck 1828460000 K.15
TW SAK2.5 HP/TF/GE/1 0297100000 B.18 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 A.53 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 0446700000 A.52 WS 10/8 MC NEUTRAL 1905950000 K.15
TW SAK2.5 HP/TF/GE/1 0297100000 A.40 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 B.58 VL 2 RSF 1+2 0528400000 B.28 WS 10/8 MC SONDERDRUCK 1906030000 K.15
TW SAK2.5 KRG 0302820000 A.7 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 A.51 VL 2 SAK16/SAKA 0135800000 A.4 WS 12/3,5 MC neutral 1778270000 K.14
TW SAK2.5 KRG 0302820000 B.6 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 0446600000 E.10 VL 2 SAK16/SAKA 0135800000 I.12 WS 12/3,5 MC Sonderdr. 1778280000 K.14
Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page Type Order No. Page
WS 12/5 FWZ 41-50 1773330041 K.9 ZS 12/6 MC NEUTRAL 1610020000 K.15
WS 12/5 MC BEDRUCKT 1609870000 K.14 ZS 15/5 MC BEDRUCKT 1646640000 K.15
WS 12/5 MC NEUTRAL 1609860000 K.14 ZS 15/5 MC NEUTRAL 1646630000 K.15
WS 12/5 MC NEUTRAL 1609860000 K.18 ZS 2.3/4 0249600000 I.14
WS 12/5 MC NEUTRAL 1609860000 K.19 ZU 1 0240600000 I.5
WS 12/5 MC neutral BL 1773541693 K.14
WS 12/5 MC neutral GE 1773541687 K.14
WS 12/5 MC neutral OR 1773541690 K.14
WS 12/5 MC neutral RT 1773541686 K.14
WS 12/5 PLUS MC NEUTRAL 1927510000 K.14
WS 12/5 PLUS SONDERDRUCK 1927520000 K.14
WS 12/5 Sonderdr. Laser 1773380000 K.9
WS 12/6 MC BEDRUCKT 1609910000 K.15
WS 12/6 MC NEUTRAL 1609900000 K.14
WS 12/6 MC neutral BL 1773551693 K.14
WS 12/6 MC neutral BR 1773551692 K.14
WS 12/6 MC neutral GE 1773551687 K.14
WS 12/6 MC neutral OR 1773551690 K.14
WS 12/6 MC neutral RT 1773551686 K.14
WS 12/6 MC neutral VI 1773551689 K.14
WS 12/6 PLUS MC NEUTRAL 1927530000 K.14
WS 12/6 PLUS SONDERDRUCK 1927540000 K.15
WS 12/6,5 MC BEDRUCKT 1609930000 K.15
WS 12/6,5 MC NEUTRAL 1609920000 K.15
WS 12/6,5 MC neutral BL 1773561693 K.15
WS 12/6,5 MC neutral GE 1773561687 K.15
WS 12/6,5 MC neutral GN 1773561688 K.15
WS 12/6,5 MC neutral RT 1773561686 K.15
WS 12/8 MC NEUTRAL 1906000000 K.15
WS 12/8 MC SONDERDRUCK 1906010000 K.15
WS 14/5 MC NEUTRAL 1768090000 K.14
WS 15/5 MC BEDRUCKT 1609890000 K.14
WS 15/5 MC NEUTRAL 1609880000 K.14
WS 15/5 MC neutral GE 1773571687 K.14
WS 8/5 MC BEDRUCKT 1640750000 K.14
WS 8/5 MC NEUTRAL 1640740000 K.14
WS 8/5 MC neutral BL 1773521693 K.14
WS 8/5 MC neutral GE 1773521687 K.14
WS 8/5 MC neutral OR 1773521690 K.14
WS 8/5 MC neutral RT 1773521686 K.14
WS 8/5 PLUS MC NEUTRAL 1951870000 K.14
WS 8/5 Sonderdr. Laser 1773360000 K.9
WS 8/6 PLUS MC NEUTRAL 1951880000 K.14
WSH 1 1068700000 G.6
WSH 18 MT 1083100000 G.7
WSH 19 MT 1083200000 G.7
WSH 20 MT 1752950000 G.7
WSH 3/H/N 1715970000 G.6
WSH 4 MT 1079900000 G.9
WSH 5 1080100000 G.6
WSH 6 1080200000 G.6
WTW EN 1058800000 A.12
WTW EN 1058800000 B.10
WTW EN 1058800000 A.13
WTW EN 1058800000 A.34
WTW EN 1058800000 B.11
WTW EN 1058800000 B.34
ZB 10 F.10X3/10X5/10X10 1261300000 H.6
ZB 16 ZKSC 0316600000 A.30
ZB 16 ZKSC 0316600000 A.31
ZB 16 ZKSC 0316600000 H.6
ZB 16/6 0556800000 H.6
ZB 16/6K GE/GN 0569660000 H.7
ZB 16K BL 0502880000 H.7
ZB 16K GE/GN 0502860000 H.7
ZB 35/M6X16 0266500000 A.30
ZB 35/M6X16 0266500000 A.31
ZB 35/M6X16 0266500000 H.6
ZB 35K BL M6X16 0502680000 H.7
ZB 35K GE/GN M6X16 0502660000 H.7
ZB 35K SW M6X16 0502610000 H.7
ZB 4 0316500000 H.6
ZB 4 0316500000 A.30
ZB 4 0316500000 A.31
ZB 4/6 0556700000 H.6
ZB 4/6K BL 0565480000 H.7
ZB 4/6K GE/GN 0565460000 H.7
ZB 4G BL 0322180000 H.7
ZB 4G GN/GE 0322160000 H.7
ZB 4G SW 0322110000 H.7
ZB 4K BL 0475380000 H.7
ZB 4K GE/GN 0475360000 H.7
ZBE 6 0459500000 H.6
ZBE 6K BL 0525980000 H.7
ZBE 6K GE/GN 0525960000 H.7
ZBE 6K SW 0525910000 H.7
ZEW 15 7920340000 H.13
ZEW 35 9540000000 H.13
Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page
0123700000 QL 3 SAK35 A.5 0130600000 QL 2 SAK4 B.44 0135800000 VL 2 SAK16/SAKA A.9
0123700000 QL 3 SAK35 I.9 0130600000 QL 2 SAK4 B.37 0135800000 VL 2 SAK16/SAKA B.4
0053160000 DK 4/35 RC 220R/220N A.56 0123700000 QL 3 SAK35 B.5 0130600000 QL 2 SAK4 A.37 0135800000 VL 2 SAK16/SAKA C.3
0123800000 QL 4 SAK35 A.4 0130600000 QL 2 SAK4 I.10 0135800000 VL 2 SAK16/SAKA B.7
0123800000 QL 4 SAK35 I.9 0130600000 QL 2 SAK4 I.9 0135900000 VL 2 SAK6/10/SAKB B.7
0123800000 QL 4 SAK35 C.4 0130700000 QL 3 SAK4 A.37 0135900000 VL 2 SAK6/10/SAKB A.3
0101700000 TST 2/M6 H.14 0123800000 QL 4 SAK35 B.5 0130700000 QL 3 SAK4 I.9 0135900000 VL 2 SAK6/10/SAKB B.3
0103300000 BFSC M4X9T A.26 0123800000 QL 4 SAK35 B.4 0130700000 QL 3 SAK4 A.38 0135900000 VL 2 SAK6/10/SAKB I.12
0103300000 BFSC M4X9T B.24 0123800000 QL 4 SAK35 B.8 0130700000 QL 3 SAK4 B.44 0135900000 VL 2 SAK6/10/SAKB A.8
0103300000 BFSC M4X9T B.25 0123800000 QL 4 SAK35 A.5 0130700000 QL 3 SAK4 B.37 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 I.10
0103300000 BFSC M4X9T A.27 0124000000 VL 2 SAK35 A.4 0130800000 QL 4 SAK4 B.44 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 A.20
0103300000 BFSC M4X9T B.30 0124000000 VL 2 SAK35 B.4 0130800000 QL 4 SAK4 B.37 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 B.5
0103300000 BFSC M4X9T H.4 0124000000 VL 2 SAK35 B.5 0130800000 QL 4 SAK4 A.38 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 A.26
0103300000 BFSC M4X9T I.9 0124000000 VL 2 SAK35 A.5 0130800000 QL 4 SAK4 A.37 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 A.27
0105060000 SAK 4 OR I.7 0124000000 VL 2 SAK35 I.12 0130800000 QL 4 SAK4 I.10 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 C.4
0105100000 AP SAK4-10 DB I.6 0124000000 VL 2 SAK35 B.8 0130800000 QL 4 SAK4 I.9 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 B.9
0105160000 AP SAK4-10 OR I.6 0124300000 H16,0/15 J.33 0131700000 AP SAKH6/10 EP/SW D.7 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 B.8
0105360000 AP ASK1 OR I.6 0124400000 H25,0/15 J.33 0131700000 AP SAKH6/10 EP/SW I.6 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 B.4
0105420000 SAKT 1/35/LT A.32 0124620000 SAKT 1/35/QT2 A.33 0131700000 AP SAKH6/10 EP/SW D.6 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 A.9
0105620000 SAKT 1/35/LT STB A.32 0124700000 H6,0/15 J.33 0131720000 AP SAKH6/10 KRG I.6 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 A.4
0105720000 SAKT 1/35/QT1 A.33 0124800000 H10,0/15 J.33 0131730000 AP SAKH6/10 KRS I.4 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 B.24
0105820000 SAKT 1/35/DU1 A.32 0126600000 SAKH 6 EP/SW I.7 0132660010 DEK 5 FW 10-500 K.7 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 A.5
0105920000 SAKT 2/35/LT/STB A.33 0126600000 SAKH 6 EP/SW D.6 0132961021 DEK 5 GS A K.7 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 B.19
0106020000 SAKT 2/35/LT 4STB A.33 0126700000 SAKH 10 EP/SW I.7 0132961022 DEK 5 GS B K.7 0136400000 SS M4 D 128-A 4 B.25
0107160000 SAK 2.5/TC AL B.34 0126700000 SAKH 10 EP/SW D.7 0132961023 DEK 5 GS C K.7 0137400000 E 14/2A RS A.28
0107180000 SAK 2.5/TC AL BL I.7 0128300000 SAK 4 EP/SW I.7 0132961024 DEK 5 GS D K.7 0137400000 E 14/2A RS A.26
0107260000 SAK 2.5/TC CH B.34 0128300000 SAK 4 EP/SW D.6 0132961025 DEK 5 GS E K.7 0137400000 E 14/2A RS B.26
0107280000 SAK 2.5/TC CH BL I.7 0128320000 SAK 4 KRG B.6 0132961026 DEK 5 GS F K.7 0137400000 E 14/2A RS B.24
0108520000 SAK 2.5 SW 1X1/KRG I.7 0128370000 SAK 4 KRG BL I.7 0132961027 DEK 5 GS G K.7 0137500000 E 14/4A BR A.26
0108560000 SAK 2.5 SW 1X1 I.7 0128370000 SAK 4 KRG BL B.6 0132961028 DEK 5 GS H K.7 0137500000 E 14/4A BR B.24
0108560000 SAK 2.5 SW 1X1 B.38 0128380000 SAK 4 BL B.3 0132961029 DEK 5 GS I K.7 0137500000 E 14/4A BR B.26
0108960000 AKZ 2.5 K SW U/V 1X1 E.13 0128380000 SAK 4 BL I.7 0132961030 DEK 5 GS J K.7 0137500000 E 14/4A BR A.28
0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT A.7 0132961031 DEK 5 GS K K.7 0138000000 P 14/2 D01 RS SAKS4 A.26
0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT I.17 0132961032 DEK 5 GS L K.7 0138000000 P 14/2 D01 RS SAKS4 B.24
0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT A.8 0132961033 DEK 5 GS M K.7 0138000000 P 14/2 D01 RS SAKS4 A.29
0110020000 SAK 10 KRG B.7 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT C.5 0132961034 DEK 5 GS N K.7 0138000000 P 14/2 D01 RS SAKS4 B.27
0110040000 SAK 10 OR I.7 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT A.9 0132961035 DEK 5 GS O K.7 0138100000 P 14/4 D01 BR SAKS4 A.29
0110060000 SAK 10 B.3 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT A.3 0132961036 DEK 5 GS P K.7 0138100000 P 14/4 D01 BR SAKS4 B.24
0110070000 SAK 10 KRG/BL I.7 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT B.2 0132961037 DEK 5 GS Q K.7 0138100000 P 14/4 D01 BR SAKS4 A.26
0110070000 SAK 10 KRG/BL B.7 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT A.40 0132961038 DEK 5 GS R K.7 0138100000 P 14/4 D01 BR SAKS4 B.27
0110080000 SAK 10 BL B.3 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT C.4 0132961039 DEK 5 GS S K.7 0139160000 SAK 70/35 A.6
0110080000 SAK 10 BL I.7 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT B.45 0132961040 DEK 5 GS T K.7
K.7 0140000000
0114500000 QL 4 SAKB10 B.30 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT B.4 0132961043 DEK 5 GS W K.7 0140200000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 B.5
0117500000 TS 15X5/LL 2M/ST/ZN H.10 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT B.3 0132961044 DEK 5 GS X K.7 0140200000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 A.5
0117510000 TS 15X5/LL 1M/ST/ZN H.10 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT C.3 0132961045 DEK 5 GS Y K.7 0140200000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 I.15
0117900000 AP SAK4-10 RT I.6 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT A.2 0132961046 DEK 5 GS Z K.7 0140200000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 B.4
0117910000 AP SAK4-10 I I.6 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT C.2 0133161114 DEK 5 FW U1-PE1 K.7 0140200000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 A.9
0117920000 AP SAK4-10 KRG I.4 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT B.7 0133161115 DEK 5 FW U2-PE2 K.7 0140200000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 A.4
0117920000 AP SAK4-10 KRG I.6 0128900000 BFSC M3X22 PA/RT B.6 0133161116 DEK 5 FW U3-PE3 K.7 0140200000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 C.4
0117920000 AP SAK4-10 KRG A.7 0129100000 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT B.5 0133161117 DEK 5 FW U4-PE4 K.7 0140200000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 B.9
0117920000 AP SAK4-10 KRG A.20 0129100000 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT A.5 0133161118 DEK 5 FW U5-PE5 K.7 0140200000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 B.8
0117920000 AP SAK4-10 KRG B.44 0129100000 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT B.4 0133161119 DEK 5 FW U6-PE6 K.7 0140200000 STB 16/D7/4/M4 SAK35 B.30
0117920000 AP SAK4-10 KRG B.7 0129100000 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT B.9 0133161120 DEK 5 FW U7-PE7 K.7 0140320000 KS 4 O.D4 F.4
0117920000 AP SAK4-10 KRG B.19 0129100000 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT A.9 0133161121 DEK 5 FW U8-PE8 K.7 0140500000 D4 KS4 TP F.4
0117920000 AP SAK4-10 KRG B.6 0129100000 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT C.4 0133161122 DEK 5 FW U9-PE9 K.7 0140620000 KS 6 O.D6 F.4
0117920000 AP SAK4-10 KRG A.8 0129100000 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT B.8 0133261150 DEK 5 FW X1-Z1 K.7 0140800000 D6 KS6 TP F.4
0117960000 AP SAK4-10 A.38 0129100000 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT A.4 0133261151 DEK 5 FW X2-Z2 K.7 0141620000 KS 10 O.D10 F.4
0117960000 AP SAK4-10 A.37 0129100000 BFSC M4X32 PA/RT I.17 0133261152 DEK 5 FW X3-Z3 K.7 0141800000 D10 KS10 TP F.4
0117960000 AP SAK4-10 A.3 0133261153 DEK 5 FW X4-Z4 K.7 0142800000 ELSO 2 F.KS 2 F.4
AP SAK4-10
AP SAK4-10
0130000000 0133261154
DEK 5 FW X5-Z5
DEK 5 FW X6-Z6
0117960000 AP SAK4-10 B.44 0130000000 STB 7.5/D6/4/M4 ZB/SAKB I.15 0133261156 DEK 5 FW X7-Z7 K.7 0143100000 ELSO 10 F.KS 10 F.4
0117960000 AP SAK4-10 C.2 0130070000 I.10 0133261157 DEK 5 FW X8-Z8 K.7 0143200000 ELSB 2 BEZ. 1-2 F.4
0117960000 AP SAK4-10 C.3 0130100000 TW SAK4-10 EP/SW D.6 0133261158 DEK 5 FW X9-Z9 K.7 0143300000 ELSB 4 BEZ. 1-4 F.4
0117960000 AP SAK4-10 C.4 0130120000 TW SAK4-10 KRG A.8 0133261159 DEK 5 FW X10-Z10 K.7 0143400000 ELSB 6 BEZ. 1-6 F.4
0117960000 AP SAK4-10 C.5 0130120000 TW SAK4-10 KRG B.44 0133360001 DEK 6 FSZ 1-10 K.8 0143500000 ELSB 10 BEZ. 1-10 F.4
0117960000 AP SAK4-10 I.6 0130120000 TW SAK4-10 KRG A.20 0133360011 DEK 6 FSZ 11-20 K.8 0144400000 SAKE 35 B.14
0117970000 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL B.19 0130120000 TW SAK4-10 KRG B.6 0133360021 DEK 6 FSZ 21-30 K.8 0146710000 AP SAKB-C-T I B.19
0117970000 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL A.8 0130120000 TW SAK4-10 KRG A.7 0133360031 DEK 6 FSZ 31-40 K.8 0146720000 AP SAKB/C/T KRG I.6
0117970000 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL A.7 0130120000 TW SAK4-10 KRG B.7 0133360041 DEK 6 FSZ 41-50 K.8 0146720000 AP SAKB/C/T KRG B.32
0117970000 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL B.44 0130120000 TW SAK4-10 KRG B.19 0133360051 DEK 6 FSZ 51-60 K.8 0146720000 AP SAKB/C/T KRG I.4
0117970000 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL B.7 0130160000 TW 4 SAK4-10 C.4 0133360061 DEK 6 FSZ 61-70 K.8 0146720000 AP SAKB/C/T KRG A.20
0117970000 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL I.6 0130160000 TW 4 SAK4-10 C.5 0133360071 DEK 6 FSZ 71-80 K.8 0146720000 AP SAKB/C/T KRG B.31
0117970000 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL B.6 0130160000 TW 4 SAK4-10 B.3 0133360081 DEK 6 FSZ 81-90 K.8 0146720000 AP SAKB/C/T KRG A.32
0117970000 AP SAK4-10 KRG/BL A.20 0130160000 TW 4 SAK4-10 B.37 0133360091 DEK 6 FSZ 91-100 K.8 0146720000 AP SAKB/C/T KRG A.33
0117980000 AP SAK4-10 BL C.3 0130160000 TW 4 SAK4-10 A.38 0133400000 STB 28.5 IH/SW SAK2.5 I.15 0146720000 AP SAKB/C/T KRG B.30
0117980000 AP SAK4-10 BL C.5 0130160000 TW 4 SAK4-10 C.2 0134120000 SAKA 10 B.30 0146760000 AP SAKB/C/T BE I.6
0117980000 AP SAK4-10 BL C.4 0130160000 TW 4 SAK4-10 A.37 0134220000 AP SAKA KRG B.30 0147100000 STB 17/D6/4/M4 SAKC10 B.19
0117980000 AP SAK4-10 BL C.2 0130160000 TW 4 SAK4-10 A.36 0134220000 AP SAKA KRG I.6 0147100000 STB 17/D6/4/M4 SAKC10 A.20
0117980000 AP SAK4-10 BL B.3 0130160000 TW 4 SAK4-10 B.44 0134220000 AP SAKA KRG I.4 0147100000 STB 17/D6/4/M4 SAKC10 D.9
0117980000 AP SAK4-10 BL I.6 0130160000 TW 4 SAK4-10 A.3 0134420000 KS 2 O.D2 F.4 0147100000 STB 17/D6/4/M4 SAKC10 B.29
0117980000 AP SAK4-10 BL A.3 0130160000 TW 4 SAK4-10 C.3 0134500000 D2 KS2 TP F.4 0147100000 STB 17/D6/4/M4 SAKC10 I.15
0130170000 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL A.8 0134700000 TS 15X5 2M/AL/BK H.10
0130170000 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL
0130170000 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL
STB 13.5/D6/4/M4 SAKA10
B.30 0150000000
0122700000 STB 5.5/D3.7/2.3/M3 ZB I.15 0130170000 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL B.19 0135200000 STB 13.5/D6/4/M4 SAKA10 I.15 0150420000 SAKG 70 II/GW B.50
0122800000 TS 32X15 2M/ST/ZN H.10 0130170000 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL B.7 0135500000 QL 2 SAKA10 I.10 0150960000 AP SAKD2.5N A.2
0123600000 QL 2 SAK35 B.8 0130170000 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL B.6 0135500000 QL 2 SAKA10 B.19 0150960000 AP SAKD2.5N I.6
0123600000 QL 2 SAK35 I.9 0130170000 TW SAK4-10 KRG/BL B.44 0135500000 QL 2 SAKA10 A.20 0150960000 AP SAKD2.5N I.4
0123600000 QL 2 SAK35 C.4 0130180000 TW 4 SAK4-10 BL C.5 0135500000 QL 2 SAKA10 B.30 0150960000 AP SAKD2.5N B.2
0123600000 QL 2 SAK35 B.5 0130180000 TW 4 SAK4-10 BL C.4 0135600000 QL 3 SAKA10 B.19 0150980000 AP SAKD2.5N BL I.6
0123600000 QL 2 SAK35 B.4 0130180000 TW 4 SAK4-10 BL A.3 0135600000 QL 3 SAKA10 A.20 0150980000 AP SAKD2.5N BL A.2
0123600000 QL 2 SAK35 A.4 0130180000 TW 4 SAK4-10 BL C.3 0135600000 QL 3 SAKA10 B.30 0150980000 AP SAKD2.5N BL B.2
0123600000 QL 2 SAK35 A.5 0130180000 TW 4 SAK4-10 BL C.2 0135700000 QL 4 SAKA10 B.30 0151400000 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 B.47
0123700000 QL 3 SAK35 C.4 0130180000 TW 4 SAK4-10 BL B.3 0135700000 QL 4 SAKA10 B.19 0151400000 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 B.46
0123700000 QL 3 SAK35 B.8 0130200000 STB 6/D3.9/2.3/M2.5 ZB B.6 0135700000 QL 4 SAKA10 A.20 0151400000 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 B.48
0123700000 QL 3 SAK35 B.4 0130200000 STB 6/D3.9/2.3/M2.5 ZB I.15 0135800000 VL 2 SAK16/SAKA A.4 0151400000 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 A.44
X 0123700000 QL 3 SAK35 A.4 0130600000 QL 2 SAK4 A.38 0135800000 VL 2 SAK16/SAKA I.12 0151400000 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 B.49
Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page
0151400000 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 A.43 0170520000 SAKG 40 II B.51 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.10 0193280000 SAK 6N BL I.7
0151400000 TW SAKG28 HP/DBR/2 B.50 0170620000 SAKG 46 II B.52 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.17 0193280000 SAK 6N BL B.3
0155900000 QL 2 SAK2.5 A.33 0170720000 SAKG 54 II B.53 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.7 0193400000 I.10
0155900000 QL 2 SAK2.5 I.9 0170820000 SAKG 28 III B.48 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT E.13 0194000000 QL 2 SAKG32+70 A.44
0155900000 QL 2 SAK2.5 B.32 0172160000 SAKR/35 A.18 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT C.5 0194000000 QL 2 SAKG32+70 B.48
0155900000 QL 2 SAK2.5 I.10 0172180000 SAKR/35 BL I.7 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.11 0194000000 QL 2 SAKG32+70 B.49
0156000000 QL 3 SAK2.5 B.32 0172180000 SAKR/35 BL A.18 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT E.10 0194000000 QL 2 SAKG32+70 B.50
0156000000 QL 3 SAK2.5 I.10 0172190000 SAKR/35 WS I.7 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT C.4 0194000000 QL 2 SAKG32+70 A.43
0156000000 QL 3 SAK2.5 I.9 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 B.52 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT E.12 0194000000 QL 2 SAKG32+70 A.42
0156000000 QL 3 SAK2.5 A.33 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 A.42 0180500000 EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/DBR A.44 0194100000 QL 2 SAKG40 B.50
0156100000 QL 4 SAK2.5 I.9 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 B.49 0180500000 EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/DBR B.49 0194100000 QL 2 SAKG40 B.51
0156100000 QL 4 SAK2.5 A.33 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 A.43 0180500000 EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/DBR A.43 0194300000 QL 2 SAK6N A.32
0156100000 QL 4 SAK2.5 B.32 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 A.47 0180500000 EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/DBR I.4 0194300000 QL 2 SAK6N I.9
0156100000 QL 4 SAK2.5 I.10 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 B.53 0180600000 EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/TF/GE I.4 0194300000 QL 2 SAK6N I.10
0157261187 DEK 5 GS PE K.7 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 B.48 0180600000 EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/TF/GE A.44 0194300000 QL 2 SAK6N A.11
0157261202 DEK 5 GS ERDE K.7 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 A.44 0180600000 EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/TF/GE A.43 0194300000 QL 2 SAK6N A.33
0157261203 DEK 5 GS ERDE IM KREIS K.7 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 B.50 0180600000 EP 1 SAKG32/35 HP/TF/GE B.49 0194300000 QL 2 SAK6N B.32
0158760000 AKZ 4 SF SE 6.3/2.8 E.9 0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 A.46 0180700000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR A.47 0194300000 QL 2 SAK6N B.28
0177100000 TW SAKG46 HP/DBR/2 B.51 0180700000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR A.46 0194300000 QL 2 SAK6N I.21
0160000000 0177100000
0194300000 QL 2 SAK6N
0194400000 QL 3 SAK6N
0162220000 SAKS 4 USA B.25 0178100000 TSTW 5/M5 H.14 0180700000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR I.4 0194400000 QL 3 SAK6N B.28
0162520000 AP AKA2.5 I.6 0178220000 SAKS 4/35 USA A.27 0180700000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR A.42 0194400000 QL 3 SAK6N A.32
0162520000 AP AKA2.5 E.12 0178500000 AD 3 SAK10 I.17 0180700000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/DBR A.43 0194400000 QL 3 SAK6N I.21
0162570000 AP AKA2.5 KRG/BL E.12 0178600000 AD 4 SAK10 C.3 0180800000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE A.44 0194400000 QL 3 SAK6N A.33
0162570000 AP AKA2.5 KRG/BL I.6 0178600000 AD 4 SAK10 I.17 0180800000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE A.47 0194400000 QL 3 SAK6N B.32
0164000000 TSTW 6/M6 H.14 0178600000 AD 4 SAK10 B.7 0180800000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE A.45 0194400000 QL 3 SAK6N A.11
0164400000 SS M3 D 128-A 3 B.28 0178600000 AD 4 SAK10 A.8 0180800000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE A.46 0194400000 QL 3 SAK6N I.9
0164400000 SS M3 D 128-A 3 A.11 0178600000 AD 4 SAK10 A.3 0180800000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE I.4 0194400000 QL 3 SAK6N B.31
0164400000 SS M3 D 128-A 3 I.10 0178600000 AD 4 SAK10 B.3 0180800000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE A.43 0194500000 QL 4 SAK6N A.11
0164600000 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 A.43 0178700000 AD 4 SAK35 C.4 0180800000 EP 2 SAKG46/35 HP/TF/GE A.42 0194500000 QL 4 SAK6N I.9
0164600000 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 A.44 0178700000 AD 4 SAK35 I.17 0181800000 BAL 2 J.11 0194500000 QL 4 SAK6N A.33
0164600000 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 B.47 0178700000 AD 4 SAK35 A.9 0182000000 EP 2/BW SAKG46/35 HP/DBR I.5 0194500000 QL 4 SAK6N B.28
0164600000 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 B.50 0178700000 AD 4 SAK35 B.5 0183380000 SAKR/35 2STB BL I.7 0194500000 QL 4 SAK6N B.32
0164600000 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 B.46 0178700000 AD 4 SAK35 A.5 0185020000 SAKG 28 II/GW B.47 0194500000 QL 4 SAK6N I.21
0164600000 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 B.48 0178700000 AD 4 SAK35 A.4 0185120000 SAKG 32 II/GW B.49 0194500000 QL 4 SAK6N B.31
0164600000 TW SAKG28 HP/TF/GE/2 B.49 0178700000 AD 4 SAK35 B.8 0185220000 SAKG 40 II/GW B.51 0194500000 QL 4 SAK6N A.32
0165860000 STA 2.5/2 B.43 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 B.52 0185320000 SAKG 46 II/GW B.52 0194500000 QL 4 SAK6N I.10
0165860000 STA 2.5/2 A.36 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 A.42 0185420000 SAKG 54 II/GW B.53 0194700000 VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT A.8
0165860000 STA 2.5/2 A.37 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 A.45 0185760000 SAKRD/35 A.18 0194700000 VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT A.3
0165860000 STA 2.5/2 B.42 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 B.49 0186100000 H2,5/12 J.33 0194700000 VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT C.3
0165860000 STA 2.5/2 B.36 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 B.48 0186500000 H1,5/10 J.33 0194700000 VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT B.7
0165960000 STA 2.5/3 A.37 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 A.44 0189860000 SAK 2.5/TC CO B.34 0194700000 VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT B.28
0165960000 STA 2.5/3 B.36 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 B.53 0189960000 SAK 2.5/TC CU B.34 0194700000 VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT I.12
0165960000 STA 2.5/3 B.42 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 B.50 0194700000 VL 2 SAK6N/SAKT A.11
STA 2.5/3
STA 2.5/3
B.51 0190000000 0195620000 SAKT 1/DU1
0196600000 AD 4 SAK6N
0166060000 STA 2.5/5 B.42 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 A.46 0190060000 SAK 2.5/TC FE B.34 0196600000 AD 4 SAK6N B.3
0166060000 STA 2.5/5 B.43 0179900000 TW SAKG46 HP/TF/GE/2 A.43 0190160000 EK 16/35 A.15 0196600000 AD 4 SAK6N C.3
0166060000 STA 2.5/5 B.36 0190260000 TSCH 6 DKI S4 B.37 0196600000 AD 4 SAK6N I.17
STA 2.5/5
STA 2.5/5
A.37 0180000000 0190260000
0196600000 AD 4 SAK6N
0196600000 AD 4 SAK6N
0166160000 STA 2.5/8 B.42 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT E.3 0190260000 TSCH 6 DKI S4 B.10 0197000000 VL 2 SAK4 I.12
0166160000 STA 2.5/8 A.36 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.2 0190260000 TSCH 6 DKI S4 A.12 0197000000 VL 2 SAK4 C.4
0166160000 STA 2.5/8 B.36 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT E.9 0190260000 TSCH 6 DKI S4 B.11 0197000000 VL 2 SAK4 C.2
0166160000 STA 2.5/8 B.43 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT E.8 0190260000 TSCH 6 DKI S4 A.13 0197000000 VL 2 SAK4 B.6
0166160000 STA 2.5/8 A.37 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.54 0190360000 STA 2.5/4 B.42 0197000000 VL 2 SAK4 A.7
0166800000 TW AKZ4 HP/DBR/0.5 E.10 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.28 0190360000 STA 2.5/4 B.36 0197000000 VL 2 SAK4 C.5
0167000000 QL 3 SAK70 I.9 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.19 0190360000 STA 2.5/4 A.37 0197000000 VL 2 SAK4 B.3
0167000000 QL 3 SAK70 B.9 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT I.14 0190360000 STA 2.5/4 A.36 0197000000 VL 2 SAK4 A.3
0167000000 QL 3 SAK70 A.6 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.50 0190360000 STA 2.5/4 B.43 0197200000 BSTO 28/4 BK F.5
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 A.11 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.51 0191120000 SAKS 1/G25 B.23 0197200000 BSTO 28/4 BK F.6
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 B.3 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.52 0191220000 SAKS 1/G20 B.22 0197300000 BSTB 28/4 BK U 1-4 F.6
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 B.28 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.53 0191300000 AP SAKS1+3 KRG/DB I.6 0197300000 BSTB 28/4 BK U 1-4 F.5
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 B.42 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.11 0191320000 AP SAKS1+3 KRG B.22 0197400000 BSTO 28/6 BK F.5
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 B.43 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.40 0191320000 AP SAKS1+3 KRG I.4 0197400000 BSTO 28/6 BK F.6
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 I.15 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.55 0191320000 AP SAKS1+3 KRG A.24 0197500000 BSTB 28/6 BK U 1-6 F.6
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 B.6 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.56 0191320000 AP SAKS1+3 KRG B.23 0197500000 BSTB 28/6 BK U 1-6 F.5
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 D.6 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.45 0191320000 AP SAKS1+3 KRG A.25 0197920000 SAKT E/35 2LD 60VAC A.57
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 C.5 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.43 0191320000 AP SAKS1+3 KRG I.6 0198020000 SAKT E/35 2GL 115VAC A.57
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 A.36 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.42 0191400000 QL 2 SAKS1 A.24 0198120000 SAKT E/35 2GL 230VAC A.57
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 A.37 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.41 0191400000 QL 2 SAKS1 I.9 0198220000 SAKT E/35 2LD 120VAC A.57
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 B.36 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.18 0191400000 QL 2 SAKS1 A.25 0198620000 SAKS 1/35 G25 GL 230VAC A.25
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 A.7 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.38 0191400000 QL 2 SAKS1 B.23 0198700000 BSTO 28/12 BK F.5
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 A.3 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.19 0191400000 QL 2 SAKS1 B.22 0198700000 BSTO 28/12 BK F.6
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 C.4 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.56 0191500000 QL 3 SAKS1 A.24 0198800000 BSTB 28/12 BK U 1-12 F.5
0168600000 STB 14/D5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 C.2 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.13 0191500000 QL 3 SAKS1 B.22 0198800000 BSTB 28/12 BK U 1-12 F.6
0168800000 SAK 4 CUN/EP/SW D.6 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.57 0191500000 QL 3 SAKS1 I.9 0199360000 EWK 2 H.13
0169300000 TS 32X15 2M/AL/BK H.10 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT E.2 0191500000 QL 3 SAKS1 B.23 0199700000 BFSC M3X7 STV1/5 I.9
0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 B.32 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.2 0191500000 QL 3 SAKS1 A.25 0199920000 SAKS 1/35 G20 GL 230VAC A.24
0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 A.3 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT E.11 0191600000 QL 4 SAKS1 A.25
STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10
STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10
PS 2.3 RT
PS 2.3 RT
B.23 0200000000
0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 B.4 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.40 0191600000 QL 4 SAKS1 I.9 0203500000 BSTO 28/2 BK F.5
0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 B.7 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.18 0191600000 QL 4 SAKS1 B.22 0203500000 BSTO 28/2 BK F.6
0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 A.33 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.39 0191860000 TW SAKD2.5N A.2 0203600000 BSTB 28/2 BK U 1-2 F.5
0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 A.8 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.58 0191860000 TW SAKD2.5N B.2 0203600000 BSTB 28/2 BK U 1-2 F.6
0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 I.20 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.60 0191880000 TW SAKD2.5N BL B.2 0203700000 BSTO 28/3 BK F.6
0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 A.4 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.36 0191880000 TW SAKD2.5N BL A.2 0203700000 BSTO 28/3 BK F.5
0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 A.32 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.37 0191900000 H6,0/12 J.33 0205100000 EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR B.50
0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 C.3 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.39 0192700000 G 25/2.00A/F BL A.28 0205100000 EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR B.47
0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 B.28 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.38 0192700000 G 25/2.00A/F BL B.26 0205100000 EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR I.4
0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 I.15 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.37 0192800000 G 25/4.00A/F BR A.28 0205100000 EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR B.48
0169900000 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 B.31 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT A.20 0192800000 G 25/4.00A/F BR B.26 0205100000 EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR B.49
0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.36 0192900000 G 25/6.30A/F GN A.28 0205100000 EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/DBR B.46
0170000000 0180400000
PS 2.3 RT
PS 2.3 RT
G 25/6.30A/F GN
G 25/10.0A/M RT
0170020000 SAKG 28 I B.46 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.32 0193100000 G 25/10.0A/M RT A.28 0205200000 EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE B.48
0170320000 SAKG 28 II B.47 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT C.2 0193220000 SAK 6N KRG B.7 0205200000 EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE B.49
0170420000 SAKG 32 II B.49 0180400000 PS 2.3 RT B.16 0193260000 SAK 6N B.3 0205200000 EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE B.50
Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page
0205200000 EP 1 SAKG28/32 HP/TF/GE I.4 0212880000 SAK 6/EN BL C.3 0245800000 BSTO 28/12 MK F.6 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 A.5
0205300000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR B.52 0213200000 SAKE 70/32 B.15 0245900000 BSTB 28/12 MK U 1-12 F.6 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 I.10
0205300000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR B.51 0214020000 SAKS 1/35 G20 LD 48VAC A.24 0245900000 BSTB 28/12 MK U 1-12 F.2 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 H.4
0205300000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR B.49 0215560000 SAKD 2.5N B.2 0247000000 QL 2 SAKG46 A.47 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 B.5
0205300000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR B.48 0215580000 SAKD 2.5N BL B.2 0247000000 QL 2 SAKG46 B.52 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 A.4
0205300000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR B.53 0215580000 SAKD 2.5N BL I.7 0247000000 QL 2 SAKG46 A.46 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 B.9
0205300000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR I.4 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ A.2 0247400000 QL 4 SAKG54 B.53 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 B.4
0205300000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/DBR B.50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ B.2 0247400000 QL 4 SAKG54 A.47 0267200000 STB 25 IH/GE I.20
0205400000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE B.50 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ A.13 0248500000 VH 13.5/4.9/3.3 SAK4 A.11 0267200000 STB 25 IH/GE I.15
0205400000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE B.49 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ B.11 0248500000 VH 13.5/4.9/3.3 SAK4 I.9 0267400000 QL 2 RSF1+2 B.29
0205400000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE B.51 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ B.10 0248500000 VH 13.5/4.9/3.3 SAK4 I.10 0267400000 QL 2 RSF1+2 B.28
0205400000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE B.52 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ B.59 0248500000 VH 13.5/4.9/3.3 SAK4 B.28 0267500000 QL 3 RSF1+2 B.28
0205400000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE B.48 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ E.9 0248920000 SAKS 3 GZ/6.3X32 B.23 0267500000 QL 3 RSF1+2 B.29
0205400000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE B.53 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ A.53 0249000000 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N B.32 0267600000 QL 4 RSF1+2 B.29
0205400000 EP 2 SAKG46/32 HP/TF/GE I.4 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ E.10 0249000000 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N B.31 0267600000 QL 4 RSF1+2 B.28
0205700000 QB 2 SAKT1 I.21 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ B.60 0249000000 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N I.10 0268860000 SAKD 2.5/35 A.2
0205800000 QB 3 SAKT1 I.21 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ I.15 0249000000 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N A.32 0268880000 SAKD 2.5/35 BL I.7
0205900000 QB 4 SAKT1 I.21 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ A.52 0249000000 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N I.21 0268880000 SAKD 2.5/35 BL A.2
0206160000 EWK 1 H.13 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ E.3 0249000000 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N I.9 0269120000 SAKT 1/LT B.31
0206160000 EWK 1 B.62 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ A.39 0249000000 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N A.33 0269320000 SAKT 1/QT1 B.31
0206160000 EWK 1 C.8 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ A.50 0249000000 VH 12/4.9/3.3 SAK6N I.9
0206820000 SAKS 2
0207400000 QL 2 SAK6N-SAK35
STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ
STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ
0249100000 KMVF LI 6.3 EP/SW
0249200000 KMVF RE 6.3 EP/SW
D.8 0270000000
0207530000 DS 14 SAK4 I.12 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ E.11 0249300000 KMVT LI 2.4 EP/SW D.9 0270100000 TS 35X15/2.3 2M/CU/BK H.11
0207630000 DS 12.5 SAK10 I.12 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ B.38 0249400000 KMVT RE 2.4 EP/SW D.9 0270320000 RSF 1 KRG B.28
0207730000 DS 12.5 SAK6N I.12 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ B.37 0249600000 ZS 2.3/4 I.14 0270420000 AP RSF1 KRG I.6
0207800000 QL 2 SAKS2 A.26 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ A.54 0270460000 AP RSF3 I.6
0207800000 QL 2 SAKS2
0207800000 QL 2 SAKS2
STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ
STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ
A.56 0250000000 0270460000 AP RSF3
0270460000 AP RSF3
0207800000 QL 2 SAKS2 A.27 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ E.2 0254120000 SAKT 4/LT O.STB B.32 0270760000 QS 2/12/4 I.13
0207800000 QL 2 SAKS2 B.24 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ E.8 0257120000 TW SAK2.5-35/32 KRG B.30 0270760000 QS 2/12/4 I.21
0207900000 QL 3 SAKS2 A.26 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ E.13 0258260000 HP 7 TSK31.5 I.16 0270860000 QS 2/10/4 I.13
0207900000 QL 3 SAKS2 B.24 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ B.61 0258360000 HP 8 ADP 1 I.16 0270860000 QS 2/10/4 I.21
0207900000 QL 3 SAKS2 A.27 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ B.56 0258660000 EW 35/SCHA/M3 I.12 0270960000 QS 2/8/4 A.32
0207900000 QL 3 SAKS2 B.25 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ B.57 0258760000 EWK 2/SCHA/M3/L I.12 0270960000 QS 2/8/4 A.33
0207900000 QL 3 SAKS2 I.9 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ B.58 0259800000 SSCH 10X3X1000 MS/BK H.3 0270960000 QS 2/8/4 I.13
0208000000 QL 4 SAKS2 A.27 0215700000 STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ A.12 0270960000 QS 2/8/4 B.32
0208000000 QL 4 SAKS2
0208000000 QL 4 SAKS2
STB 8.5/D4/2.3/M2.5 AKZ
DK 4SS/35 FF 4X6.3/2.8
A.38 0260000000 0270960000 QS 2/8/4
0270960000 QS 2/8/4
0208000000 QL 4 SAKS2 B.24 0217900000 TS 15X5/LL 2M/AL/BK H.10 0261100000 AD 4 WSD SAKG54 HP/DBR I.17 0271020000 SAK 16 KRG B.7
0208000000 QL 4 SAKS2 B.25 0218660000 SAK 2.5/EN C.2 0262100000 BSTO 28/16 MK 4/16 F.3 0271060000 SAK 16 B.4
0208500000 E 16/10A RT TNDZ A.26 0218680000 SAK 2.5/EN BL I.7 0262200000 BSTB 28/16 MK U 1-16 F.3 0271080000 SAK 16 BL I.7
0208500000 E 16/10A RT TNDZ B.24 0218680000 SAK 2.5/EN BL C.2 0263100000 AD 4 WSD SAKG28 HP/DBR I.17 0271080000 SAK 16 BL B.4
0208500000 E 16/10A RT TNDZ A.28 0263200000 AD 4 WSD SAKG40 HP/DBR I.17 0271120000 AP SAK16 KRG I.6
0208500000 E 16/10A RT TNDZ
0208600000 E 16/16A GR TNDZ
A.28 0220000000 0263300000 AD 4 WSD SAKG46 HP/DBR
0263500000 QL 3 SAKG40
0271120000 AP SAK16 KRG
0271120000 AP SAK16 KRG
0208600000 E 16/16A GR TNDZ A.26 0220500000 QL 5 SAK6N I.21 0263500000 QL 3 SAKG40 B.51 0271120000 AP SAK16 KRG I.4
0208600000 E 16/16A GR TNDZ B.26 0220600000 QL 6 SAK6N I.21 0264400000 QL 2 SAKG54 A.47 0271160000 AP SAK16 I.4
0208600000 E 16/16A GR TNDZ B.24 0221200000 QL 15 SAK6N I.21 0264400000 QL 2 SAKG54 B.53 0271160000 AP SAK16 I.6
0208700000 E 16/20A BL TNDZ B.24 0222760000 ASK 1/EN LD 15K 24VDC C.7 0264900000 AD 3 WSD SAKG54 HP/DBR I.17 0271160000 AP SAK16 B.4
0208700000 E 16/20A BL TNDZ A.28 0222860000 ASK 1/EN LD 1D 24VAC C.7 0265800000 G 25/1.00A/M RT B.26 0271160000 AP SAK16 A.4
0208700000 E 16/20A BL TNDZ A.26 0225260000 ASK 1/EN LD 27K 48VDC C.7 0265800000 G 25/1.00A/M RT A.28 0271160000 AP SAK16 C.3
0208700000 E 16/20A BL TNDZ B.26 0225360000 ASK 1/EN LD 1D 48VAC C.7 0266320000 AST 1 6.3 KRG B.42 0271180000 AP SAK16 BL C.3
0208800000 E 16/25A GE TNDZ B.24 0225460000 ASK 1/EN LD 56K 115VDC C.7 0266360000 AST 1 6.3 B.36 0271180000 AP SAK16 BL I.6
0208800000 E 16/25A GE TNDZ A.26 0225560000 ASK 1/EN LD 1D 115VAC C.7 0266400000 AP AST1+5 DB B.36 0271180000 AP SAK16 BL A.4
0208800000 E 16/25A GE TNDZ B.26 0225660000 ASK 1/EN LD 120K 230VDC C.7 0266400000 AP AST1+5 DB A.37 0271180000 AP SAK16 BL B.4
0208800000 E 16/25A GE TNDZ A.28 0225760000 ASK 1/EN LD 1D 230VAC C.7 0266400000 AP AST1+5 DB A.36 0271200000 STB 25 IH/GN I.20
0208900000 P 16/10 RT SAKS2 B.24 0225820000 SAKS 1/35 G20 LD 24VDC A.24 0266400000 AP AST1+5 DB I.6 0271200000 STB 25 IH/GN I.15
0208900000 P 16/10 RT SAKS2 B.27 0226460000 ASK 1/EN LD 33K 60VDC C.7 0266420000 AP AST1+5 KRG I.6 0271300000 STB 25 IH/VI I.20
0208900000 P 16/10 RT SAKS2 A.29 0266420000 AP AST1+5 KRG I.4 0271300000 STB 25 IH/VI I.15
0208900000 P 16/10 RT SAKS2
0209000000 P 16/16 GR SAKS2
A.26 0230000000 0266420000 AP AST1+5 KRG
0266420000 AP AST1+5 KRG
0271400000 STB 25 IH/GR
0271400000 STB 25 IH/GR
0209000000 P 16/16 GR SAKS2 A.29 0235000000 IS 8 DIN 6911 J.20 0266460000 AP AST1+5 I.6 0271500000 STB 25 IH/SW I.15
0209000000 P 16/16 GR SAKS2 B.24 0235860000 DEK 5 FWZ 1,3,5-19 K.7 0266500000 ZB 35/M6X16 A.30 0271500000 STB 25 IH/SW I.20
0209000000 P 16/16 GR SAKS2 B.27 0235960000 DEK 5 FWZ 21,23,25-39 K.7 0266500000 ZB 35/M6X16 A.31 0271800000 EP 1/BW SAKG28/32 HP/DB I.5
0209100000 P 16/20 BL SAKS2 B.27 0236060000 DEK 5 FWZ 41,43,45-59 K.7 0266500000 ZB 35/M6X16 H.6 0271900000 EP 2/BW SAKG46/32 HP/DB I.5
0209100000 P 16/20 BL SAKS2 B.24 0236160000 DEK 5 FWZ 2,4,6-20 K.7 0266700000 VH 8/4.9/3.3 SAK2.5 I.10 0273400000 AD 3 SAK35 B.4
0209100000 P 16/20 BL SAKS2 A.26 0236260000 DEK 5 FWZ 22,24,26-40 K.7 0266700000 VH 8/4.9/3.3 SAK2.5 B.32 0273400000 AD 3 SAK35 I.17
0209100000 P 16/20 BL SAKS2 A.29 0236360000 DEK 5 FWZ 42,44,46-60 K.7 0266700000 VH 8/4.9/3.3 SAK2.5 A.33 0273820000 MK 3/2 F.2
0236400000 TS 35X15 2M/ST/ZN H.11 0266700000 VH 8/4.9/3.3 SAK2.5 I.9 0273920000 MK 3/3 F.2
0210000000 0236500000
TS 35X15/LL 2M/ST/ZN
TS 35X15/LL 1M/ST/ZN
0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N
0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N
0274020000 MK 3/4
0274120000 MK 3/5
0210060000 DK 4/35 LD GR 24VDC A.51 0236760000 AST 3 6.3 B.36 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N A.55 0274220000 MK 3/6 F.2
0210160000 DK 4/32 LD ROT 24VDC B.57 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N E.11 0274320000 MK 3/7 F.2
DK 4/35 LD ROT 24VDC
DK 4/35 LD GR 24VDC
A.51 0240000000 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N
0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N
0274420000 MK 3/8
0274520000 MK 3/9
0210800000 ADL I.18 0240600000 ZU 1 I.5 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N B.56 0274620000 MK 3/10 F.2
0211200000 AKE 4 MS E.4 0241260000 MK 2/12 F.2 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N B.59 0278500000 BSTB 28/12/6,35 O 1-12 F.2
0211320000 AP SAKR KRG B.18 0241760000 MF 2/12 1X2.8/1.6 F.2 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N B.58 0278700000 BSTB 28/16 MK O 1-16 F.3
0211320000 AP SAKR KRG I.6 0242920000 TW SAKB-C-T B.30 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N A.52 0279500000 AP SAK2.5 GE I.6
0211360000 AP SAKR BE A.18 0242920000 TW SAKB-C-T A.20 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N A.51 0279520000 AP SAK2.5 KRG I.6
0211360000 AP SAKR BE B.16 0242920000 TW SAKB-C-T B.19 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N A.50 0279520000 AP SAK2.5 KRG B.6
0211360000 AP SAKR BE I.4 0242960000 TW SAKB/C/T1 A.20 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N B.57 0279520000 AP SAK2.5 KRG I.4
0211360000 AP SAKR BE I.6 0242960000 TW SAKB/C/T1 B.32 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N B.60 0279520000 AP SAK2.5 KRG A.7
0211360000 AP SAKR BE B.39 0242960000 TW SAKB/C/T1 A.32 0266800000 BFSC M2.5X14 SAKD2.5N A.54 0279530000 AP SAK2.5 KRS I.4
0211360000 AP SAKR BE E.3 0242960000 TW SAKB/C/T1 A.33 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 A.9 0279540000 AP SAK2.5 OR I.6
0211360000 AP SAKR BE B.41 0242960000 TW SAKB/C/T1 B.31 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 B.4 0279560000 AP SAK2.5 A.2
0211360000 AP SAKR BE B.40 0243520000 MK 3/12 F.2 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 I.10 0279560000 AP SAK2.5 B.38
0211380000 AP SAKR BL I.6 0243820000 MK 5/2 O.DE F.4 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 B.9 0279560000 AP SAK2.5 B.39
0211380000 AP SAKR BL B.40 0244060000 D 2 MK5/2 PA/NA F.4 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 A.5 0279560000 AP SAK2.5 A.40
0211380000 AP SAKR BL B.41 0244100000 H4,0/12 J.33 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 B.5 0279560000 AP SAK2.5 I.6
0211380000 AP SAKR BL B.16 0244220000 MK 4/16 F.3 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 A.4 0279560000 AP SAK2.5 B.34
0211380000 AP SAKR BL A.18 0244600000 STB 8.5/D4.5/2/M3 SAKT4 I.15 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 C.4 0279560000 AP SAK2.5 B.2
0211400000 QL 2 SAKG40/35 A.45 0244600000 STB 8.5/D4.5/2/M3 SAKT4 A.33 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 B.8 0279570000 AP SAK2.5 KRG BL A.7
0212260000 AP TAL I.6 0244920000 AP SAKT4 KRG I.6 0267000000 VH 17/8/5 SAK35 I.9 0279570000 AP SAK2.5 KRG BL I.6
0212700000 QS 2/6.5/2.3 SAK4 I.13 0245400000 GZ 12,5A/FF B.26 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 A.9 0279570000 AP SAK2.5 KRG BL B.6
0212810000 SAK 6/EN SW I.7 0245400000 GZ 12,5A/FF A.28 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 C.4 0279580000 AP SAK2.5 BL I.6
0212840000 SAK 6/EN RT I.7 0245600000 BSTO 28/12/6,35 F.2 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 B.30 0279580000 AP SAK2.5 BL B.39
0212860000 SAK 6/EN C.3 0245700000 BSTB 28/12/6,35 U 1-12 F.2 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 I.9 0279580000 AP SAK2.5 BL B.2
0212880000 SAK 6/EN BL I.7 0245800000 BSTO 28/12 MK F.2 0267100000 BFSC M4X30 B.8 0279580000 AP SAK2.5 BL A.2
Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page
0279580000 AP SAK2.5 BL A.40 0294460000 AP AKZ4 E.8 0302860000 TW SAK2.5 B.39
0279620000 SAK 2.5 KRG B.6 0294460000 AP AKZ4 E.9 0302860000 TW SAK2.5 B.38
0279660000 SAK 2.5 B.2 0294460000 AP AKZ4 I.4 0302860000 TW SAK2.5 B.34 0310000000 PS 2.0 MC I.14
0279670000 SAK 2.5 KRG/BL I.7 0294460000 AP AKZ4 E.11 0302860000 TW SAK2.5 B.2 0310320000 SAKT 4/LT STB2.0 B.32
0279670000 SAK 2.5 KRG/BL B.6 0294460000 AP AKZ4 E.13 0302860000 TW SAK2.5 C.2 0316500000 ZB 4 H.6
0279680000 SAK 2.5 BL I.7 0294460000 AP AKZ4 E.12 0302870000 TW SAK2.5 KRG/BL B.6 0316500000 ZB 4 A.30
0279680000 SAK 2.5 BL B.2 0294460000 AP AKZ4 E.10 0302870000 TW SAK2.5 KRG/BL A.7 0316500000 ZB 4 A.31
0294460000 AP AKZ4 E.3 0302880000 TW SAK2.5 BL A.2 0316600000 ZB 16 ZKSC A.30
0280000000 0294480000 AP AKZ4 BL I.6 0302880000 TW SAK2.5 BL C.2 0316600000 ZB 16 ZKSC A.31
0294480000 AP AKZ4 BL E.3 0302880000 TW SAK2.5 BL B.2 0316600000 ZB 16 ZKSC H.6
0280100000 DKSUE NSCH/ESCH H.3 0294500000 GZ 2.0A B.26 0302880000 TW SAK2.5 BL B.39 0317000000 H25,0/30 BR J.22
0280200000 NSCH 1M H.3 0294500000 GZ 2.0A A.28 0303000000 KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 D.3 0317100000 H25,0/36 BR J.22
0280300000 ESCH 1 M H.3 0294500000 GZ 2.0A A.23 0303000000 KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 I.10 0317200000 H35,0/30 BE J.22
0280600000 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 B.32 0294600000 GZ 5.0A B.26 0303000000 KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 D.2 0317300000 H35,0/39 BE J.22
0280600000 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 B.38 0294600000 GZ 5.0A A.28 0303000000 KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 B.28 0318000000 VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 B.32
0280600000 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 B.39 0295700000 GZ 3.0A A.28 0303000000 KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 I.9 0318000000 VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 A.32
0280600000 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 C.2 0295700000 GZ 3.0A B.26 0303000000 KISC M3X20.5/10 EK4 A.11 0318000000 VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 A.33
0280600000 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 A.2 0295700000 GZ 3.0A A.23 0303200000 VH 4.5/5/3.5 SAK6N-16 I.10 0318000000 VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 B.31
0280600000 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 I.15 0295800000 GZ 7.0A A.28 0303300000 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT E.11 0318000000 VH 19/6/4.2 SAKT1 I.21
0280600000 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 B.2 0295800000 GZ 7.0A B.26 0303300000 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT B.11 0318560000 TW AKZ2.5 E.2
0280600000 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 B.45 0295900000 FKSC M5X8 D9/SW2.5 H.14 0303300000 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT I.17 0318560000 TW AKZ2.5 E.13
0280600000 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 A.40 0296200000 BFSC M3X30 B.28 0303300000 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT A.12 0318580000 TW AKZ2.5 BL E.2
0280600000 STB 8.5/5/2.3/M3 SAK2.5 A.7 0296200000 BFSC M3X30 A.11 0303300000 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT E.12 0319160000 TSCH 1 A.9
0281120000 TW SAK16 KRG B.7 0296200000 BFSC M3X30 I.10 0303300000 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT A.13 0319160000 TSCH 1 B.2
0281120000 TW SAK16 KRG A.9 0296700000 BFSC M5X8 Schlitz H.3 0303300000 BFSC M2.5X18 PA/RT E.10 0319160000 TSCH 1 A.8
0282600000 H0,5/6 J.33 0296800000 VH 5/4/2.8 AKZ4 I.9 0303400000 AD 4 AKZ4 E.10 0319160000 TSCH 1 A.37
0282700000 H0,75/6 J.33 0297100000 TW SAK2.5 HP/TF/GE/1 B.16 0303400000 AD 4 AKZ4 B.39 0319160000 TSCH 1 A.7
0282800000 H1,0/10 J.33 0297100000 TW SAK2.5 HP/TF/GE/1 B.18 0303400000 AD 4 AKZ4 E.12 0319160000 TSCH 1 B.4
0282900000 H10,0/12 J.33 0297100000 TW SAK2.5 HP/TF/GE/1 A.40 0303400000 AD 4 AKZ4 E.11 0319160000 TSCH 1 B.39
0283100000 AD 4 WSD SAKG32 HP/DBR I.17 0297200000 QL 2 DLI I.9 0303400000 AD 4 AKZ4 B.45 0319160000 TSCH 1 A.2
0284110000 SK E16/SAKS2 A.26 0297300000 QL 3 DLI I.9 0303400000 AD 4 AKZ4 B.11 0319160000 TSCH 1 B.3
0284110000 SK E16/SAKS2 B.24 0297520000 SAKS 3 G/5X30 500V B.23 0303400000 AD 4 AKZ4 A.7 0319160000 TSCH 1 C.3
0284700000 BSTO 28/8 MK3/8 F.6 0297600000 AD 3 SAK4 I.17 0303400000 AD 4 AKZ4 A.40 0319160000 TSCH 1 A.11
0284700000 BSTO 28/8 MK3/8 F.2 0297700000 AD 3 SAK6N I.17 0303400000 AD 4 AKZ4 I.17 0319160000 TSCH 1 A.36
0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 B.6 0297800000 AD 3 SAK16 B.4 0303400000 AD 4 AKZ4 A.13 0319160000 TSCH 1 B.28
0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 B.3 0297800000 AD 3 SAK16 I.17 0303400000 AD 4 AKZ4 B.6 0319160000 TSCH 1 C.2
0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 B.7 0297900000 AD 3 SAK2.5 B.2 0303520000 SAK 35 KRG B.8 0319160000 TSCH 1 C.4
0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 A.4 0297900000 AD 3 SAK2.5 A.12 0303560000 SAK 35 B.4 0319160000 TSCH 1 B.7
0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 B.4 0297900000 AD 3 SAK2.5 C.2 0303580000 SAK 35 BL B.4 0319160000 TSCH 1 C.5
0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 A.3 0297900000 AD 3 SAK2.5 I.17 0303620000 AP SAK35 KRG I.6 0319160000 TSCH 1 B.38
0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 C.5 0297900000 AD 3 SAK2.5 A.2 0303620000 AP SAK35 KRG I.4 0319160000 TSCH 1 B.36
0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 A.8 0298020000 AST 3 6.3 KRG B.42 0303620000 AP SAK35 KRG B.8 0319160000 TSCH 1 A.3
0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 C.2 0298120000 AP AST3+4 KRG A.36 0303620000 AP SAK35 KRG B.9 0319160000 TSCH 1 B.6
0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 I.12 0298120000 AP AST3+4 KRG B.43 0303620000 AP SAK35 KRG A.9 0319160000 TSCH 1 B.42
0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 C.3 0298120000 AP AST3+4 KRG B.42 0303660000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 B.5 0319160000 TSCH 1 B.45
0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 A.7 0298120000 AP AST3+4 KRG I.4 0303660000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 I.6 0319160000 TSCH 1 A.4
0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 C.4 0298120000 AP AST3+4 KRG I.6 0303660000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 C.4 0319160000 TSCH 1 B.43
0285100000 VH 19/5/3.5 SAK4-16 A.9 0298700000 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 A.5 0303660000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 I.4 0319160000 TSCH 1 A.40
0285300000 AD 4 SAK4 C.4 0298700000 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 B.8 0303660000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 A.4
0285300000 AD 4 SAK4 A.3 0298700000 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 A.4 0303660000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 A.5
0285300000 AD 4 SAK4 B.3 0298700000 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 B.5 0303660000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 B.4
0285300000 AD 4 SAK4 B.6 0298700000 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 I.12 0303670000 AP SAK35 KRG/BL B.8 0321320000 SAKS 4 B.24
0285300000 AD 4 SAK4 C.5 0298700000 VH 24.5/8/5 SAK35 B.4 0303670000 AP SAK35 KRG/BL B.9 0322110000 ZB 4G SW H.7
0285300000 AD 4 SAK4 I.17 0298900000 BFSC M4X35 A.4 0303670000 AP SAK35 KRG/BL A.9 0322160000 ZB 4G GN/GE H.7
0285300000 AD 4 SAK4 A.7 0298900000 BFSC M4X35 B.5 0303670000 AP SAK35 KRG/BL I.6 0322180000 ZB 4G BL H.7
0285300000 AD 4 SAK4 C.2 0298900000 BFSC M4X35 B.4 0303680000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL B.7 0323100000 EK 2 B.14
0286400000 DSTV VH 6.5 I.10 0298900000 BFSC M4X35 A.5 0303680000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL C.4 0324120000 SAKC 10 2STB B.19
0286620000 SAKG 32 I B.48 0298900000 BFSC M4X35 B.8 0303680000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL I.6 0324460000 AKZ 4 S WA 2X2.8 E.9
0286720000 SAKG 32 III B.49 0298900000 BFSC M4X35 I.12 0303680000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL B.5 0324560000 AKZ 4 SS SE 6.3/2.8 E.8
0286820000 SAKG 40 I B.50 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 A.5 0303680000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL A.5 0326660000 AH 28 SAKG28 I.17
0286920000 SAKG 40 III B.51 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 B.7 0303680000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL A.4 0326660000 AH 28 SAKG28 B.48
0289300000 BSTO 28/4 MK3/4 F.6 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 A.6 0303680000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 BL B.4 0326660000 AH 28 SAKG28 B.46
0289300000 BSTO 28/4 MK3/4 F.2 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 A.3 0303860000 ADK 1/1.5 E.11 0326660000 AH 28 SAKG28 B.47
0289500000 BSTO 28/6 MK F.2 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 D.9 0304000000 VH 13/5/3.5 SAK 10 I.10 0326760000 AH 32 SAKG32 I.17
0289500000 BSTO 28/6 MK F.6 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 A.4 0304320000 TW SAK35 KRG B.9 0326760000 AH 32 SAKG32 A.44
0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 B.4 0304320000 TW SAK35 KRG A.9 0326760000 AH 32 SAKG32 A.42
0290000000 0299600000
PS 4 F.STB 4
PS 4 F.STB 4
0304320000 TW SAK35 KRG
0304360000 TW SAK35
AH 32 SAKG32
AH 32 SAKG32
0290000000 BSTB 28/6 MK U 1-6 F.6 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 B.5 0304360000 TW SAK35 C.4 0326760000 AH 32 SAKG32 B.50
0290000000 BSTB 28/6 MK U 1-6 F.2 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 C.3 0304360000 TW SAK35 B.4 0326760000 AH 32 SAKG32 B.49
0290200000 BSTB 28/8 MK U 1-8 F.2 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 B.19 0304360000 TW SAK35 A.4 0326860000 AH 40 SAKG40 A.45
0290200000 BSTB 28/8 MK U 1-8 F.6 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 B.30 0304360000 TW SAK35 B.5 0326860000 AH 40 SAKG40 B.51
0292460000 SCHT 5 K.17 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 B.3 0306120000 SAKS 1/32 G20 GL 230VAC B.22 0326860000 AH 40 SAKG40 I.17
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 A.3 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 I.14 0307300000 QVS 2 SAKT1+2 B.31 0326860000 AH 40 SAKG40 A.46
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 C.2 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 A.9 0307300000 QVS 2 SAKT1+2 A.32 0326860000 AH 40 SAKG40 B.50
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 C.3 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 B.8 0307300000 QVS 2 SAKT1+2 I.20 0326960000 AH 46 SAKG46 B.52
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 A.7 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 B.31 0307300000 QVS 2 SAKT1+2 A.33 0326960000 AH 46 SAKG46 I.17
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 I.12 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 B.9 0307300000 QVS 2 SAKT1+2 B.32 0326960000 AH 46 SAKG46 A.46
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 C.4 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 B.32 0307400000 QVS 4 SAKT1+2 B.32 0326960000 AH 46 SAKG46 A.47
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 A.8 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 A.10 0307400000 QVS 4 SAKT1+2 B.31 0328000000 QL 2 SAKS4 B.25
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 A.9 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 D.6 0307400000 QVS 4 SAKT1+2 A.32 0328000000 QL 2 SAKS4 I.9
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 I.10 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 B.29 0307400000 QVS 4 SAKT1+2 A.33 0328000000 QL 2 SAKS4 B.24
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 C.5 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 B.28 0307400000 QVS 4 SAKT1+2 I.20 0328000000 QL 2 SAKS4 A.27
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 B.7 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 C.4 0308000000 I.10 0328000000 QL 2 SAKS4 A.26
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 A.4 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 A.32 0309220000 AP SAK2.5L KRG I.4 0328100000 QL 3 SAKS4 B.25
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 B.6 0299600000 PS 4 F.STB 4 A.8 0309220000 AP SAK2.5L KRG B.45 0328100000 QL 3 SAKS4 B.24
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 B.3 0299700000 VH 13.6/7/4.2 SAKA10 A.20 0309220000 AP SAK2.5L KRG I.6 0328100000 QL 3 SAKS4 I.9
0292500000 BFSC M3X25 B.4 0299700000 VH 13.6/7/4.2 SAKA10 B.19 0309270000 AP SAK2.5L KRG BL I.6 0328100000 QL 3 SAKS4 A.27
0293220000 TS 32X15 2M/CRN H.10 0299860000 SH 1 H.4 0309270000 AP SAK2.5L KRG BL B.45 0328100000 QL 3 SAKS4 A.26
0293800000 PS 2.0 OR I.14 0309320000 SAKS 1/32 G25 GL 230VAC B.23 0328200000 QL 4 SAKS4 I.9
PS 2.0 OR
GZ 10.0A
B.26 0300000000 0309400000 VH 27/5/3.5 SAK10-35
0309400000 VH 27/5/3.5 SAK10-35
0293900000 GZ 10.0A A.28 0300720000 AKA 2.5 E.12 0309600000 VH 21/5/3.5 SAK16-35 A.11 0328200000 QL 4 SAKS4 B.24
0294000000 STR 5 F.SCHT 5 K.17 0300770000 AKA 2.5 BL E.12 0309600000 VH 21/5/3.5 SAK16-35 B.28 0328200000 QL 4 SAKS4 A.27
0294260000 SAKR LL 2STB B.41 0300800000 VH 12.5/5/3.5 SAK10-2.5 I.10 0309700000 VH 16/5/3.5 SAK10-35 I.10 0328300000 E 14/6A GN A.26
0294360000 AKZ 4 E.3 0301420000 AP RSF2 KRG I.6 0309700000 VH 16/5/3.5 SAK10-35 A.33 0328300000 E 14/6A GN B.24
0294380000 AKZ 4 BL E.3 0302820000 TW SAK2.5 KRG A.7 0309700000 VH 16/5/3.5 SAK10-35 B.32 0328300000 E 14/6A GN A.28
0294420000 AP AKZ4 KRG I.6 0302820000 TW SAK2.5 KRG B.6 0309800000 BFSC M3X35 B.28 0328300000 E 14/6A GN B.26
0294420000 AP AKZ4 KRG I.4 0302860000 TW SAK2.5 A.40 0309800000 BFSC M3X35 I.10 0328400000 E 14/10A RT B.24
0294460000 AP AKZ4 I.6 0302860000 TW SAK2.5 A.2 0328400000 E 14/10A RT A.26
Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page
0328400000 E 14/10A RT B.26 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 B.57 0337200000 Q 4 SAK2.5 B.2 0344400000 BFSC M5X45 PA/NA B.9
0328400000 E 14/10A RT A.28 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 A.55 0337200000 Q 4 SAK2.5 C.2 0345300000 QL 2 SAK70 A.6
0328500000 E 14/16A GR B.24 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 E.11 0337660000 SAK 10/EN C.3 0345300000 QL 2 SAK70 B.9
0328500000 E 14/16A GR B.26 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 I.11 0338100000 QL 10 SAK2.5 I.9 0345300000 QL 2 SAK70 I.9
0328500000 E 14/16A GR A.28 0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 B.56 0338100000 QL 10 SAK2.5 A.33 0345500000 VH 30.5/11/5.5 SAK70 I.9
0328500000 E 14/16A GR A.26 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 B.58 0338100000 QL 10 SAK2.5 B.32 0345500000 VH 30.5/11/5.5 SAK70 B.9
0328600000 P 14/6 D01 GN SAKS4 B.27 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 A.55 0338100000 QL 10 SAK2.5 I.10 0345500000 VH 30.5/11/5.5 SAK70 A.6
0328600000 P 14/6 D01 GN SAKS4 A.26 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 A.54 0338200000 QL 10 SAK4 B.37 0345600000 BFSC M5X45 A.6
0328600000 P 14/6 D01 GN SAKS4 B.24 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 A.12 0338200000 QL 10 SAK4 A.38 0345600000 BFSC M5X45 B.9
0328600000 P 14/6 D01 GN SAKS4 A.29 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 B.61 0338200000 QL 10 SAK4 A.37 0345600000 BFSC M5X45 I.9
0328700000 P 14/10 D01 RT SAKS4 A.26 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 A.53 0338200000 QL 10 SAK4 I.10 0346100000 SS M5 D 128-A 5 A.10
0328700000 P 14/10 D01 RT SAKS4 B.27 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 A.39 0338200000 QL 10 SAK4 I.9 0346100000 SS M5 D 128-A 5 B.9
0328700000 P 14/10 D01 RT SAKS4 B.24 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 B.59 0338200000 QL 10 SAK4 B.44 0346100000 SS M5 D 128-A 5 A.6
0328700000 P 14/10 D01 RT SAKS4 A.29 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 B.60 0338300000 QL 10 SAK6N B.31 0346200000 KISC M3X6 SAKS1 I.9
0328920000 SAKS 3/35 G/5X30 500V A.25 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 A.56 0338300000 QL 10 SAK6N A.11 0346460000 AKZ 4 LL VS E.11
0329120000 AP SAKT2 KRG I.6 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 B.57 0338300000 QL 10 SAK6N I.9 0347960000 TSK 31.5 GR I.16
0329120000 AP SAKT2 KRG I.4 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 E.3 0338300000 QL 10 SAK6N I.10 0348260000 TW AKZ4 E.9
0329300000 QVS 3 SAKT1+2 I.20 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 A.50 0338300000 QL 10 SAK6N I.21 0348260000 TW AKZ4 E.13
0329300000 QVS 3 SAKT1+2 A.33 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 A.38 0338300000 QL 10 SAK6N B.28 0348260000 TW AKZ4 E.12
0329300000 QVS 3 SAKT1+2 B.31 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 A.51 0338300000 QL 10 SAK6N B.32 0348260000 TW AKZ4 E.3
0329300000 QVS 3 SAKT1+2 B.32 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 E.9 0338300000 QL 10 SAK6N A.32 0348260000 TW AKZ4 E.8
0329300000 QVS 3 SAKT1+2 A.32 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 B.11 0338300000 QL 10 SAK6N A.33 0348260000 TW AKZ4 E.11
0329660000 AP AKZ1.5W E.10 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 I.11 0338400000 QL 10 SAKB10 B.30 0348260000 TW AKZ4 E.10
0329660000 AP AKZ1.5W I.6 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 A.52 0338500000 QL 10 SAKA10 B.19 0348280000 TW AKZ4 BL E.3
0329660000 AP AKZ1.5W I.4 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 A.13 0338500000 QL 10 SAKA10 B.30 0348660000 EWK AKA 2.5 H.13
0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 B.37 0338600000 QL 10 SAK35 C.4 0348700000 VH 23/6/4.2 SAKA10 B.30
0330000000 0336600000
Q 4 AKZ4
Q 4 AKZ4
QL 10 SAK35
QL 10 SAK35
0348900000 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN
0348900000 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN
0330620000 SAKT 2/LT STB B.32 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 B.38 0338600000 QL 10 SAK35 A.4 0348900000 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN G.5
0330800000 TS 35X7.5 2M/AL/BK H.11 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 E.13 0338600000 QL 10 SAK35 I.11 0348900000 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN G.4
0330930000 DS 9 SAK2.5 I.12 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 E.11 0338600000 QL 10 SAK35 I.9 0348900000 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN H.3
0334520000 AST 5 SF 6.3 KRG B.43 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 E.10 0338600000 QL 10 SAK35 B.4 0348900000 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN A.31
0334700000 BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 B.32 0336600000 Q 4 AKZ4 B.56 0338600000 QL 10 SAK35 B.5 0348900000 SSCH 10X3X1000 CU/SN A.30
0334700000 BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 A.32 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 C.2 0338800000 QL 10 SAKS1 I.9
0334700000 BS 25 O.IH SAKT1
0334700000 BS 25 O.IH SAKT1
Q 2 SAK4
Q 2 SAK4
A.25 0350000000
0334700000 BS 25 O.IH SAKT1 A.33 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 B.3 0338800000 QL 10 SAKS1 A.24 0351460000 SAK 2.5 SL B.39
0334820000 AKZ 4L SL VS KRG E.12 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 C.5 0338900000 QL 10 SAKS2 A.26 0351820000 TW SAKT2 A.33
0334860000 AKZ 4L SL VS E.10 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 I.9 0338900000 QL 10 SAKS2 A.27 0352080000 HP NT2.5 BL A.30
0334900000 MB M6/M4 GR H.15 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 B.36 0338900000 QL 10 SAKS2 I.9 0352880000 HP NT6/10 BL A.31
0335200000 BS 25 IH/SW SAKT1 I.21 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 A.36 0338900000 QL 10 SAKS2 B.25 0352880000 HP NT6/10 BL A.30
0335300000 BS 25 IH/GR SAKT1 I.21 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 A.3 0338900000 QL 10 SAKS2 B.24 0352920000 SAK 4 SS 6.3/KRG B.44
0335400000 BS 25 IH/BL SAKT1 I.21 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 D.6 0339000000 QL 10 SAKS4 A.27 0353500000 FKSC M6X12 D9/SW3 H.14
0335500000 BS 25 IH/RT SAKT1 I.21 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 A.7 0339000000 QL 10 SAKS4 I.9 0353660000 TSCH 2 A.33
0335600000 BS 25 IH/GN SAKT1 I.21 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 B.6 0339000000 QL 10 SAKS4 B.24 0353660000 TSCH 2 B.31
0335700000 BS 25 IH/GE SAKT1 I.21 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 B.42 0339000000 QL 10 SAKS4 B.25 0353660000 TSCH 2 B.32
0335800000 BS 25 IH/VI SAKT1 I.21 0336700000 Q 2 SAK4 B.43 0339000000 QL 10 SAKS4 A.26 0353660000 TSCH 2 A.32
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 E.10 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 A.3 0339410000 SK E14 SAKS4 A.26 0354361187 DEK 5 FWZ L1-PE K.7
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 A.39 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 A.37 0339410000 SK E14 SAKS4 B.24 0354361203 DEK 5 FWZ L1-EIK K.7
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 B.61 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 B.36 0339760000 SAK 16/EN C.3 0354560000 EK 4 B.12
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 A.55 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 C.4 0339860000 SAK 35/EN C.4 0354660000 EK 10 B.13
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 A.56 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 I.9 0354760000 EK 35 B.13
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4
Q 3 SAK4
Q 3 SAK4
C.5 0340000000 0355460000
DK 4
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 E.11 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 D.6 0340160000 AKZ 1.5L VS E.10 0357400000 SSCH 15X6X1000 CU/SN H.3
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 B.38 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 A.7 0340460000 AKZ 1.5 E.2 0357520000 SAKC 4/35 A.20
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 E.13 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 B.42 0340480000 AKZ 1.5 BL E.2 0358460000 QVS 2/S SAKT1+2 I.20
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 A.12 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 B.43 0340560000 AP AKZ1.5 E.2 0358500000 STB 7/D4/2.3/M3 ZB/SAKC B.19
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 B.60 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 B.3 0340560000 AP AKZ1.5 I.4 0358500000 STB 7/D4/2.3/M3 ZB/SAKC I.15
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 B.10 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 A.36 0340560000 AP AKZ1.5 I.6 0359000000 KISC M3X15/6 SAK2.5 I.9
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 B.11 0336800000 Q 3 SAK4 C.2 0340580000 AP AKZ1.5 BL E.2 0359000000 KISC M3X15/6 SAK2.5 I.10
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 E.12 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 A.37 0340580000 AP AKZ1.5 BL I.6 0359260000 AP DK4 A.12
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 E.9 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 B.3 0340670000 SAKC 4/2STB7 BL I.7 0359260000 AP DK4 B.38
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 E.3 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 A.36 0340720000 SAKC 4 KRG B.19 0359260000 AP DK4 A.56
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 A.38 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 C.4 0340820000 SAK 70 KRG B.9 0359260000 AP DK4 A.51
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 A.50 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 B.43 0340870000 SAK 70 KRG/BL B.9 0359260000 AP DK4 B.61
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 B.56 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 C.2 0340870000 SAK 70 KRG/BL I.7 0359260000 AP DK4 B.59
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 I.11 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 C.5 0340920000 AP 70 SAK70 KRG I.6 0359260000 AP DK4 B.58
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 A.51 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 B.36 0340920000 AP 70 SAK70 KRG B.9 0359260000 AP DK4 B.57
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 A.53 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 I.9 0340920000 AP 70 SAK70 KRG I.4 0359260000 AP DK4 A.53
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 A.52 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 B.42 0340960000 AP SAK70/35 A.6 0359260000 AP DK4 A.52
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 A.13 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 B.6 0340960000 AP SAK70/35 I.6 0359260000 AP DK4 A.55
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 I.9 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 A.7 0340960000 AP SAK70/35 I.4 0359260000 AP DK4 B.60
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 B.58 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 D.6 0341000000 STB 30.5 IH/SW I.20 0359260000 AP DK4 A.54
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 B.59 0336900000 Q 4 SAK4 A.3 0341000000 STB 30.5 IH/SW I.15 0359260000 AP DK4 B.10
0336400000 Q 2 AKZ4 A.54 0337000000 Q 2 SAK2.5 B.39 0341100000 STB 30.5 IH/GR I.20 0359260000 AP DK4 A.50
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 A.50 0337000000 Q 2 SAK2.5 A.40 0341100000 STB 30.5 IH/GR I.15 0359260000 AP DK4 B.56
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 B.10 0337000000 Q 2 SAK2.5 B.38 0341200000 STB 30.5 IH/BL I.20 0359260000 AP DK4 I.6
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 B.60 0337000000 Q 2 SAK2.5 A.2 0341200000 STB 30.5 IH/BL I.15 0359280000 AP DK4 BL A.12
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 B.61 0337000000 Q 2 SAK2.5 A.7 0341300000 STB 30.5 IH/RT I.20 0359280000 AP DK4 BL B.38
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 E.10 0337000000 Q 2 SAK2.5 B.2 0341300000 STB 30.5 IH/RT I.15 0359280000 AP DK4 BL I.6
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 A.51 0337000000 Q 2 SAK2.5 B.6 0341400000 STB 30.5 IH/GN I.20 0359280000 AP DK4 BL B.10
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 E.9 0337000000 Q 2 SAK2.5 B.45 0341400000 STB 30.5 IH/GN I.15 0359310000 SK E18 SAKS5 B.25
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 A.13 0337000000 Q 2 SAK2.5 C.2 0341500000 STB 30.5 IH/GE I.15 0359310000 SK E18 SAKS5 A.27
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 B.58 0337100000 Q 3 SAK2.5 B.6 0341500000 STB 30.5 IH/GE I.20 0359420000 SAKS 5 380AC B.25
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 E.3 0337100000 Q 3 SAK2.5 B.38 0341600000 STB 30.5 IH/VI I.15
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4
Q 3 SAK2.5
Q 3 SAK2.5
STB 30.5 IH/VI
QL 10 RSF1+2
B.29 0360000000
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 B.59 0337100000 Q 3 SAK2.5 B.39 0341700000 QL 10 RSF1+2 B.28 0361300000 E 18/20A BL A.28
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 B.38 0337100000 Q 3 SAK2.5 B.45 0343300000 STB 25 IH/RT I.15 0361300000 E 18/20A BL B.25
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 A.12 0337100000 Q 3 SAK2.5 A.7 0343300000 STB 25 IH/RT I.20 0361300000 E 18/20A BL A.27
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 E.12 0337100000 Q 3 SAK2.5 B.2 0343400000 STB 25 IH/BL I.15 0361300000 E 18/20A BL B.26
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 I.9 0337100000 Q 3 SAK2.5 A.40 0343400000 STB 25 IH/BL I.20 0361400000 E 18/25A GE B.26
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 A.39 0337200000 Q 4 SAK2.5 A.40 0343800000 QB 10 SAKT1 I.21 0361400000 E 18/25A GE B.25
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 A.54 0337200000 Q 4 SAK2.5 A.2 0344300000 AD 3 SAK70 B.9 0361400000 E 18/25A GE A.28
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 B.11 0337200000 Q 4 SAK2.5 B.6 0344300000 AD 3 SAK70 A.6 0361400000 E 18/25A GE A.27
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 B.37 0337200000 Q 4 SAK2.5 B.45 0344300000 AD 3 SAK70 I.17 0361500000 E 18/35A SW B.26
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 A.56 0337200000 Q 4 SAK2.5 A.7 0344400000 BFSC M5X45 PA/NA A.10 0361500000 E 18/35A SW A.28
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 A.38 0337200000 Q 4 SAK2.5 B.39 0344400000 BFSC M5X45 PA/NA A.6 0361600000 E 18/50A WS B.25
0336500000 Q 3 AKZ4 A.53 0337200000 Q 4 SAK2.5 B.38 0344400000 BFSC M5X45 PA/NA I.17 0361600000 E 18/50A WS A.27
Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page
0361600000 E 18/50A WS A.28 0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 B.42 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB A.39 0430400000 G 20/0.20A/F B.20
0361600000 E 18/50A WS B.26 0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 C.5 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE B.37 0430400000 G 20/0.20A/F B.21
0361700000 E 18/63A KU B.26 0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 B.43 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE A.38 0430500000 G 20/0.25A/F B.26
0361700000 E 18/63A KU A.27 0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 I.9 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE B.36 0430500000 G 20/0.25A/F B.21
0361700000 E 18/63A KU B.25 0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 D.6 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE E.9 0430500000 G 20/0.25A/F A.22
0361700000 E 18/63A KU A.28 0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 A.36 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE B.43 0430500000 G 20/0.25A/F A.28
0361800000 P 18/20 D02 BL SAKS5 A.29 0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 A.37 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE A.36 0430500000 G 20/0.25A/F B.20
0361800000 P 18/20 D02 BL SAKS5 B.25 0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 C.4 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE A.39 0430500000 G 20/0.25A/F A.23
0361800000 P 18/20 D02 BL SAKS5 A.27 0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 A.7 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE B.44 0430600000 G 20/0.50A/F A.28
0361800000 P 18/20 D02 BL SAKS5 B.27 0368900000 H35,0/18 J.33 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE E.8 0430600000 G 20/0.50A/F B.21
0361900000 P 18/25 D02 GE SAKS5 B.25 0369000000 Q 2 AKZ4SS I.11 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE A.37 0430600000 G 20/0.50A/F B.20
0361900000 P 18/25 D02 GE SAKS5 B.27 0369000000 Q 2 AKZ4SS E.8 0386260000 IH 6.3 WEM GE B.42 0430600000 G 20/0.50A/F A.23
0361900000 P 18/25 D02 GE SAKS5 A.29 0369100000 Q 3 AKZ4SS I.11 0388500000 STB 35 IH/SW I.20 0430600000 G 20/0.50A/F B.26
0361900000 P 18/25 D02 GE SAKS5 A.27 0369100000 Q 3 AKZ4SS E.8 0388500000 STB 35 IH/SW I.15 0430600000 G 20/0.50A/F A.22
0362000000 P 18/35 D02 SW SAKS5 B.27 0369200000 Q 4 AKZ4SS I.11 0388600000 STB 35 IH/GR I.20 0430700000 G 20/1.00A/F B.20
0362000000 P 18/35 D02 SW SAKS5 B.25 0369200000 Q 4 AKZ4SS E.8 0388600000 STB 35 IH/GR I.15 0430700000 G 20/1.00A/F A.28
0362000000 P 18/35 D02 SW SAKS5 A.29 0369300000 Q 10 AKZ4SS E.8 0388700000 STB 35 IH/BL I.20 0430700000 G 20/1.00A/F A.22
0362000000 P 18/35 D02 SW SAKS5 A.27 0369300000 Q 10 AKZ4SS I.11 0388700000 STB 35 IH/BL I.15 0430700000 G 20/1.00A/F B.26
0362100000 P 18/50 D02 WS SAKS5 B.27 0388800000 STB 35 IH/RT I.15 0430700000 G 20/1.00A/F A.23
P 18/50 D02 WS SAKS5
P 18/50 D02 WS SAKS5
A.29 0370000000 0388800000
G 20/1.00A/F
G 20/1.60A/F
0362100000 P 18/50 D02 WS SAKS5 A.27 0370000000 I.9 0388900000 STB 35 IH/GN I.15 0430800000 G 20/1.60A/F B.20
0362460000 AKZ 4 SS WA 2X2.8 E.8 0370160000 MK 10/14 F.3 0389000000 STB 35 IH/GE I.15 0430800000 G 20/1.60A/F A.23
0362800000 BFSC M4X20 B.19 0371420000 SAKS 1/32 G20 LD 24VDC B.22 0389000000 STB 35 IH/GE I.20 0430800000 G 20/1.60A/F A.22
0362800000 BFSC M4X20 A.20 0372600000 H1,0/6 J.33 0389100000 STB 35 IH/VI I.20 0430800000 G 20/1.60A/F A.28
0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 E.13 0372700000 H1,5/7 J.33 0389100000 STB 35 IH/VI I.15 0430800000 G 20/1.60A/F B.26
0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 A.55 0373000000 H2,5/7 J.33 0430900000 G 20/2.00A/F A.28
0373100000 H4,0/9
0374660000 EK 16
B.13 0390000000 0430900000
G 20/2.00A/F
G 20/2.00A/F
0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 A.53 0375200000 H16,0/18 J.33 0395460000 DK 4/35 LD GR 24VDC A.50 0430900000 G 20/2.00A/F A.23
0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 E.3 0375300000 H25,0/18 J.33 0395760000 DK 4/35 LD GR 24VDC A.50 0430900000 G 20/2.00A/F B.26
0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 A.54 0376860000 ASK 1/15 E.6 0395960000 DK 4/35 LD 1D ROT 24VAC A.51 0430900000 G 20/2.00A/F A.22
0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 A.52 0377100000 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 A.33 0396360000 DK 4/35 1D GET.SCH. A.53 0431000000 G 20/2.50A/F B.20
0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 E.12 0377100000 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 I.12 0396660000 DK 4/35 2D GET.SCH. A1 A.54 0431000000 G 20/2.50A/F A.22
0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 E.11 0377100000 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 A.32 0396760000 DK 4/35 2D GET.SCH. A1 A.55 0431000000 G 20/2.50A/F B.26
0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 B.60 0377100000 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 B.31 0396860000 DK 4/35 2D GET.SCH. A2 A.55 0431000000 G 20/2.50A/F A.28
0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 B.56 0377100000 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 B.32 0396960000 DK 4/35 1D 1K5 GET.SCH A.55 0431000000 G 20/2.50A/F B.21
0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 B.59 0377100000 KISC M3X20 SAK10 CU5 I.21 0431000000 G 20/2.50A/F A.23
0377200000 KISC M3X15/6 SAK2.5 CU5
0377200000 KISC M3X15/6 SAK2.5 CU5
I.12 0400000000 0431100000
G 20/3.15A/F
G 20/3.15A/F
0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 B.61 0377200000 KISC M3X15/6 SAK2.5 CU5 A.33 0400100000 KISC M2.5X11/4.5 AKZ1.5 I.9 0431100000 G 20/3.15A/F A.22
0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 E.10 0379300000 H10,0/18 J.33 0401220000 SAK 4 S 6.3/2.8/KRG B.44 0431100000 G 20/3.15A/F B.21
0363360000 TSCH 4 AKZ4 B.58 0379400000 STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR B.16 0401260000 SAK 4 S 6.3/2.8 B.37 0431100000 G 20/3.15A/F A.23
0363660000 DK 4QV/35 A.13 0379400000 STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR B.18 0401360000 AP DUSA4/35 I.6 0431100000 G 20/3.15A/F B.26
0363680000 DK 4QV/35 BL A.13 0379400000 STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR B.40 0401460000 SO SH1 H.4 0431200000 G 20/4.00A/F B.26
0364200000 AK 95 H.5 0379400000 STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR A.18 0407360001 DEK 6,5 FSZ 1-10 K.9 0431200000 G 20/4.00A/F B.20
0364300000 TS 32X16.2 2M/CU/BK H.10 0379400000 STB 6/D3.7/2.3/M3 SAKR I.15 0407360011 DEK 6,5 FSZ 11-20 K.9 0431200000 G 20/4.00A/F A.22
0366860000 TSCH 3 SAKD2.5 N B.2 0407360021 DEK 6,5 FSZ 21-30 K.9 0431200000 G 20/4.00A/F A.28
Q 2 SAKD2.5N
B.2 0380000000 0407360031
DEK 6,5 FSZ 31-40
DEK 6,5 FSZ 41-50
G 20/4.00A/F
G 20/4.00A/F
0367800000 Q 2 SAKD2.5N A.2 0380260000 AKE 4 E.5 0407360051 DEK 6,5 FSZ 51-60 K.9 0431300000 G 20/5.00A/F B.21
0367900000 Q 3 SAKD2.5N B.2 0380350000 AP ASK1 RT I.6 0407360061 DEK 6,5 FSZ 61-70 K.9 0431300000 G 20/5.00A/F B.26
0367900000 Q 3 SAKD2.5N A.2 0380360000 AP ASK1 C.7 0407360071 DEK 6,5 FSZ 71-80 K.9 0431300000 G 20/5.00A/F B.20
0368000000 Q 4 SAKD2.5N A.2 0380360000 AP ASK1 I.6 0407360081 DEK 6,5 FSZ 81-90 K.9 0431300000 G 20/5.00A/F A.28
0368000000 Q 4 SAKD2.5N B.2 0380380000 AP ASK1 BL I.6 0407360091 DEK 6,5 FSZ 91-100 K.9 0431300000 G 20/5.00A/F A.23
0368100000 Q 10 SAKD2.5N B.2 0380420000 SAK 2.5/35 KRG A.7 0407600000 QL 3 SAKG28 B.46 0431300000 G 20/5.00A/F A.22
0368100000 Q 10 SAKD2.5N A.2 0380440000 SAK 2.5/35 OR I.7 0407600000 QL 3 SAKG28 I.9 0431400000 G 20/6.30A/F A.28
0368200000 Q 2 AKZ1.5 I.11 0380460000 SAK 2.5/35 A.2 0407600000 QL 3 SAKG28 B.47 0431400000 G 20/6.30A/F B.26
0368200000 Q 2 AKZ1.5 E.2 0380470000 SAK 2.5/35 KRG/BL A.7 0407600000 QL 3 SAKG28 A.10 0431400000 G 20/6.30A/F B.20
0368200000 Q 2 AKZ1.5 E.10 0380470000 SAK 2.5/35 KRG/BL I.7 0407600000 QL 3 SAKG28 B.9 0431400000 G 20/6.30A/F B.21
0368300000 Q 3 AKZ1.5 I.11 0380480000 SAK 2.5/35 BL A.2 0407700000 QL 4 SAKG28 B.47 0431400000 G 20/6.30A/F A.22
0368300000 Q 3 AKZ1.5 E.10 0380480000 SAK 2.5/35 BL I.7 0407700000 QL 4 SAKG28 I.9 0437720000 SAKT 2/LT 4STB B.32
0368300000 Q 3 AKZ1.5 E.2 0380520000 SAK 6/35 KRG A.8 0407700000 QL 4 SAKG28 A.10 0437920000 SAKT 1/LT STB14/4 B.31
0368400000 Q 4 AKZ1.5 E.10 0380560000 SAK 6/35 PA A.3 0407700000 QL 4 SAKG28 B.46 0438000000 SSCH 10X3X1000 ST/ZN H.3
0368400000 Q 4 AKZ1.5 I.11 0380570000 SAK 6/35 KRG/BL A.8 0407700000 QL 4 SAKG28 B.9 0438560000 AP DK4/380 Q I.4
0368400000 Q 4 AKZ1.5 E.2 0380570000 SAK 6/35 KRG/BL I.7 0407900000 IS 6 DIN 6911 J.20 0438560000 AP DK4/380 Q I.6
0368500000 Q 10 AKZ1.5 E.2 0380580000 SAK 6/35 PA/BL I.7 0408000000 QL 3 SAKG54 B.53 0439000000 G 20/0.63A/F B.26
0368500000 Q 10 AKZ1.5 I.11 0380580000 SAK 6/35 PA/BL A.3 0408000000 QL 3 SAKG54 A.47 0439000000 G 20/0.63A/F A.22
0368500000 Q 10 AKZ1.5 E.10 0380620000 SAK 16/35 KRG A.9 0408730000 AP SAKH 4EX I.6 0439000000 G 20/0.63A/F B.20
0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 E.3 0380660000 SAK 16/35 PA A.4 0409500000 H0,5/12 OR J.22 0439000000 G 20/0.63A/F A.28
0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 E.9 0380680000 SAK 16/35 PA/BL I.7 0409600000 H0,75/12 W J.22 0439120000 AST 4 SF 6.3/2.8 KRG B.43
0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 B.38 0380680000 SAK 16/35 PA/BL A.4 0409700000 H1,0/12 GE J.22
Q 10 AKZ4
Q 10 AKZ4
SAK 35/35
SAK 35/35 BL
B.51 0440000000
0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 E.11 0380780000 SAK 35/35 BL I.7 0441500000 QL 3 SAKG32+70 A.43
Q 10 AKZ4
Q 10 AKZ4
EW 15
EW 15
E.3 0410000000 0441500000
QL 3 SAKG32+70
QL 3 SAKG32+70
0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 B.37 0382860000 EW 15 E.2 0412120000 SAKR KRG B.18 0441500000 QL 3 SAKG32+70 B.48
0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 A.38 0383400000 TS 35X7.5 2M/ST/ZN H.11 0412160000 SAKR B.16 0441500000 QL 3 SAKG32+70 B.49
0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 B.11 0383410000 TS 35X7.5 1M/ST/ZN H.11 0412180000 SAKR BL I.7 0441500000 QL 3 SAKG32+70 B.50
0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 A.39 0383530000 EW 35 GR 7032 H.13 0412180000 SAKR BL B.16 0441600000 QL 4 SAKG32+70 B.49
0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 A.52 0383560000 EW 35 A.56 0412220000 SAKR 2STB KRG B.18 0441600000 QL 4 SAKG32+70 A.43
0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 B.10 0383560000 EW 35 C.8 0412260000 SAKR 2STB B.16 0441600000 QL 4 SAKG32+70 A.42
0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 A.12 0383560000 EW 35 H.13 0412280000 SAKR 2STB BL B.16 0441600000 QL 4 SAKG32+70 A.44
0368600000 Q 10 AKZ4 E.10 0383560000 EW 35 A.57 0412280000 SAKR 2STB BL I.7 0441600000 QL 4 SAKG32+70 B.48
0368700000 Q 10 SAK2.5 I.9 0385320000 SAKS 1/32 G20 GL 115VAC B.22 0412760000 SAKR 15 E.3 0441600000 QL 4 SAKG32+70 B.50
0368700000 Q 10 SAK2.5 A.2 0385400000 STB 16/D7/4/M5 SAK70 A.10 0412860000 SAKR 15 2STB E.3 0442300000 TW ADK1 HP/DBR/0.5 E.11
0368700000 Q 10 SAK2.5 A.7 0385400000 STB 16/D7/4/M5 SAK70 I.15 0442420000 AST 3 6.3/2.8 KRG B.42
Q 10 SAK2.5
Q 10 SAK2.5
STB 16/D7/4/M5 SAK70
STB 16/D7/4/M5 SAK70
A.6 0430000000 0443620000
SAK 4/35 KRG
SAK 4/35/AP GG
0368700000 Q 10 SAK2.5 B.38 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB A.37 0430300000 G 20/0.10A/F B.26 0443660000 SAK 4/35 A.3
0368700000 Q 10 SAK2.5 B.39 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB A.36 0430300000 G 20/0.10A/F A.23 0443670000 SAK 4/35 KRG/BL A.7
0368700000 Q 10 SAK2.5 B.6 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB B.37 0430300000 G 20/0.10A/F A.22 0443670000 SAK 4/35 KRG/BL I.7
0368700000 Q 10 SAK2.5 A.40 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB E.8 0430300000 G 20/0.10A/F B.20 0443680000 SAK 4/35 BL A.3
0368700000 Q 10 SAK2.5 C.2 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB B.42 0430300000 G 20/0.10A/F B.21 0443680000 SAK 4/35 BL I.7
0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 B.3 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB E.9 0430300000 G 20/0.10A/F A.28 0443720000 SAK 10/35 KRG A.8
0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 B.6 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB B.43 0430400000 G 20/0.20A/F A.28 0443760000 SAK 10/35 A.3
0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 B.36 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB B.44 0430400000 G 20/0.20A/F A.23 0443770000 SAK 10/35 KRG/BL A.8
0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 C.2 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB B.36 0430400000 G 20/0.20A/F B.26 0443770000 SAK 10/35 KRG/BL I.7
0368800000 Q 10 SAK4 A.3 0386060000 IH 2.8 DB A.38 0430400000 G 20/0.20A/F A.22 0443780000 SAK 10/35 BL A.3
Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page
0443780000 SAK 10/35 BL I.7 0457300000 Q 4 SAK10 B.3 0468160801 DEK 6,5 FW 801-850 K.9 0473391692 DEK 5 BR NEUTRAL K.7
0444200000 H50/36 OLIV J.22 0457300000 Q 4 SAK10 A.8 0468160851 DEK 6,5 FW 851-900 K.9 0473391693 DEK 5 BL NEUTRAL K.7
0444400000 QL 3 SAKG46 A.46 0457400000 Q 10 SAK10 I.9 0468160901 DEK 6,5 FW 901-950 K.9 0473391694 DEK 5 SW NEUTRAL K.8
0444400000 QL 3 SAKG46 B.52 0457400000 Q 10 SAK10 C.3 0468160951 DEK 6,5 FW 951-999 K.9 0473460001 DEK 5 FW 1-50 K.7
0444400000 QL 3 SAKG46 A.47 0457400000 Q 10 SAK10 A.3 0468260001 DEK 6,5 FS 1-50 K.9 0473460051 DEK 5 FW 51-100 K.7
0444500000 QL 4 SAKG46 A.46 0457400000 Q 10 SAK10 A.8 0468260051 DEK 6,5 FS 51-100 K.9 0473460101 DEK 5 FW 101-150 K.7
0444500000 QL 4 SAKG46 B.52 0457400000 Q 10 SAK10 B.3 0468260101 DEK 6,5 FS 101-150 K.9 0473460151 DEK 5 FW 151-200 K.7
0444500000 QL 4 SAKG46 A.47 0457400000 Q 10 SAK10 B.7 0468260151 DEK 6,5 FS 151-200 K.9 0473460201 DEK 5 FW 201-250 K.7
0444900000 QL 3 SAKG40/35 A.45 0457500000 Q 2 SAK16 B.4 0468260201 DEK 6,5 FS 201-250 K.9 0473460251 DEK 5 FW 251-300 K.7
0445000000 QL 4 SAKG40/35 A.45 0457500000 Q 2 SAK16 C.3 0468260251 DEK 6,5 FS 251-300 K.9 0473460301 DEK 5 FW 301-350 K.7
0445420000 SAKT 2/LT O.STB B.32 0457500000 Q 2 SAK16 A.9 0468260301 DEK 6,5 FS 301-350 K.9 0473460351 DEK 5 FW 351-400 K.7
0445860000 AKZ 4 SW 1X1 E.13 0457500000 Q 2 SAK16 A.4 0468260351 DEK 6,5 FS 351-400 K.9 0473460401 DEK 5 FW 401-450 K.7
0446100000 SBL/1912 A.22 0457500000 Q 2 SAK16 B.7 0468260401 DEK 6,5 FS 401-450 K.9 0473460451 DEK 5 FW 451-500 K.7
0446100000 SBL/1912 B.20 0457500000 Q 2 SAK16 I.9 0468260451 DEK 6,5 FS 451-500 K.9 0473460501 DEK 5 FW 501-550 K.7
0446200000 SBL/2111 B.20 0457600000 Q 3 SAK16 B.4 0468260501 DEK 6,5 FS 501-550 K.9 0473460551 DEK 5 FW 551-600 K.7
0446200000 SBL/2111 A.22 0457600000 Q 3 SAK16 A.9 0468260551 DEK 6,5 FS 551-600 K.9 0473460601 DEK 5 FW 601-650 K.7
0446300000 SBL/2489 A.23 0457600000 Q 3 SAK16 C.3 0468260601 DEK 6,5 FS 601-650 K.9 0473460651 DEK 5 FW 651-700 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 A.52 0457600000 Q 3 SAK16 B.7 0468260651 DEK 6,5 FS 651-700 K.9 0473460701 DEK 5 FW 701-750 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 E.11 0457600000 Q 3 SAK16 I.9 0468260701 DEK 6,5 FS 701-750 K.9 0473460751 DEK 5 FW 751-800 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 B.57 0457600000 Q 3 SAK16 A.4 0468260751 DEK 6,5 FS 751-800 K.9 0473460801 DEK 5 FW 801-850 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 B.60 0457700000 Q 4 SAK16 B.4 0468260801 DEK 6,5 FS 801-850 K.9 0473460851 DEK 5 FW 851-900 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 A.53 0457700000 Q 4 SAK16 I.9 0468260851 DEK 6,5 FS 851-900 K.9 0473460901 DEK 5 FW 901-950 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 B.58 0457700000 Q 4 SAK16 A.4 0468260901 DEK 6,5 FS 901-950 K.9 0473460951 DEK 5 FW 951-999 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 A.51 0457700000 Q 4 SAK16 C.3 0468260951 DEK 6,5 FS 951-999 K.9 0473560001 DEK 5 FS 1-50 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 E.10 0457700000 Q 4 SAK16 A.9 0468560000 DEK 6 NEUTRAL K.8 0473560051 DEK 5 FS 51-100 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 A.56 0457700000 Q 4 SAK16 B.7 0468560000 DEK 6 NEUTRAL K.9 0473560101 DEK 5 FS 101-150 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 A.55 0457800000 Q 10 SAK16 A.9 0468591686 DEK 6 RT NEUTRAL K.9 0473560151 DEK 5 FS 151-200 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 E.12 0457800000 Q 10 SAK16 I.9 0468591687 DEK 6 GE NEUTRAL K.8 0473560201 DEK 5 FS 201-250 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 B.56 0457800000 Q 10 SAK16 C.3 0468591688 DEK 6 GN NEUTRAL K.8 0473560251 DEK 5 FS 251-300 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 A.50 0457800000 Q 10 SAK16 A.4 0468591689 DEK 6 VI NEUTRAL K.9 0473560301 DEK 5 FS 301-350 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 A.54 0457800000 Q 10 SAK16 B.4 0468591690 DEK 6 OR NEUTRAL K.9 0473560351 DEK 5 FS 351-400 K.7
0446600000 VH 10/4/2.8 AKZ4 B.59 0457800000 Q 10 SAK16 B.7 0468591691 DEK 6 GR NEUTRAL K.8 0473560401 DEK 5 FS 401-450 K.7
0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 A.54 0459500000 ZBE 6 H.6 0468591692 DEK 6 BR NEUTRAL K.8 0473560451 DEK 5 FS 451-500 K.7
0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 E.11 0468591693 DEK 6 BL NEUTRAL K.8 0473560501 DEK 5 FS 501-550 K.7
B.60 0460000000 0468591694
DEK 6 FW 1-50
DEK 5 FS 551-600
DEK 5 FS 601-650
0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 E.12 0460020000 AP SAK4 KRG M.FU I.6 0468660051 DEK 6 FW 51-100 K.8 0473560651 DEK 5 FS 651-700 K.7
0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 A.56 0460360000 AST 3/35 6.3/2.8 A.36 0468660101 DEK 6 FW 101-150 K.8 0473560701 DEK 5 FS 701-750 K.7
0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 A.55 0460460000 AST 4/35 SF 6.3/2.8 A.37 0468660151 DEK 6 FW 151-200 K.8 0473560751 DEK 5 FS 751-800 K.7
0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 A.50 0460490000 AP SAK2.5/35 DB I.6 0468660201 DEK 6 FW 201-250 K.8 0473560801 DEK 5 FS 801-850 K.7
0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 B.59 0460560000 AP SAK2.5/35 + AST3+4 C.2 0468660251 DEK 6 FW 251-300 K.8 0473560851 DEK 5 FS 851-900 K.7
0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 B.56 0460560000 AP SAK2.5/35 + AST3+4 A.37 0468660301 DEK 6 FW 301-350 K.8 0473560901 DEK 5 FS 901-950 K.7
0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 A.51 0460560000 AP SAK2.5/35 + AST3+4 B.36 0468660351 DEK 6 FW 351-400 K.8 0473560951 DEK 5 FS 951-999 K.7
0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 A.53 0460560000 AP SAK2.5/35 + AST3+4 I.6 0468660401 DEK 6 FW 401-450 K.8 0474360000 EK 2.5N B.12
0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 B.57 0460580000 AP SAK2.5/35 BL I.6 0468660451 DEK 6 FW 451-500 K.8 0474460000 DK 4/32 LD ROT 24VDC A2 B.56
0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 B.58 0460660001 DEK 5 FSZ 1-10 K.7 0468660501 DEK 6 FW 501-550 K.8 0474560000 ASK 1/EN C.7
0446700000 VL 2 AKZ4/DK4 A.52 0460660011 DEK 5 FSZ 11-20 K.7 0468660551 DEK 6 FW 551-600 K.8 0474700000 TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 A.11
0447240000 AP ST5 PPO/SW I.6 0460660021 DEK 5 FSZ 21-30 K.7 0468660601 DEK 6 FW 601-650 K.8 0474700000 TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 B.28
0447240000 AP ST5 PPO/SW C.6 0460660031 DEK 5 FSZ 31-40 K.7 0468660651 DEK 6 FW 651-700 K.8 0474700000 TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 A.37
0447260000 AP ST5 PA/BE I.6 0460660041 DEK 5 FSZ 41-50 K.7 0468660701 DEK 6 FW 701-750 K.8 0474700000 TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 B.41
0448360000 ST 5 PA/BE C.6 0460660051 DEK 5 FSZ 51-60 K.7 0468660751 DEK 6 FW 751-800 K.8 0474700000 TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 B.32
0448460000 STL 5 C.6 0460660061 DEK 5 FSZ 61-70 K.7 0468660801 DEK 6 FW 801-850 K.8 0474700000 TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 A.33
0460660071 DEK 5 FSZ 71-80 K.7 0468660851 DEK 6 FW 851-900 K.8 0474700000 TW AST1/PA HP/DBR/0.5 B.36
0457300000 Q 4 SAK10 I.9 0468160751 DEK 6,5 FW 751-800 K.9 0473391691 DEK 5 GR NEUTRAL K.7 0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS B.56
Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS B.16 0514500000 TS 35X7.5/LL 2M/ST/ZN H.11 0522660052 DEK 5 GW 52 K.7 0522660152 DEK 5 GW 152 K.7
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS B.38 0514510000 TS 35X7.5/LL 1M/ST/ZN H.11 0522660053 DEK 5 GW 53 K.7 0522660153 DEK 5 GW 153 K.7
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS B.17 0514570000 TS 35X7.5/LL/6 2M/ST/ZN H.11 0522660054 DEK 5 GW 54 K.7 0522660154 DEK 5 GW 154 K.7
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS A.55 0515300000 STR 7 F.SCHT 7 K.17 0522660055 DEK 5 GW 55 K.7 0522660155 DEK 5 GW 155 K.7
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS A.20 0515300000 STR 7 F.SCHT 7 K.19 0522660056 DEK 5 GW 56 K.7 0522660156 DEK 5 GW 156 K.7
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS B.40 0517960000 SCHT 7 K.17 0522660057 DEK 5 GW 57 K.7 0522660157 DEK 5 GW 157 K.7
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS B.59 0518160000 SAKR LS 2STB B.40 0522660058 DEK 5 GW 58 K.7 0522660158 DEK 5 GW 158 K.7
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS A.50 0518200000 AD 4 SAK16 B.7 0522660059 DEK 5 GW 59 K.7 0522660159 DEK 5 GW 159 K.7
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS A.18 0518200000 AD 4 SAK16 I.17 0522660060 DEK 5 GW 60 K.7 0522660160 DEK 5 GW 160 K.8
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS A.56 0518200000 AD 4 SAK16 C.3 0522660061 DEK 5 GW 61 K.7 0522660161 DEK 5 GW 161 K.8
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS B.58 0518200000 AD 4 SAK16 A.4 0522660062 DEK 5 GW 62 K.7 0522660162 DEK 5 GW 162 K.8
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS A.54 0518200000 AD 4 SAK16 A.9 0522660063 DEK 5 GW 63 K.7 0522660163 DEK 5 GW 163 K.8
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS A.53 0518960001 DEK 6 FWZ 1-10 K.8 0522660064 DEK 5 GW 64 K.7 0522660164 DEK 5 GW 164 K.8
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS A.52 0518960011 DEK 6 FWZ 11-20 K.8 0522660065 DEK 5 GW 65 K.7 0522660165 DEK 5 GW 165 K.8
0482800000 QB 3 WI RA6 IS A.51 0518960021 DEK 6 FWZ 21-30 K.8 0522660066 DEK 5 GW 66 K.7 0522660166 DEK 5 GW 166 K.8
0482800000 I.13 0518960031 DEK 6 FWZ 31-40 K.8 0522660067 DEK 5 GW 67 K.7 0522660167 DEK 5 GW 167 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS A.53 0518960041 DEK 6 FWZ 41-50 K.8 0522660068 DEK 5 GW 68 K.7 0522660168 DEK 5 GW 168 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS B.56 0518960051 DEK 6 FWZ 51-60 K.8 0522660069 DEK 5 GW 69 K.7 0522660169 DEK 5 GW 169 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS A.54 0518960061 DEK 6 FWZ 61-70 K.8 0522660070 DEK 5 GW 70 K.7 0522660170 DEK 5 GW 170 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS B.61 0518960071 DEK 6 FWZ 71-80 K.8 0522660071 DEK 5 GW 71 K.7 0522660171 DEK 5 GW 171 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS B.58 0518960081 DEK 6 FWZ 81-90 K.8 0522660072 DEK 5 GW 72 K.7 0522660172 DEK 5 GW 172 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS A.55 0518960091 DEK 6 FWZ 91-100 K.8 0522660073 DEK 5 GW 73 K.7 0522660173 DEK 5 GW 173 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS B.59 0518960101 DEK 6 FWZ 101-110 K.8 0522660074 DEK 5 GW 74 K.7 0522660174 DEK 5 GW 174 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS B.57 0518960111 DEK 6 FWZ 111-120 K.8 0522660075 DEK 5 GW 75 K.7 0522660175 DEK 5 GW 175 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS A.52 0518960121 DEK 6 FWZ 121-130 K.8 0522660076 DEK 5 GW 76 K.7 0522660176 DEK 5 GW 176 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS B.60 0518960131 DEK 6 FWZ 131-140 K.8 0522660077 DEK 5 GW 77 K.7 0522660177 DEK 5 GW 177 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS A.50 0518960141 DEK 6 FWZ 141-150 K.8 0522660078 DEK 5 GW 78 K.7 0522660178 DEK 5 GW 178 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS B.16 0518960151 DEK 6 FWZ 151-160 K.8 0522660079 DEK 5 GW 79 K.7 0522660179 DEK 5 GW 179 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS B.40 0518960161 DEK 6 FWZ 161-170 K.8 0522660080 DEK 5 GW 80 K.7 0522660180 DEK 5 GW 180 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS A.18 0518960171 DEK 6 FWZ 171-180 K.8 0522660081 DEK 5 GW 81 K.7 0522660181 DEK 5 GW 181 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS A.51 0518960181 DEK 6 FWZ 181-190 K.8 0522660082 DEK 5 GW 82 K.7 0522660182 DEK 5 GW 182 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS B.39 0518960191 DEK 6 FWZ 191-200 K.8 0522660083 DEK 5 GW 83 K.7 0522660183 DEK 5 GW 183 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS B.38 0518960201 DEK 6 FWZ 201-210 K.8 0522660084 DEK 5 GW 84 K.7 0522660184 DEK 5 GW 184 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS A.19 0519060001 DEK 6,5 FWZ 1-10 K.9 0522660085 DEK 5 GW 85 K.7 0522660185 DEK 5 GW 185 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS B.17 0519060011 DEK 6,5 FWZ 11-20 K.9 0522660086 DEK 5 GW 86 K.7 0522660186 DEK 5 GW 186 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS A.56 0519060021 DEK 6,5 FWZ 21-30 K.9 0522660087 DEK 5 GW 87 K.7 0522660187 DEK 5 GW 187 K.8
0482900000 QB 4 WI RA6 IS A.20 0519060031 DEK 6,5 FWZ 31-40 K.9 0522660088 DEK 5 GW 88 K.7 0522660188 DEK 5 GW 188 K.8
0482900000 I.13 0519060041 DEK 6,5 FWZ 41-50 K.9 0522660089 DEK 5 GW 89 K.7 0522660189 DEK 5 GW 189 K.8
0483460000 AP TOP4SF-FF I.4 0519060051 DEK 6,5 FWZ 51-60 K.9 0522660090 DEK 5 GW 90 K.7 0522660190 DEK 5 GW 190 K.8
0483460000 AP TOP4SF-FF I.6 0519060061 DEK 6,5 FWZ 61-70 K.9 0522660091 DEK 5 GW 91 K.7 0522660191 DEK 5 GW 191 K.8
0484060000 DK 4/32 1D CSA A1 B.58 0519060071 DEK 6,5 FWZ 71-80 K.9 0522660092 DEK 5 GW 92 K.7 0522660192 DEK 5 GW 192 K.8
0485100000 IS 4 DIN 6911 J.20 0519060081 DEK 6,5 FWZ 81-90 K.9 0522660093 DEK 5 GW 93 K.7 0522660193 DEK 5 GW 193 K.8
0485200000 ADP 1/HP1 1M I.16 0519060091 DEK 6,5 FWZ 91-100 K.9 0522660094 DEK 5 GW 94 K.7 0522660194 DEK 5 GW 194 K.8
0485300000 ADP 2/HP2 1M I.16 0522660095 DEK 5 GW 95 K.7 0522660195 DEK 5 GW 195 K.8
0485300000 ADP 2/HP2 1M
0485400000 ADP 3/HP3 1M
A.10 0520000000 0522660096
DEK 5 GW 96
DEK 5 GW 97
DEK 5 GW 196
DEK 5 GW 197
0485400000 ADP 3/HP3 1M I.16 0522361075 DEK 5 GW L1 K.8 0522660098 DEK 5 GW 98 K.7 0522660198 DEK 5 GW 198 K.8
0485560000 HP 1 ADP1 I.16 0522361076 DEK 5 GW L2 K.8 0522660099 DEK 5 GW 99 K.7 0522660199 DEK 5 GW 199 K.8
0485660000 HP 2 ADP2 I.16 0522361077 DEK 5 GW L3 K.8 0522660100 DEK 5 GW 100 K.7 0522660200 DEK 5 GW 200 K.8
0485760000 HP 3 ADP3 I.16 0522660001 DEK 5 GW 1 K.7 0522660101 DEK 5 GW 101 K.7 0522761021 DEK 5 GW A K.8
0485860000 HP 4 ADP3 I.16 0522660002 DEK 5 GW 2 K.7 0522660102 DEK 5 GW 102 K.7 0522761022 DEK 5 GW B K.8
0522660003 DEK 5 GW 3 K.7 0522660103 DEK 5 GW 103 K.7 0522761023 DEK 5 GW C K.8
0490000000 0522660004
DEK 5 GW 4
DEK 5 GW 5
DEK 5 GW 104
DEK 5 GW 105
0492500000 H16,0/12 J.33 0522660006 DEK 5 GW 6 K.7 0522660106 DEK 5 GW 106 K.7 0522761026 DEK 5 GW F K.8
0494820000 SAKT 1/QT2 B.31 0522660007 DEK 5 GW 7 K.7 0522660107 DEK 5 GW 107 K.7 0522761027 DEK 5 GW G K.8
0494920000 SH 2 A.14 0522660008 DEK 5 GW 8 K.7 0522660108 DEK 5 GW 108 K.7 0522761028 DEK 5 GW H K.8
0494920000 SH 2 A.15 0522660009 DEK 5 GW 9 K.7 0522660109 DEK 5 GW 109 K.7 0522761029 DEK 5 GW I K.8
0494920000 SH 2 A.16 0522660010 DEK 5 GW 10 K.7 0522660110 DEK 5 GW 110 K.7 0522761030 DEK 5 GW J K.8
0494920000 SH 2 A.17 0522660011 DEK 5 GW 11 K.7 0522660111 DEK 5 GW 111 K.7 0522761031 DEK 5 GW K K.8
0494920000 SH 2 B.15 0522660012 DEK 5 GW 12 K.7 0522660112 DEK 5 GW 112 K.7 0522761032 DEK 5 GW L K.8
0494920000 SH 2 H.4 0522660013 DEK 5 GW 13 K.7 0522660113 DEK 5 GW 113 K.7 0522761033 DEK 5 GW M K.8
0494920000 SH 2 B.14 0522660014 DEK 5 GW 14 K.7 0522660114 DEK 5 GW 114 K.7 0522761034 DEK 5 GW N K.8
0494920000 SH 2 B.13 0522660015 DEK 5 GW 15 K.7 0522660115 DEK 5 GW 115 K.7 0522761035 DEK 5 GW O K.8
0494920000 SH 2 B.12 0522660016 DEK 5 GW 16 K.7 0522660116 DEK 5 GW 116 K.7 0522761036 DEK 5 GW P K.8
0494920000 SH 2 I.12 0522660017 DEK 5 GW 17 K.7 0522660117 DEK 5 GW 117 K.7 0522761037 DEK 5 GW Q K.8
0495160000 EWK 1 ALT H.13 0522660018 DEK 5 GW 18 K.7 0522660118 DEK 5 GW 118 K.7 0522761038 DEK 5 GW R K.8
0495360000 DK 4/32 LD ROT 24VDC A1 B.56 0522660019 DEK 5 GW 19 K.7 0522660119 DEK 5 GW 119 K.7 0522761039 DEK 5 GW S K.8
0495660000 MOFU 35 H.15 0522660020 DEK 5 GW 20 K.7 0522660120 DEK 5 GW 120 K.7 0522761040 DEK 5 GW T K.8
0497560000 RSF 3 PA B.28 0522660021 DEK 5 GW 21 K.7 0522660121 DEK 5 GW 121 K.7 0522761041 DEK 5 GW U K.8
0498000000 TS 35X15/2.3 2M/ST/ZN H.11 0522660022 DEK 5 GW 22 K.7 0522660122 DEK 5 GW 122 K.7 0522761042 DEK 5 GW V K.8
0499280000 NT 16/35 10X3 BL A.31 0522660023 DEK 5 GW 23 K.7 0522660123 DEK 5 GW 123 K.7 0522761043 DEK 5 GW W K.8
0522660024 DEK 5 GW 24 K.7 0522660124 DEK 5 GW 124 K.7 0522761044 DEK 5 GW X K.8
0500000000 0522660025
DEK 5 GW 25
DEK 5 GW 26
DEK 5 GW 125
DEK 5 GW 126
0501470000 NT 6/35 10X3 KRG/BL A.30 0522660027 DEK 5 GW 27 K.7 0522660127 DEK 5 GW 127 K.7 0522861047 DEK 5 GW A KLEIN K.8
0501520000 SAKS 1/35/G25 A.25 0522660028 DEK 5 GW 28 K.7 0522660128 DEK 5 GW 128 K.7 0522861048 DEK 5 GW B KLEIN K.8
0501620000 SAKS 1/35/G20 A.24 0522660029 DEK 5 GW 29 K.7 0522660129 DEK 5 GW 129 K.7 0522861049 DEK 5 GW C KLEIN K.8
0501820000 SAKS 4/35 A.26 0522660030 DEK 5 GW 30 K.7 0522660130 DEK 5 GW 130 K.7 0522861050 DEK 5 GW D KLEIN K.8
0502120000 SAKS 5/35 A.27 0522660031 DEK 5 GW 31 K.7 0522660131 DEK 5 GW 131 K.7 0522861051 DEK 5 GW E KLEIN K.8
0502610000 ZB 35K SW M6X16 H.7 0522660032 DEK 5 GW 32 K.7 0522660132 DEK 5 GW 132 K.7 0522861052 DEK 5 GW F KLEIN K.8
0502660000 ZB 35K GE/GN M6X16 H.7 0522660033 DEK 5 GW 33 K.7 0522660133 DEK 5 GW 133 K.7 0522861053 DEK 5 GW G KLEIN K.8
0502680000 ZB 35K BL M6X16 H.7 0522660034 DEK 5 GW 34 K.7 0522660134 DEK 5 GW 134 K.7 0522861054 DEK 5 GW H KLEIN K.8
0502780000 IK 35/ZB35 BL H.6 0522660035 DEK 5 GW 35 K.7 0522660135 DEK 5 GW 135 K.7 0522861055 DEK 5 GW I KLEIN K.8
0502860000 ZB 16K GE/GN H.7 0522660036 DEK 5 GW 36 K.7 0522660136 DEK 5 GW 136 K.7 0522861056 DEK 5 GW J KLEIN K.8
0502880000 ZB 16K BL H.7 0522660037 DEK 5 GW 37 K.7 0522660137 DEK 5 GW 137 K.7 0522861057 DEK 5 GW K KLEIN K.8
0502960000 IK 16/ZB16 GG H.6 0522660038 DEK 5 GW 38 K.7 0522660138 DEK 5 GW 138 K.7 0522861058 DEK 5 GW L KLEIN K.8
0502980000 IK 16/ZB16 BL H.6 0522660039 DEK 5 GW 39 K.7 0522660139 DEK 5 GW 139 K.7 0522861059 DEK 5 GW M KLEIN K.8
0503500000 MB M3/M5 CRM H.15 0522660040 DEK 5 GW 40 K.7 0522660140 DEK 5 GW 140 K.7 0522861060 DEK 5 GW N KLEIN K.8
0508401694 STI Waterproof schwarz K.24 0522660041 DEK 5 GW 41 K.7 0522660141 DEK 5 GW 141 K.7 0522861061 DEK 5 GW O KLEIN K.8
0508401694 STI Waterproof schwarz K.25 0522660042 DEK 5 GW 42 K.7 0522660142 DEK 5 GW 142 K.7 0522861062 DEK 5 GW P KLEIN K.8
0522660043 DEK 5 GW 43 K.7 0522660143 DEK 5 GW 143 K.7 0522861063 DEK 5 GW Q KLEIN K.8
0510000000 0522660044
DEK 5 GW 44
DEK 5 GW 45
DEK 5 GW 144
DEK 5 GW 145
0510300000 G 25/0.50A/M WS A.28 0522660046 DEK 5 GW 46 K.7 0522660146 DEK 5 GW 146 K.7 0522861066 DEK 5 GW T KLEIN K.8
0510300000 G 25/0.50A/M WS B.26 0522660047 DEK 5 GW 47 K.7 0522660147 DEK 5 GW 147 K.7 0522861067 DEK 5 GW U KLEIN K.8
0514060000 SAK 2.5/35 SW 1X1 I.7 0522660048 DEK 5 GW 48 K.7 0522660148 DEK 5 GW 148 K.7 0522861068 DEK 5 GW V KLEIN K.8
0514200000 TS 15X5 2M/ST/ZN H.10 0522660049 DEK 5 GW 49 K.7 0522660149 DEK 5 GW 149 K.7 0522861069 DEK 5 GW W KLEIN K.8
0514300000 TSK 35X15 2M PVC/GR H.12 0522660050 DEK 5 GW 50 K.7 0522660150 DEK 5 GW 150 K.7 0522861070 DEK 5 GW X KLEIN K.8
0514400000 TS 32X15/LL 2M/ST/ZN H.10 0522660051 DEK 5 GW 51 K.7 0522660151 DEK 5 GW 151 K.7 0522861071 DEK 5 GW Y KLEIN K.8
Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page
0522861072 DEK 5 GW Z KLEIN K.8 0526960077 DEK 6 GW 77 K.9 0564900000 QL 2 SAK35N A.5 0630200000 KISC M5X50/26 SAK95 I.9
0523060001 DEK 5 FWZ 1-10 K.7 0526960078 DEK 6 GW 78 K.9 0565000000 QL 3 SAK35N B.9 0630360000 SAK 4 S/35 6.3/2.8 A.37
0523060011 DEK 5 FWZ 11-20 K.7 0526960079 DEK 6 GW 79 K.9 0565000000 QL 3 SAK35N A.5 0630460000 SAK 4 SS/35 6.3/2.8 A.38
0523060021 DEK 5 FWZ 21-30 K.7 0526960080 DEK 6 GW 80 K.9 0565000000 QL 3 SAK35N I.9 0631260000 DK 4S SF 6.3/2.8 B.37
0523060031 DEK 5 FWZ 31-40 K.7 0526960081 DEK 6 GW 81 K.9 0565000000 QL 3 SAK35N B.5 0631300000 AP DK4Q DB I.6
0523060041 DEK 5 FWZ 41-50 K.7 0526960082 DEK 6 GW 82 K.9 0565000000 QL 3 SAK35N A.9 0631360000 AP DK4S I.6
0523060051 DEK 5 FWZ 51-60 K.7 0526960083 DEK 6 GW 83 K.9 0565100000 QL 4 SAK35N B.5 0631360000 AP DK4S A.38
0523060061 DEK 5 FWZ 61-70 K.7 0526960084 DEK 6 GW 84 K.9 0565100000 QL 4 SAK35N B.9 0631360000 AP DK4S B.37
0523060071 DEK 5 FWZ 71-80 K.7 0526960085 DEK 6 GW 85 K.9 0565100000 QL 4 SAK35N A.9 0631360000 AP DK4S A.39
0523060081 DEK 5 FWZ 81-90 K.7 0526960086 DEK 6 GW 86 K.9 0565100000 QL 4 SAK35N A.5 0631380000 AP DK4S BL I.6
0523060091 DEK 5 FWZ 91-100 K.7 0526960087 DEK 6 GW 87 K.9 0565100000 QL 4 SAK35N I.9 0631860000 DEK 6 FWZ R,S,T,N,ERDE K.8
0523760000 DK 4/32 2D CSA A2 B.59 0526960088 DEK 6 GW 88 K.9 0565200000 QL 10 SAK35N B.9 0631961187 DEK 6 FWZ L1-PE K.8
0525500000 GZ 1.0A/F B.26 0526960089 DEK 6 GW 89 K.9 0565200000 QL 10 SAK35N A.5 0631961203 DEK 6 FWZ L1-ERDE I.KRE K.8
0525500000 GZ 1.0A/F A.23 0526960090 DEK 6 GW 90 K.9 0565200000 QL 10 SAK35N B.5 0632060000 DEK 6,5 FWZ R,S,T,N,ERD K.9
0525500000 GZ 1.0A/F A.28 0526960091 DEK 6 GW 91 K.9 0565200000 QL 10 SAK35N A.9 0632161187 DEK 6,5 FW L1-PE K.9
0525910000 ZBE 6K SW H.7 0526960092 DEK 6 GW 92 K.9 0565200000 QL 10 SAK35N I.9 0632161203 DEK 6,5 FW L1-ERDE I.KR K.9
0525960000 ZBE 6K GE/GN H.7 0526960093 DEK 6 GW 93 K.9 0565460000 ZB 4/6K GE/GN H.7 0632560000 DEK 6 FW L,N,PE K.8
0525980000 ZBE 6K BL H.7 0526960094 DEK 6 GW 94 K.9 0565480000 ZB 4/6K BL H.7 0634100000 AD 250 I.18
0526060000 IK 6 GG ZBE6K H.6 0526960095 DEK 6 GW 95 K.9 0565600000 H1,5/24 R J.22 0634300000 HP EK132/2 AD250 I.18
0526080000 IK 6 BL ZBE6K H.6 0526960096 DEK 6 GW 96 K.9 0565700000 H6,0/26 SW J.22 0635060000 AP DKIT4 I.6
0526400000 I.13 0526960097 DEK 6 GW 97 K.9 0565800000 H10,0/28 EB J.22 0635100000 H1,5/16 R J.22
0526700000 ISPF QB75 SW I.13 0526960098 DEK 6 GW 98 K.9 0565900000 H16,0/24 GN J.22 0635960000 KLBUE SH1 H.4
0526760000 ISPF QB75 RT I.13 0526960099 DEK 6 GW 99 K.9 0566000000 H16,0/28 GN J.22 0636620000 SAKG 70/35 II/GW A.44
0526780000 ISPF QB75 BL I.13 0526960100 DEK 6 GW 100 K.9 0566700000 BEZ.-KARTE ADP I.16 0636800000 FM 5/TS35 H.15
0526960001 DEK 6 GW 1 K.8 0526960200 DEK 6 GW 200 K.9 0567260000 SAK 2.5/35 LL A.40 0636900000 FM 6/TS35 H.15
0526960002 DEK 6 GW 2 K.8 0526961000 DEK 6 GW 0 K.8 0567300000 PZ 3 J.7 0637120000 SAKG 32/35 I A.42
0526960003 DEK 6 GW 3 K.8 0527660000 DK 4/35 A.12 0567300000 PZ 3 J.35 0637220000 SAKG 32/35 III A.44
0526960004 DEK 6 GW 4 K.8 0527680000 DK 4/35 BL A.12 0569560000 DK 4/32 GL 100K 115VAC B.57 0637320000 SAKG 32/35 II A.43
0526960005 DEK 6 GW 5 K.8 0528400000 VL 2 RSF 1+2 B.28 0569660000 ZB 16/6K GE/GN H.7 0637420000 SAKG 32/35 II/GW A.43
0526960006 DEK 6 GW 6 K.8 0637520000 SAKG 40/35 I A.45
0526960007 DEK 6 GW 7
0526960008 DEK 6 GW 8
K.8 0530000000 0570000000 0637620000
SAKG 40/35 III
SAKG 40/35 II
0526960009 DEK 6 GW 9 K.8 0531760000 SSP 3 SAKT1 A.33 0571200000 SSCH 6X6X1000 MS/BK H.3 0637820000 SAKG 40/35 II/GW A.45
0526960010 DEK 6 GW 10 K.8 0531760000 SSP 3 SAKT1 B.31 0571300000 SSCH 6X6X1000 CU/SN H.3 0637920000 SAKG 46/35 II A.46
0526960011 DEK 6 GW 11 K.8 0531760000 SSP 3 SAKT1 A.32 0576260000 DEK 5 GW K.7 0638020000 SAKG 46/35 II/GW A.47
0526960012 DEK 6 GW 12 K.8 0531760000 SSP 3 SAKT1 I.20 0576261198 DEK 5 GW + K.8 0638120000 SAKG 54/35 II A.47
0526960013 DEK 6 GW 13 K.8 0531760000 SSP 3 SAKT1 B.32 0576261199 DEK 5 GW - K.8 0638220000 SAKG 54/35 II/GW A.47
0526960014 DEK 6 GW 14 K.8 0532960000 AP DSK1.5 I.6 0576261202 DEK 5 GW ERDE K.8
0526960015 DEK 6 GW 15
0526960016 DEK 6 GW 16
0533500000 H6,0/20 SW
0533800000 GZ 0.5A/F
K.8 0640000000
0526960017 DEK 6 GW 17 K.8 0533800000 GZ 0.5A/F B.26 0576291737 DEK 5 GW RT/SW + K.8 0641720000 SH 2 S H.4
0526960018 DEK 6 GW 18 K.8 0534200000 H10,0/22 EB J.22 0576291741 DEK 5 GW BL/SW - K.8 0642600000 FKSC M6X8 D9/SW3 H.14
0526960019 DEK 6 GW 19 K.8 0535200000 I.13 0576700000 AD 4 SAK35N A.9 0642760000 DK 4/32 2D CSA GET.SCH. B.59
0526960020 DEK 6 GW 20 K.8 0535300000 EK 95/35/1ZB BK A.16 0576700000 AD 4 SAK35N B.5 0646260000 MOFU 35/LO/1 H.15
0526960021 DEK 6 GW 21 K.8 0535860000 TA 1 I.14 0576700000 AD 4 SAK35N I.17 0646400000 G 25/0.80A/M GR A.28
0526960022 DEK 6 GW 22 K.8 0536560000 DK 4 SW 1X1 B.38 0576700000 AD 4 SAK35N A.5 0646400000 G 25/0.80A/M GR B.26
0526960023 DEK 6 GW 23 K.8 0537261187 DEK 5 GW PE K.8 0576700000 AD 4 SAK35N B.9 0646560000 DK 4/32 LD GR 24VDC A2 B.56
0526960024 DEK 6 GW 24 K.8 0537261188 DEK 5 GW PEN K.8 0646930000 SAK 4 SS/35 6.3 GR I.7
0526960025 DEK 6 GW 25 K.8 0537261235 DEK 5 GW Mp K.8
0526960026 DEK 6 GW 26
0526960027 DEK 6 GW 27
0538860000 DK 4/35 1D A2
0538960000 DK 4/35 1D A1
A.53 0582360002 DEK 5 FSZ 2,4,6...16 K.7 0660000000
0526960028 DEK 6 GW 28 K.8 0538980000 DK 4/35 1D A1 BL A.53 0582360018 DEK 5 FSZ 18,20,...32 K.7 0661060000 EK 2.5/35 A.14
0526960029 DEK 6 GW 29 K.8 0582460000 SAK 35/35/IK A.5 0661160000 EK 4/35 A.14
0526960030 DEK 6 GW 30
0526960031 DEK 6 GW 31
K.8 0540000000 0582560000 I.4 0661260000
EK 6/35
EK 10/35
0526960032 DEK 6 GW 32
0526960033 DEK 6 GW 33
0542500000 H0,75/10
0544120000 SAK 2.5 LS KRG
B.45 0590000000 0661460000
EK 35/35
SAK 95/35 KRG
0526960034 DEK 6 GW 34 K.8 0544660000 DK 4/32 1D CSA GET.SCH. B.58 0590060000 DK 4Q/32 B.10 0662270000 SAK 95/35 KRG/BL I.7
0526960035 DEK 6 GW 35 K.8 0545300000 I.13 0590080000 DK 4Q/32 BL B.10 0663960000 DK 4/32 2D A1 B.60
0526960036 DEK 6 GW 36 K.8 0545400000 I.13 0590160000 DK 4Q/35 A.12 0664600000 DMS 2 Set J.11
0526960037 DEK 6 GW 37 K.8 0546000000 ISPF QB58 SW I.13 0590180000 DK 4Q/35 BL A.12 0664860000 AST 1/35 6.3 A.36
0526960038 DEK 6 GW 38 K.8 0546040000 ISPF QB58 RT I.13 0590260000 DK 4QV/32 B.11 0664960000 AST 5/35 SF 6.3/2.8 A.37
0526960039 DEK 6 GW 39 K.8 0546080000 ISPF QB58 BL I.13 0590280000 DK 4QV/32 BL B.11 0667520000 SAKS 3/35 GZ/6.3X32 A.25
0526960040 DEK 6 GW 40 K.8 0546900000 G 25/0.25A/M GE B.26
0526960041 DEK 6 GW 41
0526960042 DEK 6 GW 42
0546900000 G 25/0.25A/M GE A.28
0600000000 0680000000
0526960043 DEK 6 GW 43
0526960044 DEK 6 GW 44
K.8 0550000000 0607000000
DK 4/32 1D 1K5
DK 4S/35 SF 6.3/2.8
0526960045 DEK 6 GW 45 K.8 0550420000 SAKT 1/DU2 B.31 0607000000 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 B.40 0687360000 DKT 4 B.17
0526960046 DEK 6 GW 46 K.8 0550520000 SAK 95 KRG B.9 0607000000 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 B.42 0687460000 DKT 4/35 A.19
0526960047 DEK 6 GW 47 K.8 0550620000 SAK 35N KRG B.9 0607000000 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 B.34 0687560000 AP DKT4 PA B.17
0526960048 DEK 6 GW 48 K.8 0550660000 SAK 35N B.5 0607000000 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 A.34 0687560000 AP DKT4 PA B.61
0526960049 DEK 6 GW 49 K.8 0550920000 AP SAK95 KRG I.4 0607000000 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 B.43 0687560000 AP DKT4 PA I.6
0526960050 DEK 6 GW 50 K.8 0550920000 AP SAK95 KRG I.6 0607000000 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 B.17 0687560000 AP DKT4 PA A.19
0526960051 DEK 6 GW 51 K.8 0550920000 AP SAK95 KRG B.9 0607000000 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 B.38 0687560000 AP DKT4 PA A.56
0526960052 DEK 6 GW 52 K.8 0550920000 AP SAK95 KRG A.10 0607000000 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 B.39 0687900000 FM 4/TS35 G.10
0526960053 DEK 6 GW 53 K.8 0550970000 AP SAK95 KRG/BL I.6 0607000000 TW SAKS2 HP/DBR/2 B.45 0687900000 FM 4/TS35 H.15
0526960054 DEK 6 GW 54 K.8 0550970000 AP SAK95 KRG/BL A.10 0608220000 SAK 35N/35 KRG A.9 0688660000 DEK 6 FW 1-5 (10X) K.8
0526960055 DEK 6 GW 55 K.8 0551100000 VH 35/11/5.5 SAK95 I.9 0608260000 SAK 35N/35 A.5
0526960056 DEK 6 GW 56
0526960057 DEK 6 GW 57
VH 35/11/5.5 SAK95
VH 35/11/5.5 SAK95
SAK 35N/35/IK
A.5 0690000000
0526960058 DEK 6 GW 58 K.8 0551200000 QL 2 SAKG28 I.9 0608370000 SAK 35N/35/IK KRG/BL A.9 0690700000 H0,5/14 OR J.22
0526960059 DEK 6 GW 59 K.8 0551200000 QL 2 SAKG28 A.10 0692160000 DK 4/32 RC 220R/220NF B.61
0526960060 DEK 6 GW 60
0526960061 DEK 6 GW 61
B.9 0620000000 0697160000
AKZ 2.5
AKZ 2.5 BL
0526960062 DEK 6 GW 62 K.8 0551200000 QL 2 SAKG28 B.46 0620120000 MK 6/6 F.3 0697260000 AP AKZ2.5K E.13
0526960063 DEK 6 GW 63 K.8 0553300000 KOHUE ASK1 A.23 0620220000 MK 6/4 F.3 0697260000 AP AKZ2.5K I.6
0526960064 DEK 6 GW 64 K.8 0553400000 MB M5/M3 SW H.15 0620320000 MK 6/3 F.3 0697360000 AP AKZ2.5 I.6
0526960065 DEK 6 GW 65 K.8 0555760000 SAK 35N/IK B.5 0620420000 MK 6/2 F.3 0697360000 AP AKZ2.5 E.2
0526960066 DEK 6 GW 66 K.9 0556660000 SH 3 H.4 0623320000 RSF 2 B.29 0697380000 AP AKZ2.5 BL I.6
0526960067 DEK 6 GW 67 K.9 0556700000 ZB 4/6 H.6 0624720000 BK 2 CRN F.5 0697380000 AP AKZ2.5 BL E.2
0526960068 DEK 6 GW 68 K.9 0556800000 ZB 16/6 H.6 0624920000 BK 3 CRN F.5 0699020000 SAKT E/32 2LD 60VAC B.62
0526960069 DEK 6 GW 69 K.9 0558360000 DEK 5 FWZ U,V,W,N,PE K.7 0625120000 BK 4 CRN F.5 0699660000 AST 1/35 6.3/2.8 A.36
0526960070 DEK 6 GW 70 K.9 0625220000 BK 6 CRN F.5
0526960071 DEK 6 GW 71
0526960072 DEK 6 GW 72
K.9 0560000000 0625320000 BK 12 CRN F.5
0526960073 DEK 6 GW 73
0526960074 DEK 6 GW 74
A.9 0630000000 1001180001 PRINTJET PRO 230V
1005710000 PLOTTER PEN 0.50 P-INK
0526960075 DEK 6 GW 75 K.9 0564900000 QL 2 SAK35N B.5 0630200000 KISC M5X50/26 SAK95 B.9 1005710000 PLOTTER PEN 0.50 P-INK K.24
0526960076 DEK 6 GW 76 K.9 0564900000 QL 2 SAK35N B.9 0630200000 KISC M5X50/26 SAK95 A.10
Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page
1010000000 1640000000
1277060000 DEK 8 NEUTRAL K.9 1397160000 AP DK4Q B.34
1277091686 DEK 8 RT NEUTRAL K.9 1397160000 AP DK4Q I.6
1011320000 DEK 5/6 PLUS MC NE WS K.11 1277091687 DEK 8 GE NEUTRAL K.9 1397160000 AP DK4Q A.34 1640740000 WS 8/5 MC NEUTRAL K.14
1011440000 PLOTTERPEN 0,7 K.25 1277091688 DEK 8 GN NEUTRAL K.9 1397180000 AP DK4Q BL I.6 1640750000 WS 8/5 MC BEDRUCKT K.14
1011440000 PLOTTERPEN 0,7 K.24 1277091689 DEK 8 VI NEUTRAL K.9 1397180000 AP DK4Q BL A.12 1646630000 ZS 15/5 MC NEUTRAL K.15
1011450000 PLOTTER PEN 0.70 P-INK K.24 1277091690 DEK 8 OR NEUTRAL K.9 1397180000 AP DK4Q BL B.10 1646640000 ZS 15/5 MC BEDRUCKT K.15
1011450000 PLOTTER PEN 0.70 P-INK K.25 1278460000 SCHT 9/4 K.18 1397180000 AP DK4Q BL B.11
1397180000 AP DK4Q BL A.13
1653340001 DEK 8 FW 1-50 TAMPOPR. K.9
1024050000 PRINTJET PRO 115V K.22 1284060000 DK 4Q/35/TC TYP J A.34 1653340051 DEK 8 FW 51-100 TAMPOP. K.9
1025680000 DEK 5/30 MC SDR K.11 1284160000 DK 4Q/35/TC TYP K A.34 1404520000 SAKC 10/35 1STB4 KRG A.20 1653350001 DEK 8 FS 1-50 TAMPOPR. K.9
1027040000 PJ PRO TNTK INK K K.22 1285660000 DK 4Q/35/TC TYP T A.34 1653350051 DEK 8 FS 51-100 TAMPOP. K.9
1027050000 PJ PRO TNTK INK C K.22 1286600000 TST 2/M5 H.14
1027060000 PJ PRO TNTK INK M K.22 1287700000 BST 2 BEZEICHNUNGSSTR. I.17
1027070000 PJ PRO TNTK INK Y K.22 1287860000 TBS 2 I.17 1430760000 ADP 4/1000 I.16
1027080000 PJ PRO TNTK FL K.22 1288300000 REINIGUNGSBECHER K.24 1667700000 WAD 8 SONDERDRUCK K.18
1027090000 PJ PRO TNTK INK SET BK K.22 1289660001 DEK 8 FSZ 1-10 K.9
1027110000 PJ-PRO TNTK INK SET COL K.22 1289660011 DEK 8 FSZ 11-20 K.9
1289660021 DEK 8 FSZ 21-30 K.9 1443000000 I.10
1289660031 DEK 8 FSZ 31-40 K.9 1670360000 QVSK 2 SAKT1 I.20
1058800000 WTW EN A.34 1304960000 DKT 4V/35 2STB A.19 1596240000 SAKH 35 EP/SW D.7
1058800000 WTW EN B.11 1596240000 SAKH 35 EP/SW I.7
WEW 35/1
1310000000 1598080000
1692261001 KLBUE 3-8 SC G.8
1312500000 Q 2 DLI I.11
I.11 1600000000 1712311001 KLBUE 4-13.5 SC G.8
1061200000 WEW 35/2 H.13 1313100000 Q 10 DLI I.11 1600480000 KLBUE 3-8 G.4 1712321001 KLBUE 10-20 SC G.8
1061200000 WEW 35/2 H.5 1313260000 AP DLI2.5 I.6 1600490000 KLBUE 10-20 G.4 1715970000 WSH 3/H/N G.6
1062860000 WAD 27 M. BL. K.18 1317660000 AP DLD2.5 I.6 1607710000 ESO 5 DIN A4 WEISS BOG. K.17 1716240000 SAK 4 B.3
1062960000 WAD 27 NEUTRAL K.18 1317680000 AP DLD2.5 BL I.6 1607720000 ESO 7 A4-BOGEN WEISS K.17 1716300000 KLBUE 15-32 G.4
1067600000 WEW 32/1 H.13 1318061187 DEK 6 GW PE K.9 1607720000 ESO 7 A4-BOGEN WEISS K.19 1718341001 KLBUE 15-32 SC G.8
1068700000 WSH 1 G.6 1318061198 DEK 6 GW + K.9 1609801044 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. WS K.11 1718530000 TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM B.55
1318061199 DEK 6 GW - K.9 1609801044 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. WS K.19 1718530000 TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM A.49
1318061202 DEK 6 GW ERDE K.9 1609801044 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. WS K.18 1718530000 TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM B.54
1318061203 DEK 6 GW ERDE I.KR. K.9 1609801044 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. WS K.17 1718530000 TW KST5-12 RE/NO 160/HM A.48
1071900000 EW 15/2 H.13 1318091737 DEK 6 GW RT/SW + K.9 1609801044 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. WS K.16
1079900000 WSH 4 MT G.9 1318091741 DEK 6 GW BL/SW - K.9 1609801686 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. RT K.11
1319260000 QVS 2/4 SAKT4 B.32 1609801687 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. GE K.11
1319260000 QVS 2/4 SAKT4 A.33 1609801688 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. GN K.11 1720620000 DEK 5/7.5 MC NEUTRAL K.11
1319360000 SSP 4 SAKT4 I.20 1609801691 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. GR K.11 1723800000 BS 35II KLBUE HOLDER G.10
1080100000 WSH 5 G.6 1319360000 SSP 4 SAKT4 A.33 1609801693 DEK 5/5 MC-10 NEUT. BL K.11 1723810000 BS 35II KLBUE3-8 G.10
1080200000 WSH 6 G.6 1319360000 SSP 4 SAKT4 B.32 1609810000 DEK 5/5 MC BEDRUCKT K.11 1723820000 BS 35II/KLBUE 4-13.5 G.10
1082400000 BFEH 1/WSH G.7 1319900000 BFSC M3X22 SAKT4 A.33 1609820000 DEK 5/6 MC NEUTRAL K.11 1724580000 FM 4.2/TS35 H.15
1083100000 WSH 18 MT G.7 1319900000 BFSC M3X22 SAKT4 B.32 1609830000 DEK 5/6 MC BEDRUCKT K.11
1083200000 WSH 19 MT G.7 1609840000 DEK 5/6,5 MC NEUTRAL K.11
1083900000 SMSE WSH U1 G.7
1320000000 1609850000
K.14 1741260001 MC-Mobilo 110V/220V K.25
1323660000 SAK 4/35 OR I.7 1609860000 WS 12/5 MC NEUTRAL K.18 1742630000 BTWZ KLBUE G.8
1326360000 SAK 2.5 OR I.7 1609860000 WS 12/5 MC NEUTRAL K.19 1746130000 SSCH 10X3X1000 ST/ZN G.5
1104700000 SAKH 10 CUN/EP/SW D.7 1326660000 DEK 8 SONDERDR.WEISS K.9 1609870000 WS 12/5 MC BEDRUCKT K.14 1746130000 SSCH 10X3X1000 ST/ZN G.7
1326690000 DEK 8 SONDERDR.FARBIG K.9 1609880000 WS 15/5 MC NEUTRAL K.14 1746130000 SSCH 10X3X1000 ST/ZN G.4
1609890000 WS 15/5 MC BEDRUCKT K.14 1747350000 TS 35X7.5 2M/CRN H.11
1160000000 1750000000
1338060000 DK 4Q/TC TYP J B.34
1610010000 ZS 10/5 MC BEDRUCKT K.15 1752691001 KLBUE 4-13.5 CPF G.11
1358760000 DEK 6 FW 2,4,...100 K.8 1752800000 TW KST5-12 LI/NO 160/HM B.54
1630000000 1752950000 WSH 20 MT G.7
SAKT 4/35/LT STB2.0
1360000000 1631350000 ESO 5 DIN A4 GELB BOG. K.17
1276300000 FZS 2/4 RT/80 SAKT4 I.14 1368720000 SAKS 2/35 A.26 1631920000 ESO 5 S DIN A4-BOGEN K.17 1755081001 KLBUE CO 5 G.5
1276960001 DEK 8 FWZ 1-10 K.9 1631930000 SCHT 5 S K.17 1755270000 DEK 5/3,5 MC NEUTRAL K.11
DEK 8 FWZ 11-20
DEK 8 FWZ 21-30
1370000000 1631940000
DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 1
DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 2
1276960031 DEK 8 FWZ 31-40 K.9 1378160000 ADP 4/300 I.16 1633320000 AP VLI1.5/PE I.6 1755280003 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 3 K.8
1276960041 DEK 8 FWZ 41-50 K.9 1634780000 ESO 7 A4-BOGEN GELB K.17 1755280004 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 4 K.8
DEK 8 FWZ 51-60
DEK 8 FWZ 61-70
1380000000 1634780000
DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 5
DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 6
1276960071 DEK 8 FWZ 71-80 K.9 1381600000 EP 1/BW SAKG32/35 HP/DB I.5 1635000000 WS 10/5 MC NEUTRAL K.14 1755280007 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 7 K.8
1276960081 DEK 8 FWZ 81-90 K.9 1635010000 WS 10/5 MC BEDRUCKT K.14 1755280008 DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 8 K.8
DEK 8 FWZ 91-100
DEK 8 FWZ 101-110
1390000000 1636510000
STR 15 F. ZGB 15
DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 9
DEK 5/3,5 MC GW 0
1276960111 DEK 8 FWZ 111-120 K.9 1397160000 AP DK4Q B.11 1636530000 ZGB 15 K.19
1276960121 DEK 8 FWZ 121-130 K.9 1397160000 AP DK4Q A.12
1276960131 DEK 8 FWZ 131-140 K.9 1397160000 AP DK4Q A.13
1276960141 DEK 8 FWZ 141-150 K.9 1397160000 AP DK4Q B.10 1760720000 BS 35/WSH 2 G.7
Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page
1790000000 1920000000
1762320001 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 1-10 K.8 7906060000 BK 3/E F.6
1762320011 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 11-20 K.8 7906080000 BK 4/E F.6
1762320021 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 21-30 K.8 1790060000 WAD 5 Sonderdruck K.18 1920640000 PLOTTER PEN 0.25 P-INK K.25 7906090000 BK 6/E F.6
1762320031 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 31-40 K.8 1790080000 AP 110 GR I.6 1920640000 PLOTTER PEN 0.25 P-INK K.24 7906100000 BK 12/E F.6
1762320041 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 41-50 K.8 1792000000 WS 10/5 MC Midd. Neutr. K.16 1920650000 PLOTTER PEN 0.35 P-INK K.24 7906110000 MK 3/2/E F.6
1762320051 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 51-60 K.8 1792000000 WS 10/5 MC Midd. Neutr. K.14 1920650000 PLOTTER PEN 0.35 P-INK K.25 7906120000 MK 3/3/E F.6
1762320061 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 61-70 K.8 1792000000 WS 10/5 MC Midd. Neutr. K.17 1924310000 MCP AP SF4-6 K.24 7906130000 MK 3/4/E F.6
1762320071 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 71-80 K.8 1792010000 WS 10/5 MC Midd. Sonder K.14 1924320000 MCP KLEBESTREIFEN K.24 7906140000 MK 3/5/E F.6
1762320081 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 81-90 K.8 1797460000 Tintenpatrone PrintJet K.22 1924330000 P-CLEANER K.25 7906150000 MK 3/6/E F.6
1762320091 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 91-100 K.8 1799900000 SAK 2.5/35 SW I.7 1924330000 P-CLEANER K.24 7906160000 MK 3/7/E F.6
1762320101 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 101-110 K.8 1799910000 SAK 2.5/35 RT I.7 1924340000 P-INK K.24 7906170000 MK 3/8/E F.6
1762320111 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 111-120 K.8 1799920000 SAK 2.5/35 DBL I.7 1924340000 P-INK K.25 7906180000 MK 3/9/E F.6
1762320121 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 121-130 K.8 1924350000 MCP COVER K.24 7906190000 MK 3/10/E F.6
1762320131 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 131-140 K.8 1924360000 MCP AP K.24 7906200000 MK 3/11/E F.6
1762320141 DEK 5/3,5 MC FSZ 141-150 K.8 1924370000 MCP AP LABLES K.24 7906210000 MK 3/12/E F.6
1762440000 ADAPTER ALU STI-S K.25 1802180000 MC-MOBILO AUFN. SF 4-6 K.25 1925000000 MCP PLUS K.23 7906220000 MK 6/2/E F.7
1762440000 ADAPTER ALU STI-S K.24 1802690000 TS 27X12.5M/ST/F.ZN G.11 1927510000 WS 12/5 PLUS MC NEUTRAL K.14 7906230000 MK 6/3/E F.7
1767090000 SPEEDMARKING-LASER K.21 1805480000 BZT 2 WS 10/5 K.16 1927520000 WS 12/5 PLUS SONDERDRUCK K.14 7906240000 MK 6/4/E F.7
1767730000 DEK 5/3,5 MC bedruckt K.11 1805490000 BZT 1 WS 10/5 K.16 1927530000 WS 12/6 PLUS MC NEUTRAL K.14 7906250000 MK 6/5/E F.7
1768020000 BS 35II KLBUE2X3-8/2X2-6 G.10 1805520000 BZT 1 ZA WS 10/5 K.16 1927540000 WS 12/6 PLUS SONDERDRUCK K.15 7906260000 MK 6/6/E F.7
1768090000 WS 14/5 MC NEUTRAL K.14 1805530000 BZT 2 ZA WS 10/5 K.16
Plotterpen 0,25
Plotterpen 0,25
Snap Mark I
TS 35X15/6X18 2M/ST/ZN
H.11 1930000000 7910000000
1768550000 Plotterpen 0,35 K.25 1806120000 EM 8/30 K.19 1935130000 MCP EP K.24 7917000000 AP MAK2.5 DB I.6
1768550000 Plotterpen 0,35 K.24 1806630000 IS 2 KG J.20
Plotterpen 0,5
Plotterpen 0,5
J.20 1950000000 7920000000
1768570000 Plotterpen 0,18 K.25 1951870000 WS 8/5 PLUS MC NEUTRAL K.14 7920340000 ZEW 15 H.13
1768570000 Plotterpen 0,18 K.24 1951880000 WS 8/6 PLUS MC NEUTRAL K.14
1951920000 DEK 5/30 MC NEUTRAL K.18
1770000000 1814660000
1951920000 DEK 5/30 MC NEUTRAL K.11
8014720000 DKT 4/35 PT100 A.56
1770070000 TONER SMARK LASER K.21 1814680000 ZF 4 S H.7 8014730000 DKT 4/32 PT100 B.61
1770490000 DEK 5/7.5 MC SONDERDR. K.11 1817780000 SAK 4 BL RS-SET I.7
Tinte 2000 25ml
Tinte 2000 25ml
WS 10/6 MC Midd. Neutr.
2012770000 AP STA2.5 0.5MM
2012790000 SK E14 SAKS4 USA
1772130000 Reiniger 2000 25ml K.24 1818410000 WS 10/6 MC Midd. Sonder K.15 2012790000 SK E14 SAKS4 USA A.27 8068330000 SAKS 1/35 G20 GL 115VAC A.24
1772130000 Reiniger 2000 25ml K.25
I.7 1820000000 2030000000 8100000000
1772830000 SAK 10/EN OR I.7 1820200000 AP SAKR BE RS-SET I.6 2038000000 F.6 8109130000 SAKA 10/EN 2GL 230VAC C.8
1773330001 WS 12/5 FWZ 1-10 K.9 1821480000 SAK 2.5/35 GE I.7 2038000000 F.5
1773330011 WS 12/5 FWZ 11-20 K.9 1828450000 WS 10/6 MC NEUTRAL K.14
1773330021 WS 12/5 FWZ 21-30 K.9 1828460000 WS 10/6 MC Sonderdruck K.15
1773330031 WS 12/5 FWZ 31-40 K.9 8142840000 KDKS1/EN LD 115VAC C.7
1773330041 WS 12/5 FWZ 41-50 K.9 2076890000 AP SAK4-10 GE I.6 8146450000 KDKS1/EN LD 24VDC C.7
1773340000 SAK 4/EN WS I.7 2076900000 AP SAK16 GE I.6 8148910000 KDKS1/EN LD 230VAC C.7
1773350000 SAK 6/EN WS I.7 1837380000 TS 35X15/LL/5 2M/ST/ZN H.11 2076910000 AP SAK35/TW SAK16 GE I.6 8148920000 KDKS1/EN LD 48 VAC C.7
1773360000 WS 8/5 Sonderdr. Laser K.9 2077060000 AP AST3+4/35 GE I.6 8148930000 KDKS1/EN LD 24 VAC C.7
1773370000 WS 10/5 Sonderdr. Laser K.9 2077070000 AP AKZ4 GE I.6
1773380000 WS 12/5 Sonderdr. Laser K.9
1773410000 AP 100 GR I.6 1848290000 TS 35X15/2.3 2M/AL/BK H.11
1773430001 WS 12/5 FSZ 1-10 K.9 8150150000 SAKA 10/EN 2GL 24VUC C.8
1773430011 WS 12/5 FSZ 11-20 K.9 2093550000 I.6
1773430021 WS 12/5 FSZ 21-30 K.9
1773430031 WS 12/5 FSZ 31-40 K.9 1853950000 SAK 4/EN GR 7042 I.7
1773430041 WS 12/5 FSZ 41-50 K.9 1853960000 SAK 10/EN GR RAL 7042 I.7 8630740000 ZEW 35/2 H.13
1773521686 WS 8/5 MC neutral RT K.14 1853970000 AP SAK4-10 GR 7042 I.6 2119490000 AP 2 DSG1.5T I.6
WS 8/5 MC neutral GE
WS 8/5 MC neutral OR
WS 10/15 MC Neutr.
WS 10/15 MC Sonderdruck
2144900000 AP SAK2.5/35 I.6
1773521693 WS 8/5 MC neutral BL K.14 1854490000 DEK 5/5 PLUS MC NEUTRAL K.11 9002170000 KT ZQV J.3
1773531686 WS 10/5 MC neutral RT K.14 1854500000 DEK 5/5 PLUS MC SONDERDR. K.11 9002650000 KT 8 J.2
1773531687 WS 10/5 MC neutral GE K.14 1856740000 DEK 5/8 MC Neutral K.11 3710000000 I.9 9002660000 KT 12 J.2
1773531693 WS 10/5 MC neutral BL K.14 1856750000 DEK 5/8 MC Sonderdruck K.11 9004050000 H0,5/10 J.33
1773541686 WS 12/5 MC neutral RT K.14 1858440000 SAK 2.5/EN SW I.7 9004060000 H1,5/12 J.33
1773541687 WS 12/5 MC neutral GE K.14 1858450000 SAK 2.5/EN BR I.7 9004070000 H1,5/18 J.33
1773541690 WS 12/5 MC neutral OR K.14 1858460000 SAK 2.5/EN WS I.7 3720000000 I.9 9004080000 H2,5/10 J.33
1773541693 WS 12/5 MC neutral BL K.14 1858920000 Tintentank PrintJet II K.22 9004090000 H2,5/18 J.33
1773551686 WS 12/6 MC neutral RT K.14 1858950000 CleanUnit PrintJet II K.22 9004100000 H4,0/15 J.33
1773551687 WS 12/6 MC neutral GE K.14 9004110000 H4,0/18 J.33
1773551689 WS 12/6 MC neutral VI K.14 3835020000 PPT/35 D.9 9004120000 H6,0/10 J.33
1773551690 WS 12/6 MC neutral OR K.14 3835120000 AP PPT/35 I.6 9004130000 H6,0/18 J.33
1773551692 WS 12/6 MC neutral BR K.14 1866290000 TS 35X15/6X25 2M/ST/ZN H.11 3835120000 AP PPT/35 D.9 9004140000 H1,5/24D SW SV J.26
1773551693 WS 12/6 MC neutral BL K.14 1866850000 SAK 6/35 GN/GE I.7 9004140000 H1,5/24D SW SV J.24
1773561686 WS 12/6,5 MC neutral RT K.15 9004150000 H16,0/25 J.33
1773561687 WS 12/6,5 MC neutral GE K.15 9004160000 H16,0/32 J.33
1773561688 WS 12/6,5 MC neutral GN K.15 3896100000 SP 15 G.9 9004170000 H25,0/25 J.33
1773561693 WS 12/6,5 MC neutral BL K.15 1905490000 M-PRINT PRO K.26 3896200000 SP 20 G.9 9004180000 H25,0/32 J.33
1773571687 WS 15/5 MC neutral GE K.14 1905490000 M-PRINT PRO K.24 3896300000 SP 30 G.9 9004190000 H35,0/25 J.33
1773900000 SAK 10/EN SW I.7 1905500000 M-PRINT PRO ADVANCED K.26 9004200000 H35,0/32 J.33
1778270000 WS 12/3,5 MC neutral K.14 1905950000 WS 10/8 MC NEUTRAL K.15 9004210000 H50,0/18 J.33
1778280000 WS 12/3,5 MC Sonderdr. K.14 1905970000 WS 10/12 MC NEUTRAL K.15 9004220000 H50,0/32 J.33
1779100000 TSTW 5/M5 ZN H.14 1906000000 WS 12/8 MC NEUTRAL K.15 4062150000 PJ-Clean Unit K.22 9004230000 H70,0/25 J.33
1906010000 WS 12/8 MC SONDERDRUCK K.15 9004240000 H70,0/32 J.33
1780000000 1906030000
K.15 4140000000
1782880000 Magazin SMark Laser K.21 1907020000 DK 4 QV/EN C.5 4140450000 AP SAKB/C/T BE I.6 9004270000 H0,5/14 OR BD J.23
1783550000 AP DLI2.5 DB I.6 1907030000 DK 4 Q/EN BL C.4 4145220000 AP RV I.6 9004280000 H0,5/14D W BD J.24
1783800000 AP DLD2.5/PE DB I.6 1907040000 DK 4 Q/EN C.4 9004280000 H0,5/14D W BD J.26
1784150000 AP VLI1.5 DB I.6 1907520000 DEK 5/5 PLUS MC GE K.11 9004290000 H0,75/14 W BD J.23
1784160000 AP VLI1.5/PE DB I.6 9004300000 H0,75/14D GR BD J.24
1784210000 AP DLD2.5 DB I.6 4173520000 AP SAKB/C/T1 DB I.6 9004310000 H0,75/14T HBL BD J.26
1784390000 SAK 16/EN BL I.7 9004320000 H1,0/14 GE BD J.23
1784390000 SAK 16/EN BL C.3 1917410000 WS 10/6 MC MIDDLE OR K.14 9004330000 H1,0/14D R BD J.26
1784400000 SAK 35/EN BL C.4 1917420000 WS 10/6 MC MIDDLE GN K.14 9004330000 H1,0/14D R BD J.24
1784400000 SAK 35/EN BL I.7 1917430000 WS 10/6 MC MIDDLE GE K.14 6253140000 SAK 2.5 AL BLUE (E) I.7 9004340000 H1,5/14 R BD J.23
1784410000 SAK 10/EN BL C.3 1917440000 WS 10/6 MC MIDDLE RT K.14 9004350000 H1,5/14D SW BD J.24
1784410000 SAK 10/EN BL I.7 9004350000 H1,5/14D SW BD J.26
9004360000 H2,5/14D BL BD J.23
Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page
9004370000 H2,5/14T GR BD J.26 9008880000 TH-S 9-40 J.16 9019180000 H2,5/24D BL J.22 9028290000 H0,75/16 W SV J.22
9004390000 H0,34/12 TK BD GSP J.23 9008890000 SDIK PZ2 J.14 9019180000 H2,5/24D BL J.24 9028300000 H0,75/18 W SV J.22
9004410000 H1,5/16 ZH R SV J.28 9008900000 SDIK PZ1 J.14 9019190000 H4,0/17D GR J.24 9028310000 H1,0/12 GE SV J.22
9004420000 H1,5/16D ZH SW SV J.29 9008910000 SDI 1,0x4,5x125 J.14 9019190000 H4,0/17D GR J.22 9028320000 H1,0/16 GE SV J.22
9004420000 H1,5/16D ZH SW SV J.30 9008920000 SKI 13,0x125 J.14 9019200000 H4,0/20D GR J.22 9028340000 H1,0/18 GE SV J.22
9004430000 H2,5/18,5D ZH BL SV J.28 9008930000 SKI 11,0x125 J.14 9019200000 H4,0/20D GR J.24 9028350000 H1,5/16 R SV J.22
9004430000 H2,5/18,5D ZH BL SV J.29 9008940000 SKI 10,0x125 J.14 9019210000 H4,0/26D GR J.24 9028360000 H1,5/14DS SW SV J.32
9004440000 H0,5/15 ZH OR SV J.28 9008950000 SKI 9,0x125 J.14 9019210000 H4,0/26D GR J.22 9028490000 H2,5/12DS BL J.32
9004500000 WAW 1 NEUTRAL J.3 9008960000 SKI 8,0x125 J.14 9019220000 H6,0/20D GE J.24
9004510000 WAW 2 J.3 9008970000 SKI 7,0x125 J.14 9019230000 H6,0/26D GE J.24
9004560000 H0,5/14S OR J.32 9008980000 SKI 6,0x125 J.14 9019240000 H10,0/22D R J.24
9004590000 H0,5/14S W J.32 9008990000 SKI 5,5x125 J.14 9019250000 H10,0/28D R J.24 9036200000 H2,5/12TS GR J.32
9004710000 H10,0/26D R ZH SV J.29 9009000000 SKI 5,0x125 J.14 9019260000 H16,0/24D BL J.24 9036220000 H2,5/16DS BL J.32
9004720000 H6/25D ZH GE SV J.29 9009010000 SD 1,2x6,5x150 J.15 9019270000 H16,0/28D BL J.24 9036240000 H120,0/32 J.33
9004730000 H4/22D ZH GR SV J.29 9009020000 SD 0,8x4,5x125 J.15 9019280000 H25,0/30D 16 GE J.24 9036250000 H150,0/32 J.33
9004730000 H4/22D ZH GR SV J.28 9009030000 SD 0,4x2,5x75 J.15 9019300000 H25,0/36D GE J.24 9036260000 H185,0/32 J.33
9004740000 H2,5/20,5D BL ZH SV J.29 9009040000 SK 13,0x125 J.15 9019310000 H35,0/30D 16 R J.24 9037160000 SD 0,4x2,0x60 J.15
9004740000 H2,5/20,5D BL ZH SV J.28 9009050000 SK 12,0x125 J.15 9019320000 H35,0/30D R J.24 9037200000 H0,5/15 ZH OR J.30
9004750000 H1,5/20D SW ZH SV J.30 9009060000 SK 11,0x125 J.15 9019330000 H35,0/39D R J.24 9037200000 H0,5/15 ZH OR J.28
9004750000 H1,5/20D SW ZH SV J.29 9009070000 SK 10,0x125 J.15 9019340000 H50/36D BL J.24 9037210000 H0,5/16,5 ZH OR J.30
9004760000 H1,0/20D R ZH SV J.30 9009080000 SK 9,0x125 J.15 9019350000 H50/40D BL J.24 9037210000 H0,5/16,5 ZH OR J.28
9004760000 H1,0/20D R ZH SV J.29 9009090000 SK 8,0x125 J.15 9019400000 H0,5/14D W SV J.24 9037220000 H0,5/18,5 ZH OR J.28
9004770000 H0,75/17D ZH GR SV J.29 9009100000 SK 7,0x125 J.15 9019400000 H0,5/14D W SV J.26 9037220000 H0,5/18,5 ZH OR J.30
9004780000 H0,5/15D ZH W SV J.29 9009110000 SK 6,0x125 J.15 9019410000 H0,75/14D GR SV J.24 9037230000 H0,75/15 ZH W J.28
9004900000 H0,75/17 ZH W SV J.28 9009120000 SK 5,5x125 J.15 9019420000 H1,0/14D R SV J.26 9037240000 H0,75/17 ZH W J.28
9004910000 H1,0/20 ZH GE SV J.28 9009140000 SD TH30 J.15 9019420000 H1,0/14D R SV J.24 9037250000 H0,75/24,5 ZH W J.28
9004920000 H1,5/20 ZH R SV J.28 9009150000 SD TH25 J.15 9019430000 H1,5/14D SW SV J.24 9037260000 H1,0/15 ZH GE J.28
9004930000 H6,0/25 ZH SW SV J.28 9009160000 SD TH20 J.15 9019430000 H1,5/14D SW SV J.26 9037270000 H1,0/20 ZH GE J.28
9004940000 H10,0/26 ZH EB SV J.28 9009170000 SD TH15 J.15 9037280000 H1,0/25,6 ZH GE J.28
H0,75/17T ZH HBL SV
J.15 9020000000 9037290000
H1,5/16 ZH R
H1,5/20 ZH R
9005150000 H2,5/20,5 T ZH GR SV J.30 9009640000 SDI T10 J.14 9020000000 STRIPAX PLUS 2.5 J.5 9037310000 H1,5/25,6 ZH R J.28
9005160000 H6,0/25T ZH GN SV J.30 9009650000 SDI T15 J.14 9020000000 STRIPAX PLUS 2.5 J.35 9037320000 H6,0/25 ZH SW J.28
9005170000 H10,0/26T ZH BR SV J.30 9009660000 SDI T20 J.14 9021010000 H0,25/10T GE J.26 9037330000 H6,0/29 ZH SW J.28
9005180000 H0,14/10 GR SV J.22 9009670000 SDI T25 J.14 9021020000 H0,25/12T GE J.26 9037340000 H10,0/26 ZH EB J.28
9005450000 BUE SPX J.4 9009680000 SDI T30 J.14 9021030000 H0,75/12T HBL J.26 9037350000 H10,0/30 ZH EB J.28
9005610000 STRIPAX 16 J.4 9009690000 SDI T40 J.14 9021040000 H0.75/14 HBL J.26 9037360000 H16,0/29 ZH GN J.28
9005810000 H0,5/14 OR BD GSP J.23 9021050000 H0,75/16T HBL J.26 9037370000 H16,0/38 ZH GN J.28
H0,75/14 W BD GSP
H1,0/14 GE BD GSP
J.23 9010000000 9021060000
H0,75/18T HBL
H2,5/14T GR
H0,5/15D ZH W
H0,5/16,5D ZH W
9005840000 H1,5/14 R BD GSP J.23 9010110000 SD 0,6x3,5x200 J.15 9021080000 H2,5/18T GR J.26 9037400000 H0,5/18,4D ZH W J.29
9005850000 H2,5/14D BL BD GSP J.23 9011460000 PZ 6/5 J.35 9021090000 H2,5/24T GR J.26 9037410000 H0,75/15D ZH GR J.29
9005850000 H2,5/14D BL BD GSP J.25 9011460000 PZ 6/5 J.6 9021100000 H4,0/17T OR J.26 9037420000 H0,75/17D ZH GR J.29
9005860000 H0,5/14D W BD GSP J.27 9012000000 HTG 58 I.14 9021110000 H4,0/20T OR J.26 9037430000 H0,75/24,5D ZH GR J.29
9005860000 H0,5/14D W BD GSP J.25 9012500000 PZ 4 J.35 9021120000 H4,0/26T OR J.26 9037440000 H1,0/15D ZH R J.29
9005870000 H0,75/14 GRAU BD GSP J.25 9012500000 PZ 4 J.6 9021130000 H6,0,0/20T GN J.26 9037440000 H1,0/15D ZH R J.30
9005880000 H1,0/14D R BD GSP J.27 9012600000 PZ 16 J.8 9021140000 H6/26T GN J.26 9037450000 H1,0/20D ZH R J.30
9005880000 H1,0/14D R BD GSP J.25 9012600000 PZ 16 J.35 9021150000 H10,0/22T BR J.26 9037450000 H1,0/20D ZH R J.29
9005890000 H1,5/14D SW BD GSP J.25 9013600000 PZ ZH 16 J.8 9021160000 H10,0/28T BR J.26 9037460000 H1,0/25,6D ZH R J.29
9005890000 H1,5/14D SW BD GSP J.27 9013600000 PZ ZH 16 J.35 9021170000 H16,0/24T W J.26 9037460000 H1,0/25,6D ZH R J.30
9005900000 H0,75/14T BL BD GSP J.27 9013650000 PZ 6 HEX J.35 9021180000 H16,0/28T W J.26 9037470000 H1,5/16D ZH SW J.30
9005910000 H2,5/14T GR BD GSP J.27 9014350000 PZ 6 Roto J.35 9021190000 H25,0/30T SW J.26 9037470000 H1,5/16D ZH SW J.29
9005990000 PZ 1.5 J.35 9014350000 PZ 6 Roto J.7 9021200000 H25,0/36T SW J.26 9037480000 H1,5/20D ZH SW J.29
9006020000 SWIFTY J.13 9014400000 HTI 15 J.35 9021210000 H0,25/10T GE SV J.26 9037480000 H1,5/20D ZH SW J.30
9006060000 SWIFTY SET J.13 9018510000 H0,75/15 ZH W SV J.28 9021220000 H0,25/12T GE SV J.26 9037490000 H1,5/25,6D ZH SW J.29
9006120000 CTI 6 J.35 9018520000 H0,75/15D ZH GR SV J.29 9021230000 H0,75/14T HBL SV J.26 9037490000 H1,5/25,6D ZH SW J.30
9006210000 CTI 6 S J.35 9018530000 H1,0/15 ZH GE SV J.28 9021240000 H2,5/14T GR SV J.26 9037500000 H2,5/18,5D ZH BL J.28
9006450000 PZ 50 J.35 9018540000 H1,0/15D ZH R SV J.29 9021250000 H4/17T OR SV J.26 9037500000 H2,5/18,5D ZH BL J.29
9006450000 PZ 50 J.9 9018540000 H1,0/15D ZH R SV J.30 9025240000 H1,5/14S SW J.32 9037510000 H2,5/20,5D ZH BL J.29
9006590000 H1,5/17,5X SW SV J.31 9018550000 H0,75/14TS HBL J.32 9025570000 BIT E6.3 Z 0.6X3.5X39 J.20 9037510000 H2,5/20,5D ZH BL J.28
9006630000 H1,5/19,5X SW SV J.31 9018560000 H1,0/14S R J.32 9025590000 BIT E6.3 Z 0.8X4.0X39 J.20 9037520000 H2,5/26,5D ZH BL J.28
9006670000 H2,5/17,5X BL SV J.31 9018580000 H2,5/18.5T ZH GR SV J.30 9025690000 H1,5/12S R J.32 9037520000 H2,5/26,5D ZH BL J.29
9006710000 H2,5/21,5X BL SV J.31 9018590000 H4,0/22T ZH OR SV J.30 9025700000 H0,75/14S W SV J.32 9037530000 H4,0/22D ZH GR J.29
9006750000 H4,0/19,5X GR SV J.31 9018650000 H1,0/15S ZH GE SV J.28 9025710000 H1,0/14S GE SV J.32 9037530000 H4,0/22D ZH GR J.28
9006790000 H6,0/23,0X GE SV J.31 9018690000 H1,0/15S ZH GE J.28 9025720000 H1,5/14S R SV J.32 9037540000 H4,0/28D ZH GR J.29
9006830000 H10,0/24,5X R SV J.31 9018860000 H10/24S ZH EB J.28 9025740000 H0,25/10 HBL J.22 9037540000 H4,0/28D ZH GR J.28
9006870000 H16,0/25,5X BL SV J.31 9018870000 H10/30S ZH EB J.28 9025750000 H0,34/10 TK J.22 9037550000 H6,0/25D ZH GE J.29
9007440000 DMS 3 J.10 9018880000 H10,0/24DS ZH R J.29 9025760000 H0,25/12 HBL J.22 9037560000 H6,0/29D ZH GE J.29
9007450000 AKKU DMS 3 J.10 9018890000 H10/30DS ZH R J.29 9025770000 H0,34/12 TK J.22 9037570000 H10,0/26D ZH R J.29
9007460000 LADEGERAET DMS 3 J.10 9018910000 H0,25/5 J.33 9025780000 H0,25/12 HBL SV J.22 9037580000 H10,0/30D ZH R J.29
9007470000 DMS 3 SET 1 J.10 9019000000 H0,5/12D W J.24 9025790000 H0,34/12 TK SV J.22 9037590000 H16,0/29D ZH BL J.29
9007480000 DMS 3 SET 2 J.10 9019000000 H0,5/12D W J.26 9025860000 H0,75/16 W J.22 9037600000 H16,0/38D ZH BL J.29
9008320000 SD 0,5x3,0x80 J.15 9019010000 H0,5/14D W J.26 9025870000 H0,5/16 OR J.22 9037610000 H0,75/15T ZH HBL J.30
9008330000 SD 0,6x3,5x100 J.13 9019010000 H0,5/14D W J.24 9025870000 H0,5/16 OR J.14 9037620000 H0,75/17T ZH HBL J.30
9008330000 SD 0,6x3,5x100 J.15 9019020000 H0,5/16D W J.26 9025880000 H50,0/25 J.33 9037630000 H0,75/24,5T ZH HBL J.30
9008340000 SD 0,8x4,0x100 J.15 9019020000 H0,5/16D W J.24 9025910000 H0,75/18 W J.22 9037640000 H2,5/18,5T ZH GR J.30
9008350000 SD 1,0x5,5x150 J.15 9019030000 H0,75/12D GR J.24 9025930000 H1,0/18 GE J.22 9037650000 H2,5/20,5T ZH GR J.30
9008370000 SDI 0,4x2,5x75 J.14 9019040000 H0,75/14D GR J.24 9025950000 H1,0/16 GE J.22 9037660000 H2,5/26,5T ZH GR J.30
9008380000 SDI 0,5x3,0x100 J.14 9019050000 H0,75/16D GR J.24 9025960000 H0,75/14S W J.32 9037670000 H4,0/22T ZH OR J.30
9008390000 SDI 0,6x3,5x100 J.14 9019060000 H0,75/18D GR J.24 9025970000 H1,0/14S GE J.32 9037680000 H4,0/28T ZH OR J.30
9008400000 SDI 0,8x4,0x100 J.14 9019070000 H1,0/12D R J.24 9025980000 H1,5/14S R J.32 9037690000 H6,0/25T ZH GN J.30
9008410000 SDI 1,0x5,5x125 J.14 9019070000 H1,0/12D R J.26 9026010000 H4/17 GR SV J.22 9037700000 H6,0/29T ZH GN J.30
9008430000 SDI 1,6x8,0x175 J.14 9019080000 H1,0/14D R J.26 9026010000 H4/17 GR SV J.24 9037710000 H10,0/26T ZH BR J.30
9008450000 SDIZ 0.6X3.5X100 J.20 9019080000 H1,0/14D R J.24 9026030000 H0,34/10 TK SV J.22 9037720000 H10,0/30T ZH BR J.30
9008460000 SDIZ 0.8X4.0X100 J.20 9019100000 H1,0/16D R J.24 9026050000 H0,25/10 HBL SV J.22 9037730000 H16,0/29T ZH W J.30
9008470000 SDK PH0 J.15 9019100000 H1,0/16D R J.26 9026060000 H0,5/14 OR SV J.22 9037740000 H16,0/38T ZH W J.30
9008480000 SDK PH1 J.15 9019110000 H1,0/18D R J.26 9026070000 H0,75/14 W SV J.22
H1,0/18D R
H1,5/14D SW
H1,0/14 GE SV
H1,5/14 R SV
J.22 9050000000
9008520000 SDK PZ0 J.15 9019120000 H1,5/14D SW J.24 9026100000 H2,5/14 BL SV J.22 9054030000 MEHA OB/UN 6² SPX 3 J.4
9008530000 SDK PZ1 J.15 9019130000 H1,5/16D SW J.24 9026100000 H2,5/14 BL SV J.24 9054080000 MEHA OB/UN 16² SPX 3 J.4
9008540000 SDK PZ2 J.15 9019130000 H1,5/16D SW J.26 9028200000 H70,0/40 GE J.22
H1,5/18D SW
H1,5/18D SW
H95,0/44 R
H120,0/50 BL
J.22 9120000000
9008570000 SDIK PH1 J.14 9019150000 H1,5/24D SW J.24 9028230000 H150,0/54 GE J.22 9129920000 SAK 4/EN RT I.7
9008580000 SDIK PH2 J.14 9019150000 H1,5/24D SW J.26 9028240000 H0,14/12 GR SV J.22 9129930000 SAK 4/EN GE I.7
9008590000 SDIK PH3 J.14 9019160000 H2,5/14D BL J.22 9028250000 H0,14/10T BR SV J.26 9129950000 SAK 4/EN GN I.7
9008850000 SK WSD-S 1,5-10,0 J.16 9019160000 H2,5/14D BL J.24 9028260000 H0,5/10 OR SV J.22 9129960000 SAK 4/EN GR I.7
9008860000 SKS 2,0-8,0 J.16 9019170000 H2,5/18D BL J.22 9028270000 H0,5/16 OR SV J.22
9008870000 SKS 2,0-8,0 MR J.16 9019170000 H2,5/18D BL J.24 9028280000 H0,75/12 W SV J.22
Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page Order No. Type Page
9130000000 9540000000
9130980000 SAK 4/EN SW I.7 9540000000 ZEW 35 H.13
9130990000 SAK 4/EN BR I.7
9150000000 9918370000 DMS MANUELL 0,5-1,7 J.18
9154850000 AP OSC 10/16 I.6 9918380000 DMS MANUELL 2,0-8,0 J.18
9154860000 AP OSC 4 I.6 9918390000 DMSI MANUELL 0,5-1,7 J.19
9200000000 9918410000
WK SI 0,4x2,5
WK SI 0,5x3,0
9201940000 SDI T8 J.14 9918430000 WK SI 0,6x3,5 J.19
9202820000 H0,75/19S ZH W J.28 9918440000 WK SI 0,8x4,0 J.19
9202830000 H0,75/19DS ZH GR J.29 9918450000 WK SI 1,0x5,5 J.19
9202840000 H0,75/19TS ZH HBL J.30 9918460000 WK IK PH0 J.19
9202870000 H 1,5/24 XS SW J.31 9918470000 WK IK PH1 J.19
9202880000 H 2,5/24 XS BL J.31 9918480000 WK IK PH2 J.19
9202900000 H 0,5/16 S OR J.32 9918490000 WK IK PZ0 J.19
9202910000 H0,5/16 DS Weiß J.32 9918500000 WK IK PZ1 J.19
9205690000 SDI 0.4X2.0X60 J.14 9918510000 WK IK PZ2 J.19
9205700000 SDI 1.0X4.5X175 J.14 9918520000 WK S 0,4x2,5 J.18
9205710000 SDI 1.0X5.5X175 J.14 9918530000 WK S 0,5x3,0 J.18
9918540000 WK S 0,6x3,5 J.18
9420000000 9918550000
WK S 0,8x4,0
WK S 1,0x5,5
9426770000 H2,5/14TS GR J.32 9918570000 WK K PH0 J.18
9918580000 WK K PH1 J.18
9450000000 9918590000
9451000000 H35,0/30S J.33 9918610000 WK K PZ1 J.18
9918620000 WK K PZ2 J.18
9501160000 RSF 3/35 A.11
9501310000 KST 6 B.54
9501320000 KST 8 B.55
9501330000 KST 10 B.55
9501340000 KST 12 B.55
9501350000 QL 2 KST6 B.54
9501350000 QL 2 KST6 A.48
9501360000 QL 2 KST8 B.55
9501360000 QL 2 KST8 A.49
9501370000 QL 2 KST10 B.55
9501370000 QL 2 KST10 A.49
9501380000 QL 2 KST12 A.49
9501380000 QL 2 KST12 B.55
9502540000 QL 2 SAKK 4 D.2
9502550000 QL 3 SAKK 4 D.2
9502560000 QL 4 SAKK 4 D.2
9502570000 QL 10 SAKK 4 D.2
9502580000 VH 13.5 SAKK 4 D.2
9502600000 SAKK 4 D.2
9502610000 SAKK 10 D.3
9502630000 AP SAKK4/10 KER/WS I.6
9502630000 AP SAKK4/10 KER/WS D.3
9502630000 AP SAKK4/10 KER/WS D.2
9502650000 QL 2 SAKK 10 D.3
9502660000 QL 3 SAKK 10 D.3
9502670000 QL 4 SAKK 10 D.3
9502680000 QL 10 SAKK 10 D.3
9502690000 VH 12.5 SAKK10 D.3
9503300000 KDKS 1/32 B.21
9503310000 KDKS 1/35 A.23
9503330000 AP KDKS1 1.5 I.6
9503340000 AP KDKS1 EN I.6
9503340000 AP KDKS1 EN C.7
9503370000 KST 5 B.54
9506940000 KST 6/35 M6X22 A.48
9506950000 KST 8/35 M8X30 A.49
9506960000 KST 10/35 M10X39 A.49
9506970000 KST 12/35 M12X37 A.49
9509420000 QL 2 SAKK 4 TIN D.2
9509430000 QL 3 SAKK 4 TIN D.2
9509440000 QL 4 SAKK 4 TIN D.2
9509450000 QL 10 SAKK 4 TIN D.2
9509460000 VH 13.5 SAKK4 D.2
9509470000 QL 2 SAKK 10 TIN D.3
9509480000 QL 3 SAKK 10 TIN D.3
9509490000 QL 4 SAKK 10 TIN D.3
9509500000 QL 10 SAKK 10 TIN D.3
9509510000 VH 12.5 SAKK10 D.3
9509570000 KSKM 1/32 G20 B.20
9509580000 KSKM 2/32 GZ 1X1/4 B.20
9509600000 KSKM 1/35 G20 A.22
9509610000 KSKM 2/35 GZ 1X1/4 A.22
9509620000 KSKM 3/35 GZ 1 1/4X1/4 A.23
9509630000 AP KSKM I.6
9528300000 KST 5/35 M5X18 A.48
9528320000 KST 8/35 M8X30 A.49
9528330000 KST 10/35 M10X39 A.49
9528340000 KST 12/35 M12X37 A.49
9532470000 AP KDKS1 1.5 DB I.6
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. Cad. 143/1 DE Other countries
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Catalogue 2009/2010
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