Integrating Learning and Technology
Integrating Learning and Technology
Integrating Learning and Technology
Alex LaForest
Post University
Equations. Students will be examining the different types of answers as well as the different
solution methods that will be taught. At the end of the project, students will become classroom
experts on systems of equations. This project is designed for students in an Algebra 1 class.
Students’ ages will range from 12-14 depending on the year that they are taking this course.
Most students in this course are part of an accelerated math program, whether they are tier 1 or
tier 2. This is an enrichment model product, designed to have students utilize a flipped
classroom, where they will present their findings throughout subtopic projects during class time.
Students will be allowed to use their chrome books in and out of class in order to further their
The creation of these resources will go towards benefitting not only the students, but the
teachers as well. All materials created and used within this project will be shared on the MPS-
Secure Google drive. Teachers will be able to use these resources and lessons in order to spend
more time working one on one with struggling students. As Manchester Public Schools is a
google centered district, the sharing of resources on the google drive will streamline
communications, as well as reduce the carbon footprint of the school. Part of the projects will
require students to work with various facets of social media. While this may raise some concern,
“Since students are already using social media away from the classroom, integrating it into the
classroom helps students learn best practices for social media and offers an interesting new twist
on lessons” (Edudemic Staff, 2015). Utilizing social media in a controlled environment will not
only help students showcase their understanding in new ways, but also work on their netiquette.
The entirety of the project will be divided into four subtopics as follows:
of Linear Functions as well as create a presentation of the definitions for the unit. This
will give students a sounding board to work off of as they create and complete the rest of
the project.
2. Types of Solutions/ Graphing: Students will research the different types of solutions for
researching the last two methods of solving systems. They will then compare and contrast
4. Applications to the real-world: Using what they know, students must work on solving
word-problems using the optimal method. Subsequently, students will also create their
Sub-Topic #1
Students will use the Powtoon program to create a virtual glossary of the definitions for
the unit. They will choose terms from a list and construct a Powtoon that defines their terms and
then share it in google classroom. Students will work on creating personal definitions, describing
in their own words what each term means. This is done in order to demonstrate content
understanding. Being able to utilize Powtoon effectively will help students in displaying their
understanding creatively. Also, it will work on giving them a foundation to build upon as they
continue their learning. Finally, Powtoon introduces them to another program that they can use
Students will be able to accurately define and describe a linear equation. Additionally,
Students will be able to determine the three types of solutions for systems of equations. Finally,
In order to have accurate completion of this project students must follow the following
3. From the list of terms select at least 10 terms and provide visuals for a minimum of three
Linear Equation Slope
Variable Positive Slope
Negative Slope Undefined Slope
Zero Slope System of Equations
One Solution No Solution
Infinite Solution Graphing
Substitution Elimination
4. Include transitions and animations for your terms and definitions.
Edudemic Staff. (2015, January 12). How to Use Social Media as a Learning Tool. Retrieved