Witchcraft Ruins Life
Witchcraft Ruins Life
Witchcraft Ruins Life
Vance Ferrell
Harvestime Books
Witchcraft Ruins Lives
by Vance Ferrell
Published by Harvestime Books
Altamont, TN 37301 USA
Printed in the United States of America
Cover and Text Copyright © 2008
A journey into an evil world —
The Harry Potter Books Are Witchcraft 5
How to be delivered -
or help another to be delivered —
Deliverance from the Occult 118
During one call-in interview, a wizard excitedly
asked Rowling if she was a member of “The Craft”
(Wicca, the organization witches belong to). When
she answered no, he was shocked and replied, “Well,
you’ve done your homework quite well!” He went on
to say that he loved the Potter books because they
were full of the same occult formulas he regularly
used. (“Wicca” is the name given to the official reli-
gion of Witchcraft, founded in the twentieth century
by Gerald Gardner, who died in 1964. Its members
refer to it as “The Craft.”)
The secular media has gone wild over Harry
Potter. It is as if a single, ominous spirit is con-
trolling their thinking on this matter. Ominously
enough, a majority of the Christian media is also
very much in favor of this outstanding opportunity
for little children to learn how to delve into the deep
things of witchcraft. Even the leading Protestant jour-
nal, Christianity Today, has praised the books.
In an article for the Roman Catholic journal, First
Things, Alan Jacobs of Wheaton College described
the novels as “a great deal of fun,” their magic as
“charming.” He added, “There is in books like this
the possibility for serious moral reflection” (First
Things, January 2000).
Chuck Colson, the man who says he has been
“born again,” said on his Breakpoint broadcast that
fantasy tales are harmless and Rowling’s book char-
acters demonstrate “courage, loyalty, and a willing-
ness to sacrifice for one another; not bad lessons in
a self-centered world” (Chuck Colson, Breakpoint,
November 2, 1999).
Harry Potter Books Are Witchcraft 11
Stone, p. 80).
Scenes are presented to the susceptible mind
of the child which are more horrible than the most
terrible nightmare. The attention is so riveted by
these shocking things, that the mind is more sus-
ceptible to ideas and practices which are extremely
evil. Here is just one example:
“Out of the shadows, a hooded figure came crawl-
ing across the ground like some stalking beast . .
The cloaked figure reached the unicorn, lowered its
head over the wound in the animal’s side, and be-
gan to drink its blood.”—Sorcerer’s Stone, p. 256.
Believe me: I could give you quotation after quo-
tation that is far more horrible than this!
Spirits take control of people. Voldemort has
no body, so he takes control of the body of Profes-
sor Quirrell. This is what your child reads:
“Where there should have been a back to Quirrell’s
head, there was a face, the most terrible face Harry
had ever seen. It was chalk white with glaring eyes
and slits for nostrils, like a snake . . ‘See what I
have become?’ the face said. ‘Mere shadow and va-
por . . Once I have the elixir of Life, I will be able to
create a body of my own.’ ”—Sorcerer’s Stone, pp.
Murders occur repeatedly. The face then tells
Harry that he killed Harry’s father and mother. Then
the face commands Quirrell to kill Harry. “KILL HIM!
KILL HIM” (ibid.; full caps hers)! A “death spell” is
then cast on Harry.
Actual murders of people and animals occur over
and over again. In Goblet of Fire alone, muggles are
“tortured” (589), and their killings are “done for fun”
16 Witchcraft Ruins Lives
Witchcraft Can
Destroy You
People all across America are being deluged
with books on witchcraft. And the situation is
going to get worse, not better. For witchcraft brings
you into contact with demons!
We are dealing with spiritualism, for that is what
witchcraft is. The Bible is very clear about how danger-
26 Witchcraft Ruins Lives
the boy reached the top, the fakir pulled a long knife out
of his belt and also began climbing that rope. By this
time, that thin rope was apparently supporting an im-
mense amount of weight.
When he reached the boy, the fakir cut off the boy’s
head as the tourists screamed with terror. Then both
the fakir and boy jumped ten feet to the ground, without
being hurt. Immediately, both were standing on the
ground and the boy was unhurt. The tourists went wild
with applause.
This tourist realized he had something sensational
in his camera. As soon as he returned to America and
had it developed, he checked to see what he had. This
is what was recorded on the film:
The fakir threw down the coiled rope and stepped
back. The tourists stood there watching him. The boy
stood nearby. Then the tourists began looking upward.
The rope still lay coiled on the ground. All at once, they
looked toward the boy, who continued to remain mo-
tionless. Then they looked slowly upward again. Sud-
denly, they looked at the fakir, as they thought they saw
him climbing also. Soon they screamed in horror. Then
everyone began laughing and applauding. Yet all the while
the fakir and the boy had stood there by the coiled rope.
It was only an appearance, or apparition. Satan
caused them to see something that was not there. This
story, written in a small book by the man who took the
home movie, helps explain the mystery of the magicians’
snakes in Exodus 7.
Those that dabble with spiritualism do not gain
anything worthwhile. They do not become the great
and powerful people they had hoped for. Instead they
become demon-harassed or demon-possessed.
They have chosen to step onto Satan’s enchanted
ground. They don’t feel good; they experience continued
depression. They experience doubts and lose confidence
Witchcraft Can Destroy You 33
called channelers.
Fairy tales lead young people away from a love for
God’s Word, the Bible. Later, when the Gospel is pre-
sented to them, they may be harder to reach. They prefer
living in an unreal world.
There are so many things today which cause young
people to continually crave greater excitement, that it
becomes easier for Satan to lead them into various ad-
dictions. They have become dissatisfied with everyday
The Bible says that Satan is a liar and the father
of it (John 8:44). Spiritualism is nothing more than a
bunch of lies, carefully packaged to bring a lot of sad-
ness and heartache into your life.
The Holy Scriptures are our only safe guide. God
has given terrible warnings against having anything to
do with witches, wizards, enchanters, and sorcerers.
Here is part of what the Bible says about this.
The warnings are very strong; for God knows that spiri-
tualism is especially used by Satan to take control of
Spiritualists are an abomination to God—“There
shall not be found among you any one that maketh his
son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth
divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter,
or a witch . . or a necromancer. For all that do these
things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because
of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them
out from before thee. Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord
thy God.”—Deuteronomy 18:10-13.
Have nothing to do with them—“Regard not them
that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to
be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.”—Leviticus
Saul died for asking advice of an evil spirit—
38 Witchcraft Ruins Lives
Stories of Capture
and Escape
—But more often of capture and eventual
destruction, rather than escape.
First, we will consider several stories of cap-
ture and ultimate ruin,—sometimes from only
one encounter with a witch or spiritualist.
Roy Anderson tells of an ocean journey from Aus-
tralia to New Zealand. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, fa-
mous both as the author of the Sherlock Homes
Series and as a leading spiritualist, was on the ship.
Anderson’s cabin mate, who lived in Sydney, was a
salesman for a large engineering company.
When he mentioned that he was going to speak
40 Witchcraft Ruins Lives
“For this corruptible must put on incorrup-
tion, and this mortal must put on immortality.
“So when this corruptible shall have put on in-
corruption, and this mortal shall have put on im-
mortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying
that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
“O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is
thy victory?”—1 Corinthians 15:51-55.
If immortality is something we must “put on,” it
is evident we do not possess it now. God alone pos-
sesses immortality.
“[God] who is the blessed and only Potentate,
the King of kings, and Lord of lords; Who only hath
immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can
approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can
see: to whom be honor and power everlasting.”—1
Timothy 6:15-16.
Immortality, then, is a divine quality. We do not
have it innately. Apart from an acceptance of Christ
as our Saviour, there is no such thing as an immor-
tal soul. We will become immortal, but not until our
Saviour’s second advent. Then, and not until then,
will those who have died in the hope of the resur-
rection be raised from their graves; from a state of
corruption they will “put on incorruption.” At the
same time the righteous who are living on earth will
“all be changed” (1 Cor. 15:52, quoted earlier). And
that change will be drastic; for the natural body will
then become a spiritual, or immortal, body that is
made like unto our Lord’s resurrected and glorious
body. This is clearly stated by John:
“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it
The Bible Condemns Witchcraft 79
Astounding Facts
There are several other facts about spiritism
and witchcraft which we need to understand, so
we can warn our friends against them.
First, today there are a number of other types
of witchcraft which are captivating large num-
bers of people. Let us briefly consider some of the
leading ones.
Seances. Someone may tell you that something
marvelous happened at a seance they attended. Here
are some of the actual hoaxes that occur at those
gatherings. But not everything done is fakery. You
should not attend these gatherings, and you should
warn others not to go!
The people are sitting in almost total dark-
ness at seances because the lights are turned down
and the windows are blacked out (“because the spir-
its like it that way” is the excuse given). The small
86 Witchcraft Ruins Lives
TM is a combination of Hinduism and Raga
Yoga. People pay money to learn how to do TM. It
consists of being given a “personal mantra” (“sa-
cred word”) to mindlessly repeat over and over
again during a “meditation session” while the per-
son is sitting cross-legged on the floor. The “mantra”
is the Sanscrit (ancient Indian) word or phrase for
one or two Hindu deities. (So, by repeating the man-
tra, the person is actually praying to a pagan god.)
According to Maharishi and others, the objec-
tive is to “come out of your personal nature,” “empty
yourself of self,” unite with an impersonal god, and
thus receive “enlightenment.” This will bring you
under that god’s control and “make you his sur-
rendered servant.” TM and other Eastern cults
have brought a flood of Eastern occult thinking to
the West.
Hinduism, Buddhism and Karma. The doc-
trine of reincarnation is crucial to this survey of
Eastern occultism. It is a key teaching of Hindu-
ism, and the basis of both Brahmanism and Bud-
dhism. Reincarnation teaches that each new birth
into the world is determined by the deeds of the pre-
vious life. This is karma. As a result, the soul which
lives forever is, at death, continually reborn again—
as a person or perhaps as an animal.
This doctrine of reincarnation and transmigra-
tion of souls was also found in Egypt and Persia
before the time of Zoroaster. But it was derived from
Indian sources. There are endless incarnations be-
fore all men return to the impersonal “World Soul,”
and all evil is ended. Like all occult practices,
More Astounding Facts 89
The diviner makes use of various props to re-
ceive his supernatural knowledge, including palm-
istry (“reading” the lines on the hand), cartomancy
(tarot cards), mirror mantic (crystal balls or rock crys-
tals), teacup reading (tea leaves in the bottom of cup).
Although some think it is always a complete
hoax, yet evil angels are present. This is shown by
the effect they exert on the lives of the fortune-tell-
ers themselves. Kurt Koch, in his book, Between
Christ and Satan, says that those “diviners” fre-
quently reveal instability, violent tempers, addic-
tions, vices, cursing, nervous disturbances, psycho-
pathic symptoms, paralysis, and other emotional
and mental illnesses (see pp. 49-50). In the Bible,
God speaks about true and false predictions of the
future. Does it turn out to be true? (Deut. 18:20-22;
13:1-5; Eze. 13:3, 6-9). Does it agree with what the
Bible teaches? (2 Tim. 3:16-17). God condemns
them (Deut. 18:20-22; Lev. 20:6, 27).
Ouija boards. Pronounced “wee-jee” boards,
these should be totally avoided! Two people, sit-
ting opposite one another, place their fingertips on
the board—and then it moves by itself back and forth
above letters, spelling out something! Evil spirits
guide the information which is given. This fact of
supernatural guidance has been proven by a num-
ber of scientific experiments. In addition, many
cases are reported of spirit “possession” after using
them. Even though they are sold in toy shops,—Ouija
boards are not playthings! (A similar equally occult
device is “spirit writing,” which uses similar equip-
More Astounding Facts 97
and Dragons:
“A fantasy role-playing game which uses de-
monology, witchcraft, voodoo, murder, rape, blas-
phemy, suicide, assassination, insanity, sex per-
version, homosexuality, prostitution, satanic type
rituals, gambling, barbarism, cannibalism, sadism,
desecration, demon summoning, necromantics, divi-
nation and other teachings.
“There have been a number of deaths nation-
wide, where games like Dungeons and Dragons were
either the decisive factor in adolescent suicide and
murder or played a major factor in the violent be-
havior of such tragedies. Since role-playing is typi-
cally used for behavior modification, it resulted
in violent actions and increased homicide and
suicide rates in adolescents.”
Comic books and movies. A large number of
so-called “comic” books are filled with demonol-
ogy concepts.
Comic books gained early popularity in the
1930s, originally as funny cartoon strips in the news-
paper for the whole family. Soon though, came the
comic book, beginning with Superman and Batman,
targeted in particular for youth.
The comic book’s first step up was to televi-
sion. TV drama (such as X-Men, SpiderMan, and
Batman) made from comic books became popular
in the 1970s-1980s. Then came movies of Super-
man and later Batman, SpiderMan, X-Men, The
Incredible Hulk, etc.
In many comics, the violence and blatant
sexual advances rival that of infamous video
games like Grand Theft Auto and the Resident Evil
104 Witchcraft Ruins Lives
river.”—Ibid., p. 473.
On June 11, 1834, the Beagle entered the
Pacific Ocean. Several times when the ship landed
at various ports in Chile, Darwin would go ashore
for more trips: April 18 to May 8, 1834 traveling on
the Santa Cruz River by boat, with frequent stops
to learn native lore from indigenous peoples.
March 18 to April 10, 1835 was spent inland, during
which time he left Valparaiso and crossed the Andes
by mule. Returning to that port city, he headed north
by horseback to Copiapo (April 27 to June 22).
“In March 1835, Darwin crossed the Andes
from Santiago, Chile, to Mendoza in Argentina by
way of Portillo Pass [altitude of 12,572 ft.], return-
ing by the Uspallata. His companions were two Chil-
ean guides, his transport 10 mules. The journey
across the Andes and back took 24 days.”—Ibid.,
p. 475.
“Back from his Andean journeys, Darwin met
the Beagle briefly at Valparaiso on April 23, 1835,
and returned promptly ashore to travel overland
through central Chile to Copiapo, to rejoin the ship
there. He had traveled the hard way, camping in the
open.”—Ibid., p. 477.
In early September 1835, now back on the Bea-
gle, the ship headed northwest to the Galapagos
Islands, arriving on September 15. In the course
of his repeated contacts with natives, studying
their cultures, collecting artifacts, and taking part
in their spiritist trances, Charles Darwin became
gripped with a new sense of purpose for his life:
to find evidence to disprove the existence of God.
“After leaving South America, Darwin was on the
More Astounding Facts 113
from the Occult
First, recognize the sovereignty of God. Christ
and Christ alone is the source of deliverance from
spiritist bondage. The worldly methods (psychol-
ogy, ritual, hypnosis, meditation, etc.) will only add
to the problem!
The prayerful help of a godly counselor (pas-
tor or earnest Christian friend) should be sought.
He should be a person who is fully dedicated to
God and has no personal problems which the spir-
its can take advantage of. Full deliverance may take
a period of time. But, with united prayer of a few
faithful friends, it can occur rather quickly.
All paraphernalia of occultism must be de-
Deliverance from the Occult 119
jected person.
Renunciation may be followed by a remark-
able change for the better. But not everyone expe-
riences such elated feeling after deliverance; yet the
change of ownership is still valid no matter how
one feels.
It is vital to assure the individual that in Christ
his sins have been forgiven. No matter how bad a
person’s sins may have been, they can be forgiven.
Scriptures may be read which will help him.
These could include John 5:24; 6:47; 20:31; Gala-
tians 1:4; Ephesians 1:7, 13-14; Colossians 1:14; 1
Peter 1:3-5, 18-19; Isaiah 53:4-7; 1 Peter 2:24; 1
John 1:7-9. All of these will be quoted in full at the
end of this chapter.
Counseling should involve teamwork. The sup-
port of other Christians, church elders, etc. is im-
portant. Counseling the occultly oppressed is gen-
erally a matter of teamwork. The individual coun-
selor is far too weak to take upon his own shoul-
ders all the problems he will meet.
This is because people with occult subjection
will often suffer their first attacks from the de-
mons after they first seek to follow Christ and
serve Him. In other words, the battle often does
not begin until a person tries to receive Christ or
actually does so.
Prayer will continue to be important afterward.
Even after a person is delivered from the occult, he
is still vulnerable. It is thus vital that a small group
of Christians take upon themselves to continue to
pray for him and care for him after his conversion.
Many times a converted occultist has struggled tre-
122 Witchcraft Ruins Lives