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JP XII Physical&Inorganic Chemistry (34) - Prev Chaps - Surface Chemistry - Inorg. Che M

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TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2016

Course : VIJETA (JP) NO. 53 & 54

This DPP is to be discussed in the week (23.11.2015 to 28.11.2015)

Total Marks : 71 Max. Time : 45 min.

Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 (3 marks, 2 min.) [03, 02]
Multiple choice objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.2 to Q.7 (4 marks, 2 min.) [24, 12]
Integer type Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.8 to Q.14 (4 marks 3 min.) [28, 21]
Match the Following (no negative marking) Q.15 (8 marks, 6 min.) [08, 06]
ChemINFO : 2 Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.16 to Q.17 (4 marks, 2 min.) [08, 04]

1. (B) 2.* (BC) 3.* (ABD) 4.* (BC) 5.* (ABD) 6*. (BC) 7.* (ABD)
8. 1 9. 5 10. 7 11. 5 12. 3 13. 2 14. 8
15. (A – P, Q) ; (B–R) ; (C – Q, T) ; (D – S) ; (E – U) 16. (B) 17. (C)
DPP No. # 54 (JEE-MAIN)
1. (A) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (C) 6. (C) 7. (A)
8. (A) 9. (D) 10. (B) 11. (C) 12. (D) 13. (B) 14. (A)
15. (B) 16. (C) 17. (B) 18. (D) 19. (D) 20. (A)

1. The substances, P, Q and R have coagulation values 3, 0.6, 0.08 for a metal sol respectively. Their flocculating
powers are in the ratio :
fdlh /kkrq lkWy ds fy, inkFkZ P, Q o R ds LdUnu eku Øe'k% 3, 0.6, 0.08 gSA budh Å.kZu {kerk (flocculating powers)
dk vuqikr gS %
(A) 0.0267 : 5 : 1 (B*) 1 : 5 : 37.5 (C) 0.08 : 0.6 : 3 (D) 1 : 0.2 : 0.0267
Sol. Flocculation power 
Coagulatio n value

Å.kZu {kerk 
P : Q : R
1 1 1
: :
3 0 .6 0.08
or 1 : 5 : 37.5

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : www.resonance.ac.in | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555| CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029
2.* Solid ammonium carbamate, NH4CO2NH2 (s), dissociates into ammonia and carbon dioxide in a closed rigid
vessel when it evaporates as shown by
NH4CO2NH2(s) 2NH3(g) + CO2(g)
At 25ºC, the total pressure of the gases in equilibrium with the solid is 0.116 atm. If 0.1 atm of CO2 is
introduced at 25ºC after equilibrium is reached then :
(A) final pressure of CO 2 will be less than 0.1 atm
(B*) final pressure of CO2 will be more than 0.1 atm
(C*) pressure of NH3 will decrease due to addition of CO2
(D) pressure of NH3 will increase due to addition of CO2
,d can n`<+ ik=k esa lksfM;e veksfu;e dkcsZesV] NH4CO2NH2 (Bksl) tc ok"ihÑr gksrk gS rc ;g fuEu n'kkZ;s vuqlkj
veksfu;k rFkk dkcZu MkbvkWDlkbM esa fo;ksftr ¼decompose½ gksrk gSA
NH4CO2NH2(s) 2NH3(g) + CO2(g)
25ºC ij] Bksl ds lkFk lkE; esa xSlksa dk dqy nkc 0.116 atm gSA ;fn lkE; LFkkfir gksus ds i'pkr~ 0.1 atm CO2 dks ik=k
esa feyk fn;k tk;s] rc %
(A) CO2 dk vfUre nkc 0.1 atm ls de gksxkA
(B*) CO2 dk vfUre nkc 0.1 atm ls vf/kd gksxkA
(C*) CO2 dks feykus ds dkj.k NH3 dk nkc de gks tk;sxkA
(D) CO2 dks feykus ds dkj.k NH3 dk nkc c<+ tk;sxkA
Sol. The pressure of NH3 will decrease due to addition of CO 2 (backward, shifting Le-chatelies’s principle) The
pressure of CO2 will be more than 0.1 atm.
CO2 dks feykus ds dkj.k] NH3 dk nkc de gksxk (i'p fn'kk esa foLFkkiu] yh&'ksrsfy;j fl)kUr½ CO2 dk nkc 0.1 atm
ls vf/kd gksxkA

3.* Sulphur sol does not contains

(A*) discrete sulphur atoms (B*) discrete sulphur molecules (S 8)
(C) large aggregates of S8 molecules (D*) water dispersed in solid sulphur
lYQj lkWy ugha j[krk gS %
(A*) fod`r lYQj ijek.kq (B*) fod`r lYQj v.kq (S8)
(C) S8 v.kqvksa dk cMk lewg (D*) Bksl lYQj esa ifjf{kIr ty

4.* Which of the following statement is/are correct :

(A) Enthalpy (numerical value) of physisorption is greater than that of chemisorption
(B*) Physisorption is not very specific but chomisorption is highly specific
(C*) Chemisorption takes place at relatively high temperatures
(D*) In physisorption generally multi–molecular layers are formed on the adsorbent
fuEu esa ls dkSulk@dkSuls dFku lR; gS \
(A) HkkSfrd vf/k'kks"k.k dh ,UFkSYih (vkafdd eku) jklk;fud vf/k'kks"k.k ls vf/kd gksrh gSA
(B*) HkkSfrd vf/k'kks"k.k vf/kd fof'k"V ugha gS] ijarq jklk;fud vf/k'kks"k.k mPp fof'k"V gSA
(C*) jklk;fud vf/k'kks"k.k vis{kkd`r mPp rkiekuksa ij gksrk gSA
(D*) HkkSfrd vf/k'kks"k.k esa lkekU;r% vf/k'kks"kd ij cgq&vkf.od ijrsa curh gSA
Sol. Enthalpy of physisorption (20—40 KJ/mol) is less than chemisorption (80—240 KJ/mol).
HkkSfrd vf/k’'kks"k.k dh ,UFkSYih (20—40 KJ/eksy) jklk;fud vf/k'kks"k.k dh ,UFkSYih (80—240 KJ/mol) ls de gksrh gSA

5.* A colloidal solution has which of the following properties which is/are shown by a true solution.
(A*) Homogeneity (B*) Filterability (C) Tyndall effect (D*) Osmotic pressure
dksyksbMh foy;uksa dk og dkSulk@dkSuls xq.k/keZ gSA tks okLrfod foy;uksa }kjk iznf'kZr gksrs gSaA
(A*) lekaxhdrk (Homogeneity) (B*) Nkuuk (Filterability)
(C) fBMy çHkko (Tyndall effect) (D*) ijklj.k nkc (Osmotic pressure)

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : www.resonance.ac.in | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555| CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029
6*. In the aqueous solution of soaps above CMC (Critical Micelle Concentration) :
(A) The cations assoicate to form the aggregates
(B*) The anions associate to form the clusters of colloidal dimension
(C*) The polar ends forming the clusters are directed towards water
(D) The non polar (Hydrocarbon) ends are directed towards water
CMC (Økafrd felsy lkanzrk) ls vf/kd lkUnzrk okys] ,d lkcqu ds foy;u ds fy, :
(A) /kuk;u] laxqf.kr gksdj] lewg cukrs gSaA
(B*) _.kk;u laxqf.kr gksdj] dksyksbMy] foek okys lewg cukrs gSaA
(C*) /kzqoh; fljs] tks lewg cukrs gS o ty dh vksj fufnZ"V gksrs gSaA
(D) v/kzqoh; fljs] (gkbMªksdkcZu) ty dh vksj fufnZ"V gksrs gSaA

7.* The correct statement(s) pertiaining to the adsorption of a gas on a solid surface is (are)
(A*) Adsorption is always exothermic
(B*) Physisorption may transform into chemisorption at high temperature
(C) Physisorption increases with increasing temperature but chemisorption decreases with increasing
(D*) Chemisorption is more exothermic than physisorption, however it is very slow due to higher energy of
Bksl&i`"B ij gksus okys xSl ds vf/k'kks"k.k ds fy, lR; dFku gS¼gSa½
(A*) vf/k'kks"k.k loZnk Å"ek{ksih gksrk gSA
(B*) HkkSfrd vf/k'kks"k.k mPp rki ij jklk;fud vf/k'kks"k.k esa ifjofrZr gks ldrk gSA
(C) HkkSfrd vf/k'kks"k.k rki c<+us ds lkFk c<+rk gS ijUrq jklk;fud vf/k'kks"k.k rki c<+us ds lkFk ?kVrk gSA
(D*) HkkSfrd vf/k'kks"k.k dh vis{kk jklk;fud vf/k'kks"k.k vf/kd m"ek{ksih gS ijUrq ;g vf/kd lfØ;.k ÅtkZ ds dkj.k cgqr eUn
xfr ls gksrk gSA
Sol. (A) H = –ve for adsorption H = –ve vf/k'kks"k.k ds fy,
(B) fact rF;
(D) chemical bonds are stronger than vander waal’s forces so chemical adsorption is more exothermic.
(D) jklk;fud ca/k okUMjokWy ca/kks dh vis{kk izcy gksrs gS blfy, jklk;fud vf/k'kks"k.k vf/kd Å"ek{ksih gksxkA

8. For a perfectly crystalline solid, (CP)m = aT3, where a is a constant. If (CP)m at 10K is 0.375 J/K-mol, then
find the value of molar entropy at 20K (in J/K-mol).
,d Li"V% fØLVyh; Bksl ds fy, (CP)m = aT3 gS tgk¡ a ] ,d fu;rkad gS ;fn 10K ij] (CP)m dk eku 0.375 J/K-mol
gS rc] 20K ij eksyj ,UVªksih dk eku (J/K-mol esa) Kkr dhft;sA
Ans. 1
Sol. (Cp)m = aT3  0.375 = a (10)3  a = × 10–3

20 20
(CP )m dT 2 aT 3 8000 a 8000 3
Sm =  T

= aT dT  3 =
× × 10–3 = 1J/K–mol3
0 0 0

9. 0.1 M solution of a weak acid HA is titrated against 0.05 N NaOH solution. Calculate pH at 1/4th and 3/4th
neutralization of acid.Given that the pH of 0.1 M HA solution is 3.
pH1  pH2
Report your answer as .
,d nqcZy vEy HA ds 0.1 M foy;u dks 0.05 N NaOH foy;u ds fo:) vuqekfir fd;k tkrk gSA vEy ds 1/4th rFkk
3/4th Lrj ij mnklhuhdj.k ds fy, pH dh x.kuk dhft,A fn;k gS fd 0.1 M HA foy;u dh pH 3 gSA
pH1  pH2
viuk mÙkj ds :i esa nsaA
Ans. 5

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : www.resonance.ac.in | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555| CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029
 3175 
10. How many half lives will be needed in order to complete   % of a first order reaction ?
 32 

 3175 
,d izFke dksfV dh vfHkfØ;k dks  32  % iw.kZ gksus esa fdrus v)Zvk;qdky yxsxsa\
 
Ans. 7
100  3175  25 100
Sol. n
  100 –  
2  32  32 128
 2n = 128

11. Calculate (a) Ka for a monobasic acid whose 0.10 M solution has pH of 4.5.
(b) Kb for a monoacidic base whose 0.10 M solution has a pH of 9.7.
Report your answer as 2Kb / Ka.
x.kuk dhft;ss (a) ,d ,dy{kkjh; vEy ds fy, Ka dk eku] ftlds 0.10 M foy;u dh pH 4.5 gSA
(b) ,d
,dyvEyh; {kkj ds fy, Kb dk eku] ftlds 0.10 M foy;u dh pH 9.7 gSA
viuk mÙkj 2Kb / Ka ds :i esa nhft;sA
Ans. 5

12. Among the following number of correct statement(s) is/are :

(i) Stability of lyophilic colloids is mainly due to the strong interaction between dispersed particle and dispersion
(ii) Entropy change for adsorption of gases over solid is positive.
(iii) Gelatin has considerably low value of gold number and is effective protective colloid.
(iv) Like charge on dispersed place are responsible for stability of lyophobic colloid solution.
(v) Viscosity of lyophilic colloidal solution is always lesser than that of dispersion medium.
fuEu esa ls lgh dFkuksa dh la[;k gS@gSa %
(i) nzo Lusgh dksykbMy dk LFkkf;Ro eq[;r% ifjf{kIr d.k (dispersed particle) o ifj{ksi.k ek/;e (dispersion medium)
ds e/; izcy vUr%fØ;k ds dkj.k gksrk gSA
(ii) Bksl ij xSlksa ds vf/k'kks"k.k ds fy, ,UVªkWih ifjorZu /kukRed gksrk gSA
(iii) ftysfVu dh Lo.kZ la[;k (gold number) dk eku de gksrk gS rFkk izHkkoh laj{kh dksykbM (effective protective colloid)
(iv) ifjf{kr voLFkk ij leku vkos'k nzo fojks/kh dksykWbM foy;u ds LFkkf;Ro ds fy, Hkh mÙkjnk;h gaSA
(v) nzo Lusgh dksykbMy foy;u dh ';kurk ifj{ksi.k ek/;e dh vis{kk ges'kk de gksrh gSA
Ans. 3
Sol. (S)adsorption = – ve

13. Ammonia gas adsorb at 3 gm charcoal having rough surface area of about 1016 m2 and area occupied by per

10 –3
molecule of NH3 is cm 2. So what are the moles of ammonia adsorbed per gm of charcoal.
yxHkx 1016 m2 ds [kqjnjs i`"Bh; {ks=kQy j[kus okys 3 xzke pkjdksy] veksfu;k xSl vf/k'kksf"kr djrk gS o NH3 ds izfr v.kq
10 –3
}kjk ?ksjk x;k {ks=kQy cm2gSA blfy, pkjdksy ds izfr xzke ij vf/k'kksf"kr veksfu;k ds eksyksa dh la[;k D;k gS\
Ans. 2

1016  10 4 cm2
10 – 3 23
Sol. Total number of NH3 molecule = = 36  10

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : www.resonance.ac.in | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555| CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029
36  10 23
Number of moles = = 6 mole

Number of moles/gm = =2

1016  10 4 cm2
10 – 3 23
Sol. NH3 v.kq dh dqy la[;k = = 36  10

36  10 23 6
eksYl dh la[;k = NA
= 6 mole izfrxzke eksYl dh la[;k = =2

14. The conductivity of an aqueous solution of a weak monoprotic acid is 0.000032 ohm–1cm–1 at a concentration,
0.2 M. If at this concentration the degree of dissociation is 0.02, calculate the value of 0 (ohm –1 cm 2 /eqt).
nqcZy eksuksizksfVd vEy ds tyh; foy;u dh pkydrk 0.2 M lkanzrk ij 0.000032 ohm –1 cm–1 gSA ;fn bl lkanzrk ij
fo;kstu dh ek=kk 0.02 gS, rks 0 (ohm –1 cm 2 /eqt) ds eku dh x.kuk dhft,A &
Ans. 8
Sol. K = 3.2 × 10–5 –1.cm–1

103 K

3.2  10 2
= 16 × 10–2
  16  10 2
=    = = =8
  0.02

15. Column (I) Column (II)

(A) Gold sol (P) Bredig's Arc method
(B) Purification of colloidal solution (Q) Negatively charged
(C) As2S3 sol (R) Ultra centrifugation
(D) Zeta potential (S) Electro kinetic potential
(E) Casein (T) Double decomposition reaction
(U) Protective colloid
LrEHk (I) LrEHk (II)
(A) Lo.kZ lksy (P) fczMht vkdZ fo/kh
(B) dksykbMy foy;u dk 'kqf)dj.k (Q) _.kkRed vkosf'kr
(C) As2S3 lksy (R) vYVªk vidsUnzhdj.k ¼centrifugation½
(D) tsVk foHko (S) fo|qr xfrd foHko
(E) dslhu (T) f}fo?kVu vfHkfØ;k
(U) laj{kh dksykbMy
Ans. (A – P, Q) ; (B–R) ; (C – Q, T) ; (D – S) ; (E – U)

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : www.resonance.ac.in | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555| CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029
Daily Self-Study Dosage for mastering Chemistry Preparation of Colloids
The methods for preparation of colloids depend on the nature of colloidal particles constituting the dispersed
phase. Some colloids, such as lyophilic colloids can be formed by dissolving the colloidal particles in dispersion
medium. For example, sols of gum, starch, gelatin, may be prepared in this manner. However, substances that do
not disperse easily in dispersion medium need special methods for formation of their colloidal solutions. Some
important methods are discussed as follows.

1. Chemical methods : In this method, the colloidal molecules or aggregates are formed by means of chemical
reactions such as decomposition, hydrolysis, oxidation or reduction. Some examples of each type are:
Doble decomposition
As 2O3 + 3H2S   As2S3  3H2 O
Yellow sol

FeCl3 + 3H2O 
 Fe(OH)3 + 3HCl

SO2 + 2H2S 
 3S (sol) + 3H2O

2AuCl3 + 3SnCl2 
 3SnCl4 + 2Au
2. Electrical disintegration or Bredig’s arc method : This method is used for prepration of colloids of metals
such as gold, silver, copper, platinum, etc. In this method, the metal that needs to be dispersed is made into two
electrodes and dipped in the dispersion medium. An electric arc is struck between the electrodes and the heat
generated by the arc vaporizes the metal. These vapors condencse when they come in contact with dispersion
medium cooled in an ice-bath and form colloidal particles that get dispersed to form a sol (Fig).

3. Peptization: This is a process where in a freshly generated precipitate is converted into a colloidal sol by
shaking it in a dispersion medium in the presence of an electrolyte which is called the peptizing agent. For
example, a dark red colored sol of Fe(OH)3 is obtained when freshly prepared precipitate is treated with small
amount of FeCl3 solution. The precipitate adsorbs the Fe3+ ions from the electrolyte on its surface and develops
positive and negative charges. This causes the precipitate to disintegrate into particles of colloidal size. In certain
cases, the dispersion medium may act as peptizing agent causing the precipitate to disperse in it. For example,
ethanol used as dispersion medium causes dispersion of cellulose nitrate.
Memorize this theory as soon as you get the DPP. Revise it regularly and master this concept by practice.
16. Bredig arc method can not be used to prepare prepared by this method. A colloidal solution of
colloidal solution of which of the following ? Au, Ag and Pt can also be prepared by reducing
(A) Pt (B*) Fe its salt solution with suitable reducing agent.
(C) Ag (D) Au 2AuCl3 + 3SnCl2  2Au + 3SnCl4
Sol. Electrical disintegration of Bredigs arc method Gold sol
is used for preparing colloidal solution of metals
like gold silver, platinum, etc. In this method 17. On adding a few drops of dil HCl to freshly
electric arc is struck between electrodes of metal precipitated ferric hydroxide, a red colored
immersed in the dispersion medium. The intense colloidal solution is obtained, this is an example of
heat produced vaporizes some of the metals which (A) Protective action (B) dissolution
then condenses to form particles of colloidal size. (C*) peptisation (D) dialysis
As iron do not vaporise easily, it cannot be
Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : www.resonance.ac.in | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 200 2244 | 1800 258 5555| CIN: U80302RJ2007PTC024029
Daily Self-Study Dosage for mastering Chemistry dkssykWbMksa dk fojpu
dksykWbMksa ds fojpu dh fof/k;k¡ ifjf{kr izkoLFkk okys dksykWbMh d.kksa dh izd`fr ij fuHkZj djrh gSA nzoLusgh dksykWbMksa ds leku dqN
dksykWbM ifj{ksi.k ek/;e esa dksykWbMh d.kksa dks ?kksydj cuk;s tk ldrs gSaA mnkgj.k ds fy, xksan dk lkWy] LVkWpZ] ftysfVu bl izdkj
ls cuk;s tk ldrs gSaA ;|fi ,sls inkFkZ tks ifj{ksi.k ek/;e esa vklkuh ls ifjf{kr ugha gksrs gSa bUgsa buds dksykWbMh foy;uksa ds fuekZ.k
ds fy, fo'ks"k fof/k;ksa dh vko';drk gksrh gSA dqN egRoiw.kZ fof/k;k¡ uhps nh xbZ gSA
1. jklk;fud fof/k : bl fof/k esa dksykWbMh v.kq ;k lewg vi?kVu] ty vi?kVu] vkWDlhdj.k vFkok vip;u ds leku jklk;fud
vfHkfØ;kvksa }kjk curs gSaA bl izdkj ls dqN mnkgj.k gSa :
As 2O3 + 3H2S 
 As2S3  3H2 O

FeCl3 + 3H2O 

 Fe(OH)3 + 3HCl

SO2 + 2H2S 

 3S (sol) + 3H2O

2AuCl3 + 3SnCl2     3SnCl4 + 2Au

2. fo|qr fo[k.Mu ;k czsfMx vkdZ fof/k : ;g fof/k xksYM] flYoj] dkWij] IysfVue bR;kfn ds leku /kkrqvksa ds dksykWbMksa ds fojpu
ds fy, iz;qDr gksrh gSA bl fof/k esa /kkrq ftls ifjf{kIr gksus dh vko';d gksrh gS] nks bysDVªkWMksa eas curh gS rFkk bls ifj{ksi.k ek/
;e esa Mwcksrs gSaA fo|qr vkdZ nks bysDVªkWuksa ds e/; Vdjkrk gS rFkk vkdZ }kjk mRiUu Å"ek /kkrq dks ok"ihd`r djrh gS ;g ok"i la?kfur
gksrh gS tc ;g ,d cQZ&ckFk esa 'khrfyr ifj{ksi.k ek/;e ds lEidZ eas vkrh gS rFkk dksykWbMh d.k cukrh gS tks ifjf{kIr gksdj lkWy
cukrs gSaA (fp=k ns[ksa).

3. isIVhdj.k : ;g ,slk izØe gS ftleas ,d rktk mRiUu vo{ksi dks ,d oS|qr vi?kV~;] tks isIVhdkjh ¼peptizing agent½ dgykrk
gS] dh mifLFkfr esa ,d ifj{ksi.k ek/;e esa bls fgykdj ,d dksykWbMh lkWy esa cnyk tkrk gSA mnkgj.k ds fy, Fe(OH)3 dk ,d
xgjk yky jaxhu lkWy curk gSA tc rktk cus vo{ksi dks FeCl3 foy;u dh lw{e ek=kk ds lkFk mipkfjr djrs gSaA vo{ksi bldh
lrg ij fo|qr vi?kV~; ls Fe3+ vk;uksa dks vf/k'kksf"kr djrk gS rFkk /kukos'k o _.kkos'k mRiUu djrk gS blds dkj.k vo{ksi dksykWbMh
vkdkj ds d.kksa eas fo[kf.Mr gksrk gSA dqN fuf'pr ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ifj{ksi.k ek/;e isIVhdkjh ds leku O;ogkj dj ldrk gSA blds
dkj.k vo{ksi blesa ifjf{kIr gksrk gSA mnkgj.k ds fy, ifj{ksi.k ek/;e ds :i esa ,FksukWy ds dkj.k lsy wykst ukbVsªV dk ifj{ksi.k
gksrk gSA
Memorize this theory as soon as you get the DPP. Revise it regularly and master this concept by practice.

16. fuEu esa ls fdlds dksykbMy foy;u ds fuekZ.k ds fy,] czSfMx vkdZ fof/k dk mi;ksx ugha fd;k tk ldrk gS ?
(A) Pt (B*) Fe
(C) Ag (D) Au

17. rkts vo{ksfir Qsfjd gkbMªkWDlkbM esa ruq HCl dks feykus ij ,d yky jax dk dksyksbMh foy;u çkIr gksrk gS] ;g fuEu
dk ,d mnkgj.k gS %
(A) laj{kh fØ;k (B) foy;u (C*) isIVhdj.k (D) viksgu

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DPP No. # 54 (JEE-MAIN)
Total Marks : 60 Max. Time : 40 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.20 (3 marks, 2 min.) [60, 40]

1. Physical adsorption is inversely proportional to :

(A*) temperature (B) volume (C) concentration (D) all of these
HkkSfrd vf/k'kks"k.k fuEu ds O;qRØekuqikrh gksrk gS \
(A*) rkieku (B) vk;ru (C) lkUnzrk (D) mijksDr lHkh
Sol. Physical adsorption is a reversible process. It take place at low temperature and decreases with increasing
temperature i.e., inversely proportional to temperature.

2. What is the name to a phenomenon is which both adsorption and absorption takes place simultaneously ?
(A) Chemisorption (B) Physisorption (C) Desorption (D*) Sorption
og ifj?kVuk fuEu gS ftlesa vf/k'kks"k.k o vo'kks"k.k nksuks ,d lkFk gksrs gSa %
(A) jklk;fud vf/k'kks"k.k (B) HkkSfrd vf/k'kks"k.k (C) fo'kks"k.k (D*) 'kks"k.k
Sol. When adsorption and absorption both take place simultaneously the phenomenon is called sorption e.g.,
dyes get adsorbed and absorbed on cotton fibres i.e., sorption takes place.
Adsorption involves unequal distribution of molecules species in bulk and at surface (more on surface).
Adsorption involve uniform distribution of molecular species throughout the bulk.
Physical adsorption : If the forces of attraction existing between adsorbate and adsorbent are van der
Waal's forces the adsorption is called physical adsorption (reversible).
Chemical adsorption : If forces of attraction existing between adsorbate and adsorbent are almost of same
strength as chemical bonds the adsorption in called chemical adsorption (irreversible).
Desorption : The process of removal of an adsorbed substance (adsorbate) from the surface on which it is
adsorbed (adsorbent) is called desorption.

3. The variation of x m as a function of p, when Langmuir’s adsorption isotherm is valid is :

x m dk p ds Qyu ds :i esa ifjorZu tc ysXe;wj vfèk'kks"k.k lerkih ekU; gS] fuEu gS %

(A) (B*) (C) (D)

4. Minimum amount of Ag2CO3 (s) required to produce sufficient oxygen for the complete combustion of C 2H2
which produces 11.2 ltr of CO 2 at S.T.P after combustion is: [Ag = 108]
Ag2CO3 (s)  2Ag (s) + CO 2 (g) + 1 2 O2 (g)
C2H2 + 5 2 O2  2CO2 + H2O

Ag2CO3 (s) dh U;wure ek=kk tks C2H2 ds iw.kZr;k ngu ds fy, i;kZIr vkWDlhtu ns lds] tks ngu ds i'pkr S.T.P. ij
CO2 ds 11.2 yhVj mRikfnr djrk gSA [Ag = 108]
Ag2CO3 (s)  2Ag (s) + CO 2 (g) + 1 2 O2 (g)
C2H2 + 5 2 O2  2CO2 + H2O
(A) 276 g (B*) 345 g (C) 690 g (D) 1380 g

Sol. Ag2CO3 (s)  2Ag (s) + CO 2 (g) + 1 2 O2 (g)

C2H2 + 5 2 O2  2CO2 + H2O

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By Stoichiometry of reaction
11.2 1
Moles of CO2 formed = 
22.4 2
5 1 5
Moles of O 2 required = × =
4 2 8

5 5
 Moles of Ag2CO3 required = 2 × =
8 4
Mass of Ag2CO3 required = × 276 = 345 g
gy- Ag2CO3 (s)  2Ag (s) + CO 2 (g) + 1 2 O2 (g)
C2H2 + 5 2 O2  2CO2 + H2O
jllehdj.kfefr ls
11.2 1
CO2 ds izkIr eksy = 
22.4 2

5 1 5
O2 ds eksy = × =
4 2 8

5 5
 Ag2CO3 ds eksy = 2 × =
8 4
Ag2CO3 dh vko';d ek=kk = × 276 = 345 g

5. The disperse phase, dispersion medium and nature of colloidal solution (lyophilic or lyophobic) of 'gold sol'
respectively, are :
(A) solid, solid, lyophobic (B) liquid, liquid, lyophobic
(C*) solid, liquid, lyophobic (D) solid, liquid, lyophilic
xkWYM lkWy ds dksyksbMh foy;u ¼nzo Lusgh vFkok nzofojks/kh½ ds fy, ifjf{kIr voLFkk] ifj{ksi.k ek/;e o izÑfr Øe'k% fuEu
(A) Bksl] Bksl] nzo&fojks/kh (B) nzo] nzo] nzofojks/kh
(C*) Bksl] nzo] nzo&fojks/kh (D) Bksl] nzo] nzo&Lusgh
Sol. Colloidal solution of gold is obtained when dispersed phase is solid and dispersion medium is liquid.
Substances like methals cannot be brought into the colloidal state simply by brining them in contact with
water and therefore, special methods are devised for the purpose. Hence, they are known as hydrophobic or
lyophobic colloids.
6. A graph of molar conductivity of three electrolytes (NaCl, HCl and NH 4OH) is plotted against C
rhu fo|qr vi?kV~;ks ¼NaCl, HCl rFkk NH4OH½ dh eksyj pkydrk dk C ds fo:) oØ [khpk x;k gS &

Which of the following options is correct ?

fuEu esa ls dkSulk fodYi lgh gS \ 1
(1) (2) (3)
(A) NaCl HCl NH4OH
(B) NH4OH NaCl HCl
(C*) HCl NaCl NH4OH
(D) NH4OH HCl NaCl 2
HCl  H  Cl– NaCl  Na   Cl–
H+ have highest mobility in comparison with Na , both compound 100% dissociate.
because Molar mass of H+ is less than Na ion and NH4OH is weak basic.
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+ +
Na dh rqyuk esa H dh xfr'khyrk mPpre gksrh gS] nksuksa ;kSfxd 100% fo;ksftr gksrs gSA D;ksafd H dk eksyj nzO;eku
Na vk;u ls de gS rFkk NH4OH nqcZy {kkj gSA

7. Under the influence of an electric field, the particles in a sol migrate towards cathode. The coagulation of the
same sol is studied using NaCl, Na2SO4 and Na3PO4 solutions. Their coagulating values will be in the order.
fo|qr {ks=k ds izHkko ds varxZr] lksy esa mifLFkr d.k dSFkksM dh vksj xeu djrs gSaA mlh leku lksy ds LdUnu dk v/;;u
NaCl, Na2SO4 o Na3PO4 foy;uksa dk iz;ksx djds fd;k x;kA muds LdUnu eku fuEu Øe esa gksxs&
(A*) NaCl > Na2 SO4 > Na3 PO4 (B) Na2 SO4 > Na3 PO4 > NaCl
(C) Na3 PO4 > Na2 SO4 > NaCl (D) Na2 SO4 > NaCl > Na3 PO4
Sol. Greater the charge on negative ions of salt used (since sol is positively charged) smaller will be its coagulating
iz;qDr yo.k ds _.kkRed vk;u ij vkos'k ftruk vf/kd ¼pwafd lkWy /kukosf'kr gS½ gksxk mruk gh LdUnu eku de gksxkA
8. Position of non-polar and polar parts in micelle is :
(A*) polar at outer surface but non-polar at inner surface
(B) polar at inner surface but non-polar at outer surface
(C) distributed all over the surface
(D) present in the surface only
felSy esa v/kqzoh; vkSj /kzqoh; Hkkx mifLFkr gksrk gS %
(A*) /kzqoh; ckgjh lrg ij vkSj v/kzqoh; vkUrfjd lrg ij
(B) v/kzqoh; ckgjh lrg ij vkSj /kzqoh; vkUrfjd lrg ij
(C) iwjh lrg ij forfjr gksrs gSa (D) dsoy lrg ij mifLFkr gksrs gSaA
Sol. Micelles are the clusters formed by the association of colloids. They are formed by lyophillic and lyophobic
groups. As the concentration is increased the lyophobic parts receding away from the solvent approach each
other and form a cluster, the lyophobicends are in the interior lyophilic groups projecting outward in contact
with the solvent.

9. The adsorption of hydrogen by platinum is known as

IysfVue }kjk gkbMªkstu xSl dk vf/k'kks"k.k dgykrk gSA
(A) Hydrogenation (B) Reduction
(C) Dehydrogenation (D*) Occlusion
(A) gkbMªkstuhdj.k (Hydrogenation) (B) vip;u (Reduction)
(C) fogkbMªkstuhdj.k (Dehydrogenation) (D*) vf/k/kkj.k (Occlusion)
Sol. Adsorption of H2 by Pt is called occlusion.
Pt }kjk H2 dk vf/k'kks"k.k vf/k/kkj.k dgykrk gSA

10. Negatively charged colloidal solution is obtained from AgNO3 & KI , when moles of :
(A) AgNO3 are more (B*) K I are more
(C) both AgNO3 and K I are more (D) can't say
AgNO3 o KI ls _.kkosf'kr dksykWbMh foy;u çkIr gksrs gSa] tc
(A) AgNO3 ds eksy vf/kd gksa (B*) K I ds eksy vf/kd gksa
(C) AgNO3 o KI ds eksy vf/kd gksa (D) dgk ugha tk ldrk gSaA

11. Identify the incorrect statement

(A) Brownian motion and tyndall effect is shown by colloidal particles
(B) Gold number is a measure of the protective power of a lyophilic colloid
(C*) The colloidal solution with both the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium in liquid state is called
a gel.
(D) Hardy-Schulze rule is related with coagulation
xyr dFku igpkfu;s %
(A) dksyksbMh d.kksa }kjk czkmfu;u xfr o fVMay çHkko n'kkZ;s tkrs gSA
(B) ,d nzoLusgh dksyksbM dh laj{kh {kerk dk ,d ekiu xksYM la[;k ;k Lo.kZ la[;k gSA
(C*) nzo voLFkk esa ifjf{kIr voLFkk o ifj{ksi.k ek/;e nksuksa ds lkFk dksyksbMh foy;u tSy dgykrk gSA
(D) gkMhZ&'kqYts fu;e LdUnu ls lEcfU/kr gksrk gSaA

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12. A solution is a mixture of 0.06 M KCl and 0.06 M KI. AgNO 3 solution is being added drop by drop till AgCl
starts precipitating (Ksp AgCl = 1 x 1010 and Ksp AgI = 4 x 1016). The concentration of iodide ion at this instant
will be nearly equal to :
,d foy;u 0.06 M KCl o 0.06 M KI dk ,d feJ.k gSA AgNO3 foy;u cwan&cwan djds feyk;k tkrk gS] tc rd fd AgCl
dk vo{ksi.k izkjaHk u gks tk,A (Ksp AgCl = 1 x 1010 o Ksp AgI = 4 x 1016). bl {k.k ij vk;ksMkbM vk;u dh lkanzrk yxHkx
(A) 4.0 x 105M (B) 4 x 108M (C) 2.4 x 108M (D*) 2.4 x 107M
10 10
Sol. When AgCl Starts precipitating [Ag+] = M
4  10 –16
at that time conc of [I–] = = 2.4 × 10–7 M
10 –10 / 0.06
10 10
tc AgCl vo{ksi.k izkjEHk djrk gS [Ag+] = M
4  10 –16
bl le; ij [I–] dh lkUnzrk = = 2.4 × 10–7 M
10 –10 / 0.06

13. At 25ºC molar conductance of 0.1 molar aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide is 9.54 ohm–1 cm2 mol–1 and
at infinite dilution its molar conductance is 238 ohm –1 cm 2 mol–1. The degree or ionisation of ammonium
hydroxide at the same concentration and temperature is :25ºC rki ij 0.1 eksyj veksfu;e gkbMªkDW lkbM ds tyh;
foy;u dh eksyj pkydrk 9.54 ohm –1 cm 2 mol–1 gS rFkk vuUr ruqrk ij bldh eksyj pkydrk 238 ohm –1 cm 2 mol–
gSA blh lkUnzrk rFkk rki ij veksfu;e gkbMªkWDlkbM dh vk;uu dh ek=kk gS %
(A) 20.800% (B*) 4.008% (C) 40.800% (D) 2.080%
 M 9.54
Sol.  
M 238 = 0.04008 = 4.008 %

14. Which of the following is paramagnetic ?

fuEu esa ls dkSu vuqpqEcdh; gS \
(A*) O2– (B) CN– (C) NO+ (D) CO

Sol. O2 superoxide has one unpaired electron by MOT.
1s2, *1s2, 2s2, *2s2, 2pz2, 2px2 = 2py2, *2px2 = *2py1
Sol. MOT ds vuqlkj O2– ,d v;qfXer bysDVªkWu j[krk gSA
1s2, *1s2, 2s2, *2s2, 2pz2, 2px2 = 2py2, *2px2 = *2py1

15. For a first order reaction, the value of rate constant for the reaction
A(gas)  2B(gas) + C(solid)
(If Po is initial pressure and Pt is pressure of mixture at time t)

,d izFke dksfV vfHkfØ;k ds fy,]

A(xSl)  2B(xSl) + C(Bksl)
ds fy, nj&fu;rkad dk eku fuEu gSA
¼;fn Po izkjfEHkd nkc o le; t ij feJ.k dk nkc Pt gks½
1  P0  1  P0  1  2P0  1  2P0 
(A) t ln P – P  (B*) t ln 2P – P  (C) t ln 3P – P  (D) t ln 2P – P 
 0 t   0 t   0 t   0 t 

Pt = Po – x + 2x

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or x = Pt – PO
2.303 a
K= log
t a–x
2.303 P0
= log
t 2P0 – Pt

16. Pure benzene freezes at 5.3ºC. A solution of 0.223 g of phenylacetic acid in 4.4 g of benzene
(Kf = 5.12 K kg mol–1) freezes at 4.10ºC. From this observation, one can conclude that :
(A) phenylacetic acid undergoes partial ionization in benzene
(B) phenylacetic acid exists as such in benzene
(C*) phenylacetic acid dimerizes in benzene
(D) phenylacetic acid undergoes complete (100%) ionization in benzene
'kq) csUthu 5.3ºC ij terk gSA 4.10ºC ij 4.4 g csUthu (Kf = 5.12 K kg mol–1) esa csUtksbd vEy ds 0.223 g dk ,d
foy;u terk gSA bl izs{k.k ls] ,d fu"d"kZ fudyrk gS fd %
(A) Qsfuy,flfVd vEy] csUthu esa vkaf'kd vk;uu j[krk gSA
(B) Qsfuy,flfVd vEy] csUthu ds :i esa vfLrRo j[krk gSA
(C*) Qsfuy,flfVd vEy] csUthu esa f}ydhd`r gksrk gSA
(D) csUthu esa Qsfuy,flfVd vEy dk (100%) iw.kZ vk;uu gksrk gSA
Sol. Tf = i Kf m gives i < 1
Tf = i Kf m, i < 1 nsrk gSA

17. For a binary solution of H2O and CH3CH2OH, deviation from Raoult's law is observed. Which of the following
is incorrect ?
H2O o CH3CH2OH ds ,d f}vaxh foy;u ds fy,] jkWÅYV fu;e ls fopyu izsf{kr gksrk gSA fuEu esa ls dkSulk xyr gS\
o o
(A) Hmixing > 0 (B*) pH2O < pH2O H2O (C) pH2O > pH2O H2O (d) Vmixing > 0

18. Which of the following structure is similar to graphite ?

fuEu esa ls fdldh xzsQkbV ds leku lajpuk gS \
(A) B (B) B4C (C) B2H6 (D*) BN
Sol. Structure of BN is similar with graphite (Known as inorganic graphite.)
Sol. BN dh lajpuk xzsQkbV ds leku gSA ¼bls vdkcZfud xzsQkbV dgk tkrk gS½

19. A button cell used in watches functions as following

Zn(s) + Ag2O(s) + H2O(l) 2Ag(s) + Zn2+ (aq) + 2OH– (aq)
If half cell potentials are :
Zn2+ (aq) + 2e–  Zn(s) ; Eº = – 0.76 V
Ag2O (s) + H2O (l) + 2e–  2Ag(s) + 2OH– (aq) ; Eº = 0.34 V
The cell potential will be :
(A) 0.42 V (B) 0.84 V (C) 1.34 V (D*) 1.10 V
?kfM+;ksa esa cVu lsy fuEu rjhds ls dk;Z djrh gS %
Zn(s) + Ag2O(s) + H2O(l) 2Ag(s) + Zn2+ (aq) + 2OH– (aq)
vxj v/nZZ lsy foHko gSa %
Zn2+ (aq) + 2e–  Zn(s) ; Eº = – 0.76 V
Ag2O (s) + H2O (l) + 2e–  2Ag(s) + 2OH– (aq) ; Eº = 0.34 V
lsy foHko gksxk %
(A) 0.42 V (B) 0.84 V (C) 1.34 V (D*) 1.10 V
Sol. E°Cell = E°OP + E°RP
= 0.76 + 0.34 = 1.10 V

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20. Which of the following is a polar molecule ?
fuEu esa dkSu /kqzoh; v.kq gS \
(A*) SF4 (B) SiF4 (C) XeF4 (D) BF3

Sol. SF4 has sp3d hybridisation and seesaw shape (4bp + 1  p) and resultant  0.

SF4 esa sp3d ladj.k gksrk gS rFkk bldh vkd`fr lhlkW gksrh gS (4bp + 1  p) o ifj.kkeh  0.

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