03 May 2002
Prepared for
National Energy Technology Center
U.S. Department of Energy
AAD Document Control M/S 921-107
P.O. Box 10940
Pittsburgh, PA 15236
Prepared under
Contract DE-AC26-00NT40847
Prepared by
Pratt & Whitney
Advanced Engine Programs
400 Main Street
East Hartford, CT 06108
The Next Generation Turbine (NGT) Program’s technological development focused on a study of the feasibil-
ity of turbine systems greater than 30 MW that offer improvement over the 1999 state-of-the-art systems. This pro-
gram targeted goals of 50 percent turndown ratios, 15 percent reduction in generation cost/kW hour, improved ser-
vice life, reduced emissions, 400 starts/year with 10 minutes to full load, and multiple fuel usage. Improvement in
reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM), while reducing operations, maintenance, and capital costs by
15 percent, was pursued. This program builds on the extensive low emissions stationary gas turbine work being
carried out by Pratt & Whitney (P&W) for P&W Power Systems (PWPS), which is a company under the auspices
of the United Technologies Corporation (UTC). This study was part of the overall Department of Energy (DOE)
NGT Program that extends out to the year 2008. A follow-on plan for further full-scale component hardware testing
is conceptualized for years 2002 through 2008 to insure a smooth and efficient transition to the marketplace for
advanced turbine design and cycle technology. This program teamed the National Energy Technology Laboratory
(NETL), P&W, United Technologies Research Center (UTRC), kraftWork Systems Inc., a subcontractor on-site at
UTRC, and Multiphase Power and Processing Technologies (MPPT), an off-site subcontractor.
Under the auspices of the NGT Program, a series of analyses were performed to identify the NGT engine sys-
tem’s ability to serve multiple uses. The majority were in conjunction with a coal-fired plant, or used coal as the
system fuel. Identified also was the ability of the NGT system to serve as the basis of an advanced performance
cycle: the humid air turbine (HAT) cycle. The HAT cycle is also used with coal gasification in an integrated cycle
HAT (IGHAT). The NGT systems identified were:
• Feedwater heating retrofit to an existing coal-fired steam plant, which could supply both heat and peaking
power (Block 2 engine)
• Repowering of an older coal-fired plant (Block 2 engine)
• Gas-fired HAT cycle (Block 1 and 2 engines)
• Integrated gasification HAT (Block 1 and 2 engines).
Also under Phase I of the NGT Program, a conceptual design of the combustion system has been completed.
An integrated approach to cycle optimization for improved combustor turndown capability has been employed.
The configuration selected has the potential for achieving single digit NOx/CO emissions between 40 percent and
100 percent load conditions. A technology maturation plan for the combustion system has been proposed.
Also, as a result of Phase I, ceramic vane technology will be incorporated into NGT designs and will require
less cooling flow than conventional metallic vanes, thereby improving engine efficiency. A common 50 Hz and
60 Hz power turbine was selected due to the cost savings from eliminating a gearbox. A list of ceramic vane tech-
nologies has been identified for which the funding comes from DOE, NASA, the U.S. Air Force, and P&W.
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The Program Manager for the DOE was Kanwal Mahajan, from the beginning of the contract in July 2000 until
July 2001. Kanwal moved to a different job within DOE and was replaced by Chuck Alsup.
On the contractor side, the work involved a great many people in different component groups. The leaders of
the major efforts are as follows; all are from P&W except as noted.
Program Manager – Bill Day
Performance – Jill Kelly
Compression System – Norm Jacques
Combustion System – Steve Morford
Combustion Modeling – Paul Van Slooten (UTRC)
Ceramic Materials – Gary Linsey and Ellen Sun (UTRC)
Turbine Systems – Rajendra Agrawal and Hector Pinero
Mechanical Systems – Wes Surowka
Rotor Dynamics – Lisa Marquis
Systems Integration – Mike Babu
Balance of Plant – Brian Donnelly
Bottoming Cycle – Lance Hays Douglas Energy)
Bottoming Cycle – Ted Bond (MPPT)
Market Study – Stan Blazewicz and Dinesh Agarwal (Arthur D. Little Company [ADL])
Advanced Cycles – Fred Robson (kraftWork Systems)
Program Administration – Marc Lamoureux
Contracts – Leigh Fournier.
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Section Page
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................................ ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................................................ iii
1. EXPERIMENTAL............................................................................................................................................ 1-1
3. CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
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Figure Page
1-1. Intercooler Cycle........................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1-4. Combined Cycles Cost Considerably More Than Simple Cycles ............................................................. 1-2
1-2. FT60 Provides Gamechanger Performance ............................................................................................... 1-2
1-3. Market Price Trends Lower With Larger Size........................................................................................... 1-2
1-5. NGT Is Competitive Over a Wide Range of Operating Hours .................................................................. 1-3
1-6. Comparison of the Relative Attractiveness of NGTs By Calculating the NPV
of Production Cost/kW for Each Unit Over a 15-Year Investment Horizon ............................................ 1-4
1-7. Relative Competitiveness Between NGT and FX2.................................................................................... 1-4
1-8. Aeroderivatives With Lease Engines Have High Reliability and Availability.......................................... 1-4
2-1. FT60 Compression System ........................................................................................................................ 2-1
2-2. Low-Pressure Compressor Module............................................................................................................ 2-2
2-3. High-Pressure Compressor......................................................................................................................... 2-3
2-4. Typical NOx Emissions Versus Flame Temperature ................................................................................. 2-4
2-5. Conceptual Combustor Design .................................................................................................................. 2-4
2-6. Effect of Compressor Inlet Guide Vane Modulation and Low-Compressor Bleed
On Combustor Exit Temperature Versus Load.......................................................................................... 2-5
2-7. Flame Temperature Distribution Versus Load........................................................................................... 2-5
2-8. Schedule for Development Activities ........................................................................................................ 2-6
2-9. Computational Cost Estimate for a Hybrid Finite Volume/Full Composition-PDF Method .................... 2-8
2-10. Particle Tracking Sketch .......................................................................................................................... 2-11
2-11. CFD Model and Grid ............................................................................................................................... 2-12
2-12. CFD Calculation Mixing Profile.............................................................................................................. 2-12
2-13. Convergence of Exit Mass Flow Rates .................................................................................................... 2-12
2-14. Convergence of Mean Mixture Fraction at Selected Vertex.................................................................... 2-12
2-15. Convergence of Mixture Fraction Variance at Selected Vertex .............................................................. 2-13
2-16. Composition-PDF Mixing........................................................................................................................ 2-13
2-17. Timeline and Tasks for Block 1 FT60IC ................................................................................................. 2-14
2-18. FT60IC Turbine Cross-Section ................................................................................................................ 2-15
2-19. FT60 IC Combustor and Portion
of the Turbine........................................................................................................................................... 2-16
2-20. Cooling Flow............................................................................................................................................ 2-17
2-1. Increased Revenue With Ceramic and CMC Components ...................................................................... 2-18
2-21. Isometric View of the FT60 IC With a Water-Cooled Intercooler .......................................................... 2-25
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Figure Page
2-22. Plan View of the FT60 IC With a Water-Cooled Intercooler .................................................................. 2-25
2-23. Isometric View of the FT60 IC With an Air-Cooled Intercooler............................................................. 2-25
2-24. Plan View of the FT60 IC With an Air-Cooled Intercooler..................................................................... 2-26
2-25. Biphase Combined-Cycle Boasts System Efficiency .............................................................................. 2-27
2-26. Heat Transfer for the Biphase Bottoming Cycle...................................................................................... 2-28
3-1. Framework of the Scenarios for the ADL Analysis................................................................................... 3-2
3-2. Comparative Economic Analysis............................................................................................................... 3-2
3-3. Market for New Generating Capacity in the U.S....................................................................................... 3-3
3-4. Generation Additions in the U.S. ............................................................................................................... 3-3
3-5. NGT Sales Forecasts .................................................................................................................................. 3-4
3-6. Benefits of Adopting NGTs ....................................................................................................................... 3-4
3-7. Savings Were Generated Using Market Projections .................................................................................. 3-5
3-8. Capacity of NGTs ...................................................................................................................................... 3-5
3-9. U.S. Fuel Price Projections ........................................................................................................................ 3-5
3-10. Efficiencies, Emission Factors, and Displaced Generation Technologies................................................. 3-6
3-11. Fuel Savings ............................................................................................................................................... 3-6
3-12. Fuel Cost Reduction................................................................................................................................... 3-7
3-13. Reduction in CO2 Emissions...................................................................................................................... 3-7
3-14. Reduction of Other Emissions ................................................................................................................... 3-8
3-15. Cumulative Energy and Emissions Savings............................................................................................... 3-8
3-16. Advantages of NGTs Over Steam Plants ................................................................................................... 3-9
3-17. Projected Sales of NGTs Worldwide ......................................................................................................... 3-9
3-18. Typical Daily Load Factor for Feedwater Heating Plant ......................................................................... 3-10
3-19. Diagram of Feedwater Heating Cycle...................................................................................................... 3-11
3-20. Base-Load Supercritical Steam Plant....................................................................................................... 3-11
3-21. Feedwater Heating for Peak Power.......................................................................................................... 3-12
3-22. Schematic of Steam System ..................................................................................................................... 3-13
3-23. Schematic of Repowered Plant ................................................................................................................ 3-13
3-24. Simplified Diagram of HAT Cycle .......................................................................................................... 3-15
3-25. HIPPS With NGT-Type Gas Turbine ...................................................................................................... 3-16
3-26. A HIPPS/HAT System............................................................................................................................. 3-17
3-27. IGHAT Schematic.................................................................................................................................... 3-18
3-28. NGT/SOFC Hybrid .................................................................................................................................. 3-19
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Table Page
2-1. NGT Program Turbine Technologies....................................................................................................... 2-15
2-2. Data Comparing the Pressure Drops Data Calculated for These Two Header Options........................... 2-25
3-1. NGT Market Potential in U.S. (2007 to 2020)........................................................................................... 3-3
3-2. NGT Market Potential in the Rest of World (2005 to 2020) ..................................................................... 3-4
3-3. FT60 IGHAT Performance Estimates (Texaco HEQ Gasifier) ............................................................... 3-18
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JIC Jet-In-Crossflow
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This report is a summary of work conducted by P&W on behalf of the DOE’s NETL. For the NGT Program,
P&W performed a feasibility and program planning study of turbine systems greater than 30 MW in preparation for
the development of an advanced gas turbine system that would allow for improvement over 1999 state-of-the-art
systems while meeting the following objectives:
• Offer flexibility for at least 400 starts per year and 10 min to full load from the start of command
• Improve RAM
An intercooled cycle was selected as the basis for the study. Conceptual design work was done on this cycle in
enough detail to determine that it was feasible and would meet the objectives of the program. With an output of 140
to 170 MW at low-capital cost, and an efficiency of 49 to 50 percent, this product has considerable advantages over
existing systems in a wide range of peaking and intermediate load applications. This was borne out by the market
study and economic analysis conducted by ADL.
The intercooled cycle can also serve multiple uses involving coal. Using the heat from the intercooler and tur-
bine exhaust for feedwater preheating the intercooled cycle improves the efficiency of new or existing coal-fired
plants and enables the owner to sell power in on-peak, as well as base load, markets. This enhances the economic
competitiveness of conventional coal-fired plants.
Using the same compressors and intercooler, the intercooled cycle can be converted to a HAT cycle configura-
tion; the combustor and turbine would be enlarged to accommodate the additional moisture. Integrated with a coal
gasifier, the HAT cycle would produce efficiencies as high as an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC),
but at reduced capital cost, thereby addressing an issue with IGCC that has slowed market penetration in coal-
based applications. The moisture in the HAT cycle retards emissions, as shown in tests at DOE facilities under the
HAT Cycle Technology Development Program that is part of the Advanced Turbine Systems (ATS) Program.1 The
moisture could also enable a lean premix combustor for the HAT cycle in a coal gasification cycle, which is not
feasible with a conventional IGCC due to the hydrogen content in the coal gas. This would further reduce emis-
sions from the coal gasification-based cycle.
Longer term, the HAT cycle and coal gasifier can be integrated with fuel cells in a hybrid cycle to meet the 60
percent efficiency goal of the Vision 21 Program.
Technological developments required for the intercooled cycle are in the areas of high-pressure combustion,
ceramic materials, advanced alloys and coatings, and intercooler and compressor integration. Extending the inter-
cooled cycle to the HAT cycle integrated with a coal gasifier requires combustion development for the high mois-
ture and coal gas fuel, and development testing of turbine materials and coatings to accommodate the high moisture
1 DOE contract number DE-AC21-96MC33084
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The NGT Program focuses on turbine systems greater
than 30 MW that improve on the 1999 state-of-the-art sys- Intercooler
year with 10 min to full load with multiple fuel usage, and
a 50 percent improvement in turndown ratios. Improve- • Twice the output of simple cycle - dollars per kiloWatt
• Efficiency 45-50% - Competitive at midrange capacity factor
ment is also sought in RAM. The current contract con- • Rapid start to full load - Quick dispatch to meet fluctuating
loads with multiple daily on/off cycles
cerns Phase 1, feasibility study and program planning.
The technical approach chosen to meet the goals of
Figure 1-1. Intercooler Cycle
the NGT Program is to use the intercooled cycle, depicted
schematically in Figure 1-1.
The initial direction of the NGT Program was to use an aircraft engine high-pressure compressor (HPC) as the
basis for the industrial gas turbine. This would have resulted in an intercooled cycle in the 60-MW output class.
The NGT Program direction changed following a program review with PWPS technical management in December
2000 and subsequent discussions with P2 Energy, the sales and marketing arm of PWPS. The decision was made to
increase the size of the industrial gas turbine to over 100 MW in order to meet what is believed to be the market
demand. This demand was confirmed by the market survey carried out by ADL and P2 Energy. The resulting sys-
tem, called the FT60 IC, offers considerable public benefit in providing very high efficiency at low-capital cost in
an output class that meets the needs of the major power generators for peaking and intermediate load power.
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1.2.1 Performance
From Figure 1-2 it can be seen that the efficiency is about 55
49 percent for Block 1 and 50 percent for Block 2. The output 50
increases considerably from Block 1 to Block 2, from about FT60 IC Block 1 FT60 IC Block 2
140 MW to about 170 MW. This reduces the dollars/kW cost 45
after accounting for increased materials cost. 40 LM6000 7FB
FT8-3 FT8-3 Twinpac GT24
FT8 GTX100 M501F
Compared to 1999 state-of-the-art systems, as reported in 35 6FA 7EC 7FA
the Gas Turbine World 1999-2000 Handbook, the efficiency 30
of the FT60 IC Block 2 is more than 20 percent higher than 0 50 100 150 200
the most efficient aeroderivatives and 33 percent higher then 126728.cdr
the most efficient frame-type gas turbines. Figure 1-2. FT60 Provides Gamechanger
1.2.2 Emissions Performance
The objective is to achieve 9 ppm NOx emissions after an
introductory period at 25 ppm NOx emissions, on gas fuel, and 25 ppm NOx emissions with water injection on liq-
uid fuel. The very low exhaust temperature of the FT60 IC provides an advantage in meeting stringent emissions
requirements at reasonable cost, because it accommodates the use of a conventional selective catalytic reactor with
no need to reduce the exhaust temperature by outside air dilution or a bottoming cycle; this enables NOx emissions
of less than 3 ppm. This is particularly important for the FT60 IC, since its high efficiency will drive the economic
dispatch point well into midrange capacity factor for many installations, where local emissions caps in tons per
year often require extremely low NOx.
1.3.1 Capital Cost
From a capital cost standpoint, the target market price 425 FT8 DLE
(cost to the end user) is in the same range as that of frame- FT8
375 GT10B LM6000 PD
type gas turbines (for Gas Turbine World scope, including LM2500 PK
FT8 Twin
the intercooler, see Figure 1-3). This price range is consider- 325 LM6000 PC Target Price Range for FT60 IC
GTX100 Trent DLE
ably lower then that of combined cycles (Figure 1-4). 275
LM6000 Sprint
6 FA
2 X 1 Trent
refurbishment at 25,000 hr and replacement at 50,000 hr. 600 FT8 Twin
Cyclic life will be at least 5,000 cycles. For the low-pressure 7EA
turbine (LPT), airfoil coating refurbishment will be required 2 X 6FA
at 50,000 hr, where coatings are present and the design life is 400 W501F
2 X 7FA
100,000 hr. Cyclic life is 15,000 cycles for LPT airfoils. 300
2 X 501F
Based on experience with the FT4 and FT8, which operate 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
with similar exhaust temperatures to the FT60 IC, the last 126730.cdr
two stages will not need coatings, and maintenance action is Figure 1-4. Combined Cycles Cost Considerably
not needed for these stages at inspection intervals. At 4,000 More Than Simple Cycles
hr of full load operation and 400 starts per year, the first hot
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gaspath inspection occurs at 6.25 years. The first major inspection occurs at 12.5 years, by which time, the airfoils
have accumulated 5,000 cycles and the HPT airfoils would need to be replaced.
Frame-type gas turbines are typically not designed for high-cyclic duty. In cyclic duty, E-class frame types can
typically last 3 years between hot gaspath inspections, where most turbine airfoils must be repaired and some
replaced. F-class frame types typically cannot go more then 2 years at 400 starts per year before a hot gaspath
The cost to refurbish or replace a turbine blade is strongly correlated to the size of the blade, for comparable
materials and technology. The 1st-stage turbine blades of the FT60 IC are nearly the same size as those of a large
aircraft engine and much smaller then those of a large frame-type gas turbine. As an illustration, the sizes of the air-
foil sections of 1st-stage turbine blades are compared for the FT60 IC, the PW4090 large aircraft engine and an F-
class frame-type gas turbine in the same output class as the FT60 IC:
We believe that O&M costs on a dollars/MW-hr basis will be favorable compared to those of frame-type gas
1.3.3 Economic Analysis
As part of the market study, ADL did an economic analy-
Total Cost — Dollars/KW - Year
sis of the FT60 IC compared to the following frame-type gas
turbines: 7EA, 7FA, and a 2 × 1 combined cycle 7FX-2 (two 250
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The replacement core feature also improves maintainability, since the core can be shipped readily to a service
shop instead of requiring maintenance in the field. This is unusual for a gas turbine in the over 100 MW-size class.
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HPC 13 Stage
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All cases
Commercial available steel
PWA110 coating for
added corrosion protection
AMS 6415 or PWA 768 steel
PWA110 or PWA77
Corrosion Coating
loading. The variable vanes will use large diameter outer circular platforms and large diameter vane trunnion posts
to minimize deflection and wear concerns at the variable vane bushings. The LPC case will be split axially at the
horizontal centerline for assembly purposes. This construction also serves to facilitate compressor field mainte-
nance. Materials selection is based on achieving low cost and meeting corrosion protection requirements. Disks are
planned to be wrought alloy steel PWA 768 or AMS 6415, and will require a corrosion protective coating of either
PWA77 or PWA110-2. The blades are proposed to be AMS5613 or 410 SST with the same corrosion coating used
on the disks. The compressor case will be cast AMS5613, 410 SST or 347 SST. Cases, if 410 SST, may also be
coated but this would be only for cosmetic purposes. The 300 series SST would maintain its appearance without
special coatings. This case will be heavy wall and not subject to stress corrosion concerns. Intercooler Ducts
The intercooler ducts are planned to be cast quarter-segment ducts welded to form a transition from a full annu-
lus with a duct diverting flow to 180-degree horizontal ducts leading to the intercoolers. The exit and return ducts
have low-pressure loss aerodynamic and structural struts tying the inner and outer walls together and providing a
load path for the No. 2 and No. 3 bearing supports for the LPC rear bearing and the HPC front bearings, respec-
tively. Choice of material for the ducting remains under review. Candidate materials are cast aluminum and cast
410 SST. Cost and stiffness of these ducts will dictate material choice. High-Pressure Compressor
The FT60 IC HPC (Figure 2-3) will be a scaled constant meanline compressor based on test experience with
our JT10D-2 and ATE compressors. The rotor will be a low inertia aerodynamic engine-style compressor to meet
quick start and low-cost objectives. The rotor aft end will be a welded drum with tangential blade attachments for
low cost. The drum construction reduces bolted flange interfaces and eliminates bolt hole machining and close tol-
erance snap fits. The elimination of these features also reduces customer maintenance cost for wear at these inter-
face locations. The shell of the drum will be located at the inner flowpath wall, thereby eliminating rotor rim
cavities. This construction requires that the fixed vanes be cantilevered, without inner vane shrouds. The cantile-
vered vane construction again offers opportunity to reduce stator costs. The forward fixed vane stages will require
inner vane shrouds because of the sloped inner flowpath forward wall. The forward drum will be a welded con-
struction similar to the aft drum. Tangential blade attachments will be used as far forward as practicable to reduce
machining costs. The rotor rim cavities, at the forward stages of the HPC, however, will limit use of tangential
blade attachments to the smaller blades in the aft end of the front drum. The rim cavities shift the drum shell inward
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Drum Rotors
Steel PWA 768 Front drum - 5 Stages
Integral Hub R1 Disk
Steel PWA 768 Rear drum - 6 Stages
AMS 6415 or PWA 768 - Steel
Tinidur A286 Rear disk
• 19/1 pressure ratio compressor within P&W experience
• HPC will incorporate proven aerodynamic technology
• HPC designed with latest CFD tools
• HPC materials and construction to minimize cost (meet low dollars per kiloWatt goal)
• Case(s) axially split and double wall to provide:
– Easy maintenance
– Match blade tip response to meet rapid start time.
Figure 2-3. High-Pressure Compressor
and thus increase drum rail rolling deflection, blade tip deflection, and results in thicker rails to reduce bending
stresses in the drum attachment rails. Further trade study of rotor inertia and drum weight versus cost is necessary
to determine the stage location where the switch over to axial blade attachments should occur.
The drum rotor construction requires the HPC cases to be split axially at the horizontal centerline for assembly
purposes. This construction also permits field maintenance of rotor and stator hardware, similar to the LPC plan.
An additional low cost and improved maintenance feature is planned for the fixed vane attachment in the HPC
case. The case will have 360-degree turned grooves to accept segmented tee-shaped vane retention hooks, which
will be radial and bolted to the case. These segments will be replaceable or serviceable for wear control. This will
eliminate wear refurbishment of the large split compressor cases and reduce customer maintenance cost.
The aft end stages, 7 through 13, will have a separate blade outer airseal case that will be structurally and ther-
mally isolated from the outer structural case. This double-wall case construction will allow the blade outer airseals
and case to respond to the flowpath temperatures to achieve the necessary blade tip clearance control required for
improved performance and quick start capability. The outer structural case will serve to carry the case bending
loads. The case stiffness will be matched to the forward intercooler, LPC case, and the aft combustor case. Rotor
and case dynamics will set stiffness and mass of these cases.
The intercooled cycle permits steel- or iron-based alloys to be used throughout the HPC. The plan, as with the
LPC, is to use AMS 5613 and AMS 5616 for blade and vane material. The rotor disks and drum is to be wrought
alloy steel, PWA 768 or AMS 6415. These materials will need corrosion protective coatings such as PWA 77 or
PWA 110-2 for all disks and blades. The compressor cases will be cast 410 SST and will also need corrosion pro-
tection for cosmetic purposes.
2.1.2 Combustion System
A robust, reliable, DLE combustor is key to the development of these NGTs. Technical issues associated with
DLE combustion chambers include combustion-induced pressure oscillations, limited cooling air, achieving near
perfect premixing of fuel and air, and maintaining nearly constant combustion reaction temperature over a wide
range of power settings and ambient temperatures. The NGT Program further exacerbates these issues by effec-
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tively reducing the state-of-the-art in aerodynamic derivative NOx and CO emissions by a factor of two with
increased turndown capability, and improved start-up and response time.
The activities for the combustion system performed under Phase 1 of the NGT Program included the following:
• Conceptual design of the combustion system
• Cycle optimization for improved combustor turndown capability
• Definition of a proposed plan to mature the combustion system. Combustion System Conceptual Design
The thermodynamic cycle selected for the NGT Program
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Normalized Combustor
Schedule 2
while the secondary combustion zone temperature would 95%
Exit Temperature
vary over the gas turbine load range. The actual turndown
capability of the combustion system is dictated by the com- 80%
bustor exit temperature lapse rate at part load conditions. A 75%
trade study has been conducted to evaluate the impact of 70%
combustor exit temperature schedule. 65%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
The compressor inlet guide vane position and LPC bleed Percent Load
fraction were the two main parameters selected for variation. 126740.cdr
Figure 2-6 illustrates the lapse of normalized combustor exit Figure 2-6. Effect of Compressor Inlet Guide
temperature, exit temperature normalized by the exit temper- Vane Modulation and Low-Compressor Bleed On
ature at 100 percent load, versus load. Combustor Exit Temperature Versus Load
Flame Temperature — °C
ature is 287ºC (550ºF) between 40 percent and 100 percent
load conditions. 1500
Schedule 11 illustrates the combustor exit temperature
consistent with a combination of inlet guide vane modulation 1300
of flame temperatures can be achieved at 25 percent lower Figure 2-7. Flame Temperature Distribution
load with inlet guide vane modulation than without. Versus Load Combustor Cooling and Material Selection
With 95 percent of the airflow dedicated to combustion, insufficient airflow remains to actively cool the com-
bustor structure. Therefore, a regenerative cooling system that first uses the combustion air to cool the structure
prior to mixing with fuel has been incorporated into the design. A detailed study of the regenerative cooling system
and selection of combustor materials is presented in advanced materials section of the report. Proposed Plan to Mature Combustion System
The cycle operating conditions of the NGT Program present a significant challenge to the development of the
combustion system. Specifically, very few combustion facilities have the ability to simulate full engine pressure
conditions. The facilities possessing full pressure capability are extremely expensive and thus prohibit conducting
all of the development work at these conditions. Therefore, the proposed plan relies on conducting the majority of
development activities at reduced scale pressure, typically 2.03 Mpa (20 atm), with selected touch-the-wall confir-
mation tests conducted at full conditions. Technical Approach
The technical approach proposed consists of focusing on three major challenges to achieving the program
emissions and reliability goals. The challenges are fuel-air mixture uniformity, thermoacoustic instability induced
pressure fluctuations, and combustion system durability. An approximate schedule is presented in Figure 2-8.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Fuel-Air Mixing
Design/Fabrication Rig
Combustor Optimization
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Acoustic Damper
One dimension model of coupled combustor, Helmholtz resonator system, will be constructed. Parametric
assessment of resonator designs will be conducted. Combustion rig tests will be conducted to verify predictions
and guide selection of final resonator design.
The architecture of the combustion system shown in Figure 2-5 is to have separate combustion cans, each with
a separate convectively-cooled transition piece. The combustor control system uses compressor inlet guide vanes
to modulate the airflow to the combustor to achieve part load operation (Figure 2-6).
The coupled chemical and fluid-dynamic processes occurring within a gas turbine combustor are extremely
complex. Due to a huge range of both length and time scales within the turbulent flow field, direct numerical simu-
lations of the known governing equations are not feasible and will remain so into the foreseeable future. Thus,
physics-based models of these combustion processes are required.
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A hierarchy of turbulence and combustion models exists based on model fidelity and computational efficiency.
To achieve reliable and accurate predictions of emissions in a gas turbine combustor over a variety of operating
conditions, there are three key requirements for the computational model:
1. High-fidelity representation of the combustor geometry (grid)
2. Turbulence model for highly turbulent, swirling flows with mixing
3. Combustion model that includes a chemical kinetics mechanism and a treatment of turbulence-chemistry
The standard design process at P&W incorporates the use of three-dimensional, unstructured tetrahedral
meshes in its CFD calculations (Malecki, et al., 2001). With this grid topology, the complex geometric features
from diffuser exit to turbine inlet are readily modeled in a CAD-to-grid process that allows local grid refinement.
The closure of turbulence is achieved through standard approaches such as two-equation models (k-e, q-w), Rey-
nolds stress models, or large-eddy simulations (LES). It has been demonstrated that turbulence models at the Rey-
nolds-stress level provide improved results in strongly swirling flows over standard k-e models (Hogg and
Leschziner, 1989).
The calculated composition probability density function 30
(Composition-PDF) method is an advanced model for turbu-
lent combustion that incorporates arbitrarily complex chemical Inert
Reacting without kinetics
kinetics mechanisms without assumption in the highly nonlin- Reacting with ISAT
ear reaction term. Thus, it provides a natural treatment of tur- CPU Cost — Days 20
bulent-chemistry interactions. The solution of the
Composition-PDF, a high-dimensionality field, is calculated
through a statistical approach (Monte Carlo method) that uses
particles that are viewed as independent realizations of the 10
underlying turbulent flow. The particle code is coupled to stan-
dard CFD finite-volume codes through the heat release or den-
sity variables.
The computational costs of the Composition-PDF method 0
0.0E+00 1.0E+06 2.0E+06 3.0E+06
are higher than current moment closure combustion models, Cell Count
but recent hybrid finite-volume/Composition-PDF approaches 126743.cdr
(Muradoglu, et al., 1999; and Jenny, et al., 2000), coupled with Figure 2-9. Computational Cost Esimate for a
in-situ adaptive tabulation (ISAT, Pope, 1997) and automated Hybrid Finite Volume/Full Composition-PDF
reduced mechanism techniques, have significantly reduced Method
computational times. An initial estimate of the cost per unit as a function of cell count for such an approach is pro-
vided in Figure 2-9, which assumes a 16 species to 41 reaction-kinetics mechanism and parallel implementation on
48 Sun Sparc Ultra2s with 70 percent parallel efficiency.
Algorithm Development
The computational cost of Compositional-PDF methods has limited its application in combustor design calcu-
lations. With recent Composition-PDF algorithm advancements and the increase in computational speed of com-
puters, the development of a Composition-PDF approach with three-dimensional, unstructured grid capabilities
would mark a significant advance with potential to directly impact the combustor design process. The first step in
this development is the creation of a particle Composition-PDF code for the mixing of passive scalars. In inert
flows, the feedback coupling mechanism between the particle code and the CFD code (heat release) does not exist,
and the focus may be placed on the development and testing of efficient numerical algorithms and accurate physi-
cal models. The areas to be addressed may be classified as general physical/numerical issues concerning Composi-
tion-PDF methods, such as particle evolution, local time-stepping, correction algorithms, and mean flow
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
estimation; or as specific algorithms concerning three-dimensional unstructured grid implementation of the Com-
position-PDF method, such as particle tracking, domain decomposition, and particle boundary conditions.
General Composition-PDF Algorithms
The governing equation for the Composition-PDF varies in a high-dimensional space, which makes traditional
approaches for solving partial differential equations (e.g., finite differences) impractical. A Monte Carlo, or statisti-
cal, approach whose cost varies linearly with the dimensionality is required. The approach is based on stochastic
differential equations that govern the evolution of notional particles from which a Composition-PDF can be
derived. This density function is the modeled representation of the density function derived from the governing
For the Composition-PDF approach, the fundamental particle properties are the mass m*, position X*, and spe-
cies φ*, of the particle that evolve through
dm* = 0
§ · § 2 DT ·
* + 1 ∇D
dX ( t ) = ¨ U ¸¸ dt + ¨¨ ¸¸ dW
¨ ρ © ρ
© ¹ ¹
dµ* = βµ*dt
where β is defined with respect to a global time scale s such that
ª µ ( s ) γ ( X [ s ] , s ) º¼ = 0
∂s ¬
where γ (x, s) ≡ ∆t (x, s)/∆s is the mapping from the global uniform time step to the local non-uniform time step.
The local time step is proportional to the minimum of the convective, turbulent diffusive, and turbulent time scales,
as defined from finite-volume CFD quantities. At steady state, the variable time-step (mass) modeled Composition-
PDF converges to the constant time-step (mass) modeled composition PDF; the local time-step formulation con-
verges in pseudo-time to the proper steady-state solution. The method was tested on a non-reacting bluff-body
flow, and was found by Muradoglu and Pope (2001) to “accelerate the global convergence of the hybrid method by
as much as an order of magnitude” and to “improve significantly the robustness of the hybrid method.”
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
As described in Muradoglu, et al. (2001), the hybrid finite-volume/particle PDF approach is consistent at the
level of the governing equations (or physical model), but may entail inconsistencies at the level of the numerical
algorithm. The inconsistencies arise from duplicate information contained within the particle and finite-volume
mean fields and can lead to unacceptable levels of numerical errors, particularly bias. Correction algorithms are
developed to force consistency. For the inert flows considered in a Composition-PDF approach, only the position
correction algorithm of Muradoglu, et al. (2001) is required. This algorithm enforces the consistency between the
time-averaged mean particle and particle mass densities (the particle mass density is defined by the volume of the
cell and the mass of the particles contained in it). The algorithm calculates a correction velocity Uc from a damped
oscillator equation driven by the normalized density difference and a correction potential calculated from the nor-
malized density difference.
The final discretized algorithm for the particle evolution is then expressed, with X0 ≡ X* (s), φ0 ≡ φ* (s), and
µ0 ≡ µ* as
1. Half step in position
° ª º½ ½° 2
X ≡ X + ®( 12 ∆t ) « U
2 0 + U C ( s ) + 1 ∇D » °¾ + °®( 1 ∆t ) 2 DT ¾ ξ
ρ ρ
T 2
°¯ ¬« ¼» °¿ X0 ¯° ¿° X0
2. Mixing of species
( ) 2
¬ ¼ ( ) ( )
φ M ≡ α X φ 0 + ª«1 − α X º» φ ∗ X
1 1
3. Reaction of species
φ * ( s + ∆s ) ≈ φ 1 ≡ R φ M , ª¬ ∆t , p º¼ X 1
2 )
4. Full step in position
° ª º½ ½
1 0 + U C ( s ) + 1 ∇D » °¾ + °® ∆t 2 DT °¾ ξ′
X ( s + ∆s ) ≈ X ≡ X + ® ∆t « U
ρ ρ °¿ X 12
°¯ ¬« ¼» °¿ X 12 ¯°
Two independent Gaussian random vectors, ξ and ξ , with properties ¢ ξ² = 0 and ¢ ξξ² = I , are introduced.
The species-mixing step is presented in a general form to account for different mixing models. For the IEM mixing
model, the term α is
° ª C ∆t º ½°
( )
α X = exp ® « φ »
°¯ ¬ τ T ¼ X 1
The reaction step for the species is represented by the reaction mapping R, which is a function of the mean
pressure and time step at the mid-step particle position and the mixed composition φM. The reaction mapping is
here zero, but would be provided from the implementation of chemistry through in situ adaptive tabulation (Pope,
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The discretized particle algorithm requires properties interpolated to the particle position from mean values
specified by the finite-volume code or time-averaged from the particle properties. The algorithm that calculates the
particle means and the interpolation to the particles is based on trilinear interpolation, an approach well suited to
tetrahedral grids. Particle basis functions L provide the “weighting” for interpolation
4 3
q ( X* ) = ¦ Li ( X* ) Qi = Q4 + ¦ Li ( X* ) ( Qi − Q4 )
i =1 i =1
¦ µ * Ln ( X* ) Q *
Q n =
X ∈ Ωn
¦ µ * Ln ( X* )
X ∈ Ωn
where Ωn is the support for vertex n. The basis functions are calculated after each position evolution step from Li
(X*) ≡ Aij (X*j - xj(4)), where xj(4) is the position of the fourth vertex in the tetrahedron and A is the basis function
coefficient matrix that is constant within each cell.
Three-Dimensional, Unstructured Grid Algorithms
An efficient and robust algorithm is required to track the large
number of particles as they evolve through the grid; the particles must
be located within cells. The algorithm implemented calculates for each b X1
cell face the ratio of the face plane perpendicular distances from the
initial particle location and the face to the initial and new particle loca-
tions. If the minimum non-negative value exceeds one, the particle
remains in the cell. Otherwise, the particle exits the cell through the d2 / d1 > 1
face with the minimum value for the ratio, and the process repeats (a
finite number of times) with the initial location moved to the cell face. X0 d1
An example in Figure 2-10 shows a particle leaving cell α and entering
cell β. Difficulties stemming from round-off error or high grid skew-
ness complicate the simple approach, but are handled robustly through 126744.cdr
error tolerances and identification of lost particles. The lost particles Figure 2-10. Particle Tracking Sketch
are discarded prior to further processing. In testing of a coarse grid
with a maximum number of face crossings set to 20, the probability of losing a particle in a given time step was
found to be less than 1e-7, a value deemed satisfactory.
Parallel processing through domain decomposition is required in finite-volume CFD codes to perform large-
scale combustor calculations. The ability to track a particle through a grid has to be extended to track a particle as it
moves from processor to processor. This algorithm inherently couples to particle tracking and particle boundary
conditions. Boundary and domain faces are tagged such that particles trying to cross these faces are specially
treated. Particles are reflected from inlet, wall, and symmetry boundaries, while particles are lost upon crossing exit
boundaries. Particles crossing periodic or domain boundary conditions are tagged as leaving the domain and posi-
tioned on the bounding face. The algorithm is designed so that these particles are bundled and broadcast to the
appropriate processor for continued tracking. This process is repeated a fixed number of times prior to labeling the
remaining unlocated particles as lost. The coding for the parallel processing and the interdomain face connectivity
is highly dependent on the data structures implemented in the finite-volume CFD code. The coding for parallel pro-
cessing was not performed under this contract, while the framework for the domain-crossing boundary conditions
was coded. Therefore, the current composition PDF code is limited to single domain calculations.
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Figure 2-13. Convergence of Exit Mass Flow Rates Figure 2-14. Convergence of Mean Mixture
Fraction at Selected Vertex
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The HPT disk material will likely be IN 718, although low-cost material such as M152 steel will also be evalu-
ated. LPT disk material will most likely be steel, with Nickel-based alloy as the back up.
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Conceptual Design Tasks: Preliminary Design Tasks: Detail Design & Manuf. Tasks: Validation Tasks:
- Preliminary Cross-sections - Flowpath Optimization - Final Airfoil Definition - Test Support
- Configuration Selection - Work Split Optimization - Airfoil Casting Definition
- Technology Evaluation - Cost Optimization - BOAS Design & Manuf.
- Technology Selection - Clearance Assessment - Blade Design & Manuf.
- Material Characterization - Risk Assessment - Vane Design & Manuf.
- Explore potential cost reductions - Preliminary Airfoil Definition - Disk & Accessories Design & Manuf.
- Validation Plan - Material Trade Studies and Selection - TOBI Design & Manuf.
- Disk Forging Sizing - Finished Cross-section
- Bill of Material
Figure 2-17. Timeline and Tasks for Block 1 FT60IC
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The operational stress-temperature analysis produced a B-basis life curve that predicted that MI SiC/SiC can
operate continuously for 25,000 hours under combined temperatures and stress conditions of up to 1148°C
(2100°F) and 15 ksi. Calculation of the hoop stresses resulting from through-thickness thermal gradients indicates
that the CMC liner/EBC system will have approximately one-third the stress of metal liner/TBC systems. Analysis
of the operating stress for the CMC liner/EBC system and the various metal liner/TBC systems indicates that all
systems will achieve the 25,000-hr goal; however, the CMC liner/EBC has a larger margin of safety.
The relative strain due to thermal expansion differences between the combustor liner and the shell was approx-
imately half the value for a CMC liner, compared to a metal liner. The actual stress in the liner will be a function of
the attachment scheme; however, the lower relative strain has the potential for resulting in lower liner stress and
simplified attachment design.
The EBC coating should meet the 25,000-hr life goal for the FT60 IC, and EBC development work at UTRC is
expected to further reduce the recession rate. The recession rate of 0.012 microns per hour was measured on an
EBC-coated MI SiC/SiC liner in a Solar Turbines Centaur 50S engine run at the Texaco site in Bakersfield, Califor-
nia, from 1999 to 2000. Therefore, 300 microns of EBC would be recessed in 25,000-hr, which is less then the
thickness of the coating.
Business Case Study Additional Revenue
Additional Fabrication Cost
As discussed above, ceramic turbine vanes and CMC
combustor liners/transition ducts required less cooling 1
and increase engine efficiency. This increased efficiency
means that the same basic engine will produce more
Increased Revenue
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076 Lubrication
The FT60 lube oil system contains the engine lube oil system together with necessary filters, cooler, and reser-
Components not integral to the gas turbine are mounted as a pre-engineered package on the ancillary skid.
This package, located adjacent to the gas turbine enclosure, contains the combined reservoir, duplex filters, air-to-
oil cooler, and the turbine supply and scavenge pumps.
The turbine lube oil system lubricates and cools the main bearings and bearing seal assemblies. Lubrication is
provided by identical three-element pumps, which provide primary and auxiliary flow functions. The primary and
auxiliary pumps are alternating current motor driven at 3,600 rpm, while the emergency pump is a direct current
motor driven at 1,800 rpm. The auxiliary pump automatically starts in case of trouble with the primary pump. The
direct current pump is used for emergency shutdown when alternating current power is lost. Gas Fuel System
The customer-furnished fuel gas supply is provided at a minimum pressure. After flowing through a fire valve,
the gas flows through two shutoff valves and the modulating valve to the gas manifold, where it is injected through
the gas fuel nozzles. The modulating valve meters fuel in response to signals from the electronic gas turbine con-
trol. Liquid Fuel System
In the liquid system, fuel in a flooded suction line from the fuel storage tanks is pumped by the customer-sup-
plied fuel forwarding system to the filtering skid. After flowing through a fire stop valve, the fuel is boosted by fuel
pump, and sent to the modulating valve. The modulating valve meters fuel in response to a signal from the elec-
tronic gas turbine control. The fuel then flows through two fuel shutoff valves and a flow divider, into the manifold
and through the liquid fuel nozzles. Dual Fuel System
The dual fuel system uses the same components as the gas and liquid fuel systems, plus additional valves to
allow switching from one fuel to the other.
At startup with liquid fuel selected, the fuel pump is started and liquid fuel flows through the liquid modulating
valve and liquid shutoff valve into the liquid fuel manifold to the nozzles. At shutdown, the pump is disengaged,
the liquid modulating valve and liquid shutoff valves are closed, the liquid drain valves are opened to prevent pres-
sure buildup downstream of the shutoff, and the manifold drain valve is opened to drain the manifold.
When gas fuel operation is selected, gas flows from the supply through two shutoff valves, through the modu-
lating valve to the gas manifold. A small amount is sent through the liquid system purge valve to the liquid fuel
manifold for continuous purging of all liquid fuel from the manifold and nozzles to prevent coking of the nozzles.
At shutdown, the shutoff valves are closed the vent line between shutoff valves is opened to relieve pressure.
The gas turbine has the capability to burn liquid and gaseous fuels simultaneously or to transfer from one fuel
to the other during operation. Water Injection System
The water injection system (used for liquid fuel) introduces demineralized water with the fuel into the nozzles
of the gas turbine to assist in achieving required exhaust gas emission levels. The system operation is automatically
controlled by electronic gas turbine control.
The demineralized water is delivered by the customer to the water injection skid located just outside the gas
turbine enclosure. The skid contains the alternating current motor driven pumps to boost the water to the required
pressure and necessary valving.
When operating on liquid fuel, the water is mixed with the fuel and sent through the liquid fuel nozzles. When
running on gas fuel, the water is sent through the liquid fuel nozzles and the gas through the gas fuel nozzles. When
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running on both fuels, the water is mixed with the liquid fuel and injected through the nozzles via the liquid fuel
manifold, while the gas flows through the as fuel nozzles. Starting System
The starting system consists of an electric starter mounted on the gas turbine.
When the operator initiates a start, the power is supplied to the starter motor geared to the high-compressor
rotor shaft of the gas generator. The starter converts the fluid pressure to shaft torque and rotates the high-speed
rotor to ignition speed.
After fuel is admitted to the gas turbine combustion section and ignition is achieved, the gas turbine accelerates
to its self-sustaining speed and the starter is disengaged from the shaft. If any problems are detected during the start
cycle, the control shuts off fuel flow and hydraulic fluid flow, causing the starter to disengage and the gas turbine to
coast down.
The starting system is also used to rotate the gas turbine rotors for water wash/gaspath purge. When water wash
is selected, the start system is used to motor the gas generator while water, with or without detergent, is sprayed
into the bellmouth. During a purge operation, fumes and other flammable gases accumulated in the gas turbine are
purged by motoring the gas generator with the starting system to above 1,500 rpm, with the ignition and fuel sys-
tems off. Fire Protection System
The fire protection system provides independent fire detection and CO2 total flooding fire suppression systems
for the gas turbine enclosure and is available as an option for the generator and control enclosures.
Automatic fire detection is provided by rate compensated thermal detectors. Facilities for manual (electric and
mechanical) initiation of the fire systems are also provided. The CO2 tanks, solenoids, and manifold are located
outside the enclosures, with the system's control module located in the control room.
The control system monitors and displays the status of all fire system inputs and provides outputs to activate
audible and visual alarms, discharge CO2, close fuel fire safety valves, and signal turbine and unit control systems
for required responses. The system operates on 24V of direct current and contains its own internal power supply
and battery backup.
Immediately upon actuation of the system, the turbine enclosure secondary air supply fans are de-energized
and the fuel supply is shut off. A 20-sec time delay permits rundown of the gas turbine and generator before a sole-
noid valve releases the pressurized CO2 into its distribution manifold. A pneumatic cylinder, actuated by the pres-
surized CO2, releases a pair of guillotine-type dampers (just forward of the fan blades), closing off the secondary
air path. Simultaneously, a series of nozzles floods the enclosures to a 34 percent CO2 concentration, sufficient for
inerting the combustion process.
The CO2 supply to the manifold is fed from pressurized tanks. The first tank is quick emptying, while the sec-
ond slow-emptying tank maintains the five percent level required to overcome dilution from air leakage. This CO2
concentration is maintained for approximately 30 minutes, sufficient time to allow combustibles to cool below
their autoignition temperatures.
A CO2 status display board is provided near each protected enclosure entry to visually indicate the status of the
fire protection system (CO2 armed or disarmed).
Disarming may be accomplished by disabling the CO2 discharge system either electrically by means of a key-
switch and/or blocking the flow of CO2 by a manually-activated safety block valve in the CO2 piping discharge
system. When disarmed, the detection alarm system will remain active while the CO2 discharge capability will be
disabled. Continuous alarm signals are sent to the monitoring system, notifying the operator while the system is
disarmed. Additional safety features include a suppressant release delay and audible and visual alarms inside and
outside the enclosure.
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is rectified to direct current by a shaft-mounted rotating rectifier assembly that is connected to the main field
through conductors inside the shaft; thus, the need for sliprings is eliminated. Electrical/Control System
The electrical/control system contains all of the equipment necessary for local control of the FT8 60 IC
together with the switchgear and generator protectives.
The equipment contains the gas turbine and generator controls, motor control center, low voltage alternating
and direct current distribution, station batteries, metal-clad switchgear, station auxiliary transformer, protectives
relaying, and master terminal board. These controls and instruments are mounted on the following cabinets:
• Protective Relay Cabinet
• Instrument Cabinet
• Operator Cabinet
• Motor Control Center
• Monitoring Cabinet
• Master Terminal Board Cabinets.
2.1.6 Control System
The control system contains an integrated gas turbine and unit control. This integrated controller acts as a cen-
tral processing point for all input/output serial and ethernet communications associated with the FT60 IC. Data
from this control is sent to a user-friendly ICE operator interface to display pertinent information.
The Woodward controller performs both fuel control and sequencing functions. This system incorporates a dig-
ital programmable microprocessor that optimizes turbine safety and efficiency. The programmable features of this
control enhance the ability of the end user to incorporate the latest features in gas turbine technology.
This integrated control performs all of the gas turbine control functions including:
• Speed Control
• Temperature protection and control
• Acceleration and deceleration limiting
• Fuel valve control
• Inlet guide vane control
• Variable stator vane control
• Water injection
• Gas turbine performance monitoring
• Start sequencing
• Unit synchronization
• Alarm and shutdown protection
• Monitoring System.
The ICE monitoring system package operates on a Pentium-based industrial computer and serves as the opera-
tor interface. This system interfaces to the gas turbine and unit control through an Ethernet local area network. The
monitoring system performs such functions as:
• Data logging and trending
• Alarm monitoring
• Alarm and event logging
• Sequence-of-events recording
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Figure 2-21. Isometric View of the FT60 IC With Figure 2-22. Plan View of the FT60 IC With a
a Water-Cooled Intercooler Water-Cooled Intercooler
shown in these drawings, a simple header design was chosen
to minimize the pressure drop through the supply and return
portions of the piping system. Care should be taken during
detailed design to provide an even distribution of the air flow
through each of the cooler bodies or bays to the interconnect-
ing header. Orifice plates may be have to be located in the
flanges connecting the headers to each cooler inlet to ensure
this. A second option, using a candelabra-header design with
three levels of subheaders, was also investigated for the air-
cooled intercooler case.
This candelabra-header design option does ensure even
engine-air flow distribution to each of the intercooler banks.
However, this design option results in a higher-pressure drop, Figure 2-23. Isometric View of the FT60 IC
due to the need for more fittings and the additional linear feet With an Air-Cooled Intercooler
of pipe required completing the assembly. Table 2-2 presents
the data comparing the pressure drops calculated for these two
header options:
Table 2-2. Data Comparing the Pressure Drops Data Calculated for These Two Header Options
Simple-Header Design Candelabra-Header Design
Pressure Drop Without Turning Vanes (pi) 0.76 2.53
Pressure Drop with Turning Vanes (pi) 0.69 0.74
Therefore, although the candelabra arrangement is technically feasible, it is not the best alternative when its
pressure drop is weighed against the orifice plate option.
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The type of intercooler selected depends upon the availability of cooling water at the chosen site. If sufficient
water is available, the water-cooled intercooler is the preferred choice. Whether a cooling tower is applied or not
depends upon access to sea, river, or other open body of water.
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Separated steam from the first stage flows through the superheater to the inlet of a steam turbine (in a biphase
turbine, the superheated steam enters the structure through a port downstream of the initial biphase stage). Sepa-
rated water from the first stage of the biphase turbine is flashed in a second biphase stage, producing additional
power and intermediate pressure steam and water. The intermediate pressure steam flows to another inlet port of
the steam turbine. The intermediate pressure hot water is then flashed in the third biphase stage, producing addi-
tional power and low-pressure steam and water. The low-pressure steam flows to the third inlet port of the steam
turbine. The separated water has its pressure increased in an internal diffuser and flows back to the inlet of a feed-
water pump. The mixed-steam flows are expanded in the steam turbine, producing power. Steam leaves the steam
turbine at the lowest pressure of the cycle and forms condensation in the condenser. The condensation pump pres-
surizes the condensation and pumps it to the boiler feed pump. The combined hot water stream at high pressure
flows into the biphase economizer to complete the cycle.
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
Temperature — °F
temperature steam vaporization is reduced. 600
Figure 2-26 shows the heat transfer from the turbine 500 Bottoming
exhaust into the biphase working fluid for the Two-Phase
400 Heat
biphase bottoming cycle. The majority of the heat Super-
Heat Exchanger Economizer
transfer is gas to liquid, with no pinch point. A 300
30% Outlet
Dual Pressure
small pinch point exists at the exit of the biphase 200 Vapor Quality
Steam Bottoming Cycle
economizer as the wet steam-water mixture is gen- 10k 20k 30k 40k
erated. However, this pinch point is much lower Heat Transfer — Btu/Sec
than that realized in a conventional steam bottom- 126760.cdr
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The NGT (FT60 IC) is an intercooled gas turbine rated at 170 MW. The design targets for this turbine are sig-
nificantly better than any other turbine on the market today. The targeted efficiency, in simple cycle application, is
greater than 50 percent, while the best comparable turbine on the market is at 38 percent. The commercial avail-
ability date of this NGT is projected to be 2007.
ADL performed their analysis within the framework of the scenarios show in Figure 3-1. The greatest drivers
for the NGT market are load growth and gas prices.
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
We interviewed 21 large players in the global power generation market to seek their perspectives on the overall
generation markets and the new turbine(s) under development.1 Most respondents did not distinguish between base
load and intermediate duty plants. Many of the interviewees were merchant plant developers who believed that
capacity factor of the plant will vary with market dynamics. Even though the specific needs of customers vary
between combined cycle owners and those owning peakers, both groups selected the same top three desirable
attributes (availability, reliability, and economics). In general, they all saw a continuation of the trend towards
building large combined cycle projects based on 7F and 501G technology. However, they did not see any need for
even larger gas turbines. They seem to prefer a relatively smaller peaking unit size equivalent to 100 MW installed
in banks of four or eight at a location. Presently, the 7EA seems to be the most popular choice for a peaker.
Leading energy trading companies tend to use peaking NGTs’ Relative Attractiveness for Different Applications
units as a financial hedge. They view them as a conversion Intermediate Base
device to pump electricity into the grid at a very short Load Load
Most respondents considered economic factors as being Very Attractive Attractive Partially Attractive
critical to succeed in the merchant power market. However,
Marginally Attractive Not Attractive
even operational considerations or noneconomic factors
have a quantifiable impact on the economics (dollars/MW/ Figure 3-2. Comparative Economic Analysis
hr), thereby blurring the distinction between the two.
Comparative economic analysis shows that NGT simple
cycle will be attractive for both peaking and intermediate duty applications. The combined cycle, however, is only
partially attractive for baseload applications (Figure 3-2).
The market for new generating capacity in the U.S. was estimated based on supply-demand growth projections.
Overbuilding the retirement over the years is also taken into account (Figure 3-3).
Large gas turbines (greater than 60 MW) constitute more than 85 percent of the total turbines sold in the U.S. during the last 10 years.
Large turbines are also expected to maintain the percentage in the future.
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1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019
* Assuming conservatively that 0.9% of the 1999 installed capacity would be
retired each year between 2005 and 2020.
About 370 GW of new generating capacity Total Required New Generation Additions in the U.S.*
would be required in the U.S. between 2005 and During (2005-2020) in “Thousand MW”
2020 to keep pace with demand growth and to off-
set estimated plant retirements. It is widely
believed that gas turbine-based simple-cycle and 524
combined-cycle powerplants will account for about 372
90 percent of the new generating capacity additions
in each scenario (Figure 3-4).
1.3% 1.9% 2.5%
The global market for NGTs is estimated to be Annual Demand Growth Rate
over $30 billion and is almost equally divided
between the U.S. and the rest of the world *The U.S. Lower 48 States.
(Table 3-1 and Table 3-2). Figure 3-4. Generation Additions in the U.S.
Percent Billions of
Scenario MW Share MW Dollars
Low growth at 1.3 percent CAGR 213,000 22.3% 47,500 $10.5
Base case at 1.9 percent CAGR 335,000 19.9% 66,500 $14.6
High Growth at 2.5 percent CAGR 420,000 19.5% 81,900 $18.0
OEM price used in computations above dollars/kW: $220.0
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Table 3-2. NGT Market Potential in the Rest of World (2005 to 2020)1
Total Market for Gas Turbines NGT Projected Market
Percent Billions of
Scenario MW Share MW Dollars
Rest of world at 2.7 percent CAGR 476,000 14.9% 71,100 $15.6
We have not made any allowances for: a) any delayed adoption of new technology, and b) plant retirements in the rest
of the world.
NGTs could generate total sales of more than $15 billion over the planning horizon based on its $220/kW price.
While significant additional sales will result from services and spare parts, their impact is not included here
(Figure 3-5).
Total Sales Forecast Average Annual Sales
(in ‘000 MW) (in MW)
48 4800
Figure 3-5. NGT Sales Forecasts
The attributes of the FT60 IC, combined with the market forecast above, will generate a considerable amount
of public benefits, as indicated in Figure 3-6. Adoption of NGTs will lead to substantial economic, environmental,
and societal benefits.
Reduced Air
(CO2, Nox , SOx )
Lower Primary
Energy Conservation of
Consumption Natural Resources,
e.g., Land, Water
Public Benefits
Fuel Cost Savings from NGTs
Improved U.S.
Competitiveness by
Increasing the
Lowered Cost of Export Potential
Improved System
Figure 3-6. Benefits of Adopting NGTs
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of Technologies Emissions
Emissions Reductions
Factors (CO2, Nox , Sox )
some old generating plants and future GT plants
based on E&F technology. Existing units are those
oil-fired and gas-fired, intermediate duty, steam-tur- 30000
fuel oil consumption. Future plants that would be Figure 3-8. Capacity of NGTs
displaced by NGTs are mostly composed of gas tur-
bine simple-cycle powerplants for peaking and intermediate load applications (Figure 3-8).
Economic benefits are dependent on the future U.S. Fuel Price Projections, 2005 - 2020
fuel oil prices of gas and oil. Gas prices were taken
from our study and oil prices forecasted by EIA
Dollars/MMBTU, in 2000 Dollar
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
Annual NGTs Fuel Saving in the USA due to Adoption of NGTs, in Trillion BTU
160 160 Total
140 140
120 120
100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
2005 2010 2015 2020
0 0
2005 2010 2015 2020 2005 2010 2015 2020
** Existing units that would be displaced are mainly oil-fired or gas-fired steam turbine power plant.
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
Millions Dollars
500 Gas
100 Oil
2005 2010 2015 2020
Figure 3-12. Fuel Cost Reduction
Annual fuel cost reduction from the adoption of NGTs would reach 800 million dollars in year 2020 (in year
2000 dollars) (Figure 3-12).
Adoption of NGTs will lead to substantial reduction in CO2 Annual CO2 Savings
emissions (Figure 3-13). Annual reduction in CO2 emissions
would be over 26 million tons per year in 2020. This is equiva- 30,000
lent to: 25,000
• Total emission of 14 × 300 MW coal-fired steam-turbine 20,000
powerplant (assuming a 75 percent capacity factor
• Total emissions of 50 × 300 MW gas-fired steam-turbine
powerplant (assuming a 40 percent capacity factor).
The adoption of NGTs will lead to a reduction in NOx and
SOx emissions as well (Figure 3-14). The majority of the SO2 2005 2010 2015 2020
and NOx savings is from the displacement of existing gas-fired
and oil-fired steam turbine plants. In 2020, the annual NOx and
Figure 3-13. Reduction in CO2 Emissions
SO2 savings are estimated to be 21,000 tons and 14,000 tons,
respectively. The NOx emission savings are equivalent to the
total emissions of approximately 3 to 6 units of 300 MW coal-fired powerplant. The SOx emissions savings are
equivalent to the total emission of approximately 1 to 2 units of 300 MW coal-fired powerplant. NOx and SO2 are
not significant as that of CO2 because NGTs would be primarily used to displace the conventional gas turbine tech-
nology, which already has limited emissions of NOx and SO2.
The cumulative energy and emissions savings could be substantial especially in the later years when NGTs
become widely adopted (Figure 3-15).
The use of all types of gas turbines will reduce the need for land and water resources as compared to the steam
plants they might displace (Figure 3-16).
Total sales of NGTs in the rest of the world is projected to be $15 billion, about the same as in the U.S.
(Figure 3-17).
U.S. turbine manufacturers would capture a significant portion of the global market of NGTs, as well as other
service business opportunities. Assuming U.S. manufacturers could gain 60 percent of the export of the rest of the
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
world market, this would result in $9 billion of U.S. exports. U.S. companies will also earn revenues from ancillary
services, spare parts, and other business related to NGTs. As a result, the competitiveness of the U.S. turbine manu-
facturers will be improved. In addition, export of NGTs would create new jobs in the U.S.
There are significant other benefits realized from the adoption of NGTs, although they may be difficult to quan-
tify. NGTs would help the U.S. address the global warming issue more easily. There will be a significant amount of
CO2 reductions in the U.S. resulting from the use of NGTs (as calculated previously). The U.S. may also benefit
from the credits of CO2 reductions from other countries use of NGTs. NGTs would also have other environmental
benefits such as reduced particulate emissions. U.S. customers may benefit from reduced retail electricity prices
resulting from low-cost power generated by NGTs. The NGTs’ higher performance and availability would also
improve the system reliability of equipment owners and the power grid.
Thousand Tons
2005 2010 2015 2020
Figure 3-14. Reduction of Other Emissions
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
Gas Turbine Steam Plant*
NGTs Total Sales in the Rest of the World (in Million $2000), 2007 - 2020
1,615 1,463
910 1,089
836 638 466
Africa China Japan Middle Other Asia Canada Mexico Central & Eastern Western
East & Pacific South Europe & Europe
America Former
* Assuming a Price of $220/KW
Figure 3-17. Projected Sales of NGTs Worldwide
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
Natural Gas
T=1000 P = Pressure - psi
M=4793543 T = Temperature - °F
P=715 Reheater
T=654 M = Flow - lb/h
M=4793543 T=570 Heat Rate = 8865 Btu/kWh
T=1000 HPT IPT LPT 800,834 kW
P=4612 1.5in.
T=502 Hg
M=5523498 M=373811 M=373811
to Feed Pump from Feed Pump
T=280 Q=102229738
Q=603718331 Btu/hr
Q=1010192781 T=208 T=169
M=5523498 T=245
Q=1717808438 Q=145195859
Figure 3-20. Base-Load Supercritical Steam Plant
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
T=1000 Before After
P=715 M=5523498 Net Power, MW = 800
T=654 Reheater
P=75.3 1849.4
M=5523498 T=570 Net Efficiency, % (HHV) = 38.9 47.7
M=5523498 Incremental Gas Eff. % = 57
T=1000 HPT IPT LPT 1040 MW
P=4612 T=88
T=502 P = Pressure - psi
T = Temperature - °F
M = Flow - lb/h
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
T=1000 P = pressure - psi
P=478 M=1053000 T = temp. - F
T=654 Reheater M = flow - lb/h
T=570 Heat Rate = 9250 Btu/kWh
T=1000 HPT IPT LPT 151.6 MW
T= 81
Q= 58166448
Q= 47688264 Btu/hr
T= 211 T= 159
T=452 T= 319 T= 259
Q= 39106256
Q= 91509912 Q= 48554196
Q= 42210558
Figure 3-22. Schematic of Steam System
T=1000 P = pressure - psi
P=478 T = temp. - F
T=654 Reheater M = flow - lb/h
M=1053000 P=75.3
T=1000 HPT IPT LPT 198.6 MW
T = 81
M=1,074,000 FWH2 FWH1
From GT IC
Figure 3-23. Schematic of Repowered Plant
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
As designed, the flow of the steam passing through the turbine sections is reduced at each extraction point until
the flow from the LPT to the condenser is only a fraction of the throttle flow into the HPT. When the extractions are
eliminated, modifications to the HPT and LPT will be needed to accommodate the increased flow. Additionally, the
generator will have to upgraded or replaced by one of a higher capacity. When the full throttle flow is expanded,
the steam turbine output is 198.6 MW, nearly 40 MW higher than previously. One NGT is needed to supply the
feedwater heating. Three heat exchangers are used: a low-pressure and a high-pressure feedwater heater and the
engine intercooler. To simplify the Figure 3-23 schematic, the water/steam circuits are not shown in full detail. The
repowered system now has a net output of 354 MW and a heat rate, based on the high heat value (HHV) of the
combined coal and gas fuel, of 7,618 Btu/kW/hr, a 17 percent reduction. Coal furnishes 52 percent of the cycle
heat. The emissions of CO2/kW/hr will be essentially halved compared to the original plant (due to increased effi-
ciency and use of gas for nearly one-half the energy input). The gas fuel is used at an incremental efficiency (addi-
tional power/gas energy) of 51.3 percent (LHV).
In cases where it is not economically feasible to upgrade the steam turbine and generator for increased output,
the replacement of the extraction by gas turbine heat recovery could result in savings in coal flow of 20 to 25 per-
cent (the feed water represents about 25 percent of the heat input, depending on the actual cycle parameters.) This
also represents about a 10 to 12 percent reduction in CO2 emissions compared to the all-coal case. Humid Air Turbine Cycle
In addition to being a worthwhile product on its own, NGT is the first step to an HAT cycle (Figure 3-24). In
the HAT cycle, the compressor discharge air is humidified in a tower, recuperated, and sent to the combustor. This
results in a much higher mass flow and a higher efficiency. The higher mass flow would require a redesign of the
turbine gaspath, but would retain the much more expensive compressor gaspath. The HAT cycle offers equal or
better performance than a combined cycle in a package that would also be less expensive, due to the elimination of
the HRSG, steam turbine-generator, cooling tower, and condenser. This more than compensates for the cost of the
saturator, recuperator, and economizer in the HAT cycle. At the Block 1 design point, temperature (CET = 1330ºC
[2426ºF]), the NGT HAT would have an output of 242.5 MW and an efficiency of 54.3 percent (LHV). At the
Block 2 combustor exit temperature of 1510ºC (2750ºF), the output is 288.1 MW and the efficiency is 57.0 percent
(LHV). Because the moisture addition suppresses NOx emissions, higher turbine temperatures are possible and at
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
1704ºC (3100ºF), the NGT HAT has an estimated output of approximately 321 MW and an efficiency of 60.4 per-
cent (LHV). Indirectly Heated Gas Turbine Cycles Using Coal
The following paragraphs describe power systems that use advanced technology coal-fired air heaters to heat
the discharge air from the compressor of aeroderivative gas turbines using technology similar to the NGT engines.
These systems were examined as part of DOE-funded (contract DE-AC22-95PC95144) Engineering Development
of Coal-Fired High-Performance Power Systems (HIPPS), Phases II and III. Its inclusion here is to identify the
potential capability of the NGT-type turbine to use coal as a major fuel source.
In the HIPPS application, (Figure 3-25) the compressor discharge air is heated to 954ºC (1750ºF) or higher in
the high temperature advanced furnace (HITAF), first in a convective heater and then in a specially designed radia-
tor. From there, it goes to a special duct burner where gas is burned to raise the temperature to the desired level
(equivalent to 1371ºC [2500ºF] and higher). The gas turbine exhaust is then sent to a HRSG. When used in the
basic HIPPS configuration, essentially a combined cycle, with technology similar to the Block 1 NGT, the output of
the system is nominally 275 MW with an overall efficiency, based on the HHV of the coal and gas, of 48.8 percent.
Coal provides 65 percent of the system energy input. An advanced system using gas turbine technology similar to
the Block 2 NGT combined with an advanced ultracritical steam system would bring the overall cycle efficiency to
53 percent (combined HHV).
As in the case of the gas-fired NGT, the HIPPS can benefit from the HAT-cycle configuration. An NGT-tech-
nology based HIPPS/HAT is shown in Figure 3-26. In this configuration, which uses a coal-fired reheater and
steam injection before the power turbine, the HAT output is over 395 MW and the estimated efficiency is 54.1 per-
cent (combined HHV) while burning 62 percent coal.
To Saturator
To Saturator
Satur ato r
Water Preheater
Saturated Air
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
Condensate To HRSG/Feedheater Air/Combustion Products
1370 C/2500 F Water/Steam
From IC
125 MW
357 C/675 F
927 C/1700 F
Coal/Gas = 65%/35% Condenser
Steam Turbine
566 C/1050 F/28 bar/400 psi
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
To Saturator Air/Saturated Air
t 2780°F Water
Gas Turbine Air
To Saturator
HIPPS EFF. = 54.1%
Gas Coal/Gas = 62%/38%
Saturator Recuperator
Air Preheater
To Saturator
Air Preheater
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
Air Compressors
Slurry NGT
Prep Air
Air Separation
O2 Compressors
Steam BFW
Raw Water
Treatment Deaerator
O2/Air/Combustion Prduct
Water/Steam/Humidified Air
Syn Gas
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
At this time, solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) have been demonstrated in the greater than 200 kW size range. The
SOFC operates at high temperature, approximately 1000ºC (1800ºF), and has been pressurized to as much as 1.01
Mpa (10 atm). This technology can be used in a new type of hybrid cycle in which the SOFC tops the gas turbine.
This hybrid cycle is thermodynamically similar to a gas turbine/steam turbine combined cycle in that the highest
cycle efficiency is attained when all of the fuel into the system is used first in the topping portion. The SOFC, like
other fuel cells, converts hydrogen to water while producing electricity. Since the fuel available is methane, a
reformer, which converts much of the methane to carbon monoxide and hydrogen, is necessary. The fuel cell is
then fed a fuel mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and unreformed methane. The SOFC does not fully use all
of the input fuel; typical utilization factors are in the 70 to 80 percent range. Thus, the SOFC exhaust contains
small fractions of the input fuel. This mixture can be combusted to raise the temperature of the exhaust from the
1000ºC (1800ºF) range to values up to 1204ºC (2200ºF). This temperature is well below the combustor exit temper-
ature for the Block 1 NGT. The hybrid system, however, does benefit from the higher compressor and turbine effi-
ciencies of the NGT and also from the higher power density resulting from intercooling. An NGT-based hybrid is
shown in Figure 3-28. The performance is outstanding, with an estimated efficiency of 77.8 percent (LHV).
High Pressure GT/SOFC Hybrid
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
The combustor exit temperature for this system is 1167ºC (2134ºF), a value far below the Block 1 value. The
use of the ceramic 1st-stage vanes means that the turbine can run essentially uncooled in hybrid mode. Although
the turbine temperature is down, the output is still over 180 MW, mostly do to the additional flow of steam from the
fuel cell. It is, in effect, a steam injected engine. Operation at near 6.08 Mpa (60 atm) and, at a size of 470 MW, is
far beyond current SOFC planning. Nonetheless, the very high efficiency of the hybrid makes this approach a very
desirable subject for further research and development.
3.2.4 Comments on Public Benefits of the Vision 21 Application
A system with an efficiency of over 77 percent could offer a number of benefits to the general public. Even
with higher cost gas, versus lower cost coal, the cost of electricity (COE) has an opportunity to be reasonable, if not
actually more attractive. The cost of the SOFC has yet to be determined. The DOE goal is for fuel cell costs to be
below $1,000/kW. If this ambitious goal can be met, then the COE would indeed be significantly lower than most
coal-fired alternatives.
This potential for low COE is accompanied by an extremely low pollution profile. The only source of sulfur is
the natural gas. It is desulfurized prior to entering the reformer with recovery possible as elemental sulfur. There is
essentially no production of NOx as the fuel cell produces electricity through electrochemical reactions and the
combustion in the fuel cell exhaust is at low temperature and in the presence of a high fraction of water. The pro-
duction of CO2, a greenhouse gas is also quite low, approximately 75g carbon/kW/hr, some 3 to 5 times lower than
current coal-fired stations, and nearly 25 percent lower than the gas-fired H-class combined cycle.
The NGT/SOFC hybrid could, of course, be integrated with coal gasification to give a very high performance
coal-based system. This would give additional fuel flexibility to an already attractive power generation system.
Pratt & Whitney TW-0076
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