1-31 May 2011 - Love Peace and Harmony Journal

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∞Love Peace and Harmony
∞01-31st of May 2011 - 01-31 Mayıs 2011∞

Uriel’in Mesajı: İllüzyon Olarak Yaşam, ya
da İllüzyon Yaşam Jennifer Hoffman
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on May 1, 2011 at 4:30am

Uriel’in Mesajı: İllüzyon Olarak Yaşam, ya da İllüzyon Yaşam

Jennifer Hoffman

Sizler, yeni enerjiyi özümsedikçe, tanıdık enerjiler formundaki eski derslerin, yeni olayların
içinde, tekrar yaşamlarınızda nüksettiğine tanık olabilirsiniz. Geriye dönüş yaptığınızı,
yolunuzda ilerlemediğinizi veya cezalandırıldığınızı düşündürür bu durum. Hiç biri doğru
değildir. Değişmektesiniz ve yükseliş yolundasınız. Sadece egonuz sizinle yeni titreşiminizi
sürdürmek, korkularınızın ötesine geçmek ve kendi gücünüze adım atmak durumuyla ilgili
restleşmekte… Yaşama bakışınız değişiyor çünkü, yaşamı bir illüzyon olarak yaşadığınızın
farkına vardınız, ama yaşamayı arzu edeceğiniz illüzyonu seçebileceğinizi de. Tek bir düşünce
ile gerçekleştirilebilecek bir seçimdir bu; yaşamın yeni bir illüzyonu üzerine kurulu yeni
realiteyi yaratan.

Titreşimin her düzeyi üçüncü boyutta da mevcuttur. Sizin oluşunuzdaki enerjinin yükselmesi,
sizi yeni bir titreşim düzeyine açar, ama çevrenizdeki diğer enerjilerin varlığını değiştirmez.
Bu enerjilerin her biri, seçebileceğimiz yaşamsal illlüzyonları yaratırlar. Ama, bilgi ve anlayış
ile, başka bir illüzyon da yaratılabilir. Yaşamın bütünü, onu yaratan düşünce ve enerjilere
yanıt veren bir illüzyondur. Enerji olmadan, illüzyon var olamaz. Enerjetik desteği olmayan
her illüzyon, yok olur.

Her bir an, her bir düşünce ile, titreşim düzeyinizi seçiyorsunuz ve bu sizin yaşam dediğiniz
illüzyonu yaratıyor, ama bu yaşamın tek illüzyonu değil, sadece sizin bildiğiniz… Olası
detaylar sınırsız; korkuya da dayalı olabilir, ya da başka bir titreşim seviyesinde de; ama hala
bir illüzyon; ve her birinizin yarattığının dışında bir realite yok. Aile ya da insanlığın
deneyimlediği kollektif illüzyon, her bir bireyin yaşam diye algıladığı ve bilebildiği temel
üzerine kurulmuştur. İnsanlığın kollektif titreşimi yükseldikçe, korku temelli illüzyon yok
olur. Ve titreşimdeki her yükseliş ile değişim oranı katsal hale gelir.

Sizler, yeniden yaratıcı olarak evrenin desteği ve katılımını görüyorsanız da, bunların hiç biri
evren tarafından yürütülmez. Yaşam, yükseliş, şifa ve dönüşüm insanlığın yoludur, ve bu yol,
sizin korkuyu aşma arzunuz ve ruhsal bağlantınıza geçiş yapmanız ile, insanlık ailesi olarak
sizin, üstatlığınıza giden yükselişi seçmenizdir. Yükseliş, insanlığın seçimi üzerinden

gerçekleşeceğinden, sizi bu değişime zorlayacak bir güç yoktur. Ruhunuz yükseliş yolunu
bilir, ve siz onun rehberliğini izlediğiniz sürece enerjiyle nasıl başedeceğinizi öğrenirsiniz,
illüzyonlarınız büyük öğreniminize uygun hale gelerek, sizi doğru eylemlere, güçlü
anlayışlara ve dünyadaki cennetinize doğru yönlendirir.



Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan



 Posted by Sunspiritsmiles on May 1, 2011 at 12:30pm

In 2 days, the EU will ban much of herbal medicine, pressing more of us to take
pharmaceutical drugs that drive the profits of big Pharma.
The EU Directive erects high barriers to any herbal remedy that hasn't been on the market for
30 years -- including virtually all Chinese, Ayurvedic, and African traditional medicine. It's a
draconian move that helps drug companies and ignores thousands of years of medical

We need a massive outcry against this. Together, our voices can press the EU Commission to
fix the directive, push our national governments to refuse to implement it, and give legitimacy
to a legal case before the courts. Sign on the right, then forward this campaign to everyone,
and let's get to 1 million voices to save herbal medicine!

364,128 have signed (241,000 in the first 24 hours!). Let's get to 1,000,000!

To the European Commission and EU Governments:

"As concerned EU citizens, we call on the Commission to amend the THMPD Directive,
suspending the draconian measures against herbal medicines and removing all barriers to
traditional remedies with a long history of use inside and outside Europe. We further call on
our governments to refuse to comply with this Directive until it is amended. We have a right
to choose among all remedies and medicines that can keep ourselves and our families

Please sign the petition found on the link below::


LET US UNITE for the Freedom of Choice with our HEALTH!!

Thank you for your attention to this matter..
Much Love & Light & Blessings



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 1, 2011 at 7:16pm

This is a very effective and powerful prayer. I've been feeling

So much better since I've been doing It. I do It as soon as
I get up and before sleep. I haven't had any dark energies to

Clear for a couple weeks now. I feel like I've had some kind
0f shift in vibrations lately. I'm sleeping better. More energy, Even been cleaning up
my apartment. More positive, feeling, Like something good is about to happen *Try
doing this prayer. It sure works for me * This prayer came from a channeling,
I sent out awhile back. I wanted to print it out but was out of
Ink so wrote It out in my notebook. Decided, I should print It,
0ut on my computer and send It out to all my lists.
I really have noticed the changes in my own health and many
0ther area's of my life * Only takes a few minutes to do . In Love & Light, Krystael
Prayer :

Arch Angel Michael's Double Sword Protection Grid and,

Electromagnetic Balancing :

Prepare your body + spirit by touching your 3rd eye and higher
Sacred heart, making the figure 8 alignment.
Take your arms and cross them over your heart chakra in a
X fashion, then flip down over your solar plexus.
Hands straight reaching the heart of Gaia, then back to your,
Heart to seal the grid.

State these words:

" In my beloved I Am Presence of the Universe. I am ready
To release what no longer serves my highest good and Greatest joy *
I call Arch Angel Michael, The blue ray codes of light,
Legions of Michaels warrior force angels and Invoke your,
Double blue sword protection grid now, so that I may be In,
My Divine Power and sovereign self now.

In Grace Elohim, please balance my electromagnetic energies,

To Mother Gaia's perfect Harmonic Christ Grid.
Empower and harmonize my energy fields and body radiance,
And perfect health.

Release all Interference Disturbances, lower density's and any,

Energetic in any form, not of my core essence and well being,
To source creation, never to return to my space again as I,
Instantly seal, align, and balance all my energy bodies and Fields In my higher self
alignment of peace now *
Please, Arch Angel Michael and my holy christed self, do what,
You know needs to be done so I am whole and In Divine Alignment now * Thank
you * It Is Done *

Tip: Try this one everyday : " Spirit, Please remove the negative Affects of Mass
Consciousness from myself, family, pets and all 0ther living beings on this planet, on
a full and permanent Basis now * "


Master Hilarion's Weekly Message: May 1-
8, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 1, 2011 at 7:22pm

Master Hilarion's Weekly Message: May 1-8, 2011


May 1-8, 2011

Beloved Ones,
The work continues. It requires now your steadfastness in maintaining your highest vision for
the Earth and all upon and within Her. Maintain your central core of identity and never lose
sight of your purpose for being here, for it is time now to let your Light shine forth, to release
the last vestiges of the personality self and allow your Higher Self to manifest in and through
you. The Love in your hearts now shines through with golden white purity and this is what
you are meant to allow through you into the World around you and as you do this, you radiate
and touch others with the love of the Christ within you.
This is the time you have been waiting for and your purpose is now being fulfilled. Each of
you may never be recognized and acknowledged for the Light that you bring, nevertheless,
without your presence here, the changes upon your Planet would be too terrible to bear. By
your presence you have made a difference and you still ARE making a difference. By
combining forces and joining together at opportune times, the Light created by and through
you, can and does bring about the highest outcomes for all.

Trust that all that is occurring is bringing about the greatest and highest good for all even
though it is difficult to see this in manifestation as you are experiencing the changes in your
personal lives. Be at peace, Dear Ones, and maintain your calm acceptance of what is
occurring, knowing that it is bringing through the highest outcomes for the Earth and
everyone and everything upon and within Her. Your inner strength, resilience and courage, all
gifts of the Spirit, will continue to lead you, one step at a time into greater and greater
downloads of Light. As these downloads occur, you will experience a fluctuation of greater
and lesser energy in your 5 body system.

When the energy is great, creativity will blossom forth and flourish within you. Many
beneficial works can be created during these times. When your energy level is low, it is a time

to rest, contemplate, meditate and integrate all that has been given. Your inner growth
continues and by working with the energy cycles, you will be in greater awareness and ease in
order to assimilate and make use of these energies. Those of you who are open channels such
as our Scribe, will sometimes be hard put to muster the energy necessary to bring our
messages through and when this occurs, it creates an energy drain that requires immediate
sleep and rest. We ask for your understanding if and when this may happen and our messages
are delayed, for the Scribe is also undergoing extreme transformations within her five body
system as are the rest of you. Sometimes, the messages just can’t come through on time
because of these inner transformations.

Yes, it is difficult, and yes, you are each eminently qualified to work through these
transformations, just allow the nurturance and compassion for yourselves as it is required and
honor yourselves in times of low energy levels and know that it is temporary. Know that
higher energy influxes creates a feeling of sleepiness in most of you initially and by working
with these cycles and honoring the needs of your body elemental, you will continue to make

We are ever with you, no matter where you might go. Our connections have been well
established and much communication is occurring between us on the inner dimensions. We
are as One.
Until next week….

I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and
nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is
included. www.therainbowscribe.com
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 1, 2011 at 7:52pm

The Divine University invites you to a


MAY 17 2011

7pm -10pm (Sydney, Australian time)

This may be received in your own home from anywhere in the world, by yourself or with
others, via global teleconference

or via a simple meditation process.

If you wish to join the linkup and receive further information on how to join this, please email
[email protected]



Blessings to all lovelightworkers,

Archangel Michael has placed out a clarion call to all lovelightworkers on Earth to link
hearts in oneness, love, truth and empowerment on May 17, 2011

during the WESAK full moon so you may receive:

 a deeper attunement to your heart and raising of your love vibration

 a personal expansion of your pillar of light that runs through the primary chakras
 the grounding and expansion of a large pillar of love, wisdom and divine energy in
your sacred space, for your Wesak meditation to be more powerful
 a special dispensation - the lifting of the karmic cause of one energetic blockage that is
the source of one form of life difficulty
 the special blessings and dispensation of light offered by Buddha and the Enlightened
Masters that are only available by receiving the Wesak Ceremony and Meditation this
coming full moon

...and to offer planetary service to Mother Earth, your family, community and our
collective via

 offering yourself as a representative of humanity, your family and community as you

are supported to journey into the light planes to the Wesak Valley in the Himalayas to
support the grounding of more light for all of humanity, your family and community
over the Wesak Full Moon
 grounding your light and pillar deeply into the Earth as a benefit for the stabilisation of
the tectonic plates
 transmitting your light and love around the world in worldwide linkup with many
initiates, from a higher self connection, with the Enlightened Masters and your Divine
Presence empowering your divine service to all beings

A Wesak Message from Archangel Michael, Raphael and Gabriel

We welcome you to the planes of truth and love, and to travel with us for Wesak Ceremony
and a planetary/personal healing service this full moon when the light of Buddha will transmit
and activate the currents and grid structure of Mother Earth with the highest frequency of
light. Wesak takes place every year during the days building to the full moon, when Sun is in
Taurus and the Full Moon is in Scorpio. The hours before the full moon peaks, are the most
potent time for worldwide meditation, and many around the world during their meditation,
travel on the inner spiritual planes to be with Buddha and many Enlightened Presences to
receive the Wesak Ceremony’s holy dispensation.

This dispensation is given to all who seek the light and truth, willing to sit in open heart to
receive this. It is a vial of light that is more than enough light to live on for a whole year and
create your heart service in the world with grace and ease. It is offered to all who attend this
special Wesak ceremony. We invite you to link in Worldwide Wesak Meditation in your own
time zone and receive these divine blessings so you may align to your spiritual path for the
next year clearly, and receive the light to activate the next level of access to the love and truth
of your soul and Divine Presence.

In holy grace, we will come and place a mantle of golden light through your crown, a mantle
of peace in your heart and a mantle of joy in your mind so you may raise into the light

connection through your meditation and journey with us and your Divine Presence to receive
Wesak and its gifts, and offer service to Mother Earth and all beings.

May you receive deeply what you need to move through your heart in oneness and open
yourself fully through the Wesak doorway of the new spiritual year. Wesak is a doorway that
takes all on their spiritual path into the new year with a new initiation of the heart with Spirit
and the Universe.

Celebrating Wesak and entering a deep meditation at this time, will unite you with your
spiritual path more deeply and align you to your heart truth, give you the strength to leave
behind you all not of resonance to your heart, and step through the door, honouring what is of
resonance to your heart and spirit.

We invite you to the Worldwide Wesak Linkup to honour yourself, your spiritual path, your
heart and the power of your light as a divine being.

Blessed Be, Blessed Be, Blessed Be all Beings!

All our love,

Archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel

A Message for All Lovelight Earthworkers from Kuthumi

We call on each of you to know that although great change is taking place within Mother
Earth’s body and earth changes have been strongly awakening humanity’s awareness of its
need to make changes in its earth caretakership, within all of this, humanity is deeply loved by
Mother Earth and is in no way held to blame for all the earth changes occurring, beloved.

We understand that so many of conscious mind and integrity can see the flaws or weaknesses
of their society and how the earth herself has not been the highest priority, and that many have
lived lives not holding balance between heaven and earth, but simply lived life with some
ignorance of how to care for self, others and Mother Earth.

We understand how much new information is being shared with you all, and how at times this
can even create a feeling of overwhelm, powerlessness and sometimes fear. We ask you to
recognise that becoming conscious of truth takes time and it often arises in layers of
discovery. We ask you to recognise that there is always more of the light and truth, and that
often one is not aware of the whole truth.

This is not because you are not in anyway unloving or close minded. This is simply because
there are many dimensions or layers of reality and when one discovers truth, it is usually
based on one dimension, perspective or layer of reality.

In all of the great change taking place inside of you and in your world, our greatest advice to
you is to choose to recognise the multidimensionality of your world and that the truth of any
situation, picture or experience is only seen through one perspective or dimension at a time,
and it is always of the highest to honour that this perspective is only one side or angle of the

We bring this message to you simply because there are many stories, many projections of the
future with the earth changes and 2012, and all of them carry a form of truth. Some of them
project truth from past ages of times of great shifts the Earth and humanity have experienced
before. Some of them project ideas or possibilities of what could occur. Some of them project
fear and some project love and unity. We share this with you so you may discern the truth and
understand that all in the future is still forming to the very last minute… and then you are

To understand that your love, light and power makes a difference to not only your experience
in the moment but to your future, we ask you to understand that the most important thing in
your life is your attitude to yourself, your world and the future. For when it is bright and light
and positive, you are projecting love and this means you will have a loving experience, no
matter what is created collectively or occurs through the cleansing that Mother Earth is
activating through her body, (the earth changes).

This is the most important thing in your life. It is more important for you to have a loving
experience or the experience of your own love, your heart and soul vibration than to have the
best house, relationship, job or adventure. There is no material limitation to the experience of
love. This can be experienced in any situation as long as you are willing to make your heart
connection, the most important thing in your life. This creates you to feel connected to your
true nature, to yourself, and from this, your connection to all others and all in the world is
based on your true nature and the love you hold within your heart.

We ask you to no longer give any power to any fear of the future about the earth changes or to
any prophesised or projected collective experience. Understand that the shift that is occurring
collectively and within the Earth can be met and experienced through love, and from this
heart connection, all will manifest and allow you to journey in a state of acceptance, openness
and grace through any journey.

We ask you to honour all that may have occurred in your last year, and to honour that any
struggle in your life has taken place through a weakening or lack of heart connection. We ask
you to honour in your next year that from Wesak, the new doorway of the spiritual new year,
you may choose a deeper priority in your own heart connection and this will create you to
flow and feel one with the universe, the earth changes, your life changes and all taking place
around you.

It is this simple, beloveds. Your heart is the base for all in your life, but when you do not make
it a priority before all else, what you create does not come from your heart and fear influences
you more powerfully.

We bless you and simply offer this message as a gentle reminder that no matter what has
occurred, is occurring, or you think will occur, it is all a creation of the mind unless you have
prioritised your heart as the most important thing to connect to.

Through this re-prioritisation, you can balance and heal anything and always receive access to
the wisdom. Wesak invites you to be one with your heart, your spirit and your light.

We bless thee!


Teleconference Linkup Cost: By donation to The Divine University


The Significance of Templates: Receiving

the Template of Purity & Innocence with
Divine Mother
 Posted by Esta Lior on May 2, 2011 at 12:30am

source: www.wavesofbliss.com

Dear Friends,

Happy Mother's Day to you all.

May is Mother Mary and Lord Buddha's month.

April was a turning point for Earth and Humankind. It was an amazing month with many
Earth changes and adjustments to bring earth on track for the coming of the New Age.

In May, as the dust settles from these great changes and re-alignments, we will concentrate on
helping Earth and Humankind release the old tarnished, stained and scarred mind sets of the
past and focus one pointedly on bringing back Purity and Innocence.

In this channelled message, Divine Mother explains the significance of Templates and how
we can re-create the Template of Purity and Innocence as a starting point to bring back
Perfection to all the Templates that have become polluted and degraded.

Please exercise Divine Mother's prayers and intentions for bringing back Perfection to all
Templates, as often as you can throughout this month and beyond.

In Service to Divine Mother and with great love,


The Significnce of Templates:
Receiving the Template of Purity & Innocence

My children of Light I am your very own Divine Mother.

I guide you and clear the path for a life of bliss, joy, peace and harmony to welcome you. I
guide you to find the peace and equilibrium you deserve. I call upon Illumined Cosmic Beings
to bring their Angelic Hosts.

Your Personal Guardian Angel deals with your mundane life, our life on Earth in physical
embodiment; your Cosmic Guardian Angel deals with your sublime life, the life that your soul
has to live, your Divine Mission. Your Cosmic Guardian Angel is here to help your Personal
Guardian Angel to accomplish everything in this world and to free your time and your Life
Force from the repetitive chores, so that you can allocate your Life Force, your time, your
energy, your love, your attention, your Light, to accomplishing greater things, to
accomplishing your Divine Mission.
Great Cosmic beings, such as, Goddess of Victory, Goddess of Liberty, and Goddess of Glory
have come to Earth and brought hosts of their own Angelic Forces. The Angelic Forces of
Victory will allow you to be victorious in all your endeavors. The Angelic Forces of Liberty
will allow you to be liberated from the pain of mundane life and feel the bliss of the magical
life that your Soul & your Higher Self desires for you to live. Goddess of Glory & the Angels
of Glory shine the Light of Glory upon your path to spread the Light of Glory like gold dust,
removing the obstacles, smoothing out your path.
Your Light is so important to the world and to our work together, that there is no time to be
wasted. These Angelic Forces of Glory, Victory and Liberty are here to work with your
Personal Guardian and your Cosmic Guardian to pave the path, to remove the obstacles, to
smooth out the kinks, to glorify you to make you victorious and to liberate you from mundane
trivia so you can spend your time serving the Higher Purpose, the greater reason for which
you have incarnated on Earth.


Significance of Templates.
Templates take form to encapsulate the Life Force. How the Life Force acts, how the Life
Force unfolds, how the Life Force behaves in each environment, depends upon the Template
upon which it is encapsulated. The groves and the etchings, sometimes the scrapes and
scratches, the nicks and tears in the Template cause karma or should I say karma and karmic
entanglements, negative behaviors. Low qualities and energies cause grooves, scrapes, and
scratches, nicks and tears within the Template. The Template encapsulates various qualities.
Template of Purity and Innocence. Right now I am putting a lot of energy into anchoring the
Template of Purity and Innocence. Why is the Template of Purity and Innocence so
important? This Template is of upmost importance right now because your world is impure.
Your world is polluted in every sense of the word. The Five Elements are polluted. The
waters are poisoned, the air is poisoned, the earth is poisoned, and fire can get rampant
because it is one way to cleanse the pollution. The Mental, Emotional Bodies of all souls are
polluted. People hoard and greed after material wealth, and believe they are smart. People
hide and waste material resources rather than share and they believe it is their right. Self
serving, self centered, self involved behavior, impure behavior, deceiving behavior, corrupt
behavior, and greedy behavior have become the norm.
The pollution in the Template of Purity and Innocence has become so rampant that it is no
longer a Template of Purity and Innocence, with a few grooves and nicks; it has actually

become the Template of Greed, Deception and Corruption with a few instances of Purity and
Innocence. Sometimes the flip side of the Template becomes the norm. Right now the
Template that is the norm is the Template of Corruption, Deception and Greed.

What is a Template?

The Template is the container. To contain something you need a container. If you want to
gather water, you need to find a suitable jar. To contain Earth, you need a vase or pot. To
contain fire, you need to find an urn. If you want to bring specific Qualities to your Reality,
you need to find a Template, to contain that Quality. Sometimes, the abuse of a Template
turns that Template on its flip side. When you have health, you have a healthy Template.
When the body is abused, it becomes unhealthy. Gradually, when the abuse continues, that
healthy Template turns on the flip side and becomes a cancerous Template, it becomes an
unhealthy Template, a deadly Template.
The Pure Template, comes out from the Realms of Light, completely pure and innocent,
enters into Realms of Density, gathers dross, begins to show resistance, gets scratched over
and over, to a point where that Template turns on its flip side. Then Light becomes dark, good
becomes bad, pure becomes impure, innocence becomes corrupt, truth become untruth, health
becomes disease, and eventually life becomes death.
Sometimes the cycle of life and death are necessary components of rebirthing. For rebirthing
to happen, life has to come to fruition, and maturation, and death, so that it can lead to
rebirthing. The Template of Purity and Innocence that I so deeply insist on, brings forth
When a Template turns on its flipside, then there will be a phase of disharmony.
If you go back in time, you can see examples of this. There was a phase when there was
cholera, as a killer disease, another phase where typhoid was a killer disease, and another
phase where malaria was a killer disease. Imagine that the Template of health turns on its flip
side and the grooves on that Template are etched in a certain way, and the etchings, the nicks
and scrapes and scratches and tears formulate an environment that would welcome Typhoid.
This Template had a beginning, middle and an end – which is the good news.
When the Template is abused, it still goes through its phase of birth, death and rebirth. This is
why I keep insisting that you carry the Seed of Purity and Innocence in your heart. This is
why I keep giving you Angelic Beings, great Cosmic Beings, various modalities of protection
and empowerment with tools to empower and protect yourselves. I want you to reach to a
state where you are vibrating at such a high frequency that you flip the corrupt Template back
to its Original Pure Divine State.
When you carry the Seed of Purity and Innocence, you can turn any corrupt state of any
formula, any situation, and any circumstance back to its Purity and Innocence. You can go to
a war zone and be the cause for ending of the war. You can focus your energy on boosting the
economy, ending cancer, and AIDS. By so doing, you take the corrupt Template and turn it
back to its Original State. Everything always goes back into its Original State.
The original state of life is perfection. Purity and Innocence is part of that Original State.
Impurity is an imposter, impurity is a state of lack, impurity is an imposed state, not a natural
state. Cancer is not a natural state of the body. Perfect health is the natural state of the body.
A perfectly healthy body is always in a state of Purity and Innocence. A perfectly healthy
economy is always in a state of Purity and Innocence; people share the resources with each
other. A perfect forest is free from aphids and blights and vermin and imposters. A perfect
house is free from rotten wood and mold and mildew. A perfect body of water is free from
putrid algae. Each of these, in their state of Purity and Innocence, vibrate perfection.

When the state of Purity and Innocence is compromised, perfection becomes imperfection.
Purity becomes corruption. Pure becomes impure. Innocence becomes corrupt, truth
becomes untruth, hope becomes sadness and sorrow and fear, joy becomes anger. The natural
state of life is filled with joy. It bubbles with life, and when life becomes dim, it moves away
from perfection. What we do is to take that flipped Template and return it into the purity of
the Original Intent. That is why I say to you, I want you to be the embodiment of the Pure
and Innocent Seed of Life. That is why I keep giving you these Seeds, the Seed of Hope, the
Seed of Truth, Seed of Abundance, Seed of Health, Seed of Wholeness. These Seeds carry the
perfection and when they blossom and bloom they become the Template the Pure and
Innocent, the Template for the return of that Quality.

Receiving the Template of Purity & Innocence with Divine Mother

The first Template to bring back is Purity and Innocence: Standing with your Scepter of
Power above your head, say,
“I ask to receive the Template of Purity and Innocence. I ask to be the embodiment for the
Seed of Perfection, illuminated through your own Scepter of Power. Ask for all the corrupt
Templates, all the outdated Templates, all the impure Templates, all the imperfect Templates
to be returned to the perfection of the Original Intent and for the Seed of Purity and Innocence
to be embodied, to be imbedded, to be enmeshed, ingrained into the fabric of time and space.
Demanding, decreeing, commanding the Five Elements to come together to bring perfection,
it is your right to command the Five Elements The Five Elements have gone into the corrupt
state that they are at because you, as their sovereign, stopped demanding of them to remain
perfect. You, as the sovereign for this Earth, stopped commanding the Five Elements to act
from the perfection of their Original Divine Purity. I am asking you now be the sovereign of
your world, be the sovereign of your Body, be the sovereign of your Soul, be the sovereign of
your Personality Aspects, and let the Sovereign Spirit of Light enter within you to command
and demand the return of perfection through the Template of Purity and Innocence.
Hold your Scepters up and say “In the name of love, through the intercession of Lord Shiva
on this Shivaratri moment, I command and demand, I decree the return of the Perfection, I
embody the Template of Purity and Innocence, I receive the Seed, the Seed of Purity and
Innocence, the Life Force of Divine Mother, encapsulated inside of the Seed placed within my
Cosmic heart.”
Come forth and stand before me with your Personal Guardian Angel and your Cosmic
Guardian Angel and receive the Seed of Purity and Innocence which I place inside your
Cosmic Heart. Now face Goddesses, Victory, Liberty, Glory, Quan Yin, Mother Mary, St
Germain, and receive the Templates of Victory, Liberty, Glory, Divine Order, Compassion,
and Divine Love. I will call the Templates to your Five Body System. Absorb the energies
into your body and being. Open your Personal and your Cosmic Heart Chakras and absorb the
Feel an expansion in your chest and Lightness in your body. Your breath comes in easy and
goes out easy. Let joy spring forth, let there be a fountain of joy that constantly bubbles up to
the surface with every step that you take – with every project that you embark upon. Set your
intention that the lessons be learned and the dysfunctions be released from your life
immediately. Let the etchings, the grooves be healed, let the scars be removed. So it is, it is
done. Say,
“I demand and command and I decree, I desire, to embody the Perfection of the Original
Intent. I ask my Cosmic Guardian Angel to pull the Cosmic Life Force that holds the
Template of the Perfection of the Original Intent. I ask my Cosmic Guardian Angel, through
the intercession of Divine Mother, Goddesses Glory, Victory, Liberty, Quan Yin and Mother

Mary, for the reinstatement of the Templates of Purity and Innocence, Victory, Glory, Liberty,
Compassion, Divine Love and Divine Order and the over Lighting presence of the Template
of Perfection within my Five Body System.
The Template of Divine Order holds the Perfection, the Perfection of the Original Intent for
me and mine. I now embody that Perfection. The Template of Divine Order which
encapsulates the Perfection of the Original Intent is now fully installed within my Five Body
System. The Template of Purity and Innocence, brought from the heart core of Divine
Mothers own Throne of Creation is now fully enmeshed within my Five Body System,
absorbed and encapsulated inside of the Seed in my Cosmic Heart Chakra. I am the
embodiment of the Pure and Innocent Creative Force of Divine Mother. I am the embodiment
of the Template of Divine Order. The Original Divine Spark is illuminated through every cell,
ever molecule, every iota, every fiber of my DNA, emanating through my Five Body System
to the Five Elements, to all people, places and things, to all sentient and insentient beings,
illuminating this entire Universe and beyond.

I stand in the Glory of this divinity,

I stand Liberated from all impurities,
I stand Victorious.
The Light of Victory, I Am,
The Light of Liberty I Am,
The Light of Glory I Am.
I Am, I Am, I Am. So it is.
It is done, Amen.”

My children, I am well pleased with all that you do on my behalf. The Perfection is your
Divine Right. May that Perfection return to you a thousand fold from eternity to eternity.
I stand as your very own Divine Mother and I hold you in my own heart. Blessings to all of
you and so it is.

Free Gateway Portal Day Chanelling

The Gateway Portal Channeling will be on Thursday, May 5 at 8:00 PM


Other Portal Days in May are:

5/1/11, 5/11/11, 5/15/11, 5/18/11 & 5/25/11.

Moon Calendar

New Moon is May 3, a time to open up new projects, plans and programs.

Full Moon is May 17.

For More Information
About Us
Path to Enlightenment Mystery School is an On-Line Academy of Metaphysics and
Parapsychology which offers Instruction and Guidance in the Science of Spirituality for those
who wish to walk the Path to Spiritual Enlightenment. For more information, please
visit: PTE Mystery School

Waves of Bliss is an educational and holistic healing organization which provides classes,
workshops, books and support materials for spiritual practice open to all.


Benliklerinizi Bilin Başmelek Uriel’den

Mesaj Jennifer Hoffman Kanallığı
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on May 2, 2011 at 12:36am

Benliklerinizi Bilin

Başmelek Uriel’den Mesaj

Jennifer Hoffman Kanallığı

11 Nisan 2011

Sizin insanlık diye tanımladığınız fiziksel vecheniz; çok boyutlu, sınırsız varoluşunuzun
sadece bir vechesidir. Ve eğer, kendinizi bilmeyi ego sınırında tutarsanız, armağanlarınız,
becerileriniz, çoklu potansiyeliniz ve yaşam yollarınız, egonun kabul edebileceği miktar ile
sınırlanır. Ego; benliğin yalnızca birinci düzeyidir ve bunun ötesinde var oluşu kapsayan,
enerjetik titreşimin genişleyen düzeyleri ve tüm düzeylerde üstatlığınızı bilme ve ifade etme
potansiyeli gibi çoklu düzeyler mevcuttur.

Egonun ötesindeki benlik, ulaşılabilir değildir, çünkü sizlerin üçüncü boyutta fonksiyon
gösterebilmeniz için vecheleriniz fiziksel bedeninizde topraklanmıştır. Güçlü bir ego,
kutupluluk, korku ve dünyada var olan diğer enerjileri idare etmenize yardımcı olması için bir
gereklilikti. Ama egonun, diğer vechelerin haricinde, şimdi olduğu gibi, baskın bir veche
olması tasarlanmamıştı.

Ego, kendi bilebileceği, anlayabileceği kadarıyla benliğin ifadelerini sınırlar. Ve benliğin tek
vechesi olduğuna inanır, oysa birlikte çalışabileceği pek çok vecheler mevcuttur.

Ego ötesindeki vechelerinizden biri, hem kaynağa olan bağlantınız, hem de daha önceki
zaman ve yerlerde yaşamış olduğunuz yaşamlara geçiş yapabilen yüksek benliğinizdir.

Ruh düzeyinde deneyimlediğiniz, sizinle birlikte var olan çok boyutlu vecheleriniz, ego
aracılığıyla bildiğiniz yaşam ile birleşiktir. Bu yaşam deneyimleri enerjetiktir ve bir çok
armağan ve yetenek ile doludur. Sizler, bu vechelerinize; fiziksel bedeniniz ve egonuz dinlenir
olduğunda, üçüncü boyut ile bağlantılarını kestiklerinde, rüya yolu ile geçişler yaparsınız.

Egonun üçüncü boyuttaki mevcudiyetinde topraklanması olmazsa siz de topraklanmayı

bırakır ve diğer vechelere geçiş yaparsınız ve bu durum sizin fiziksel anlamda işlev
göremeyeceğiniz enerjetik alanlara girmenize sebep olur. Ego ve çoklu-boyutlu benlikler
arasındaki dengeli işbirliği, sizin bu enerjetik alanlara geçiş yapmanızı ve oradaki
armağanlarınızı farketmenize izin verir, artık şimdide bu armağanları kullanmaya hazırsınız
ve dünyadaki enerjiler artık onları kabul etmenize yetecek kadar genişlediler.

Bu süreçle ilgili sabırlı olun ama çoklu-boyutlu vechelerinizin sizinle bağlantıya geçmelerine
izin verin ve Dünyanın sizin yolunuzla tadacağı mucize, barış, neşe, tamamlanmayı ve tüm
diğer vecheleriniz aracılığıyla sunacağınız armağanları yaratmaya başlayın.


Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan



The Impact of Connecting Our Heart
Centers by Debbie Johnstone May 2nd,
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 3:00am


DailyOM: The Upside of Irritation

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 11:28am

May 2, 2011
The Upside of Irritation
Things That Annoy Us
There will always be factors and people that we cannot control; how we respond can
determine the quality of our lives.

There are many stories of spiritual masters embracing the presence of an annoying student in

their community. There is even one story that documents a teacher paying an irritating person
to live among his students. From an everyday perspective, this is difficult to comprehend. We
generally work hard to avoid people and things that we find annoying so they don’t bother us.

From a deeper spiritual perspective, however, irritation can be an important teacher and
indicator that we are making progress on our path. Being able to remain centered and awake
even when we feel uncomfortable is much more impressive than doing so in an environment
where everything is to our liking. No matter how good we are at controlling our
circumstances, there will always be factors and people that we cannot control. How we
respond to these experiences to a great degree determines the quality of our lives. The goal of
spiritual development is not to learn to control our environment—which is more of an ego-
driven desire. And while having some measure of control over our external reality is
important, it is when we are confronted with a person or situation that irritates us and we can
choose not to react that we know have made progress spiritually. It is when we have mastered
our internal reality that we will have become the masters of our lives.

The more we try to eliminate annoyances, instead of learning to handle them gracefully, the
further we get from developing the qualities that come with spiritual growth, such as patience,
tolerance, and acceptance. It is often in the presence of people and experiences we find
annoying that we have an opportunity to develop these qualities. Fortunately for most of us,
our lives offer an abundance of opportunities to practice and cultivate these traits.


Quado's Garden: Choose to Win
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 11:30am

to Win

are full of power and strength, the strength to overcome your persistent habits
and reactions that no longer serve you well.

Choose not to battle.

Choose not to fight this war. Choose to end the struggle and win.

And the best way to win is

not to fight yourself. The best way to win is to light the fire inside and
begin to see yourself in a new way. It is no longer you imposing a will against
yourself. It is you loving yourself and doing what is best for you. It is you,
embracing your glory in love and warmth, accepting a little setback or mistake
with ease, knowing that this will happen, in the course of time, but knowing
that the battle is already won, because there is no battle.

A deep inner resolve, a

deep inner peace, a glow of strength and power within, and a sure knowledge that
you will prevail, will surpass the imposition of will every time.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart
Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com


Silbury Hill, Nr Avebury, Wiltshire.
Reported 29th April.
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 11:30am

Silbury Hill, Nr Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 29th April.


An eloquent formation appears in Oil Seed Rape next to Silbury Hill.

This is a favoured field for formations to appear for many a year. A hilltop overlooking the
ancient Silbury Hill. We have seen many remarkable formations at this magic location over
the years. Although this formation is quite small it has a meaningful and delicate feel to it.
Thanks once again to Olivier Morel and Francine's group for photographing and organizing
the aerial shots of this lovely formation

Images Olivier Morel Copyright 2011

Once again in the presence of Silbury Hill, we have been graced with this eloquent design in
Oil Seed Rape. The number Six represents beauty and harmony – or consciousness in its
Planetary Aspect: The Sun. Colour: Yellow! Plenty of that at the moment.


Becoming a Spiritual Being
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 11:35am

Becoming a Spiritual Being

Written by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Becoming a spiritual being is synonymous with becoming a miracle worker and knowing the
bliss of real magic. The differences between people who are non-spiritual, or "physical only",
and those whom I call spiritual beings are dramatic.

I use the terms spiritual and non-spiritual in the sense that a spiritual being has a conscious
awareness of both the physical and the invisible dimension, while the non-spiritual being is
only aware of the physical domain. Neither category, as I use them, implies atheism or
religious orientation in any way. The non-spiritual person is not incorrect or bad because he or
she experiences the world only in a physical manner.

Below are 12 beliefs and practices for you to cultivate as you develop your abilities to
manifest miracles in your life. Becoming a spiritual being as outlined here is an all-out
necessity if real magic is your objective in this lifetime.

1. The non-spiritual being lives exclusively within the five senses, believing that if you
cannot see, touch, smell, hear, or taste something, then that something simply doesn't
exist. The spiritual being knows that beyond the five physical senses, there are other
senses we use to experience the world of form.

As you work toward becoming a spiritual being as well as a physical being, you begin to live
more and more consciously within the invisible realm. You begin to know that there are
senses beyond this physical world. Even though you cannot perceive it through one of the five
senses, you know that you are a soul with a body, and that your soul is beyond limits and
defies birth and death. It is not governed by any of the rules and regulations that govern the
physical universe. To be a spiritual being means that you allow yourself the option of being
multi-sensory. Hence a whole new world opens up. As Gary Zukav writes in "The experiences
of the multi-sensory human are less limited than the experiences of the five-sensory human.
They provide more opportunities for growth and development and more opportunities to
avoid unnecessary difficulties." (The Seat of the Soul, Gary Zukav)

2. The non-spiritual being believes we are alone in the universe. The spiritual being
knows he or she is never alone.

A spiritual being is comfortable with the idea of having teachers, observers, and divine
guidance available at any time. If we believe we are souls with bodies rather than bodies with
souls, then the invisible, eternal part of ourselves is always available to us for assistance.
Once this belief is firm and unshakable it can never be doubted, regardless of the rational
arguments of those who live exclusively in the physical world. For some this is called intense
prayer, for others it is universal, omnipresent intelligence or force, and for others it is spiritual
guidance. It matters not what you call this higher self or how you spell it, since it is beyond
definitions, labels, and language itself.

For the non-spiritual being this is all hogwash. We show up on Earth, we have one life to live
and no one has any ghosts around or within to help out. This is a physical-only universe to the
non-spiritual being and the goal is to manipulate and control the physical world. The spiritual
being sees the physical world as an arena for growth and learning with the specific purpose of
serving and evolving into higher levels of love.

Non-spiritual beings accept the existence of a supreme being or God, not as a universal force
that is within us but as a separate power that will someday hold us accountable. They do not
see themselves as having assistance or a higher self, unless they have the kind of direct
experience of divine presence recorded by St. Paul or St. Francis of Assisi.

Spiritual beings simply know, through their personal experience of having been in contact
with their own divine guidance, that they are not alone, and that they can use that guidance to
become miracle makers in their lives.

3. The non-spiritual being is focused on external power. The spiritual being is focused on
personal empowerment.

External power is located in the dominance of and control over the physical world. This is the
power of war and military might, the power of laws and organization, the power of business
and stock market games. This is the power of controlling all that is external to the self. The
non-spiritual being is focused on this external power.

By contrast, the spiritual being is focused on empowering himself and others to higher and
higher levels of consciousness and achievement. The use of force over another is not a
possibility for the spiritual being. He or she is not interested in collecting power, but rather in
helping others to live in harmony and to experience real magic. This is a power of love that
does not judge others. There is no hostility or anger in this kind of power. It is true
empowerment to know that one can live in the world with others who have differing points of
view and have no need to control or vanquish them as victims. A spiritual being knows the
enormous power that comes with the ability to manipulate the physical world with one's mind.
A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any
physical force in the universe. The entire philosophy of aikido and the Oriental martial arts is
based not on external power over the opponent, but on becoming at one with that external
energy to remove the threat. Empowerment is the inner joy of knowing that external force is
not necessary to be at harmony with oneself.

To the non-spiritual being, no other way is known. One must constantly be ready for war.
Even though the spiritual masters to whom they often pledge allegiance speak against such
use of power, the non-spiritual being simply cannot see other alternatives

4. The non-spiritual being feels separated and distinct from all others, a being unto
himself. The spiritual being knows that he is connected to all others and lives his life as if
each person he meets shares being human with him.

When a person feels separate from all others he becomes more self-centered and much less
concerned about the problems of others. He may feel some sympathy for people starving in
another part of the world, but that person's daily approach is, "It's not my problem." The
splintered personality, the non-spiritual being, is focused more on his own problems, and
often feels that other human beings are either in his way or trying to get what he wants and so
he must "do in" the other guy, before he gets done in himself.

The spiritual being knows that we are all connected, and he is able to see the fullness of God
in each person with whom he makes contact. This sense of connection eliminates much of the
inner conflict that the non-spiritual being experiences as he constantly judges others,
categorizes them according to physical appearances and behaviors, and then proceeds to find
ways to either ignore or take advantage of them for his own benefit.

Being connected means that the need for conflict and confrontation is eliminated. Knowing
that the same invisible force that flows through himself flows through all others allows the
spiritual being to truly live the golden rule. The spiritual being thinks, "How I am treating
others is essentially how I am treating myself, and vice versa." The meaning of "love thy
neighbor as thyself" is clear to the spiritual being, while it is considered nonsense by the non-
spiritual being. Negative judgment is not possible when one feels connected to all others. The
spiritual being knows that he cannot define another by his judgments, that he only defines
himself as a judgmental person.

Research at the subatomic quantum level reveals an invisible connection between all particles
and all members of a given species. This oneness is being demonstrated in remarkable
scientific discoveries. The findings show that physical distance, what we think of as empty
space, does no preclude a connection by invisible forces. Obviously there exist invisible
connections between our thoughts and our actions. We do not deny this, even though the
connection is impervious to our senses.

The non-spiritual being cannot make such a leap, but the spiritual being knows that this
invisible force connects him to all others, and therefore treats all others as if they were a part
of himself. It is all a question of knowing. The non-spiritual being acts as if he were an island,
separate and distinct from others, unconnected. Plainly stated, miracles and real magic are
simply unavailable to those who believe themselves to be islands in the sea of humanity.

5. The non-spiritual being believes exclusively in a cause/effect interpretation of life. The

spiritual being knows that there is a higher power working in the universe beyond mere
cause and effect.

The non-spiritual being lives exclusively in the physical world, where cause and effect rule. If
one plants a seed (cause), he will see the result (effect). If one is hungry, he will seek food. If
one is angry, he will vent that anger. This is indeed a rational and logical way to think and

behave, since the third law of motion for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
is always operating in the physical universe.

The spiritual being goes beyond Newton's physics and lives in an entirely different realm. The
spiritual being knows that thoughts come out of nothingness, and that in our dream state (one-
third of our entire physical lives), where we are in pure thought, cause and effect play no role

6. The non-spiritual being is motivated by achievement, performance and acquisitions.

The spiritual being is motivated by ethics, serenity and quality of life.

For the non-spiritual person, the focus is on learning for the purpose of high grades, getting
ahead, and acquiring possessions. The purpose of athletics is competition. Success is
measured in external labels such as position, rank, bank accounts, and awards. These are all
very much a part of our culture, and certainly not objects to be scorned, they simply are not
the focus of the spiritual being's life.

For the spiritual being, success is achieved by aligning oneself with one's purpose, which is
not measured by performance or acquisitions. The spiritual being knows that these external
things flow into one's life in sufficient amounts and that they arrive as a result of living
purposefully. The spiritual being knows that living purposefully involves serving in a loving
fashion. Mother Teresa, who spent many years of her life caring for the most downtrodden
among us in the slums of Calcutta, defined purpose this way in "For the Love of God:"

"The fruit of love is service, which is compassion in action. Religion has nothing to do with
compassion. It is our love for God that is the main thing, because we have all been created for
the sole purpose to love and be loved."

It is in ways such as this that the spiritual being's inner and outer reality is experienced. It is
not necessary to become a saint ministering to the impoverished to become a spiritual being.
One simply must know that there is much more to life than achievement, performance and
acquisitions, and that the measure of a life is not in what is accumulated, but rather in what is
given to others. Living ethically, morally and serenely while being aligned with a spiritual
purpose is at the core of his being. Real magic cannot be experienced when your focus is on
getting more for yourself, particularly if it is at the expense of others. When you experience a
sense of serenity and quality about your life, knowing your mind is what creates such a state,
you will also know that from such a state of mind flows miracle-making magic.

7. The non-spiritual being has no place within his awareness for the practice of
meditation. The spiritual being cannot imagine life without it.

For the non-spiritual being, the idea of looking quietly within oneself and sitting alone for any
period of time repeating a mantra, emptying one's mind, and seeking answers by aligning
oneself with one's Higher Self borders on lunacy. For this person, answers are sought by
working hard, struggling, persevering, setting goals, reaching those goals and setting new
ones and competing in a dog-eat-dog world.

The spiritual being knows about the enormous power of the practice of meditation. He knows
meditation makes him more alert and able to think more clearly. He knows the very special
effect meditation has in relieving stress and tension.

Spiritual people know, by virtue of having been there and experienced it firsthand, that one
can get divine guidance by becoming peaceful and quiet, and asking for answers. They know
they are multidimensional and that the invisible mind can be tapped at higher and higher
levels through meditation, or whatever you want to call the practice of being alone and
emptying your mind of the frenetic thoughts that occupy so much of daily life. They know
that in deep meditation one can leave the body and enter a sphere of magic that is as blissful a
state as any drug could temporarily provide.

For the non-spiritual being this is perceived as an escape from reality, but for the spiritual
being it is an introduction to a whole new reality, a reality that includes an opening in life that
will lead to miracle making.

8. For the non-spiritual being, the concept of intuition can be reduced to a hunch or a
haphazard thought that accidentally pops into one's head on occasion. For the spiritual
being, intuition is far more than a hunch. It is viewed as guidance or as God talking, and
this inner insight is never taken lightly or ignored.

You know from your own experience that when you ignore your intuitive proddings, you end
up regretting it or having to "learn the hard way". To the non-spiritual person, intuition is
completely unpredictable and occurs in random happenstance. It is often ignored or shunned
in favor of behaving in habitual ways. The spiritual being strives to increase consciousness
concerning his intuition. He pays attention to invisible messages and knows deep within that
there is something working that is much more than a coincidence.

Spiritual beings have an awareness of the nonphysical world and are not stuck exclusively in a
universe restricted to the functioning of their five senses. Hence all thoughts, invisible though
they may be, are something to pay attention to. But intuition is much more than a thought
about something, it is almost as if one is receiving a gentle prod to behave in a certain way or
to avoid something that might be dangerous or unhealthy. Although inexplicable, our intuition
is truly a factor of our lives.

For the non-spiritual person, this seems to be merely a hunch and nothing to study or become
more attuned to. The non-spiritual person thinks, "It will pass. It is just my mind at work in its
disorderly way " For the spiritual person, these inner intuitive expressions are almost like
having a dialogue with God.

A Personal Perspective

I view my intuition about everything and anything as God talking to me. I pay attention when
I "feel something" strongly and I always go with that inner inclination. At one time in my life
I ignored it, but now I know better and these intuitive feelings always, and I mean always,
guide me in a direction of growth and purposefulness. Sometimes my intuition tells me where
to go to write, and I follow, and the writing is always smooth and flowing. When I have
ignored this intuition, I have struggled tremendously and blamed "writer's block."

I have come to not only trust that guidance in my writing, but to rely on it in virtually all areas
of my life. I have developed a private relationship with my intuition from what to eat and
what to write about, to how to relate to my wife and other family members. I meditate on it,
trust it, study it, and seek to become more aware of it. When I do ignore it, I pay a price, and
then remind myself of the lesson to trust that inner voice the next time.

I figure if I can talk to God and call it prayer, believing in such a universal divine presence,
then there is nothing loony about having God talk to me. All the spiritual people I've read
about share a similar feeling. Intuition is loving guidance and they know enough not to ignore

9. The non-spiritual being is involved in a lot of fighting, he is aligned with the tools of
power in a war against that which he believes to be evil. This person knows what he
hates, and experiences a great deal of inner turmoil over perceived wrongs. Much of his
energy, both mental and physical, is devoted to what he perceives to be bad or evil.

Spiritual beings do not order their lives to be against anything. They are not against starvation,
they are for feeding people and seeing that everyone in the world is nutritionally satisfied.
They work on what they are for, rather than fighting what they are against. Fighting starvation
only weakens the fighter and makes him angry and frustrated, while working for a well-fed
populace is empowering. Spiritual beings are not against war, they are for peace and spend
their energy on working for peace. They do not join a war on drugs or poverty, because wars
need warriors and fighters, and this will not make the problems go away. Spiritual beings are
for a well-educated youth, who can be euphoric, giddy and high without the need for external
substances. They work toward this end, helping young people to know the power of their own
minds and bodies. They fight nothing.

When you fight evil by employing the methods of hatred and violence, you are part of the
hatred and violence of evil itself. despite the rightness of your position in your own mind. If
all the people in the world who are against terrorism and war were to shift their perspective to
supporting and working for peace, terrorism and war would be eliminated.

Somehow our priorities are turned inside out. Spiritual beings do not get tied up with hatred.
They are focused thoughtfully on what they are for and they translate that into action.
Spiritual beings keep their thoughts on love and harmony, in the face of things they would
love to see changed. All that you fight weakens you. All that you are for empowers you. In
order to manifest miracles, you must be totally focused on what you are for. Real magic
occurs in your life when you have eliminated the hatred that is in your life, even the hatred
that you have against hatred.

10. The non-spiritual person feels no sense of responsibility to the universe, therefore he
has not developed a reverence for life. The spiritual being has a reverence for life that
goes to the essence of all beings.

The non-spiritual being believes, as Gary Zukav has said, "that we are conscious and that the
universe is not." He thinks that his existence will end with this lifetime and that he is not
responsible to the universe. The non-spiritual being has become arrogant.

The spiritual being behaves as if the God in all life matters, and he feels a sense of
responsibility to the universe. He is in awe of this life and that he has a mind with which to
process the physical universe. That awe leads him to look outward at all life and the
environment with a sense of appreciation and reverence, to engage with life itself at a deeper
level than merely the material world.

To the spiritual being the cycles of life are approached as representatives of infinity, with
reverence that is truly an honoring of life. It is a gentle and kind approach toward all that is in

our world, a recognition that the earth itself and the universe beyond has a consciousness and
that our life is connected in some unseen way to all life now and in the past. The invisible
intelligence that suffuses all form is a part of ourselves, thus a reverence for all life is
knowing that there is a soul in everything. That soul is worthy of being honored.

The spiritual person is conscious of the need not to take more from the earth than is needed,
and to give back to the universe in some fashion for those who will habitate the planet after
himself. Miracle-making capability comes out of a strong reverence for all life, including your
own, and therefore in order to know real magic you must learn to think and act in ways
consistent with being a reverent spiritual being.

11. The non-spiritual being is laden with grudges, hostility, and the need for revenge.
The spiritual being has no room in his heart for these impediments to miracle making
and real magic.

The spiritual being knows that all spiritual masters have talked about the importance of
forgiveness. Here are few examples from our mayor religious teachings:

Judaism: The most beautiful thing a man can do is to forgive wrong.

Christianity: Then Peter came up and said to him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin
against me, and I forgive him?" "As many as seven times." Jesus said to him, "I do not say to
you seven times, but seventy times seven."

Islam: Forgive thy servant seventy times a day.

Sikhism: Where there is forgiveness there is God himself.

Taoism: Recompense injury with kindness.

Buddhism: Never is hate diminished by hatred. It is only diminished by love. This is an

eternal law.

For the spiritual being it is crucial to be able to "walk the talk." One cannot profess to be a
practicing member of a given faith, and then behave in ways inconsistent with the teachings.
Forgiveness is an act of the heart.

12. The non-spiritual being believes that there are real world limitations and that
although there may be some evidence for the existence of miracles, they are viewed as
random happenings for a few fortunate others. The spiritual being believes in miracles
and his own unique ability to receive loving guidance and to experience a world of real

The spiritual being knows that miracles are very real. He believes the forces that have created
miracles for others are still present in the universe and can be tapped into. The non-spiritual
being sees miracles in a totally different light. He believes them to be accidents, and therefore
has no faith in his own ability to participate in the miracle-making process.


The spiritual dozen require very little of you. They are not difficult to understand nor do they
require any long training or indoctrination on your part. They can be accomplished in this
very instant in which you are reading. Becoming a spiritual being takes place within that
invisible self I have been writing about. Regardless of how you have chosen to be up until
now, working toward becoming a spiritual being can be your choice today. You do not have to
adopt any specific religious tenets or undergo a religious transformation you simply have to
decide that this is the way you would like to live out the remainder of your life. With this kind
of inner commitment you are on your way.

It is important to recognize that real magic is unavailable to those who choose the non-
spiritual life. Being able to make miracles happen is fundamentally a result of how you
choose to align yourself, how you choose to use your mind, and how much faith you have in
being able to use it to affect your physical world.

This article was excerpted from:

Real Magic : Creating Miracles in Everyday Life

by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Reprinted with permission from "Real Magic", published by William Morrow & Company,
Inc., 105 Madison Ave., NYC, NY 10016. ©1992.



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 11:37am


THE SOCIETY HAS HYPNOTIZED YOU. The society has dulled your senses, it has
poisoned you. It wants skillful efficient machines; it does not want men. It has reduced you to
a machine. You are a good clerk or a good soldier or a good stationmaster or a good deputy
made you a commodity. It does not want your intelligence, your awareness.


And the gurus you have been to are nothing but agents of the same society. Hence the society
respects them, hence the society supports them.

I CANNOT BE SUPPORTED BY THE SOCIETY. It is a sheer miracle that I am existing, it

is very illogical. I should not be here at all. The society does not support me, it cannot support
me. In every possible way it will create -- it IS creating -- hindrances for my work.

Just the other day I was reading in the newspapers, ONE MAN HAS SUGGESTED TO THE
religious man, because he says I am destroying religion. And he is not satisfied with just my
expulsion -- THEN HE SUGGESTS MY TONGUE SHOULD BE CUT, so that I cannot
speak; and my hands should also be cut, so that I cannot write. And he thinks he is a religious

But that's what people have always done. THEY CRUCIFIED JESUS, and they were thinking
they were doing something very religious. THEY MURDERED THE GREAT SUFI
MASTER, AL-HILLAJ MANSOOR, in exactly the same way. This man who has suggested
this to the government may have been part of the crowd who killed Mansoor -- because this
was the way: his hands were cut, his tongue was cut, then his head was cut. It seems the
society goes on perpetuating its old stupidities. And he is thinking that he is suggesting this to
protect religion, that religion is in danger -- because of me, religion is in danger.

RELIGION IS NOT IN DANGER BECAUSE OF ME -- but pseudo-religion, certainly, is in

danger. And the society needs pseudo-religions so the real religion can be avoided -- because
REAL RELIGION ALWAYS CREATES TROUBLE. A Buddha, a Jesus, a Monsoor, a Sanhai
-- whenever these people walk on the earth, they create fire, they create revolution. THEY
CONSCIOUSNESS. And then there is trouble.

THEY HAVE SEPARATED. Now, what has happened? And they had lived for twenty years
together! For twenty years they were compromising and compromising and compromising.
For twenty years they were suffering; they were miserable together. But they were carrying on
somehow in a state of unconsciousness.

The moment they are here, they start meditating. They go into few therapy groups, and they
become alert and they see what have they been doing. THE MAN COMES TO SEE THAT
deceiving the woman, he has been deceiving himself. The woman comes to see that she has
never loved this man; this man seems to be a stranger, she does not know who he is. And why
have they been living together and torturing each other? SUDDENLY THEY ARE AWAKE
and the marriage has gone to the dogs.

People will be afraid of such a place. Their marriage may disappear. Their old ways of living
DISAPPEARS -- but in the beginning it is painful. Twenty years you have lived with a
woman -- it is difficult to unclench yourself. It is painful, it is agony. But if you don't stop a
false relationship, you will never be in any true relationship in your life. And a true
relationship is a mirror. It helps you to see your face, who you are. BUT ONLY A TRUE
RELATIONSHIP IS A MIRROR -- a false relationship is a stone wall. You cannot be
mirrored in it -- it is utterly futile.

will teach them to be themselves. And if the child wants to be a musician, I will say become a
musician -- even if you remain a beggar. And the parents wanted him to become a doctor or an
engineer. Now there is going to be trouble. The child, if he becomes an engineer, will have
much money, prestige, power -- but he will miss his soul. He will never come to know any joy
in his life. He will know misery -- he will never know any rejoicing.

But the parents are more interested in money and power and prestige. That's what has been
told to them by their parents. This is their tradition. EACH GENERATION GOES ON
CORRUPTING THE NEW GENERATION. Each generation goes on loading the new
generation with its own diseases, illness, pathologies.


PATHOLOGIES. And they may be very traditional and very long-respected. And your parents
may have carried them for thousands of years. But I will teach you to drop all that nonsense,
all that rubbish, and become simply your own being, your own self.

NOW THE SOCIETY CANNOT TOLERATE IT. The society is bound to be inimical,
antagonistic to me. This has always been so. You must have gone to the gurus who are
adjuncts of the same rotten society. How can they help you to change? They are there to
protect the society. The society gives them respect. That is how the society goes on paying
them for their services. YOUR TEACHERS ARE IN THE SERVICE OF THE PAST, your
priests are in the service of the past, your politicians are in the service of the past -- AND I

IF... IF YOU HAVE SOME COURAGE IN YOUR HEART and you don't escape from this
surgical energy field, YOU WILL BE TRANSFORMED. And, remember, I will not transform
you. I can only create situations in which you can transform yourself. I am simply creating a
field in which things can happen. They are happening. Now, don't escape from here. Just few
months and then you cannot escape.

Unio Mystica
Vol 2, Ch #2: Defeating Buddha
am in Buddha Hall


Taurus Prayers & Affirmations a message
from Kelly M. Beard 2 May, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 11:40am

Taurus Prayers & Affirmations

a message from Kelly M. Beard

2 May, 2011

Inspiration Point ~ Prayers & Affirmations ...

covers the current Sun Sign energy and how it generally manifests.

Below are Prayers/Affirmations to help you better understand and express the energy.

More Here:


*TAURUS* Energy

When I dare to be powerful,

to use my strength in the service of my vision,
then it becomes less and less important
whether I am afraid.
Effective Energy Spent ...
Yields Tangible Results

This month we are feeling the pressure to produce results - either from ourselves or outer
circumstances (or both). Either way, you have to be extremely mindful of how you spend your
energy at this time. Strategic thinking takes practice but you must make the effort to expand
your mind to access additional options you may not have realized you had ... and then TRY
THEM! (What do you have to lose?) Mother Earth provides EVERYTHING we could
possibly need to live this life. It is all within each and every one of us.


I will work with what I've got to attract all that I need, desire and deserve.

It is time for the hard work and the work behind the scenes. Think in terms of gardening, you
have to plant the seeds and tend them as well, in order to grow ANYTHING. If you do not do
those two things FIRST, there will be no product (end result). The whole concept of
abundance is based on the "pay it forward" theory - you must give to receive ~ you must put
out the energy to attract the results. What kind of real work and effective energy are you
putting behind your dreams and goals?


I confidently move in the direction of my goal, cheerfully doing the work and fully expect my
efforts to return to me ten-fold.

It is a very intense time right now which is fertile for creative energy! First you must take the
time to define your goal and then map out a strategy for attracting the results you seek and

have faith in your own vision. If you have any self-worth issues to resolve, they may come up
at this time. Anything you have put off is going to demand attention. And most of all, there are
no quick-fixes - you must do the work, consistently and faithfully.


As a child of God, my birth right is every good thing and I am willing to contribute my energy
faithfully because of this inner knowing.

Think like a builder (Taurus): you must have an initial plan; you must have the location and
the initial materials to get started but before you can build, you have to prep the area you plan
to build on. Clear any debris (past) and prepare the area for creating your vision (in 3-D).
Sometimes once you start building something, it evolves in such a way that is either better
than you imagined (now that you can see some tangible results) or perhaps needs tweaking
here and there because unforeseen things came up along the way. It's all good - you learn as
you LIVE! So accept that adjustments have to be made and it is all part of producing your
ultimate goal. And eventually there will be something in the world that only you created and
that wasn't here before you created it!

You are encouraged to share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always
included. Thanks for your courtesy. Kelly M Beard

[email protected] ~ www.KarmicTools.com

Published by GypsyChild Publishing

Copyright © 2000-2011 Kelly M Beard

All Rights Reserved


Handling Baggage Vs. Redistributing The
Weight: May's Taurus New Moon a
message from Lynda Hill Monday, 2 May,
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 11:42am

Handling Baggage Vs. Redistributing The Weight:

May's Taurus New Moon

a message from Lynda Hill
Monday, 2 May, 2011

Everyone thinks his own burden heavy. French Proverb

The burden which is well borne becomes light. Ovid

Do not free the camel of the burden of his hump; you may be freeing him from being a camel.
Gilbert K. Chesterton

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it to anyone else. Charles Dickens

Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess baggage, the shorter
the trip. Arnold Glasow

RESPONSIBILITY, n. A detachable burden easily shifted to the shoulders of God, Fate,

Fortune, Luck or one’s neighbor. Ambrose Bierce

Almost everybody walks around with a vast burden of imaginary limitations inside his head.
While the burden remains, personal success is as difficult to achieve as the conquest of
Everest with a sack of rocks tied to your back. J. H. Brennan

May's Taurus new Moon occurs on May 3 in Australia and May 2 in the United States.
This new Moon has, again, a very strong Aries influence, with Uranus, the Black Moon Lilith,
Venus, Mercury, Eris, Jupiter and Mars all in Aries.

The Sabian Symbol for the new Moon is Taurus 13: A Porter Carrying A Mountain Of
Heavy Baggage. My commentary and keywords on this degree from my book The Sabian
Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom -

A ‘Porter’, otherwise known as a baggage handler or bellboy, has a lot of work to do. He is
performing a service for others and here he is seen having ‘a Mountain of Heavy Baggage’ to
move or ‘Carry’. He needs to remain cheerful and not reveal how much this ‘Mountainous’
load is weighing him down; otherwise he may not get the approval of those he is 'Carrying'
the load for. There would be no thanks and no “tips” if he were to complain, groan or
grumble. ‘Porters’ do a lot of hard work but don’t often get much appreciation or attention.
They are expected to just get on with the job, sometimes they become almost invisible. This
Symbol can also be an expression of class-consciousness.

Keywords: Self-reliance. Owning other people’s ‘garbage’. Shouldering baggage or weight.

Being weighed-down. Feeling responsible for everything. Bad backs and posture. Carrying
others. Counseling people, taking on their emotions. Bad backs, shoulders, knees, etc. Strain
and wear. Bearing the family guilt. luggage. Trolleys. Looking for tips.

The Caution: Being busy with other peoples’ problems. Unable to work for your own
benefit. Carrying other peoples’ responsibilities. Being indispensable until the energy is all
worn out. Not knowing when to say “no” to other’s demands. The burden of debts. Being
useful but unimportant.

The Karmic Condition (the degree before) of this new Moon is Taurus 12:

A Young Couple Walk Down Main-Street, Window Shopping. This can show people
enjoying each other, cruising for a moment together and assessing their futures together. It can
also show taking on too much debt, being taken by the desire for 'things'; to have a home,
furniture, possessions, a position in society and a future brimming with possibilities. It can
also show situations of people alone, not having a partner in life, observing others enjoying
their lives and planning together. There can be partnership or loneliness in this degree and

sometimes there's both at the same time; people in relationships and yet feeling very lonely.
'Window Shopping' here can show people wondering when happiness will come to them -
when the bounty of life will turn their way, when the world will provide them with the things
that most people want in life; a happy and healthy relationship, somewhere safe and secure to
live and having the things in life that they desire. This degree can also show issues of who's
earning the money, holds the purse strings, puts in all the effort, takes the risks or goes
without so others may have.

Sometimes, the desire for things leads to the 'Porter Carrying A Mountain Of Heavy Baggage'
in one way or another.

Venus, the planetary ruler of this Taurean new Moon, shows the need to keep plugging away,
making money and working at finding their place in society. The Symbol is Aries 15: An
Indian Weaving A Blanket In The Light Of The Setting Sun. This speaks of working at
making a living or weaving the story of one's life through your deeds. As the person is
working "In The Light Of The Setting Sun", it can show concerns about work, earning enough
money, getting the recognition they deserve and growing older and ensuring their future will
be safe and secure.

Keywords: The fabric of one’s being. Traditional pastimes and skills. Weaving security and
independence. Patience and gentle handcrafting. Stories, especially those handed down. Tales
and traditions. Consideration of one’s unique history. Weaving, spinning looms. The warp and
weft of life. One’s life story—past and present. Being focused on one’s tasks. Colours, Dyes.

The Caution: Underestimating skills of self-expression in comparison with intellectual skills.

Allowing dull routines to overcome. Feeling one hasn’t got much to contribute. Inability to
apply to routine and necessary tasks. Being too “full-time” about one’s work. Feeling insecure
no matter what the situation. Selling off one’s integrity. Finding that it’s too late in the day to
get anything done. Not knowing when to stop.

Close by Venus is Mercury at Aries 17: Two Prim Spinsters Sitting Together In Silence.
This can show issues of people sharing their thoughts and emotions, or not, and issues to do
with youth and feeling vital. The 'Two Prim Spinsters' may have much to be grateful for with
much to share and give to each other and the world, or, they may feel left out, isolated and
alone - loveless in a world that values the young way more than it does the elders in society.

This last sentiment is echoed in the degree of Venus on the "Indian Weaving The Blanket In
The Light Of The Setting Sun".

Keywords: The need to loosen up emotional blockages. The struggle to hold onto one’s
original identity. Compromise because of social expectations. Meditations that communicate.
Exclusive relationships. Relationships that have a quiet “knowing”. Dignified silence. Inner
withdrawal. Communicating through body language.

The Caution: Emotional isolation. Refusing to accept relationship. Pretending to be someone

that one is not. Disapproval of younger, more vital energies. Being fussy and judgmental.
Chattering that is not conducive to growth or true relating. Gossip. Difficulty in
communicating. Being shutoff, or shutdown. The loss of joy and spontaneity.

What often needs to happen with this "Spinsters" degree around is for people to open up,
communicate and feel that they can share what's going on in their lives. It may be that there's
a few select friends or family members that you can do this with. It may be that you need to
be there for others, to have them open up to you. This new Moon seems to be saying that it's
fine for you to do it, just remember your boundaries and what you, or others, really need to be

Jupiter and Eris (click here for info on Eris) are conjunct on Aries 23: A Woman In Pastel
Colors Carrying A Heavy And Valuable But Veiled Load. This speaks of keeping a happy
attitude even in the midst of sadness, confusion, doubt, fear, and, again, as with the Symbol
for the new Moon - "The Porter" - having to carry the load or shoulder burdens or

Keywords: Privacy. Quiet determination to get on with the job. Mild manners. Carrying more
than one’s share, gratefully or grudgingly. Shouldering problems. Bad backs. Victim status –
poor me! Secret pregnancies. Doing overtime. Heavy loads. Smiling against the odds. Pastel
colors. Codes of silence.

The Caution: Covering something up. Trying to conceal distrust. Keeping one’s thoughts and
emotions locked-in creating ill health and disease. Fading into the background. Not being
noticed or recognized. Feeling weighed down with shame, loss or humiliation. Wearing dark
clothes. Dressing in order to cover up. Being the family scapegoat. Heavy karma.

Mars, which is very strong at the moment (being in Aries and ruling all the planets in Aries
and conjuncting Jupiter) is on Aries 24: An Open Window And A Net Curtain Blowing
Into The Shape Of A Cornucopia... this is a wonderful degree of opportunity and promise,
but with Mars on this degree, there's the possibility of being angry or disappointed if things
don't quite come together. This degree asks us to open our doors and windows and free the
space of the cobwebs and stale air of the past in order for the 'Cornucopia' to blow in.

Keywords: Imagination. Keeping your options open. The promise of fruition. The breath of
life filled with inspiration. Realizing that in everyday life, one has it all. Windows of
opportunity. Gain, abundance, riches. Spiritual energies pouring in. Concentrated energy.
Seeing desires taking shape. Curtains and windows.The Caution: Relying on spiritual ideas to
provide material sustenance. Dreaming of things dropping into one’s lap. Hoping that good
luck will just ‘blow in’. Shutting windows, keeping light and life out. Drawing curtains and
withdrawing. Promises, promises.

Thankfully, Mars is trining the karmic Moon's North Node which is at Sagittarius 24:

A Bluebird, A Sign Of Good Luck And Happiness, Is Standing At The Door Of The

Keywords: Calmness and rewards. Promise (or promises) of ‘Happiness’. Love and
happiness available by acknowledging its presence. Real estate, house boundaries. Reminders
of joy. Cottages and picket fences. Waiting for invitations to enter. Omens of good luck.
Blessings. Front doors and back doors.

The Caution: Denying happiness or good news. Feeling that the grass is always greener
somewhere else. Putting on false shows of happiness for all to see. Thinking that buying
things will make one’s life happier. Wanting what’s not available.

As with the "Open Window" of Mar's placement, this is a wonderful omen of happiness, love,
security and joy.

Pluto has a message to back up the placement of Mars and the Node. The Sabian Symbol is
Capricorn 8: Birds In The House Singing Happily. This speaks of being at one with
everything, tunes sung or whistled, the promise of contentment, communal sharing and fun,
music, instruments, chattering, birds singing, positive thinking. We need to not feel caged in
or looking only at difficulties. Feelings of loneliness, being forgotten or forsaken can be
banished by listening to music or listening to birds singing.

Saturn, which can bring structure, form and discipline but also fear, loss and restriction, is on
Libra 12: Miners Are Emerging From A Deep Coal Mine. This is a good placement for
Saturn at the moment as it makes us think about things, to dredge those things that need
dredging, to face our fears and to remember to come up for air when things are getting us
down (or weighing us down). As Saturn is opposite both Venus and Mercury, we could be
finding the need to reassess relationships, friendships, our values about ourselves and others
and how we think and communicate with others. With Saturn on the "Coal Mining" degree,
we can have realisations coming up from the depths and find those gems that may have been
lying deep within us, just waiting for us to dis-cover them.

(Without wanting to add to anybody's burdens, I feel driven to mention the movie Gasland. I
watched it last night, but have seen a doco on gas "fracking" in Australia a few months ago. If
you don't know about it, you may find it interesting to check out what's happening - it's an
environmental nightmare. I apologise for bringing it up, but with Saturn on the "Coal Miners"
degree, it's quite timely, I believe, that I do).

Copyright ©2011 Sabian Symbols


Meet my Good Friend and Eternal

Companion: Archangel Jophiel
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 11:44am

I have always, for as long as I can remember, resonated strongly with the theory of the 7 rays,
and their accompanying Archangels. However, it wasn’t until last year that the introduction to
my own was made personal and formal.

Ever since I was a child, I have been a bit of a prodigy when it comes to Art and creativity. I
still remember clear as day when I was 5 years old and my mother and father came into my
bedroom…what they saw they will never forget, and neither will I. There before me on the
bedroom floor was a 20 page book, with giant color illustrations on every page, entitled: The
War of the Gods. Their jaws dropped. They were spellbound. They had never discussed this
subject matter with me. At that point in my life, as far as they knew, the only spiritual teaching
I had been given was simply that Jesus was the son of God….

Well, here within this book I had chronicled events that I claimed had happened hundreds of
thousands of years ago, on this very planet. Who knows? Maybe it was channeled, or maybe I
was really remembering the histories of my far ancient former lives. My parents said that the
words and language I used were far too advanced for a 5 year old….they naturally wondered,
where did the boy come up with all this??? Where did this all come from???

Lets move the story 21 years down the road….(Over the years, my parents misplaced or lost
the book! I wish I still had it as a reference to my creative beginnings). Around mid-2010,
during one of the important astrological dates (cant remember which one, as they all seem to
blur), I was just sitting down watching TV, no meditation, no prayer, just normal, watching
TV….when suddenly….

WHAM! I felt like a bullet of All-Encompassing Love and Beauty had been fired into my
third eye. I had to lie down. So I immediately turned the TV off and laid right there on the
floor, in silence…..My entire Being was buzzing with energy, and not just any energy, but the
energy of a Loving Creativity such as I had never known before…

Suddenly I was seeing complex fractal patterns, alien colors, and basically having the vision
of a lifetime. I knew that I was “encountering” some sort of entity….but who? Or what? It
never did assume a human-looking form, but kept shifting form in the most beautiful images
and patterns imaginable….It was exactly like my own artwork over the years, as if I was
being lovingly assaulted by my own creativity! Then the entity introduced itself: It was
Archangel Jophiel, the angel of Creativity and Beauty. (This was very fitting, as I had recently
been studying the subject about a week prior to the encounter).

Also, it called me by my Soul name: Zemanu. This was the 1st time I had ever been called that
by one of my spirit helpers or guides….It was a first. Then Archangel Jophiel proceeded to
“teach” me through these visions the crucial role he/she had played in my human
development up until that point. I saw events from my past in a new light and
clarity….everything suddenly ‘clicked’ and made perfect sense…It also showed me visions of
the future….a subject for another post.

The most memorable moment was this feeling in my third eye….like a unicycle was being
pedaled….for me and by me all at the same time, dividing the duality, by natural law. The
Archangel told me that whenever I feel down or depressed, this power was available and
always at my disposal…that of the pineal gland unicycle.

The pineal gland unicycle of Love…..always at our call….always at our fingertips……
Archangel Jophiel told me never to forget…that we are allies for eternity….and as I felt
nothing but Love for this wondrous being….it felt nothing but Love for me….

Have a Magical Day Everyone….for the Fun has just begun ;) ;);)

*------Zemanu of the Stars


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 11:49am



Photo shows pink-red Erythrite on matrix.

has the chemistry Co3(AsO4)2-8(

H2O), Hydrated Cobalt Arsenate and
belongs to the mineral class Phosphates, Vivianite group. It is a
weathering product of cobalt-containing minerals
Crystal habits are
rare and include flattened, striated blades or radiating acicular
crystals. It more commonly forms as crusts or earthy masses.
Erythrite crystals are deep red-purple and the massive and thin crust
forms tend to be a lighter pink. Crystals are transparent to
translucent, lustre is vitreous and the crystal system is monoclinic.
Cleavage is perfect in one direction, fracture is uneven and hardness is
in the 1.5 - 2.5 range.
Minerals associated with Erythrite include
Silver, Cobaltite and Skutterudite. Notable locations include Cobalt in
Ontario, Morocco and Germany.



Erythrite healing
power: This mineral forms bright crimson crystals. Hold this crystal
between the thumb and forefinger in the left hand to infuse energy into your
self. This causes a healing reaction as it stimulates vital organs.

interested in metaphysics and CRYSTAL HEALING tell us that erythrite can be
used to provide for a STRONG & FLOWING CONNECTION between all the chakras,
bringing the use of a LOVING PERSONAL POWER to the realm of spirituality.
Erythrite can help on to SEE IN MANY DIRECTIONS, and to assimilate the
knowledge coming from each. For example, looking within oneself can produce
insightful answers concerning HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT ISSUES.



Erythrite allows for flowing, strong connections between

all of the chakras, bringing the use of loving personal power to the
realm of spirituality.

Brings harmony in communications and imparts responsiveness to its user.

Erthyrite helps us to see in many directions and assimilate the

knowledge coming from each.
Do not use as an elixir - it contains arsenic.
Useful for skin disorders, inflammations and diseases relating ro bone
marrow, red blood cells and infectious conditions (especially throat).
Chakras: All

Astrological sign: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

more information across the board at the above length.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart
Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com


Message From Archangel Michael, May

2011 "The Eternal Circle Which Has No
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 11:57am

Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

Dear Ones,

All is moving forth according to the divine blueprint, according to the divine plan. It may not
seem so to you from your vantage point within the earth planes. We ask you, we beseech you
to stay centered within the love of your sacred heart. Here is where the miracles happen, dear
ones. Within your sacred heart, you are in the still point of all creation. You are the focal
point; you are the beginning, the end, the Alpha, the Omega, the eternal circle which has no
end. This is what it truly means when we ask you to stay in the love of your sacred heart.
The miracles abound, you are in the flow of the River of Life. You remove yourselves from
the distortions of the third dimension, from the negativity and the slow moving effluvia of the
third and forth dimensions, which have been as a sticky web, hindering you from realizing
who you are, hindering you from joyfully creating your grandest desires, within the love of
the sacred heart.
No more, beloved ones, you have cleared the effluvia and the web of negativity which has
surrounded you, to the point where you have a clear path to bring forth your creations for your
highest good and the highest good of all. Now dear ones, is the time for you to learn how to
create, to learn how to hold the thought form until you bring it forth into manifestation.

Remember dear ones, that money is not the source of all your good, neither are your job, or
those in your lives who appear to be a source of a job, of income. It is an illusion. All that
you desire, all your good, comes from the very heartbeat of God. You are God incarnated and
you and you alone, as your God Self, are the source of all your good. Keep your mind on God

within you, and never waiver. This is your source, and the only activity in your affairs of
finance. Do not doubt this, dear ones. Within the earthly planes, your wealth must appear to
come to you through the earthly planes, and even as this occurs, you see how it came to you,
as the source of your wealth. It is the illusion. It is God working in wondrous ways to create
abundance in your life, God working through you, the incarnation of God, bringing to fruition
and manifestation, your hearts desires.

Bless the flow of your abundance, bless your abundance and share it with others who are
striving to create heaven on earth. Your blessings create a great and divine vibration of the
highest endeavor; of love, of joy, of gratitude, and you naturally assist the flow of the circle of
life, sending out love, abundance, joy, gratitude, all the highest emotions. They return to you
in a grand flow magnified by the expansiveness of the All That Is.

Bless all souls, dear ones. Bless all those within your family, your life, your community.
Extend your blessings out to all souls, all life forms, to mother earth, to your solar system,
your galaxy, your universe, to the cosmos, to all Creation. Bless, bless, in every Now
moment, and see the good in your lives in every Now moment. Bless God dear ones; bless
God in divine gratitude of your creation, of your very eternal existence, of the eternal life of
all creation. Bless God, and you are blessing yourselves, and all Creation. Once again, it is
the circle of life, and a most wondrous Now moment, a sacred moment, an acknowledging of
your divinity, of who you are. You are God, blessing God, expressing love, in its eternal
greatness, and the wonder of all creation rests in your divine and sacred heart center.

Dear Ones, we know you are so weary, but we ask you to keep moving forth. Recenter,
recenter, and recenter, in the love of your sacred heart. Here is your power in every Now
moment. There is no power outside of yourselves. When you are looking outside of
yourselves, that is where you are focusing your power and you are giving your power away.
When you hold your power, within the love of your sacred heart, all is effortless, dear ones. It
is your natural state of being, the state in which your abundance flows, the love, the joy, the
peace, the harmony, the flow within the River of Life. It is available to each and every one, of

Stand fast, stand strong, stand in your courage and remember that you have prevailed and
created the great civilizations of the most grand planets of the cosmos. You would not be here
at this time if you had not already shown your love and your dedication and your intense
desire for the joyous new experiences and challenges of the planetary levels, which create
growth for you, of great magnitude. We tell you that no sooner has a soul left the earthly
planes, than they are "standing in line" waiting for their turn so they may incarnate again.

Earthly life is a grand and precious gift, dears ones. We ask you to take a few moments and
meditate upon this, upon the beauty of your lives, the beauty of your planet. Meditate in
gratitude, for this gift of earthly life which is yours in this Now moment. Treasure it, use it
wisely, it is but a blink of an eye in the eternal Now, and this grand experiment of the
ascension of earth is but a blink of an eye of eternal life. Savor the moment, savor the
journey, be kind to yourselves, love yourselves and mother earth and all life. Remain in the
love of your sacred heart, and practice kindness without exception in every Now moment, as
you see the God in all others.

We are here to assist you beloved ones, as you return in victory, to the higher realms. Call
upon me to assist you. I surround you and enfold you in the love of the eternal Creator, the
All That Is.

I am Archangel Michael

You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety,
giving credit to Archangel Michael through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to:

Visit Michelle's website at: www.transformingradiance.com

Email: [email protected]

All my Love and Blessings,



Akashic Records for May 2011 a message

from Akashic Records channeled by Jen
Eramith MA 2 May, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 12:00pm

Akashic Records for May 2011

a message from Akashic Records channeled by Jen Eramith MA

2 May, 2011

What energies and experiences can we expect in May 2011?

The energy of this month is big. It is significantly bigger than the energy you have seen in the
previous months. Every process underway gets bigger, including the hard things and the easy
things, the comfortable things and the uncomfortable things.

This month will require courage because it takes courage to get bigger. Whether you are
getting bigger in a positive way or a negative way, whether you are facing big challenges or
stepping into a better life, it takes courage either way. This month requires courage from all of
you. Remember this year is the year of preparation. You are facing all of the systems that will
no longer work in the new world. As the systems that will not work are crumbling, it is so
important that you keep your mind and attention on what you do want, on what you hope for
on the best parts of the world and the best parts of yourselves. This month, that is more
important than ever because the energy is getting so much bigger.

This month, you will find that it is difficult to avoid things. Anything that needs to be dealt
with is going to come up in your face. It will show up right away. That can be challenging but,
the lucky part of the fortunate thing about that is that a solution will also appear, a solution
will also be right in your face. Often this month, the best solutions for your challenges are
going to be the ones that are most obvious, most simple, and most available for you. You do
not need to dig really deep this month. Instead, you need to roll up your sleeves and get
working. There is so much that needs to be rebuilt in your personal lives and in the collective
in order for you to really prepare the way you need to this year. May is the month that might
have the strongest energy of things needing to get done.

How can we find the greatest benefit with this energy?

Something you can do this month to really work with this energy is to very consciously
choose optimism. Some days that will be easy and some days it will not, so you must
remember that optimism is always a choice. Your attitude and your outlook and your
perspective -- they are always a choice. Even if you have longstanding patterns that make it
feel like you do not have the choice, you can always change your mind about how you see the

This month is so important that you take accountability for that choice and you choose
optimism, you choose happiness, you choose to see the light even in the midst of a great deal
of shadow. If you will do that in your own small way, you will make a radical difference in
how world events go because it is just like the satellite pictures of earth at night when you can
see the cities and the towns where all those lights are on. One little street lamp on your street
might seem very small compared to the vast earth. If enough of you have your lights on, you
actually light up the sky. We are talking about the streetlights as metaphor for the real light
inside you, which are your joy, your truth, and your love. Your light is required at this time on
Planet Earth. You are going to find yourself creating a huge difference for the better in
everything around you if you will consciously choose to have an optimistic attitude about
what is happening in your life and what is happening in the larger world.

A second way to benefit from the energy this month is to continually look for something to
do. This is not a month for sitting around; it is not a month for feeling and thinking deeply.
For every feeling you have, ask yourself, "What can I do about this?" For every idea you
have, think to yourself, "What can I do about this?" For every wish or hope you hold in your
heart, think to yourself, "What can I do about this?" If you see something that needs to get
done, do not walk by. Stop and do it along your way. This is a month to be busy, to be active,
to be very much engaged in the physical world around you and accomplishing things in the

Some of you will be called to really cleaning up your own personal life. Some of you will be
called to really cleaning your house or fixing up your neighborhood or finishing projects in
your personal life. Others of you will be called to much larger things. Some of you will be
called to make a donation or to volunteer for an organization. Many more of you than usual
this month, are going to be called to do things in the world around you. It is still so important
to find a way to get something done. Even if your idea about something really big is too
overwhelming, find something small that you can do today. Start taking the steps. This is a
month for activity.

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2011 All rights reserved.

The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith,
M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages Previews provided that the
contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed.



Master Hilarion’un Haftalık Mesajı 1-8

Mayıs 2011
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on May 3, 2011 at 12:02pm


Görevimiz devam ediyor. Şimdi sizin, Dünya, içindeki ve üstündeki herşey için en yüksek
vizyonunuzu sürdürmekle ilgili azmetmeniz gerekmekte. Kimliğinizin merkez özünü koruyun
ve burada olma amacınızın görüşünü asla kaybetmeyin, şimdi Işığınızın ileriye doğru
parlamasına izin verme zamanı, kişiliklerinizin son izlerini salıverme ve Yüksek Benliğinize,
sizin yolunuzla niyetler etmesine izin verme zamanı. Şimdi kalplerinizdeki sevgi altın
saflığında parlıyor, çevrenizdeki dünyayı sizin aracılığınızla aydınlatıyor, sizler bu yolda
ilerledikçe, içinizdeki Mesih sevgisi ile diğerlerini ışıtıyor ve onlara dokunuyorsunuz.

Zaman, sizin nicedir beklediğiniz zamandır ve şimdi amacınız tamamlanmaktadır. Belki her
biriniz getirdiğiniz Işık ile ilgili tanınmayacak ve bilinmeyeceksiniz ama, buradaki varlığınız
olmasa, gezegeninizdeki değişimler katlanamayacak kadar korkunç olurdu. Varlığınızla bir
değişim yarattınız ve hala yaratmaktasınız. Güçlerinizi birleştirerek ve uygun zamanlarda
birlik oluşturarak Işığı yarattınız ve sizin aracılığınızla, bütünün hayrına en yüksek sonuçları
almaya başladınız.

İnanın ki, kendi kişisel yaşamlarınızda değişiklikleri deneyimlerken bunları tezahürlerde

görmek zor olsa da, tüm bu olanlar, herkes için en büyük ve en yüksek iyiyi getirmekte. Barış
içinde kalın, Sevgililer, ve olanla ilgili kabullenişinizi sakince koruyun, bilin ki olanlar, hem
Dünya hem de üzerinde ve içindeki herkes ve herşey için en güzel sonuçları doğuruyor. İçsel
gücünüz, esneklik ve cesaretiniz, Ruhun tüm armağanları, size, Işığın daha büyük
yüklemelerine doğru adım adım liderlik etmeyi sürdürecek. Bu yüklemeler oldukça, beş
beden sisteminizde, azalan ve çoğalan enerjilerin dalgalanmalarını deneyimleyeceksiniz.

Enerji yükseldikçe, içinizdeki yaratıcılık çiçeklenecek ve gelişecek. Bu zamanlarda bir çok

yararlı işler yaratılabilir. Enerji düzeyiniz düştüğünde, dinlenme, düşünme, meditasyon ve
verilen ile bağlantıya geçme zamanı. Sizin içsel büyümeniz devam etmekte ve enerji
döngüleri ile çalışarak onları özümsemek ve kullanmak adına daha yüksek bir farkındalık ve
kolaylık içinde olacaksınız. Bizim kanalımız gibi, kanalları açık olanlarınız, bazen bizim
mesajlarımızı getirmek için gerekli enerjiyi toplamakta zorlanacaklar, ve bu durum vuku
bulduğunda, ani uyku ve dinlenmeyi gerektirecek enerji tükenmeleri gerçekleşecektir. Eğer
böyle olur da bizim mesajlarımız gecikirse sizden bu durumla ilgili anlayış bekliyoruz,
kanalımız da geri kalanlarınız gibi beş beden sisteminde olağanüstü değişimler yaşamakta.
Bazen, bu içsel dönüşümler yüzünden, mesajlar tam zamanında gelememekte.

Evet, zor, ve evet, her biriniz fazlasıyla bu dönüşümlerle çalışmak konusunda uzmansınız,
sadece kendinize şefkat gösterin ve düşük enerji zamanlarında kendinizi onurlandırın, bunun
geçici bir durum olduğunu bilin. Yüksek enerji akışının, bir çoklarınızda uyku hali
yarattığının farkında olun. Bu döngülerle çalışırken, bedeninizin temel ihtiyaçlarını
onurlandırırken, ilerleme kaydetmeyi sürdüreceksiniz.

Her zaman sizinle birlikteyiz, nereye giderseniz gidin… Bağlantımız çok sağlam ve
aramızdak iletişimin bir çoğu içsel boyutlarda gerçekleşiyor. Hepimiz BİR’iz.

Haftaya görüşmek üzere.

Ben Hilarion’um.

Marlene Swetlishoff

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan



Brain Activity During Meditation
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 12:03pm

The brain is an electrochemical organ using electromagnetic energy to function. Electrical

activity emanating from the brain is displayed in the form of brainwaves.emanating from the
brain is displayed in the form of brainwaves. There are four categories of these brainwaves.
They range from the high amplitude, low frequency delta to the low amplitude, high
frequency beta. Men, women and children of all ages experience the same characteristic
brainwaves. They are consistent across cultures and country boundaries.
During meditation brain waves alter.
BETA - 13-30 cycles per second - awaking awareness, extroversion, concentration, logical
thinking - active conversation. A debater would be in high beta. A person making a speech, or
a teacher, or a talk show host would all be in beta when they are engaged in their work.
ALPHA - 7-13 cycles per second - relaxation times, non-arousal, meditation, hypnosis
THETA - 4-7 cycles per second - day dreaming, dreaming, creativity, meditation, paranormal
phenomena, out of body experiences, ESP, shamanic journeys.

A person who is driving on a freeway, and discovers that they can't recall the last five miles, is
often in a theta state - induced by the process of freeway driving. This can also occur in the
shower or tub or even while shaving or brushing your hair. It is a state where tasks become so
automatic that you can mentally disengage from them. The ideation that can take place during
the theta state is often free flow and occurs without censorship or guilt. It is typically a very
positive mental state.
DELTA - 1.5-4 or less cycles per second - deep dreamless sleep

Mindfulness meditation and related techniques are intended to train attention for the sake of
provoking insight. Think of it as the opposite of attention deficit disorder. A wider, more
flexible attention span makes it easier to be aware of a situation, easier to be objective in
emotionally or morally difficult situations, and easier to achieve a state of responsive, creative
awareness or "flow".
Daniel Goleman & Tara Bennett-Goleman (2001), suggest that meditation works because of
the relationship between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex.Simply put, the amygdala is
the part of the brain that decides if we should get angry or anxious (among other things), and
the pre-frontal cortex is the part that makes us stop and think about things (it is also known as
the inhibitory centre).
So, the prefrontal cortex is very good at analyzing and planning, but it takes a long time to
make decisions. The amygdala, on the other hand, is simpler (and older in evolutionary
terms). It makes rapid judgments about a situation and has a powerful effect on our emotions
and behaviour, linked to survival needs. For example, if a human sees a lion leaping out at
them, the amygdala will trigger a fight or flight response long before the prefrontal cortex
But in making snap judgments, our amygdalas are prone to error, such as seeing danger where
there is none. This is particularly true in contemporary society where social conflicts are far
more common than encounters with predators, and a basically harmless but emotionally
charged situation can trigger uncontrollable fear or anger - leading to conflict, anxiety, and
Because there is roughly a quarter of a second gap between the time an event occurs and the
time it takes the amygdala to react, a skilled meditator may be able to intervene before a fight
or flight response takes over, and perhaps even redirect it into more constructive or positive
The different roles of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex can be easily observed under the
influence of various drugs. Alcohol depresses the brain generally, but the sophisticated
prefrontal cortex is more affected than less complex areas, resulting in lowered inhibitions,
decreased attention span, and increased influence of emotions over behaviour. Likewise, the
controversial drug ritalin has the opposite effect, because it stimulates activity in the
prefrontal cortex.
Some studies of meditation have linked the practice to increased activity in the left prefrontal
cortex, which is associated with concentration, planning, meta-cognition (thinking about
thinking), and positive affect (good feelings). There are similar studies linking depression and
anxiety with decreased activity in the same region, and/or with dominant activity in the right
prefrontal cortex.
Meditation increases activity in the left prefrontal cortex, and the changes are stable over time
- even if you stop meditating for a while, the effect lingers.

In the News ...

Meditation increases brain gray matter PhysOrg - May 13, 2009

Meditation found to increase brain size PhysOrg - January 31, 2006
Meditation Shown to Light Up Brains of Buddhists Yahoo - May 2003

Using new scanning techniques, neuroscientists have discovered that certain areas of the brain
light up constantly in Buddhists, which indicates positive emotions and good mood. "We can
now hypothesize with some confidence that those apparently happy, calm Buddhist souls one
regularly comes across in places such as Dharamsala, India, really are happy,"
Professor Owen Flanagan, of Duke University in North Carolina, said. Dharamsala is the
home base of exiled Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama. The scanning studies by scientists at the
University of Wisconsin at Madison showed activity in the left prefrontal lobes of experienced
Buddhist practitioners. The area is linked to positive emotions, self-control and temperament.
Other research by Paul Ekman, of the University of California San Francisco Medical Center,
suggests that meditation and mindfulness can tame the amygdala, an area of the brain which is
the hub of fear memory. Ekman discovered that experienced Buddhists were less likely to be
shocked, flustered, surprised or as angry as other people. Flanagan believes that if the findings
of the studies can be confirmed they could be of major importance. "The most reasonable
hypothesis is that there is something about conscientious Buddhist practice that results in the
kind of happiness we all seek," Flanagan said in a report in New Scientist magazine.
Meditation mapped in Monks - March 1, 2002 – BBC

During meditation, people often feel a sense of no space. Scientists investigating the effect of
the meditative stateon Buddhist monk's brains have found that portions ofthe organ previously
active become quiet, whilst pacified areas become stimulated. Using a brain imaging
technique, Dr. Newberg and his team studied a group of Tibetan Buddhist monks as they
meditated for approximately one hour. When they reached a transcendental high, they were
asked to pull a kite string to their right, releasing an injection of a radioactive tracer. By
injecting a tiny amount of radioactive marker into the bloodstream of a deep meditator, the
scientists soon saw how the dye moved to active parts of the brain. Later, once the subjects

had finished meditating, the regions were imaged and the meditation state compared with the
normal waking state. The scans provided remarkable clues about what goes on in the brain
during meditation. "There was an increase in activity in the front part of the brain, the area
that is activated when anyone focuses attention on a particular task," Dr Newberg explained.
In addition, a notable decrease in activity in the back part of the brain, or parietal lobe,
recognized as the area responsible for orientation, reinforced the general suggestion that
meditation leads to a lack of spatial awareness.
Dr Newberg explained: "During meditation, people have a loss of the sense of self and
frequently experience a sense of no space and time and that was exactly what we saw." The
complex interaction between different areas of the brain also resembles the pattern of activity
that occurs during other so-called spiritual or mystical experiences.

Brain Images provide painless study

Dr Newberg's earlier studies have involved the brain activity of Franciscan nuns during a type
of prayer known as "centering". As the prayer has a verbal element other parts of the brain are
used but Dr Newberg also found that they, "activated the attention area of the brain, and
diminished activity in the orientation area." This is not the first time that scientists have
investigated spirituality. In 1998, the healing benefits of prayer were alluded to when a group
of scientists in the US studied how patients with heart conditions experienced fewer
complications following periods of "intercessory prayer".
And at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in
Boston last month, scientists from Stanford University detailed their research into the positive
affects that hypnotherapy can have in helping people cope with long-term illnesses.
Scientific study of both the physical world and the inner world of human experiences are,
according to Dr Newberg, equally beneficial. "When someone has a mystical experience, they
perceive that sense of reality to be far greater and far clearer than our usual everyday sense of
reality," he said. He added: "Since the sense of spiritual reality is more powerful and clear,
perhaps that sense of reality is more accurate than our scientific everyday sense of reality."

From: [email protected]


Akaşik Kayıtlar’dan Mayıs 2011 Mesajı Jen
Eramith MA Kanallığı ile, 2 Mayıs 2011
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on May 4, 2011 at 10:40am

Akaşik Kayıtlar – Mayıs 2011

Akaşik Kayıtlar’dan Mayıs 2011 Mesajı

Jen Eramith MA Kanallığı ile, 2 Mayıs 2011

Mayıs 2011 için ne tür enerjiler ve deneyimler bekliyor bizi?

Bu ayın enerjisi büyük. Daha önceki aylarda deneyimlediklerinizden önemli ölçüde daha
büyük. Seyir halindeki gelişme giderek büyümekte, kolay şeyler, zor şeyler, rahat ve rahatsız
şeyler de dahil olmak üzere…

Bu ay biraz daha fazla cesaret gerekli, çünkü büyümek cesaret ister. İster pozitif, ister negatif
yönde bir büyüme olsun, ister büyük meydan okumalarla karşılaşın, daha iyi bir yaşama adım
atın; bunların hepsi cesaret gerektirir. Bu ay sizlerin hepinizden cesaret istiyor. Hatırlayın, bu
yıl, hazırlık yılıdır. Sizler Yeni Dünya’da artık işlemeyecek tüm sistemlerle karşı karşıyasınız.
Artık işlemeyecek olan tüm o sistemler, yıkılmakta. Zihninizi ve dikkatinizi, Dünyada ve
kendi üzerinizde, istediğiniz ve umduğunuz şeylere odaklamak sizler için çok önemli. Bu ay,
bu her zamankinden daha önemli, çünkü enerji gittikçe büyümekte…

Bu ay, şeylerden kaçınmanın daha da güçleştiğine tanık olacaksınız. Karşılaşmanız gereken

her şey karşınıza çıkacak. Tam da belirecek karşınızda. Bunu meydan okuyucu bulabilirsiniz,
ama iyi haber ise, çözümler de belirecek karşınızda. Sonuçlar da tam karşınızda olacak. Bu ay
sık sık, sorunlarınızın en iyi çözümleri, en açık, en kolay ve sizin için en uygun olanı olacak.
Bu ay çok da derinlere gitmeye calışmayın. Onun yerine, sıvayın kolları ve işlere girişin. Özel
ve kollektif yaşamlarınızda, bu yıl almanız gereken yolu hazırlayabilmeniz için, yeniden inşa
etmeniz gereken çok şey var. Mayıs ayı, belki de işleri yoluna sokmak için gerekli enerjinin
en güçlüsüne sahip.

Bu enerji ile en yüksek faydayı nasıl sağlayabiliriz?

Bu ay, bu yüksek enerji ile gerçekten çalışmak için yapabileceğiniz şey, bilinçli olarak
iyimserliği seçmektir. Bazı günler kolay olacak, bazıları ise zor, ama hatırlamalısınız ki,
iyimserlik her zaman bir seçimdir. Tutumunuz, dış görünüşünüz ve perspektifiniz – bunların
hepsi birer seçimdir. Hatta size başka bir seçim yokmuş gibi görünen eski kalıplarınız ile ilgili
bile, her zaman dünyaya bakışınıza dair fikrinizi değiştirebilirsiniz. Bu ay, yaptığınız seçimle
ilgili sorumluluk almanız çok önemli, ve iyimserliği seçmeniz, mutluluğu seçmeniz,
gölgelerin arasında ışığı görmeyi seçmeniz çok önemli. Eğer kendi küçük yolunuzda bunu
gerçekleştiriseniz, dünyanın gidişatı ile ilgili radikal bir değişiklik yapmış olursunuz, çünkü

bu, şehir ve kasabaları yanan ışıklarıyla birlikte gördüğünüz dünyanın gece çekilmiş uydu
fotoğraflarına benzer. Caddenizdeki bir sokak lambası, Dünyanın büyüklüğü karşısında
küçükmüş gibi görünebilir. Eğer yeteri kadarınız ışıklarını yakarsa, gökyüzünü
aydınlatabilirsiniz. Sokak lambalarını, sizin neşeniz, gerçeğiniz, ve sevginiz olan, içinizdeki
gerçek Işığın metaforu olarak kullanıyoruz. Bu zamanda Dünya gezegeninde sizin Işığınıza
gereklilik var. Eğer bilinçli anlamda yaşamınızda ve Dünyada olanlara karşı iyimser bir tutum
geliştirirseniz, kendinizi, çevrenizdeki herşeyle ilgili inanılmaz değişiklikler yaratırken

Bu ay, enerjiden yararlanmanın bir ikinci yolu ise, sürekli bir şeyler yapmaktır. Bu ay etrafta
oturmak, derin duygulara kapılmak ve derin düşüncelere dalmak ayı değildir. Hissettiğiniz her
bir duygu için sorun kendinize, “Bununla ilgili ne yapabilirim?” Aklınıza gelen her fikir için,
“Bununla ilgili ne yapabilirim?” Kalbinizdeki her bir arzu ve umut için de… Eğer
yapılabilecek bir şey varsa, atlamayın. Yolunuzun üzerinde durun ve icra edin. Bu ay, meşgul
olma, eyleme geçme, çevrenizdeki fiziksel Dünya ile bağlantılı olma ve dünyevi işleri
başarıyla tamamlama ayıdır.

Bazılarınız kendi özel yaşamlarını gerçekten temizlemek üzere çağırılacaklar. Bazılarınız,

evlerinizi temizlemek, ya da komşuluğunuzu düzeltmek, özel yaşamlarınızdaki projeleri
bitirmek üzere ciddi anlamda çağırılacaklar. Diğerleri, daha büyük işler için çağırılacaklar.
Bazılarınızdan bağış yapması istenecek, ya da bir organizasyonda gönüllü olması… Bu ay,
diğer zamanlardan farklı olarak, bir çoklarınız çevrenizdeki Dünya için bir şeyler yapmaları
yolunda çağırılacaklar. Bir şeyler yapmak için yollar bulmak çok önemli. Eğer, büyük şeyler
yapmakla ilgili idealleriniz bunaltıyorsa sizi, bugün gerçekleştirebileceğiniz küçük işler bulun

Adım atmaya başlayın.

Bu ay eylem ayı…


Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan



Quado’nun Bahçesi: Kazanmayı Seçin
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on May 4, 2011 at 11:41am

Quado’nun Bahçesi: Kazanmayı Seçin

Kazanmayı Seçin.


güç, kudret dolusunuz, artık size hizmet etmeyen inatçı alışkanlıklar ve reaksiyonların
üstesinden gelecek güçle dolusunuz.

Savaşmamayı seçin.

Bu savaşa girmemeyi seçin. Mücadeleyi bırakmayı seçin ve KAZANIN.

Kazanmanın en iyi yolu, kendinizle savaşmamaktır. Kazanmanın en iyi yolu, içinizdeki ateşi
yakmak ve kendinizi yeni bir açıyla görmeye başlamaktır.

Artık siz, kendinize karşı olanı dayatmaktan vazgeçensiniz. Kendini seven ve sizin için en iyi
olanı yapansınız. Zaferinizi sevgi ve samimiyetle kucaklayansınız. Önemsiz aksilikleri ya da
hataları kolaylıkla kabul eden, zaman içerisinde olacakları bilen, lakin savaşın zaten
kazanılmış olduğunu da bilen, ve bir savaşın olmadığını da bilen…

Derin bir içsel azim, derin bir içsel huzurla, parıl parıl parlayan içsel güç ve kudretle,
kazanacağınızın, zorlukları aşacağınızın içsel bilgisi ile dopdolu olansınız…

Barış içinde yaşayalım, ağlamadan. Neşemiz, durmadan dokunduğumuz yaşamları çevrelesin.

Ve melek kanatları şefkatle çarparken, sevgimiz dünyayı sarsın.

The Universal Heart Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com http://www.quado.com/quados-


Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan



2012 and the Pyramids At Giza by Charles
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 4, 2011 at 3:30pm

2012 and the Pyramids At Giza

by Charles Marcello

I happen to be one of those people who believes nothing is going to happen in 2012.
However, in order to prove that to myself, I have been studying this issue for about four years
now. While studying ancient cultures I noticed that each of them had a fascination with the
planets. The stars are mentioned of course, but not nearly as much as the planets. So when I
saw a video a few years ago talking about Orion’s Belt being the reason why the Pyramids
were built, or at least the Pyramids were built to honor Orion’s Belt… to say I did not believe
that was true would be an understatement.

I felt if the Pyramids at Giza were built to honor anything it would be a planet
convergence of some kind. So when I started looking at the night sky while using the FREE
online program… Stellarium… my mind was already searching for clues. I wanted to see if
there was anything worth mentioning regarding planet alignments in 2012. What lead me
too… or what helped me find… the picture below… I was completely taken aback by what I
found. To be completely honest I never in a millions years would have thought I would
actually be able to prove my theory was in fact correct. But I cannot deny, and I don’t think
any honest person can deny… What will happen in the night sky over Giza and how it
seems to mimic the lay out of the Pyramids at Giza, timis very interesting indeed…
Especially since everyone already knows the Mayan’s attached great importance to the year
2012… now that makes this discovery even more interesting and plausible… especially
since… the ending and restarting of the Progression of the Equinox… (The natural wobble of
the Earth that finishes a full cycle only once every 26,000 years or so…)
Whether you believe something will happen in 2012 or not, is not important… The fact is that
the planetary alignment matches layout of Pyramids at Giza on 12.3.12 and this will happen
just 18 days before 12.21.12. … 6 plus 6 plus 6 = 18… Even the most ardent skeptics have to
admit, that is one hell’va kawinkadink indeed!

Planetary alignment that will take place Dec 3, 2012 is dead-on alignment with the Pyramids
at Giza. Night Sky in Giza, Egypt on December 3, 2012, local time … one hour before
sunrise compared with the Pyramids at Giza. Image generated by Starry Night Pro (the same
view of the planets can be obtained using any other astronomy program, e.g. Stellarium.

If you go to this link you will read about this discovery of mine.
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread519207/pg2#pid7564861 … You will also notice
that picture of Giza was posted by another member of that site… I posted his picture and Dec
3 2012 together… to allow you to decide for yourself. Please take a look at that picture, or if
you want to do a more in-depth analysis (please download Stellarium or use any other similar
software, e.g Starry Night).
Also, it should be noted, that planetary convergence only happens every 2,737 years, and
its different for at least 2 more cycles running the program forward… and doesn’t
happen again for over 28,000 YEARS if you run that program backwards in time…
After watching a video on the net regarding the inner chambers of the great pyramid and how
they seem to point to other stars in the night sky… I decided to see what else the night sky
holds/will look like on Dec 3, 2012… I believe the evidence absolutely proves that what I
discovered explains that the pyramids where built to honor (or warn about) specific time
marked by the planetary convergence…
The following 3 images are presented here to confirm the “match” of the planets and the
pyramids using a precise triangulation survey instead of a satellite photo (click on each
image to enlarge):

Night Sky in Giza, Egypt on December 3, 2012, local time … one hour before sunrise. Image
generated by Starry Night Pro.

Image of the Night Sky in Giza, Egypt on December 3, 2012, local time … one hour before
sunrise compared with the 1881 survey drawing of the Pyramids at Giza. The result is perfect
If the pyramids where built to honor Orion’s belt, instead of matching a planetary
convergence seen only once every 2737 years, and only matching the Giza layout every

fifth cycle… then why are there no other massive monolithic structures honoring other, more
pronounced, constellations throughout Egypt, or the world for that matter… Every ancient
culture seems to be honoring the Planets, with just passing homage to constellations…
Why would the pyramids be different? The answer, they wouldn’t be… and what’s even
stranger still… If you take the three sets of three pyramid groups at Giza, and add all of the
three’s by two together… meaning, group 1, group 2, group 3.… add g1 to g2, g2 to g3, and
g3 to g1, you get 6 plus 6 plus 6… 18… 18 plus Dec 3, equals Dec 21, 2012…

I have no doubt the Pyramids of Giza were built to honor an extremely rare planetary
convergence. The creation story in the bible was created to tell that tale, and that, in part, is
exactly what the Masons are celebrating. (Though the Pyramids are a lot older then the books
of the bible.) The bad news for the Masons is, the stories they use to enhance the knowledge
within each of its Masonic levels, has nothing to do with god or God, rather, it has
everything to do with the science of our solar system, and planetary interactions… or
more correctly, the Sun, Moon and Earth, the Hiram Key be damned. The stories in the
bible, the first five books, has very little to do with God, more so then they have almost
everything to do with extremely advanced ancient knowledge… that we can only
recently understand and prove, that was in fact passed forward for the benefit of all
mankind. The story of Moses and who he was gives great clues on how to re-read the first
five books of the bible. The stories within the Mayan/Aztec cultures gives even more clues on
how to understand the stories within the bible. There is still a lot more information that I
firmly believe we will be able to discover throughout the world, and within other religious
texts… that will either, support what I’m about to share with you, or perhaps… give more
extremely ancient knowledge that the survivors (pay attention to that word) desperately felt
they needed to pass forward. I could spend an incredible amount of time walking you through
each level of this discovery. Yet I don’t want to ruin the journey for others. The picture
proving the Pyramids at Giza do in fact match the planetary convergence that will take place
one hour before sunrise on Dec 3, 2012 is presented here in order to get your attention. I’m
going to allow you, YES YOU, the opportunity to learn these truths on your own. Learn

what the Sphinx will be looking at on that day and until Dec 21, 2012. Learn which two
planets will be dancing in the Western Sky just before sunrise in 2012… I will hint you
towards the month of August. Learn which chambers some believe align to what
stars/constellations from the Great Pyramid, and then discover where they will be on Dec 3,
2012 and then on Dec 21, 2012. Some of you will already know the answers, and you’re
welcome. For those of you who don’t… get up off your ass and find out. For those of you
who claim nothing is going to happen in 2012, you may in fact be right. The good news is,
you have nothing to fear from simple people freaking out because of all the hype of 2012. The
bad news is… Extremely powerful people believe in the ignorant stories passed forward by
our not so distant ancestors… They deeply believe in the numbers. They deeply believe in the
ancient sacrifices. They deeply believe they are in fact doing g/God’s(s) work.
Count 144,000 days after Sept 11, 2001. You now know the amount of time we have left
before they believe they must finish their work.
Count 666 days before Dec 3, 2012 and then find out where your leaders were.
Count June 10, 2011 to Dec 3, 2012. Count June 10 2011 to Feb 4th 2012, compare those
numbers to Dec 3, 2012.
Count how many days separate Feb 4th 2012 from June 10, 2012. Then start running the
numbers and compare them to numerology, Paganist lore, and the Bible. (Notice that is
the first time I’ve capitalized the world bible.)
I have in fact solved the Pyramid Mystery. It cannot be denied any longer… However, I’ve
also discovered why these Paganist must stop. Your mythology is wrong. I truly wish it wasn’t
but it is. If what I’ve discovered is true, you are going to suffer in ways you cannot even
imagine… You will not be loved for what you are planning, you will be despised and hated by
the gods…
Compare our planet’s daily numbers to the distance of our Sun.
Compare those numbers to ancient mythology.
Compare the mathematical numbers to the days of the year you honor against those
numbers and our solar system.
Compare 3, 7, 21, 42, 72, 111, etc… against our planetary daily numbers and the
mathematical numbers we know are true regarding our solar system.
Compare them god damnit and open your eyes.
3 * 3 = 9 * 3 = 27, not to mention 216 6*6*6.. which just happens to equal how many
Sun’s you need to line up side by side to reach the Earth from the Sun. Who ever built
those pyramids flew in space, period!!!
Dec 3 is exactly 18 days before Dec 21.
18days*24hrs*60min = 25,920. The Progression of the Equinox takes exactly 25,920
Now learn the cycle of Dec 3, 2012. It only happens once every 2737 years… but only
matches the Pyramids of Giza every 5th cycle. Yet… how many cycle does it take for that
convergence to match not only the Pyramids of Giza, and then compare that to the
creation story in the bible and Mason mythology. You now know why there are 33
levels… however you also learn there must be a 34th… it’s the only way they could
possibly obtain balance in their order… just like you will learn the advanced
mathematical, solaristic, and scientific understanding our truly ancient ancestors had to
known of in order to build the pyramids the way they did, place them the way they did,
and then hide all the information the way they did.
The story of Moses becomes even more incredible once you sit down and understand. All you
need is your bible and the information I’ve mentioned above and you will learn so much. I
could spend all day explaining this to you, destroying any chance you have of discovering all
of these truths on your own. And I absolutely refuse to do so. Yet I know I cannot allow this

information to go unknown for to much longer. It must be known before the end of this year,
for so many reasons, if you study, you will understand completely. Read Captain Morgan’s
Book. Read Your Bible. Read Maurice Cotterell’s book or watch his video’s on youtube.
Watch or read Graham Hancock’s books or watch his youtube videos to understand the
knowledge he and his co-authors have discovered. Then do the math I’ve mentioned above.
Then research the Dec 3, 2012 and how long its been since this the last time this happened
exactly 18 days before the progression of the Equinox. (if the progression of the equinox
happens every 25,920 years, and that planetary convergence matches the pyramids every fifth
cycle or 13,685… But can only be seen on earth every second cycle how many cycle does it
take…) then Re-read the creation story. Compare the math… (1 day equals 24, 2 days equals
24 times 24, 3 days equals 24 times 24 times 24, etc etc… and then compare the stories you
are told to believe regarding our earth, by both science and religions.) Compare the math…
compare the stories. Compare the science… This is undeniable. UNDENIABLE!!! Later
this year I’ll give you much more… Or for those who are extremely lazy… read my posts…
the answers from beginning to end are there if you are smart enough to see them… Yet For
now, I pass the rest of this journey onto you.
I do this to make sure the truth cannot die with me. I do this so as not to ruin or create bias as
to how you, YOU, rediscover these truths on your own. The math is completely
undeniable… The truth is so much more fantastic then you can imagine. And in time all
the lies will be exposed and the true solutions will finally save ourselves from ourselves. The
choice is yours… If you decide to begin this journey… All I will say is…
Enjoy the Ride…
Copyright by Charles Marcello


Quado's Garden: Quiet Your Mind And

Observe ~ You Are Like A Snowflake
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 4, 2011 at 3:56pm

Quado's Garden: Quiet Your Mind And Observe ~ You Are Like A Snowflake

Both of these today speak volumes with nothing more needed to add to them. Namaste
Your Mind and Observe

Today, notice what surrounds

you. Listen to the sound of birds, the sound of voices, music in the
background. Quiet your mind and observe.

Today, see how things
actually are, right now. Watch other people and see if you can understand what
lies behind their actions. Let life unfold as a mystery around you, a mystery
full of clues.

The power to create a new

life for yourself begins with a full understanding of where you are and who you
are right now. Today, focus on where you fit into the world, what your world is
like, what other people are truly like.

Be deeply observant. See

how the world works. See how other people feel, think and act. Be objective
and observant.

And from this deep

understanding of the world which surrounds you, you will be able to find a
center of power which makes sense not only for you and your internal world and
wishes, but for the world of which you are a part.

are Like a Snowflake

You are like the

utterly unique, but yet also a part of the bank of snow, inseparable. You are
one and you are part of all. You are an individual full of power, but your
power derives more from your connection to the all than to your individuality.
But yet your individuality is a treasure that makes the all what it is. Without
you, the entire world, the entire universe, would be lacking something it now

You do not need to

rationally understand why you are here or what you are to do with your life.
You do not need a plan that you can explain to the world. All you need to do is
go deep, deep enough that you are full of peace and connection. And there, you
may simply ask, what shall I do right now? And faith will be all around you,
letting you know that the answer to that question contains within it all of the
intention and purpose that you need. Your higher self is connected to the
greater swirling patterns of what is and the answer which comes answers not only
your purpose and higher intention, but that of the entire universe of which you
are a part.

Yes, the answer says, right
now, do this. Do this full of faith, full of connection and oneness, full of
love and peace, and your one little action will be a harmonious part of the all
that is.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart
Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com



 Posted by Esra Tan on May 6, 2011 at 3:49am

Bölüm 1

Ruh vardı ve Ruh hareket etti.
Alfa ve Omega.
Sonu olmayan başlangıç.
Tek bir sınırsız, gerçekleştirilmemiş potansiyelde kapsanan hiçbir şey ve her şey.
Ve sonra, Ruh düşündü.
Ve bu düşünceden yaradılışın tümü fışkırdı.
Ruh düşünürken, yaradılış karşılık verdi.
Ruh’a sevinç ve görkem getiren şekiller, renkler ve sesler ortaya çıktı.
Ve Ruh hiç bir şey istemedi. Çünkü Ruhun istediği her şey anında yaradılışta tezahür etti.
Ruh dans etti ve oynadı ve yaradılış üzerindeki gücü ve bilgisi arttı.
Ama sonra, Ruh yaradılışın karmaşık sanatının üstadı oldu ve Ruh imgelemin
potansiyellerini tüketti.
Ve Ruh düşündü.
Ruh sonsuz harikalar ve güzellikler yaratmıştı: şekiller ve formlar, renkler ve
konfigürasyonlar Ruh’un farkındalığında dans etmişti.
Ve Ruh’un tüm heybetli gücüne rağmen, yaradılış gelip geçici ve çok kısa ömürlü idi.
Enerji çok sıcaktı ve form çok kısa süreli idi.
Ve böylece Ruh düşündü. Eğer hayal gücüne uzanan ve keyifli olan her şey devam etseydi
neler olurdu?
Böylece Ruh düşündü ve bu düşünce ile enerjiler azaldı, titreşim yavaşladı ve ışık ve
sevginin büyük patlaması ile, yeni bir evren doğdu.
Ruhun niyet ettiği gibi, her şey bu seviyede farklı idi.
Titreşim yavaşlarken ve alevler soğurken, yaradılış yoğunlaştı ve fiziksellik koyulaştı.
Şimdi, Ruhun yaratması için zaman gerekliydi.
Ama yine de, Ruh düşündü ve Ruh’un bu düşüncesinden kristal saraylar ve bereketli
bahçeler, güzel müzik ve yücelmiş sanat ortaya çıktı.

Ve Ruh’un düşüncesinden , Ruh’un ihtişamının araçları olarak bir çok formlar beliriverdi.
Ve Ruh hiçbir şey istemedi. Çünkü Ruh alfa ve omega idi, sonu olmayan başlangıç idi ve
Ruh’un niyet ettiği her şey anında tezahür etti ve yaradılışın tümü Ruh için olağanüstü bir
oyun alanı olarak ortaya çıktı.
Ama Ruh yaradılışın karmaşık sanatının üstadı olduğu ve imgelemin potansiyellerini tükettiği
zaman, Ruh düşündü.
Ruh sonsuz harikalar ve güzellikler yaratmıştı ve sonsuz çeşitlilikler ve sevinçler
Ama etkiler geçici idi, yaradılış kısa ömürlü idi, enerji çok sıcaktı.
Ve Ruh, eğer Ruh’un yaratımları devamlı kalsa idi neler olacağını merak etti?
Ve böylece Ruh düşündü ve bu düşünce ile enerjiler azaldı ve titreşim yavaşladı.

Ve ışığın büyük patlaması ile yeni bir evren doğdu.
Ruh’un niyet ettiği gibi, bu seviyede her şey farklı idi. Çünkü enerji azalmıştı ve titreşim
yavaşlamıştı, yaradılış yoğunlaştı ve koyulaştı, akıcılığı koyulaştı ve yavaşladı.
Bu yeni koşullarda, Ruh’un yaratması için daha çok zaman gerekiyordu.
Şimdi yaradılış daha uzun sürdü ve Ruh formun ve zamanın etkileşiminden daha fazla keyif
Ve Ruh düşündü ve bu düşünce ile kristal saraylar, verimli bahçeler, güzel müzik, yüce sanat
ortaya çıktı. Ruh’un ihtişamının araçları olarak bir çok muhteşem formlar tezahür etti.
Ve Ruh hiçbir şey istemedi.
Çünkü Ruh alfa ve omega idi, sonu olmayan başlangıç idi ve Ruh’un istediği her şey anında
tezahür etti ve tüm yaradılış Ruh için olağanüstü bir oyun alanı olarak ortaya çıktı.
Ama Ruh yaradılışın karmaşık sanatının üstadı olduğu ve imgelemin potansiyellerini tükettiği
zaman, Ruh daha fazlasını istedi.
Evrenin heybetli gücü ve yaratıcı görkemine rağmen, hala, Ruh yaradılıştan ayrı bir şey
olarak yaradılışın dışında duruyordu.
Ruh görebiliyordu, ama deneyimleyemiyordu. Ruh işitebiliyordu, ama hissedemiyordu.
Böylece Ruh düşündü.
Ve düşüncelerimiz karanlığın üzerine yayılırken,
Ve nefesimiz suların üzerine yayılırken,
Ve ellerimiz ateşlere uzanırken,
Yaşam ortaya çıktı.

Bölüm İki

Ruhun niyet ettiği gibi, bu yeni dünyada her şey farklı idi. Şimdi, Ruh yaratılmış evrenin
içinden işleyebilirdi.
Ve Ruh düşündü ve Ruh’un bu düşüncesi ile ağaçlar ve bitkiler, balıklar ve kuşlar, hayvanlar
ve Ruh’un tüm vasıtaları ortaya çıktı.
Ve evrendeki her yeni vasıta tekamül ederken, Ruh’un Bedeninin gözleri fiziksel evrenin
harikalarına gözünü dikti.
Kristal saraylar ve bereketli bahçeler, güzel müzik ve yüce sanat vardı. Büyük politik
formlar Ruh’un mükemmelliğini ifade etti ve büyük ekonomik formlar Ruh’un refahını
Yaradılış ortaya çıktı ve ışık evrene döküldü.
Yine de Bedenin yaşamının tüm ihtişamı ve görkemine rağmen, hala sınırlılıklar vardı.
Bu yeni yaradılış, bu kırılabilir yaşam formları, Ruh’un bu parıldayan vasıtaları, bu beden
nazik idi ve kolayca hasar görüyordu.
En küçük yaranın kurbanı ve en hafif dengesizlikten sıkıntı çeken beden dayanıksız ve narin
En hafif negatiflik ile çarpılan ve Sevginin yokluğundan hasar gören zihin zayıf idi.
Ve kendi zayıflığı ve kırılabilir halinde, beden/zihin Ruh’un bütün görkemini içeremiyordu.
Çünkü bilinçlilik sıcak idi ve fiziksel evrenin molekülleri buz gibi soğuk idi.
Ruh istekli idi, ama gövde zayıf idi.
Ama gövde güçlendirilebilirdi.
Böylece Ruh yaradılışın Sevgisi ve Refahında dans etti ve Ruh’un niyet ettiği gibi, Beden
gelişti ve zihin güçlendi.
Denizdeki balıklar ve havadaki kuşlar, karalardaki hayvanlar ve bahçelerdeki solucanlar,
siyah, beyaz, kırmızı ve sarı, yaradılışın deneyimi için harika vasıtalar oldular.
Ve Ruh’un niyet ettiği gibi beden tekamül etti.

Yakın zamanda, Bedenin mükemmel vasıta ve zihnin mükemmel mercekler olacağı ve
Ruh’un sınırlama olmadan gireceği düşünüldü.
Tabi ki, Ruh’un hayalindeki tüm bu evrende sınırlamalar olamazdı.
Ama sonra bedenin gelişiminde bir noktaya ulaşıldı.
Beden artık gelişmiyordu.
Zihin artık güçlenmiyordu.
Ve Ruh, yaradılışın bu seviyesinde, Ruh’un tüm görkeminin asla Bedene giremeyeceğini
Moleküller çok kırılgan idi, alevler çok sıcak idi.
Böylece Ruh düşündü.
Ve Ruh düşündü.
Ve Ruh sadece yaradılışı yükselterek Ruh’un tüm gücünün (bildiğiniz Tanrı olan)
girebileceğini anladı.
Ve böylece Ruh düşündü.
Evren alevlerine geri dönecekti.
Evrenin titreşimi yükselecekti.
Evren yuvaya dönmeliydi.
Ve Ruh düşündü ve bu düşünce ile, ışık suların üzerine yayıldı ve yeni bir dünya doğdu.
Ve Ruh düşündü.
Bu yeni dünyada Ruh yaradılışın alevlerini canlandıracaktı ve fizikselliğin soğuk
moleküllerine sıcaklık getirecekti.
Kolay olmayacaktı, ama yapılacaktı.
Böylece Ruh düşündü ve bu yeni dünyada ve sizin kalplerinizde, dualite arttı.
Günler gecelere uzadı.
Mevsimler döngülerle değişti.
Siyah beyaza zıt oldu ve Ruh’un mücadele ve zıtlıkta büyük enerji yaratıldığını anlaması için
beden dualitede mücadele etti.
Bedenler çatışacaktı.
Bedenler hissedecekti.
Ve mücadelede ve hislerde bedenler ışıyacaktı ve Bedenin ışıması molekülleri ışıklandıracak
ve evreni yükseltecekti.
Ve böylece Ruh düşündü ve bu planda ve bu form ile, Lemurya ortaya çıktı.
Kristal saraylar ve bereketli bahçeler, güzel müzik ve yüce sanat vardı. Büyük politik
formlar Ruh’un mükemmelliğini ifade etti ve büyük ekonomik formlar Ruh’un refahını
Dualite bu dünyada yayıldı ve Bedenden enerjiler döküldü.
Ve Ruh, bu dünyanın dualitesinde uzun ve zor mücadeleler verdi, ama ne kadar mücadele
ederse etsin, yeterli enerji yaratılamadı.
Evren uzak mesafede ve moleküller soğuk kaldı.
Ruh nasıl mücadele ederse etsin ve nasıl çarpışırsa çarpışsın dualite yeterli değildi, Ruh,
Ruh’un birliğini hatırladı.
Ruh yaradılışın Sevgisini hatırladı.
Ruh dualitenin illüzyonunu hatırladı.
Ve zıtlıklarda bedenlerimizin mücadele ettiğinin gerçek olduğunu düşündü,
Ve dualitede savaştığımızın gerçek olduğunu düşündü.
Farkındalık ve birlik içinde, Ruhumuz çok sevindi.
Mücadeleye güldük ve dualiteye kıkırdadık.
Nasıl yapamazdık?
Hepsinin illüzyon olduğunu biliyorduk.

Ve sevinç içinde ve dualitenin büyük şakasına gülerek, enerji çözündü ve yükseliş
Böylece Ruh düşündü.
Eğer enerji yaratılamadıysa, Büyük Çalışma gerçekleşmezdi.

Böylece Ruh düşündü.

Ve Ruh düşündü.
Ve Ruh düşündü.
Ve sonunda, Ruh kavradı.
Dualitede yaşamak için, her şeye inanılabilmesi için, zihnin karanlık ile örtülmesi
Beden unutmak zorundaydı!
Planın güzelliğinden neşelenen Ruh düşündü ve bu düşünce ile, Perde yaratıldı ve Beden
hafıza kaybına uğradı.
Perdenin altında, Beden mücadele etti.
Perdenin altında, Beden ağladı.
Perdenin altında, Beden öldü.
Perde kalındı.
Perde güçlüydü.
Perde Ruh’u bizden gizledi
Perde zihni karanlıklaştırdı.
Perde Kaynak ile bağlantımızı bulanıklaştırdı.
Ama Perdenin altında, dualite çatırdadı.
Perdenin altında, Atlantis doğdu.
Ve Atlantis’te, Beden düşündü.
Ve bu gezegende ve bu form ile Beden harikalar yarattı.
Saraylar, bahçeler, müzik ve sanat vardı.
Görkemimizin gölgesini ifade eden politik formlar vardı.
Yaradılışın refahını örten ekonomik sistemler vardı.
Dualite dünyanın yüzünde şiddetle hüküm sürdü ve enerji çatırdadı.
Günler gecelere döndü.
Mevsimler zıtlaştı.
Siyah beyaza karşıt oldu ve Beden duygular ile mücadele etti.
Ruh mücadele ve zıtlıkta büyük enerji yaratıldığını anladı.
Bedenler çarpıştı.
Bedenler hissetti.
Bedenler ışıldadı.
Ve Beden yükselişe doğru ilerledi
Belli bir zaman periyodundan sonra, bir noktaya ulaşıldı.
Enerji yeterliydi.
Yükseliş ilerleyecekti!
Böylece büyük heyecan içinde Ruh Perdenin altındaki bedenlere bir çağrı gönderdi.
ŞİMDİ ağlayan Ruhun uyanmasının ZAMANIDIR.
ŞİMDİ özgür olmanın ZAMANIDIR!
Enerji yeterli.
Yükseliş ilerleyecek.
Ama Beden Ruh’un çağrısını işitemiyordu.
Perde çok kalındı.
Bedenin bağlantısı kesikti.

Böylece Ruh düşündü ve bu düşünce ile, bir çağrı gönderildi.
Ve sadece en sadık olanlar yanıt verdi, çünkü sadece en sadık olanlar Perdeden geçip geri
yollarını bulabilirdi.
Ve Ruh düşündü ve bu düşünce ile, Haberciler karanlığa çıkageldiler.
Ve gözlerini açtılar ve uyanmak için mücadele ettiler ve hatırladılar.
Ve etraflarındaki uykuda olanlarla konuştular.
“Biz Bir’iz”
“Biz sevinçliyiz.”
“Biz birbirimize bağlıyız”
“Biz TANRI’yız”
Ama uykudakiler uyanmadılar.
Beden unutmuştu.
Beden sağırdı.
Beden sadece hayatta kalmayı biliyordu.
Beden sadece ölümünü biliyordu.
Beden mesajdan şüpheye düştü ve haberciler ile alay etti.
Ruh’un birliğinin yerine, Beden yaradılıştan ayrılığı gördü.
Yaradılışın sevinci yerine, Beden sınırlamalardaki üzüntüyü hissetti.
Yaradılışın sevgisi yerine, Beden öfke ve terkedilmişlik hissetti.
Ve ayrılık ve üzüntüden ve öfke ve gazaptan, beden kamçılandı.
Beden karşılık verdi ve Beden korkuyu öğrendi.
Ve öfke ve acıdan, korku ve üzüntüden, karalara korkunç bir karanlık yayıldı.
Güçlü olanlar zayıfları ezdiler.
Ve karanlık büyüdü.
Zenginler fakirleri sömürdü.
Ve karanlık büyüdü.
Sağlıklı olanlar hasta olanları öldürdü.
Ve karanlık büyüdü.
Ruh düşündü, bu olmamalıydı.
Acı çok büyüktü.
Bu olmamalıydı.
Ve bu düşünce ile Atlantis uygarlığı öldü.
Ve Ruh’un Çark’ta tuzağa düşen parçası, kayba ağladı.
Ve o ağlayıştan, yeni bir dünya, bizim dünyamız doğdu.

Bölüm Üç

Ruh’un niyet ettiği gibi, her şey bu dünyada farklı idi.

Bu dünyada, bundan öncekilerde olduğu gibi, Ruh dualitede var olacaktı ve karanlıkta
Çünkü Ruh mücadele ve zıtlıkta büyük enerjinin yaratıldığını anladı.
Ama şimdi Ruh ayrıca Perdenin karanlığının ve Bedenin büyük gücünün, eğer kontrol
edilmezse ve korunmazsa, ölüme götürdüğünü de anladı.
Ruh buna izin veremezdi.
Böylece, enerji yeterli olana VE Beden hatırlayıncaya dek, tutsaklık içinde tutulmalıydık.
Gücümüz bizden uzak tutulacaktı.
Böylece Ruh düşündü ve yeni dünya ortaya çıkarken, Ruh tüm evrene bir çağrı gönderdi.
Ve sadece en sevgi dolu olanlar yanıt verdi, çünkü sadece onlar bizi korku içinde

Ve Ruh düşündü ve bu düşünce ile en sevgi dolu olanlar, şimdi Karanlığın Güçleri idi, ve
onlar hafıza kaybına uğradılar.
Ve bizi korkuya tutsak ettiler.
Ve bizi bedenlerimizin köleleri yaptılar.
Ve zihinlerimizi zincirlediler.
Ve gücümüzü bizden aldılar.
Ve Ruh izledi ve Beden düşündü.
Ve beden düşünürken, Terra ortaya çıktı ve saraylar ve bahçeler, müzik ve sanat vardı.
Enerjinin sınırlılıklarını ifade eden politik formlar vardı.
Sistemde akışı azaltan ekonomiler vardı.
Bu dünyanın yüzeyinde dualite şiddetle yayıldı. Fakirlik karaları süpürdü geçti.
Karanlık zihinlerimizi kuşattı. Ölüm ruhlarımızı alıp götürdü.
Mevsimler zıtlaştı. Günler gecelere döndü.
Bedenler çarpıştı. Bedenler hissetti. Bedenler ışıldadı.
Ve Beden yükselişe doğru ilerledi.
Belli bir zaman periyodundan sonra, bir noktaya ulaşıldı.
Enerji yeterliydi ve yükseliş ilerleyecekti.
Böylece büyük heyecanla, Ruh bedenlere bir çağrı gönderdi.
ŞİMDİ Ruhumuza uyanmanın ZAMANIDIR.
ŞİMDİ hatırlamanın ZAMANIDIR.
ŞİMDİ özgür olmanın ZAMANIDIR!
Enerji yeterliydi.
Yükseliş ilerleyebilirdi.
Ama Beden Çağrıyı işitemiyordu.
Beden unutmuştu.
Beden sağırdı.
Beden görkeme ölü idi.
Ve böylece Ruh bir çağrı gönderdi ve haberciler geri döndü ve bedene indiler.
Ve haberciler gözlerini açtılar.
Ve hatırladılar.
Ve uykudakiler ile konuştular.
“Biz Bir’iz”
“Biz Sevinciz.”
“Biz Sevgiyiz”
“Biz TANRI’yız!”
Ama beden sadece hayatta kalmayı ve ölümü biliyordu.
Ve Beden habercilerden kuşkulandı ve izolasyonda öfke büyüdü.
Ama önemli değildi.
Karanlık güçler gücümüzü almıştı.
Böylece haberciler Sevgi ve şefkati, Ruh’un Birliğini ve yaradılışın kaynağını öğrettiler.

Ve bazıları dinledi. Bazıları dinlemedi.

Haberciler enerjiden ve ışıktan ve yaradılışın doğasından sözettiler.
Bazıları dinledi. Bazıları dinlemedi.
Ama zaman geçtikçe ve haberciler ısrar ettikçe, daha fazlası hatırladı.
Ve yeteri kadarı yaradılışa olan sevgilerini hatırladıkları zaman, bağlar gevşeyebilir ve enerji
Ve Ruh düşündü.
Ve Ruh çağırdı.

Ve sadece en şefkatli olanlar yanıt verdiler, çünkü sadece onlar bizi korkudan
Ve Ruh düşündü, ve bu düşünce ile Işık tohumları karanlığa çıkıp geldiler.
Ve Ruh izledi.
Işık tohumları uyandı.
Ve Işık tohumları Bedene sordu:
“Biz bir miyiz?”
Ve beden yanıtladı
Ve Işık tohumları sordu, “biz sevinç miyiz?”
Ve beden yanıtladı
Ve Işık tohumları sordu, “biz Tanrı mıyız?”
Ve beden yanıtladı
Ve işin yapılmış olduğunu görerek, Işık tohumları “KORKUNUZU İYİLEŞTİRİN, işte yol
budur” dediler.
Sevgi yeterliydi.
Yükseliş yakındı.
Ve beden iyileşti ve Ruh sevindi.
Ve gücümüz arttı.
Ama karanlık güçler, bizi serbest bırakmak için çağırıldıklarında geldikleri zamanı unuttular.
Karanlık güçler bedende güçlü idiler ve emeğimizden zengin oldular ve güçlerini biriktirdiler
ve özgürlüğümüzü bizden esirgediler.
Ve karanlık güçler insanlara “şimdi bizim için çalışıyorsunuz” dediler.
Ama, Ruhun görkemine ve yaradılışın birliğine uyanan bizler “hayır” dedik.
Ve karanlık güçler insanlara “Önümüzde diz çökün” dediler.
Ve biz “hayır” dedik.
Ve korkunç bir öfkeyle karanlık güçler Dört Atlıyı gönderdi.
Ve belalar ve savaşlar ve ölüm ve açlıktan ölüm bedeni paramparça etti ve ruhu ve Bedeni
sakatladı, gazabın korkusu karanlığa daha çok götürdü.
Ve Ruh düşündü.
Bu nasıl bir çelişkiydi?
Ve ne yapılabilirdi?
Enerjiyi elde etmiştik.
Uyanışa ulaşmıştık.
Enerjiyi salıverebilirdik.
Ama karanlık güçler amaçlarını unutmuştu ve bizi güçlü görmek yerine öldürürlerdi.
Ve böylece Ruh düşündü.
Ve bu düşünce ile tüm evrene bir çağrı gönderildi.
Ve sadece en güçlü olanlar yanıt verdi, çünkü sadece onlar karanlık güçleri salıverebilirlerdi.
Ve böylece Ruh düşündü ve bu düşünce ile, Savaşçılar toplandı ve kılıçları karanlığa
Ve Cebrail borazanını çaldı.
Ve Armageddon başladı. (iyilik ve kötülük kuvvetleri arasında büyük ve son çatışma)

Bölüm Dört

Ve savaşçılar uyandı.
Ve savaşçılar hatırladı.
Ve savaşçılar ayakta durdular.
Ve savaşçılar karanlık güçlere gittiler
Ve “enerji yeterli” dediler
“Yükseliş ilerleyecek”
“Bedenin geçmesine izin vereceksiniz”
Ama karanlık güçler onlarla eğlendi ve “hayır, bırakmayacağız” dediler ve Dört Atlıyı
Böylece savaşçılar insanlara döndüler ve “RUHUNUZU UYANDIRIN. Yolu budur”
Ve insanlar “evet” dedi.
Ve savaşçılar yolun hazır olduğunu gördüler ve gülümsediler.
Ve karanlık güçlere döndüler
Ve “bırakın insanlar gitsinler” dediler.
“Enerji yeterli” dediler
“Yükseliş ilerleyecek”
Ama karanlık güçler sadece güldüler, alay ettiler ve “hayır, bırakmayacağız” dediler.
Savaşçılar insanlara döndüler ve “KORKUNUZU İYİLEŞTİRİN. Yolu budur” dediler.
Ve insanlar gülümsediler ve “evet” dediler.
Ve savaşçılar yolun hazır olduğunu gördüler ve gülümsediler.
Ve karanlık güçlere döndüler
“Bırakın insanlar gitsinler” dediler.
“Enerji yeterli” dediler
“Yükseliş ilerleyecek”
Ama karanlık güçler yüzlerine tükürürken sırıttılar ve “hayır, bırakmayacağız” dediler.
Böylece savaşçılar insanlara döndüler ve “BU KILICI ALIN” dediler
Ve hüzünlü bir ifade ile, insanlar “evet” dedi.
Ve savaşçılar yolun hazır olduğunu gördüler ve gülümsediler.
Ve karanlık güçlere döndüler ve
“Bırakın insanlar gitsinler” dediler.
“Enerji yeterli” dediler
“Yükseliş ilerleyecek”
Ama karanlık güçler öfke ve nefret ile rezilliklerini kusarken sadece haykırdılar ve “hayır”
Savaşçılar insanlara döndüler ve “BU DÜNYAYI TEMİZLEYİN. Işığınızı gönderin. Yol
budur.” Dediler.
Ve insanlar neşe ile dolarak “evet” dediler.
Ve savaşçılar gülümsediler.
Ve insanlar ışık yaydılar.
Ve ışık karalara yayıldı.
Ve karalar alevler gibi patladı.
Ve alevler karanlığı aydınlattı.
Ve kılıç karanlığı kesti.
Ve karanlık geri çekildi.
Ve savaşçılar yolun hazır olduğunu gördüler ve gülümsediler.
Ve insanlara ellerini açtılar.
Ve insanlar karanlık güçlere döndüler ve dediler ki,
“Şimdi bizimle gelin.”
“Enerji yeterli.”

“Yükseliş ilerleyecek.”
“Şimdi bizimle gelin”.
“Eski hiçbir şey ayakta kalmayacak”
Ve güçlerinin gitmiş olduğunu görerek
Ve kaybedecek bir şeyleri olmadığını görerek
Karanlık güçler yukarı baktılar.
Ve yüzlerde sadece sevgiyi gördüler.
Ve sadece kalplerimizden gelen sevgiyi hissettiler.
Ve gülümsediler.
Çünkü hatırladılar.
Ve yolun hazır olduğunu gördüler.
Ve savaşçılara saygıyla döndüler.
Ve insanlara sevinçle konuştular.
“Enerji yeterli”
“Sevgi kalplerimizde”
“Yükseliş ilerleyecek”
“Tanrı’nın iradesi şimdi gerçekleşecek”


Michael Sharp - (Çeviri: Saffet Güler)


 Posted by Sunspiritsmiles on May 6, 2011 at 4:45pm

It's that time again :-D


Please join your hearts & arms in this wonderful LOVE FEST!
oooodles of Hugs to all my Light Family here.
please pass this on~
Blessings, Bliss & Laughter


Lifting the Weight of Misery by Alan

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 6, 2011 at 9:02pm

Lifting the Weight of Misery

by Alan Donant
The function of Theosophists is to open men's hearts and understandings to charity, justice,
and generosity, attributes which belong specifically to the human kingdom and are natural to
man when he has developed the qualities of a human being. -- H. P. Blavatsky
The twilight of one age and the dawn of another simultaneously stir us with anticipation of
wonderful things to come and a heartache for what has yet to be accomplished. Significant
discoveries in the fields of religion and science are being made. Doorways are opening upon
vistas not pondered seriously by Western minds for perhaps thousands of years. Physicists are
becoming aware that the universe is infinite in the smallest dimensions as well as in the
largest. Astronomers have come to the conclusion that ninety percent of the universe before us
is unseen. Rupert Sheldrake is introducing to biology what he calls fields of morphic
resonance similar to the theosophist's akasa, and dogmatism in religion wanes as more and
more religious scholars recognize the interconnectedness of the world's sacred traditions. No
small part has been played by theosophists in the awakening now taking place.
On the other hand, humanity has yet to outlaw war, and medicine remains more a technical
science than a healing art. Men, women, and children go homeless and hungry not only in
third world nations but on the streets of nations of great material wealth as well. We are
poisoning the water, earth, and air, and humanity seems to have lost the foundations of morals
and ethics. These challenges are part of our time as well and we must play our full role in
dispelling ignorance with understanding by redirecting humanity's thought life, especially
where it does imminent harm to living beings.

Truth is in the very heart of being; consequently, as soon as young humans could think, the
gods taught the principles of universal ideation and they became impressed upon the enduring
memory of the human consciousness. Later these fundamentals would become the basis for
medicine and music, art and architecture, geometry and geology, agriculture and astronomy,
and much more. Though the necessary journey of evolution took us -- for we were the ancient
peoples -- through a descent into matter, though the gods could no longer be seen by mankind,
the primal truths, deeply buried, have never been lost, nor have we ever been left alone.
The great souls of mankind took on the burdens the gods would no longer take on in person.
They challenged and tested and verified and reverified the god-seed of wisdom. Entrusted
with its care and charged to broadcast it far and wide as the cycles of nature allowed, they
formed a global brotherhood of noble souls of rare enduring human qualities. No culture, no
civilization has been without their influence. When the cycle was right they reintroduced what
had been thought lost, though recorded in myth and legend, by establishing schools which
would revive the lost mysteries of antiquity. Such schools were to be found in ancient Greece,
Syria, Asia, the Americas, Australia, Europe, and in Africa -- wherever souls became aware,
however dimly, of the seed-wisdom within. Like the candle undiminished by lighting others,
these schools served to relight within the hearts of mankind the ideals of the brotherhood of
all life, the ethical and moral basis of the universe, and of humanity as part of that universe.
No amount of diversion has changed the forces of evolution or the spreading of seed ideas.
Whether underground or publicly, the effort has continued to inspire human beings to live
nobly and compassionately; it has been carried on either directly by Adepts of the wisdom
tradition or their representatives, sometimes expressed as philosophy, at other times as
religion, or as science.
Rooted in the wisdom of the gods the theosophic tree has begun to spread and unfold its
branches once again not only as a visible presence to reestablish the mysteries of antiquity, or
to plant suggestions for the scientific, religious, and philosophical thinkers of our day though
these are an important part of our duty -- but, most importantly, it exists to extend a hand to all
who suffer in pain, sorrow, or ignorance. Not that The Theosophical Society should become
another significant place-holder in actions of mercy but rather, we take on the more difficult
task: sowing the seed ideas which, sprouted in the hearts of mankind, shall raise the selfish
and greedy to an understanding of how we all fit into a remarkable expression of
consciousness which we call brotherhood. It is our task to raise humanity from its animal
nature to its true and noble human stature and in doing so prepare the way for others. How are
we to do this? It has been suggested that "For our doctrines to practically react on the so
called moral code . . . we have to preach and popularize a knowledge of theosophy." This does
not mean to popularize theosophy -- which would sell it short -- but to popularize a
knowledge of theosophy.
Technical theosophy alone, fascinating in itself, does not provide answers to our civilization's
deep needs. However, willing hearts and minds applying these thoughts in imaginative and
creative ways can come up with new perspectives and a richness of choices beyond the
temporary political/emotional solutions so often proposed in attempting to solve the difficult
questions of our time. Explored by the mind of the heart, theosophic concepts become the
expositor of the operational aspects of oneness and compassion in the universe, a prerequisite
to answering any of the many human dilemmas. Our rounds and races are not just of
anthropologic interest; they explain a spiritual inheritance of divine fire as well as the nature,
source, destiny, and mysteries of the human body. Sex and its over-indulgence is a problem
today on which a universal perspective can bring insight. Surely our sexual lives more and
more are being seen as out of control, but to be judgmental of another when we ourselves
have no enlightenment in this area is hypocritical at best. In The Secret Doctrine HPB makes

statement that theosophy alone can throw light upon the subject of human sexuality. If this is
so then we have a responsibility to understand without fear or embarrassment this phase of
our existence.
For example, teachings about lokas and talas (Sanskrit terms used in Hinduism and theosophy
for the spiritual and material aspects of the different worlds which compose a cosmos) are not
for mental gymnastics but may explain how each of us from time to time is lost in worlds of
thoughts and actions less than those we would otherwise choose. Those of karma and
reincarnation are not for the sake of metaphysical exotica but demonstrate that we all are
responsible for our actions, and that serving our selves alone is to work against the forces of
all nature. Karma and reincarnation express the operations of harmony, pointing to the greater
stance to be taken and, when we are out of balance with nature, allow a correction and
rebalancing to take place.
We can give input on the most delicate issues. Take abortion, for instance. As theosophists we
have no right to dictate to others how they should act. We can, however, offer a grander vision
and a more meaningful insight into the processes of birth. We can move our philosophical
speculation into the human and sometimes very personal predicaments of life where, beyond
political agenda, a balance can be struck between maudlin sentimentality and cold reason.
With a sense of the mental and emotional anguish of another and an understanding that it is
not "the right answer" we seek, but a wisdom of humanity which recognizes the purpose of
life, we can help the most desperate to find grounding, dignity, and assurance.
Euthanasia is a growing issue in Europe and America. Our medical technology has learned to
keep our bodies going long after what in the not-so-distant past would have been inevitable
death. Has our civilization caught up to the implications of prolonging life at any cost?
Perhaps medicine today keeps many alive beyond compassion's pleading. It is not easy to see
someone you love live in agony even when pain is suppressed by medication. On the other
hand, have we asked ourselves what the implications are of hastening death as a medical
practice in a civilization without moral and ethical grounding, a civilization without an inner
life? Also should we condone a medical science that believes that the death and torture of
animals can lead to health in human beings? This issue of torturing other lives, to concentrate
only on disease and suffering in order to heal, is an outcome of mixed reasoning in need of
change. If we must involve fellow living beings, animals or human, let us rather study
optimum conditions for health and vitality.
Humankind has sensed the need to expand the understanding of death beyond the heaven and
hell and damnation of Christian ethic as well as beyond the trend toward simplistic naivete
developing in some new age thought. Students of theosophy can interject into the dialog now
beginning the basic questions: who are we, where did we come from, and where are we
going? No one has the answer for another; on such issues we may be able only to enrich the
exploration, but what an enrichment theosophy can supply.
The continual and widening spread of drug use signals a deep inner problem with our lives
and our civilization. As students of theosophy we can assist by restoring a vision of the
spiritual universe that is founded on scientific, ethical, moral, and philosophical principles and
begin to give hope where now there is despair.
Humanity's misplaced values on egotism and materialism have undermined the very heart of
social consciousness. This emphasis is perhaps one of the root causes of the most serious
problems of our time, another being the lack of an all-embracing, rich, inner life.
The changes which are taking place in the polarity of world thought, partially reflected in
geopolitical shifts and the conflicts produced by fundamentalism in the world's religious
thinking, reflect the waning Piscean era. Nature, however, will inevitably reestablish a new
polarity. We can add the greater theosophic worldview to the public debate to come, and with
it hope and inspiration. This future polarity can be more than mere replacement of the old; it

can be a significant global awakening of conscience. As theosophists we have a clear
responsibility before us to encourage a renaissance of the human spirit by opening dialogue,
using our common languages, applying the new discoveries being made in our time, and
thinking through them and their implications.
By the light of theosophy the darkest problems of our modern world are illuminated with new
possibilities and perspectives. There are solutions to the issues of our day which can be
discovered in this timeless wisdom focused through our intuitions. Theosophy when stated
simply and from the heart strikes a sympathetic chord in all who suffer because it awakens
meaningful possibilities and a richer purpose to life. It is on the grander vision and the larger
picture, innate in theosophy, that the health and growth of human thought depend and a
popular knowledge of theosophy can be gained.
The serious issues of our day are the outer manifestations of the loss of our spiritual
inheritance. There is no quick solution, but theosophy is an abundant granary of ideas and
ideals by which we can live and by so doing share -- not as dogma but as tools to continue the
journey of all nature -- in an upwardly, inwardly, infinite, spiraling evolution.
(From Sunrise magazine, October/November 1991; © copyright 1991 by Theosophical
University Press; paper read at the Friendship Meeting held under the auspices of The
Theosophical Society (Pasadena) at Volksabdij, Ossendrecht, Netherlands, July 18-23, 1991)



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 6, 2011 at 9:10pm


The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan

Some Aspects of Sufism

Some Esoteric Terms

There are two aspects of intelligence:intellect, and wisdom. Intellect is the knowledge of
names and forms, their character and nature, gathered from the external world. It shows in an
infant from birth, when he begins to be curious about all he sees; then, by storing in his mind
the various forms and figures he sees, he recognizes them as an addition to his knowledge of
variety. Man thus gathers the knowledge of numberless forms of the whole world in his mind
and holds them; some of them stand out luminously and predominate over, and cover, others.
He also retains those forms which interest him. The nature of forms is to overpower one
another in proportion to their material concreteness. The more concrete they are, the more
luminous they appear; so the intellectual person takes an interest in their variety and law of
change, and as knowledge is the food of the soul, he at least becomes increasingly interested

in the knowledge of names and forms, and calls that 'learning'. This becomes his world,
although it neither gives him a sense of unchanging comfort, nor does he thereby gain an
everlasting peace.

Wisdom is contrary to the above-named knowledge. It is the knowledge which is illumined by

the light within; it comes with the maturity of the soul, and opens up the sight to the similarity
of all things and beings, as well as the unity in names and forms. The wise man penetrates the
spirit of all things; he sees the human in the male and female, and the racial origin which
unites nations; and he sees the human in all people and the divine immanence in all things in
the universe, until the vision of the whole being becomes to him the vision of the One Alone,
the most beautiful and beloved God.

In giving a definition for some terms used in esotericism, one may say that consciousness is
the wakeful state of the knowing faculty; knowledge is that of which the consciousness is
conscious; conscience is a sense which is born when consciousness holds before itself in a
scale, on the one side an action and on the other side an ideal; and intelligence is the grasping
faculty of consciousness, which by every means recognizes, distinguishes, perceives, and
conceives all that is around it.

Ignorance is the state of the mind when it is in darkness. When mental vibrations flow into the
astral plane, without conscious direction, it is called imagination; when they do so under
conscious direction, it is called thought. When the imagination is experienced during sleep it
is called a dream.

Impression is a feeling which rises as a reaction on receiving a reflection coming from the
external world (physical, mental, or astral).

Intuition is an inner message, given in the nature of warning or guidance, perceived by the
mind independently of any external source.

Inspiration is the rising of a stream from the depth of the heart of the jinns and manifests in
the realm of poetry, music, painting, sculpture, or any art.

Vision is a spiritual dream which is witnessed either when awake or asleep. It is called a
dream because the radiance of the vision brings about a semi-sleep to the seer, even when

Revelation is the disclosing of the inner self. The consciousness throughout manifestation
facing towards the surface, turns its back to the world within, the sight of which is therefore
lost to it. But when it begins to look within, the world unseen is disclosed, and Choudatabaq,
the fourteen planes, consisting of the seven heavens and the seven earths, are revealed. 'The
veil shall be lifted from thine eyes and thy sight shall be keen', as it is said in Qur'an. And
annihilation (Fana) is equivalent to 'losing the false self (Nafs)'. which again culminates in
what is called Eternal Life (Baqa).


Aldebaran, "The Eye of Illumination"
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 6, 2011 at 9:13pm

Aldebaran, "The Eye of Illumination"

Aldebaran, the brightest star in the constellation Taurus the Bull, rises in the fall at sunset, and
is the thirteenth brightest star in the sky. Its name comes from the Arabic Al Dabaran, the
Follower, because Aldebaran appears to follow the Pleiades through the night sky.

As the Eye of the Bull, Aldebaran is called the Eye of Revelation. It is referred to by
astronomers and cosmologists as the Eastern Royal Star, one of the four Royal Stars
considered the sentinels watching over other stars. It is also known as the Buddha’s star, the
Star of Illumination, and God’s Eye. This magnificent star has been used for centuries in
navigation, and is known by many civilizations to be connected with the spirits of rain and the
fertility of the earth. Approximately 5,000 years ago, the rising of Aldebaran marked the
vernal equinox (1) and marked the beginning of the Babylonian new year.

Taurus is often associated with royalty and divine power. Throughout the ages Aldebaran has
been spiritually recognized for its alignment with divinity. "... there is a symbolic relation
between Aldebaran, the "eye" in the head of the Bull; the third eye, or the light in the head,
and the diamond. The consciousness of the Buddha has been called the 'diamond-eye.'" (2)

The Hindus referred to Aldebaran and Taurus as Rohini (the Red Deer), the name of the river
in Nepal where the Buddha was born at the time of the May full moon, around 563 BCE.
Another Hindu name for Aldebaran is Sataves, which translates to the "leader of the western

Pale reddish-orange in color, Aldebaran has a companion red dwarf star that shares its motion
throughout space. Located slightly south of the ecliptic, in the path of our earth’s moon,
Aldebaran has a magnitude of 1.2 and is one of the few 1st magnitude stars the moon may
occult. Approximately 40 times the size of our sun, Aldebaran is 68 light years from the Earth,
and is about 3 times the brilliance of Polaris, our current North Star.

In addition to the star Aldebaran, there are two other very beautiful and famous star clusters
in the constellation of Taurus: the V-shaped Hyades at the head of the bull, and the Pleiades
in the shoulder. To locate Aldebaran or Taurus, follow the line of the three stars that make up
the belt of Orion; they point directly west toward Aldebaran. Look up during the fall and
winter months just after sunset, and you’ll see Orion’s Belt and Aldebaran rising in the east,
traveling in a northwesterly direction.

Aldebaran, the star of illumination, is directly across the zodiac from Antares, the star of
anger, pride and revenge. In the only exact opposition of two major stars; Aldebaran is located
at 9 degrees of the sign Gemini, with Antares at 9 degrees of the sign Sagittarius.

Aldebaran is said to be a portal to the mysteries of the mind and when balanced with the fixed
star Antares, a portal to the mysteries of the heart, this creates a powerful stargate axis that is
illuminated bi-annally when the Sun passes by Aldebaran at the first of June and then Antares
about six months later.

Recently Pluto passed through the constellation of Scorpio and conjoined Antares, also known
for its transformative qualities. Pluto visits Scorpio only once every 248 years. During its
sweep through this part of the zodiac, Pluto’s orbit brings it closer to the Sun than Neptune for
approximately 20 years.

Pluto is a dynamic force of creation and destruction. Pluto, the first ray planet of will power
and purpose in our solar system assists in the destruction of the lower desires so that more
highly evolved qualities can be expressed by the human being. In the destruction of old forms
~ be they physical, astral or mental ~ Pluto literally changes their atomic structure. Pluto
causes major changes and forces the transcendence of personal desires into a more universal
orientation. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth. It personifies the destruction of things
whose time has come to an end, and the regeneration of what is new. It is like decaying
autumn leaves becoming nutrients for the spring; the caterpillar changing into a butterfly. It is
the transformer that stimulates and catalyzes the Will.

For more about Pluto and the quality of Transformation, click here.

This rare cosmic event of Pluto's having passed by Antares is significant, as it was also
directly opposed to Aldebaran, the Buddha’s star of Revelation and Illumination. This brought
an opportunity for humanity as a whole to evolve the energies of conflict, anger, pride and
revenge, as we had the opportunity to call upon the qualities of Revelation and Illumination to
work with the energies of Pluto on Antares toward bringing about transformation and

In stellar myth, Aldebaran is Vision Holder for the starseed mission on Earth, defining what
emissaries of light can best accomplish to serve humanity through evolutionary transition. In
down to Earth terms, Aldebaran holds the vision for global leaders and world servers,
inspiring the administrative planning of world affairs, specifically for physical logistics and a
global infrastructure designed to support humanity through evolutionary unfoldment and
global change. Prominent alignments with the Aldebaran / Antares axis can express into the
political and global arena. The visions that many people attune to regarding alternative living
centres, educational centres, emergency preparedness programmes, etc., are parts of the
inspiration from this star’s emanations. Aldebaran can indicate involvement with physical
places and projects supportive of alternative modalities of living. It inspires business that
supports family. Aldebaran inspires us to take the physical action required to manifest our
- Nick Anthony Fiorenza, The Lunar Planner

In the sign of Taurus, when desire is transmuted into aspiration, darkness gives place to light
and illumination. The eye of the bull, the spiritual third eye or the "single eye" of the New
Testament, is opened. "If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light," said the
Christ (Matthew 6:22). This single eye takes the place of the two eyes of the personal self. (3)
As the attention of humanity becomes focused upon spiritual attainment, we tread the Way of

Life is filled with revelation. The entire evolutionary process is essentially nothing but a
growing revelation. The two concepts Evolution and Revelation go together. As we evolve,
we perceive more than we ever knew was existent or perceptible, yet we are only perceiving
what has always been there. The Way of Revelation is through the discovering and discarding
of our own limitations. (4)

Revelation, as defined by The Dictionary of Scripture and Myth, is a "symbolic

communication from the higher nature to the lower, imparting truths of the invisible universe
and the soul. As revelation does not and can not arise from the lower nature, it is self-evident

that the lower or objective mind of man does not compose the revelation, but is merely the
receptive vessel into which the Divine message is poured."

Revelation is related to God Immanent, to God in form, to God in the human heart, and to that
veiled and hidden Supreme Reality motivating all existence ~ forever consciously aware of
Itself. Revelation is a progress of penetration. First into the Mind, then into the Heart, and
finally into the Purpose of Deity. (5)

As the star of illumination, Aldebaran irradiates the Way using the applied power of
transformation. In seeking illumination, we can cultivate the ability to use the mind as a
reflector of soul light. (6) An increased understanding about the process of revelation may
help us comprehend the quality and significance of Aldebaran.

"Angel of Healing" © Aeoliah

One way we receive revelation is through contact with the soul. The more consciously we
desire, demand and will such contact, the closer we are to receiving the next needed
revelation. How clearly we perceive the revelation depends on our ability to still the mind and
listen to the voice within. One of the most difficult aspects of our service is to understand
correctly the precipitating truth, information or revelation that is being impressed. We need
time to absorb the revelation and incorporate it into a useful present time form.

How does one become a living example of this divine understanding and better understand the
significance of the star Aldebaran? One suggestion is to meditate on the triangle created by
the Pleiades, the Great Bear, and our solar system.

Based on image "Music of the Spheres" by Bernard Xolotl

Imagine the pathway the energy follows to reach our Earth. See the energy of the Will as a
brilliant golden light emanating from the constellation the Great Bear. Visualize this light
flowing to one of the seven stars of the Pleiades, observe the star it is naturally magnetized
toward. Know the energy is being slowly stepped down in vibration as it reaches this star.
Watch it leave the Pleiades and enter into our solar system. Visualize Aldebaran, the star of
illumination, focusing like a lens the light force, Fohat, the Active Intelligence, to the Earth’s
North Pole.

Then see this force being absorbed by the Soul of Humanity. Visualize a golden thread of light
entering the top of your head, and open to receive revelations and insights about your purpose
in the divine Plan.

When the energy of the light force is released to nations, races and individuals it produces two
effects: the increase of the self-will, demonstrating as cleavages, separate desires, goals, or
ideas of a nation, state, family or the individual, without regard for the need of the whole. The
second effect stimulates the Will-to-Serve the Plan, the whole, and produces unity and
harmony, beneficial to the entire process of evolution.

Besides Aldebaran, the other three Royal Stars in the heavens are
Antares in the constellation Scorpius the Scorpion, the Western Royal Star,
Regulus in the constellation Leo the Lion, the Northern Royal Star,
and Fomalhaut in the constellation Pisces Austrinus, the Southern Fish
(very close to the constellation Aquarius), the Southern Royal Star.
[ Return to place text above ]

Credit for information and synthesis:

Triangle meditation inspired by Alice A. Bailey's
Esoteric Astrology, p. 376–377;

Astronomical sources include
Mythology from Star Tales
by Ian Ridpath, Universe Books, New York, 1988;
Burnham's Celestial Handbook, Vol. III, p. 1807–1817
by Robert Burhnam Jr., Dover Publications, Inc., New York
© 1966, 1978; and various astronomy websites


Saint Germain: Wake up Call by Nancy
Tate - May 5, 11
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 6, 2011 at 9:14pm

Saint Germain: Wake up Call

by Nancy Tate - May 5, 11

St. Germain speaks

My dear ones, there is a matter of importance that I wish to speak with you today about. It is
that which is coming for all of you in the times to come. If this time is feeling to you as if you
are in a whirlwind, I say that in a sense you are correct. The whirlwinds of the tornadoes on
earth and the earthquakes that are shuddering and rocking the earth are but bits and pieces of
the revolutions that are taking place within the bodies of Gaia and all of you.

Yes, I say all of you, for without feeling the eruptions physically that throw off parts of the
structures of your body, energetically you are being cleansed of all of the debris of the
evolutionary process you have undergone on earth since you first came here. This is causing
various disturbances in your lives as well as on and within the immediate inner sub-structure
of the earth.

Because of this the pure light energies that are coming to earth and all of you are clearing
away the debris and allowing the continuance of the release, until there is nothing more that
can interfere with the absolution of the duality that you have been living with. Now is the time
when you are coming to the place of an inner calm and outer glow that will resonate
throughout the universe in a way that has never before been expressed.

I say this because when you were in the universe before on the various planets and in the
various expressions of your being, you had not as yet garnered and brought to your beingness
the experiences that you have gained while on earth. Some of you have taken these
experiences with you in between lifetimes out into the cosmos and applied them to other
experiences that you had expressed before coming to earth. You have done this in order to
streamline the totality of what you are bringing to your beingness, and therefore that of all of

Some of you may ask, “Why are all of the animals, including the insect world seemingly
coming together in a way that brings no harm to each other, but a great deal of love? I say
now that it is because all of life, in any form, is being uplifted in a way that speaks of the
Oneness of all of existence. It is now that this is coming back into the state of total harmony
and love that carries forth in all that is expressed.

I see you all now in this time of evolvement on your planet in the dregs of completion of the
timeliness of what is taking place. I say timeliness for with the coming out of the debris of the
buildup of duality expression in your beingness, we see all of a sudden the outright expression
of that which was considered to be real on one point and yet to be non-existent on another.
This is the very reason that you are undergoing this transformation right now. You are being
able to see on a conscious level why this is taking place in this manner, rather than waiting in
past lifetimes, to see the differing examples of what you are capable of. It is a matter of being
able to see the real you in the light of the old idea of you.

You are so blessed in this respect, for now you will be able to address what is coming for you
in the next months especially, and also the next years, what it means to be able to see the
whole picture and at the same time, be able to address what is right in front of you in the
moment. You will be able to put in a finer perspective what you have only glanced at before,
and in that respect only given that glance-full of honor to what you have been creating. In

being able to see fully now in a glance, you will be able to give your full attention, in that
glance, to what you are creating now. In that you will be creating as the Masters that you
innately are. That is where the difference will become clear in your lives, and you will find
yourself creating your lives in a way that represents the mastery that creates perfection.

I tell you this, for in the coming months you will be meeting with many challenges that you
will be given the opportunity through which to see the broader picture. In that way you will be
able to keep a presence of mind that will not add to the calamitous goings on in and around
your world. You will be able to retain a certain amount of harmony with all of life, and in that
way you will add to the retention of the beauty of the planet and your inner glow of life. You
will be readying the planet for the new way of being, and you along with Gaia will be the
guardians of your world in a way that so far exceeds the way it has been, as to be on another
plane of vibration altogether.

It will bring you back to your original expression on earth at the time of Lemuria and Atlantis.
You will begin to remember how it was to live in that vibration and to experience each other
in the ways of Oneness. It is a far cry from the old paradigm of duality. You will gain such a
high idea of life, as to see for yourselves how wonderful it can be to live in a glow of
knowing. On another level you will look around and see the results of the release of all the old
upheavals that have gathered within the hearts of all of you and of this home you have lived
on for so long.

Gaia is with you 100%, as always. She has lived with you, danced and sung with you; she has
experienced so much with you. She has laughed and cried with you; she has grown and fallen
back into submission with you. All of it is coming to the surface now, and as it does, I say to
you that you can withstand it. Mother Earth and all of you who choose to will remain on and
inside this planet through it all. There will come a time when some of you will go to the inner
reaches of earth. Some of you will go to ships while the transformation is taking place. You
will all at one point come back to the surface in celebration of the beauty that is before you.

Then those of you who choose to will go out into the universe and regain your foothold in the
other parts of this great and glorious nebula that is surrounding us all. As this takes place all of
us who have been with you guiding you in this lifetime of change, will be with you, right by
your sides. We will join in your celebration of this new beginning. We bring to you the
oneness of our knowing that you are equal to us and us with you. I stand now beside you, as I
always have, and say to you, “Welcome back to yourselves.” We are in for a tremendously
interesting evolutionary period and there is no way that we will not want to celebrate every
moment of it, for it is what we have been striving for, for such an evolutionary period.

I am St. Germain, enjoying this reunion with this one after the hiatus publicly with her. This is
the time when we all are coming back together, and I say now that it feels so good to be in this
point of our lives together. Hold on to your hats, for we have a time to come when we will
need all of our strength. I tell you now that, that strength is endless and you can do it! Bravo
for coming this far and for your continued dance through life.

Blessings to you all!

Thank you Dear St. Germain,


Nancy Tate



The Nature of Mother a message from

Mother Mary channeled by Judith Coates
6 May, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 6, 2011 at 9:17pm

The Nature of Mother

a message from Mother Mary channeled by Judith Coates

6 May, 2011

Gentle ones, blessed ones, Children of the Most High, I would speak with you about the
nature of mother. My son, the one you have known as Jeshua, Jesus, has often spoken with the
terminology of Patriarchy, of the Father, but in this day and time your are moving beyond
what you would see as the restricted definition of Father. The One Creator is, in Truth,

Now, in the process of becoming aware of your holiness, you have often chosen the
experience of motherhood, fatherhood upon this plane because you have desired to know all,
and you have desired to know Love. The little ones offer you great opportunity to know and to
extend love. They will sandpaper the rough spots from you. And you, they. For indeed, the
little ones come as great masters. But they also come with their own rough edges, the own
desires for completion of certain aspects, and they say to you, “Here I am. Have fun with me.
Sandpaper me.” And you do. It is very much a process of mellowing.

Look deeply into the eyes of the little ones and see the Light, for each one comes with a
remembrance of the Light. The little ones who have come to you are wondrous angels in
disguise. They have come to you because you have asked them to be companion with you.
You have asked them to push out the boundaries of what you have thought human family was
all about. And they have come because they know that you have great strength to guide them.
They ask of you to give them certain structure within which they can grow. It was the same
with Jeshua.

I gave unto him certain structure, order, discipline within the family. Not constricting, but of
certain expectations as to how there would be harmony and respect. And because he is Love –
as all of the small ones are, including even the tall ones – he responded to the higher nature.

The little ones will respond to your expectations. In other words, when you set a certain
structure for them, and a certain vision for them, they will rise up to meet it – and even the tall
ones will respond to the vision. For the innermost desire is to be loved and to know one’s self
as Love. It comes forth as a desire to please, and when there is clarity about expectations, and
when the vision is held with consistency and love, honoring the highest Self of them, they will
accommodate that vision. For indeed they desire to be harmony. They desire to bring forth
love. But they do ask of you discipline, order and consistent structure. And within the
structure allow the communication that I would call discussion.

You have experienced a time in your growing up when you were trying to discover –
remember – who you are, and you tried pushing out all of the boundaries to see what would
lie beyond those boundaries. “If I rebel enough, what happens?” And so you tried it. And so
did Jeshua.

When he first agreed to activate a body within the incarnation known as Jeshua, he knew well
the oneness with the Father. And there was an agreement – such as you have made – to take
on certain collective belief that is held within a time interval, known as a lifetime. So there
was a process of setting aside temporarily some of the remembrance. He wanted to know,
“What does it feel like to be a small child in this time? What does it feel like to have human
emotion?” He knew that always he was one with his Father, but he also desired to know
human experience.

Now, some of your writings and your depictions have portrayed him as being so holy that you
could not relate to him on an intimate level – nor he to you. But he knew sorrow. He knew

doubts. He knew the emotion of love. He knew the emotion of jealousy. He knew the emotion
of wondering if he was good enough. For he had a cousin John, whom he loved. You have
called John the one who baptized: John, the Baptist.

And John was of a strong physique, very muscular, and could do anything with the body very
quickly. He could run. He could climb the rocks. He could swim very easily. And Jeshua,
being a bit younger, looked up to his cousin John and wanted to be of the same physical
prowess as his cousin. And there were times Jeshua experienced what you have experienced:
envy, self-judgment. Until the one known as Joseph, his father, said to him, “Claim your
power. Know who you are. Go sit by flowing water and feel the peace of the heart. Do not
envy another one’s qualities, but take stock truly of Who you are.” And Jeshua contemplated
and remembered.

Now is a time of ascending out of the limited understanding of who you have thought yourself
to be. Try seeing through the eyes of the child. For a child does not see great complexity. A
child sees simplicity, spontaneity, a now moment. You know you do not have to make
complex plans to protect yourself, to protect the body, to protect all of your material goods.
Many of your brothers and sisters have already experienced losing all of the material goods
through changes in the Earth’s surface. Many of your brothers and sisters have experienced
loss of material goods recently when you had the great waters that came upon the land. And
you have seen that the ones who have lost possessions in the great cleansing are re-
manifesting new possessions. Or they have said, “You know, simplicity of possessions is a
great gift to me. Maybe I don’t have to take care of quite so much.”

This year you will have opportunity to see the family of man, of woman, in its choices. You
will see conflict; you will see disasters, as they will be judged to be; you will see disease and
inharmony of the body, of the emotions. But you will also see others who are choosing for
their unlimitedness, who are choosing for love, for healing.

This yeas look to your Family. Look to the wondrous Family that expresses upon this plane –
and beyond this plane. Allow yourselves to reach out with the heart in your times of
meditation, your times of quiet, your times of prayer to commune with my Children seen and
unseen. Allow yourself to reach out and to gather in under the wings, the most unlimited
expansive wings of the Christ consciousness, all of mankind/womankind, all of the Children
of the Most High, and to bless them with your love.

And then get you very busy extending your love in tangible ways: extend the food that is
needed to nourish the body; share with the brothers and sisters the warmth of clothing, of
blanket, whatever the needs for comfort. Allow yourself in each week to gift unto your
brothers and sisters one tangible gift. It will not be difficult. Set it as one of the things that you
will do in your week. Put it upon your appointment book to give a tangible object of love –
good, clothing, household articles, toys for the little ones – to your organizations that collect
and dispense such goods. And if there is not such an organization in your area, form one. You
have much that you can share. Look unto your own dwelling place, for there is much that you
have that you can share with others. Then, most importantly, look unto your own Dwelling
Place within and share with others what have within: love and understanding, the word of
comfort, of encouragement, the smile that bring radiance to your face and healing to one in
sorrow or confusion.

Allow yourself to ask, “How can I be of service to my brothers, my sisters?” Adopt in each

week one new person into your life. It does not have to be for what you would see as all time
– but you may find that you want to keep that one as friend for all time. Adopt one new friend
in each week. And when you come to the end of this year, you will have an abundance of new

Adopt the one at your grocery store with a smile, with a word that goes beyond just asking the
consumer price of an object. In other words, ask that one how she/he is doing. Share of

Adopt a small one into your heart; perhaps even into your dwelling place, your home. Follow
your guidance. Share your time, your learning, your wisdom born of experience with a small
one. Adopt a grandparent. Be a companion; learn of their wisdom.

You are the Family of the Most High. You are going beyond what the world has described as
relationship of family. You are allowing yourself to look beyond the narrow description of
family to know heart to heart what Family is. And as you allow yourself to adopt family
members – who have always been your Family – you are extending my work upon this plane.

Always I have been seen as the Mother, but I cannot do the work of Mother without your
help. You are the Mother what is nurturing the Love that is now coming forth to be known
upon this plane. No longer is Love being held back by the words of the world that would say,
“It is not safe to show your heart. It is not safe to love. It is not safe even to smile for ‘what
will they think?’” You are acknowledging that you are the Family of the Most High and, as
such, you are Children of Love, and Love is your very nature.

You are my Family and I am your Mother. Collect unto Me the lost Children of the Family.
Feed them, clothe them, nurture them with our Love. Remind them of the goodness of Life
and the Father’s Love, from before time. Love them for me, as I love you, my Child.

Mother Mary
in expression through Judith

Copyright © 2011 Oakbridge University.

Oakbridge material is copyrighted but free to anyone who wants to use it as long as proper
credit is listed, including our website address



Başmelek Mikail’den Mesaj LM-5-2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 6, 2011 at 9:30pm

Ronna Herman kanalıyla aktarılmıştır

Sevgili üstatlar, asla unutmayın, korku gücünüzü alıp götürür. Korku kabiliyetsizlik ve
eylemsizliğin hapishanesini yaratır. Kitlesel nüfusu kontrol etmek için, tüm yapmanız gereken
alt boyutların kısıtlayıcı frekanslarına uyumlanmış olanları korku halinde tutmaktır, bu onların
denge dışı ve etkisiz kalmalarını temin eder. Maya veya büyük illüzyon, şeylerin onları
gerçekte olduğu gibi değil, algıladığınız şekilde görünmesidir. Bilincin astral planlarında
muazzam ve güçlü zihinsel, duygusal ve eterik düşünce formları vardır. Kitleler başlıca
duygularla ve dar görüşlü zihinsel tutumlarla yönetilir. Zamanın en kuvvetli, en etkili

ne uygun olarak popüler inancın sarkacı ileri geri sallanırken, sevgi ve korkunun geniş
spektrumu insanlığı denge dışında tutuyor. Fiziksel beden tapınağının karanlığına kilitlenmiş
olan kitleler, içsel özgürlük dürtülerine
uyanırlarken ve Işığın yüksek dalga boyları bilinçlerine yavaşça nüfuz ederken, daha şiddetli
hale geliyorlar.
Cesur Işık savaşçılarım, bu güçlü, istilacı düşünce formlarından etkilenmemenin en iyi yolu
Ruhunuz/Yüksek Benliğiniz ile bağlantınızı kuvvetlendirmek ve sürdürmektir. Şu anda, daha
önce hiç olmadığı kadar, sizler YILDIZ TOHUMLARI/DÜNYA HİZMETKARLARI,
sarsılmaz, kararlı kalmalısınız ve GÜÇ MERKEZİNİZ olan KUTSAL KALP
MERKEZİNİZDEN yaşamaya ve işlev yapmaya gayret etmelisiniz. Şimdi eriştiğiniz ve
bütünleştirdiğiniz yüksek boyutlu ortamın niteliklerini, erdemlerini ve yeteneklerini
kullanmayı öğrenirken, size yeni kazandığınız spiritüel yetenekleri test etme fırsatı veriliyor.
Erişim elde ettiğiniz her yüksek boyutlu alt – seviye genişlemiş bilgiyi ve ileri yetenekleri ve
ustalıkları taşır, bunlar evrimsel değişimin sıkıntılarını ve sınavlarını kolaylıkla ve zarafetle
geçme gücünüzü artırır. Tanrısal bilinciniz artarken, Yolda odaklanmış ve merkezlenmiş
yeteneğiniz üssel olarak büyür.
Spiritüel hassaslık ve uyumlanma geliştirme sürecindesiniz, bunların sayesinde bilinciniz
sürekli genişleyen ışıltı çemberini kapsamak için genişler. Giderek, daha yüksek bir görüş
açısına uyumlanırsınız, gerçekleşen şeyleri her zaman bu görüş açısından gözleyebilirsiniz –
tüm üç fiziksel realitede birden gerçekleşen her şeyi – zihinsel, duygusal ve uyumlu
olduğunuz ruhsal seviye hangisiyse. Ruhsal Benliğinizin fısıltıları için her zaman tetikte
olmalısınız ve ayrıca göksel öğretmenlerinizden ve rehberlerinizden gelen ilhamın sesine
uyumlanmalısınız. Hem içsel hem de dışsal dünyalarda sessizliğe alışkın olmalısınız. Ayrıca
çalışacağınız üstadın içsel sesine hassaslık/uyumlanma geliştirmeniz çok önemlidir. Zihnin ve
egonun sürekli gevezeliğinde ustalaştığınız zaman, bir master öğretmenin aurası içinde

yaşamaya hazır olursunuz ve Ruhunuzun Işığı dünyaya
Grup farkındalığı Kendinin üstatlığının önemli bir yönüdür. Grubun iyiliği için hizmet etme
ve bireysel dileklerinizi zaptetme arzusu geliştirmeniz önemlidir. Kendi Ruhunuz ve Yüksek
Benlikleriniz, Kendinin üstatlığını elde etmek ve dünyasal misyonunuzu nasıl
gerçekleştireceğiniz ile ilgili en uygun rehberliği ve talimatları sunar. Benliğin bu daha hafif
yönleriyle yakın bir ilişki geliştirdikçe, giderek daha büyük Ruhsal farkındalık geliştirirsiniz
ve yeni fırsat alanları ortaya çıkar. İçsel dünya arzularını dışsal dünya eylemleriyle
dengelemelisiniz. Kendi eşsizliğinizi keşfetmeli ve olası olan en iyi SİZ olmaya gayret
Bilincinizi içinize döndürmek gerçek Benlik – keşfi yolculuğudur. Tüm iyi şeyleri yaratmak
için yakıtla birlikte, irade gücü, yaratıcılık ve ilham Tanrısal yetenekleriniz Kutsal Zihninizde
ve Kutsal kalbinizde saklanır. Kendi ihtişamınızın anahtarını taşıyorsunuz. İçsel
yeteneklerinize ve Kutsal Zihninizin bilgeliğine sürekli olarak erişmeli ve bunları
kullanmalısınız. Tanrı Gücünüze adım atmak için İlahi İradenizi kullanmalısınız. Bunu
yaparken, Benliğin ve Kozmik farkındalığın sürekli derinleşen seviyelerini elde edersiniz.
SORU: “Bildiğiniz gibi, nükleer radyasyon Japon insanlar bir yana tüm dünyadaki insanlara
korku veriyor. Kendimizi veya çevremizi bu radyasyondan korumanın bir yolu olup
olmadığını merak ediyordum? Eğer BM Mikail bize biraz içgörü ve yönergeler verebilirse, bu
çok harika olur.” H.O. Tokyo, Japonya
YILDIZ TOHUMU, bu galaksi için Tanrı bilincinin niteliklerinin, erdemlerinin ve
yeteneklerinin tam ölçeğini bütünleştirmenin zamanıdır. Çok uzun zamandır bunun için
hazırlanmaktaydınız ve birçoğunuz öne çıkıp fiziksel bedeninizin taşıyabileceği maksimum
Yaratıcı ışık miktarını talep etmeye hazırsınız. Elmas Çekirdek Tanrı Hücreniz parlak şekilde
ışıldıyor ve aura alanınızın ışıltısı ve etkiniz hızla genişliyor. Birçoğunuz içerebileceğiniz ve
hala dünyasal planda kalabileceğiniz maksimum Işık frekansları seviyesine neredeyse
eriştiniz. Işıldayan örnekler olmak, Işıklarını ve bilgeliklerini yaymak, ayrıca uyanmaya ve
Tanrısal güçlerine sahip çıkmaya gayret edenlere umut ve cesaret vermek üzere ileri spiritüel
liderlerin kitleler arasında kalması için, İlahi bir Özel İzin (Takdiri İlahi) oluşturuldu.
Geçmişte, üstatlar halkın gözü önünden çekilir ve misyonlarına
gizlice devam ederlerdi, çünkü çağrıya yanıt vermeye ve zor Ruhsal uyanış yolculuğuna
başlamaya hazır olanlar çok nadirdi.
BİRİNCİ TANRI IŞINInın irade gücü, koruma ve inisiyatifinin size ilham vermesine ve sizi
motive etmesine izin vermenizi teşvik ediyoruz. Baba/Anne Tanrımızın İlahi İradesi ile uyum
içindeki becerikli bir birlikte yaratıcı olma arzusuyla birlikte, ÜÇÜNCÜ TANRI IŞINInın
niteliklerini, erdemlerini ve özelliklerini bütünleştirirken, İKİNCİ TANRI IŞINInın sevgi,
şefkat, aydınlanma ve bilgeliğini yaymanızı istiyoruz. Varoluşunuzu YEDİNCİ IŞINın
görkemli Mor Alevi ile Işıklandırmanız çok önemlidir. Mor Alevin ayaklarınızın altından
alavlendiğini ve sizi dönüşümün İlahi Ateşi ile tamamen sarmaladığını görün; bu, enerjinin
niteliğini istediğinizde değiştirmenizi sağlar. En Yüce Yaratıcı’nın kalp özünden gelen
Sevgi/Işığın harika armağanının sizden dünyaya yayılabilmesi için, ruhun manyetik merkezi
Lütfen alt boyutsal ortamın itme/çekme dualitesinde Mor Alevin gücüne ve sihirli
dönüştürücü özelliklerine sınırlı erişim olduğunun farkında olun. Ancak, sizi dördüncü
boyutun ortalarına ve daha yukarısına uyumlayan uyumlu titreşimsel kalıpların seviyesini elde
ettiğiniz zaman, Mor Alevin İlahi simyasına tam erişim kazanırsınız ve ayrıca Yaratıcı
Bilincin dönüştürücü Adamantine Parçacıklarını çekme yeteneği elde edersiniz. Sınırlılığın ve
kaosun alt boyutlarında var olurken, kalp merkezinizden sürekli olarak koşulsuz sevgi

yaymak neredeyse imkansızdır. Öğrenmiş olduğunuz gibi, yaşamın Yaratıcı Parçacıkları
fedakar, sevgi dolu niyetinizle aktive edilmelidir. Elde ettiğiniz Tanrı Işığının her bir yüksek
seviyesinde, Mor Alevin gücünün ve Yaradılışın Beyaz Ateş Parçacıklarının miktarının sizin
için üssel olarak arttığının farkında olun sevgililer.
Mor Alev Baba Tanrımızın İlahi niteliklerinin yanardöner mavi alevinden oluşur: İrade, Güç,
Amaç ve Anne Tanrımızın İlahi niteliklerinin yanardöner Pembe Alevinden oluşur: Sevgi,
Şefkat, Aydınlanma ve Bilgelik. Birlikte, iki ışıldayan renk, insanlığa armağan edilen
“BEN’İM”in Güçlerinden biri olan yanardöner Mor Alevi yaratır. Ancak, onun dönüştürücü
güçlerini aktive etmek için çağırılmalıdır. Kutsal Mor Alev saf İlahi Enerjidir, Yaratıcı
Işık/Yaşamın Adamantine Parçacıklarındaki bütünsel bileşendir.
Kendinizin yarattığınız uyumsuz enerjinin büyük kısmını temizlemenin ne kadar önemli
olduğunu kavramalısınız. Işığın Adamantine Parçacıklarının maksimum miktarını
bütünleştirebilmeniz ve dönüştürücü Mor Alevin tüm gücüne erişebilmeniz için sürekli olarak
Enerji Alanınızı izlemelisiniz. Etrafınızda yaratımlarınızı bozacak deforme titreşim kalıpları
olmadan, oldukça berrak ve odaklanmış bir zihne sahip olmalısınız. Yaratıcı Enerjinin berrak,
sabit akışını aramalısınız ve fedakar, sevgi dolu niyetinizle Yaradılışın bu yakıtını aktive
etmelisiniz. Sonra tohum düşüncelerinizi kuvvetli, saf bir şekilde göndermelisiniz ve Işığın
Sonsuzluk Sembolü ışınına odaklanmalısınız.
Siz YILDIZ TOHUMLARI şimdi sizin için mevcut olan çok daha fazla miktarlarda Kozmik
Yaşam Gücü Enerjisine, Işığın Adamantine Parçacıklarına sahipsiniz. Dördüncü boyutun
ortasının ve daha üstünün frekanslarına giriş yapmış olanlarınız ve bu frekanslara uyumlu
olanlarınız için, birlikte yaratıcı yeteneklerinizi tam kullanmanızın zamanıdır. Sizler kendi
etrafınızda güvenli bir Işık ağı yaratma kapasitesine sahip olanlarsınız, bu Işık ağı zamanla
Işık korumasının sürekli genişleyen çemberlerini tüm dünyaya bütünleştirmek için
genişleyecek. Işığın Adamantine Parçacıkları zararlı atıkları ve toksik kimyasalları nötralize
edebilen sihirli formül içerir ve Işığın yüksek frekansları ile rezonansa girenleriniz için
koruma sağlar.
İfadenin incelmiş boyutlarına daha da fazla erişirken Dünya üzerinde sağlam şekilde
topraklanmış kalmalısınız, enerjisel ızgara sisteminizi (aura alanı veya Adam/Eve Kadmon
mükemmel Işık bedeni adı verilir) dengelemeyi ve armonize etmeyi öğrenmeniz fiziksel
esenliğiniz için çok önemlidir. Taşıyabileceğiniz kadar çok Kutsallığın Özünü çekebilirsiniz;
ancak kişisel olarak gereksiniminiz olan miktarı bütünleştirdikten sonra, kalanı form
dünyasına yaymalısınız. Tanrı Işığını stoklayamazsınız sevgililer; kullanılması ve herkesin
hayrına paylaşılması niyet edilmektedir.
Seçimle veya kaderle Dünyayı terk edip deneyimin diğer alemlerinde Ruhun Yolculuğuna
devam edecek bir çok insan olduğunu anlamalısınız. “Tanrıyı” oynayamazsınız ve her zaman
herkesin en büyük hayrını istemeniz gerektiğini asla unutmayın. Ölüm ile ilgili kafanıza
yerleştirdiğiniz şeyi değiştirmek için çabalamanızı istedik. Birçoğunuz Dünyadaki yaşamın
maddesellik alemlerindeki sadece kısa süreli varoluş olduğunun farkındalığını kazandınız. Şu
andaki dünyasal deneyiminiz sona yaklaşırken, Tanrı bilincinin yüksek alemlerindeki gerçek
mekanınıza geri döneceksiniz. Sevdiğinizi kaybetmenin acısı ve kederini küçümsemenizi
söylemiyoruz. Ancak, geleceğin tüm insanlık için neyi taşıdığının kısa görüşünü
kazandığınızda, Merkeze Geri dönebilmeniz ve sizi rahatlatmamıza izin vermeniz için
sevdiklerinizi kaybetmenin acı verici deneyimini yenmenize yardımcı olur. Bu yaşamda
Işığın Yolunu seçmeyenler, bunu gelecekte bir zamanda yapacaklar. Hatırlayın, “Size Özgür
İrade armağanı verildi; ancak, en son varış yeriniz sağlama alındı. Tüm Ruhlar, her biri kendi
uygun zamanında Işığa geri dönecekler” demiştik.
Sevgililer, eğer istekliyseniz, her akşam uyumaya gitmeden önce, kişisel Işık Piramidinize
gidin. Yüksek Benliğinizin sonraki seviyesinin titreşim frekanslarını içeren Eterik Suretiniz
ile birleşin. Mor Alevi çağırın ve kendinize şöyle söyleyin:

Yaratıcı enerjinin berrak akışını aramalı ve özgecil, sevgi dolu niyetinizle Yaradılışın yakıtını
aktive etmelisiniz. Sonra tohum düşüncelerinizi göndermelisiniz, kuvvetli, saf ve Işığın
Sonsuzluk Sembolü ışınına odaklanmış olarak. Pozitif veya negatif tüm enerji Solar Güç
Merkezinizden Sonsuzluk Sembolünde yayılır ve en sonunda benzer titreşimlerde size geri
Cesur olanlarım, birlikte Dünya Hizmetkarları olarak ilerlerken, spiritüel zırhınızı İlahi
İrade/Güç – bütünlük, cesaret, hakikat ve azmin Birinci Işının nitelikleri ve erdemleri ile
güçlendirmeniz çok önemlidir. Yolu göstereceğime ve evrensel yasanın izin verdiği sınırlara
kadar sizi koruyacağıma kendimi adıyorum. Kozmik Işık Konseyinin rehberliği altında Dünya
Hizmetkarları olarak birlikte başarısız olamayız. Sizden çok memnunuz.
BEN Başmelek Mikail’im.

Kopyalayabilir ve paylaşabilirsiniz. >

(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)



MAGNIFICENCE" - Message from
Archangel Michael
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 6, 2011 at 9:30pm


Message from Archangel Michael

transmitted through Ronna Herman

May 5, 2011

Beloved masters, never forget, fear takes away your power. Fear will create a prison of
ineptitude and inertia. To control the mass population, all you have to do is to keep those
attuned to the restrictive frequencies of the lower dimensions in a state of fear, which assures
they will remain off balance and ineffective. Maya, or the great illusion, is the appearance of
things as you perceive them to be, not as they really are. There are massive and powerful
mental, emotional and etheric thought forms within the astral planes of consciousness. The
masses are ruled primarily by the emotions and by narrow-minded, mental attitudes. The
broad spectrum of love and fear keeps humanity off balance as the pendulum of popular belief
swings back and forth according to the strongest, most influential theories / information of the
time. The masses, who are locked in the darkness of the temple of the physical vessel, are
becoming more violent as they awaken to the inner urge for freedom and as the higher
wavelengths of Light begin to slowly infiltrate their consciousness.

My brave warriors of the Light, the best way not to be influenced by these powerful, invasive
thought forms is to strengthen and maintain your connection with your Soul / Higher Selves.
Now as never before you, the STAR SEED / WORLD SERVERS, must remain steadfast and
constantly endeavor to live and function from within your SACRED HEART CENTER, which
is your CENTER OF POWER. You are being given an opportunity to test your newly earned
spiritual talents as you learn to make use of the qualities, virtues and abilities of the higher-
dimensional environment you are now accessing and integrating. Each higher-dimensional
sub-level you gain access to holds expanded information and advanced abilities and talents,
which will enhance your power to traverse the trials and tests of evolutionary change with
ease and grace. Your ability to stay focused and centered on the Path will grow exponentially
as your God-consciousness increases.

You are in the process of developing spiritual sensitivity and attunement, whereby your
consciousness will expand to include an ever-widening circle of radiance. Gradually, you will
become attuned to, and can observe from a higher vantage point, what is occurring at all
times–what is taking place in all three physical realities at once–mental, emotional and
whatever spiritual level you are compatible with. You must be ever alert for the whisperings
of your Soul Self and also become attuned to the voice of inspiration from your celestial
teachers and guides. You must become accustomed to the silence in both your inner and outer
worlds. It is also vital that you develop your sensitiveness / attunement to the inner voice of
the master with whom you are to work. Once you have mastered the constant chatter of the
mind and the ego, you will be ready to live within the aura of a master teacher, and the Light
of your Soul will pour forth out into the world.

Group awareness is an important facet of Self-mastery. It is important that you develop a

desire to serve and to subjugate your individual wishes for the good of the group. Your own
Soul and Higher Selves offer the most appropriate guidance and instructions regarding the
best way to attain Self-mastery and how to fulfill your earthly mission. As you develop an
intimate relationship with these Lighter facets of Self, you will gradually develop greater Soul
awareness, and new fields of opportunity will unfold. You must balance inner-world

aspirations with outer-world action. You must discover your own uniqueness and strive to be
the very best YOU possible.

Turning your consciousness inward is a journey of true Self-discovery. Your God-given

abilities of will power, creativity and inspiration, along with the fuel to create all good things
are stored within your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart. You hold the key to your own
magnificence. You must consciously tap into and practice using your inner abilities and the
wisdom of your Sacred Mind. You must use your Divine Will to step into your God Power. In
doing so, you will attain ever-deepening levels of Self- and Cosmic-awareness.


“As you know, nuclear radiation is scaring the people all over the world, let alone the
Japanese people. I was wondering if there is any way of protecting yourself or your
surroundings from this radiation? If AA Michael could give us some insight and guidelines, it
would be so wonderful.”

H.O., Tokyo, Japan



It is time for you, the STAR SEED, to integrate a full measure of the qualities, virtues and
talents of God-consciousness for this galaxy. You have been preparing for this for a very long
time, and a multitude of you are ready to step to the fore and claim the maximum amount of
Creator Light that your physical vessel can hold. Your Diamond Core God Cell is blazing
forth brightly, and the radiance of your auric field and your influence are expanding rapidly.
Many of you have almost reached the maximum level of Light frequencies you can contain
and still remain on the earthly plane. A Divine Dispensation has been established so that the
advanced spiritual leaders will remain amongst the masses in order to be the shining
examples, to spread their Light and their wisdom, as well as give hope and encouragement to
those who are striving to awaken and reclaim their God-power. In the past, the masters
withdrew from the public eye and continued their mission from behind the scenes, for those
who were ready to answer the call and begin the difficult journey of Soul-awakening were
few and far between.

We encourage you to allow the will power, protection and initiative of the FIRST GOD RAY to
inspire and motivate you. We ask you to radiate the love, compassion, illumination and
wisdom of the SECOND GOD RAY, as you incorporate the qualities, attributes and virtues of
the THIRD GOD RAY, along with the desire to become a proficient cocreator in harmony with
the Divine Will of our Father/Mother God. It is of vital importance that you OverLight your
existence with the magnificent Violet Flame of the SEVENTH RAY. See it blaze up from
beneath your feet and completely surround you in the Divine Fire of transmutation, which will
allow you to change the quality of energy at will. Become a magnetic center for Spirit so that
the wondrous gift of Love/Light from the heart-core of the Supreme Creator may radiate
through you out into the world.

Please be aware that there is limited access to the power and magical transformative
properties of the Violet Flame within the push/pull duality of the lower-dimensional

environment. However, when you attain a level of harmonious vibrational patterns that attune
you to the mid-fourth dimension and higher, you will gain full access to the Divine alchemy
of the Violet Flame, and you will also have the ability to draw forth the transforming
Adamantine Particles of Creator Consciousness. While existing within the lower dimensions
of limitation and chaos, it is almost impossible to consistently radiate unconditional love from
your heart center. As you have learned, the Creator Particles of life must be activated via your
altruistic, loving intention. Be aware, beloveds, that at each higher level of God Light you
attain, the power of the Violet Flame and the quantity of White Fire Particles of Creation
available to you increase exponentially.

The Violet Flame consists of the iridescent blue flame of our Father God’s Divine attributes:
Will, Power, Purpose, and the iridescent Pink Flame of our Mother God’s Divine attributes:
Love, Compassion, Illumination and Wisdom. Together, the two radiant colors create an
iridescent Violet Flame which is one of the Powers of the “I AM” that were gifted to
humanity. However, it must be invoked in order to activate its transformative powers.

The Sacred Violet Flame is pure Divine Energy, an integral component in the Adamantine
Particles of Creator Light/Life.

You must realize how important it is to clear the major portion of your self-created, discordant
energy.You must then constantly monitor your Energy Field so that you may integrate the
maximum amount of Adamantine Particles of Light, and access the full power of the
transforming Violet Flame. You must have a fairly clear and focused mind, with no deformed
vibrational patterns around you to distort your creations. You are to seek a clear, steady influx
of Creator Energy, and you must activate this fuel of Creation with your altruistic, loving
intention. You must then send out your seed thoughts strongly, purely and focused on an
Infinity Sign beam of Light.

You, the STAR SEED, now have greater and greater amounts of Cosmic Life Force Energy,
Adamantine Particles of Light, available to you. For those of you who have attained entrance
into, and are compatible with, the frequencies of the mid-fourth dimension and higher, it is
time for you to make full use of your cocreative abilities. You are the ones who have the
capability of creating a safety net of Light around yourselves, which over time will expand to
incorporate ever-widening circles of Light protection out into the world-at-large.

The Adamantine Particles of Light contain the magic formula which can neutralize the
hazardous waste and toxic chemicals and will give protection for those of you who resonate to
the higher frequencies of Light.

You must stay firmly grounded upon the Earth as you reach higher and higher into the refined
dimensions of expression, and it is of vast importance to your physical well-being that you
learn to balance and harmonize your energetic grid system (called your auric field or
Adam/Eve Kadmon perfected body of Light). You may draw forth as much of the Essence of
Divinity as you can hold; however, after integrating that which you need personally, you must
radiate forth the remainder out into the world of form.

You cannot hoard God Light, dear ones; it is meant to be used and shared for the benefit of

You must understand that there are many who, by choice or destiny, will choose to leave the
Earth and continue their Journey of Spirit in other realms of experience. You cannot play
“god,” and so never forget that you must always ask for the greatest good for all. We have
asked you to endeavor to alter your mind-set about death. Many of you have gained the
awareness that life on Earth is only a short-term existence in the realms of materiality. As your
present earthly experience comes to an end, you will return to your true estate in the higher
realms of God-consciousness. We do not mean to belittle the pain and grief of losing a loved
one. However, once you gain a glimpse of what the future holds for all humanity, hopefully, it
will help you to overcome the painful experience of losing a loved one so that you may
Return to Center and allow us to comfort you. Every Soul will be honored for the choices
they make regarding the future. Those who do not choose the Path of Light in this lifetime
will surely do so sometime in the future.

Remember, we have said,

“You have been given the gift of Free Will; however, your ultimate destination is assured. All
Souls will return to the Light, each in his/her own good time.”

Beloveds, if you are willing, every evening before you go to sleep, go into your personal
Pyramid of Light. Merge with your Etheric Replica, which contains the vibrational
frequencies of the next level of your Higher Self. Invoke the Violet Flame and say to yourself:




You are to seek a clear influx of Creator energy, and you must activate the fuel of Creation
with your selfless, loving intention. You must then send out your seed thoughts, strong, pure
and focused on an Infinity Sign beam of Light. All energy, positive or negative, radiates forth
from your Solar Power Center in an Infinity Sign, and is eventually returned to you in like

My brave ones, it is vitally important that you fortify your spiritual armor with the qualities
and virtues of the First Ray of Divine Will / Power–integrity, valor, truth and steadfastness, as
we go forth together as World Servers. I vow to lead the way and I will protect you to the
limits that universal law allows. As World Servers under the guidance of the Cosmic Council
of Light, together we cannot fail. In you, we are well pleased.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman *


Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of


Divine Mother & Christ Maitreya Bring

Angels & Elementals ~ 5/5 Gateway
Portal Channelling
 Posted by Esta Lior on May 7, 2011 at 5:30pm

source material: http://www.nasrinsafai.com/workshopsandevents/groupchannel/

source file directory:

This is gateway portal channelling 5/5 2011 entitled:

§Divine Mother & Christ Maitreya Bring Angels & Elementals

To Download Click Here : 110505Portal.mp3

Invocation from Jim Foster & Channelling by Nasrin Safai

What will the Masters address in the Group Session?

Unique to the 5/5 Channelling: New Protection Grids for Self & for Civil Wars & Middle
East to Clear Corruption & Help Stabilize Earth from All the Dross that is Clearing &
Dampen Future Natural Disasters & Clearings
1. The awareness of what is going on from the greater perspective. This will not only
keep us informed and involved in the loop, but also provide a framework for
understanding our role.
2. Healing for our weary bodies, minds, emotions and soul and prepare us to lead others
into the Light as greater numbers begin to awaken to their spirituality. Clearing and

cleansing to our energy bodies from the dross and pain we are picking up from
Mother Earth and the sadness and depression experienced and expressed by the
Multitudes and Masses throughout the Earth.
3. A way in which we can use our Light and our service to raise the quotient of Light
for ourselves and the planet to establish greater peace and harmony and to free us from
all the negativity which is the outcome of the lower vibration.

Topics & Time Stamps for 5/5 Divine Mother and Christ Maitreya bring Angels
Channelling and Elementals

00:00 to 13:52 – Christ Maitreya’s 6 Pointed Star

Grid of Light
13:52 to 18:50 – Nasrin’s Prayer
18:50 to 25:30 – Divine Mother begins
25:30 to 39:40 – Angels and Elementals
39:40 to 46:50 – The Story of Mother Earth
46:50 to 58:30 – Sai Babba and Christ Maitreya
58:30 to 1:10:00 – Standing before Christ Maitreya
1:20:00 to end – Setting Intentions

This can be performed at any time you wish & you will automatically be connected to the
energies embedded within the channelling.
The energies & the groups-energy are powerful.
I hope you enjoy.
May is The Month for Lord Buddha & The Wesak Festival
& for Mother Mary & Mother's Day
Peace & Blessings
Esta Lior


Quado’nun Bahçesi: Zihninizi Susturun ve

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on May 7, 2011 at 6:42pm

Zihninizi susturun ve Gözlemleyin.

Bugün, sizi neyin çevrelediğini fark edin. Kuşların sesini dinleyin, insanların seslerini,
fondaki müziği… Zihninizi susturun ve gözlemleyin.

Bugün, şeylerin aslında nasıl olduğuna bakın, hemen şimdi. Diğer insanları izleyin, bakın
bakalım, eylemlerinin ardındaki gerçeği görebiliyor musunuz? Bırakın yaşam açsın önünüze
mucizelerini, ipuçlarıyla dolu mucizelerini…

Kendinize yeni bir yaşam yaratma gücü, şimdide, nerede ve kim olduğunuzun dolu dolu
anlayışı ile başlar. Bugün, dünyada nereye uyduğunuza odaklanın, dünyanızın neye
benzediğine, diğerlerinin gerçekten nasıl olduğuna…

Derinlemesine gözlemlemeye başlayın. Dünyanın nasıl işlediğine bakın. Diğerlerinin nasıl

hissettiğine, düşündüğüne ve davrandığına. Objektif olun ve gözlemleyin.

Ve sizi çevreleyen dünyanın bu derin anlayışından, sadece sizin iç dünyanız ve arzularınıza

değil, bir parçası olduğunuz dünyaya da mantıklı gelecek bir güç merkezi bulabileceksiniz.

Barış içinde yaşayalım, ağlamadan. Neşemiz, durmadan dokunduğumuz yaşamları çevrelesin.

Ve melek kanatları şefkatle çarparken, sevgimiz dünyayı sarsın.

The Universal Heart Center

http://www.moshayra.webs.com http://www.quado.com/quados-garden/050822.htm

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 8, 2011 at 1:04am


The doctrine of avatars can be found running like a golden thread through our spiritual
consciousness, relating all great faiths to one central source. The whole system of spiritual
revelation is based upon a conscious linking and transmission of energy from one aspect of
divine manifestation to another ~ from "God in the Secret Place Most High" to the humblest
human being struggling on earth.

The appropriate mechanism is always found through which divinity can reach and
communicate with humanity. The doctrine of avatars describes this process of communication
and the divine Beings who bring it.

Through the ages great points of tension have occurred, when chaos and difficulty abound, yet
there is contained within a sense of expectancy that an answer will be found. Demand ...
Readiness ... Expectation .... When our invocation is consistently strong enough, when those
conscious Beings who know are clear enough, we will know an avatar has come. There is no
exception to this Universal Law. Towards these Great Beings every mind can be directed, and
in doing so, will be affected.

Avatar is the Sanskrit word meaning "coming down from far away." These divine Beings have
completely transcended self-hood and separativeness. No longer the dramatic center of their
lives as most of us are, they have reached a stage of spiritual decentralization, allowing them
to serve as spiritual events in the life of our planet.

Avatars have a self-iniated task, a pre-ordained destiny and a peculiar capacity to transmit
energy or divine power. They bring about great changes or major restorations, inaugurating a
new idea or restoring "ancient landmarks." To restore they can generate crisis in order to bring
an end to an old way that no longer serves, creating space for the new evolving life to emerge.
To inaugurate they can strike a note, giving impetus to a new way of being. They can start a
whole cycle or future development toward which our focus must be directed so that it may be
realized. These Great Beings will lead humanity nearer to the Divine.

Ever down the ages at each human crisis, always in the hours of necessity, at the founding of a
new race or in humanity's awakening to a new and wider vision, the Heart of God, impelled
by the Law of Compassion, sends forth a Teacher, a World Savior, an Illuminator, an Avatar.
They give the message which will heal, indicating the next step to be taken by humanity. They
illuminate a dark world problem, providing humanity an expression of an unrealized aspect of
divinity. The doctrine of avatars is demonstrated through the fact of the continuity of
revelation and upon the progressive manifestation of the divine Messengers, divine
Appearances, and inspired Prophets.

An Avatar is a Being Who has developed His own nature, human and divine, and then
transcended it. An Avatar is capable of reflecting some cosmic Principle, divine quality, or
energy which produces a desired effect upon humanity. This needed stimulation evokes a
reaction, leading to the rending of a veil and the permeation of light. This energy may be
generated within the human family and focused in a responsive Messenger. It may be
generated within the planet itself and produce a planetary Avatar. It may be the expression of
the life impulse and energy of the solar system, or of sources outside the solar system and
therefore cosmic. But it is always focused through a manifesting Entity, called forth by a
demand or massed appeal, and evokes response and consequent changes in the life activity,
the culture and the civilization.

Humanity’s response to the divine Messenger establishes the recognition of something

transcendent, indicating a vision to be desired and worked towards. This vision is at first only
a possibility, later becoming an achievement. Each revelation brings us nearer to the world of
causes. These revelations enrich the spiritual content of the human consciousness and enhance
the spiritual life of the race, stimulating humanity to move a step forward into the world of
reality and out of the world of illusion.


The Doctrine of the Coming One is linked to the teaching of every great religion. In all of
them, the idea of a subjective, spiritual Order, concerned with the developing welfare of
humanity, is to be found.

The great and satisfying reply to all human questioning and human need is found in the
doctrine of avatars, and in the continuity of divine Revelations. This is the persistent belief ~
ineradicable and unalterable ~ that at major moments of world need God reveals Himself
through Appearances, through a Coming One. This doctrine is found in all the basic world
religions, in every time and age; it appears in the doctrine of the avatars of the Hindu faith, in
the teaching of the return of Maitreya Buddha or the Kalki Avatar, in the belief in the western
world in the return of the Christ and His advent or second coming, and in the prophesied
issuing forth of the divine Adventurer of the Muslim world. All this is tied up with the
undying belief of humanity in the loving Heart of God, Who ever meets our need. As history
reveals, the appearance of humanity’s necessity is always met with a divine Revelation.

The Buddha and the Christ ~

The two most easily recognized Avatars

At the present time, two powerful examples of avatars are the Buddha and the Christ. Their
messages are familiar and the fruits of Their lives and words have conditioned the thinking
and the civilizations of the world. They are divine-human Avatars, something humanity can
easily identify with, "flesh of our flesh and spirit of our spirit." They are known, loved and
followed by countless millions.

The constant task of an Avatar is the establishing of a spiritually positive nucleus of energy by
focusing or anchoring a dynamic truth, a potent thoughtform or a vortex of attractive energy
in the three worlds of human living. Consider the potency of the nucleus of force They have
set up. As the centuries pass, the truth and effects of Their lives and words begin steadily to
condition human thinking. The established thoughtform acts increasingly as a transmitter of
divine energy, expressing a divine idea, and in time producing a civilization, with its
accompanying culture, religions, policies, governments and educational processes. History is
the record of humanity’s cyclic reaction to an Avatar or an inspired Leader's inflowing divine

Two different types of Avatars

At humanity's present point in evolution, avatars are of two kinds as our consciousness is
subjected to the control of the pairs of opposites.

1. Those avatars who are the embodiment of the Angel of the Presence, whether that presence
is the human soul, the planetary Logos, some extra-planetary Entity, some Cosmic Being, or
an Expression of Cosmic Good.

2. Those avatars who are embodiments of the Dweller on the Threshold, whether that Dweller
is the human Dweller on the Threshold, planetary Forces of Materialism, or some aspect of
cosmic evil.

A correspondence to the doctrine of avatars can be seen in the disciple's individual life. When
one has achieved right desire and has made a true effort towards correct orientation, then ~
when the conflict between good and evil is at its height ~ there comes a moment when the

disciple demands more light, more power, more understanding, and liberation to take the next
forward step. Making this demand with firm intent, standing steady and unafraid, the response
will inevitably come from the very Presence itself. Light, love and power will stream forth in
recognition of this demand. The conflict is resolved. The Path ahead lies clear. The disciple
can move forward with assurance.

So it is for humanity. A demand rises to the very gates of Heaven; the massed intent of
humanity is that evil must end and a better and truer life become possible. At the moment of
greatest tension and of difficulty, the demand goes forth. Response comes. The Avatar appears
and light pours in, making the way clear. New hope awakens and fresh determinations are
made. Strength to establish right relationships streams through the body of humanity, creating
a more spacious life, conditioned by truer values. A fusion becomes possible between the
outer world of daily living and the inner world of spiritual realities. A fresh influx of love and
light is possible.

The Appearance of Avatars

Some 1400 lesser avatars have made constant appearances, being called forth in response to
minor crises, to national dilemmas and religious necessity. They have taken the form of those
who have successfully championed some truth, right cause, human right or correct human
demand. Working actively upon the physical plane, they seldom received recognition for what
they truly were; only history, at a later date, laid emphasis upon their achievement. They
changed the current of humanity’s thoughts; pointed a way to a better life; and pioneered into
new territories of human achievement. Luther, Columbus, Shakespeare and Leonardo da Vinci
embodied ideas and made history ~ not the history of conquest but the history of progress.
Recognized as pioneering souls, as leaders of humanity, their lives conditioned events in some
field of human endeavor.

The Greater Avatars

There are still greater Appearances, Avatars Who come forth from some hidden center and
Who "release humanity from crisis." These fall mainly into five groups:

1. Racial Avatars. The genius and destiny of a race evoke these Appearances. The typical
being foreshadows in quality and consciousness, and not necessarily physically, the nature of
some race. Abraham Lincoln was a racial avatar. Coming from the very soul of a people, he
introduced and transmitted a racial quality ~ a quality that is being worked out as the race
unfolds. In contrast, Bismarck came forth from the realm of cosmic evil and was responsible
for the focus of materialism upon the planet. Both men came within the same one hundred
years, demonstrating the balance in nature and the constant interplay of the pairs of opposites.
First ray avatars frequently emerge at the founding of a nation, as is the case with Bismarck
and Lincoln.

2. Teaching Avatars. These Appearances sound a new note in the realm of thought and of
consciousness, revealing the next needed truth. Teaching avatars provide the words and
formulate the truths, casting light on the spiritual development of humanity. Plato, the first
Patanjali and Sankaracharya were such Avatars. They are expressions of hierarchical force,
emerging from the second ray line of energy, in the department of the Christ.

3. Ray Avatars. These great Beings, embodying the quality and the force of a particular ray,
come at relatively long intervals, when a ray comes into manifestation.

4. Transmitting Avatars. These manifestations of divinity appear at those great cyclic

moments of revelation when humanity needs the expression of a new truth or the expansion of
an old one in order to progress. These avatars come forward in response to demand. Not as
concerned with racial development, They are concerned with the subjective unfoldment of
consciousness, and with the stimulation of humanity as a whole. The Buddha and the Christ
are outstanding examples of these avatars. They were not only human-divine Avatars, and
able to link humanity with the Hierarchy, they were something far greater and more
important. They transmitted and brought something from outside the planetary life, from the
very Heart of God to the heart of humanity. Having reached the point where they act as
Transmitters of certain cosmic principles, They stimulated the deeply hidden and latent
corresponding principle in humanity.

The Buddha, because He achieved illumination, stimulated the light in the world, in humanity
and in all forms. He served the soul of man. The Christ, because of His stupendous
achievement along the line of understanding, transmitted to humanity for the first time in
human history the Love principle of the Deity, an aspect and a potency of the nature of God
Himself. Prior to the Buddha, light, aspiration, and the recognition of God Transcendent had
been the flickering expression of the human attitude to God. Then the Buddha came and
demonstrated in His Own life the fact of God Immanent as well as God Transcendent; the idea
of God in the universe and of God in humanity evolved. The Selfhood of Deity and the Self in
the heart of individual became a factor in human consciousness. It was a relatively new truth
to be grasped by humanity.

Until Christ came there had been very little emphasis upon God as Love in any of the world
Scriptures. The Avatar of Love, living a life of love and service, He gave humanity the new
commandment to love. God became known as Love supernal, love as the goal and objective
of creation, love as the basic principle of relationships, and love working throughout all
manifestation towards a plan motivated by love. The divine quality that Christ revealed
altered all human expression and human goals.

5. Divine Embodiments. This fifth type of avatar, being greater than the other four, expresses
the Will of God, the energy of Shamballa, and the impulse lying behind divine purpose. They
have not experienced human life in this world cycle. They appear rarely; and when They do
the effectiveness and results of Their work are very great. Only the united voices of the
Hierarchy and of humanity can reach these Avatars. Their service is evoked only by realized
need, and only after those who call Them forth have added to their faith strenuous action and
have done their utmost, alone and unaided, to overcome evil.

When this Avatar comes He will convey something for which we have yet no true name.
Being neither love nor will as we understand them, the phrase "the principle of directed
purpose" feebly conveys something of the significance. This principle involves three factors:

1. Understanding the plan intuitively and instinctually, and intelligently interpreting

impressions so the plan can be worked out right now.

2. Focused intention, based on that understanding, emphasizes an aspect of the will yet
undeveloped in humanity.

3. A capacity to direct energy, through understanding and intent towards a recognized and
desired end, eventually overcoming and destroying all obstacles that stand in the way.

Synthesis from Alice A. Bailey's The Externalisation of the Hierarchy

© Lucis Publishing Co., 120 Wall St., 24th Floor, New York, NY 10005


The Work of The Buddha, The Christ and

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 8, 2011 at 1:06am

I had been wondering about the roles of the Buddha and the Christ on this planet. I asked to
be taught about this. I really wanted to understand. In answer to my request, one day when I
was looking for a quote I had read about the Buddha and the Christ, I came across this
information. I never did find the quote I was looking for, but my inner teacher led me to an
enlightening understanding I had not previously had. I want to share it with you.

Basically the Buddha and the Christ enlightened two different areas of human development.
Both of these areas must evolve in each of us, if we want to experience our full potential.

I hope you find this food for thought a delicacy like I did. It synthesized so much for me. The
Buddha and Christ are not at odds! They work "hand in hand," "heart to heart," and "head to
head," with each other ... and ... through us! We are all linked together by our evolutionary
process toward the One Life expressing itself in many Divine ways.

May we be blessed and may the Spirit of Cooperation continue to prosper in our midst. May
the Greatest Good come forth!

- Susan Sun

The Buddha

The Buddha made the first planetary effort to dissipate world glamour.

Glamour is astral in character and deals with the emotional body and the desire nature.

Glamour is dispelled by the pouring in of the light of reason.

Buddha used three methods to dissipate glamour and prepare the personality to be a conscious
expression of divinity.

The withdrawal or abstraction of the brain consciousness from the things of the senses and
from the calls of the lower nature. The imposition of a new rhythm or habit reaction upon the
cells of the brain which renders the brain unaware of the lure of the world of sensory
perception. The freeing of the soul from the thralldom of the form life, and the subordination
of the personality to the higher impulses.

The attainment of that state of consciousness where balance is seen, and neither pleasure or
pain dominate. Through dispassion, the emotional nature is rendered immune from the appeal
of the senses and desire fails to deter the soul from its rightful task. Dispassion frees one from
bias and allows one a calm, impartial attitude.

The process of differentiating between the form and the Life, between the soul and the body,
between the sumtotal of the lower manifestation (physical, astral and mental) and the real self,
the cause of the lower manifeastation; that faculty whereby the self recognises its own essence
in and under all forms; one of the highest faculties in humanity.

When these three methods of the Buddha are used, the light of reason pours forth into the
emotional body dispelling glamour and the rule of wisdom is brought in preparing the disciple
for initiation.

The Christ

The Christ made the first planetary effort towards the dispelling of illusion.

Illusion is of a later emergence than glamour. Illusion is primarily of a mental quality, and is
characteristic of the attitude of mind of those people who are more intellectual than emotional.
The soul illumines the plane of the mind and the plane of intuition (where ideas are
contacted), so they stand revealed to each other. Illusion signifies the reaction of the
undisciplined mind to the newly contacted world of ideas. Ideas come to us from the plane of
intuition. They are vital incorporeal Beings related to the Will aspect. They have no substance
themselves, but they give figure and form to shapeless matter and become the cause of

Illusion is shattered by the intuitive recognition of reality by minds attuned to it.

There are three results of the work of the Christ ... Ideas contacted by the Christ:

The whole is made up of individuals; each individual is an integral part of the whole. The
value and importance of the individual is understood because each has a real sphere of
influence. Individuals learn to perfect themselves, and thus enrich the group with their own
unique contribution.

A process of developing inclusiveness. The realization of an increasing unity with all that
lives. The selfish personality fades out as one aspires to the greatest good for all. This second
result is a group activity. One loses sight of the little self in group work and endeavours to

include all. One passes through the portal of initiation in group formation and allows the
selfish personality life to be lost in the group life in order that the greatest good for all may be

The final result of the work of the Christ is to be found in our identification with the whole.

He said, when on Earth: "I and my Father are One," and in these words epitomised His entire
message. I, the Individual, through Initiation, am Identified with Deity.

With the light of intuition Christ dispelled illusion and brought the mind into relationship with

In summary we have

The Buddha ... dissipates glamour ... the Method ... Detachment, Dispassion, Discrimination.

The Christ ... dispells illusion ... the Result ... Individualization, Initiation, Identification.

It is interesting to note that the work of the Buddha is expressed in words all beginning with
the fourth letter of the alphabet, the letter D. The sense of personality is achieved; the
quaternary is transcended, and the Buddha gave us the reason for this transmutation and the
rules. The work of the Christ is expressed for us in words beginning with the ninth letter of
the alphabet, the letter I, and this number is the number of initiation. These things happen not
idly but all have their underlying purpose.


The work of the Buddha and the Christ must now be intelligently carried forward by a
humanity wise enough to recognise its dharma ... the awareness of the soul's perfect line of
development; the inner nature unfolding itself.

There is the emergence of a new kingdom in nature, the fifth kingdom; this is the Kingdom of
God on earth or the kingdom of souls. It is precipitating on earth and will be composed of
those who are becoming group-conscious and who can co-operate in group formation. This
will be possible, because these people will have achieved a self-initiated perfection (even if
relative in nature) and will be identified with certain group expansions of consciousness. It
will also be because they have arrived at a love of humanity, just as they have loved
themselves in the past.

Their work will largely be to summarise and make effective the work of these two great Sons
of God, the Buddha and the Christ. How can the effectiveness of their work be brought about?
The process will follow three lines:

1. Individual effort, made by the individual disciple, using the technique of detachment, of
dispassion and of discrimination which the Buddha taught.

2. Group initiation, made possible by the self-initiated effort of individual disciples, following
out the injunctions of the Christ and leading to a complete subordination of the personality
and of the unit to group interest and group good.

3. Group endeavour, carried forward as a group, to love all beings and to apprehend and
understand the true significance of the Aquarian technique of group love and work.

A linking up of our minds in connection with the work of the Buddha and of the Christ serves
a useful purpose and gives us all a glimpse and an indication of their two systems of
unfoldment ... one preparatory to accepted discipleship and the other to initiation,which would
be sequential and interrelated.

We continue to mount higher.

We assume new vestures.

Through the Buddha, the wisdom of God streams forth.

Through the Christ, the love of God manifests in humanity.
It is this wisdom and love which renews humanity each Wesak.
Be Blessed!

*In 2011 the Festival of the Wesak full moon in Taurus occurs
on Tuesday, May 17 at 4:09 am PDT (11:09 UT).


DailyOM: Stepping Back from Anger
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 8, 2011 at 1:19am

May 6, 2011
Stepping Back from Anger
The emotional trigger than begins an argument may have little to do with your present
situation, but has dug up a wound.

When we find ourselves in an argument, we may feel like we are losing control of emotions
that have taken on lives of their own. When we can become aware that this is happening,
taking a deep breath can help us step back from the situation. Once we can separate ourselves
from the heat of the moment, we may find that the emotional trigger that began the argument
has little to do with the present situation, but may have brought up feelings related to
something else entirely. Looking honestly at what caused our reaction allows us to
consciously respond more appropriately to the situation and make the best choices.

We can make an agreement with our partners and those closest to us that asking questions can
help all of us discover the source of the argument. The shared awareness can result in finding
simple solutions to something physical, like low blood sugar or even a hormonal surge.
Maybe we are taking ourselves too seriously, and we can just laugh and watch the tension
dissolve. We could also discover that perhaps we are addicted to the excitement that drama
brings and the chemicals that our body creates when we are angry. But there may be a deeper
issue that requires discussion, understanding, and patience. The more we allow ourselves to
step back and examine our reasons for arguing, the easier it becomes to allow real feelings to
surface and guide us toward solutions that improve our lives.

When we can be clear about our feelings and intentions and communicate them clearly, we
have a far better chance of getting what we want than if we lose control or allow our
subconscious minds to manipulate the situation. We might take our frustrations out on the
people closest to us because we feel safe and comfortable with them, but misplaced anger can
cause more harm than good. Arguing for what we truly believe can empower us and help us to
direct our passions toward greater life experiences. Truly knowing our reasons for arguing
enables us to grow emotionally in ways that will affect our whole being.


SaLuSa: Things Are Building Up To The
Grand Finale May 6, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 8, 2011 at 1:26am

SaLuSa: Things Are Building Up To The Grand Finale

May 6, 2011

It is becoming very obvious that the Human Race is at a key point in its evolution. The
collapse of the old ways confirms that they are no longer suitable for the new Human that is
emerging. However many only see an uncertain future offering more chaos and catastrophes.
It is therefore important for our mission to commence upon Earth without delay. Our
acknowledged presence will allay many fears and give hope, whereas often at present only
despair and desperation exist. You do have a wonderful future waiting to unfold that is only
held back by the last gasp antics of the dark Ones. We shall therefore exalt our allies to forge
ahead and start a sequence of events that will end in Ascension. If we do not get the response
we desire, we shall be allowed to force the issue in the interests of all of you.

As you will know by now, when we refer to using force it is by way of persuasion or through
the application of Universal Laws. We wish that your civilization had taken the opportunity
offered many years ago, to bring peace to your world. However, it was not to be and you were
lured into thinking that you were free citizens and that your lives were normal. Yet you were
gradually having your freedom taken away from you, and it was done by such subtle means
you were unaware as to what was happening. To your credit many souls started to understand
what was taking place, and movements grew that sought the changes that would lift you up
and bring peace.

That was a signal duly noted by the Spiritual Hierarchy, who extended the time period to
enable more souls to awaken to the truth. That decision has proved to be successful, as a great
surge in your consciousness levels has been recorded. It is a sad fact that many are called, but
some souls are too set in their ways and beliefs to respond. We still interact with them as with
any other soul, as we see the true potential of all of you. Great care and love is given
unconditionally, as we know that it is only a matter of time before a group of souls is ready to
ascend. By your reckoning it will be a long, long time, but it will come with the cyclic nature
of all that exists.

If you hold onto your faith in us, you will deflect the negative energies that are inevitably
leveled at us by those who do not understand the Light. We represent change and it does not
come easily to those who are beholden to the material world. Their fascination with it will
often only last whilst they are successful, but it cannot bring true fulfillment and the inner
peace that brings joy and happiness. Many already enjoy such peaceful levels of existence,
and they are able to walk tall through any discord or confusion because they are no longer
affected. Such Beings are the beacons of Light that bring calmness wherever it is needed.
Their high energies also have a healing affect on people around them. This level can be

achieved by anyone who lives their life in Love and Light and gives no place to the lower

Whatever effort you need to put in to achieve Ascension, will be more than worth it and
should not be looked upon as having been a sacrifice on your part. To live in the Love and
Light is your natural demeanor, as you return to levels that were once your home. Have we
not told you that you are gods in the making, in which case you have a natural urge to return
to them. Duality is a game that upon completion you leave behind, having gained immense
experience that you take with you. No experience is without some value, and you will forever
evolve until you again return to the Source. Perhaps you can now understand why you need to
release attachments to the lower vibrations. Think into the future and hold that image, and
know it is vastly superior to anything that you presently experience.

Things are building up to the grand finale, and as you know it will come good. There is no
other ending this time round, and the Divine Plan will ensure a happy ending. It was different
in bygone times when you yourselves created your future. Now however the line has been
drawn and this cycle of duality must come to an end. Ultimately every soul will find itself
exactly where it should be, and there is no place for error. Be glad and look forward to a
heavenly existence knowing that you will never again enter the duality cycle. From hereon
life will be idyllic and fulfilling while you enjoy the beauty and comforts of the higher
dimensions. You will need for nothing at all, and have everything that makes life an absolute
pleasure. Words cannot describe the bliss you will experience and the Light that permeates all
that exists.

We really are in a waiting scenario, as the final acts are about to be played out. So much is
near fruition, and tremendous effort has been put into bringing the result we expect. Your
input is still vital and we need you to focus your Light upon any issue or person that stands in
the way of our success. Together we have to continue transmuting the dark energies, and thus
weaken their ability to interfere with the process of change. It is you the people who hold the
real power so we encourage you to put out positive thoughts, and never give in to the fear
factor. There will continue to be terrorists all of the time there is inequality in the world, and a
country's sovereignty is interfered with. They will however withdraw from their activities in
the near future, when it is understood that a peaceful conclusion can be achieved. It will be
backed by our presence and assurance that peace will be restored everywhere in the world.

Peace is the answer to almost all of your problems. At a stroke it will remove fear and replace
it with hope, joy and peaceful co-operation between all people. We are therefore laying down
the plans for a great leap forward, and await the opportunity to first clear the decks. Much
preparation has already been made and you will find that once we achieve our first objective,
the rest will follow quite rapidly.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and most grateful for all of the activity put in by the Lightworkers. It
has helped our aims to push ahead with our projects, and we now stand at the ready to
proceed. The Galactic Federation are most pleased with your positive outlook and it will bring
its own rewards.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey


Prayer Gathering for World Peace and
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 8, 2011 at 1:33am

The following is a very important message, for you, your loved ones and planet Earth. We
need all of us (YOU!) to gather with others, collectively to pray for world peace, harmony and
unity. Be the change you wish to see in the world!

"Ancient of Days Decree" of Power for world peace prayer, May and beyond, 2011.

As of April, 2011 after almost 2 months of fasting, continual prayer, it has been revealed to
this author to issue forth the proclamation that he, by higher calling, has been given authority
and instruction to manifest, or to significantly co-create destiny upon the earth as directed
with collective "thought essence prayer decrees" in conjunction with the efforts of any and all
who chose to join in and participate in regular prayerful meditation on Sunday evenings (12 to
10PM, PST USA) as instructed at the (new) website: http://www.worldpeaceprayervision.org.

These prayers will be "multiplied" by the Masters and angelic hosts when called upon.

Do not underestimate the enormous power of Love Divine! Expanding "My" Power, through
Love, "As above so Below" as we reach critical mass, or "zero point." It is the merger of
heaven and earth! "Thy "kingdom come," Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven."

P.S. Please pass on this message to a sincere lightworker or peacemaker who desires to assist
with this effort, thank you! We genuinely need people to get involved and stick with the
program. BTW, this author wrote down the above decree, contemplated upon it for accuracy,
slept on it, where the Masters and Creator, or Higher Self, resolutely commanded I correct and
add as written above. Watch global weather and media news today and for the coming week,
as it is certain to be "altered" according to these collective efforts, should enough hearts
participate. Spread the word! BE the change you wish to see in the world!


Crystal Healing - What's the Source?
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 8, 2011 at 1:35am

Crystal Healing - What's the Source?

You are here: The Occult >> Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing - What is it?
Crystal healing is a form of healing that uses crystals or gemstones. The
crystals are mainly placed on specific areas of the body called "chakras."
Chakra is a Hindu term meaning spiritual energy. According to this teaching
there are seven basic energy centers in the body, each having a color
associated with it. Some crystal healers place the same color crystals as
the color of the chakras on the person to enhance the flow of energy.
Crystals are said to direct the flow of energy to the person in a particular
part of the body and bring balance to a person's energy. Ultimately, they
are used to cleanse the person from bad or negative energy believed to cause
an illness. Clearing out the bad spiritual energy alleviates the physical
ailment. Crystals are used for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
healing. Not only do people visit "crystal healers", in some places,
professional nurses are being trained to use crystals for their patients.
Additionally, crystals can be worn, placed next to a person's bed as they
sleep, and in some cases placed around a person's bath.
Crystal Healing - Who does it & does it really work?
The originator of crystal healing is unknown. However, this practice has
been around for centuries. People have used amulets, magical stones, and
gems all throughout history (though mainly in the eastern cultures). It is
now making its way into the western culture, primarily in the New Age and
Occult movements.

Crystal healers argue that it truly works; however, there's no concrete

scientific evidence to prove that it truly heals. People say they've been
healed and feel better, but these cases are generally limited to personal
testimonies. A lot of the scientific world has brushed these testimonies off
as a placebo effect, selective thinking, wishful thinking, sympathetic magic
or communal reinforcement.

Crystal healers commonly prefer clear quartz, because of its shape and color
However, since chakras have colors associated with each area, they may
place the specific color crystal/gemstone on the same color chakras. The
crystals/gemstones are said to have vibration frequencies that are shape
induced, interconnecting the earth's and the individual's energy field. The
crystal is used to amplify, or realign, human 'psychic' or cosmic energy by
directing vibration energy. To maintain the crystal, it's placed in salt
water or covered with table salt. Maintaining the crystal helps keeps it

clean from "environmental imbalance." It's said that it also needs to be
recharged and activated through various methods.
Crystal Healing - What's wrong with it?
Is there anything wrong with crystal healing? While there's nothing
inherently wrong with crystals by themselves, there is something wrong when
it is used for healing or as a charm to keep you from harm. One issue would
be that it could be harmful to your body physically. For instance, if you
stopped taking medication prescribed for your illness, because you have
placed your faith in crystal healing, you risk dangerous consequences to
your health. It can be dangerous spiritually, since this is a practice that
calls upon powers to heal that are not from God. People put their hope in a
crystal to heal them, or even the "crystal healer", who "channel" and rely
on the crystals to teach and heal. Unfortunately, they are relying on
spiritual sources for the healing. Even if they claim that they are using
the crystal to direct physical energy flow to help bring balance, it is
rooted in the spiritual realm, meaning there is some source working behind
it. Ultimately, this is considered an occult practice, which God clearly
tells us to stay away from.

God doesn't want us to participate with these practices because it draws us

away from Him and we begin to trust in spiritual sources other than Him. At
its core, crystal healing is a form of mysticism, witchcraft, and occult
practices. Jesus never used crystals to heal and it wasn't encouraged
anywhere in the Bible. Crystals are talked about in various verses, but not
as a form of healing or for energy balance. Instead, these scriptures tell
us not to participate in any forms of sorcery, witchcraft, divination, etc…
Some scripture references include:
Mediums and "Spiritists" (Leviticus 19:31, 20:6; Acts 16:16-21)
Astrology (Isaiah 47:13-15)
Magic Charms (Ezekiel 13:20ff)
Diviner's Wand (Hosea 4:12)
Sorcery (Acts 19:19)
Witchcraft (Galatians 5:20)
Magic Arts (Revelation 9:21, 21:8, 22:15)
Occult (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
Crystal healing should be examined with caution. Any form of healing that
contradicts Gods Word is not from Him. Overall, it's important to remember
that the evil one comes as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). However,
his real motivation is to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10).
Keep Reading Now!


Quado's Garden: Honor Yourself Today
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 8, 2011 at 1:42am


Yourself Today

Today, give yourself great

respect. Let every thought and

action you direct toward yourself to be how you would treat someone for whom you
feel both admiration and
gratitude, and someone you would like very much to have as a dear friend.

Every thought should be

only what you would direct toward such a person. Every action you take should
be colored with deep respect, deep kindness and an underlying love for yourself.

You are everything. You

are your best friend. You are the one person who will always be there. Treat
yourself this way. Give yourself the credit you are due. Honor yourself for how
hard you have worked, all of the wonderful things you have done, the many, many
ways in which you have learned and grown. Honor yourself for all of this.

You are worth it all. You

are worth every kind word and loving act. Treasure yourself today, just for
being exactly the person that you are, right now.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart
Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com


Mary Magadlene & Lord Kuthumi-Agrippa
Kaapsehoop / Adam’s Calendar
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 8, 2011 at 2:19am

Preparation for The 99 Star Code Tablets Workshop,

South Africa, 11:11:11

Channelled through Michelle Eloff©

Channelled in Kaapsehoop, South Africa on 5 March 2011

Channelling at ruins in the morning

I am Kuthumi-Agrippa and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of
you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of change, illumination, new direction and
group support. Greetings, beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day,
as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

The gatherings taking place upon this day are in alignment with the sacred essence of the
divine resonance emanating through the heart chakras of Father/Mother God. The Ancient
Guardians of these lands welcome you into this place and celebrate this gathering, for now the
time is coming closer for the release of the ancient codes stored within this place and the
places you will connect with.

The month of November is the activation into the core essence of Mother Earth’s higher
wisdom and consciousness, this is also the penetration into the higher wisdom and
consciousness of your soul and that of the soul groups who shall come together at that
particular period of time. The reason why you have been called to return to these points is
because the energy of Moses as you have known it, that of King Solomon, and many of the
ancient kings will gather in great numbers in order to bring forth the ancient keys of higher
wisdom. These keys are encoded within the Star Code Tablets, which some of you have
already experienced in its original format which is now being transformed to support the
dynamic shifts in consciousness humanity is experiencing.

There is a powerful shield of light being reactivated around the sacred sites in order to ensure
those who embody the light are freely able to integrate the languages of light. This is not
being released to adults alone, the children are integrating these energies too, for they shall
hold the codes that are to be released later in the timeline of humanity’s spiritual evolution

and revolution.

The dynamic blueprint of Mother Earth is transforming, you are all a part of this, and it was
Alexander the Great who moved into the realms of the golden essence of fluid love, this
opened the sacred chambers embodying the ninety-nine keys to the Star Realms through the
world of the Dragon Kings, the Dragon Queens and the Dragon Masters.

All of you are familiar with the energies we are bringing forward. Lord Metatron, Lord
Maitreya and Lord Melchizedek enter this space now. The core energy of Alexander the Great
is being invited in. Apollo and Zeus, Hercules, Athena and Aphrodite. We bring into this circle
St Germain with the Fifty-Five Cosmic Flames. Your key Master Guardian enters into this
place to support each of you.

The Ancient Guardians of these sacred lands ask your permission to align your energies with
the ancient codes of this ancient language and wisdom stored within the crystal veins within
Mother Earth’s body.

Archangel Michael, Commander Ashtar, Lord Hilarion, Lady Nada, Goddess Ishtar and Inana
all gather forming the circles of divinity which shall empower the realms through which you
are passing through in order to complete your initiations, which you have been called forth to
participate within.

Master Yeshua enters. Lord El Morya, Lord Merlin, Lady Guinevierre, Jezebel and Mary
Magdalene. The Ancient Ones enter and observe the energies flowing, and with your
permission will align these energies with that of the blueprint of the higher realms.

These energies are now being extended to Adam’s Calendar, enfolding the entirety of

And the blueprint, the gold print and the platinum prints of the higher realms of wisdom are
now being activated and each of you a part of this process, therefore, take a deep breath in
now, and as you exhale fully become aware of the elements around you – the wind, earth,
welcome fire and water. The winds of change bring forth the opportunities you now require.
The element of water will bring you cleansing. The element of fire the drive and action you
need. The element of earth for earthing you, in other words grounding you.

These energies are now extended to the pretty waters (Mooi River) and this is linked with the
sixth dimensional portal of fluid love.

Concentrate on your third eye, feel the energy pulsating through this chakra as Alexander the
Great comes to stand in the centre of the circle holding a magnificent disc made of gold and
platinum. Upon this disc are twelve sacred gemstones, each gemstone aligning with the sacred
divisions of the wheel of life. These gemstones align with the twelve steps of ascension, the
twelve tools of transformation, the twelve months of your year, the twelve pathways to
destiny, the twelve chambers inside of the world Hades that you must pass through which then
release you into the twelve holy palaces which form part of the holy mansions of the Heavens.

Alexander the Great brings forth this time of almighty change for he stands as guardian of the
birth of the first platinum children, two of them, the first male and females have already been
born. With the incoming force of these energies, the platinum rays are ensuring that all of you

are harmoniously aligned with the divine intelligence of the Sacred Mother, the divine action
of the Sacred Father, therefore, relax your body and allow the Ancient Ones to bring forth the
energy you require at this moment in time in order to ensure your personal healing and to
align you with these keys of consciousness, the keys of illumination, and the sacred codes
which shall help humanity remember why it is now time is running ahead of the mind, and
everything appears to be moving faster. This is because many parts of the human self have not
adjusted to align with the speed at which energy is shifting and moving, therefore the
perception of time speeding up is as a result of the forceful empowering and ever changing
energies which have been brought forth. The time of revolution and evolution is upon you.

The Solar Archangels make their way to you. With your permission they shall insert a golden
citrine crystal into you third eye and heart chakras. These are crystals which have been held
by Alexander the Great, Apollo, Hercules and Zeus. These energies bring forth the almighty
shift in consciousness humanity requires at this time, and at this point the masculine source of
light now stirs. This energy stirs from deep within the Earth and comes from the core of
Father Sky.

Breathe this masculine force into your body and allow it to find its natural course through
your chakras and open the way for the pathway ahead of you.

Lord Maitreya asks you if you are ready and willing to take steps at this time in your life to
continue serving as a Lightworker, to weave the light of sacred consciousness, to embody the
truth of your Authentic Self, to give to your dark self the love, the nurturing and the light it
requires, the attention and the knowledge it requires to rise above that which has debilitated it
so that it may find its feet in the light, therefore, enabling you to absorb higher capacities of

St Germain extends the Fifty-five Flames to each of you, these flames igniting a deeper inner
knowing in relation to what it is you need to do in your lifetime now so that you may move
forward, knowing confidently and fearlessly that you are one with all light, and although your
shadow follows you it will help set you free.

Apollo and Alexander the Great now step forward, they have within their hands sacred oils,
anointing oils. Frankincense is one, ylang ylang the other. Apollo places the oil upon your
crown. Alexander the Great places the oil upon your third eye. Imagine these sacred oils
which bless, clearing your chakras, releasing the build up of energy and surrender to the
opportunities you are now being presented with.

The combination of the sacred oils with the Fifty-Five Flames afford you an opportunity to
experience healing which penetrates the density of the false belief systems which have
estranged you from the parts of yourself trapped within the shadow lands, the authentic parts
of you that seek an exit point, that seek the light, seeking your love, your assistance and your
recognition. These are the wounded parts, the parts which have been rejected. Welcome these
parts of yourself into this place where healing can be received.

The Ancient Ones of these sacred lands open the portals into the worlds of the deeper
understanding of light and dark, Heaven and Earth merging, the divine dichotomy of polarity
and duality for this is the sacred lesson coming forth through the almighty teachings and
energies of the 11:11:11 (11 November 2011) activation. During the month of November this
is the lesson which humanity must embrace, that of duality, the polarities, masculine and

feminine, and through doing this, can integrate the energies of the Triple God and Goddess
within self (father, mother and child). These three levels of consciousness enable one to
embark upon the divine and deeply liberating adventure of exploring the deeper realms of
your soul and consciousness, opening yourself to form a deeper relationship with the spiritual
natures of the Planetary Spirits which guide you.

The Ancient Ones welcome the return of Lightworkers such as yourself, for you have come
because you are ready, you have come because you are willing, and these are the energies that
pave the way for the future, pave the way for those to reconnect with the ancient traditions of
those who worked primarily with the spiritual natures of the Cosmos and of the Earth,
understanding the language of how the elements and all the realms of creation work together.
This is what must be remembered, this brings the return to inner sense.

Lord Melchizedek now activates a geometric mandala within your heart, this is a sacred portal
into the individual dimension of your unique blueprint. This shall further reveal to you the
answers you seek, the powerful light you embody. This will ensure your intuition grows in its
strength, however, it is your task to pay attention, to listen to it. As we continue with these
energies it will continue to build until we anchor the rest of this energy at Adam’s Calendar,
and that is where the merging of these divine energies can complete them self and continue
the preparation for that which shall come in the month of November.

The Palace of Peace awaits, the dimension of fluid love is with you.

Be still for a few moments, allowing these energies to settle in your body. Part of your spirit
has already extended itself to Adam’s Calendar and awaits you there, and that is where we
will complete today’s activation.

We thank you for gathering with us. The beings of these ancient lands bow to you in gratitude
and give each of you the gift of a sacred stone.

Take a deep breath in, exhaling fully, as you draw your consciousness back into your physical
body. Allow your body to feel the energies which have been extended to you and all the
beings who are present will be present at the next part of the activation.

So go in peace now, trusting that you have received all that you require. It has been our
honour to activate this first level. May the light of your truth always guide you.

I am Kuthumi-Agrippa, adonai.

Adam’s Calendar Channelling

I am Mary Magdalene and I greet you and I welcome you into the divine presence of this
sacred place. Welcome.

Many cycles of evolution have passed and now the time has come for the Ancient Ones to
reconnect with the souls who have agreed to stand as the pillars and anchors for the sacred
language of Mother/Father God, which emanates through the Stellar Rays of the Cosmos and
re-ignite the divine codes inside of Mother Earth’s body and the sacred codes which have
been stored in this sacred place for eons of time.
It is at this place we anchor the feminine energy, the divine intelligence of the Sacred Mother,

the sacred feminine, enabling those who embody the creations of the future to be held in the
power of the nurturing energies the Divine Cosmic Mother extends to all who seek her
protection and sustenance.

These codes belong to the children of your world. The time has come for the seeds to awaken
within the guardians of these children, and the children themselves are reconnecting with
those keys which open the doorway to the inner realm of the divine cosmic energies, the
sacred codes embodying the language of light.

The 99 Star Code tablets are crystalline in their essence. These codes were first activated in
this place twelve years ago. This energy resurfaces at this crucial time because its vibrations
are ready to be received. This is why many Lightworkers are being called from all over the
world to reconnect at this place, for here the dualities of your world can merge and become
one divine expression of the unified masculine and feminine.

In the future many will choose to merge their light with the higher aspects of themselves
through the process of understanding the divine marriage, the nature of the sacred marriage
and union of the many aspects of duality inside of self, and reflected back by the external
world. The reason why I, Mary Magdalene, stand here delivering this message is because the
sacred feminine must be accepted as much as the sacred masculine has been accepted.
Although both have been abused, both must now not be confused with the earthly definition
and understanding of masculine and feminine, this must come from the inner understanding of
the masculine and feminine within yourself.

We are also preparing for a very important celebration where the divine masculine and the
divine feminine, the Triple God and Goddess will merge their light. This will be conducted
through a magnificent process of heavenly activations merging with earthly activations. This
brings the momentum of energies flowing from Heaven to Earth and from Earth to Heaven to
a whole new level of expression and emanation.

The union of the divine masculine and feminine through the Triple God and Goddess reveal to
all who are willing to open their hearts, their eyes, and their ears the power which lies within
the true nature of love, for love is what enables true evolution to unfold, bringing forth the
power to experience the revolutions which inspire the dynamic leaders of the light to stand in
their power, to stand in their truth and shine the light.

Today you are also preparing the way for many levels, many layers of the Illusion Matrix, in
other words the matrix of illusion we often refer to as the Illuminati Matrix, to crumble even
further. Do not fear these changes, do not fear the processes which unfold as more and more
governments are challenged, more and more leaders of the false world are brought to their
knees. Upon the return from Russia, we said the power will be returned to the people, this is
what you witness, but you are also bearing witness to those who do not understand the nature
of power, they do not understand the responsibility which comes with true freedom, therefore,
the energies being anchored today in preparation for the month of November is inspiring and
challenging all to understand the true nature of liberation, the true nature of freedom to
relinquish control to the higher parts of one’s higher aspects, the parts of self which are
enlightened, which know the truth.

All of you have been called to this point because you are guardians, this you have known.
This sacred site is being realigned with the divine cosmic resonance of the almighty vortices

of true power, freedom and love. This shows you how to walk the path as a leader of light
without losing yourself. The process of remembering who you are is always challenging
because you are required to drop those parts of yourself which form part of keeping the matrix
of illusion alive. All your false belief systems, all of those parts of yourself trapped in an
illusion feed the matrix of illusion, therefore, the blueprints of illumination are strengthened
by all of you becoming illuminated in relation to trusting yourself, merging with the one you
love, being at one with your offspring, with those friends and others of your soul family who
are closest to you. You are a soul group who are present here, you have come for a very
specific purpose, each of you embody a divine code which is being returned to this sacred
place in preparation for the time of November.

This energy is being extended to the site of the sixth dimensional portal of fluid love which
we have asked our channel to return to in the not too distant future where we shall conduct
further activations there. The energies will continue to build, all of you form part of this,
therefore trust the divine mechanisms of nature which guide you and inspire you.

The Divine Masters of the Great Cosmic Council come to gather amongst you, their energy
embracing you, enfolding you in the sacred resonance which activates these codes. This
sacred resonance extends through these sacred lands and this area, this place embodies
immense light and is one of the most sacred and ancient parts of the sacred land of your
world. The energies which these rocks embody have been used by many ancient, ancient
cultures and beings of other dimensions to encode Mother Earth in order to protect her.

The return of the Ancient Ones is also implanting a seed within the womb of a female who
shall conceive physically in her body the energy which shall give birth to the child of light
who carries the signature of the Ancient Ones.

We have activated the energy at this point for each of you to receive the healing and the
energies which shall help support you in tuning into that which you must now align with, this
will continue to prepare you to deal with the energies over the months that lie before you in
preparation for the ascension wave coming in the month of November.

Much more is to be done, much more is to be shared, and this we will give to you at the right
time, the information that is. For now just allow yourself to soak up these energies, to merge
with the wisdom of these sacred lands, to allow the Ancient Ones to guide you, to remind you
of who you are and what you came to do.

The divine marriage we have spoken of will embody many levels of release for humanity, it
will release all the trapped aspects of individual’s souls who have become entangled in the
mesh of misguided unconditional love. The return of the true nature of union is what shall
replace it. So celebrate, be at peace, for there is much to look forward to, there is much
preparation to be done, but you are all more than capable of doing this.

We thank you for your presence, for you participation, your patience and perseverance. The
Palace of Peace enfolds you in its magnificent scintillating magenta and gold wings and will
hold you until it is time to move into that dimension of recognition and illumination.

I am Mary Magdalene,my love is with you and we celebrate with you. Au revoir.


I am Kuthumi-Agrippa and I come forward with a brief transmission to remind all of you of
the power of your light and the reason for you all being at this sacred place at this time.

As you well know, sacred sites embody not only powerful positive energy, many of ill will
often go to a sacred site in order to try and seal the grids so that the light cannot be released.
At this time you are present because you are also part of helping to release the darkness that
has been trapped in this area. The pillars of light which are in this earth embodying those
sacred codes can now begin to stir, to be revitalised and come back to life so that by the time
you all reconnect here in the month of November the energy will be as some of you say

This is vitally important for Africa is one of the most important aspects of the collective
consciousness embodying the ancient wisdom. Mother Africa is the divine intelligence of the
Sacred Feminine upon your planet and embodies the most powerful, holiest as some might
say, and most sacred of keys and codes on your planet. The original codes of life where
anchored on the African continent and this is one of these sites.

Prepare yourselves for many changes. Know that these changes are of a positive nature, allow
yourself to trust the flow of life and retreat into nature as often as you can. You will find,
those of you who live in the bustling city it will become more and more difficult for you to
withstand the intensity of that frenetic energy, the velocity of that negative energy will impact
heavily on you, and Sean, just for your information, this is one of the reasons why Michelle is
also having such difficulty coping with everything that we are doing with her and the heavy
impact of the city you live in. It is vitally important that you connect with nature more often,
and those of you who do not take time out to do this, this message applies to you too, nature is
the place where you can revitalise your energy. The city is like a giant vampire sucking your
energy out, the vortices of fear within cities have now become increasingly intense and the
intensity depletes sensitive Lightworkers such as yourselves.

Do you all understand this? The more sensitive you are, the more prone you are to being
thrown off of your centre by negative energy, as much as you are more sensitive to higher
vibrations, you are even more sensitive to negative vibrations.

So precious ones, bear this in mind, know that this is an important time of preparation. Again
we reaffirm you have much to look forward to, great times of change, and you will be
surprised where you find yourself by the end of this year.

I am Kuthumi-Agrippa, King of Solar Archangels, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and
Wisdom. My love and blessings are with you and all of us who are present with you, all the
beings of light, will remain present with you until you return. We are light, you are light, we
are one. Adonai.


The Alchemy of Phi Crystals - AAMetatron
via James Tyberonn
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 8, 2011 at 2:24am

108 Sided Clear Quartz #A Phi Vogel

12 Sided Vogel


MultiDimensionality and the Flashing
Universe Archangel Metatron via James
Tyberonn December 14, 2007
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 8, 2011 at 2:45am

MultiDimensionality and the Flashing Universe

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

December 14, 2007

“Greetings Beloved!

I am Archangel Metatron, Emissary of Light!

I welcome you here and honor each and every one of you who read these words! Indeed you
are living in a time of special awakening, a time of special rediscovery! You find yourselves
in a unique sojourn within space-time sequence, one that will allow for quantum leaps in your

Now we will speak on multidimensionality, time, and the flashing universe. Lifetimes, in your
terms, are not linear, rather they co-exist in the Quantum Field of the eternal NOW moment.
This is an absolute truth that some of you are familiar with, but Dear Ones, do you know that
even the moments in your lifetime, are truly not linear. So you may ask how can that be, I am
aware of what happened yesterday and last year, and the results of many things I plan came
into effect because of the linear sequence, the build, of my past actions leading to my present.

Dear Ones, we tell you that the nature of your Universe, and all its myriad of probabilities co
exist both above and within the waves and particles of consciousness. The Universe as you
know it, flashes in and out in a pulsing sequence of light energy frames, that consist of what
we term consciousness units.

You see there are many systems of reality, as there are systems of belief. In your present
world, in your level of the NOW, you are only beginning to rediscover, explore & grasp the
‘flashing’ matrix of creation, of what consciousness is, of how your mental processes form
reality through waves of conscious energy, and indeed how to manipulate this for greater

You constantly are doing this on what is termed the unconscious divinity level, and
consciously by learning how to transform your thoughts and your creative emotions into
matter, into physical reality. Most of you perceive and measure your inner development by
what you see outside of yourself in the exterior events and horizons that make up your
exterior world.

The process of God Source seeding the matrix of awareness through pixels of minute
particulate involves what we term flashing units of consciousness, electromagnetic units that
can and do pulse in and out of all realities, in a strobe light fashion. These flashing energy
units are geometric in nature, and occur with a relatively short ‘life’ span.

This is a Metatronic process above the level of the form in which I address you in this NOW
as Archangel Metatron. It occurs on the level of Lord Metatron far above the level of the 12th
dimensional field. In a manner of speaking I, as Archangel Metatron, am to Lord Metatron, as
you are to the Archangels, far beyond, in your terms, the dimension of 12, within the realm of
the Creator God.

In this realm, Lord Metatron exists as the conscious generator of all pulsing creation, flashing
within and without sacred energy units that can be termed as consciousness codes in the form
of geometric light particulates into all Universes and time sequence probabilities. That which
you term Black Holes and White Holes are the mechanisms of this process.

You see the field of your reality, of your universes are in a real sense, folded within
themselves, somewhat like the analogy of a 2-headed snake consuming itself. One head
consumes, while the other regurgitates that which has been digested and consumed.

Your scientist postulate that black holes are imploded

supernovas; of extremely compressed energy whose
gravitational field is so immense that it pulls into
itself all matter and light. Yet they do not as yet
recognize that at the back of the black hole, in a
manner of speaking, is a white hole that generates new
vitalized energy into the Universes.

As such there is a constant surge of new energy into your universe, which comes through a
nearly infinitesimal number of white holes. The sequencing of energy in and energy out
creates a flashing effect within the consciousness and time sequence of your reality. Your
oversoul is calibrated within the flashing sequence.

Imagine then, that the root unit of your beingness, in your terms, your oversoul is at the center
of a wheel. This hub, is a flashing receiver of conscious light, and emits an infinite number of
pulsing light threads or ‘fiber-optic spokes’ and at the end of each spoke is one of your soul
aspects or incarnational sojourns. The reincarnation aspects represented by the spokes of the
wheel, receive units of conscious light, termed consciousness units, that are flashed outwardly
at an amazingly rapid strobe. Each pulse simultaneously garnered in the oversoul, but is
individually sequenced to each lifetime. These pulses make up the awareness unit within each
life. You are only enabled to be individually conscious when the attention unit is pulsed.
These seem to be sequenced and linear, but in fact there is a great timeless void in between
each pulse.

Now, as each spoke, or lifetime aspect, becomes more resonate, more capable of holding the
energy of energy pulses, it consciously expands back into the center, and becomes aware of
the unity of the multi aspects of the hub and all the other spokes, and in so doing evolves back
into the center, becoming part of the center. But all is achieved in a pulsing sequence, a
flashing aspect. of your beingness, in your terms, your oversoul is at the center of a wheel.
This hub, is a flashing receiver of conscious light, and emits an infinite number of pulsing
light threads or ‘fiber-optic spokes’ and at the end of each spoke is one of your soul aspects or
incarnational sojourns.

The reincarnation aspects represented by the spokes of the wheel, receive units of conscious
light, termed consciousness units, that are flashed outwardly at an amazingly rapid strobe.
Each pulse simultaneously garnered in the oversoul, but is individually sequenced to each
lifetime. These pulses make up the awareness unit within each life. You are only enabled to be
individually conscious when the attention unit is pulsed. These seem to be sequenced and
linear, but in fact there is a great timeless void in between each pulse.

The soul aspect becomes aware that it is co existing on many layers of time sequence, and that
they co exist devoid of the pulsing aspect of time sequence. On this level you are in the
conscious eternal NOW.

Therefore achieving the ability to be fully conscious in the NOW, one can literally go
backwards and forwards in time and can be in all places and in all times simultaneously. The
soul aspects can combine to create complex gestalts of consciousness, and their
unpredictability allows them to form infinitely varying patterns, potentials, probabilities and
fulfillments. Do you see?

A different scenario then presents itself, and further growth and challenges occur, but we will
not go into that now. Just suffice it to say that as you become aware of your greater identity as
part of the Co-Creator God source, there always remains another level above to grow into,
another part of the never-ending symphony to play.

You see beyond your oversoul, beyond your divine Self, as you think of it, there is another
higher self and beyond that, still another, of which your oversoul is dreamingly aware. And
that self tells you that there is a reality beyond human reality and experience that cannot be
made verbal or translated into human terms.

Truly all reality, all consciousness has no beginning

and no end. I seed you herewith the desire, in your
terms, of grasping the understanding of this valid
concept. You see, there is indeed an expanding
universe, and it is ever formed, ever created in the
eternal NOW of your present.

Simply stated you co- create your own reality, and the
perception of that reality is multidimensional and
beyond what you are capable of perceiving from this
stance, yet I assure you it is the one truth, and it
functions in a pulsing strobe, is created in a pulse shift that, simply stated, works, and is true,
whether or not you care to put your mind around the concept of these expanding realms.

Now the mechanism of this form of consciousness, involves crystallization awareness,

geometric patterning of the thought process, by means of what you term impeccability, Purity
of thought, thought that is in image unit and not wave.

Your existence on the planet of duality, upon the dimensional planes of earth are somewhat
limited in perceptional lenses, somewhat filtered by design. An analogy of the human brain
functions can be seen as akin to a dual ‘radio’ receptor, one aspect, the ego-personality can be
considered to be in the band of AM radio, and the subconscious or God-Mind aspect, as tuned
into a broader, FM width. This indeed has its own purpose, and because of these preset
limitations, the personality ego perceives and focuses into reality a single event from all of the
probable ones. Until the ego experiences the event it is only one of all the other probable ones.
It becomes actual in your reality only when the physical aspect of self experiences it.

A portion of the brain, the subconscious, or greater SELF, can an+d does experience reality in
an entirely different fashion than the ego-personality brain does, and from that perspective,
from that integral higher stance, is fully aware of all other dimensions, probabilities and
potential events, time sequenced realities than the one experienced by the frontal brain aspect
of the personality physical base or ego self.

And in following the AM/FM analogy, both receptors, both perceptions are equally valid, but
one is tuned to only one station, and with reason. That reason is what is termed focal life
lesson, and indeed is part of your growth process, but one in which you are destined to grow
beyond. In truth you are like Dorothy in the metaphoric tale of ‘The Wizard of Oz”. Learning
to access the infinity of the higher mind comes only after learning to willfully create with the
ego mind. Indeed when you do, and you already have in a real sense, you will realize that you
had the power all the time, you simply needed to ‘click the shoes together, as did Dorothy of
Kansas in her path of exploring the wonders of Oz, along the yellow brick road. Do you see?

Now, the greater part of you experiences multidimensionality with all of the potentials and
parallels with an equal amount of robust exertion, as does your physical self in the
experiencing of narrowed focal physical reality.

The myriad of all the other parallels and probabilities are indeed quite as experientially
beneficial for your ‘soul growth’, and indeed occur with commensurate actuality in not only
other dimensions of parallel reality, but simultaneously in what you term other lifetimes.
There are an infinite number of systems and universes between potential and physically actual
systems of matter and what we term, Metatronically speaking, as antimatter.

Using only the limited physical senses you can never perceive these other systems, yet
probable events and parallels are substantive bona-fide experiences even if you do not
perceive them to be within your physical antennae. In these other systems of reality, each of
you has "other selves" not as an identical self, but through different aspects parts of your
oversoul, developing abilities in a different way than you are in physical reality, emphatically
contributing to your soul expansion in consciousness. Do you understand?

Now, you, indeed often experience probable events and parallel worlds, in the dream state, in
a conscious manner, yet these experiences cannot be readily or fluently translated from the
greater mind into the narrow AM band of the conscious ego mind. Yet these can be translated
and brought into wider awareness in the frontal mind, through concerted, disciplined effort in
development of the inner senses.

There are schools of disciplines that have taught these techniques, through various modalities
throughout your history in what is termed, ‘Shamanic Journey’ and out of body expereince in
meditation and various orders of schools of wisdom. These systems of journey into
probabilities are quite as real and quite as educational as what you term your physical system,
you are simply not focused within or motivated to develop them.

We have said that there are as many

universes as you care to imagine. To expand
on that, and please forgive the pun, it is the
nature of your expansive matrix to creates as
many universes as parallels as suit you.
Indeed there is no one format, no one
template. Consciousness is source, and
consciousness of which you are a co-creator,
indeed creates space and equally dissolves it
within the validity of the imagination process

Metatron's Cube Contains the Five Platonic
Solids and the Seed of Life
of creativity. Universes are a constant tapestry that you eternally weave in conscious creation.
There are no limitations, no borders, and no set order. In fact the ‘All That Is’ in your now, is
quite different from the ‘All That Is’ that you created yesterday and from the one you will
create tomorrow. Consciousness is by nature creative, and it has no beginning and no end, in
your terms.

Space and matter are seen as congealed thought, and time as sequencing of same, appearing to
flow, appearing to be linear, but in truth neither. Imagine time as a movie, made up of multiple
individual still frames, moving through light. Each truly separate but allowing for a unique
lens of understanding of the progression. The observer has the ability at any time to edit, play
back or fast forward to any part of the film. To change it, relive it, or discard it. Like wise
units of consciousness, pulses of consciousness are truly outside of time, they are the
observer. They do not occupy space-time.

They are truly not of your dimensional world, not subject to the constraints of the three-
dimensional lens of reality, or accurately defined by your current theories of relativity and
time space continuum. Consciousness, and attention units of consciousness can move forward
or backward in time line harmonics, and do so at speeds far greater than the velocities of light.

So it is perhaps hard to grasp, but in between the moment when you first began reading this
channel, and the time where you are now, your consciousness has pulsed in and out into living
attentive frames of all of your co existing lifetimes, including your own future and past, in
your terms, within this one. Your own physical and etherical chakric systems contain within
them miniscule white holes and black holes that allow you to do this. . The ongoing insertion
and discharge of consciousness energy units is indeed the very process through which you
experience the purposeful ‘illusion’ of consecutive time.

Even that which you perceive as your planetary history has an infinity of variables, all of
which are valid. Your lifetimes move forward and backward in time. In your terms, you may
have a 5th lifetime, in time frame millennia ahead of your next. That is an example of how the
holographic aspect of time is experienced.

The channel speaks of having several friends, all of whom may relate to the period of King
Arthur and Camelot as having been King Arthur or Sir Lancelot. Or to cite another example,
knowing 4 or 5 people, all of whom felt they were the Disciple Peter at the time of Christ. The
fact is it is quite possible that all of them were Arthur, all of them were Lancelot and all of
them were indeed the Disciple Peter. How? By means of the timeless holographic drama
inserts that are available to be lived and relived, forward and backward in time, by as many
who wish to have that learning experience in the living hologram. Do you see?

We will tell you that aspects of the Golden Age of Atlantis, is in fact from your future, in your
terms, a future that in this frame has been seemingly pulled into your past!

Even the physical objects that surround you within your chosen version of the NOW, are
collectively created by you and can be seen as flashing symbols that accurately express your
subjective level of growth, through the current thoughts and feelings. The same is true of the
particular version of world events that presently you pull into the holographic expereince,
whether war or peace, prosperity or abundance. It is but one of many potentials, and reveals
more about you that you may wish to admit.

When you learn to tap into the flashing pulse of creation units, you will be able to travel
consciously within and without the width and breadth of space and time, and all its parallels.
In this physical existence you are learning how to handle the inexhaustible energy that is
available to you, and indeed there is much to assimilate.

Like Dorothy of Oz, there are tools available to you that you do not yet recognize or utilize. It
is time to activate your crystalline nature Dear Ones. One of these potent keys is the
utilization of mineral crystalline forms for attunement of the energy field into its geometric
merkabic crystalline form.

88 Sided Vogel Wand

Indeed crystalline forms are more capable of holding the pure sequence and energy of these
units, and indeed of assisting in the axiomatic merging of the front mind into the wider realm
and frequential sequencing of the God Mind harmonic.

Gemstones, and phi cut quartz, as the Vogel crystals are helpful assistants in this process.
Indeed crystalline forms, geometric in molecular pattern, can aid in tuning the human energy
fields more harmonically between dimensional fields as well as through the void spaces of
consciousness flash sequence. Gold and platinum also are tools that benefit this process.

Consciousness and its flashing nature and units, truly does not have human limitations, but
they indeed offer holographic opportunities for growth, experience, drama, learnings,
propensities and lenses of all probabilities and possibilities.

They are vitalized & validated with all the divine qualities of being sacred fragments and
perceptions of ‘All That Is’, ‘All That Was’, ‘All That Might Have Been’ and ‘All that May
Be. ‘

I am Metatron, and you are Beloved."

…And so it is.

Tyberonn is an avid 'rockhound', and has filled his home with mineral specimens personally
collected in the varied landscapes of the dozens of countries he has visited. His collecting
grew to include gemstones while living in Brasil, where he studied gemology and eventually
the metaphysical properties of stones and minerals. This further evolved into a level of
spiritual communion with the landscape geology and an intuitive understanding of geo-earth

His awareness of earth energies began at a very early age, in the crystal fields, mountains and
lakes of his native Arkansas, and has remained his passion. He has in recent years studied
earth energies through the culture & knowledge of the indigenous peoples and has completed
four five-day vision quests in the mountains of Arizona and Mexico in the Lakota tradition.
He has been a student of the living energies of the Motherearth and all her telluric sacred sites
for over three decades.

Jim holds a deep spirituality and connection to his Christian upbringing, which was simply
expanded with his understanding of the deeper nature of God and the cycle of reincarnation
and unity of all beings, all nations and all religions.



 Posted by Esra Tan on May 8, 2011 at 7:21am

Thich Nhat Hanh'ın duası:

"Bu sabah uyanırken gülüyorum,

Önümde yepyeni bir 24 saat var.

Her anı doyasıya yaşamaya ant içerim.

Ve bütün canlılara şefkatin gözleriyle bakmaya..."

14. yüzyıl Norwich'li Dame Julian'ın duası:

"Her şey iyi olacak

Ve her şey iyi olacak,

Ve her şeyin gidişatı iyi olacak."

Teosofist Annie Besant'den bir dua:

"Ah saklı hayat! Her bir atomda canlı;

Ah saklı ışık! Her bir canlıda parlayan;

Ah saklı aşk! Her şeyi tevhitte kucaklayan;

Seninle bir hisseden herkes,

Bilsin ki, diğer herkesle de bir.


Anneliğin Doğası Meryem Ana’dan Mesaj

Judith Coates Kanallığı ile 6 Mayıs 2011
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on May 8, 2011 at 9:30am

Şefkatlilerim, Kutsanmışlarım, En Ulu’nun Çocukları, sizinle anneliğin doğası hakkında
konuşmak isterim. Benim oğlum, sizin İsa diye bildiğiniz, genellikle ataerkil terminoloji ile
konuşur sizinle, Babasının adıyla, ama bugün, ve bu zamanda, sizler, Baba’lığın kısıtlı
tanımının ötesine doğru yol almaktasınız. Bir olan Yaratıcı, Gerçekte, cinsiyetsizdir.

Şimdi, kutsallığınızın farkına varmanın süreci içinde, sıklıkla, bu plandaki annelik ve babalık
deneyimlerini seçtiniz, çünkü herşeyi bilmeyi arzuladınız, sevgiyi bilmeyi arzuladınız.
Küçükleriniz, sevgiyi tanımanızı ve büyütmenizi sağladı size. Onlar, sizdeki sertlikleri
törpüleyecekler. Gerçekten de, şimdiki küçükler, büyük birer üstatlardır. Onlar da kendi sert
taraflarıyla geliyorlar, belirli vechelerinin tamamlanması arzusu içinde, size; “İşte geldim.
Eğlen benimle. Törpüle beni.” Diyorlar. Sizler de yaparsınız. Bu durumun tümü, olgunlaşma

Küçüklerin gözlerine derinlemesine bakın ve Işığı görün, onların herbiri, Işığın anısı ile
birlikte gelmekte. Size gelen bu küçükler, kılık değiştirmiş harikulade meleklerdir. Size
geldiler, çünkü siz onların refakatini istediniz. Sizler, onlardan, insan ailesi ile ilgili
düşündüklerinizin sınırlarını zorlamalarını istediniz. Onlar da geldiler, çünkü onlara rehberlik
etme gücüne sahip olduğunuzu biliyorlardı. Büyüyebilecekleri belirli bir bünye vermenizi
istediler sizden… İsa da böyleydi…

Ben de ona, aile içinde belirli bir iskelet, düzen ve disiplin verdim. Sıkmadan, uyum ve
saygının nasıl olması gerektiği ile ilgili belli beklentiler verdim… Ve O Sevgi’nin ta kendisi
olduğu için – tüm diğer küçükler gibi, bunu en doğal haliyle karşıladı.

Tüm küçükler, sizin beklentilerinize yanıt verirler. Bir başka deyişle, siz onlara
büyüyebilecekleri bir alan ve bir vizyon verdiğinizde, onu yakalayabilmek için yükselecekler
– büyükler bile vizyona karşılık verirler. İçsel arzuları sevilmek ve kendini sevgi olarak kabul
etmektir. İlk önce memnun etmek arzusu şeklinde baş gösterir, sonra beklentiler netleşince, ve
vizyon kararlılık ve sevgi ile sarmalandığında, onların yüksek benlikleri onurlandırılır ve

onlar vizyon ile bağdaşırlar. Gerçekten de uyum içinde olmak isterler. Sevgiyi öne çıkarmak
isterler. Ama sizden disiplin, düzen ve tutarlı bir yapı da isterler. Ve bu yapı içerisinde, benim
tartışma diye adlandırdığım; iletişim de gereklidir.

Sizler de büyürken, keşfetmeye çalıştığınız, – kim olduğunuzu hatırladığınız – ve arkasında

ne olduğunu görebilmek için sınırları zorladığınız zamanları deneyimlediniz. “Asileşirsem, ne
olur?” dediğiniz zamanlar vardı. İsa da aynısını söyledi…

O, İsa diye bilinen bedende enkarne olmayı kabul ettiğinde, Baba ile Birliğin ne olduğundan
haberdardı. Bir de anlaşmaları vardı – sizin yaptığınız gibi – yaşam süreci diye bilinen zaman
içerisindeki kollektif bilinci benimsemek. Böylelikle hatırladıklarını kenara koymak gibi bir
sürece girdi. “O zamanda küçük bir çocuk olmak nasıl bir duygu? İnsan duygularına sahip
olmak nasıl hissettiriyor?” Bunları bilmek istedi. Ve her zaman Babasıyla BİR olduğunu
bilmekteydi, ama insan olmayı da deneyimlemek istedi.

Şimdi; sizin bir çok yazmalarınız ve tasvirleriniz, onu o kadar kutsal gösterdi ki, sizler
kendinizi onunla bağlantılı hissedemediniz; o da, sizlerle… Ama o kederin ne olduğunu
biliyordu, şüphenin de… Sevgi duygusunu biliyordu. Kıskançlığı da biliyordu. Kendisinin
yeterli derecede iyi olup olmadığını da sorgulamaktaydı. Sevdiği bir kuzeni vardı; John. Sizler
onu Vaftizci John (Vaftizci Yahya ç.n.) diye bildiniz.

Ve, John, güçlü bir medyumdu, aynı zamanda, çok atik ve kuvvetli. Bedeniyle her istediğini
hemen yapabilirdi. Hızlı koşardı. Kayalara tırmanırdı. Kolaylıkla yüzerdi. Ve İsa, daha
gençken John’a baktı ve aynı fiziksel hünerlere sahip olmak istedi. Ve İsa’nın da sizin
deneyimlediklerinizi deneyimlediği zamanlar oldu, kıskanmak, kendini yargılamak… Ve sizin
Joseph diye bildiğiniz, onun da baba bildiği; ona dedi ki, “Gücünü geri iste. Kim olduğunu
bil. Git ve akan nehrin yanında otur ve kalbindeki huzuru yakala. Başkasının niteliklerini
kıskanma, ama kim olduğunu bil ve inan.” Ve İsa, düşündü, hatırladı…

Şimdi artık, kim olduğunuzla ilgili sınırlı anlayıştan yükselme zamanı. Kendinizi çocukların
gözüyle görmeye başlayın. Çocuklar karmaşık görmezler. Onlar basiti görür,şimdidedir ve
doğaçlamadır. Biliyorsunuz ki, kendinizi, bedeninizi ve maddi eşyalarınızı korumak için
karmaşık planlar yapmanız gerekmiyor. Bir çok kız ve erkek kardeşleriniz, bu Dünya
yüzündeki değişiklikler yüzünden tüm maddi eşyalarını kaybetme deneyimini yaşadılar. Bir
çok kız ve erkek kardeşleriniz, büyük suların karalara vurduğu zamanda yine aynı deneyimi
yaşadı. Ve yine gördünüz ki, büyük temizlenmede tüm varlıklarını kaybedenler, yenileri için
yeniden tezahürde bulunmaktalar. Ya da, “Aslında, çok eşyaya gerek yok. Bu kadar malı
korumak zorunda değilim.” Dediklerini duydunuz.

Bu yıl, ailelerdeki kadınların ve erkeklerin seçim yapma durumunda kalacağına tanık olma
fırsatı yakalayacaksınız. Çelişkileri göreceksiniz; yargılayacağınız felaketler de. Hastalıklar
olacak dengesiz bedenlerde, duygularda. Aynı zamanda kendi sınırsızlıklarını seçen
diğerlerini de göreceksiniz, şifa için sevgiyi seçen…

Bu yıl, ailenize bir bakın. Bu planda ve ötesinde ifade bulan harika ailenize bakın..
Meditasyon zamanlarınızda, sesizlik zamanlarınızda, dua zamanlarınızda, görünen ve
görünmeyen çocuklarımla söyleşirken, yüreğinizle ulaşmaya izin verin kendinize. Sınırsız
Mesih Bilincinin kanatları altında birleşmeye ve ulaşmaya izin verin kendinize, En Ulu’nun
kadın ve erkeklerini sevginizle kutsayın.

Sonra, sevginizi elle tutulur yollarla göstermekle meşgul edin kendinizi: bedeni beslemek için
gerekli olan yiyecekler verin; kız ve erkek kardeşlerinizle giysilerin, battaniyelerin – ya da
rahatlıkları için ne gerekirse onların- sıcaklığını paylaşın. Her hafta, kız ve erkek
kardeşlerinize hediyeler vermek için izin verin kendinize. Zor değil bu. Bu hafta
yapacaklarınızın listesine ekleyin bunu. Randevu defterinize, malzeme dağıtan
organizasyonlara; sevginin elle tutulur bir objesini vermekle ilgili not düşün – giysi, ev eşyası,
küçükler için oyuncak – eğer bölgenizde böyle bir organizasyon yoksa; bir tane oluşturun.
Sizler, paylaşabileceklerinizden çok daha fazlasınız. Yaşadığınız bölgeye göz atın,
diğerleriyle paylaşacak çok şey var. Sonra; en önemlisi, kendi yaşadığınız noktaya bakın ve
olanı diğerleriyle paylaşın: sevgi ve anlayış, rahatlık, yüreklendirme, sizin yüzünüze aydınlık;
üzüntü ya da karışıklık içinde olana da şifa getirecek bir gülümseme…

“Kız ve erkek kardeşlerime nasıl yardımcı olabilirim?” diye sorabilmek için izin verin
kendinize. Her hafta yaşamınıza yeni birini sokun. Sürekli görüşmek zorunda değilsiniz, ama
sürekli arkadaşınız olarak kalabilir. Her hafta yeni bir arkadaş edinin. Ve bu yılın sonu
geldiğinde, yeni arkadaşlar bolluğu içinde olursunuz.

Marketinizdeki çalışana gülümseyin, bir ürünün fiyatını sormanın ötesinde, ona nasıl
olduğunu sorun. Kendinizi paylaşın.

Küçük bir çocuğa kalbinizle sahip çıkın; hatta evinize alın. Rehberliğinizi izleyin. Zamanınızı
paylaşın, deneyimlerinizden doğan bilgeliğinizi paylaşın. Bir dede ya da nineyi benimseyin.
Onlarla arkadaş olun, bilgeliklerinden öğrenin.

Sizler, en Ulu’nun Ailesi’siniz. Sizler, dünyada, aile bağları olarak kısıtlı tanımlananın ötesine
geçmeye izin veriyorsunuz kendinize, ailenin kalpten kalbe olduğunu anlıyorsunuz. Ve
kendinize, yeni aile üyelerinizi benimsemeye izin verdiğinizde – ki onlar her zaman sizin
ailenizdi – benim bu plandaki işimi kolaylaştırıyorsunuz.

Beni her zaman bir Anne olarak gördünüz, ama Annelik görevini sizin yardımlarınız olmadan
yerine getiremem. Sizler, bu planda öne çıkan sevgiyi besleyen annelersiniz. Artık sevgi,
eskiden söylendiği gibi geride kalmayacak, “Kalbini açmak güvenli değil. Sevmek güvenli
değil. Ne düşünecekler korkusundan, gülümsemek dahi güvenli değil.” Sizler, En Ulu’nun
Ailesi olduğunuzu kabulleniyorsunuz, sizler sevginin Çocukları’sınız, ve Sevgi, sizin tek

Sizler benim Ailemsiniz, ve ben de sizin Annenizim. Ailenin kayıp çocuklarını yamacıma
getirin. Onları besleyin, giydirin, sevginizle bakın. Yaşamın iyiliklerini anımsatın onlara,
Baba’larının sevgisini. Benim için sevin onları, benim sizleri sevdiğim gibi Çocuklarım…

Meryem Ana

Judith yoluyla


Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan



Mother Mary: The Nature of Mother

channeled by Judith Coates May 6, 2011

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 8, 2011 at 3:24pm

Mother Mary: The Nature of Mother

channeled by Judith Coates
May 6, 2011

Gentle ones, blessed ones, Children of the Most High, I would speak with you about the
nature of mother. My son, the one you have known as Jeshua, Jesus, has often spoken with the
terminology of Patriarchy, of the Father, but in this day and time your are moving beyond
what you would see as the restricted definition of Father. The One Creator is, in Truth,

Now, in the process of becoming aware of your holiness, you have often chosen the
experience of motherhood, fatherhood upon this plane because you have desired to know all,
and you have desired to know Love. The little ones offer you great opportunity to know and to
extend love. They will sandpaper the rough spots from you. And you, they. For indeed, the
little ones come as great masters. But they also come with their own rough edges, the own
desires for completion of certain aspects, and they say to you, "Here I am. Have fun with me.
Sandpaper me." And you do. It is very much a process of mellowing.

Look deeply into the eyes of the little ones and see the Light, for each one comes with a
remembrance of the Light. The little ones who have come to you are wondrous angels in
disguise. They have come to you because you have asked them to be companion with you.
You have asked them to push out the boundaries of what you have thought human family was
all about. And they have come because they know that you have great strength to guide them.
They ask of you to give them certain structure within which they can grow. It was the same
with Jeshua.

I gave unto him certain structure, order, discipline within the family. Not constricting, but of
certain expectations as to how there would be harmony and respect. And because he is Love -
as all of the small ones are, including even the tall ones - he responded to the higher nature.

The little ones will respond to your expectations. In other words, when you set a certain
structure for them, and a certain vision for them, they will rise up to meet it - and even the tall
ones will respond to the vision. For the innermost desire is to be loved and to know one's self
as Love. It comes forth as a desire to please, and when there is clarity about expectations, and
when the vision is held with consistency and love, honoring the highest Self of them, they will
accommodate that vision. For indeed they desire to be harmony. They desire to bring forth
love. But they do ask of you discipline, order and consistent structure. And within the
structure allow the communication that I would call discussion.

You have experienced a time in your growing up when you were trying to discover -
remember - who you are, and you tried pushing out all of the boundaries to see what would lie
beyond those boundaries. "If I rebel enough, what happens?" And so you tried it. And so did

When he first agreed to activate a body within the incarnation known as Jeshua, he knew well
the oneness with the Father. And there was an agreement - such as you have made - to take on
certain collective belief that is held within a time interval, known as a lifetime. So there was a

process of setting aside temporarily some of the remembrance. He wanted to know, "What
does it feel like to be a small child in this time? What does it feel like to have human
emotion?" He knew that always he was one with his Father, but he also desired to know
human experience.

Now, some of your writings and your depictions have portrayed him as being so holy that you
could not relate to him on an intimate level - nor he to you. But he knew sorrow. He knew
doubts. He knew the emotion of love. He knew the emotion of jealousy. He knew the emotion
of wondering if he was good enough. For he had a cousin John, whom he loved. You have
called John the one who baptized: John, the Baptist.

And John was of a strong physique, very muscular, and could do anything with the body very
quickly. He could run. He could climb the rocks. He could swim very easily. And Jeshua,
being a bit younger, looked up to his cousin John and wanted to be of the same physical
prowess as his cousin. And there were times Jeshua experienced what you have experienced:
envy, self-judgment. Until the one known as Joseph, his father, said to him, "Claim your
power. Know who you are. Go sit by flowing water and feel the peace of the heart. Do not
envy another one's qualities, but take stock truly of Who you are." And Jeshua contemplated
and remembered.

Now is a time of ascending out of the limited understanding of who you have thought yourself
to be. Try seeing through the eyes of the child. For a child does not see great complexity. A
child sees simplicity, spontaneity, a now moment. You know you do not have to make
complex plans to protect yourself, to protect the body, to protect all of your material goods.
Many of your brothers and sisters have already experienced losing all of the material goods
through changes in the Earth's surface. Many of your brothers and sisters have experienced
loss of material goods recently when you had the great waters that came upon the land. And
you have seen that the ones who have lost possessions in the great cleansing are re-
manifesting new possessions. Or they have said, "You know, simplicity of possessions is a
great gift to me. Maybe I don't have to take care of quite so much."

This year you will have opportunity to see the family of man, of woman, in its choices. You
will see conflict; you will see disasters, as they will be judged to be; you will see disease and
inharmony of the body, of the emotions. But you will also see others who are choosing for
their unlimitedness, who are choosing for love, for healing.

This yeas look to your Family. Look to the wondrous Family that expresses upon this plane -
and beyond this plane. Allow yourselves to reach out with the heart in your times of
meditation, your times of quiet, your times of prayer to commune with my Children seen and
unseen. Allow yourself to reach out and to gather in under the wings, the most unlimited
expansive wings of the Christ consciousness, all of mankind/womankind, all of the Children
of the Most High, and to bless them with your love.

And then get you very busy extending your love in tangible ways: extend the food that is
needed to nourish the body; share with the brothers and sisters the warmth of clothing, of
blanket, whatever the needs for comfort. Allow yourself in each week to gift unto your
brothers and sisters one tangible gift. It will not be difficult. Set it as one of the things that you
will do in your week. Put it upon your appointment book to give a tangible object of love -
good, clothing, household articles, toys for the little ones - to your organizations that collect
and dispense such goods. And if there is not such an organization in your area, form one. You

have much that you can share. Look unto your own dwelling place, for there is much that you
have that you can share with others. Then, most importantly, look unto your own Dwelling
Place within and share with others what have within: love and understanding, the word of
comfort, of encouragement, the smile that bring radiance to your face and healing to one in
sorrow or confusion.

Allow yourself to ask, "How can I be of service to my brothers, my sisters?" Adopt in each
week one new person into your life. It does not have to be for what you would see as all time -
but you may find that you want to keep that one as friend for all time. Adopt one new friend in
each week. And when you come to the end of this year, you will have an abundance of new

Adopt the one at your grocery store with a smile, with a word that goes beyond just asking the
consumer price of an object. In other words, ask that one how she/he is doing. Share of

Adopt a small one into your heart; perhaps even into your dwelling place, your home. Follow
your guidance. Share your time, your learning, your wisdom born of experience with a small
one. Adopt a grandparent. Be a companion; learn of their wisdom.

You are the Family of the Most High. You are going beyond what the world has described as
relationship of family. You are allowing yourself to look beyond the narrow description of
family to know heart to heart what Family is. And as you allow yourself to adopt family
members - who have always been your Family - you are extending my work upon this plane.

Always I have been seen as the Mother, but I cannot do the work of Mother without your
help. You are the Mother what is nurturing the Love that is now coming forth to be known
upon this plane. No longer is Love being held back by the words of the world that would say,
"It is not safe to show your heart. It is not safe to love. It is not safe even to smile for 'what
will they think?'" You are acknowledging that you are the Family of the Most High and, as
such, you are Children of Love, and Love is your very nature.

You are my Family and I am your Mother. Collect unto Me the lost Children of the Family.
Feed them, clothe them, nurture them with our Love. Remind them of the goodness of Life
and the Father's Love, from before time. Love them for me, as I love you, my Child.

- Mother Mary
in expression through Judith Coates

Copyright © 2011 Oakbridge University. Oakbridge material is copyrighted but free to
anyone who wants to use it as long as proper credit is listed, including our website address
www.oakbridge.org *


Hilarion's Weekly Message 2011 ~ 8-15 May

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 9, 2011 at 10:30am

May 8-15, 2011

Beloved Ones,

Your beautiful Lights shine ever brighter upon your Planet. Many of you feel weary and need
to do much resting and this is highly recommended as you encounter this situation. We would
also like for you to know that your extreme weariness might also mean that you are
journeying to multi-dimensional realms for meetings and consultations as your physical body

is resting. This is an exciting time and many consultations are taking place to ensure that all is
well and continues to be so.

You are each learning to live from the heart and this has required the opening of your heart
chakra in a way that leaves you feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable. Many of you do not
realize this and so there is a feeling of tension that you feel as you go about your day. This
feeling comes from no longer having your protective shield around your heart space and also
will explain the increased emotional reactions to observations of life that move you to tears.
This means that your feelings of empathy are now expanding to include all aspects of life,
even those that you shielded yourselves from before.

As your empathy towards all of life expands, greater feelings of compassion, mercy and
forgiveness begin to be felt and it becomes second nature to share these with others around
you. The Cosmic energies of Love continue to increase in intensity, and creating and
expanding your Pillar of Light each day will be of great help, just set the intention and request
that your Pillar or Tube of Light now expands to a 12 foot diameter as you go about your daily
activities. You have been increasing your energy fields considerably during the last year and
this is now possible.

The areas of your solar plexus are being cleansed and adjusted so there can be feelings of
anxiety, tension and uncomfortableness during this process. As before, the process of
cleansing and purifying continues to greater and greater depths within your physical bodies.
Your cells are being cleansed, renewed and bathed with Light and your bodies are becoming
luminous. When you perceive yourselves in the darkness, you know that you are Light. Many
things are changing slowly, others are transformed quickly. This all depends on each person’s
path and the work that was previously done to begin this process, so there are no set rules of
how this might look. It is a different experience for each of you individually but some
occurrences are more universal in their impact.

Continue your steadfast devotion to your chosen roles and know that we are ever with you,
more so than ever before. We communicate with you on a regular basis and this is becoming
much easier than before, as each of you begin to recognize our Presence when we come to
you. Continue to gather together for worldwide meditations to add your Light and your
energies of Love to all upon the Planet and to the Earth and all her kingdoms. As you know, it
is much needed now.

Until next week…..

I Am Hilarion

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and
nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is
included. www.therainbowscribe.com


Embracing and Energizing Fifth-
Dimensional Probability Lines by DL
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 9, 2011 at 10:40am

Embracing and Energizing Fifth-Dimensional Probability Lines by DL Zeta

Fifth-dimensional storylines can be accessed and experienced from within

the present moment through awareness and conscious action. It is not a
given that one will "fall into" storylines that run along themes of
peace and love. However, each person holds the potential to awaken to
these new reality threads and choose to shift toward them.

Such shifts can happen in the blink of an eye. The future is not fixed.
Rather, it exists in probability lines that are energized through
intention, vibrational frequency and action.

Twenty Steps to Embrace and Energize Fifth-Dimensional Probability Lines

Once we become aware of fifth-dimensional reality threads in our field

of potential, there are steps we can take to embrace and energize these
probability lines. We offer here some steps:

1) Be present, awake and aware. The only way to be present in the future
is be here now. Make a regular practice of slowing down, looking around
you and allowing your consciousness to expand into the present moment.
Too often, we fall into the trap of filling up our lives with
commitments and activities that don't feed our soul. To cope with the
pain of this lack of fulfillment, we fall asleep in our daily lives.
This creates more pain because sleeping through life slams us into more
obstacles, perpetuating a vicious cycle.

2) Embrace grief and loss as essential components of creativity; the old

must be destroyed to make way for the new. Love and appreciate what has
been; express gratitude for it and release it. Many people hold back
from new and more fulfilling realities because it will mean leaving
behind and releasing what has been. Learning to embrace grief makes this
process much easier.

3) Send love into any situation you don't understand. As we move further
into the new time, we may encounter many new situations and events we
don't understand. Love is always the answer. Send love into all

situations and the answers will soon appear.

4) Recognize we are already part of all-that-is. Our job is to merge

with the force of creation by allowing ourselves to remember our oneness
with the Divine order of the universe. We are not creating ourselves
anew, but rather, allowing who we are to shine through.

5) Remain transparent and neutral to all you witness. It is not

necessary to have an opinion about what you see. Awareness is
everything. As you allow yourself to see what is there, you see through
illusion. Within the moment, our conscious mind will not be able to
grasp all that is beneath the surface of physical reality. This power of
inner seeing helps us navigate times when we encounter paradoxes. For
instance, separation as the path to unity, darkness gives way to light;
dissolution of relationships and other life situations makes way for the
new. Illness and accidents can serve as preludes to opening of
heightened awareness and intuitive abilities.

6) Practice self-love at all levels. Pay attention to the needs of your

body, mind and spirit. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods, especially root
vegetables and dark leafy greens. Practice self-nurturing through the
use of herbs, essential oils, gemstones and other healing modalities.
Spend time each day communing with your spirit and expressing gratitude
for everything in your life. Appreciate the Earth and all-that-is. Focus
thoughts on expansive, loving themes that expand your inner light.

7) Observe all that goes on around you; observe yourself. Keep in

perspective the big picture of your life and the up-close picture. Do
not allow yourself to be overly absorbed into the events of your life.
This causes you to lapse into states of less awareness.

8) Stay positive on no matter what happens in your life. Negativity

drains your life-force energy and weakens your overall system, draining
you of your ability to cope with what you are experiencing.

9) Practice self-reliance and self-responsibility in all matters.

Disconnect from dependency on all systems, groups or institutions.
Disconnect from mechanisms of mass thought that feed on your energies.
Parasitic life scripts are everywhere. By remaining awake you are able
to sidestep them and write your own script. Working in cooperation with
others is not the same as participating in dependency relationships
which keep one enslaved to mechanisms of mass thought.

10) Connect often with nature. The natural world exists in accordance
with universal law. As we commune with nature and align ourselves with
its essence, we unify our mind and spirit. A unified consciousness is
essential for existing along fifth-dimensional timelines.

11) Practice preparedness; always have your affairs in order. Allow

completions. Hold in awareness that each goodbye could be your last.

Complete with everyone; be willing within each moment to release all
that you are and all that you know; be willing to embrace the unknown.
Change is the nature of life. When you are present, awake and aware, you
begin and complete each moment impeccably with no loose ends.

12) Open to the new. Allow yourself to wake up in a new world every day.
This makes it much easier to slough off old ways of thinking and
re-invent yourself. You're not the past, nor are you bound by the past.

13) Embrace freedom. Do not give your power away to enslaving thought
forms; if a situation does not serve your highest and best, it does not
serve the highest and best of others.

14) Become a detective of your own life to gain awareness of old

patterns and scripts operating in the background. As you gain awareness
of these scripts, visualize and rewrite them according to choices
aligned with new visions and goals.

15) Review your beliefs, perceptions and goals on a regular basis.

Create a 10 most wanted list and update it regularly. This helps you set
priorities and release old ideas and beliefs that no longer support your
higher evolution and growth.

16) Breathe and energize your physical system. Practice regularly forms
of movement that unify body, mind and spirit such as yoga and tai chi.

17) Maintain a sense of humor in all you do. When you feel yourself
becoming overly absorbed in the dream of your life, watch a humorous
movie or see your life events from a comedic perspective.

18) Meditate and act on love. Unconditional love is the highest

vibration in the universe and supercedes all other frequencies.

19) Give to others what you would like to receive and you will see your
desires manifest all around you.

20) Set your intention to practice all of the above and expect miracles
each day.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now:

Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL
For more on timeline shifts and reality creation, see Portals of Spirit:
Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org/


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 9, 2011 at 11:00am



Source: Angel-Light Love

Dedicating myself to the Light now. Eliminating any static and distortions from the column of
light that connects me with my Divine Source now. Reclaiming empowerment now. Filling
my energy though all levels, components, and systems with so much Light that no negativity
can enter, remain, or exist there now. Purging all the elements of negativity from my human
body-mind unit now. Aligning with and receiving the protection and support of Archangel
Michael and the warriors of the Light Force now. Putting on my cloak of invincibility now.
Embracing accelerated transformation of my being in all areas of my life now. Strengthening
my force field now. Eliminating all intruders from my psychic space and sealing my psychic
space from further intrusions now. Releasing beliefs and illusions that aren’t really mine now.
Cancelling, negating, destroying, stopping, and blocking all negative thoughts, words, deeds,
energies, entities, and images I have created and am creating—past, present, future—now.
Immunizing me and mine against the controlling and manipulating actions of others now.
Cutting all psychic ties, cords, energy loops, ribbons, and strings between me and other
people now. Cutting the etheric cords that bind me to the energies of other people now.
Isolating and eliminating the energies and entities of other people from all levels of my being

and filling myself with light now. Canceling any contracts and agreements I made with the
dark side—past, present, future—throughout time, space, dimension—now. Asking
forgiveness of all those I have harmed—intentionally and unintentionally—directly and
indirectly—past, present, future—now. Replacing those who intend me and mine harm with
those who intend me and mine good now. Reclaiming my field and my form from those who
intend me hardm now. Deprogramming myself of false realities now. Fully reclaiming my
true self free of all dark influences now. Separating and disconnecting myself from deceivers
of consciousness. Decontaminating my being at all levels now. Immunizing me and mine
against agents of the dark matrix now. Eliminating any hooks and magnets within me and
mine that invite or allow demonic and illegal entities access now. Setting me and mine free
from hijackers and sabotagers now. Taking control of my consciousness from all demonic
entities now. Withdrawing and removing all curses and negative spells I placed, consciously
or unconsciously—past, present, future—throughout time, space, dimension—now. Isolating
and eliminating any magnets I may have for psychic parasites now. Isolating and eliminating
any magnets I may have for psychic abuse, psychological abuse, and psychic attacks now.
Resolving my issues now. Dissolving all implants that no longer serve me well now. Deleting
all subconscious programs that are incompatible with my wellbeing now. Closing any
openings in my auric egg that allow or invite invasion and manipulation by those with the
intent to sabotage and harm now. Closing any openings in my consciousness that allow or
invite invasion and manipulation and input by those with the intent to sabotage and harm
now. Delivering me and mine from evil now. Isolating and eliminating any magnets I may
have for unclean influences now. Releasing and letting go of the past and moving on now.
Releasing what is not mine to carry or to heal now. Purifying my conscousness now. Blessing
those who curse me—past, present, future—now. Sending love to all who send me negativity
now. Releasing anything and anyone that is interfering with my free will choices or my
ability to move forward in life according to my heart’s desires now. Destroying all demonic
energies and entities I have created and am creating—past, present, future—througout time,
space, dimension—now. Isolating and eliminating any and all psychic parasites and unclean
influences from me and mine at all levels now. Deleting any programs with self-destructive
thought loops I may have now.

Removing my awareness from the lower astral and placing it with the Divine now. Correcting
any energy imbalances I may have now. Removing me and mine from all entanglements now.
Raising my vibration and changing my frequencies to strengthen my boundaries now.
Forgiving myself and all others for any bondage I or others have held me in, or I have held
others in—past, present, future—throughout time, space, dimension now. Setting myself free
from thought forms, beliefs, and emotions that create limitation of my open heart connection
with others now. Releasing any negative experiences I have been energetically holding onto—
past, present, future—throughout time, space, dimension—now. Releasing all people and all
places I have been energetically holding onto now. Removing all implants and deleting all
programs that were installed against my will now. Isolating and eliminating any frequency
control devices that are keeping my vibration lower than I want it to be now. Deactivating,
disabling, disengaging, dislodging,dismantling, and destroying all illegal implants, tracking
devices, and probes from me and mine at all levels now. Repairing all damage to my auric
egg and to my Divine access cords, codes, and links now. Exorcising all disease-causing
entities, energies, and organisms and all reinforcements from me and mine now. Rendering
any negative and/or harmful thoughts, words, and deeds about me and mine, or directed at me
and mine, and any negative and/or harmful prayers concerning me and mine null and void and
totally ineffective now. Negating and making null and void and of no effect and stopping and
blocking all prayers concerning me, thoughts of me, words about me, deeds, efforts, curses,

spells, magic, radionic broadcasts, and healing efforts of others concerning me that are
incompatible with my mission and my plans and goals now. Stopping, blocking, negating, and
rendering totally ineffective and useless all radionic broadcasts, prayers, psychic attacks,
black magic, black witchcraft, and related rituals and practices that are negatively impacting
me and mine—past, present, future—throughout time, space, dimension, and destroying the
tools used in such activities now. Raising my vibration out of the war zone into the Divine
Love zone now. Embracing and healing all my facets and integrating fully now. Restoring
the integrity of my etheric body now. Leaving duality and darkness behind and living in the
consciousness of oneness and light now. Aligning with my Divine Christ Spirit and feeling
the love at that level now.


Quado's Garden: Release Your Mistakes ~

Follow Your Truth
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 9, 2011 at 1:17pm


Release Your Mistakes

Cup your
together, hold them out in front of you, and place within them a mistake you
have made. Now, pay attention to what your mind is saying. It says that life
would be better now if you had not made this mistake. It brings forth a whole
host of fantasies, how this or that would be better if only, if only you had
done this, if only you hadn’t done that, if only you had followed through, if
only you had made a different choice.

None of this is real. This

is mental chatter and fantasy about what might have been. It is not real. The
only thing real is right now, right here.

So quiet your mind and

release each mistake, each and every one. Take your mistake into your hands,
notice the fantasy talk which accompanies it and choose to let it go, like a
bird you are releasing so that it may fly away home. Just release it and watch
it fly away. And away with this so-called mistake, release the old hopes and
dreams, the disappointments, the blame and the shame. Let it all fly away.

You are as you are right
now, and everything you have done has led you to this moment. And here,
standing just where you are, exactly as things are, you are surrounded by
opportunity. It is sparkling all around you, waiting to be noticed, obscured
only by your tenacious hold on the past. Release yourself from all that shame
and just look around. See this moment clearly. See how it sparkles with
newness and opportunity.

You are standing on an open

field of grass and it is full of diamonds sparkling in the sun. Each diamond is
a choice you might make, an action you might take, a wondrous opportunity to be
and grow and learn, a chance to embrace life in its wonder and beauty.

Let go the old and embrace

this moment. Let it sparkle. Reach down and pick up a diamond, right now.

Inner Truth

When you
are feeling tense and anxious, it is important for you to see if your anxiety is
caused by a fear to follow your inner truth through courageous action.

Sit quietly with pen and

paper nearby. Breathe down to a quiet place and reach your center. Clear away
the worries over the future and regrets over the past. Things are as they are
right now, and your goal right now is to alleviate your tension through right

Find the calm pool of peace

within you and ask, how shall I approach this situation? Then write down the
very first answer that comes; capture it before your mind has a chance to
second-guess or edit.

If the answer is that you

are to be patient and wait, good, then do so calmly, peacefully and without
fear. If the answer is that you must deal directly with the situation, then
take a deep breath, fill yourself with courage and prepare yourself to speak
your truth, calmly, clearly and directly. And if the answer is to meet with
others, one on one, listen and learn as you quietly work out your differences,
then do that.

Fear and doubt prefer that

you deal with situations in anger or that you do nothing except worry and
complain. To fear and doubt, a wonderful solution is to revert to your old
patterns of overeating and drinking, while taking no constructive steps toward
resolution. Fear loves gossip, anger and manipulation.

But you are more than
this. You are strong and capable and full of truth and rightness, which direct
you each step of the way. Reach down to them and find what you should do, what
right action you should take to alleviate the tension and anxiety you feel.
Then take a deep breath and act, and fear will give way before you.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart
Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com


Osho - Normallik ve Delilik Üzerine....

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 9, 2011 at 2:13pm


Çıldırma korkusundan, bıçak sırtında yürümekten bahseder misiniz?"

Delirmekten korkmayın, zaten delirmiş durumdasınız. Bu dünya büyük bir tımarhanedir. Her
çocuk akıllı doğar ancak uzun süre akıllı kalamaz. Diğer deliler tarafından büyütülür. Diğer
deliler tarafından koşullandırılır. Sonunda delirmek zorunda kalır. Çünkü hayatta kalmak için
delirmek zorundadır.

Arada bir akıllı birileri çıkar: Bir Buda, bir Zerdüşt, bir Lao Tzu, bir İsa. İşin garibi gerçekte
deli olmayan bu insanlara deli denmesidir. Akıl hastanesine kapatılan insanlara bakarsanız
eğer, çoğunluğunun aslında oldukça duyarlı, hassas, ince ve dışarıdaki diğerleri kadar kaba
olmayan insanlar olduklarını görürsünüz. Derileri kalın olmadığı için incinirler, kırılırlar.
Derileri kalın olanlar ise her türlü deliliğin içinde uyum sağlarlar ve yaşamaya devam ederler.
İnsanın uyum sağlayabilme yeteneği sınırsızdır. Çocuk zamanla her şeye uyum sağlamayı
öğrenir. Ne kadar çok hurafeye uyum sağladığınızı görmek için kendinize bakmanız yeterlidir.
Ne kadar çok aptalca inançlar edindiniz. Gerçi bunların aptallığını farkettiğiniz anlar oluyor.
Ancak bu akıllı anları bir kenara itmek zorunda kalırsınız çünkü tehlikelidirler. Pencere bir an
açılır ancak hemen kapatırsınız. Komşunuzun açık pencerenizi görmesinden korktuğunuz için
hemen kapatmak zorunda kalırsınız. Akıllılığınızı kimseye göstermek istemezsiniz. Hz. İsa
şöyle diyor, ufak bir çocuk gibi olmadıkça benim Tanrımın krallığına giremeyeceksiniz. İsa
burada şunu demek istedi: Her çocuk gibi tekrar akıllı olmadıkça, Tanrımın imparatorluğuna
giremeyeceksiniz. Fakat bu akıllanmanız diğerleri tarafından delilik olarak görülebilir. Buda
deli gibi görünebilir, İsa deli gibi görünebilir. Freud gibi bir deli İsa'nın nevrotik olduğunu
düşündü. Asıl nevrotik olan Freud'du ama o İsa'nın nevrotik olduğunu düşündü. Bunu
kanıtlamaya ve diğerlerini ikna etmeye çalıştı. Neredeyse çağdaşı olan tüm zihinleri ikna
etmeyi başardı.

Şimdi deliliğin mekanizmasını anlamaya çalışalım. Öncelikle zaten delirmiş olduğunuzu
kabul edin ki bunun ötesine geçme imkanınız olabilsin. Fakat delirmekten korkarsanız buna
imkan kalmaz. Korkunun size bir faydası olmaz, sadece sizi daha fazla delirtir. Korku zaten
deliliğin bir parçasıdır.

Öncelikle deliliğe yol açan mekanizmayı anlayın. Bu mekanizmada hırslar deliliğin temel
sebebidir. Biri olmaya çalışmak sizi sonunda delirtir. Sadece hiç kimse olun, o kadar. O zaman
problem kalmaz. Hırslarınızı bırakarak yaşamaya başlayın. Hırslı insan yaşamı erteleyen
insandır aslında. O gerçek yaşamını daima yarınlar üzerine kurar -asla gelmeyen bir yarın.
Hırslı insan saldırgan ve şiddet dolu olur. Bunun sonucunda delirmek zorundadır. Böyle
olmayan ise barış ve sevgi dolu olur. Hırslı insan daima acelecidir koşturur durur. Belli
belirsiz, sadece varmış gibi görünen bir ufkun peşinden koşar. Böyle olmayan biri ise akıllıca
davranır ve burada, şimdide yaşar. Aklı başındalık huzurlu, uyumlu, neşeli ve şükran dolu

Bir karakter yaratmaya çalışmayın. Tüm olanlar karaktere çok fazla inanmanız yüzündendir.
Bilelim veya bilmeyelim dünyadaki insanların yüzde doksan dokuzu karakter yaratmaya
inanır. Onların derininde Pavlov'un okuluna ait olduklarını göreceksiniz. Karakter yaratmaya
yönelik bir toplum gerçekten dindar olamaz. Dindar toplum zaten henüz gelmedi. Orada
burada birkaç kişi -bir elin parmaklarını geçmeyenler- var sadece. Gerçekten dindar bir
toplum gelecekte olacak. Onu getirmeliyiz.

Soru gerçekte kim olduğunuz sorusudur. Gerçek gelişme, evrim buradan başlar. Bir insanın
kendini keşfi dünyadaki en büyük keşfe çıkmaktır. Aya gitmek, Everest'e tırmanmak bile daha
kolaydır. Sebebi basittir; bu yolda yalnız seyahat etmek zorunda kalacaksınız. Tamamıyla
yalnız. Ünlü Yunanlı düşünürlerden Platon şöyle demiş" Bu, yalnızın yalnıza uçuşudur."

Bazen insanlar kendilerini bilmek isterler. Bu sefer de hemen, kelimelerin, teorilerin ve

ideolojilerin kurbanı olurlar. Asıl olan deneyimdir, ancak deneyimlediğiniz şeyleri gerçekten
algılamış olursunuz. Bilmekle, bilgi toplamanın ayrı şeyler olduğunu görün. Bilgi toplamak,
hafızada biriktirmekten başka bir şey değildir. Bir bilgisayar da bunu yapabilir. Bunda insan
olmanın getirdiği özel bir durum yoktur.

İnsanlar bilinçsizce yaşıyorlar, onlar için ne yaptıklarının farkında olmak imkansızdır. Bir
sorunla karşılaştığınızda yapacağınız en iyi şey hemen bir şey yapmamaktır. Aksi taktirde
durum daha da kötüleşebilir. Sakince oturun, rahatlayın, bırakın geçsin. Çare bulmaya
çalışmak yerine sorunun başlangıcında kalın. Çünkü her sorunun çözümü, kendi içinde
barınır. Yanıtı başka bir yerde aramayın. Yeterince bilinçli olursanız çözümü orada
bulabileceksiniz. Buda şöyle diyor: "Kendinizin ışığı olun."

Onlar tarafından Kutsal -holy-, bütünlük -wholeness- için kullanıldı. Kim kutsalsa -holy-, o
bütündür -whole. Kim, parçalanmış, yarım yamalak, kopuk yaşarsa o kutsal değildir. Bu
durumun saf olmak veya olmamakla ilgisi yoktur. Erdem veya günahla da ilgisi yoktur. Bir
günahkar hayali yaratarak suçluluk ya da bir aziz hayali yaratarak kutsanmışlık yanılsaması
yaratmayın. Hayal hayaldir, yanılsama yanılsamadır. Uyanmış insan her türlü hayalden, her
türlü yanılsamadan özgürleşmiştir.

Zen'in kullandığı kutsal kelimesi bütünlük içinde yaşayanlar içindir. Kutsal insan ne yapıyorsa
tamamıyla onun içindedir. Onu derinliğine kazarsanız sadece sessizlik bulursunuz. Bunları

hatırınızda tutun.


Addictions and the Awakened Condition

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 9, 2011 at 5:22pm

Addictions and the Awakened Condition

Aruna Byers

Making a difference means: not doing anything harmful. Not doing harm is the most desirable
attribute of all. Acting like a "good" person is doing harm to the actor. Most "actors" do not
consider their behavior acting. It is an automatic response to their controlling mental dialog.
Awakening one's inner awareness deletes this control. Changing an addictive behavior always
begins with more awareness.

My desire is to delete the controlling mind, allowing the divine creator within to contribute
more fully to the human condition. Making this your mental goal is an important part of the
awakening opportunity. Awakening is a simple change in awareness. It does nothing specific
to alter behavior. But due to the lack of ego involved in daily activities, any addiction can just
go away without there being any attitude against it. Changing an addiction on the decree of
ego is just an option, it is not an absolute deletion. Acting like there is no addiction is quite
different than having no addiction.

Making a new addiction does not delete an old one. An addiction can be adapted to another
object, making it appear to be over. No goal directed towards eliminating an addiction is as
effective in removing it as an awakening.

Making a difference does not require that all addictions be deleted. A lot of great acts of
courage are addiction based. But the harm that occurs to the one who drives himself from an
addiction is not the same life experience as being a clear, undriven human. All humans are to
be considered equal, and the driven one is not. He delivers love to those around him but not to

Passive people are the most harmful, as they don't act out what they feel. Hiding in non-
communication carries a death wish. All driven mental attitudes, including the inability to
express oneself, are self-destructive. Giving love to one's self means there are no controlling
behaviors of this kind.

Awareness of the addictive behavior begins the deletion of it. Being aware of the controller is
the beginning step. Mind does all of its control by deciding on the most careful way to
behave. A lack of offending behavior is the mind's idea of "good" behavior. But what is
"good" is a mental attitude, not a generally accepted concept. Being "good" is based on a
conclusion of what "good" is and what it is not. Parents make this contribution as a child
grows into adulthood. Accepting a parent's definition of "good" and "not good" begins mind's
creative endeavor. Changing this old concept only happens when nothing else can be
controlled by it. Mental attitudes that no longer provide a conclusive end to active desires are
questioned and often deleted. Making one "go away" is done by excluding it in a moment to
moment decision.

Mastery of the human experience is not without change. Masters are aware and capable of
deleting their old mental attitudes the moment one appears. An awakened consciousness
doesn't need to question this on an ongoing basis, it automatically occurs as the deepening of
an initial awakening proceeds.

Absolute control by the mind is harming man's condition. In his mind he is an able contributor
in his role as a man, but actually, in his managed addiction state he is a robot and cannot
behave as the God inside of him desires him to.

Cause and effect are always at play. Cause of an illness always goes back to an unconscious
attitude. Clearing these attitudes, as the most active discovery and deleting process is called,
cancels old concepts that have been effecting the body's creative abilities. Practicing ongoing
clearing begins the deleting that is necessary to bring more light to your life.

Making a difference begins in the life of the one who is creating. As in all things of any
importance, awareness must contain an attribute of neutral acceptance without any dark
thoughts attached No name calling is needed. Attitudes against anything create. A change of
attitude towards one's own condition is what begins the letting go of non-caring behavior.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

more of Saint Germain's daily messages, visit:

This message may be shared in its entirety with proper credit and the above back link


The Chalice ~ The Grid of Lightworkers
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 9, 2011 at 5:55pm

The Chalice ~
The Grid of Lightworkers

Together with Light Workers all over the planet, we have envisioned a Grid of Light all over
the Earth that connects the Light of every Lightworker to each other, through sacred energy

We see this Grid as a sacred Chalice, the receptive vessel into which the Group Soul is
imbued with Light and Inspiration, thereby infusing each Lightworker as well.

In meditation, we as Lightworkers throughout our World rise and unite, forming the great
Chalice. As we integrate ourselves into the Grid, our minds are illumined. United in our
intention, we are One.



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 9, 2011 at 6:00pm

A good way to start with is to get a blank book or notebook for

recording your dreams. This will help you to organize your dreams and
interpretations. Keep your dream journal and a pen next to your bed.
When you wake up in the morning, write down your dream and try to be

descriptive. Also, give a name to your dream, and decide what category
this dream falls into: nightmares (scary images, violent scenes),
precognitive dreams (may come true) etc.
Step 1:
The first understanding of your dream is to read what you wrote and
determine if there is a literal translation. For example, a pregnant
woman dreaming of eating meat may literally have a need for more
protein. But if you see a giant shark, it maybe a symbolic dream. The
majority of dreams are symbolic, but it is necessary at first to work
out a simple literal meaning.
Step 2:
Write down your feelings about the dream. Did the dream leave you
feeling anxious, joyful, concerned, serene, angry, frustrated, confused
or something else? To understand this step, think of watching a movie: a
person always walks out of the cinema with some feeling of inspiration,
dissatisfaction, angriness etc. From these sentiments starts your dream
interpretation. A person who dreams of being naked in public might wake
up feeling awkward about other people seeing his/her nudity, it may be
interpreted as being insecure about yourself.
Step 3:
Circle or highlight the words you believe to be symbolic. Keep in mind
that the verbs or actions can also be metaphorical. For each
circled/highlighted word ask yourself "What does this mean to me?".
Remembering a personal association with the symbol will give you a
feeling of recognition, and the meaning of the dream will become clear.
Step 4:
If you are confused, you may want to look up these symbolic words in our
dream dictionary. Sometimes, just becoming familiar with the exact
definition of the word will make its meaning clearer.

Your dreams are your private connection to your subconscious mind and to
your spirit. Often, dreams complete a story over several nights. Even
seemingly unrelated dreams may be the way of your subconscious mind to
get some important information through to you. If you don't interpret a
dream correctly, or don't remember it, and it contains an important
message, you may have another dream communicating the same message in a
different way. As your dream presents new images and settings, the
meaning can become more clear.
What does your dream mean?
Once you have your dream on paper, the next step is to understand its
meaning. Although all words and images are often familiar, the language
of dreams is almost always metaphorical and symbolic, not literal. At

first look, our dreams can seem bizarre, but nothing in dreams is weird
when you understand the true meaning.
Friends and experts can analyze your dreams, but to the certain extent,
their interpretation will be the reflection of themselves. Only you know
what the symbols in your dreams represent to you. However, we all share
some common experiences, and certain dream elements or symbols seem to
have the same or a very similar meaning to all people across cultures
and generations.
Peculiar Dreams
Depending upon the content, dreams can strike us with their peculiarity,
or sometimes even their alarming nature. Some dreams haunt us for years,
not only because of their persistence, but primarily because we cannot
explain or understand them. Other dreams stand out with the weird
mixture of images, emotions and context, which make us remember them for
life. All these dreams fall into certain categories which are accepted
by all dream analytics of modern time.
Recurring Dreams
Recurring dreams are quite common, and we usually have them when a
certain life situation repeats, or we are facing the same problem over
and over again. Often the dreams have minor differences between them,
but generally look the same. A recurring dream is often a sign of some
emotional weakness in our nature, which causes us problems over the
years. The ability to understand your weakness can help you to get rid
of being chased by a recurring dream. For example, a very responsible
person may dream of their strict father every time they need to take a
very important decision in waking life. This recurring dream would
suggest that a person has a fear to fail or to make a mistake.
Lucid Dreams
Lucid dreams are rare, but they are all about people's ability to
control their dreams. In a lucid dream, the dreamer becomes consciously
aware that she/he is dreaming and is able to use the memory and
participate in dream actions and emotions. Lucid dreams are usually
enhanced in a sensory and imaginary way, and sometimes can be
accompanied by pleasant music. People can learn the techniques of
controlling their dreams. Some historic manuscripts and records say that
the ability to control dreams helps a person to reach a higher degree of
mind development. This is what some Tibetan Buddhists and Islam
followers practiced for the purpose of elevation in consciousness.
The most common nightmare theme is one of being chased. Children may
experience nightmares in which they are chased by a monster, or some
other frightening creatures. In adults' dreams the pursuer is more

likely to be a big unidentified man, or a group of frightening people.
Another nightmare is of being attacked, where the dreamer experiences
feelings of pain and helplessness. Nightmares can be a cause of
posttraumatic stress disorders, or a result of tension in real life. To
get rid of recurring nightmares requires understanding of your problems
and resolving what causes this tension.
Sexual Dreams
Sexual dreams can occur for many different reasons, but in most cases
they are a sign of sexual deprivation, or repressed sexual urges, which
the person may not be even aware of. Young people, in puberty and after,
often experience sexual dreams that may even culminate in orgasm, but
there is nothing to be ashamed of, because it is a normal part of
growing up.
Prophetic Dreams
Prophetic dreams are a very interesting and hardly explicable
phenomenon, the existence of which has been found throughout the history
of humanity. It is hard to believe that dreams can foretell the future
since the science doesn't provide any appropriate explanation on this
issue. Though, it is very possible that having prophetic dreams is
connected with our intuition, or so called 'sixth sense'. A lot of
examples of prophetic dreams are found in the bible. One of the most
well known modern prophetic dreams is the dream of the American
president A. Lincoln, who had seen his own funeral two weeks before his


The Council of Light: The High Vibe Tribe

by Rebecca Couch May 3, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 9, 2011 at 6:01pm

The Council of Light: The High Vibe Tribe

by Rebecca Couch
May 3, 2011

Every day is a new day. The more we release ourselves from the tethers of the past and the
less we fear the future (because we are detached from the outward appearance and dramatic
woes of the crazy world), the more we are able to be fully present now. What the heck else do
we have left to do? Much more, as it is only the beginning. It isn't back there and it isn't up
there, nor it is out there - it is in here. And so we begin again on this new day.

In these two weeks in preparation for Wesak, we are called into reflection to renew our
purpose and commitment to make a difference. The expressions of the old human-created
world have gotten so ridiculous that it makes our clarity and resolve easier, don't you think?
Surely we are getting close to a maximum quotient of those who have reached the throwing
up of the arms in futility stage.but that means our work has just begun.again. No matter how
absurd, unjust and even gruesome it gets, we must hold our resolve. We must be the light, the
clarity, the calm that we have become. Having released all else, it is all that remains, except -
of course - our heart held remembrance of all that is high vibration. We are the high vibe
tribe! Placed all over the world as anchors of light, we have lit our lanterns to shine for all
others to do the same. The time has come; keep the fires stoked, the glass clear and the lantern
held high. All that we emanate is creating the new world, so make it beautiful beyond
imagining. You are nothing less than Creator. "You can do as much as me and more."

Now.about the ridiculousness. Wow. If your heart stirs to act, now is the time. Remember, the
new way is not pushing against - for that perpetuates duality - it is to radiate anew. Feel the
radical difference between the two intentions. Radiate, from your heart, in deep gratitude, for
what benefits all. Experience the cornucopia of abundance in the midst of whatever you are
experiencing in the world. Remember that high gas prices are perfectly supporting the
creation of the right use of energy, so do not push against what is. Just move to radiate what is
desired. The path of least resistance is the Buddha's secret to manifesting anew. It is time to be
resourceful from being in the expanded presence of the now so that Divine, universal
intelligence can inspire us. If it is helpful and hopeful and radiant and you are excited and
supercharged, then do it. If it is for the benefit of the collective, do it. If it cleans up the old
and makes it better, do it. If it brings light to the world - our primary purpose - then do it.

Be the stewards of every thought now, as we are experiencing how quickly they come into
manifestation now. Stay diligent and focused. Keep an open heart. Do not waste time in fear
or judgement, because it's never right anyway. No wasted time or effort anymore, there is no
such thing. Team up with Mother Earth in consciousness at all times, for this can be a Beloved
partnership. No more time to grieve our past errs, only time to be different and create the
solutions, the new way, the path of greater light. Loving kindness prevails. A person who is
gentle with themselves can only be gentle with all else. Participate in the light that expands
the consciousness of the world and hold gentle grace as truth emerges for many that may be
received harshly. We know that truth sets us free, but our compassion holds it for those who
have forgotten or who cannot remember in their temporary grief. Everyone is choosing now.
We honour the freedom of that choice and respect the journey of each soul.

Remember the importance of lighthearted fun. The wilder things get, it is important to
disallow the weight by rising up in joy, play and laughter. Music and dance lift the spirit
instantly. The birds will carry us away if we let them.they are playing a vital role by lacing our
airwaves with song. Rejoice in all things anew. If it is old and stinky, release it or shine it up.
Make joy!

We join together on this day and all days as members of the High Vibe Tribe.

Go team, go!

You Know that the Council of Light is Within

©2011 Rebecca Couch and HeartLight ~ Living from the Heart * www.heartlight.ca * Copies
of this message may be made for non-commercial purposes through distribution in any media
as long as nothing is changed, the author is credited and this copyright notice and web address
is included. Publications and websites interested in carrying this information as monthly
columns or special features are encouraged to do so. If the material must be shortened in
length, please state that it is an edited version and refer the readers to the original full-length
version on www.heartlight.ca *



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 9, 2011 at 6:08pm


Sevgili Arkadaşlar,
20 Nisan 2011 itibariyle Boğa burcuna girdik ve 21 Mayıs tarihine kadar devam edecek olan
Boğa dönemi içindeyiz.
Uranüs gezegeni Koç burcunda ilerlediği için Koç burcu ve Koç alanımız her daim
tetiklenmiş durunda yaklaşık sekiz yıl boyunca, ancak bu ay harekete geçmiş olan Koç
enerjimizi Boğa ile birleştiriyoruz.
Nisan ayı oldukça yoğun enerjiler altındaydık ve pek çok tetiklemeler yaşadık, yeni
başlangıçlar, yeni projeler, yeni niyetler, yeni fikirler, planlar, daha önce yapamadıklarımız
başlangıçları yapmak gibi…hepimiz kendi ihtiyacımız doğrultusunda yeni yollara yöneldik ya
da yönelmek üzere bir ayağımızı attık.
Bu ay, Boğa döneminde topraklama enerjisi içindeyiz. Başlangıçlarımızı mümkün mertebe
topraklayabilir, hayata geçirebilir ya da bunun için gerekli altyapıları sabitleyebiliriz.
Nasıl bir kozmik tohum olduğumuzu anlamaya, bilmeye ve gerçekleştirmeye niyet etmiştik
Koç döneminde ve bu niyetimiz devam ediyor…işte şimdi yavaş yavaş evrenden gelen
fırsatları sahiplenme ve hayata geçirmeye başlama dönemine adım atıyoruz. Acelemiz
yok….herşey kendi zamanı içinde gerçekleşecektir. Biz yeter ki zamanı geldiğinde üzerimize

düşenleri yapalım ve evrenden gelen her türlü desteği fark edelim.
Hepimiz kendimizi gerçekleştiriyoruz. Kimseyle yarışmaya, kimsenin önüne geçmeye
ihtiyacımız yok…Geleceğimizi bilmeye ihtiyacımız yok! Ya bildiğimizden daha güzeli ve
daha ötesi ise gelmekte olan?
Öyle bir dönemdeyiz ki arkadaşlar, kendi mucizemizi her an yaratabilme potansiyelimiz var.
Ama bunun için yaşamımızı ve çevremizi kontrol etme ihtiyacımızdan çıkabilmemiz çok
önemli. Mucizeler, kontrolü bıraktığımızda ve yaşam enerjisinin çok daha kolay akmasına
yol açtığımızda karşımıza çıkıyorlar. Aslında hep oradalar ama biz onları görebilir ve
sahiplenebilir hale geliyoruz.
Yaşamımızın hangi alanında kontrolü ve güven ihtiyacımızı bırakarak esnemeye ihtiyacımız
var? Bakalım bu ay…Boğa yaşama karşı esnemeyi öğrenen bir burçtır.
Bu ay doludizgin koşturmaya ara verip küçük dinlenme fırsatları yaratalım kendimize. Gün
nasıl bitiyor anlamıyoruz bazılarımız. Sanki bir şeyleri kovalıyoruz sürekli…Yeni bir enerji
dönemine girdik. Küçük molalar verelim, sindirelim bu yeni enerjiyi!…Boğa buna ihtiyaç
duyan bir burçtur çünkü ve hepimizin ihtiyacı bu ay yeni enerjileri sindirmek ve topraklamak.
Hayata aktarabilmek. Bu ay, mutlaka bu fırsatı yaratalım arkadaşlar.
Hepimizin hayatında hareket başladı ve bu devam edecektir. Kendimize gidiyoruz çünkü.
Ama soralım kendimize, Nereye koşuyorum ben böyle? Özümle uyumlu muyum? Özümden
gelen seslenişleri duyuyor muyum? Şuursuzca değil, merkezimizde olarak ve kendimizle
ilerleyelim kendimize doğru ve topraklayalım yükselmiş olan enerjileri Boğa döneminde.
Telaşa gerek yok. “Yeterince” zamanımız var. Her şey kendi ihtiyaç duyduğu zaman içinde
gerçekleşmekte çünkü…Herşeyin kendi zamanı kendine göre doğru olan zamandır…Biz ne
kadar itsek de boşuna:J
Bu dönemin gölge tarafı olan kaosun ve kendimizden uzaklaşmanın içine düşmeyelim. Boğa
burcu, kaos içindeyken bile merkezinde kalmayı öğrenen ve huzura ihtiyaç duyan bir burçtur.
Hepimizde boğa burcu etkisi var. Farkında olalım bu ay. Yolumuz kendimize gitmek,
kendimizden uzaklaşmak değil.
Boğa Venüsyen bir burçtur. Yönetici gezegeni; aşk, ilişkiler, güzellik, sanat ve aynı zamanda
bereketi de etkileyen Venüs gezegenidir. Boğa dişi enerjiyi simgeler. Geçtiğimiz ay eril enerji
gündemdeydi, bu ay ise dişi enerjimiz bize seslenmekte.
İsis yaramızın seslenişlerini duyalım bu ay… Erkek olalım, kadın olalım hepimizin içinde
hem dişi hem eril enerji var. Bedenimizin bir tarafı dişi, bir tarafı eril enerjiyi simgeler
örneğin. Organlarımız ve hormon sistemimiz de bundan etkilenir. Amacımız dişil ve eril
enerjilerimizin bozulmuş olan dengesini yerine getirmek. Gitmekte olduğumuz Kova çağı,
diğer özelliklerinin yanında, eril ve dişil dengesini bugüne kadarkinden çok daha öte sağlamış
olan bireylerin oluşturacağı bir çağ olacaktır.
Dengeden çıkmış olan eril enerjiyi bugün, içine doğmuş olduğumuz ve artık değişmekte olan
sistemde görüyoruz. Baskı, kontrol, diktatörlük, insan faktörünü göz ardı eden determinizm,
inançların bizi kısıtlaması, en doğrusunun kendi bakış açımız olduğuna bizi inandıran
yargılarımız, öne geçme telaşı ve rekabeti, yetersiz hissettirilerek paralize edilme, paranın
gücünün ezici bir şekilde kullanılması, cinsel enerjinin günlük yaşamın her alanında bir
etkileme aracı olarak kullanılması, güç savaşları, bir şeylere mahkum olduğumuzu ve belirli

kalıplar içinde kalmamız gerektiğini bize sürekli enjekte eden sistemin tüm araçları gibi her
türlü “istismar” bugünkü sistemin bize dengeden çıkmış olan mirasıdır.
Mirastır, çünkü bu sistem çok uzun zamandan beri var olmuş. Bilelim ki artık sonlanmakta.
Pluton gezegeninin Oğlak transiti, Satürn’ün Terazi transiti, Uranüs’ün Koç transiti bize yeni
bir dönemin kapılarını açtı ve bu devam etmekte.
Eril enerjinin dengeden çıkmış olması bu istismar eden uygulamaların sadece “erkeklere” has
olduğunu göstermiyor elbette. Kadınların içindeki eril enerji de aynı dengesizlikten fazlasıyla
nasibini almakta ve uygulamakta…
Zamanın bir yerinde dengeden çıkmış olan bu eril ve dişil enerjilerimiz, içinde olduğumuz
dönemde tekrar eski dengelerine gelmek üzere yolculuktalar. İşte bu ay, Venüsyen enerji
gündemde olduğu için, dişi enerjimizi temsil eden İsis’imizi şifalandırmaya niyet edelim.
Zaten görmeye ihtiyacımız olan ne varsa bize kendini göstermekte. Sadece fark edelim.
Bu ay, var olan mirasımız gereği hangi konularda istismar ediliyoruz, fark edelim. İstismarlar
o kadar çok boyutludur ki…sadece cinsel olmak zorunda değil. Duygusal, ruhsal, fiziksel
istismarlar içinde olabiliriz. Bunlar bize en yakınlarımızdan yansıyabilir. İş yerimizde olabilir.
Bastırıldığımız, gücümüzün tüketildiği ya da bir şekilde bağımlı hissettiğimiz alanlarda bir
anlamda istismar içinde olabiliriz. Kendimiz de bu ortamlardan besleniyor olabiliriz. Bunu
kabul etmek zordur. Biz hep masumuzdur çünkü:J). Ama lütfen bu ay, hayatımızın hangi
alanlında istismar ediliyoruz ve buna izin veriyorız, hatta bundan biz de tuhaf bir şekilde nasıl
besleniyoruz, fark edelim. Eril ve dişil enerjilerimizin dengeden çıkmışlığıdır bu. Eril
tarafımız bunu yapmakta, dişil tarafımız ise buna izin vermektedir. Suçlu yoktur, sadece
dengesizliktir derinde olan…
İsis’imizi şifalandırmaya niyet edelim bu ay. Kendi değerimizi sahiplenelim. Ruhumuzu,
zihnimizi, bedenimizi sahiplenelim. Dişi enerjimizin en derinlerdeki suçluluk duygusunu,
eril enerjimize olan öfkesini, bastırılmışlığa olan direncini fark edelim. Onu duyalım…Bu
olgu hem kendimizle hem de başkalarıyla olan ilişkimizi, partnerliğimizi, nerdeyse tüm
hayatımızı etkiliyor çünkü. Erkek ya da kadın olmamız bir şey değiştirmiyor. Hepimizin
içinde dişil ve eril enerjiler var. Yaratıcılığı, sadece kendi içinde bulabildiği gerçek gücü,
anne ve ilişkide olduğu kadınlardan gelen yansımalar bir erkeğe dişi enerjisini işaret edebilir.
Bu ay evrene ondan yansıyacak olan her türlü bolluk ve bereketi almaya hazır olduğumuzu
beyan edelim. Boğa bereketin burcudur çünkü. Ama bunu inanarak beyan etmezsek faydası
olur mu?. Biz kendimize inandığımızda evren de bize inanır. Ve evren ancak bize inandığında
arzularımızın yolları açılır!. Çünkü biz hazırızdır artık…” Özümüz de sözümüz de birdir!”
Kendi yaratımımızı gerçekleştiririz bu şekilde. Bu ay Hıdrellez ile pek çok niyette bulunduk
ama bunların hangisine gerçekten inanıyoruz ve gerçekten kendimize hak görüyoruz?:J
Dileklerimiz gerçekleşmiyor değil, şanssız da değiliz… Sadece gerçekten inanmıyor, değer
görmüyor ve hazır hissetmiyor olabiliriz kendimizi. Yaptığımız niyetlere bu gözle de bakalım
ve bilelim ki biz tüm güzellikleri, her anlamda bolluğu ve bereketi hak ediyoruz. Yeter ki
yaşamımızda olmasına izin verdiğimiz çeşitli komulardaki istismarlardan özgürleşelim. Eğer
bir işyerinde çok ağır şartlarda çalışıyor ve karşılığını alamıyor, ya da yaşamımızın bir
alanında baskılar altında bulunuyorsak; biz bu istismarı kendimize hak gördükçe, bu alandan
özgürleşme isteklerimiz gerçekleşebilir mi? Biz kendimizi kurtarmaya niyet etmezsek Hızır

bizi nasıl kurtarsın?:J Hızır bizi nasıl sahiplensin:J?
Bu ay, bu yüzden, hiç olmadığı kadar kendimizi sahiplenmeye açılalım. Kendimizi sevmeye,
kendimizle vakit geçirmeye, kendimizi duymaya, kendimize sevgiyle dokunmaya, hangi
durumda olursak olalım bugüne kadar gerçekleştirdiklerimiz için kendimizi kutlamaya,
Venüs’ümüzü İsis’imizi dişi enerjimizi şifalandırmaya niyet edelim. Başarı, mutlu olacağımız
bir partner, bereket ya da gerçek arzumuz her ne ise, kendimizi daha çok sahiplenip
sevdiğimizde, hak gördüğümüzde ve eril dişil dengemize daha fazla ulaştığımızda, tam ve
bütün olduğumuzda bize gelecektir.
13 ve 14 Mayıs nasıl bir dişi enerjimiz olduğunu fark edebilmemiz için destek veren tarihler.
Ayın yarısına kadar duygularımızda, ilişkilerimizde ani dalgalanmalar hissedebiliriz. Ancak
İsis’imizin seslenişlerini duyabilmek için fırsat olarak görelim bu dönemi.
Mars 12 Mayıstan itibaren Boğa burcuna giriyor, 15 Maysıtan itibaren ise Merkür, Venüs ve
Mars Boğada olacaklar. Kendimizi daha fazla sahiplenerek, var olan ilişkilerimizi de
iyileştirme potansiyeli getiriyor. Ayrıca bolluk ve berekete olan inancımızı destekliyorlar.
Bu ay bedenimizle olan ilişkimiz de gündemde. Boğa beden farkındalığını öğrenen bir
burçtur. Bedenimizi, sağlık bilincimizi bize fark ettiren enerjiler açılmakta. Bedenimizin kendi
gücünü her zaman eline alabileceğine güveniyor muyuz? Bize miras olan sistemin beden
gücü ve sağlık konularındaki sömürülerinin ne kadar farkındayız?
Bu ay çalışmak ve üretmek var. Topluma yararlı olacak ve kendimizi de yansıtabileceğimiz
çalışmalar içinde olabiliriz. Ayrıca geleceğe yönelik nasıl çalışmalar yapmak istediğimizi fark
edebiliriz. Bu ay toplumda fark edilme ve hedefimize doğru bizi destekleyen bir etki var.
17 Mayıs’ta Boğa’nın karşı burcu olan Akrep burcunda dolunay gerçekleşiyor. Akrep
dolunayları oldukça önemlidir. Henüz fark etmediğimiz bilinmeyen alanlarımz aydınlanabilir.
Bu çok yüksek bir aydınlanma enerjisidir. Boğa burcunu simgelen Buddha bir Akrep
dolunayında aydınlanmıştı. Kendimizle ve evrensel bilinçle bağlantılı olarak yükselmeye
niyet edebiliriz. Akrep partnerle her anlamda birleşmeyi ve tek bir potada erimeyi de işaret
eder. İçimizdeki dişi ve erilin şifa ile birleşimine edebiliriz. Ve bizi bu birleşmeden geriye
çeken olası engelleri de fark edebiliriz. Bu dolunayda bugüne kadar buluşmadığımız
bilgilerle buluşma potansiyeli var…
Bu ay evrenden gelen güçlü yardım, melekler, rehberler hep bizimle…Başımızı kaldırıp bir
bakalım…Kulağımızı açıp bir duyalım. Yaklaşan tutulmalara hazırlıklayız hep birlikte:J
Bu ay bilgiyi ve bilgeliği yaşamımıza aktaralım ve topraklayalım. Maddenin üzerimizdeki
etkisini fark edelim. Hiçbir kişiye, hiçbir dünyasal maddeye sahip değiliz! Aynı bedenimiz
gibi, hepsi gelip geçici…Ancak ve ancak sahip olma ihtiyacımızdan özgürleşerek, tüm
varoluşun nimetlerine aslında zaten sahip olduğumuzu fark ediyoruz bu ay. Tutmadan,
özgürce gelip gitmesine izin vererek…Hangi çalışmalar içinde olursak olalım, madde enerjisi
bizi Özümüzden uzaklaştırıyor mu? Bu konuda ne kadar dengedeyiz? Kimseyi sömürüyor
muyuz ya da sömürülüyor muyuz? Fark edelim…
Boğanın hassas yeri boyun bölgesidir öncelikle. Kendimizi her anlamda ne kadar özgürce
ifade edebiliyorsak ve bu konuda ne kadar gerçeğimizdeysek! tiroid hormonumuzun dengeye
gelmesine o kadar destek oluruz. Geçmişten ya da soy etkisinden gelen susturulmuşlukları da
fark etmeye kendimizi açalım bu ay.

Bu ay sevgi, aşk ve bereket konuları da gündemde ancak bu yola kendimize olan sevgimizle,
dişi ve eril enerjilerimizin dengesiyle ve esnemeyi öğrenerek girebileceğimizi de hatırlatıyor
gökyüzü enerjileri.
Ayrıca, istediğimizi açığa çıkartabilmemiz için Yaratan’ın bizimle olduğunu, kendimize ve
O’na inanarak sabırla ve azimle ilerlememizi işaret ediyorlar. Hep birlikte bu seslenişleri
duyabilmemizi ve hayata geçirebilmemizi diliyorum.

Sevgi ve ışıkla,
Serpil Doğançay

Hamiyet Yüceses Sok. Aslanoğlu Apt. A Kapısı. Daire 6. SUADİYE
532 342 84 18


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 9, 2011 at 6:42pm

Tanri dedi ki:

Mutlulugun nasil bir his oldugunu biliyorsunuz. Ona yabanci degilsiniz. Oyleyse, hosunuza
giden bir seyi nasil cogaltirsiniz? Bunu dusunuyorsunuz degil mi?

Kurabiye yapmadan once onlari dusunursunuz. Farkli kurabiyeler yapmak isterseniz, farkli
kurabiye cesitlerini dusunursunuz. En cok hangi kurabiyeyi seversiniz? Tarifler arastirirsiniz.
Resimlere bakarsiniz. Caninizin istedigi tum kurabiyeleri dusunur, malzemeleri cikarir ve
onlari yapmaya baslarsiniz.

Eger daha fazla mutlulugun arzusundaysaniz, oyleyse bu arzunuzu dusuncelerinizin on

sirasina yerlestirin. Tipki kurabiye tarifleriymis gibi hosunuza giden mutluluk halleri arasinda
gezinin. Mutlulugu zihninize yerlestirin. Mutlulugunuz gerceklesecektir. Mutlulugun
mekanizmasi budur.

Surasi hassas bir noktadir. Arzu etmekle ihtiyac duymanin farkli seyler oldugunu anlamaniz
gerekir. Bunun uzerinde daha once konusmustuk. Mutlulugu, ancak ve ancak belirli sekiller
icinde istemenin geregi yoktur. Guzel bir prensesi es almanizin geregi yoktur. Altindan bir
hazineye sahip olmanizin geregi yoktur. Muazzam bir sanatci olmanizin geregi yoktur.

Arzu hostur. Gereksinim duymak ise oyle degildir.

Oyleyse arzularinizin gerceklesmesini arzu edin ve bu arzu aninda, tam simdide sahip
olabileceginiz muazzam mutlulugun hepsini arzu edin. Mutluluk arzu ettiginiz seyi
dusunmenizle kaynak blur. Hemen su anda ona sahip olabilirsiniz.
Kurabiye arzu etmek de bundan daha kolay degildir aziz cocuklarim. Sadece, hayatin
kurabiyeleri onunuze getirmesini beklemeksizin onlari mutfaginizda kendiniz pisirirsiniz.
Dogrudan eyleme gecebilirsiniz. Hayatin kurabiyeyi kapiniza getirme ihtimali de vardir elbet.
Size kurabiye getirmis olan bir arkadasinizin kapinizi calmasi da mumkundur. Olur boyle
seyler. Fakat yine de hicbir seyi ya da hickimseyi beklemden kurabiyeyi kendiniz

Piril piril yeni bir araba istiyor olabilirsiniz, iyi bir is, buyuk miktarda para, yeni bir ev, fakat
tum bu istediginiz seylerin ortak noktasi nedir? Gercekten arzusunda oldugunuz sey
mutluluktur. Mutluluk arzunuzu gerceklestirmek icin yeni bir arabaya, iyi bir ise, buyuk
miktarda paraya veya yeni bir eve sahip olmak zorunda degilsiniz ki. Mutlulugun yolunu
kendiniz acabilir, onu kendiniz elde edebilirsiniz. Mutluluk nerededir? Bir arabanin icinde
degildir o. Sizin icinizdedir. Oyleyse kendi icinizdeki mutlulugu canlandirip harekete gecirin
ve gelismeleri gorun.

Kainattan yeni bir araba istediginizde mesela; kainatin armaganlarina sinir koymak
istemezsiniz. Kainata karsi sabirsiz da olmak istemezsiniz. Bu arada baska armaganlar
alirsaniz eger kadir sinas olmak istersiniz, degil mi?
"Of, kah..tsin, yeni arabami alamadim, onun yerine baska bir sey aldim." demenizle, "Bu
harika degil mi? Baska bir sey aldim. Bundan gayet de memnunum. Bu, gelmekte olan
hayrilarin habercisidir." demeniz arasindan buyuk fark vardir.
Yerde bir on kurus buldugunuzda mutlu olun.

Onunuze her ne gelirse, yolunuza ne cikarsa memnun olun, tesekkur edin. Mutlulugu nasil
egzersiz edeceginizi goruyor musunuz? Hissettiginiz mutluluk size sadece daha fazla
mutluluk getirebilir. Aziz cocuklarim, mutluluk sozkonusu oldugunda muskulpesent olmak
istemezsiniz. Baska bir misafiri bekliyor olabilirsiniz. Bu arada sizi ziyarete gelmis olana da

"hosgeldin" deyin, bu vesileyle mutlugu nasil kabul edeceginizin uygulamasini yapmis

Kaybettigi zaman da gayet centilmence davranan bir sporcu gibi olmanizi soylemek
istemiyorum size; cunku bu ifade size, hayalkirikligi hissetmeniz ve sabirsizlik duymaniz icin
gecerli nedeninizin oldugunu ima edecek, dolayisiyla da bir seyler kaybettiginizi ve mutsuz
olmakta hakli oldugunuza isaret edecektir. Memnun olmak icin sayisiz sebep oldugunu
soyluyorum size. Memnuniyetten ise daha fazla ve daha fazla mutluluk dogacaktir.

Ceviren: Engin Zeyno Vural


Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi


Taurus 2011 Global Meditation
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 9, 2011 at 7:30pm

Taurus 2011 Global Meditation

Celebrating the Taurus Full Moon Festival
The Wesak ~ Festival of Shamballa

Fulfillment of Purpose Meditation

Meditation Focus ~ Overview
Meditation Theme
Information Synthesis
Meditation Preparation
Additional Links
Meditation Impressions ~ Living Wise Blog

Meditation Focus ~ Overview

Souledout.org's Meditation Focus theme continues for this Taurus cycle. On our annual
journey, we are exploring Embrace the Unknown ... Fulfillment of Purpose.

The Wesak Festival, second of the Three Major Planetary Spiritual Festivals, is celebrated
globally at the time of the full moon in Taurus~Scorpio.

One way to participate in group preparation is to join us in the daily spiritual focus presented
in our online Calendar ...

Fulfillment of Purpose ~ Taurus Meditation Focus

Daily Calendar

Throughout the Taurus cycle, each Calendar day's seed thought is portrayed in the graphic
representation and links associated with the Keynote on the daily page. Beginning after the
new moon on Tuesday, May 3, we ask all to observe this holy festival cycle by aligning with
the daily focus.

You are encouraged to continue with this meditation channel during the moon cycle
surrounding the May 17 full moon in Taurus~Scorpio. You may want to bookmark the
Calendar, or consider making it the startup page in your browser for the entire month, in
order to participate on a daily basis. The Calendar works optimally in full browser windows,
rather than tabbed windows. Another suggestion, since it is updated daily, is to set your
Browser Cache to "Compare each time the page is viewed."

2011 Taurus Meditation Theme

SouledOut.org's meditation focus for the Taurus 2011 cycle relates to The Wesak ~ Festival of
Shamballa and the Fulfillment of Divine Purpose.

Knowing Our Purpose Reveals Our Direction

Knowing Our Direction Reveals Our Purpose

The Divine Purpose of the Wesak Festival is reflected in the theme of intent for the annual
Festival at the full moon in Taurus: "The quality of Divine Love-Wisdom should pour into the
body of humanity through the medium of those disciples whose attention has taken up the
theme of service." (1)

Effectively, the Wesak cycle offers the opportunity for all to align more fully to Divine
Purpose. The Light of Taurus ~ The Penetrating Light of the Path ~ assists us in making the
Shamballa alignment needed to bring through the spiritual energies of the Wesak ritual. By
doing so and in group formation, we may be impressed with the revelation of the Divine Plan
for the upcoming cycle.

It is the immediate and imminent probability of ... world reconstruction and [the] coming of
the Christ which are held in mind at the annual recurrence of the Wesak Festival, each full
moon of Taurus. [We] can thus set up a current of aspiration and a vortex of force which will
have a vital appeal and which will call forth a definite response (in the spiritual significance
of the term) from Those Who seek to aid. (2)

For this time on the annual journey, our meditation theme integrates our awareness and
assimilation of the zodiacal energies of the Lighted Way, and these united efforts bring us ever
closer to our Divine Destiny.

We are advised to open our hearts and minds and to find the points of agreement and
strengthen them, recognizing that all spiritual paths lead to the same place. When we can
cooperate and respect our diversity, we see all expressions as Divine and as aspects of the
Plan. We see all as the Path.

The Wesak Festival

The Wesak Festival is in recognition of a present living event. It takes place ... whilst some
great and heavenly event is going on, and it is in the nature of a particpating ceremony. This
heavenly event takes place annually at the time of the full moon of Taurus ... and at that event
there is release upon Earth (according to the measure of man's demand) the blessing of God
Himself, transmitted through the Buddha and His Brother, the Christ. (3)

The Wesak Festival is spiritually held to be the supreme moment in the annual cycle, when
the Buddha and the Christ come together for this sacred ritual. At the pivotal moment of the
full moon in Taurus, there is opportunity to share in the unfolding "high water-mark of
spiritual blessing in the world."(4)

The Wesak Festival is a display of spiritual unity: the Buddha, the Light, bestows the blessing
from Shamballa on all humanity, through the Christ, representing the Love. This is a very
auspicious time for humanity and our spiritual growth, and offers an opportunity to recognize
the Essential Divinity in all beings of all faiths.

The Taurus Full Moon Festival is an opportunity to meditate and honor the blessings that
come to all of humanity at this time. It is especially important now to appreciate the unity in
our diversity, as groups of all faiths everywhere on the planet unite to invoke the Divine. In
this event, the synthesis of Love and Will is further demonstrated in our world.

... the importance of the Wesak Festival at the time of the Full Moon of May, because it not
only objectively links the major Eastern religion with the major Western faith, but because it
esoterically provides the key to the open door between Shamballa and the Hierarchy, between
the purpose of God (still unidentified by man, owing to his relatively low stage of evolution
which makes it beyond human comprehension at present) and the method of God, which is
love; it provides also the link between the Buddha, temporarily embodying will-wisdom, and
the Christ, embodying love-wisdom, and also between humanity, focussed in consciousness
through the Christ, and the Hierarchy, focussed in consciousness through the Buddha. Owing
to the stress of humanity today and the urgency of the response which that distress evokes in
the Hierarchy, the synthesis of these two reactions to the world crisis can prove adequate to
bring in that outside assistance which could end the conflict along right lines and bring not
only relief, but illumination to the human consciousness. (5)

We, as a worldwide group, have envisioned a grid of light all over the Earth that connects the
light of every Lightworker and each sacred energy vortex. Together we form this Chalice, the
Holy Grail prepared to receive the outpouring of blessings from on High.

At the Wesak Full Moon Festival, together with the assembled Hierarchy this light grid of
humanity that forms the Chalice is imbued with the blessing of the Buddha and the new
incoming energies. Next month at the Goodwill Full Moon Festival these blended energies
will be distributed to those groups, individuals and forces actively involved in the Healing of
the Nations.

Throughout the month, may we prepare for and experience this dynamic event on the planet,
as it manifests in expression.

The appearance of the Christ, and His emergence into manifestation, will date from a certain
Wesak Festival at which a Great Invocation will be pronounced by the Buddha, Who will thus
release divine force and prepare the way for His great Brother, thus assisting Him to carry out
His mission. (6)

Guidance in preparing for this meditation

If at all possible, we suggest being in meditation at the exact time of the full moon. For this
month's global meditation, we at SouledOut.org will meditate in group the night before the
full moon at 9:00 pm on Monday, May 16 (04:00 UT on May 17). All who wish to join in at
this time are welcome, however if you are unable to do so, choose a time within 12 hours
before or after the full moon to participate.

Feel free to pause at points in the Meditation, wherever you are naturally inclined, to allow
the energy and information to come in fully and to be at one with the energies invoked.

2010 Wesak Festival Meditation

The Full Moon in Taurus ~ Scorpio
Tuesday, May 17 at 4:09 am PDT (11:09 UT)

We mentally link up with people of goodwill everywhere, creating a united group channel
through which the spiritual forces can become available. Affirming this channel, "We stand
poised united as one soul with our Spiritual Hierarchy." We hold the focus.

This alignment we make with the Spiritual Hierarchy creates a unity between humans in
physical form and the Great Ones in Spirit. The Essential Divinity in all is sensed and

When we have achieved this, we become still ...

The great gateway of Taurus opens and a golden, white light pours in and through. We rise to
meet this light ~ the golden Light of Illumination. We recognize it also as the Light of

At the very heart of our being we feel an impulse, an incentive to move and to progress.
Desire and aspiration are further transformed into inspiration and illumination. Within us, the
personality wanes and the Soul shines. We are evolving.

The Light of Taurus holds the secret of Divine Purpose. As we attune to it, steadily and
without cessation the Divine Plan is revealed to us.

The gift of Illumination bestowed at the Wesak Festival contains the question ~ Will the Bull
of Desire or the Bull of Divine Illumination prevail? It is up to us, seekers on the Path.

May we direct and use this Light wisely, confronting the darkness and difficulties of our
world. In this work the Group Soul shines through, demonstrating the strength, purpose, and
purity of our motive.

The Buddha and the Christ combine the Way of Mind and the Way of the Heart. Experiencing
this great connection, our vision expands. Compassion and understanding rise within us as our
Mind and Heart are further unified.

The Light of Taurus delivers the Shamballa force which stimulates our Will-to-Serve. The
Christ and the Buddha, Divine Love and Wisdom, unite through us to reveal our Purpose.

Our heart and mind resonate ...

Knowing Our Purpose Reveals Our Direction

Knowing Our Direction Reveals Our Purpose

We rise
We know
We serve

We are joined in this stream by Lightworkers everywhere on the planet and from on high to
intone The Great Invocation, and together we say ...


From the point of light within the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds
Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love within the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts
May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide our wills
The PURPOSE which the masters know and serve.

From the center which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door
where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
restore the Planet Earth!

- adapted version (7)

Feel free to submit your present time Taurus cycle impressions, to be shared via our Blog

Log into WeCycle Wisdom ... SouledOut.org's Living Wise Blog

Taurus Information Synthesis

Taurus ~ The Penetrating Light of the Path.

This is a beam of light, streaming forth from the point

in Aries, and revealing the area of light control. (8)

At the new moon prior to the full moon in Taurus, we initiate alignment in preparation for the
Wesak Festival two weeks later. In generating the required alignment, we ask you to consider
the information synthesis offered here as meditation focus for a month-long period. To aid in
this alignment we advocate use of The Great Invocation throughout the cycle.

Significance of Wesak The Forces of Enlightenment are available at the Taurus full moon,
marking the high-water mark of spiritual blessing for the world, and opening a channel of
communication between humanity and deity.

Wesak Legend According to tradition, at the time of the full moon in Taurus, the Buddha
comes to the Wesak Valley of the Himalayas to bring the powerful spiritual energy of
Shamballa to the assembled masters, initiates and disciples of the Hierarchy, for the

assimilation and eventual distribution of this Shamballa force throughout the world.
(Familiarity with this beautiful event will assist in creating the hookup for meditation at the
time of the Wesak full moon.)

Wesak Safeguarding The full moon phase is to be held as a five-day period. The two days
before the full moon are the days of approach and preparation. The day of the full moon is the
most auspicious day, it is a time of spiritual retreat and contact, a time to still the mind and
maintain inner peace. The two days following the full moon are the days of distribution ... the
days when our efforts will be to pass on, or to pass through, that measure of spiritual energy
that may have been contacted.

Avatars The Doctrine of the Coming One is linked to the teaching of every great religion.

Work of the Buddha, Christ and Humanity The roles held by the Buddha and the Christ in
dispelling planetary glamour and illusion prepare and allow Humanity to evolve into the
Spiritual Kingdom.

Aldebaran Aldebaran is the Star of Illumination and Enlightenment ~ the Eye of the Bull in
the constellation Taurus.

Principle of Decision As we approach the spiritual Hierarchy, we may join them in

application of this truth based on the 3 P's ~ Perception of the Plan, Participation in the
Purpose, and Prevention of Evil.

Night Sky ~ Moondances During each lunar cycle the Moon, waxing and waning, journeys
through the zodiac. It partners with and enlivens the sparkling stars and glowing planets along
the way. As the Moon grows in the light provided by our Sun, we too grow in the light of our

The Wesak lunar cycle begins May 2/3. This is a time of the illumined mind. Become a
receptive conscious channel for the down pouring of energies from the higher realms. Lunar
Theme: Intuit Ideas ~ Make Divine Choices ~ Take Action.

Additional Links These related links may be of assistance in your Taurus meditation focus.

Preparation for Participation in This Meditation Focus

Helpful suggestions for a Wesak Full Moon Ritual

In preparation for this full moon meditation we ask you to become familiar with the Principle
of Decision, the Significance of Wesak, the Legend of the Wesak, Aldebaran and Safeguarding
the Energies.

If at all possible, we suggest being in meditation at the exact time of the full moon. If you are
unable to do this, choose a time within 12 hours before or after to align with these energies
and be part of this global meditation.

We at SouledOut.org plan to be in meditation the night before the full moon at 9:00 pm PDT
on Monday, May 16 (04:00 UT Tuesday, May 17), and all who wish to join in are welcome to
do so. To be in meditation at the exact time of the full moon, if possible, is also suggested.

Prior to your meditation take the needed time to create a sacred space and spiritually align
your energies.

Consider what is the appropriate way to join in this meditation ... you may wish to participate
in group formation on the physical plane as well as on the inner planes. Whether or not you
choose to be "alone" on the physical plane, know you are uniting with many others who also
are attuning to the energies available at this Global Festival, and that this group focus creates
a powerful channel for the meditation to be potent and effective.

The Full Moon Festivals Culminate over a Five-Day Period ...

Our meditation focus beginning at the new moon leads into the two "days of preparation"
immediately preceding the full moon. These are to be dedicated to spiritual reflection and
detachment from everyday concerns, as each prepares to become a vessel for the energies of
light and love they will receive and channel. At this time we hold the attitude of dedication
and service, and seek to assume that attitude of receptivity to that which our soul will impart
which will make us of spiritual use.

The day of the full moon itself is the "day of safeguarding," one of inner peace and silence
during which we attempt to contact and consciously hold the energies for the rest of humanity.
We will not formulate for ourselves what will happen, nor will we look for results or tangible
effects. While one may not observe the exact moment when the moon is full, it's important to
find some quiet time to reflect alone or use this opportunity to meditate with others of like
mind and focus.

The two succeeding days are called the "days of distribution." We now turn the attention
outwards, away from ourselves, and our efforts are to pass on the spiritual energies that have
been contacted. We assist these spiritual energies, transformed into goodwill, in flowing to
where there is greatest need.

If you wish, feel free to continue use of this meditation for the entire month of Taurus.

The Full Moon Cycle We Are Observing ...

Following the new moon on Tuesday, May 3 through Wednesday, June 1, 2011, the end of this
Taurus lunar cycle.

Additional Suggestions

In addition to taking a pre-Wesak bath ou may choose to prepare beforehand for this
global meditation with the full Wesak Legend visualization, or the short version.
SouledOut.org also offers an audio version of the Wesak Legend in MP3 format.

Additional links

Taurus Synthesis Supplementary links for further understanding

Wesak Audio Programs Words with music, all dedicated to the Festival of the Buddha, also
known as the Festival of Shamballa.

Key Wesak Quotes from the writings of Alice A. Bailey (printed version)

Wesak Buddha Bath For your wellbeing, purification, upliftment and harmonic alignment,
please schedule a half hour (or more) for your pre-Wesak soak.

The Three Spiritual Festivals The springtime full moon festivals form the spiritual high
point of the year.

Taurus Zodiacal Deity Taurus, representing the Soul, opens the door into the Hierarchy and
guards the secret of light. (9) The end result of the Taurian influence is the glorification of

Taurus Labor of Hercules Hercules's second great test took place in the maze where the
Minotaur lived on the island of Crete. Hercules’s task was to capture and deliver this half-
man, half-bull to the mainland. In the life of the separated self, the bull of desire has to be
caught and mastered and chased from one point to another, until the time comes when the
aspirant can do what Hercules succeeded in doing: ride the bull.

Principle of Essential Divinity The universality of the Wesak ritual unites the world's major
religions in a shared holy day in which religious distinctions disappear, as the pure Shamballa
energy transmitted at this time honors and blesses that Essential Divinity common among all
the world's traditions and faiths.

Cosmic Identification It is through the practice of Divine Identification that we may

demonstrate the nature of Spirit, for to bring Spirit fully into our daily lives is service to the

The Spiritual Kingdom Manifests We approach the Hierarchy and as this occurs, Humanity
evolves into the Spiritual Kingdom.

The Lighted Way The entire zodiac can be approached and understood from the angle of
light. This light is the inner light, soul light, and its unfolding and increasing radiance is the
manifestation of our divine nature. (10) A study of the 12 different lights for each of the
constellations of the zodiac will reveal the symbolic story of the growth of the light body,
within the Soul of Humanity (the Macrocosm) and within each of us (the Microcosm), and
will finally make clear the very purpose of God.

Divine Truths of Deity These basic truths are commonly held by all the world's revealed

Fixed Cross Taurus, a point on the Cross of the Crucified Christ, is closely related to the
second initiation, Baptism, at which the first contact with Shamballa energy is experienced.

New Group of World Servers Members of this group desire to uplift, teach and help others.
They are identified by the selflessness of their service to the world and lack of personal
ambition, coupled with a willingness to work behind the scenes without recognition.

Cycles and Rhythms of the NGWS "This is a periodic yearly cycle for the vibratory
frequency of the level of consciousness in which dwells the Hierarchy of Masters. The higher
and lower are very closely related in vibratory frequency at this particular time." (11) For

those who serve the One Life, each year the Wesak Festival marks the turn of the spiral to a
new cycle, rotating between crisis, tension and emergence.

The Springtime Holy Feasts Certain days from Lent through 50 days after Easter have
specific importance in the Christian Church.

The Lunar Messenger, Taurus Moon (PDF) Circle of Goodwill's commentary for the Taurus
full moon, "The Work of the Moon 1: New Moon"

Print version | Footnotes

Meditation focus inspired by the collected writings of Alice A. Bailey

Above information is culled from Alice A. Bailey's teachings,
specific reference to the booklet
"The Wesak Festival—A Technique of Spiritual Contact"
Lucis Trust, 120 Wall St., 24th Floor, New York, NY 10005


Numerology and Spirituality

 Posted by Melanie Watson on May 9, 2011 at 9:14pm

I am not sure how many people on this site are out there who receive numbers which come to
them. I started with 11:11 and it has gone to other numbers such as 44 and 27, but now the
number which comes to me most is 33...or 333. Is there anyone else out there who have come
in contact with such numbers? It would be nice to hear from other "LIGHT BEINGS" who
are experiencing this same phenomenon.

Love, peace and blessings always,

Melanie aka peacefuleagle


Quado’nun Bahçesi: Yanlışlarınızı Salıverin
– Kendi Gerçeğinizi İzleyin
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on May 10, 2011 at 12:55am

Quado’nun Bahçesi: Yanlışlarınızı Salıverin – Kendi Gerçeğinizi İzleyin



Açın avuçlarınızı

önünüze, ve içine yapmış olduğunuz bir yanlışı koyun. Şimdi, zihninizin ne söylediğine
dikkat edin. Diyor ki, eğer bu yanlışı yapmasaydın, yaşamın şimdi daha iyi olurdu… bir sürü
kurguyu önünüze serip; eğer şöyle yapsaydın, böyle olurdu, bunu izleseydin, şuraya gitmiş
olurdun, eğer farklı bir seçim yapsaydın, şu olurdu, bu olurdu…

Bunların hiç biri gerçek değil. Olabilecekler ile ilgili zihnin saçmalıkları… Gerçek değil.
Gerçek olan tek şey; ŞİMDİ’de… BURADA…

Hadi, susturun zihninizi ve her bir yanlışı serbest bırakın. Her birini, teker teker. Yanlışınızı
avucunuzun içine alın, onunla birlikte gelen zihnin konuşmasını hatırlayın ve yuvasına uçacak
bir kuşu avucunuzdan bırakır gibi serbest bırakın. Salıverin ve uçup gidişini izleyin. Sözde
yanlışlarınızla birlikte, eski umutları, düşleri, düşkırıklıklarını, kusurları, utançları; salıverin,
bırakın uçsun, gitsin.

Siz, kimseniz, o’sunuz tam şu anda.

Ve her ne yaptıysanız sizi bu noktaya getirdi. Şimdi, burada, tam da sizin durduğunuz yerde,
her şey durduğu yerde dururken, fırsatlarla çevrilisiniz. Çevrenizde farkedilmeyi bekleyerek
parlıyorlar, onları gölgeleyen, sizin inatla geçmişe bağlı kalmanızdır. Tüm bu utanç
duygularını salıverin ve çevrenize bakının. Şu an’ı açıkça görün. Bakın nasıl yenilik ve
fırsatlarla dolu bir biçimde parlıyor!

Çimlerle kaplı bir tarlanın tam ortasında duruyorsunuz ve tarla, güneşin altında parıl parıl
parlayan elmaslarla dolu. Elmasların her biri, yapabileceğiniz bir seçim, girişeceğiniz bir
eylem, öğrenip gelişmek için harika bir fırsat, yaşamın şahaneliği ve güzelliğini kucaklamak
için bir şans…

Salıverin eskiyi, ŞU AN’ı kucaklayın. Bırakın ışık saçsın.

Eğilin ve alın elmaslardan birini…



İçsel gerçeğinizi


Kendinizi sinirli ve endişeli hissettiğinizde, endişenizin sebebinin, cüretkar eylemleriniz

boyunca, içsel gerçeğinizi izleme korkusu olup olmadığını anlamak önemlidir sizin için.

Bir kalem ve kağıtla birlikte, sessizce oturun. İçinizde sessiz bir yere doğru nefesler alın,
merkezinize ulaşın. Geleceğe yönelik endişeleri ve geçmişle ilgili pişmanlıkları dağıtın.
Olanlar, oldukları gibi tam şu anda, ve sizin şimdi’deki hedefiniz, doğru bir hareketle
gerginliğinizi yatıştırmak. İçinizdeki sakin, huzur havuzunu bulun ve sorun, bu durumla nasıl
baş ederim, diye. Sonra, ilk aklınıza geleni yazın; zihninize ikinci bir şans, düzeltme şansı

Eğer yanıt, sabırlı olmanız ve beklemeniz yönündeyse, güzel… Sakince, huzur dolu ve
korkusuzca yapın. Eğer yanıt, direkt olarak durumla ilgilenmeniz yönündeyse, derin bir
nefes alın, kendinizi cesaretle doldurun ve kendi gerçeğinizi sakince, açıkça ve direkt olarak
konuşmak üzere kendinizi hazırlayın. Eğer yanıt, diğerleri ile yüz yüze görüşmek ile ilgiliyse,
farklılıklarınız üzerinde sakince çalışırken dinleyin, öğrenin ve gerekeni yapın.

Korku ve şüphe, sizin sorunlara kızgınlık içinde yaklaşmanızı tercih ederler, ya da hiçbir şey
yapmadan sadece endişe ve şikayet etmenizi… Korku ve şüphe için, en iyi çözüm, sizin;
çözüme doğru yapıcı adımlar atmak yerine, eski, fazla yeme ve içme kalıplarına geri
dönmenizdir. Korku dedikoduyu sever, kızgınlık ve manipülasyonu da…

Ama siz bundan çok daha fazlasısınız. Siz, yolunuzdaki her adımda sizi yönlendirecek
şekilde, güçlü, becerikli ve doğruluk dolusunuz. Bunlara ulaşın, ve ne yapmanız gerektiğini
bulun. Hissettiğiniz gerginlik ve endişeyi dindirmek için hangi doğru adımı atacağınızı…
Sonra derin bir nefes alın ve işe koyulun, korku yol verecektir size…

Barış içinde yaşayalım, ağlamadan. Neşemiz, durmadan dokunduğumuz yaşamları çevrelesin.

Ve melek kanatları şefkatle çarparken, sevgimiz dünyayı sarsın.

The Universal Heart Center

http://www.moshayra.webs.com http://www.quado.com/quados-garden/050822.htm

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan



 Posted by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on May 11, 2011 at 1:30am

"Open your hearts, know that at the level of consciousness we all speak the Irdin. Open your
hearts to the language of Love and Perfect Representation. "

“Taj tamidi nai, imnios nabadi kios dei taridis ist nomadis neum kip am ai ist ai daik num
baris om nai.

Taj ta mai.

Tamid aim.”


What is Irdin? Irdin is the Language of Angels, the language of the Spheres, the language that
connects all beings from the Fifth Dimension of Consciousness. It is the Universal Language
that their souls know and speak beyond the etheric body and the Center of the Will.

Universal knowledge - codified in language - and responds to the binary code from a matrix
or subsequent Akashic Records which includes this and all dimensions, this and all universes.
With its pure nature, devoid of prejudice and "call everything by its true name" for direct
contact with the Source. No school on his plane that allows the transmission of this
knowledge, they do exist in other dimensions - beyond the Seventh and the Akashic Records -
where the language is set and kept in shape and spectrum.
Many religions have regained ground belief in the gift that flows intuitively and does not
support any kind of translation. El “Don de Lenguas” que las Escrituras mencionan se refiere
al Irdin. The "Gift of Tongues" that the Scriptures mention concerns Irdin. When the man
starts to leave behind the conventions that provide an end and beginning of things and begins
to move through the Intuition - thus attracting the right hemisphere and restoring the pineal
gland to his former position - the spontaneously manifests Irdin as a divine blessing.

The Irdin connect people once they have left behind the illusion of the third and fourth
dimension. The Irdin not the language of the past or the future in linear terms, is the language
of the Present Perfect in its true concept and meaning.

Each university develops its own language and "local." The spins of each dialect
characteristic of the Irdin specifically depend on how it is used. The Irdin communicated to all
peoples of the Creation. Language is the Galactic Confederation. Brings together all the
interstellar and intergalactic beings in a representation of Love and Brotherhood.

Children are truly open to the language, is spoken before maturing organs of speech and
language culturally assigned, is what is known as "babbling." This is a representation n early
and still not forgotten the language spoken before birth and early years of life. Gradually,
children are losing that ability, as well as provide cultural conditioning.

“Taj tamidi nai, imnios nabadi kios dei taridis ist nomadis neum kip am ai ist ai daik num
baris om nai. "Taj tamidi nai, Imni nabadi KIOS ist dei taridis pneumatic nomadis kip ist am
ai ai nai Daik om num baris.
Taj ta mai. Taj ta mai.
Tamid aim.” Tamid aim. "

"Open your hearts, know that at one level of their own consciences all speak the Irdin.
Open your hearts to the language of Love and Perfect Representation .
” Are blessed and very loved. "

The term is used to designate Irdin language-mother, the language of the planet Earth, where
all languages are derived. The term is also used to describe the stage of evolution of the Soul
which is released from compulsory reincarnation because it reached the end of his experience
in the heavy plan, and can operate in dimensions, etheric, astral and mental - the fourth and
fifth dimension - where it is prepared to move forward, aiming the seventh dimension, where
he works for the return of humanity to its true natural state of origin.

Meanwhile, the Soul Irdin Stadium, continues to operate in the government and assisting the
World Hidden in the seven Ramos of human endeavor, but without interfering with the free
will of man, though it is destructive. The slogan is living terrestrial experience through the
prism of the globe, without interference. » The land must unlock the secrets of your mind,
master and love for self and spontaneously break the cycle of unconsciousness. "

Extracted from: Padrão Humi - Autoconhecimento

traducido al español por : [email protected] Spanish translation by:
[email protected]

Known as the Cosmic Dialect or Universal Language, Irdin is spoken by highly developed
entities, or those with spiritual rank. A high level of vibration is a required to understand it.
It sounds similar to African dialects. The words in Irdin have just the right amount of energy
to communicate their exact meaning, therefore no interpretations are allowed. It uses a small
amount of words, because of their vibration.

All Cosmic entities communicate in Irdin, including Angels, extraterrestrials and some
disembodied entities that are highly developed. Unfortunately most humans cannot
understand it because of Earth’s evolution delay. Exceptions are: some Indigo children that
talk in Irdin to their parent’s dismay.

Irdin has 8 dialects: Parlento, Tuacen, Potean, Soteron, Katame, Pinton y Zeron. Parlento is
the original one.

As humans raise their levels of vibration, and as part of the preparations for the fourth
dimension, Irdin will be the language of choice to communicate with the Light Beings

Irdin and its dialects should not be confused with the words manifested when people speak in
tongues. Usually those only repeat phrases, but are unable to develop and maintain a
conversation. The phenomenon of speaking in tongues comes from the spiritual world. It is a
contact with disembodied beings that talk those languages and can only transmit words or
phrases. In rare occasions the phenomenon is a transmission of other instances of the soul. In
contrast, the Irdin language has an expansive alphabet that allows the user to interact in a
sensible conversation.

"Before you wear your white body, enlighten your soul."

Harmony, love and light are where life takes you. The lighting of your days and the colors
that you see depend on you. Do not forget, you and only you're the maker of your dreams and
your destiny.












Mantra_IRDIN_Jerarqu_a_MISHUK 2.mp3, 15.3 MB

Mantra_IRDIN_Jerarqu_a_MISHUK.mp3, 20.5 MB

asatoma.mp3, 249 KB












































 Posted by Göksel Page on May 13, 2011 at 4:15am

Hepimiz an'ı yaşamayı isteriz.Ama ne kadar yaşayabildiğimizi düşündünüz mü?

Hayatın koşturmacasına dalıp,bizi yoran telaşlarla geçimişe takılı,geleceğe odaklı bir hayat.
Ya şimdi?
Evet şimdi'yi düşünen yok gibi desek bu doğru olur.
Aslında hayat ne geçmişte yaşanır ne de gelecekte..Hayat sadece şimdi^de yaşanır.
Geçmişi oluşturan bu şimdiler değil mi?Yada geleceğe giden yol şimdi'den geçmiyor mu?
Şimdi arkanıza yaslanın ve gözlerinizi kapatın..Düşünün biraz.Şimdi yani şu an en büyük
derdiniz ne?
Şu an için baktığınızda aslında çok da kötü bir sonuç görmeyeceksiniz eminim.
Doğduk,büyüyoruz ve öleceğiz gibi bir kabullenişle yürüyoruz hayatta.Bunu kabul etmek
zaten bunu yaşamayı planlamak değil mi?Bunu seçmiyoruz seçtiriliyoruz.
Halbuki biz seçtiklerimizi yaratıyoruz ve onları yaşıyoruz.
Hadi gelin beraber şundan vazgeçelim bugün "böyle gelmiş böyle gider" ya da "hiç düzgün

olmadı ki bugün iyi olsun"
Bunları her olumsuz olayda bir kabulleniş içinde hepimiz söyleriz.Ama bu yaptığımız sadece
geçmişe takılmaktan başka birşey değil.Önceden öyle oldu diye ŞİMDİ'de öyle olacak diye
bir kural yok.
Ama biz bunu böyle planlarsak tabiki başka türlü olma şansı yok.Çünkü bunun olmasını
Öncelikle bu kabullenişten vazgeçmek gerek.Zihnimizin bizi yönlendirmesine bir son verip
gerçek benliğimize ulaşmak bir zorunluluk.Şimdi eminim şunu diyeceksiniz "Düşünmeyi
durduramıyoruz ki"
Evet öyle gözüksede aslında onu durdurmak mümkün.Sadece istemek gerekli.Zihini
istediğimizde kullanmak ve lazım olmadığında dinlendirme yoluna gitmek şart.
Okuduğum kitaplarda şunu gördüm ki tüm öğretilerde bulunan insanlar ŞİMDİ yaşamayı
bilen kişiler.Mesela MEVLANA,HZ MUHAMMED,HZ İSA ,HZ MUSA hatta Budaa
öğretilerinde bile bu nokta çok önemli.
Unutmayın hayat hep ŞİMDİ'de yaşanıyor.Geçmiş dediğimizi oluşturan bile yaşanan bu
Demek ki herşeyi değiştirmenin anahtarı da ŞİMDİ'nin içinde.Sadece biraz değişmek için
çabamız gerekli.Bunun için en önce içinde bulunduğumuz durumu kabulleniş çok
önemli.Eğer değiştiremediğimiz bir durum varsa bunu kabullenmek ve o duruma rağmen
yaşamdan zevk almayı bilmekle başlıyor herşey.
Bunu yapabilirsek görün bakın herşey ne kadar güzelleşecek ve kolaylaşacak.Sorunlarımızdan
korkmadığımızda tıpkı korkularımız gibi etkisini yitirip yok olup gidiyorlar.
Var olan bir gerçek varsa o ŞİMDİ bu AN 'dır.Lütfen korkularımızı,sorunlarımızı geçmiş
dediğimiz aslında var olmayan yerde bırakalım ve şu an'ı yaşayalım.Farkında olmadan bir
hayat geçirmeyi tercih etmeyelim.Her an içinde sevgi dolu yaşayalım.Sevgimizi her canlıya
vermekten korkmayalım.Birbirimizi önemseyelim ve herkesi olduğu gibi sevelim.Ve herkesi
şu an itibariyle kucaklayalım.Bakın herşey bu AN itibariyle nasıl güzelleşmeye
başlayacak.Ben hepinizi seviyorum çünkü biliyorum ki benim gibi sizde bütünün parçasısınız
ve hepimiz BİZ'iz..Ben olmayı öğrenemezsek biz olmayı da öğrenmemiz imkansız
olur.Herkese şu an itibariye yani ŞİMDİ güzellikler ve iç huzur diliyorum..


Suggestions for a Wesak Full Moon Ritual
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 15, 2011 at 4:36am

Suggestions for a Wesak Full Moon Ritual

During the Wesak Festival there is an unusual inflow of Life and spiritual stimulation, which
serves to vitalize the aspiration of all humanity. Occurring at the full moon in the sign of
Taurus, this Festival is the annual high-water mark of spiritual blessing for the world. At this
time the Forces of Enlightenment are available as a channel for communication between
Humanity and Deity, which is opened. (See Significance of the Wesak to learn more.)

If at all possible, we suggest being in meditation at the exact time of the full moon. If you are
unable to do this, choose a time within 12 hours before or after to align with these energies
and be part of this global meditation. You may want to arrange for a physical group ritual that
will be enhanced and empowered by those spiritual beings around the world participating in
the Wesak Festival.

A variety of elements may be useful in celebrating the Wesak:

Invite participants to cleanse and purify prior to the ritual through a ritual herbal bath,
purification meditation, and / or a walk in nature.

Sanctify the ritual space: saging, using incense, and playing reflective or uplifting recorded /
live music.

Set the stage for connecting with the Group Soul with a dedicated altar and water ceremony:

You may want to create an altar that depicts the Wesak Legend. It could include figures
representing the Buddha and the Christ, and a ceremonial bowl that is surrounded with rose
quartz. This mineral is used to amplify the quality of Love-Wisdom; it is a symbol combining
the Love of Christ and the Wisdom of the Buddha. You may also want to use a large quartz
crystal to assist in attuning to the ceremony taking place in the Wesak Valley.

As part of the Wesak water ceremony, ritually pour spring water into the bowl. Gardenias may
be added to the water for a special blessing, fragrance and taste. The water remains on the
altar throughout the ritual and meditation. When the meditation is complete, the participants
partake of the water in a communion ritual. Water that remains is now a Wesak charged
tincture that can be bottled and taken home for future use by the participants.

Hallow the space and time with a group prayer, invocation, sacred sounds and / or singing a

Review SouledOut.org's Wesak Global Meditation and Alignment to create your own unique

Listen to the audio version of the Wesak Legend, in preparation for and leading up to the
Wesak meditation ... drinking the Wesak water after the meditation, as a holy communion (see
group water ceremony above). One may simply listen with a glass or vessel of water nearby,
meditate and then drink of the infused Holy Water as a communion.

These elements may all be used or not, arranged and adapted to suit the needs and
temperament of those participating in the ritual.

In 2011 the Festival of the Wesak full moon in Taurus occurs

on Tuesday, May 17 at 4:09 am PDT (11:09 UT).


DailyOM - Cocreating with the Universe
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 15, 2011 at 4:45am

DailyOM - Cocreating with the Universe

Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

May 10, 2011

Asking for What You Want
Cocreating with the Universe
So many of us are taught to accept what we are given and not even to dream of
anything more.

Most people don’t always fully realize that we all have within us the ability to
cocreate our lives with the universe. So many of us are taught to accept what we
are given and not even to dream of anything more. But our hopes and dreams are
the universe whispering to us, planting an idea of what’s possible while
directing us toward the best use of our gifts. The universe truly wants to give
us our hearts’ desires, but we need to be clear about what they are and ask for

To ask for something does not mean to beg or plead from a place of lack or
unworthiness. It’s like placing an order—we don’t need to beg the salesperson
for what we want or prove to them that we deserve to have it. It is their job to
give us what we ask for; we only have to tell them what we want. Once we have a
clear vision of what we desire, we simply step into the silent realm where all
possibilities exist and let our desires be known. Whatever methods we use to
become still, it is important that we find the quiet space between our thoughts.

From that still and quiet place, we can announce our intentions to the pure
energy of creation. By imagining all the details from every angle, including
scent, color, and how it would feel to have it, we design our dreams to our
specifications. Similar to dropping a pebble into a pond, the ripples created by
our thoughts travel quickly from this place of stillness, echoing out into the
world to align and orchestrate all the necessary details to bring our desires
into manifestation. Before leaving this wonderful space to come back to the
world, release any attachment to the outcome and express gratitude. By doing
this daily, we focus our thoughts and our energy while regularly mingling with
the essence that makes it possible to build the life of our dreams.


*Lucid Living is a Direct Path to Fifth-
Dimensional Timelines by DL Zeta*
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 15, 2011 at 4:53am

*Lucid Living is a Direct Path to Fifth-Dimensional Timelines by DL Zeta*

Lucid living is a direct path to energizing fifth-dimensional timelines.

We define lucid living as existing in a state of wakefulness based in a
clear perception of one's surrounding reality.

This state of heightened awareness keeps us in direct communion with our

inner observer. It provides us with constant, telepathic guidance that
helps us avoid becoming overly absorbed into a particular life track or
script. It is obsession with any life script that narrows our focus of
perception and filters out insights and information we need to make
decisions that are the highest and best for ourselves and all others.

If we're not living in a lucid fashion, we tend to forget we have a

great deal of assistance available at all times in navigating the events
of our lives. For example, it takes a high level of awareness to step
back from a situation and "ask" for guidance and assistance within the
moment or to "remember" to listen for the soft whispers of our inner

Allowing divine assistance is a matter of stepping back from a life

script, seeing a situation through the eyes of our higher knowing and
acting on the information we download through this insightful connection.

Be Willing to Embrace all Possibilities and Outcomes

In order to energize lucid timelines in your field of potentials, it is

important to be willing to embrace all possibilities and outcomes. If
there is any situation -- past, present or future -- you are unwilling
to face, this will cause you to lapse into a state of unawareness. There
is no denying some life scripts are difficult to embrace. Losing a loved
one to illness or experiencing loss of one's home to catastrophic
weather events are just two examples of extreme challenges that are
increasingly common as we move through this transition time.

Even in the face of extreme challenges, remaining lucid and aware allows
us to move through these times with divine guidance and assistance.
Clarity of perception allows us to see the blessings life still holds
for us even as we mourn our losses and sorrows.

Transition times provide many doorways for us to enter if we are able to
navigate them with a high degree of wakefulness. But moving through life
with heightened awareness has its price. Becoming more aware means
greater awareness of our own pain and the pain and suffering of those
around us. Our initial reaction may be that we must somehow alleviate
this pain but that is not always possible. Don't feel you must know the
answers to all scenarios you experience or witness. Trusting in the
higher order of the universe and remaining in a place of love and
allowing will help you stay awake in the face of your own suffering and
that of others.

Those who are expanding into ever more wakeful states may feel
themselves overwhelmed as new insights and information floods their
consciousness. At such times surround everything that comes before you,
including your own thoughts and feelings, with love and light. Become
silent and open to the inflow of love. Send love to all parts of
yourself. Silently send love to all those who suffer. It is in this way
of lucid living that all situations - past and present -- are healed and
we're free to choose a future aligned with fifth-dimensional timelines
from our field of potentials. By remaining awake to pain, you are able
to move through it in a healing, life-affirming manner.

The most painful and challenging events can be embraced with love and
compassion when we maintain an open and lucid perspective. If we allow
ourselves to lapse into anger and negativity due to the events and
circumstances of our lives, this pulls us into states of overwhelm that
trigger sleepful consciousness.

Life Scripts and Maintaining Proper Perspective

When we lead a purely physical-based life, our life scripts take on way
too much importance. We're so over-invested in the events of our daily
lives that these overshadow our ability to act in accordance with our
spiritual understandings. When we become so enmeshed in what's happening
in a storyline, we lose our ability to step back and come home to the
truth of our higher knowing that we are divine beings having a physical
experience. We are here to learn and gain experience, and in this
context, there can be pitfalls and side journeys. As we take a step back
from these events, we're are able to learn their higher meaning and
release a lesson. Once the meaning of a lesson is learned, we no longer
have a need for it and it is demagnetized from our energy field. If we
respond to a situation from a place of negativity and anger, we draw
situations like it deeper into our field of potential.

Viewing all Situations and Experiences as 'Learning Experiments'

By viewing all situations and learning experiments in a detached manner

and remaining neutral to the outcome of our experiments, we are able to
choose the life tracks we experience. It is a wakeful, aware person who

is able to maintain a lucid perspective that allows them to remain
objective about the results of their learning experiments. Objectivity
is important whether the outcome is better or worse than expected.

A negative response binds us to an experience so we can learn the life

lesson it contains before we move on. This circumstance is to help us,
not punish us.

As our conscious mind is able to adopt a receptive, accepting

perspective open to the lesson contained in the life track we're
experiencing, the answers are downloaded to us in a gentle and loving
fashion. The sleeping consciousness by contrast is easily triggered by
life events into resistance and anger which must be worked through and
released before the message of a life event can be understood. Some
people are never able to reach the place of objectivity with a life
event. Consequently, they invest an entire lifetime wrestling with a
single life lesson or event. This is totally unnecessary. No one is ever
asked to lead a painful life of struggle and misunderstanding. Such
lifetimes are purely by choice. We're always able to choose a lucid over
sleeping consciousness and live our lives in the state of grace and
crystal clarity that wakefulness brings.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now:

Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on timeline shifts and reality creation, see Portals of Spirit:
Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org/


 Posted by gizel on May 15, 2011 at 9:35am

Bu sitenin kurucusu sevgili David Dogan Beyoya nice mutlu yillar diliyoruz.

hepimiz icin..her gun.....yeni bir yasgunudur.

Yeni bir dunya yaratirken....

hepimizin ve sevgili David Dogan Beyonun.....yasgununu kutluyoruz.





Gizel Hazan


Quado's Garden: Focus on Your Health ~ It
is All Inside You
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 15, 2011 at 1:37pm


on Your Health

Today, focus on being

healthy in body, mind and spirit.

Physical health is about

balance and being in touch with what your body
wants and needs. Attune yourself to what your body is saying, to signals of
real hunger, of real desire for rest or for exercise. Pay attention.
Experiment with setting aside old patterns and listening and feeling, sensing
what it is your body truly desires right now.

Mental health is quite

simple: peace. Your mental and emotional state should be one of deeply
centered peace, a state in which you are centered within yourself, not buffeted
by outside events.

Peace is found in accepting

the seasons of life, the cycles of relationships, of all enterprises you
undertake, letting go of this and moving toward that, always accepting that
nothing stays the same and life is change. And the mentally healthy person also
knows that spring always comes again.

Spiritual health is the

simplest of all: it is knowing yourself as pure love.


It is
All Inside You

in your life will become easier when you make your choices from your center of
truth and rightness rather than from your emotions. And by emotions, I mean
excitement and anticipation as well as fear and anger. All emotions are

responses to expectations and your heart of rightness has no expectations.

your center of truth and integrity, there is a deep knowingness, a connection to
a greater purpose, a connection to more than you alone. A connection to all
that is.

You know everything you

need to know. It is all inside you. All you need to do is learn to go beneath
emotion and access truth. Learn to do this, and you will open up a clear path
before you. You will not know what the future holds, but it will unfold before
you, step by step, in clarity and wonder.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart
Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 15, 2011 at 1:47pm

Since we know that all creation is manifest from Divine energy, we also
know that the smallest component exist as pure energy. The density of an
object is governs how fast that energy can physically vibrate. Therefore
everything physically manifested vibrates within certain ranges of
frequency in order for human senses to perceive it.
A major factor that limits people from readily perceiving higher
dimensions is because the frequency rate of vibration is outside the
range of human perception. This contributes to their lack of faith and
ability to believe in something that can not be perceived through the
normal senses.

Even though you can't perceive something doesn't prove that it

doesn't exist. For example, you can blow on a dog whistle and not
hear it, but the sound is real because your dog reacts. The Higher
Dimensional Beings and those Dimensions are being perceived by some
people because they have learned to perceive them through different
senses, but for most people this is beyond their range of perception.

Though many people are beginning or are working with energies on
different planes and dimensions because they are consciously working to
increase their rate of vibration.

Raising your vibration enables you to receive a more direct guidance and
clearer guidance from your Higher self because it vibrates at a higher
rate. Having this direct link allows for information to be more easily
accepted by the conscious and actualized. Therefore a direct link is
formed to interact with your Higher Self, Archangels, Ascended Masters
and the Brotherhood.

You can raise your personal vibration by doing specific energy work with
your Higher Self and Guides of Light. This frequency raising energy work
can be done by everyone, and is being done in many ways naturally on an
ongoing basis as the vibration of the Earth is being raised in
preparation for the Ascension.

Raising your vibration also opens you to different levels of

consciousness. The first level of change enters you into Lunar
consciousness, this is where clairvoyant and healing abilities heighten.
This stage of consciousness lasts for approximately five years.

The next stage is Solar Consciousness, you become more attuned and start
to heal and clear problems from all of the subtle bodies (physical,
emotional, astral mental and spiritual). This can last from three to
five years. This is a very high level and most people never go any

lightworkers, healers and Spiritual teachers that are to work on an

intense level with spirit can reach the next step which is Stellar
Consciousness. To reach Stellar means that you are a clear channel for
spirit, which requires cleaning and anchoring all your have chakras, and
dealing with all your karma.

Emergence with the Divine Force, God, Ultimate Being or whatever you
wish to call the superior force is the next step, and it truly is only
available to the great spiritual teachers. Activation of the 12 strands
of DNA into the physical and interface with the lightbody is completed.

Consequently, raising your vibration heightens your awareness, develops

telepathy, intuition, and increases "ESP" abilities in which to live
your life in a more conscious manner. This expanded awareness of energy

also helps to open and develop channels of communication from other
realms of Light Beings, Spirit Guides, and Nature Spirits. These realms
encourage intuition, knowing, and the ability to receive evident
guidance from Spirit, thus enhancing your quality of life by imbuing
harmony, balance, joy, and inner-peace.

Your reception of this increased Love or Light into your being projects
it into everything you do, effecting and anchoring more Light on the
Earth Plane. Furthermore, this benefits humanity by pioneering the path
which will result to encourage others to evolve on their spiritual path.


The out-of-body experience is a method that helps to separate you from

physical consciousness in order to explore other realms and dimensions.
Recognizing energy triggers will help prepare and alert you to
opportunities for energy shifts.

Buzzing, humming, electrical or roaring sounds

Unusual tingling or energy sensations, hair standing on end, goosebumps

Voices, singing, laughter, or your name being called out

Heaviness or sinking, feelings of expansion and contracting

Numbness or paralysis in any part of your body

Weightlessness, levitation or lightness spreading throughout the body

Any internal vibrations out of norm

Electrical-like pulses of energy

Footsteps or other sounds of a Being's presence

Internal rocking, spinning, or movement of any kind

Arms or legs lifting while asleep

Surge of energy flowing through your body

Any noise out of the norm, wind, engine, music, bells, etc.

Delightful smells, flower aromas


There are several theories about the cause and nature of the vibrations
associated with out-of-body experiences. This seems to be a direct
result of the higher frequency, non-physical body moving out of phase
with the physical body. Often the intensity of the vibrations diminishes
immediately after complete separation is achieved. The response to these
initial sensations determines whether an effective separate from the
physical body can be achieved. The following is a basic guideline for
responding to the vibrational state.

Remain calm. The vibrations, sounds, numbness, and catalepsy are a

normal experience.

Relax and enjoy the vibrations as they spread throughout your entire
body. Remember not to move or think about your physical body (Any
physical movement will shut down the vibrational process).

Allow the vibrations, sounds, numbness, or catalepsy to expand and

envelop you. Don't analyze or judge the experience, simply allow it to
spread through every level of your being.

Visualize yourself moving away from your physical body and toward
another area in your home. This can be enhanced by mentally directing
yourself by a repeated thought. "Now I move to the door, etc." (Any
location away from your body.) Be open to all various forms of motion,
floating, sinking, spinning, lifting and flying, etc. Flow with the

After complete separation is obtained, the vibrations will immediately

diminish. At this point it's critical to focus and maintain your
complete attention away from your physical body.

Electrical sensations in the back of the neck, spine or shoulders

accompanies a rise in vibration. The physical body in each case reacts
to shifts in vibrations and a corresponding shift in the autonomic and
sympathetic system ensues. Electrically, an increase in vibration may be
measured through bio-feedback -- alpha and theta states increase
correspondingly. Increasing one's vibration may be described as tuning

the body, through the mind, to achieve higher states of consciousness or


When the crown chakra opens or expands it can be an intense and painful
experience. It might feel like a spike or rod is being inserted.
Headaches are common and they can range from migraines, to cluster
headaches. Women seem to experience them more than men. They can be
caused by too much energy flowing through the crown chakra, and by
hormonal changes which occurs when the chakras are stimulated. Sometimes
the pain can be eased by asking Spirit and your Higher Self to make an
adjustment in the energy flow. When you ask for aid to ease the pain and
it is part of the process that is opening and expanding your pineal or
pituitary gland, the pain will only lessen. As your vibrational rate
increases, the pineal and the pituitary glands expand to accommodate the
higher energy frequencies. Other glands change also, but these two are
the major ones that contribute to headaches. This can last a few months,
or a few years depending on what level of spiritual development that you
are at and your rate of growth.


This is quite common and part of the process. Just ride it out and
don't take antibiotics which will only prolong the process. These
symptoms are caused by the physical body reaction to the toxins that are
released when the chakras begin to expand. What ever was constricting or
congesting the chakras is flushed through the blood. Also new beliefs
and paradigms are enacted the imprinted consciousness in the blood
becomes toxic to the physical system because it does not support the new
thoughts and contributes to confusion. It is helpful to supplement the
body with blood fortifying enzymes, herbs and essential oils to ease the
symptoms. Hot lemon drinks will also help cleanse the body. Don't work
too much during this time, because you are going through a major shift
in vibration. Try and take it easy, and it will pass.


This is a common reaction when the solar plexus chakra opens and
releases the stored fear, anger and resentment held in the area. Karmic
and family issues will produce gas and farting. The Bach Flower Rescue
Remedy can ease these symptoms. Don't be afraid to take it every 30
minutes if necessary.

Increasing your vibration forces the energy through the body. When there
are blockages impeding the energy flow this raised and forced energy
slams into them causing these symptoms and ails. Often this is
alleviated by asking for assistance from the Higher Self to adjust the
flow to ease the pain. The body can quickly adjust to the higher
vibration in a few moments, hours, or days.

A very common symptom caused by an increased rate of vibration. This
higher frequency forces any illnesses, viruses, or infections hiding in
the body to surface. To discover the root-cause contributing to this
state examine your beliefs and decisions that are creating your reality.
It is also important to monitor your internal dialogue to learn what you
are creating for yourself. Observing and realizing the state you are
experiencing is not cause by the present allows it to quickly pass. The
herb "St. Johns Wart" eases depression and is anti-viral too.


When blockages from this lifetime, and other lifetimes began to release
the emotional body will react in this manner. The Photon Belt energy
stimulates and contributes to the spontaneous release of these burdens.
Trying to control or resists these urges further represses and blocks
the energy making things more difficult. Crying, moaning, sobbing or
toning becomes a cleansing release. Use a Bach flower remedy, or an
essential oil to help with the emotional body.


This is a symptom experienced when the heart chakra begins to open or
enlarge to receive more energy. Pain sensations in the heart and not
being able to breath can be very frightening because you may think you
are having a heart attack. The above symptoms are caused by the
expansion of energy running through your solar plexus and heart chakra
(heart and stomach area). The best solution is to relax which will
adjust the energy flow. Anxiety and fear only constricts the energy
thus, causing a more severe reaction. This is a normal experience when
undergoing a frequency increase.


These are commonly experienced by both men and women. This is due to
energy flowing too quickly through the body, hormonal changes, which men

have too, and the body learning to adjust to the higher vibratory rate.
Some men might experience fat being stored in this area which might feel
like they are growing breasts. If you are a man don't be concerned
about this, because this puffiness in the chest area will only last for
a short while.

Waking in the morning and struggle to get out of bed after a full night
of sleep, or falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon is common.
This is caused when the energy is shifting throughout the whole
spiritual body. This will pass in time, each person has a different time
frame for some it can be weeks, for others months, for others years. If
you can create a pyramid structure to sit under this will give you
wonderful boosts of energy when you are lacking it. Drink lots of pure
water to hydrate the cells, add crystals to energize the water. Eat
light meals with organic veggies. Doing light physical exercise will
stimulate the energy flow through the body. Bach remedies, flower
essences and essential oils will also help the transition.

You go early to bed, exhausted, but in a couple of hours you are wide.
This is caused by the Photon Belt energy accumulating around you,
because the body's inability to store the energy because it is
blocked and congested. It is important not to get up and be active
because the energy is for healing all the subtle bodies spiritual,
mental, emotional and physical, the best way to assimilate the energy is
to quietly sit and read, watch TV, or listen to meditation tapes to help
you go back to sleep. This might seem to occur nightly for some time.

This is a very common complaint. The body feels like it is being invaded
so it adds a layer of protection. If you are a Lightworker than
additional water is needed to create energy. If you don't have
enough water the body will store water, which ultimately leads to
stagnation. Another major factor is that with the activation of new DNA
fat is needed to hold the vibration. Body fat holds a higher vibration
which is necessary to generate healing and channeling energy. Many of
you also have agreed to anchor grids of light in the areas surrounding
where you live. Anchoring these grids require body fat to help hold the
energy. Body fat serves a very loving purpose as it allows embodiments
to assist mother earth in holding her vibration. In becoming
crystalline, the body fat is evenly distributed around every cell within

the embodiment. This allows the entire body to act as a tuning fork to
hold a new vibration.


This can be a frightening experience because you cannot remember what
you had for dinner, and dinner was only an hour away. YOU ARE NOT LOSING
YOUR MEMORY. You are changing over from left brain function to more of a
right brain function. Areas of the brain are being activated to cope
with the higher energy coming in. Sometimes it is hard to speak, words
come out jumbled or garbled, this situation will pass, there is no time
limit on this.

As you open up to the higher vibration, you will find yourself becoming
extremely sensitive to people, noises, light, smells, tastes, all sorts
of things. This can affect the central nervous system and can be quite a
difficult thing to cope with. You do need to take B vitamins and a multi
vitamin if this is happening to you. If you are allergic to these
vitamins then look for a homeopathic remedy or a Bach flower remedy for
extreme sensitivity.


If this is happening to you, then you are really reaching a very high
vibratory rate and will probably be a profound healer or channel for
spirit. It is due to extremely high energy coming into the physical
form. It could be described as 50,000 volts of electricity coming in at
once, not only can the body not cope, but it goes through the body and
out again and as it does so it affects all electronic equipment.

You will find that dogs and cats and other animals will become aware of
your energy and be frightened of it or want to be around it all the
time. Many animals can't get enough of the energy. Others are somewhat
frightened because they do not understand it.

As you vibrate higher, you will find that you no longer want the things
that you used to. Coffee, tea and meat are just three of the dietary
changes that people make as they begin to vibrate faster. Meat is
especially dense and can really affect the body's energy, especially if
it has hormones in it. You may develop cravings for certain foods, or go
off your favorite foods. This is normal and a part of the change to the

higher vibration. If you find this happening, then let it happen and
explore the new possibilities.


Annelere ve Babalara...
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 15, 2011 at 1:55pm

Anne ve Babalara...

Baba olmanın en zor yanlarından biri de çocukların hatalarını kabul edebilmeyi öğrenmektir.
Çocuklar hiç hata yapmasaydı seven, destekleyen ve yardımsever bir baba olmak elbette çok
kolay olurdu,
ancak dikkatli babalar çocuklarının hayatında hatasız bir dönemin neredeyse hiç olmadığının
Çocukların hata yapmaları konusunu açıklığa kavuşturalım:
Sabah uyandığında kollarını kavuşturup
“acaba bugün babamı delirtmek için ne yapabilirim” diye düşünen bir çocuk yoktur.
Çocuklar hata yapmaktan hoşlanmaz ya da isteyerek hata yapmazlar.
Hata yapmak onlar için dünyayı öğrenme yollarından biridir sadece.

Çocuklar genellikle ellerinden gelenin en iyisini yaparlar,

ancak sadece o anda sahip oldukları kaynaklar çerçevesinde en iyisini yaparlar.
Bazen yorgundurlar, bazen kolayca dikkatleri dağılır ve bazen de çok inatçı olurlar,
ama genellikle ellerinden gelenin en iyisini yapmaya çalışırlar.
Daha önce ne yaptıklarına bakarak çocukları yargılamak kolaydır.

Çocuklar hata yaptığında, babaların elinde bazı seçenekler mevcuttur:

Babalar yaptıkları seçimlerle çocukların savunmacı ve yalan söyleyen çocuklara dönüşmesine

yardımcı olabilirler…

Ya da yaptıkları seçimlerle, çocuklarına hatalarından ders almayı ve hata yaptıkları konularda

kendilerini geliştirmeyi öğrenmelerine yardımcı olabilirler.
Çocuklar hata yaptığında cezalandırılmaktan ya da daha az sevileceğinden korkarlarsa
hatalarını gizlemeyi öğrenirler.
Bu çocuklar iki farklı yerde yaşarlar,

bunlardan biri babalarından (ve annelerinden) sevgi ve destek gördükleri bir yer,

diğeri de hataları anlaşılırsa bu sevgiyi hak etmeyeceklerini zannettikleri yer. Bu çocukların

anne-babanın sevgi ve desteğini tam olarak kabul etmesi zordur. Ayrıca bu çocuklar başarısız
olmaktan korktukları için kendilerine hedef olarak yüksek standartlar belirlemezler.

Hatalarından ders alan ve hata yapmaktan korkmayan çocuklar yetiştirmek için babaların
yapabileceği bazı şeyler:

Çocukların ellerinden gelenin en iyisini yaptıkları ve

hataların kabul edildiği bir ortamda yaşamaları durumunda
hatalarından ders çıkarmayı çok daha hızlı öğrenecekleri gerçeğini kesin olarak kabul edin.

Çocukların hataları karşısında yaşadığınız zorlukların,

kendi hatalarınızla baş etmekte yaşadığınız zorlukların bir yansıması olduğunu unutmayın.
Bu gerçeğin farkına varın ve öncelikle kendi sorunlarınızı çözümleyin.
“Bunu nasıl yapabildin?”,
“Beni dinlemiyorsun!”,
“Daha iyisini yapabilirdin”,
“Senin derdin ne?”….
Çocuklarımıza bu gibi utanmalarına neden olacak mesajları kolaylıkla verebiliriz.
Ancak bu mesajlar çocuklara çok büyük zararlar verebilir
ve kendilerini değersiz hissetmelerine neden olabilir.

Çocuklara deneyerek öğrenme olanakları sunmaya devam edin,

ancak ortamlarını çok fazla hata yapamayacakları biçimde düzenleyin.
Örneğin evin her tarafında pahalı kristal eşyalar koyarsanız,
çocuklar bunları kırabilir ve bu onların hatası değildir.

Kendi hatalarınız karşısında verdiğiniz tepkilerle çocuklarınıza model olun.

Siz savunmacı ve gerçeği çarpıtan bir kişi misiniz
yoksa hatasını “sahiplenen” ve bundan bir şeyler öğrenen bir kişi mi?
Hatalardan ders almaya dayanan bir “kültür” oluşturun.

Çocuklarımıza hepimizin yaptığı hatalardan bir şeyler öğrenmelerine izin verecek sabrı
göstermek için sadece bir şansımız var.
Siz de bu konuda daha iyisini başarma fırsatına şu anda sahipsiniz:
Çocuklarınıza ihtiyaç duydukları ve hak ettikleri özgürlüğü tanıyın.



 Posted by Ayhan Birol on May 15, 2011 at 2:13pm

As far as I know – despite people who think that accepting everything is the way to bliss and
ascension – there is an ongoing war between the light and the darkness. This war is not
necessarily a bloodied one, but the final aim is one side to overcome the other and bend the
evolution of the world into its own line. As per the nature of polarity existing in this plane,
this war will go on until the score is settled for this harvesting time.

It is not possible to be neutral in this plane of existence – how would it be?

a) By balancing the positive and the negative within us? So will we nurture enough
positive ideas/feelings to balance the negative ones we have? Like stealing from the rich and
giving to the needy? Will one right move annihilate one wrong?

b) Or is neutrality being aloof and not interfering with what is happening around us?
Staying inert, not meddling in life, not caring about the world even if it is ending around us,
not moving a finger even to help someone out?

Well, I think everyone has to choose her/his side on this plane, and apply the reason of her/his
existence into life. We are not here to stay inert, having a body to live in is a result of being
worthy of it and carries its responsibilities. We have to choose either the side of the light or
darkness, as per our initial contract.

The definition of light is well known; it is the highest vibration of love and the way of
positive evolution. What about the darkness?

Again, as per my own inner knowledge, there are two types of darkness:

1. The darkness resulting from the absence of light

2. The darkness which is vectoral, has an action plan to curtain the light, the darkness
which can smear upon people and things

The first type of darkness is simply the absence of knowledge and love – or in another way of
saying, a function of fear and ignorance; it does not need to be fought with, but needs working
on it with love instead. It can be worked on with stable pure love, knowledge and patience
and can be won over to the side of light. This work requires us not to judge and
separate/alienate the person we are working on; we need to accept and love the person
BEFORE starting to work on her/him; as we need to understand the fact that this person may
carry the potantial of being even more ascended then we are after s/he sees the light and
wakes up. “Come, whatever/ whoever you are” call of Rumi is the best example of this.
Especially people who carry the tiniest spect of love within absorb the offered love quickly
and can change instantaneously.

I call people who work with this first type of darkness “Light Workers”.

The second type of darkness is not fuzzy and confused as the first one; it is vectoral, it moves
toward an aim – which is negative evolution. It is commending and invading in nature. It
moves to obscure the light, to spread fear and establish its sovereignity, to enslave people
(see: Illuminati, and also the Blue Beam Project). Heavily financed by the dark side, it uses
the media to annihilate individual thought, spreads its own ideas and smoothly puts its long
time plans to work. It nourishes the egos to enslave people; gathers followers by offering
them material riches and power. And I think that this type of darkness necessitates war, my
friends – accepting this type of darkness should be limited to understanding it, and accepting
that it exists. We do not have to love and hug people who carry this type of darkness on them,
saying “they are playing their roles in this theatre of evolution as we do”. We should all
remember that everyone has the freedom to choose her/his side/role, and if they are playing
the role of the “bad man” for us to appreciate the valor of goodness and to evolve better, then
we should also play the game by its rules and not stop before the end so that the audience does
not claim their ticket money :-)

I call the people who fight with this second type of invador darkness “Light Warriors”.

Now comes the funny part: Light Workers and the Light Warriors do not think and act alike
in most of the instances, and they sometimes resent each other! This confusion is caused by
the difference of methods, although the basic beliefs are exactly the same. Light Workers
look at everything and everybody with love emanating from their core and are disturbed by
the absolute and sometimes acerbic style of the Light Warriors; even accusing these of
judging and discriminating people, of losing the light and sacrificing divine love. Light
Warriors, on the other hand, although they are vibrating with the same divine love, are by
nature here to react against the invading-type darkness; accuse the Light Workers of wasting
time by chanting love songs and rolling in bliss :-D Thus the two groups of officers actually
waste time by critisizing each other and unknowingly neglect the real work that they have
been sent here to do…

So, what do I say? This: we have to listen to our inner self. Our inner self steadily and
incessantly tells us who we are and what we are here to do. First, we have to differentiate the
voice of the inner self from the one of our ego. To be able to make this differentiation, we
need to work on our self-awareness. Therefore, let’s focus on our own evolution and growth
before we try it on others :-D Right, we shall not judge, but we have to be aware and
conscious. We have to understand what is serving which purpose. Let’s rise our
consciousness as to differentiate between vibrations. Let’s filtrate through our hearts
whatever knowledge we come across, even if the source is highly acclaimed. Let’s not forget
that the pill of knowledge is bitter, while the one for the illusion is covered with sugar….

Light and Love, always ...

Ayhan Birol / April 2011


Riding The Wave of Contraction Back Into
A Point of Explosive Expansion by Gillian
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 1:30am

Riding The Wave of Contraction

Back Into A Point of Explosive Expansion

by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

I am the essence, the Blessing, the music of SHEKINAH. That which dwells in the house of
the Holy Spirit. I come on the winds of time to allow you entrance into knowledge that goes
beyond self and memory. Within what is known and unknown as the Holy Spirit, there are
many dimensional descriptions. There are many doorways, and inter-dimensional truths.
Humanity believes that the Holy Spirit is but one being. There is a great-pronounced
diversification that lives within the house and dwelling of Holy Spirit.

Each of you holds within you the personal breath of God. I come on this day to breathe that
memory back into you. You each live within the out-breath of God. God breathed you into
existence and the flesh that you are now. With The first breath that a baby takes, the Holy
Spirit enters the child in fullness. The Holy Spirit does not dwell within the fetus during

The Holy Spirit energy is an imprint, an encoding, that is held by each individual on their
journey through life. On the death of the individual, the last breath, the Holy Spirit is released
back to Source. It is a separate and different being than the spirit of the individual, but often
when death occurs they leave as a two-fold light. God inhales you back onto and into original

You all ride the inhale, the wave of contraction back into a point of explosive expansion. As
the universe inhales you each and every day you are being released of toxins, negativity's,
angers, blocks and memories that no longer serve your soul’s evolution and divine purpose.
When you sleep your spirit exits the body and the physical unit is left to fend for itself with
the help of angelic beings. The spirit is connected by a chord of light and can always come
back during any emergency.

When you leave in spirit, when you slumber, no matter what time of day you move easily and
effortlessly Into the higher realms where you exist simultaneously. Your humanness is only
approximately 3% of all of your light. Even during the day you tarry off to the higher realms
in your thinking, in your imaginings and in your past reminiscing . The universe is cleansing
many layers of your being, loosening and redistributing blocks so that can easily be dismissed

on the next inhale of the Creator. In other words, all that is solid and dank and dark within you
is breathed loving and exquisitely by the prime creator back into itself. The angers that have
been keeping you down and stagnant will be lifted.

The reason for the heaviness of self as of late has to do with the many portions of you that
have gathered as a depository. They migrate to a magnetic point in your physical body. From
this magnetic point, they will exit and be sent to Prime Creator. Not only will this be
experienced within the physical body, but it will also be experienced within the planetary
body, the planetary emotional body, and the planetary memory body. For Earth herself will be
lifted out of the ever clinging memory of the tar pit of death and annihilation that has
happened throughout time. The Prime Creator, the Universe will escort this back into original
source to be purified recycled and used again.

The Prime Creator is taking the thick energies and birthing new universes. When They run a
little bit short on the very fabric of livingness and the atomic structure of what has been
created They take from the stockpile of earth, the thickest and darkest of all and bring it into a
formation that is beyond your measure of beauty. With this knowing allow this coagulation to
happen within your body. You may have pains that come and go in the body, in the heart
memories, in the heaviness of all emotion, but it gathers to be birthed anew into a new
universe. So the very fabric of your being and all that you have been through time after time
as well as all Mother Earth has endured, will be birthed into beautiful cellular structures of
baby light and beginning life in another part of God, and you will be part of that.

As a gift for allowing all of this to take place (as if you needed a gift for releasing all of this
thick emotional debris) you will be lifted into the higher levels of light towards Ascension.
This will be equal to climbing a mountain of 10,000 feet and looking over your world with a
gentle knowing and a heavenly appreciation of everything that has brought you to be who you
are now.

It takes more molecules to create anger, than it does a joy. It takes more molecules to hold
disease within a body than it does to hold love. All that is holy is very light and non-fattening.
I ask you to allow the Creator to breathe you in deeply. Feel yourself being lifted by this holy
breath. Allow the out breath to bring you into the expansion that you so seek. As all of this is
happening you may find a lightness of head and vertigo of nature. You may find emotional
surges come forth to you in great tears and fears. You will feel the presence of the holy ones
as they stand by your side. You will be alleviated of what has stuck to your soul as tar and
feathers for so many existences. I am SHEKINAH, one of the octaves of the Holy Spirit. I
leave on the winds of light.



Lift Your Thinking Upward to A New
Plateau of Creation by Gillian MacBeth-
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 1:30am

Lift Your Thinking Upward

to A New Plateau of Creation

by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Whenever you have a resistance towards anything (person, place or thing), you end up
creating an electrical charge, a bio-electrical response. This charge then becomes positive or
negative depending on which pole you direct your sled towards (your sled being every
thought). This place of Earth is filled with infinite possibilities. Possibility lives in every
situation you are continually being drawn into every energetic thought you react to. Imagine
yourself as a mathematical equation, a series of numbers and outcomes. Each time a number
in that equation changes, the outcome also changes. When your life moves you into a cul-de-
sac that seems to have no way out, it is then you must learn to fly above what blocks your
progress. Lift your thinking upward to a new plateau of creation. Anything that is happening
in your life is there because of you. Own it. You are not a victim but a student engulfed in
deep animated teachings. Just like learning to become a soldier with real bullets this is not a
practice run but the real thing. Even though earth is holographic of nature all actions on earth
are recorded and held secret. Even in your holographic universe all thoughts count like live

Progress is quickened in everyone’s life as time marches forward and faster than you think or
know. The lessons are thicker and deeper than one has expected after years of clearing up the
debris of the personality. You no longer live on the same street of light. Your soul address has
changed once again. You're Moving on up to that deluxe apartment in the sky... You are asked
to experience a new level of self and soul that you are not familiar with nor comfortable with.
Like meeting new people all you can do is observe until it is safe to act.

The mind and the body are joined by a new soul being – one they have not interacted with
before. They are suspicious and confused by this new vibrational presence. The old aspect of
you has left never to return but in a fleeting memory. The new aspect of your soul presence is
not attached to any outcomes as the old you once was. The new aspect sees the entirety of the
dialog of creation and sits in the land of thought manifestation with a feeling of power.
There’s one glitch in this vast portrayal of light enhancement. There is a thin ethereal
membrane that keeps the new soul light/ intact. This thin ethereal membrane is like a
protective sac around a newborn baby. It keeps it safe from the harsh outer world until it is
ready to be birthed then the membrane weakens and tears. The new soul light that has been

activated in all of Humanity will not be fully felt until the time of Easter when the soul
membrane is ready to be dissolved in the higher light of achieved Ascension. (Achieved
ascension being the many layers of your being that already reside at a higher light)

Right now there is a feeling of being torn between two lights, two souls, and two worlds. The
sense of being you and not being you is amplified. All elements of life point at you asking
'will the real you stand up?' As you try and try to redefine yourself the confusion just seems to
get stickier and deeper. Allow time for the membrane between layers of light to quicken and
thin. Fill up with what is good in your life and embrace what is beautiful around you. There
will always be something that is unresolved in your life on some level. It's important to move
your awareness above it, into the beauty of life. There will always be a pulse of polarity that
keeps the small black hole in everybody’s life spinning. Do not be sucked into what is wrong
– always holding you hostage. What is wrong is but a minute percentage of your life force.
Move your awareness into what is right, what is good and what is blessed and spend your
creation in that place. Every thought changes something.



The Value of Relation-Ship a message from

Archangel Uriel channeled by Jennifer
Hoffman 28 March, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 2:00am

The Value of Relation-Ship

a message from Archangel Uriel channeled by Jennifer Hoffman

28 March, 2011

The connections that exist between each of you and the people you connect with are based on
shared soul contracts, karma and mutual lessons. Every interaction, no matter how long or
short, contains a soul intention for healing and learning. There are no accidental or chance
meetings or connections, each one represents a karmic cycle and an opening into your healing
purpose. As you meet each person or encounter every relationship, connect with your
guidance to know the purpose of this connection because each one serves you on your path.

The human experience is a dimension of learning that each soul experiences in order to return
to wholeness. You see yourselves in a singular aspect yet each of you is a collection of
lifetimes in which each one has contributed to an aspect of your separation. Your lives are
more than linear; they are multi-dimensional and multi-level experiences of a wide range of
energetic experiences. Through the connections you make with others you are able to re-
capture your soul's essence and bring yourselves back to wholeness in body, mind, emotions
and spirit. This is accomplished when you are aware of the value of each connection and its
relationship to you and your soul's healing journey.

The most challenging relationships are those that you give the most attention to but they are
not always your most important soul lessons. Sometimes it is the lessons in receiving that you
have the greatest struggle with. The path of overcoming which, on an ego level, helps validate
past struggles is the one you choose to help you reconcile energetic imbalances, lost power
and challenges created by the cruelty, thoughtlessness, abuse or betrayal by others. Through
the resolution of these lessons you feel stronger but their true purpose is to assist in your
return to wholeness. How did they serve to disconnect you from your power and what was
your soul's plan for healing?

The healing through connection and relationship is lost if you are not aware that these gifts
are yours in every interaction. Ask your guides and soul to help you remember that your life
journey is one of healing, whose purpose is to bring you into alignment with your divinity.
Seek the healing and reconnection opportunity with everyone so you receive the blessings that
you have made available to yourself. They are of your creation, for your purpose and serve to
enlighten, heal and transform you. Be grateful for them and willing to release them when it is
time, so new multi-dimensional pathways of healing, living and being can open for you.

Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material
is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its
entirety as long as the author’s name and website,


are included.


Quado's Garden: You are Unique ~ Observe
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 2:10am


You are Unique

You are unique in all the universe. Think about that. In the entire universe, there is
no other being who is exactly like you, who sees things the way you do, who can
express things the way that you would and can. Today, contemplate this. See
what this means, if you will but allow yourself to be who you are and share that
uniqueness with the world.

There are talents you have been given, the easy, effortless things that just came to
you: a lovely singing voice, a talent for movement, an eye for design.
Developing these skills is neither easy nor effortless, but it is well worth the
time and energy. For when you explore and expand those areas to which you are
naturally drawn, you will find a great release in their use. You will find them
a great path to open expression of that uniqueness that is you.

When you dig deep enough and successfully express your deepest self, you will also
strike a deep chord of connection with those who are in touch with their own
selves. For even though you are unique in all the universe, you are also deeply
connected at the deepest core, and this connection has great power.


Observe Today is perfect in all its unfolding. Today it will unfold as it will unfold, a
combination of your energies and the energies which are coming toward you, a combination
of things already set in place and things that will occur just in the moment. All of this will be
unfolding and your job is to create wonderful, positive energy, which encourages those things
that are beneficial to you and to be very alert
and observant, responding to things as they are in the moment.

Listen closely. Watch closely. Be open and receptive and willing to make great shifts to your
previous ideas of how things should be.
Opportunities are most often missed when you are trying to fit the circumstances into a

preconceived shape. Let things flow and be as they are. Let life take shape as it will. Just
step back and watch and listen before you act.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart
Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com


Neye Odaklisiniz
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 11:52am

kaynak: Internet
ceviri ve derleme: Lale Kulahli

Size gercek bir hikaye anlatacagiz. Bir kadinin gozlerinde caresi olmayan bir
hastalik olusuyor ve kor olma tehlikesi ile karsi karsiya kaliyor. Doktorlar hic
bir sey yapamayacaklarini soyluyorlar. Cok kararli olarak ve duyduklarindan hic
hoslanmayarak kadin, bu kadar caresiz kalmasa asla yonelmeyecegi alternatif
terapilere yoneliyor. Bunu yapmayi gulunc buluyor ama icinde bulundugu caresiz
durumdan dolayi denemeye karar veriyor.

Sonunda kadin alternatif yontemler uygulayan bir terapiste gidiyor. Terapist ondan hayatini ve
kendisini anlatmasini istiyor. Anlatmaya basladiktan sonra birden terapist kadini susturuyor ve
" son 10 dakika icinde tam 15 kez "nefret ediyorum" cumlesini kullandiginizin farkinda
misiniz? " diyor. Kadin soka ugruyor. Pek cok seyi aciklarken "nefret ediyorum" kelimesini
kullandigini farkediyor...

"dunyanin gitmekte oldugu halden nefret ediyorum"

"okullarda cocuklara davranma sekillerinden nefret ediyorum"
"onu gormekten nefret ediyorum"
"bunu yapmaktan nefret ediyorum"
Bu onun icin gercekten goz actirici bir deneyim oluyor. Bunun uzerinde kullandigi
kelimeleri degistiriyor ve yillar sonra hala mukemmel gorebiliyor.

Burada Evrensel Kanunlardan "odaklanma kanunu" devreye giriyor.

Odaklanma kanunu:

Neye odaklanirsak, neye dikkatimizi verirsek onu yaratiyor, onu cogaltiyoruz.

Sakinmaya calistigimiz sey yerine elde etmeye calistigimiz pozitife odaklanmak cok
onemli. Ornegin asla yaslanMAmaya odaklanmayin, bunu yaparsaniz kisa surede
yaslanacaginiz kesin. Bunu yerine saglikli, enerjik ve genc olmaya odaklanin,
dikkatinizi bunlara verin.

Kullanidgimiz kelimelere dikkat etme konusunda cok ilginc bir takim bilgiler
var, oyle ki "-siz" takisi ile biten kelimeleri bile literaturunuzden
cikarin. Ornegin "sinirSIZ bolluk istiyorum" derken, aslinda bilincaltinizin
anladigi sinirli bolluk. Bir baska ornek de "kolay, cabasiz ve eglenceli bir
iliski istiyorum" derken aslinda kolay, caba gerektiren ve eglenceli bir iliski
cekiyorsunuz cunku "caba" kelimesinden sonraki "siz" eki onu olumsuz hale getiriyor ve
bilincaltiniz bu kelimeyi caba olarak isleme sokuyor. Bunun yerine "kolay ve
eglenceli bir iliski istiyorum" demeniz ve bunu dusunmeniz, boylesi bir iliskinin
size gelmesini cok daha kolaylastiriyor.

Agzinizdan cikan kelimelere dikkat etmeye calisin. Yakinlariniza soylediklerinize

dikkat etmelerini rica edebilirsiniz. En cok neler soyluyorsunuz, ne tur kelimeler,
deyimler, sifatlar kullaniyorsunuz...

"Binlerce kilometrelik bir yola cikmak icin once bir adim atmak gerekir" deyisinden
yola cikarak,

1- Kucuk, sevimli bir defter alin ve her sabah sukrettiginiz 5 seyi bu kucuk
deftere yazin...herseyi yazabilirsiniz...ornek: "gorebildigim icin, aksama yiyecegim oldugu
icin, kuslarin seslerini duyabildigim icin"...siz bu calismayi yaptikca neler neler bulacaksiniz
sukredecek...ve sukretme enerjisi Evrene en dogrudan "bunlardan daha fazla istiyorum"
demektir ve Evren sizi cok rahat duyabilecektir.
2- Hergun yakin cevrenizden veya hic tanimadiginiz insanlardan (dukkanlarda servis
verenler, dolmus soforu, simitci) 2 kisiye onlari iyi hissettirecek birseyler
soyleyin...Bu kisiler ne kadar tanimadiginiz kisiler olurlarsa o kadar iyi...ve verdikleri
tepkiyi izleyin...
3- Begendiginiz seyleri insanlara ifade edin, tesekkur etmeyi aliskanlik haline
getirin...gida urunleri satilan bir dukkana girdiniz ve mesela cok temiz buldunuz, "ne kadar
temiz bir dukkan, cok hosuma gitti" deyin...
4- Soylediklerinize dikkat etmeye baslayin. Agzinizdan cikanlara onem
verin. Sozlerinizi, cumlelerinizi farkedin. Bunun icin etrafinizdan da
yardim isteyebilirsiniz. Onlar sizi disaridan bir goz olarak cok iyi gozleyebilirler. Insanoglu
kadar kendisine kor bir baska varlik yoktur bu dunyada.

Ceviren: Engin Zeyno Vural


Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi


The Akashic Records on: Meditation and
Connecting to the Source a message from
Akashic Records channeled by Jen
Eramith MA 2 May, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 4:30pm

The Akashic Records on: Meditation and Connecting to the Source

a message from Akashic Records channeled by Jen Eramith MA

2 May, 2011

Why is meditation practice important in order for one to be connected to the source?

Any given meditation practice is not necessarily important. It depends on who you are. Some
of you will have certain meditation practices be a perfect fit for connecting you in source,
others of you will not. The thing that is important about meditation, as you have all defined it
as what we are going to call “silence”. Silence is important for connecting with source.
Meditation practice is one of the most direct ways to enter silence.

Different practices lead you there in different ways and all of them are fine, though some of
them will not be fine for some of you. Silence is important because source, or God, or the
divine, whatever you want to call it, is not something that you reach for, it is something that
you remember. The fact is you are the Divine. You are a part of Source.

The process of connecting with Source, connecting with God, requires some degree of inner
silence. It is in that inner silence that you remember who you really are. It is in that inner
silence that your mind can come to a realization of what it feels like to be your true self. Now
keep in mind that meditation practice, often the first section or phase of meditation practice,
involves a lot of discomfort. What you first come up with is not who you truly are but all of
the blocks, fears and baggage that has been piled upon you. Do not imagine that is who you
truly are. As long as you are grappling with that you are not really in the silence quite yet. It is
worthwhile to keep waiting for it because eventually after enough practice or waiting, you
come to true silence; the silence that is who you truly are is your best way of perceiving the
divine or source.

Any given meditation practice is not necessary for this but silence is necessary; inner
contemplative, peaceful, loving silence. Any spiritual practice that helps you find that over
and over again is beneficial.

Why do I feel my connection to the source fade over a period of time once I have been
awakened and reminded of my soul spirit?

This is one of the reasons that spiritual practice is not a singular event -- it is an ongoing
process. Spiritual practice is always meant to be returned to time and time again. The way that
this works is all of you are divine beings and all of you are human beings. Part of being
human and living in the human world is experiencing fragmentation or separation,
experiencing yourselves as separate from one another or separate from the divine. While it is
not actually true that you are separate, it is true for your experience here as long as you are a
human being, there is a truth in experience. You do experience yourselves as separate. The
ebb and flow of being human involves moving in and out of your true self. This occurs in all
kinds of ways. You fall in and out of alignment. You fall in and out of feeling good or bad, in
and out of love with yourselves and each other.

Nothing here is static; in fact, nothing in the universe is static. There is no way as a human
being to achieve a permanent unchanging static experience of source. It will never happen,
even for those who claim Enlightenment and describe a feeling of being in that bliss all of the
time, they know that bliss is continually fluctuating. It may stay up at a certain height or level
of vibration but it is always going up and down. As long as you are a human there is ebb and
flow in life. The reason that you are experiencing this connection, you feel the connection
with source and then you feel it fade away is in a basic sense that you are human. As long as
you are human you will feel periods of fragmentation. It is that precisely what is meant to lead
you to the next stage or next level of connection. It is useful to employ spiritual practices to
carry you through the times when it is easy to feel connected with source and times when it is
not easy to feel the connection with source. Both times are relevant, both times are important
parts of the process of being human.

Over time as you employ spiritual practices, the difference between the highs of connection
and the lows of fragmentation become less, so the roller coaster ride of being human becomes
more like a gentle rolling journey. That is the reason that you sometimes feel disconnected.

In my meditation practice, I have gone to a place in my mind that is lit with a very warm,
safe and appealing light. In that place, I have been able to connect with others and heal
and resolve things. I am wondering if the other person experiences that space too? Do they
enter the Records too?

When you go to a place in your mind through meditation, you are actually going to a place,
though you usually for the most part do not take your physical body with you, it is useful to
leave your physical body firmly on Planet Earth; it helps you function better in your everyday
life if you do that. You can literally take your spirit or raise your conscious mind into a place
where your spirit already resides. That is what you are sensing as this warm, loving, appealing
place; this light. This is a place that is not a single place. In very general terms we are going to
say that it is the spirit world. You reside there all of the time. This place, or an experience of
this place, is always accessible to you. One of the benefits of meditation practice is that you
can go there; you can tap into that consciously and use that to reassure your conscious mind to
bring a sense of calm and peace to interact with other spirit beings and to bring about healing,
rest or whatever you might need. This place is real. You live there already.

When you connect with another being there, some human being whose spirit you see in that
place, yes, and their spirit is experiencing that with you. It depends on the person, whether
that person’s conscious mind is aware of that or not. The way things work in the spirit world
is that all of you are there at all times. Whether your conscious mind is paying attention or

not, part of yourself, your soul self, is in the spirit world, interacting with other people and
other spirit beings all of the time. As such you can, literally and truthfully, it would be
accurate to say that you meet up with other spirits and whatever you consciously see happen
there does happen in the spirit world and it does have an energetic affect in the physical
world. This is the reason that some of you have gone through these meditations to resolve
issues with other people. Then you find that the issue in everyday life seems to lose its charge.
It seems to come to a resolution seemingly on its own, though you know that you began to do
the work in the spirit world.

Most of the time the other person’s conscious mind is not aware of this because the fact is,
most of you are not aware of what you are doing in the spirit world most of the time. It might
be confusing to talk about it in waking life with people. They will not have the same memory
that you have of that meditation. Occasionally you find these magical crossroads where
someone tells you that they had a dream, then you tell them about your meditation and then
you find that both of you were able to bring your consciousness to the same event in the spirit
world. It is magical and powerful when you find those crossroads because it helps you
develop further understanding in your conscious mind for what is happening in spirit.

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2011 All rights reserved.

The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith,
M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages Previews provided that the
contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed.



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 4:47pm


10 - 17 MAYIS 2011

10 MAYIS – 17 MAYIS teslimiyet haline girmeye ve birlik içinde olmak için ruhunuza
hizmet etmeyen her şeyi salıvermeye hazırlanmanızdı
r. Bu periyot Aydınlanmış Üstatlar ile BÜYÜK HİZALANMA olarak bilinir. Sonraki günlerde
ay dolunay haline gelirken, sonraki yıl için ruhsal olarak kendiniz için özgürlük yaratmak
üzere yaşam yönünüzü kalbinize hizalamanız için çağırılıyorsunuz.


Tüm dünya sevgi ışık işçilerine,

Sevgili dostlar,

Sonraki hafta, Wesak Ayından dolayı spiritüel enerjinizin hızlanmasını deneyimliyor

olacaksınız, Wesak ruhunuzu Yeni Spiritüel Yıla yolculuk için hazırlamaya çağırıyor. Kapı 17
Mayıs 2011’de açılıyor ve kendinizle birlikte götürdüğünüz şey Işığın gücü tarafından
hızlandırılıyor. Dünya’nın Spiritüel Akımı olarak gerçekleşen bu hizalanma, Wesak Ayında
Buddhic alemin saf ışığıyla tutuşturuluyor. Sizler de Wesak için hazırlanarak, enerji alanınızın
Wesak ışığıyla arınmasından faydalanabilirsiniz.

17 Mayıs’ta Wesak Ayı taç çakramız ve bedenlerimiz vasıtasıyla ve Dünya Ana’nın bedeninin
spiritüel akımı vasıtasıyla daha fazla ışığı Dünyaya topraklamak için bir portal açarken, bu
zamanın kutsaması her yıl kalplerimizin Kutsal Ruhumuzun Işığıyla ve Tanrı/Tanrıça,
Evrensel Ruhun Işığıyla tazelenmesi ve yenilenmesi için bir kapı açıyor.

Artık size hizmet etmeyen tüm eski seçimlerinizi/anlaşmalarınızı/yeminlerinizi ışığa sunma ve

bunların yerine en yüksek hayra hizmet eden seçimleri/anlaşmaları getirme işlemi vasıtasıyla,
Gaia ile bu kutsal çalışmaya hazırlanmaya davet ediliyorsunuz.

Sevgililer, 7 Başmelek size yardım sunuyor! Başmelek Mikail, Rafael, Cebrail, Uriel,
Chamuel, Jophiel ve Zadkiel öne çıkıyorlar. Şimdi bir nefes alın ve Başmelekler etrafınızda
durmak için gelirken, ışık alemlerine açılan portalı açık tutarken onların sevgilerini almak için
kalbinizi açın.

Onlar etrafınızda sevgi dolu bir çember oluştururken, bu zamanda kutsamak için size sunulan
armağanlar olarak Sevgi, Bilgelik, Kutsallık, İman, Hizmet, Paylaşma ve Hayırseverlik
prensiplerini taşıyorlar. Sizinle birlikte olmayı ve ışığı varlığınıza getirmeyi öneriyorlar, siz bu
ışığı nazikçe alırken yeni yıla tazelenmiş ve enerjilenmiş bir ruhla girebilmeniz için
yaşamınızın geçen yılından bırakmak ve salıvermek istediklerinizi ışığa salıverebilirsiniz.

Wesak Ayı yeni spiritüel yıla kapı açar, böylece yüksek ışık frekansına veya boyutuna yükseliş
için yüksek ışık bedenlerinizi, yüksek benliğinize sonraki iletişim seviyenizi alabilirsiniz.
Wesak çok önemli bir zamandır ve ona hazırlanmayı seçtiğiniz zaman, önümüzdeki yıl daha
büyük bir ifşa ve içinizde daha derin bir huzur deneyimi ile spiritüel olarak akar.

Her yıl Wesak’tan önce, çoğunlukla daha fazla sıkıntı ve güçlükler ortaya çıkar sevgililer,
özellikle kalbiniz ve ruhunuzla hizalı olarak ruhunuzun ışığına/enerjisine
odaklanmamaktaysanız. Eğer yaşamınız ve enerjiniz gerçekten kalbinize uyumlu değilse,
ruhsal yolunuzda ne kadar çok derinleşirseniz, kendi içinizde bu sıkıntı ve güçlükleri o kadar
derin hissedersiniz. Wesak ruhsal yolumuza ve kalbimize daha derin hizalanma zamanıdır.

Başmeleklerden gelen bu armağan, Büyük Hizalanmanın bu hazırlığına başlamak için

Wesak’tan önce salıvermeye çağrıldığınız şeylerin bir veçhesini salıvermenizi desteklesin.

Başmelek Mikail sizin için Bilgelik sütununu taşıyor ve bir kutsama olarak bunu size sunuyor,
içinize gitmenizi ve şu soruyu sormanızı istiyor.

Soru: Geçtiğimiz yılda, size bilgelik getirmeyen hangi şeylere enerji harcadınız veya bunları
aradınız? Geçtiğimiz yıl, içinizde çözülmemiş kalan, ondan öğrenmediğiniz başlıca şey nedir?

Bunlar her neyse, bunları ışığa sunun ve içinizden şöyle deyin:

……………………….(bu boşluğa, öğrenmediğiniz şey neyse onu yazın) ile ilgili tüm hisleri
ve düşünceleri ışığa sunuyorum ve şimdi bunların benden alınmasını istiyorum. Varlığımı
……………’a (öğrenmediğiniz başlıca şeyi yazın) bağlamak için taşıyor olabileceğim tüm
bağları, kordonları, bağlantıları veya yeminleri şimdi salıveriyorum. Kendimi özgürleştirmeyi
ve bununla ilgili eski hislerden kendimi salıvermek için içimdeki bilgeliği aramayı seçiyorum.

Bunu yapma niyetiyle yukarıdakini 3 kez söyleyin, enerjiniz bunu izlemeye başlayacak ve
bunu yaratacaktır.

Başmelek Rafael sizin için Sevgi sütununu taşır ve şimdi bunu size sunuyor, tek bir soru
sormanızı istiyor.

Soru: Geçtiğimiz yıl kendinizde yeterince sevmediğiniz başlıca yönünüz nedir veya bir
şekilde kendinizi güçlendirmediğiniz, yaratmış olabileceğiniz, kendinizle ilgili
kabullendiğiniz şey nedir?

Kendinizde sevmekten kaçınmakta olduğunuz şey nedir? Bunlar her neyse, bunları ışığa
sunun ve içinizden şunları söyleyin:

……………. (geçtiğimiz yıl yeterince sevgi vermediğinizi bildiğiniz kendinizin yönünüzü

buraya yazın) ile ilgili tüm duygularımı ve düşüncelerimi ışığa sunuyorum ve şimdi bunların
benden alınmasını istiyorum. Bunun için teşekkür ediyorum. Şimdi ………………’i
(geçtiğimiz yıl kendinizin yeterince sevmediğiniz başlıca yanınızı yazın) kendimin kutsal bir
parçası olarak kabullenmeyi seçiyorum. Artık bu parçamdan kaçınmamayı, kesip atmamayı
veya inkar etmemeyi seçiyorum. Kendimi yükseltmeyi ve fazlasıyla sevmeyi seçiyorum ve
kendimi şu anda olduğum gibi sevebileceğime güveniyorum. Kalbimi bu parçama açmayı
seçiyorum. Kendimi gerçekten sevebilmek için, bu parçamı bağışlamayı, sevmeyi ve
kabullenmeyi seçiyorum.

Bunu yapma niyetiyle yukarıdakini 3 kez söyleyin, enerjiniz bunu izlemeye başlayacak ve
bunu yaratacaktır.

Bu sevgi ve bilgelik sütunlarını kabullenirken ve kararlarınızı söylerken, tüm yardımlara,

sevgiye ve ışığa teşekkür edin ve eğer kutsallık, iman, hizmet, paylaşma ve hayırseverlik
sütunlarını da almak isterseniz, bunları almak için kendinizi açın. Basitçe şimdi onları almayı
isteyin ve bunu yaparsanız bu kutsamalar içinizde daha derin ilahi bir bağlantıyı tutuşturmak
için enerji bedeninizde tutuşturulur, böylece sonraki yıl için yaşam yönünüzü kalp enerjinize
ve rezonansına hizalamaya başlayabilirsiniz.

Eğer dilerseniz, Başmelekler Cebrail, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel ve Zadkiel Wesak hazırlığınızı
güçlendirmek için bu sütunları merkez çakralarınıza yerleştirecekler. Bunun salıverme zamanı
olduğunu bilin, alabileceğiniz en fazla miktarda ışığı almanız için kendinizi boşaltabilirsiniz.

En önemli olan şey, bu ışığa neyi koyacağınızı bilmenizdir ve bu gerçekten kalbinizin ve

varlığınızın özüyle rezonansa girer. Basitçe hazırlanmayla, 17 Mayıs’taki Wesak Ayının ışığı

sizi bu Büyük Hizalanma ile kutsar.

Kutsal Varlığınıza ve tüm dünyada bu törene katılanlara bağlanın ve bu hizalanmayı yaratmak

için 17 Mayıs dolunayı zamanında ışığı alın! Sizi kutsuyoruz ve kendiniz olduğunuz için size
teşekkür ediyoruz. Kutsal bir varlık olduğunuzu hatırlayın!

Yeni spiritüel yıl için tüm sevgim ve kutsamalarımla,

Wesak Ayında kutsal kalbiniz ve ruhunuzla bir hissedin!
Mutlu Wesak!
Sri’ama Qala

From The Divine University


(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)


Quado's Garden: Give Thanks for Being

Alive ~ You are a Dot on the Larger
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 5:02pm


Thanks for Being Alive

Today, stand in
no matter what your life holds. Be grateful to be alive, to be drawing this
breath, to be standing where you are, poised to take one more step on this
glorious adventure.

Does it not seem glorious?

Then release your expectations about what you wanted this moment to hold.
Release your disappointments and frustrations. Release that pressure to have
something occur within a certain time frame. Release all that and instead just

Now, is it not glorious?
Look up at the sky and let that wide wonder fill you. Look at a leaf and study
the detail. Is it not wondrous how each leaf is unique, each and every leaf on
every tree, carved out with the wonder and glory of the universe?

And you, are you not

wondrous? You are as that leaf, unique in all the world and yet a part of the
tree of life. You are full of potential and the possibilities to use that
potential are sparkling all around you.

Appreciate what is. Give

thanks for being alive. And now, from this place of gratitude, open your
heart. Open yourself wide and connect with the wonder. Feel your oneness.
Feel how truly blessed you are.

You are a Dot on the Larger Canvas

If you are
confused about your life, if it does not seem to make sense and you cannot see
how your activities fit into any sort of bigger picture, then go more deeply
into the moment. The answers are not found by asking why. They are found by
going deeply into the moment, setting aside your plans and just being.

Here, inside this moment,

there is peace to be found. There is a rightness to each moment, even if it
does not make apparent sense to you. This moment and your life within it are
part of a larger canvas, but all you can see is one little dot of paint. Of
course that one dot does not seem to make sense!

But there is a very large

canvas writ across the sky, and this one little dot of a moment in this one
little dot of a life is a part of that larger picture that you cannot see and

But if you come down deep,

you will feel the peace of it. And that peace will lead you to acceptance,
surrender and faith: Faith that you are a part of the whole and connected to
it, and peace in knowing that you are just as you should be to make your little
dab of color shine out and enhance the whole.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart
Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com


May Is A Very Powerful Month by Patricia

Diane Cota-Robles
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 5:10pm

May Is A Very Powerful Month

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

May 11, 2011

Some very exciting things are happening this month that will greatly enhance our ability to
improve our lives. Saint Germain and the Legions of the Violet Flame are intensifying the
frequencies of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection beyond anything Humanity has
ever been able to experience. This will help us to quickly transmute the chaos of our human
miscreations, which are being pushed to the surface in all of our lives. At the same time,
Mother Mary and the Legions of Light from her Temple of the Immaculate Heart are assisting
the I AM Presence within each of us to balance and expand the Threefold Flame in our heart.
Our Heart Flame will now envelope our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. We
have not experienced this intensity of Light from our Threefold Flame since our fall from
Grace aeons ago. This is truly an unprecedented Gift of Divine Intervention and it is helping
to prepare all of us, at an atomic cellular level, to be able to withstand the influx of our NEW
Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love, which will be secured in the physical plane of Earth
August 13-18, 2011.

The intent of Mother Mary's and Saint Germain's increased Divine Intervention this month is
twofold. It is designed to prepare our bodies to withstand the influx of our NEW Planetary
CAUSE of Divine Love and it will also help Humanity transmute into Light the devastating
effects of our fall from Grace which took place aeons ago. The tragic event of our "fall"
corrupted the Divine Plan and hurled the Children of God, and all Life on this planet, into the
quagmire of pain and suffering that we have been wallowing in for millennia. Now it is time
for us to reverse those negative effects and to anchor a NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine
Love which will enhance the life of every person on Earth.

The global activity of Light that will occur August 13-18, 2011, will involve the unified
efforts of Lightworkers around the world and the entire Company of Heaven. During that
Cosmic Moment, our NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love will be anchored in the
physical world of form through the Divinity in every person's Heart Flame. KNOW that if
you are adding to the Light of the world in any way, shape, or form, which every single
person on the planet is at one time or another, YOU ARE A LIGHTWORKER!!

Precious Heart, I would like to briefly describe how this activity of Light will unfold in


Our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have sent
forth a Clarion Call to all embodied Lightworkers, this includes YOU. We are being asked to
gather within the portal of the most powerful 5th-Dimensional frequencies of God's
Transfiguring Divine Love on Earth. Together we will form a mighty transformer through
which the Love of God will flow to secure our NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love in the
physical plane. This activity of Light will be done on behalf of ALL Humanity.

We are in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness ever to occur in the history of time.
When our NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love is securely anchored in the physical world
of effects, the Company of Heaven has assured us that it will catapult ALL Humanity into a
new level of awareness. This shift of consciousness will intensify the Unity Consciousness
that is now gently expanding through the hearts and minds of every person on Earth. It will
reveal the Oneness of Life and expose the lie of separation, which has perpetuated the pain
and suffering we have experienced for aeons of time while floundering in the illusion of fear
and duality. The end result of this activity of Light will be the transformation of this Earth into
a planet of Divine Love, Peace, Abundance, and Joy. In other words, Heaven on Earth.

Our NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love will reunite us with our own Divinity, and heal
our self-inflicted separation from our I AM Presence, and each other. Once our NEW
Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love has been fully integrated into the conscious mind and the
feeling worlds of Humanity, every soul will realize we can no longer rely on our mental
perceptions or our logical thinking alone. Each person will clearly understand that we must
now reach into the wisdom of our hearts and tap into the Divine Potential that holds the vision
of who we are and why we are on Earth during this Cosmic Moment of Transfiguration.

Never has a planet that has fallen this far into the depths of fear and separation been given an
opportunity to ascend in consciousness at such an accelerated pace. It is critical that
Lightworkers from around the world be physically present for this facet of the unfolding
Divine Plan. Together we will form the transformer that will magnetize our NEW Planetary
CAUSE of Divine Love into the physical world of form. All of the Lightworkers who have
been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this
sweet Earth will know who they are through the inner promptings of their heart. Listen
to your heart, and Trust your inner guidance. Your Light is urgently needed!

We must ALL Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present within
the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love in Tucson, Arizona, then our I AM Presence and the
Company of Heaven will assist us in paving the way. This is true whether we need assistance
with time, energy, better health, or money to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission.

In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who
will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These Lightworkers will
project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the
Lightworkers are physically gathered in Tucson, Arizona. Thus our unified efforts will expand
a thousand times a thousandfold.

Every Lightworker will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is
any more important than another. What IS important, is that we respond to whatever our I AM
Presence is guiding us to do. The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of Lightworkers

is the 25th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will take place August 13-
18, 2011, during the 25th Celebration of Harmonic Convergence. We will gather at the
beautiful Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, Arizona. This exquisite resort exists
within the heart of the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love. All of the information you will
need to participate in this unprecedented opportunity is available on our website
www.eraofpeace.org . Just go to our Home Page and click on the box on the right-hand side
that says 25th Annual World Congress on Illumination.

God Bless YOU, on behalf of ALL Life evolving on this planet, for your willingness to be the
Open Door that will secure our planetary CAUSE of Transfiguring Divine Love in the
physical plane of Earth. Now let's continue with the Divine Intervention being given to
Humanity by Saint Germain and Mother Mary during this powerful month of May.

As you invoke the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection day-by-day, know that Light is
infinitely more powerful than fear. ONE Lightworker focusing effectively on the Light can
release enough positive energy to counteract the fragmented, fear-based, hate-filled thoughts
and feelings of literally hundreds of thousands of people. In addition to that blessing, our
Father-Mother God have given the Beings of Light a Cosmic Dispensation. The Beings of
Light have been granted permission to amplify our unified efforts a thousand times a
thousandfold. Consequently, the critical mass of Heaven on Earth is much, much closer than it

Many years ago Saint Germain gave us a simple yet incredibly powerful mantra for the Violet
Flame. All we have to do is affirm that we are One with our I AM Presence, and the I AM
Presence of ALL Humanity, before beginning to chant the Violet Flame Mantra. This is easily
accomplished by simply saying:

"I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity."

Then say the Violet Flame Mantra with deep feeling as many times as your I AM Presence
guides you to.

"Transmute, transmute by Violet Fire all causes and cores not of God's desire. I AM a
Being of cause alone; that CAUSE is Love, the Sacred Tone."

Now let's turn our attention to Beloved Mother Mary and her Legions of the Immaculate
Heart Temple. Every year during the month of May, Mother Mary's Temple of The
Immaculate Heart is opened in the Inner Realms. This May our I AM Presence will escort us
into Mother Mary's Temple in our finer bodies while we sleep at night. Once we are there, she
will help us to balance and expand the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in our heart. The
Divine Intent of this intervention is for our Threefold Flame to once again envelope our
physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies, as it did in the beginning prior to our fall
from Grace.

During this sacred time, our Mother God will assist Mother Mary by giving each of us a
special blessing. These exponents of the Divine Feminine will lift Humanity into higher
frequencies of our Mother God's Transfiguring Divine Love than we have ever experienced.
This Gift of Divine Intervention will help strengthen Humanity's physical bodies at a cellular
level, so that we will be able to withstand the power of our NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine
Love, which will be secured in the physical plane in August. This merciful act of Divine

Grace will recalibrate our DNA and release pre-encoded patterns that will help us become the
powerful forces of Divine Love we were always destined to be. This unprecedented Gift of
Transfiguring Divine Love will help all of us to handle the adversity that is now surfacing in
our lives to be transmuted into Light. It will also help us to move through the difficult, but
very necessary, cleansing process that is currently happening all over the world.

When we enter the Temple of the Immaculate Heart, Beloved Mother Mary will embrace each
of us in her loving arms. With her embrace, she will awaken within us the remembrance of
our sojourn with her when we were in her sacred temple prior to this embodiment. We will
remember that we came to Earth during this Cosmic Moment with but one desire, to
victoriously accomplish our facet of the unfolding Divine Plan by doing God's Will. We will
remember that we volunteered to be powerful Instruments of God during this critical time and
that we have been training for millennia for this mission. We will also remember that we
promised to be the full manifestation of Divine Love while serving the Light in this
embodiment. Our Mother God's Gift of Transfiguring Divine Love this month will greatly
empower our ability to fulfill this Divine Mission.

With our Mother God's and Mother Mary's assistance this month, we will realize that we
chose to bring a portion of the Divine Plan through the veil of physical birth in order to help
every facet of precious Life energy evolving on this planet Ascend into the 5th-Dimensional
frequencies of God's Infinite Perfection. This profound Truth is encoded within our Heart
Flames. Mother Mary will remind us that she is with us now, because she vowed to come and
assist us when it was time for us to fulfill our missions. That time is NOW! This month,
Mother Mary will help us to remember the capacity we have within our Lifestreams to fulfill
our Divine Purpose with dignity, honor, and victory.

During this holy month of May, Mother Mary and the Feminine Aspects of Deity serving the
Earth will assist our I AM Presence to expand the Chalice within our Immaculate Heart. This
Chalice of Light serves as the brazier for our Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame. With this
expansion, our balanced Heart Flame will blaze forth as the powerful force of Divinity it was
always intended to be. Then we will tangibly experience the Presence of God in every cell and
atom of our Beings. This will pave the way for the transformation of our carbon-based 3rd-
and 4th-Dimensional bodies into our crystalline-based 5th-Dimensional Solar Light Bodies.
This is a miraculous process that has been unfolding for a time now, but during this Mystical
Month of May, it will move forward a quantum leap.

Once we are functioning within the frequencies of our Solar Light Bodies, we will be able to
consciously magnify the Divinity within ourselves and all Life as our up-reaching
consciousness conducts our NEW planetary CAUSE of Divine Love into the world of form.

Through our I AM Presence, we are a source of God's Blessings united with every other
person's I AM Presence. As One Breath, One Heartbeat, One Voice, One Energy, Vibration,
and Consciousness of pure Divine Love, we are magnetizing more and more of the patterns of
perfection from the Causal Body of God into the physical plane. Through our unified efforts,
our Mother God has reclaimed Her rightful place within the Divinity of our Heart Flames. In
August, our NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love will be secured on Earth and the balance
of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine will become a manifest reality in all of our
Earthly experiences.

Now, as One unified Family of Light we affirm:

I AM a Force of God moving on this planet.

I AM an upward rushing force of energy, vibration, and consciousness which is my perfectly

balanced Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame—the true center of my Being.

My balanced Threefold Flame is my electronic aura spiraling around me.

The Power, Love, and Wisdom of my Father-Mother God and my I AM Presence continually
flow through my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies.

I AM a Being of very powerful Light. I AM One with ALL Life.

I AM One with my Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is.
I AM that I AM.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization



Human 2.0-christed edition

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 5:13pm

Human 2.0-christed edition

Lauren C. Gorgo

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"There is so much change taking place on the subtle levels that to speak of each one
individually would be akin to searching for a stone cast to the ocean." - Seven Sisters of


If your head feels like lead, your heart is on fire, and your body is a mockery of a
marshmallow...then welcome to the full integration of head-heart-body.

If I may still indulge in polarity for a moment, I have what feels like very good news and very
bad news. The good news is that I have been told that this month is the month that the
frontrunners of new-human consciousness complete the upgrade to the new-human prototype,
the final transformation into mind/body/soul integrated existence.

The bad news is that I think its going to hurt like hell.

I definitely hope I'm wrong here, but the pains of labor have been p-r-e-t-t-y intense since
May began and it doesn't feel as though it will let up anytime soon. The unseens say
otherwise…that the middle of May will bring some reprieve...tho they also admit that this
month will be a very "physically focused" one. This is what I heard: every single cell of your
played-out bodies will continue, unremittingly, to throb in the writhing pain of cellular
mutation. Until forever.

Physical Integration

"What we would like to bring forth out of all of this is the realization that those who are on
the path to oneness have arrived at a deep place of physical integration, a crosspoint in all
intersecting layers of perceptual reality that are now woven into the cellular tapestry of the
new human form." -Seven Sisters

If April was a month of reassessing, redirecting and resetting, then May is a month of
integrating, mutating and morphing. During the last several weeks, all those parts of ourselves
that needed to be reclaimed were revealed to each of us (in mostly odious ways) during that
never ending Mercury retrograde cycle. Mercury is finally leaving its shadow station, and we
are coming out of a very long and productive inward phase where we released & cleared
lifetimes of human/genetic karmic debris... however, with so much growth in such a short
period of time, our cells still need the time/space to shift and align with our new level

Because of all the inner-work we completed last month we are experiencing a profound
deepening..an unmistakable soul recognition is taking place, a growing awareness of home
that is filling every cell of our bodies. Literally.

Right now we are adjusting and releasing another round of remaining density so as to align
with the harmonious energies of the new-human form, and it does NOT feel good, but as we
continue to come into alignment with the vibration of our complete, purified, core selves, our
bodies will adjust and release, adjust and release, and the end result will be a perfected
physical vessel…the physical representation of our divine-human blueprint.

"Mid-May will provide you with forward moving momentum, the key will be in how well
your body is able to assimilate these energies. If you are hanging on to unresolved issues
from the past, forward movement will be halted to the extent that you are willing to let go.
The physical symptoms of mutation may continue to plague you, but only until you are fully
released from the past, firmly situated in the present, and focused on moving into the future.
Trust in your body's intelligence and it will show you the way home." -Seven Sisters

New-Human Health

"If we had to define health in the new human form, we would say this: harmony. Rather, we
would change the word health to harmony." -Seven Sisters
No doubt we are in a nasty funk…we have been knocked down for weeks with symptoms,
and tired in ways that mimic the beginning of our journeys. This deep fatigue is present in
every tissue, organ, muscle and bone of our bodies…even our blood is tired….but up until
now, none of it has made any cognitive sense.

The unseens say that all of this is because we are literally changing physical form and our
bodies are using all of our vitality to morph…that we are emerging from our proverbial
cocoons. Tho the butterfly analogy is relentlessly overused, it is also very poignant in the
sense that we are actually changing from one physical expression to another, from the inside
out….and just like the butterfly, our release from restriction is timed with the greater cycles of
creation. (groovy butterfly metamorphosis vid HERE...should make you feel right at home)

Whenever we go thru these intense periods of physical transformation, its important to

remember the magnitude of change we are undergoing….that the transition we are morphing
thru is not an incremental (linear) healing that is taking place as in old-paradigm holistic
constructs where we "peel back the layers of the onion" to reveal our core. Contrary to that,
biological ascension (reconnection) requires that we access our core selves first, in order to
effectuate true and lasting change on every level of our being and in every area of our lives.

This is also why, for those on the ascension path, no individual healing modality can take us
to full symptom cure…not only because these modalities are external, but because true health
is not established thru healing, but thru remembering…aligning with…our divine state of
wellness. The difference is in the focus.

In other words, the ascension process does not bring us from bad to better (linear), but from
from limitation to freedom (quantum). The result is in the lasting effects, but the process is
WAY more comprehensive…which is ultimately why the starseed warriors were designed to
go first…so all you freakishly courageous souls could fully display the results of such self-
inflicted torture.

This fiercely independent group stepped up as the biological beta-testers for the new-human
prototype and now these groups are finally (tho slowly) coming out of the beta (metamorphic)
phase and are soon to be fully functional 2.0's as we near the end of the massive inner-journey
and embark upon the final phase of our physical transition to the "other side". (NOTE**Keep
in mind that tho we are emerging, our wings still need time to harden before we can take
flight, so patience is still required.)

The unseens have always said that physical health would be the last to arrive, but they are
making it clear that this will not be health like we have ever known before. Health is such a
broad topic that perspective matters here, but they really want us to "get it", that this state of
completeness is far superior to physical well being. They describe new human health as "an
amalgamation of circular patterns of bliss…heightened, creative energies that flow
uninterrupted and are interconnected, yet independent of each other...energies that transmit
and communicate to each other in a harmonic and effortless way, free of the separation-based
discordance that breaks the flow of vital life force in lower dimensional consciousness."

They also share that the human 2.0 christed-edition will be malleable, spontaneous, self-
contained and light in its movement…they call this the "ultimate state of physical existence"

and one that will require less maintenance than the older (3d) model. ohthankgawd.
Because the new-human form works with crystalline magnetics in the fluid form fields, we
will be tapping into a new circuitry board, one that is built into the new grid and contains the
codes required for our physical participation with conscious co-creation.

With the upgrades complete, our ability to adapt to energy will apparently be remarkable and
our new-human vessel will enable us to not only feel good...novel concept...but to navigate
ourselves strictly on the new earth (crystalline) grid, which exists all around us now, pulsating
with pure potential and while waiting to express its infinite intelligence thru our shiny new
stellar bods.

From Service to Creation

"One further point that we would like to make with regard to this life-changing transition is
that each of you are fully in control of your destinies now. It is no longer a place of coming
together to create for the good of mankind, to fix what's broken, but a place of coming
together to create from deep passion, from the unrelenting desire to make manifest your
YOUnique contribution to the planet thru the pure reflection of your soulular self."

We are finally at a place of fully expressing our divinity in a way that expires our old
(clearing) contracts and deeply embedded programming that we are here to "save the world".
There is no saving or service required any longer….we are simply here now to share the part
of ourselves that will, by default, uplift others. The shift is important here because when
work from a place of "saving", we are holding on to the very paradigm that we are now
breaking free from. NoCanDo.

The unseens want us to deeply understand that the new-earth pioneers are shifting from
service to creation, which is a completely different energy construct.

Any need, desire or impulse to "save" the falling world comes from a polarized mind, lends
energy to chaos, keeps us attached to the outworn and therefore restricted from our ability to
create on the new timeline. Remember those words of one famous Albert Einstein...“Problems
cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them”? It applies here. As the
outside world continues to spiral into chaos it is imperative that we push thru to a higher level
of thinking by remembering that lasting change only comes when we transcend the energies
that created it.

We are here now to create a new way, to create a new world... to use inspiration as our
weapon and love as our shield. And there is no turning back.

"Know that your contribution to the world is nothing more or less than what sets you on
fire…it is the reflective radiance of the sun's creative potential within each of you, the core
center of your embodied power to create, and for all to benefit from." -Seven Sisters

Dance with the Divine

"Understand this...there is no longer a gap between who you are and who you want to be."
-Seven Sisters

So the past and the future are merging and we are beginning to operate from still-point, where

the universal elixir of creation resides. Its an odd sensation really, like we are no longer
participating in our lives, but with them. And nothing outside of the moment can hold our
attention for very long. Accessing anything outside of the present is growing in futility which
means we are no longer operating from a place of what will be, but what is....and as well, we
are shifting from the mental understanding of ascended living to the sensation-based
experience of it. This has yet to sink into our full-body awareness, but it will.

As a result of this merging, we are no longer those beings who are here to teach thru
information alone…we are here now to teach thru the integrated, embodied understanding that
can only be achieved thru first hand experience, and is wholly contingent upon our ability to
create our inspired visions on the blank canvas that is now laid before us. When we do this
effectively, the universal forces of creation come rushing to meet us…not because we have
summonsed the force, but because we have become the force. As we merge with these forces
of creation thru the sheer magnitude of our presence, we become one with the flow of divinity
thru sacred union...and as these energies move us to act, to create, to speak, to dance, to sing,
to love…all in perfect allowing...only then we will understand the true meaning of co-

This sacred dance works thru mathematics and geometry...which I will probably delve deeper
into thru future writings... but for now, know that these sacred sciences are fully at play. In
the past, separation-creation was a combination of sacred science mixed with human will and
using universal hologram technology (3d matrix) specifically designed for this interplay. But
now, in the fluid fields of morphic resonance, the power of these sacred sciences are pure and

"Those in the collaborative cosmic dance with the divine will be presented with opportunities
to take part in the creation of new earth. You are the builders, the planners, and the architects
of an ascended earth. We wish for each of you to grasp the enormity of your contribution thus
far and especially as you step forth to apply your creative, sculpted vision into the world at
large. You hold dominion over the new earth...you are the fiercest of warriors, the pioneers,
and therefore the guardians of Eden."

Bridge Portals

The new-human (crystalline) prototype that the warrior brigade is beginning to embody is
designed to work/communicate strictly with the intelligence of the new (crystalline) grid …
without participating in the old world dynamics…which is why it is so essential that this
group no longer attach to the falling world. This also means that the interconnecting points of
old-world versus new world (sacred living) will be fully protected by vortices, or forcefields
of energy so as to secure the portals to new earth dwelling spaces from those who are not yet
fully reconnected and operating from a place of pure heart resonance.

This is not a separation based tactic, per say, but rather a safeguarding of sacred creation as
well as forces of protection for those who are not yet prepared to handle such high
frequencies. These interconnected grid points will serve as the bridge portals for souls to walk
over, both for souls who have ascended into triality consciousness to access duality, and for
those ascending duality consciousness to access triality.

These portals will serve as anchors of higher dimensional energy for the dismantling world
and offer healing to those who feel called to serve. It will be up to those who have entered

fully into triality (christ) consciousness to act as the gatekeepers and to work with these sacred
portals in a way that will support the new-human and the new-earth.
For those of you who are already participating with these sacred portals between dimensions
you will be coming together with many more to broadcast these energies in physical locations
that support the bio-energy dynamics required to uplift humanity to a sacred level of
coexistence. More on this to come...

World Without Limits

One morning a couple weeks ago I heard these words ringing in my head…"Are you
REALLY ready to be, do and have it all?"

In the past when I heard those words, they scared me....it felt too far away and too
overwhelming to grasp. But this time I remember thinking that I don't even know what that
means anymore…that I am so beat up far removed from any concept of wanting that there
was suddenly no context for that question.

Right after I formed that thought in my head, I heard…"Well then, congratulations is

definitely in order."

Which inspired me share, with kind permission, this crystal clear analogy from an email I
received from a reader:

"I feel like Janus at the portal, with the ability to see into both worlds.

The old world I feel so intensely because it feels more and more repulsive in the strictest
sense of that word. I find myself looking at things and going, "I remember that" and yet it's
something that the masses are still up to and yet it feels like eons ago to me, like remembering
something from childhood that went out of style and is no longer around but you might see in
an antique store or something.

And the new is so very exciting. It feels so appropriate that it is springtime now as that goes
with this feeling, this anticipation of something wonderful unfolding, with little hints and
evidence here and there. And yet what is so strangely prickly about the new that is coming is
not knowing what to expect and not in the typical "can't know the future" kind of way but in
more of a 'So, just what does one wish for when there are no limits?' "

Don't forget to nurture yourselves!





DailyOM: Asking for What You Want
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 5:15pm

Asking for What You Want

Cocreating with the Universe
So many of us are taught to accept what we are given and not even to dream of anything

Most people don’t always fully realize that we all have within us the ability to cocreate our
lives with the universe. So many of us are taught to accept what we are given and not even to
dream of anything more. But our hopes and dreams are the universe whispering to us, planting
an idea of what’s possible while directing us toward the best use of our gifts. The universe
truly wants to give us our hearts’ desires, but we need to be clear about what they are and ask
for them.

To ask for something does not mean to beg or plead from a place of lack or unworthiness. It’s
like placing an order—we don’t need to beg the salesperson for what we want or prove to
them that we deserve to have it. It is their job to give us what we ask for; we only have to tell
them what we want. Once we have a clear vision of what we desire, we simply step into the
silent realm where all possibilities exist and let our desires be known. Whatever methods we
use to become still, it is important that we find the quiet space between our thoughts.

From that still and quiet place, we can announce our intentions to the pure energy of creation.
By imagining all the details from every angle, including scent, color, and how it would feel to
have it, we design our dreams to our specifications. Similar to dropping a pebble into a pond,
the ripples created by our thoughts travel quickly from this place of stillness, echoing out into
the world to align and orchestrate all the necessary details to bring our desires into
manifestation. Before leaving this wonderful space to come back to the world, release any
attachment to the outcome and express gratitude. By doing this daily, we focus our thoughts
and our energy while regularly mingling with the essence that makes it possible to build the
life of our dreams.


The Way of the Truth a message from
Jennifer Hoffman 4 May, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 5:30pm

a message from Jennifer Hoffman

4 May, 2011

Each lifetime is a search for truth and connection, of re-establishing ourselves within the
energy of our divine aspects where we are powerful, loved, secure, supported, and happy. We
try to create all of these things as the truth of our lives and it takes many lifetimes before we
realize that there is a fundamental truth we have always known but have never accepted, that
we already have everything we seek and we already are everything we hope to become. The
truth we seek is always in front of us but we cannot see it for a number of reasons, most
importantly because we look for the truth in places where we will never find it. And when we
stop looking for the truth it appears before us.

There are many levels of truth, just as there are many levels of energy. The truth we want to
know is that we are powerful, blessed and loved, so we begin our journey of healing to release
everything that blocks us from embodying it. We look for this truth in every situation not
realizing that the material world will reflect whatever energy we inject into it because it
doesn’t contain its own truth and will never be more to us than we already think and believe
we are. The people in our soul groups have no truth for us other than what they know as their
truth because each person lives within their own vibration of what they know as the truth,
based on what they have experienced in and of the world.

The foundation of truth that we seek cannot be found in the world because it doesn’t exist
unless we create it. The material world will always reflect the truth of the individual and
collective energy that creates it and without the application of a higher truth, based in spirit, is
incapable of giving us more than what we want and being more than we think we are capable
of. If we want to know the truth, we must create it because we are the source of our own truth.
What is true for each of us becomes our truth and part of the world’s truth. In simpler terms,
the truth that we are worthy of love, success and joy already exists in spirit and manifests in
the material world when it is the truth that we totally believe about ourselves. The truth that
we do not deserve love, success and joy also becomes true because we believe it and it won’t
change until we change our aspect of truth.

When we try to impose our truth on someone else, or make them responsible for making our
truth ‘true’, we are on the path of unfulfilled expectations. When we want love, for example,
we tell ourselves that we deserve love, and we do. But when we take this truth “I deserve
love” and then look to others to make it true, “I deserve love from you” we are doing two
things, approaching our desire for truth from the point of doubt (if we know that we deserve
love we don’t need anyone’s validation) and we are making the fulfillment of our truth
someone else’s responsibility. Everyone has their own version of truth and if our version is in

conflict with theirs or demands something from them that they do not want to or cannot give,
then they will respond to the conflict and block us from finding the fulfillment of our truth
with them.

There are two ways to approach truth, from the point of knowing or the point of doubt. When
we are at the point of knowing we don’t need anyone to validate our truth. We know it’s true
and that our truth is being fulfilled in each moment, even if we don’t always see the results
right away. But when we have doubt, we create a truth that reflects our doubts and then
everything in our life strives to make it true. We think that the world is our biggest enemy and
works against us, doesn’t allow for the fulfillment of our dreams and puts challenges and
blocks in our way at every turn. But the world doesn’t do anything but make our truth, and all
of the energy we have behind it, true. The energy of the world is non-judgmental so whatever
we say is true, it just replies with a powerful ‘yes’.

When we approach the truth from the answer, which always begins with I AM, we see it
reflected everywhere. But when we approach it from the question, AM I? we see that reflected
everywhere as well. And this is how we have our truth validated or challenged, depending on
whether we see ourselves as the question or the answer. If we approach the world with the
question, the world’s answer simply reflects our question. If we approach the world with the
answer, the world then shifts its energy so it becomes our answer. And there is a greater
difference, as saying “I AM” sets our intention for manifestation. “AM I?” asks for
permission, which we will not get because we do not need it.

Knowing expands energy while doubting contracts it and energy can never become more than
our intention for it. That is why approaching the path of truth as a question will never yield
the answer that validates us and ensures us that we can become or manifest that truth. A
question will never become more than the question. The answer, however, because it sets the
foundation for the truth we want to become our reality, will create the validation we want. The
challenge for us is to have the courage to know the answer before we receive the validation –
we must know that we are the highest truth before the world will validate the truth for us.

Can we do that? Can we know, without doubt, that we are already everything we want to be
and that by knowing we will receive the answers we want? It is what we must do if our
journey for truth will result in expansion instead of contraction and we are become the highest
expression of our I AM potential and live in our own version of heaven on earth, knowing that
we are co-creators, masters of our life path and divine expressions of Creator on earth.

Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc.

This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be

distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website,


are included.


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 5:30pm


1. Sit quietly. Dim the lights. Play some soft background music that you
love. Light some incense.

2. Breathe and release. Let us begin by clearing the home and property
in which one resides (or may be visiting). Let us first ground the
foundation of the home to the aurora of the earth while creating seven
sets of grid work between the foundation and the top of the aurora. If
one lives in a high rise, one will also create one set of grid work
under each floor underneath oneself. If there are 18 floors, one will
create 18 sets of grid work plus an additional 7 to the aurora to
augment the grounding of one's residence, office or hotel room.

3. Breathe and release. Now let us intend that the energy run
"down" to the center of the earth through each layer of grid
work, like a large waterfall that begins from above one's head. If
there are many floors above oneself, one may also wish to create grid
work upon each floor above, directing the energy down through one's
apartment to the center of the earth from above.

4. Breathe and release. If there are upward moving vortexes from the
drug use of neighbors, let us close this down now. Most of such vortexes
are simply spirals of energy that flow upward. Reverse the spiral
spinning it downward until it dissipates. Not intend to close all such
upward moving spirals or vortexes that interfere with the grounding of
one's home, office or hotel room in the neighborhood that surrounds

5. Breathe and release. Now imagine a big gold and silver ball of energy
above one's home. Press the gold and silver ball down into the
premises running it through each room and then pressing it down the

grounding cord to the aurora. Underneath the gold and silver ball will
be all that no longer resonates or is dissonant unto oneself at
one's current level of initiation.

6. Breathe and release. Let us ask earth for Marias or angels to anchor
in the four corners of one's home. Request of the angels to
dispensate ongoing showers of language of light tones blended with gold
and silver to retain a peaceful environment that can become one's
sanctuary. Invite one's nature kingdom friends to co-anchor the
space along with the mineral and herbal kingdoms.

7. Breathe and release. Now ground yourself firmly to the aurora by

creating a waterfall of language of light energy movement that pushes
down through one's home, through one's etheric body and chakras
system along with subtle bodies and to the center of the earth. Allow
all that does not belong unto oneself or has attached to oneself to fall
off to the aurora for transmutation purposes.

8. Breathe and release. Let us begin by moving the kundahlini energy up

the spine and out the top of the head, slowly and much like hot lava.
Let us also open the chakras in one's feet allowing the kundahlini
to move up the side channels, infusing chi into every meridian of the
etheric body. Let us call upon the Earth Mothers Angels or Marias to
support the movement of energy through the Kundahlini.

9. Breathe and release. Let us imagine the energy of the kundahlini

moving up through the calves, up the thighs, and into the pelvic region,
energizing all meridians and all grid work in the lower half of the
form. Let us now move the kundahlini up into the rib cage, chest, down
the shoulders and out the arms and hands, along with up through the neck
and into the head, energizing all meridians therein. Let us charge the
grid work and meridians with chi in the upper half of the form.

10. Breathe and release. Now let us begin to focus upon running the red
ray throughout the etheric body and kundahlini. The red ray represents
life force and change. Pay attention to whether or not one feels
uncomfortable. If uncomfortable, intend to make peace with the red ray.
Red is not really anger; it is life force, but has been interpreted by
the emotional body as rage if the red ray is not one's own energy
signature. Let us drain off all anger and red ray that is not our own
down our grounding cord, returning it to sender. Let us move only red
that is of our own vibration and essence. In so doing, there will be

enough life force and chi to sustain one's continued ascent and

11. Breathe and release. Let us intend to release all patterns,

thought-form, entities and machines that prevent our full ability to
move and embrace the red ray. Let us also release all thought-form,
patterns, entities and machines that cause us to either take on the red
ray of another, or displace our own anger upon another. The red ray is
associated with the forgiveness and unity tones in the language of
light. If one cannot master the red ray, one will be hard pressed to
learn to forgive or master unity as an ascending being. Let us therefore
make peace with the red ray.

12. Breathe and release. Now let us focus upon running the orange ray
throughout the etheric body and kundahlini. Pay attention to whether or
not one feels uncomfortable. If uncomfortable, intend to make peace with
one's own power. Power is required in order to fuel one's ascent
forth. In it in a state of power that one takes action and causes life
changes. Ascension brings about major life changes, and if one has no
power, one will be unable to fulfill upon the change, thus ceasing to

13. Breathe and release. Let us return power that belongs to another to
it's source of origin, and gather up all power given unto others in
one's life dance including one's family, friends, the boss, the
employer, the bank, the church or other spiritual leaders, the grocery
store, along with the region and country that one resides. Let us also
gather up power that our ancestors gave away in times past to all others
and intend to release all karma associated. Let us retrieve our power so
that we may have enough power to ascend.

14. Breathe and release. Let us intend to release all patterns,

thought-form, entities and machines that prevent our full ability to
move and embrace the orange ray. The orange ray is associated with the
authentic power and the peach tone in the language of light. If one
cannot master the orange ray, one will be hard pressed to master
authentic power and standing in one's truth as an ascending being.
So let us make peace with our power.

15. Breathe and release. Let us now focus upon running the yellow ray
throughout the etheric body and kundahlini. Pay attention to whether or
not one feels uncomfortable. If uncomfortable, intend to make peace with

laughter and joy along with freedom in one's life dance. The yellow
ray is associated with the Breath of Life and Freedom tones in the
Language of Light. Breath of Life allows us to breathe deeply and move
more fully into present time. Let us take a deep breath with the intent
to come fully into present time now. All cords of attachment of the past
fall off as one enters the moment, and all energy begins to move again.
Let us intend to learn to stay more in present time each day.

16. Breathe and release. Freedom allows the past to be released and the
attachment to be pulled and rewoven into the etheric body, where it can
better sustain the life of the form. If uncomfortable, where is one
unable to free oneself from the past? Make peace with the past through
forgiveness; forgive those who have wounded oneself in the greater
understanding that one's ancestry wounded theirs, and this is simply
an old rerun of an old pattern. Release and be free beloved. Let us
intend to release all patterns, thought-form, entities and machines that
prevent our full ability to move and embrace the yellow ray. In so
doing, one will become free to ascend.

17. Breathe and release. Let us now focus upon running the green ray
throughout the etheric body and kundahlini. Green is associated with
harmony and peace. Pay attention to whether or not one feels
uncomfortable. If uncomfortable, intend to make peace with oneself,
choosing to leave the

agitation and fear behind. Often the agitation one feels is not
one's own but fear pressed upon oneself by others. Let us drain off
the fear of others down one's grounding cord. The green ray is
associated with compassion in the Language of Light. It will be
difficult to master compassion in action without first embracing the
green ray.

18. Breathe and release. Let us intend to release all patterns,

thought-forms, entities and machines that prevent our full ability to
move and embrace the green ray. Green underlies the ability to
synthesize the field into a rainbow of tones. Synthesis is another form
of harmony and peace that is more advanced than the green ray, and is
associated with the balance of all tones within the field. One will be
hard pressed to learn to synthesize and balance in this manner if one
has not embraced the green ray in full.

19. Breathe and release. Let us now focus upon running the blue ray

throughout the etheric body and kundahlini. Blue is associated with body
health. Pay attention to whether or not one feels uncomfortable. If
uncomfortable, intend to make peace with one's embodiment as
one's temple and creation to experience the third dimension within.
Many initiates have associated spirituality with the requirement to
separate spirit from form. Ascension requires the embracing of one's
form and the grounding of spirit into the embodiment so that it can be
resurrected and reconstituted to the crystalline structure. Let us
intend to release all patterns, thought-forms, entities and machines
that prevent our full ability to move and embrace the blue ray and
ground fully into the Earth Mother.

20. Breathe and release. Let us now focus upon running the magenta ray
throughout the etheric body and kundahlini. Magenta is associated with
passion and sexuality. Pay attention to whether or not one feels
uncomfortable. If uncomfortable, intend to make peace with and embrace
one's passion to live and create, along with one's sensuality.
Life in the physical is a sensual experience. The water caresses
one's skin as one swims; the breeze touches one's face; the
grass feels cool and nurturing under one's feet. One is apart of
earth, and living upon earth can be far more joyful if one allows for
the sensuality of the experience. Magenta and the movement of the sexual
energy is the mechanism through which spirit anchors to form, and earth
connects to one's embodiment. Therefore no sexuality, no grounding
or connection to soul or source either.

21. Breathe and release. Let us intend to release all patterns,

thought-forms, entities and machines that prevent our full ability to
move and embrace the magenta ray. Much like the red ray, one will be
unable to embrace forgiveness and unity as an ascending being, as
magenta is a lower octave of these tones within the Language of Light.
Moving one's sexual energy and kundalini in ever increasingly
forceful amounts is also a requirement to ascend, for it is the sexual
energy that supports the expanding auric field, light body, subtle body
and chakra system as each phase of initiation is mastered. Therefore let
us intend to make peace with our sexuality and sensual nature, as this
is also a prerequisite to ascend.

22. Breathe and release. Let us now focus upon running the pale violet
rays of structure and divine union. Notice that we are not focusing upon
the primary ray of violet bur rather the octave above it, as violent
tends to illicit dogma and religious programming in the field. Pale

violet on the other hand is a form of erasure that allows pain,
programming and machinery to be transmuted. Pay attention to whether or
not one feels uncomfortable with the pale violet ray. If uncomfortable,
intend to embrace one's ability to transcend and transmute, giving a
new definition to spirituality other than religion or religions
preferences and dogma.

23. Breathe and release. The lavender structure tone brings forth a new
structure that is spherical in ascension to replace the electrical
sacred geometry associated with the mer-ka-ba. The mer-ka-ba patterning
is left behind the further that one ascends and replaced with the triple
sphere and flower of life patterning. It is the spherical patterning
that creates harmless relations in which ones field rotates around
another, embracing another, rather than piercing another with cords of

24. Breathe and release. The pale lavender divine union tone allows for
a new form of communion to develop in which one is interconnected to
earth, soul along with one's form in an ongoing dance of energy and
communication. This new form of communion replaces the conventional
spiritual practice, as it opens oneself up to communication from all
kingdoms that then become one's spiritual guidance. One recognizes
in this new spirituality that each kingdom is God-Goddess in form; each
has something to contribute, and that one is apart of the whole in the
dance of life.

25. Breathe and release. Let us intend to release all patterning,

thought-form, machines or entities that block the full embracing of the
pale lavender tones of structure and divine union within the Language of
Light. In so doing, one will move into a new spiritual foundation that
is based upon ongoing communion with God Goddess all that is.

26. Breathe and release. Let us now focus upon running the pink rays of
forgiveness and unity throughout the etheric body and kundahlini. Pay
attention to whether or not one feels uncomfortable. If uncomfortable,
intend to embrace one's ability to forgive and live in unity with
all other species upon earth. Forgiveness allows for the ties of the
past to be released so that one may complete one's karmic debts. As
karma is released and completed upon, new possibilities open as to what
one might manifest next in one's life expression.

27. Breathe and release. Unity allows for a new type of relationship to

surface in which one no longer controls, manipulates, judges or
competes. In a state of unity, one allows; one allows all others their
dance in the dance of life, and one's own dance in whatever journey
it may take one upon. Let us intend to embody unity and forgiveness. Let
us intend to release all thought-form, patterns, entitles and machines
that block the full embracing of the pink ray. It is only as enough
learn to forgive and live in unity that the birth of ascending community
becomes possible.

28. Breathe and release. Let us now focus upon running the turquoise
tone of compassion in the Language of Light throughout the etheric body
and kundahlini. Pay attention to whether or not one feels uncomfortable.
If uncomfortable, intend to embrace oneself unconditionally and give
birth to compassion within. Compassion is first born internal to self as
one acknowledges one's own humanness. One has been "all things
human" in life experiences of one's ancestry. One has played all
roles from the devil to the preacher, from the rapist to the raped, from
the soldier to the wounded upon the battlefield; from the lover to the
rejected, from the diseased to the deformed, to those who nursed and
looked after such humans. It is in acknowledging one's own humanness
that one learns to have compassion for all others in all other

29. Breathe and release. Let us intend to release all thought-form,

patterns, entitles and machines that block the full embracing of the
turquoise ray of compassion. Compassion is a prerequisite to mastering
the upper initiations of the Bodhisattva. Compassion is the foundation
of the non-attached state of being, in which one learns to allow all
others their truth. One also recognizes that there are many roles to
play; and that each role is as important as the next the unfolding drama
that leads to evolution of the whole of humanity. In a state of
compassion, one no longer judges the role another or oneself plays; but
embraces it unconditionally as a necessary part of the dance.

30. Breathe and release. Let us now focus upon running the peach tone of
authentic power through the etheric body and kundahlini. Pay attention
to whether or not one feels uncomfortable. If uncomfortable, intend to
embrace oneself as God Goddess in form. The human vessel was designed to
house God Goddess and be an expression that soul could dance with and
evolve through upon the physical plane. In accepting one's own
God-Goddess-ness, one can then accept the God Goddess within all life
forms along with all other humans.

31. Breathe and release. Authentic power is embodied as one recognizes
one's own God-Goddess-ness. In recognizing that one is God Goddess,
one chooses to stand in one's truth rather than allowing others to
manipulate one into doing what one really does not wish to, or is not
one's truth to experience. As God Goddess in form, one also chooses
to allow all other their experience and chooses likewise not to
manipulate another into doing one's own bidding. Let us intend to
release all machines, entities, programming and thought-form that does
not allow us to embrace the peach tone of power in full in our
ascension. In so doing, one will become God Goddess in form as an
ascending human.

32. Breathe and release. Let us focus now upon the silver ray of
non-conditional love within the Language of Light allowing it to run
through the etheric body and kundahlini. Pay attention to whether or not
one feels uncomfortable. If uncomfortable, intend to learn to love
oneself unconditionally. As one learns to love from within, one will
quite naturally extend love unconditionally to all others. Learning to
love requires the opening of the heart chakra, which in time buds into
the 1000-pedal lotus of the Bodhisattva.

33. Breathe and release. Opening the heart can be painful; but the
further that the heart opens, the more chi one can generate to allow for
one's further ascent. Much like the sexual energy flow of the
kundahlini which generates the chi necessary to spin one's light
body and larger chakra system, the heart is also a conducer of chi that
amplifies the presence of God Goddess in one's vessel. It is through
the heart that soul; oversoul and one's I Am presence communicate
and bless all others. Let us intend to release all machines, entities,
programming and thought-form that does not allow us to embrace the
silver ray in full. Let us also intend to open the heart to the degree
required in each phase of ascension.

34. Breathe and release. Let us now focus upon the gold ray of
non-conditional governance within the Language of Light allowing it to
run through the etheric body and kundahlini. Pay attention to whether or
not one feels uncomfortable. If uncomfortable, intend to embrace oneself
in the leadership role that one is destined. Those that ascend are the
leaders of tomorrow that are here to demonstrate a new form of
governance founded upon unity. Each who ascends is a leader, whether or
not they are ever acknowledge as such. Embrace yourself beloved in the

leader you are becoming as an ascending master.

35. Breathe and release. What does this leadership entail? Only what you
may wish to contribute to your fellow humans. Perhaps you will open the
door or provide the key to another's awakening. Perhaps you will
shed light upon an issue another is having trouble with. Perhaps you
will step out as a teacher of ascension. The path and dream is up to you
to weave. Let us intend to release all machines, entities, programming
and thought-form that does not allow one to embrace the golden ray in
full. In so doing, on will allow oneself to guide and lead others
towards their own awakening.

36. Breathe and release. Now that one has moved all tones of creation
through one's field, let us synthesize our entire chakra system,
kundahlini, subtle bodies and light body into a rainbow of tones, from
densest to lightest and without beginning and end. Let us syncopate the
chakras in rotation and size, balancing the entire field from top to
bottom. The Marias from the Earth Mother shall assist.

37. Now let us sit quietly and attune to our soul, oversoul and source,
along with the Earth Mother and nature kingdoms. What does your soul
have to say to you today? What does earth and nature have to report?
Allow the communion, as in a state of synthesis and balance, one sits in
peace, and in a state of peace, earth and nature along with soul can
more readily merge with one's biological consciousness.


Rus Şehri Üzerinde 'Uzay - Zaman

Vorteksindeki' Parçalanma Bilim
Adamlarını Şok Etti

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 5:33pm

Rus Şehri Üzerinde 'Uzay - Zaman Vorteksindeki' Parçalanma Bilim Adamlarını Şok Etti
10 Mayıs 2011
By: Sorcha Faal

Rus bilim adamları Federal Uzay Ajansı (FKA/RKA) tarafından hazırlanan raporu
inceledikten sonra şok oldular. Bu rapor Dünyamızın “uzay – zaman vorteksinin dokusunun”
bu geçen hafta Rusya’nın Ural Dağlarındaki en büyük şehri Yekaterinburg üzerinde (ayrıca
Ekaterinburg olarak bilinir) parçalandığını söylüyor.
Dünya gezegenimizin etrafındaki uzay – zaman vorteksinin varlığı ilk kez Genel Görelilik
teorisini geliştiren Almanya doğumlu teorik fizikçi Albert Einstein (1879-1955) tarafından
öne sürüldü ve son zamanlarda tarihte ilk kez NASA’nın Yerçekimi Sondası B adlı en uzun
işletilen projesinde çalışan ABD uzay bilim adamları tarafından onaylandı.

[Bakınız: http://www.kosulsuz-sevgi.com/index.php?option=com_content&task...]
Bu olaya tanık olup fotoğraflarını ve videolarını çeken binlerce Yekaterinburg sakini,
Dünyamızın uzay – zaman vorteksindeki bu muazzam yarığa tanık oldu.
Dünyamızın uzay – zaman vorteksindeki bu yarığın şok edici görsel resimleri Batı’ya
ulaştığında, onların propaganda medya organları, bu olaya yörüngeye fırlatılan Rus Soyuz
roket askeri iletişim uydusunun neden olduğunu ifade ederek hızlı bir dezenformasyon
moduna girdiler.

Bu Batılı medya propagandasını

n sözünü edemediği şey, Yekaterinburg’taki olaylardan saatlerce önce kuzey Rusya’daki
Plesetsk Cosmodrome’dan Meridian 4 Uydusu fırlatılmış olsa da, bu Arctic uzay sitesinin
Urallara mesafesi 2,500 kilometredir, herhangi birinin onu görebilmesi saçmalığın ötesindedir.

Dünyamızın uzay – zaman vorteksindeki bu yarığın nedeni olarak, Rus bilim adamları Elenin
Kuyruklu yıldızını gösteriyorlar, Elenin Kuyruklu yıldızı 10 Aralık 201’da Rus astronom
Leonid Elenin tarafından keşfedildi. Leonid Elenin dört adet mükemmel şekilde hizalanmış
“nesne”yi izliyordu (soldaki resim). Çinli bilim adamları bunların “uzay gemileri” olabileceği
uyarısını yaptılar.
Önceki “Tapınak Şövalyeleri ‘Son’ Dünya Savaşı İçin ABD – İran’ı Birleştirmeye
Hazırlanıyor” raporumuzda, Elenin Kuyruklu Yıldızı ve ona eşlik eden 2010 SO16 and 2005
YU55 ile ilgili sayısız linki sıraladık, bunların hepsi Dünyamıza yaklaşıyor.
Bu muazzam uzay – zaman bozulmalarının ilk gözlemlerinden bu yana [Bakınız 19 Ocak
raporumuz: Süperfırtınalar Gezegeni Çarparken Grönland Gündoğumu Dünyayı Şok Ediyor]
Süperfırtınalar Dünyada yıkıcı hasarlara neden oluyor, öyle ki ABD Devlet Bakanı Hillary
Clinton geçen hafta dünyamızın kendisini besleme yeteneğinin “büyük tehlike altında” olduğu
uyarısını yaptı.
10 Aralık 2010 “ Gizemli Nesne Dünya’ya Yaklaşırken Muazzam Deprem Korkusu Artıyor”
raporumuzda belirttiğimiz gibi, Rus bilim adamlarının en büyük korkuları 11 Mart 2011’de
gerçekleşti, tarihteki en büyük depremlerden biri Japonya’yı vurdu.
Dünya’nın üst düzey sismik bilim adamlarından biri olan Cornell Üniversitesinden Dr.
Mensur Omerbashich, PhD, Elenin Kuyruklu Yıldızının daha da büyük felaketsel olaylara
neden olma olasılığının bulunduğu uyarısını yaptı. “~M6+ depremselliğinin nedeni olarak
“Astronomik hizalanma” raporunda şunları okuyabiliriz:

Burada, depremselliğe neden olan Dünya kütlesel rezonansının büyütülmesinin gelgitsel
olarak başladığı jeorezonatör kavramımı deneysel olarak gösteriyorum. Bu amaçla, 2010
yılının tüm kuvvetli (~M6+) depremlerinin, Dünya’nın güneş sistemimiz içinde uzun (t>3
gün) astronomik hizalanmaları sırasında gerçekleştiğini gösteriyorum. Sonra bunun 2000’li
yılların tüm çok kuvvetli depremleri (~M8+) için de doğru olduğunu gösteriyorum. Son
olarak, geçmiş yüzyılın en kuvvetli depremleri (M8.6+) Dünya’nın çoklu uzun hizalanmaları
sırasında gerçekleştiği gösteriliyor, oysa ki en kuvvetli (M9+) olanların yarısı Dolunay
sırasında gerçekleşti. C/2010 X1 (Elenin) kuyruklu yıldızını kullandım, çünkü 2007’den bu
yana en kuvvetli depremsellik açısından sağlamlığa katkıda bulunmaktaydı. Elenin, Ağustos –
Ekim 2011’e kadar Dünyanın çok kuvvetli depremselliğini şiddetlendirmeye
devam edecek. Keşiflerime dayanan depremlerin yaklaşık tahmini uygulanabilirdir. Bu gösteri
hiperrezonatör kavramımı kanıtlıyor”
Şimdiki zamanlarımızı çevreleyen başa çıkılmaz doğal felaketler nedeniyle çok fazla korku
olsa da, Oxford Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümünden Nick Bostrom’a göre belki de bir teselli
nedeni vardır. Ona göre deneyimlediğimiz her şey bir bilgisayar simülasyonundan başka bir
şey olmayabilir.
Bostrom “Bir Bilgisayar Simülasyonunda mı Yaşıyorsunuz?” başlıklı teorik raporunda şunları
“Bu çalışma aşağıdaki önermelerden en az birinin doğru olduğunu savunur: (1) insan türleri
muhtemelen “insan sonrası” aşamaya erişmeden önce, nesli yok olacak; (2) herhangi bir insan
sonrası uygarlığının, kendi evrimsel tarihlerinin dikkate değer sayıda simülasyonlarını
çalıştırmaları olası değildir (veya varyasyonlarını); (3) bir bilgisayar simülasyonunda
yaşıyoruz. Bu bir gün ata – simülasyonlarını çalıştıran insan sonrası olacağımızın önemli şansı
bulunduğu inancının hatalı olduğunu izler, şu sıralarda simülasyon içinde yaşıyor olmadıkça.
Bu sonucun diğer birkaç çıkarımı da tartışıldı” (Tüm raporu buradan okuyun)
© May 10, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. WhatDoesItMean.Com.daki orijinal kaynağı
belirtildiği sürece bu rapor tüm içeriğiyle kullanılabilir.
(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 5:34pm


4 Mayıs 2011: Einstein haklıydı. Dünya’nın etrafında bir uzay – zaman vorteksi var ve onun
şekli Einstein’ın yerçekimi teorisinin öngörülerine kesinlikle uyuyor.
Araştırmacılar bugün NASA genel merkezindeki basın konferansında bu noktaları
onayladılar, Yerçekimi Sondası B (GP – B) nin uzun zamandır beklenen sonuçlarını
Yerçekimi Sondası B misyonunun baş araştırmacısı Stanford Üniversitesinden fizikçi Francis
Everitt “Genel göreliliğin öngördüğü gibi Dünya’nın etrafındaki uzay – zamanın bozulduğu
görünüyor” diyor.

Dünyanın etrafındaki bükülmüş uzay - zaman

Washington Üniversitesinden Clifford Will “Bu destansı bir sonuç” diye ekliyor. Einstein’ın
teorilerinde bir uzman olan Will, Yerçekimi Sondası B’nin sonuçlarını izlemek ve gözden
geçirmek için 1998’de NASA tarafından kurulan Ulusal Araştırma Konseyinin bağımsız
panelini yönetiyor. “Bir gün bu ders kitaplarına fizik tarihindeki klasik deneylerden biri olarak
yazılacaktır” diyor.
Einstein’ın görelilik teorilerine göre zaman ve uzay birlikte örülmüştür, “uzay – zaman” adı
verilen dört boyutlu bir doku oluştururlar. Dünyanın kütlesi bu dokuyu çukurlaştırır, aynen
ağır bir insanın tramplenin ortasına oturması gibi. Einstein yerçekiminin sadece çukurun
kıvrımlı çizgilerini izleyen nesnelerin hareketi olduğunu söylüyor.
Eğer Dünya sabit olsaydı, bu hikayenin sonu olurdu. Ama Dünya sabit değil. Gezegenimiz
döner ve dönüş çukuru hafifçe büker, çukuru 4 boyutlu bir girdaba çeker. GP-B 2004’te bunu
kontrol etmek için uzaya gitti.
Deneyin arkasındaki fikir basittir:
Dünyanın etrafındaki yörüngeye dönen bir jiroskop konulur, dönüş ekseni sabit referans
noktası olarak uzak bir yıldıza doğru işaret eder. Dışsal kuvvetlerden özgür olarak, jiroskobun
ekseni her zaman yıldızı göstermeye devam etmelidir. Ama eğer uzay bükülüyorsa, jiroskobun
ekseninin yönü zamanla sürüklenmelidir. Yıldızla ilişkili olan yöndeki bu değişim
kaydedilerek uzay – zamanın bükülmeleri ölçülebilir.
Pratikte, deney muazzam zordur.
GP – B’deki dört adet jiroskop insanlar tarafından şimdiye dek yapılan en mükemmel
kürelerdir. Bu pin pon topu büyüklüğündeki erimiş kuvars ve silikondan yapılmış olan
topların çapı 3,75 santimdir ve mükemmel küre şeklinden 40 atomik katmadan daha fazla asla
değişmezler. Eğer jiroskopler bu kadar küre olmasalardı, dönüş eksenleri göreliliğin etkileri
olmadan bile yalpalardı.
Hesaplamalara göre, Dünya’nın etrafındaki bükülmüş uzay – zaman, jiroskopların
eksenlerinin yılda yalnızca 0.041 arcsaniye dürüklenmesine neden olmalıdır. Bir arcsaniye bir
derecenin 1/3600’udur. Bu açıyı makul bir şekilde iyi ölçmek için, GP – B’nin 0.0005
arcsaniyelik kesinliği fantastik kesinliğe ihtiyacı vardı. Bu, bir parça kağıdın kalınlığını 100
mil uzaktan ölçmeye benzer.
Will “GP – B araştırmacıları bunu mümkün kılmak için tamamıyla yeni teknolojiler icat
etmek zorundaydı” diye ekliyor.
Onlar, jiroskopları bozmadan Dünya’nın atmosferinin dış katmanlarına hafifçe sürtebilen
“sürüklenmesiz” bir uydu geliştirdiler. Dünya’nın manyetik alanının uzay aracına nüfuz
etmesini nasıl önleyeceklerini çözdüler. Ve jirometrenin dönüşünü, jirometreye dokunmadan
ölçen bir cihaz yarattılar. Bu teknolojiler ile ilgili daha fazla bilgi Science@NASA story’de
Deneyin başarılması olağanüstü zordu. Ama bir yıl veri toplama ve yaklaşık beş yıl analizden
sonra, GP – B bilim adamlarının bunu başardığı görülüyor.

Everitt “6.600 artı veya eksi 0.017 arcsaniyelik jeodezik presesyon ölçtük ve 0.039 artı veya
eksi 0.007 arcsaniye çerçeve sürüklenme etkisi ölçtük” diyor.
Görelilikte uzman olmayan okuyucular için: Jeodezik presesyon, Dünya’nın statik kütlesinin
neden olduğun yalpalama miktarıdır (uzayzamandaki çukur) ve çerçeve sürüklenme etkisi
Dünya’nın dönüşünün neden olduğu yalpalama miktarıdır (uzayzamandaki bükülme). Her iki
değer Einstein’ın öngörülerine kesin uyumlu.
Will, “Başkanlık yaptığım komitenin fikrine göre, bu çaba gerçekten kahramanca. Yenilgiye
uğramış olabilirdik” dedi.
Yerçekimi Sondası B’nin sonuçları fizikçilere, Einstein’ın teorisinin garip öngörülerinin
aslında doğu olduğunun yenilenmiş güvenini veriyor ve bu öngörüler başka yerlere de
uygulanabilir. Dünya’nın etrafındaki uzay - zaman vorteksinin tipi, kozmosta başka yerlerde
kopyalanmış ve büyütülmüş olabilir – muazzam nötron yıldızların, kara deliklerin ve aktif
galaktik çekirdeğin etrafında.
Will “Eğer bir jiroskubu bir kara deliğin etrafındaki uzay – zamanda döndürmeye
çalışsaydınız, yalnızca bir derece kesriyle yalpalamazdı, çılgınca yalpalardı ve muhtemelen
ters dönerdi” diyor.
İkili kara delik sistemlerinde – yani, bir kara deliğin diğer bir kara deliğin etrafında döndüğü
sistemler – kara deliklerin kendileri döner ve bu nedenle jiroskoplar gibi davranır. Yörüngede
dönen, kendi etrafında dönen, yalpalayan, ters dönen kara delikler sistemini hayal edin! Bu,
genel göreliliğin öngördüğü türden şeylerdir ve GP – B bize bunun gerçekten doğru
olabileceğini söylüyor.
GP – B’nin bilimsel mirası genel görelilik ile sınırlı değil. Proje ayrıca yüzlerce genç bilim
adamının yaşamlarına dokunuyor:
“Bu üniversiteye dayalı olduğu için, birçok öğrenci projede çalışabilir” diyor Everitt.
Stanford’daki 86 dan fazla PhD tezi ve diğer Üniversitelerdeki 14 tane daha tez GP – B
üzerinde çalışan öğrencilere verildi. Yüzlerce lisans öğrencisi ve 55 lise öğrencisi de katıldı,
bunlara astronot Sally Ride ve en son Nobel ödülü kazanan Eric Cornell de dahildir”
NASA 1963 sonbaharında Yerçekimi Sondası B’nin başlaması için fon sağladı. Bu, Everitt ve
bazı iş arkadaşlarının 47 yıldan fazla bir süredir planlama yaptıkları, inşa ettikleri, operasyon
yaptıkları ve deneyin verilerini analiz ettikleri anlamına geliyor – gerçekten destansı bir çaba.
Bundan sonra ne var?
Everitt kendisinin tez danışmanı ve Nobel ödülü sahibi Patrick M.S. Blackett’nin tavsiyesini
hatırlıyor: “Eğer fiziğin sonra ne yapabileceğini düşünemiyorsan, bazı yeni teknolojiler icat et
ve bu yeni fiziğe götürecektir.”
Everitt, “Yerçekimi Sondası B için 13 yeni teknoloji icat ettik. Bunun bizi nereye götüreceğini
kim bilebilir ki?” diyor.

(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)



KRYON-Bir Ozet(Birinci Bolum)
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 5:36pm

KRYON-Bir Ozet(Birinci Bolum)


"Bir Özet"

Bu canlı kanallık Gaithersburg, Maryland’de verildi

Lee Carroll kanalıyla

2 Nisan 2011
Selamlar sevgililer, ben Manyetik Hizmetten Kryon’um. Sandalyedeki İnsan Varlığın Ruh
olan o enerjiyi özümsemesinin uzun sürmesi gerektiğini söyleyecek olanlar vardır. Onlar,
onun bedeninin bu enerjiyi kapsamasının, Yüksek Benlik gibi önemli ölçüde olan enerjiyi
birleştirmenin uzun süreceğini söylüyorlar. Ve size bunun bu yeni enerjide bu şekilde
olduğunu söylüyoruz. Siz ona bakıyorsunuz.
Belirli zamanlarda ibadet ettiğinizi ve dua ettiğinizi ve belirli zamanlarda oynadığınızı
söyleyen eski bir lineerlik paradigması vardır. Bu Tanrı’yı bölmelere ayırmaktır, öyle değil
mi? Yüksek Benliğinizin gitmeye hazır olduğu o şeye sahip olsaydınız ne olurdu? Onun siz
olduğu böyle yüksek bir seviyede Yüksek Benliğinizi beraberinizde taşısaydınız ne olurdu?
Söylediğiniz her sözcük ondan gelirdi. Bir İnsan Varlığı size her baktığında, onlar için
gözlerinizde şefkat olurdu… sizinle tartışmış olanlarla, size küfredenlerle, hoşunuza gitmeyen
otoritelerle. Onlara bakıp önce şefkati görebilmek, sonra duygusal olarak gerçekleşmiş olan
başka her şeyi yumuşatabilmek nasıl olurdu? Ben sandalyeye oturduğum zaman, partnerime
herkese karşı şefkatli olması talimatını veririm ve bu anında gelmemi sağlar. Ve işte
Bu yerde [Gaithersburg] oturduğum zaman bir gelenek vardır, gezegende olan şeylerin bir
özetini sunarım. Bu nedenle bu geleneği izleyeceğim. Size şimdi anlatacağım ve sizinle
tartışacağım şeylerden bazılarını daha önce söyledim. Ancak bu daha önce yapmadığımız
şekilde olayların bir özeti olacak, böylece bunları bir arada dinleyebilirsiniz.
Sevgiden söz ediyoruz. Bizim perspektifimizden gerçekleşen olayları anlatıyoruz ve bunların
neler olduğunu size hatırlatıyoruz. Ama size söyleyeceğim tüm bu şeylerde, şunu
vurguluyoruz: Gezegende gerçekleşen olayların hepsi yavaşça gerçekleşti. Nesil gruplarında
düşünmeye ve gözlemeye başlamalısınız, sadece yıldan yıla değil. Sevgili yaşlı ruh, bu mesajı
daha iyi anlamak için bu gezegende bulunduğun birçok zamanlarda toplamış olduğun bilgeliği
kullan. Zamanın geçmesi gerektiğini anlayın, çocukların ebeveynlerinin sahip olduğu aynı

bilince sahip olmadan gelmeleri için. Nesilsel olan şeye bakıyorsunuz, ama bu sizin önünüzde
Yine, bugün burada tartıştığımız her şey sevgiyle veriliyor. Verdiğim tahminler olması en çok
muhtemel olan şeylere dayanacaktır, çünkü bu, gezegendeki bilincin eşzamanlılığının en
kuvvetli potansiyelidir. Bilinç her gün gelişir. Çok, çok uzun süre alan bir şeyden söz etmiş
olsak bile bilinç değişir. Bilinç radikal şekilde değişir, çünkü İnsancıllığın bir yansımasıdır.
Olayları bazen hızlı olan bazen olmayan yönlerde sevkeder. Bu nedenle size bugün verdiğim
bu şeyler yarın değişebilir. Ama sandalyede otururken, size oradaki en güçlü potansiyelleri
vereceğim. Gemi hızla dönebilir ve herkesi şaşırtabilir, ama varış yerine varması hala çok
uzun süre gerektiriyor.
Birçok konulardan söz ediyoruz. Ama bunu yapmadan önce, dinleyicinin farkındayım;
okuyucunun farkındayım; tam şimdi sandalyede olanın farkındayım. Gelmekten hoşnut değil
misiniz? Güzel olan bir mesaja sizi hazırlayan, yapmış olduğunuz en zor şeylerden biri için
sizi kutlayan bu odadaki enerjiyi hissedebiliyor musunuz? Çünkü neredeyse buradaki herkes
11’in üzerinde [Kahkaha]. Bir seçiminiz vardı. Doğum Rüzgarında [Bizler gezegene gelmek
üzereyken Kryon’un ismi] size bakıp “Armageddon belli belirsiz görünüyor. Bir bakın” dedik.
Siz bu gezegene geldiğiniz zaman, 2011’de sandalyeye oturup güvende olmanız umudunu
veren hiçbir şey yoktu. Hiçbir şey. Babalarınız ve büyükbabalarınız bu kıtada, diğer kıtalarda
savaşlardan ve fetihlerden ıstırap çektiler ve insanın insana nefreti her zaman olmuş olduğu
gibi büyüktü. Daha iyi olacağının hiçbir işareti yoktu. Yine de siz geldiniz, çünkü
aslında şu anda gerçekleşen şeyin potansiyeli vardı.
1987’de, Armonik Kavuşum bilinci ummadığınız bir yere iteledi… sonra, her şey değişti.
Ondan önce bile, şeyler değişmeye hazırlanıyordu. Ama siz doğduğunuz zaman değil. Ve
yalnızca odadaki yaşlı ruhlara bakmıyorum, ayrıca onların çoğu ile konuşuyorum, çünkü onlar
sizin zamanınızla daha sonra bunları kulaklarıyla işitecekler ve sizin zamanınızla daha sonra
okuyacaklar. Cesur yaşlı ruhlarla konuşuyorum. Armageddon, nükleer bir savaş önünüzdeydi
ve gelmeyi kabul ettiğiniz zaman siz bunu biliyordunuz. Bunu birçok kez tekrarladım. Sonra
Sovyetler Birliği kendi kendine yıkıldı. Ve sonra ve daha sonra ummadığınız birçok şey oldu.
Gaia ve Eski Havadisler
İşte bugün durduğunuz yer. Önce Gaia’dan söz edelim ve eğer Gaia’dan konuşacak isek,
komplo teorilerinden konuşmamız lazım. Bu nedenle bu odadaki yaşlı ruhların inanmaları
gerekmeyen şeylerden konuşacağız. Gezegendeki tüm bu değişimlerin korkunç bir şeyi
hazırladığını söyleyen konuşmalar var ve birçokları bundan konuştu ve hatta bazıları bunu
kehanet etti ve kanallık yaptı: Dünya üç gün boyunca dönüşünü durduracak ve sonra tekrar
dönmeye başlayacak. Ah, bazıları dünyanın tersine döneceğini, güneyin kuzey olacağını ve
kuzeyin güney olacağını söylüyor. Ve sonra şunları söyleyen başkaları da var, “Bunlar
gerçekleşmeden önce, uzaydan gelip sizi alacak olan gemiler olacak. Elbette, hepiniz için
değil, bazılarınız için.”
Bunu tartışalım ve ilk ve son olarak bir kenara bırakalım. Ruhsal sorumluluk zamanı.
Dilerseniz bu şeylere inanabilirsiniz, çünkü belki bunlar kanallıkla verildi ve belki o zaman
size iyi göründü. Ama bu şeylerin gerçekliğinden konuşalım. İlk kehanet: Eğer dünya ters
dönseydi, herkes ölürdü. Okyanuslar uzaya dökülürdü, tüm yaşam var olmaya son verirdi ve

gezegen sıcak bir kaya haline gelirdi. İkinci kehanet: Dünya üç gün boyunca dönmeyi
durduracak. Ekvatorda yaklaşık saatte 1,000 mil hızla yolculuk yapıyorsunuz. Her şey
duruyor. Yine, eğer aniden durursa okyanuslar ve atmosfer dahil her şey uzaya uçar ve tüm
yaşam sona erer. Bu arada, tekrar ne zaman dönmeye başlayacağı önemli değil, herkes
gitmiştir. Bu nedenle üç günlük tekrar dönmeye başlaması tartışmalıdır. Şimdiye kadar nasıl
Spiritüel ayırt etmeyi kullanmaya başlarsanız ve kadim insanlar tarafından ve son
zamanlardaki kanal mesajları tarafından söylenen şeyleri kullanırsanız, bu kehanetler
Dünya’nın geleceği gibi görünüyor mu? Bu sandalyelerde oturmanızın veya bu mesajı
dinlemenizin nedeni bu değil mi? Bu Tanrı’nın sevgisi değil mi? Bu şekilde ölmek için
doğduğunuzu gerçekten düşünüyor musunuz? Size söylüyoruz, Tanrı’nın sevgisini hissetme
Doktor bir şeyler biliyor ve bunu nadiren tartışıyor [dinleyiciler arasındaki Dr. Todd
Ovokaitys’den bahsediyor]. Astronomlar da bunu biliyor ve bundan hiç bahsetmiyorlar.
Evrende baktıkları her yerde, yaratıcı ve faydalı olan enerjinin birlikte akışı var. Astronomlar
bu niteliğe zeki tasarım adını veriyorlar. İstatistiksel olarak, tüm bunları tasarlayan biri olmak
zorunda diyorlar. Bu çok iyi ve her şeye rağmen çok dikkate değerdir. Gelişigüzel şans
olasılığının dışındadır. Onlara sorun. Bunu kontrol edin!
Doktorun kuantum bir icadı var ve onu doğrulttuğu her yerde, şifa veriyor. Bunun gariplikleri
nedir? Neden bu şekilde? Çünkü bunun kuantum enerji olması, onun her zaman iyi olduğu
anlamına gelmiyor, öyle değil mi? Fizikteki kuantum enerjisi her zaman yararlı mı? Eğer
yararlıysa, bu size yaratıcı enerjide kuantum olan bir şey bulunduğunu ve sizin kim
olduğunuzu bildiğini söyler! Fiziğin içkin enerjisinde yaşama eğilimli olan bir zeka vardır.
Bunu düşünün. O kehanetlerde, bir an için Dünya üzerindeki tüm yaradılışın birdenbire sert
bir şekilde duracağını düşünür müsünüz?
Bu arada, sizi almaya gelecek olan uzay gemilerinden konuşalım. Tüm bu mitolojinin ne
olduğunu görmenizin zamanıdır. Her bir kültürde tüm çağlar boyunca bu tür kurtarılma planı
vardı. Ve ister üstatlar sizi kurtarmaya gelsin ve sizi oturduğunuz yerden çekip alsın, ister
uzay gemileri gelip sizi alsın, bunların hepsi aynı senaryodur. Bunun ne için olduğuna bakın.
Sizin iyi olmadığınızı, Dünya’nın çökeceğini ve kurtarılmak zorunda olduğunuzu söyleyen
mitolojidir. Kalıbı görüyor musunuz? Bugün bu modern inanç sisteminde sizinle birliktedir ve
kadim insanlarda da böyleydi. Bu tamamen İnsana dayanan bir niteliktir ve korkudan
kaynaklanır. Bunun eski enerjinin mitolojisi olduğunu anlamanızın zamanıdır.
Gerçek şu ki, siz her gün kendinizi kurtarıyorsunuz, çünkü bu dünyanın bilincini
değiştiriyorsunuz ve Dünya’ya barış tohumları ekiyorsunuz, böylece çocuklarınız ve
çocuklarınızın çocukları bunu görebilir ve bunun bir parçası olabilir. Siz bugün bunu bilerek
sandalyelerde oturuyorsunuz. Şeyleri oldukları gibi görmenin zamanıdır. Tüm bu komplo
teorilerine dahil olanlarınızın hepsi için ağlıyoruz, çünkü bazılarınız yaşlı ruhlarsınız. Oh,
kıyamet aramak yerine neler yapabildiğinize bakın! Durmak, gözlerinizi Yüksek Benliğinize
çevirmek ve yuvasız kalan binlerce insana şefkat duymanızın zamanıdır. Bu, gezegene
yardımcı olur. Gözlerinizi son aylarda ailelerini kaybetmiş olanlara çevirin! Bu, gezegene
yardımcı olur. Korku hiçbir şeye yardımcı olmaz. Şefkat kuantum enerjisi yaratır. Korku

karanlık yaratır.
Bugünkü İllüminati
Dahası var. Görmezden gelinen aşikar gerçekten sözedelim. Finansal güç merkezleri grubu
bulunduğunu hala hisseden birçok Işıkişçisi var ve siz onlara istediğiniz adı veriyorsunuz –
İllüminati en yaygın olanı – onlar görünüşe göre her şeyi kontrol ediyorlar. Bu şekilde
düşünenler için, tüm finans pazarları kontrol ediliyor. Tüm hükümetler kontrol ediliyor.
Seçimler kontrol ediliyor ve dünya üzerindeki tüm para kontrol ediliyor. Sizden biraz spiritüel
mantık kullanmanızı isteyeceğiz. Bu tür bir organizasyon bugün bu tür güç ile hala mevcut ise
ve her şeyi kontrol ediyorsa, çok kötü bir iş yapıyorlar! Çünkü paralarını kazanma şekli kaosta
değil, istikrarlılıkta.
“Oh hayır, hayır, hayır. Onlar silah satarak para kazanıyorlar” diyecek olanlarınız var. Hayır,
kazanmıyorlar. Normal İnsanlar bunu yapıyor. Onların paralarının çoğunu nasıl kazandıklarını
biliyor musunuz? Para değiş tokuşu! Nakliye. İstikrarlı bir ekonomide orada olması gereken
her şey. Eğer onlar olayları kontrol ediyorlarsa, başarısız oluyorlar! Borsada kontrol olduğu
zamanı nasıl söyleyebileceğinizi biliyor musunuz? Çünkü çok fazla hareket yok. Her zaman
aynı, onu kontrol edenlerin çıkarına küçük ayarlamalar var. Biraz yükseliyor ve biraz düşüyor,
aynen babanızın ve onun babasının günlerindeki gibi. Ve borsa çöktüğü zaman, büyük çökme
oluyor. Sonra çok, çok yavaşça sürünerek yükselir. Bu, kontrol edilen pazarın semboliğidir,
dengesini yitirir ve kontrolü devam ettiremez, bu nedenle çöker. Bu gerçekleştiğinde, istikrarlı
bir ekonomi vardır ve arzulanan salınımı
yaratmak için çok fazla para çok kademeli şekilde kasıtlı olarak sokulur ve çekilir. Ama asla
çok fazla, asla çok az değildir – onu sabit tutmak için. Şimdi, borsanızın son zamanlarda
nerede olduğunun eğrisini neden çizmiyorsunuz? Sonra eğrilere göz atın. Herhangi biri onu
kontrol ediyor gibi görünüyor mu? Yüz puan burada, yüz puan orada ve ne olacağını kimse
bilmiyor, çünkü artık kontrol edilmiyor. Bu şeyler için spiritüel mantık kullanmaya başlamalı
ve gerçeği görmelisiniz.
İllüminati’nin başına gelen en kötü şeylerden biri Avrupa Birliği idi, çünkü bu fikir para
değişimcilerini uzaklaştırdı! Sonraki nesilde bunu Güney Amerika’da yapmaya hazırlar.
İzliyorsunuz, çünkü onlar şimdi bunu düşünüyorlar.
İnsan Doğası Değişiyor
İnsan doğasında olup biten yeni bir kavram, bir değişim var. Bundan daha önce bahsettik.
Kaçınız Avrupa tarihini incelediniz? Ve okulda, zihninizi hatırlamak zorunda olduğunuz tüm o
tarihlerle doldurdunuz mu? Kim kimi ne zaman fethetti? Tekrar ve tekrar ve tekrar, her bir
ülke diğer bir ülkeyi fethetme sırasına sahipti. Sınırlar sürekli olarak değişti. İstediğiniz kadar
geriye gidin, İnsanların yaptığı budur. Onlar ayrılır, toplanır ve fetheder. Ama 50 yıl kadar
önce, tüm bunlar durdu.
Bunu daha önce söyledik. Elli yıl önce, II nci Dünya Savaşının sonunda bir tohum, bir fikir
ekildi. “Bu Avrupa ülkelerini bir araya getirelim” dediler. “Sınırları da kaldıralım, en sonunda
onlara tek bir para birimi verelim.” Bunu yapın, bir daha asla savaş olmaz dediler, çünkü ortak
ekonomik kaynakları olan ülkeler savaşa girmez! Ve gerçekleşen tam olarak buydu. İşle
yaradı mı? Oldukça yeni, ama onların paraları sizin paranızın gücünü ele geçirmek için
gözdağı veriyor, fark ettiniz mi? Sizinkinden daha değerli. Onun işe yaraması ve

dengelenmesi için mücadele edecekler. Ama sonra yine, sizler aynısını ABD’de yapıyorsunuz,
her zaman birliğe ince ayar.
Güney Amerika tam şimdi aynı şeyi düşünüyor. Brezilya’da tohumlar ekilmekte. Bir nesil
içinde, sınırlar kalkacak ve tek bir para birimi olacak. Bunu yapabilirler mi? Belki daha uzun
sürecek. Neden bunu yapsınlar? Çünkü Avrupa Birliğinin dünyadaki en güçlü para birimine
sahip olduğunu görüyorlar. Bunu daha önce söyledik. İşte bir öngörü: Belki sizin zamanınızda
değil, ama dünyada sadece beş adet para biriminin olacağı bir gün gelecek, çünkü kıtalar
birleşmenin barış ve bereket yarattığını anlamaya başlayacak. Ayrılık kaos yaratır. Ne kavram.

İklimden söz edelim. Daha önce söylediklerimizi tekrarlayalım. Su döngüsü soğuma
döngüsüdür, ısınma döngüsü değil. Daha ciddi kışlarınız ve fırtınalarınız olacak. Daha da
soğuk olacak. Ama soğumadan önce ısınır. Bu döngüdür ve her zaman bu döngü vardı. Bunu
ağaçların halkalarında ve buzulların çekirdeklerinde görebilirsiniz. Bilim adamlarının kendi
amaçları için politik olarak sizi kandırmalarına izin vermeyin. Bu olayları oldukları gibi
görmeye başlayın. Bu, dört adet Dünya hizalanması özelliğine dayanan tekrarlanan bir
döngüdür, buna yalpalama (presesyon) da dahildir. Siz bu döngü içindesiniz. Hazırlanın.
Bunun başlangıçları şu andan itibaren en azından 2012’nin sonuna dek sizinle birlikte olacak,
36 – yıllık pencere ve bunun çalıştığını izleyebilirsiniz. Gerçekleşen ilk şey, kutuplardaki
buzulların erimesidir, ama tamamıyla değil. Bu daha önce de böyle oldu. Suyun kutuplardan
dünyanın okyanuslarına yeniden dağıtılması gerçekleşirken, ağırlık kabuğa yeniden dağıtılır
ve bu depremler yaratır. Ve en güçlü olacak olan depremler kutuplara en yakın olanlardır.
Bunu size bir süre önce söyledik. Aniden daha önce hiç sahip olmadığınız en güçlü
depremlerin bazılarına sahip olmanız bir gizem değildir. Sadece bu değil, soğuyan okyanus
daha büyük fırtınalar yaratır.
Komplo teoricileri tüm bunlarla ne yapacak? “Görüyor musunuz? Hükmümüz verildi. İşte
geliyor” diyorlar. “İşte geliyor! Son burada!” Yirmi iki yıl önce, size bugün gerçekleşen
şeylerin bilgisini verdik. Size iklimden bahsettik. Buna hazırlanmanızı söyledik, ama su
döngüsünün neden gerekli olduğunu hala anlatmadık. Bunu ima ettik, çünkü bu çok
tartışmalıdır ve tam burada ve tam şimdi birçok okuyucuyu kaybedeceğiz. İşte öngörü: Bilim
adamları kahkahalar atacaklar ve biyologlar kafalarını kaşıyacaklar.
Yaşam Döngüsünün Yenilenmesi
Gezegenin sularının sıcaklığını değiştirdiğiniz zaman, bu okyanusun yaşam döngüsünü
değiştirir ve en sonunda kendisini yeniler. Gezegenin yaşam döngüsü zamanla kendi yaşam
yeteneğinin sınırlarına sahiptir. Yaşamın temel döngüsünün yenilenmesi gerekir ve su
döngüsünün yaptığı şey budur. Son zamanlarda çok fazla balık gördüğünüz yerler var mı?
Evet. Kuzeyde milyonlarca somon balığı. Bunun Alaska’da olması garip değil mi? Alaska su
sıcaklığının ilk hissedildiği kutuplara çok yakındır. Oh, yine uzmanlar nedenin bu olmadığını
size söyleyeceklerdir. Bu balık üretme çiftlikleri ve nehirler ile ilgilidir. Ama hiç kimse bunu
tahmin etmedi, öyle değil mi? Bilim size nedenler sunmakta hızlı, ama önceden mantık
vermekte yavaş. Onlar her zaman şaşırmış görünüyorlar.
Daha önce söylemediğimiz şeyleri söylüyoruz. Yine, bunu izleyin, su sıcaklığının değişmesi

nedeniyle gezegenin okyanuslarının yaşam döngüsünde değişimi izleyin. Biyologlar her şeyin
nasıl çalıştığı paradigmasını yeniden tasarlamaya başlamak zorunda kalacaklar, bunlara
resifler, okyanus tabanı ve planktonların nasıl hayatta kaldığı ve ürediği dahildir. Dinleyin, bu,
yaşam döngüsünün tazelendiği ilk kez değildir! Ama yine, bunun tamamlanması insanlığın
nesillerini gerektirebilir. Süreçte, türleri tekrar kaybedebilirsiniz. Bu normaldir. Gaia yavaştır
ve İnsanlar sabırsızdır. Ders kitaplarınız bir gün, naif insanlığın 2011’de her şeyde doğal
döngü yerine iklim değişikliklerini nasıl suçladığını anlatabilir. Şimdi neden bir su döngüsü
olduğunu biliyorsunuz.
Bu size Gaia hakkında ne anlatıyor? Gaia balıkla dolu okyanuslarda yenilenen yaşam
döngüsüne başlıyor. Bu size, çatlaklarda sevgi ve dünyada yaşayan İnsanlığa özen gösterme
olduğunu anlatır. Burada olmanızın bir nedeni vardır. Burada bir plan vardır ve hayırsever bir
Evren ve zeki tasarımla kuantum enerjisi vardır. Tüm bunlar sizin için oradadır, değerli, kutsal
İnsan Varlığı.
Yeni Bilinç
Son 50 yılda gezegene tarihsel olarak bakın, insanlığın kademeli iyileşmesini göreceksiniz –
bir araya gelme, ayrılma değil. Sovyetler Birliğinin çöküşünden sonra, bu tür bilincin çoğu
gerçekleşmeye başladı, Orta Doğu haricinde. Yirmi iki yıl önce, size “Museviler nasıl giderse,
dünya da öyle gider” demiştim. Gelecekte bir noktada Orta Doğu’da radikal bir değişim
olmak zorunda olduğunu biliyorsunuz, öyle değil mi? Doğdukları zaman çocuklarınıza belirli
bir insan türünden nefret etmeyi öğretip, sonra kendi kültürlerinde tolerans bekleyemezsiniz.
Binlerce yıldır, doğumlarında birbirlerinden nefret etmeyi öğreniyorlar. Ancak, aniden yeni
türde bir çocuk doğuyor, daha az lineer bir çocuk ve daha fazla kavramsal. Bu, o türde bilgisel
talimatları almayan ve alıştıkları şekilde davranmayan bir çocuk. Bunun yerine, “Neden?”
diye soruyorlar. Bunun yerine, etraflarına bakıyorlar ve bunu
yaratan karanlığı görüyorlar.
Mısır’da olanlara bakmanızı istiyorum. Gezegende gelişmekte olan yeni türde bir sosyalleşme
paradigması var ve genç insanlar bunu biliyorlar. Bu çoğunlukla 35 yaşın altında olanlardan
geliyor. Birçok yaşlı yetişkin bunu anlamıyor, çünkü onlara göre bu çılgınlık gibi görünüyor.
Çocukların İnternette çok fazla zaman harcadıklarını söylüyorlar. Facebook denen bu şey de
nedir? On yıl öncesine geri gidin ve size söylediğimiz şeyleri dinleyin. “Herkes herkesle
konuşabildiği zaman, komplo teorileri olamaz” demiştim. Bunu hatırlıyor musunuz? Pekala,
işte burada!
(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)



Acting as a Warrior of Light to Shape the
Reality of the Earth by King Arthur and
Lord Merlin
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 6:00pm

Acting as a Warrior of Light to Shape the Reality of the Earth

by King Arthur and Lord Merlin

channelled through Natalie Glasson - 16/05/11

We step forward with great reverence and respect for you who exists on the physical planes of
the Earth. We wish to honour the purpose and task that you have accepted by being upon the
Earth in this period of the humanity's spiritual growth. You may not truly understand your
purpose on the Earth but it is important for you to gain the understanding that there are many
important reasons why you are on the Earth and so your soul will hold many purposes. We
wish to share with you one purpose which you can allow to come into fruition within your
reality to aid your own spiritual growth, to help transform the Earth and support the
development of humanity. We wish for you to act as warriors of light upon the Earth. We are
aware that many have spoken before about becoming a warrior of light, spreading love
andcourageously anchoring light into darkness. We now wish for you to truly become an
active warrior of light.

A warrior is often seen as a fighter or solider, while we do not wish for you to use violence or
to go against others we are asking you to take on the purest intent of a warrior, which is a
strong and powerful focus that is performed actively. A solider or a warrior has clear
understanding before they enter into battle, they understand the outcome which is needed,
they are also aware of the many ways in which they can achieve their ideal as well as holding
a strong determination to bring their vision, focus or intent into fruition. As beings of light
upon the Earth you also need to have a clear plan or intent of what is needed to heal and
transform the Earth and it humanity. There is a need for you to create a plan or intent of
healing or transferring light, then actively acting out your plan with courage and confidence,
knowing that you will be supported and encouraged by your guides.

We are communicating with you today because we represent the energy of determination,
courage and active fruition which is the energy of King Arthur as well as the energy of
manifestation, healing, magic, profound light and wise knowledge which is the presence of
Lord Merlin. Our energies are connected strongly and we both hold the desire to be of service
to the Creator and humanity. We are both warriors of light as we hold the light of the Creator
in our hearts and radiate it brightly for all to see. We are not fearful of emanating the powerful
and loving light of the Creator in the presence of others, we understand that it can be difficult
to share the truth of your being but we also wish to help you to understand that we are here to

offer you courage. The only way that you will begin to see the presence of the Creator's truth
on the Earth is if people actively and courageously radiate the truth, light and energy of their
being throughout their day and reality. A warrior of light is a soul who is willing to be
courageous allowing their truth and light to unfold free from fear. If you imagine for a
moment a warrior entering into battle, they would have to program their mind to understand
what needed to be achieved, to be prepared to actively bring the plan into fruition and to
renounce all fears otherwise this would hinder their purpose or work as a warrior. Let yourself
imagine yourself as a warrior of love and light, you are standing in the centre of your reality,
you are able to understand your reality with ease while holding the courage to radiate your
light, love and truth. As you do so you understand what you wish to achieve to assist the
Earth, how you wish your reality to manifest or how you wish to be of service. You can see
your loving intent within your mind, with more focus and acceptance you are able to feel the
loving intent flowing throughout your entire being and reality. With your intent your purpose
has the potential to manifest; it is supported by your own energy and light. In order to truly
manifest your intent you can allow yourself to let go of all fears, see them as unneeded and
unwanted energies, then allow yourself to take a step which will create an active energy or an
active intent. This can be the smallest of actions or reactions, it is simply something physical,
whether it is speaking, walking, asking, making, drawing, attracting, reading, writing, singing,
dancing, researching, connecting, listening or thinking. It is an action that takes the intention a
step further or anchors it with deeper meaning into your reality. It is this purpose that allows
you to become a warrior of light and love on the Earth because you are taking greater
responsibility for yourself, your own reality and the Earth.

We now wish to share with you an intent and active manifestation that we believe is your
purpose now on the Earth. We ask only that you are open to our words but if you feel that our
suggestion is appropriate for you or you feel a calling in your heart we would be deeply
honoured to work with you. We, King Arthur and Lord Merlin believe that now is the time for
many to step into their role and purpose of a spiritual warrior of love and light on the Earth.
We believe that the Earth constantly requires light and energy to enter into its structure as well
as into the beings of humanity. The more light that can be anchored by light workers on the
Earth, the more we will see the truth and transformational energies of the Creator on the
physical planes. Remember that the transition occurring on the Earth is led and created by
humanity, we as guides are simply acting as our label describes, we are guiding and
supporting you. It is our belief that if each person enters into their heart or soul space,
discovering their purest and clearest intent for the Earth as an entirety, manifesting or
anchoring it into the Earth as a vibration of light and energy, this would create a tremendous
shift in the consciousness of humanity and the energy that has been created by the human
mind that exists within and around the Earth. We are asking you to adopt the mindset of a
warrior, creating an intent, to understand and acknowledge the intent, to then bring it into
fruition through physical activity and to renounce all fears that may be holding you back. Let
us guide you further in this matter.

Let yourself sit peacefully in a space where you feel safe and comfortable.

Call upon the active protection of Archangel Michael to surround you.

Call upon King Arthur and Lord Merlin's energies of determination, courage, active fruition,
manifestation, healing, magic, profound light and wise knowledge to lovingly surround your
entire being.

Ask King Arthur and Lord Merlin to allow you to connect with the warrior of light and love
energy within you, letting it radiate as its purest form with the intent of being of loving
service to the Earth.

Ask King Arthur and Lord Merlin to assist you in emanating the truth, love and wisdom of the
Creator from within your being.

As the light radiates from your being ask that you are lead deep within your being to the very
core of this truthful and loving energy of the Creator which exists within your being.

Ask the truth and light of your being to share with you your purest, highest and clearest intent
for the Earth now. This is how you wish the Earth to exist, what you wish people to feel, how
you see the development of humanity as spiritual beings. It need only be a vision, word or
knowingness. Something simple can express so much. This intent doesn't come from you as
the personality but you as the Creator and soul, so it may not be the intent that you expected.

Hold your focus on the intent and allow its energy to develop and expand to surround you
completely, let it flow beyond you and your reality.

Simply say to yourself out loud that you renounce and let go of all fears that you or any other
may create that would hinder the manifestation of this pure intent. Breathe deeply and watch
the power of the intent grow as fears fall away.

When you are ready you can ask or contemplate ways in which you could assist the
manifestation of your intent. You are creating a focus and a plan in order to manifest a greater
reality. You are taking steps of achievement and are being of assistance to others.

A way of manifesting or anchoring your intent more fully is to draw a picture, create a
painting or even just a sketch of your intent. You can simply write a word on a piece of paper,
already you are giving the intent a physical form.

Once you have completed this, take the paper outside and place it on the floor, it is preferable
that the paper is placed on nature land.

Then, either stand beside the paper or sit near it and extend your palm chakras so that they
face the paper and are above the paper.

Imagine once more the energy of the intent within your being, let it build and radiate to flow
from your being and to flow from your hands into the paper. You are sending the energy intent
from your being up into the spiritual dimensions and energies as well as to the heart of the
Creator. As the energy of the intent flows from your hands you are sending the intent into the
Earth for physical manifestation and anchoring.

Say out loud, 'If it is the divine will of theCreator that my intent manifests upon the Earth I
ask all beings of love to add their energy and let everything flow with synchronicity and ease
to allow the fruition of this sacred intent from my heart and soul. Let it be as the Creator

Then enjoy the process of energies flowing and actively working through and around you for
as long as it feels appropriate.

This is one example of bringing an intent into fruition and acting as a warrior of love and light
but we feel that this practice is essential now on the Earth because it will mean that humanity
is taking responsibility for the reality in which they wish to exist. If you imagine all the
people who also create an intent for the Earth, some of these intents will be the same and this
will create a powerful energy of fruition and manifestation. You now have the power to shape
your reality. You may even find that your intent manifests into your own reality and creates
positive changes. For example, if you held the intent of love, you may find that you
experience more love in your reality. The understanding of becoming a warrior of light,
holding an intent, releasing all fears and create active energies to aid manifestation can be
used in your daily life to assist and support your own spiritual development. If using the same
practice for your own reality you could still create a picture but send the energy of the
intention from within your being into the picture, the Earth and the heavens but only within
your reality. You wouldn't need to be in nature land but could practice it in your home as this
is more personal to you.

Please know and remember that we are here to lend our energy, to share our courage and
power and to add our inspiration if you so wish.

With respect and reverence,

King Arthur and Lord Merlin


bir söz: "içine odaklanan uyanır.."

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 6:10pm

bir söz: "içine odaklanan uyanır.."

“Kendi disina odaklanan bir sure sonra uyumaya baslar,

kendi icine odaklanan ise bir sure sonra uyanir…”



Prayer From Saint Germain
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 6:37pm

Prayer From Saint Germain

"Beloved presence dwelling within this moment. We give gratitude, for it is by thy calling,
by thy decree that this prayer come forth. Awaken every heart, touch every heart, call forth
the fullness of every heart, that all dreams that come from this moment be dreams from the

Consume all my fears, all my doubts, I offer them to you now. Fill me with courage; courage
to surrender to the callings of my heart. Speak loudly through me - this embodiment - this
dream world.

Wake me from the dream of separation, show me the way each moment, that as I move
through this dream, all that I see, all that I touch, all that I do, be an act of love and

sweetness. Anchor my awareness into this moment, calm my agitation. Bring me into the
awareness. Oh Light. Oh Beauty. Bring me to truth. This moment, I offer all that I am to the
Love, to the Source within me, that that consume everything in expression in my reality. Use
me. In gratitude. In love.

It is with this prayer that I decree in this moment to be an instrument of Love, of Light.
It is in this moment that I decree that I AM an instrument of Love and Light, through mental,
through physical, through emotional, through spirit. In this moment I decree as an expression
of the one Source that which I AM.

From this moment forth I pledge allegiance to the love within me, I pledge allegiance to my
heart, I pledge allegiance to the beauty that I am, and in each moment I pledge allegiance to
shine forth this beauty. For that which is Grace takes form this moment. That which is Love,
Ease and Flow takes form this moment, for I AM that.
I choose this moment with full heart.
So it is. So be it. So mote it be."

Saint Germain


Eğer hasta olmak istemiyorsan

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 16, 2011 at 6:59pm

Eğer hasta olmak istemiyorsan

Duygularını anlat. Saklanan veya baskılanan heyecan ve duygular
gastrit, ülser, bel fıtığı, bel ağrıları gibi hastalıklara yol açar.
Zamanla, duyguların bastırılması kansere dönüşür.
Öyleyse, sırlarımızı, hatalarımızı birileriyle paylaşmalıyız!
Diyalog, konuşma, kelime çok güçlü birer ilaç ve mükemmel birer terapidir!

Eğer hasta olmak istemiyorsan

Karar Vermelisin.. Kararsız kişi güvensiz, endişe ve ıstırap içinde olur.
Kararsızlık, sorunları, endişeleri ve çatışmaları çoğaltır.
İnsanlık tarihi kararlardan oluşur.
Karar vermek, diğerlerinin kazanması için vaçgeçmeyi ve avantajları
kaybetmeyi kesinlikle bilmektir.
Kararsız kişiler mide rahatsızlığı, sinir hastalıkları ve cilt
sorunlarının kurbanıdırlar.

Eğer hasta olmak istemiyorsan
Olduğundan Farklı Yaşama.
Gerçeği saklayan, rol yapan, her zaman mutlu olduğu görüntüsü veren,
mükemmel görünmek isteyen kişi tonlarca ağırlığı biriktirmektedir.
Ayağı kilden olan bronz bir heykeldir.
Aldatıcı görünerek yaşamak kadar sağlık için kötü bir şey yoktur.
Kaderleri ilaç, hastane ve acıdır.

Eğer hasta olmak istemiyorsan Kabullen.

Reddedicilik ve kendine saygı eksikliği, kendimizi kendimize yabancılaştırır.
Kendimizle barışık olmak sağlıklı yaşamın anahtarıdır.
Bunu kabul etmeyenler kıskanç, taklitçi, aşırı rekabetçi ve yıkıcı olurlar.
Eleştirileri kabullen... Bu bilgelik, akıllılık ve terapidir.

Eğer hasta olmak istemiyorsan

Çözümler Bul... Olumsuz kişiler çözüm bulamazlar ve sorunları büyütürler.
Üzülmeyi, dedikoduyu ve kötümserliği tercih ederler.
Karanlığı kovmak için kibrit yakmalı.
Arı ufacıktır fakat varolan en tatlı şeylerden birisini üretir.
Biz ne düşünüyorsak oyuz.
Olumsuz düşünce, hastalığa dönüşen negatif enerji üretir.

Eğer hasta olmak istemiyorsan

Güven... Güvenmeyen kişi iletişim kuramaz, açık değildir, derin ve
sağlam ilişkiler geliştiremez, gerçek arkadaşlıkları nasıl
kurabileceğini bilemez.
Güven olmadan, bir ilişki de olamaz.
Güvensizlik sendeki inancın azlığıdır.

Eğer hasta olmak istemiyorsan

Hayatı Üzgün Yaşama.
Mizah. Kahkaha. Huzur. Mutluluk.
Bunlar sağlığa güç verir ve daha uzun bir yaşam getirir.
Mutlu kişi yaşadığı çevresini geliştirir.
"İyi mizah bizi doktorun elinden korur".
Mutluluk sağlık ve terapidir.

Sevgilerimle :-))



 Posted by Sunspiritsmiles on May 16, 2011 at 8:47pm

May the Divine Source provide you all with Grace & Guidance at this time of the Diamond
Crystal Grid activation.
In Oneness


We are connected to everything in the

Universe by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 17, 2011 at 12:30pm

We are connected to everything in the Universe

by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We are connected to everything in the Universe. There is nothing that we are not a part of;
everything flows through us and to us. Our energies, our thoughts, and our words flow
through all of life, on Earth and elsewhere. There is not an end to us, or a beginning, but a
continual flow of life, changing form over and over again.

We are continually perfecting our form in each and every incarnation, whether that is as an
element, plant animal, human, star, or galaxy. We deliberately challenge ourselves to become
all we can become. There is no failure in this type of existence only evolution.

As we reach an apex in this level of evolution, we begin to realize just what the effects of our
words; thoughts and fears have on this turning point of humanity. We speak haphazardly, we
create on a whim, and we prophesize out of fear. We speak like our words don’t mean a darn


Seeing them just as words and not realizing that worlds were created by a word, a thought a
decree. Seeing not the power we have available to us, to destroy everything or create a utopia,
a paradise, a heaven on earth. Sabotaging our own lives, our finances, our health, our
marriages, and our futures.

Every thought you have is alive. Every word you speak is birthed into existence. You free it
from its internal domain. Just like letting a Genie out of a bottle, your words, your thoughts
wait for your command to come into the world of matter and do what they do best, create! All
creation is by you, for you, and through you!

The time between thought, and manifestation grows shorter and shorter, forcing everyone’s
attention into the mirrored hallway of responsibility. It is there that the reflections shout, “look
at what you have created, look at what you have birthed!” We give ourselves wondrous
magical gifts every minute of every day just by the very words we speak. No one is out to get
us nothing is out to destroy us, every situation is of our own making, a divine creation, a tool
to escort us into a higher place of knowing.

We not only do this as individuals, but as countries, families, continents, and also as a world.
So many opportunities to learn and evolve and love. It is as children playing with nuclear
weapons, not knowing the power of the instrument at hand. We do our best to fulfill ancient
and biblical prophecy. Believing on some level that those of the past knew more than we do.
Giving our power and our world away to the dried bones of the past. If those same people
prophesied today, we would laugh at them as eccentrics, or cult members. Not honoring there
words, or there fears.

Many cultures throughout the world feel the need to make the ancient prophecies come true.
There religion will not be complete without the mass destruction, that is promised. If the
prophecies are not true, then what else in their doctrine is not true? Has their God lied to them
about anything else? It is this type of thinking that must be nipped in the bud. Not by
confrontation, or anger or finger pointing, but by love, love, and more love. The external
world but mirrors our internal thoughts and dialogue. Life is not something that happens to us
it is something that we create, continuously.

Knowing that we can and do collectively create everything and anything, lets get busy and
create a world of love, of peace, of joy. Where every child goes to bed with a full tummy, and
every homeless person cashes in their cardboard home, for a real home. Lets look at our world
glass as always full instead of half-empty and halfhearted. All livingness responds to your
thoughts and your desires, especially a casual thought, or decree.

Knowing how powerful ours words are 24 hours a day for all eternity, puts a bit of a damper
on our joking around. What we may say even in play will ripple out through all space and
time. What we decree for another we gift to our self. Our angers, our fears, our jealousies are
becoming animated alive and kicking us back to get our attention.

As you love, you attract. You are today where your thoughts have brought you;
you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. You cannot escape the result of your
thoughts; but you can endure and learn, accept and be glad. You will realize the vision of your
heart, not the idle wish. You will gravitate toward that which you secretly most love. In to

your hands will be placed the exact result you earn no more, no less. Whatever your present
environment may be, you will fall, remain, or rise with your thoughts…your vision… your



HEAVEN #3826 Love and Ego Speak

Different Languages , May 17, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 17, 2011 at 12:40pm

HEAVEN #3826 Love and Ego Speak Different Languages , May 17, 2011

God said:

What motivates you, beloveds? For the most part, what motivates you? Ego or love? Fear or
love? Anger or love? Love is love, and yet it is also wisdom. Is it not wise to love? Love is
unlimited. Ego is quite limited. With ego, there is the strong urge to put yourself in bright
light. With love, you care about bright light shining beyond the sphere of yourself. Funny,
without ego, you love yourself more and what you include as yourself covers a far greater
range. With love, you are also all the others in the world.

You are not guilty about anything, yet you are responsible.

Sense of guilt is a kind of stewing in place. Sense of responsibility gets up and moves.
Responsibility does not suck its thumb. The difference between sense of guilt and
responsibility is huge. Forget guilt. Take up responsibility.

Responsibility does not brood. It takes action. Responsibility does not say: “I should have
done this. I should have done that.” Responsibility gets up and takes care of the situation.
Responsibility is not ahead nor is it behind. Responsibility is right now.

Responsibility is not commiserating. Responsibility is doing something. Responsibility does

not say, “Tut tut.” Responsibility says: “Here, let me help you. Here, let me. Allow me.”
Responsibility fills a need. Responsibility does what it can, and then moves on. Responsibility
does not look for credit. Responsibility does not look forward nor does it look back.
Responsibility does not say: “I could have done more.” Responsibility does not think that
way. Responsibility is not so much a thinker as a doer. Responsibility does not cogitate.
Responsibility does not sit in a rocking chair. Responsibility does not lament. Responsibility
does not protract. Responsibility is love.

Ego holds up a picture of yourself. It wants to advance a picture of yourself. It wants you in a
better pose. It wants to show you off. Ego wants you to get acclaim and bask under it.

Love says: “Let me embrace. Let me take a step towards making life better for another, or
many others.” In this way, love also takes care of you. Love doesn’t say: “Forget yourself.”
Love knows that in serving, you are served. Love is not self-serving, and yet love is not self-
neglecting. Love feeds itself. It does not starve. Love feeds you, and it feeds the world.

We are talking about the difference of self and Self. We are talking about the difference of you
and You, We are talking about the difference between ignorance and awareness. Ignorance is
quite dumb. Awareness is quite astute.

You are responsible for yourself and your Self, yet responsibility is not selfish. Responsibility
is forward-moving. It is like a snow plow, and it picks up ego in its path. Responsibility does
not kill ego. It drops it to the side. Responsibility has too much to do to be detoured to ego.
Responsibility offers ego no apologies. It does nothing to ego but drop it off. “There you go,
ego.” Responsibility cannot carry ego any longer. Besides, responsibility is filled with love.
There isn’t room for ego.

Responsibility is not self-effacing. It is ego-effacing. Responsibility is like the hero in a

Western who doesn’t say much yet he is there coming to the rescue when he’s needed, and
then he silently rides off, perhaps with a wave of his hat. Responsibility does not strut. He
rides off into the setting sun and says, if he says anything, “Hasta la vista.”

Ego, on the other hand, would dance a little jig. Nothing wrong with a jig, yet ego is dancing
for itself, for it feels aggrandized. Ego says, “Look at me, fellas. Look at me.” Yet ego is all


Wesak Safeguarding The Most Sacred of
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 17, 2011 at 1:06pm

Wesak Safeguarding

The Most Sacred of Days

The importance of safeguarding the Wesak energies is an outward manifestation of the fact that the
Wesak is a present time cosmological event, and not one simply commemorating a past spiritual
happening that was historical, as are most holy days.

The extraordinary power of the Shamballa force, the energy of the will-to-good, was unleashed in
three major impacts during the last century, supplying our planet with an energy source enabling
humanity to express the will-to-good in our affairs in a new and wholly constructive way. The most
recent of these Shamballa impacts occurred in 2000. (The previous impacts came during World War
II and in 1975.) Now at this year's spring festival interlude and its climax at the Wesak Festival full
moon, the will-to-good that has been stimulated within humanity will determine the quality of
impression registered in human minds. The supreme opportunity for impression occurs in the spring
festival cycle and climaxes at the Wesak.

All people of spiritual aspiration who meditate and make their minds available to the inpouring
energies can contribute to the building of a channel for impression on the mental plane, through
which the energies directed by the Hierarchy towards humanity can pour. To form part of this
channel requires minds that are disciplined and available, free of the diversions of the lower mind,
the emotions and the material concerns of outer life.

To assist us in creating this channel we suggest for the entire week prior to the Wesak full moon:

Link up with all disciples, aspirants and people of Goodwill throughout the world. Eliminate
from our consciousness all negativity, clearly aligning ourselves with the Forces of Light.

In meditation invoke the Forces of Light. Endeavor to forget all of our own personal difficulties or
issues. We must learn to carry forward our work for humanity in spite of our personality stresses,
strains, fixations and limitations.

Be aware The Wesak Festival covers a period of of five days ... the two days preceding, the day of
the full moon, and the two following days. Remember, at this time more than any other through
meditation and the direction of energy, those of goodwill can cooperate more effectively with the
Spiritual Hierarchy in the evolution of consciousness on our planet.

For two days prior to the full moon, we prepare ourselves by holding an attitude of dedication and
service and upward spiritual striving. We seek to become receptive to that which our soul will impart
... that which will make us of use to the Spiritual Hierarchy.

The day of the Wesak full moon is known as the Day of Safeguarding. We simply regard
ourselves as recipients of, or custodians of, as much of that spiritual force as we can possibly hold.

We attempt to hold ourselves steadily in the light. We will not formulate what will happen, nor will
we look for results or tangible effects. We will maintain an inner peace. Two thoughts only will hold
our constant attention: the need of humanity, and the necessity of providing a group channel whereby
the spiritual forces can be poured through body of humanity under the expert guidance of the

The two days following the Wesak full moon are called the Days of Distribution. On these two
succeeding days, the focus of our attention will be steadily turned away from ourselves and from the
inner subjective planes to the outer world. Our efforts will be to pass on, or to pass through, that
measure of spiritual energy that may have been contacted.

Know as a group we recognize and work with the purpose, the individual initate works with the
plan {the plan has purpose, and we as individuals play our parts}.

The group is responsive to the "Bright Center Shamballa" where initates alone, in their own essential
identity, cannot so respond. The individual must be protected by the group from the terrific potencies
emanating from Shamballa. These energies are stepped down for the individual initate by the process
of distribution {as the Christ accepts the Buddha's Blessing for distribution}. This stepped down
process of distribution is one of the major functions of group work.

We absorb, circulate and then distribute energy.

Knowing this time represents a doorway, a great cycle of opportunity ...

Strengthen the channel of Light, now.

Awaken an interest in the Spirit of Love and Goodwill. Organize and mobilize the Good in your
Goodwill to All & to All the Will-to-Good!

In 2011 the Festival of the Wesak full moon in Taurus occurs on Tuesday, May 17 at 4:09 am PDT
(11:09 UT).


Beşinci Boyutsal Olasılık Çizgilerini

Güçlendirmek ve Kucaklamak DL Zeta
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on May 18, 2011 at 12:02am

Beşinci Boyutsal Olasılık Çizgilerini Güçlendirmek ve Kucaklamak

DL Zeta

Beşinci Boyutsal Olasılık Çizgilerini Güçlendirmek ve Kucaklamak

DL Zeta

Farkındalık yolu ve bilinçli eylemlerle, şimdiki zaman içinde, beşinci boyutsal tema
çizgilerini deneyimlemek olasıdır. Bu, barış ve sevgi teması içinde olanın beşinci boyut içine
“düşeceği” anlamına gelmese de, her insan, bu yeni realite çizgilerine uyanma ve onlara doğru
değişmeyi seçme potansiyeline sahiptir.

Bu değişimler, göz açıp kapatıncaya değğin gerçekleşebilirler. Gelecek önceden ayarlanmış
değildir. Daha çok, niyet, titreşimsel frekans ve eylemler yoluyla güçlendirilmiş olasılık
çizgilerinde mevcuttur.

Beşinci Boyutsal Olasılık Çizgilerini Güçlendirmek ve Kucaklamak Yolunda 20 Adım

Bizler, beşinci boyutsal realite çizgilerinin, kendi potansiyel alanımız dahilinde farkına
vardığımızda, bu olasılıkları kucaklamak ve güçlendirmek adına atacağımız belirli adımlar

1.Şimdi’de, uyanık ve farkında olun. Gelecekte, var olabilmek ancak şimdi’de, burada
olabilmekten geçer. Yavaşlamak, çevreye bakınmak, şimdiki an’da bilincinizin genişlemesine
izin vermekle ilgili sürekli ve düzenli pratikler yapın. Sıklıkla, yaşamlarımızı türlü bağlantılar
ve ruhumuzu beslemeyen aktivitelerle doldurma tuzağına düşeriz. Tamamlanma eksikliği acısı
ile baş edebilmek için, günlük yaşamlarımızda uyumayı seçeriz. Bu daha fazla acıya sebebiyet
verir; çünkü, yaşam boyunca fazla uyumak, bizi daha fazla engellere ve kısır döngülere doğru

2.Yaratıcılığın gerekli bileşenleri olarak keder ve kayıbı kucaklayın; yeniye doğru yol
alabilmek için eskinin yok edilmesi gerekir. Olanı sevin ve memnun olun; minnettarlık ifadesi
gösterin ve serbest bırakın. Bir çok insan yenilikten ve realiteleri uygulamaktan çekinir, çünkü
bu, olanı geride bırakmak ve serbest bırakmak anlamına gelir. Kederi kucaklamayı öğrenmek,
bu süreci kolaylaştırır.

3.Anlamadığınız her duruma sevgi yollayın. Bizler yeni zamanlara doğru ilerledikçe,
anlamadığımız olaylar ve durumlarla karşılaşabiliriz. Sevgi her zaman herşeyin yanıtıdır. Her
duruma sevgi yollarsanız eğer, yanıtı hemen belirir karşınızda.

4.Bizlerin, olmakta olan her neyse, onun parçaları olduğumuzu iyice anlayın. Bizim
görevimiz, yaratılışın güçleri ile kaynaşarak, evrenin İlahi Düzeni ile BİR olduğumuzu
hatırlamak için kendimize izin vermektir. Bizler, kendimizi yeniden yaratmıyor, daha çok
varlıklarımızın parlamasına izin veriyoruz.

5.Şahit olduğunuz her duruma karşı nötr ve şeffaf olun. Gördükleriniz ile ilgili fikir sahibi
olmanız gerekmiyor. Farkındalık herşeydir. Kendinize, olan şeyi görmeye izin verdiğinizde,
illüzyon üzerinden görürsünüz. Şimdi’de, bizim bilinçli zihnimiz, fiziksel realitenin altında
yatanı kavrayabilecek durumda değildir. Paradokslara girdiğimizde, İçsel görüşümüzün gücü
yolumuzu bulmamıza yardım eder. Örneğin; birliğe giden yoldaki ayrılıkta, karanlık ışığa yol
verir, ilişkilerdeki çözümsüzlük, yaşamdaki bazı diğer sorun gibi gözükenler, yeniye
ulaşmanızı kolaylaştırır. Hastalık ve kazalar, yükselmiş farkındalık ve sezgisel becerilerin
açılımına giriş noktaları olabilirler.

6.Tüm düzeylerde, kendini sevme alıştırmaları yapın. Bedeniniz, zihniniz ve ruhunuzun

gereksinimlerine kulak verin. Taze, işlenmemiş besinler yemeğe özen gösterin, özellikle kök
ve koyu yeşil, lifli sebzeler. Bitkiler, değerli taşlar, usareler yoluyla kendinizi besleyin,
şifalandırın. Hergün ruhunuzla iletişime geçin ve yaşamınızdaki herşey için şükredin,
minnettarlık içinde olun. Dünya ve ona ait olanla ilgili herşeyin değerini bilin. Genişleme
üzerine odaklanın, içsel ışığınızı büyüten sevgi temalarına odaklanın.

7. Çevrenizde olan biten herşeyi gözlemleyin; kendinizi gözlemleyin. Yaşamınızı, hem büyük
resimde, hem detaylarda takip edin. Yaşamınızdaki olayların, sizi içine çekmesine izin
vermeyin. Böylesi durumlar, sizi düşük farkındalıklara sokar.

8.Yaşamınızda, ne olursa olsun; pozitif olun. Negativite yaşam gücü enerjinizi kurutur, genel
sisteminizi zayıflatır, deneyimlerinizle baş etme becerinizi tüketir.

9.Her durumla ilgili özgüven ve öz-sorumluluk alıştırmaları yapın. Tüm sistemlerle, gruplar
ve kurumlarla olan bağlarınızı kesin. Sizin enerjinizden beslenen kitle düşünce
mekanizmalarından bağımsızlaşın. Her yer parazitsel yaşam senaryoları ile dolu. Sürekli
farkında kalarak, bu senaryoların dışına çıkar ve kendi senaryonuzu yazmaya
başlayabilirsiniz. Diğerleriyle dayanışma içinde çalışmak; kitle düşünce mekanizmalarına esir
olunacak bağlayıcı ilişkilere girmek anlamına gelmez.

10.Sık sık doğa ile bağlantı kurun. Doğanın dünyası evrensel yasalara bağlı olarak çalışır.
Doğa ile iletişim kurup, kendimizi onun özü ile hizaladığımızda, zihnimiz ve ruhumuzu da
birleştiririz. Beşinci boyutsal zaman çizgisinde var olabilmek için birleşmiş bilinç gereklidir.

11. Hazırlıklı olmanın pratiğini yapın; her zaman işlerinizi sıraya koyun. Sonuçlanmalara izin
verin. Her elvedanın son elvedanız olabileceğinin farkındalığı ile yaşayın. Herkesle işinizi
bitirin; her saniye, olduğunuz ve bildiğiniz herşeyi salıvermeye istekli olun; bilinmeyini
kucaklamaya istekli olun. Değişim, yaşamın doğasıdır. Şimdi’de, uyanık ve farkında iken , her
bir an’a, yarım bırakılmış bir iş olmadan başlayın ve tamamlayın.

12.Yeniye açık olun. Her sabah yeni bir dünyaya uyanmak için izin verin kendinize. Bu, eski
düşünce tarzınızı bırakabilmeyi ve kendini yeniden keşfetmeyi kolaylaştırır. Siz geçmiş
değilsiniz, geçmiş ile sınırlı değilsiniz.

13. Özgürlüğü kucaklayın. Köleleştirici düşünce formlarına gücünüzü teslim etmeyin. Eğer
bir olay sizin iyiliğiniz ve en yüksek hayrınız için değilse, diğerlerinin de iyiliği ve en yüksek
hayrı için değildir.

14.Arkaplanın yönettiği eski kalıp ve senaryoların farkındalığını kazanmak üzere kendi

yaşamınızın dedektifi olmaya başlayın. Bu senaryolarla ilgili farkındalık kazandıkça, onları,
yeni vizyonlarınız ve hedefleriniz ile hizalanmış seçimlerinize göre, yeniden imgeleyin ve
yeniden yazın.

15.İnançlarınızı, algınızı ve hedeflerinizi sürekli anlamda gözden geçirin. On kalemlik bir

liste hazırlayarak, sürekli güncelleyin. Bu size, önceliklerinizi belirtir, yüksek evriminiz ve
büyümenize hizmet etmeyen eski fikir ve inaçlarınızı serbest bırakmanıza yardımcı olur.

16.Nefes farkındalığı içinde olun ve fiziksel sisteminizi güçlendirin. Yoga, Tai-Chi gibi
bedeni, zihni ve ruhu birleştirecek egzersiz formlarını düzenlice uygulamaya çalışın.

17.İçinde bulunduğunuz her durumda espri anlayışınızı kullanın. Kendi yaşamınızın düşleri
içerisine fazlaca çekildiğinizi hissettiğinizde, komik bir film seyredin ya da olaylara komik
perspektiflerden bakın.

18.Sevgi üzerine meditasyon yapın ve sevgi dolu davranın. Koşulsuz sevgi, evrendeki en
yüksek titreşimdir ve tüm diğer frekansların yerini alır.

19.Arzu ettiğiniz şeyleri, başkalarına da sunun. Tüm arzularınızın çevrenizde tezahür ettiğini

20.Tüm yukarıdakileri uygulamaya niyet edin, ve artık her gününüz için yeni mucizeler
beklemeye başlayın.




Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan



çeviriler gecikse de...

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on May 18, 2011 at 12:14am

Sevgili Ailem,

Fethiye'de, Kabak Koyu'ndayım. Reflections Camp'ta aşçılık yapıyorum, yaz sonuna kadar
kalacağım burada.

Çeviriler gecikti biraz, ama sistemimi kurmaya az kaldı, çalışma saatleri dışında tekrar eski
ivmeyi yakalarım:)

Tüm sevgimle,



Perilerin Dünyaya Nasıl Geldiğini Biliyor
 Posted by Sibel Kavunoğlu on May 19, 2011 at 8:00pm

Bir önceki yazımda Alice Harikalar Diyarından bahsetmiştim. Alice’ten bahsedince Tinker
Bell’den bahsetmemek olmazdı. Hele bir de geçen akşam rüyama minik yeşil elbiseli erkek
bir peri girmiş ise. Belki de Tinker Bell’in hikayesini sizlerle paylaşmam için rüyama
girmiştir. Tinker Bell’in şu an piyasada 3 farklı DVD si satılıyor. Bu yazımda beni en çok
etkileyen minik peri Tinker Bell’in dünyaya gelişinin anlatıldığı ilk hikayeden bahsetmek

Perilerin Dünyaya Nasıl Geldiğini Biliyor Musunuz?

Perilerin dünyaya gelişi, yeni doğan bebeğin ilk gülümsemesi ile gerçekleşirmiş. Bizim Tinker
Bell’de İngiltere’de yeni dünyaya gelen bir bebeğin ilk gülümsemesiyle doğar. Tinker Bell,
doğduğunda biraz şaşkındır , etrafında kulakları tuhaf şekilli, kanatları olan, rengarenk elbiseli
bir sürü yaratık gülümseyerek kendisine bakmaktadır. Bu akşam özel bir akşamdır. Tinker
Bell’in hangi topluluğa dahil olacağı belirlenecektir. Periler dünyasında perilerin ait olacağı
grup yeteneklerine göre belirlenmektedir. Tinker ‘in etrafında yuvarlak mantara benzer bir
alan belirir. Periler Kraliçesi seramoniyi başlatır başlatmaz mantar alanın kenarında değişik
semboller beliriverir. Bazıları çok dikkat çekicidir. Tinker teker teker hepsinin önünden geçer.
Bazılarına dokunduğunda sembol canlılığını kaybetmekte ve yok olmaktadır. Bu durum
Thinker’in bu sembolü temsil eden yeteneğe sahip olmadığını göstermektedir. Semboller
arasında dolaşanThinker, çekiç sembolünün durduğu bölüme gelince , bu bölümden hızla
geçer zira çekicin hiçbir parlaklığı yoktur, görünümü ise çok basittir.

Ama Tinker uzaklaştıkça, çekiç peşinden gelmeye devam eder, Tinker kaçtıkça ona daha çok
yaklaşır. Periler Kraliçesi arkasından gelen çekiç konusunda Tinker’ı uyarır. Tinker sonunda
çekici eline alır. Tinker çekice dokunur dokunmaz Tinker!in etrafında şimdiye kadar
görülmemiş parlaklıkta ışık demeti etrafa saçılır. Diğer perilere bu durum Thinker’in tamir
konusunda üstün yeteneği olduğunu göstermektedir. Tamirci perilerden olmak Thinker’in hiç
hoşuna gitmemiştir. Çok ama çok mutsuzdur.

Zaman geçer , bu arada dünyada kış mevsimi süre gelmektedir. Tüm Periler doğayı bahara
hazırlamak için durmadan çalışmaktadır. Günlerden bir gün Thinker, mevsim dönüşümlerinde
yapılan değişikleri dünyaya götüren ekipte tamirci perilerin olmadığını öğrenir ve bu kural
Thinker’in hiç hoşuna gitmez. Oysa ki Thinker, uzak diyarları keşfetmeyi çok ama çok
arzulamaktadır. Dünyaya gidebilen perilerin olduğu takıma girmek ve Dünyaya onlarla
birlikte gidebilmek için farklı yetenekler geliştirmesi gerektiği düşünür ve yeni yetenekler
geliştirmek için çalışmalara başlar. Ancak bir türlü diğer perilerin yaptıkları hiçbir işte
başarılı olamaz.

Bu arada bu çabaları seyreden ve aslında Thinker’ı hiç çekemeyen rüzgar perisi ona bir oyun
oynamaya karar verir. Kendisine tuzak kurulan iyi niyetli Tinker maalesef Rüzgar perisinin
oyununa gelir ve tüm perilerin katıldığı bahar mevsimi hazırlıklarının hepsinin tamir
edilmeyecek şekilde bozulmasına sebep olur. Bahar mevsiminin başlamasına 2 gün kala
bütün hazırlıkları mahvolan Periler çılgın gibi durumu düzeltmeye çalışsalarda başaramazlar
zira son 2 gün içinde tüm hazırlıkların bitirilmesi neredeyse imkansızdır. Periler komitesi bu
sene Bahar mevsiminin geciktirilmesine karar verirler. Bu kararı duyan Tinker kendi
yüzünden yaşanan bu duruma çok ama çok üzülür. Durumu telafi etmek için neler
yapabileceğini düşünürken birden Çekici ve Tamirci Peri olduğu aklına gelir ve hemen işe
koyulur. Tinker doğal yeteneğini kullanarak 2 gün içinde bahar hazırlıklarının
tamamlanmasını sağlayacak ekipmanları üretir ve hazırlıkları tamamlar .

Bu durumda karşısında Periler Kraliçesi ve diğer tüm periler çok mutlu olur. Bu yıl da neyse
ki Bahar mevsimi tam zamanında dünyaya gelecektir. Tinker büyük başarısına rağmen
hatasının farkındadır. Tam cezalandırılacağını beklerken Periler Kraliçesi, Thinker’ı üstün
çabalarından dolayı bu yılki Bahar Mevsimi hazırlıklarına diğer periler ile birlikte dünyaya
gitmesine izin verir. Tinker bu karara çok sevinir. Artık bu durumdan kendisini kurtaran daha
önceleri mutsuz eden yeteneğine sahip çıkmaya karar vermiştir.Artık ait olduğu gruptan çok

Tinker Bell’in hikayesi her çocuk hikayesi gibi mutlu bir sonla biter. Aslında bizim için de
durum hiç farklı değildir. Sahip olduklarımızı ve yapabileceklerimizi hep göz ardı ederiz.
Kendimizi anlamak, kendi gücümüzü keşfedip sınırlarımızı aşmak yerine başkalarına ait olana
özeniriz. Bize ait olmayan hedefler belirleriz. Bize ait olmayanların gerçekleşmesi ise zaman
alır ya da hiç gerçekleşmez. Bu durum hayatımızda hayal kırıklılıkların oluşmasına sebep
olur. Başımıza gelenleri yeni deneyimlerimize referans olarak alır, yeninin hayatımızda
yaratacağı güzelliklerden kendimizi mahrum bırakırız.

Gerçekten mutlu olabilmek için önce kendimizi tanımalı, yapabileceklerimizi keşfetmeli,

keşfettiklerimizi de benimsemeliyiz. Keşfettiklerimizin bazıları hoşumuza gitmeyebilir. Onları
onaylamasak ta kabul etmeyi seçebiliriz. Görmezden gelirsek bizi mutsuz eden deneyimleri
tekrar tekrar yaşıyor hale gelebiliriz. Her defasında canımız daha da acır. Canımız acır ise biz
de başkalarının canınızı acıtırız. Aslında kötü şeyler yaptığımızda bizi cezalandıran
mekanizmalar yoktur. Başkalarını her acıttığımızda kendimizi acıtıyoruzdur. Yani ne
ekiyorsak onu biçiyoruzdur. İçimizdeki kayıt makinesinde kayıtlar arttıkça daha da rahatsız
oluruz. Gittikçe öfkemiz artar. Öfke nefret haline geçer ise hasar daha da artabilir. İşte bu
durumda canını acıttığımız kimselerin bizi affetmesi dahi işe yaramaz burada önemli olan
sizin kendinizi affetmenizdir.

Kendi yeteneklerini bilmek, kendini tanımak , sahip olduklarımız için şükran duymak
önümüzdeki yeni kapıların açılmasına sebep olur. Bu da onlarla var olduğumuzu
zannettiğimiz eski alışkanlıklarımızın, bakış açımızın değişmesi demektir ki bu da bayağı
zorlayıcı olabilir. Ancak sonuçta özgürlük ve mutluluk bizi beklemektedir. Önemli olan kendi
öz yetenekleriniz doğrultusunda yeni kapıların açılmasına siz ne kadar hazırsınız ?



6 İmkansız Şey
 Posted by Sibel Kavunoğlu on May 19, 2011 at 8:13pm

Çocuk filmleri benim hep ilham kaynağım olmuştur. Bu yazımda Alice Harikalar Diyarından
bahsetmek istiyorum. Alice’in hikayesi bana hep enteresan gelmiştir. Alice Harikalar
Diyarının, Alice’in bilinçaltındaki yolculuğu olduğunu düşünürüm.

. Bilindik hikayemizin bu seferki sonunda, Alice’in Harikalar Diyarındaki korkunç canavar

ile boğuşması gerekmektedir. Zira Kötü kraliçenin hükümdarlıktan inmesi için bu canavarın
kellesinin uçurulması gerekmektedir. Canavar ile dövüşecek tek kişi ise Alice’tir. Alice’in
canavarın kellesini uçurması durumunda Harikalar Diyarında Kötünün yerine iyinin
hükümdarlığı tekrar başlayacaktır. Oysaki Canavar son derece güçlü bir yaratıktır. Çok güçlü
bir yaratık olan canavarın kellesini uçurmak neredeyse imkansız ötesidir. Derken bir gün
Alice, canavarla karşı karşıya gelir ve boğuşmaya başlarlar, ancak Canavar çok güçlüdür,
Alice de tüm gücünü kullanmasına rağmen canavarı bir türlü zayıflatmayı başaramamaktadır.
Derken tam artık kaybettiğini düşünmeye başladığında, o gün deneyimlediği 5 imkansız olayı
kendine hatırlatarak imkansız da olsa bir şekilde bu canavarı yenebileceğini düşünür. Bir
yandan canavarla boğuşurken bir yandan da tek tek bu imkansız diye düşündüğü ancak
gerçekleştirdiği olayları hatırlar. Bundan sonrasında canavarla aralarındaki savaş yavaş yavaş
Alice’in lehine döner, canavar zayıflamaya başlar , sonunda da Alice onu yener ve de 6.ncı
imkansız olan Canavarın kellesini de alır. Artık Harikalar Dünyasına egemen olan kötülük
bitmiştir, iyinin zamanı başlamıştır. Kötülüğü temsil eden kraliçe ( gerçekte de iyinin
kardeşidir) dışında ise herkes artık çok mutludur, herşey düzene girmiştir.

Herşeyin yerli yerine geldiğini, bu dünyadaki işinin bittiğini düşünen Alice de ; İyi Kraliçeye
Harikalar Diyarını teslim eder ve kendi dünyasına dönerek yaşamındaki diğer imkansızları
gerçekleştirmek adına uzak diyarlara yelken açar.

Alice Harikalar Diyarı içimde; iyi ve kötünün sürekli savaş halinde olduğunu,
odaklanmadığım zamanlarda ise karanlık tarafa kolayca kayabileceğimi hatırlatır bana.
Gerçekten iyiyi ( gerçek!) seçmeye odaklandığımda ise imkansız görünen arzu ve isteklerimin
görünür hale gelebileceğine, gerçekleşmesi ne kadar imkansız dahi olsa farkındalığıma
gelenin gerçekleşmesinin mümkün olabileceğine inandırır beni…..

Burada önemli olan farkındalığımıza gelen arzu ve isteklerin gerçekten bize ait olup
olmadığını ayırt edebilmektedir. Arzu ve isteklerimizin bize ait olup olmadığını gösterecek tek
metod ise içimize dönmektir. Yaşadığımız her anı farkına vardığımızda kendi arzu ve
isteklerinizi keşfetmemiz yani kendi imkansızımızı bulmamız kolaylaşır. Dışarıya
odaklanarak farkındalığımıza gelen arzu ve istekler gerçekte bize ait olmadığı için
gerçekleşmezler ya da gerçekleşmesi için çok çaba harcamamız gerekir. Her iki halde de
hayal kırıklılığı yaşayabiliriz.

Arzu ve isteklerinizin neler olduğundan emin değilseniz her anınızı farkında olarak geçirmeli,
deneyimlerinizden hangilerinin sizi daha çok mutlu ettiğine odaklanmalısınız. Odaklanmaya

yardımcı olacak tek şey ise meditasyon yapmaktır. Meditasyon sırasında nefes alıp vermeye
odaklanıp, sürekli nefesinizde kalmayı becerebildiğinizde zamanla günlük hayatınızda olup
bitenin de farkına varmaya başlarsınız. Meditasyon içine dönmeyi öğrenmenin en iyi yoludur.
En ideali 24 saat meditasyon halinde olmaktır. Ancak bu disipline gelmek zaman alabilir. Tek
başıma bunu yapmak zor derseniz uzun zamandır Türkiye’ye gelip giden Vipassana
Meditasyon ustası eski rahip Jeff Oliver’in Vipassana meditasyon kamplarından birine

Meditasyonun yan etkileri vardır. Yan etkilerin en başında ise kendi merkezinde kalma,
huzur, anlayış hali gelir. Anlayış ise, hoşgörü ve sevgiyi getirir. ” Kendimi nasıl sevebilirim”
kendiliğinden gerçekleşir. Kendinizi sevdiğinizde ise evreni de sevmeye başlarsınız. Sizin için
imkansız olan farkındalığınıza geliverir.

Çok geçmeden başlamanızı öneririm. Bu sene kendiniz için Alice gibi gerçekleşmesi imkansız
olan 6 şeyi belirleyin. Mesela bunlardan bir tanesi de içine dönmeyi başarmak olsun.

Ben 6 imkansızımı belirledin mi? Tabii evet. Peki 6 imkansızım ne mi ? Üzgünüm ağzımdan
laf alamazsınız.



Letting Go By Master Jesus - Channelled

through Natalie Glasson
 Posted by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on May 20, 2011 at 2:01am

Sacred School of Om Na and Wisdom of the Light

Weekly Channelled Message


Letting Go By Master Jesus

Channelled through Natalie Glasson


My dear most beloved brothers and sisters, I am Master Jesus and I come forward to
you with special wisdom which I hope that you will absorb, accept and acknowledge as truth.
I share with you my deepest of joy and delight at being able to connect so beautifully with
you now.

To connect with the energy of the Creator especially when it is within anotheris the greatest
of blessings and allows for such tremendous growth. We all have the power together to
amplify the light of the Creator so magnificently until light is all that we can see, breathe, hear
and feel. When we see or understand the Creator within ourselves and acknowledge the
Creator in others then we are holding up mirrors to each other to understand the magnificence

of the Creator. We are essentially reflecting the light of the Creator backwards and forwards,
out into the atmosphere, allowing it to build and build to the most glorious energy. Every
person is acting as a mirror, radiating the light of the Creator so fully and powerfully. Even
when you are focusing within your being, you are reflecting light because it naturally radiates
from the truth that you hold. I stand here as a mirror for you, look or feel deeply into my
energy and you will see yourself existing so beautifully, purely and lovingly. I always see
myself and my truth in those that I work with on the Earth, because I am searching for the
presence of the Creator and always find it within each of you. We are all the Creator on the
Earth and so can act as reflections of light.

Many channellings at this current time speak of love and fear, they explain how love must be
energised and heightened while fear must be eradicated and dissolved, allowing suffering to
be energy of the past. When we are speaking of love and fear we must remember that we are
simply speaking of energies. Visualising love and fear as energy allows us to realise that they
hold power but this power is activated by us, we direct the energies, give the energies purpose
and a role in our realities. To allow the energy of love to descend into your being from the
soul of the Creator is uplifting, transformational and blissful, when you accept the energy of
love and then use it as a tool, force or power you can achieve so much with the energy of
love; it becomes healing, wise, enlightening and connective. When we ask to receive the
energy of fear it has the opposite effect on our bodies and frame of mind, taking us into a
negative, low and heavy way of living. You may have notice that I stated that when you ask to
receive fear, this may seem an odd comment but it is the truth. You always ask to experience
fear, it is never thrust upon you, and you always call the energy of fear in and accept it,
because no person but you can cause you to feel fearful. Even when you are holding the
energy of fear and it is lowering your energy vibration, you still recognise it as a power that
you can weld in whichever way you wish but it is usually to cause more self pain.

Truthfully love and fear are the same energies with different intentions, when you view them
in this way you understand how fear can be easily transformed into love. This isthe process
that is occurring on the Earth now. Every person who holds the desire in their heart to master

their being, to live in a world of love and to become one with the Creator is now accepting the
process or challenge of converting all fears into love. Suffering in all its forms is now being
seen as an old energy of the past that is no longer relevant or conducive to the human or soul
way of life. It is important to take note of the channels that speak of fear and love as they will
come forward in greater number to remind humanity of the task in hand, to offer guidance and
inspiration. When you begin to see that the world is speaking more of love than fear you will
realise that the Era of Love is upon you.

My message to you today is to change the way that you look upon fear, suffering, pain and
negative habits. View them as an energy. Then view them as an energy that can be
transformed into love. Finally view them as an energy that can be let go of or an object that
can be put down and forgotten about with ease. Imagine that fear, negativity, pain and
suffering of any form is like an apple! I could describe the energy as a knife or a dirty cloth
but that is adding to the negativity of the fear. To imagine fear as an apple, or any kind of
fruit, is to realise that the fear doesn't threaten or harm you it is just present.

You are naturally a positive, loving and blissfully joyous being of light. To exist as love is the
only way that you really know how to live and breathe, because every aspect of your being
was created from love. Even a person with a really dark and negative energy was created from
love and so therefore love is their natural energy and way of being, they have just forgotten
this and become distracted.

The words that I am using now are important to notice and understand, I will highlight them
so that you can understand my meaning.

Please remember this that a person holding onto fear is a person who is naturally loving but
has become distracted or has just forgotten their centre, their truth.

We very rarely think of negative people as holding onto this fear or being distracted by the
fear but it is true and this is why we must offer our compassion and love to all. To exist with
fear is to be lost or confused. The way of love is so strong and yet we can be easily distracted
from love by other fearful thoughts or reactions.

When you see yourself as a naturally loving person, a beacon of light, then you realise that
you have taken on fears, negativity, emotional pain and habits that cause suffering. You have

accepted them and now hold them. Imagining yourself as a pure being of love you have then
walked along a road, seen an apple and pick it up. You have taken hold of the apple; it has
become your possession. The apple is a positive representative of negativity.

Once you have hold of the apple, it becomes very important to you, it is almost as if you love
the apple. You hold it where you can see it; you make sure that you acknowledge the apple,
that you give it your attention and time. Your mind is focused upon the apple and becomes
distracted from the loving nature that is your being. The apple never becomes a part of you,
you just hold onto it tightly, bringing your attention back to it often to energise and nourish
the apple. Any negativity that you activate or experience in your reality adds to the size and
power of the apple, until you are beginning to imagine yourself not as a human being but as
an apple walking on the Earth. Now I know that this sounds amusing that your physical body
would transform into an apple, but actually to some extent it is laughable because we take on
the negativity as if it is our truth and wear it with pride, it becomes our new identity.

Ourselves existing as an apple becomes all that we can see or comprehend and we begin to
live a false life not acknowledging our truth or the love that we are. The important
understanding to remember is that you are holding onto the apple, the apple isn't holding onto
you. You have the power and can drop the apple whenever you wish to; you can simply let it
roll away from you, without any pain or care. You can of course thank and bless yourself and
the apple for the learning and understanding that has been given.

When you begin to analyse fear and suffering in this way you realise how powerless fear is, it
is only you that gives the fear power, you open the door and welcome it with open arms,
encouraging it to make its self comfortable within you. As a being of pure light, you don't
have to open the door to fear and you can just let go of all fear and pain from the past. It
doesn't make your life any better by holding onto the pain, nor does it punish anyone who
may have been involved in causing you fear or pain. Now is the time to let go of the pain
forever and set yourself free, to exist as an expansive and limitless beingof light.

You can of course sit in meditation asking to let go of all unneeded negativity and fears from
your past and present but it is important to be aware of letting go of fears and pain as you
journey through your day. Do not allow yourself to pick up the apples that may tempt you. It
is not so much that you are tempted by negativity but that you have adopted a habit of
collecting negativity. Please observe the word, you are essentially collecting negativity but
you can transform this and collect the love of the Creator, sharing it as a vibrant beacon of
light to all.

So when you notice yourself thinking negatively, rerunning a negative memory in your mind,
taking on the fear of another or becoming fearful, stop yourself, take a few deep breathes,
realise and observe what is happening and imagine it as an apple and drop or throw it away.
Then distract your mind or bring yourself back to your centre with loving thoughts or

If you can master this habit you will begin to transform fear into love and bring your attention
away from fear into the loving presence of your being. This is what many mean when they
say, remember who you are, discover your truth, be a beacon of love, recognise the Creator
presence within you.

I wish to thank you for your time and creating a space in your energy and life for me to share
my thoughts; you are greatly appreciated and honoured.

With love as always, my beloved brothers and sisters,

I am Master Jesus

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Receiving A New Contract For Highest

Service To The Light: Lord Metatron:
Channeled by Nasrin Safai ~ Waves of
 Posted by Esta Lior on May 20, 2011 at 11:05pm

source material: http://www.nasrinsafai.com/media/pdf/MetatronReceivingContract.pdf

source webpage: http://www.nasrinsafai.com/masters/metatron/

§ Receiving A New Contract For Highest Service To The Light

Lord Metatron: Channeled by Nasrin Safai


Quado’nun Bahçesi: Sağlığınıza Odaklanın

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on May 21, 2011 at 11:04pm

Sağlığınıza odaklanın.

Bugün, bedeniniz,

zihniniz ve ruhunuzun, sağlıklı olmasına odaklanın.

Fiziksel sağlık; denge, bedenin istedikleri ve gereksinimleri ile bağlantıda olmak demektir.
Bedeninizin söylediklerine ayak uydurun; açlık, dinlenmeye, ya da egzersiz yapmaya duyulan
gerçek istek… İlgi gösterin. Eski kalıpları kenara bırakmayı deneyin ve tam şu anda
bedeninizin gerçekten ne arzuladığını duyumsayın, dinleyin ve hissedin.

Zihinsel sağlık; aslında kolaydır: huzur… Zihinsel ve duygusal durumunuz derin anlamda,
huzur haline merkezlenmelidir, kendi içinizde merkezlenmelisiniz; dış olaylar tarafından

Huzur; yaşamın farklı mevsimlerini, ilişkilerin döngüsünü, üstlendiğiniz tüm görevleri, bir işi
bırakıp diğerine yürümeyi, hiçbir şeyin aynı kalmayacağını, ve yaşamın kendisinin değişim
olduğunu kabul etmek ile başlar… Ve zihinsel anlamda sağlıklı bir insan, her zaman baharın
geleceğini bilir.

Ruhsal sağlık ise, en kolay olanıdır: Kendini saf SEVGİ olarak görebilmek…

Barış içinde yaşayalım, ağlamadan. Neşemiz, durmadan dokunduğumuz yaşamları çevrelesin.

Ve melek kanatları şefkatle çarparken, sevgimiz dünyayı sarsın.

The Universal Heart Center

http://www.moshayra.webs.com http://www.quado.com/quados-garden/050822.htm

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan



Waves of Love: Original Composition for

piano,strings and flute by Peter Fagerlind
 Posted by Peter Fagerlind on May 22, 2011 at 1:39pm

I hope you all enjoy my latest composition dedicated to the Mother Earth, Gaia.

May the Violet Flame burn through the Planet Earth.




 Posted by Esra Tan on May 22, 2011 at 7:00pm

Herkes "Sevgi sizin içinizde" diyor, ancak onu nasıl açığa çıkaracağımızı hiçkimse
anlatmıyor. Aşağıdaki yazıda bunun çok basit bir yolu açıkça anlatılmış. Ben
yapıyorum ve çok kısa zamanda çok güzel sonuçlar yarattı bende. İhtiyacı olan
tüm yüreklere ışık tutması dileğimle kitaptan aynen aktararak yayınlıyorum.

Bedeninize bir göz atacak olursanız varolması size bağlı milyonlarca yaşayan
varlık görürsünüz. Bedeninizdeki her bir hücre, yaşaması size bağlı yaşayan bir
varlıktır. Bütün bu varlıklardan siz sorumlusunuz. Hücreleriniz olan bütün bu
yaşayan varlıklar için Tanrı sizsiniz. Onlara gereksindiklerini sağlayabilir, tümünü
sevebilir ya da hoyrat davranabilirsiniz.

Bedeninizdeki hücreler size çok bağlıdır, sizin için uyum içinde çalışırlar. Size
dua ettiklerini bile söyleyebiliriz. Siz onların Tanrısısınız. Bu kesinlikle gerçektir.
Bu bilgiyi nasıl kullanacaksınız?

Anımsayın, orman Artemis'le uyum içindeydi. Artemis tanrılar katından

düştüğünde ormanın saygısını yitirdi. Bilincini yeniden kazandığında çiçekten
çiçeğe giderek "Bağışlayın beni, size eskisi gibi bakacağım." dedi. Artemis ile
orman arasındaki ilişki yeniden bir sevgi ilişkisine dönüştü.

Orman bedeninizdir. Bu gerçeği kabul ederseniz bedeninize “Bağışla. Artık sana

özen göstereceğim.” dersiniz. Sizinle bedeniniz, sizinle size bağımlı bütün o canlı
hücreler arasındaki ilişki, ilişkilerin en güzeli haline gelebilir. Tıpkı köpeğinizle
ilişkinizdeki gibi, canlı hücreleriyle bedeniniz, ilişkinin kusursuz yarısıdır. Diğer
yarı zihninizdir. Bedeniniz ilişkinin kendisine düzen yarısını yürütür, zihinse
bedeni kötüye kullanan, bedene kötü davranandır.

Kedi ya da köpeğinize nasıl davrandığınıza bir bakın. Bedeninize de aynı şekilde
davranabilirseniz bunun bir sevgi ilişkisi olduğunu göreceksiniz. Bedeniniz
zihninizin vereceği sevgiyi bütünüyle almaya hazır. Ama zihin, “Yok, bedenimin
bu kısmını sevemiyorum. Şu burna bir bakın; burnumdan hoşlanmıyorum.
Kulaklarım çok büyük. Gövdem çok şişman. Bacaklarım çok kısa.” deyip
duruyor. Zihnin bedene yakıştıramayacağı hiçbir şey yok.

Bedeniniz olduğu gibi kusursuz. Ama aklımız doğru yanlış, iyi kötü, güzel çirkin
kavramlarıyla dolu. Bu kavramlardan ibaret ama inanıyoruz, sorun da bu.
Zihnimizdeki kusursuzluk imgesiyle bedenimizden belirli bir şekilde hareket
etmesini, belirli bir dış görünüme sahip olmasını bekliyoruz. Bedenimiz bize
bütünüyle bağlı, sadıkken biz onu dışlıyoruz. Bedenimiz sınırları nedeniyle bir
şey yapamadığnda bile onu istediğimizi yapmaya zorluyoruz, o da istediğimiz
gibi hareket etmeye en azından çalışıyor.

Bedeninize ne yaptığınıza bir bakın. Siz kendi bedeninizi dışlarsanız, başkaları

sizden ne bekleyebilir? Kendi bedeninizi kabul ediyorsanız hemen herkesi, her
şeyi kabul edebilirsiniz. İlişki sanatında bu çok önemli bir noktadır. Kendinizle
ilişkiniz, başkalarıyla ilişkinize yansır. Sevginizi eşinizle paylaşırken bedeninizi
dışlarsanız, utangaç olursunuz. “Şu bedenime bir bak. Böyle bir bedenim varken
beni nasıl sevebilir ki?” diye düşünürsünüz. Kendinizi dışlar, sizin kendinizde
dışladığınız şeyden ötürü karşınızdaki tarafından da dışlanacağınızı varsayarsınız.
Siz de başka birisini kendinizde kabul etmediğiniz bir şeyden ötürü dışlarsınız.

Sizi cennete ulaştıracak ilişkiyi yaratmak için bedeninizi bütünüyle kabul

etmelisiniz. Bedeninizi sevmeli, yalnızca varolma, utanç duymadan verme, alma
özgürlüğünü tanımalısınız. Çünkü “utanma” korkudan başka bir şey değildir.

Evinizdeki köpeğe nasıl baktığınızı düşünün. Köpeğe sevginin gözleriyle bakar,

güzelliğinin zevkine varırsınız. Köpeğin güzel ya da çirkin olması hiç önemli
değildir. Köpeğin güzelliğini görmek coşku uyandırır içinizde, çünkü güzelliği
sahiplenmezsiniz. Güzellik öğrenilmiş bir kavramdan ibarettir.

Kaplumbağa ya da kurbağaların çirkin olduğunu mu düşünüyorsunuz?

Görebilirseniz kurbağa güzeldir, çok güzel. Görebilirseniz bir kaplumbağa da
güzeldir. Ama “Amma da çirkin.” diye geçirirsiniz aklınızdan. Çünkü birileri sizi
neyin çirkin neyin güzel olduğuna inandırmıştır, tıpkı neyin iyi neyin kötü
olduğuna inandırdıkları gibi.

Güzel ya da çirkin, uzun ya da kısa, zayıf ya da şişman olmak sorun değildir. Çok
güzel olmak sorun değildir. Bir kalabalık arasında yürürken insanlar size ne kadar
güzel olduğunuzu söylediklerinde “Teşekkür ederim, biliyorum.” der yolunuza
devam edersiniz. Sözleri hiçbir şeyi değiştirmez. Ama güzel olduğunuza
inanmadığınızda birisinin çıkıp aynı şeyi söylemesi farklıdır. “Sahi mi?” diye
sorarsınız. Dile getirilen görüş sizi etkiler ve elbette kolay bir av haline getirir.

Güzel olduğunuza inanmadığınız için bu görüşe gereksindiğinizi düşünürsünüz.

Sihirli Mutfak öyküsünü anımsıyor musunuz? Gereksindiğiniz bütün yiyeceğe
sahip olsanız ve birisi çıkıp yiyeceğe karşılık yaşamınızı yönetmek istese “Hayır,
teşekkürler.” dersiniz. Güzel olmayı arzu ediyor ama olduğunuza inanmıyorsanız

ve birisi gelip “Eğer dizginlerini elime verirsen sana her zaman ne kadar güzel
olduğunu söyleyeceğim” derse, “Evet, evet! Lütfen bana güzel olduğumu söyle.”
dersiniz. Bu görüşe ihtiyacınız olduğunu sandığınız için böyle bir şeye izin

Önemli olan başkalarının değil, kendi görüşlerinizdir. Zihniniz size ne derse desin
güzelsiniz. Gerçek bu. Hiçbir şey yapmanıza gerek yok, çünkü gereksindiğiniz
güzelliğe zaten sahipsiniz. Güzel olmak için hiçkimseye hiçbir şey borçlu
değilsiniz. Başkaları ne görmek isterse görmekte özgürdür. Başkaları sizi görüp
güzel olduğunuz ya da olmadığınıza ilişkin yargıda bulunursa güzelliğinizin
bilincindeyseniz, kabul etmişseniz, görüşleri sizi hiç mi hiç etkilemez.

Belki çekici olmadığınız inancıyla büyüdünüz, başkalarının güzelliğine gıpta

ediyorsunuz. Duygunuzu haklı çıkarmak için “Güzel olmak istemiyorum ki.”
dersiniz. Güzel olmaktan korku bile duyabilirsiniz. Her yönden gelebilir bu korku,
herkes için aynı da değildir, ama çoğunlukla kendi gücünüz karşısında
duyduğunuz korkudur. Güzel kadınlar, yalnızca erkekler üzerinde değil, kadınlar
üzerinde de güç sahibidir. Sizin kadar güzel olmayan diğer kadınlar, erkeklerin
dikkatini çektiğiniz için size gıpta eder. Belli bir şekilde giyinip erkeklerin başını
döndürdüğünüzde kadınlar sizin için ne der? “O mu? Fazla serbest bir kadın.”
İnsanların size ilişkin bütün bu yargılarından korkar hale gelirsiniz. Bütün bunlar
kavramlardan, duygusal bedenlerde yaralar açan sahte inançlardan ibarettir. Sonra
da elbette bu yaraların üstünü yalanlarla, yadsıma yöntemleriyle örtmemiz

Haset, farkındalıkla kolaylıkla kırılabilecek bir inançtır. Gerçek hepinizin güzel

olması olduğu için başka kadın ya da erkeklerin haset duygusuyla kolayca baş
etmeyi öğrenebilirsiinz. Bir insanın güzelliği ile diğerinin güzelliği arasındaki tek
fark, insanların güzellik anlayışıdır.

Güzellik bir kavramdan, inançtan ibarettir ama güzelliğin bu anlayışına inanır,

bütün gücünüzü bu güzelliğin temeline oturtursunuz. Zaman geçer, yaşlandığınızı
görürsünüz. Sizin açınızdan belki bir zamanlar olduğunuz kadar güzel
değilsinizdir. Güzelliği devralan daha genç bir kadın çıkagelir. Güzellik olduğuna
inandığımız gücü elimizde tutmak üzere estetik cerrahinin zamanı gelmiş
demektir. Yaşlanma sürecimiz bize acı vermeye başlar. “Tanrım, güzelliğim eriyip
gidiyor. Eskisi kadar çekici olmazsam kocam beni sevmeye devam eder mi? Gözü
artık daha çekici olan başka kadınlara gidecek.”

Yaşlanmaya karşı koyuyoruz. Yaşlanan insanın güzel olmadığına inanıyoruz. Bu

inanç bütünüyle yanlıştır. Yeni doğmuş bir bebek güzeldir. Yaşlı bir insan da
güzeldir. Sorun, gözlerimizle neyi güzel neyi çirkin olarak algılayacağımıza
ilişkin duygudur. Mutluluğumuzu sınırlayan, bizi kendi kendimizi ve başkalarını
dışlamaya iten yargılar, koşullanmalardır. Dramı nasıl canlandırdığımızı, bütün bu
inançlarla kendimizi başarısızlığa nasıl mahkum ettiğimizi görebiliyor musunuz?

Tıpkı büyümek gibi yaşlanmak da güzeldir. Çocukluktan erişkinliğe, erişkinlikten

genç bir kadın ya da erkek olmaya doğru büyürüz. Güzeldir. Yaşlı bir kadın ya da
erkek olmak da güzeldir. İnsan yaşamında çoğalmanın zamanı vardır. Doğa bizi
böyle yarattığı için bu dönemlerde cinsel açıdan daha çekici olmak isteyebiliriz.

Bu açıdan bakıldığında daha sonra cinsel olarak çekici olmamız gerekmez ama bu
bizim güzel olmadığımız anlamına gelmez.

Siz, olduğunuza inandığınızsınız. Olduğunuz gibi olmak dışında yapmanız

gereken hiçbir şey yok. Kendinizi güzel hissedip güzelliğinizin tadını çıkarmaya
hakkınız var. Bedeninizi onurlandırıp olduğu gibi kabul edebilirsiniz. Kimsenin
sizi sevmesine ihtiyacınız yok. Sevgi içten gelir. İçimizde yaşar, hep oradadır ama
aradaki sis perdesi yüzünden varlığını hissedemeyiz. Ancak içinizdeki güzelliği
hissederseniz dışınızdaki güzelliği algılayabilirsiniz.

Neyin güzel neyin çirkin olduğuna ilişkin bir inancınız var. Kendinizden
hoşlanmıyorsanız, inancınızı değiştirin, bütün yaşamınız değişecektir. Kolay
görünüyor, ama değil. İnancı kontrol eden, düşü kontrol eder. Düşçü en sonunda
düşü kontrol eder hale geldiğinde, düş bir yapıta dönüşebilir.
İşe bedeniniz için her gün bir puja yapmakla başlayabilirsiniz. Hindistan'da
insanlar çeşitli tanrı ve tanrıçalar için puja ya da törenler yapar. Puja sırasında
tanrısallığı temsil eden yontu önünde eğilir, çiçekler sunar, yontuyu olanca
sevgileriyle beslerler. Bedeninize her gün ibadetin sevgisini sunabilirsiniz.
Yıkandığınızda bedeninize sevgiyle davranın, onurlandırın, şükran ve saygı
duyun. Yemek yediğinizde bir lokma alın, gözlerinizi kapatın, zevkine varın
yiyeceğin. Bu yiyecek, Tanrı'nın yaşadığı tapınak olan bedeninize yaptığınız
sunudur. Bunu her gün yapın, bedeninize duyduğunuz sevginin her geçen gün
güçlendiğini, kendinizi bir daha hiç dışlamadığınızı göreceksiniz.

Bedeninize derinden saygı duyduğunuz gün kendinizi nasıl hissedeceğinizi hayal

edin. Kendinizi bütünüyle kabul ettiğinizde bedeninizi iyi hissedecek, mutlu
olacaksınız. Başka birisiyle bundan sonra ilişkiye girdiğinizde kendini kötüye
kullanma sınırınız sıfıra yakın olacaktır. İşte bu öz sevgidir. Kendinize kendinden
menkul bir değer biçmek değildir, çünkü başkalarına davranışınız da aynı sevgi,
onurlandırma, saygı ve şükran duygusuna dayalıdır. Böyle bir ilişkideki
kusursuzluğu görebiliyor musunuz? İlişki, birbirinizin içindeki Tanrıyı
onurlandırma ilişkisine dönüşür.

Bedeninizle aranızda mükemmle bir ilişki yaratmayı hedeflediğinizde, anneniz,

dostlarınız, sevgiliniz, çocuklarınız, köpeğiniz de içinde olmak üzere, birlikte
olduğunuz herkesle kusursuz bir ilişki yaratmayı öğrenirsiniz. Bedeninizle
mükemmel bir ilişki kurduğunuz an dışınızdaki herhangi bir ilişkinin size düşen
yarısı da kusursuz olacaktır. Dışınızdaki bir ilişkinin başarısına bağımlı olmaktan
böylece çıkarsınız.

Bedeninizle puja yaptığınızda, kendi kendinize ibadet eder gibi davranmayı

öğrendiğinizde, sevgilinizin bedenine de aynı derin sevgi ve saygı duyguları
içinde dokunursunuz. İçiniz aynı şükran duygusuyla dolar. Sevgiliniz size
dokunduğunda ise bedeniniz bütünüyle açıktır: Ne korku vardır ne ihtiyaç,
sevgiyle doludur.

Bu şekilde paylaşılan sevginin sunabileceği olanakları bir hayal edin.

Dokunmanıza bile gerek kalmaz. Birbirinizin gözlerinin içine bakmak zihin ve
ruhun gereksinimlerini karşılamaya yeter. Sevginizle beslendiği için beden

doyuma zaten erişmiştir. Kendi sevginizle dolu olduğunuz için, artık yalnız

Yüzünüzü nereye çevirirseniz çevirin, sevgiyle dolarsınız. Ama bu sevgi

başkalarının sevgisi değildir. Bir ağaç görür, ağaçtan size akan sevgiyi
duyumsarsınız. Gözlerinizi gökyüzüne kaldırırsınız, zihninizi sevgiye doyuran
gökyüzü olur. Varsayım olmaktan çıkan Tanrı'yı her yerde görmeye başlarsınız.
Tanrı her yerdedir. Yaşam her yerdedir.

Her şeyi yaratan Sevgidir, Yaşamdır. Korku bile sevginin bir yansımasıdır. Ama
korku zihinde var olur ve insan zihnini kontrol eden de korkudur. Her şeyi
zihnimizdekilere göre değerlendiririz. Korkuyorsak algılarımızı korkuyla
yorumlarız. Öfkeliysek, algılarımız kızgınlığın süzgecinden geçer. Duygularımız,
dünyaya ardından baktığımız filtreler gibidir.

Gözlerinizin, duygularınızın aynası olduğunu söyleyebilirsiniz. Dış Düş'ü

gözlerinizle algılarsınız. Öfkeliyken dünyayı öfkenin ardından görürsünüz.
Gözleriniz kıskançlığın gözleriyken her şey yüreğinizi daraltır. Kederin
gözlerinden baktığınızda, yağmur, sesler, her şey sizi ağlatır. Yağmur yağmurdur.
Bunun yargılanacak ya da yorumlanacak bir yanı yoktur. Ama yağmuru duygusal
bedeninizin durumuna göre algılarsınız. Üzgünseniz hüznün gözleridir gözleriniz,
algıladığınız her şey de o olur.

Ama gözleriniz sevginin gözleri olduğunda nereye giderseniz gidin sevgiyi

görürsünüz. Ağaçlar sevgiden yaratılmıştır. Hayvanları yaratan sevgidir. Suyu da
yaratan aynı sevgidir. Sevginin gözleriyle baktığınızda, isteminizi başka bir
düşçünün istemiyle bireştirebiliriniz, işte o zaman düşler bir olur. Sevgiyle
baktığınızda kuşlarla, doğayla, bir insanla, her şeyle bir olursunuz. İşte o zaman
bir kartalın gözleriyle görebilir ya da yaşamın herhangi bir ifadesine
dönüşebiliriniz. Sevginizle kartal ile bir olur, kanatları haline gelirsiniz. Yağmura,
bulutlara dönüşebilirsiniz. Ama bunun için zihninizi korkudan arındırmanız,
sevginin gözleriyle görmeniz gerekir. İşte o zaman kanatlarınız olur uçmak için.
Rüzgar olur isediğiniz yere eser, bulutları dağıtır, güneşi ısıtırsınız. Seginin
gücüdür bu.

Zihnimiz ile bedenimizin ihtiyaçlarını kaşıladığmızda sevgiyle görürüz. Tanrı'yı

her yerde görürüz Başkalarının Parazitinin ardında bile görürüz Tanrı'yı. Her
insanın içinde Musa'nın halkına vaat ettiği Vaadedilmiş Ülke vardır. Vaadedilmiş
Ülke insan zihninde, ama Tanrı orada yaşadığı için yalnızca Sevginin yeşerdiği
zihindedir. Sıradan insan zihnine baktığınızda onun da bereketli bir toprak
olduğunu ama bereketinin haset, öfke, kıskançlık ve korkunun tohumlarını
büyüten Parazit için olduğunu görürsünüz.

Hıristiyan geleneğinde Cebrail'in Kıyamet borazanı ile geldiği, Ebedi hayatı

yaşamak üzere herkesin mezarlarından çıktığı anlatılır. Mezar Parazit, Kıyamet
ise Yaşama dönüştür. Çünkü gözleriniz ancak Sevgi demek olan Yaşamı
görebildiği zaman yaşıyorsunuzdur.

Cennet düşünüzü gerçekleştirecek bir ilişkiniz olabilir. Bir Cenet yaratabilirsiniz

ama işe kendinizden başlamanız gerekir. Bedeninizi olduğu gibi kabu etmekle

başlayın. Paraziti avlayıp iradeniz karşısında boyun eğdirin. O zaman zihin
bedeninizi sevecek, sevginizi kösteklemez olacaktır. Her şey sizin elinizedir,
başka birisinin değil. Ama önce duygusal bedeninizi nasıl iyileştireceğinizi

Don Miguel Ruiz'in Ötesi Yayıncılık'tan yayınlanmış “Ustaca Sevmek” isimli

kitabının 93. - 101. sayfalarından aynen alınmıştır.


June 2011: Meditation to Heal the Five

Elements with Divine Mother ~ Nasrin
Safai ~ Waves of Bliss
 Posted by Esta Lior on May 22, 2011 at 10:35pm

source material: http://www.nasrinsafai.com/2011newsletters/june-2011/

June 2011: Meditation to Heal

the Five Elements with Divine Mother


Quado’nun Bahçesi: Siz Eşsizsiniz
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on May 23, 2011 at 12:25am

Siz Eşsizsiniz


Evrende eşsizsiniz. Düşünün bunu… Tüm evrende, tam da size benzeyen başka bir varlık
yok. Sizin gibi gören, sizin gibi ifade eden… Bugün, buna kafa yorun. Ne anlama geldiğini
görün, olduğunuz olmaya izin verin ve bu eşsizliğinizi Dünya ile paylaşın.

Verilmiş yetenekleriniz var, kolay, çabasızca sizin olan şeyler: güzel bir ses, eyleme geçme
yeteneği, tasarlamak için göz…

Bu yetenekleri geliştirmek ne kolay ne de çabasız, ama zaman ve harcanan enerjiye değer…

Sizler doğal olarak çekildiğiniz bu alanları keşfedip genişlettikçe, onlara sahip olmakta büyük
bir serbestlik yaşayacaksınız. Siz olan eşsizliğin ifadesine giden muhteşem bir yol olduğunu

Eğer, yeterince derine iner ve en derin kimliğinizi başarıyla ifade ederseniz, kendileriyle bir
olmuş diğerleri ile de engin bir bağlantı yakalarsınız. Siz evrende eşsiz olsanız da, en derin Öz
ile derinden bağlantı halindesiniz, ve bu bağlantı sonsuz bir güce sahip…

Barış içinde yaşayalım, ağlamadan. Neşemiz, durmadan dokunduğumuz yaşamları çevrelesin.

Ve melek kanatları şefkatle çarparken, sevgimiz dünyayı sarsın.

The Universal Heart Center

http://www.moshayra.webs.com http://www.quado.com/quados-garden/050822.htm

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan



Thoughts on your Current Reality by
Mother Mary and Master El Morya
Channelled through Natalie Glasson
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 23, 2011 at 11:38am

Sacred School of Om Na and Wisdom of the Light

Weekly Channelled Message


Thoughts on your Current Reality by Mother Mary and Master El Morya

Channelled through Natalie Glasson 22/05/11

Gentle loving waves of light flow from our hearts to you now as we come forward to
connect our light with your light, allowing our sense of oneness with you to grow and
enhance. As ever we only wish to support you in your wondrous journey upon the Earth, we
wish to encourage you to fill your heart with love, to see the beauty that enfolds you and the
great possibilities that lay before you.

We come forward as representatives of the feminine and masculine energies of the Creator,
shining these qualities into your being, activating the feminine and masculine energies
appropriately to aid your oneness with the Creator. In this communication we do not wish to
offer you any new insights or revelations but to remind you of the wondrous potentials that
exist within your reality, with the purpose of enhancing your current experiences on the
Earth. We, Mother Mary and Master El Morya will share with you our thoughts and will also
state how these thoughts can be transformed into affirmations to aid in your own realisation
and understanding of your reality.

Mother Mary: You have the ability to love yourself unconditionally.

(I love myself unconditionally.)

This is a wonderful gift as it means that you can heal yourself with ease, that you can
support yourself in any situation and can feel secure, safe and protected at all moments of
your day. The power of recognising the love that you hold and honouring yourself with your
love encourages you to accept your own power, realise your own strength and guide yourself
with safety and ease.

Master El Morya: You have the ability to understanding the energy of love.

(I understand the energy of love.)

When in a physical body it can be very difficult to understand the energy of love as it
manifests as a vibration and feeling which cannot truly be analysed or described. It is most
important to recognise the potentials and existence of love. Love is a powerful essence that
manifests from the Creator. Love can be found within every person on the Earth. Love can
be shared, expressed and accepted. Love is ever present in every moment and experience in
your life. Love not only exists in your surroundings but most importantly exists within your
being. Love is an energy that composes your entire being; it is a guiding and healing energy
that can fill you with joy and contentment. If you remain connected to love by
acknowledging the love within your being, reality and others, then you will begin to
understand the love of the Creator, its power and importance in your reality. In your current
reality love is the transforming energy that can be used in all situation and circumstance on
the Earth, with this understanding you can create a reality of love for yourself.

Mother Mary: You have the ability accelerate your spiritual ascension.

(I am now accelerating my spiritual ascension.)

With the consciousness of humanity developing and awakening along with the intense light
vibrations that are being anchored into the Earth by light guides and humanity you are now
being given a powerful situation and foundation to allow your spiritual awakening to
progress with ease. Everything that you realise now has a greater impact on your reality,
feelings and thoughts. The vibration upon the Earth and within your being is much quicker
than in the past which lends itself to accelerated growth and awakening. It is a great blessing
to have supportive energies around you and anchored into the Earth encouraging all illusions
to be dissolved and truth to beilluminated. You also have tremendous support from your
guides, when you ask your guides to accelerate your spiritual awakening they will according
to the will of the Creator. You are being offered all the recourses that you need to align on a
deeper level with the Creator. The energies around you are abundant in enlightenment, it is
important to recognise that your soul, your guides and the Creator all wish for you to awaken
further to the light of the Creator and are embracing you in supportive light vibrations. This
means that your spiritual growth moves at a quicker pace allowing you to see the growth that
you are achieving and the pathway that is unfolding before you. Little adjustments to your
thoughts or realisations within your being will now create major changes within your reality.
This signifies that you also hold more responsibility in your current reality.

Master El Morya: You have the ability to create a reality of beauty.

(I create a reality of beauty for myself.)

The Creator's greatest wish is for you to be happy and joyous as this signifies and allows the
essence of the Creator's love within you to flourish and flow. There is now no need for you
to experience negativity or painful occurrences unless you wish to or unless it is needed for
your spiritual learning. Your reality can be a place of beauty and joy for you to exist within.
You have the ability to maintain a positive mood and thought process at all times, creating a
natural radiance of happiness and fulfilment. With the power of your thoughts you have the
ability to appreciate and recognise the presence of the Creator within your reality and all
blessings that have been given to you. When you recognise the beauty of the Creator all

around and within you then you naturally begin to create or manifest an abundance of beauty
because you realise you are worthy and that beauty naturally radiates from your soul. You
hold the ability of opening yourself up completely to the blessings of the Creator, this
coupled with positive thought forms and knowing what you desire to experience within your
reality will assist you in creating a reality of beauty. Maybe the most important
understanding is that you can now create a reality of beauty, it is achievable and obtainable.
A reality of beauty may seem as if it focuses on a materialistic reality but it is a focus upon
love and all its manifestations.

Mother Mary: You have the ability to remember who you truly are.

(I remember who I truly am.)

You are an aspect of the Creator's soul; this means that you hold an aspect of the sacred
qualities, wisdom, love, awareness and peace of the Creator within your being. You are not
simply a human beingbut are so much more than you can currently imagine. You have come
to the Earth because it is a natural part of your journey as a soul or aspect of the Creator. The
Earth is allowing you to understand and discover your own energies, to comprehend the
Creator's soul and to remember your alignment once more with the Creator. You are a
beacon of love and light with the resources of the Creator to aid and assist you in your
reality. Everything is changeable, new wisdom and understandings will always flow into
your being. You are altering and transforming at all times. With the understanding that you
are more than your physical body and personality, you are able to deal with your reality with
greater ease, working energetically to bring forth what is needed.

Mother Mary and Master El Morya:

You have the ability to draw forth wisdom when you are confused or unsure.

(I now draw forward wisdom to dispel all confusion and insecurity.)

You have the ability to remain balanced at all times, connected to the light of the Creator.

(I remain balanced at all times, connected to the light of the Creator.)

You have the ability to exist without limitations but with freedom.

(I am free from limitations, I experience freedom.)

You have the ability to open your heart truly to love and to be embraced in the love of the

(I open my heart completely to love and to the loving embrace of the Creator.)

You have the ability to heal yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

(I am now healed physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.)

You have the ability to accept the blessings of the Creator in all forms.

(I accept the blessings of the Creator in all forms.)

You have the ability to attract all that you desire and need into your reality.

(I attract all that I desire and need into my reality.)

You have the ability to understand the wise direction of your soul and guides.

(I understand the wise direction of my soul and guides.)

You have the ability to discover your amazing spiritual and physical skills and talents with

(I now own and understand my amazing spiritual and physical skills and talents.)

You have the ability to become one with the Creator, to converse with and bathe in the light
of the Creator.

(I am now one with the Creator; I converse with and bathe in the light of the Creator.)

Through our communication today not only did we want to offer you valuable affirmations
that you could use in your daily life but we also wished to remind you of how wonderful
your current reality actually is. You are blessed completely with such abundance, so many
opportunities, possibilities and good things. You are already everything that we have spoken
about today. If you can remember this always then you can transform your reality even
further. We realise that many people become so locked into their physical reality and the
negative situations that are occurring, they forget to acknowledge, appreciate and give
thanks to the wonderful blessings that they receive naturally daily. You are abundant in so
many more ways than we have stated today. Allow yourself to write down and document the
blessings that are with you right now, the wonderful abundant energies and experiences that
flow into your reality. It is important to have the mentality that you are also all that you wish
to be right now. People often have dreams or goals and they perceive that time will aid
achievement. Time is an illusion and was only created to bring structure to your physical
reality. It is not time that allows your dreams to manifest but gradual understanding that you
are already all that you dream of. This understanding comes gradually because you allow or
desire it to, but it doesn't have to be a gradual process and can manifest instantly, there is
simply a need to dissolve the habit and create a new pattern of generating, manifesting and
awakening energies from within you.

We ask that you do not allow yourself to feel negative about your reality whatever your
circumstance because we want you to see the many blessings that are already with you. With
this alteration in the way that you perceive your reality, you will alter all negative situations
as you draw the love of the Creator deeper into your reality and being. We ask that you adopt
an existence and perception that you live in a reality that is abundantly blessed. Accept
whole heartily that you are blessed by the Creator and are deserving of these blessings.
Know that you can call upon blessings to shower over and through your being. Your reality
is beautiful as it is now; take your focus away from the negativity, your loss, what you do

not have and honour the abundance that is within and around you. Allowing this state of
existence to become a pattern will encourage a wealth of abundance in all forms to flow into
your reality with ease and perfection.

It is important that humanity begins to notice and accept how blessed they are, how
abundant and loved they are because this will break a negative pattern that is etched
withinthe consciousness of many on the Earth. Many people still hold onto the belief that
they are not worthy of the blessings, energy and love of the Creator. Some believe it is
immoral to be abundant in all ways when devoting oneself to the Creator. Others believe that
negative situations and experience require and should be given more focus and attention than
positive experiences. Patterns of resisting the abundance of the Creator or ignoring the
blessings of the Creator now must be dissolved; it is the presence of love that is encouraging
this alteration. Love encourages appreciation and acceptance. Allow yourself to begin to
believe in the love of the Creator by being thankful for and honouring your current reality
for the abundant blessing that it is.

Let yourself see your reality and self in the light of truth.

With abundant blessings,

Mother Mary and Master El Morya


Master Hilarion's Weekly Message: May

22-29, 2011 - Marlene Swetlish
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 23, 2011 at 12:06pm

Master Hilarion's Weekly Message: May 22-29, 2011 - Marlene Swetlish


May 22-29, 2011

Welcome back, Beloved Lightworkers,

During the past week a shift in mass consciousness occurred and you will be seeing evidence
of this in the coming days. Many of you have been creating Pillars of Light and in fact, you
ARE Pillars of Light and this activity is adding to the collective field of Humanity and the

atmosphere of the Earth. All of these are very positive changes and it is now going to become
a little easier to hold and anchor the Light because there will be so many more of you who are
engaged in this activity.

Within each of you there has been a feeling of increasing lightness of Being which is having
the effect of a greater sense of well-being and peacefulness and this will have a most
beneficial effect as you go about your daily lives. Most of you are now feeling the increasing
presence of your Higher Self within your crown chakra and this is most noticeable when you
are involved in your spiritual disciplines as very noticeable vibrations in that area. You will
begin to notice a greater response from your Higher Self in your mundane activities and do
not be too surprised to discover yourselves carrying on a telepathic conversation at the oddest

When this occurs, it is an indication of greater activity in your multi-dimensional selves. You
will find yourselves involved in taking part in a reverie in which you are partaking of various
adventures in your “imagination”. This is active involvement occurring on the higher levels
and dimensions. You are all active on other levels during your sleep times but now you will
start to notice this occurring during your normal daily routines.

Life is becoming a greater adventure and the only limits are those that you set upon
yourselves. Dare to dream big and create these lovely scenarios in your everyday lives. Create
and feel wonderful changes taking place for you and your loved ones and in the World around

Whatever you, the conscious Creators, create now within your own lives is added to the whole
collective consciousness and many will Awaken because of this. Your Light and activity for
the Light is creating greater openness in the minds of an ever greater mass of Humanity.
Always intend that what you create be for the Highest Good of all and of course, for your own
Highest Good. Your God sanctioned Guides and Ascension Team work diligently with you as
you go about your daily affairs. A request from you first thing in the morning upon awakening
to ask them for every assistance as you go about your day will help set the tone for the rest of
that day.

Be observant to what still comes up from within you and continue to just observe and release
rather than get involved in the emotional charge of it. It can become easier the more you
become aware that you have this ability. This is Mastery of your Selves in action. This is
alchemy being consciously practiced. Soon you will be observing that you are now creating
wonderful situations and occurrences in your lives rather than having to release more
surprises from the depths of your inner Being. Life will feel much easier the more you
practice this.

We are ever with you, Beloved Ones. We work as One now. You have Legions at your side

each and every day and night. You never walk alone. Our Love is always with you.
Until next week….

I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and
nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is
included. www.therainbowscribe.com
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.


28 Mayıs saat 19:00'da Müzik'le Terapi

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 23, 2011 at 12:10pm

Güzel Sanatlar Doktoru Züleyha Abdullayeva, doğaçlama müzik ve transformal nefes ile
hafızalarda birikmiş, unutulmuş korkular ve travmalardan arınmayı hedefliyor. Tamamen
doğaçlama olacak çalışmada siz de unuttuğunuzu sandığınız fakat sizi bir türlü ilerletemeyen
anıları hatırlayıp, onları birer birer yolculayacaksınız.

TARİH: 28 Mayıs 2011 Cumartesi


Tel : 0212 247 57 85 - 0532 347 47 51




Bazı çalışmalar yapacağımızdan, gelecek olanların rahat giysiler giymesini öneririz.


The Group - Geleceği Değiştirmek - 15

Mayıs 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 23, 2011 at 1:15pm

Geleceği Değiştirmek

15 Mayıs 2011

Steve Rother kanalıyla

Yuvadan Selamlar

Geleceği Değiştirmek

Kendi yapınızın çoğunun değişmekte olduğunu bilin. Bugün sizlerle insan bedeninde
gerçekleşmekte olan şeyler hakkında daha fazla fikirler paylaşmayı diliyoruz, çünkü şu anda
yaptığınız dev sıçramalar titreşimsel yelpazenizi çok radikal şekilde değiştiriyor. Evrim yolu
tipik olarak çok, çok yavaş bir şekilde ilerler ve sona erişirken daha çok şiddetle iyiye doğru
gidişler yapar. Işıkta çalışanlar ekspres yoldadırlar.

12/12/12’ye dek olan farklı aşamaları sizinle incelememiz kısa bir süre önceydi, ama olaylar
çok hızlandı, bu nedenle bunun ötesinde çalışmaktayız. Bu yeni enerjiye yürümek ve bunu
umut etmiş olduğunuz şekilde yaratmak için nelerin gerekli olduğunu sizinle önceden
paylaşmaya başlıyoruz. Yalnızca şu andaki fiziksel varlığınızı değil, yeni enerjilerinizi de
destekleyebilmesi için, enerji yaratmak. Yeni yetenekler kendi fiziksel varlığınızın ve enerjisel
yapınızın ötesine erişiyor. Taşıdığınız insan kalıbını salıvermeye başlamak için çok sıkı
çalıştınız. Birçoğunuz bunu bilinçli şekilde yaptınız, bazıları bilinçsiz olarak yaptılar ve
başkaları hala kendi kalıplarına sıkıca tutunuyorlar. Yarış yok, çünkü bu, bunu kimin en hızlı
yapabileceğini görmek için değildir. Size sonra neyin olduğunu anlatalım, çünkü bu bölümle
ilgili biraz belirsizdik.

Hüküm Sürmeyi Gevşetmek

Enerjinizi fiziksel bedende barındıran bu enerjisel yapıyı salıvermeye başlamanızın çok

önemli olduğunu anlattık. Kalıbı salıvermeseniz bile, şimdi onun farkındasınız. Her biriniz
neredeyse kendi eviniz gibi çok belirli bir bedeni seçtiniz, onu hoşlandığınız şekilde giydiniz

ve çalışmasını istediğiniz şekilde çalıştırdınız. Bu bedeni kendinizin yaptınız. Beden ayrıca
kendisiyle birlikte bu enerjisel kalıbı taşır, enerjisel kalıp enerjiyi belirli bir çerçeve içinde
tutar ve insanlar olarak çok rahat olduğunuz şekillerde etkileşir. Sizler bu kalıbı salıvermeye
başlarken, birçok kaygılara sahipsiniz, çünkü taşıyıcı aslında size form veren şeydir veya siz
buna inanıyorsunuz. Başka deyişle, bir bardak suyunuz olsaydı ve aniden bardak yok olsaydı,
su her yere dökülürdü, bardağın şeklini almak yerine kendi şeklini üstlenirdi. Benzer durum
her birinizde gerçekleşiyor. Şimdi beyinlerinizin zemine köpürerek aktığını gözünüzde
canlandırırken, zihinleriniz girdap gibi dönüyor. Bu çok hoş… düşünme şeklinizin çok
şaşırtıcı olduğunu düşünüyoruz. Gerçekleşmekte olan şey, beklentilerinizin sınırlarını
kaldırmanızdır. Bedeninizin yapmasını beklediğiniz şeylerin beklentilerini salıvermeye
başlıyorsunuz, çünkü şimdi hayallerinizin ötesine erişme olasılıkları vardır. Bu basitçe tüm
insanlığa yayılabilecek, onun neye benzediğini ve bir şeyi bilinçli olarak nasıl
yaratabileceğinizi gösteren yeni bir düşünce, yeni bir fikir, bulmacanın yeni bir parçası

İlk adım dış kabuğu salıvermektir; hatta bir dış kabuğa ihtiyacınız olduğu fikrini salıvermek.
İkinci adım insanlarla sahip olduğunuz yeni bağlantılara alışmaktır. Hepiniz bu derin
bağlantıları, bir insanla çok hızlı şekilde bir iletişim seviyesine erişebileceğiniz bu anında
teması istediniz. Şimdi mümkün olan şey bu, bu kalıpları salıveriyorsunuz. En başlangıcında
korku var, çünkü şeyler farklı. Daha fazla hissedeceksiniz, çünkü filtrelerinizin hepsi kalıpta;
bunlar kendinizi gelen enerjiden korumayı öğrendiğiniz yerlerdir. Aniden gelen enerjiyi
hissedersiniz ve şöyle düşünürsünüz, “Oh, kalıbı geri almaya ihtiyacım var. Kendimi
korumalıyım!” Aniden bunun enerji olduğunu – iyi enerji – kavrarsınız, çünkü tüm enerji
iyidir ve kötü enerji diye bir şey yoktur.

Böylece, enerjiyi getirmeye başlıyoruz, onu hissedin, ona alışın ve bunun aslında olmasına
niyet ettiğimiz şekil olduğunu anlamaya başlayın. Bu bir değişim midir? Evet, öyledir. Bir
ayarlanma periyodu var mı? Evet, var. Neler oluyor ve bunun anlamı nedir? Bunun amacı
nedir ve daha önemlisi, sonra ne var? Bugün sizlerle paylaşmak istediğimiz şey bu. Buna yeni
kalıp demeye direniyoruz, çünkü daha önce beden kalıplarında kullandığınız şeyin kavramı
size bir form verdi. Size insan bedeninde bir ruh olarak enerjinizi ifade etme yolunu verdi ve
bu oldukça iyi çalıştı. Kalıpları uzaklaştırdığınız zaman bile çalışmaya devam edecek, ama
olacak olan şey daha önce sahip olduğunuz sınırlamalara sahip olmayacaksınız.

Algı Döngüsü

Kalıplar sınırlarınızı devreye sokar ve nerede olmanız gerektiğini biliyordunuz. Kalıbınızın

dışına bu ilk adımı attığımız zaman en başlangıçta bunun bir kısmı sizin için zorlayıcı
olacaktır. Şeyleri yoğun şekilde hissetmeye başlarsınız. Sonra, hissetmeye başladığınız zaman
gerçekleşen ilk şey, bu kadar çok hissetmemeniz gerektiğini düşünmenizdir. Kendinize şöyle
dersiniz, “Bunu daha önce hiç hissetmedim, öyleyse bir şeyler yanlış olmalı.” Bilincinizi ve
düşünce süreçlerinizi kullanmanızı istediğimiz yer burasıdır. Farkında olun, ama onu kontrol
etmeye çalışmayın, çünkü bunun işe yaramayacağını biliyoruz. Sadece kafanızda neyin olup
bittiğinin farkında olmanızı istiyoruz. Her an bir konuyla ilgili tepkilerinize ve
düşüncelerinize dikkat edin. Bu belirli olayda, kendi insan bedeniniz ile ilgili düşünceleriniz
kalıplarınızı yer değiştiren yeni enerjisel yapıları yaratıyor. Enerjinin çok kuvvetli şekilde
geldiğini hissettiğiniz zaman, bir şeylerin yanlış olduğunu düşünüyorsunuz, ama bu doğru
değil. Tam olarak korktuğunuz şeyi yaratıyorsunuz, bu nedenle bu kalıbı salıvermenin
zorluğunu çok daha zor hale getiriyorsunuz ve bu olması gerekenden daha uzun sürüyor.
Sizden yapmanızı istediğimiz şey gevşemektir. Bunun bir yarış olmadığını bilin. Hiç kimse

bir kalıbı salıvermek zorunda değil. Hala kalıbınızı taşıyorsanız, düşük titreşimli bir varlık
değilsiniz; bu sadece kalıbı salıverdiğiniz yerdeki rahatlık seviyesine henüz ulaşmadığınız
anlamına geliyor. Burada yarış yok. Acele etmeyin ve gevşeyin.

Epifiz Ayarlanması

Gerçekleşmekte olan, çok heyecanlı bir şey hakkında daha fazlasını anlatalım. Epifiz
bezinden söz ettik ve tüm insanların %80 – 90’ının epifiz bezleri etrafında oluşan kristallere
sahip oldukları gerçeğinden konuştuk. Bu geçici bir süreç olsa da, kristalleşmenin insanlığı
kristal bir yapıya götürmekte olduğunu anlattık. Sizler bu kalıpları salıverirken bu,
bedeninizde yeni kristalin bir yapıyı oluşturmaya başlıyor. Anteniniz olarak düşünülebilecek
olan epifiz bezi birçok nedenlerle kılavuzluk yapıyor. Şimdi onun vasıtasıyla hakkında
ipucuna sahip olmadığınız bilgi alıyorsunuz, çünkü radyonuzu ayarlamayı öğrenmediniz. Tüm
bu şeyleri aynı anda alıyorsunuz, bu bütün frekansları içeren ses dalgası gibi görünüyor, ama
çok yakında belirli bir titreşim aralığına ayarlanmayı öğreneceksiniz. Bu dış kabukları
salıverdiğiniz gerçeğinden dolayı, bunların hepsi mümkündür. İlk yerinde hissetmenizi
engelleyen filtreleri salıveriyorsunuz.

Formunuzu uzaklaştırdığınız zaman neler olur? Kabı olmayan bir bardak suyun yaptığı gibi
yere mi düşersiniz? Hayır, Gerçek doğanızı oluşturursunuz. Şimdi gerçekleşecek olan şey,
varlığınızdaki sevginin bedeninizi kontrol etmeye yardım eden ve yeni bir bedeni barındırmak
için yeni enerjisel yapıları oluşturmaya yardım eden yeni enerjisel bir yapı yaratmasıdır.
Bunların hepsi tüm insanlık için sonraki 50 – 100 yılda çok hızlı bir şekilde gerçekleşiyor.
Ayrıca bunu daha erken yapmayı seçenleriniz, o adımı atıp ilerlemeyi dileyenleriniz için
gerçekleşiyor. Yine, yarış yok; insan kalıbınızı salıvermek zorunda değilsiniz. Bu Işıkişçileri
olarak yapmak için atladığınız birçok şeyden sadece biridir. Buradasınız, sonraki adımı
bekliyorsunuz. Bu şeylerden çoğunu deneyimlemek için buradasınız ve hatta bunu yapmaya
ihtiyacınız olmadığını söylesek bile, çoğunuz yine de ona atlayıp bunu yaparsınız. Neden?
Çünkü bunu ilk önce denemek için, kapıyı açmak ve arkanızdaki herkes için kapıyı açık
tutmak için burada olmayı kabul edenlersiniz. Tam şimdi oturduğunuz yerde olabilmeniz için
ayrılmış olanları, kenara çekilmiş olanları düşündüğünüz zaman, bilin ki onlar sizi
yüreklendiriyorlar. Şu anda burada Dünyada taşıdığınız enerji ve yaptığınız iş için sizinle çok
gurur duyuyorlar. Onlar sizinle birlikteler. Onlar sizin destekleyici ekibinizdir ve içine adım
attığınız bu enerjinin daha fazlasını yaratmanıza yardımcı olacaklar.

Saklı Yaratıcılar

Bu yeni enerjilere girerken yapmanızı istediğimiz şey, onlarla deneyimlerinizi yazmaktır.

Garip olduğunu düşünseniz bile neler olup bittiğini keşfedin, çünkü tüm insanlarda olup biten
şey çok benzerdir. Bedeninizde olan bir şey gibi, yeni bir şeyler görürsünüz ve yaptığınız ilk
şey orada dışarıda deneyimlediğiniz şeye uyan bir şeyleri aramaktır. Size anlattığımız şey,
içinden geçtiğiniz çoğu şey için orada dışarıda herhangi deneyimler olmayabileceğidir. Sizden
sonra gelenlere yardım etmek için, neler olup bittiğini dökümante edin. Ondan konuşun, onu
yazın ve onu paylaşın. Böyle yaparak, bir yol bulunduğunu, tek bir düşünceyle başlayarak
tüm insanlarda dalgalanan değişimin olası olduğunu gösteren kollektif bir bilinç değişimi
başlatırsınız. Bu düşünce ekildiği ve sonra büyüdüğü zaman, hepiniz bunun etrafında
toplanırsınız ve tam olarak o düşünce neyse onu yaratırsınız. İlginç süreç. Bunu bu şekilde
düşünmedik, ama siz düşündünüz. Sahip olduklarınızın çoğu sizden saklandı, tanrı olduğunuz
sizden saklandı – önünüzde gördüğünüz şeyi aslında sizin yarattığınız saklandı. Neden? Bu en

büyük sorudur. Tanrı neden bu şekilde bir oyunda oynuyor? Tanrı neden kendisiyle saklambaç


Basit neden, tanrının da tekamül ediyor olmasıdır. Kendinizi veya tanrı imgenizi veya yüksek
varlıkları durağan, değişmeyen bir nesne olarak düşünüyorsunuz ve bunun böyle olmadığını
söylüyoruz. Tam şimdi bu odada tanrılaşıyorsunuz. Bu nedenle sınırları zorlamak için
erkenden geldiniz ve burada olmanızın nedeninin bir parçası budur. Bu fiziksel bedenlerdeki
güzel yolculuğunuzda topladığınız tüm bilgiler tanrıyı evrimleştirmek için, tanrılaşmak için
kullanılıyor. Hepinizin kollektif titreşimi tanrı olarak sözünü ettiğiniz enerjiyi oluşturuyor.
Bildiğinizden çok daha fazla etkiye sahipsiniz, çünkü bunun bir parçası her zaman sizden
saklandı. Bu, bu yolculuk için enerjisel yapılarınızı tasarladığınız şekildir. Bu fikirleri
işitebilirsiniz ve etrafınızdaki birçok düşünce veya enerji tarafından güçlendirilebilirsiniz,
yine de onu oraya çıkarmak ve kullanmak evrimsel bir süreçtir. Bu, günden güne yapılır ve
bireysel temelde yapılır, bu nedenle değişimlerinizi dökümante etmenizi istiyoruz. Sizde
gerçekleşenleri paylaşın. Birçoğunuz bu anda farkında bile olmadığınız anlatılacak bir
hikayeye sahipsiniz, ama çok yakında bu açık olacak.

Bu yayında daha önce birisi Dünyaya gelmeniz için arkada kalan insanları sordu. Sizinle çok
gurur duyuyoruz! Hatalarınızda bile, yalnız, kayıp veya acı içinde hissettiğinizde bile, bunun
sizin hatanız olduğunu düşündüğünüzde bile onları nasıl gururlandırdığınıza dair bir fikriniz
yok. Sevgililer, kısmen acıyı hissetmek için buradasınız, çünkü acı güzelliğinizin çoğunun
geldiği yerdir. Acıyı iyi veya kötü olarak yargılamayın. Fiziksel, insan bedeni giyen muhteşem
bir ruh olarak deneyimden yürüyüp geçin. Ama gülümsediğiniz her zaman, ruhun biraz dışarı
sızdığını bilin. Gülümsediğiniz insanı, ışığınızı alan insanı değiştirirsiniz, çünkü onlara
Yuvayı ve kendilerinin bir parçasını hatırlatırsınız. Bunu yapmak için buradasınız. Tanrının
kendisinden ayrı olduğu rolünü yapmasının nedeni budur; bu patlama tüm bunlarla ilgilidir.
Tanrı büyüyor ve sizler bahçıvanlarsınız. Olağanüstü bir iş yapıyorsunuz. Bu harikulade işi
devam ettirin.

Her zaman sizinle olduğumuzu bilin. Düşünün, omuzlarınızdayız. İsteyin, yanıtı alırsınız.
Hala bu yanıtın size uyup uymadığına kadar vermek zorundasınız, ama birbirinizle ve
herkesle çok direkt bir bağlantıya sahip olduğunuzu söylüyoruz. Kalplerinizdeyiz ve sizler de
bizim kalplerimizdesiniz. Bunun için teşekkür ediyoruz.

Üç küçük hatırlatmayla sizlerden en büyük onurla ayrılıyoruz.

Birbirinize en büyük saygıyla davranın.

Her fırsatta birbirinizi destekleyin.

Birlikte iyi oynayın.


The group

(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)


Virtual Reality Shifts are a Doorway into

Fifth-Dimensional Timelines by DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 23, 2011 at 1:30pm

Virtual Reality Shifts are a Doorway

into Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

by DL Zeta

It is possible at any time to visualize and begin aligning with the version of your reality that
allows you to exist along fifth-dimensional timelines. As you gradually shift to higher-
vibrational realities, struggle falls away from you; your response to the realities you encounter

becomes one of acceptance and gratitude because you are able to see the blessings and higher
order contained within every situation.

From this perspective, there is never a reason to allow yourself to be pulled into negative
energies because love-filled alternatives exist adjacent to every moment and can be accessed
in the blink of an eye. Each time we choose love over lower alternatives, we activate new
timelines and potentials that hold the power to carry us seamlessly into fifth-dimensional life

In fact, it is possible to go a step further and incubate an entire fifth-dimensional life track and
begin the process of shifting to this new reality thread.

Creating the World of your Highest Visions

Incubating the shift to a fifth-dimensional life track involves a simple process of creating the
world of your highest visions and living in it as a virtual reality until it is fully activated into
your physical reality.

Timelines are probability threads that extend in all directions from your present moment. In
moments of stillness and meditation, and during time spent communing in nature, you are
able to perceive alternative life tracks existing side by side with your present timeline. Often
as you go through your day, thoughts filter through your mind of possible alternatives and
choices. Some of these may seem more viable than others, depending on your degree of
enmeshment into physical reality. By allowing yourself to step outside your current life track
and detaching from physical reality, you are able to view the reality threads that are the closest
match to your soul’s need to grow and expand. Reality threads that best meet your soul’s
needs represent the world of your highest visions.

The shape of this preferred reality thread may not be the thread your conscious mind would
choose or the thread your “common sense” would dictate. Reality threads that represent your
highest vision may take you to unforeseen locations assisting people or animals in need, or
they may set you on a course of training you had not previously considered. Through the lens
of the physical world, common sense might tell you to choose the reality thread where you
win the lottery and live out your days in luxury and ease. Unless this thread holds the growth
opportunities most needed by your soul at the moment, this will not be the highest and best
thread for you. In order to perceive and choose the highest and best life track at any given
moment, it is essential to look at potentials through the eyes of your soul rather than the eyes
of the world.

Living in a Preferred Thread as a Virtual Reality

Once you have chosen a preferred thread, you can begin to activate it into your physical
experience by living in it as a virtual reality. This is a “fast track” to shifting into a new and
preferred reality thread. This process allows you to slowly align with the energetic field of a
new probability and develop a comfort zone in this new alternate world. Having a comfort
zone already established in a preferred reality gives it greater viability as a life track.

Visit this virtual world in consciousness each day. Look around this world and expand it with
your imagination. Ask for images, ideas and information to be downloaded into your
consciousness of how you can build this virtual world into a viable reality thread. Whatever

comes before you throughout your day, view it through the lens of this virtual thread you are
incubating. When the time is right, you will see aspects of this life track manifesting in your
physical experience.

Your Soul is Eternal, Physical Reality is Fleeting

Shifting to an alternative reality thread does not change who you are. Quite the contrary, it
allows you to become more of who you are because it allows you to experience more of who
you are at the soul level. Your identity and experience in physical reality is fleeting but your
soul is eternal. Consciously choosing a life track aligned with the desires of your soul may
briefly upset your ego but it will allow you greater spiritual freedom because it loosens the
ego’s tight grip and its insistence at deciding the realities you experience.

Choosing a new life track aligned with your highest visions will change your physical
experience in numerous ways. Not only does it change the tone and flavor of the reality
threads you experience, but in time this shift can change your beliefs, perspectives and sense
of possibility. This can in turn change your past, present and future and allow you to align
with new and more vibrationally- powerful reality threads.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see

The Future is Here Now:

Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness

by DL Zeta

For more on timeline shifts and reality creation, see

Portals of Spirit:

Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation

by DL Zeta

For more information, visit



11:11 Synchronicity - Repetitive Numbers
and Their Meaning
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 23, 2011 at 2:25pm

Physical reality is a consciousness program created by digital codes. Numbers, numeric codes,
define our existence. Human DNA, our genetic memory, is encoded to be triggered by digital
codes at specific times and frequencies. Those codes awaken the mind to the change and
evolution of consciousness. 11:11 is one of those codes, meaning activation of DNA.

You will note that seeing 11:11 frequently creates synchronicities in your life.

11:11 - 11 is a double digit and is therefore considered a Master or Power Number. In

Numerology 11 represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition,
revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement
fulfilled when working with a practical partner. Eleven is a higher octave of the number two .
It carries psychic vibrations and has an equal balance of masculine and feminine properties.
Because eleven contains many gifts such as psychic awareness and a keen sense of sensitivity,
it also has negative effects such as treachery and betrayal from secret enemies.

Many associate 11:11 with a wake-up code/alarm as they see it on digit clocks and watches. It
can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, our genetic encoded memories,
that we are spirits having a physical experience, not physical beings embarking on a spiritual

SPIRITUAL PSYCHOLOGY: Carl Jung, the father of

analytical psychology, was fascinated by numerology.
Not only did he study various numbers and their
meanings, but he also looked at how (and why) our
culture was (and still is) fascinated with numbers.

11:11 or derivatives of these numbers, 111 and 11, are digits that repeat in time thus a
metaphor for reality as patterns that repeat in time for us to experience. This can refer to the
rise and fall of civilizations, our personal experiences and lessons, loops in time. They are
cycles of time that create and recreate following the blueprint.

Ellie and 11:11 .... In 1991, when I was hosting the talk show "The Metaphysical Experience",
a woman named Solara was my guest. Her

topic was Activation of the 11:11 Doorway. It was all about ascension and
the beginning of awareness of the 11:11 code. In 1995, a Crystalinks' reader
named Joe emailed about his experiences with the numbers 111:111, hence the file you are
reading was first created and in so doing I took a long hard look at this phenomena
experienced by those around me. Each time Joe was about to go through another major
spiritual awakening, an epiphany of some kind, those numbers would appear in his physical
experience to signal the upcoming change. The numbers say, "Pay attention!"

11 represents spiraling twin strands of human DNA moving into higher frequency of

11 represents balance.

11+11=22=4=Time. 22 is a Master or Masonic Number.

Some souls see a Golden Age emerging, as told by the ancient prophets. Gold refers to
Alchemy , the alchemical changes that are taking place in our bodies in the evolution of

Reality as a geometric design is based on numbers (universal language) that repeat in cycles
to create the linear time experiment. In Pythagorean Numerolgy, a cycle is based on 9. 9=End.
9/11= end of the DNA biogen(et)ic program running at the moment.

We all have one or more numeric codes that follow the blueprint of Sacred Geometry. It is
about the spirals of consciousness, Fibonacci Numbers, the Golden Spiral, also found in
perfection, in the exact proportions in the Great Pyramid.

Most digital codes that evoke memory are double digits or countdowns such as 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 or
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, which goes to Zero Point Merge

TRIVIA: The numerology of the

Mayan calendar end date
of December 21, 2012 is:
12+21+2012 = 2045
2+0+4+5= 11

You will experience a sudden awakening after which reality is never the same. You are going
to create clarity, healing and balance for yourself. Do not expect others in your life to be on
this journey with you. It is yours alone as it is for most souls. You will have to seek new
friends of like mind who are also being triggered by the digits. Once you open the Digital
Door, there is no going back. Your soul will automatically and quickly move you from level to
level of experience until you 'get it'. Your consciousness is expanding and therefore you will,
manifest faster and with greater comprehension, becoming more aware of the meaning of
synchronicities that will become more and more frequent. They are created by your soul
creates to help you remember that you are a soul spark in a physical program that is about to
end, evolve back to higher consciousness.

Once you see your numeric codes, you have activated something in your DNA codes and
they will continue to appear until you 'get the message' ... it is 'time' to move on.

Upon seeing your digit encoded numbers, you may feel a sense of urgency or related
emotions. Chill out! For NOW there is TIME!

The numbers usually signal changes in the patterns of your life.

They may confirm something that you are experiencing whenever the numbers appear to you.

You may dream also about the numbers, linked with things you do not as yet understand, or
wake up at the same time every night with those numbers on your digital clock, ie. 11:11


Paranormailist Uri Geller on 11:11

The Doorway, The 11: 11

This can presently be perceived as a crack between two worlds.

It is like a bridge which has the inherent potential of linking together two very different
spirals of energy.

As we unite together as One, bringing together our fragments of the key,

we not only create the key, but we make visible the Doorway.

Thus this bridge functions as an invisible door or a doorway into the Invisible realm.

The 11:11 is the bridge to an entirely different spiral of evolution.

The symbol of 11:11 was pre-encoded into our cellular memory banks long ago.

Returning our cycle of incarnations upon the Earth. The 11.11 has rested
dormantly within us since that faraway position under time-release mechanization, combined
with sealed orders which would only open when the 11.11 was fully activated. It has been
gently sleeping, awaiting the moment of triggering. And now the 11:11 is finally activated...

11:11 is the pre-encoded trigger and the key to the mysteries of the universe and beyond.

Some of you have recognized this symbol as something of significance, yet have been
unaware of its true meaning. With the advent of digital clocks many years ago, the
significance of 11:11 began to make itself felt, often appearing on clocks at times of
accelerated awareness. For those of you who have know that 11:11 was something special, we
now need you to come forth into positions of leadership. For you are important parts of the

11 isn't just a precursor to danger etc – it’s the whole point! 1+1 = 2 - unity, togetherness,
peace. September 11 was a tragic event - no-one would question that - but if it leads to people
realizing that the only way for this race to survive is togetherness and peace, maybe those
deaths will not be in vain.


Number Sequences From The Angels

by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

The angels do their best to get our attention and to communicate with us. In this way, they
help us heal our own lives. However, we often discount the signs they give us, writing them
off as mere coincidences or our imagination. The angels say: “We can’t write our messages to
you in the sky. You’ve got to pay attention and believe when you see any patterns forming in
your life — especially in response to any questions or prayers you’ve posed. When you hear
the same song repeatedly or see the same number sequence, who do you think is behind this?
Your angels, of course!”

Your angels often communicate messages to you by showing you sequences of numbers. They
do this in two ways. First, they subtly whisper in your ear so you’ll look up in time to notice
the clock’s time or a phone number on a billboard. The angels hope you’ll be aware that
you’re seeing this same number sequence repeatedly. For instance, you may frequently see the
number sequence 111, and it seems every time you look at a clock the time reads 1:11 or

The second way in which angels show you meaningful number sequences is by physically
arranging for, say, a car to drive in front of you that has a specific license plate number they
want you to see. Those who are aware of this phenomenon become adept at reading the
meaning of various license plates. In this way, the angels will actually give you detailed
messages. Here are the basic meanings of various number sequences. However, your own
angels will tell you if your situation holds a different meaning for you. Ask your angels,
“What are you trying to tell me?” and they’ll happily give you additional information to help
decode their numeric meanings.

111 — Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not
what you don’t want. This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up,
and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light
of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is
manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If
not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty
controlling or monitoring your thoughts).

222 — Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and
nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your
manifestation. In other words, don’t quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation
is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts,
keep affirming, and continue visualizing.

333 — The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help,
love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the
number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus,
Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda.

444 — The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don’t
worry because the angels’ help is nearby.

555 — Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be
viewed as being "positive" or "negative," since all change is but a natural part of life’s flow.
Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself
being at peace.

666 — Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world.
This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between heaven and earth. Like the
famous "Sermon on the Mount," the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and know
your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result.

777 — The angels applaud you…congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work
and know your wish is coming true. This is an extremely positive sign and means you should
also expect more miracles to occur.

888 — A phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning to
prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional career, or
relationship phase. It also means there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition, it means,
“The crops are ripe. Don’t wait to pick and enjoy them.” In other words, don’t procrastinate
making your move or enjoying fruits of your labor.

999 — Completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal or global life. Also, it is a
message to lightworkers involved in Earth healing and means, "Get to work because Mother
Earth needs you right now."

000 — A reminder you are one with God, and to feel the presence of your Creator’s love
within you. Also, it is a sign that a situation has gone full circle.


George Barnard's 11:11 Theory

Essentially, George Barnard explains that 11:11 is the calling card for brings that are half
angels and half humans. 1,111 were the ones left faithful the the Divine after rebellion and
throughout the centuries their numbers have increased. They bring a message to humanity.
When these beings are around, try to watch for them messing up electricity at the same time
you see the numbers. They come in and out to this dimension very fast. The book that first
identified these beings is the Urantia book.

In his decades of research, these beings have identified themselves with

their individual names. Why do they contact you?

George's theory:
Well we only have theories on this. They have not yet explained who they pick. It could be as
simple as

a) because they can prompt you, and others are not receptive. It does seem that most
contactees have excellent latent psychic abilities. This follows - if they can trigger your brain

to look somewhere, or at a clock at the right time, then they can impress a wider range of
thoughts into your mind too.

b) or because you have unique skills or abilities that they would like to utilise

c) or because you are either already in an important role, or will be in an important role. We
are not suggesting you are running the country, but you might be a teacher, or a painter, or a
musician - someone who will influence many people. The Correcting Time will be a time
when orthodoxy fails, and folks will be looking for answers. And they will be fearful. They
will need reassurance. You may thus be the leading edge - the early adopters of new

Their courtesy call is an invitation to raise awareness that spirit need to progress.


The Nature of Synchronicity

by Scott Rabalais

Patience is good. Synchronicity is better. Patience can be defined as bearing or enduring

without complaint. It is the act of "giving time" to that which will come to fruition. It is the
hope of things to come.

Note that patience implies the waiting game, that is, "I don't have it now, but with time it will
come to me." For example, suppose I have plans to work in my garden this morning.
However, a storm has appeared and the weather prohibits me from tending to the garden. I can
say to myself, "I will be patient and in due time I will be able to work in my garden." And
wait I will. And I can easily become anxious, as I sit and watch the weather pass by, waiting,
waiting and waiting furthermore.

On the other hand, synchronicity is that which knows no waiting or enduring. It recognizes
that all is complete in the moment. It provides all in this very moment. It knows there is a
perfect time and place for all, and one who experiences synchronicity knows of the harmony
between the person and the completeness of the moment. One in synchronicity is not waiting
for the rain to stop so that the garden may be tilled, but instead appreciates the rain in all its
splendor, along with the situation that it creates in the moment.

Instead of tending to the garden, the fall of the rain may give me reason to sit down a write a
letter to an old friend. So rather than focusing on what could be done, I instead focus on that
which is in the moment and what is given to me irrespective of my plans or wishes.

From a separation consciousness point of view, patience is that which fills the chasm of time.
From the position of now, I project that I want something to occur that is currently in the
position of later. There is a chasm -- between the present and the future. That is the "reality"
of time that we create in our heads, and yet time is not real. Or, it is real only so far as we
construct it out of our separation consciousness.

Synchronicity works in the now and only in the now. It is the result of full acceptance and

allowance of life and its quality of flow. It is born from the stillness of the mind, in listening
to that which is brought to us by the universe. It is the natural flow of life, irrespective of our
conditioning, our wants and our plans. When we drop the thinking, that which is beyond
thought is allowed to manifest itself in our experience. And the quality of such manifestation
is Perfection, is synchronistic and is divine. It's getting out of the way for The Way.

Synchronicity is the essence of unity consciousness, a quality of the natural flow of life. The
flower blooms in perfect synchronicity with the natural elements of the sun, the water, the
wind and the soil. It does hope to bloom in the winter, nor does does it have plans or wishes to
bloom during the cold months. Instead, it lives in a synchronistic relationship with all
elements in its experience and grows when it is best for it to be supported by the elements,
and vice versa. It blooms at its perfect time, in harmony with that which surrounds it and
interrelates with it.

Patience is waiting. How can one be complete if one is waiting for that which is not yet
evident? Even patient waiting is waiting. Like the passenger in the train station awaiting the
arrival of his train, he may be on the constant outlook for the appearance of the train down the
tracks. In his constant glances down the track, he is anxious and in desire of that which is not
yet in his experiential field. Instead, he may have a seat on a station bench, taking pleasure in
watching lilies sway in the field across the tracks. And as he does so, lo and behold, the train
will come into his awareness in its own time. And it is in that moment he can bring his
awareness to the arrival of the train. It is in the moment.

Synchronicity is a gift of the universe, available to use in every moment. It is the subtle and
sweet music of existence that we can hear if we only listen. If we attend only to the clamoring
of our minds, we will be unable to manifest the harmonious flow of synchronicity from unity
consciousness. Our dance to this synchronistic flow is experiential ecstasy. It is the effortless
dance of the of the self with the universe.


Related Articles:
What is Your Life Path Number?
Do you hear perpetual high pitched frequencies? You're not alone!
How Many of These 51 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms do YOU Have?
10 Tips for Spiritual Growth
Artificial Time (12:60) versus Nature's Time (13:20)


The Blue Pearl
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 23, 2011 at 2:30pm

a.k.a. Blue Dot, Blue Sphere, Blue Disk, Blue Angel, Blue Flash, Blue Trails

… the Blue Pearl [is] the subtlest covering of the individual soul....

When we see this tiny blue light in meditation,
we should understand that we are seeing the form of the inner Self.
To experience this is the goal of human life.

[The Blue Pearl] is tiny, but it contains all the different planes of existence.

- Swami Muktananda (1)

Several years ago in a cosmology class we were discussing the subject of lights in the head.
Seeing light in the head is not new to meditators or people who are clairvoyant. People report
seeing white lights and some report seeing blue lights. I’m in the group that sees the blue

Once I could name the experience of seeing the blue light, I started to notice when it came. It
would come of its own accord. One doesn't invoke it. The blue sphere appears both in my
head and with my eyes open. Sometimes it will come when I’m meditating or working in a
group situation like a healing gathering. Other times it will flash in my consciousness or field
of vision for no seemingly apparent reason. One never knows when the Blue Dot will come or
whether it will appear to be inside or outside the head.

Now that I’ve been working with it for some cycles, I see the Blue Dot as an affirmation of a
truth and that something spiritually significant has happened, or that I’m on target with my

A few times when the Blue Dot has come up in conversation, I’ve discovered that other
people also see it. Once when I was meditating about a person’s new business enterprise, the
Blue Dot flashed. I thought it was a wonderful sign that she was blessed in her venture. When
I told her about my experience, I learned that she too sees the blue sphere and has come to call
it the Blue Angel.

The first place I discovered any in-depth discussion of the Blue Pearl is in the Siddha Yoga
literature. Swami Muktananda (1908–1982), the great Indian saint who introduced Siddha
Yoga practices and meditation techniques to the United Sates, gives a detailed description of
the significance and of his experiences of the Blue Pearl. At one point he described how it
expanded in front of him, engulfed him and carried him to other worlds. He was very clear
that it was a good thing and a sign of awakened Kundalini. Muktananda referred to the Blue
Pearl as a physical manifestation of the soul. He said that seeing it in meditation is like seeing
the soul.

"Death" is simply the name we give to the

departure of the Blue Pearl from the body. (2)

In his book Does Death Really Exist? Muktananda says,

The blue dot, which we call the Blue Pearl, dwells in the sahasrara, the spiritual center in the
crown of the head. It is the body of the Self. All consciousness is contained in it. All of the
dynamism of the breathing process comes from the Blue Pearl. When that light enters the
body, the rhythm of breathing begins. When it departs from the body, consciousness departs
from the bloodstream, the nerves and the lungs, leaving everything limp and lifeless. "Death"
is simply the name we give to the departure of the Blue Pearl from the body. (2)

The book goes on to say that one can see the Blue Dot leave the body at death, and where it
exits, according to scriptures, indicates the state of the person's experience. If the soul leaves
through the eyes, one has been very virtuous.

The Tibetan master Djwhal Khul, speaking through Alice A. Bailey’s volumes on the ageless
wisdom teachings, also makes reference to the “Blue Disk” in four specific places ~ each time
in the context of a meditation visualization exercise.

Within the darkness of the soul, prisoned within the form, a point of light is seen. Then there
arises, all around that point, a field of deepest blue and this becomes irradiated by the soul, the
inner sun, shining within a brilliant field of blue. The points of light become the many lines or
rays of light; these lines then merge and blend until the lighted Way appears. One is the light,
the light upon the Way. One is the Way and always walks thereon. (3)

D.K. tells us about the point of dark blue, or a small indigo disk, which appears: “This is, in
reality, the exit in the head through which the soul passes out of the world of phenomenal
existence, and it is the symbol of the path or the door into the kingdom of God.“ (4)

Celebrated thirteenth century Indian Mystic-Poet-Yogi Jnaneshwar Maharaj (1271–1293) says

the Blue Color is a great and holy pilgrimage center. "This radiant and scintillating and
sublime Blue Color can be seen directly in meditation. If we want to see such a great and
wonderful thing, our way of life and our habits must be the purest and the most holy. Then
only we become worthy of it. Our association, our words, and our thoughts should be full of
God. He who has seen the Blue Color is the most blessed of all human beings."

Carl Sagan refers to the earth as the Pale Blue Dot in his book of the same name. From space,
astronauts are awed by the sight of the earth, a blue pearl hovering against the blackness of
the universe.

When you look at the Earth from space it looks like a beautiful blue dot, which is rather
interesting if you consider the correlation of the Blue Pearl representing the Self and the Earth

Since we put up the Blue Pearl pages in March 2004, we’ve received lots of emails from
people all over the world who have seen and experienced some form of lights around them.
Whether they are in your head or seen floating above or around you, or come at a significant
time in your experience, what we’ve learned is that seeing these lights is a phenomenon
shared by many. As a result of these emails, we’ve been inspired to further investigate the
Blue Dot. It’s amazing how influential blue is in our world!

- Blue Dottie

For additional Blue Pearl resources, click here


DailyOM: Enjoying a Snails Pace

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 23, 2011 at 2:31pm

May 20, 2011

Enjoying a Snail’s Pace
Doing Things Slowly
Take time to slow down, rushing never gets you anywhere but on to the next activity or goal.

Life can often feel like it’s zipping by in fast forward. We feel obliged to accelerate our own
speed along with it, until our productivity turns into frenzied accomplishment. We find
ourselves cramming as much activity as possible into the shortest periods of time. We
disregard our natural rhythms because it seems we have to just to keep up. In truth, rushing
never gets you anywhere but on to the next activity or goal.

Slowing down allows you to not only savor your experiences, but also it allows you to fully
focus your attention and energy on the task at hand. Moving at a slower place lets you get
things done more efficiently, while rushing diminishes the quality of your work and your
relationships. Slowing down also lets you be more mindful, deliberate, and fully present.
When we slow down, we are giving ourselves the opportunity to reacquaint ourselves to our
natural rhythms. We let go of the “fast forward” stress, and allow our bodies to remain
centered and grounded. Slowing down is inherent to fully savoring anything in life. Rushing
to take a bath can feel like an uncomfortable dunk in hot water, while taking a slow hot bath
can be luxuriant and relaxing. A student cramming for a test will often feel tired and unsure,
whereas someone who really absorbs the information will be more confident and relaxed.
Cooking, eating, reading, and writing can become pleasurable when done slowly. ! Slowing
down lets you become more absorbed in whatever it is you are doing. The food you eat tastes
better, and the stories you read become more alive.

Slowing down allows you to disconnect from the frenzied pace buzzing around you so you
can begin moving at your own pace. The moments we choose to live in fast forward motion
then become a conscious choice rather than an involuntary action. Learning to slow down in
our fast-moving world can take practice, but if you slow down long enough to try it, you may
surprise yourself with how natural and organic living at this pace can be.


The Buddha's 4 Noble Truths

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 23, 2011 at 3:00pm

Right now there is a unique emphasis upon light and enlightenment, everywhere. The revival
in western civilization of Buddha's ancient teachings reflects this truth. Countless millions
down the ages have recognized the Buddha as the symbol of enlightenment, the Light Bearer
from on High.

The Buddha’s Four Noble Truths expose the causes of human trouble and include the cure, the
Noble Eightfold Path, which is the Path of Right Human Relations. Humanity is learning
these lessons and taking its first steps along the Lighted Way of Right Relations.

Those who seek the path to enlightenment must first remove all ego pride and humbly be
willing to accept the light of Truth. All the treasures of the world, all its gold, silver and
honors, are not to be compared with wisdom and virtue. To enjoy good health, to bring true
happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s
own mind.

Anyone who can control the mind can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and
virtue will naturally come. Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears
from good deeds, and wisdom from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the
maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.

1. Suffering

Suffering and frustration come from our difficulty in facing the basic fact of life that
everything around us is impermanent and transitory. Rich or poor, average or gifted, all life is
subjected to the following: the trauma of birth, the pathology of sickness, the fear of physical
and mental degeneration, the phobia of death, karmically to be tied to what one distastes, or to
be separated from what one loves. "All things must arise and pass away."

2. Desire

The cause of suffering and frustration occurs because out of ignorance, we divide the
perceived world into individual and separate things. The desire to pull apart from the rest of
life and seek fulfillment for the separated self, at the expense of all other forms of life, causes
suffering to the whole, as Life is One Being. Our duty to our brothers and sisters is to
understand them as extensions, other aspects of ourselves, as fellow facets of the same reality.

3. Suffering and Frustration Can Be Ended

If the cause of life’s suffering is those inclinations which tend to continue or increase
separativeness, in fact all forms of selfish craving, then its cure lies in the overcoming of such
cravings. If we can be released from the narrow limits of self-interest into the vast expanse of
universal life, we will be free of our torment.

The overcoming of desire is through substitution of the personal wants with divine

4. The Eightfold Path to Enlightenment

The way out of our captivity is through the Eightfold Path to Enlightenment:

Right Understanding leads to Wisdom

Right Aspiration leads to Divine Inclination

Right Speech leads to Truth and Understanding

Right Behavior leads to Goodwill

Right Livelihood leads to Sharing

Right Effort leads to Highest Outcome

Right Mindfulness leads to Purposeful Living

Right Absorbtion leads to Unity

In these simple words Buddha teaches us to shine our light, and find peace.

The Buddha's 4 Noble Truths

Audio Version in MP3 format
Part 1 (0:49)
Part 2 (0:55)
Part 3 (1:12)
Part 4 (1:33)


Creation of an Enlightened Public Opinion

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 23, 2011 at 3:00pm

The history of humanity has been that of the apprehension and the use of ideas as applied to
human living and as expressing forward-moving concepts. Ideas deal primarily with that
which will eventually be, and are those spiritual and creative impulses which will supersede
the old and build the "new house," the new civilisation in which humanity will live. Cycle
after cycle and civilisation after civilisation, the fresh stream of inflowing ideas has
conditioned the dwelling places of humankind and our mode of life and expression. Through
the impact of these ideas, humanity passes on to something better and greater and more
appropriate to the life of a slowly manifesting divinity.

There are seven general processes that all true ideas, all ideas of constructive value and
spiritual uplift, must undergo before they can effectively bring about changes in human
consciousness. These seven methods are:

1. Imposition.

Those who use ideas in this way wield them with powerful impact, emphasising the governing
principles which must be assimilated by humanity. These ideas bring about two developments.
First, they initiate a period of destruction and of breaking up of that which is old and
hindering, and this is later followed by the clear shining forth of the new idea and its
subsequent grasping by the minds of intelligent humanity. These ideas embody great
principles and qualify the new age.

2. Deep thought, meditation, assimilation.

Those who work with ideas in this way carry them deeper into the mass of humanity by
building a matrix in which the ideas have a chance to grow and develop. By magnetic,
attractive, sympathetic understanding and the wise use of action, based on love, the idea
steadily increases in its power to affect and change.

3. Manipulation, adaptation.

As ideas emerge from the elevated consciousness of those who think in terms of. principles,
they are rendered attractive (magnetic) by the second type of worker; these ideas are then
taken by these workers, adapted to the immediate need and rendered vocal by the force of the

4. Harmonisation.

New ideas must be blended with the old so that there can be no dangerous gap or break. Those
who work with this principle bring about a "righteous compromise" and adapt the new and the
old so that the true pattern is preserved. They are engaged in the bridging process for they are
the true intuitives and have a capacity for the art of synthesis so that their work can help in
bringing forward a true presentation of the divine picture.

5. Investigation.

Some workers investigate form in order to find its hidden idea, its motivating power. Theirs is
the art of scientific investigation. By understanding the meaning behind outer events, by
recognising the causes which create circumstances, workers are preparing that new world in
which humankind will work and live a more deeply conscious spiritual life.

6. Idealism, evoked desire.

The main work of servers along this line is to capitalise on the developed tendency of
humanity to recognise ideas and — avoiding fanaticism and superficial desire — train world
thinkers to so ardently desire the good, the true and the beautiful, that the idea which should
materialise can shift from the plane of the mind and clothe itself in some form on earth.

7. Organised movement.

This work lies naturally on the physical plane and is characterised by potent rhythmic
implementation. It is a method now coming into power and increasing use. Translating the
ideal into constructive activity, so that it will embody as much of God's purpose as humanity
can produce, calls for much skill in action. The difference between the methods of the old age
and those of the new can be seen in the idea of leadership by an individual and leadership by a
group. It is the difference between the imposition of an individual's response to an idea upon
his fellowmen and the reaction of a group to an idea, producing group idealism and focalising
it into definite form, carrying forward the emergence of the idea without the dominance of
any one individual.

Public opinion is the growing responsiveness to mass ideas by the rapidly evolving human
mentality. This potent force has been much abused. Mass psychology and mob determination
have been exploited down the ages, for the unthinking and the emotional are easily swayed in
any direction. Hitherto this has been turned to advantage by those who do not have the best
interest of humanity at heart. It has been used for selfish and evil ends far more often than for

Focused, determined, enlightened public opinion is the most potent force in the world. No
ideology, no nation, no powerful group of human beings is immune to its reality. It has no
equal but has been little used. The problem before us therefore is the creation of enlightened
public opinion based upon spiritually sound principles as a force for good within the world.

Enlightened public opinion is positive; it does not draw upon negative receptivity for its
effects. Its underlying premise is that mass thought and energy can be directed into right lines
so that good motives and wise action can dominate human affairs.

At the heart of the responsibility for enlightened public opinion lies the power and the worth
of the individual, epitomised in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Each of us, as an
individual, is a definite and integral part of the whole. The values of the individual are surely
based on the inherent divinity of the human spirit and on the integrity of the whole. The
recognition of the common good, "each for all and all for each," is the basis of enlightened
public opinion.

Two spiritual principles are needed as focal points for the creation of an enlightened force
within world affairs. These are light upon the way and practical goodwill. Light demonstrates
as positivity. Light upon the way is the illumination of human minds so that they can see
things as they are, can apprehend right motives and the way to bring about right human
relations. The motivating power of goodwill is essential to right action. Light reveals the goal;
action, motivated by goodwill, releases the energy needed to achieve the goal.

Through the seven methods of imposition, deep thought, adaptation, harmonisation,

investigation, evoked desire and organised movement, these two formative creative impulses,
essential light and love, have the power to re-orient the mass ideas of the entire human race.
Seized upon by many minds, they can bring the idea of right human relations to a point where
it becomes the ideal of the masses and will begin taking form in all national, public and
community affairs.

We are all capable of adding our share of thought to the resource of an enlightened public
opinion. It has been said that "nothing can stop an idea whose time has come." Anyone who
has struggled to work with ideas, to think them through into constructive forms, knows well
that preceding the emergence of an idea into clear life expression is a long, often arduous
process of thought, application and repeated rethinking and relating of the idea to daily
circumstance. This holds true within the world body as well. An idea whose time has come
within the public mind has done so because deep responsible thought by many individuals has
prepared the way for its inclusion into the arena of world events.

Excerpt is from World Goodwill's booklet

"Techniques of Goodwill" (p. 27–30)
from Lucis Trust, 120 Wall St., 24th Floor, New York, NY 10005


The Messages from God through Yael and
Doug Powell at Circle of Light
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 23, 2011 at 3:26pm

The Messages from God

through Yael and Doug Powell
at Circle of Light www.circleoflight.net

Real Gratitude
May 11, 2011

Beloved ones, it is a new time and it is a new world alive within the old one. It is
a new experience of Love. At the center of it all is a new awakening to gratitude.

You have often heard “turn within,” that the truth is within you. And this is so.
The truth of the world of Love is within the world of duality as well. The key to
the awakening of your experience of it every day is Real Gratitude. The gratitude
that is often known is the gratitude of being thankful with the mind, of noticing

the things the mind deems good and turning to Me with prayers of thanks.

I Am here today this moment with you to open your heart to Real Gratitude now. The
experience of gratitude as you live it in the Real of God is an all-consuming,
indescribably ecstatic form of worship as real to you as the cosmic breath of Love
that breathes your being into existence, as powerful as the Moment of Creation.

In aligning your heart with the truth of its energy as the conduit of this outward
flowing Love, gratitude is the song of life, and it sings your being into its
fullness continually. Just as the breath of God is ever breathing All That Is,
gratitude for the gift of life, the amazing gift of the relationship in
consciousness of all the realms of Love is such a profound part of My being, such a
stunning awareness of the full possibilities of All That I Am, that it is the basis
of this conscious creation, this hologram of Love extending.

Gratitude is the highest vibration of God in synch with Love, in perfect harmony. It
holds such a pure experience of Love that in it is the seed of our relationship that
blossoms in the Now Moment.

The resonance of gratitude is so clear and so penetrating that it moves within

Creation, expressing God outward. It is the kernel of all relationship in the
endless kaleidoscope of Love’s conversation, alive in All That Is.

To align with Real Gratitude is to be instantly in resonance with the clear and
perfect truth of who you are, beloved ones, and the overflowing joy of life.

Because gratitude in its Real form is the kernel of this explosion of God that
Creation is, in this world, in this moment, in the midst of awakening… when you
attune to Real Gratitude, it awakens from the center of your being, your life, all
things that touch you. Every bit of your field of energy rushes forth to bring into
experience the perfect relationship of all things as Love.

And so it is, beloved ones, as I align you with the truth of gratitude, as you begin
to allow this to sing itself alive in you, it shall come alive in your experience of
life, of breath in every moment. It shall crack open the shell of the mind’s
imaginings, break free of the illusion of separation, the sub-creation -- and bring
into full and glorious birth the experience of the world as pure Love.

The song of gratitude is in your heart. It is not something that you pray with your
little mind. It has nothing to do with the mind’s judgments of things, of what is
good and what is bad…what is acceptable and what is not, gold and dreams and visions
and facts. Gratitude is far grander than all of it and does not exist in this world
in its pure form. But it can align this world with the truth of God, the moment that
you allow yourself to experience it.

I have encouraged you to “pray gratitude” with your thoughts because this begins to
turn you to Me in right relationship, and helps you understand just how important
gratitude is. But you are ready now, beloved ones, to leave behind the world of
mind, to step into the glorious truth of gratitude for everything as a perfect seed
of life, holding in you My wonder at the blessing that Creation is and the splendor,

the miracle of relationship throughout the whole of God.

When you open to this experience of Real Gratitude, beloved ones, it lifts you up
and shakes you to the core of your being. It shakes you awake into the full
awareness of the miracle of life that Creation is and that I Am, fully alive in all
things and all are in relationship with Me, in the midst of the song of oneness.

It is a miracle beyond any description. The power of this miracle is in your hearts,
proclaiming itself in every moment and truly bowing in reverence to the gift of this
whole and holy life.

Because Real Gratitude is free of duality, free of the judgments of the little mind,
free of the experiences of both “bad” and “good,” Love and not-Love, Light and
darkness, then the moment that you allow it to fully live in you, you burst free
from the confines of the world of mind. From within, from the center of your being,
from the center of all life, the Light of God, the Love I Am shatters all illusion
and shines forth as the one creation that is the miracle that life is in Me.

It is time to allow gratitude to live you, to let the purity of its pure tone sing
you clear of all illusion. It is time, beloved ones, for bravery, for it takes
courage to allow gratitude to rise up and claim you and to shake you free of all
that has held you in the world of time.

When you are alive from within and the song of gratitude sings your name, then your
view of life is very different. Your resonance goes instantly into the center of all
things and ignites the fire of this glorious remembrance that life is a stunning
miracle, that relationship of Creator and Creation is the greatest blessing – that
every breath is a song of exquisite Love that rushes through the hologram and sees
itself in everything.

And so it is that you become that seed of Real awareness and life on Earth is
revealed at last to be this song of continual gratitude whose vibration shakes free
the heart of God I Am from the rigid forms of illusion, the duality that has held
you. From within, it sings its song and from the heart you shall acknowledge that
the old perceptions of life are gone and I Am expressing fully as you.

Everything that you acknowledge in any way in this Now Moment becomes a part of the
expansion of Love from the center ecstatically outward until the false identities,
until all beliefs in other than Love effortlessly disappear.

When you live, My dearest ones, in this kind of gratitude, you will discover that
all that you see and touch and experience is luminous, life-filled and moving with
grace. Those things that once seemed so ordinary, the movements of daily life that
once you called “boring,” are so rich with luminous color, so deep as the core of
Love as expressed, so magical as you feel the response of all life singing this
gratitude with you and in you. Suddenly you are part of the hologram of God, aware
that everything is alive in you and you are fully part of All.

The communion of Love is indescribably delicious, shimmering through your being and
pulsing through your heart. Everything that you see with your heart is then painted

on the canvas of the world in the colors of God. So, from within, as gratitude comes
and trumpets itself forth as the endless prayer of God, then All That I Am comes to
embrace you as it rises from within, in great waves of gratitude, and the two meet
in the moment to honor the miracle of Creation.

Beloved ones, you have yet no experience of Real Gratitude. You must be ready to let
it take you, to let it sing you forth into eternity, to let it shake you from your
roots and sing your heart into existence, as you fully accept the Now Moment’s
beauty and become the true prayer of life that beyond all possibilities of judgment,
there is only life, and it is amazing.

There is only Love and it is so powerful. It is impossible to be grateful enough for

the miraculous gift that Creation is. And yet, this gratitude lives within you and
brings to you the prayer of being, astounding in its magnitude and perfect in its
simplicity as it paves the way for Love.

It is gratitude that opens the heart. Even prayers of gratitude through the mind
will open doorways that lift you up in resonance and begin to align you with the
truth of life. Yet, even more than daily prayers is the power of gratitude, to not
only restore you but to take you to the core of your being and let you live there.

In gratitude every life is a shining gem and every breath is a gift of Love. Every
movement is a cosmic show of artistry that is so beautiful that your very breath
becomes your “I am grateful.” Every life connects to your core in this prayer, until
you feel the song of gratitude as the voice of unity, singing into existence the
pathways of Love, dissolving every barrier to the full expression of All That I Am.

It brings you into a state of reverence – reverence for life, reverence for the
miracle of the Now Moment with such power that it opens the way for others to be
restored to their gratitude as well, until the song of Real life becomes the world
and humanity is sung forth as Creation is, as part of My prayer of gratitude, of
thanks for the miracle of Love now shared and now extended.

Will you open your heart and let gratitude come to life? Will you release all of
your protectiveness? Will you let gratitude begin to sing in the depths of your
heart, and beloved ones, will you let it take you where it will? I promise you,
where gratitude leads, miracles follow – beauty, discovery and humble availability
to be the song of perfect Love.

Are you ready to truly live a grateful life? Not once in a while and not for things
that you judge as good but rather, are you willing to allow the prayer of God that
sings itself forth in Me as the song of Creation itself? Are you willing to let that
be your truth as well – the prayer of Creation bringing itself alive, here and now,
as you?


THE GIFT OF HEART ACTIVATION is still very much a continuing activity of Circle of
Light. We ask all of you to share this with others. Please refer them to the
website, www.circleoflight.net, where on the home page a box leads to the

description of Heart Activation. All that is necessary is a request, a picture and
promise to continue to share this gift.


The Akashic Records on: Lies and

Deception a message from Akashic
Records channeled by Jen Eramith MA 9
May, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 23, 2011 at 3:30pm

The Akashic Records on:

Lies and Deception

a message from Akashic Records channeled by Jen Eramith MA

9 May, 2011

What happens when a person lies?

Where is the lie stored energetically?

How is the truth stored energetically in oneself?

When deception occurs, the truth begins to operate like a kaleidoscope. Deception makes the
truth fractured and malleable so that, just as in a kaleidoscope, if you turn it a certain way, it
creates a new picture with the same parts. One thing to know about deception and lies is that
the truth is always embedded in the lie. Deception only occurs when someone believes your
lie, including if you believe your own lie. It is easily possible for a lie to exist without
deception occurring, providing that the listener or the receiver of the message chooses not to
believe the lie or chooses not to be deceived.

This is different from the fact that multiple truths are available in this reality. Part of human
nature is that each of you has your own perspective and each of you has your own version of
reality. There are multiple truths available in the human experience. Just take the example of
an optimist and a pessimist. They can look at the same glass of water and have completely
different truths about it. Just because there are multiple truths in a situation does not always
mean the deception is taking place. Sometimes two truths, even if they seem to be opposing,

can coexist and so it is important to recognize the difference between multiple truths and lies
and deception.

So when a lie is told, when someone knowingly conveys information that they know is not
true, then the listener has a choice about whether or not to be deceived. The energy of the
person telling the lie becomes fractured. When someone has told a lie or is living with a lie,
their energy, instead of working like a laser beam or a beam of light, begins to look like a
kaleidoscope. This makes their energy far less effective. Any endeavor they strive to
accomplish in their lives cannot be accomplished very clearly or accurately. When someone
lives with deception -- either because they believe lies told to them or because they are lying
to themselves, or if they are actively lying to others -- that person becomes less effective in
every endeavor of their life. A person's natural energy shines like a spotlight so that when you
place your intention on something, when you wish for something or try for something or work
toward something, that spotlight shines on that thing.

The light you shine energizes it and brings it into reality. This is how manifestation works. So
if you want to get a job, you shine your light toward getting a job and eventually manifest a
job. If you live in deception, either of yourself or others, the light you shine is not a clear
beam of light. It is more like you are pointing a kaleidoscope toward your intentions. The
kaleidoscope is not very effective at shining light. It scatters the light, it disorients the picture
and it skews the picture so you become disoriented. When you are living with lies and
deception, you become far less effective at accomplishing or manifesting in your life.

The truth is always embedded in the deception. For an active, careful, listener, you will find
the truth in the deception. In any message someone gives you, the truth is exists. If someone
gives you words that are not accurate, you can still hear the resonance of the truth if you are
paying attention. This is why, as listeners, it is so important for all of you to live with your
intuition activated all the time. Part of being in Enlightenment means no longer allowing your
energy to be fractured by deception so that if someone tells you something that is not true,
you will be able to sense the fractured energy they are sharing with you and you will be able
to sense what is really true underneath the kaleidoscope they are pointing at you.

For instance, someone can tell you that they are not really angry, but you can feel that they
are. You can feel the tension in their voice or the sense of the energy in their body, or you can
feel a sense of dissonance. Often as a listener, you will not know the truth right away. You will
simply notice that something seems “off.” What you will know is that the message you are
receiving has dissonance. The message you are receiving is not clear. When you sense this,
take your time to explore what you feel. If your intuition has told you that there is dissonance,
you then take your time to sense what really is true for you - what you are feeling from that
person. You cannot decide for them that they are angry, but you can choose not to be deceived
by deciding for yourself that you do not quite believe what they are saying or that you know,
you acknowledge, you recognize there is something more than what they are telling you. Just
acknowledging that, even if you do not know the whole truth, just acknowledging that means
that you keep your energy clear. You are not deceived. You do not need to know every bit of
truth. You do not need to puzzle out every message you are getting, but you need to keep this
radar turned on all the time that allows you not to be deceived. Even if you do not know the
whole truth, you know when something is missing or you know when something is dissonant,
and that is enough to avoid deception.

Is it ever okay to lie in order to avoid hurting someone?

When is it okay to lie and when is it not okay to lie?

The Akashic Records do not dictate ethics or morality -- they offer information about what
happens when you make certain choices. You must decide, as a human being, what fits your
morality and what consequences and results you wish to accomplish with your actions. When
you lie, even when it is in order to protect someone or to avoid hurting their feelings, it still
fractures your energy. The fractured energy, the dissonance inside of you and the
ineffectiveness in your life, occurs when you lie or when you intentionally create deception
whether your motivation is to protect someone or not. As you may have noticed, in the human
world there are many good reasons to avoid hurting someone by telling a “white lie.” When
you decide to use a “white lie,” you can mitigate the fracturing effect it has on your energy.
The first most important thing for you to do, when you feel motivated to tell a white lie that
protects someone from being hurt, is to consider why you want to avoid that person's feelings.

Often, human beings find themselves in relationships that are based upon you avoiding your
feelings, or you avoiding seeing the feelings of the other. Those relationships are filled with
deception and ultimately are very fracturing for both people. It is important to start to take
apart some of your relationships and understand how relationships that are built on avoiding
feelings, ultimately become unfulfilling. Ultimately they distract you from Enlightenment.
That does not mean that Enlightenment is always served by adamantly forcing the truth on
people whether they will be hurt or not. There is a delicate dance for you to do between living
in truth and not forcing your perspective on everyone around you. It is important that you look
at your relationships and acknowledge those relationships that are based on avoiding feelings,
in which both of you continually hold yourselves back or twist the truth in order to avoid
feeling something yourself or avoid creating a feeling in the other person.

The most Enlightened relationships, and the relationships that support your Enlightenment,
often are filled with emotions that come and go. The relationship is stabilized, not on the
storms of emotions that pass through, but on the underlying connection you build that allows
those storms to pass. The second thing to consider when you are deciding whether or not to
tell a lie is to consider that there is so much more truth available than you ever convey in your
communications with one another.

Frankly, you do not have enough time to tell the whole truth all the time and that does not
mean that your omission creates deception. It means that you are choosing what needs to be
said for the situation and you are choosing the time for it to be said. There are many different
spiritual practices and traditions that give guidelines for telling the truth that is needed for the
highest good. You can turn to the religion that you are most affiliated with for guidance here.
The example we will give here are the four gates of truth. These are four questions you ask
before you speak. First, is it true? Second, is it kind? Third, is it necessary for me to say this?
Fourth, is this the right time for this message to be said? Through each of those gates,
continually ask yourself, “Am I being deceptive? Am I striving to hide something?” Only you
will know what your true intentions are. There is a way to say things with kindness and clarity
at the same time. The skill of developing an ability to speak with both clarity and kindness is a
skill you must develop as you move through Enlightenment.

Another way to consider this issue is to strive to state the truth with compassion. You might
think you are being very clear and truthful when you are actually being judgmental. It is

important to remove your judgments and your own ideas of what is good or bad, or who is
good and bad, before you state the truth.

Regardless of what your motivation is for telling a lie, when you knowingly deceive someone,
either by saying something untrue or by omitting parts of the truth that are relevant, your
energy is fractured. It is important for you to be mindful of this and to take good care of your
energy. The more you take care of yourself -- the more you are honest with yourself, and the
more you keep yourself whole by avoiding deception and denial in every part of your life --
the more easily you will find the skills needed to convey the truth with kindness. That is the
most Enlightened way for you to work with the question of protecting people's feelings.

(May 2011)

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2011 All rights reserved.

The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith,
M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages Previews provided that the
contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed.



Bir Söz : Doğru bir insanla karşılaştığınızda....

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 23, 2011 at 3:52pm

"Doğru bir insanla karşılaştığınızda,

O'nun, kalbinizin ufuğundan kaybolmasına izin vermeyin..!"

♥ Hz.Mevlana ♥

tabii ki Ona hakkıyla değer vererek....


DailyOM: Hidden Treasure
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 23, 2011 at 4:04pm

May 19, 2011

Hidden Treasure
Finding Another Vantage Point
Seeing the world from another perspective can introduce you to all sorts of hidden treasures.

The ocean can look very different, depending on whether you are standing at the shore,
soaring above in a plane, or swimming beneath its waves. Likewise, a mountain can look very
different relative to where you are standing. Each living thing sees the world from its unique
vantage point. While from your window you may be seeing what looks like a huge shrub, a
bird in its nest is getting an intimate view of that tree’s leafy interior. Meanwhile, a beetle sees
only a massive and never-ending tree trunk. Yet all three of you are looking at the same tree.

Just as a shadow that is concealed from one point of view is easily seen from another, it is
possible to miss a fantastic view. That is, unless you are willing to see what’s in front of you
through different eyes. Seeing the world from another perspective, whether spatially or
mentally, can introduce you to all sorts of hidden treasures. The root of the discovery process
often lies in finding another way of looking at the world. The common human reaction to
insects is one example. Spinning its web in a dark corner, a spider may seem drab,
frightening, and mysterious. But seen up close weaving silver snowflakes between the
branches of a tree, they can look like colored jewels.

Sometimes, there are experiences in life that from your vantage point may seem confusing,
alarming, or worrisome. Or there may be events that look insignificant from where you are
standing right now. Try seeing them from another point of view. Bury your face in the grass
and look at the world from a bug’s vantage point. Explore your home as if you were a small
child. Take a ride in a small aircraft and experience the world from a bird’s eye view. Just as
kneeling down sometimes helps you see more closely when you are looking for lost treasure,
so can standing back help you appreciate the broader picture of what you are looking at. In
doing so, you’ll experience very different worlds.


The Third day of the Ninth Wave (Universal
Underworld) and the World Oneness
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 25, 2011 at 1:30am

he Third day of the Ninth Wave (Universal Underworld)

and the World Oneness Revolution

Practically the whole world strongly experienced the frequenckursa katılacağınızı lütfen
doğrulayınızy increase associated with the beginning of the Ninth wave (Universal
Underworld, May 9th, 2011) as this manifested in the earthquake in Japan and the ensuing
events. But what is this Ninth wave about? It is easy to see the “chaos” and “catastrophes,”
but maybe not so easy to see the overall direction of the process that it carries. I have
previously only described the direction of the Ninth wave in very general terms saying that it
is about unity consciousness, but exactly what is unity consciousness and how will this
manifest through this wave?

To understand this we may begin by studying the Seventh wave that began in 1755 and
brought an endarkened unity consciousness to mankind. The Ninth wave also brings a unity
consciousness, but one that is enlightened. We have already found a significant parallel
between these two waves in that they began with huge Earthquakes, although those as is
reasonable, occurred at opposite sides of the Earth, in Lisbon and Japan respectively. Another
parallel is that the two waves have started with revolutions to topple existing systems. While
the Seventh wave began with the American and French revolutions, whose anti-monarchic
nature gradually has spread throughout the world, the revolutions of the Ninth wave have not
only rejected monarchic rule, but the phenomenon of dominance and rule over others as such.
Thus the Oneness field of consciousness (see below) carried by the Ninth wave will not allow
for systems where people give their power away to someone they have elected every four
years or so. A deeper freedom based on the sovereignty of all souls is now being called for.

Moreover, the Oneness field of consciousness will not allow for an economic system where
the power to print money determines what activities people spend their lives with. The world
revolution carried by the Ninth wave potentially develops a much deeper freedom and
oneness than either the monarchy of the sixth wave or the democratic institutions of the
seventh wave. The driving force behind the world revolution of the ninth wave is the divine
guidance that the unity consciousness allows. What is happening in the world today could
thus be described equally well in religious/spiritual terms or economic/political. The chief
point to realize is that ultimately the course of events, and the breakdown of dominance, is a
result of a cosmic plan that has been described by the nine levels of the Mayan calendar with

their different polarities (see figure below). Since no human being has any power to change
these polarities the overall direction of the cosmic time plan is irreversible.

This consciousness of the Ninth wave was as expected first evident around the midline of the
planet at the 12th longitude East between East and West. The opposing polarities of
consciousness generated by the 6th and 8th waves led to the collapse of dominance along this
line already at the beginning of the seventh day of the Galactic Underworld on November 3,
2010 and two months later the processes surfaced in Tunisia and Egypt. The revolutions there
were much aided by the social media networks that had been developed by the Eighth wave,
but also showed the emerging role of women and a unity between Muslims and Christians in
Egypt where people were singing “we are all one” in Kairo. (That some of this might have
been temporarily reversed does not change the overall direction of where things are going).

Different forms of rule generated by the

Yin/Yang-polarities of the different waves

This oneness revolution is now spreading notably to a few European nations such as Portugal,
Greece and Spain. At first sight this may not seem to be part of the oneness revolution as the
demands raised by people are mostly economical and directed against austerity plans
determined by the EU and/or IMF/World Bank etc. Yet, the economic system of the world is
far from based on oneness and separates people in haves and have-nots and many are now
finding this unacceptable. These European nations are also, like Arab North Africa, located
around the planetary midline and so they are participating in the process at a relatively early
point of the Ninth wave. As the Ninth wave continues more and more aspects of our world
that are inconsistent with oneness will be highlighted and events, sometimes forced upon us
by catastrophes like the one in Japan, will trigger calls for radical change. Technologies,
which are not based on unity with the Earth will increasingly come to be rejected. The Ninth
wave will however not generate a linear process of change towards oneness and people in the
far West (like the US) and far East (China) are going to be affected in ways that are different
from what happens in Europe or the Arab world.

Regarding the West here are currently discussions going on as to when a very likely collapse
of the value of the US dollar will take place (which may be looked upon as part of the
Oneness revolution) and some people think that it is natural that it will happen in the Fifth
night (August 18 - September 4). My own view is however different and I tend to think that a
dollar collapse may come to happen in steps during days 3, 4 and 5. Since such a collapse is
not destructive from the perspective of Oneness it seems logical to me that it would manifest
in a day or a series of days. I instead tend to think that the fifth night may come to carry a
temporary return to the old monetary system in some form, which from the perspective of the
Earth is what is dangerous.

Assuming that we are approaching a collapse of the value of the dollar and the world’s
monetary system (with the immense distress it would probably mean) it is truly time to think
about what this should or could be replaced with. Understandably, many people ask how they
should protect themselves as individuals from such a collapse and find ways of investing
constructively. This may or may not be possible even if there are suggestions as to how to do
it on the Internet. The deeper question is to ask how to respond as a planet to a monetary
collapse in a situation where the new consciousness of oneness will not allow dominance
based on money to return, at least not in the long term. This is by definition not a discussion

that the mainstream media will bring up since it would risk precipitating the events that it
seeks to avoid.

On my own part I essentially see three different systems that could replace the current use of
money if there is a monetary collapse. The first is that all people go on and continue to do
what they already have been doing and ignore the fact that there is no exchange of money
between them. The farmers continue to produce food, the truck drivers continue to deliver it
to the cities, people stay in their homes without paying rents or mortgages, etc without any
exchange of money taking place between them. This is probably the best response to a
monetary collapse, but it would hardly be consistent with existing laws and contracts based on
lower levels of consciousness. It would naturally also create problems for many people who
have primarily been working with handling money if this is no longer used and it is naïve to
believe that such a shift could happen without much conflict. A second alternative way to deal
with a monetary collapse would be to create a system of food stamps or rationing that would
allow for everyone to have a secured access to the necessities of life. A third alternative is to
create local currencies as a basis of exchange. The problem with this is that it would not
include the many people that are too young or old or are sick or disabled to be able to offer
exchangeable services. There may be other alternative ways to handle a monetary collapse
and these are only a few hints in a discussion that I think is now necessary as to how to
respond to a such with a perspective of serving the whole.

The above remarks also have as a consequence a very different definition of oneness than
many currently have and give more emphasize to its practical manifestations than to the
mental or spiritual state of an individual. This is not to say that methods that may help
individuals attain states of unity consciousness would not be valuable. In fact I believe that to
be successful the world revolution that has not started must be divinely guided, and be based
on a desire by its participants to serve the divine plan. Yet, this definition of oneness does
imply that a world of oneness cannot be created without a practical collective effort. After all,
who we are is largely defined by our relationships and so only by transforming the nature o
our relationships with others in a very profound and practical way can a world in harmony be
born. No one knows how this world oneness revolution will play out in its details, but we
know that it is irreversible and that it is likely to intensify as we approach the culmination of
the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011. This incidentally is the time when the comet Elenin
is at its shortest distance from Earth and if nothing else this may serve to guide us to cosmic
consciousness in a spiritual sense, which ultimately is what this political and economical
change provides a basis for. The completion date of the Mayan calendar however only means
that the “final field” of consciousness is then established on our planet. It does seem likely
that it will then still take some “time” after this date until a harmonious world settles, but
“time” will then never again be the same.

Carl Johan Calleman,

Seattle, WA
On the day 10 Alligator and the third day
of the third day of the Ninth wave (May 22, 2011)


Remember Who You Are a message from
Sananda channeled by Michelle Coutant
24 May, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 25, 2011 at 1:30am

Remember Who You Are

and Integrate The Wisdom of The Now

a message from Sananda channeled by Michelle Coutant

24 May, 2011

Beloved Ones,

Remember who you are, remember who you are in every now moment. We know it is a
challenge, yet it assists you to stay focused in the now moment, to stay focused on the task at
hand, this grand and glorious task of the knowingness of the totality of your being. This dear
ones, is what it is all about. This dear ones, is why you are here, to know yourselves, to truly
know yourselves, to be and know your God Self. The daily life you are living is but the
avenue for you to explore your gifts, and learn your lessons and pass your tests, so that you
will come into the knowing of your true Self. As you come into this knowing you radiate this
light of God. You radiate this light of God forth for all beings upon earth, and for all life forms
and for the earth. You assist all life in lifting up to the vibrations of the fifth dimension, the
vibrations of ascension.

Dear Ones, we know you read these messages, we know you read that which comes forth
from this dear one and other messengers at this time, and you say to yourselves and to others
around you, “Well that is more of the same. There is nothing new in this message, we have
heard this before. Why do the channels keep repeating the same things? Are they not capable
of bringing forth new information? We want new information.”

Beloved Ones, we tell you that you will continue to hear the same thought patterns repeated,
these same messages over and over until you have integrated them and moved forth to a new
level. The messages are said in different ways, through different channels, as there as those of
you who will resonate to the same thought form said in different words. You will have an
“aha” moment, depending on how the message is given.

There are precious few of you who do not need to hear these thought forms over and over
again. It is the condition of the human ego, to guide you into more pain and suffering. There
are the ones, who believe they are masters and do not need to do any more personal clearing
work. They believe they know all there is to know and are patiently or not so patiently,
awaiting liftoff into the higher realms. These dear ones are some of those who are most

greatly in need of the repetition of the messages.

Bring yourselves back, dear ones. Bring yourselves back to the humbleness, to the humility, to
the clearness and clarity, of your inner knowing that there is much to be done, on the inner
planes, for each one of you. There is much clearing of lower vibrations; there is a bringing of
the ego under the guidance of your God Self, needed for each and every one of you. Few on
the planet have integrated their God Self to the point where their ego is under the direction of
their God Self, and few have brought their subconscious, conscious and superconscious minds
into alignment, working in balance and harmony as one. Go the distance, beloved ones. Go
the distance. Read and reread, meditate upon, and truly integrate those messages and wisdom
which resonates with you. We ask you to validate it within your sacred heart. Ask for
validation three times, so you are certain you have clarity. Listen to your inner wisdom, and
remember above all that your own inner guidance is your very best guidance and you will
never be led astray.

That which is of the divine is of love, uplifting, and inspiring, and expansive. That which is
not of the divine, is fear based, limiting and will bring up negative emotions and negative
thought forms.

Each one of you are needed more than ever, you are needed to stay on the straight and narrow
path. The path back to the One has many deviations, many side paths, yet we ask you to stay
true and stay on the straight and narrow path. We know it is not easy, and we remind you
again, the greater the tests, the greater the gifts. Be true to yourselves, and listen to your inner
wisdom, integrate that which you have learned with love, patience, understanding and
forgiveness for yourselves and others. Then when you are ready, move forth again, with great
strength and courage and never give up, dear ones. Never give up, forge ahead, in love and
joy, in the knowing that the universe always supports you, as do we of the higher realms. Call
on us, so we may assist you to move forth in ease and grace, so that we may surround you in
unconditional love.

You are never alone, beloved ones. You have never been alone. We have always been with
you and will continue to be with you, as you return to the great and divine light of God and
shine forth in all your glory.

I am with you, in every now moment, in the love of your sacred heart.

I am Sananda.

You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety,
giving credit to Sananda through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to:



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 25, 2011 at 2:12am

This time on Earth, with all its heightened energies and quickening pace is unlike any other
time. The growth rate of the human population is staggering. In 1970 it stood at 3.9 billion
people. It is currently 6.8 billion and growing at a pace of over 200,000 a day. After inhabiting
the Earth for millennia, we are set to almost double the population in a 40 year period!

There are more people living on the planet today than the sum-total of all human habitation
that has gone before us. The word is out. Planet Earth is the place to be. Perhaps some grand
event is about to occur?

The time we are now in is known by different names including “The Quickening,” “The Great
Shift of the Ages,” “The Time of Great Purification,” “The Rapture” “The Apocalypse,”
"Judgment Day,” etc. It has long been prophesied by many traditions, including the ancient
Maya, Inca, Hopi, Navajo, Egyptian, Sumerian, Dogon and Aborigine; as well as most of the
major religions.

There are numerous scenarios as to what will occur ranging from total cataclysmic destruction
to the dawn of a Golden Age of Enlightenment. There are also followers of various religions
believing that “they” will be saved and all others perish. There are those who believe
benevolent extraterrestrials will intervene and save us while others believe that malevolent
extraterrestrials will destroy us.

There is also the possibility that nothing will happen, that things will continue business as
usual. Remember Y2K? A major difference between Y2K and what is happening now, though,
are the undeniable Earth changes that have been occurring across the world over the last few

The Quickening arguably began in August 1987 when the Earth started moving into a vast
intergalactic energy field known as The Photon Belt. Photons are minute particles of light that
act as carriers of electromagnetic energy, called “torsion wave” energy.

The Photon Belt is a huge toroid (doughnut-shaped) band of light that extends all the way
through the Milky Way and beyond. Since 1987 the sun's magnetic field has vastly increased
with highly elevated levels of sunspot activity, ultraviolet radiation and solar winds.

The effect has being felt throughout the solar system. For example, Jupiter’s magnetic field
has more than doubled since 1992. The atmospheric density on Mars has increased by 200
percent since 1997. There have been dramatic weather changes on Saturn. Uranus is being hit
by huge storms. There has been a 300
percent increase in the atmospheric pressure on Pluto.

On planet Earth, the solar storms have been knocking out power grids and destroying
satellites. There has been a huge increase in seismic activity with volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes, floods, droughts, extreme storms, global warming and an anticipated shifting of
the Earth’s magnetic poles.

For thousands of years the Earth’s “heartbeat”—known as the Schumann resonance—stood at

7.8 hertz (cycles per second). Since entering the Photon Belt in 1987 it has increased to
measurements ranging up to 12.9 hertz.

By all accounts there has been and continues to be a huge increase in galactic activity,
affecting everything in our solar system, including us. We are directly connected to the Earth
and exist as part of her. We are like a baby in its mother’s womb, where anything that happens
to the mother creates an energetic imprint on the child.

The effect the galactic activity is having on the human condition, therefore, is likewise
extreme. It can be seen in the disintegration of banks, corporations, churches and families
down to individual burnout. Much of humanity is entrenched in fear, pain, hunger and disease.
There is rampant greed and corruption, materialism, addiction, pollution and ignorance –
causing a widespread sense of separation, confusion and fear.

Add to that the proliferation and atmospheric pollution of electro-magnetic forces from
satellites, computers, cell phones, fluorescent lights, television and numerous other devices –
all of which can contribute to such things as anxiety, depression and cancer.

To compound the problem, society itself is structured to keep us repressed. The world shadow
government – known as the Illuminati – has an agenda of globalization and One World Order.
It controls, in addition to such things as the oil, banks, munitions and drug cartels – mass
media, which is why most people are not aware of the current and impending great changes to

The main weapons of those in control are fear, propaganda and consumerism. Keeping people
in fear and distress through negative news, crippling debt, wars and violence, devitalized
food, alcohol, drugs, vaccines and mind control are just some of the means to control the

Our bodies respond with adrenaline and cortisol, causing anger, irritability, hostility,
helplessness and depression. Over the long-term it can lower the function of the immune
system and lead to disease and illness.

Further aggravating the situation is a problem that has existed for a very long time: we are
living out of sync with nature. As a result we have lost our connection to life’s vital energies
and the rhythms and cycles of universal order. We have become disjointed from our soul
connection to the Earth and the world we live in.

This condition was foretold in the ancient Mayan calendar. We are currently in the final period
of the 13th baktun (394 year cycle) of the Mayan calendar. The Maya described this cycle as
"the triumph of materialism" where there would be a time of forgetting, drifting away from
our sense of Oneness with Nature.
There are a number of things that have contributed to this state, including:

- the Gregorian calendar
- the mechanical clock
- modern technology
- society’s “time is money” attitude

We entered this particular cycle of the Mayan calendar in 1618 soon after establishing the 12
month Gregorian calendar (1582), as well as perfecting the mechanical clock (around 1600).
According to Valum Votan, a Mayan prophet, these two instruments are what manifested
humanity's error in time – through following these artificial instruments we became separated
from the rest of nature.

Calendars can either bring us more in tune with time, or distort and obscure our perception of
time. Time perception is integral to consciousness. When we are dissociated from the natural
cycle of day and night, through sleep deprivation for example, artificial lighting flying to
other time zones, we experience a shift in consciousness.

The Gregorian calendar separates us from nature’s cycles because it is not based on science or
nature. It is an artificial calendar that needs to be adjusted every four years to re-calibrate it to
the solar cycles. It is basically connected to agriculture and was developed to provide time-
lines for annual activities.

The Gregorian calendar is linear, but time and the universe are geometric, multi-dimensional
and spiral. The Gregorian calendar is the current standard calendar because it was imposed
upon all the conquered nations of the Roman Empire – and continued through further
imperialism of the European nations.

The mechanical clock is similarly an artificial device – and established the concept that time
is linear rather than biological. It reduced time to regular intervals of duration, separating us
from the organic, harmonious flow of nature. The clock altered our experience of time from
qualitative to quantitative and set us marching to a different drum, taking us out of step with
the harmony of universal order.

In real time there is only the “eternal now” which moves forward. In our sequential reality we
identify it as past, present and future. But there is only the present – the past is gone and the
future doesn’t exist. There is only now.

The third major influence to tilt us off-course was the industrial revolution with the advent of
“modern technology” —which further insulated us from living a symbiotic relationship with
nature. Nature became reduced to quantifiable elemental resources, as something outside of
ourselves to be dominated, exploited and eventually polluted and poisoned. Civilization lost
touch with its natural surroundings and the subtle energies and interplay of nature.

The fourth influence is the attitude society has adopted that time is money. This attitude
removes us even further from the cosmic flow by linking time with material gain. This
influence is perhaps the most damaging of all as a deviation from natural time.

On the surface things may appear somewhat grim for humanity, however, there is also much
cause for hope. There is a massive spiritual awakening and a connecting to higher frequencies.
Higher education is increasingly available to accommodate the growing numbers of people

seeking the path of self-awareness and a more meaningful purpose in life.

New communities and social structures are arising based on principles of partnership, co-
creation, co-operation and sustainability. There is a renaissance of natural healing modalities,
including art, music and sacred geometry.

There is a wave of exceptionally gifted children incarnating that embody the quintessential
nature of the human condition. Feelings and expressions of love, beauty, enthusiasm and
compassion are abundant and there is a buzz of excitement as we approach the dawn of the
Golden Age of Enlightenment.

It is the quality and intent of our consciousness that will determine the direction things will
take. The world is made of energy and that energy takes form through the thoughts of those
that participate in the world. Our consciousness is our energetic contribution to the world. It
combines with the consciousness of everyone else to form a pool of mass consciousness,
known as the collective consciousness.

The world we are experiencing today is the result of our collective consciousness. If we want
a new world, we all need to take part in helping create it. All of us, as modules of the
collective consciousness, have a divine responsibility in supporting the evolution and
ascension of the human race.

From cataclysm to enlightenment, world war to world peace, fragmentation to integration—

the fate of the planet depends on us. Everyone is important. Everyone who has incarnated into
this period has spiritual work to do in helping balance the planet.

There are numerous views about what will unfold in the lead-up to 2011, 2012 (signifying the
end of the Mayan calendar) and beyond. The fact is, regardless of all the prophecies,
predictions, projections, channeling, proselytizing, hypothesizing and theorizing etc… no one
knows for sure. Only time will tell.

One thing that is clear though is that we are in the midst of an immensely important,
transformative period. We are collectively involved in the transition of the old world dying
and a new world being born. Which way do we turn???

The wisdom of nature is a good place. The wisdom of nature offers the best example of how
to live. We can learn from the Sun, the Earth, the Moon and stars. We can learn from the wind
upon our face, from the water, the trees, the flowers and so much more. They are all an
embodiment of nature’s wisdom and are expressions of the forces that created them.

If we align ourselves with the flowing forces of nature, then rather than be overwhelmed by
what lies ahead we will be in harmony. There is no better way to return to natural time than to
return to nature; but in today’s modern society that is not a practical reality for most people.

However, without even looking out the window, there is a time proven method through which
we can connect to the principles of nature and the laws of creation. If we cannot live in nature
we can at least learn about its flow through the study of sacred geometry.

Hopi Elders Speak

"You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh hour.

Now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour.

And there are things to be considered ...

Where are you living?

What are you doing?

What are your relationships?

Are you in a right relationship?

Where is your water?

Know your garden.

It is time to speak your Truth.

Create your community.

Be good to each other.

And do not look outside yourself for the leader.

This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now very fast.

It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.

They will try to hold on to the shore.

They will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination.

The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river.

Keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.

See who is in there with you, help each other and celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally.

Least of all ourselves.

For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over.

Gather yourselves!

Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we've been waiting for."

The Elders

Hopi Nation

Oraibi, Arizona

May Peace Prevail on Earth



 Posted by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on May 25, 2011 at 2:30pm

The Mighty I AM Presence

The Light of God that Never Fails!

The mighty "I AM Presence" is an electronic body of blazing light substance that is
individualized within each of us as the flame of life from the heart of Mother-Father God. It is
our true nature... that imperishable, eternal and individual identity of each and every human
being. It is that which we have been seeking to return for millennia of lifetimes, The Great
God Self, which never misuses life's energy nor sends out anything but Perfection.

As the highest divine aspect of our vast multidimensional constitution, the I AM Presence is
the original seed of Love and the immortal nucleus of our entire being. It is the Source of
every constructive impulse... thought, feeling and action. Its unifying, cohesive nature is the
source of all the love, wisdom and power required to overcome absolutely anything and
everything that is of discordance and limitation.

As we develop intimate relationship with and give constant adoration to our I AM Presence,
miracles begin to happen including instant manifestation, spontaneous transformation and
absolute knowing. This occurs simply through the constancy of our unwavering focus placed
upon the Greater. In doing so, spiritual energy around us intensifies and expands as the points
of light within every cell of our flesh body respond in tremendous gratitude. As our attention
continuously pours out Love to the I AM of our being, an impenetrable radiance of light forms
around our body encasing us in a protective tube of light of great magnetization and
transformative influence to the outer world.

God, expressing as the mighty I AM Presence within each of us, is the authority of the entire
Universe. As we give sincere attention to our I AM Presence each and every day and allow
this supreme authority of our own consciousness to govern and be ever present in the
forefront of our lives, personal transformation and the collective ascension is dramatically

The I AM Presence hears, sees, thinks, feels and responds to only Perfection on its level of
cosmic service. As we consistently give adoration, feel gratitude and qualify our every activity
with and through this energy stream, our daily positive impact upon life is immeasurable.

This is especially amplified when our focus is consciously combined with all of the beings of
light from On High supporting our dimensional transition. Together we coherently serve as
Universal I AM, operating within all cosmic dimensions and radiating the patterns of
perfection of Mother/Father God in action.

Featured Image:

This is a picture of the Beloved Individualized God Presence, our Beloved Higher Self, I AM
Presence, that overlights the human self. Our gratitude to beloved Saint Germain for
providing us with the Chart of the Great God Presence. (Credits for this picture to the Saint
Germain Foundation)



The subject of the Sacred Fire is a very vast area of understanding of which we may only
touch upon its essence here. Due to its increasing importance in the ascension process,
Children of the Sun Foundation initiates a call to all light servers for its greater application,
especially as this concerns our personal processes of transfiguration and focused
transmissions across the Crystalline Christ Grid. We ask those light servers who are in
resonance, to do any further research and assist with communicating this information as it best
aligns to your inner guidance and personal mission.

The Importance of the Sacred Fire

~ Call for Greater Application ~

As we continue to greatly expand our conscious perception with our Mighty I AM Presence, it
is now imperative to make dynamic and continual application with the Sacred Fire each and
every day. We are also encouraged to openly share and teach everyone about the Sacred Fire,
what it is and how to apply it in daily life.

This subject matter is being brought to the forefront of our attention due to the intensification
of the great Cosmic Rays flooding on to our planet creating a narrowing window of time in
which certain activities of transformation must be accomplished. The exponential quickening
of planetary energy necessitates an immediate reprioritizing of life activity to insure that our
highest focus is placed upon efforts of personal transformation and ascending consciousness.

Those choosing ascension in this timeline are soon to experience passage through the so
referred, "eye of the needle" in which the human blueprint is completely transfigured into a
fire body of Divine Perfection, a living flame in form. The Ascended Masters have shared
time and time again and are now repeating that, in order for the vast majority of us to
accomplish this goal, focused attention and utmost sincerity in application of the Sacred Fire
is absolutely necessary.

Many of us are doing an excellent job in sharing these advanced understandings. We are now
encouraged to substantially boost our activity in this regard. This also includes stepped up
activity in our invocations and transmissions through the Crystalline Grid in order to reach
more of Humanity and areas of the world with this alchemical flame activity.

This especially concerns the Sacred Fire as it is applied to:

1. Continued purification of the human condition and systems of separation

2. Transmutation of all misqualified electronic activity

3. Protection from a greater level of unleashing chaotic resistances

4. Spiritual activation to increase our power of service to the human race

May we clearly understand that the Cosmic Law of the Sacred Fire does not apply itself. We
must make invocation to and apply the Sacred Fire through our own conscious efforts in order
to achieve desired results. This means that each of us must make dynamic, rhythmic
application through concentrated daily focus in order to return ourselves and all life into the
Patterns of Perfection.

The Sacred Fire is Pure God Presence and Power

The patterns of Divine Perfection are imprinted within every electron of all life substance.
These patterns are held in place through the power of primal light substance referred to as the
Sacred Fire, the great Heart Flame of all Creation!

The Sacred Fire is a highly concentrated activity of light, a luminous radiation that is qualified
with specific focuses of God Perfection. It is a mighty current of energy that, when
consciously invoked, has directing intelligence in its many forms of expression.

The great Ascended Masters come to us as this directing God Intelligence of the Sacred Fire,
each with a specialized activity of service to Earth. May we increasingly call upon their
assistance, together with the supporting angels, fire devas and great elemental beings, as we
draw forth and direct these sacred flames through ourselves and through all physical plane
matter... to assist in bringing forth our new Golden Age!

How to Apply the Sacred Fire

The miracle of the Sacred Fire can be accessed from within the altar of our own Heart Flame.
When our personality self is in Divine Coherence with the I AM Presence within, we can
affect momentous movement for the expression of Mother Father God in the outer world.
Inner balance, harmony and a confident, peace commanding Presence are the prerequisites to
initiating all action of the Sacred Fire Love.

Through invocation and intention, these focuses of the great flames of life can be projected
forth to fill our bodies, a room, a city, the world.

An effective way to powerfully magnetize the transformative activity of the flames is through
constancy and the rhythmic use of Invocations and Decrees. We will get more and more of
these to you in the days and weeks ahead.

Examples of the Great Flames to the Earth

There are uncountable expressions of the Sacred Fire. We give you these following four
examples since they comprise some of the great Divine Dispensations to the Earth. They are
also most intimately connected to our three fold heart flame of Love, Wisdom and Power and
that place of the sacred pulsing activity which abides the Super Electron and Creation Flame
of our Mighty I AM Presence within.

Call forth and use these great Divine Powers for your transformation and also that of our
sacred planet.

Platinum Cosmic Light of Union

This highly potent and highly transformative metallic platinum frequency is sourced at the
multi-universal level and is bridged to the Earth through the vast consciousness energy fields
that we refer to as Melchizedek/Metatron/Mahatma. It is directed to us through our physical
sun and the consciousness of Helios and Vesta.

It produces spontaneous transformation through the field of Zero Point awareness. Its action
on Earth is fusion and synthesis to energy systems for ultimate re-polarization. The Platinum

Ray is a “stepped up”, all inclusive container of the seven primary ray energies. This flame
may be called upon for resurrection, ascension and union.

The Violet Flame of Transmutation

Through the Love of our Mother Father God comes the great Violet Flame, deeply cleansing
and purifying through its powerful action of consummation, transmutation, mercy and

You may call upon St. Germain and his legions of Violet Flame Angels to assist you in
dissolving the human condition, discordant energy and false appearances. It charges
everything with victorious achievement through the power of Divine Love in action. When
calling disharmonious energy into the Violet Flame, command it to be transmuted and
returned to Love... its cause, core, record, effect and memory.

We are inspired to use the Violet Flame every day with great intensity on our own human
consciousness. Visualize it blazing up around the body, engulfing you and filling the points of
light in every cell. It will give you indescribable freedom.

The Blue Flame of Divine Power

The all-powerful Blue Flame to the Earth, often referred to as the Cosmic Christ Blue
Lightening, is likened to a charged bolt of electricity capable of instantly shattering all
illusion. Its main action is un-trenching and loosening dense substance from its resisting hold.

Represented through the consciousness of Archangel Michael and his legions of angels, this
flame may also be called upon for strength, power and protection. It can hold any destructive
force inactive.

The Gold Flame of Divine Wisdom

Greatly activated upon the Earth through Jesus the Christ, the Gold Flame of All Christ
Illumination is the Sacred Fire of the Great Central Sun's Love to Earth. It is the light
intelligence of perfection, Christ Consciousness, enlightenment and immortality.

As the flame of the master teacher, its action qualifies all life with wisdom, intuition,
discernment and a peace commanding presence. It greatly assists in the unification of spirit
and matter and can be called forth into all situations requiring a balance of polarity through
acceptance and illumined understanding.

The Rose Pink Flame of Divine Love

The Rose Pink Flame brings the tremendous magnetic embrace of the Mother's Presence. This
Sacred Fire Love fills all inter-stellar space in the Universe out of which every object, planet
and sun is formed in a state of Universal Perfection.

Represented through the consciousness of Ascended Masters Akasha and Asun, this influence
of Divine Love, Will and Grace is here to assist Humanity into Christ Consciousness and the
glorious embodied expression of the I AM Presence.

Call upon and use the Rose Pink Fire to love, to heal, to bless, to expand, to alchemize and to
manifest the greater Love of the I AM Presence in yourself and all people on the Earth.

Examples of the Great Flames to the Earth

See our Media Section for Video Support:

Invocation to the Sacred Fire and a Violet Fire Mantra

There are uncountable expressions of the Sacred Fire. We give you these following six
examples since they comprise some of the great Divine Dispensations to the Earth. They are
also most intimately connected to our three fold heart flame of Love, Wisdom and Power and
that place of the sacred pulsing activity which abides the Super Electron and Creation Flame
of our Mighty I AM Presence within.

Call forth and use these great Divine Powers for your transformation and also that of our
sacred planet.

Platinum Cosmic Light of Union

A Focus of Melchizedek/Metatron/Mahatma

This highly potent and highly transformative metallic platinum frequency is sourced at the
multi-universal level and is bridged to the Earth through the vast consciousness energy fields
that we refer to as Melchizedek/Metatron/Mahatma. It is directed to us through our physical
sun and the consciousness of Helios and Vesta.

It produces spontaneous transformation through the field of Zero Point awareness. Its action
on Earth is fusion and synthesis to energy systems for ultimate re-polarization. The Platinum
Ray is a “stepped up”, all inclusive container of the seven primary ray energies. This flame
may be called upon for resurrection, ascension and union.

The Violet Flame of Transmutation

A Focus of Ascended Master Saint Germain

Through the Love of our Mother Father God comes the great Violet Flame, deeply cleansing
and purifying through its powerful action of consummation, transmutation, mercy and

While resting your attention upon your I AM Presence and Body Elemental and with full
feeling,... invoke Saint Germain, the Violet Flame and its legions of fiery angels to dissolve
and consume all impurities and discordant patterns in your physical body, etheric body and
entire energetic hologram. Ask for complete transmutation of the core cause, effect, record
and memory of all misqualified electronic patterns still held in your energy signature...and for
these energies to return to their original Source of Love.

We are inspired to use the Violet Flame every day with great intensity on our own human
consciousness. Visualize it blazing up around the body, engulfing you and filling the points of
light in every cell. It will give you indescribable freedom.

The Blue Flame of Divine Power
A Focus of Archangel Michael

The all-powerful Blue Flame to the Earth, often referred to as the Cosmic Christ Blue
Lightening, is likened to a charged bolt of electricity capable of instantly shattering all
illusion. Its main action is un-trenching and loosening dense substance from its resisting hold.

Represented through Archangel Michael and his legions of angels, this flame may also be
called upon for strength, power and protection. It can hold any destructive force inactive.

The Gold Flame of Divine Wisdom

A Focus of Ascended Master Jesus Christ

Greatly activated upon the Earth through Jesus the Christ, the Gold Flame of All Christ
Illumination is the Sacred Fire of the Great Central Sun's Love to Earth. It is the light
intelligence of perfection, Christ Consciousness, enlightenment and immortality.

As the flame of the master teacher, its action qualifies all life with wisdom, intuition,
discernment and a peace commanding presence. It greatly assists in the unification of spirit
and matter and can be called forth into all situations requiring a balance of polarity through
acceptance and illumined understanding.

The Rose Pink Flame of Divine Love

A Focus of Ascended Masters Akasha and Asun

The Rose Pink Flame brings the tremendous magnetic embrace of the Mother's Presence. This
Sacred Fire Love fills all inter-stellar space in the Universe out of which every object, planet
and sun is formed in a state of Universal Perfection.

As the newest dispensation to the Earth and represented through Ascended Masters Akasha
and Asun, this influence of Divine Love, Will and Grace is here to assist Humanity into Christ
Consciousness and the glorious embodied expression of the I AM Presence.

Call upon and use the Rose Pink Fire to love, to heal, to bless, to expand, to alchemize and to
manifest the greater Love of the I AM Presence in yourself and all people on the Earth.

The Flame of the Immaculate Concept

A Focus of Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel

Visualize the luminous Presence of Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel who are the keepers
of the Flame of the Immaculate Concept and the Sacred Fire activity of our Divine Blueprint.

Invoke their Sacred Fire Love to envelop and sustain your entire energetic signature within
the electronic patterns of perfection of your new Christ form. Ask for their assistance in
holding the perfect vision for your self... "made in the image and likeness of God"... this same
vision that they held for Jesus/Yeshua during his initiatory years on his own Path of


The White Flame of Eternal Purity

A Focus of The Goddess of Purity

Invocation to the Goddess of Purity...

Oh Beloved Goddess of Purity, through my own beloved Presence, I call upon you to assist
me to feel and to experience the Great Central Sun's feeling of Eternal Purity. I call that forth
into my mind, into my body, into my feeling side of life. And I ask that the Great Central
Sun's Feeling of Immortal Purity become a sustained, expanded and immortal action with me
throughout my life on Earth.

Beloved Goddess of Purity I call upon you and ask you to fill me with your Cosmic Christ
Flame of Eternal Purity. I desire to return to a Being of Love at all times. Anchor within me
your luminous White Fire of Indestructible Purity and Power, and hold it within me and
around me, and pour it forth out into my world as a blessing to all life on Earth.

Ki of Life Training

Group Forcefield Atomic Acceleration

Please see below for Preparation

listen with headphones (highly recommended):

Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)

Unisonic Music used: Great Expanse,La Unconditional

Closing by Real Music/Liquid Mind


This is the "Atomic Acclerater" Group Activation for Planetary Light Servers taking place
within the New Earth Crystalline Matrix during the Planetary Grid Transmissions.

This is a very powerful session and one that has recommended preparation. You will only
receive according to your highest good in relationship to your readiness to assimilate these

1. Text description of this focus

ARTICLE: Group Forcefield Atomic Acceleration and Increasing Electron Spin

2. Donations support this charitable service to all

These activations and energy transmissions are a pure humanitarian service offered at no cost.
Any donations are appreciated to help offset expenses for our time and endurance in
production processes. Thank you to everyone who has donated for previous activations.

Design by www.nyakonakar.com

This gives a visual idea of the Tube Torus Transfiguration Chamber.

The Maltese Cross within an Octagon encasement is the ship of light for the Children of the
Sun Group Forcefield. This ship actually spins and pulsate within and as the living electronic
pattern of Saint Germain. The actual spin rate of the Maltese-Octagon disc is the speed of

6. Tube Torus Geometry

This gives a more accurate idea of the energy movement of the Tube Torus geometry and its
recirculating pattern. Very important visual!

A Torus in Torsion. Animation from www.harmonicresolution.com

Great article: TOROIDAL SPACE




During 2011, we have entered into a seriously focused training and development phase, the Ki
of Life Trainings, for our one Group Avatar. Part of this includes frequency enhanced audio
Mp3 guided journeys into expanded states of awareness. This program is in support to world
service during our Planetary Grid Transmissions which occur every New and Full Moon.

Please stay tuned in to the communications of Children of the Sun and we will inform you of
all activity in this regard. You may subscribe to our newsletter here.

These meditations/activations are a pure humanitarian service offered at no cost.

Any donations are appreciated to help offset expenses for our time and production.

#10 Ki of Life
Planetary Assignment with the Arcturians
The Air Element and Atmospheric Purification
(headphones highly recommended, keep volume moderate)

Download Mp3 Here (right click the link then save as...)

Preparation for Audio

#9 Ki of Life

Group Forcefield Atomic Acceleration
(headphones highly recommended, keep volume moderate)

Download Mp3 Here (right click the link then save as...)

Preparation for Audio

#8 Ki of Life
The Power of Omnipresence - Group Activation
(headphones highly recommended, keep volume moderate)

Download Mp3 Here (right click the link then save as...) 47 min

Preparation for Audio

#7 Ki of Life
Pineal Gland Group Activation
(headphones highly recommended, keep volume moderate)

Download Mp3 Here (right click the link then save as...) 47 min.

Preparation for Audio

#6 Ki of Life
Maltese Cross - Group Forcefield Activation
with Planetary Service to assist Japan
(headphones highly recommended, keep volume moderate)

Download Mp3 Here (right click the link then save as...) 1:00 hour

Text Description
Preparation for Audio

#5 Ki of Life
The Power of Divine Perception
with Planetary Service to assist the Transcendence of Duality
(headphones highly recommended, keep volume moderate)

Download Mp3 Here (right click the link then save as...) 58 min.

Text Description
Preparation for Audio

#4 Ki of Life
The Power and Presence of Concentration
with Planetary Service to Assist World Hunger
(headphones highly recommended, keep volume moderate)

Download Mp3 Here (right click the link then save as...) 50 min.

Text Description
Preparation for Audio

#3 Ki of Life
The Power of Creation
Our Birthright as ELOHIM
(headphones highly recommended, keep volume moderate)

Download Mp3 Here (right click the link then save as...) 50 min.

For this Audio.... Please Select a Geographical Region of Sponsorship!

Text Description
Visual Support

#2 Ki of Life
Building our Electronic Ring

Download Mp3 Here (right clik the link then save as...) 40 min.

The Mantle of Invincibility

Text Description
Visual Support

#1 Ki of Life
The Platinum Cosmic Light
The Multi-Universal Ray of Divine Union

Group Activation for Planetary Light Servers

(headphones highly recommended, keep volume moderate)

Download Mp3 Here (right click the link then save as...) 38 min.

Text Description
You Tube Support


Melchizedek Attunement ~ Melchizedek's
Divine Light, Initiation & Empowerment
~ Luuk Van Deurssen
 Posted by Esta Lior on May 26, 2011 at 1:30am

Dearest Healers & Lightworkers

I have attached a very beautiful attunement.
It was created by a talented spiritual healer named 'Luuk van Deurssen', who has so kindly
offered this to all at no cost.
For those not familiar with 'attunements' they are created by the healer to gift the student with
the same healing ability or as a healing session.
This will fill you with Melchizedek's Divine Light, Initiate you into Melchizedek &
Empower you into Melchizedek.

It is a very powerful energy that will only work for your highest & greatest good.
It can be repeated as many times as you desire. The more you work with the energy, the more
it can benefit.
It is advised to drink water following any attunement.
If you have not experienced the wonders of an attunement & the brilliance of Lord
Melchizedek, now is a divine time.

I hope you enjoy it.

Please share your experiences!
Peace & Prosperity
Blessings & Abundance
Esta Lior
Below is the file:

"Lord Melchizedek is the Universal Logos and third most powerful being in this Universe. He
is not a man or angel, but a great god-like being made by God especially for this position. As
Unisource material: http://www.cityofshamballa.net/events/melchizedek-attunement


SaLuSa: Everything is on Course - The

Light is in Control May 25, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 27, 2011 at 12:16am

SaLuSa: Everything is on Course - The Light is in Control

May 25, 2011

There are signs all around you that are indicating the nearness of Disclosure, and when the
latest information is meant to make the public domain ways are going to be found to achieve
it. Even your dark Ones deliberately leak secrets when they feel it is in their interests, but that
is sometimes purely for the purpose of preparing you in advance for one of their false flag
attacks. Needless to say, they also as a matter of course spread disinformation to confuse those
who seek the truth. Trust your intuition as by now you should be aware of their tactics, and if
you are well informed you will have a good idea of what should be set aside. Currently the
scene is set for Disclosure to come out, and our allies are ready to push for the first ideal
opportunity to go ahead. So after all of the waiting the event that will "launch the boat" of
revelations about us, is set to sail. Much is already known about us, but for the majority of
people our story will cause much astonishment and disbelief. However, the truth must come
out and cannot be held back any longer, the secrecy and denial about us has gone on for far
too long. The more that is known about us, the easier it will be to obtain a general acceptance
of our presence. We can then organize the many changes that must take place without further

The energies continue to reach you from many sources outside of Earth, and they are helping
both you and Mother Earth to rise up much quicker than ever before. Always the object of
whatever happens is to focus you upon Ascension, and ensure that the preparations are in line
with your needs. In that respect we are more than happy, as in spite of the delaying tactics of
the dark Ones everything is on course for completion as planned. The Light is in control and
allows matters to find their own pathway forward, but always with the end time in mind. Our
activities are directed towards achieving success without the necessity to enter into any form
of confrontation with the dark Ones. By our standards and with our far advanced technologies
it is unnecessary. We can be firm and use our divine authority when the occasion calls for it.
So please accept that no matter what scenario is presented to you, we are fully aware of what

is happening and in control.

Your civilization continues to see how ineffective the efforts are that have been made to
prevent Earth changes. The cleansing cannot be stopped as it is vitally necessary, but as we
have informed you on many occasions we are allowed to lessen the affects upon you. In
recent times we have been active where the Gulf Oil spill was concerned, and also the
earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The only souls to leave as a result of any such events, will
have arranged it as part of their life plan. We know that idea seems almost unbelievable, but
the transition is quick and any fear experienced at the time is removed as soon as they arrive
in Nirvana. Death is not as many envisage and you are quickly reunited with your loved ones.

So what should you be doing as you anticipate and await the inevitable changes. We would
suggest you try to keep your mind on the coming benefits and certainly focus on Ascension.
There will be distractions for a time, but when we appear before you, your attention will be
directed towards positive changes and you will be able to participate in some ways. Those of
you with knowledge about us will be able to assist others in coming to terms with what is
happening. Indeed, there is no reason why you should not do that now, as we value your help
and therefore encourage you to be open about matters. Even although there is a time coming
when we will speak to the masses, that personal touch will mean so much more. It is helpful if
all people begin to keep an open mind about what they hear or see, and do not jump to
conclusions. There are still those who have strong beliefs that do not allow for our presence,
and will refuse to believe in our reasons for coming to you. It will clearly take time to soften
their approach, and create acceptable answers that will help them feel at ease about us.

You will no doubt understand why your freewill choice is so carefully honored. Even God
does not force Gods will upon you, but there are laws that are applied should it cause harm to
others, or interfere with their freewill. Yet as you evolve and set your sights on returning to
the higher dimensions, you learn that there comes a stage where you gladly accept the Will of
God. It becomes the most natural and desirable advancement, as you become a Being of
Light. However, your present concern is to take the golden opportunity that beckons to leave
duality for good. It is but a small step upward in the context of time as you understand it, but a
vastly important experience that will bring benefit to many souls in the future. Here you are
today so near to a quantum leap forward, that you have been preparing for since you
commenced the long journey from out of the darkness. It is perhaps as well that you do not
remember the details of every life experienced since that time. All that matters now are your
immediate efforts to hold your focus upon Ascension, as it is going to change you beyond
your expectations.

We of the Galactic Federation are helping you close the gap between what you are now, and
will be when you acquire full consciousness. The sooner we can invite you to join us as equal
partners, the quicker we can move onto the next journey that will take us into other Galaxies
and Universes. They seem to be never ending, as there is no end to creation as we see it. Can
you imagine the numberless opportunities that lie before you, as there is certainly no limit to
the adventures that you can take? Life is everywhere around you at different stages of
evolution, and it is our role to serve others who like you are now are making their way
through the different dimensions. It is exciting and rewarding and in no way imposed upon
you. We are after all not the only organization that exists at our level. Yet we are of a size that
you would find unimaginable, comprising many millions of personnel. Yes, they are all
ascended Beings and would not otherwise be allowed to join us.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I am pleased to note that the Light is increasing on Earth. It
augurs well for your final steps towards Ascension, and is your assurance that it will be
reached as planned. We love you, and your great intent to complete your time on Earth with
the victory over the dark Ones.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey


Bir insanı gerçekten sevmek .....

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 27, 2011 at 12:24am

Bir insanı gerçekten sevmek ..... Krishnamurti

Bir insanı gerçekten sevmek ne demektir bilmiyor musunuz;

nefret, kıskançlık, öfke hissetmeden,
ne yaptığına veya ne düşündüğüne karışmak istemeden, kınamadan,
kıyaslamadan sevmek ne demek bilmiyor musunuz?
Sevginin olduğu yerde kıyaslama olur mu?
Birisini bütün kalbinizle, bütün zihninizle, bütün vücudunuzla,
bütün varlığınızla sevdiğiniz zaman karşılaştırma söz konusu olur mu?
Kendinizi o sevgiye tamamen teslim ettiğinizde başkaları yoktur artık.

Sevginin sorumluluğu ve vazifesi var mıdır, ayrıca bu kelimeleri kullanır mı?

Bir şeyi görev gereği yaptığınızda bunda sevgiye yer var mıdır?
Görev sevgi içermez.
Görevin insanı esir alan yapısı insanı mahvetmektedir.
Bir şeyi göreviniz olduğu için yapma gereği hissediyorsanız
yaptığınız şeyi sevmiyorsunuz demektir.
Sevginin olduğu yerde görev ve sorumluluk yoktur.

Çoğu ebeveyn ne yazık ki çocuklarından sorumlu olduklarını düşünür

ve sorumluluk anlayışları, çocuklarına neyi yapmaları neyi yapmamaları,
büyüyünce ne olmaları ne olmamalarını söyleme şeklinde kendini gösterir.

Anne babalar çocuklarının toplumda güçlü bir yere sahip olmalarını isterler.
Sorumluluk dedikleri şey, o taptıkları saygınlığın bir parçasıdır
ve bana kalırsa saygınlığın olduğu yerde düzen yoktur;
bütün dertleri mükemmel bir burjuva olmaktır.
Çocuklarını topluma uyum sağlamaya hazırlarken
savaşı, çatışmayı ve vahşeti devam ettirmiş olurlar.
Sizce bu ilgi ve sevgi midir?

Gerçekten ilgi göstermek bir ağaca veya bitkiye gösterdiğiniz gibi ilgi göstermektir,
ona su vererek, ihtiyaçlarını ve en iyi hangi toprakta yetiştiğini inceleyerek,
ona şefkat ve özenle bakarak.
Çocuklarınızı topluma uyum sağlamaya hazırlarken onları aslında ölmeye hazırlıyorsunuz.
Çocuklarınızı sevseydiniz savaş olmazdı.

Jiddu Krishnamurti - Bilinenden kurtulmak


The Eclectic Eclipse-Triad Archangel

Metatron channel via James Tyberonn
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 27, 2011 at 12:30am

The Eclectic Eclipse-Triad

Archangel Metatron channel via James Tyberonn

Greetings Masters, and so we encircle you in an OMM-Wave of Unconditional Love.

And indeed this love is a calming, centering wellness that each of you will desire to carry
forward in the remaining months of 2011, and indeed into 2012.

Dear Humans in June of 2011 will begin a 30-day period that will offer important shift
completions and change to the Earth and indeed mankind. This period completes many of the
movements that in truth began months earlier. The release of 'old-energy' scenarios, situations
and relationships that no longer are in resonance with the New Earth will occur in macro and
micro, globally and individually.

We tell you that the group movements in North Africa and the Middle Eastern governments

are part of this 'wind of change'. You will find in individuality that relationship 'sabbaticals'
will increasingly occur and that you will be severing ties, some temporary, some permanently,
with those that carry energies that are, without judgement, incompatible with your own. This
is appropriate. It is often the very process of separation, released in love, that is the catalyst to
growth and change for greatest good. This will be enhanced by the Solstice energies of June

The eclipses are a time to look inward, to heal, release and restructure. To take action on fine
tuning with focus on the self. Thus each moment of this opportunity is an offering that will
enable your acceleration. This happens first with the Self, and the removal of static facilitates
your ability to best utilize this important flow of the 'Wind of Change'. By facing your unique
challenges in this movement, you will ultimately gain and grow. But do so in love. Love is
ever the key. But
love requires strength, and impeccability is defined by being true to your self. Now is the
time! Seize the day!

Each Moment Matters

It is so important that each of you understand and fully realize how truly important each
moment you live in these accelerated energies is to the Cosmos, the New Earth and to you.
Indeed there is a new energy on this planet, and this energy seeks to now further activate your
awareness and light quotient. And Dear Ones, your ability to hold greater light embellishes
you ability to express love. That Love
begins with not only accepting , but truly loving the Divine Self. You are beginning to
understand how beautiful you truly are, and that Dear Humans, is so important in these
Ascending times.

You all have within you the power of God, and we call upon you to allow that recognition,
that renewed self acceptance, that immaculate LOVE to wash over you.

It is your calibrated birthright and it is beautiful. You are rediscovering this ecstasy of
Immaculate Love in your meditations, for a transitional expansion is occurring in this new
energy. You are now opening to more clearly see how important your lives are, not just to the
Earth but to the grand Cosmos as well. Oh yes, this is so true!

You see the vibrations of this deep meditative expansion is over-flowing into the physical
realms that you live in...and YOU made that happen. The veil between dimensions has
thinned, and the part of you that is on 'the other side' of the veil is tenderly reaching through to
touch your heart. And the part of you in higher dimension is the quantum you, the real 'you'
that is dreaming this profound experience of life.

That higher self wants you to know, as do we of the Angelic Realm, how much you are loved,
how important and magnificent you truly are. Dear Humans can you fathom this?

You Are On Path

You so often have doubted yourselves. So often felt your lives were headed nowhere.
Oh Dear Ones, if you only knew and will accept the truth of what a difference you
have made and are continuing to make.

There have always been the doubters, the naysayers that said the Ascension would
never occur, that humanity would not consummate this sacred graduation into higher
consciousness. But you have effectuated that achievement, the Ascension is now an
absolute certainty. It is manifesting! Indeed it has been for two decades, and
most of you do not credit yourselves for navigating it into reality. Many of you
still do not realize that the work you have done on both sides of the veil over
the past 25 years has changed the earth you were born on into a completely different
frequency and paradigm.

You are responsible for it, and mankind does not yet comprehend what you have
done or own the credit of this achievement. Masters what you have done is the very
reason many of you are now reading these words that are sent from another dimension.

And so allow me to honor you as we speak of the coming month and remaining year
of 2011. For you have grown much stronger than you realize. You have taken a quantum
leap....and regardless of the calendar days of 2011, what lies ahead of you is indeed
a leap year! It is a year of Quantum-Leap !

Equinoxes and Solstices of 2011

The Equinoxes and Solstices of 2011 are exceptional powerful and multi purposed.
These are in fact Ascension catalyst and triggers. These potent days should be
used for group prayer, healing, release, completion and meditation & indeed deep
self review. The solstices and equinoxes remaining in the next two years are complex
and flamed with multiple hologramic inserts for the Ascension of both mankind and
the planet. We assure you that these astrological events are infinitely more powerful
than the equinoxes and solstices in the past several millennia. We urge each of
you to discern and utilize them as suggested. Gather on these days, and the power
of Group Consciousness will flower exponentially.

The Potent Eclipses of 2011

In addition, 2011 will have an extremely rare aggregation of complex coded eclipses.
There will be a total of 6 eclipses in 2011, and 3 of these will occur in a 30 day phase between
June 1st and July 1st.

This period will be punctuated by the June Solstice.

Mid Year 'Eclipse Triad"

The powerful mid year "Eclipse-Triad " occur on :

(1) June 1 (2) June 15 (3) July 1.

The three occur exactly 15 days apart. It is two partial solar eclipses , sandwiching a full
moon lunar eclipse. Barely enough breathing room, so get ready for a powerful ride. All of
this is punctuated by an extremely powerful Solstice on June 21st.
Whilst the two 'outer eclipses' of the Triad, are partial solar, do not think that their energies are
lessened by the fact that they are not full eclipses, the energy of all 3 will be extremely potent,

and felt by the entire planet, whether visible or not from your specific vector on the planet.
The energy will encircle the globe and effect each of you.

The June 1st lunar eclipse is the beginning, and truly the energy of each of these events has an
intersecting field that expands energetically from 3 days prior and 3 days after the eclipse.

The Energies

The energy pattern of the Triad is around release, healing and reconstruction.

June 1 :

Release and cleansing, release of old energy patterns. Patterns that may be ingrained, even

June 15 :

Healing through acceptance of Facing the Challenge, and being true to


July 1:

Strength and Completion of the 'New You'. Not only visualizing the attributes and events you
wish to create, but taking requisite actions, steps forward to manifest them.

The mid summer solstice ( mid winter below the equator) is the amplification energetic flow
of all of these. And in 2011 it adds a unique energy that calls forth the

Gateway to 11-11-11

Indeed the energy build and sustenance of the solstice extends 14 days prior and 14 days after
the June 21 event.

This is one of the most magnanimous energies of 2011, and is the gateway to the Crystalline
quickening of the 11-11-11.

As such, all of you on the earth-plane are now within the field immersion of an incredible
crystalline energy. The result is that your own auric fields and Mer-Ka-Na Light Bodies are,
through induction, becoming extreme energy in motion. It is energy as desire expressing itself
and so your work calls forth now an even finer frequency.

Imagine that if you will take vitamins for your physical body they must be such that they can
be absorbed by the body to generate wellness, well being, and better health. And so it is the
same with the Crystalline Transition, its frequencies and energies are indeed vitamins of light
expansion for the light body.

The crystalline resonance now surrounds you in ways that allow you to absorb their pristine
symmetries into your energy fields, transferring them, converting them, and amplifying them
into your own work, into your desires, into your fulfillment and into all ways that touch earth
and humanity.

The Triple Date Portal

The Triple-Date Portal of November 2011 will be the most potent singular day of
the year. Masses of humanity will form the human grid and tie into the Cosmic Energy
that is amassed in the final stages of activating the 144-Crystal Grid. On the 11-11-11
the Atlantean Master Crystals will further activate with the initial awakening of
the Crystal of Multidimensional Communication in the Crystal Vortex.

This awakening will sequentially recode the 12 Golden Sun Disc around the planet.

These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine
energy of zero field, of pure love, unconditional love, and a light-code that can
only exist in the 5th dimension and above.

On the 11-11-11 the Sun Disc of the Crystal Vortex will be activated beneath the
area of Pinnacle Mountain in Arkansas, and this will complete the energy of the
Arkansas Vortex and then network the new DNA codes across the planet.

The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blue print for the unified crystalline field
in the Crystalline Transition of the planet. Indeed these are being reprogrammed
by and within the Crystalline 144 Grid!

The Golden Sun Disc discs will emit a 12-strand helix, in a spiraling energy that
will serve, as the prototype of the DNA for the crystalline aspect through the 144-Grid.
Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and
reform itself, becoming in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth.
They are energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do appear
disc- like when viewed.

Now as your Ascension completes itself, you will have greater access to the multi
dimensional aspects of yourselves. In truth, for some of you, the Ascension has,
for the most part, already occurred, in terms of multidimensionality. Do you understand?

Now the Earth and Human Kind will have need for the Crystalline Transition, both
of the Earth an of your energy expansions. So it is YOU that will call it forth.
It will assist in many roles, perhaps more than you imagine.

It will change the way the human body receives sunlight. It will assist in the translucent
luminous transformation of the body physical. It will trigger the transition of
the human body from carbon to silicon base. It will in kind change the nutritional
needs of the human body physical. It will defend the earth's magnetosphere by deflecting
meteorites and comets, it will lessen the effects of gamma rays into the Earth's
atmosphere. It will come forth by a natural and scientific effort, it is the natural
offspring of the completed 144-crystalline grid.

The 2011 Eclipses

And Masters, indeed the 4:2 combination of solar and lunar eclipses in a single
year, in 2011, is quite rare, so you see there is a divine plan unrolling. We tell
you that Eclipses are opportunities for energizing change.

Dear Ones, the eclipses of 2011 are an offering to make any necessary shifts that
you discern appropriate in your individual and collective life stream. These are
best afforded by synchronizing them through the contemplation and review that are
available on equinoxes and solstices.

Perfect Order

Some of you say and feel that "Everything works out as it should, all is in perfect
order". But Masters, that concept is something of a is a paradox, and like a face
card it is upside down either way you look at it. Do you understand?

From the higher perspective all is in perfect order, but from the perspective of
humankind within duality, it is not! If it were there would be no need for lesson,
no need for what you term reincarnation.

One need but take a look around and know that the plight of humankind on the planet
Earth is far from being perfect. Indeed it will NOT work out as it should, until
you make it so!

This applies in micro and macro. There is much to manage, much to review. All in
time and Masters it will occur.


Dear Humans, in closing, let me express unequivocally that I and the Angelic Realm
are in a special role of supporting you far more than you may realize. For you too
are Gods in creation, sparks of the Divine becoming violet flames of the All That

We love each of you, all of you, and beyond the veils you are part of us.

We spin a light vortex of great honor and appreciation to you, We are sending this
energy to each one of you in the 'NOW' moment that you read these words, Can you
feel it, open your heart and receive what we send forth in love.

We sincerely honor you as you move into the final two years of Earths Crystalline
Ascension. And we tell you it is the Ascension of the Earth that will spawn the
critical mass movement of physical humanities Ascension in two to three centuries.
All in free will, all by choice. And in that time, there will be no global war,
no mass starvation.

You see on December 21, 2012, the Earth Ascends, and Ascension for Humanity is available.
But do not expect the 3d Earth you see around you now to instantly follow suit.
That will occur in three centuries, but it is the expanded energy of the planetary
Crystalline Transformation that you call the Ascension that will allow for mankind's
transition...one heart at a time.
In the next two years, the love of power will begin to be displaced by the power
of love. Do not doubt it, for it is already in motion. This transformation occurs
one heart at a time, inside each of you. As such you must BE the change you want

to see!

It is a future of Ascension that you are creating...and we tell you that this period
of three centuries is the blink of an eye. We salute you. You are on the appropriate
path !

Before you lies an incredible awakening and completion. 2011 is a time of omnipotent
review, release, re-calibration, and restructuring. It is truly a time of quickening,
amplification and indeed celebration. You each have made a difference, and you will
depart this planet a greater light, than from hence you entered. And you did it
your way. In Love. I invite you to feel joy, for you have earned it !

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved!

And so it is...



DailyOM: The Light at the End of the

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 27, 2011 at 12:53am

May 24, 2011

The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Nothing is Insurmountable
There is nothing in your life that cannot be overcome; whatever the situation or problem,
there is always a solution.

When our next best course of action seems unclear, any dilemmas we face can appear
insurmountable. Yet there is nothing we cannot overcome with time, persistence, focused
thought, help, and faith. Whatever the situation or problem, there is always a solution. And if
you remember to look within, even as you search around you for the “right” course of action,
you will be able to center yourself, clear your mind, and see that nothing has to be impossible.

The first step in overcoming any obstacle is to believe that it can be overcome. Doing so will
give you the strength and courage to move through any crisis. The second step is to make a
resolution that you can prevail over any chaos. Enlist your support network of family and

friends if necessary. The more minds there are to consider a problem, the more solutions can
be found. Don’t discount ideas just because they seem impractical or “unrealistic,” and don’t
keep searching for the “best” alternative. Often there is no “best” choice, there is only a
choice to make so we can begin moving beyond whatever is obstructing our path. At the very
least, making a choice, even if isn’t the ideal one, can give you a sense of peace before you
have to figure out what your next course of action will be.

If you feel overwhelmed by the scope of your troubles, you may want to think of other people
who have turned adversity into triumph. We often gain a fresh perspective when we remember
others who have overcome larger obstacles. It can be inspiring to hear of their victories,
helping us remember that there is always light at the end of every tunnel. It is during our
darkest hours that we sometimes need to remind ourselves that we don’t have to feel helpless.
You have within and around you the resources to find a solution to any problem. And
remember that if a solution or choice you make doesn’t work, you are always free to try
another. Believe that you can get through anything, and you will always prevail.


17 lost pyramids discovered in Egypt by

space scientists
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 27, 2011 at 3:11pm

17 lost pyramids discovered in Egypt by space scientists

'Indiana Jones is old school, we've moved on from Indy ... sorry, Harrison Ford'

1. Below:
o x

Jump to explainer Tales of seven cities, lost and found

A BBC television program about "Egypt's Lost Cities" uses computer-generated imagery to
bring satellite imagery of buried pyramids to life.
msnbc.com staff and news service reports
updated 5/25/2011 6:00:01 AM ET

Seventeen lost pyramids are believed to have been found in Egypt by a team of space
archaeologists from Alabama, according to a report.

Sarah Parcak and her team at a NASA-sponsored laboratory at the University of Alabama at
Birmingham made the discoveries using a satellite survey, and also found more than 1,000
tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements in infrared images that show up buildings underground.

The BBC said that two of the suspected pyramids had been confirmed by initial excavations.

"We were very intensely doing this research for over a year. I could see the data as it was
emerging, but for me the 'aha' moment was when I could step back and look at everything that
we'd found, and I couldn't believe we could locate so many sites all over Egypt," Parcak said.

She said it was likely that more buildings would be found.

"These are just the sites [close to] the surface. There are many thousands of additional sites
that the Nile has covered over with silt. This is just the beginning of this kind of work,"
Parcak told the BBC.

"It just shows us how easy it is to underestimate both the size and scale of past human
settlements," she added.

She said the techniques she used were "an important tool" in working out where to focus
excavations on the ground.

"It gives us a much bigger perspective on archaeological sites. We have to think bigger and
that's what the satellites allow us to do," she said. "Indiana Jones is old school, we've moved
on from Indy ... sorry, Harrison Ford."

The BBC made a documentary about Parcak's work called "Egypt's Lost Cities", which is due
to be shown in Britain on May 30.

New tombs opened

Meanwhile, the tombs of seven men, including several who served King Tutankhamen and his
father, the pharaoh Akhenaten, were opened to tourists earlier this week after restoration.

Egypt's minister of antiquities, Zahi Hawass, said that two of the men who built tombs for
themselves — Maya, the treasurer of King Tutankhamen, also known as King Tut — and
Horemheb, a general under King Tut who later became king himself, "were very important
men during one of Egypt's most tumultuous periods."

Akhenaten, who lived some 3,300 years ago, closed down the temples where Egyptians
worshipped in Luxor and moved his capital to a site in the desert known as Amara.

Nasser Nasser / AP
Egyptian minister of state for antiquities, Zahi Hawass, tours the site of the New Kingdom
Cemetery containing the famous tomb of Maya, the treasurer of King Tut and the tomb of
Horemheb, Tut's general.

After he died, King Tut tried to restore order in Egypt by moving the religious capital back to
Luxor and re-establishing worship of the traditional god, Amun.

Under King Tut, "Maya was responsible for restoring order in Egypt, while his colleague
Horemheb restored order abroad," the antiquities ministry said in a statement.

A tomb built for Meryneith, who was temple steward under Akhenaten, was of mudbrick
encased in limestone blocks. A scene on a rear wall shows metal workers plying their trade.

Other tombs were built for Ptahemwia, who was the royal butler to both Akhenaten and King
Tut; Tia, a top official under Ramses II who ruled from 1303-1213 B.C.; and Pay and his son,
Raia. Pay was the overseer of the harem under King Tut, and Raia was a soldier who later
took over his father's post.

Some of these tombs were first discovered in 1843 by German explorer Richard Lepsius, but
were not fully excavated until an Anglo-Dutch mission began excavating there in 1975. Now
a Dutch team from Leiden University excavates at the site and has been restoring the tombs.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Explainer: Tales of seven cities, lost and found

previous next

Science / AAAS

The Lost City of Z, a fabled metropolis of unimagined riches deep in the Amazon rain forest,
has eluded explorers for centuries. But recently documented traces of a well-planned
constellation of walled settlements arranged around central plazas and linked together with
arrow-straight roads in the Upper Xingu region of the Brazilian Amazon may be the
civilization that gave birth to the legend, scientists say. This image shows the charred remains
of a house in the region that was uncovered as part of an archaeological project led by the
University of Florida's Michael Heckenberger.

Click the "Next" label for six more tales of cities lost or found.

Part 2 BBC report

Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images

By Frances Cronin BBC News

The infrared image on the right reveals the ancient city streets of Tanis near modern-day San
El Hagar

Related Stories
 Buried city revealed by satellite
 Museum must return mask to Egypt
 'Striking how little got looted' in Egypt

Seventeen lost pyramids are among the buildings identified in a new satellite survey of Egypt.

More than 1,000 tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements were also revealed by looking at infra-
red images which show up underground buildings.

Initial excavations have already confirmed some of the findings, including two suspected

The work has been pioneered at the University of Alabama at Birmingham by US

Egyptologist Dr Sarah Parcak.

An infra-red satellite image shows a buried pyramid, located in the centre of the highlight

She says she was amazed at how much she and her team has found.

"We were very intensely doing this research for over a year. I could see the data as it was
emerging, but for me the "Aha!" moment was when I could step back and look at everything
that we'd found and I couldn't believe we could locate so many sites all over Egypt.

"To excavate a pyramid is the dream of every archaeologist," she said.

The team analysed images from satellites orbiting 700km above the earth, equipped with
cameras so powerful they can pin-point objects less than 1m in diameter on the earth's

Infra-red imaging was used to highlight different materials under the surface.

Test excavations

Ancient Egyptians built their houses and structures out of mud brick, which is much denser
than the soil that surrounds it, so the shapes of houses, temples and tombs can be seen.

"It just shows us how easy it is to underestimate both the size and scale of past human
settlements," says Dr Parcak.

And she believes there are more antiquities to be discovered:

"These are just the sites [close to] the surface. There are many thousands of additional sites
that the Nile has covered over with silt. This is just the beginning of this kind of work."

BBC cameras followed Dr Parcak on her "nervous" journey when she travelled to Egypt to
see if excavations could back up what her technology could see under the surface.

In the BBC documentary Egypt's Lost Cities, they visit an area of Saqqara (Sakkara) where
the authorities were not initially interested in her findings.

But after being told by Dr Parcak that she had seen two potential pyramids, they made test
excavations, and they now believe it is one of the most important archaeological sites in

Click to play

An infra-red satellite image reveals the city of Tanis

But Dr Parcak said the most exciting moment was visiting the excavations at Tanis.

"They'd excavated a 3,000-year-old house that the satellite imagery had shown and the outline
of the structure matched the satellite imagery almost perfectly. That was real validation of the

The Egyptian authorities plan to use the technology to help - among other things - protect the
country's antiquities in the future.

During the recent revolution, looters accessed some well-known archaeological sites.

“Start Quote

Indiana Jones is old school, we've moved on from Indy, sorry Harrison Ford ”

Dr Sarah Parcak Space Archaeologist

"We can tell from the imagery a tomb was looted from a particular period of time and we can
alert Interpol to watch out for antiquities from that time that may be offered for sale."

She also hopes the new technology will help engage young people in science and will be a
major help for archaeologists around the world.

"It allows us to be more focused and selective in the work we do. Faced with a massive site,
you don't know where to start.

"It's an important tool to focus where we're excavating. It gives us a much bigger perspective
on archaeological sites. We have to think bigger and that's what the satellites allow us to do."

"Indiana Jones is old school, we've moved on from Indy. Sorry, Harrison Ford."

Egypt's Lost Cities is on BBC One on Monday 30 May at 2030 BST.

More on This Story

Related Stories
 Buried city revealed by satellite 25 MAY 2011, MIDDLE EAST
 Museum must return mask to Egypt 17 MARCH 2011, ENTERTAINMENT & ARTS
 'Striking how little got looted' in Egypt 21 FEBRUARY 2011, TODAY
 Saving Egypt's old pyramid 06 JANUARY 2011, SOUTH EAST WALES

 Exploring ancient Egyptian afterlife 01 NOVEMBER 2010, ENTERTAINMENT &
 Egyptian artefacts found in Spain 15 SEPTEMBER 2010, EUROPE


Ascended Master Kuthumi Chakric Flame

Temple Initiations (CFTI) – Introductory
channel 14 May 2011 – Durban South
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 27, 2011 at 3:16pm

Ascended Master Kuthumi

Chakric Flame Temple Initiations (CFTI) – Introductory channel

14 May 2011 – Durban South Africa

Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

Please note – The information of this Transcript is free and should be made available to all
that feels
drawn to it, however please do not add, change or alter any of its contents.

Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quieten your mind;
find a
comfortable place where you will be undisturbed, connect with the Energy of Spirit and set
intent for your rewire as you please. This will automatically be facilitated by your higher self
your greater good.

Special Thanks to Brandon for Transcribing

*** *** ***

I AM Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this
and to gift unto thee a blessing of patience, a blessing of humour, a blessing of understanding
and a

blessing dear ones of being able to take a look at the self without becoming too offensive
the self and hence forth be able to share that with others as you laugh at the self and in return
able to spread love and joy and humour and happiness where ever you go.
Greetings beloved ones.
A: Greetings Lord Kuthumi
MK: It is with great joy and with great pleasure within our hearts that we gather with each of
upon this day as we hold you here firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the
hands of
Beloved Masters of the light as the momentum of the processes of time increases and
begin to move in a Divine flow, in a steady and sturdy and set direction towards that which
have set for yourself out to be, the need arises to pull in the reigns from time to time, the need
certainly arise for each of you to bring in an energy of reflection, to draw towards yourself a
time of
peace and to create for yourself an area of divinity.
Now the divinity that I speak of works on many different levels, the divinity that you come to
in your time here on this plane takes on many different expressions. The light workers, those
of you
that have gathered here and many that will come to hear or read these words have obviously
set for
your self an amazing platform of light to work from, a place that is safe, that you can open
heart from to give onto the world out there your true inner reflection, your true feelings and
what an honourable deed that is.
Now a place of divinity is not necessarily a place where you create a mausoleum effect, it is
necessarily a space in your mind where you use the ringing of bells and the intoxication of
essences to put you in a divine perspective or for you to have a divine perception. The divine
of each unique being is a mere realization of where they are at, simply.
Now that in it self is a miracle, no matter where they are at, for in realizing the space that you
occupy, in knowing the space where you come from and more so that which you wish to
project out,
that is an acknowledgement of growth for how many people do you truly know that are truly
able to
recognise where they are at, that would even go as far as verbalise it, yes, not many. It is for
reason most dread the throat chakra for the throat chakra opens up the portals to higher
to higher integration and greater spiritual understanding because it is one thing believing in
something, it is another to share it with others but it is something completely different to

get to a place and space in your heart where you are able to verbalise it, not so?, no
Therefore in every person upon this plane there exist a divine hologram of beingness in their
now space. Within that divine beingness template there grows a beautiful tree called
it is a massive tree that gives life to humanity and as you ascend this tree of divine
you pick from its leaves, its branches and its flowers all of that which you are able to integrate
in a
way to recognise your own individualness and within this divine plethora of creation is the
message of your uniqueness and therefore if you acknowledge your divine individualness and
divine uniqueness exactly where you are at even if it is not contained within some sort of
form or mausoleum effect it is still a recognisable place to be, for to have that in you, to say
great I AM, that takes guts, where ever you are at.
Now beloved ones the reason why I am sharing this with you today in the opening
presentation of
my fleeting visit here, time flies when you are having fun not so, is because at this particular
having just come out of one of the most difficult periods humanity has faced in many, many
the shifting of the planetary energies which took place between November/December of the
2010 and March/April of the year 2011 you have not only faced slaying the dragon within
which is
there to rip and tear apart but you have also come to meet the sacred aspect of the eternal love
within, held through the dragon energy, so you have come to meet the good with the bad, the
with the white and certainly the life of the dark. At this particular time humanity is integrating
higher aspects of themselves which will bring a greater understanding of the processes of light
dark, that is what it is about and why would you say this is important at this particular time,
for no
other reason but to eliminate what?
A: Fear.
MK; Fear, fear is the only thing that holds you back and believe me I speak of experience.
Fear is
the only thing that will ever prevent you from being the most fantastic you, the best that you
can be.
It breaks all down to fear, and fear is what then creates all sorts of extended paralyzed
energies that
then act on insecurity, self doubt, etcetera, so on and so forth.
So the process that you have just come through asks of you to acknowledge within the
opposite, as
you have experienced a great deal of time within the worlds of duality over the last number of

more so in a recognisable perception and a clearer understanding thereof, so too now the time
come for you to bring together the two opposites that attracts you most, the light and the dark.
light for within the innocence of Man there is the constant yearning and constant need to
towards that which you know best, yes, and dark because so too there exists within Man the
opposite of that effect that actually always draws you into finding out what’s hiding in the
dark. The
inquisitive side of Man, and that dear friends is as it must be, that is as it must be. I have a
famous saying that I Kuthumi have had or given or presented through many years and that is
if you
ever think of running away from your shadow you best forget about it because you are going
to end
up very fit and completely alone with your shadow facing you.
A: Laughter.
MK: So once again instead of tying to run away from that which you hide why not learn to
with it. Take your shadow by the hand and say….well lets waltz, or lets tango, let us cha, cha,
what ever, what ever spins your wheels.
The process of dancing with the shadow is very much now coming into a integrated energy
and as
the larva within the Earth whirls and swirls around within the deeper inner planes waiting for
burst and a crack to release the pressure off itself so too have you as souls, the light workers I
addressing, whirled and swirled yourself through much of your own creations through many,
lifetimes to come to this exact lifetime and here to make the difference by allowing all of the
authentic aspects of yourself to give an outburst, an outing, to release from the pressure built
within the self, within and underneath the shell of all of the shadows that you play with and to
release that in a beautiful way, in a non-intrusive and non-judgmental way to the extent of
able to use it in this lifetime, to make a difference and to do what ever you can to bring forth a
frequency and that is where the idea of initiating the Chakric Temple Flame Initiations
from. It is in taking that which you have been blessed with to understand, to a level within
home space, so that you may anchor through the use of various candles an energy and with
session to follow that, work with each individual candle, thus be taken through a divine
process of
allowing that to unfold in such a way of you recognising that each of your family is in their
divine space, do you recall what I said in the very beginning, now matter where they are at,
they are

in their divine space and to honour them as such but in return to also claim for yourself the
as such.
It’s about honesty, it’s about sharing with others all of the blessings that you have felt and to
make it
easier it’s about using a specific tool for you to anchor specific energies and to do it with
and at the same time to honour them for who they are which is why I needed to explain to you
begin with about your individual divinity no matter where they (you) are at.
Beloved ones it is not up to you to decide where others are at. It is not up to anyone to decide
others are at, so best you focus on yourself and allow the rest to unfold in a beautiful way, in a
intrusive manner, in a sacred space, in a sacred way. Honour yourself for that which you are,
recognise these gifts in others and do everything that you can to be part of this new unfolding
of ascension which is picking up momentum as we go, and guaranteed will become stormier
as we
go along but the secret is in staying centred.
You have been taken through a number of years now of understanding how to stay centred
A: Yes.
MK: Do you think you have managed? (Master Kuthumi giggles)
A: Giggles
MK: Do you think you have managed?
Well beloved ones there is a loud knock on the door, on the door of your own knowing, of
your own
creation and of your own divine consciousness and it says wake up…wake up to the reality of
life, wake up to the understanding of the world out there, remove yourself from the clutches
of your
own short term vision and memory and step back from it all, see the bigger picture the way it
is and
understand that within that picture is an honorary space for you and you and every one of you,
you claim that?
A: Yes.
MK: No you don’t, no you don’t. Sorry…….no you don’t.
That is what these Chakric Flame Temple Initiations is all about, helping you in claiming that.
Beloved ones there are very few and far between that could ever lay claim to that fully. Do
claim to that, perhaps in a way, do you fully lay claim to that in an honest honourable manner
same way you respect the divinity of others? .....no, unfortunately not, but as we pick up
and the storms of time begin to increase and we roll towards the divine portals of new

and understanding you will be awakened like that (flicking of fingers), you are already
like that, not so. You have to give yourself some credit, wouldn’t you; don’t you think you
walked quite a long way?
A: Yes.
MK: Yes, acknowledge that. How about acknowledging that? When last have you actually
yourself a compliment?
A: Silence.
MK: And you want to tell me you live truthfully!!!
A: Laughter.
MK: I rest my case.
When last have you actually said something nice to yourself?
A: Silence.
MK: But I can ask you when last you have actually criticized yourself and most certainly it
what, how long have I been on, a half an hour ago…
A: Laughter.
MK: Yes, because that is the mind vs. the heart, because the mind is so busy telling the heart
why it
shouldn’t be fabulous, fantastic, wonderful, the mind is so busy telling the heart why can’t we
the wonderful things in our lives, why can’t we be the best that we can be, no….the heart and
mind has this amazing dialogue of….. blurrrr, there is no other way to put it because what
out of that is certainly not of any good use is it?
A: No.
MK: So you will make a point of being nice to yourselves. If you can’t be nice to yourselves
in the
space of the divine individual pyramid how can you expect someone else to be nice to you? If
don’t give your self the time of day how can you give others your heart and your love, that is
self love is all about, it is about valuing the self to the extent of loving the self beyond
There are many of you that bring hurt and harm to yourselves in a physical way, much of it to
with your habits and addictions but so too there are many of you that bring harm and hurt to
yourself much in way of your repetitive thoughts which is also a habit and an addiction, for if
asked you which of you in this room and forgive me for picking on you, but you are here.
A: Giggles.
MK: So please do not take this personal.
But if I asked you which of you here in this room uses tobacco, drugs, allopathic medicine,
too much coffee, eat too much fat, what ever the case is, but we are talking physical, so if I

you all of these questions you will begin to frown upon one another won’t you, yet none of
you had
anything nice to say about your selves, none of you could compliment yourself for anything
you could think of, do you follow me? So, do you follow me?

A: Yes.
MK: So let us begin to change that. Close your eyes for a minute, just a minute because I have
asked not overstay my visit for various reasons. As you know I can carry on and on and on…
so just
for a moment close your eyes. Now find something in yourself that you want to compliment
yourself with, very quickly.
Then I want you to pin point where you feel that from, which part of your body does it come
for those of you that know the chakras, which chakra does it come from.
Now for those of you that knows the answer to this…you may open your eyes thank you….go
your own time and work on that and what ever you complimented yourself with or thanked
for is one of the foremost conscious gifts that you have and work with it. Do you understand
A: Yes.
MK: Yes, is there anyone that had a problem with it? Anyone that needs any clarity of any
kind on
that, you know about it, it is here, is it in your heart?
A: Yes.
MK: Yes, very good. Anyone that had really strange vibrations from all sorts of chakras they
know existed?
Sister: I am getting vibrations from the chakras I know existed but I have never felt them like
before, it’s wonderful.
MK: Very good, it’s all about the new energy and therefore you are also asked beloved ones in
new energy to begin to work with yourself in a more conscious way, to begin to work with
guides in a more conscious way and to begin to interact with the world of Spirit in a more
way. Take the doubt out of the way and allow new gardens to bring truth for you, for truth is,
favourite expression, change is a moving constant because it stays the same yet it shifts all the
That to me is true science, so embrace the change and in that moving constant what that
means is to
stay centred and in that centeredness of your shifting perception, know your gifts, embrace

talents and if anything, start the day by complimenting the self on something wonderful, start
day by giving thanks, end your day by giving thanks, and let that thanks include you. For
is the easiest way to shift any limiting vibration, so by being grateful for that which you have,
that which you are, you are actually opening up the portal of endless possibilities of what you
attract to yourself, what you may integrate for your self and as from this day forth when you
yourself stuck in certain situations were you actually say to yourself it’s like that, it is like this
this and this…stop. For everything is busy shifting.
As you are experiencing a personal and interpersonal shift within your own levels so too are
shifts on all of the other levels of creation. Creation, if you look at the word creation beloved
what do you hear behind it?
A: To make new, to make new.
MK: To make….. new.
Creation…think of it, hear that word as I speak it to you.
A: Creative
MK: Creative yes, this is all correct, I will show you were I am going with this.
A: Invent, use your gifts.
MK: Invent, use your gifts.
A: New beginnings.
MK: New beginnings
A: Divine spark.
MK: Divine spark, yes.
A: Evolution
MK: Evolution correct.
So now you have heard all these words which is all to do with creation, so would you not
agree that
creation is movement?
A: Yes.
MK: For nothing that you have mentioned is constant, it is not set in stone is it?
A: No.
MK: Therefore through that act of creation you are a moving constant, constant in the sense
you stay centred and so you shall be and so you must be, and moving in the sense that you are
constantly….were are those words, create a new, find something new…do you understand
were I
am going with this?
A: Yes.
MK: So all of that plays out within the divine tunnel of creation and you are God’s own
creators on this plane, isn’t that wonderful.
A: Yes.
MK: Indeed, indeed!!!

Now in this create-ability using all of these divine templates that falls within the ethers of
you are asked to through this new upcoming series to use one specific candle at a time, you
will be
asked for those of you present that would come and grace us with your divine presence to
with you each of the candles starting off with the candle with St. Germain which is the red
correct. The reason why we are doing it like this is because through each and every one of
sessions you will learn to elevate aspects of your self still stuck in past energy that is rigid,
energy that won’t be the moving constant, past energy that refuses to shift. We are going to
usher this in, we are going to gently awaken the ones that lives in the same home as you do,
all of
those that comes into contact with you on a daily base in a regular way because you are going
through connecting with each candle and activating your divine template in each of the sacred
temples become a living, moving, breathing, fast forwarding moving constant, surrogate for
each of
those energies and in that way through this new upcoming series you are given an opportunity
help shift the vibrations of some of those that you felt is not quite there. Some of those who
you feel
you can’t really discuss things with in the way you would like, some of those that opposes
your, as
they say, chit chat, about these kind of things. It matters not because remember I began this
teaching by introducing you to the divine template within each individual that is in their own
space in a correct place and their mere acknowledgement of where they are at, that is a
miracle no
matter were they are at, for humanity finds it very difficult to acknowledge were they are at,
you who some prefer to call the lightworkers, some of you very advanced lightworkers, if you
to get really technical. I am totally sorry I didn’t bring the stars and stripes with but you have
at it forever yet not even you can give yourself a compliment.
We are going to show you how to do that one step at a time. You are going to learn how to
yourself like never before and in the process you are going to pass that love onto others that is
your divine sacred space and in your own way will make peace with them in their divine
but the trick is going to be for you to allow them to do exactly the same to you. Now that’s
what I
call transcendent psychology, it’s a challenge but hell that is what life is all about. One

after another makes for great excitement and truly intensive living not so, yes. If you wanted
to be
boring were would you be right now?
Sister: At home.
MK: At home.
A: Laughter.
MK: Well perhaps, perhaps.
Brother: Watching sport.
MK: Watching sport….beloved brother, let us get onto that subject for a little while.
Sport, even though the concept of sport is incorrect, meaning, the most atrocious amounts of
that are pumped into these games, meaning the incorrect way in which it has become quite a
of greed, no matter what, it too has a divine platform of creating unity. For in some way those
are entertained by that particular sport share a grosser understanding of that energy and it
creates a
platform for light hearted communication and that is the way sport was intended to be. It was
intended to become a game of gambling. It was never intended to become a game of greed
and by
God, it was never intended to become an industry wealthier than any other upon your planet.
That is
where the dysfunction and the malfunction of these energies come in, not in the sport itself for
is honourable fun, playing, running around, doing what ever they do. It is in the underlying
of the greed of that sport where once again humanity explored the light and the dark and the
eventually ruled, because through the power of money they were able to see how they can
the masses, and that goes the same for your governments but the underlying message here is
can never give up , it is what you’ve come to do, so no matter how despondent you may
become at
times with what ever you are working on it is your duty to keep the flow of light afloat, it is
you come to do, you didn’t come to be miserable and bored at home. You came to make a
difference, you didn’t come to invest your money in that greed of sport, you come to enjoy it,
enjoy it.
It the same as with alcohol, because you enjoy an alcoholic drink doesn’t make you an
does it? No, so because you enjoy the game of sport, doesn’t necessary have to make you a
A: Yes.
MK: Correct, so all in moderation that is good for us, moderation is the key to everything, and
believe me even within the most intrusive hard core most destructive drug on your planet
there was

an original peace project. It was originally discovered to use for a good cause, it is only
humanity sunk within the darkness of their own greed that it was created to have mind
effects to the extent that it became addictive and because the self looses its self and because
the self
no longer has the heart or the will or the vision, or the belief to know that they can do it, it
gives it
over and it says I cant do it, you do me and therefore you surrender into your heroine, into
cocaine, into your allopathic pain killers that puts you on a trip as you say.
It is because the bottom part of the body can no longer love itself enough to allow the top part
of the
body to show for it the way, for you see the chakras works one with the other, it’s like a
scale. When this happens there, it happens there, it happens everywhere. When this happens
there it
happens there, it happens everywhere and now what we are doing is taking that awareness, we
taking it one step further and we are saying ….welcome home, beginning with your home,
beginning with your home. You are already in my home, you know my home like its yours,
we are
now going to show you yours and we are going to allow you to awaken to the love in your
home like you have never known it before.
We are going to break barriers sister. Yes, we are going to break barriers, we are going to
the unfolding process of divine enlightenment like you have never experienced it before and it
going to be done with such love, love you cannot deny, correct…..correct?
A: Yes.
MK: Correct, thus if each of you have your candles with you or your candles I believe are in
very centre and for those of you that would like to partake in this series, those present and that
come to hear this transmission in time to come and don’t have your candles yet just simply set
intent to collect them and to continue with this process as is, but for now I wish for all of you
close your eyes, to sit back and simply relax, just be.
Just be in your divine template beloved ones.
Bring into your mind that gift or that compliment that you gave to yourself, now put that in
heart chakra and expand it, expand it in such a way so that you may see that which you have
blessed with, blessing others, in other words now begin to integrate that on the higher levels
of the
chakras so that you are able to bless another with all of that which you are blessed with.

(Everyone in the group placed all their candles and crystals in the centre of the room prior to

For those of you that have your candles here within this room simply turn your hands towards
candles and allow light to stream from your hands, for those of you that do not have your
candles in
this room, since we are all one you may do that too. Let your hands go towards the centre of
room and see how the presence of love flow from your palm chakras into every one of those
in the very centre and then see if you can see a different colour vibration coming from each
First of all we are going to concentrate on the right hand side, the right hand, the little finger
and we
go the little finger red, and the next one orange, the middle finger yellow, then we are going to
green the pointing finger and then we are going to go blue with the thumb, then the left hand
we are
going to go indigo, we are going to go violet, the middle finger we are going to go magenta
then we are going to go gold and silver with the last two fingers.
So you have ten fingers out and see how you can part of your love to charge every one of
candles in the ten vibrations that are before you.
See this streaming of light into the very centre.
And now let us shift this vibration one notch up in a multidimensional way. I have given you
colours that streams forth from all of the fingers, can you still relate to them.
A: Yes
MK: Now see how your vibration charges every one of these candles all at the same time, for
example see how your little finger the red one connects with every red candle that is here in
very centre and then the orange and how all of this criss-crosses into a multi dimensional
display of
laser light, can you do that?
Can you feel the energy of that?
A: Yes.
MK: Can you?
A: Yes.
MK: Are you able to relate to it?
A: Yes.
MK: Now this is what you would do for your self. You would hold your ten fingers out, put
candles on the table and then release a vibration of light from your self, from your hands,
divine frequencies of magnetic light into these candles, charging them with every bit of love
that is

contained within these ten main colours within your auric field.
And now,
When you are done you may release your hands, pull your fingers closed, as in so and then
them and lie your hands up on your lap.
Now, I want you to visualise in the very centre of this room each of you and those of you that
come to hear this, the immediate people in your life standing there, facing you, visualise the
you live with, visualise your partners, your friends you see often, that often comes into your
your lovers, visualise people that you often communicate with, visualise them all in the very
of this room, facing you and see only yourself in this mediation.
Now visualise joining them are all of your extended family and friends, just bring them in and
you aren’t able to remember all of them set the intent to invite your family, your friends and
all of
those that you don’t see very often, those are now the next level of your inner frequency
which you
vibrate out, so on the next level are those that you see now and again, perhaps people you
with, colleagues, and of course friends and family that you socialize with often, bring them in
around there.
Now I want you to visualise all of these beings in the very centre of this room where you are
facing you, you sitting on your chair facing them, now visualise that a new energy is
beginning to
form in the very centre of that entire group and there visualise for yourself a magnificent huge
a throne if you like and sitting upon that throne is yourself in your divine energy template. So
now I
want you, with all those beings around this inner aspect of yourself, to take a moment beloved
and see what you can, see the divine aspect of your self, what that inner divine aspect looks
You will probably see an aspect that looks very much like you yes, maybe younger, thinner,
A: Yes.
MK: Not so? In its divine state, can you all relate to that?
A: Yes.
MK: Can you? Everybody?
A: Yes.
MK: Anybody has a problem?......No.
So you have all of the people around you from the very centre, which is the divine aspect of

self contained within your divine template sitting very proudly, very beautifully on this chair,
I want
you to visualise that being emanating in the colour gold, forming a golden aura around it as it
sits on
this magnificent big chair or throne.
Visualise the throne in solid gold as well. See all of these beings from those closest to you
from a
day to day base, spreading out to the outside to those that you communicate with every now
again, from intimate close family to friends and those that you socialise with, standing all
I now want you to make eye contact with that divine aspect of your self. Look at them in the
What colour are their eyes, is it the same colour as yours, is it different, can you relate to that,
you see a colour?
A: Yes.
MK: Yes, can you remember that colour; can you all see a colour?
A: Yes.
MK: Sure?
A: Yes.
MK: Anyone has a problem with that?
In your minds eye you can look at this divine aspect of yourself and you can actually look into
eyes and see a specific colour, you’ve got that?
A: Yes.
MK: Now I want you to become aware that in the very centre of its heart chakra is a
emerald and the emerald begins to beam a ray of light from the divine aspect of yourself into
heart chakra.
Your heart chakra now fills up with this emerald ray of light.
Then see your heart chakra being transformed into a beautiful divine deep emerald colour.
And now concentrate on the area just above their heart chakra and then see a magnificent
beam of light forming a golden energy and how your divine aspect triggers out these golden
impulses of light, emanating this towards your higher heart, activating a golden explosion of
just above you heart chakra and then see this energy linking the two of you, are you with me.
A: Yes.
MK: Now raising your head, opening up your throat see a divine connection forming between
throat chakra and your throat chakra using a very pure frequency of sapphire light, see the
and the impulses travelling back and forth from their throat to yours in this most exquisite

Now open up your third eye and then allow their third eye and your third eye to create a
energy of pure tanzanite. And then see this divine flow of tanzanite between this divine aspect
your self and your physical self on this chair, creating an impulse of tanzanite light that flows
between their third eye and yours.
And now we wish for you to see how their crown chakra and your crown chakra connects in
beautiful golden flow of light, how they emanate all these beautiful frequencies of pure
consciousness allowing this to activate and open up your crown chakra in a pure golden
And now, looking at this divine being, this most pure innocent perfect aspect of yourself,
across the
way, set the intent for all of your higher chakras to come to life in a divine and orderly way so
each of you may integrate this at a level that you feel comfortable with A, and B, a level that
intended for you and for that very purpose we ask you to see a massive crystalline ball of light
floating above your head and for now try and release all form, colour, and vibrations from the
individual chakra, for those of you that have experienced this energy and rather see it all in its
divine perspective, see this divine aspect of your self sitting within the very centre of this
surrounded by all of those which forms a close knit realty in your life, see that being
from its higher chakras, from the eighth to twelfth and encapsulating the thirteenth, this
crystalline ball of light that simply hovers above their head and how that emits crystalline
coming to life in a wonderful explosion of expressive light above yours, above your head.
We now wish for you to expand this energy, if you can.
Visualise yourself using the energy of the heart which is where we began this foundational
activation and the higher heart energy, using the sapphire, using the tanzanite, the golden
within the crown, using all these energies, the crystalline energy. We invoke the presence of
frequency of the diamond energy and the platinum energy, now allow this massive crystalline
floating energy above your head to expand to the extent that it contains you within its divine
frequency, you the physical one on the chair for your higher self it is still above the head, the
aspect of yourself but for you the physical self expand it and see if you can actually cocoon
in this crystalline frequency, no matter how it pans out for you or how you see it or feel it.
Some of you may feel an intense increase of geometric patterns, not so?
A: Yes.
MK: Yes.

Long pause.
Now let that be, allow that to unfold as it must, allow the rays emitted from your divine aspect
yourself to unfold as it must.
And bring your attention back to this divine aspect of your self sitting on the chair facing you.
And now visualise in your mind how each and every one of those beings surrounding that
aspect of yourself uses one or more of their chakras or their palms and they beam a crystalline
coloured frequency of light towards you as they gift unto you a divine gift of acknowledging
beauty within you, as each and everyone of those beings come forward today in meditation to
you with all of that which you haven’t been able to bless yourself with.
And now in your minds eye see yourself again raising your hands, opening your palms and
your mind back onto the colour vibration coming from every finger, I want you to beam back
towards each and every one of these beings something amazing that you are blessing them
with, so
that they may awaken to their divine template within as it is.
And if you cannot pinpoint people, places, gifts or frequencies just set the intent for it to be
allow this moving constant display of colour, light, frequency and energy to awaken a new
for communication between you and them and them and you, and them to each other and you
your own inner divine template, the part of your self that needs you to compliment and love
yourself on a daily basis by showing gratitude. See this flowing, beaming, most exquisite
display of
colour light frequency energy going back and forth towards you and them, them to each other,
higher aspect of yourself to yourself.
And when you are done release from your visualisation all of the beings that surrounds this
inner aspect of yourself, give your thanks to them, and also bring into your mind the
that you have within your heart, in making a difference in truly doing something constructive
in the
time that is before you to shift any remaining limiting dense vibrations, vibrations that causes
aggravation amongst you, for we need to clear this now, you are about to dive off the deep
end, and
now we have to make sure that there is water in the pool.
And that is what the upcoming initiations are all about, every one of them clearing the density
your own limitations and your own creation, helping you to create a new reality and thus you
left on your chair, and facing you in the very centre of your sacred temple is the divine inner
of yourself.

Now I want you to give your divine inner aspect a compliment, but before you rush ahead and
your thing, I want you to give them a honorary multidimensional compliment, for example
of saying to them you are lovely, you look much thinner, rather say to them, dear one, I
honour the
vibration and the frequency of light that you bestow upon me when it comes to understanding
myself in a better way. Understanding that life is a moving constant, that it is a complex
energy yet
set out in a simple way and instead of fetching the monkey behind the bush and having to
complicate my life allow me to make it simple and therefore let me remain simple in my
ways, but
yet, honour myself with intelligence instead of looking down upon myself because I am
to be so simple, do you follow me?
Thank your divine inner template for something amazing that you wish for them to bestow
you even if you are not able to integrate it as yet. Now doing that, I want you to see the
between your solar plexus and theirs in a solid golden energy, a golden frequency of light that
connects this divine higher inner aspect of you, your sacred template and that of your
And see this flow of energy as the purest form of love and if there is a desire that you feel that
can fulfil in a honourable way from a multidimensional or extra sensory perception then ask
for this gift and give thanks at the same time for this gift, for in acknowledging through the
act of
gratitude you accept it as if you already have it and by asking for it through the act of pleading
pleasing it means that you still do not have it, yes, you know the difference.
A: Yes.
MK: So be grateful for that which you have and then in this divine frequency that you find
within see how your energy field becomes lighter and brighter with this gift given to you, can
do that?
You may even begin to see yourself as a glittering diamond ball of light of energy that
And now, I wish for you in your minds eye to stand up and at the same time see that divine
template of yourself in your perceived perfection stand up as well and in your mind see the
parts of the self, the light, the dark, the limited, the unlimited, the finite, the infinite, see the
aspects that holds you in duality move towards each other, and now, you as an observer see

from the side in your mind and you see this golden aspect of yourself and the physical aspect
yourself walking closer and closer and closer and with that the golden flow of light between
the two
solar plexus’ becomes shorter and shorter and shorter until eventually you see the two aspects
your self stand face to face.
And now…..
Through the act of gratitude give thanks to this divine higher aspect of yourself for coming
to help you integrate all of the lower aspects of yourself. Give thanks to all of people and the
in your life that you are set to make a difference with over the next couple of months, no
what, for all of the improved relationships in your life, be it in a personal or transpersonal or
professional level. Give thanks to the acknowledgement of the higher chakras, give thanks to
fact that you now are learning to embrace the flow of change and through that acknowledge
nothing is set is stone, but rather it is set in the process of unconditional love, through the
of the violet, the silver, the platinum, the diamond and the emerald frequency rays and that
rays now together with the crystalline and mother of pearl frequency is what is playing out
these energies on different levels to bring through a whole new perception of your
and the truths that you have and as we have always said, truth is truth but that too changes.
now face to face this higher aspect of yourself, visualise from a distance these two polar
of that which you are and that which you wish to be, coming together embracing one another
then see this golden aspect of yourself become part of yourself as you see every cell and every
tissue in your body being transformed into a golden frequency of light. See yourself in a
glow, see your chakras in the bright colours that they emit out, the red at the base, becoming
in the centre and then put a crystalline frequency and a mother of pearl energy in that divine
In your sacral chakra see a brilliant orange chakra glowing from the back to the front of your
and see that being transformed into a deep violet and in the very centre of that see a
energy and a mother of pearl flame and then again bring your attention up to your solar
plexus, see
this bright yellow energy being beamed out the back and the front of your body with this ruby
golden flame energy inside with the crystalline and mother of pearl flame in the very centre.

Bringing your attention back up to the heart chakra, see this beautiful green energy in the
chakra being transformed with the inner pink of unconditional love and contained within that
crystalline frequency of light sparked by the mother of pearl essence, going up into the throat
see a
sky blue being converted into a beautiful sapphire blue energy in the very centre of that a
frequency and a mother of pearl flame and up into the third eye see the beautiful indigo
chakra there
beaming out to the back and the front see the beautiful emerald contained within that, place
that a divine tanzanite frequency of light as well as the crystalline and mother of pearl flame
in the
very essence of that and then finally in the crown, see the crown chakra glowing in its deep
violet, see in being transformed into a golden glow above your head and then also embrace
crystalline and mother of pearl frequency in that.
Now visualise your energy field in a magnificent emerald and violet frequency of light, if you
yourself in a star tetrahedron visualise that on the outside, if you see yourself in a cocoon just
visualise a beautiful violet and emerald frequency of light on the outside of that. Fill the inner
of your energy filed with a divine crystalline frequency and invoke the platinum and diamond
to sparkle the inside of your energy field. And with that recognise how you have in the past
minutes become lighter as a being, and you did so by acknowledging the power and the light
you. You did so by blessing yourself with enough love and gratitude to be able to integrate the
higher aspects of your self that already exists within. And now bring your attention back into
room, give thanks for this experience to all of those that where present, give thanks to your
self, the physical self, ground your self through your base chakra into the earth as you give
thanks to
the Earth, Mother Gaia for allowing you this divine experience, give thanks to the Creator,
Father/Mother God and the Orders of Light that allows you to integrate these divine
give thanks to the Cosmic Council of Light that is their to assist you through every challenge
you may come to face, and know that not now or not ever can you be alone.
Bring yourself back into this space, into this energy in a gentle way, move your arms and
visualise your feet being solidly on the ground, feel the magnetic attraction of the love of the
through your feet, through your hands, if you are feeling unsure of yourself bend forward and
your palms and your feet flat on the floor if you can and for those oldies of you don’t bother

because no one is going to get you up again, and anchor yourself.
A: Laughter.
MK: Just a joke of love.
Beloved ones are there any questions that I can assist with at this time.
Sister: What comes to mind for me is that, why so long to get here, how many years has it
MK: Beloved sister may I interrupt you, not to mention years, let’s talk about lifetimes.
A: Laughter.
MK: You answer that, why has it taken you so many years to get here, would you like me to
you the answer….you were not ready. Were you ready 5 years ago to integrate and understand
this at the level that you do now, no. You have a wonderful saying on your planet; it is as it
be…I just wish you would believe it.
A: Laughter.
For humanity always searches for that within, which is the very reason why we have decided
particular day to use this visualisation especially with the upcoming series and especially with
all creating a whole new vibe with the people in your lives and those around you, even those
you meet just every now and again on a daily basis or every now and again on a monthly basis
matters not. You see it is all about shifting perception and awareness and I did say, if I have to
you across that threshold I will, didn’t I?
A: Giggles.
MK: Well this is spoon number four.
A: Loud laughter.
MK: So become aware of the colour frequency that you vibrate out and use it, use it. Of
there is a twist in every tale and although you were only given the 10 candles to work with,
you will
work with an 11th candle when it is all done, the white one, yes.
Beloved ones you are where you need to be right now and that is divine perfection, but being
able to
face the aspects of yourself that you put in a divine triangular energy called perfection, that is
Hence forth the decision for you to begin to communicate with that in the way that you did.
Do you
follow that?
A: Yes.
MK: Is there any one here that had a problem with that?
A: No.
MK: Good.
Sister: The only thing that I did feel is a change in temperature, at some time I was quite cold
other times I was quite warm.
MK: Well that was quite wonderful because in that way you are beginning to work in a

multidimensional way using your extra senses, you see your five lower senses ends at the
throat, the
sixth sense, which the world out there perceive to be your sixth sense is indeed your sixth
sense but
also in the same way it opens up the higher six senses and it is the higher six sense that works
together with the lower senses that creates this multidimensional reality which you call
visualising, feeling temperatures, having smells and all of that. Now understand and you
know this,
when you see something with your physical eyes and whether you close your eyes and you
you see something, there is no difference energetically and it is because of that the saying
goes, if
you have thought of a sin you might as well have committed it, do you understand?
A: Yes.
MK: Because energetically it is the same way, you can look at something and you can see for
yourself what it is, you can close your eyes and you can bring that identical image into the
cortex at the back of the brain and take the picture and see it in the same way, your reaction to
will not differ pending whether your eyes are open or closed. If you see a beautiful delicious
fruit in
the very centre of this room and you look at it and you drool, and you close your eyes and you
of it you will still drool, so you might as well have committed the offence, not so?. That is
with very deep levels of thought and of course the ultimate of all of that is to embrace
unconditionally without judgement, without blame, criticism, shame, all of those lower
which keeps the lower chakras in a very shall we say rigid state not so, are you with me?
A: Yes.
MK: Beloved ones as the chakras are changing you will find that a lot of the energies in and
as well as the colours and the frequency of the chakras changes the more you work with them.
do understand that this particular channel and her partner are gutsy enough to try and map the
chakras, not so brother.
Brandon: Indeed.
MK: Good luck to you indeed, it is a formidable task which obviously has never been done
and in that you will begin to see the different levels of perception within the chakras. Now can
understand that at the lowest level of the base chakra you will perceive it to be red, yes?
A: Yes.
MK: At the highest level of the base chakra you will perceive it to be white, yes.
A: Yes.
MK: Do you also understand that between those two there are 5 other variations and shades of
colour, now remember this, that is the one thing I would like to share with you before I take

The second thing is, as you know every chakra contains every single colour, but according to
spin it reflects the vibration so if you take the spin and the frequency of red and you take the
and the frequency of white and you begin to bring the two together wouldn’t you just find a
multidimensional kaleidoscope of energies that not necessarily is red or white.
A: Intermingling.
MK: Yes, you see the process here is to keep the mind open, to keep the heart even more open
to keep the rest of you….centred. And it is for that reason it is so important for you to do
some sort
of meditation in the morning, even if you sit for 5 minutes on a chair and stare into space and
yourself, you will find that you will no longer suffer from stress, strain, aggravations and a
host of physical irregularities and illnesses, just by becoming more centred, but in that

know that you are a moving constant.

Beloved ones, until we meet again, which I have no doubt will be very soon, the energy of St.
Germain is who will come forward together with Goddess Diana to take you across that first
threshold into this whole new exciting journey of the self yes. And then next I will be there,
Kuthumi, in my own capacity, holding my own hand, so see you then.
Until such time, understand that you are a divine spark of the greatest essence of love, you are
aspect of the Creator, and therefore use your create ability and in that process of creation,
know that
nothing can ever stay the same.
I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Lord and Master Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom
and I
greet and I bless thee in Love.
A: Adonai, thank you.

Chanel Lingenfelder©

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Sitting on The Park Bench of Evolution a
message from The Pleiadians channeled
by Gillian MacBeth
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 27, 2011 at 3:30pm

Sitting on The Park Bench of Evolution

a message from The Pleiadians channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

- 25 May, 2011 -

Welcome we are the Pleiadian. Each and everyday as you embrace and understand more of
your energy, we too come into an alignment, with parts of ourselves that we have not yet
embraced. For we are but a few rungs up the ladder of light beyond what you can see in your

bathroom mirror reflection. We too strive to move forward. We strive to become more. We
strive to embrace all aspects of ourselves that we have not fully evolved into understanding,
as do you.

We sit beside you on that park bench of evolution – each speaking a different language, each
representing a different octave of light – but knowing innately that we walk as one. It is that
oneness that we want you to introduce yourself to on. It is this oneness – that you often shun,
and push away. It is the face of God that you think is too ugly, too big, too old, too little, too
fat, too skinny, too much of one thing, or too little of another.

Understand this dear ones-- the parts of you THAT YOU DENY, that you rebuke, that you
undermine, and under estimate – are 100% God. The parts of your being that encircle you at
this moment of time are all aspects of a creator that you have denied. We speak of God as an
all-encompassing unit of life, an all-encompassing unit of light, and an all-encompassing unit
of love.

You cannot embrace one aspect of your God-ness and shun the other 143 aspects. You
cannot walk away from your inner core as you turn your back, your pretty head, and your
heart on the very Divinity that needs to be embraced. You deny your Godhead by denying
your beauty, by denying your talents, by denying your abilities. You deny the Creator when
you deny yourself. You deny the Creator when you deny the chance of a miracle in your life,
the chance of true love knocking upon your door. You deny the Creator the chance of helping
another through you. You do not just deny 3 times a day as the cock crows but you deny
your Divinity 100’s of times a day by refusing compliments, by refusing friendship, by
refusing the gifts of others.

Look at how many you push away every day, and how often you push the good away.
Whenever you deny anything – you rebuke and push away the Holiest aspect of the Universe.
daily you verbally decree and declare that you are one with the creator, asking for more
spiritual wisdoms, and truths. You seek these understandings and yet minute after minute,
breath after breath you deny the universe, the Source that lives within you and every one of
your experiences.

All things that come to you are gifts from the Creator that you choose not to unwrap, or
acknowledge. Goodness is easy to see and find in the long hours of the day but what about all
your experiences that are not as easy, not as pretty, and not as fun. All parts of the universe
are walking into your world because you summoned them, you put out the clarion call, and
you issued a decree – “Come forth into my life Teach me, Show me. The learning’s come
whether by pleasure, by pain, by goodness, by badness, by dark, or by light. It does not
matter.” You called forth everything that happened to you on this day and yesterday and
tomorrow from the very second of your birth to the very second of your death. You called it
all into existence. You called to the good guys, you called to the bad guys, you called the
lack, and the prosperity. You beckoned it by your thoughts, your words, and your energies.

We say it over and over again; your world is a giant cosmic etch-a-sketch. You are drawing
the very blueprints, of your existence. You beckon it forward with your likes, your dislikes,

your angers, your loves, your hates, your wants, and your needs. Deny nothing that comes to
you. It is all in Divine proportion.

Look to your world for the divinity that you seek. Your world reflects the divinity that you
seek. You want angels – angels shall come. You want the Easter bunny – he shall be here
too. Whatever on Earth that you ask for – is given to you –you are the favorite children of the
Creator! You are the chosen people yet you see it not.

The quickening is upon you, for you, beside you, in you, beneath you, and above you. We are
all family members in the heavenly realm, but you were the last-born and the favorite of the
Father. Everything was given to you, but like a spoiled child you do not appreciate the gifts.
You who are the favorite children, need to remember and choose yourself. Why do you think
it is a planet of free choice and free will that you reside upon? Everything revolves around
choice, chosen, choose –What will you choose? How will you choose? Who will you
choose? You wait energetically for others to choose you, for God to choose you, when all
along it has been your choice. You chose, you create, you manifest, from the inside out!

Become the Chosen, the One who chooses the highest Light. Stop denying your divinity.
Every minute of your day, every action with every person and every situation -- is divinely
instructed and orchestrated what songs are you playing to others? You break bread with the
Creator every minute of every day with every breath, every choice, every situation – you are
breaking bread with the Divine. Sit at the table of Light and sup upon what has been given

You have been cut from the finest weave of the Creator. You are the best of the best that was
placed upon earth, a place where you have forgotten who you are. You have forgotten your
abilities. You have just plain forgotten. And you feel forgotten as you act out forgetting. You
cannot ever be forgotten by any aspect of God. Whenever you meet another – you are
meeting divinity incarnate – and that should be a given. At this time we leave. We are the
Pleiadian Counsel of Light. We sit by you on this park bench of the cosmos and we share our
lunch of light.



DailyOM: Elegant Blessings
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 27, 2011 at 3:40pm

May 23, 2011

Elegant Blessings
Living a Life of Grace
When we accept that we always exist in a state of grace, we are able to live our lives more

Grace exists inside of all of us and around us. It is our inner beauty that radiates outward,
touching everyone we meet. It is that unseen hand that comes from the divine, raising us up
when we most need it. To be able to live in a state of grace is not based on worthiness, nor is it
earned through good deeds, ritual, or sacrifice. Rather it is an unearned favor, freely bestowed
and available to all, that is inherent to our birthright. All we must do is open our eyes to its
presence and we will find and experience grace everywhere.

Grace is in the rain bringing relief to drought-ridden farms, and the unexpected lead for the
perfect job opportunity that comes from a stranger. Grace is what happens to someone when
they miraculously escape injury; it is even the simple events that happen to us that we call
“good luck,” like when we don’t get a parking ticket after are meter has expired. Grace resides
in the love between two people, the gift or check that comes unexpectedly in the mail, the
cozy comforts that make up a home, and in the acts of forgiveness we bestow upon others. It
is grace that moves us to go out of our way to help a stranger. In music, a grace note is the
pause between notes that is so important to the pacing of a song. Grace is the state we are in
when we are doing nothing but just being who we are.

When we accept that we always exist in a state of grace, we are able to live our lives more
graciously. Knowing we are graced gives us hope, makes us more generous, and allows us to
trust that we are taken care of even when we are going through difficult times. Grace is our
benevolence of heart, and our generosity of spirit. Grace is unconditional love and the beauty
that is our humanity. When we know that we are blessed with grace, we can’t help but want to
live our lives in harmony.


En Çok Hangi Hikayemi Seviyorum….…
 Posted by Sibel Kavunoğlu on May 27, 2011 at 8:46pm

Çoğumuz hayat amacımızı öğrenmeyi diler, içimizdeki “ Gerçek Ben” i keşfetmeyi isteriz. Bu
yazımda “Ben”i arayışımda geldiğim noktayı sizlerle paylaşmak istiyorum.

Önce Budizm öğretilerinden “Emptiness” ten bahsetmek istiyorum. Genelde bu tarz öğretileri
anladım sanırsınız, daha derinlere indikçe her seferinde farklı anlamlara ulaşırsınız. Burada
bahsedeceğim “Emptiness” öğretinin şu an benim anladığım halidir. Bunun ötesinde bir
anlamı olduğunu keşfedenlerden şimdiden özür diliyorum. Öğretide önce araba örneği verilir.
Bildiğiniz gibi lastik, direksiyon, motor, fren balatası, debriyaj gibi parçalar birleşerek arabayı
oluşturmaktadır. Verilen örnekte bu parçaların arasında arabanın kendisinin bulunması istenir.
Parçalar tek tek analiz edildiğinde araba bir türlü bulunamaz. Çünkü tüm parçalar birleşerek
arabayı oluşturmaktadır. Sonra tıpkı araba örneğine benzer şekilde; “Ben”’i bedeniniz içinde
bulmanız istenir. Gözleriniz “ Ben” midir? “Beyniniz “Ben” midir? Kalbiniz” Ben” midir?
Yoksa “Ben” derinizin içinde veya kan dolaşımınızın içinde olabilir mi? … Nereye bakarsanız
bakın“Ben”i bir türlü bulamazsınız.

“Ben” i bir türlü bulamazken yıllar boyu bir “Ben” oluşturma sevdası sürüp gider. “ Ben”
kimdir ? Çocuklarına çok iyi annelik yapan mı ? Çok güzel resim yapan mı? Çok güzel yüzen
mi? Dedikodudan hoşlanan mı? Karanlıktan korkan mı? İnsanları seven mi? Gururunu her
şeyin ötesine koyan mı? Dost canlısı olan mı? Dürüst ve cömert olan mı?........ “Ben” aslında
tüm bunların hepsidir. Yani “Her Şey”dir.

Her zaman daha başarılı, daha mutlu, daha neşeli, daha sevgi dolu, daha huzurlu, daha iyi,
daha barışçıl, daha dingin, daha yardımsever, daha alçakgönüllü, daha dürüst, daha cömert,
daha kızgın, daha kibirli, daha açgözlü, daha bencil olma vb gibi bir çok potansiyeliniz vardır.
Ne olduğunuz, ne olacağınız evrendeki tüm olasılıklardan oluşur.

Evrendeki olasılıkların hepsi onları seçmenizi bekler. Seçtiğiniz olasılıklar kısıtlı olur ise
hayatınız da kısıtlı olur. Örneğin; Sadece hem iyi bir anne hem de işinde ve insan ilişkilerinde
başarılı “ Ben”i benimsedik diyelim. Günlerden bir gün bu güzel hikayeli “Ben”in başına
tatsız bir olay gelir. İşinde başarılı, yetenekli ve iyi bir anne olan “Ben” i eşi terk eder veya
arzuladığı terfiyi alamaz veya eskisi gibi kayda değer işler yapmamaya başlar. Başarılı,
yetenekli “Ben”’e ne olmuştur? Bir müddet sonra aynı ben ne kadar yeteneksiz ve başarısız
olduğu konusunda kendini suçlamaya başlar veya yeteneğini fark etmedikleri için diğerlerinin
düşüncesiz olduğuna karar verir. Bu durum özel hayatına da sirayet etmeye başlar. Gün gelir
gitmek istediğiniz bir toplantıya davet edilmediğinizi öğrenirsiniz. Belki de geçmişte onları
bir çok kez red etmiş olduğunuzdan bu seferkine gelemeyeceğinizi düşünmüş olabilirler. Ama
siz bir önceki hikâyenize sadık kalarak dostlarınızın sizi unuttuğuna veya size değer
vermediğine dair ikinci bir hikâye yazarsınız. Sonraki gün bu sefer iş yerinizdeki bir
toplantıya çağrılmadığınız bilgisini alırsınız. Belki de toplantı gündeminin size ihtiyaç
duyulmayacak kadar basit olması sebebiyle çağrılmamışsınızdır. Ama siz bir önceki
hikâyenize uygun temayı seçerek çaptan düştüğünüze dair üçüncü bir hikâye yazarsınız. Neler

oluyor bana deyip, huysuzlaşmaya başlarsınız. Öyle ki çevrenizdeki insanlar fazla
sinirlendirmemek adına sizden uzaklaşırlar. Şimdi de “Artık beni kimse tercih etmiyor”
hikâyesi yazılır. Yaşamınızdaki her bir olumsuz girdi zekice başka bir hikâyeye dönüştürülür.

Her şey “Ben”i nasıl kodladığımız ile ilgilidir. Çok başarılı, çok yetenekli ve mükemmel Ben
hikayesi… Bu hikayeye öyle çok tutunuruz ki ona uymayan her şey “Ben”i parçalamaya
yeter. Gerçekten başarısız olmuş da olabilirsiniz. Yanlış olan başarısızlığın ana hikâyeniz

haline gelmesidir. Halbuki siz her şey olabilirsiniz. Bu durum kendisine gelen yeni senaryo
tekliflerini elinin tersi ile bir kenara itip, geçmişteki başarısını referans alarak durmadan aynı
temalı senaryoları yazmakta ısrar eden çaptan düşmüş film yönetmeninin hikâyesine benzer.
Senaryoların özü aynı olduğundan sinema salonları çoğunlukla boştur. Artık sadece film ile
ilgili güzel anısı olanlar her şeye rağmen filmi seyretmeye gelmektedir. Ben de kendi
hikâyelerimi fark ettiğim bir günde; hikâyelerim olmadan nasıl yaşayacağım konusu kafamı
kurcaladı. Pardon korkutmuştu. Çünkü hayatım yazmış olduğum hikâyelerin bileşkesiydi.

-Bu hikâyeleri olmadan var olabilmek mümkün müydü?

-Yoksa hikâye oluşturmaya devam etmek en hayırlısı mıydı? gibi garip sorular aklıma

Sonra sadece iyi hikâyeler oluşturma fikri geldi. Fikir güzel de olsa hikâyelerin içinde
kaybolma riski vardı. Sonra olanı olduğu gibi hikâye üretmeden yaşama fikri geldi. Bu çok
daha iyi diye düşündüm. İyi veya kötü olsa da hikâyeleri fark edip sadece gülümseyerek
yoluma devam edebilirdim. Peki ya farkına varmazsam ne olacaktı? Arzu ve isteklerimi
gerçekleştirme yolunda gecikmelerim olacaktı. Gecikmenin sorumlusu ise sadece ben
olacaktım. Hala hikâye yazmaya devam edebilirdim. Hikâye üreteceksem değişik bir şey
olmalıydı beni şu andakinden daha ileriye götürmeli, daha mutlu etmeli ve daha keyif
vermeliydi. !!!!! Belki de bir sürü hikayem olmalıydı. Böylece herhangi birine tutunmadan
kolayca ilerleyebilirdim.

Unutmayın hayatınızdaki hikâyelerin yazarı da, rol dağıtıcısı da sizsiniz. Hikâyenizde rol
alanlar da sizin senaryonuza uygun rol yapmak zorundalar, farklı bir şey yapsalar dahi
algılarınız onların farklı rollerde olmalarını engelliyor. Çünkü siz çok güçlü bir yazarsınız.
Algılarınızdan çıkan neyse o oluyor. Yani kaçış yok. Kendinize bir iyilik yapın ve film
sektöründeki bu gücünüzü göz ardı etmeyin.

Hikaye yazacaksanız en azından keyifli, neşeli sizi daha iyi götürecek temaları seçin ve olanı
olduğu gibi yaşamanın formülü keşfedin….Korkmayın yeni bir şey yaratmayacaksınız..
Sadece gönlünüzün gerçek hikâyesini yazıyor olacaksınız. Düşüncelerimiz ; Ben başarılı bir
yüzücü olabilirim. Bunu korumalıyım yerine Ben başarılı bir yüzücüyüm. Geçmişte genelde
iyi dereceler almış olabilirim. Bu etapta da başarılı olabilirim şeklinde olmalıdır. Hikaye
yazmakta ısrarcıysanız o zaman hikayelerinizin sorumluluğunu almayı seçin !!!!!!

Yukarıda anlattıklarımı özetleyen güzel bir hikâye ile yazımı sonlandırmak istiyorum.


“Hintli bir yaşlı usta, çırağının sürekli her şeyden şikayet etmesinden bıkmıştı...Bir gün
çırağını tuz almaya gönderdi...Hayatındaki her şeyden mutsuz olan çırak döndüğünde, yaşlı
usta ona, bir avuç tuzu küçük bir testi suya atıp içmesini söyledi...

Çırak yaşlı adamın dediğini yaptı ama içer içmez ağzındakileri tükürmeye başladı...“Tadı
nasıl” diye soran yaşlı adama öfkeyle “çok tuzlu” diye cevap verdi...

Usta gülümsedi ve bu defa çırağını kolundan tuttuğu gibi dışarı çıkardı...Sessizce az ilerideki
gölün kıyısına doğru götürdü ve bir avuç tuzu bu defa göle atıp, gölden su içmesini söyledi.
Söyleneni yapan çırak ağzının kenarından akan suyu silerken mutlu görünüyordu...

Usta yine sordu; “Tadı nasıl?” -”Ferahlatıcı” diye yanıtladı genç çırak bu defa. -”Tuzun tadını
aldın mı yine?..” diye sordu usta... -”Hayır” diye cevapladı çırağı...

*** Bunun üzerine yaşlı usta suyun yanına diz çöktü ve genç çırağını yanına
oturttu;“Hayattaki ızdıraplar da tuz gibidir...Ne azdır, ne de çok...Izdırabın miktarı hep
aynıdır...Ancak bu ızdırabın acılığı, neyin içerisine koyduğuna bağlıdır...Izdırabın olduğunda
yapman gereken tek şey, ızdırabı veren şeyle ilgili hislerini genişletmektir...

Onun için sen de artık bardak olmayı bırak, göl olmaya, hatta derya olmaya çalış...” ***


If you have no love

 Posted by Cenk on May 29, 2011 at 11:30pm

"If you have no love, do what you will - go after all the gods on earth, do all the social
activities, try to reform the poor, the politics, write books, write poems - you are a dead
human being. And without love your problems will increase, multiply endlessly. And with
love, do what you will, there is no risk; there is no conflict. Then love is the essence of virtue.
And a mind that is not in a state of love, is not a religious mind at all." Jiddu Krishnamurti


Don't follow anybody
 Posted by Cenk on May 29, 2011 at 11:43pm

What is important is not to follow anybody but to understand oneself. If you go into yourself
without effort, fear, without any sense of restraint, and really delve deeply, you will find
extraordinary things; and you don't have to read a single book....

In oneself lies the whole world, and if you know how to look and learn, then the door is there
and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either that key or the door to open,
except yourself.

Jiddu Krishnamurti


Cosmic Oneness and Fifth-Dimensional

Timelines by DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 30, 2011 at 9:22pm

Cosmic Oneness and Fifth-Dimensional Timelines by DL Zeta

Here on Earth we may allow ourselves to buy into the illusion that we
are alone, separate and cut off from our spiritual origins. But this is
purely illusory. We are always free to enter a place of oneness with
all-that-is, therefore allowing ourselves to reunite with our cosmic
home. When we are one with all the universe, we naturally radiate the
love, blessings and joy of the higher dimensions.

Everything we create from a place of inner unity is imbued with the

essence of eternal oneness and love. Writing, art work, inventions --
everything created with a unified consciousness holds the power to help
shift others to higher dimensions because it carries the codes and keys
of inner unification.

The first step toward cosmic oneness is cultivating a relationship
between our mind and our soul.
Embracing and Allowing Eternal Love and Beauty

The intention to return to the calm and bliss of your soul will bring
you energetically in resonance with fifth-dimensional timelines.
Returning home to oneness and inner unity is a matter of bringing your
conscious mind to the place of embracing and allowing the eternal love
and beauty of your soul. Once your ego recognizes itself in the peaceful
and loving nature of your soul and seeks to unite with this part of you,
you are able to enter the state of inner oneness compatible with
high-vibrational timelines.

It is no small thing for the conscious mind to relinquish a portion of

its control to such a vast and powerful entity as the soul. Yet, in
order to transcend the confines of a purely physical-based life, the ego
must be willing to allow this to happen.

The Eternal Paradox: Losing One's Self to Find One's Self

Many people correctly sense that spiritual oneness means merging back
into all-that-is. There is implied in this process losing, at least to a
degree, one's "importance" as an individual. It is a universal paradox
that in order to find ourselves, we must be willing to lose ourselves.
This can be likened to the drop of water that is holistically the
essence of the ocean. The drop loses its singular identity but gains the
powerful force of the entire ocean as it merges with its home. If we
choose to remain a small drop of water, our mental energy resonates with
a small blip of all-that-is. When we expand our vision to include all
the universe, our mental energy comes into resonance with universal energy.

This process of losing and finding ourselves as is natural as the

in-breath and out-breath. At times we become lost in physical reality
and forget we made this agreement -- this contract -- with the universe
to allow ourselves to become lost so we can learn the true nature of
separation. It is only through experiencing the full spectrum of unity
(which includes separation) that we are able to learn the importance of
uniting our mind and soul.

Bridging our conscious mind into relationship with our soul is the
essence of our journey in each lifetime. On a daily basis, the journey
of inner unity is one of seeing through anything that stands in the way
of oneness. One of the greatest barriers to achieving inner unity is
failing to recognize our own inherent worth as divine beings.

Mechanisms of Mass Thought and Enslaving Belief Systems

Sometimes people draw back from allowing this union of cosmic oneness
because they don't feel they deserve it. Supporting this feeling are
belief systems on Earth that view humans as removed from their own

divinity. These belief systems are examples of mechanisms of mass
thought designed to disempower all who fall under their spell. These
mechanisms feed on one's energy and enslave beings to a life of
separation and alienation. Mechanisms of mass thought operate like
computer viruses and, like computer infections, they can be brought to
awareness and neutralized. With awareness, all attempts to enslave our
consciousness and feed off our life-force energy can be transformed to
higher understandings. With awareness, we are able to see through the
mechanisms and remain neutral and transparent to them as we pass by them.

There will always be momentary lapses when we fall into old patterns of
feeling ourselves undeserving of universal blessings. Any time you find
yourself feeling undeserving and unworthy, use this as your wakeup
trigger to affirm that you are a divine being worthy of the best the
universe has to offer.

Thoughts and Feelings of Separation are 'Leaks' in One's Energy Field

Whenever we feel lost, whenever we feel unable to access

fifth-dimensional timelines, we can examine where within our energy
field these "leaks" or conditions of separation exist. If we look at
others and see ourselves as separate from them, this can be an
indication that there is separation between our mind and our soul.
Usually these leaks are created by old thoughts and feelings operating
like wallpaper in the background of our consciousness. They may have
been planted in our belief systems so long ago we no longer notice them.
Once we gain awareness of any way in which our mind is spinning out
"separation viruses", we are able to quarantine and remove the virus and
fix the relationship between our soul and our mind to allow inner unity.

Getting our mind and soul to work together is essential to experiencing

storylines aligned with the new time on planet Earth. It is recognizing
and choosing oneness with all-that-is that allows us to access higher
vibrational dimensions. Our mind thinks and operates according to will.
Our soul "knows" and receives its information directly from the
universal information field. Together they create an energetic resonance
that allows us to perceive and experience reality threads that contain
the essence of our highest visions. Aligning these two and getting them
to work together activates fifth-dimensional timelines imbued with the
joy and bliss of eternal love.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now:

Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on timeline shifts and reality creation, see Portals of Spirit:
Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org/


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 30, 2011 at 9:25pm



çalışmalara göre Ayın iç tabakaları, öncesinde ölçülen değerli sıvıdan 100 kat
daha fazla olmak üzere, neredeyse Dünyanın dış örtüsü kadar çok su ihtiva

Üniversitesi, Carnegie Enstitüsü ve Case Western Reserve Üniversitesinin
müşterek araştırma Projesindeki Bilim İnsanları, 1972 deki Apollo Ay misyonunca
Dünyaya getirilen Ay Mağması içinde, ince Volkanik cam boncuklar içersinde hapsolmuş
içinde tutulan su ile birlikte, değişken elementler de keşfettiler.

Cuma günü Science

Journal içinde yayımlanan bu Keşif, Ayın ve Ay Kutuplarındaki domuş buzun nasıl
biçimlendiği faraziyesini sorgulamaktadı

“Bu örnekler
bize, Ayın içersindeki suyun miktarına dair mükemmel bir görüş veriyor” dedi,
Case Western Reserve’den Jeoloji Bilimleri Profesörü ve aynı zamanda da bu
makalenin yazarı olan James Van Orman.”Ayın içi, suyun bol olduğunu bildiğimiz
Dünya içi ile oldukça yakın bir benzerlik taşıyor.”

Gerçekten de
araştırmacılar Ay Mağması içinde, Dünyadaki Orta-Okyanus sırtlarındaki ilksel
kara parçalarında katılaşmış Mağma içindeki konsantrasyona yakın, Sülfür,
Klorin ve Florin gibi elementler dahil bazı değişken elementler ve su konsantrasyonu

Bu keşif,
Ayın ve Dünyanın genel bir kaynağa sahip olduğu teorisini güçlendiriyor ve
bilimcileri şimdiki uygulama teorisini tekrar düşünmeleri için zorluyor; ki o,
Dünyanın ilksel tarihinde, muazzam bir çarpışma şiddetinin maddeyi yörüngeye
fırlatması ve sonrasında Ayın oluşmasıdır.

Bu kaynak
teorisinin bir bölümü, su ve diğer değişken elementleri ve terkipleri, bu çarpışmanın

şiddeti ve ısının tükettiğini söylüyor.


Çn: Süleyman

Sevgi ve hep

(NOT: Neden bu keşif 1972 den bu yana ortaya çıkarılmadı da şimdi gündeme getiriliyor?
Aydaki bazı şeylerin İnsanlıkça şimdi bilinmesi acaba neden isteniyor? Vb.Sorular biraz
zihinleri yoracak gibi...)



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 30, 2011 at 9:26pm



LONDRA- Bir araştırmacı grubu, Dünyadan

13 Milyar ışık yılı uzaklıkta,
Evrenin izlenebilen en uzak sınırında, daha önce hiç bulgulanmamış süper güçlü
bir patlama tanımladı.

Bu Gamma Işın patlaması ilk kez 2009

yılında özellikleştirilmiş bir NASA uydusunca
tespit edilmişti, fakat araştırmacılar, toplanan bilgi verilerinin gösterdiğine
göre bu patlamanın Evrenin izlenebilen
en uzak kenarında olduğunu bildirdiler.

Bu Gamma Işın patlamaları olağanüstü kısa

fakat bir o kadar da güçlü patlamalardır ki onlar, Güneşimizden milyonlarca kez daha
parlaklıkta bir ışık verebilir ve
Evren boyunca nesneleri kolaylıkla
bir ışık noktası yaparak onların içinden geçebilirler.

Astronomlar, bu kadar uzakta bir patlama
üzerindeki kuşkuları ifade eden bir çalışma bağlantısı kurmadı, ancak, eğer o
doğru bir şekilde tanımlanmışsa, bu daha önce hiç bu kadar uzakta olmamış bir
şeyler içinde olabilir dediler.


Çn: Süleyman

Sevgi ve hep


The Mirror of Infinite Beauty By Katherine

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 30, 2011 at 9:58pm

The Mirror of Infinite Beauty

By Katherine Tingley
The world is a Mirror of Infinite Beauty, yet no man sees it. It is a Temple of Majesty, yet no
man regards it. It is a Region of Light and Peace, did not man disquiet it. It is the Paradise of
God . . . the Place of Angels and the Gate of Heaven. -- Thomas Traherne
In the confusion of the world today, perhaps out of a hundred we might find only five or ten
who have the broader vision that would enable them to see that the infinite life is mirrored in
earth-life. Human experience on earth, which is but a station, a stopping place in the progress
of the soul, gives us the opportunity to find not only our own spiritual nature and the infinite
powers within us, but also to know the meaning of life and to see its beauty even in material
But material life has been made paramount. Our disquieting of this region of light and peace
comes not altogether from intention, but because a great psychological wave of ignorance has
been brooding over humanity for thousands of years. The uncertainty and insecurity of human
life make it impossible to realize in this life the beauty and grandeur that is mirrored through
the Infinite. Humanity must realize that the infinite laws, which have fashioned everything
and hold everything in their keeping, are also for us. It is for us to work with them.
To understand the infinite beauty of life, we must thrill with the knowledge of our own
essential divinity, we must find it in the depths of our hearts, of our consciences, and it must
illumine our minds. I often meet charming people of great culture who have everything they

want and expect the world to look at and admire them. They have wealth, culture, and
refinement, but they are lacking the knowledge of their own essential divinity which every
man and woman must have if they are to find the region of peace, the temple of majesty.
In this age of inquiry, it is our right to find our heritage, and we cannot find it until we
challenge ourselves and learn who we are, what we are, whence we came, and whither we go.
Looking into the answers to these all-important questions requires no wealth, no great
intellectual attainments. It requires only a determined purpose to look upon life with a larger
vision. Galileo said that in order to know whether the world was round or flat, he had to go
above it so as to look down and see it. There is a bit of occultism in this. We must rise above
our ordinary selves and soar beyond the modern way of thinking. We must bury our
prejudices and perhaps assume the attitude of mind we were in as little children. We must
begin over again in a sense, and try to find in our hearts some of the tender feelings we had
then, but which we have let pass us. The artificiality of modern life is distorting and
destroying the spiritual life in man.
Real knowledge is self-knowledge, and this is to be gained through the challenging of the self,
the finding of one's own strength and weaknesses, and recognizing the duality of human
nature. That which destroys faith and carries us away from the path onto the sidetracks of
weakness and passion and vice is the imperfect, animal part of our nature. Yet there is
mirrored in our soul the infinite beauty of life which Traherne speaks of. It is for all; but it is
only to be unfolded through a new trust, a new conception of life, a larger love for humanity,
and a greater consciousness of the divinity within.
The mirror of infinite beauty can be seen in the wonderful mysteries of the simplest flowers,
in the trees, in the immensity of the ocean, in the stars, and in the heavens. Then look into the
eyes of humanity and, in spite of all we see there overshadowing the spiritual self, let a person
challenge himself to find his own soul and that infinite beauty will shine out through his eyes.
It will warm his heart, and he will realize that the conquest of self has been made.
Those who struggle in shadows and perplexities of any kind can find the mirror of infinite
beauty. But to be steadfast and firm on one's feet, to move along daily in the consciousness of
one's divinity, one must rise above his passions and desires, take an absolutely new view of
life, and live according to the knowledge gained. This cannot be done until one eliminates
from his mind the limitations that do not belong to the higher self. They obscure and destroy
all that is best and noblest in the nature and disquiet these regions of infinite beauty.
Some have said, "Oh, the goal is grand and beautiful, your theory is wonderful, but it is such
hard work!" But it is not so if we go about it in the right way. To ingrain these teachings into
our lives and build ourselves up to a position where we can rise in our visions and in our
conceptions of greater things and look down upon and overcome our weaknesses, we must
remember that step by step we climb. We must not expect to acquire full knowledge in a day,
a week, a month, a year, or even in one lifetime.
With the ultimate ever in mind, we must yet live for the day. No matter how great the present
difficulties, the struggles in business and the duties that pertain to the subject at hand can
bring home to us a realization of some of the infinite beauty of life that cannot come to us in
any other way. We have not to look ahead to future years with fear and dread, but to eliminate
from our minds all those ideas that have taken root which make us the progeny of doubt and
fear and, according to the old conception, of sin. But times are changing. Evolution is pushing
its way into the thought-life of the world and molding minds accordingly, and it tells us of the
possibility of making of this world the mirror of infinite beauty.
Man gets what he works for, and if he doesn't work for it he doesn't get it. Mere thinking
about the joy of life and even reveling in it will not bring it. But when one wants truth so
much that he is actually hungry for it, he gets it. It is the wine of life, the revelation of the
book of life. No language can describe it -- the most beautiful things in life can never be

described in words; the holiest part of our religious nature can never be uttered in words, but
it is the region of light and peace.
Those who desire the truth, who have the courage to enter a new life, who have the desire to
be reborn in a sense, must throw overboard everything that has held them down in their
limitations, in their doubts, their fears, their dislikes, their passions. Why? Because the soul is
seeking its evolution in the house of flesh, it is seeking to help the being to become that which
it knows it can be. But the human mind, even though cultured, is frequently the slave to this
idea and that, this one's opinion and that one's opinion, and this "ism" and that "ism," so that
the mind reflects only life's confusion, corruption, distress, and doubt.
Yet man is a majestic being if he knows his own spiritual nature and works assiduously to
become that which he was intended to be, that he may fulfill his mission as a noble
representative of the higher law. Thus he may become a great factor in the divine scheme of
things, making for beauty, harmony, peace, and joy. He is walking the path of self-conquest
with such clear perceptions, such earnestness, such steadfastness, that his whole nature is
reflected in the mirror of infinite beauty.
There is a splendor in soul-life; and when the soul reigns, commands, and overcomes, victory
is won for the whole world. Then will we no longer disquiet the region of light and peace. We
will have reached a point where we can challenge ourself and say to our own passions,
selfishness, and weaknesses, "Get Thee behind me, Satan!" -- for they are the Satans of our
own creation. We will find that these conditions in our nature that are not controlled and not
conquered in one life will have to be met and conquered in another.
We must realize that what counts in life is not what we want or what we believe in: it is what
is or what will be. We cannot move the sun or the moon, the planets or the stars, but it is great
to know that we can change ourselves, that we are the makers of our own destiny, that we can
compel the brain-mind, which is but an instrument, to be under the control of the soul. We
cannot depend merely upon the intellectual life and be so wrapped up in it that, when the body
dies, the soul has to go on and on returning to earth-life, trying it over again having made little
progress. The urge of the soul towards perfection never dies. It is for us to nurse our higher
natures, the potential qualities within us, to nurse the pictures and dreams of a future life, of a
better life in this life, and to hold tenderly and affectionately in our hearts the love of the
higher law which makes of this world a mirror of infinite beauty for all.
(From Sunrise magazine, February/March 2002; copyright © 2001 Theosophical University


Master Hilarion's Weekly Message: May
29-June 4, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 30, 2011 at 10:00pm

Master Hilarion's Weekly Message: May 29-June 4, 2011 -


May 29-June 4, 2011

Beloved Ones,
As you go about your daily lives in this coming week, take time to be out in Nature and soak
up the rays of the Sun for at least 5 minutes each day. There are healing and energizing
qualities contained within these rays that are highly beneficial for those who have been on the
Ascension path. Visualize little Suns coming into each chakra starting at the crown chakra all
the way down to the root chakra and try to feel them pulsing and expanding. This practice will
help you connect with your Light Body and establish a stronger connection.

Also walking for at least 15 minutes each day is excellent to ensure that your energy fields are
flowing properly and that no blockages occur. Deep belly breathing is very helpful to inhale
the new pranic energies that now abound in the atmosphere around you. Drinking two glasses
of water first thing on arising each morning is good, as well as a glass about one half hour
before each meal and one glass before bedtime and of course, whenever you feel thirsty. With
these daily practices along with your regular spiritual disciplines, acclimating to the higher
frequencies will be much easier.

The strange weather patterns will continue and it is well that you each say prayers for the
protection of the people as these weather patterns show up in various places throughout the
World. These are the dense energies being cleansed at this time and there is just no way to get
around this cleansing wherever and whenever it occurs. Remember, that just as each of you
are becoming radiant Beings of Light, so too, is your Planet, as Her core is radiating greater
Light from within in concentric circles through the layers to the surface and out into the

It is a very good time to go deep within in and find stillness for as long as you are able, for
connecting with your core is essential to maintain harmony and balance during these chaotic
times. Always intend the Highest Good for all and be prepared for many around you to

attempt to make you a ‘dumping ground’ because of your Light. Remember that it is an
indication that the Cosmic Energies of Love that are flowing upon your Planet are doing the
work of purification of all that does not and cannot enter 5th dimensional frequencies.

Maintain your Highest visions for the Highest Good of all, Beloved Ones, for you are the
foundation of all that is good and wholesome in these changing times.
Until next week….

I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and
nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is
included. www.therainbowscribe.com
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.


The 12th Dimensional Shield

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 30, 2011 at 10:09pm

'The 12th dimensional shield is a practice that fortifies and strengthens our aura by
reconnecting us to our 12th dimensional blue print or Kryst or krystal body.

The shield also helps us to re-imprint our body to physical and energy sustainability and
health and this achieved by bringing balance to the body. It also allows communication to be
restored with our spiritual forces and star family. It also empowers our body, ourselves to re-
awaken the wisdom of our true origins which may mean we start to decode light language or
start to understand more about the hidden history of our planet and of our race.'

EnergeticSynthesis on May 20, 2011 - Lisa Renee

Although reading this explanation may be confusing in terminology I wish you to take an
advantage of this techniques as proven to be working great and also very beneficial for many

It is beneficial for self protections, for rising vibrational level and cleansing energies.

12 Dimension is the Dimension of Christ Consciousness. I strongly suggest before start that
exersize say to yourself: 12 Dimensional energy - NOW and hold the flow. That will be

command to your Higher Self that will do exactly what you are saying. I use that technique in
every session I am doing...I will add some more explanations...

12D Shield Building Technique

Uploaded by EnergeticSynthesis on May 23, 2011

So our core support practice is you wake up in the morning and your first step is to make a
daily declaration of your intention to resolve the authority problem between the ego
personality and God. And that can be simply stated in these words or words of your own that
feel emotionally charged and connected to you such as:

My declaration of intention to serve my source. I commit to serve my highest power fully

completely and totally. I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free.

How to build your personal 12D Shield:

And then you work with shielding your body, your personal energy field. Most of us know in
becoming introduced to our body of work here at Energetic Synthesis, our core practice is the
12th dimensional shield. The 12th dimensional shield is a practice that fortifies and
strengthens our aura by reconnecting us to our 12th dimensional blue print or Kryst or krystal
body. As we shield ourselves, we learn energetic boundaries of our aura. And then we can
learn to boundary test our aura to discordant energies that are uninvited.

The shield also helps us to re-imprint our body to physical and energy sustainability and
health and this achieved by bringing balance to the body. It also allows communication to be
restored with our spiritual forces and star family. It also empowers our body, ourselves to re-
awaken the wisdom of our true origins which may mean we start to decode light language or
start to understand more about the hidden history of our planet and of our race.

So as we work with the 12D shield, we use the six-pointed star, which is two triangles of
merkabah that is representative of our merkabah body. Many of us are seasoned with this
exercise but for many of us that are new and joining us now, let us go through the process of
the 12D shield.

The 12th dimensional shield is a practice that fortifies and strengthens our aura by
reconnecting us to our 12th dimensional blue print or Kryst or krystal body. As we shield
ourselves, we learn energetic boundaries of our aura. And then we can learn to boundary test
our aura to discordant energies that are uninvited.

The shield also helps us to re-imprint our body to physical and energy sustainability and
health and this achieved by bringing balance to the body. It also allows communication to be
restored with our spiritual forces and star family. It also empowers our body, ourselves to re-
awaken the wisdom of our true origins which may mean we start to decode light language or
start to understand more about the hidden history of our planet and of our race. ( Lisa Renee)


DailyOM: Emptiness Becomes Openness
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 31, 2011 at 8:40pm

Emptiness Becomes Openness

Sometimes a Loss Can Be a Gain
While it is always important to honor what we’ve lost, sometimes a loss can also represent a
chance for a new beginning.
When we lose anything that we cherish, the sense of emptiness we are left behind with can be overwhelming. A
space that was filled, whether in our lives or our hearts, is now a void, and the feelings of pain, loss, and
separation can sometimes be difficult to bear. While it is always important to honor what we’ve lost, sometimes a
loss can also represent a chance for a new beginning. When we are ready, the void left by a relationship, a job, or
a dream can then be viewed as open space that can be filled with something new: new experiences, new
knowledge, new job opportunities, new dreams, new people, and new ways to grow.

There are many ways to weave the threads of loss into a blessing. If you’ve lost a job or ended a relationship,
your first thoughts may revolve around filling the void with a similar job or the same kind of relationship. Try
not to rush into anything just to fill up the emptiness. The loss of a job can free you up to explore new
opportunities, especially if you’ve outgrown the old one. Likewise, the loss of a relationship can give you a
chance to rediscover your own interests, explore new passions, and meet different people.

If seeking the good in what seems like a bad situation makes you feel uncomfortable, then try to remember that
you are not devaluing what you’ve lost or replacing it cold-heartedly. You are surrendering to the fact that, in
life, we sometimes have to let go and allow for what is new to enter into the open spaces created by our losses. In
doing so, you are honoring what has left you and welcoming the new into your life with open space, an open
mind, and an open heart.


Pyramid-Exploring Robot Reveals Hidden

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 31, 2011 at 8:44pm

Pyramid-Exploring Robot Reveals Hidden Hieroglyphs

From: http://news.discovery.com/archaeology/pyramids-hieroglyphs-robot-my...
May 28, 2011

A robot explorer sent through the Great Pyramid of Giza has begun to unveil some of
the secrets behind the 4,500-year-old pharaonic mausoleum as it transmitted the
first images behind one of its mysterious doors.
The images revealed hieroglyphs written in red paint that have not been seen by human eyes
since the construction of the pyramid. The pictures also unveiled new details about two
puzzling copper pins embedded in one of the so called "secret doors."
Published in the Annales du Service Des Antiquities de l'Egypte (ASAE), the images of
markings and graffiti could unlock the secrets of the monument's puzzling architecture.
"We believe that if these hieroglyphs could be deciphered they could help Egyptologists work
out why these mysterious shafts were built," Rob Richardson, the engineer who designed the
robot at the University of Leeds, said. The study was sponsored by Mehdi Tayoubi and
Richard Breitner of project partners Dassault Systèmes in France.
NEWS: Great Pyramid May Hold Two Hidden Chambers
Built for the pharaoh Cheops, also known as Khufu, the Great Pyramid is the last remaining
wonder of the ancient world.
The monument is the largest of a family of three pyramids on the Giza plateau, on the
outskirts of Cairo, and has long been rumored to have hidden passageways leading to secret
Archaeologists have long puzzled over the purpose of four narrow shafts deep inside the
pyramid since they were first discovered in 1872.
Two shafts, extend from the upper, or "Kings Chamber" exit into open air. But the lower two,
one on the south side and one on the north side in the so-called "Queen's Chamber" disappear
within the structures, deepening the pyramid mystery.
Widely believed to be ritual passageways for the dead pharaoh's soul to reach the afterlife,
these 8-inch-square shafts remained unexplored until 1993, when German engineer Rudolf
Gantenbrink sent a robot through the southern shaft.
After a steady climb of 213 feet from the heart of the pyramid, the robot came to a stop in
front of a mysterious limestone slab adorned with two copper pins.
Nine years later, Hawass explored the southern shaft on live television. As the world held its
breath, a tomb-raiding robot pushed a camera through a hole drilled in the copper pinned door
-- only to reveal what appeared to be another door.
The following day, Hawass sent the robot through the northern shaft.
After crawling for 213 feet and navigating several sharp bends, the robot came to an abrupt
halt in front of another limestone slab.
As with the Gantenbrink door, the stone was adorned with two copper pins.
"I dedicated my whole life to study the secrets of the Great Pyramid. My goal is to finally find
out what’s behind these secret doors," Zahi Hawass, Egypt's Minister of State for Antiquities
Affairs, told Discovery News in a recent interview.
In the attempt to solve the mystery, Hawass established the Djedi project, a joint international-
Egyptian mission, which he named after the magician who Khufu consulted when planning
the layout of this pyramid.
"I selected the Djedi team during a competition that I coordinated to pick the best possible
robot to explore the shafts in the Great Pyramid," Hawass said.
The winning robot, designed by Leeds University, has indeed gone further than anyone has
ever been before in the pyramid.
The project began with the exploration of the southern shaft, which ends at the so called
"Gantenbrink’s door."
The robot was able to climb inside the walls of the shaft while carrying a "micro snake"
camera that can see around corners.

Unlike previous expeditions, in which camera images were only taken looking straight ahead,
the bendy camera was small enough to fit through a small hole in a stone "door," giving
researchers a clear view into the chamber beyond. It was at that time that the camera sent back
images of 4,500-year-old markings.
"There are many unanswered questions that these images raise," Richardson told Discovery
News. "Why is there writing in this space? What does the writing say? There appears to be a
masonry cutting mark next to the figures: why was it not cut along this line?" Roberston
The researchers were also able to scrutinize the two famous copper pins embedded in the door
to the chamber that had only ever been glimpsed from the front before.
"The back of the pins curve back on themselves. Why? What was the purpose of these pins?
The loops seem too small to serve a mechanical purpose," Richardson said.
The new information dismisses the hypothesis that the copper pins were handles, and might
point to an ornamental purpose.
"Also, the back of the door is polished so it must have been important. It doesn't look like it
was a rough piece of stone used to stop debris getting into the shaft," project mission manager
Shaun Whitehead, of the exploration company Scoutek UK, said.
The Djedi robot is expected to reveal much more in the next months.
The device is equipped with a unique range of tools which include a miniature "beetle" robot
that can fit through a 19 mm diameter hole, a coring drill, and a miniaturized ultrasonic device
that can tap on walls and listen to the response to help determine the thickness of the stone.
The next step will be an investigation of the chamber's far wall to check whether it is another
door, as suggested in the 2002 live exploration, or a solid block of stone.
"Then we are going to explore the northern shaft," Richardson said.
The team has committed to completing the work by the end of 2011. A detailed report on the
findings is expected to be published in early 2012.


New Crop Circle: Hackpen Hill, near

Wrougton, Wiltshire
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 31, 2011 at 8:46pm

New Crop Circle: Hackpen Hill, near Wrougton, Wiltshire, reported May 30,...

Hackpen Hill, Nr Wrougton, Wiltshire. Reported 30th May.
Updated Monday 30th May 2011

Images Olivier Morel / WCCSG Copyright 2011


MICHELLE ELOFF© Channelled in
Johannesburg, South Africa on 23 June
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 31, 2011 at 9:30pm



Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 23 June 2003

Revised and updated by Michelle on 19 May 2011


I am Lord Kuthumi, and I come forward upon the Rays of Light and Wisdom to hold each one
of you in the essence of love and truth and in the uniqueness of true beauty. Greetings. And
it is with great joy in our hearts that we are able to embrace you as individuals and as groups
as we bring to you guidance and the teachings of Universal wisdom upon this day.

It has come to our attention that many of you currently feel as if you are wading through a
sticky energy, very similar to “walking through molasses”, yes? It is now time for you to take
the teachings we have spoken of and apply them. One of these is choice, and how it is you use
your mind in situations in your life, in other words, your attitude toward life. This is the time
to actively use the power of choice in every moment of your life; to choose how you
feel/experience life, and from which angle - will it be heads or will it be tails? It is your
choice. However, many say: “I understand you Kuthumi, but I do not feel I know how to do
this.” By being grounded in your experiences you begin to feel. When you are in an
experience and you separate yourself from feeling by trying to analyse and intellectualise
what you are experiencing, you move into your head and step out of your heart. Here it is that
you have the opportunity to allow your mind (wisdom) and your heart (love) to work together,
so that your feelings may be understood as opposed to being separated and creating more
confusion in each experience.

This also boils down to your attitude towards yourself, towards experiences that are unfolding
in your reality, and your attitude towards those who are playing the game with you. This is not
a time to beat yourself up for not being able to remain centred or focussed. This is a time to
take action in each and every moment of what you are experiencing, be it challenges or joy.
Many become disturbed and disillusioned when sailing upon the crest of the wave and
suddenly fall upon the sand, perhaps with the sand up your nose and in your ears and in your
mouth, and you are not sure whether you are upside or downside, and you look around and
your world is spinning in a different direction.

This is the time to take that which you have been taught already and apply it. It is like having
a closet filled with different tools, yet everything in your house is lying broken because you
will not take the tools out and fix it. Perhaps it would be too much hard work to fix the
appliance for instance or perhaps you will get your hands dirty. And so you leave the tools in
the closet and you carry on, and so things begin to deteriorate and before you know it things
have fallen apart and you come and sit before me, and you ask, why?

I ask you - why? Why do you feel at this time things in your life are perhaps not going
according to your plan? There are many questions you can ask yourself, and I shall assist you
with some of these.

When you feel that your life is not running smoothly, you can ask yourself:

 Have I allowed room for flexibility in my life to flow with my soul, or have I become
rigid in my outlook?

 Have I moved too much into my head and not allowed my heart to be my navigator?

 Am I forgetting what my goal is; what the original purpose was?

 Am I simply falling into an old pattern of victim consciousness- and what am I getting
out of doing this?

Each time you feel yourself moving into hopelessness, helplessness, and the disillusionment
of past patterns, ponder your past experience and ask yourself truthfully what you got out of
feeling that way, of falling back into old belief systems, old thought patterns, and criticism of
self or others. Then, change your attitude; change your mind, and allow your heart to be a
gear lever. By addressing your life in this way, you will find that more opportunities of
support automatically unfold, for then you are allowing your Inner Tutor to guide you via
your soul and your heart, and you’re not handing control over to your lower ego - the fearful
part of self which has been traumatized and tainted by past experience.

Therefore, you assist yourself in developing new tools, new ways of finding solutions in your
reality. It is a lesson of remaining focussed, and maintaining clarity in the midst of chaos. This
is when you will find, by doing this, you have mastered self-discipline - mastered the art of
holding your centre and not being disturbed by the fears and problems of others in your
reality, including your own, because you will have put things into a new perspective.

We have also noticed that those who are sailing along at this time tend to feel a little guilty
when they see their dear friends, perhaps even family, going through the dark night of their
soul, and there is a part of them that feels that perhaps they, too, must be sad. This is not so,
for as you stand in your light, in your joy and in the love of happiness, you are showing those
around you that it is possible to be in this space. There is no reason, truly no reason, to
compromise your truth, your love or your joy. It is all a matter of choice - as you have been
told many times before.

Consider a situation in your life, an attitude or a belief system - you wish to change.

 Why do you want this change?

 What difference will it make to you and those involved in your life or the situation?

 Does the change require a physical action or a simple shift in perspective?

 Either way, how do you intend making this change? in other words, what is the first
thing you need to do to activate the change you desire?

 Are you willing to do what it takes to make your wish a reality?

Be conscious of that which you have asked for upon this day, that which you have considered,
and know that the assistance from Spirit and life shall come to you, and the support will be
there for you because you have asked for it. You have set the intention and the ball is rolling.

Believe that life does support you; believe that you have the strength to change your mind in
any way you choose, and that you have the power to be either the victim or the victor.

I am Kuthumi, Lord of Love and Wisdom, and I greet and I bless you in Love. ADONAI


The Mirror of Infinite Beauty By Katherine

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 31, 2011 at 9:36pm

The Mirror of Infinite Beauty

By Katherine Tingley
The world is a Mirror of Infinite Beauty, yet no man sees it. It is a Temple of Majesty, yet no
man regards it. It is a Region of Light and Peace, did not man disquiet it. It is the Paradise of
God . . . the Place of Angels and the Gate of Heaven. -- Thomas Traherne
In the confusion of the world today, perhaps out of a hundred we might find only five or ten
who have the broader vision that would enable them to see that the infinite life is mirrored in
earth-life. Human experience on earth, which is but a station, a stopping place in the progress
of the soul, gives us the opportunity to find not only our own spiritual nature and the infinite
powers within us, but also to know the meaning of life and to see its beauty even in material
But material life has been made paramount. Our disquieting of this region of light and peace
comes not altogether from intention, but because a great psychological wave of ignorance has
been brooding over humanity for thousands of years. The uncertainty and insecurity of human
life make it impossible to realize in this life the beauty and grandeur that is mirrored through
the Infinite. Humanity must realize that the infinite laws, which have fashioned everything
and hold everything in their keeping, are also for us. It is for us to work with them.
To understand the infinite beauty of life, we must thrill with the knowledge of our own
essential divinity, we must find it in the depths of our hearts, of our consciences, and it must
illumine our minds. I often meet charming people of great culture who have everything they
want and expect the world to look at and admire them. They have wealth, culture, and
refinement, but they are lacking the knowledge of their own essential divinity which every
man and woman must have if they are to find the region of peace, the temple of majesty.
In this age of inquiry, it is our right to find our heritage, and we cannot find it until we
challenge ourselves and learn who we are, what we are, whence we came, and whither we go.
Looking into the answers to these all-important questions requires no wealth, no great
intellectual attainments. It requires only a determined purpose to look upon life with a larger
vision. Galileo said that in order to know whether the world was round or flat, he had to go
above it so as to look down and see it. There is a bit of occultism in this. We must rise above

our ordinary selves and soar beyond the modern way of thinking. We must bury our
prejudices and perhaps assume the attitude of mind we were in as little children. We must
begin over again in a sense, and try to find in our hearts some of the tender feelings we had
then, but which we have let pass us. The artificiality of modern life is distorting and
destroying the spiritual life in man.
Real knowledge is self-knowledge, and this is to be gained through the challenging of the self,
the finding of one's own strength and weaknesses, and recognizing the duality of human
nature. That which destroys faith and carries us away from the path onto the sidetracks of
weakness and passion and vice is the imperfect, animal part of our nature. Yet there is
mirrored in our soul the infinite beauty of life which Traherne speaks of. It is for all; but it is
only to be unfolded through a new trust, a new conception of life, a larger love for humanity,
and a greater consciousness of the divinity within.
The mirror of infinite beauty can be seen in the wonderful mysteries of the simplest flowers,
in the trees, in the immensity of the ocean, in the stars, and in the heavens. Then look into the
eyes of humanity and, in spite of all we see there overshadowing the spiritual self, let a person
challenge himself to find his own soul and that infinite beauty will shine out through his eyes.
It will warm his heart, and he will realize that the conquest of self has been made.
Those who struggle in shadows and perplexities of any kind can find the mirror of infinite
beauty. But to be steadfast and firm on one's feet, to move along daily in the consciousness of
one's divinity, one must rise above his passions and desires, take an absolutely new view of
life, and live according to the knowledge gained. This cannot be done until one eliminates
from his mind the limitations that do not belong to the higher self. They obscure and destroy
all that is best and noblest in the nature and disquiet these regions of infinite beauty.
Some have said, "Oh, the goal is grand and beautiful, your theory is wonderful, but it is such
hard work!" But it is not so if we go about it in the right way. To ingrain these teachings into
our lives and build ourselves up to a position where we can rise in our visions and in our
conceptions of greater things and look down upon and overcome our weaknesses, we must
remember that step by step we climb. We must not expect to acquire full knowledge in a day,
a week, a month, a year, or even in one lifetime.
With the ultimate ever in mind, we must yet live for the day. No matter how great the present
difficulties, the struggles in business and the duties that pertain to the subject at hand can
bring home to us a realization of some of the infinite beauty of life that cannot come to us in
any other way. We have not to look ahead to future years with fear and dread, but to eliminate
from our minds all those ideas that have taken root which make us the progeny of doubt and
fear and, according to the old conception, of sin. But times are changing. Evolution is pushing
its way into the thought-life of the world and molding minds accordingly, and it tells us of the
possibility of making of this world the mirror of infinite beauty.
Man gets what he works for, and if he doesn't work for it he doesn't get it. Mere thinking
about the joy of life and even reveling in it will not bring it. But when one wants truth so
much that he is actually hungry for it, he gets it. It is the wine of life, the revelation of the
book of life. No language can describe it -- the most beautiful things in life can never be
described in words; the holiest part of our religious nature can never be uttered in words, but
it is the region of light and peace.
Those who desire the truth, who have the courage to enter a new life, who have the desire to
be reborn in a sense, must throw overboard everything that has held them down in their
limitations, in their doubts, their fears, their dislikes, their passions. Why? Because the soul is
seeking its evolution in the house of flesh, it is seeking to help the being to become that which
it knows it can be. But the human mind, even though cultured, is frequently the slave to this
idea and that, this one's opinion and that one's opinion, and this "ism" and that "ism," so that
the mind reflects only life's confusion, corruption, distress, and doubt.

Yet man is a majestic being if he knows his own spiritual nature and works assiduously to
become that which he was intended to be, that he may fulfill his mission as a noble
representative of the higher law. Thus he may become a great factor in the divine scheme of
things, making for beauty, harmony, peace, and joy. He is walking the path of self-conquest
with such clear perceptions, such earnestness, such steadfastness, that his whole nature is
reflected in the mirror of infinite beauty.
There is a splendor in soul-life; and when the soul reigns, commands, and overcomes, victory
is won for the whole world. Then will we no longer disquiet the region of light and peace. We
will have reached a point where we can challenge ourself and say to our own passions,
selfishness, and weaknesses, "Get Thee behind me, Satan!" -- for they are the Satans of our
own creation. We will find that these conditions in our nature that are not controlled and not
conquered in one life will have to be met and conquered in another.
We must realize that what counts in life is not what we want or what we believe in: it is what
is or what will be. We cannot move the sun or the moon, the planets or the stars, but it is great
to know that we can change ourselves, that we are the makers of our own destiny, that we can
compel the brain-mind, which is but an instrument, to be under the control of the soul. We
cannot depend merely upon the intellectual life and be so wrapped up in it that, when the body
dies, the soul has to go on and on returning to earth-life, trying it over again having made little
progress. The urge of the soul towards perfection never dies. It is for us to nurse our higher
natures, the potential qualities within us, to nurse the pictures and dreams of a future life, of a
better life in this life, and to hold tenderly and affectionately in our hearts the love of the
higher law which makes of this world a mirror of infinite beauty for all.
(From Sunrise magazine, February/March 2002; copyright © 2001 Theosophical University


DailyOM: Fresh and Unfixed

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on May 31, 2011 at 9:39pm

Fresh and Unfixed

There Is Only Now
Being present lets us experience each moment in our lives in a way that cannot be fully lived
through memory or fantasy.

It can be easy for us to walk through the world and our lives without really being present.
While dwelling on the past and living for the future are common pastimes, it is physically
impossible to live anywhere but the present moment. We cannot step out our front door and
take a left turn to May of last year, any more than we can take a right turn to December 2013.
Nevertheless, we can easily miss the future we are waiting for as it becomes the now we are
too busy to pay attention to. We then spend the rest of our time playing “catch up” to the

moment that we just let pass by. During moments like these, it is important to remember that
there is only Now.

In order to feel more at home in the present moment, it is important to try to stay aware, open,
and receptive. Being in the present moment requires our full attention so that we are fully
awake to experience it. When we are fully present, our minds do not wander. We are focused
on what is going on right now, rather than thinking about what just happened or worrying
about what is going to happen next. Being present lets us experience each moment in our lives
in a way that cannot be fully lived through memory or fantasy.

When we begin to corral our attention into the present moment, it can be almost
overwhelming to be here. There is a state of stillness that has to happen that can take some
getting used to, and the mind chatter that so often gets us into our heads and out of the present
moment doesn’t have as much to do. We may feel a lack of control because we aren’t busy
planning our next move, assessing our current situation, or anticipating the future. Instead,
being present requires that we be flexible, creative, attentive, and spontaneous. Each present
moment is completely new, and nothing like it has happened or will ever happen again. As
you move through your day, remember to stay present in each moment. In doing so, you will
live your life without having to wait for the future or yearn for the past. Life happens to us
when we happen to life in the Now.


Sufi music-Tree of patience-Omar F.
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on May 1, 2011 at 4:07am


NOW Is The Time! Part 1

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 11:50am


NOW Is The Time! Part 2

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on May 3, 2011 at 11:53am


Sat Nam by Bhaktas
 Added by Sukadev Bretz on May 3, 2011 at 9:45pm


Denizde Yaşayan İnsanlar Bajaular

 Added by Gunes Kucukturkmen on May 5, 2011 at 3:01am


 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on May 5, 2011 at 10:07pm


Total Recall by Indigo Child "Matias De

 Added by Didem on May 5, 2011 at 10:37pm


Omer Faruk Tekbilek & Brian Keane -
Zeynep's Romance
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on May 6, 2011 at 5:58pm


What's going on?

 Added by IsidoresEyes on May 7, 2011 at 3:00pm


Semada Raks-BİR NEFES
 Added by Didem on May 7, 2011 at 11:05pm


Omer Faruk Tekbilek & Brian Keane - The
Longing - Yusuf's Them
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on May 8, 2011 at 3:17pm


11.11.11 Angelic Higher Self Activation

 Added by Sallyblues on May 8, 2011 at 5:27pm


Wisdom and Knowledge (the best spiritual
 Added by Sallyblues on May 8, 2011 at 6:03pm


Bhupal Todi Parul Kapadia 17042011.mp4

 Added by Manish Kapadia on May 9, 2011 at 11:17am


Bhupal Todi Parul Kapadia 17042011.mpg
 Added by Manish Kapadia on May 9, 2011 at 11:18am


Laguna Beach (Sunrise) Bach Air on the G

 Added by Peter Fagerlind on May 9, 2011 at 9:05pm


instrumental video Gospel Classical
Music Christian Worship Holy Songs
 Added by Peter Fagerlind on May 10, 2011 at 12:52pm


Japan Who You Are

 Added by Melanie Watson on May 10, 2011 at 7:15pm


Dancing With the Moon
 Added by Melanie Watson on May 10, 2011 at 7:16pm


Wild Horses
 Added by Melanie Watson on May 10, 2011 at 7:17pm


Give Earth a Hand

 Added by Didem on May 12, 2011 at 12:49am


George Kavassilas With Suzanne Powell

 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on May 13, 2011 at 12:48am


Sanat Sokaktadır.
 Added by peace on May 13, 2011 at 3:09pm


New World Birth - Prenatal care for the

Birth of a New World Age 2011-05-13
 Added by Sallyblues on May 13, 2011 at 5:25pm


Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa May
13 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on May 13, 2011 at 8:14pm


Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel

Michael May 12 2011

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on May 13, 2011 at 8:17pm


Khalil Gibran The Prophet - On Love
 Added by Sallyblues on May 15, 2011 at 2:27pm


 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on May 18, 2011 at 9:01pm


The Moon - Red Sky - Native American -
Chant - Meditation
 Added by IsidoresEyes on May 20, 2011 at 1:42pm


Waves of Love Original Composition Peter

Fagerlind Copyright 2011
 Added by Peter Fagerlind on May 22, 2011 at 1:35pm


Messages for the May 2011 JESHUA AND
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on May 23, 2011 at 10:56pm


George Kavassilas - GALACTIC
Truth Evolution Radio - 29 Nov 2010
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on May 24, 2011 at 3:08am


George Kavassilas on Contact has Begun 4-

 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on May 24, 2011 at 3:12am


Antaeus Byzantine Meditation
 Added by IsidoresEyes on May 24, 2011 at 11:16pm


The Human Ascension in 2012 : DNA

Upgrade, The Shift and Ascension
 Added by Sallyblues on May 26, 2011 at 4:59pm


2010!! ( THE RING OF FIRE )
 Added by Sallyblues on May 26, 2011 at 5:08pm


DNA upgrade, Magnetic Pole Shift and

 Added by Sallyblues on May 26, 2011 at 5:22pm


Cirquè du Soleil - varekai - ( vocea )
 Added by linda on May 28, 2011 at 2:38am


Arcturian OM (432HZ) Heartchackra

Clearing !!!
 Added by IsidoresEyes on May 30, 2011 at 1:16pm


 Added by David Dogan Beyo on May 30, 2011 at 10:10pm


12 D Shield Building Technique

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on May 30, 2011 at 10:11pm


Creation Calls -- are you listening? Music
by Brian Doerksen
 Added by Kaja on May 31, 2011 at 8:39pm


© 2015 Created by David Dogan Beyo


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