Workshop Paper On "Plaint"
Workshop Paper On "Plaint"
Workshop Paper On "Plaint"
Where at any stage of the suit, the Court finds that it has
no jurisdiction, either territorial or pecuniary or with
regard to the subject matter of the suit, it will return the
plaint to be presented to the proper Court in which the
suit ought to have been filed.
In Order VII, 10 sub-rule (1)--
If the plaint filed by the plaintiff does not disclose any cause of
action, the Court will reject it, but in order to reject the plaint on
this ground, the Court must look at the plaint and at nothing
Where a plaint is rejected by the Court, the Judge will pass the
order to that effect and will record the reason for it.
rejection of plaint.
In M. V. Sea Success Vs. Riverpool and
Landon Steamship Projection and
Indemnity Association Ltd., AIR 2002
Bombay 151 court held that plaint can be
rejected against some of the defendants.
Commercial Aviation and Travel Company and
others vs. Vinola Pawallkan ( AIR 1988 SC
“Order VII, Rule 11(b) contemplates correct
valuation and not approximate correct valuation
and such correct valuation of the relief has to be
determined by the Court. If the Court cannot
determine the correct valuation of the relief
claimed, it cannot require the plaintiff to correct
the valuation and, consequently, Order VII, Rule
11(b) will not be applicable. But, there may be
cases under Section 7(iv) where certain positive
objective standard may be available for the
purpose of determination of the valuation of the
If there be materials or objective standards for the
valuation of the relief, and yet the plaintiff ignores
the same and puts an arbitrary valuation, the Court,
in our opinion, is entitled to interfere under Order
VII, Rule 11(b) of the Code of Civil Procedure, for the
Court will be in a position to determine the correct
valuation with reference to the objective standards or
materials available to it”.
In the case of Jageshwari Devi and others
Vs. Satrugan Ram, (2007) SCC 52 it has
been held that non disclosure of cause of
action is distinct from defective cause of
In I.T.C. Ltd. Vs. Tax Recovery Appellate
Tribunal and others, AIR 1998 SC 634
apex court held that even after framing issues