Göran Andersson
EEH – Power Systems Laboratory
ETH Zürich
September 2009
Preface vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Electrical Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Production of Electrical Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2.1 Power Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.2 Electric Power Production in Different Countries . . . 6
1.3 Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy . . . . . . 7
1.3.1 Voltage Levels and Net Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.2 International Interconnected Grids and Synchronous
Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.3 Grid Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3.4 Power Substations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3.5 Grid Operation and Supervision . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.4 Consumption of Electrical Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3 Transformers 39
3.1 Single Phase Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.1.1 Coupled Windings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.1.2 Ideal Transformer Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.1.3 Realistic Transformation Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
iv Contents
5 Lines 61
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.1.1 Characteristics of Power Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.1.2 Reasons for High Transmission Voltages . . . . . . . . 62
5.2 Line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.2.1 Power Line Conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.2.2 Inductance of a Power Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.2.3 Capacitance of a Power Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.2.4 Ohmic Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.2.5 Conductor Parameters for Cables and Overhead Lines 80
5.3 Electromagnetic Fields of Overhead Lines . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.3.1 Electric Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.3.2 Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.4 Line Model and Solution of the Wave Equation . . . . . . . . 88
5.4.1 Equivalent Circuit Diagram of a Line Element . . . . 89
5.4.2 Telegraph Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.4.3 Wave Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.4.4 Interpretation of the Wave Propagation . . . . . . . . 94
5.4.5 Inclusion of Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
5.4.6 Wave Equation of the Lossless Line . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.5 Line Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.5.1 General Two-Port Model of a Line . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.5.2 Lossless Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.5.3 Additional Simplifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.5.4 Comparison of Different Line Models . . . . . . . . . . 102
Bibliography 179
vi Contents
The part Electric Power Transmission and Distribution of the lecture Elec-
tric Power Systems in the fifth semester of the Department Information
Technology and Electrical Engineering at ETH Zürich is concerned primar-
ily with the power transmission over lines or cables in electric power sys-
tems. The aim is to describe the transportation of the electric power from
the generator till the final consumers by means of models and equations in
symmetric as well as in asymmetric operating states.
In contrast with the second part High Voltage Technology, where single
components of the high voltage grid (e.g. circuit breakers) are considered, we
are here more interested in the interactions between the devices in the grid,
and not primarily in the specific design of the individual grid components. As
an introduction, systems consisting of single lines from a source (generator)
to a load are considered. Based on that, the lecture Modelling and Analysis of
Electric Power Systems addresses the electric energy transport in stationary
as well as in transient state of a meshed system1 . In the lecture Optimization
of Liberalized Electric Power Systems in the eighth semester, the basics of
this lecture are again partly reused.
Because of the importance of the transformers in the electric power trans-
mission the basics of transformers are reviewed at first in this lecture. Fol-
lowing a two-port model of a transformer is derived. Then we address the
basic elements of this lecture, the power line and power cable.
After the introduction we derive a mathematical two pole model (Tele-
graph equation of Maxwell) for power lines. At the solution of the Telegraph
equation we restrict ourselves to stationary, i.e. sinusoidal quantities and
thus obtain the equations, which describe the behaviour of current and volt-
age along a high voltage line. This part is closed with the interpretation of
the line equations and with the analysis of the interaction between active
and reactive power transport over a high voltage line.
The second part gives an introduction to the calculation of short circuit
currents in three-phase high voltage lines. Thereby, we will use a transfor-
mation which enables a simplified description of asymmetric three-phase
systems (positive, negative and zero sequence components).
A net is considered as meshed if not only one but multiple lines exist between some (or
also all) nodes which serve for the energy transport. With the intermeshing a redundancy
of the transmission paths is achieved, which has a significant importance for the security of
supply. This redundancy implies that the supply of the energy consumer is still warranted
for an outage of a line/power station.
viii Preface
Special thanks to the assistants of the ETH Zürich Power Systems Lab-
oratory, who were very helpful and skilful in preparing this compendium.
Recommended Literature
This chapter presents a general overview of electric power systems. The fun-
damental features and functions of electric power systems and the chain
production-transmission-distribution-consumption are discussed.
2 1. Introduction
Wind power stations can only be operated efficiently at locations where the
wind conditions give enough so-called full load hours per year, e.g., in coastal
P ≈8·Q·H (1.1)
where Q is the flow rate in m3 /s, H the head in m, and P the power output of
the turbine in kW. In this equation the efficiency coefficients of the hydraulic
system ηh , the turbine ηt and the generators ηg are incorporated in the
overall efficiency coefficient:
η = ηh · ηt · ηg ≈ 0.82 (1.2)
4 1. Introduction
ηh ≈ 0.90 , ηt ≈ 0.93 und ηg ≈ 0.98
The factor 8 in (1.1) results by multiplication of the overall efficiency coef-
ficient by the earth’s gravitation constant, 9.81 m/s2 .
As seen, the power output of a hydro power station is linearly dependent
of the flow rate and the head.
In Europe and northern America the rivers carry considerably less water
at winter times or after long dry periods than at summer times or times
with frequent rain. In mountain regions melting water plays an important
role in spring. The power producing capacity of a hydro power station is
strongly depending on meteorological conditions. As an example, in winter
in continental Europe often only a quarter of the installed power rating can
be produced.
– gas turbine power stations: Here, gas turbines are employed, in prin-
cipal corresponding to air plane turbines.
– steam turbine power stations: Here, steam turbines are employed. Mul-
tilevel turbines (high, middle or low pressure component) are often
used. Depending on the way of steam generation one distinguishes
– Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) where both a gas and steam
turbines are used
Thermal power stations are difficult to control compared with hydro power
stations. Regarding the thermal mechanic equipment, dedicated maximal
temperature gradients need to be maintained. This leads to high time con-
stants regarding the changes of output power. Furthermore, the operation
of a thermal power station is economically reasonable mostly only in certain
operation stages. The operation as control power plant is mostly uneconom-
ical. These reasons lead to the fact that steam power stations are employed
mostly for base load coverage. Gas turbines are able to follow varying power
demands within minutes and are employed to cover peak loads as well.
1.2. Production of Electrical Energy 5
Wind Power
Wind mills use the kinetic energy of wind as energy source. Modern con-
structions having rotor diameters of 120 m produce power in the range of 5
MW. Mainly in windy coastal regions and vast plains wind energy can be
employed very efficiently and economically.
The produced power of a wind converter P rises with the third power of
the wind speed v:
P ∝ v3 (1.3)
Due to natural fluctuations in the wind speed the delivered power varies
quite strongly with wind speed as seen in equation (1.3). Therefore, the
usage of wind energy requires normally fast responding power stations for
the compensation of these power variations.
Solar Power
Solar radiation (sunlight) is employable directly or indirectly for the pro-
duction of electrical energy. The two dominant technologies are
– photovoltaic (direct conversion of sunlight into direct current) and
– solar thermic power stations (sunlight for steam production).
The produced power fluctuates mainly between day and night, but as well
between seasons. Besides that, the weather conditions and the cloudiness
influence the produced power.
Fuel Cells
Fuel cells are systems which produce thermal and electrical energy by direct
chemical conversion of fuels. Water is produced as a waste product. Possible
fuels are (bio)gas, kerosene products, hydrogen and alcohol.
Depending on the usage, different technologies are applied. The two most
important types are
– Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells: Operating tempera-
ture 50 until 80◦ C, efficiency ca. 50 %, typical applications are in the
transportation sector.
– Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC): Operating temperature 600 until 1000 ◦ C,
efficiency ca. 70 %, mostly stationary applications.
The maximal nominal power of fuel cell power stations are nowadays in
the range of several MW.
Fuel cells are employable as storage too by using the delivered electrical
energy for the production of hydrogen. The hydrogen can be stored and
be converted back to electrical energy. This technology is referred to as
reversible fuel cell.
6 1. Introduction
Geothermal Power
Geothermic power stations use the heat from the inner of the earth as pri-
mary energy. For this, bore holes to a depth of 5000 m are required. A tem-
perature gradient of about 5 ◦ C per 100 m yields a temperature difference
of about 200 ◦ C. By the so-called injection bore holes cold water is pressed
in the depth and the heated water rises in the production bore holes. This
heated water is directed to a heat exchanger. Out of the secondary circuit of
the heat exchanger thermal and mechanical/electrical energy is extracted.
More than 99 % of the earth mass has a temperature of more than
1000 ◦ C. Correspondingly large or almost inexhaustible is the available po-
tential. Nowadays, about 200 geothermal power stations are in operation.
Currently, a geothermic project named Deep Heat Mining Basel is run-
ning in Basel. According to the plans 3 MW of electrical energy and 20 MW
of thermal energy (district heat) will be produced by the five bore holes
(three with a depth of 5000 m in each case, two of 2700 m depth).
An advantage of geothermal energy compared to other “alternative” en-
ergy forms is the (almost) constant availability of the primary energy source.
Thereby the produced power can be adjusted to the needs of the loads.
Power in GW
stations during high wind condition. This is possible since Norway and Swe-
den can easily regulate their hydro power plants as a response to the wind
power in Denmark. The energy stored in the large hydro reservoirs can be
used when best requested by the system. This so-called balancing power
will become more important in the future due to the increasing number
of stochastic, also called non-dispatchable, power sources and their limited
predictable production profiles.
In Switzerland more than 50 % of the overall electricity demand is cov-
ered by hydro power, which means that the existing hydro power potential
already is exploited relatively well. In a study published by the Swiss Federal
Office of Energy (BfE = Bundesamt für Energie)) the possible extension of
hydro power in Switzerland is estimated to an additional 16 % until 2050 [7].
Next to hydro power 40 % of the electricity is produced by nuclear power
– overhead lines,
– cables, or
For overhead lines the insulating medium is air, for cables a solid or solid-
liquid insulator and for gas insulated lines special gas, e.g. SF6 , with much
higher voltage insulation capacity than air is used. The latter two power
circuits can be made more compact and is therefore often used in densely
populated areas where land use is restricted. Furthermore, cables and GILs
are less exposed to influences from weather, lightning, and pollution, but on
the other side they are more expensive.
1.3. Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy 9
Figure 1.4. The structure of a power grid with different voltage levels
(Source: VSE).
The structure of the electric grid can be compared to the road net-
work for traffic. The 400-kV- and 220-kV- transmission lines serve for the
transport of bulk power over wide distances, e.g. from large hydro power
stations in the Alps or from nuclear power stations to the large substations
The relation between voltage and transmission losses is explained in section 5.1.2.
10 1. Introduction
in the load centers, but also for the power exchanges between different coun-
tries and regions. (These latter type of lines are often called tie lines.) The
transmission lines constitute the so-called transmission grid and therefore
correspond to the highways in the road network. Figure 1.5 shows the high
voltage transmission network of Switzerland. The regional power distribution
(sub-transmission) in Switzerland is carried out by the 50-kV-distribution
network and allows the energy transport from the large substations to the
regional substations (in Switzerland denoted as ”Kantonswerke” (cantonal
substations)). This net is comparable to the regional road network. The dis-
tribution from the regional substations to the single communities and loads
corresponds finally to the local roads and is carried out on a voltage level
of 16 kV and 10 kV, referred to as distribution network. As a comparison to
the Swiss grid figure 1.6 illustrates the high voltage net of Germany.
The major differences between the transmission and distribution net are
summarized in Table 1.2.
– The power substations represent the nodes within the power grid. The
lines of the different voltage levels merge within the substations and
are coupled by transformers.
– The power substations are switching stations, in which the in- and
outgoing lines — depending on the operational demands — can be
switched on and off; here, changes within the grid topology are possi-
T1 T2
T1 T2
T1 T2
Figure 1.8. Open ring configuration (a), faulty situation (b), re-
configured ring after fault (c).
16 1. Introduction
It is questionable if such a high availability for private persons is needed when consid-
ering the increased usage of renewable energy producers and the thereby increased amount
of stochastic energy production. There are system operators with loads which indeed pay
lower current rates but could be disconnected by the system operator in critical situations
(depending on the agreement for example 10 hours a month).
1.4. Consumption of Electrical Energy 17
– If the power stations produce more than the customers are currently
consuming, the net frequency rises above nominal frequency.
The frequency deviation within the UCTE net is normally controlled to be
on |Δf | < 0.05 Hz.
power in GW
0 6 12 18 24 h
Time of day
In this chapter the power of sinusoidal voltages and currents of single and
three-pase systems are analyzed. Basically, this serves as a repetition of al-
ready known fundamentals which form an important basis for the proceeding
Thereby U and I are the amplitudes whereas ϕ denotes the phase shift
between current and voltage. The angular frequency ω is defined as
ω = 2πf (2.2)
U=√ (2.3a)
I=√ (2.3b)
The root mean square value, or rms value, of an alternating current corresponds to
the value of a dc current, which produces the same heat in a resistance as the alternating
current does.
22 2. Power in Alternating Current Systems
These terms are depicted in figure 2.1. Considering the first part one can
see that the power oscillates between zero and the maximal value U I cos ϕ
because of the cosine term in brackets. The time averaged value of this term
can be expressed by the rms values from equations (2.3a) and (2.3b) as
P = U I cos ϕ = U I cos ϕ (2.7)
This time averaged value P is called active or real power whereas the factor
cos ϕ is called the power factor or simply cos ϕ. The SI unit of active power
is Watt (W).
The time averaged value of the second term in equation (2.6) is zero. Due
to the sinus term with the frequency 2ω it oscillates between ± 12 U I sin ϕ.
The amplitude of this oscillation is
Q= U I sin ϕ = U I sin ϕ (2.8)
and is called reactive power. The unit of the reactive power is volt ampere
reactive (Var).
Sinusoidal quantities can also be described as phasors in the complex
plane. The time function x(t) corresponds to the rotating phasor X:
cos (ωt + θ) −→ X = √
x(t) = X (cos θ + j sin θ) = Xejθ (2.9)
The instantaneous value of the time function x(t) at the time instant t
corresponds to the real part of the phasor which is rotating with the angular
velocity ω:
2.1. Power in Single Phase Networks 23
1 1
p (t) = U I cos ϕ 1 + cos (2ωt) + U I sin ϕ sin (2ωt)
2 2
1 2
The angles ϕu and ϕi denote the phases of current and voltage. Taking the
voltage as reference, i.e. ϕu = 0 the current’s phase results in −ϕ relatively
to the voltage (similar to equation (2.1b)).
Forming the product of current and voltage, we get
Figure 2.2. Power triangle relating the active, reactive and apparent powers.
S = |S| (2.14)
In figure 2.2, these relations are represented as phasors in the complex plane,
also referred to as the power triangle.
The terms active, reactive and apparent power will now be illustrated
with two examples.
Example: ohmic inductive load Given is the network in figure 2.3. The in-
put power at the parallel connection consisting of resistance and inductance
is to be calculated at steady state.
iR (t) iL (t)
cos (ωt)
u(t) = U R L
Using the Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL), the overall current (in steady
state operation) is obtained as:
i(t) = iR (t) + iL (t)
U U π
i(t) = cos (ωt) + cos ωt −
R ωL 2
The instantaneous power is thus
U 2
U π
p(t) = u(t) · i(t) = cos2 (ωt) + cos (ωt) cos ωt −
R ωL 2
1 U 1 U2
= (1 + cos (2ωt)) + sin (2ωt)
2 R 2 ωL
U2 U2
= (1 + cos (2ωt)) + sin (2ωt)
R ωL
pR (t) pL (t)
The overall input power to the network p(t) is composed by two terms,
namely by the power at the resistance pR (t) and the power at the inductance
pL (t). Using the equations (2.6), (2.7) and (2.8) yields the active and reactive
power as
U2 U2 U2
P = und Q = = mit XL = ωL
The value of the reactive power is positive, i.e. the inductor absorbs reactive
power, it consumes reactive power. This power value corresponds to the
amplitude of the oscillating magnetic energy and its time averaged value
amounts to zero.
The power consumed by the inductance could also be computed via
the magnetic energy. Computing the energy wL (t) which is stored in the
inductance at the time instance t, we obtain
wL (t) = Li2L (t)
The current in the inductance iL (t) amounts for a sinusoidal voltage to
U π
iL (t) = cos ωt −
ωL 2
Inserting this relation into the energy equation we obtain
1 U 2 π
wL (t) = L 2 2 cos2 ωt − =
2 ω L 2
1 U 2 cos(2ωt − π) + 1
= =
2 ω2L 2
1 U 2
= · 2 (1 − cos (2ωt))
4 ω L
26 2. Power in Alternating Current Systems
dwL (t)
pL (t) = =
= · ω · sin (2ωt) =
2ω 2 L
= · sin (2ωt)
As seen we obtained the same result for the power in the inductance as by
multiplication of current and voltage. The consumption of reactive power in
the inductance corresponds to the amplitude of the time derivative of the
magnetic energy.
As a third possibility, we can compute the power using the complex
phasors. The overall current as complex phasor amounts
U 1 1
I= =U +
Z R jωL
S = U I∗
U2 U2
P = {S} = and Q = {S} =
R ωL
Here, the sign of the reactive power is negative, i.e. the capacity delivers
2.2. Conservation of Apparent Power 27
iR (t) iC (t)
cos (ωt)
u(t) = U R C
Na S ab Nb
I1 I Z I2 U
S1 U S2 I
U1 U2 U1
The complex apparent power at the input of a two-port (left hand side,
index 1) amounts
S 1 = P1 + jQ1
In the series circuit the three indicated currents need to be equal:
I1 = I2 = I
The current will yield a voltage drop U at the impedance by which the
output voltage differs from the input voltage (see phasor diagram in figure
2.6). Thus, the voltage at the output is
U 2 = U 1 − U = U 1 − ZI
The apparent power at the output of the two-port (right hand side, index
2) is obtained as a product of voltage times conjugate complex current:
S 2 = U 2 I ∗2 = U 2 I ∗
S 2 = (U 1 − ZI) I ∗ = S 1 − Z|I|2
2.3. Power in Symmetric Three-Phase Networks 29
Input and output power of the two-port differ exactly by the power consumed
by the impedance Z.
The circuit shown in figure 2.6 can be regarded as a simple model of a
high voltage power line, as will be shown later.
Phase voltage Up : This voltage is measured between one phase and the
neutral. It corresponds to the voltage at an element occurring in wye
or Y-connection (see figure 2.9). The phase voltages are described by
UR , US and UT
π 2π 3π 4π ωt
Figure 2.7. Time related devolution of the voltages of the phases R, S and T.
As mentioned, the root mean square values of the phase voltages and the
phase to phase voltages have the following relation:
U = 3 Up (2.17)
At low level voltage, the values of the phase voltages and the phase to phase
voltages are 230 and 400 V, respectively.
2.3. Power in Symmetric Three-Phase Networks 31
UST Up 120◦
Because of the assumed symmetry all three phase voltages have the same
p . The sum of these phase voltages at each instant is
amplitude U
and again with the assumption that the current magnitudes are equal for
all phases
4π 8π 1
cos = cos =− (2.24a)
3 3 2
4π 8π 3
sin = − sin =− (2.24b)
3 3 2
The instantaneous value of the overall three phases, i.e. the sum of the
instantaneous powers of all three phases, therefore results in a time constant
value and corresponds to the three times the active power of one phase:
p Ip
p(t) = 3 cos ϕ = 3 Up Ip cos ϕ = P (2.25)
This means, the oscillating parts of the power in the three phases add to
zero at each time instant and not only in the time averaged value.3
The complex three-phase apparent power results from the sum of all
phase apparent powers using equation (2.13)
S = U R I ∗R + U S I ∗S + U T I ∗T (2.26)
In the symmetric state, all three phase currents and voltages of the same
size, the three-phase apparent power can therefore be calculated as three
times the apparent power of one single phase. For phase quantities, one
usually uses by definition the voltage and current of phase R, where the
angle of phase R is assumed to be 0◦ .
Now, the phase to phase quantities instead of the phase quantities of phase
R are inserted into the equation above. The phase to phase voltage results
according to equation (2.17) in
U = 3 UR (2.28)
√ this definition, we can reformulate (2.27). Thereby, the factors 3 and
3 cancel out and we obtain for the complex three-phase apparent power
This has the consequence of having a constant torque over one rotation at three-phase
machines. By contrast, the rotor of a single phase motor gets a ripple moment of double
nominal frequency
34 2. Power in Alternating Current Systems
with the conventions in (2.28) and (2.29) the same formula as for the single
phase apparent power in (2.13):
These values correspond in the symmetric system exactly to the triple power
per phase. The formulas (2.13)-(2.15c)√thus apply for single phase as well as
for three-phase system, as long as the 3-times phases sizes are inserted for
the three-phase relations of U and I.
2.3.3 Wye-Delta-Transformation
Each wye or delta connection can be transformed into an equivalent delta
or wye connection, respectively, consuming the same amount of power. If,
for example, only the power of a three phase consumer is given it can be
described arbitrarily as a wye or delta load.
We consider again figure 2.9. The impedances in the wye connection are
described by Z y , those of the delta connection by Z d . In a wye connection
the phase voltages of size Up are over the impedances. The overall apparent
power results in
Sy = 3 R (2.31)
Z ∗y
At the impedances
√ of the delta connection, the phase to phase voltages of
size U = 3Up are over the impedances. The total consumed apparent power
is √ 2
3U R
Sd = 3 (2.32)
Z ∗d
Both connections are then equivalent when they consume the same apparent
power. We therefore put
Sy = Sd (2.33)
and obtain the following requirement for the impedances
Zy 3U 2 1
= √ R 2 = (2.34)
Zd 3 3U R 3
3 and connecting them the in delta formation. The new connection con-
sumes the same amount of apparent power as the original one and the phase
conductor carries the same current.
2.4 Summary
In single phase networks the power oscillates with double power frequency.
In symmetric alternating current systems the oscillating parts or the three
phases balance out and the power is constant in time.
36 2. Power in Alternating Current Systems
b c d
a e
c d
b c d
Up 3C R
a f e
Figure 2.10. Symmetric three phase system and its single phase dia-
gram. Having transformed the delta connection into a wye connection,
the capacities are in parallel to the resistances R. In the single phase
diagram, the neutral points a, f and e are all on the common return
2.4. Summary 37
u1 Φσ1 Φσ2 u2
N1 N2
The limbs together with the yoke constitute a magnetically well con-
ducting connection between the primary- and the secondary winding. The
40 3. Transformers
equidirectional reverse
λ1 = N1 Φh + λσ1 (3.1a)
λ2 = N2 Φh + λσ2 (3.1b)
where λσ1 and λσ2 describe the flux linkages of the leakage fluxes Φσ1 and
Φσ2 with the corresponding inductances.
The direction of the magnetic flux in dependency of the current is de-
termined by the winding direction of the inductor. One distinguished be-
tween equi-directional and reverse windings. Usually, the winding direction
is marked by points at the coil taps (see Figure 3.2). If these points are
aligned, one refers to an equidirectional winding; if they lie diagonally the
configuration is in reverse. In the following investigations we always assume
equidirectional windings.
2. No leakage fluxes appear, i.e. the same mutual flux flows through both
windings. Hence, the coupling between the two coils is ideal.
we obtain the following voltages induced in the primary and secondary wind-
dλ1 dΦh
u1 = = N1 (3.3a)
dt dt
dλ2 dΦh
u2 = = N2 (3.3b)
dt dt
When assuming a time varying flux, i.e.
= 0 (3.4)
dΦh /dt can be eliminated from the equations (3.3a) and (3.3b) yielding
u1 u2
= (3.5)
N1 N2
which means that the ratio between the voltage and the number of turns
is equal for the primary and secondary windings. The turns ratio, c, is now
defined from3
u1 N1
= =c∈R (3.6)
u2 N2
Since the number of turns is a real value for both windings the turn ratio is
real as well.4
Corresponding to the third assumption (μ = ∞) the magnetic resistance
of the core is zero. Ohm’s law of the magnetic circuit gives a relation between
the magnetic voltage excitation θ, the magnetic flux Φ and the reluctance
Rm :
θ = Rm Φ (3.7)
The magnetic voltage is the so-called ampere-turns, i.e. the product of cur-
rent times the number of turns of a coil. For the ideal case Rm = 0, there
Strictly speaking, this concerns the no load turns ratio. The non ideality of real trans-
formers considered in section 3.1.3 leads to a deviation which is load independent.
For three-phase transformers, a phase shift between the secondary and primary voltage
can occur which means that the turns ratio is complex (see section 3.2).
42 3. Transformers
primary secondary
i1 i2
u1 N1 N2 u2
is no magnetic voltage drop along the iron core. The sum of the ampere
windings of primary and secondary side result in
N1 i1 + N2 i2 = Rm Φh = 0 (3.8)
The quotient between the secondary and primary currents yields the turns
i2 N1
=− = −c (3.9)
i1 N2
Just as for the voltage also the current on the secondary side is dependent
only on the primary current and on the turns ratio. We now define
i2 = −i2 (3.10)
and obtain the situation as depicted in Figure 3.3, and the relation between
the currents can be written as
=c (3.11)
When assuming sinusoidal currents, the magnetic flux and the thereby
induced voltages are also sinusoidal. Sinusoidal currents and voltages can be
described by phasors according to equation (2.9).
In the equations (3.1a)-(3.11) u, i and Φ can be substituted by the cor-
responding phasors U, I and Φ.
Thus we know how to translate voltages and currents between the pri-
mary and secondary sides. Now we want to examine how to convert impedan-
ces from one to the other side in the case of an ideal transformer. This con-
version is called impedance transformation. Considering Figure 3.4, we can
set up on each side of the ideal transformer an equation:
U 1 = E a1 = c E a2 = c (U 2 + I 2 Z 2 ) (3.12a)
1 1
U 2 = E b2 = E b1 = (U 1 − I 1 Z 1 ) (3.12b)
c c
3.1. Single Phase Transformer 43
I1 I2 Z2 Z1 I1 I2
U1 E 1a E 2a U2 U1 E b1 E b2 U2
N1 N2 N1 N2
impedance transformation
Flux leakage
The leaking flux interlinked with only one winding can be considered to be
caused by separate coils in the primary and the secondary circuits. In each
case we obtain a leakage reactance for the primary and secondary side with
leakage inductance Lσ1 and Lσ2 , respectively. The leakage fluxes flow in the
air and are therefore linear:
λσ1 = Lσ1 i1 (3.16a)
λσ2 = Lσ2 i2 (3.16b)
The coupling between windings becomes therefore incomplete due to the
leakage fluxes, they present a non-ideality of the transformer.
Copper Losses
Real windings have ohmic losses. Considering this, the primary and sec-
ondary terminal voltage result from the sum of the ohmic voltage drop over
the winding and the induced voltage
dλ1 d
u1 = R1 i1 + = R1 i1 + (λσ1 + N1 Φh ) (3.17a)
dt dt
dλ2 d
u2 = R2 i2 + = R2 i2 + (λσ2 + N2 Φh ) (3.17b)
dt dt
where R1 , R2 denote the resistances of the primary and secondary winding,
respectively. Incorporating equations (3.16a) and (3.16b) we obtain
di1 dΦh
u1 = R1 i1 + Lσ1 + N1 (3.18a)
dt dt
di2 dΦh
u2 = R2 i2 + Lσ2 + N2 (3.18b)
dt dt
With equation (3.10) we can reformulate (3.18b) into:
di2 dΦh
u2 = −R2 i2 − Lσ2 + N2 (3.19)
dt dt
We incorporate these further deviations from the ideal behavior by inserting
the two elements in the transformer model (see figure 3.5).
As shown in section 3.1.2 we can now convert the impedances of the
secondary side to the primary side. Figure 3.6 shows the new equivalent
network with the elements
Rt = R1 + c2 R2 (3.20)
Lt = Lσ1 + c2 Lσ2 (3.21)
This model includes non-idealities originating from flux leakage and ohmic
losses in the windings.
R1 Lσ1 i1 i2 Lσ2 R2
u1 u2
N1 N2
Rt Lt i1 i2
u1 u2
N1 N2
Core Losses
The magnetic conductor, the iron core, is not completely ideal either. Voltage
and frequency dependent losses are occurring in the conductor. Therewith,
the transformer delivers less power on the secondary side than it consumes
on the primary side. The transformer carries a current on the primary side
although no current is flowing on the secondary side, as the losses in the
iron need to be modelled. These are referred to as no load losses. They are
composed of the primary winding losses and the core losses.
The reactive part of the losses in the iron can be modelled as a mag-
netization inductance. This consumes the magnetization current which is
calculated in the following.
We start again with the Ohm’s law of the magnetic circuit according
to equation (3.7). Considering the magnetic resistance of the core Rm = 0
θ = Rm Φh = N1 i1 + N2 i2 (3.22)
Assuming a current of i2 = 0 on the secondary side we obtain the magneti-
zation current as
Rm Φ h
i1 i =0 = im = (3.23)
2 N1
Taking into account this equation as well as eq. (3.22) the primary current
46 3. Transformers
N2 i2
i1 = im − i2 = im + (3.24)
N1 c
The primary current is the sum of the magnetization current and the trans-
formed secondary current. The magnetization current is “tapped” off between
primary and secondary side and amounts to less than 1% of the nominal cur-
rent for realistic power transformers. In the circuit we can incorporate this
current by introducing a magnetizing or main inductance Lh (see Figure
3.7). The value of this inductance can be derived from the equation for the
Rt Lt i1 i2
u1 Lh u2
N1 N2
induced voltage
dΦh dim
N1 = Lh (3.25)
dt dt
For real transformers, this inductance is very large as compared with the
leakage inductances
Lh Lt (3.26)
The active losses in the core are modelled by a resistance Rh . In the circuit,
we introduce this in parallel with the magnetization inductance. Analogous
to the inductances we have
Rh Rt (3.27)
Rt Lt i1 i2
ir im
u1 Rh Lh u2
N1 N2
The model in figure 3.8 now takes all the above discussed deviations from
the ideal transformer into account. These are summarized again:
Because of (3.26) and (3.27) the shunt elements Rh and Lh are often ne-
glected at nominal operation conditions of the transformer. The transformer
can then be modelled as a complex serial impedance Z t = Rt + jωLt and
an ideal transformer with turns ratio c = N1 /N2 . Figure 3.9 shows such
an equivalent model. This represents an important and often used model in
power system analysis. In no-load operations (i2 = 0), these shunt elements
can often not be neglected.
Zt I1 I2
U1 U2
N1 N2
Transmission Grid Generator
Three limb transformers are also common. Their principal design is similar
to the five limb configuration, only the additional not winded limb (left and
right) are missing.
primary winding
Zt I1 I2
U1 ejnπ/6 U2
kN1 N2
Figure 3.12. Single phase transformer model taking the three phase
connections into account.
Both of these points influence the turns ratio. The effect in amplitude is
incorporated by the multiplication of the regular turns ratio with the factor
k. According to the reasoning above the following holds
Dy-configuration: k = √ (3.29a)
Yd-configuration: k = 3 (3.29b)
We incorporate the phase shift into the model by adding a pure phase shifting
element to the ideal transformer in figure 3.9. The phase shift may add up
to an integer multiple of π/6 = 30◦ . Accordingly, we multiply the turns ratio
by a phasor with magnitude 1 and phase nπ/6
Zt I1 I2
U1 c U2
Figure 3.13. Single phase transformer model with complex turns ratio
modelling a three phase transformer.
52 3. Transformers
Per Unit System
This chapter deals with the description with per unit values. This is nothing
else than relating a size to a predefined base unit and then describing it as a
multiple of this unit. This description is common in power engineering and
can be helpful e.g. when dealing with certain quantities in electric grids.
54 4. Per Unit System
description of the p.u. values within the same range can be achieved although
the original systems were of different ratings (e.g. choose 100 MVA = 1 p.u.
for the calculation of large grids and 1 MVA = 1 p.u. for smaller grids). This
aspect can be advantageous when using numerical calculation methods.
Another advantage of these systems is essential for the description of
electric machines and transformers. For example, the leakage reactance of a
transformer in p.u., with the transformer ratings as base units, see below,
corresponds to its relative short circuit voltage, which usually is in the order
of 0.05 - 0.20 p.u., whereas its value in ohm can vary over a very wide range
depending on size and voltage level.
u= = + − (4.2)
where u is the voltage related to the base voltage UB . u is a dimensionless
value and is described in p.u.. The base voltage UB is often chosen close to
the nominal voltage of the system. The index “B”, stands for “Basis”, and
denotes the nominal value.
Furthermore, a base power SB will be introduced. The choice of SB is
arbitrary because two base values of the quantities in the relation
SB = UB · IB = (4.3)
can be chosen arbitrarily. After introducing the related power
s= (4.4)
4.2. Example of Use of P.U. Values 55
and voltage in equation (4.2) the base values for current and impedance are
defined by the following relations:
IB = (4.5)
ZB = = B (4.6)
Introducing the p.u. current
i= (4.7)
equation (4.2) yields
u= i+ i− i (4.8)
The base value of the nominal impedance ZB is the base for all impedances
within the system, real and imaginary and complex ones. The p.u. values of
the impedances are thus:
r= (4.9a)
xL = (4.9b)
xC = (4.9c)
Now, all p.u. values can be placed into the original voltage equation (4.1)
and we obtain the following in p.u.:
U = ZI (4.11)
for the circuit depicted in figure 4.1 where the overall impedance of the
circuit is
Z = R + jXL − jXC (4.12)
with the overall impedance in p.u.
z = r + jxL − jxC = (4.13)
equation (4.11) is now, in p.u.,
u = zi (4.14)
It is seen that this equation has the same form and structure as eq. (4.1).
56 4. Per Unit System
2:1 1.375 : 1
120 kV 1 kA
Given is the system shown in figure 4.2. The voltage of the source on
the left hand side is 120 kV. All impedances as well as all transformer turns
ratios are known. The load on the right hand side consumes a current of 1
kA. To be determined is the overall p.u. model and the p.u. voltages of this
system with the base voltages of 120 kV at node 1, 50 kV at nodes 2 and 3
and 40 kV at node 4.
Figure 4.3 shows the solution of the example in SI units. This can be
achieved by means of the standard methods of network theory.
The scheme above is depicted as p.u. model in figure 4.4. A base power
of SB = 100 MVA has been chosen. Based on the given base voltages of each
node all voltages, currents and impedances are translated into p.u. values.
Of interest is the description of the transformer turns ratio in p.u. Thereby,
the base value can be set on e.g. the nominal turns ratio of the transformer.
4.3. How to Choose Base Voltages for Interconnected Circuit Elements 57
5.5 Ω 1 2 5.5 Ω 3 4 3Ω 5
2:1 1.375 : 1
120 kV 118 kV 59 kV 55 kV 40 kV 37 kV 1 kA
This yields a turns ratio of 1 p.u. in our example, if primary and secondary
voltages amount to 1 p.u.:
U1B 120 kV
cB = = = 2.4 : 1 (4.15)
U2B 50 kV
The actual turns ratio of the transformer results from the actual connected
118 kV
c= = 2.0 : 1 (4.16)
59 kV
Now we can relate the actual turns ratio of the transformer c to the base
value cB which yields the turns ratio c in p.u.:
c 2.0
c = = = 0.833 : 1 p.u. (4.17)
cB 2.4
Analogously, the turns ratio of the second transformer can be related to the
base value.
0.038 p.u.
1 2 0.22 p.u. 3 4 0.188 p.u. 5
The resulting node voltages are presented in Figure 4.5, given in p.u.
From this description, one can easily check the percentage of the corre-
sponding voltage drop or deviation from the given rated voltage level, re-
spectively. The reasons of clarity and comparability as mentioned in section
4.1 are thus well illustrated.
58 4. Per Unit System
1.18 p.u.
1.00 p.u.
0.93 p.u.
1.10 p.u.
0.98 p.u.
1.0 p.u. 0.4 p.u.
the values XiB new . Practically, one needs to perform this for example when
the p.u. data of a generator needs to be adapted to the base values of the
connected power grid
Generally, the way via the base system neutral Ω/ kV/ MVA-system leads
always to the goal. Namely, one transforms all quantities given in p.u. system
A into Ω/ kV/ MVA sizes and chooses then an arbitrary new unified base
system B, valid for all sizes. However, this way is relatively tedious.
It is easier to transform the quantities directly to the new base values.
Therefore, one needs to multiply the actual p.u. value with the ratio of the
old to the new base value.
4.4. Conversion between Different p.u. Systems 59
Z = zold · ZB
= z new ZB
As the base value of the impedance originates from the base values of voltage
and power, according to equation (4.6), the following holds hold
new old UBold new
z =z (4.22)
UBnew old
60 4. Per Unit System
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Characteristics of Power Lines
When the current is flowing through the metallic conductors electric and
magnetic fields are created and the electric power is carried by these fields
(Poynting’s vector S = E × H).
In power systems the primary task of a line is the secure transport of
powers between different locations in the grid. Utilized are either overhead
lines or cables. They differ in their construction and the operating conditions
and therefore their usage is different. A considerable difference is the cost:
at equal voltage levels the costs for a cable can be up to about 10 till 20
times higher than those of an overhead line. Therefore the construction of
overhead lines is preferred from an economical point of view.
The geometry of overhead lines or cables is characterized by that it
is not varying along one direction, namely along the direction of the line.1
Therefore, a parallel configuration of the conductors is considered. This is an
approximation which considerably simplifies the mathematical calculation
without compromising the accuracy of the results.
Power lines can be considered as a homogenous construction possibly in-
cluding multiple single conductors. Thereby, the properties are characterized
by distributed parameters (e.g., inductance per line length in mH/km). A line
can therefore a priori not be described by lumped parameters as known from
the theory of circuits. Simplified, a line section can though be modelled by a
Π-configuration using lumped circuit elements, i.e. impedances. Depending
on the type of analysis, this simplification is valid up to a certain line length
A certain sag between two towers evolves at overhead lines due the weight of the
conductors. This can be incorporated approximatively by an assumption of an average
distance to earth, refer to equation (5.51).
62 5. Lines
Generator Load
Ptrans = Um I (5.1)
If R is the overall line resistance, this yields the following transmission losses
PΩ :
2 Ptrans
PΩ = RI = R (5.2)
Relating the power losses to the transmitted power we obtain the the relative
power loss as
PΩ Ptrans
=R (5.3)
Ptrans Um 2
Kv Ka
Uopt U
H R l L l
E G l C l
Figure 5.3. Left hand side: magnetic (H) and electric (E) field of a
high voltage overhead line; right hand side: line model of a short section
of a line with concentrated parameters.
i(x) = i (5.5)
πr 2
Therewith, the magnetic field strength inside the conductor is obtained as
Hi (x) = i (5.6)
2πr 2
66 5. Lines
dl Γ1
The overall inductance is summed up by the fields inside and outside the
φa = la i (5.8)
The concept of the flux linkage is normally applied for coils. Thereby, the flux linkage
is the part of the flux which intersects all windings of the coil(s). The infinitely long
conductor can be imagined as a coil with one single winding which is closed at infinity
(−∞ and +∞ are assumed to be the same point).
5.2. Line Parameters 67
Infinitely long
wire with
radius r
area da
r dx R
i x
Inner Inductance For the derivation of the inner inductance we first com-
pute the magnetic energy within one length unit of the conductor:
1 2 1 x 2 μμ0 i2
Wm = μμ0 Hi dV = μμ0 i 2πxdx = (5.10)
2 V 2 0 2πr 2 16π
μ represents the relative permeability of the conducting material. In the case
of copper or aluminium one can assume μ ≈ 1.
Denoting the part of the inductance resulting of the flux linkage within
the conductor by li , we obtain
1 2
Wm = li i (5.11)
The inner part of the inductance per length unit is then
li = (5.12)
From equation (5.12) one can conclude that the inductance is independent
of the conductor radius r.
If we now sum the outer and inner inductances of equations (5.9) and
(5.12), we obtain the total inductance of the conductor per length unit.
μ0 μ R
l = li + la = + ln (5.13)
2π 4 r
If inserting the value for μ0 in this equation the inductance per km can be
−4 μ R
l = 2 · 10 + ln H/km (5.14)
4 r
By using that μ/4 = ln eμ/4 equation (5.14) can be written as
l = 2 · 10−4 ln H/km (5.15)
68 5. Lines
Phase 2 in
Phase n
Phase 1
Phase 3
r = re−μ/4 (5.16)
For μ ≈ 1, i.e. for copper or aluminium conductors, ≈ 0.78 r holds. r
Considering the expression for the inductance in equation (5.15) one no-
tices that this value becomes infinite for an infinite integration area, namely
R → ∞. This does not correspond to a real physical system. This derived
model for a single wire is incomplete, because in a real physical system a
return current must flow somewhere within a finite distance R of the con-
In the following paragraphs it is shown that the physical model becomes
consistent when considering this circumstance.
R1 − d1k
d1k d1k
a b
Phase 1 Phase k ψ2
ψ3 ψ4 ψ5
We consider now the part originating from phase k of the flux linkage
with phase 1 (see Figure 5.9). As shown in figure 5.9 the magnetic field lines
are represented by ik concentric circles with the center in the conductor
of phase k. The field line ψ1 does not include the conductor phase 1 and
yields consequently no contribution to the flux linkage. The field line ψ3 is
interlinked with phase 1, ψ5 as well, though outside of radius R1 . The field
lines ψ2 and ψ4 represent the borders between phases 1 and k where the flux
contribute to the flux linkage of phase 1 if integrating up to R1 . Hence, only
those field lines yield a contribution to the flux linkage which intersect the
axis A between the points a and b.
The flux linkage between phase 1 and phase k can be computed with
equation (5.7):
ik μ0 R1 − d1k
φ1k = ln (5.18)
2π d1k
The overall flux linkage of phase 1 can now be found by superposition of the
single parts of all phases and results in
μ0 R1 R1 − d12 R1 − d1n
φ1 = φ1k = i1 ln + i2 ln + . . . + in ln
2π r1 d12 d1n
This expression can be split into two parts:
μ0 1 1 1
φ1 = i1 ln + i2 ln + . . . + in ln +
2π r1 d12 d1n
+ ik ln (R1 − d1k ) (5.20)
Finally, the total flux linkage of phase 1 results thus according to (5.20) in
μ0 1 1 1
φ1 = i1 ln + i2 ln + · · · + in ln (5.23)
2π r1 d12 d1n
The flux linkage of phase 1 therefore depends on all currents i1 , i2 , . . . , in .
The above equation can be reformulated in
φ1 = l11 i1 + l12 i2 + · · · + l1n in (5.24)
where the inductances l1k are dependent only of the geometry of the con-
ductor configuration. The overall flux linkage for phase k results in
μ0 1 1 1
φk = i1 ln + · · · + ik ln + · · · + in ln (5.25)
2π dk1 rk dkn
with obvious notation.
In the following two sections two important special cases regarding multi-
phase systems are considered, namely the two- and three-phase system.
2r D D
Bundle Conductors
In section 5.2.1 it was mentioned that at higher voltage levels, typically over
200 kV, each phase consists of multiple single conductors (see figure 5.11).
For the calculation of the inductance the procedure introduced above can
be applied. Thereby, expressions similar to those for the case of one single
conductor per phase are obtained. It is outside the scope of this lecture to
elaborate this derivation.
Actually, the same formulae can be applied for the calculation of the
inductances with a minor modification. Instead of the conductor radius r
and instead of the distance d
a so-called equivalent radius req ik in figure
72 5. Lines
2r R R R
5.9 a geometric average value of the distance between the single conductors
of the phases should be used. It can be shown that the equivalent radius
of a bundled phase with n symmetrically placed single conductors can be
calculated by the following relation:
req = nRn−1 r (5.30)
The notation corresponds to figure 5.11. It is easy to show that the equivalent
radius is enlarged by splitting one phase in a bundled conductor consisting
of multiple single phases having the same cross-section area. Accordingly,
the inductance is reduced.
Of course, the equivalent radius is also computable for the physical con-
ductor radius r (see figure 5.7):
req = nRn−1 r (5.31)
The distance between the phases is much larger that the distances of the
single conductors within the phase bundle. Hence, the distance between the
midpoint of the conductor bundle instead of the geometric average of the
single distances can be inserted.
Transposition of Phases
In the previous subsection a general relation for the flux linkage in a multi-
phase system has been derived. Thereby we assumed that the single phases
are placed in a symmetric configuration, e.g. placed at the corner points of
an equilateral triangle. However, often the three phases are not arranged
exactly symmetrically.
Quite often all three phases are placed horizontally or vertically. That
is why the single phases are linked with different fluxes. If these differences
are too large, countermeasures need to be taken. A general method con-
sists of continuously exchanging the position of the phases (see figure 5.12),
wherewith a transposition of the conductor is obtained.
We consider a transposed line with a phase line configuration according
to figure 5.13 with following assumptions:
5.2. Line Parameters 73
1 R T S
2 S R T repetition
3 T S R
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
d13 3
1. Each phase (R, S And T) takes each position (1, 2 and 3) over equal
length sections of the line.
2. iR + iS + iT = 0
We calculate now the average flux linkage per length unit over three line
sections for phase R:
1 (1) (2) (3)
φR = φR + φR + φR (5.32)
φR represents the flux linkage per length unit within section i of the line,
with i = 1, 2, 3. Inserting equation (5.25) in equation (5.32), we obtain
1 μ0 1 1 1
φR = · iR ln + iS ln + iT ln
3 2π r d12 d13
1 1 1
+ iR ln + iS ln + iT ln
r d23 d12
1 1 1
+ iR ln + iS ln + iT ln (5.33)
r d13 d23
Each line in equation (5.33) corresponds to an application of equation (5.25)
on phase R in the particular positions 1, 2 and 3. Now the terms can be
μ0 1 1 1
φR = iR ln + iS ln + iT ln (5.34)
2π r dm dm
dm = d12 d23 d31 (5.35)
The distance dm is the geometric mean of the distances between the three
Applying the second assumption stated above, i.e. iR + iS + iT = 0,
equation (5.34) can be further simplified to
μ0 dm
φR = iR ln (5.36)
2π r
and we obtain the average inductance as
μ0 dm
lR = ln (5.37)
2π r
Due to the transposition of the line the same average inductance per unit
length for all three phases is obtained:
lR = lS = lT (5.38)
The average inductance of a transposed line is the same for all phases and
amounts per length unit to
μ0 dm
L = ln (5.39)
2π r
5.2. Line Parameters 75
++ (k)
Rβ ++ qn
Contribution = 0
Phase 1 +
where Rα is the radial distance from conductor k to point α, analogously
for β.
For a configuration of multiple conductors the overall voltage is obtained
by superposition of the single voltages. For n conductors this yields
n (i)
uβα = qi ln (i) (5.42)
2πεε0 R
i=1 β
q1 + q2 + · · · + qn = 0 (5.43)
Similar to the deviation of the magnetic flux linkage, we assume the radius
to be Rα → ∞, this means we relate the voltage of the conductor to a
infinitely far-off point. With equation (5.43) we obtain
uβ = qi ln (i) (5.44)
2πεε0 R
i=1 β
u = Fq (5.46)
q = Cu (5.47)
C13 3
C10 C20 C30
Cm =
2H dm
A req
with dm and req as above. H is the geometric mean of the phase line distances
from the earth’s surface (see figure 5.16)
H = 3 H1 H2 H3 (5.50)
As depicted in figure 5.17, a sag appears between two towers due to the
weight of the conductor lines. By this, the distance between conductor and
Already a very small charge density at the earth’s surface is sufficient to obtain this.
78 5. Lines
d13 3
H1 H3
Figure 5.16. General configuration of a three-phase power line with
mirror conductors.
the earth surface is not constant. This sag can be incorporated by defining
a reduced distance
H = Hmin + h (5.51)
in the equation stated above.
The geometric mean of the distances between the phase conductors and
the mirror conductors is (see figure 5.16)
A = 3 A12 A23 A13 (5.52)
If the height of the phase lines is large compared with the distances between
the phases, 2H/A ≈ 1, holds. By this, the equations (5.48) and (5.49) yield
the same result for the capacitances per length unit.
Series Resistance
In the case of direct current, the ohmic resistance of a conductor can rel-
atively simply be calculated by its cross-section area, length and specific
conductivity. But when the conductor carries an alternating current, the
skin effect needs to be incorporated when calculating the ohmic resistance.5
This effect implicates that the current is not distributed homogenously over
the conductor cross-section but is pushed to the outer boundary of the con-
ductor, i.e. the current density is increasing outwards. Thereby, the effective
conductor cross-section is decreased compared with the direct current lead-
ing conductor. In a 50 Hz system, this increase typically amounts to a few
When having a configuration as shown in figure 5.5 the ohmic alter-
nating current resistance approximately corresponds to the direct current
resistance of the aluminium conductor. Thereby, the increasing effect of the
resistance due to the current displacement approximately balances out the
current part which flows in the steel core. More exact values can be gained
by measurements of the nominal operation frequency, i.e. 50 or 60 Hz, and
the operational temperature. These values are provided by the conductor
The ohmic series resistance per unit length R gives rise to losses in the
conductor, where part of the losses are dissipated to air by convection and
radiation. The allowable current capability is limited by a maximal heating
of the conductor; long term conductor temperatures above 80 ◦ C can lead to
a weakening for commonly used conductor materials (aluminium and steel).
For a conductor temperature of ϑ, the resistance can be calculated by6
R = R20
(1 + α (ϑ − 20 ◦ C)) (5.53)
denotes the per unit length resistance at 20 ◦ C. It is computed
where R20
by means of the specific resistance of the conductor material at 20 ◦ C 20
(in Ωmm2 /m) and the effective cross-section area A (in mm2 ):
R20 = (5.54)
Shunt Conductance
The per unit conductance G represents the corona discharges at the sur-
face of conductors and leakage current losses across the insulators in the
Apart from the skin effect, other effects which influence the ohmic resistance occur
within the conductor line: The proximity effect describes the current displacement in the
conductor by fields of adjacent conductors. The spirality effect describes the increase of
the ohmic resistance due to the design of the individual conductors.
For aluminium and copper a temperature coefficient of α = 0.004 K−1 is normally
80 5. Lines
case of overhead lines. In the case of cables, the dielectric losses within the
solid isolators contribute to G . The operational losses are almost identical
with the open-circuit losses, which for overhead lines are weather dependent.
For example, on a foggy and humid day, one can clearly hear the cracking
noise due to partial discharges or corona discharges. However, the corona
phenomenon occurs less on a dry summer day, whereby the corona losses
decrease considerably. For overhead lines only approximate values based on
measurements can be gained for G . On the other hand, exact test measure-
ments are possible for cables.
3. For overhead lines, air serves as insulating material between the phase
conductors. For cables, other materials are used such as paper, oil, or
SF6 .
From equations (5.39) and (5.48) two important differences for the dis-
tributed parameters for overhead lines and cables result:
12 m 12 m
20 m
0 t
t1 t2 t3
E (kV/m)
2, 5
400 kV
2, 0
1, 5 220 kV
1, 0
110 kV
0, 5
−80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80x (m)
E (kV/m)
2, 5
2, 0
1, 5
1, 0
400 kV
0, 5 220 kV
110 kV
−80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80x (m)
E (kV/m)
2, 5
400 kV
2, 0
1, 5
220 kV
1, 0
110 kV
0, 5
−80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80x (m)
the same time, the field assumes on average the maximal value (t1 ) or the
minimal value (t2 ) at these time instants. The time instant t3 is an example
where the field is not symmetric.
As a comparison, the natural static air field obtains a field strength of
around 0.1 kV/m. In connection with a thunderstorm, values up to 20 kV/m
are possible. Also in a house we are constantly exposed to electric fields from
different appliances. Within a distance of 30 cm field strengths up to 0.5
kV/m can be measured around electric devices. The human skin serves as a
safety shield and is sufficient for not enabling electric fields of transmission
lines to enter. In buildings, the electric field coming from outside and varying
with 50 Hz is reduced to at least one tenth. The values of electric fields which
are generated by high voltage lines at 2 m above ground (figure 5.20) are
thus not much stronger than those we are exposed to from other sources.
. (xw |yw )
. β
(xB |h)
xB − xw
sin β = (5.59)
(xB − xw )2 + (h − yw )2
yw − h
cos β = (5.60)
(xB − xw )2 + (h − yw )2
this results in
μ0 I(yw − h)
Bx = (5.61)
2π((xB − xw )2 + (h − yw )2 )
μ0 I(xB − xw )
By = (5.62)
2π((xB − xw )2 + (h − yw )2 )
Beff (μT)
1000 A
4 700 A
500 A
−80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80x(m)
x P
that the overall field is more or less perpendicular (normal) to earth at large
distances (figure 5.23).
We assume that the distance between P and the conductor corresponds
to the distance in x direction, for example the distance for the conductor on
the left hand side amounts to x + a. In phasor notation the magnetic field
at P results in
B= + + (5.64)
2π x + a x x−a
With the approximation
≈1− (5.65)
for small this results in
μ0 (x − a) 1 (x + a)
B= · I R + · I + · I 7, a
x (5.66)
2π x2 x S x2 T
From the condition that the sum of the currents is equal to zero at each
time instant
IR + IS + IT = 0 (5.67)
the simple formula
μ0 a
B= · (I − I R ) , a
x (5.68)
2π x2 T
is derived, and therewith also the absolute value of the magnetic field at
large distances
μ0 3Iph a aIph
B= · = 3.5 · 10−7 · 2 , a
x (5.69)
2π x2 x
Thereby Iph denotes the phase current in A; with x and a in meter a flux
density B in T results. For the calculation of the field directly below an
overhead line, (5.69) cannot be employed, because the assumption that the
distance between the conductors is much smaller that the distance to the
point of computation does not hold anymore. Regarding (5.69), the field
would be infinite at x = 0, which obviously is not correct. However, the
formula for the calculation of the magnetic field at large distances is useful
and shows the quadratic decrease of the field with increasing distance.
Although magnetic fields are hardly damped by the human skin, they
induce only small currents within the body. Electric household devices, such
as mixers or electric irons generate magnetic fields with amounts up to 10 μT
at a distance of 30 cm. For causing heart problems for humans alternating
field strengths at a frequency of 50 Hz and 1 Tesla are needed. This is ten
thousand times more than the field strength below a high voltage line.
7 1
= 1
· 1
1+ x
≈ 1
1− a
= x2
88 5. Lines
(length element Δx, see figure 5.24). For each line element it holds
Q = C U
Φ = L I
where Q denotes the charge and Φ the flux per line unit length. Both quan-
tities can be determined by measurements of a finite line element. As these
quantities are proportional to the length of the line element, the capacitance
per unit length C and the inductance per unit length L can be defined.
The behavior of a power line is determined by its length and the per unit
length parameters R , L , G and C . The actual design of overhead lines
is often very dependent on local conditions. This means, the characteristic
values cannot be determined by lab measurements, as it is the case for devices
like generators and transformers. This holds generally also for cables, which
are delivered to the site. The per unit length inductance and capacitance of
power cables depend on site-specific factors such as installation type (e.g.,
configuration and distance of phase conductors), connection and grounding
of the cable sheaths or shields as well as on the electric characteristics of the
surrounding soil.
x Δx x + Δx
The theory is simplified when assuming the power line as lossless (R =
G = 0). When studying many phenomena this approximation can be used
without any significant loss of the validity of the results.
The propagation of waves on conductors is always connected with an
energy transport. The basic application of the Poynting vector on a field
pattern between two conductors shows that the energy flows in the axial
direction of the line.The energy transport is thus carried out in the field
between the conductors. Because of the predefined geometry and the sim-
plifying assumption we can determine the current and voltage at a specific
point on the conductor from a given field. This is the reason why the field
approach is used only in rare cases. Mostly, one uses current and voltage
when describing power lines at steady state, or at low-frequency transients.
In the electric power transmission power and energy are of central im-
portance. As operation frequency in steady state, the values 16 23 , 50 and
60 Hz are most often used.9 Sometimes, more than one single frequency is
needed to model the system accurately: many transients contain components
from a wide frequency spectrum, and these need to be considered in order
to give the correct time response. The general power line model needs thus
to incorporate both descriptions in time domain and the frequency domain.
However, the analysis of high-frequent transients goes beyond the scope of
this lecture.
A fundamental assumption for the application of the power line model
to be derived in the following is the linearity of the field relations. This
means that the permeability and dielectric constant are constant in the
whole considered space. Therewith, the law of superimposition holds, which
In Switzerland, the Swiss federal railways (SBB (Schweizerische Bundesbahnen)) use
a frequency of 16 23 Hz for their power network. This frequency is also used by many other
countries for the power supply of railway systems.
5.4. Line Model and Solution of the Wave Equation 91
5.4.2 The Differential Equation for the Power Line – The Tele-
graph Equation
In the following we assume that each small element of the line can be mod-
elled by the equivalent circuit diagram depicted in figure 5.24.
Voltage u and current i are functions of the location x along the line and
of the time t:
u = u(x, t)
i = i(x, t)
When moving along the line from position x a small step Δx, voltage and
current at position x + Δx are according to Kirchhoff’s laws
∂i (x, t)
u (x + Δx, t) = u (x, t) − R Δx i (x, t) − L Δx (5.71a)
∂u (x + Δx, t)
i (x + Δx, t) = i (x, t) − G Δx u (x + Δx, t) − C Δx
Δx → 0 (5.73)
The equations (5.74a) and (5.74b) constitute a system of partial linear first
order differential equations with constant coefficients and are referred to as
the Differential Equations of Power Lines.
We have here assumed that the derivatives of the functions i and u exist, and these
functions are hence continuous.
92 5. Lines
∂ u
= R G u + R C + L G + L C (5.75a)
∂x2 ∂t ∂t2
∂ i
∂ i
= R G i + R C + L G + L C (5.75b)
∂x2 ∂t ∂t2
Both partial differential equations (5.75a) and (5.75b) are valid for arbitrary
time dependencies of voltage and current, hence also for transients. They are
valid for inhomogeneous conductors too when incorporating the locational
dependency of the linear electric constants (e.g., R = R (x)).
In the next section we’ll solve these differential equations for sinusoidal
excitations, in which case the equations often are referred to as the Power
Line Equations.
where U and I denote the voltage and current phasors and ω = 2πf is the
angular frequency. These phasors are now inserted into equations (5.74a)
This is due to the fact that the function sin (ωt), its derivative and each linear com-
bination of it also have a sinusoidal form.
Of course, this is valid only for a linear system.
5.4. Line Model and Solution of the Wave Equation 93
= − R + jωL I (5.77a)
= − G + jωC U (5.77b)
The phasor I can now be eliminated from equations (5.77a) and (5.77b):
d2 U
= R + jωL G + jωC U (5.78)
In contrast with equation (5.75a) the time is not explicitly appearing any-
more in equation (5.78). By introducing the phasors, the partial differential
equation (5.78) has been converted into an ordinary linear differential equa-
tion with respect to x of second order with constant coefficients.
By elimination of U from equations (5.77a) and (5.77b) we find an equa-
tion for the current analogous to (5.78):
d2 I
= R + jωL G + jωC I (5.79)
The equations (5.78) and (5.79) are the Wave Equations of the lossy line
and are normally written in the following form:
d2 U
= γ 2U (5.80a)
d2 I
= γ 2I (5.80b)
with γ = (R + jωL ) (G + jωC ) = α + jβ (5.80c)
I(x) = · (U a0 e−γx − U b0 eγx ) (5.84)
We can split up the wave propagation constant γ to real and imaginary part:
γ= (R + jωL ) (G + jωC ) = α + jβ (5.86)
|Ua |
|Ub |
|U | x
The phase velocity of the wave in the other direction, part b) in the
equation (5.85), is by a similar reasoning found to be
vp = − (5.89)
The phase velocity in overhead power lines reaches almost the speed of light
in vacuum or air, see below.
The left picture in figure 5.25 shows the forward travelling damped wave,
the middle picture in figure 5.25 shows the backward travelling damped
wave, and the right picture in figure 5.25 shows the sum of the forward
and the backward travelling waves. These pictures show however only the-
oretically the behaviour of the line voltage: In real voltage waves the wave
length is approx. 6000 km, thus the shadowed part in picture 5.25 represents
already a line length of 750 km!
The constants U a0 and U b0 in the voltage equation (5.81a) result from the
boundary conditions at the beginning and the end of the power line. These
constants can thus be determined if these conditions are known, as will be
shown in the following. We will study two cases that are common in practice,
i.e. that the voltage and current are known at the beginning and at the end
of the line, respectively. Often the beginning of the line is referred to as the
sending end and the end of the line to as the receiving end.
96 5. Lines
U (x = 0) = U 1 = U a0 + U b0 (5.90)
and from equation (5.81b) for the current at the end of the line
I (x = l) = I 2 = U a0 e−γl − U b0 eγl (5.97)
5.4. Line Model and Solution of the Wave Equation 97
The surge impedance is purely real in the special case of a lossless line and
is given by
ZW = (5.104)
For the sine and cosine functions the following relations hold:
When applying the relations from equation (5.105) for equations (5.102a)
and (5.102b), we obtain the wave equations for the lossless line.
Analogously, we obtain the wave equations for the lossless line, when current
and voltage at the end of the line are known.
For the lossless line we can now calculate the phase constant, β, by using
the equations derived in section 5.2 for
μ0 dm
L = ln
2π req
C =
We thus obtain
√ ln dm
req √ ω
β = ω L C = ω εε0 μ0 ≈ ω εε0 μ0 =
ln dreq
m c
where c denotes the light velocity in vacuum or air. Therewith, the phase
constant for the lossless line is only dependent on the operation frequency
and amounts at 50 Hz and ε = 1 to about β = 1006 km . From eq. (5.88) the
wave propagation velocity is calculated to be c.
5.5. Line Models 99
I1 Zl I2
U1 Yq Yq U2
2 2
The same relations can be expressed with the wave equations (5.100a) and
U1 cosh γl Z W sinh γl U2
= 1
I1 Z W sinh γl cosh γl I2
In practical power flow calculations, longer lines are often split into several
short pieces, which are then each modelled as Π elements and connected
Z l = Z l = jX l (5.114a)
Yq Y B
= l=j l (5.114b)
2 2 2
For overhead lines sometimes only the resistive part of the shunt con-
ductance is neglected:
G = 0
The elements of the equivalent circuit diagram are with this simplification
Z l = Z l = R l + jX l (5.115a)
Yq Y B
= l=j l (5.115b)
2 2 2
This model yields a very good approximation for lines with nominal voltage
starting at around 130 kV.
Long lines (over 300 km): For line lengths over about 300 km the ef-
fects of the distributed parameters are significant. Thus, these lines
should be modelled as series connections of shorter line Π elements or
the lumped parameters should be computed with the exact relations
according to (5.111).
Z W = 382.2 − j 16.5 Ω
γ = α + jβ = 0.0001 Np/km + j 0.0011 rad/km
We calculate now the voltage at the end of the open line. At open-circuit
operation the current at the line end is I 2 = 0, the voltage at the line
beginning as |U 1 | = 1.0 p.u. |U 2 | is computed in the following way:
c) With the Π equivalent circuit for lines of medium lengths. From the
propagation constant and the wave resistance we can compute the
elements of the equivalent circuit according to (5.112):
Yq 1 γl
Zl ≈ ZW γ l und ≈
2 ZW 2
With (5.109) the relation between the voltages results in
Z lY q (γl)2
U1 = U2 1 + = U2 1 −
2 2
d) With the line modelled as a pure series impedance. For a series impe-
dance no voltage drop or increase occurs at open-circuit operation, the
output voltage equals the input voltage.
Table 5.3 and figure 5.27 show the results for the different models above.
One can notice how the results of the different models differ more with
increasing line length. For lines with a length until around 50 km, all four
5.5. Line Models 103
Table 5.3. Absolute value of the voltage at the end of a 230 kV over-
head line running open-ended (no-load) for various line lengths l, com-
puted with different line models. Values in p.u.
l in km |γl| a) b) c) d)
50 0.0552 1.0015 1.0015 1.0015 1.0000
100 0.1105 1.0060 1.0061 1.0060 1.0000
300 0.3314 1.0565 1.0570 1.0540 1.0000
500 0.5523 1.1710 1.1730 1.1503 1.0000
1.10 c)
|U 2 | in p.u.
0 50 100 200 300 400 500
l in km
Figure 5.27. Absolute value of the no-load voltage at the line end,
computed with different models. a) exact b) with lossless wave equa-
tion, c) with Π model (5.112), d) with serial impedance.
models yield almost identical values for the output voltage. At longer lines,
the series impedance model d) differs considerably from the other models.
At a line length of 300 km the deviation between the results of the complete
wave equation a) and those of the Π model c) amounts to around 0.24%, at
500 km to 1.77%. Obviously, the lossless wave equation b) models the exact
conditions very accurately, the results almost coincide with the exact values:
At a line length of 500 km the difference is only 0.17%. By this reason, the
lossless model is used very often in practice for high voltage power lines
when voltage drops should be calculated. For loss calculations, this model is
of course of no value.
104 5. Lines
Power Transmission Fundamentals
In this chapter the steady state current and voltage characteristics as well as
the active and reactive flows of three-phase power lines will be described. Af-
ter some basic considerations the operational behavior of different situations
will be analyzed.
U1 , ϕ1 , U2 , ϕ2 , P1 , Q1 , P2 , Q2
Instead of power the (complex) current could be used as well.
P1 + jQ1 P2 + jQ2
106 6. Power Transmission Fundamentals
Not all of these quantities are independent of each other. The angles
of voltages U1 and U2 (φ1 and φ2 ), for instance, are coupled through the
properties of the line (length, phase constant). We will later see that in all
formulae only the difference between ϕ1 and ϕ2 will occur. One of the angles
can then be chosen as reference (e.g. ϕ2 = 0), thereby there are only seven
quantities of interest.
The power at the beginning and the end of the line are not independent of
each other, either. If e.g. active and reactive power are given at the beginning
of the line , the powers at the end of the line are a function of the line
parameters and the transmission voltage. Either U1 or U2 can be given. If
the complex voltages at the beginning and at the end of the line (three real
values) are given, this will uniquely determine the active and reactive powers
at the two ends of the line.
The complex current and voltage along the line are related according
to the two complex equations (5.95a) and (5.95b). Thus, the number of
independent variables is reduced by two complex or four real quantities.
The above discussion concerning the quantities describing the power
flows in a line can be summarized as:
number of quantities 8
a voltage angle as reference −1
2 complex = 4 real U /I-equations −4
independent real quantities 3
The number of the independent quantities in figure 6.1 is thus reduced
to three real quantities. This means that from eight real quantities, which
describe the power transmission, only three can be chosen freely and the
other will then be given by the power line equations. These three quantities
are referred to as independent (decoupled) quantities.
Not every combination of three independent quantities is meaningful
from a practical point of view. In power system analysis and operation the
following three combinations of independent quantities are most common:
– U1 , ϕ1 , U2 : The active and reactive powers are then given by the line
equations. This case occurs, e.g. when the power line is connecting two
large networks where the voltage and angle are fixed and independent
of the loadings in the systems. This is a typical situation for lines in a
meshed system with good voltage control.
– U1 , P2 , Q2 (or P1 , Q1 , U2 ): If the voltage is given at one end of the
power line and the powers at the other end. This case corresponds to
when a distant load is fed via a power line and the voltage is controlled,
e.g. by a generator, at the sending end.
– U1 , P1 , Q1 : In this case the voltage magnitude and the powers are
given at the same end of the line. This is e.g. the case when a power
station feeds a certain power over a line into a power grid.
6.2. Surge impedance loading 107
|U 2 |2 |U 2 |2
PSIL = P2 = = (6.2)
If we now insert equation (6.3) into the equations for the lossless circuit
(5.107a) and/or (5.107b), we obtain the voltage and current at the beginning
of the circuit (x = 0):
U 1 = U 2 cos (βl) + jZW sin (βl)
= U 2 (cos (βl) + j sin (βl)) = U2 ejβl (6.4a)
1 U2
I 1 = jU 2 sin (βl) + cos (βl)
= (cos (βl) + j sin (βl)) = I 2 ejβl (6.4b)
The results show that current and voltage are phase shifted over the line with
the same angle, βl, while the amplitudes are unchanged. If one calculates
the quantities along the line (x = 0), then the phasors are phase shifted
proportionally to the distance from the circuit end. The amplitudes of the
Here we use the convention from chapter 2 : For the computation of the three-phase
√ P , Q and S the phase quantities of the current and voltage are multiplied with
3. In the following it is assumed that the current and voltage
√ values at the beginning
and end of the line are the phase quantities multiplied by 3.
108 6. Power Transmission Fundamentals
current and voltage along the circuit remain the same. The power at the
beginning of the circuit is the same as at the end of it:
|U 1 |2
P1 = = P2 (6.5)
because no losses appear on the circuit. This special load case is called surge
impedance loading (SIL) PSIL .
|U |2
PSIL = (6.6)
With this load one achieves in a sense optimum power transmission con-
ditions. Current and voltage have constant amplitudes along the line and
the angular phase shift between the beginning and the end of the circuit
amounts to βl. However, in practice the transmitted powers deviate most
often from the surge impedance loading.
At surge impedance loading the power line is in a state of reactive power
balance. This means that the series inductance consumes exactly the same
amount of reactive power as the shunt capacitances produces. The reactive
power produced in the shunt capacitances depends on the shunt capacitances
and the operating voltage. The reactive power consumed in the series induc-
tance depends on the line current and on the value of the series inductance.
At a loading equal to the surge impedance loading the two reactive powers
are equal:
U2 L
QC = QL ⇒ U 2 ωC = I 2 ωL ⇒ 2
= = ZW (6.7)
The surge impedance of overhead circuits lies within the range of ap-
proximately 200 to 400 Ω. Dominant parameter is the series inductance,
its reactance is very high in comparison with the shunt reactance. The re-
active power consumed in the series inductance QL exceeds already for a
relatively low current the reactive power generated in the shunt capacitance
QC . For this reason overhead circuits are usually operated above their surge
impedance loading.
Cables have relatively small surge impedances compared with overhead
circuits, approximately within the range 30 to 50 Ω. The influence of the
shunt capacitance is dominating. Hence a higher surge impedance loading
for the same operating voltage U results. The surge impedance loading lies
most often above the thermal power limit of the cable. While overhead cir-
cuits can transmit powers several times higher than the surge impedance
loading, cables are always operated below their surge impedance loading.
The characteristics and features of cables are described more in detail in the
section 6.10.
6.2. Surge impedance loading 109
|U 2 |2
S 2 = P2 + jQ2 = U 2 I ∗2 = (6.9)
Z ∗W
If the equation (6.8) is inserted in the circuit equations (5.100a) and (5.100b)
the voltage and current at the beginning of the line can be calculated
U 1 = U 2 cosh γl + Z W sinh γl
= U 2 cosh γl + sinh γl = U 2 eγl (6.10a)
U2 U2
I1 = cosh γl + sinh γl
= cosh γl + sinh γl = I 2 eγl (6.10b)
The complex power at the beginning of the circuit is
U ∗2 2αl
S 1 = P1 + jQ1 = U 1 I ∗1 = U 2 e = S 2 e2αl (6.11)
Z ∗W
The phase relationship between current and voltage remains constant also
in the lossy case over the entire circuit, but the amplitudes are not the same
110 6. Power Transmission Fundamentals
anymore. Active and reactive power increase toward the beginning of the
circuit, the power at the input is higher with a (real) factor e2αl than at
the output. Also the amplitudes of the voltage and the current rise along
the circuit (when moving along the line from end to the beginning, i.e. from
point 2 to point 1) proportional to eαx . The angle phase shift is still βx. The
distance x is here measured from 2 (line end) towards 1 (line begin).
be simplified to
If the voltage is fixed, then the voltage U2 at the end of the line becomes
U2 = (6.14)
cos (βl)
Obviously, the amplitude of the voltage over the open-circuited line rises
towards line end, while the current amplitude decreases (see figure 6.2). The
rise of U1 to U2 over the open-circuited line is called the Ferranti Effect. In
extreme cases resonant conditions can arise if βl = π2 = 90◦ , i.e. the line
length for 50 Hz is around 1500 km. Even if no resonant conditions arise,
still in practice the Ferranti effect can cause substantial overvoltages at the
open end if no measures are taken.
Here again the software PowerWorld can be mentioned. An example that
illustrates the Ferranti effect can be found under the set of examples provided
on the course web site - the file “Long Line Example”. With changing load
at the end of the line, the voltage distribution along the line changes too.
By switching the load off the voltage increase along the line becomes most
Finally we calculate the input impedance of the open-circuited high volt-
age transmission line:
= Z 1 = −j (6.16)
I1 tan (βl)
U1 = U (x = 0) U2 = U (x = l)
U (x), I(x)
P2 = 0
Q2 = 0
l = 300 km
U (x)
0 100 200 300
x in km
Figure 6.2. Voltage and current characteristics for a 300 km long line
in no-load operation with a fixed voltage at the beginning of the line
(L = 1 mH/km, C = 10 nF/km).
In particular the short circuit current at the end of the line becomes equal
I2 = (6.18)
cos (βl)
Again the case of resonance is also here recognizable with βl = 90◦ (I 2 → ∞).
The input impedance in the case of the short circuit at the end of the line
6.4. Reactive power demand of a line 113
is given by
= Z1 = jZW tan (βl) (6.19)
For 50-Hz systems the short circuit impedance is inductive for line lengths
up to 1500 km.
– capacitive part:
QC = PSIL sin (2βl) (6.23)
The two parts are balanced at surge impedance loading of the line, i.e. the
shunt capacitances produce exactly the amount of reactive power as the
series inductance consumes:
With |S 2 | > PSIL the line absorbs reactive power (QL > QC ), with |S 2 | <
PSIL the line generates reactive power (QL < QC ). The reactive power dur-
ing no-load operation QC is capacitive, i.e. reactive power is produced by
the line, and is referred to as the charging power. This accounts for a
|U |2
QC = PSIL βl = βl = |U |2 ωC l (6.26)
The current at the end of the line can be calculated by use of the apparent
power at the end of the line as
P2 − jQ2
U 1 = U 2 cos (βl) + jZW sin (βl) (6.28)
U ∗2
We now introduce the transmission angle, δ, i.e. the phase angle difference
between U 1 and U 2 , and using U 2 as the phase angle reference, i.e. U 2 is
parallel with the real axis
800 km 600 km
400 km
0.4 Q2 = −Q1
300 km
0.2 200 km
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Figure 6.3. The reactive power demand at the beginning of the line
as function of the active power at the end of the line. (U1 = U2 , lossless
If we split the voltage into real and imaginary parts, then we achieve
{U 1 } = U1 cos δ = U2 cos (βl) + ZW sin (βl) (6.30a)
{U 1 } = U1 sin δ = ZW sin (βl) (6.30b)
The real part of the above equation gives the following expression for the
reactive power at the end of the line:
U2 (U1 cos δ − U2 cos (βl))
Q2 = (6.31)
ZW sin(βl)
The reactive power at the line input is thus
−U1 (U2 cos δ − U1 cos (βl))
Q1 = (6.32)
ZW sin (βl)
In case the amplitudes of U 1 and U 2 are identical, it follows that:
U1 ∠δ R + jX U2 ∠0 Pload + jQload
P2 + jQ2
2 2
the line can be regarded as a capacitance and generates at both line ends
reactive power. In case P2 > PSIL the line behaves like an inductance and
reactive power has to be supplied. Thus, high voltage transmission lines can
be operated with variable load and approximately constant voltages at both
line ends only when at both line ends sufficient sources of reactive power are
P2 = Pload (6.34a)
Q2 = Qload − Qc (6.34b)
S ∗2 P2 − jQ2
I2 = ∗ = (6.35)
U2 U2
6.5. Voltage drop along a line 117
U1 ∠δ R + jX U2 ∠0
P2 + jQ2
jXI 2
U2 RQ2
I2 RI 2 U2
P2 − jQ2
U 1 = U 2 + Z l · I 2 = U2 + (R + jX)
RP2 + XQ2 XP2 − RQ2
= U2 + +j (6.36)
U2 U2
A phasor diagram of these relations is shown in fig. 6.6. For a lossless line
with R = 0 equation (6.37) is simplified to
XQ2 2 XP2 2
U1 = U2 + + (6.38)
U2 U2
U1 ≈ U2 + (6.39)
118 6. Power Transmission Fundamentals
jXI 2 j
U2 XQ2
I2 U2
From fig. 6.7 it can be seen that the phase angle difference between the
two voltages on the first line is determined by the active power flow P2 , and
that the voltage (amplitude) difference ΔU = U1 − U2 is caused mainly by
the reactive power Q2 .
In the above investigations we assumed that voltage and powers are
known at the same end of the line. However, it is often so that the voltage
at one end of the line, e.g. at the generator end, and the powers at the
other end of the line, e.g. at the load, are given. In that case the equation
(6.37) is still valid, but now the voltage U1 is the known and U2 is the
unknown quantity. U2 can then be calculated from U1 , P2 and Q2 through
transformation of the equation (6.37).
R = 0.031 Ω/km
L = 1.06 mH/km
C = 11.9 nF/km
f = 50 Hz
The resistive shunt conductance is neglected (G = 0). Using the equation
(5.86) we can calculate the propagation constant from the line parameters:
γ= (0.031 + j0.333) j3.74 · 10−6 = (0.052 + j1.117) 10−3 (6.40)
Together with the line length we obtain
ZW = 298.5 Ω (6.42)
The active power, which is consumed by the load at the end of the line
amounts to
U22 (420 kV)2
= = 591 MW (6.43)
ZW 298.5 Ω
In this case the phase current amounts to
U2 420 kV
I2 = √ =√ = 812.4 A (6.44)
3ZW 3 · 298.5 Ω
The losses can be approximated by
stable 1.0
U2 cos ϕ = 0.90 ind.
Figure 6.8. Voltage at the end of the line as function of the delivered
active power for different line loadings.
U 1 − jZW P2 −jQ
sin (βl)
U2 = (6.49)
cos (βl)
We will now examine this equation in more detail. The voltage at the end of
the line U 2 appears twice in the equation: once on the left side, and a second
time as complex conjugate on the right side. Since the complex voltage U 2
appears in different forms in equation (6.49) an analytic solution is not
easily obtainable. However U 2 can easily be calculated in an iterative way:
One begins with an initial value (usually 1 p.u. real) for U ∗2 and calculates
with this value the right side of (6.49). The complex conjugate of U 2 is
then inserted into the right side of the equation and a new estimate of
U 2 is calculated. One repeats this iteration until the complex voltage does
not change significantly anymore between two iterations, i.e. the result has
The figure 6.8 shows the voltage at the end of the line as function of the
delivered active power at the end of the line for different load cases. Because
of its form this representation is often called the nose curve of the power
From figure 6.8 it is noticed that there exists a maximum transferable
active power, and that this limit is highly dependent on the power factor
of the load(cos ϕ). Further, as shown in the figure 6.8, the power factor of
6.8. P -δ-Diagram 121
the load has a significant influence on the voltage at the end of the line at
the maximum transferable power. The maximum transferable active power
and the voltage at the end of the line are lower in the case of an inductive
power factor. For a capacitive power factor of the load, the voltage profile at
the upper range of the curve in figure 6.8 becomes flatter and the maximum
transferable active power larger. That means that the voltage at the end of
the line can be adjusted by additional capacitances at the end of the line
(= reactive shunt compensation).
Figure 6.8 shows also that an active power transfer below the maximum
transferable active power can be done theoretically at two different volt-
age levels. Normally the higher value is selected, with a voltage magnitude
around 1.0 p.u. For the lower voltage value, the current must be larger, so
that still the same amount of active power can be transferred over the line.
Thus the power losses in the line would increase and thus the line could come
closer to (or even exceed) its thermal limits. The operation of the line at the
lower voltages (below the dashed line in figure 6.8) can lead to transmission
P1 = {U 1 I ∗1 }
# $
jθ1 j −jθ1
= U1 e U1 e − U2
# $
1 1 jθ1
= jU12 − jU1 U2 e
# $
2 1 1 1
= jU1 − jU1 U2 cos θ1 + U1 U2 sin θ1
1 1
= U1 U2 sin θ1 = U1 U2 sin δ (6.53)
1 1
Q1 = U12 − U1 U2 cos δ (6.54)
PSIL 1.0
to 100% for stability reasons, but normally only to approx. 70% of this limit,
which in this case is 0.7 · 2.012 · PSIL = 1.4084 · PSIL .
The analysis in this chapter represents an idealized situation. The as-
sumption that voltage amplitude at the end and the beginning of the line is
constant and independent of the line loading, is not always valid.
tally the power lines are subject to three different limits originating from
different physical phenomena:
Thermal limit: If the temperature of the conductor gets too high due to
the resistive losses, this will lead to an increased sag of the power line
(see p. 78). An increased sag implies that the clearing distances to
objects on the ground, e.g. trees, decreases and the risk for flashovers
rises. High temperatures in power cables can lead to accelerated aging
of the insulation.
Voltage drop: For operational reasons and for reasons of power quality
the voltage at a bus should not deviate too much from the nominal
voltage (typically less than ±10%).
Transmission angle: For stability reasons a certain transmission angle
should be not exceeded but a steady state stability margin should be
kept. This is defined as
Pmax − Plimit
steady state stability margin = · 100% (6.55)
Pline 1.5
0.5 1 2 3
Figure 6.11. Maximum active power loading as function of the line length.
Figure 6.11 also shows that for line lengths from approx. 400 km the line
loading must be smaller than the surge impedance loading. As previously
mentioned, the power transmission capability of (long) power lines can be
increased by reactive compensation, shunt or series.
The limits of the power transmission have been represented here in a
simplified way in order to give a general overview and understanding of the
physical phenomena. In large, complex power systems, detailed investiga-
tions must be undertaken for the determination of the transmission capac-
ities. However, the basic mechanisms that determine the maximum power
transfers are still the ones described above.
The phase constant, β, of the cable is about three times as large as of a typi-
cal overhead line of the same nominal voltage. The characteristic impedance
on the other hand is only approximately 1/10 of the surge impedance of a
comparable overhead line. If a value of 700 A is taken as limit of acceptable
current load, then the open-circuited cable (without compensation) may be
not much longer than approximately 50 km. This length can be determined
by means of equation (6.13b):
jU2 √
I1 = sin (βl) ≈ 3 · 790A (6.60)
for a line with a length of l = 50 km.
128 6. Power Transmission Fundamentals
Symmetrical components in three-phase
– Ground faults
– two-phase short-circuit
– three-phase short-circuit
A special fault type is the double or the triple ground fault, consisting of two
or three spatially separated single ground faults. Short-circuits are the most
130 7. Symmetrical components in three-phase systems
dangerous fault types in electrical power systems because of the high me-
chanical and thermal stresses due to the high short circuit currents through
different pieces of equipment. The short circuit current can be several times
higher than the normal load currents. They can cause substantial damage to
the equipment if this is not designed to withstand these stresses, and they
can also be a hazard to personnel.
By series faults one understands failures “along” the power line, that
causes undesirable interruptions or connections in the circuit. Examples of
series faults are if a conductor is disrupted or a breaker does not trip the
three phases as desired. Possible series faults in three-phase systems are:
– Single-phase disruption
– Two-phase disruption
– Three-phase disruption
U R = ER − Zl I R (7.3a)
U S = ES − Zl I S (7.3b)
U T = ET − Zl I T (7.3c)
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
IR α β γ ER
⎝ I S ⎠ = ⎝γ α β ⎠ · ⎝ E S ⎠ (7.5)
IT β γ α ET
cyclicly symmetric
The vector x does not change direction by multiplication with the matrix,
but its magnitude is only changed by a (scalar) factor λ. A further charac-
teristic of the eigenvectors is that the matrix A can be diagonalized by the
transformation matrix T, whose columns are the eigenvectors of A:
D = T−1 AT (7.7)
Not all matrices can be diagonalized but normally the admittance matrix
Y of a three-phase circuit can be diagonalized. If an admittance matrix
7.2. Symmetrical components 133
is diagonal, this means that the currents in eq. (7.1) are each dependent
only on one voltage and independent of the others, and we have decoupled
single-phase systems.
1 + a + a2 = 0 (7.10)
1 a
One should also mention that the eigenvectors in table 7.1 (contrary to
the eigenvalues) are not dependent on the elements α, β and γ of the cyclic
symmetric matrix. The eigenvectors can consequently be chosen as identical
for all cyclically symmetrical matrices and are thus suitable for calculations
in arbitrary three-phase systems.
With ⎛ ⎞
1 1 1
T = x1 x2 x0 = ⎝a2 a 1 ⎠ (7.11)
a a2 1
the admittance matrix can be diagonalized:
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
λ1 0 0 Y1 0 0
Y 120 = T−1 Y T = ⎝ 0 λ2 0 ⎠ = ⎝ 0 Y 2 0 ⎠ (7.12)
0 0 λ0 0 0 Y0
Hence and from the table 7.1 it is obvious that for β = γ the positive and
negative sequence admittances are equal.
The voltage sources and current vectors E120 , I120 of the symmetrical
components are consequently
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
U = ⎝ U S ⎠ = T ⎝U 2 ⎠ = T U120 (7.18)
The matrix Y 120 is diagonal, i.e. there are no coupling impedances be-
tween the positive, negative and zero sequence systems, and the symmetrical
components are thus totally decoupled from each other. Therefore calcula-
tions are much more easily done in the 120 system. It should be noted that
the admittance matrices in the RST system and the corresponding one in
the 120 system contain the same information.
The basic steps for the analysis of three-phase circuits with symmetrical
components have thus been explained. The transformations RST → 120
and 120 → RST are linear, where the back-transformation matrix T has as
columns the eigenvectors of the cyclically symmetric admittance matrix. The
eigenvectors could be multiplied with any scalar factor = 0, without losing
their particular characteristic. The choice of eigenvectors made here means
that elements of T have the magnitude 1, which implies that a symmetrical
three-phase system quantity corresponds to a positive sequence quantity
of the same amplitude. This means that the transformation is amplitude
invariant. (Other choices of the magnitudes of the eigenvectors can e.g. result
in power invariant transformations.)
The transformation matrix S , which is used for the transformation RST-
system → 120-system, is calculated as the inverse of T . The definition of
the eigenvectors having elements of magnitude 1 results in the fact that all
elements of the matrix S have the magnitude 1/3.
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
1 1 1 1 a a2
T = ⎝a2 a 1 ⎠ S = T −1 = · ⎝1 a2 a ⎠
a a2 1 1 1 1
The transformation between the RST and 120 systems and of the corre-
sponding back-transformation can be summarized in one equation. Thereby
Y = T Y 120 S (7.20)
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞
IR α β γ ER
⎝ I S ⎠ = ⎝γ α β⎠ ⎝ ES ⎠ = (7.21)
IT β γ α ET
⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞
1 1 1 Y1 0 0 1 a a2 ER
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ 1⎝ ⎠ ⎝
= a2 a 1 0 Y2 0 1 a2 a ES ⎠
2 3
a a 1 0 0 Y0 1 1 1 ET
First step: Transformation
Second step: Solution
Third step: Back transformation
The expansion of this equation from right to left corresponds to the following
1. Transformation (RST → 120) by multiplication with S (This step is
sometimes called “symmetrization”.)
RST 120
I = T I120 I120 = S I
U = T U120 U120 = S U
E = T E120 E120 = S E
Y = T Y120 S Y120 = S YT
We consider now the calculation of the phase voltages of the RST system
from the phase voltages of the symmetrical components in order to get a
better understanding of the positive, negative and zero sequence systems.
UR = U1 + U2 + U0 (7.23a)
U S = a2 U 1 + a U 2 + U 0 (7.23b)
UT = a U1 + a U2 + U0 (7.23c)
U 1R = U 1 (7.24a)
U 1S = a · U1
U 1T = a · U1 (7.24c)
U 1T
a2 a
U 1R
U 1S
U 2S
a U 2R
U 2T
Zero sequence system The phase voltages of the zero sequence system are
U 0R = U 0 (7.26a)
U 0S = U0 (7.26b)
U 0T = U0 (7.26c)
The phase voltages correspond thus to the eigenvector x0 multiplied by the
voltage phasor of the zero sequence system. Figure 7.5 shows the phasor
voltages of the zero sequence system. Obviously, the zero sequence system
is a triplet of single-phase voltages and currents of the same magnitude and
phase in all three phases.
7.2. Symmetrical components 139
U 0R = U 0S = U 0T
Even if a positive sequence system is the dominating one, the phase volt-
age phasors become unequal due to the zero sequence system. Zero sequence
system currents can only flow through the neutrals of the wye connections,
and are always zero if such a return path does not exist. Contrary to positive
and negative sequence systems, the grounding of the neutrals is therefore of
critical importance for the zero sequence system. The impedances Z 0 = Y −1 0
of the lines and transformers in the zero sequence system are generally big-
ger than in the positive and negative sequence systems.
U 1T
U 2T
U 0T U 0R
U 1R U 2R
U 1S
U 2S
Figure 7.6. Change from symmetrical component system to the RST system.
S = U R I ∗R + U S I ∗S + U T I ∗T = UT I∗ (7.27)
We will now express the complex power using the symmetrical components
of the three-phase system. For the currents and the voltages in the RST
system we can use the vectors in the 120 system multiplied by the matrix
U = T U120 (7.28)
I = TI (7.29)
where E represents the identity matrix. Thus the equation (7.30) gives
T ∗
S = 3 · U120 · I120 =
= 3 · (U 1 I ∗1 + U 2 I ∗2 + U 0 I ∗0 ) (7.32)
Due to the choice of the eigenvectors and the T matrix a factor 3 arises
between the expressions of the powers in the RST and symmetrical com-
ponent systems. The symmetrical three phase system is transformed into a
positive sequence system of the same amplitude, i.e. the phasors of the 120
system can be just added vectorially, in order to obtain the values in the
RST system, as done in figure 7.6. Therefore the transformation used here
is called amplitude invariant. Generally the conversion of the powers is quite
straightforward, because each element of the RST system carries exactly the
triple power as compared with its equivalent in the symmetrical component
The reason for this factor 3 can also be explained as follows. In section
7.2 we saw that the phase voltages in the RST system consist each one
7.3. Powers in symmetrical component system 141
Z1 I1
ZS ~ U1
~ UR
ZS Z2 I2
~ US
ET ZM E2 ~ U2
~ UT
ZE Z0 I0
IR + IS + IT
E0 ~ U0
U R = −(I R + I S + I T )Z E + E R − Z 1 I R − Z 2 I S − Z 2 I T (7.42)
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
⎝ E S ⎠ = ⎝Z M + Z E ZS + ZE Z M + Z E ⎠ · ⎝ I S ⎠ + ⎝ U S ⎠ (7.43)
7.4. 120 equivalent circuit 143
With the aid of (7.22) this can be transformed into the 120 system:
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
E1 Z1 0 0 I1 U1
⎝E 2 ⎠ = ⎝ 0 Z 2 0 ⎠ · I 2 + U 2⎠
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ (7.44)
E0 0 0 Z0 I0 U0
Positive sequence system The circuit of the positive sequence system cor-
responds to the single-phase equivalent circuit of the balanced three phase
system. The voltage of the generator in the positive sequence system, which
is equal to the voltage E R of a symmetrically operated generator, feeds
the circuit. The impedances of the positive sequence system are included
with their impedances Z 1 . It should be noted that the Z 1 is independent
from neutral to ground impedance Z E . For the positive sequence system the
grounding of the neutrals is irrelevant, since the sum of the currents is zero.
Delta connected elements must be transformed into wye connections. In the
symmetrical, three-phase circuit all neutral points have the same potential,
it does not matter whether they are connected or not. In the equivalent
circuit of the positive sequence all neutral points can thus be regarded as
connected with each other.
Zero sequence system The zero sequence system is fed by the zero se-
quence component of the generator voltage, which is zero for symmetrical
generators. The zero sequence impedances Z 0 of the passive elements, which
generally differ from the positive and negative sequence system impedances,
144 7. Symmetrical components in three-phase systems
E1, E2, E0 US
Z 1, Z 2, Z 0
E S = a2 · E R (7.45)
ET = a · ER (7.46)
The generator voltages in the negative and in zero sequence systems are thus
zero. In figure 7.9 the resulting equivalent circuits are given.
Z1 I1
E1 ~ U1
Z2 I2
Z0 I0
7.10, a three phase system, whose generator neutral point is not grounded,
is shown.
In the preceding sections, it was already mentioned that for a system as
in figure 7.10 no zero sequence current can flow. But what does this actually
mean? In figure 7.10 the corresponding 120 system is given. The positive and
negative sequence systems remain unchanged. However, in the zero sequence
system the ground connection is interrupted. Thus no current can flow there.
One could also regard the zero sequence impedance Z 0 as infinitely large,
which has the same effect as the circuit interruption.
146 7. Symmetrical components in three-phase systems
Z1 I1
ER E1 ~ U1
~ UR
ES Z2 I2
~ US
~ UT
Z0 I0
7.4.4 Transformers
Transformers are very important for the analysis using symmetrical compo-
nents and for the neutral point grounding of systems. Foremost the zero se-
7.4. 120 equivalent circuit 147
Z 1,S I1
ER E1 ~ Z 1,L U1
~ UR
ES Z 2,S I2
~ US
ET Z 2,L U2
~ UT
Z 0,S I0
Z 0,L U0
Z T 0 + 3 Z Ep + Z Es
Z Ep Z Es ZT 0 ≈ 3 − 5 · Z1
ZT 0
2 S S
ZT 0 ≈ Z1
ZT 0
3Z Ep
Z Ep ZT 0 ≈ Z1
Z 1,S Z T1 I1
E1 ~ Z 1,L U1
Z 1,S Z T2 I2
Z 2,L U2
Z 0,S Z T0 I0
Z 0,L 3Z Es U0
overhead line has fallen down and touches the ground, or that a tree has
come in contact with one of the conductors. The single-phase ground fault
is the most frequent contingency in transmission grids. In high-voltage trans-
mission grids with nominal voltages higher than 130 kV this fault constitutes
about 80% of all disturbances. Depending upon the type of disturbance the
fault resistance between the phase and the ground can vary significantly.
Generally each connection between a single phase and the ground can be
considered as single-phase unbalance, thus e.g. also a single-phase load.
The starting point of the analysis is the symmetrical grid on figure 7.8. In
case of a fault the grid is loaded additionally by a fault resistance R between
a phase and the ground (Figure 7.15). Thus an unsymmetrical system of
currents and voltages will occur, which with the use of the three symmetrical
components can be analyzed. The left side corresponds to the symmetrical
system, the right side represents the faulted part of the grid with a fault
resistance, R, between the phase R and the ground.
For the analysis of the unsymmetrical part of the circuit we will use
the right part of the circuit in figure 7.15. The unbalanced conditions will be
described as relations between the voltages U R , U S , U T and the currents I R ,
I S , I T , at the fault location. In order to describe the unbalance completely,
three equations are needed, which contain the six quantities or some of them.
7.5. Fault analysis using symmetrical components 151
E2 = E0 = 0
Z 1, Z 2, Z 0 IT UT R
R · IR = U R (7.49a)
IS = 0 (7.49b)
IT = 0 (7.49c)
R · (I 1 + I 2 + I 0 ) = U 1 + U 2 + U 0 (7.50a)
a · I1 + a · I2 + I0 = 0
a · I 1 + a2 · I 2 + I 0 = 0 (7.50c)
I1 = I2 = I0 (7.52)
R · 3 · I1 = U 1 + U 2 + U 0 (7.53)
Z1 I1
Positive sequenceE 1 ~ U1
Z2 I2
Negative sequence U2 3R
Z0 I0
Zero sequence U0
of the voltages of the three sequence systems equals the voltage drop over the
resistance 3R caused by the identical sequence currents. From the equivalent
circuit of the symmetrical components the identical currents of the three
symmetric component currents can now be calculated:
I1 = I2 = I0 = (7.54)
Z 1 + Z 2 + Z 0 + 3R
The voltage E 1 is the open-circuited voltage of the positive sequence system,
i.e. the voltage at the fault location prior to the fault. The voltages at the
fault location before the fault are E R , E S = a2 E R and E T = aE R , thus one
obtains for the internal voltage of the positive sequence system
E 1 = (E R + aE S + a2 E T ) = E R (7.55)
The fault current I f is, as seen from figure 7.15, equal to the current in
phase R:
If = IR = I1 + I2 + I0 (7.56)
With this and with the equations (7.54) and (7.55) the fault current is given
If = 1 (7.57)
3 (Z 1 + Z 2 + Z 0 ) + R
7.5. Fault analysis using symmetrical components 153
From the circuit in figure 7.16 the fault voltages can also be calculated.
One obtains
U 1 = E1 − Z1I 1 = E1 − E1 · (7.58a)
Z 1 + Z 2 + Z 0 + 3R
U 2 = −Z 2 I 2 = −E 1 · (7.58b)
Z 1 + Z 2 + Z 0 + 3R
U 0 = −Z 0 I 0 = −E 1 · (7.58c)
Z 1 + Z 2 + Z 0 + 3R
From these equations the phase voltages of the RST system can be calcu-
lated. It is assumed that in the used three-phase system β = γ applies (see
section 7.2), so that Z 1 = Z 2 . We now introduce Z:
Z1 = Z2 = Z (7.59)
By means of equations (7.58a), (7.58b) and (7.58c) the phase voltages at the
fault location are calculated as
U R = U 1 + U 2 + U 0 = ER · (7.60a)
2Z + Z 0 + 3R
Z0 − Z
U S = a2 U 1 + aU 2 + U 0 = E S − E R · (7.60b)
2Z + Z 0 + 3R
Z0 − Z
U T = aU 1 + a2 U 2 + U 0 = E T − E R · (7.60c)
2Z + Z 0 + 3R
From these equations one can easily recognize that the zero sequence impe-
dance of the system has a substantial influence on the voltage of the“healthy”,
i.e. unfaulted, phases (in this case phases S and T). Two cases will be dis-
cussed below.
First we assume that the neutral point is solidly grounded, i.e. no impe-
dance in the ground connection, and that the line is short, whereby the
zero sequence impedance Z 0 is equal to the positive sequence impedance Z 1
and the negative sequence impedance Z 2 . A further simplifying assumption
comes from the fact that the fault resistance R is very low, which is the
case for “solid” short-circuits. With these assumptions (Z 0 = Z and R = 0)
equations (7.60a), (7.60b) and (7.60c) become
UR = 0 (7.61a)
U S = ES (7.61b)
U T = ET (7.61c)
154 7. Symmetrical components in three-phase systems
Figure 7.17. The three phase voltages during a single line to ground
fault. Left part: Z 0 = Z and R = 0. Right part: Z 0 = ∞ und R = 0.
(The dashed lines show the voltages prior to the fault, and the solid
lines the voltage phasors during the fault)
This means that with a ground fault in a system with solidly grounded neu-
tral point, the voltages in the healthy phases are not affected. In a realistic
system with a solidly grounded neutral point some of the above assumption
might not be valid, but still the voltages in the unfaulted phases are affected
The second case which is going to be investigated is the case of an un-
grounded (isolated) neutral point (Z 0 = ∞). Thus the above equations
change to
UR = 0 (7.62a)
U S = ES − ER (7.62b)
U T = ET − ER (7.62c)
From the result one sees that with a single-phase to ground fault in a system
with ungrounded √ neutral point the voltages of the healthy phases increases
with the factor 3. The figure 7.17 shows the voltages for both cases.
Unbalances of the sources, i.e. the generators, imply sources in the neg-
ative and zero sequence systems, in addition to the (desired) one in the
positive sequence system. Unbalances in the passive part of the system, i.e.
in impedances, loads, or faults, are considered by connections (couplings)
between the three equivalent circuits of the 120 system. It should be re-
membered that in a completely symmetrical (balanced) system the equiv-
alent circuits of the symmetrical components are completely uncoupled. In
the above regarded case of a single phase fault in phase R, the introduced
unbalance, as given by equations (7.52) and (7.53), can be imposed by con-
necting the three circuits of the symmetrical components in series so that
the three currents I 1 , I 2 , and I 0 are equal. The value of the fault resistance
R must be multiplied by three in order to fulfill eq. (7.53).
From the three values in the 120 system, e.g. voltages U 1 , U 2 and U 0 ,
the corresponding values in the RST system, magnitude and phase, can be
7.5. Fault analysis using symmetrical components 155
E2 = E0 = 0
Z 1, Z 2, Z 0 R
The assumption that the fault takes place between the phases S and T
simplifies the calculation compared with the other two possibilities. They
156 7. Symmetrical components in three-phase systems
IR = 0 (7.64a)
I S = −I T (7.64b)
U S − U T = R · IS (7.64c)
I1 + I2 + I0 = 0 (7.65a)
a2 I 1 + aI 2 + I 0 = − aI 1 + a2 I 2 + I 0 (7.65b)
a2 U 1 + aU 2 + U 0 − aU 1 + a2 U 2 + U 0 = R · a2 I 1 + aI 2 + I 0 (7.65c)
I 0 = −I 1 − I 2 (7.66)
I 1 = −I 2 (7.67)
I0 = 0 (7.68)
One could have written the latter equation directly, because a zero sequence
current always flows through a possible connection between the neutral point
and the ground. In the case of a two-phase short-circuit there is no closed
current loop through the neutral point and the fault impedance. The current
paths I R , I S and I T do not have any possibility (in contrast with the single-
phase failure case) to get closed through the ground and therefore they
do not contain any zero sequence component. The above properties of the
symmetrical component currents can now be used in eq. (7.65c) together
with the properties of the constant a giving:
I0 = 0 (7.69a)
I 1 = −I 2 (7.69b)
U 1 − U 2 = R · I1 (7.69c)
Z1 I1
Positive sequence E 1 ~ U1
Z2 I2
Negative sequence U2
Z0 I0
Zero sequence U0
I 1 = −I 2 = (7.70)
Z1 + Z2 + R
E 1 = (E R + aE S + a2 E T ) = E R (7.71)
158 7. Symmetrical components in three-phase systems
If = I S = a2 I 1 + a I 2 + I 0 (7.72)
= (a2 − a) I 1 = (a2 − a) (7.73)
Z1 + Z2 + R
√ ER
= −j 3 (7.74)
Z1 + Z2 + R
E2 = E0 = 0
Z 1, Z 2, Z 0
This kind of short-circuit arises very rarely, but normally causes the
highest short circuit currents (and thus the highest thermal and mechanical
stresses) and is used as “worst case” scenario in short-circuit computations.
In the here considered example, it is assumed that a fault resistance R exists
between the phases and the ground. As symmetrical conditions do prevail,
the currents and the voltages in case of the three-phase short-circuit with
ground contact do not differ from the case without earth contact. (The
point, at which the resistances R in figure 7.20 are connected together and
grounded, would have zero voltage even without connection to the ground.)
For the voltages and currents in the RST system applies
U R = R IR (7.75)
U S = R IS (7.76)
U T = R IT (7.77)
7.5. Fault analysis using symmetrical components 159
Z1 I1
Positive sequence E 1 ~ U1 R
Z2 I2
Negative sequence U2 R
Z0 I0
Zero sequence U0 R
U 1 = R I1 (7.78)
U 2 = R I2 (7.79)
U 0 = R I0 (7.80)
the single-phase ground fault results, i.e. I f = I R . Since the system in this
case is balanced also during the fault, no zero sequence current flows through
the neutral points.
– The neutrals of all transformers are grounded directly. In this case the
highest short-circuit currents occur.
– Only selected neutrals are grounded directly. The other neutrals are
IR N (G)
to ground fault on any phase will result in an unbalanced situation. For the
following considerations it is assumed that the single-phase to ground fault
appears on the phase R, as shown in figure 7.23. Additionally it is supposed
that the fault resistance is zero, so that the faulty phase is at ground po-
tential at the fault location. This shift of the ungrounded neutral affects of
course also the two other phases S and T (see the voltage phasor
√ diagram in
figure 7.23). The voltages are approximately by a factor of 3 larger than in
the stationary conditions, and they are also phase shifted. The fault current
in figure 7.23 is often sufficient to maintain an arc at the fault position.
In order to further reduce the fault current, a coil (inductance) can be
inserted between the neutral point and ground, which is known as a Petersen
coil (figure 7.24).
If a single-phase ground fault occurs, part of the short-circuit current
flows through the Petersen coil. The current through the coil lags the voltage
with π2 , but the current through the earth capacitances leads the voltage
162 7. Symmetrical components in three-phase systems
N If
with π2 . Thus the two current contributions in the arc are phase shifted by
π with respect to each other and by a suitable choice of the inductance
of the Petersen coil they will cancel out, resulting in a zero fault current.
The size of the Petersen coil must thus be selected in such a way that it
forms a parallel circuit together with the ground capacitances, which is in
resonance at the grid frequency. In this case no current can flow through the
zero sequence system and, consequently, not through the fault resistance R
in the ideal case, either.
In reality a small current will flow through the ground fault despite the
Petersen coil, since the real, not ideal coil has a resistance in addition to
the inductance. Furthermore, shunt resistances do exist in the grid, whereby
both the inductive and the capacitive currents are not purely reactive cur-
7.6. Resonant Grounding 163
rents and the capacitive and inductive currents are not exactly phase-shifted
by π. Thus, the resonant circuit does not block the current completely, but
a small resistive current remains. This resistive current lies in real systems
in the order of magnitude of 3 to 10% of the uncompensated ground fault
current. This current is usually too small to maintain an arc for single-phase
to ground faults, which are as already mentioned the most common type of
faults in power systems.
The inductance of the neutral point connection LP , as will be derived
in the next section, must fulfill
LP = (7.84)
3 ω 2 CE
Z1 I 1f
~ E1 ~ 1
ES I 2f
~ Z0 I 0f
3jωLP U 0f jωCE
RST 120
The fault current vanishes if the numerator in equation (7.88) is zero. Con-
sequently the inductance of the Petersen coil should be
LP = (7.89)
3 ω 2 CE
Of course one could formulate a condition for the blocking fault current: In resonance
the total impedance the fault current sees becomes infinitely large, i.e. the denominator
in equation (7.86) should be zero. From this one obtains the same result.
7.6. Resonant Grounding 165
1 2
E ~ U1 Linear network U2 ~ E
1 z 2
Y1 y1 y2 Y2
In a power system this is fulfilled since a voltage applied between one phase
and the ground in any point of the network will of course result in non-zero
voltage between this phase and ground. (It is assumed that the network is
passive, i.e. the generators are not connected.) The theorem we intend to
prove can thus be summarized as
Y1 = 0 ⎬
U 1 = E(= 0) ⇒ U 2 = 0 ⇒ Y2 =0 (7.90)
U 2 = E(= 0) ⇒ U 1 = 0
This means that, if the admittance is zero for one location, it will also be
zero for all other locations fulfilling the above, i.e. in practice at all locations
in the system.
To prove this we start with the calculation of the admittances Y 1 and
Y 2 of the circuit in figure 7.27:
1 y 1 + y 2 + z y 1 y2
Y 1 = y1 + = (7.91a)
z + 1/y 2 1 + z y2
1 y 1 + y 2 + z y 1 y2
Y 2 = y2 + = (7.91b)
z + 1/y 1 1 + z y1
A voltage applied at port 1 and port 2, respectively, will then give rise to
the following voltages at the other port, which are non-zero according to the
above stated conditions. This yields
U1 = E ⇒ U2 = 0
1 + z y2
⇒ 0
= (7.92a)
1 + z y2
U2 = E ⇒ U1 = 0
1 + z y1
⇒ 0
= (7.92b)
1 + z y1
this means that admittance in equation (7.91a), i.e. the admittance between
a phase and ground, which can be written as
y1 + y 2 + z y 1 y 2
Y1 = =0 (7.93)
1 + z y2
y1 + y2 + z y1 y2 = 0 (7.94)
Comparing this result with the expression for the admittance at location 2
in equation (7.91b), we see directly that
y1 + y 2 + z y 1 y 2
Y2 = =0 (7.95)
1 + z y1
y 1 + y 2 + z y1 y 2 = 0 and = 0
1 + z y1
This means that the admittance at location 2 also is also equal to zero,
and thus for a linear passive power system with resonant grounding the
impedances between a phase and ground at all locations of system are the
same and consequently infinite.
In a real system where the losses are considered as well, the admittance
will not be identically zero. Furthermore, switching actions in the grid will
change the total capacitance, and the resonant circuit will in practice be
detuned. The compensation is sufficient, however, to keep the ground fault
currents to relative small values (e.g. 50 A for medium voltage level) so that
equipment will not be destroyed and system operation could be maintained
during single-phase to ground faults.
168 7. Symmetrical components in three-phase systems
Appendix A
Zero sequence impedance of transform-
Z0 = (A.1)
I0 Phase R
I0 Phase S
I0 Phase T 3ph. System
3I 0 neutral conductor
170 A. Zero sequence impedance of transformers
Primary winding
secondary) are wye connected is considered. The three equal voltages in the
three phases will cause three equal magnetic fluxes in all three limbs of the
transformer. These flows add to non-zero in the yoke. As return path this
resulting flux needs a magnetic connection outside the windings of the three
phases. In transformers with additional limbs, these will provide the return
path, and an example is given in figure A.2 where a five limb transformer is
In a three limb transformer there exists no return path in the iron core
for the magnetic flux. The return flux must thus flow outside the iron core,
i.e. through the air and transformer tank. Such a return path has a high
reluctance, which implies that a high magnetizing current is needed to drive
the flux. Hence it follows that the zero impedance of a three limb three-
phase transformer is relatively low. If a three limb transformer is fed by a
zero current of the amount of the nominal current, then the zero voltage lies
normally in the range 60. . . 100 % of the nominal voltage.
In a five limb transformer a return path is possible via the side limbs.
As these side limbs are practically reluctance free in unsaturated conditions,
even small currents will create a considerable voltage between the phase
conductors and the neutral. The voltage and current quotient reaches very
high values, i.e. the zero sequence impedance of the transformer is very
large. For large zero currents, saturation appears in the side limbs whereby
the reluctance decreases. Thus the voltage and current quotient decreases,
the zero sequence impedance is thus not constant.
If the transformer has delta connected windings, then these represent a
short-circuit path for the induced zero voltage (see figure A.3). A counter
current will be induced which will correspond to the current in the wye con-
nected windings. The total zero impedance of such a transformer connection
consists of two components:
1. The zero impedance of the wye connected winding without the delta
U0 U0
Figure A.3. Wye and delta connected windings. For the wye connec-
tion the zero voltages in the three phases add themselves to zero and
can be regarded as short-circuited.
winding, plus
Figure 7.12 shows the zero impedances for different transformer connec-
tions. The value of the zero impedance Z 0 is not the same for all connections
no. 1–3. For wye-wye configurations like in no. 1 the zero impedance is es-
sentially dependent on the existence of the magnetic return path and on the
grounding impedances. For the case no. 1 the zero impedance consists of the
grounding impedances together plus the impedance between the two wind-
ings (the leakage reactance Z σ ). Since the triple zero current flows through
the neutral points impedances, these must be multiplied by three in the zero
sequence scheme. In case no. 2 no zero currents flow in the windings because
all three connection points R, S and T have the same zero voltage U 0 . Thus
the zero impedance becomes infinitely high. For connection no. 3 the zero
impedance results again from the coupling of the leakage fluxes and the neu-
tral point impedance of the primary winding. This applies also to the case
when the primary and secondary windings are reversed.
172 A. Zero sequence impedance of transformers
Appendix B
Zero sequence impedance of overhead
The basic equations for the calculation of the zero impedance of overhead
lines can be found in [20, 21, 22]. The derivation of these equations is rel-
atively complex and will not be discussed here in detail. Instead the fun-
damental effects will be qualitatively discussed and some important results
will be highlighted.
I0 2r
U0 h
174 B. Zero sequence impedance of overhead lines
Table B.1. Specific earth resistance and earth current depth for dif-
ferent soil types. [23].
Type of Moor Clay and Wet Dry Stony
ground land farm land sand sand or gravel land
in Ωm 30 100 200 1000 3000
δ in m 510 930 1320 2940 5100
The table B.1 indicates some typical values for the earth current depth as
function of the specific earth resistance at f = 50 Hz. In the northern pre-
Alps the specific earth resistance is typically between 100 and 200 Ωm. It
should be noted that metallic pipelines, fences, and other structures in the
ground can substantially affect the effective earth resistance as well as the
earth current depth.
Assuming h
δ (see table B.1) a simplified expression for the impedance
per length unit can be given as [23]:
ωμ0 ωμ0 δ μr
Z LE = R + +j ln + (B.2)
8 2π r 4
– 8 corresponds to the effective resistance of the ground return path
per length unit. It should be noted that this expression is independent
of the ground resistivity. This is a consequence of the assumption h
δ, which according to (B.1) implies a high or a low conductivity of
the ground.
– 2π ln δr corresponds to the outer reactance of the circuit per unit of
ωμ0 μr
– 2π · 4 is the inner reactance of the conductor per unit of length.
B.2. Zero sequence impedance of three-phase overhead lines 175
Zero sequence impedance without ground wire Figure B.2 (upper part)
shows a three-phase overhead line without ground wire. Each of the cur-
rents produces a magnetic flux linkage, which (partly) penetrates also the
other two conducting circuits. With consideration of this mutual inductive
coupling we obtain
Here Z nm is the mutual impedance per length unit between the phases n and
m; dnm is the distance between the conductors. Thus the zero impedance
(per length unit) of a three-phase overhead line without ground wire results
ωμ0 μ0 δ μr
Z 0 = R0 + jX0 = R + 3 + jω 3 ln √
+ (B.5)
8 2π rD 2 4
Zero sequence impedance with ground wire If the power line has ground
wire(s), then the coupling impedance between the phase conductors and the
ground wire needs also to be taken into account. Appropriate equations are
given in [23].
Primarily ground wires serve as shielding for lightning. Apart from that, however,
they still perform other tasks: Through the ground wire a parallel connection of the tower
grounding is established, which can lead to improved grounding conditions. In addition a
ground wire reduces the magnetic field from the line.
176 B. Zero sequence impedance of overhead lines
I0 R
I0 S
I0 T
3I 0
I0 R
I0 S
I0 T
3I 0
Figure B.2. Three-phase overhead line without (upper part) and with
(lower part) ground wire.
B.2. Zero sequence impedance of three-phase overhead lines 177
Table B.2. Typical values for the positive and zero sequence
impedances of high voltage overhead power lines, one three phase sys-
tem per tower, one ground wire [23].
Voltage Bundle Positive sequence Zero sequence
(kV) conductor Z 1 in Ω/km Z 0 in Ω/km
110 no 0.12 + j0.39 0.31 + j1.38
220 2 0.06 + j0.30 0.16 + j0.98
380 4 0.03 + j0.26 0.13 + j0.91
Apart from the existence of a ground wire, the zero impedance of a line
is determined particularly by the tower design, i.e. geometrical configuration
of the phase conductors and the ground wires at the tower and number of
three-phase lines on the tower, and the conductivity of the ground. Table B.2
gives some typical values for zero sequence impedances of overhead lines.
178 B. Zero sequence impedance of overhead lines
[10] Kundur, P.: Power system stability and control. McGraw-Hill, 1994.
– ISBN 0-07-035958-X
[20] Pollaczek, F.: Über das Feld einer unendlich langen wechselstrom-
durchflossenen Einfachleitung. In: Elektische Nachrichtentechnik 9
(1926), Nr. 3, S. 339–359
[24] Balzer, G. [u. a.]: Switchgear Manual. 9th edition. ABB Calor Emag
Schaltanlagen AG, Mannheim, Germany; Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin,
1995. – ISBN 3-464-48234-0