Instructor Information:: Tea Area School District Course Syllabus 6 Grade Technology/ App Creators

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Tea Area School District Course Syllabus

6th Grade Technology/ App Creators

Instructor Information:
 Instructor: Matthew Brue
 Email: [email protected]
 Web Page:
 School Phone: (605) 498-2700
 Room Number: 122
 Personal Phone: (605) 660-7837

Instructor Availability:
Teacher is available to meet with students between 7:40-8:00 am M-F and 3:10-3:45pm M-F, as
well as during 8th period prep. If a different meeting time is needed, don’t hesitate to contact me to set
up a meeting.

Course Description:
This course will be divided into two different segments. The first part of the course, students will
begin with an Introduction into the Digital Life that we live in today. We will examine the different forms
of technology available and how we have evolved from technology in the past. Students will learn about
different online Scams and Schemes, how to protect themselves from online predators, and identity
theft. Next, students will learn about what it takes to be an upstanding citizen online and learn the
causes and effects of cyberbullying. The last part of this segment of the course will deal with students’
digital footprint (how to leave a positive one, causes and effects of bad ones, etc.)

The next potion of this class will be Project Lead The Way Course on App Creation. Students will
be introduced to the concept of pair programming, app development, and the MIT App Inventor
development tool. They learn about the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, app graphical
design, event-driven programming, debugging, and algorithm creation using variables and conditional
logic. They create engaging biomedical science apps and fun interactive games that apply these concepts
and use basic user interface features, media, and animation.

Required materials for this class are:

 Chromebook
 PLTW online course/text
Course Policies and Student Expectations:
 This course will follow all school policies found in the Student Handbook.
 All students will submit their course work when it is due unless other arrangements have been
made with the teacher.
 Chromebooks should be used in the proper manner stated in the TASD Student Handbook.

Power Standards Addressed

Standard(s) Standard Description

 6.ET.CT.3  Students can evaluate and select technology tools based on specific tasks.

 6.ET.CT.1.1  Summarize the role of technology in a community, society, and career.

 6.ET.CC.1  Students use technology to communicate with others.
 6.ET.DC.1.1  Implement basic precautions to protect themselves and others when using Information
and Communications Technologies.

 6.ET.CT.1.1  Summarize the role of technology in a community, society, and career.

 8.CT.2.3  Incorporate the use of keyed technology into any learning environment

 6.ET.OC.1.2  Students investigate the advantages and disadvantages of technology.

 ISTE :1c, 1d, 2a,
2b,  Use technology to seek feedback to improve learning in various ways
 Understand fundamental concepts of technology, and are able to transfer their
knowledge to explore emerging technology
 Students become aware of the permanent digital identities and reputations.

 6.ET.DC.1.1  Implement basic precautions to protect themselves and others when using
 6.ET.DC.1.2 communication technologies.
 Identify the risk of sharing information online.

 6.ET.DC.1.4  Assess the ramifications of online bullying behaviors related to individuals and society.

 6.ET.DC.1.3  Define and assess the importance of a positive digital footprint.

Grading Procedures:
 Daily Work
 Participation/Classroom Discussion
 Tests/Quizzes
 Essays
 Presentations/Speeches
Grading Scale:

A+ = 100 A = 99 – 96 A- = 95 – 93

B+ = 92 – 91 B = 90 – 87 B- = 86 – 85

C+ = 84 – 83 C = 82 – 79 C- = 78 – 77

D+ = 76 – 75 D = 74 – 73 D- = 70 – 69

F = 68 – Lower

Major Assignments/Projects:

Assignment: Description:

Activity 1.7 Game Time In this activity, you will use pair programming to
develop a game that has some of the most
common features in gaming: a hero, a villain, a
timer, and a score. You will use sprites and
animation, to make the hero and villain move
about the screen, and variables to track the time
left and the score.

Activity 1.8 Build-A-Body Design, build, and test an app, called the Build-A-
Body app that features a drag and-drop activity
that will help students practice placing organs/body
systems in the correct location on an outline of the
human body.

Activity 2.5 Fitness Challenge App Design, build, and test an app—the “Fitness
Challenge” app, which uses both static and dynamic
lists to challenge people to be more active and help
them track their physical activity for a given week.

Activity 3.1 The Great App Challenge A culmination project using all the skills and tools
from throughout the semester. Students will build
and create an App of their interest that fits the

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