• cross-sectional area of the limbs has been associated with both horizontal
and vertical power production in elite athletes
• During the rehabilitation process, muscle atrophy is a key concern,
secondary to unloading
• Greater rate of hypertrophy of Type II muscle fibres compared to Type I
fibres after resistance training
Parallel and In-Series (Serial) Hypertrophy
Parallel and In-Series (Serial) Hypertrophy
Parallel sarcomeres
• Concentric training
• Mechanical tension may be the most important factor in training induced Muscle
• Mechanosensors are sensitive to both the magnitude and the duration of loading, and these
stimuli can directly mediate intracellular signaling to bring about hypertrophic adaptations.
Mechanical tension
Signaling Pathways
• PI3K/Akt Pathway:
-a master network for regulating skeletal muscle growth
- mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) signaling critical to hypertrophic adaptations
induced by mechanical loading
-primary target of mTOR is p70S6K , which plays an important role in the initiation of mRNA
• MAPK Pathways
• Calcium-Dependent Pathways
• Phosphatidic Acid Pathway
• AMPK Pathway:
-stimulated by an increase in the AMP/ATP ratio
-conditions that elicit substantial intracellular energy stress—including exercise
-AMPK suppresses energy-intensive anabolic processes such as protein synthesis and
amplifies catabolic processes including protein breakdown
Metabolic Stress
• metabolic stress is an exercise-induced accumulation of metabolites:
lactate, inorganic phosphate, and H+
• relies heavily on anaerobic glycolysis (15 to 120 sec)
• persistent compression of circulatory flow (occlusion) throughout a longer-duration set results in acute hypoxia
(heightening metabolite buildup)
Myokine Production
• metabolic stress may influence muscle growth by downregulating local catabolic factors
• difficult to formulate conclusions
Cell Swelling (an increase in intracellular hydration)
• increase in the hydration status of a cell concomitantly increases protein synthesis and decreases protein
• cellular hydration causes pressure against the cytoskeleton and cell membrane which stimulates anabolic signaling
• swelling of myofibers may trigger the proliferation of satellite cells and promote their fusion to the affected fibers
• Cell swelling is thought to be heightened by resistance training that generates high amounts of lactic acid via the
osmolytic properties of lactate
• Fast-twitch fibers are thought to be especially sensitive to osmotic changes, presumably because they contain a
high concentration of aquaporin-4 (AQP4) water transport channels
• Systemic Hormone Production:
• post-exercise GH spike mediated by heightened accumulation of lactate or H+
• GH is known to potentiate IGF-1 secretion
• If there is such an effect, it would seem to be of small consequence
Muscle Damage
• at times of the year where maximal strength is the focus and muscle mass is to be
maintained, incorporating a drop set or forced repetitions at the end of a strength
routine may allow for a hypertrophy stimulus to be present, without excessive
time being required
Forced repetitions
• a higher level of fatigue after momentary fatigue
• may allow for increases in training density via the addition of training
volume per unit of time
• employing forced repetitions when a time restriction exists in the planning
• same spotter should be used across the training block
• fatiguing a muscle (target) with a single joint exercise before a
multi-joint movement has the potential to increase the level fatigue
• may be used to manipulate the organisation of muscle activation
• reduced activation of the fatigued muscle and increased
recruitment of synergistic prime movers.
- pec deck or dumbbell flyes exercises to pre-exhaust the
pectoralis major prior to bench press; more triceps activation and
less pectoralis!!
• by not taking the target muscle to MMF, coaches may increase the
activation of potentially inefficient muscles during compound
Intensification methods
• Cluster sets
• Partial range of movements exercises
• Eccentric training
Cluster set
• short intraset rest periods of 5-15 seconds
during hypertrophy phases
• Longer intraset rest periods of 30-45 seconds
for training maximal strength
• training density will decrease in order to
account for the additional intraset rest periods
• other methods may be more time-efficient
• Less metabolic stress
Eccentric training
• “muscle full” concept: that muscle protein synthesis becomes
unresponsive to any further increases in intake once the saturable
level is reached.
• Eating Frequency for Hypertrophy:
• anabolic effect of a protein-rich meal lasts approximately 5
• to 6 hours.
• young people should consume three meals, spread throughout the
day, containing at least 10 g of EAAs.
• the body remains in anabolism over the course of the day and takes
• Getting advantage of the >24-hour sensitizing effect of resistance
• Elderly people may require up to double this amount.
• to maximize hypertrophy should consume at least 1.7g/kg/day of
• high-quality protein (at a dose of ~0.4 to 0.5 g/kg of lean body
mass) both pre- and postexercise within about 4 to 6 hours of each
other depending on meal size.
• Carbohydrate intake should be at least 3 g/kg/day to ensure that
glycogen stores are fully stocked.
• Those who perform 2-a-day (morning and evening workouts in the
same day) should consume carbohydrate (at a dose of ~1.0 to 1.5
g/kg of lean body mass) within 1 hour postworkout.
• At least three meals consisting of a minimum of 25 g of high-quality
protein should be consumed every 5 to 6 hours to maximize
“Thank you”
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