Torts Full Text June 30
Torts Full Text June 30
Torts Full Text June 30
on the ground again. As a result of these blows, Rhodes had hemorrhage and died at one thirty
in the afternoon of the following day.
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, complainant-appellee,
v. Facts that constitute the second cause. The accused was sitting next to Rhodes, - ready to
RAYMUNDO RELLIN, accused-appellant. punch him again if he got up, - when the Alfonso Formarejos and Alejandro Marquez
constabulary arrived, accompanied by Police Sergeant Raymundo Pelaez. Upon his arrival,
D. Santiago F. Alidio in representation of the appellant. Formerejos said: "Do not run" and the defendant, standing up, replied, "I will not
Auxiliary Attorney General Mr. Gianzon and Acting Attorney Mr. run." Formarejos ordered him to raise his hands, to drop his weapons, to turn and four steps
Barromeo on behalf of the Government. forward. As a disciplined soldier, he obeyed all four orders, but had hardly taken the steps
when the two constabulary hit him in the back and head. By these blows I fell on the
PABLO, J .: unconscious floor and only regained consciousness at twelve o'clock the next day, when the
bell of the church was played, in the municipal jail of Sta. Cruz.
Raymundo Rellin was accused of two crimes: ( a ) direct attack against an officer of authority
with homicide (criminal case No. 13) and ( b)) direct attack against an agent of authority Due to the simple fact that Graciano Rodas was a municipal police officer, it must not
(criminal case No. 14), both of the Juzgado de Primera Instancia de Quezon (Tayabas). At the necessarily be inferred that the accused committed the crime of direct resistance against an
request of the parties, for the reason that the two crimes were committed not immediately after agent of authority. There is no evidence that Graciano Rodas was then exercising his position
the other, the two cases were jointly considered. Informed the defendant of the two complaints, as municipal police, and that the accused knew it. When the accused asked them, "Stop, who
he pleaded not guilty. After the corresponding hearing, the Hon. Judge Del Rosario are you ?," Rhodes replied, "We are members of the patrol inspecting the guards of the
pronounced sentence condemning the accused in the first case, not for the complex crime of neighborhood association." That answer did not indicate that it was municipal police. As the
direct attack against an agent of authority with homicide, but for simple homicide only, to suffer accused was in that night the person in charge of inspecting the guards, it is not strange that
an indeterminate sentence that not to lose two (2) years, eleven (11) months and eleven (11) the arrival of three people of doubtful appearance caught his attention: he was justified to
days of correctional prison and not to exceed eight (8) years and one (1) day of major prison, parales and ask them who they were. That was not then Rodas patrol as a municipal police
with the accessories, indemnify the heirs of the deceased Graciano Rodas in the amount of reveals the fact that neither he, nor Leon Constantino had his respective club: Leon and
P2,000 without subsidiary prison in case of insolvency, with payment of half of the preventive Gregorio, because they had no weapons, according to them, escaped from fear as soon as the
prison suffered by the defendant in accordance with Article 29 of the Penal Code Revised, and defendant unloaded punetazos against Graciano Rhodes. There is more, that night Graciano
the payment of the costs of the trial, and in the second case, not by attack but by resistance to Rhodes was wearing shorts and a shirt; I was not uniformed police. If it is true that Rhodes and
an agent of authority, to the penalty of two months of major arrest and a fine of P200 and the Constantine, together with Baguio, had already inspected several guards, because they have
costs. not been able to name a single name of the guards inspected? Although it was a moonlit night,
the place where the event took place was dark in the shadows of the trees. The defendant did
Facts that correspond to the first cause. The evidence on the record shows that Raymundo not have the opportunity to meet Rhodes before unloading the punches. because they did not
Rellin was walking down Calle Tavera, in Sta. Cruz, Marinduque, at around eleven o'clock on have weapons, according to them, they escaped from fear as soon as the defendant unloaded
the night of April 4, 1944, from his home and in the direction of the patrol's barracks. see the punching against Graciano Rodas. There is more, that night Graciano Rhodes was wearing
neighborhood association boss, he saw three people with suspicious appearance, and he shorts and a shirt; I was not uniformed police. If it is true that Rhodes and Constantine,
shouted, asking, "Stop, who are you?" they replied "We are members of the party inspecting together with Baguio, had already inspected several guards, because they have not been able
the guards of the neighborhood association." Surprised or outraged, under the influence of the to name a single name of the guards inspected? Although it was a moonlit night, the place
"tuba", for the answer, since he was designated that night to inspect the guards of his where the event took place was dark in the shadows of the trees. The defendant did not have
neighborhood, I ask them, "What kind of patrol?" They, without answering, they stopped; He the opportunity to meet Rhodes before unloading the punches. because they did not have
approached to recognize them: but as the first had a suspicious attitude, the defendant gave weapons, according to them, they escaped from fear as soon as the defendant unloaded
him two punts that knocked him to the ground in the act. The other two who were behind, out of punching against Graciano Rodas. There is more, that night Graciano Rhodes was wearing
fear, ran. Graciano Rodas, who was the name of the one who fell on the floor, sat up and shorts and a shirt; I was not uniformed police. If it is true that Rhodes and Constantine,
attacked the defendant by hitting him on his forearm. Then he snatched his gun, throwing it together with Baguio, had already inspected several guards, because they have not been able
away and immediately punching him until he lay on the ground again. As a result of these to name a single name of the guards inspected? Although it was a moonlit night, the place
blows, Rhodes had hemorrhage and died at one thirty in the afternoon of the following where the event took place was dark in the shadows of the trees. The defendant did not have
day. That was the name of the one who fell on the ground, he got up and attacked the accused the opportunity to meet Rhodes before unloading the punches. If it is true that Rhodes and
by hitting him on his forearm. Then he snatched his gun, throwing it away and immediately Constantine, together with Baguio, had already inspected several guards, because they have
punching him until he lay on the ground again. As a result of these blows, Rhodes had not been able to name a single name of the guards inspected? Although it was a moonlit night,
hemorrhage and died at one thirty in the afternoon of the following day. That was the name of the place where the event took place was dark in the shadows of the trees. The defendant did
the one who fell on the ground, he got up and attacked the accused by hitting him on his not have the opportunity to meet Rhodes before unloading the punches. If it is true that Rhodes
forearm. Then he snatched his gun, throwing it away and immediately punching him until he lay and Constantine, together with Baguio, had already inspected several guards, because they
Two extenuating circumstances have in his favor the defendant: that of not having intended to
cause an illness as serious as that which occurred and that of having committed the offense
As a soldier he (Carrington) was not an official of the Philippines, but of the United States. ABAD SANTOS, J.:
And in People vs. Yboa (P. 420, ante ), we held that a captain of the United States Army in A joint decision was rendered in CAR Case Nos. 827, 828 and 829 of the defunct Court of
charge of the Philippine Civil Affairs Unit (PCAU) No. 28 in Catbalogan, Samar, was not a Agrarian Relations stationed in San Carlos City (Negros Occidental) because the six plaintiffs
"person in authority" or a "public officer "within the meaning of article 148 of the Revised who are the petitioners at bar all alleged that they are share tenants of the defendants; that the
Criminal Code. Hence, we held that right hand man Jose Claudio employed in said "PCAU" No. defendants diverted the free flow of water from their farm lots which caused portions of their
28 was not an "agent of a person in authority," within the meaning of the same article. landholdings to dry up to their great damage and prejudice: and that they were told by the
defendants' overseer to vacate their respective areas for they could not plant palay any longer
If an officer of the United States Army, who was therefore an officer of the United States, was due to lack of water. They prayed that they be declared as leasehold tenants and that the
considered, in the cited cases, as a "person in authority" or a "public officer," within the defendants be ordered to pay attorney's fees and different kinds of damages.
meaning of the Spanish Penal Code , and if the right-hand man (to Filipino) of Captain Myden
in said "PCAU" No. 28 was not considered in the Yboa case as an "agent of a person in The trial court rendered judgment in favor of the plaintiffs as follows:
authority," within the meaning of article 148 of the Revised Criminal Code, to my mind there
would be no sense in considering a member of the so-called Philippine Constabulary or of the WHEREFORE, coherent with the foregoing, this Court, in judgment, hereby:
municipal police under the puppet government established here by the Japanese Army as an
"agent of a person in authority." It is evident that the "Government of the Philippine 1) Declares all the plaintiffs in the above-entitled cases to be maintained as agricultural lessees
Islands"government existing before the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth Government after in peaceful cultivation in their respective landholdings;
its establishment and during its existence, and the Republic after independence. It could not
have been meant to include such a sham organization as the puppet regime that Japan set up 2) Prohibits defendants from closing and/or disrupting the free flow of water supplying plaintiffs'
in these Islands. To punish Filipino citizen for the crime of attempt against an agent of a person landholdings;
for authority assaulted such an employee of said puppet government, in the final analysis, to
punish him for attempting against the authority of the Japanese invaders themselves, because 3) Declares the Writ of Preliminary Injunction issued on February 23, 1982 to be permanent;
even the majority opinion in Co Kim Cham Valdez Tan Keh and Dizon(75 Phil., 113, 128), said
that the ultimate source of the authority of the so-called Republic of the Philippines, like that of 4) Orders plaintiffs to seek the assistance of the Ministry of Agrarian Reforms in the fixing of
the Philippine Executive Commission, was "the Japanese military authority and government." It their lease rentals;
would be an abuse to the courts of this Republic to have the citizen of the same for allegedly
committed to alleged crime, in the final analysis, must be considered as having been against 5) Orders the defendants to pay all the six plaintiffs in the above-entitled cases individually
the authority of the very nation had so unlawfully and barbarously attacked and invaded this moral and exemplary damages in the sum of TEN THOUSAND (P10,000.00) PESOS, each;
country. Soundly considered, the crime of assault against a person in authority, or an agent of
such person, and all offenses defined and punished by the Revised Criminal Code, are 6) Orders the defendants to pay the attorney's fees in the amount of P5,000.00; and
criminalized because they are deemed to be committed against the authority of the State and
the sovereignty of the people , from whom "all government authority emanates" (Constitution, 7) Dismiss all other claims and counterclaims of the parties for lack of merit (Rollo, pp. 28-29.)
In awarding damages and attorney's fees, the trial court said: It appears that the petitioners were denied irrigation water for their farm lots in order to make
them vacate their landholdings. The defendants violated the plaintiffs' rights and caused
This Court has likewise noted the manifestation submitted by plaintiffs on June 3, 1982 wherein prejudice to the latter by the unjustified diversion of the water.
they have attached photographs of their dried-up landholdings and wilted palay crops. The
allegations in this pleading and the accompanying pictures were never rebutted by the The petitioners are also entitled to exemplary damages because the defendants acted in an
defendants. oppressive manner. (See Art. 2232. Civil Code.)
In view of this circumstances, this Court holds the opinion that between the period of the It follows from the foregoing that the petitioners are also entitled to attorney's fees but the size
inspection by the PC Team on February 24, 1982 and June 13, 1982 when plaintiffs' of the fees as well as the damages is subject to the sound discretion of the court.
manifestation was filed, there has been complete closure of water supplying plaintiffs'
landholdings which resulted to the drying up of the same that greatly hampered the healthy WHEREFORE, the petition is granted; the decision under review is modified and each of the
growth of the palay crop. This Court does not believe that the disruption of the water supply plaintiffs is entitled to the following to be paid by the defendants jointly and severally:
which led to the very poor harvest is due to the fault/negligence of the plaintiffs.
Moral damages — P1,000.00
Under the law, the landowner has an obligation to keep the tenant in the peaceful and
continuous cultivation of his landholding. A disturbance of possession, such as the act Exemplarly damages — 500.00
complained of, is violative of the law.
Attorney's fees — 1,000.00
The Honorable Court of Appeals, thru Associate Justice Porfirio V. Sison, in June 23, 1982, P2,500.00
promulgated a decision in the case of Buenaventura Garcia, plaintiff-appellant, vs. Eduardo
Jalandoni, Salud Garcia and Chester Garcia, defendant-appellees, which ruling is relevant to The costs shall be assessed against the private respondents.
the above-entitled cases when the said Honorable Court state:
The law forbids the use of tenants like balls on a pool table, whacked and volleyed and
pocketed at the whim and caprice of the player, or their positions placed on the auction block
like slaves to be sold to the highest bidder. Such a calamitous situation erode wholehearted
dedication to the soil; it is destructive of the system itself, as such an attitude takes away the
freedom the emancipated tenants won under the aegis of the New Republic.
The plaintiff-appellant is entitled to moral damages in the sum of P5,000.00 and exemplary
damages in the further sum of P5,000.00 to be paid by defendant Eduardo Jalandoni. Let this
be a warning to those who flout the lofty purpose of the agrarian reform program.
Plaintiffs have all their legal rights to protect their interests under the law in filing these cases,
for what the defendants have done to them, and as such they are entitled attorney's fees.
(Rollo, pp. 27-28.)
Upon the other hand, in deleting the questioned award the Intermediate Appellate Court said: