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Joseph Parish
Fr. Brandon Farrar, Interim Parochial Administrator
306 Iowa, PO Box 165, Olpe, KS 620-475-3326
Parish email: [email protected]
Facebook: “St. Joseph Catholic Church”
August 19, 2018 – 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Celebration of the Eucharist: Saturday @ 5:00 PM Sunday @ 8:30 AM

St. Joseph Parish Contacts: Baptisms/Anointing of Sick/Counseling:

Parish Bookkeeper: Laurie Schmidt 475-3326 Contact Rectory
office hours - Wed./Fri. 9-12 Marriages/Annulments:
Bulletin deadline-TUESDAY @ NOON Marriages – contact Rectory
Altar Society: Kim Irwin 475-3295 Saturdays @ 4:30 pm
Cemetery: Terry Taylor 340-5062
Family Life Ministry: Kay Schmidt 475-3767
Finance Council Elaine Musick 475-3378 COLLECTION Last Week:
Funeral Dinners: Linda Dieker 475-3567 Plate $ 173.46
Knights of Columbus: Brian Flott 343-9241 Envelopes 1,419.00 (37 adults)
Liturgy Committee Diana Kuhlmann 475-3784 Missionary Priest 295.00
Outreach Arlene Redeker 475-3414 Leaven 18.00
Pastoral Council: Diana Kuhlmann 475-3784 Social Support 30.00
Religious Ed: Rose Redeker 475-3403 TOTAL ……… $1,935.46

It’s a busy time; but we are so thankful for the

ST. JOSEPH PRAYER LIST parishioners who keep us in your prayers and
Robyn Bechtel, Montana Cole, Paul Frizell, Dave Goodell, make sacrifices to financially support our
Dave Schneider, Jim Wecker, all those battling cancer. parish!
United States Army: SFC Matthew S. Richter, Sgt. Austin
Burenheide, Pvt. Johnnie Bell, Captain Jacob Haag, Pvt.
Brandon Raybourn
Marines: Lt. Colonel James Bechtel Navy: Robert King
Just TWO weeks away!!!! Do you have your ticket? If
We are updating the prayer list. If you have not, call Linda at 475-3567.
someone you would like to specifically add,
please email Laurie or call church office. Did you check the worklist for your name?
(extra copies in the back of church)

If you CAN’T make it but want to financially support

our Family Life Ministry program, you can still make a
Sat. 8/18 5:00 pm +Kenneth Schmidt monetary donation! OR……buy a ticket and give it to
Sun. 8/19 8:30 am For the people of the parish someone who may not be able to afford one??
8/20 through 8/24 - NO DAILY MASS
Sat. 8/25 5:00 pm For the people of the parish This is the church’s BIGGEST fundraiser; and
Sun. 8/26 8:30 am Liv/Dec. St. Anne’s members it takes the cooperation of EVERYONE to help
make it successful.
As a reminder, non-emergency messages may
be left on the rectory phone (which will be Oh…. we could use donated tomatoes, cucumbers,
checked routinely). In case of an emergency, onions, butter, margarine, American cheese, and
please call Laurie at 620-343-0321 or call
Velveeta. Just contact Marie Wecker at 620-475-3362
Father Farrar at 620-343-1061 (dial 1 for
emergencies). Thanks so much for your or Cassie Dieker at 620-481-9831.
cooperation during this interim! THANK YOU!

Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26

Servers: Millie and Truman Bailey Servers: Hanna Cole, Alyssa Ziglar
Lector: Jana Redeker Lector: LeeAnn Eberle
Ministers: Mike Cole, Kathy Stevenson, Jana Redeker Ministers: LeAnn Eberle, Aaron & Michelle Cole
Gift Bearers: Mike & Lisa Cole Gift Bearers: Gary and Connie Murphy
Sacristan: Phyllis Krueger

PLEASE NOTE: The rectory office WILL BE CLOSED on Wednesday, August 22.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

CCD will begin on AUGUST 29 at 6:45 PM IN THE CHURCH and parents are encouraged to attend
as well! This night will be OH SO SPECIAL with a guest performer! ALSO, Sebastian D’Amico
will be speaking on Nov. 28; and we have SO MANY new and exciting events and activities
planned this year!

Our parish has purchased a new religious education series for the elementary grade levels. The new
series is titled, "Finding God" and it has an adaptive kit as part of the series. Pam Riordan, Consultant
for Children's Catechesis for the Archdiocese, has set the following date and time for training with the
religious education teachers of our parish: August 26, from 2:00 until 4:00 pm. Pam may invite other
teachers in our archdiocese to join us for this training session. We will meet in the Knight's Hall.

If you are a volunteer in ANY capacity, you are required to complete VIRTUS training prior to working with children. The
training makes participants aware of the signs of child abuse, the methods and means by which offenders commit abuse,
and five easy steps one can use to prevent abuse. We encourage all parishioners to attend this one time training session at
SACRED HEART PARISH HALL – Emporia – Thursday, August 23 (6:30-9:30 PM) OR Saturday, Sept. 8 (9:30 AM-12:30 PM).
Please preregister online at www.virtusonline.org. Light snacks will be provided.

Due to a few requests, we will be extending our Soles4Souls shoe collection for a few more weeks. Have you
ever bought Zappo’s shoes? They are the company that’s supplying free shipping labels for our boxes of shoes
going to Soles4Souls. We will try to run our shoe collection again later, so let Dorothy Blaufuss or one of the
Outreach committee know when you would like to see it again.

ALSO……Did you know that CCD collects aluminum cans even during the summer? They use the money for
various charities. Please include ONLY aluminum cans—not aluminum pie plates or foil. This is a different grade
of aluminum and must all be sorted out. THANKS! 

Mark Your Calendars……

August 19 Donuts & Juice after mass at Knights Hall
August 21 Blood pressure/sugar screenings w/bingo – Fellowship Meals
August 23 Flying Needles – 1 PM – Plaza
Bible Study – 7 PM
August 29 Opening Night of CCD – parents are invited—Guest speaker planned!
The next “Donuts & Juice/Coffee” after mass will be THIS Sunday, August
19 at the Knights Hall. Hope to see you there!


Annual Fee: Each member of the St. Ann's Altar Society is required to pay an annual fee. Fees are $3.00 each
member; $1.00 for members 75 years of age and older. You can pay your dues using your weekly envelope,
but please be sure to label it St. Anne's annual fee.

Officer Positions: Each year new Officers are elected to fill the Offices of Vice-President, Assistant Secretary
and Assistant Treasurer. Election of Officers takes place annually at the October meeting. We encourage
anyone interested to communicate with any of the Society's Officers. 2018 Officers include President Kim
Irwin, Vice-President Carolyn Cole, Secretary Carol Soyez, Assistant Secretary Jade Cole, Treasurer Lindsey
Ratcliff, Assistant Treasurer Aubrey Arnold.

The U.S. bishops urge our participation each Friday in a nationwide Novena for the Legal Protection of
Human Life, August 3-September 28. Participants will receive weekly email or text reminders to pray
and fast, along with little-known facts about Roe vs. Wade to share with others. Sign up at

Work, homework, school activities … these things are all gearing into high speed. Most of
us have heard how important family dinners are, but it is hard to make them happen!
In this weekend’s readings, Wisdom invites people for dinner and Jesus feeds us on his
own Body and Blood. In this context, simple meals together have elevated meaning and are
opportunities to grow in our faith and our love for each other. If scheduling is a challenge, try:
• Get up early and do breakfast together
• Keep one or more nights per week free from outside commitments
• Even if everyone can’t be present for a meal, pray as a group for anyone absent
If you don’t have kids, or they have left home, don’t discount the importance of family
dinner for you as a couple!

Family Day at Prairie Star Ranch

Prairie Star Ranch is offering you the chance to step away and enter into a day of prayer, adventure,
outdoor activities, and time to reconnect. Families, friends, and communities are invited to join us on
September 23rd from 9am to 5pm! Opportunities include Horseback Riding, Canoeing, Ropes Activities,
and time for prayer. The experience will culminate with the celebration of the Holy Mass in our
beautiful St. Kateri Chapel. Let us journey together on this day of Christ-centered adventure! Register
online now or contact the Team at Prairie Star Ranch.
www.archkck.org/ranch -- 785-746-5693 -- [email protected] .

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