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1)What is OOPs?
Ans: Object oriented programming organizes a program around its data,i.e.,objects and a set of well
defined interfaces to that data.An object-oriented program can be characterized as data controlling access
to code.

2)what is the difference between Procedural and OOPs?

Ans: a) In procedural program, programming logic follows certain procedures and the instructions are
one after another. In OOPs program, unit of program is object, which is nothing but combination of data
and code.
b) In procedural program,data is exposed to the whole program whereas in OOPs program,it is
accessible with in the object and which in turn assures the security of the code.

3)What are Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism?

Ans: Encapsulation is the mechanism that binds together code and data it manipulates and keeps both safe
from outside interference and misuse.Inheritance is the process by which one object acquires the
properties of another object.Polymorphism is the feature that allows one interface to be used for general
class actions.

4)What is the difference between Assignment and Initialization?

Ans: Assignment can be done as many times as desired whereas initialization can be done only once.

5)What are Class, Constructor and Primitive data types?

Ans: Class is a template for multiple objects with similar features and it is a blue print for objects. It
defines a type of object according to the data the object can hold and the operations the object can
perform. Constructor is a special kind of method that determines how an object is initialized when
Primitive data types are 8 types and they are: byte, short, int, long float, double boolean char

6)What is an Object and how do you allocate memory to it?

Ans: Object is an instance of a class and it is a software unit that combines a structured set of data with a
set of operations for inspecting and manipulating that data. When an object is created using new operator,
memory is allocated to it.

7)What is the difference between constructor and method?

Ans: Constructor will be automatically invoked when an object is created whereas method has to be called
8)What are methods and how are they defined?
Ans: Methods are functions that operate on instances of classes in which they are defined. Objects can
communicate with each other using methods and can call methods in other classes.Method definition has
four parts. They are name of the method, type of object or primitive type the method returns, a list of
parameters and the body of the method. A method's signature is a combination of the first three parts
mentioned above.

9)What is the use of bin and lib in JDK?

Ans: Bin contains all tools such as javac, appletviewer, awt tool, etc., whereas lib contains API and all

10)What is casting?
Ans: Casting is used to convert the value of one type to another.

11)How many ways can an argument be passed to a subroutine and explain them?
Ans: An argument can be passed in two ways. They are passing by value and passing by reference.
Passing by value: This method copies the value of an argument into the formal parameter of the
Passing by reference: In this method, a reference to an argument (not the value of the argument) is passed
to the parameter.

12)What is the difference between an argument and a parameter?

Ans: While defining method, variables passed in the method are called parameters. While using those
methods, values passed to those variables are called arguments.
13)What are different types of access modifiers?
Ans: public: Any thing declared as public can be accessed from anywhere.
private: Any thing declared as private can't be seen outside of its class.
protected: Any thing declared as protected can be accessed by classes in the same package and
subclasses in the other packages.
default modifier : Can be accessed only to classes in the same package.

14)What is final, finalize() and finally?

Ans: final : final keyword can be used for class, method and variables.
A final class cannot be subclassed and it prevents other programmers from subclassing a secure
class to invoke insecure methods.
A final method can' t be overridden
A final variable can't change from its initialized value.
finalize( ) : finalize( ) method is used just before an object is destroyed and can be called just prior
to garbage collection.
finally : finally, a key word used in exception handling, creates a block of code that will be
executed after a try/catch block has completed and before the code following the try/catch
block. The finally block will execute whether or not an exception is thrown.
For example, if a method opens a file upon exit, then you will not want the code that
closes the file to be bypassed by the exception-handling mechanism. This finally
keyword is designed to address this contingency.

15)What is UNICODE?
Ans: Unicode is used for internal representation of characters and strings and it uses 16 bits to represent
each other.

16)What is Garbage Collection and how to call it explicitly?

Ans: When an object is no longer referred to by any variable, java automatically reclaims memory used
by that object. This is known as garbage collection.
System.gc() method may be used to call it explicitly.

17)What is finalize() method ?

Ans: finalize () method is used just before an object is destroyed and can be called just prior to garbage

18)What are Transient and Volatile Modifiers?

Ans: Transient: The transient modifier applies to variables only and it is not stored as part of its object's
Persistent state. Transient variables are not serialized.
Volatile: Volatile modifier applies to variables only and it tells the compiler that the variable
modified by
volatile can be changed unexpectedly by other parts of the program.

19)What is method overloading and method overriding?

Ans: Method overloading: When a method in a class having the same method name with different
arguments is said to be method overloading.
Method overriding : When a method in a class having the same method name with same arguments is said
to be method overriding.

20)What is difference between overloading and overriding?

Ans: a) In overloading, there is a relationship between methods available in the same class whereas in
overriding, there is relationship between a superclass method and subclass method.
b) Overloading does not block inheritance from the superclass whereas overriding blocks
inheritance from the superclass.
c) In overloading, separate methods share the same name whereas in overriding,subclass method
replaces the superclass.
d) Overloading must have different method signatures whereas overriding must have same
21) What is meant by Inheritance and what are its advantages?
Ans: Inheritance is the process of inheriting all the features from a class. The advantages of inheritance
are reusability of code and accessibility of variables and methods of the super class by subclasses.
22)What is the difference between this() and super()?
Ans: this() can be used to invoke a constructor of the same class whereas super() can be used to invoke a
super class constructor.
23)What is the difference between superclass and subclass?
Ans: A super class is a class that is inherited whereas sub class is a class that does the inheriting.

24) What modifiers may be used with top-level class?

Ans: public, abstract and final can be used for top-level class.

25)What are inner class and anonymous class?

Ans: Inner class : classes defined in other classes, including those defined in methods are called inner
classes. An inner class can have any accessibility including private.
Anonymous class : Anonymous class is a class defined inside a method without a name and is
instantiated and declared in the same place and cannot have explicit constructors.

26)What is a package?
Ans: A package is a collection of classes and interfaces that provides a high-level layer of access
protection and name space management.

27) What is a reflection package?

Ans: java.lang.reflect package has the ability to analyze itself in runtime.

28) What is interface and its use?

Ans: Interface is similar to a class which may contain method's signature only but not bodies and it is a
formal set of method and constant declarations that must be defined by the class that implements it.
Interfaces are useful for:
a)Declaring methods that one or more classes are expected to implement
b)Capturing similarities between unrelated classes without forcing a class relationship.
c)Determining an object's programming interface without revealing the actual body of the class.

29) What is an abstract class?

Ans: An abstract class is a class designed with implementation gaps for subclasses to fill in and is
deliberately incomplete.

30) What is the difference between Integer and int?

Ans: a) Integer is a class defined in the java.lang package, whereas int is a primitive data type defined in
the Java language itself. Java does not automatically convert from one to the other.
b) Integer can be used as an argument for a method that requires an object, whereas int can be used for
31) What is a cloneable interface and how many methods does it contain?
Ans- It is not having any method because it is a TAGGED or MARKER interface.

32) What is the difference between abstract class and interface?

Ans: a) All the methods declared inside an interface are abstract whereas abstract class must have at least
one abstract method and others may be concrete or abstract.
b) In abstract class, key word abstract must be used for the methods
whereas interface we need not use that keyword for the methods.
c) Abstract class must have subclasses whereas interface can't have subclasses.

33) Can you have an inner class inside a method and what variables can you access?
Ans: Yes, we can have an inner class inside a method and final variables can be accessed.

34) What is the difference between String and String Buffer?

Ans: a) String objects are constants and immutable whereas StringBuffer objects are not.
b) String class supports constant strings whereas StringBuffer class supports growable and modifiable

35) What is the difference between Array and vector?

Ans: Array is a set of related data type and static whereas vector is a growable array of objects and
36) What is the difference between exception and error?
Ans: The exception class defines mild error conditions that your program encounters.Ex: Arithmetic
Exception, FilenotFound exception Exceptions can occur when
-- try to open the file, which does not exist
-- the network connection is disrupted
-- operands being manipulated are out of prescribed ranges
-- the class file you are interested in loading is missing
The error class defines serious error conditions that you should not attempt to recover from. In most
cases it is advisable to let the program terminate when such an error is encountered.
Ex: Running out of memory error, Stack overflow error.

37) What is the difference between process and thread?

Ans: Process is a program in execution whereas thread is a separate path of execution in a program.

38) What is multithreading and what are the methods for inter-thread communication and what is
the class in which these methods are defined?
Ans: Multithreading is the mechanism in which more than one thread run independent of each other
within the process.
wait (), notify () and notifyAll() methods can be used for inter-thread communication and these
methods are in Object class.
wait( ) : When a thread executes a call to wait( ) method, it surrenders the object lock and enters into
a waiting state.
notify( ) or notifyAll( ) : To remove a thread from the waiting state, some other thread must make a
call to notify( ) or notifyAll( ) method on the same object.

39) What is the class and interface in java to create thread and which is the most advantageous
Ans: Thread class and Runnable interface can be used to create threads and using Runnable interface is
the most advantageous method to create threads because we need not extend thread class here.

40) What are the states associated in the thread?

Ans: Thread contains ready, running, waiting and dead states.

41) What is synchronization?

Ans: Synchronization is the mechanism that ensures that only one thread is accessed the resources at a

42) When you will synchronize a piece of your code?

Ans: When you expect your code will be accessed by different threads and these threads may change a
particular data causing data corruption.

43) What is deadlock?

Ans: When two threads are waiting each other and can't precede the program is said to be deadlock.

44) What is daemon thread and which method is used to create the daemon thread?
Ans: Daemon thread is a low priority thread which runs intermittently in the back ground doing the
garbage collection operation for the java runtime system. setDaemon method is used to create a daemon

45) Are there any global variables in Java, which can be accessed by other part of your program?
Ans: No, it is not the main method in which you define variables. Global variables is not possible because
concept of encapsulation is eliminated here.

46)What is an applet?
Ans: Applet is a dynamic and interactive program that runs inside a web page displayed by a java capable

47)What is the difference between applications and applets?

Ans: a)Application must be run on local machine whereas applet needs no explicit installation on local
b)Application must be run explicitly within a java-compatible virtual machine whereas applet loads and
runs itself automatically in a java-enabled browser.
d)Application starts execution with its main method whereas applet starts execution with its init method.
e)Application can run with or without graphical user interface whereas applet must run within a graphical
user interface.
48)How does applet recognize the height and width?
Ans:Using getParameters() method.
49)When do you use codebase in applet?
Ans:When the applet class file is not in the same directory, codebase is used.

50)What is the lifecycle of an applet?

Ans:init( ) method - Can be called when an applet is first loaded
start( ) method - Can be called each time an applet is started
paint( ) method - Can be called when the applet is minimized or maximized
stop( ) method - Can be used when the browser moves off the applet's page
destroy( ) method - Can be called when the browser is finished with the applet

51)How do you set security in applets?

Ans: using setSecurityManager() method

52) What is an event and what are the models available for event handling?
Ans: An event is an event object that describes a state of change in a source. In other words, event occurs
when an action is generated, like pressing button, clicking mouse, selecting a list, etc.
There are two types of models for handling events and they are:
a) event-inheritance model and b) event-delegation model

53) What are the advantages of the model over the event-inheritance model?
Ans: The event-delegation model has two advantages over the event-inheritance model. They are:
a)It enables event handling by objects other than the ones that generate the events. This allows a clean
separation between a component's design and its use.
b)It performs much better in applications where many events are generated. This performance
improvement is due to the fact that the event-delegation model does not have to be repeatedly process
unhandled events as is the case of the event-inheritance.

54)What is source and listener ?

Ans: source : A source is an object that generates an event. This occurs when the internal state of that
object changes in some way.
listener : A listener is an object that is notified when an event occurs. It has two major requirements.
First, it must have been registered with one or more sources to receive notifications about specific types of
events. Second, it must implement methods to receive and process these notifications.
55) What is adapter class?
Ans: An adapter class provides an empty implementation of all methods in an event listener interface.
Adapter classes are useful when you want to receive and process only some of the events that are handled
by a particular event listener interface. You can define a new class to act listener by extending one of the
adapter classes and implementing only those events in which you are interested.
For example, the MouseMotionAdapter class has two methods, mouseDragged( )and
mouseMoved(). The signatures of these empty are exactly as defined in the MouseMotionListener
interface. If you are interested in only mouse drag events, then you could simply extend
MouseMotionAdapter and implement
mouseDragged( ) .

56)What is meant by controls and what are different types of controls in AWT?
Ans: Controls are components that allow a user to interact with your application and the AWT supports
the following types of controls:
Labels, Push Buttons, Check Boxes, Choice Lists, Lists, Scrollbars, Text Components.
These controls are subclasses of Component.

57) What is the difference between choice and list?

Ans: A Choice is displayed in a compact form that requires you to pull it down to see the list of available
choices and only one item may be selected from a choice.
A List may be displayed in such a way that several list items are visible and it supports the selection
of one or more list items.
58) What is the difference between scrollbar and scrollpane?
Ans: A Scrollbar is a Component, but not a Container whereas Scrollpane is a Conatiner and handles its
own events and perform its own scrolling.
59) What is a layout manager and what are different types of layout managers available in
Ans: A layout manager is an object that is used to organize components in a container. The different
layouts are available are FlowLayout, BorderLayout, CardLayout, GridLayout and GridBagLayout.
60) How are the elements of different layouts organized?
Ans: FlowLayout: The elements of a FlowLayout are organized in a top to bottom, left to right fashion.
BorderLayout: The elements of a BorderLayout are organized at the borders (North, South, East and
West) and the center of a container.
CardLayout: The elements of a CardLayout are stacked, on top of the other, like a deck of cards.
GridLayout: The elements of a GridLayout are of equal size and are laid out using the square of a
GridBagLayout: The elements of a GridBagLayout are organized according to a grid.
However, the elements are of different size and may occupy more than one row or column of the
grid. In addition, the rows and columns may have different sizes.

61) Which containers use a Border layout as their default layout?

Ans: Window, Frame and Dialog classes use a BorderLayout as their layout.

62) Which containers use a Flow layout as their default layout?

Ans: Panel and Applet classes use the FlowLayout as their default layout.

63) What are wrapper classes?

Ans: Wrapper classes are classes that allow primitive types to be accessed as objects.

64) What are Vector, Hashtable, LinkedList and Enumeration?

Ans: Vector : The Vector class provides the capability to implement a growable array of objects.
Hashtable : The Hashtable class implements a Hashtable data structure. A Hashtable indexes and
stores objects in a dictionary using hash codes as the object's keys. Hash codes are integer values that
identify objects.
LinkedList: Removing or inserting elements in the middle of an array can be done using LinkedList.
A LinkedList stores each object in a separate link whereas an array stores object references in consecutive
Enumeration: An object that implements the Enumeration interface generates a series of elements,
one at a time. It has two methods, namely hasMoreElements( ) and nextElement( ). HasMoreElemnts( )
tests if this enumeration has more elements and nextElement method returns successive elements of the
65) What is the difference between set and list?
Ans: Set stores elements in an unordered way but does not contain duplicate elements, whereas list stores
elements in an ordered way but may contain duplicate elements.

66) What is a stream and what are the types of Streams and classes of the Streams?
Ans: A Stream is an abstraction that either produces or consumes information. There are two types of
Streams and they are:
Byte Streams: Provide a convenient means for handling input and output of bytes.
Character Streams: Provide a convenient means for handling input & output of characters.
Byte Streams classes: Are defined by using two abstract classes, namely InputStream and
Character Streams classes: Are defined by using two abstract classes, namely Reader and Writer.

67) What is the difference between Reader/Writer and InputStream/Output Stream?

Ans: The Reader/Writer class is character-oriented and the InputStream/OutputStream class is byte-

68) What is an I/O filter?

Ans: An I/O filter is an object that reads from one stream and writes to another, usually altering the data in
some way as it is passed from one stream to another.

69) What is serialization and deserialization?

Ans: Serialization is the process of writing the state of an object to a byte stream.
Deserialization is the process of restoring these objects.
70) What is JDBC?
Ans: JDBC is a set of Java API for executing SQL statements. This API consists of a set of classes and
interfaces to enable programs to write pure Java Database applications.
71) What are drivers available?
Ans: a) JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver b) Native API Partly-Java driver
c) JDBC-Net Pure Java driver d) Native-Protocol Pure Java driver
72) What is the difference between JDBC and ODBC?
Ans: a) OBDC is for Microsoft and JDBC is for Java applications.
b) ODBC can't be directly used with Java because it uses a C interface.
c) ODBC makes use of pointers which have been removed totally from Java.
d) ODBC mixes simple and advanced features together and has complex options for simple queries.
But JDBC is designed to keep things simple while allowing advanced capabilities when required.
e) ODBC requires manual installation of the ODBC driver manager and driver on all client
machines. JDBC drivers are written in Java and JDBC code is automatically installable, secure, and
portable on all platforms.
f) JDBC API is a natural Java interface and is built on ODBC. JDBC retains some of the basic
features of ODBC.

73) What are the types of JDBC Driver Models and explain them?
Ans: There are two types of JDBC Driver Models and they are:
a) Two tier model and b) Three tier model
Two tier model: In this model, Java applications interact directly with the database. A JDBC driver is
required to communicate with the particular database management system that is being accessed. SQL
statements are sent to the database and the results are given to user. This model is referred to as
client/server configuration where user is the client and the machine that has the database is called as the
Three tier model: A middle tier is introduced in this model. The functions of this model are:
a) Collection of SQL statements from the client and handing it over to the database,
b) Receiving results from database to the client and
c) Maintaining control over accessing and updating of the above.

74) What are the steps involved for making a connection with a database or how do you connect to a
Ans: a) Loading the driver : To load the driver, Class.forName( ) method is used.
When the driver is loaded, it registers itself with the java.sql.DriverManager class as an
available database driver.
b) Making a connection with database : To open a connection to a given database,
DriverManager.getConnection( ) method is used.
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:odbc:somedb", "user", "password");
c) Executing SQL statements : To execute a SQL query, java.sql.statements class is used.
createStatement( ) method of Connection to obtain a new Statement object.
Statement stmt = con.createStatement( );
A query that returns data can be executed using the executeQuery( ) method of Statement. This
method executes the statement and returns a java.sql.ResultSet that encapsulates the retrieved data:
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM some table");
d) Process the results : ResultSet returns one row at a time. Next( ) method of ResultSet object can
be called to move to the next row. The getString( ) and getObject( ) methods are used for retrieving
column values:
while( ) ) {
String event = rs.getString("event");
Object count = (Integer) rs.getObject("count");

75) What type of driver did you use in project?

Ans: JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver (is a driver that uses native(C language) libraries and makes calls to an
existing ODBC driver to access a database engine).

76) What are the types of statements in JDBC?

Ans: Statement -- To be used createStatement() method for executing single SQL statement
PreparedStatement -- To be used preparedStatement() method for executing same SQL statement
over and over

CallableStatement -- To be used prepareCall( ) method for multiple SQL statements over and over

77) What is stored procedure?

Ans: Stored procedure is a group of SQL statements that forms a logical unit and performs a particular
task. Stored Procedures are used to encapsulate a set of operations or queries to execute on database.
Stored procedures can be compiled and executed with different parameters and results and may have any
combination of input/output parameters.
78) How to create and call stored procedures?
Ans: To create stored procedures:
Create procedure procedurename (specify in, out and in out parameters)
Any multiple SQL statement;
To call stored procedures:
CallableStatement csmt = con.prepareCall("{call procedure name(?,?)}");
csmt.registerOutParameter(column no., data type);
csmt.setInt(column no., column name)
csmt.execute( );

79) What is servlet?

Ans: Servlets are modules that extend request/response-oriented servers, such as java-enabled web
For example, a servlet might be responsible for taking data in an HTML order-entry form and
applying the business logic used to update a company's order database.

80) What are the classes and interfaces for servlets?

Ans: There are two packages in servlets and they are javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http.
Javax.servlet contains:

Interfaces Classes
Servlet Generic Servlet
ServletRequest ServletInputStream
ServletResponse ServletOutputStream
ServletConfig ServletException
ServletContext UnavailableException
Javax.servlet.http contains:

Interfaces Classes
HttpServletRequest Cookie
HttpServletResponse HttpServlet
HttpSession HttpSessionBindingEvent
HttpSessionCintext HttpUtils

81) What is the difference between an applet and a servlet?

Ans: a) Servlets are to servers what applets are to browsers.
b) Applets must have graphical user interfaces whereas servlets have no graphical user interfaces.

82) What is the difference between doPost and doGet methods?

Ans: a) doGet() method is used to get information, while doPost( ) method is used for posting
b) doGet() requests can't send large amount of information and is limited to 240-255 characters.
However, doPost( )requests passes all of its data, of unlimited length.
c) A doGet( ) request is appended to the request URL in a query string and this allows the exchange is
visible to the client, whereas a doPost() request passes directly over the socket connection as part of its
HTTP request body and the exchange are invisible to the client.
83) What is the life cycle of a servlet?
Ans: Each Servlet has the same life cycle:
a) A server loads and initializes the servlet by init () method.
b) The servlet handles zero or more client's requests through service( ) method.
c) The server removes the servlet through destroy() method.

84) Who is loading the init() method of servlet?

Ans: Web server

85) What are the different servers available for developing and deploying Servlets?
Ans: a) Java Web Server b)JRun g) Apache Server
h) Netscape Information Server
i) Web Logic
86) How many ways can we track client and what are they?
Ans: The servlet API provides two ways to track client state and they are:
a) Using Session tracking and b) Using Cookies.

87) What is session tracking and how do you track a user session in servlets?
Ans: Session tracking is a mechanism that servlets use to maintain state about a series requests
from the same user across some period of time. The methods used for session tracking are:
a) User Authentication - occurs when a web server restricts access to some of its resources to only
those clients that log in using a recognized username and password
b) Hidden form fields - fields are added to an HTML form that are not displayed in the client's
browser. When the form containing the fields is submitted, the fields are sent back to the server
c) URL rewriting - every URL that the user clicks on is dynamically modified or rewritten to include
extra information. The extra information can be in the form of extra path information, added parameters
or some custom, server-specific URL change.
d) Cookies - a bit of information that is sent by a web server to a browser and which can later be read
back from that browser.
e) HttpSession- places a limit on the number of sessions that can exist in memory. This limit is set in
the session.maxresidents property

89) What are cookies and how will you use them?
Ans: Cookies are a mechanism that a servlet uses to have a client hold a small amount of state-
information associated with the user.
a) Create a cookie with the Cookie constructor: public Cookie(String name, String value)
b) A servlet can send a cookie to the client by passing a Cookie object to the addCookie() method of
HttpServletResponse: public void HttpServletResponse.addCookie(Cookie cookie)
c) A servlet retrieves cookies by calling the getCookies() method of HttpServletRequest:
public Cookie[ ] HttpServletRequest.getCookie( ).

90) Is it possible to communicate from an applet to servlet and how many ways and how?
Ans: Yes, there are three ways to communicate from an applet to servlet and they are:
a) HTTP Communication(Text-based and object-based)
b) Socket Communication
c) RMI Communication
(You can say, by using URL object open the connection to server and get the InputStream from
URLConnection object).
Steps involved for applet-servlet communication:
1) Get the server URL.-- URL url = new URL();
2) Connect to the host --- URLConnection Con = url.openConnection();
3) Initialize the connection -- Con.setUseCatches(false):
4) Data will be written to a byte array buffer so that we can tell the server the length of the data.
ByteArrayOutputStream byteout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
5) Create the OutputStream to be used to write the data to the buffer.
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(byteout);

91) What is connection pooling?

Ans: With servlets, opening a database connection is a major bottleneck because we are creating and
tearing down a new connection for every page request and the time taken to create connection will be
more. Creating a connection pool is an ideal approach for a complicated servlet. With a connection pool,
we can duplicate only the resources we need to duplicate rather than the entire servlet. A connection pool
can also intelligently manage the size of the pool and make sure each connection remains valid. A
number of connection pool packages are currently available. Some like DbConnectionBroker are freely
available from Java Exchange Works by creating an object that dispenses connections and connection Ids
on request.The ConnectionPool class maintains a Hastable, using Connection objects as keys and Boolean
values as stored values. The Boolean value indicates whether a connection is in use or not. A program
calls getConnection( ) method of the ConnectionPool for getting Connection object it can use; it calls
returnConnection( ) to give the connection back to the pool.

92) Why should we go for interservlet communication?

Ans: Servlets running together in the same server communicate with each other in several ways.The three
major reasons to use interservlet communication are:
a) Direct servlet manipulation - allows to gain access to the other currently loaded servlets and
perform certain tasks (through the ServletContext object)
b) Servlet reuse - allows the servlet to reuse the public methods of another servlet.
c) Servlet collaboration - requires to communicate with each other by sharing specific information
(through method invocation)

93) Is it possible to call servlet with parameters in the URL?

Ans: Yes. You can call a servlet with parameters in the syntax as (?Param1 = xxx || m2 = yyy).

94) What is Servlet chaining?

Ans: Servlet chaining is a technique in which two or more servlets can cooperate in servicing a single
In servlet chaining, one servlet's output is piped to the next servlet's input. This process continues
until the last servlet is reached. Its output is then sent back to the client.

95) How do servlets handle multiple simultaneous requests?

Ans: The server has multiple threads that are available to handle requests. When a request comes in, it is
assigned to a thread, which calls a service method (for example: doGet(), doPost( ) and service( ) ) of the
servlet. For this reason, a single servlet object can have its service methods called by many threads at

96) What is the difference between TCP/IP and UDP?

Ans: TCP/IP is a two-way communication between the client and the server and it is a reliable and there is
a confirmation regarding reaching the message to the destination. It is like a phone call. UDP is a one-way
communication only between the client and the server and it is not a reliable and there is no confirmation
regarding reaching the message to the destination. It is like a postal mail.

97) What is Inet address?

Ans: Every computer connected to a network has an IP address. An IP address is a number that uniquely
identifies each computer on the Net. An IP address is a 32-bit number.

98) What is Domain Naming Service(DNS)?

Ans: It is very difficult to remember a set of numbers(IP address) to connect to the Internet. The Domain
Naming Service(DNS) is used to overcome this problem. It maps one particular IP address to a string of
characters. For example, implies com is the domain name reserved for US commercial
sites, moscom is the name of the company and www is the name of the specific computer, which is
mascom's server.

99) What is URL?

Ans: URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and it points to resource files on the Internet.URL has
four components:
http - protocol name, Pentafour - IP address or host name, 80 - port number and index.html - file path.

100) What is RMI and steps involved in developing an RMI object?

Ans: Remote Method Invocation (RMI) allows java object that executes on one machine and to invoke the
method of a Java object to execute on another machine.The steps involved in developing an RMI object:
a) Define the interfaces
b) Implementing these interfaces
c) Compile the interfaces and their implementations with the java compiler
d) Compile the server implementation with RMI compiler
e) Run the RMI registry
f) Run the application

101) What is RMI architecture?

Ans: - RMI architecture consists of four layers and each layer performs specific functions:
a) Application layer ---- contains the actual object definition
b) Proxy layer ---- consists of stub and skeleton
c) Remote Reference layer ---- gets the stream of bytes from the transport layer and sends it to the
proxy layer
d) Transportation layer ---- responsible for handling the actual machine-to-machine
102) what is UnicastRemoteObject?
Ans: All remote objects must extend UnicastRemoteObject, which provides functionality that is needed to
make objects available from remote machines.
103) Explain the methods, rebind( ) and lookup() in Naming class?
Ans: rebind( ) of the Naming class(found in java.rmi) is used to update the RMI registry on the server
Naming. rebind("AddSever", AddServerImpl);
lookup( ) of the Naming class accepts one argument, the rmi URL and returns a reference to an
object of type AddServerImpl.

104) What is a Java Bean?

Ans: A Java Bean is a software component that has been designed to be reusable in a variety of different

105) What is a Jar file?

Ans: Jar file allows to efficiently deploying a set of classes and their associated resources. The elements in
a jar file are compressed, which makes downloading a Jar file much faster than separately downloading
several uncompressed files. The package contains classes that read and write jar files.

107) What is JSP?

Ans: JSP is a dynamic scripting capability for web pages that allows Java as well as a few special tags to
be embedded into a web file (HTML/XML, etc). The suffix traditionally ends with .jsp to indicate to the
web server that the file is a JSP files. JSP is a server side technology - you can't do any client side
validation with it. The advantages are:
a)The JSP assists in making the HTML more functional. Servlets on the other hand allow outputting of
HTML but it is a tedious process.
b)It is easy to make a change and then let the JSP capability of the web server you are using deal with
compiling it into a servlet and running it.

108) What are JSP scripting elements?

Ans: JSP scripting elements lets to insert Java code into the servlet that will be generated from the current
JSP page. There are three forms:
a) Expressions of the form <%= expression %> that are evaluated and inserted into the output,
b) Scriptlets of the form <% code %> that are inserted into the servlet's service method, and
c) Declarations of the form <%! Code %> that are inserted into the body of the servlet class, outside
of any existing methods.
109) What are JSP Directives?
Ans: A JSP directive affects the overall structure of the servlet class. It usually has the following form:
<%@ directive attribute="value" %>
However, you can also combine multiple attribute settings for a single directive, as follows:
<%@ directive attribute1="value1"
attribute 2="value2"
attributeN ="valueN" %>
There are two main types of directive: page, which lets to do things like import classes, customize
the servlet superclass, and the like; and include, which lets to insert a file into the servlet class at the time
the JSP file is translated into a servlet ( sri-there is taglib directive also)
110) What are Predefined variables or implicit objects?
Ans: To simplify code in JSP expressions and scriptlets, we can use eight ( sri-nine)automatically defined
variables, sometimes called implicit objects.

111) What are JSP ACTIONS?

Ans: JSP actions use constructs in XML syntax to control the behavior of the servlet engine. You can
dynamically insert a file, reuse JavaBeans components, forward the user to another page, or generate
HTML for the Java plugin. Available actions include:
? jsp:include - Include a file at the time the page is requested.
? jsp:useBean - Find or instantiate a JavaBean.
? jsp:setProperty - Set the property of a JavaBean.
? jsp:getProperty - Insert the property of a JavaBean into the output.
? jsp:forward - Forward the requester to a newpage.
? Jsp: plugin - Generate browser-specific code that makes an OBJECT or EMBED

112) How do you pass data (including JavaBeans) to a JSP from a servlet?
(1) Request Lifetime: Using this technique to pass beans, a request dispatcher (using either "include" or
forward") can be called. This bean will disappear after processing this request has been completed.
request.setAttribute("theBean", myBean);
RequestDispatcher rd = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("thepage.jsp");
rd.forward(request, response);
<jsp: useBean id="theBean" scope="request" class="....." />
(2) Session Lifetime: Using this technique to pass beans that are relevant to a particular session
(such as in individual user login) over a number of requests. This bean will disappear when the
session is invalidated or it times out, or when you remove it.
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
session.putValue("theBean", myBean);
/* You can do a request dispatcher here,
or just let the bean be visible on the
next request */
JSP Page:
<jsp:useBean id="theBean" scope="session" class="..." />
3) Application Lifetime: Using this technique to pass beans that are relevant to all servlets and JSP
pages in a particular app, for all users. For example, I use this to make a JDBC connection pool object
available to the various servlets and JSP pages in my apps. This bean will disappear when the servlet
engine is shut down, or when you remove it.
GetServletContext(). setAttribute("theBean", myBean);
<jsp:useBean id="theBean" scope="application" class="..." />

113) How can I set a cookie in JSP?

Ans: response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", "cookie string");
To give the response-object to a bean, write a method setResponse
(HttpServletResponse response)
- to the bean, and in jsp-file:
bean.setResponse (response);

114) How can I delete a cookie with JSP?

Ans: Say that I have a cookie called "foo," that I set a while ago & I want it to go away. I simply:
Cookie killCookie = new Cookie("foo", null);
115) How are Servlets and JSP Pages related?
Ans: JSP pages are focused around HTML (or XML) with Java codes and JSP tags inside them. When a
web server that has JSP support is asked for a JSP page, it checks to see if it has already compiled the
page into a servlet. Thus, JSP pages become servlets and are transformed into pure Java and then
compiled, loaded into the server and executed.

2)What are the design goals of the Enterprise JavaBeansTM architecture?

The Enterprise JavaBeans specification defines a standard architecture for implementing the business
logic of multi-tier applications as reusable components
In addition to Enterprise JavaBeans components, the architecture defines three other entities:
servers,containers, and clients. This architecture incorporates several design goals:
Enterprise JavaBeans servers are designed to wrap around legacy systems to provide fundamental services
for "containers and the components they contain"
Enterprise JavaBeans containers are designed to handle details of "component" life-cycle, transaction, and
security management

Component developers are free to focus on business logic, since containers provide services automatically
by interceding in component method calls. A simple set of callback interfaces are all that a developer
needs to implement to participate in container provided services.
A client's view of an Enterprise JavaBean remains the same regardless of the container it is deployed in.
Any container in which an Enterprise JavaBean is deployed presents the same interfaces to the client. This
extends to containers from different vendors, running against different servers and different databases, on
diverse systems on a network. This client transparency ensures wide scalability for multi-tier applications.

1)What is Enterprise JavaBeans?

a)EJB architecture is component architecture for the develeopment and deployment of component-based
distributed business applications.EJB the widely adopted serverside component architecture for Java2
platform,Enterprise ediition(J2EE),versatile,reusable and portable across middleware.

2)Is Ejb a product?

a)No, Ejb is a specification,Enterprise JavBeans defines the EJB component architecture and the
interfaces between the EJB enabled server and the component.

3)who are ejb product owners?

a)EJB is not a product it is a specification implemented by Sun with participation from many key vendors
in the industry.Vendors like IBM,BEA,Sun and Oracle etc., are providing products that implement the
EJB specification.

4)what are the main features in EJB?

a) EJB architecture is inherently transactional,distributed,portable,multitierand secure.
EJB components are serverside components written entirely in the java.
EJB components contain business logic only no system level programing.
System level services such as transactions,security,Life cycle,threading,persistence,etc are
automatically managed by the EJB Component by the EJB server.
EJB architecture is wire-protocol neutral Any protocol can be utilized:HTTP,IIOP,DCOM etc.

8)How Client contact the Bean?

a)The Client view is provided through two interface -- the home interface and the remote interface.These
interfaces are provided by classes constructed by the container when a bean is deployed, based on
information provided by the bean

9)why doesn't the client interact with an EnterPrise JavaBean directly?

a)To the client. there appears to be direct interaction with an EnterPrise JavaBean through the home and
remote interface.The Container interacts between client and component,Completely concealing both bean
instance and its own actions from the clients.

10)What methods are developers required to implement the Enterprise JavaBeans Architecture?
a)There are three categoriesof EJB methods.First, the bean implements methods to those in its home
interface containeing methods,second abean implements business logic methods corresponding to htose
prvided by its remote interface.Finally abean implements methods for interacting with the container.But
these methods are not intended for client access, they are hidden by the container.
11)What are the basic types of Enterprise JavaBeans?
a)There are two types of Enterprise beans- session beans and entity beans represending different types of
business logic abstactions.
Sesssion beans represent behaviors associated with client sessions,they are generally implemented to
perform a sequence of tasks with in the context of a transaction.A Session bean is a logical extension of
the client program, running process on the Clients behalf remotely on the server.
Entity beans reprsent specific data or collection of data, such as a row
in a relatiopnal database. Entity bean methods provided operations for action on the data represented by
the bean.An entity bean is persistent,it servives as long as its data remains in the database.

12)How does a Client find and connect to a specific enterprise bean?

a)A client accesses an Enterprise JavaBean by looking up the class implemnting its home interface by
name through JNDI.It then uses methods of the home interface to acquire access to an instance of the
class implementing the remote interface.

13)How does a Client find and connect to a specific enterprise bean write the coding?
a) Context ct=new InitialContext();
HaiHome home=(HaiHome)ct.lookup("hai");
HaiRemote remote=home.create();
then remote.Business methods..
14)What general services does a containe provide for an Enterprise JavaBean component?
a) A Container provides Enterprise JavaBeans Components with services of several types First it provides
services for lifecycle management and instance pooling, including creation,activation,passvation, and
destroy.Secod it interacts methods in a bean to enforce transction and security constraints.It enforce
policies and restrictions on bean instances, such as reentrance rules security polices , and some others.

15)What classes and interfaces does a session bean developer define?

a)The Session bean developer defines the home and remote interfce that represent the client vies of the
bean.Developers also create a class that implements both SessionBean and SessionSynchronization
interfaces , as well as methods corresponding to those in the beans home and remote interfaces.

16)what are main interfaces in EJB required ?

a)javax.ejb pacakage contains mainly SessionBean,EntityBean Interfaces

17)What are abstract methods in SessionBean ?

public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ct)
public void ejbActivate()
public void ejbPassivate()
public void ejbRemove()

18)What are the abstract methods in EntityBean ?

a) public void setEntityContext(EntityContext ct)
public void unSetEntityContext()
public void ejbActivate()
public void ejbPassivate()
public void ejbRemove()
public void ejbLoad()
public void ejbStore()

19)What are types in SessionBeans?a) SessionBeans are mainly two types Stateless and Stateful

20)what are distinction between a stateless and stateful?

a) Stateless beans are beans that don't maintain state across method calls.They are generally intended to
perform individual operations automatically.Any instance of stateless bean can be used by any client
at any time
Stateful session beans maintain state within and between transactions Each Stateful session bean is
associated with a specific client.Containers can automatically save and retrieve a beans state in
the process of managing instance pools of stateful beans.

21)How do Stateful Session beans maintain consistency across transaction updates?

a) Stateful session beans maintain data consistency by updating their fields each time a transaction is
committed.To keep informed of changes in transation status, a stateful session bean implements the
SessionSynchronization interface.The Container then calls methods of this interface as it initiates and
completes transactions involving the bean.

22)Can't stateful session beans persistent?

a)Session beans are not designed to be persistent, whether stateful or stateless.A stateful session bean
instance typically can't survive system failures and other destructive events.

23) Is it possible to maintain persistence temporarly in stateful sessiionbeans?

a)yes,it is possible using Handle

24)What Classes and interfaces does an entity bean developer provide?

a) The Entity bean developer defines the home and remote interfaces that represent the cleint view of the
bean.Developers also create a class that implements the EntityBean interface, as well ass methods
corresponding to those in the bean's home and remote interface.
In addition to defininf create methods in the EJBHome interface, the entity bean develpoers must also
implement finder methods.

26)what's a finder method?

a)A finder method provides a way to access an entity bean by its contents.
Finder methods are designed to be introspected and displayed by devleopment and deployment tools.
The principal finder method that must be implement by all entity bean is finderByPrimaryKey.In
addition to this method the developer must also implement a primaryKey class to provide each entity
bean with a unique,serializable identity.

27)What is the difference between container-managed and beanmanaged persistence?

a)In bean managed persistenece, the bean is entirely responsible for storing and retriving its instance
data.The EntityBean interface provides methods for the container to notify an instance when it needs to
store or retrieve its data.
In container managed persistence, entity bean data is automatically maintained by the container using a
mechanism of its choosing.

28)How is an entity bean created?

a)An entity bean can be created in two ways: by direct action of the client in which a create method is
called on the bean's home interfce or some other action that adds data to the database that the bean type

29)How does the cleint get a reference to an existing entitybean?

a)A client can get a reference to an existiing entity bean in several ways:
Receiving the bean as paramater in a method call
Looking the bean uo through a finder method of hte home interface
30) How does a container manages access from multiple transactions on an entiy bean?
a)Container can acquire an exclusive lock on the instances's sate in the database and serializable acess
from multiple transaction to this instance.

31)How do u determine whether two entity beans are the same?

a)By invoking the EntityBen.isIdentical method.This method should be implemented by the entitybean
developer to determine when two reference are to the same object.

32)What are the transaction management benefits of the Enterprise JavaBeans architectur?
a)The Enterprise JavaBeans architecture provides automatic support for distributed transations in
component based applications.Such distributed transactions can automatically update data in multiple

33) Does Enterprise JavaBeans allow alternatives to container-manged transactions?

a)In addition to container-managed transactions, an Enterprise JavaBeans can participate in client-
managed and bean-manged transactions.
34)What transaction attributes do Enterprise JavaBean containers support?
a) A container supports the following value for the transaction attribute of an Enterprise JavaBean.
The bean runs outside the context of a transaction.Existing transactions are suspended for the duration of

35)Explaine the Transaction attributed?

a)A container supports the following value for the transaction attribute of an Enterprise JavaBean.

TX_NOT_SUPPORTED NOTSUPPORTED: The bean runs outside the context of a transaction.Existing

transactions are suspended for the duration of method calls.
TX_BEAN_MANAGED NEVER: The bean demarks its own transactions boundaries through the JTA
UserTransation interface.
TX_REQUIRED REQUIRED: Method calls require a transaction context.If one exists ,it will be
used;if none exists,one will be created
TX_SUPPORTS SUPPORTS: Method calls use the current transaction context if one exists,but
don't create one if none exists.
TX_REQUIRES_NEW REQUIRESNEW: Continers create new transactions before each method call
on the bean, and commit transacions before returing.
TX_MANDATORY: Method calls require a transacion context.If none exists, an exception is thrown.
36)What levels of transaction isolation does the Enterprise JavaBeans specification support?
a)The Enterprise JavaBeans specification defines four supported levels of transaction isolation:


37)What is the relationship betwen Enterprise Java

Beans coponent architecture and XML technology?
a)EJB defines a standard for portable business logic and XML technology defines a standard for portable

38)How do you configure a session bean for bean-manged transactions?

a) By set transaction-type in the xml file.

39)How do you configure a session bean for bean-manged transactions?

a) By set transaction-attribute in the xml file or int he deployment descriptor.

41)Is is possible for an EJB client to marshall an object of class java.lang.Class to an EJB?
a)Technically yes, spec. compliant NO! "The enterprise bean must not attempt to query a class to

42)Is it possible to write two EJB's that share the same Remote and Home interfaces, and have
different bean classes? if so, what are the advantages/disadvantages?
a)Sharing interfaces might be possible, but not trivial.
If you deploy with Sun Deployment Tool 1.2.1 you will get a
java.lang.ClassCastException: MyBean2EJB_EJBObjectImpl ...

43)Is it possible to specify multiple JNDI names when deploying an EJB?

a)No. To achieve this you have to deploy your EJB multiple times each
specifying a different JNDI name. ..

44)What is the status of the UML-EJB Mapping Specification ?

a)It is currently > in the expert group stage, meaning that the CAll For > Experts (CAFE) was issued and
replies were received. ...

45)Is it legal to have static initializer blocks in EJB?

a)Although technically it is legal,static initializer blocks are used to execute some piece of code before
executing any constructor or method while instantiating ...

46)In CMP how can I define a finder method equivalent to a 'SELECT * FROM BANKS '
Weblogic 5.1.0 - Define the following Finder syntax in your weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor.
<method-params> </method-params>

47)Is it possible to access a CORBA object from a EJB?

a)I am using VisiBroker 4.0 for my CORBA objects and J2EE 1.2.1 for my EJB.
then These properties can be set on the commandline (using -Dorg. or using a file named
Java:API:EJB, Java:API:CORBA Robert Castaneda ...

48)How can we interact with COM/DCOM components from a EJB component ?

a)A list of tools that integrate Java with the Microsoft platform is
available here. These tools can be used, as long as they stay within
the EJB specification requirements .

49)Is it possible to stop the execution of a method before completion in a SessionBean?

a)Threads inside an EJB, One possible solution (that requires coding) would be to setting the transaction

50) What is a major difference SessionBean and EntityBean?

a) *SB's state can be shared by only one client at a time. - persistence storage device is .ser file
*EB's state can be shared by multiple clients, because as its persistence storage device is DB.
*Used to maintain client's state persistent in the SB's instance vars
51) What is the TX operational difference SessionBean and EntityBean?
a) SB may or may not be used for TX operational operations,
even they are used for TXs bean developer itself responsible to update the bean values into DB.
b)EBs are specially designed for TX operations
where bean develope is only responsible for updating bean values,
where the bean values were updated into DB by executing one additional funtion called ejbStore().

52)Who execute TX operation funtion?

a)Container for every regular intervals and interval time is the refreshMinutes
property in JDBC Connection Pool Management.

53) What is the TX operational difference SessionBean and EntityBean?

a) SB may or may not be used for TX operational operations,
even they are used for TXs bean developer itself responsible to update the bean values into DB.
b)EBs are specially designed for TX operations
where bean develope is only responsible for updating bean values,
where the bean values were updated into DB by executing one additional funtion called ejbStore().
54)which beans are TX which are not?
*SB are used for TX & Non Tx operations
*EBs are only used for TX operations.

55)what is the Entitybean flow control?

1) Client obtains Home object reference.
2) Client to obtains Remote reference uses h.findByPrimaryKey(Object o)
Note: In place of Object any Object sub class type of reference can be passed as an argument.
3) The request of client received by HomeImpl class findByPrimaryKey(o)

b) It then checks the number of instance created in the container with the max beans in cache value,
if instances are less then container creates one new EJB instance

56)what are the Factors that influences ejbStore()?

1) For every refereshMinutes interval
2) Before ejbPassivate()
3) Before ejbRemove()

57)In EBs the DB state is more consistent than SBs why?

a) by executing ejbLoad() & ejbStore()

58) In EBs the DB state is more consistent than SBs why?

a) by executing ejbLoad() & ejbStore()

59) what are the Factors that influences ejbLoad()?

a)1) next to ejbFindByPrimaryKey()
2) after ejbActivate()
3) There is one property in DD file under <caching-descriptor> called
Class c=Class.forName("qualified classname");
Object o=c.newInstance();
SBank sb=(simplebank.SBank)o;
For the result of above funtion execution if bean doesn't throws FinderException the container returns
Remote object , if Exception found the same exception thrown back to the client.

1)Who is EJB technology for?

EJB technology benefits a number of audiences:
Enterprise customers that build and/or deploy EJB-based applications - gain development productivity,
can choose from a wide selection of EJB servers, create business logic that runs everywhere and is
architecture independent, all this while protecting their existing IT investment!
ISVs and SIs that develop EJB components or applications based on EJB components - Invest in business
logic that is widely deployable, across any OS and middleware, don't need to choose one vendor-specific
server platform. Like enterprise customers they also benefit from productivity gains and architecture
independence The EJB specification itself is mostly targeted at the EJB server vendors - It is the blueprint
that instructs these vendors on how to build an EJB server that EJB components can execute on
2)What are the design goals of the Enterprise JavaBeansTM architecture?
The Enterprise JavaBeans specification defines a standard architecture for implementing the business
logic of multi-tier applications as reusable components. In addition to Enterprise JavaBeans components,
the architecture defines three other entities: servers, containers, and clients. This architecture incorporates
several design goals:
Enterprise JavaBeans servers are designed to wrap around legacy systems to provide fundamental services
for containers and the components they contain.
Enterprise JavaBeans containers are designed to handle details of component life-cycle, transaction, and
security management. By interceding between clients and components at the method call level, containers
can manage transactions that propagate across calls and components, and even across containers running
on different servers and different machines. This mechanism simplifies development of both component
and clients.
Component developers are free to focus on business logic, since containers provide services automatically
by interceding in component method calls. A simple set of callback interfaces are all that a developer
needs to implement to participate in container provided services.
A client's view of an Enterprise JavaBean remains the same regardless of the container it is deployed in.
Any container in which an Enterprise JavaBean is deployed presents the same interfaces to the client. This
extends to containers from different vendors, running against different servers and different databases, on
diverse systems on a network. This client transparency ensures wide scalability for multi-tier applications.
Along with container managed transactions, the Enterprise JavaBeans architecture enables component-
and client-managed transactions. Containers can participate in component or client initiated transactions
to enforce transaction rules across method call and component boundaries. Components can also specify
transaction types by method, enabling them to mix transaction types within a single object.
A variety of Enterprise JavaBean attributes, including the default component transaction type, can be
specified at either development or deployment time, and enforced through mechanisms built into the
container architecture.
The Enterprise JavaBeans architecture is based on the Java programming language, so enterprise Beans
take full advantage of the "write once, run anywhereTM" standard.

3)What's the client view of an Enterprise JavaBeans component?

The client view is provided through two interfaces -- the home interface and the remote interface. These
interfaces are provided by classes constructed by the container when a bean is deployed, based on
information provided by the bean. The home interface provides methods for creating a bean instance,
while the remote interface provides the business logic methods for the component. By implementing these
interfaces, the container can intercede in client operations on a bean, and offers the client a simplified
view of the component.

4)Why doesn't the client interact with an Enterprise JavaBean directly?

To the client, there appears to be direct interaction with an Enterprise Java Bean through the home and
remote interfaces. However, Enterprise JavaBeans architecture is designed to enable clients and
components to exist in different runtimes on different systems on a network. The container intercedes
between client and component, completely concealing both the bean instance and its own actions from the
5)What methods are developers required to implement the Enterprise JavaBeans architecture?
There are three categories of Enterprise JavaBeans methods. First, the bean implements methods
corresponding to those in its home interface -- methods largely for creating, locating and accessing
instances of the bean. Second, a bean implements business logic methods corresponding to those provided
by its remote interface. Finally, a bean implements methods for interacting with the container. Since these
methods aren't intended for client access, they are hidden by the container.
6)What specific services does a container provide for an entity bean?
As with session beans, the tools for a container generate additional classes for an entity bean at
deployment time to implement the home and remote interfaces. These classes enable the container to
intercede in all client calls on the same entity bean. The container also generates the serializable Handle
class, providing a way to identify the entity bean within a specific life cycle. These classes can be
implemented to mix in container-specific code for performing customized operations and functionality. In
addition to these custom classes, each container provides a class to provide metadata to the client. Finally,
where specified by a particular bean, a container manages persistence of selected fields of the entity bean.
7)What's the difference between container-managed and bean-managed persistence?
In container-managed persistence, entity bean data is automatically maintained by the container using a
mechanism of its choosing. For example, a container implemented on top of an RDBMS may manage
persistence by storing each bean's data as a row in a table. Or, the container may use Java programming
language serialization for persistence. When a bean chooses to have its persistence container managed, it
specifies which of its fields are to be retained.
In bean-managed persistence, the bean is entirely responsible for storing and retrieving its instance data.
The EntityBean interface provides methods for the container to notify an instance when it needs to store
or retrieve its data.

8)How is an entity bean created?

An entity bean can be created in two ways: by direct action of the client in which a create method is called
on the bean's home interface, or by some other action that adds data to the database that the bean type
represents. In fact, in an environment with legacy data, entity objects may "exist" before an Enterprise
JavaBean is even deployed.

9)How does the client get a reference to an existing entity bean?

A client can get a reference to an existing entity bean in several ways:
receiving the bean as a parameter in a method call
looking the bean up through a finder method of the home interface
obtaining the bean as a handle, a runtime specific identifier generated for a bean automatically by the
10)How do you determine whether two entity beans are the same?
By invoking the EntityBean.isIdentical method. This method should be implemented by the entity bean
developer to determine when two references are to the same object. Note that the equals and hashCode
methods of Object are undefined for entity beans, since clients don't directly access bean instances within
a container.

11)How does a container manage access from multiple transactions on an entity bean?
Containers manage multiple transactions in one of two ways. First, the container can instantiate multiple
instances of the bean and let the transaction management of the DBMS handle transaction processing
issues. Or, the container can acquire an exclusive lock on the instance's state in the database, and serialize
access from multiple transactions to this instance.

12)How do enterprise beans handle concurrent and loopback calls on entity beans?
Concurrent calls in the same transaction context on the same Enterprise JavaBean component are illegal
and may lead to unpredictable results. A bean can be marked as non-reentrant by its deployment
descriptor. This allows the container to detect and prevent illegal concurrent calls from clients. On the
other hand, some entity beans may require loopback calls: that is, calls where bean A is invoked, in turn
invoking bean B, which then invokes a method call on bean A. This kind of concurrency is tricky and is
best avoided.


14)What are the transaction management benefits of the Enterprise JavaBeans architecture?
The Enterprise JavaBeans architecture provides automatic support for distributed transactions in
component based applications. Such distributed transactions can atomically update data in multiple
databases, possibly even distributed across multiple sites. The Enterprise JavaBeans model shifts the
complexities of managing these transactions from the application developer to the container provider.
Does Enterprise JavaBeans allow alternatives to container-managed transactions?
In addition to container-managed transactions, an Enterprise JavaBean can participate in client-managed
and bean-managed transactions.
15)What transaction attributes do Enterprise JavaBean containers support?
A container supports the following values for the transaction attribute of an Enterprise JavaBean.
Not Supported :The bean runs outside the context of a transaction. Existing transactions are suspended for
the duration of method calls.
Required: Method calls require a transaction context. If one exists, it will be used; if none exists, one will
be created.
Supports :Method calls use the current transaction context if one exists, but don't create one if none exists.
Requires :New Containers create new transactions before each method call on the bean, and commit
transactions before returning.
Mandatory: Method calls require a transaction context. If none exists, an exception is thrown.
Never: Method calls require that no transaction context be present. If one exists, an exception is thrown.

16)How do bean-managed transactions work?

When a bean with bean managed transactions is invoked, the container suspends any current transaction
in the client's context. In its method implementation, the bean initiates the transaction through the JTA
UserTransaction interface. In stateful beans, the container associates the bean instance with the same
transaction context across subsequent method calls until the bean explicitly completes the transaction.
However, stateless beans aren't allowed to maintain transaction context across method calls. Each method
invocation must complete any transaction it initiates.


17)What's the relationship between Enterprise JavaBeans component architecture and CORBA?
The Enterprise JavaBeans specification is intended to support compliance with the range of CORBA
standards, current and proposed.
A Bean's remote and home interfaces are RMI compliant, and thus can interact with CORBA objects via
RMI/IIOP, Sun and IBM's forthcoming adaptation of RMI that conforms with the CORBA-standard IIOP
protocol. As a companion to the Enterprise JavaBeans specification, Sun Microsystems has defined a
standard mapping from Enterprise Java Beans API to CORBA IDL.
JTA, the transaction API prescribed by the Enterprise JavaBeans specification for bean-managed
transactions, is designed to layer easily over the OMG OTS transaction standard.

18)What's the relationship between Enterprise JavaBeans component architecture and XML
The two technologies are complementary: Enterprise JavaBeans defines a standard for portable business
logic and XML technology defines a standard for portable data.

19)What's the relationship between the Enterprise JavaBeans architecture and JTA?
The Enterprise JavaBeans architecture is intended to conceal transactional complexities from the
component developer. Thus, developers and deployers writing to Enterprise JavaBeans architecture don't
need to access transaction management programmatically. However, in the case of bean- or client-
managed transactions, the developer can call methods of JTA to initiate and complete transactions. JTA
defines the Java programming language interfaces related to transaction management on the Java
platform, conformant with the OMG/OTS standard.
The JTA UserTransaction interface is intended to be provided by containers to enable both bean-managed
and client-managed transactions.

20)What's the relationship between Enterprise JavaBeans and JDBC/SQLJ?

An entity bean can implement data persistence in one of two ways: bean-managed or container-managed.
In the case of bean-managed persistence, the implementor of an entity bean stores and retrieves the
information managed by the bean by means of direct database calls. For these, the bean can use either
JDBC or SQLJ. The one tradeoff of this approach is that it makes it harder to adapt bean managed
persistence to alternate data sources. In the case of container-managed persistence, the container provider
may implement access to the database using these APIs. The container provider can offer tools to map
instance variable of an entity bean to calls to an underlying database. This approach makes it easier to use
Beans with different databases. Session beans also typically access the data they manage using JDBC or


21)How does the Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0 Specification support messaging?
The EJB 2.0 Specification defines JMS support through a new type of enterprise bean, the message-driven
bean. A message-driven bean is invoked by the EJB container as the result of the arrival of a JMS
message. To a client, the message-driven bean is a JMS consumer that implements some business logic on
the server. Clients communicate with message-driven beans by sending messages to a JMS Destination
(either a Queue or a Topic) for which the message-driven bean is a MessageListener.
Message driven beans are distinct from both Entity and Session beans. They have neither home nor
remote interfaces. Instead, they implement the javax.jms.MessageListener interface.

22)What new features are provided to support container-managed persistence for Entity beans?
The EJB 2.0 Specification defines a new mechanism for modeling persistent data with Entity beans, and a
new query language for Entity beans.
Features to support persistent data models include new abstract classes for both Entity beans and
dependent objects. These classes can be implemented to define complex models for persistent data. EJB
2.0 also defines new deployment descriptor elements to define the^Mabstract schema supported by a
bean. These allow the bean developer to specify the data model at development time, then allow a
container's deployment tools to automatically^Mgenerate the appropriate helper classes at deployment
time. This provides additional platform-independence while supporting a richer representation of the data
underlying an Entity bean.
In addition, EJB 2.0 defines the EJB QL, a query language that enables developers^Mto traverse the data
model of Entity beans independently of the language used^Mby the underlying database. ^MEJB QL uses
the abstract schema of entity beans, their dependent objects, and the^Mrelationships between these objects
for its data model. The syntax of EJB QL is similar to that of SQL.
EJB QL enables Bean Providers to write two types of query methods:
Finder methods in the home interface to enable entity bean clients to select specific entity objects.
Select methods which allow a bean internal access to related data without exposing^Mthat data directly to
the client.

23)How does EJB 2.0 improve support for interoperability between EJB containers and other J2EE
The EJB 2.0 public draft specification includes requirements on EJB container/server providers which
enable interoperability for invocations on enterprise beans. These requirements enable communication
with J2EE clients including JavaServer Pages, Servlets, Application Clients as well as with enterprise
beans in other EJB containers. The goal of these features is to allow enterprise bean invocations to work
even when client components and enterprise beans are deployed in J2EE products from different vendors.
Support for interoperability between components includes transaction propagation, naming services and
security services.
The interoperability mechanisms in EJB 2.0 are based on the IIOP protocol from the Object Management
Group. The extensions supporting distributed transaction propagation, security (using SSL) and naming
service access are all based on OMG standards. J2EE container products may also use vendor-specific
protocols in addition to IIOP.
Is is possible for an EJB client to marshall an object of class java.lang.Class to an EJB?
Technically yes, spec. compliant NO! - refer to section 18.1.2 of the EJB 1.1 specification (page 273).
"The enterprise bean must not attempt to query a class to ...
Is it possible to write two EJB's that share the same Remote and Home interfaces, and have
different bean classes? if so, what are the advantages/disadvantages?
Sharing interfaces might be possible, but not trivial.
If you deploy with Sun Deployment Tool 1.2.1 you will get a java.lang.ClassCastException:
MyBean2EJB_EJBObjectImpl ...
Is it possible to specify multiple JNDI names when deploying an EJB?
No. To achieve this you have to deploy your EJB multiple times each
specifying a different JNDI name. Java:API:EJB Andrea Pompili ...

What is the status of the UML-EJB Mapping Specification (JSR 26)?

Thank you for your interest in JSR-000026. It is currently > in the expert group stage, meaning that the
CAll For > Experts (CAFE) was issued and replies were received. ...

Is it legal to have static initializer blocks in EJB?

Although technically it is legal, static initializer blocks are used to execute some piece of code before
executing any constructor or method while instantiating ...
In CMP how can I define a finder method equivalent to a 'SELECT * FROM TABLE'? [RC - Please give
reference to the particular AppServer you are using]
Weblogic 5.1.0 - Define the following Finder syntax in your weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor.
<finder> <method-name>All</method-name> <method-params></method-params> ...

Is it possible to access a CORBA object from a EJB? I am using VisiBroker 4.0 for my CORBA
objects and J2EE 1.2.1 for my EJB.
These properties can be set on the commandline (using -Dorg. or using a file named
Java:API:EJB, Java:API:CORBA Robert Castaneda ...
How can we interact with COM/DCOM components from a EJB component ?
A list of tools that integrate Java with the Microsoft platform is available here. These tools can be used, as
long as they stay within the EJB specification requirements ...
Is it possible to stop the execution of a method before completion in a SessionBean?
Threads inside an EJB, refer to section 18.1.2 of the EJB 1.1 specification. One possible solution (that
requires coding) would be to set the transaction that the ...

Is it legal to have static initializer blocks in EJB?

Is it legal to have static initializer blocks in EJB? Java:API:EJB ravi srivatsav ...

Interview Based Questions

1. What are the types of ServletEngines?
Standalone ServletEngine:A standalone engine is a server that includes built-in support for servlets.
Add-on ServletEngine:Its a plug-in to an existing server.It adds servlet support to a server that was not
originally designed with servlets in mind.Embedded ServletEngine:

2.What is the difference between a Generic Servlet and Http Servlet?

Generic Servlet Http Servlet
Class which internally implements An abstract class which acts as a child class both for Servlet and
ServletConfig GenericServlet and in addition provides interfaces. some additional methods
like doGet(),doPost(),doDelete() & doPut().

3.What is a Session Id?

It is a unique id assigned by the server to the user when a user first accesses a site or an application ie.
when a request is made.

4. List out Differences between CGI Perl and Servlet?

Servlet CGI

Platform independent Platform dependent.

Language dependent Language independent.

5. What is Bootstrapping in RMI?

Dynamic loading of stubs and skeletons is known as Boot Strapping.

6. What are different types of Exceptions?.

Runtime exceptions, Errors, Program Exceptions

7. What are types of applets?.

Trusted Applets: Applets with predefined security
Untrusted Applets: Applets without any security

8. When does an Exception occur?.

Whenever an error occurs in an Application,(either at compile time)or runtime,it raises an Exception.

9. What is servlet tunnelling?.

Used in applet to servlet communications, a layer over http is built so as to enable object serialization.

10. What is a cookie?.

Cookies are a way for a server to send some information to a client to store and for the server to later
retrieve its data from that client.Web browser supports 20 cookies/host of 4kb each.

11.What is the frontend in Java?.Also what is Backend?.

Frontend: Applet
Backend : Oracle, Ms-Access(Using JDBC).

12. Define a JSP?.

Java Server Pages includes scripplets of Servletcode in an Html page.This creates dynamism in the other-
wise static HTML.A JSP is a document that describes how to process a request to creeate response.

13. The length of an identifier is

14. Stored procedures can be called by Callable Statement.
15. Stack class implements LIFO(Last In First Out).
16. Servlet Class defines init.
17. Reference of any instance variable inside a static method is legal if declared static.

18. What will a read() function do?.

A method in Input Stream.It reads a single byte or an array of bytes.Returns no of bytes read or -1 if
EOF(End of file)is reached.
19.To implement a Throwable array,which class is used.
ArrayList - Answer(To be Confirmed)

20. The method for precompiled SQL Statement in JDBC is prepareStatement().

21. Static binding occurs at (chose answer)
a. Compile Time
b. Runtime
c. Both at compile and runtime.

22. Virtual Methods are default in (chose answer)

a. Java
b. C
c. C++ - Answer
d. All

23. Storage space in java is of the form(chose answer)


25. Which of the following attributes are compulsory with an <applet> tag?.
code,height & width.
26. What does 'CODEBASE' in an applet tag specify?.
Files absolute path.

27. What are AccessSpecifiers & Access Modifiers.

Access Specifiers: Give access previleges to outside applications or users. They are :-
Public: any one can access
private:only class members can access.cannot be inherited.
protected: can be accessed by a derived class.
default: can access data from the current directory.
Access Modifiers: Which gives additional meaning to data, methods and classes.
(i) Final: cannot be modified at any point of time.

28. Tools provided by JDK

(i) javac - compiler
(ii) java - interpretor
(iii) jdb - debugger
(iv) javap - Disassembles
(v) appletviewer - Applets
(vi) javadoc - documentation generator
(vii) javah - 'C' header file generator

29.Hostile Applets:Its an applet which when downloaded attempts to exploit your system's resources in an
inappropriate manner.It performs or causes you to perform an action which you would not otherwise care
to perform.

30.RemoteObjects: Objects that have methods that can be called accross virtual machines are Remote
Objects.An object becomes Remote by implementing Remote Interface.

31.Compiling: Conversion of Programmer-readable Text into Bytecodes,which are platform

independent,is known as Compiling.

32.Java Primitive Data Types:

Byte-8-bit,short-16-bit,int-32-bit,Long-64-bit,Float-32-bit floating point,Double-64-bit floating point
Char-16-bit Unicode
33.What is a unicode?
Unicode is a standard that supports International Characters.
37. What is throwing an Exception?.
The act of passing an Exception Object to the runtime system is called Throwing an Exception.
39. What is a thread?.
Its a single sequential stream of execution.
40. What is runnable?.
Its an Interface through which Java implements Threads.The class can extend from any class but if it
implements Runnable,Threads can be used in that particular application.

41. What is preemptive and Non-preemptive Time Scheduling?.

Preemptive: Running tasks are given small portions of time to execute by using time-slicing.
Non-Preemptive: One task doesn't give another task a chance to run until its finished or has normally
yielded its time.

42. What is synchronization?.

Two or more threads trying to access the same method at the same point of time leads to
synchronization.If that particular method is declared as synchronized only one thread can access it at a
time. Another thread can access it only if the first thread's task is complete.

43. What are the various thread priorities?.

(i) Min-Priority-value(1).
(ii) Normal-Priority-value(5).

44.What is Inter-Thread communication?.

To exchange information between two threads.
48.Throwable class is a sub-class of object and implements Serializable.
49.Super class of TextArea and TextField is TextComponent.
50. Skeletons are server side proxies and stubs are client side proxies.
51. GridBagConstraints class helps in positioning of parameters of a component within an object laidout
using GridBagLayout.
52. Netscape introduced JScript language - True
53. EventDelegation model was introduced by JDK 1.1 - False
54. StringTokenizer provides two constructors - False
55. java.applet is one of the smallest package in Java API - True
56. Drag and Drop API consist of java.awt.dnd package - False

57. What is IP?.

IP is Internet Protocol. It is the network protocol which is used to send information from one computer to
another over the network over the internet in the form of packets.

58. What is a port?.

A port is an 16-bit address within a computer.Ports for some common Internet Application protocols.
File Transfer Protocol-21.
Telnet Protocol-23.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol-25.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol-80.

59.What is hypertext?.
Sockets are endpoints of Internet Communication.They are associated with a host address and a port
address.Clients create client sockets and connect them to server sockets.
UDP is a connectionless protocol.
MIME(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) is a general method by which the content of different types
of Internet objects can be identified.

62.ServletRunner options are:

-p-port number(8080).
-b-backlog connections(50).
-m-maximum no.of connection handlers(100).
-t-connection timeout in milliseconds
-d-servlet directory (current directory)
-s-servlet properties file
63.How many standard ports are available?.
64.What is a policy?.
It's an abstract class for representing the system security policy for a Java application
environment(specifying which permissions are available for code from various sources). Java security
properties file resides in <JAVA-HOME>/lib/security/ directory. Value of "policy.provider"
should be changed.

65. What are different ways of Session-Tracking?.

(i) User-Authorization
(ii) Hidden Files
(iii) Persistant Cookies
(iv) URL Rewriting.
66. If the browser does not support cookies or if they are disabled, how is session tracking done?.
Session tracking is done by URL Rewriting.
* Multiple requests can be handled by a servlet and it also can synchronize them.ex: On-line
* Servlets have no Graphic User Interface.
* We can synchronize the service() method for a major performance impact as multiple requests are
involved in case of servlets.
* We can make a servlet handle a single client/request by implementing single threadmodel interface.

67. What is a Swing?.

It is a GUI component with a pluggable look and feel.

68. What is default Look-and-Feel of a Swing Component?.

Java Look-and-Feel.

69. Awt Components and Swing Components can be inter-mingled in an Application - False
70. What are the features coming with JFC?.
(i) Pluggable Look-and-Feel
(ii) Accessibility API
(iii) Java 2D/API(JDK 1.2).
(iv) Drag and Drop Support(JDK 1.2)

75. When Swing components overlap with Heavyweight components, it is the latter that is on the top
- True

76. What are the components which are termed to be Heavy-weight, available in Light-weight

77. What are invisible components?.

They are light weight components that perform no painting, but can take space in the GUI.

78. What is the default layout for a ContentPane in JFC?.


79. What are the borders provided by Swing?.

(i) Simple (ii) Matte iii) Titled iv) Compound.

80. What does Realized mean?.

Realized mean that the component has been painted on screen or that is ready to be painted. Realization
can take place by invoking any of these methods.
setVisible(true), show() or pack().

81. What is a convertor?.

Its an application that converts distance measurements between metric and U.S units.

82. What is the return type of interrupt method?. void.

83. What is the superclass of exception?. Throwable.
84. What is servlet exception?. It indicates that there is a problem in the servlet.
85. What is the difference between a Canvas and a Scroll Pane?.
Canvas ScrollPane
Its a component Its a container.
A rectangular area where the application Implements horizontal and vertical
can draw or trap input events. scrolling.
86. What are the restrictions imposed by a Security Manager on Applets?.
i) cannot read or write files on the host that's executing it.
ii) cannot load libraries or define native methods.
iii) cannot make network connections except to the host that it came from
iv) cannot start any program on the host that's executing it.
v) cannot read certain system properties.
vi) windows that an applet brings up look different than windows that an application brings up.

87. Can we access a database using applets?. Yes.

88. What is the default HttpRequest method?. doGet().
91. The three layers in RMI are Application Layer,RemoteReferenceLayer and Network Layer.


1. Write a query to list Ename and MgrName from EMP table.

2. Can you define foreign key with a key from the same table?
3. Is it recommended to define indexes on a foreign key?
4. When do you create an index?
5. Write a query to find out top two salary holders.
6. Top two salary holders in each department
7. What is an outer join?
8. What is correlated subquery?
9. What is the difference between Union, Unionall, Minus, and Intersect?
10. How primary key is implemented in Oracle?
11. ER diagrams?
12. What is denormalization?
13. What are different triggers and procedures of ?
14. What is procedure overloading?
15. What are restrictions on triggers?
16. What is table mutation? How do you avoid it?
17. What are cursor attributes?
18. How can you find out whether a row is updated or not?
19. How do you debug PL/SQL code?
20. Exception handling in PL/SQL
21. PL/SQL tables and records.
22. Global variables in packages.
23. Master detail relationship.
24. How can you tune SQL statements?
25. What is the restriction on varchar variable on procedure?
26. What are restrictions on long row?
27. How can you eliminate duplicates?
28. Can you create an index on sex column where there is M or F?
29. Normalization
30. How can you determine SGA site?

JDBC (java database conctivity)

1. What is JDBC ? what are its advantages ?
A. It is an API .The latest version of jdbc api is (3.0).
The JDBC 3.0 API is divided into two packages:
(1) java.sql and (2) javax.sql.
Both packages are included in the J2SE and J2EE platforms.
The JDBC API can be used to interact with multiple data sources in a distributed, heterogenous
It can connect to any of the database from java language.
It can switch over to any backend database without changing java code or by minute changes.

2. How many JDBC Drivers are there ? what are they?

A. There are 4 types of JDBC drivers.
a. JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver(Type-1 driver) b. Native API Partly Java Driver(Type-2 driver)
c. Net protocol pure Java Driver(Type-3 driver) d. Native protocol Pure Java Driver(Type-4 driver)
3. Explain about JDBC-ODBC driver(Type-1) ? When this type of driver is used ?
A. In this mechanism the flow of execution will be

Java code(JDBC API)<------>JDBC-ODBC bridge driver<------->ODBC API<------->ODBC

This type of JDBC Drivers provides a bridge between JDBC API and ODBC API.
This Bridge(JDBC-ODBC bridge) translates standard JDBC calls to Corresponding ODBC Calls, and
send them to ODBC database via ODBC Libraries.
The JDBC API is based on ODBC API.
ODBC(Open Database Connectivity)is Microsoft's API for Database drivers.
ODBC is based on X/Open Call Level Interface(CLI)specification for database access.
The URL and class to be loaded for this type of driver are
Class :- sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
URL :- jdbc:odbc:dsnname

4. Explain about Type-2 driver ? When this type of driver is used ?

A. The Drivers which are written in Native code will come into this category
In this mechanism the flow of Execution will be

java code(JDBC API)<------>Type-2 driver(jdbc driver)<------->Native API(vendor specific)<-------


When database call is made using JDBC,the driver translates the request into vendor-specific API calls.
The database will process the requet and sends the results back through the Native API ,which will
forward them back to the JDBC dirver. The JDBC driver will format the results to conform to the JDBC
standard and return them to the application.
5. Explain about Type-3 driver ? When this type of driver is used ?
A. In this mechanism the flow of Execution will be

java code(JDBC API)<------>JDBC driver<------->JDBC driver server<-------->Native driver<-------


The Java Client Application sends the calls to the Intermediate data access server(jdbc driver server)
The middle tier then handles the requet using other driver(Type-II or Type-IV drivers) to complete the

6. Explain about Type-4 driver ? When this type of driver is used ?

A. This is a pure java driver(alternative to Type-II drivers).
In this mechanism the flow of Execution will be

java code(JDBC API)<------>Type-4 driver(jdbc driver)<------->DataBase

These type of drivers convert the JDBC API calls to direct network calls using
vendor specific networking protocal by making direct socket connection with
examples of this type of drivers are
1.Tabular Data Stream for Sybase
2.Oracle Thin jdbc driver for Oracle

7. What are the Advantages & DisAdvantages of Type-2 ,Type-4 Drivers over JDBC-ODBC bridge
A. Type-2 & Type-4 are given

8. Which Driver is preferable for using JDBC API in Applets?

A. Type-4 Drivers.

9.Write the Syntax of URL to get connection ? Explain?

A.Syntax:- jdbc:<subprotocal>:<subname>
jdbc -----> is a protocal .This is only allowed protocal in JDBC.
<subprotocal> ----> The subprotocal is used to identify a database driver,or the
name of the database connectivity mechanism, choosen by the database driver providers.
<subname> -------> The syntax of the subname is driver specific. The driver may choose any
syntax appropriate for its implementation
ex: jdbc:odbc:dsn
jdbc:oracle:oci8:@ database name.
jdbc:orale:thin:@ database name:port number:SID
10.How do u Load a driver ?
A. Using Driver Class.forName(java.lang.String driverclass) or registerDriver(Driver driver) .
11.what are the types of resultsets in JDBC3.0 ?How you can retrieve information of resultset?
A. ScrollableResultSet and ResultSet.We can retrieve information of resultset by using
java.sql.ResultSetMetaData interface.You can get the instance by calling the method getMetaData() on
ResulSet object.

12.write the steps to Connect database?

A. Class.forName(The class name of a spasific driver);
Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection(url of a spasific driver,user name,password);
Statement s=c.createStatement();
PreparedStatement p=c.prepareStatement();
CallableStatement cal=c.prpareCall();
Depending upon the requirement.

13.Can java objects be stored in database? how?

A.Yes.We can store java objects, BY using setObject(),setBlob() and setClob() methods in

14.what do u mean by isolation level?

A. Isolation means that the business logic can proceed without
consideration for the other activities of the system.

15.How do u set the isolation level?

A. By using setTransactionIsolation(int level) in java.sql.Connection interface.
level MEANS:-
static final int TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED //cannot prevent any reads.
static final int TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED //prevents dirty reads
static final int TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ //prevents dirty reads & non-repeatable read.
static final int TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE //prevents dirty reads , non-repeatable read &
phantom read.
These are the static final fields in java.sql.Connection interface.

16. what is a dirty read?

A. A Dirty read allows a row changed by one transaction to be read by another transaction before any
change in the row have been committed.This problem can be solved by setting the transaction isolation

17. what is a non-repeatable read ?

A. A non-repeatable read is where one transaction reads a row, a second transaction alters or deletes the
row, and the first transaction re-reads the row,getting different values the second time.This problem can
be solved by setting the transaction isolation level to TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ

18. what is phantom read?

A. A phantom read is where one transaction reads all rows that satisfy a WHERE condition,a second
transaction inserts a row that satisfies that WHERE condition,and the first transaction re-reads for the
same condition,retrieving the additional 'phantom' row in the second read This problem can be solved by
setting the transaction isolation level to TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE

19.What is the difference between java.sql.Statement & java.sql.PreparedStatement ? write the

appropriate situations to use these statements?
20.How to retrieve the information about the database ?
A.we can retrieve the info about the database by using inerface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData we can get
this object by using getMetaData() method in Connection interface.
21.what are the Different types of exceptions in jdbc?
A. BatchUpdateException , DataTruncation , SQLException , SQLWarning
22.How to execute no of queries at one go?
A. By using a batchUpdate's (ie throw addBAtch() and executeBatch()) in java.sql.Statement
interface,or by using procedures.
23. what are the advantages of connection pool.
A. Performance

24.In which interface the methods commit() & rollback() are defined ? interface

25.How to store images in database?

A. Using binary streams (ie getBinaryStream() ,setBinaryStream()).But it is not visable in database ,it is
stored in form of bytes ,to make it visable we have to use any one frontend tool.

26.How to check null value in JDBC?

A. By using the method wasNull() in ResultSet ,it returns boolean value. Returns whether the last column
read had a value of SQL NULL. Note that you must first call one of the getXXX methods on a column to
try to read its value and then call the method wasNull to see if the value read was SQL NULL.

27.Give one Example of static Synchronized method in JDBC API?

A. getConnection() method in DriverManager class.Which is used to get object of Connection interface.

28.What is a Connection?
A. Connection is an interface which is used to make a connection between client and Database (ie opening
a session with a particular database).
29.what is the difference between execute() ,executeUpdate() and executeQuery() ? where we will
use them?
A. execute() method returns a boolean value (ie if the given query returns a resutset then it returns true
else false),so depending upon the return value we can get the ResultSet object (getResultset())or we can
know how many rows have bean affected by our query (getUpdateCount()).That is we can use this
method for Fetching queries and Non-Fetching queries.
Fetching queries are the queries which are used to fetch the records from database (ie which returns
resutset) ex: Select * from emp.
Non-Fetching queries are the queries which are used to update,insert,create or delete the records from
database ex: update emp set sal=10000 where empno=7809.
executeUpdate() method is used for nonfetching queries.which returns int value.
executeQuery() method is used for fetching queries which returns ResulSet object ,Which contains
methods to fetch the values.

30.How is jndi useful for Database connection?

A. JNDI (java naming directory interface)
1. what are the uses of jndi?
A. The role of the JNDI API in the J2EE platform is two fold.
a) It provides the means to perform standard operations
to a directory service resource such as LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocal),Novell
Directory Sevices, or Netscape Directory Services.
b) A J2EE applicatin utilizes JNDI to look up interfaces used to create,amongst other things,EJBs,and
JDBC connection.


1. What is JMS ?
A. JMS (JAVA MESSAGING SERVICE) is an API .It is a specification with one
package javax.jms .It is a technology which can pass the information
synchronously or asynchronously .

2. On what technology is JMS based ?

A. JMS is based on Message-Oriented MiddleWare (MOM).
3. What was the technology for messaging services before JMS was released?
A. Before JMS API specification was released by javasoft ,there was IBM's MQSeries implementation of
MOM (Message-Oriented MiddleWare).
4. What is MOM (Message-Oriented MiddleWare) ?
A. MOM is a software infrastructure that asynchronously connects multiple system's through the
production and consumption of data message.
5. How many types of data passing does JMS specification allows ?What are they?
A. JMS specification allows two types of data passing.
a)publish/subscribe [pub/sub model]
b)point-to-point [p-t-p model]

6. In real time which type of data passing is used ?

A. Mostly in real time applications we use both types of data passing combinedly.

7. How jndi is used in JMS ?

A. While writing JMS application (pub/sub or p-t-p) we need TopicConnection or QueueConnection . we
use jndi to get this connections .

8. Write the steps to write pub/sub model application ?

A. steps to write Publisher (sender) application :-
a)We have to get the TopicConnection through jndi.
b)Create TopicSession by invoking a method createTopicSession() .
c)create a Topic object by invoking createTopic() on TopicSession interface.
d)create a TopicPublisher object of a Topic by invoking createPublisher(javax.jms.Topic t)
on TopicSession.(t is a Topic object that specifies the Topic we want to subscribe to).
e)create TextMessage object and set the text to be published .
f)publish the message by using a method publish() in Publisher interface .
steps to write subscriber (receiver) application :-
a)We have to get the TopicConnection through jndi.
b)Create TopicSession by invoking a method createTopicSession() .
c)create a Topic object by invoking createTopic() on TopicSession interface.
d)create a TopicSubscriber object of a Topic by invoking createSubscriber(javax.jms.Topic) or
createDurableSubscriber(javax.jms.Topic t,String name,String messageselector,boolean nolocal) on

t ------> is a Topic object that specifies the Topic we want to subscribe to.
name ---> is a String that indicates the name under which to maintain the Durable Subscribtion
to the specified topic.
messageselector --> is a String that defines selection criteria.
nolocal -------> is a boolean if it is true the Subscriber will not recive messages that were published
by the client application .

9. What is the diffrence between DurableSubscription and non-DurableSubscription ?

DurableSubscription :-
DurableSubscription indicates that the client wants to recive all the messages published to a topic,
including messages published when the client connection is not active.

Non-DurableSubscription :-
Non-DurableSubscription will not recive the messages published when the client connection is not

10. Write the steps to write p-to-p model application ?

steps to write Sender application :-
a)We have to get the QueueConnection through jndi.
b)Create QueueSession by invoking a method createQueueSession() .
c)Create a Queue object by invoking createQueue() on QueueSession interface.
d)Create a QueueSender object of a Queue by invoking createSender(javax.jms.Queue q)
on QueueSession.
e)Create TextMessage object and set the text to be send .
f)Send the message by using a method send() .

steps to write Receiver application :-

a)We have to get the QueueConnection through jndi.
b)Create QueueSession by invoking a method createQueueSession() .
c)Create a Queue object by invoking createQueue() on QueueSession interface.
d)Create a QueueReceiver object of a Queue by invoking createReceiver(javax.jms.Queue) on


1. what is JTS?
A. JTS (JAVA TRANSACTION SERVICE) is the java implementation of CORBA's

2. what is JTA ?
A. JTA (JAVA TRANSACTION API) is the API released by javasoft under J2EE.
It was released after the release of JTS .

3. what are the advantages of JTA over JTS?

A. JTA (JAVA TRANSACTION API) is more flexible and simple to use by the
programer .The JTA API is divided into two parts
a)high-level X/Open Call Level Interface(CLI)
b)low-level XA Call Level Interface(CLI)

As a programmer using JTA he has to concentrate on high-level x/open

interface .The low-level XA operations are taken care by the server
which is giving the implementation to JTA API.
The user will never perform XA operations directly.This makes the user
more simple to manipulate with transactions.

4. How JTA or JTS is used by client ?

A. client uses UserTransaction interface in both the cases(JTA/JTS).
1.what is ment by Activation Instantinator? is a responsible for creating instances of "activatable" objects.

2.what are the activation group works? is responsible for informing its activation monitor, when either
its objects become active or inactive.

3.what is the responsibilities of Activator? is responsible for monitoring and detecting when Activation groups fail.

4.what is the job of Activation monitor?

A.It receives information about active and inactive Objects.

5.what is DGC?
A.Distributed Garbage Collection is server side algorithm.It contains two methods those are dirty()and

6.what is the handle?

A.It represents the Remote for a remote object

7.what is the Remote Stub?

A.Remote stub uses a remote references to carry out a remote method invocation to a RemoteObject.

9.what is the RMI / IIOP?

A.This is the Naming service(tnameserv).
10.what is the rmi port no? A.1099.

11.what is meant by portable component?

A.Writing and keep some where,and using from there without changing code.

13.what is the proxy pattern?

A. The copy of the Remote object in our Local Machine (it works like mediating to client & Server)

15.which type of objects reference will be given to client?

A. Implement type class type of object references

16.what is meant by bootstraping?

A. when the server startup time it will send some information to client, that is requirement to client .
java -D java.rmi.server.codebase="http"//servername:8080"

17.why the constructor required in implemented class?

A. The super class is having one public constructor. many requests having ServerSockets ? A.its minimum of 50.

19.what is the activation process?

A. When the clients request comes to the registry then only objects will be bound dynamically.
20.what is meant by jrmp? A. This is standard rmi communication messaging protocol A. Tests to see whether a remote virtual is still alive.

22.narrow :- Checks to ensure that an object of a remote or abstract interface type

can be cast to a desired type.

23.Remote Reference Layer ?

A. Checks for Rmi symantics and to identify remote system in the network transferable stream. This
stream is then passed to transport layer

24. How many requests can server fetch at a time? A. only one.

25.what is the JNDI [java Naming and Directory Interface] ? what its provides?
A. It provides standard java interface-to-naming events

26. what is the use of Object-Factories?

A.Colon-separated Object list of ContextFactory to use during invocation of naming and directory
service operation

27.what is the use of State-Factories?

A.Colon separated list of state factory used to get an object's state given a reference to the object

28.what is the use of colon_pkg_prefixes?

A. prefix to use when loading context factory.

29. DNS-URL:A. URL defining the DNS host to use for Addresses associated with JNDI urls

30.Authoritative:A. Value of true indicates that service access offers the most authoritative source

31.BatchSize:-: A. Specifies batch size of data returned from service protocol

Questions on Servlets.
1) What is servlet?

Ans: Servlets are modules that extend request/response-oriented servers, such as java-enabled web
servers. For example, a servlet might be responsible for taking data in an HTML order-entry form and
applying the business logic used to update a company’s order database.
3) What is the difference between an applet and a servlet?
Ans: a) Servlets are to servers what applets are to browsers.
b) Applets must have graphical user interfaces whereas servlets have no graphical user interfaces.

4)what is the lifecycle of a servlet.

Ans: Each Servlet has the same life cycle:
a) A server loads and initializes the servlet by init () method.
b) The servlet handles zero or more client’s requests through service( ) method.
c) The server removes the servlet through destroy() method.

5) What is the ServletConfig() and why are using ServletConfig ?

Ans:This interface is implemented by services in order to pass configuration information to a servlet
when it is first loaded.A service writer implementing this interface must write methods
for the servlet to use to get its initialization parameters and the context in which it is running.
public interface ServletConfig

6) What is meant by the ServletContext() and use of the method ?

Ans: public interface ServletContext
The ServletContext interface gives servlets access to information about their environment ,and
allows them to log significant events. Servlet writers decide what data to log. The interface is
implemented by services, and used by servlets. Different virtual hosts should have different servlet
7) What is use of parseQueryString ?
Ans: Parses a query string and builds a hashtable of key-value pairs, where the values are arrays
of strings. The query string should have the form of a string packaged by the GET or POST method.
(For example, it should have its key-value pairs delimited by ampersands (&) and its keys
separated from its values by equal signs (=).)
public static Hashtable parseQueryString(String s)

8)what are the types of servlets.Ans: Genereic Servlets,HttpServlets.

9)what are the different methods in HttpServlet. Ans: doGet(),doPost(),doHead,doDelete(),deTrace()

10)What is the difference between GET and POST.

Ans: a) doGet() method is used to get information, while doPost( ) method is used for posting
b) doGet() requests can’t send large amount of information and is limited to 240-255 characters. However,
doPost( )requests passes all of its data, of unlimited length.
c) A doGet( ) request is appended to the request URL in a query string and this allows the
exchange is visible to the client, whereas a doPost() request passes directly over the socket connection as
part of its HTTP request body and the exchange are invisible to the client.

11) Why do you need both GET and POST method implementations in Servlet?
Ans: A single servlet can be called from differenr HTML pages,so Different method calls can be possible.

12)When init() and Distroy() will be called.

Ans:init() is called whenever the servlet is loaded for the first time into the webserver.Destroy will be
called whenever the servlet is removed from the webserver.
13) Who is loading the init() method of servlet? Ans: Web server
14)If you want to modify the servlet,will the Webserver need to be ShutDown. Ans:No

15)What is the advantage of Servlets over other serverside technologies.

Ans:PlatForm independent, so once compiled can be used in any webserver.For different processes
different threads will execute inbuilt mutithreaded.
16) What is Server-Side Includes (SSI)?
Ans: Server-Side Includes allows embedding servlets within HTML pages using a special servlet tag. In
many servlets that support servlets, a page can be processed by the server to include output from servlets
at certain points inside the HTML page. This is accomplished using a special internal SSINCLUDE,
which processes the servlet tags. SSINCLUDE servlet will be invoked whenever a file with an. shtml
extension is requested. So HTML files that include server-side includes must be stored with an .shtml
17)What is Single Threaded Model in Servlets and how is it useful give one practical example.
Ans: For every single user a differnt copy of this servlet is executed. Credit card transactions.

18) What is the uses Sessions ?

Ans:Its a part of the SessionTracking and it is for mainting the client state at server side.

19)What are the advantage of using Sessions over Cookies and URLReWriting?
Ans: Sessions are more secure and fast becasue they are stored at serverside. But Sessions has to be used
combindly with Cookies or URLReWriting for mainting the client id that is sessionid at client side.
Cookies are stored at client side so some clients may disable cookies so we may not sure that the
cookies which we are mainting may work or not but in sessions cookies are disable we can maintain
our sessionid using URLReWriting .
In URLReWriting we can't maintain large data because it leads to network traffic and access may be
become slow.Where as in seesions will not maintain the data which we have to maintain instead
we will maintain only the session id.
20) What is session tracking and how do you track a user session in servlets?
Ans: Session tracking is a mechanism that servlets use to maintain state about a series requests
from the same user across some period of time. The methods used for session tracking are:
a) User Authentication - occurs when a web server restricts access to some of its resources to only
those clients that log in using a recognized username and password
b) Hidden form fields - fields are added to an HTML form that are not displayed in the client’s
browser. When the form containing the fields is submitted, the fields are sent back to the server
c) URL rewriting - every URL that the user clicks on is dynamically modified or rewritten to include
extra information. The extra information can be in the form of extra path information, added parameters
or some custom, server-specific URL change.
d) Cookies - a bit of information that is sent by a web server to a browser and which can later be read
back from that browser.
e) HttpSession- places a limit on the number of sessions that can exist in memory. This limit is set in
the session.maxresidents property

21)What is Cookies and what is the use of Cookies ?

Ans:Cookies are used to get user agents (web browsers etc) to hold small amounts of state associated with
a user's web browsing.Later that infromation read by server
22) What are cookies and how will you use them?
Ans: Cookies are a mechanism that a servlet uses to have a client hold a small amount of state-
information associated with the user.
a) Create a cookie with the Cookie constructor:
public Cookie(String name, String value)
b) A servlet can send a cookie to the client by passing a Cookie object to the addCookie() method of
public void HttpServletResponse.addCookie(Cookie cookie)
c) A servlet retrieves cookies by calling the getCookies() method of HttpServletRequest:
public Cookie[ ] HttpServletRequest.getCookie( ).

23) How many Cookies is supported to the host ?

Ans: User agents excepted to support twenty per host.And its take four Kilobytes each.

24) What is the use of setComment and getComment methods in Cookies ?

Ans:setComment:If a user agent (web browser) presents this cookie to a user, the cookie's purpose will be
described using this comment. This is not supported by version zero cookies.
public void setComment(String use){}
Returns the comment describing the purpose of this cookie, or null if no such comment has been defined.

25)Why we are used setMaxAge() and getMaxAge() in Cookies ?

public void setMaxAge(int expiry)
Sets the maximum age of the cookie.The cookie will expire after that many seconds have passed.Negative
values indicate the default behaviour:the cookie is not stored persistently, and will be deleted when the
user agent exits.A zero value causes the cookie to be deleted
public int getMaxAge()
Returns the maximum specified age of the cookie. If none was specified, a negative value is returned,
indicating the default behaviour described with setMaxAge.

26)What is the use of setSecure() and getSecure() in Cookies ?

Ans: setSecure
Indicates to the user agent that the cookie should only be sent using a secure protocol (https). This should
only be set when the cookie's originating server used a secure protocol to set the cookie's value.
public void setSecure(boolean flag)
Returns the value of the 'secure' flag.
public boolean getSecure()

27)What is meant by Httpsession and what is the use of sessions ?

Ans:The HttpSession interface is implemented by services to provide an association between an HTTP
client and HTTP server. This session, persists over multiple connections and/or requests during a given
time period. Sessions are used to maintain state and user identity across multiple page requests.
HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);

28) What are the methods in HttpSession and use of those methods?
Ans:a) getCreationTime() Returns the time at which this session representation was created.
b)getId() Returns the identifier assigned to this session.
c)getLastAccessedTime() Returns the last time the client sent a request carrying the identifier assigned to
the session.
d)getSessionContext() Returns the context in which this session is bound.
e) getValue(String) Returns the object bound to the given name in the session's application layer data.
f)getValueNames() Returns an array of the names of all the application layer data objects bound into the
g)invalidate() Causes this representation of the session to be invalidated and removed from its context.
h)isNew() A session is considered to be "new" if it has been created by the server, but the client has
not yet acknowledged joining the session.
j)putValue(String, Object) Binds the specified object into the session's application layer data with the
given name.
k)removeValue(String) Removes the object bound to the given name in the session's application layer
29) How do you communicate between the servlets.
Ans: a)servlet chaning
b)Servlet context(RequestDespatcher interface)

30)Can you send the mail from a servlet ,if yes tell how?
Ans:yes.using mail API

31)How do you access variables across the sessions.

Ans:Through ServletContext.

32)where the session data will store?

ans: session objects

33)What is Servlet Context?

Ans:This object represents resources shared by a group of servlets like servlet's environment,
Application attributes shared in the context level.

34)How do you trap the debug the errors in servlets.

Ans:error log file

35)How do you debug the Servlet?

Ans:through servlet log();

36)How do u implement threads in servlet?

Ans:Intenally implemented
37)How do you handle DataBase access and in which method of the servlet do you like to create
38)If you want to improve the performance how do you create connections for multiple users?
A.Connection Pooling.

39)what is connection pooling?

Ans:Class which manages no of user requests for connections to improve the performance.

40) What are the different servers available for developing and deploying Servlets?
Ans: a) JRun2.0--Allaire
b) Apache --jserv
c) jwsdk2.0 --sun
d) servletexec
e) Tomcat webserver--tomcat

f)Weblogic AS--BEA Systems

g)IBM websphere--IBM
i)Proton-Pramati technologies

41) Is it possible to communicate from an applet to servlet and how many ways and how?
Ans: Yes, there are three ways to communicate from an applet to servlet and they are:
a) HTTP Communication(Text-based and object-based)
b) Socket Communication
c) RMI Communication
(You can say, by using URL object open the connection to server and get the InputStream from
URLConnection object).
Steps involved for applet-servlet communication:
step: 1 Get the server URL.
URL url = new URL();
step: 2 Connect to the host
URLConnection Con = url.openConnection();
step: 3 Initialize the connection
step: 4 Data will be written to a byte array buffer so that we can tell the server the length of the data.
ByteArrayOutputStream byteout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
step: 5 Create the OutputStream to be used to write the data to the buffer.
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(byteout);

42) Why should we go for interservlet communication?

Ans: Servlets running together in the same server communicate with each other in several ways.
The three major reasons to use interservlet communication are:
a) Direct servlet manipulation - allows to gain access to the other currently loaded servlets and
perform certain tasks (through the ServletContext object)
b) Servlet reuse - allows the servlet to reuse the public methods of another servlet.
c) Servlet collaboration - requires to communicate with each other by sharing specific information
(through method invocation)

43) Is it possible to call servlet with parameters in the URL?

Ans: Yes. You can call a servlet with parameters in the syntax as (?Param1 = xxx || m2 = yyy).

44) What is Servlet chaining?

Ans: Servlet chaining is a technique in which two or more servlets can cooperate in servicing a single
In servlet chaining, one servlet’s output is piped to the next servlet’s input. This process continues
until the last servlet is reached. Its output is then sent back to the client.

45) How do servlets handle multiple simultaneous requests?

Ans: The server has multiple threads that are available to handle requests. When a request comes in, it is
assigned to a thread, which calls a service method (for example: doGet(), doPost( ) and service( ) )
of the servlet. For this reason, a single servlet object can have its service methods called by many threads
at once.
46) How are Servlets and JSP Pages related?

Ans: JSP pages are focused around HTML (or XML) with Java codes and JSP tags inside them. When a
web server that has JSP support is asked for a JSP page, it checks to see if it has already compiled the
page into a servlet. Thus, JSP pages become servlets and are transformed into pure Java and then
compiled, loaded into the server and executed.

47).How do servlets handle multiple simultaneous requests?

Ans: Using Threads

48).How do I automatically reload servlets?

Ans:depends upon the server's servlet reload properites.
48).My servlet, which ran correctly under the Servlet 2.0 APIs (Java Web Server 1.1.3) is not
running under the Servlet 2.1 APIs (Java Web Server 2.0). What's wrong?

Ans:You might have used servlet to servlet communication by using servletcontext methods like
getServlet(),getServlets() which are depricated and returns null from new release that is from
servlet2.1 API.

49) What are the types of ServletEngines?

Standalone ServletEngine: A standalone engine is a server that includes built-in support for servlets.
Add-on ServletEngine: Its a plug-in to an existing server.It adds servlet support to a server that was not
originally designed with servlets in mind.
Embedded ServletEngine: it is a lightweight servlet deployment platform that can be embedded in another
application.that application become true server.

50)what is httptunneling?
ans: it is mechanism of performing both write and read operations using http is extending
the functionality of http protocol.

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