Mil J Kovic 2010
Mil J Kovic 2010
Mil J Kovic 2010
We present calculations of the optical forces between two metal nanospheres forming a hybridized
plasmonic dimer. We consider homo- and heterodimers and investigate different plane wave illumination
configurations. The forces between the particles are calculated using full Mie theory combined with the
Maxwell stress tensor (MST) formalism, as well as by approximate methods, such as the Lorentz force
(LF) approach taken in the dipole limit and calculations based on an optical potential. We show that the
simplified calculation schemes can lead to serious errors in the case of strongly interacting particles and
low damping. In particular, we find that equilibrium configurations, corresponding to vanishing optical
forces, only are possible for homodimers illuminated in the end-fire configuration and for heterodimers,
although multipolar effects and damping radically reduce the repulsive interactions in the latter
Part of the “Martin Moskovits Festschrift”.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: kall@
2. Methods
Chalmers University of Technology. 2.1. Maxwell Stress Tensor and Mie theory (MST-Mie).
K.N. Toosi University of Technology.
CSIC-ICN. In Mie theory, a monochromatic electric field just outside a
Örebro University. spherical particle can be written29
10.1021/jp911371r 2010 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 02/17/2010
Optical Forces in Plasmonic Nanoparticle Dimers J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 114, No. 16, 2010 7473
E) ∑ [a1lmjl(kr) + b1lmhl(kr)]Xlm+ the force on the dipole proportional to the gradient of the
incident electric field and the first term after the minus sign
describes the force that the incident magnetic field causes.
k-1∇ × {[a2lmjl(kr) + b2lmhl(kr)]Xlm} (1)
Mie theory together with the Maxwell stress tensor formalism
gives us a rigorous scheme for calculating the optical force
The first term, with a1lm and b1lm, is the magnetic multipole between spherical particles to any given level of accuracy, as
contribution and the second term is the electric multipole determined by the total number of multipoles included in the
contribution. The terms involving the spherical Bessel functions calculation. Nevertheless, it is an advantage to have alternative
jl describe regular (i.e., nonsingular at r ) 0), incident waves, methods that are simpler to handle in various contexts. Next
and the terms with spherical Hankel functions, hl, scattered, we look at a number of such alternatives.
outgoing waves. Xlm denotes the vector spherical harmonics and 2.2. Maxwell Stress Tensor and the Coupled Dipole
k ) nω/c the wave vector, with n defining the refractive index Approximation (MST-CDA). The optical response of a
of the material surrounding the particle. The strengths of the collection of interacting nanoparticles can be estimated from
outgoing scattered waves are related to those of the incident the CDA method,49,50 which is based on solving a system of
waves through sphere response functions sM(E) l ) b1(2)lm/a1(2)lm. coupled dipole equations
The incident wave coefficients depend on, and can be deter-
mined from, the strength of the incoming plane wave and the
magnitude of the waves scattered from the other particle or pi ) RiEi ) Ri(Einc,i - ∑ Aijpj) (5)
particles in the interacting system.29 In the case of a particle j*ì
that only responds as an electric dipole, the only outgoing waves
that occur are the ones described by the coefficients b21m with
Here pi represent the point dipoles, located at positions ri
m ) 0, (1. These coefficients are directly related to the induced
and with magnitudes governed by the isotropic particle polar-
dipole moments px, py, and pz.
izabilities Ri. The total electric field Ei consists of the incident
We calculate the optical force acting on a given particle by
field Einc,i ) E0 exp(ikri - iωt) and the retarded induced fields
integrating the Maxwell stress tensor over a surface surrounding
from all the other dipoles j. Aij is a 3 × 3 matrix (for i * j)
that particular particle. We have
A(rij) )
FR ) ∫S TRβnβ dS
[ ]
exp(ikrij) 2 ikrij - 1
k (n̂ijn̂ij - 13) + (3n̂ijn̂ij - 13) (6)
rij rij2
where nβ denotes a component of a normal vector n̂ to the
integration surface, and the Maxwell stress tensor is given by
where rij ) |rij|, rij ) ri - rj, n̂ij ) rij/rij, and 13 is the 3 × 3
1 1 identity matrix. By defining Aii ≡ R-1 i , the scattering problem
TRβ ) [
εE E + BRBβ - (εE · E + B · B)δRβ
4π R β 2 ] reduces to a system of 3N complex linear equations
When the field is expressed in terms of vector spherical
harmonics, the force can be calculated analytically; that is, eq
∑ Aijpj ) Einc,i (7)
2 does not have to be evaluated through direct numerical
integration. This is most easily done by employing methods from
quantum mechanics designed to deal with spherical symmetry, where Np is the total number of dipoles in the system.
such as the Wigner-Eckhardt theorem.47 For the z component A dipole polarizability is assigned to each spherical nano-
of the force, this leads to particle according to the so-called modified long-wavelength
approximation (MLWA)51
2 lmax l
〈Fz〉 )
∑ ∑ ∑ lm{a*τl+1,mbτlm + b*τl+1,maτlm + R)
τ)1 l)1 m)-l
2 k2
1 - ik3R0 - R0
(l +(2lm ++ 1)(2l
√l(l + 2) 1)(l - m + 1)
2b*τl+1,mbτlm} - 3 R
l+1 + 3)
lmax l
The first term on the right represents the incident field, while The interaction component is in turn determined by pairwise
the second and third terms are the fields from the induced dipoles forces according to
on particle 1 and 2, respectively. We note that all three terms
have to be included in a MST calculation, even if only the
interparticle interaction is of interest.52 The magnetic fields Fij ) exp(ikrij){[(p*i · pj)n̂ij + pi*(n̂ij · pj)+(pi* · n̂ij)pj -
needed to evaluate the stress tensor are found from the Maxwell
equation B ) (c/iω)∇ × E, by evaluating the curl of eq 11.
Thus, using the MST method, the total optical force on a single
5(pi* · n̂ij)n̂ij(n̂ij · pj)] -
rij 2
3ik 3
- 3 + 4 +
rij rij )
particle can be obtained by numerically integrating over a virtual
sphere enclosing that particular particle. With E and H being
the total electric and magnetic fields in spherical coordinates,
[(pi* · pj)n̂ij-(pi* · n̂ij)n̂ij(n̂ij · pj)]
- 2
rij ) (18)
formalism can be used in a discrete dipole approximation (DDA)
(n2ErE*φ + HrH*)φ̂
φ r2 sin(θ) dθ dφ (12) approach, which is based on a division of the interacting particles
into discrete mesh elements. We use a free version of the DDA
code developed by Draine and co-workers49,50,56 together with
2.3. Lorentz Force in the CDA (LF-CDA) and the
the force calculation methodology developed by Hoekstra et
Discrete Dipole Approximation (LF-DDA). The MST-CDA
al.55 Briefly, using the DDA code, we solve for the dipole
method is a “brute force” method that is comparatively costly
moments that build up the two particles in the dimer. Then,
due to the numerical integrations involved. A much more
using eqs 15-18, we find the total force on each dipolar mesh
effective way of utilizing the dipole moments obtained from
element in both particles. The total averaged radiation forces
CDA is to directly use the Lorentz force. As we shall see in the
due to all mesh elements on each particle are then obtained by
results section, the two methods yield identical results. However,
summing up all elementary force contributions comprising
we point out that the LF-CDA method has to be implemented
different particles.33–35
with care so as not to yield erroneous results.
In both the LF-CDA and LF-DDA methods, it is important
The Lorentz force on a dipole pi in an electromagnetic field
to stress that the gradients in eq 14 refer to a given field
configuration with constant dipole moments. In other words,
these spatial derivatives do not include contributions that results
Fi ) Re(pi · ∇i)Re(Ei) + Re
dt ( )
× Re(Bi) (13)
from changes in dipole moments occurring as the result of a
displacement of a particle.55 In the case of two interacting
particles, this means that the first derivative of the total field
on particle 1, E1 ) Einc,1 + A(r12)p2, has to be calculated as
where Ei and Bi are the total electric and magnetic fields,
respectively, c is the speed of light in vacuum and t denotes
time. The incident field at the location of dipole i is specified ∂E1 ) ∂Einc,1 + ∂[A(r12)p2] ) ∂Einc,1 + [∂A(r12)]p2
as a plane wave, with Einc,i ) Einc,0 exp(ik · ri). For harmonic (19)
fields, time averaging of eq 13 results in
with A(r12) from eq 6. In a recent publication based on LF
1 calculations,46 Käll and co-workers mistakenly included force
〈Fi〉 ) Re[(pi* · ∇i)Ei + ikpi* × Bi] (14) contributions resulting from changing dipole moments. This lead
to the erroneous result that the optical interaction force between
two identical spheres, illuminated in the parallel polarization
where the asterisk denotes complex conjugation and k ) |k| is configuration, vanished under certain circumstances, thus leading
the magnitude of the wave vector. Following refs 54 and 55, to an equilibrium distance between the two particles. As we
the time-averaged force can be split into two components, one shall see in the results section, it turns out that an equilibrium
due to the incident field and the other due to the interaction separation for a homodimer only can occur for the end-fire
between the different dipoles, i.e. due to the induced dipole fields illumination configuration. However, equilibrium separations
Optical Forces in Plasmonic Nanoparticle Dimers J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 114, No. 16, 2010 7475
FU ) -∇Ui ) Re(Ei* · ∇pi + pi · ∇Ei*) )
1 1
Re(Ei* · ∇pi) + Re(Ri)∇|Ei | 2 (21)
4 4