NDN, Coap, and MQTT: A Comparative Measurement Study in The Iot

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NDN, CoAP, and MQTT: A Comparative

Measurement Study in the IoT

Cenk Gündoğan Peter Kietzmann Martine Lenders
HAW Hamburg HAW Hamburg FU Berlin
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Hauke Petersen Thomas C. Schmidt Matthias Wählisch

FU Berlin HAW Hamburg FU Berlin
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
arXiv:1806.01444v2 [cs.NI] 7 Jun 2018

Abstract—This paper takes a comprehensive view a multihop topology [4]. The Constrained Application
on the protocol stacks that are under debate for a Protocol (CoAP) [5] offers a lightweight alternative to
future Internet of Things (IoT). It addresses the holistic HTTP while running over UDP, or DTLS [6] for session
question of which solution is beneficial for common IoT
use cases. We deploy NDN and the two popular IP- security. This set of solutions extends the host-centric end-
based application protocols, CoAP and MQTT, in its to-end paradigm of the Internet to the embedded world
different variants on a large-scale IoT testbed in single- and puts IPv6 in place for loosely joining the things.
and multi-hop scenarios. We analyze the use cases of However, doubts arose whether host-to-host sessions are
scheduled periodic and unscheduled traffic under vary- the appropriate approach in these disruption-prone envi-
ing loads. Our findings indicate that (a) NDN admits
the most resource-friendly deployment on nodes, and ronments of (wireless) things, and the data-centric nature
(b) shows superior robustness and resilience in multi- at the Internet edge called for rethinking the current IoT
hop scenarios, while (c) the IP protocols operate at less architecture [7]. ICN networks [8] have been identified
overhead and higher speed in single-hop deployments. as promising candidates to replace the rather complex
Most strikingly we find that NDN-based protocols are IETF network stack in a future IoT. Name-based routing
in significantly better flow balance than the UDP-based
IP protocols and require less corrective actions. and in-network caching as contributed by Named Data
Index Terms—ICN, Industrial Internet of Things, Networking (NDN) [9], [10] bear the potential to increase
Constrained Environment, DoS Resistance robustness of application scenarios in regimes of low re-
liability and reduced infrastructure (e.g., without DNS).
I. Introduction Following initial concepts [11] and early experimental work
The Internet of Things (IoT) is evolving and an increas- [12], the adaptation, analysis, and deployment of NDN for
ing number of controllers in the field is augmented with the IoT became an active research area that advocated
network interfaces that speak IP. Current deployments of- the IoT as a candidate of early NDN adoption. Still open
ten are part of larger systems (e.g., a heating) or attached problems persist, namely naming, routing, forwarding [13],
to infrastructure (e.g., smart city lighting). Such devices and data push [14] as Shang et al. [15] recently reminded.
connect to power, use common broadband links, and adopt While the IETF and the ICN community tweak their
the old MQTT protocol [1] for publishing IoT data to a protocols and companies deploy MQTT-to-cloud uplinks,
remote cloud. The prevalent use case forecasted for the the quest for the best solution remains open. Rather
IoT, though, consists of billions of constrained sensors and little is known about the differences and the commons
actuators mainly not cabled to power, but connected via when deploying the varying approaches in the wild. This
low power lossy wireless links. The key target of the IoT surprisingly unsatisfying state of the art motivates us to
will be data, of which a total of 1.6 Zettabytes is expected implement, deploy, and thoroughly analyze the different
in 2020 [2]. The mass constituents of the IoT will be tiny, protocols in typical use cases and scenarios for the con-
cheap things that are severely challenged by the current strained Internet of Things.
way of connecting to the Internet. The main contribution of this paper is a thorough
This new class of connected devices cannot be inte- comparative analysis of the three protocol families NDN,
grated into today’s Internet infrastructure without tech- CoAP, and MQTT covering its main variants. We imple-
nologies that bridge the scale. The IETF has designed mented characteristic IoT use cases for ten variants of
a suite of protocols for successfully serving the needs these protocols, deployed them in single- and multihop
of a constrained IoT. IPv6 adaptation layers such as scenarios on a large IoT testbed, and ran competitive
6LoWPAN [3] enable a deployment on constraint links performance contests under fully equivalent conditions.
(e.g., IEEE 802.15.4), which RPL routing arranges in Our analysis showed common behavior for pull versus push
solutions in single-hop experiments, but revealed signifi- 3.0

Control packet overhead ratio

cant differences in the challenging multi-hop domain. Flow L2 unicast
performance, reliability and stability attained superior 2.5 L2 broadcast
results for hop-wise replicated NDN protocols, while end-
to-end approaches showed severe shortcomings at iterated 2.0
link stress.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. The 1.5
following Section II summarizes the key protocol prop-
erties and introduces the use cases. Section III explains 1.0
our implementations and experimental setup. We present
measurements and analyze the results in Section IV, In 0.5
Section V, we revisit the related work and conclude in
Section VI. 0.0

Co P PUT (C)


(Q )
ND )
TT N (Q )

Ho ot

Co AP P T (N

-SN 0
II. Background and Use Cases



CoAP, the Constrained Application Protocol [5], was
designed to support REST services in machine to machine
communication. Basically, it aims for replacing HTTP on Figure 1. Relative protocol overhead under relaxed network condi-
constrained nodes. In contrast to HTTP, CoAP runs on
top of UDP and introduces a lean transactional messag-
ing layer to compensate for the connectionless transport. devices with low energy resources. Second, it is easy to
CoAP provides a more compact header structure than implement. In its simplest form, MQTT offloads reliability
HTTP. support completely onto TCP.
Three communication primitives are currently sup- To provide flexible Quality of Service on top of the
ported by this extensible protocol: (i) pull, (ii) push, and underlying transport, MQTT defines three QoS levels,
(iii) observe. Pull implements the common request re- which reflect the agreement regarding message transfer
sponse communication pattern. However, as IoT scenarios between broker and consumer – both can be sender and
also include the pro-active communication of unscheduled receiver. QoS 0 implements unacknowledged data trans-
state changes, CoAP was extended to support pushing new fer. An MQTT receiver gets a message at most once,
events to its peers. Still, this does not allow for publish- depending on the capabilities of the underlying network,
subscribe scenarios when producer and consumer are de- as there is no retransmission on the application layer. QoS
coupled in time and data is not yet available at the request. 1 guarantees that a message is delivered at least once. This
The support for delayed data delivery in publish-subscribe requires that a message is stored at the sender side until
was specified in CoAP observe [16]. Here, clients can signal an acknowledgement was received. Based on timeouts, an
interest in observing data, which basically means that MQTT sender will retransmit application messages when
a CoAP server delivers data as soon as available and an acknowledgement is missing. QoS 2 ensures that a
maintains state until clients explicitly unsubscribe. message is received exactly once, to avoid packet loss or
CoAP must be considered as the IETF standard to processing of duplicates at the MQTT receiver side. This
implement application layer data transfer in the future requires a two-step acknowledgement process and more
Internet of Things. Currently, several implementations states at both sides.
exist, as well as early adoption in a few selected products To adapt MQTT to constrained networks which are
and deployments. based on low data rates and very small packet lengths
such as in 802.15.4, MQTT-SN [17] is specified. Header
complexity is reduced by replacing topic strings by topic
MQTT [1], the Message Queue Telemetry Transport, IDs, to identify content. In contrast to MQTT, MQTT-
was designed as a publish-subscribe messaging protocol SN runs on top of UDP. It still supports all QoS levels but
between clients and brokers. Clients can publish content, does not inherit any reliability property from the transport
subscribe to content, or both. Servers (commonly called layer.
broker) distribute messages between publishing and sub-
scribing clients. It is worth noting that the protocol is C. ICN Protocols
symmetric: Clients as well as brokers can be sender and The core NDN protocol [9], [10] combines name-based
receiver when MQTT delivers application messages. routing from TRIAD [20] and stateful forwarding from
MQTT is considered a lightweight protocol for two DONA [21] to implement a request response scheme on
reasons. First, it provides a lean header structure, which the network layer. Any consumer can request data that
reduces packet parsing and makes it suitable for IoT is subsequently delivered along a trail of reverse path
Table I
Comparison of CoAP, MQTT, and ICN protocols. CoAP and MQTT support reliability only in confirmable mode (c) and
QoS levels 1 and 2 (Q1, Q2).

Current IoT Protocols ICN Protocols

CoAP [5] MQTT [1] MQTT-SN [17] NDN [9], [10] I-Not [18] HoPP [19]
PUT GET Observe
Transport UDP UDP UDP TCP UDP n/a n/a n/a
Pub/Sub 8 8 3 3 3 8 8 3
Push 3 8 3 3 3 8 3 8
Pull 8 3 8 8 8 3 8 3
Flow Control 8 8 8 3 8 3 8 3
Reliability (c) (c) 8 (Q1, Q2) (Q1, Q2) 3 3 3

forwarding states. As an important feature, data will only GW / Broker

be delivered to those who requested the data. This means IoT Node
that data must be (individually) named at the Interest Data Flow
request and that yet unavailable data requires repeating
Interests until the application receives the data.
The lack of push primitives in NDN triggered the
idea of inverting the NDN semantic by placing data in
an Interest Notification (I-Not) which in turn gets
acknowledged by the subsequent (empty) data packet.
This idea was originally proposed in [18] and was since
then criticized for its lack of (i) caching support, (ii) flow
control, and (iii) DDoS resilience.
HoPP [19] is a publish-subscribe system for lightweight
IoT deployments based on ICN/NDN principles. A con- Figure 2. Use case scenario of a multi-hop IoT topology.
strained IoT publisher announces a name towards a con-
tent proxy to trigger content requests and to replicate
the data towards a content proxy (or broker). Forwarding common request protocols require one request per data
nodes on the path between publisher and content proxy item, whereas publish-subscribe schemes only require sub-
hop-wise request content for this name by using common scription notification per topic. As a pull protocol, HoPP
Interest and data messages. A content subscriber in HoPP requires requests and an additional message to advertise
behaves almost like any content requester in NDN and names.
issues a regular Interest request towards the content proxy Common IoT deployment use cases consist of stub
CP. However, in contrast to NDN (i) a subscriber cannot networks as visualized in Figure 2 that may be single-
extract content names from its FIB, since FIBs only or multi-hop. Traffic flows from or to the IoT edge nodes
contain default routes; (ii) it does not expect an immediate in three patterns: (i) scheduled periodic sensor readings,
reply, but issues Interests with extended lifetimes. HoPP (ii) unscheduled and uncoordinated data updates, or (iii)
enables rapid communication of unscheduled data events. on demand notifications or alerting. It is worth noting
It operates at a similar timescale as push protocols without that the different protocol properties (e.g., push versus
actually pushing data. pull versus pub-sub) can serve these alternating needs in
D. Protocol Comparison and Use Cases a quite distinct manner.
Key properties of the three protocol families NDN, III. Implementation and Experimental Setup
CoAP, and MQTT and its variants are compared in
Table I. Specialized properties of the different approaches Software Platforms. On the IoT nodes, all of our ex-
become apparent: Every protocol variant features distinct periments are based on RIOT version 2018.01. To analyze
capabilities. Notably in the IoT, where TCP (aka generic CoAP, MQTT-SN, and NDN we use gCoAP, emCute, and
MQTT) is unavailable, the pull-based NDN and NDN- CCN-lite respectively. All three protocol implementations
HoPP are the only protocols admitting flow control and are part of the common RIOT release and thus reflect typ-
reliability as a generic service. ical software components used in low-end IoT scenarios.
Figure 1 compares the control overheads for all protocol On the brokers or gateways, the testbed infrastructure
variants under consideration as obtained from experiments deploys Linux systems. To support MQTT broker and
under relaxed network conditions. Aside from topology CoAP observe as well as CoAP PUT functionalities, we
building and maintenance that are mainly broadcasts, used aiocoap version and mosquitto.rsmb ver-
sion, both are popular open source implementations 50 ROM RAM
in this context. App
Testbed. We conduct our experiments in the FIT IoT- Heap
30 HoPP
LAB testbed. The hardware platform consists of typical CCN-lite

class 2 devices [22] and features an ARM Cortex-M3 MCU 20 MQTT
with 64 kB of RAM and 512 kB of ROM. Each device is RPL
equipped with an Atmel AT86RF231 [23] transceiver to OS
operate on the IEEE 802.15.4 radio. The gateway runs on

MQ -Not
Co -SN

MQ -Not
Co -SN



a Cortex-A8 node, which is more powerful than the M3






edge nodes.
The testbed provides access to several sites with varying Figure 3. Resource consumptions of ROM (left) and RAM (right)
properties. We perform our experiments on two sites, to for the different software stacks.
analyze single-hop as well as multi-hop scenarios.
Single-hop topology The Paris site consists of approx-
In detail, we analyze the memory consumptions on
imately 70 nodes, which are within the same radio
nodes, the effective network utilization by control and
range. We choose two arbitrary nodes and run all
data traffic including protocol overhead and link stress
single-hop experiments on them.
caused by retransmissions. The actual performance of data
Multi-hop topology The Grenoble site consists of ap-
transmission is measured in data loss, goodput, and content
proximately 350 nodes spread evenly in the Inria
arrival time. We also consider the data flows and its energy
Grenoble building. We choose 50 M3 nodes (low-end
consumptions. These multi-sided analyses are performed
IoT device) and one A8 node (gateway/broker) arbi-
on complete packet traces which we recorded from the
trarily and run all multi-hop experiments on them.
different experiments, and a monitoring of the system state
In our CoAP and MQTT experiments, we use RPL
at participating nodes.
to build and maintain the routing topology across all
nodes. In our NDN-based experiments, we build tree B. Protocol Stack Sizes
topologies analogously as HoPP does. In any case,
Largely differing properties and complexities of the
we ensure that all protocols use the same routing
protocol variants under test lead to seven distinct software
topology for comparison. Typical path length are four
stacks. Nodal memory consumptions for these different
to five hops.
protocol stacks are depicted in Figure 3. We differentiate
Scenarios and Parameters. We align all experiments the protocol layers in place to disclose the details.
with respect to the amount of retransmissions and time- Main memory is the scarcest resource in the IoT. While
outs to ensure comparability among protocols. In case of protocols require OS support of 4,060 B (MQTT) –
failures, each node waits 2 seconds before retransmitting 4,400 B (NDN) kernels, NDN admits the leanest stack of
the original application or control data. At most 4 re- 8,700 B consumed by CCN-Lite. All IP protocol stacks
transmissions will occur for each data. We repeat each are significantly larger and approximately triple the size
experiment 1,000 times. of CCN-Lite. On the overall, about 30 KiB are needed
To accommodate all 50 nodes in the routing topology, to host IP protocols, leaving only a few dozens KiBs
the FIB size was adjusted accordingly on each IoT node. for the application on typical constrained nodes. All ICN
For CoAP and MQTT, this translates in our IPv6 sce- protocols provide a Content Store (CS) of 10,240 B on the
nario to a FIB size of 50 entries with roughly 32 bytes heap, which is the price of in-network caching. It should
each (sizeof(destination) + sizeof(next-hop)). In be noted that the GNRC network stack contributes a
our NDN scenarios, each node owns a prefix of the form packet buffer to both, the IP and the ICN world that is
/ρi with a length of 24 bytes. The next-hop face of also used for retransmissions [24]. Program sizes of NDN
each FIB entry points to the 8 byte IEEE 802.15.4 link- protocols are much smaller and consume about 40 % less
layer address. In total, this setup yields comparable size ROM. The operating system support varies with protocol
requirements for all scenarios. requirements on the highly modular RIOT OS platform.
IV. Evaluation and Results C. Single-Hop with Scheduled Publishing
A. Analyses and Metrics Protocol performances are first evaluated in a single-
The objective of this work is to quantify the efficiency hop topology at the Paris testbed with periodic content
and utility of the considered protocols in real deployment publishing every 50 ms and 5 s. Content is pushed or
scenarios. With this in mind, we want to shed light on requested accordingly. Figure 4 displays the results for pro-
resource consumptions and the operational properties of tocol reliability and temporal performance. As an overall
data dissemination from different angles and in the differ- trend, it is apparent that push-oriented protocols operate
ent deployment use cases. faster, but less reliable.
1.0 1.0 1.0
Packet Loss [%]

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6 I-Not
0.4 CoAP OBS


0.2 0.4 0.4 CoAP PUT (n)
0.0 CoAP PUT (c)
0.2 0.2 MQTT-SN (Q0)
Co P GET (n)
Co PU (c)
MQ CoAUT (c)
(Q )
ND )
Ho ot
P (n

-SN 0

5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20

Time to Completion [ms] Time to Completion [ms]


(a) Packet loss at 50 ms publishing interval (b) Push at 50 ms publishing interval (c) Push at 5 s publishing interval

1.0 1.0 1.0 CoAP GET (n)

Retransmissions [%]

0.8 CoAP GET (c)

0.8 0.8 NDN
0.6 HoPP
0.4 0.6 0.6

0.2 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
Co P GET (n)
Co PU (c)
MQ CoAUT (c)
(Q )
ND )
Ho ot
P (n

-SN 0

5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20

Time to Completion [ms] Time to Completion [ms]


(d) L3 retransmissions at 50 ms interval (e) Pull at 50 ms publishing interval (f) Pull at 5 s publishing interval

Figure 4. Time to content arrival for scheduled publishing in a single-hop topology at different intervals.

For the rather relaxed scenario of publishing every 5 s, publishing content every two seconds on average. Pub-
we see the protocol families in rough agreement. Push- lishing is uniformly distributed in the interval of [1 s . . .
based protocols require an average of 7 ms (Fig. 4(c)) for 3 s]. The protocols CoAP and NDN request the content
data delivery, pull-based protocols take 11 ms (Fig. 4(f)), periodically every second so that updates are not lost.
with the exception of HoPP which is slightly slower on this Figure 5(b) visualizes content delivery times for all
short timescale due to its three-way handshake. request-oriented protocols. CoAP GET and NDN now
The publishing interval of 50 ms puts some protocols operate on a timescale of seconds, while HoPP continues
under stress, even though IEEE 802.15.4 practically lim- to complete in the unaltered range of 15 ms without
its transmission only below an interval of 10 ms. The additional protocol operations – the unsurprising outcome
performance of CoAP PUT significantly degrades (Fig. of content triggers built into HoPP. CoAP requests content
4(b)), leaving the unconfirmed messaging at a total data using a common name with the result of likely duplicate
loss of 6 % (Fig. 4(a)). The PUT of Confirmable CoAP content transmissions. On average, CoAP needs two re-
instead initiates 26 % retransmissions (Fig. 4(d)) which quests to retrieve fresh content with the expected average
increase delays up to a factor of five. Confirmable CoAP delay of ≈ 2 s and a corresponding polling overhead of
does complete data delivery at 42 ms (Fig. 4(b) is clipped 200 % (Fig. 5). In contrast, NDN admits lower overhead,
for visibility). It should be noted, though, that retransmis- as Interests are locally managed at the PIT and only
sions on the data link layer are present for all protocols. We retransmitted after state timeout.
do not measure these fast repeats (≤ 10 ms) in this work, However, issuing Interests at a higher rate than content
but refer to our previous study [25] for further details. arrival leads to an accumulation of open states in the
PIT. As resources on the constrained nodes are tightly
D. Single-Hop with Unscheduled Publishing bound, the PIT limits are quickly reached and can be only
Our next experiments address the common IoT use met by either discarding newly arriving Interests, or by
case of publishing data at irregular intervals. This is the overwriting pending Interest state. Both countermeasures
typical pattern for observing third party actions (e.g., light delay content delivery, as can be seen from Figure 5(b).
switching), or largely uncoordinated sensing environments. In detail, the time to content delivery of NDN stretches
Push-based protocols naturally serve these application over various PIT combinations up to the final PIT timeout
needs. We quantify the behavior of the request-based of 10 s. It is noteworthy that the quantitative behaviour
protocols in practice and chose the moderate setting of of packet delivery tightly depends on the scenario and can
Polling Overhead [%] CoAP GET (n)
0.8 CoAP GET (c)
300 NDN
200 0.6

100 0.4
0 0.2


12 14 16 18 20


0 2 4 6 8 10

Time to Completion [s]


(a) Control Overhead for polling unscheduled content (b) Time to unscheduled content arrival

Figure 5. Pull protocol performance at random publishing in [1s . . . 3s].

lead to significant data loss in the constrained IoT, as well. heavily relying on retransmissions as we will see in the
These experiments shed again light on the tradeoff course of the further analysis.
between memory and network performance in the NDN The performance of NDN shows decent results both
stateful forwarding regime as has been first identified in in promptness and reliability, even though 5 % of data
[26] and recently discussed in the IoT context [15]. chunks remain lost in the fast publishing scenario (5 s).
The only protocol that delivers reasonably fast at full
E. Multi-Hop Topologies reliability is the NDN variant HoPP. Below we will see
We now consider the more delicate use case of multi- that this happens with the least retransmissions and in
hop topologies: 50 nodes communicate content that is evenly balanced flows. In a way, this result is not surprising
published every 5 or 30 seconds in an uncoordinated as HoPP is optimized for IoT demands and the only
manner. Repeated experiments were performed on the protocol that balances data transmissions per Hop. It is
Grenoble testbed with tree topologies of depths varying the common experience in the low power wireless that link
from four to six. qualities vary quickly and largely.
First, we examine the temporal distributions from con- Second, we evaluate the effective data goodput and
tent publishing to arrival in analogy to the single-hop flow analysis of the different protocols during content
cases. Figure 6 combines the results for push and pull publishing experiments. In Figures 7 and 8, we summarize
protocols, as well as both publishing rates. The overall the results for the variants of NDN, MQTT, and CoAP
results reveal a much slower and less reliable protocol respectively. We display the different experimental results
behavior than could be expected from the single-hop of the data goodput in box plots and compare to the
values in Figure 4. Graphs reflect the common experience theoretical optimum (lines). Time series of data goodput
in low power multi-hop that interferences and individual are further revealing the flow behaviour as displayed in the
error probabilities accumulate in a destructive manner. lower row of these figures.
Push and pull protocols now operate on similar time Clearly, HoPP admits the most evenly balanced flows
scales in the absence of considerable disturbances, while and shows nearly optimal goodput values, closely fol-
events of strong interference and packet corruption on lowed by NDN. All other flow performances fluctuate with
the air lead to large retransmission delays and loss. Most some tendency of instability when approaching its full
notably, the ‘reliable’ variants of CoAP PUT (c) and transmission speed. Some IP-based flows in MQTT and
GET (c) fail to always transfer the content, but remain CoAP drop to lower delivery rates which is dominantly
unsuccessful in a range between 5 % (at 30 s publish- caused by slow repeated end-to-end retransmission. Multi-
ing) and 30 % (at 5 s). Even though confirmable CoAP hop retransmissions in this error-prone regime tend to
operates more reliably than the unreliable versions OBS cause additional interferences and accumulate transmis-
and PUT/GET (n), the failure rates indicate a quite sion errors. As a consequence, protocols operate at reduced
unsatisfactory protocol behavior. A similarly unsuccessful efficiency – in some cases protocol performance drops
performance must be observed for the NDN push variant down to 50 % (e.g., CoAP GET (n) and CoAP OBS
Interest Notification. In contrast, the reliable MQTT-SN in Fig. 8). Interest Notification which is not capable of
(Q1) successfully transfers its data in all cases, thereby content caching, does not outperform the IP protocols.
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 I-Not CoAP OBS
0.0 0.0 MQTT-SN (Q1) CoAP PUT (c)
0 5 10 0 5 10
Time to Completion [s] Time to Completion [s]
(a) Push at 5 s publishing interval (b) Push at 30 s publishing interval

1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0 HoPP CoAP GET (c)
0 5 10 0 5 10
Time to Completion [s] Time to Completion [s]
(c) Pull at 5 s publishing interval (d) Pull at 30 s publishing interval

Figure 6. Time to content arrival in multi-hop topologies of 50 nodes.

The overall results show that the absence of flow control protocols. A largely contrasting performance can be seen
as in UDP/IP–based protocols and in the I-Not variant from the reliable IP protocols MQTT-SN (Q1) and CoAP
of NDN make protocols fragile. Hop-wise retransmission PUT (c) which admit huge numbers of retransmissions.
management as applicable in NDN and HoPP re-balances This also holds for the NDN interest notification protocol
flows and explicitly demonstrates its benefits for the IoT which cuts out the NDN feature strength by inverting its
instead. semantic.
Our next evaluation focusses on the link utilization. We Unreliable IP-based protocols show very large loss mul-
measure all individual paths that each unique data packet tiplicities and only a few retransmissions which are initi-
traveled on its destination from source to sink and contrast ated by reacting to link-layer failures. This corresponds
the results with the corresponding shortest possible path. to the reduced success rate already observed in the pre-
Results are visualized as scatterplots in Figure 9. Each vious evaluations. Apparently, all protocols that follow an
dot represents one or several events, the dot size is drawn end-to-end path semantic (including I-Not) are forced to
proportionally to event multiplicities. Solid lines indicate struggle against the unpredictable nature of intermediate
the shortest paths, while events left of the line represent links—either by voluminous packet retransmissions or sig-
failures (traversal shorter than the shortest path). Right nificant packet loss.
of the solid diagonal retransmissions are counted. In our final experimental comparison between the pro-
The ideal protocol performance is situated on the di- tocols, we evaluate the individual energy consumption per
agonal line with all data traversing each link only once node as a function of time. Since the energy demand
on the shortest path. This ideal behavior is most closely of a protocol is largely dominated by its radio transfer
approximated by the NDN core and the NDN HoPP of packets, we focus our measurements on ‘bytes in the
theoretical theoretical theoretical theoretical theoretical
goodput goodput goodput goodput goodput
Goodput [KiB / minutes]

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
Content Publishing Intervall [seconds]
20 05s 20s 05s 20s 05s 20s 05s 20s 05s 20s
10s 25s 10s 25s 10s 25s 10s 25s 10s 25s
10 15s 30s 15s 30s 15s 30s 15s 30s 15s 30s
0 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40
Experiment Duration [minutes]
Figure 7. Goodput summary and evolution for the NDN and MQTT protocols at different publishing intervals.

20 CoAP GET (n) CoAP GET (c) CoAP OBS CoAP PUT (n) CoAP PUT (c)
theoretical theoretical theoretical theoretical theoretical
goodput goodput goodput goodput goodput
Goodput [KiB / minutes]

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
Content Publishing Intervall [seconds]
20 05s 20s 05s 20s 05s 20s 05s 20s 05s 20s
10s 25s 10s 25s 10s 25s 10s 25s 10s 25s
10 15s 30s 15s 30s 15s 30s 15s 30s 15s 30s
0 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40
Experiment Duration [minutes]
Figure 8. Goodput summary and evolution for the CoAP protocols at different publishing intervals.

air’, i.e., the IEEE 802.15.4 transmission and reception a high number of pronounced peaks otherwise. Reliable
of packets on each individual node. Power consumption MQTT (Q1) exhibits a similar, but less intense behavior.
levels for transmitting, receiving and idling are obtained HoPP experiences a handover in energy load at about eight
from the Atmel AT86RF231 data sheet and we calculate minutes. This follows its ability of dynamically switch-
the actual energy from measuring the radio operation time ing to a more reliable uplink paths without rebuilding
in the respective device state. the topology. Otherwise HoPP and NDN, but also non-
Time series of nodal energies are plotted in Figure 10 confirmable CoAP GET admit rather steady and smooth
for each protocol during the course of the experiment. energy gradients, since they mainly rely on local repairs
Immediately we observe the tree topology pattern in all (or caching). Notably, CoAP GET (n) as an unreliable
graphs: The root node prominently consumes a multiple protocol with notable packet loss (see Fig. 9) must be
of leaf node energies, and intermediate forwarders differen- considered energy-wise expensive.
tiate according to tree ranks in between. It is noteworthy Unreliable protocols such as MQTT (Q0) and CoAP
that the routing topology did not rearrange during the (n) repeatedly show valleys in energy curves, since packets
measurement period. A varying use of routing trees could lost early on the path relieve the burden of forwarding
gradually balance the uneven energy needs. to the remainders. Delivery failures in CoAP GET (c) as
Aside from topological effects, distinct protocol signa- already known from Figure 9 lead to some drops in energy,
tures become visible. While all energy curves fluctuate as well. CoAP OBS and PUT consume the least energy,
due to temporal variations and local retransmissions, some which is not surprising for these lean protocols without
protocols show significant amplitudes from local disorder loss recovery.
and repair. Most prominently, confirmable CoAP PUT Viewing link-stress (Fig. 9) and energy flow (Fig. 10)
exhibits a large peak of recovery after an initial period conjointly, a rather clarifying view on the operational con-
of loss with depleted energy level on some branch, and ditions of the protocols emerges. Some protocols remain
6 Loss NDN I-Not HoPP MQTT-SN (Q0) MQTT-SN (Q1)
5 Shortest Path
2 Retransmissions
Hop Count

6 CoAP GET (n) CoAP GET (c) CoAP OBS CoAP PUT (n) CoAP PUT (c)
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20
Data Packets per Publish [#]
Figure 9. Link traversal vers. shortest path for a 15 s publishing interval. The scatterplots reveal the link stress with dot sizes proportional
to event multiplicity.



Energy [J 10 2]

40(c) 20 CoAP40OBS 20CoAP PUT
40(n) 20CoAP PUT


20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 40
Experiment Duration [minutes]
Figure 10. Energy consumption over time for each node in the topology using a 15 s publishing interval.

lean and undemanding while delivering only a restricted as data delivery on the network layer [12]. Comparison
service (e.g., CoAP OBS and PUT (n)), others are steady, to common IoT network stacks at the transport layer (in
predictable and run at full service (e.g., NDN and HoPP), particular UDP) is not available. In this paper, we close
and some protocols really struggle in this IoT-typic envi- the gap towards the application layer and analyze common
ronment (e.g., MQTT (Q1), CoAP PUT (c), and I-NOT). application protocols (i.e., MQTT and CoAP) compared
to intrisinsic network layer characteristic provide by NDN.
V. Related Work
A. ICN and IoT B. Interoperation and Adoption of CoAP and MQTT in
The benefits of ICN/NDN in the IoT have been analyzed ICN
mainly from three angles. (i) design aspects [12], [27]–[30], Implementing CoAP on top of ICN has been proposed
(ii) architecture work [7], [31], and (iii) use cases [32]–[35]. to enable full features of CoAP [42], [43], such as support
To support experimental evaluation, several implementa- of group communication and delay-tolerant communica-
tions have become available, including CCN-Lite [36] on tion [44]. These concepts have been showcased in building
RIOT [37] and on Contiki [38], and NDN on RIOT [39]. management systems [45]. In contrast to the integration of
The objective of this paper is not to present an additional CoAP into ICN, an MQTT-to-CCN gateway was proposed
ICN implementation for the IoT but to reuse common to allow for interoperation between CCN IoT devices and
stacks. With this we contribute to more reliability of the current Internet [38]. A dedicated rendezvous point to
existing software as extensive usage helps to find bugs. discover resources and to bridge between IP-based MQTT
The evaluation of NDN protocol properties in the wild subscribers and NDN sensors was introduced in [46]. Note
includes the exploitation of NDN communication patterns that our work differs from those research as we assess the
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