Seed Listing Catalog
Seed Listing Catalog
Seed Listing Catalog
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Black-eyed Pea
the Original Seedsavers
Seed policy for Native Americans
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About Native Seeds/SEARCH...
About this Seedlisting, Growing & Seedsaving 2
Tableof Contents
Ancient Seeds for
Modern Needs...
Native Seeds/SEARCH (Southwest Endangered Aridlands
Resource Clearing House) is a non-profit organization that
conserves, distributes and documents the adapted and
diverse varieties of agricultural seeds, their wild relatives
and the role these seeds play in cultures of the American Board of Directors
Southwest and northwest Mexico. Chair Susan Kunz
Vice-chair David Tiers
We’re proud to announce our future home: We promote the use of these ancient crops and their wild Secretary
Pat Reid
Jacob Bernal
relatives by gathering, safeguarding, and distributing their
the Native Seeds/SEARCH seeds to farming and gardening communities. We also Lydia Breunig, Barney T. Burns,
Mahina Drees, Sage Goodwin,
at Brandi Fenton Memorial Park to preserve the crop heritage passed on to us by Native peoples, settlers, and explorers of the
Greater Southwest. Become involved in our efforts by joining or donating to Native
3482 E. River Road Seeds/SEARCH. Members receive a 10% discount on purchases in our gift shop, catalog or
(CORNER OF EAST RIVER ROAD AND NORTH ALVERNON WAY) online. In addition, members receive our newsletter, the Seedhead News. Each issue contains
Look for annoucements of the move sometime this summer! gardening tips, recipes, previews of workshops and other special events, book reviews and feature
articles on our projects and crops. Please use the form on
the back of the catalog to join or give a gift membership. Key to Visual Symbols
How to use this seedlisting Our Seed Policy About the seeds we steward...
This catalog represents our continuing effort to offer and When placing an order for seeds, please remember that Is our seed “hybrid”?
distribute seeds adapted to the desert environments within Native Seeds/ SEARCH is a non-profit conservation No and yes. No, our seeds are not “hybrid” in the sense of
our region. You will find planting instructions provided for organization, not a commercial seed company. We have a being produced through controlled pollination — often with
each crop. General guidelines have been developed for both limited quantity of some seeds. Because of high demand, highly inbred lines — by modern plant breeders, typically for
low desert (<3500 ft.) and high desert (>3500 ft.) we must limit orders to six packets of each variety. An large-scale high-input agricultural production systems.
conditions, based on our experience in Tucson and at the order, for example, may include up to six packets of Cochiti However, hybridization — the crossing of genetically distinct
Conservation Farm (4000 ft.). Popcorn, six packets of Hopi Red Watermelon and so on. parents, both within and between populations, varieties, and
In the low desert, summer rains come in July or early Group exceptions can be considered. Please contact us at species — has been important in the evolution of crop
August, summer temperatures regularly exceed 100°F and 520.622.5561. We have a special seed policy for Native diversity. It is a natural process, resulting from open-
remain high during the night, and planting for the cool American farmers and gardeners (see page 19). On pollination, and one that farmers have often used to their
season can be anytime from September to November. In the occasion it may be necessary to substitute seed due to advantage. Thus, hybridization is likely reflected in the genetic
high desert, summer rains can begin in June, summer lack of availability. make-up of much of our seed, making them “hybrids.”
temperatures often reach 100°F but cool off considerably We encourage everyone to grow and keep pure seed lines The seeds we offer in our catalog and store were all
during the night, and planting for the cool season usually and to contribute surplus seeds to fellow gardeners. Be originally collected from subsistence and small-scale farmers
begins in February. For warm weather crops, the low desert aware that some plants cross-pollinate, which should be a and gardeners. These are the food crops that have sustained
has eight frost-free months, which include extremely hot concern for gardeners who wish to save seed (see next traditional communities for centuries. They have been selected
and dry conditions. The Conservation Farm sits in a cold page). and nourished by farmers over generations, becoming adapted
air drainage and has about six frost-free months. Gardeners All Native Seeds/SEARCH seeds offered here have passed to local environmental conditions and cropping systems, and
in other climates will need to adjust their planting times. It germination tests. Most of them are hand cleaned and their individual flavors, odors, and textures have infused local
is helpful to know your average last frost dates; ask naturally grown. They are stored in cool dry conditions. culinary and ceremonial practices. They are the result of much
experienced gardeners or the agricultural extension agent in Freezing is the only method of insect control. open-pollination, hybridization, and subsequent selection
your area. The visual keys (top right) are provided to guide (both natural and human-imposed). We celebrate this
your selection of crops that have been grown successfully in Safe Seed Pledge diversity!
the low desert, high desert or both. Along with more than 80 seed companies, both large
We are not sure how crops will do outside their area of and small, NS/S is a member of the Safe Seed Initiative, Is our seed “organic”?
origin, but we regularly send seeds to gardeners across the urging a cautious stance regarding genetically engineered Our Conservation Farm is not certified organic, thus none
U.S. Please write to us about your successes and failures. (GE) seeds and promoting alternatives to GE seeds for of the seed we currently grow can be labeled as ‘organic’.
However, our first method of insect/disease control utilizes
interested consumers. The Safe Seed Pledge is as follows:
products acceptable for use in organic production systems (as
Our retail store is getting “Agriculture and seeds provide the basis upon which our listed on the Organic Materials Research List). If these do not
a new home too: lives depend. We must protect this foundation as a safe and provide sufficient remedy, limited and targeted use of some
chemicals is allowed under our Integrated Pest Management
3061 N. Campbell Ave., Tucson, AZ 85719 genetically stable source for future generations. For the
strategy, to ensure we can maintain these precious seed
benefit of all farmers, gardeners and consumers who want
Fax orders 520.622.5591 varieties. Thus, we may occasionally use insecticides or
an alternative, we pledge that we do not knowingly buy or
herbicides not approved for organic systems.
Retail Hours (MST): sell genetically engineered seeds or plants. The mechanical
We use no nitrogen-based commercial fertilizers relying
Monday–Wednesday 10am–5pm Thursday–Saturday transfer of genetic material outside of natural reproductive
instead on cover crops, green manures and crop rotations to
10am–6pm methods and between genera, families or kingdoms, poses
Sunday 12pm–4pm; except closed Sundays June–August maintain or improve soil fertility. We are committed to the
great biological risks as well as economic, political, and
ecologically-sound stewardship of the Conservation Farm, i.e.,
Or order online 24 hours a day! cultural threats. We feel that genetically engineered
managing its soil, water, insect and plant resources in a
varieties have been insufficiently tested prior to public
Business Hours: Monday–Friday 9am–5:00pm manner that is rooted in the understanding and application of
release. More research and testing are necessary to further
sound ecological principles. It would not be consistent with
For more information or to order online, visit our secure website at assess the potential risks of genetically engineered seeds.
our long-term stewardship role to act in a manner that or email [email protected] Further, we wish to support agricultural progress that leads
pollutes the water we use to irrigate our crops, or destroys
to healthier soils, genetically diverse agricultural ecosystems
Help us get the word out: pollinators, beneficial insects or soil microorganisms that
and ultimately people and communities.”
Bulk quantities of this 2010 Seedlisting are available from provide essential ecosystem services. We seek to leave a small
Native Seeds/SEARCH at 30 cents each (or $25 per 100). Minimum and unobtrusive footprint while stewarding these precious
For more information, please contact The Safe Seed
order 10 catalogs. Feel free to resell them for the $2 cover price at resources.
nurseries, garden shops, crafts booths, general stores, bookstores,
Initiative, c/o Council for Responsible Genetics, 5
pow-wows, and other public events and places. Upland Road, Suite 3, Cambridge, MA 02140; phone
Growing & Seedsaving Information See our website for more information…
Growing healthy seed Days to maturity Recommended distances to prevent
Plant healthy, non-diseased seed. Thin plants to a If you are accustomed to seed catalogs that provide the crossing between varieties of species
recommended distance within and between rows — most number of days to maturity for their seeds, you may wonder Appropriate distances to keep between varieties of the same
plants simply do better with a little breathing room and good why we do not provide this data for many of the seeds offered species may vary, depending on the source. In general, wind
air-circulation can help prevent disease (see individual crops here. Although the number of days can be a guide for pollinated crops (e.g., corn) and crops visited by insect
for recommended planting distances). Rogue (remove) plants selecting varieties suitable to your area, seed companies pollinators capable of traveling some distance (e.g., carpenter
that are diseased or otherwise unhealthy looking. If you’re publish an average number of growing days, using data from bees, honeybees) should be grown a mile or more apart from
trying to keep pure seed lines, also rogue out plants that don’t different areas and conditions. For example, a 75-day bean each other. Self-pollinated crops (e.g., beans) may require as
appear true-to-type (what you know the plant to look like). may mature in 65 days in California, 85 days in Maine, and 79 little as 20 ft., depending on what’s grown in-between or the
days in Missouri. abundance of insect pollinators present (the more insects, the
Keeping lines pure We do not list days to maturity because we often don’t have more likely pollen may find it’s way from one plant to
Growing more than one variety of the same species at a reliable information. Some of our varieties are from isolated another). The following recommended distances are
time may result in crossing. Planting the seeds from crosses regions with varied microclimates. Moreover, many of our guidelines for producing pure seed when planting more than
may produce something entirely different than you’re crops reach maturity in different lengths of time, depending one variety of the same species at the same time.
expecting — which is how we got all this wonderful diversity on when they are planted —e.g., in the spring or with the
to begin with! However, if you want to get the same crop you summer rains.
20-500 ft. 1/2 mile 1 or more miles
did last year, then you may need to prevent cross-pollination Basil (150 ft.) Devil’s claw Amaranth (non-selfing)
from occurring. There are several ways to do this: Harvesting Beans (30 ft.) Garbanzo Corn
Spacing. Plant different varieties at a suitable distance to Let seeds mature before harvesting. For most Peas (300 ft.), Melons Fava
ensure insects or wind cannot effectively carry pollen from crops, this means leaving them in the field to Peppers (500 ft.) Mustards Gourds
one variety to another. See box to right for recommended dry — corn, beans, gourds, okra, devil’s claw, Scarlet runner beans Lima beans
standard distances for some crops. peas, chiles, etc. Some crops require after- Squash Okra
Timing. Plant different varieties of the same species at ripening (e.g., squash) or fermentation Sunflower Tobacco
different times so that they are not flowering at the same (tomatoes).
time. This may involve an early and late planting. Be sure
there is enough time at the end of the season for the late
planting to mature before the first frost.
Isolation cages. Physically prevent insects from visiting
Cleaning & saving seeds
Remove all plant material, including chaff, stems, or flesh
from seeds and allow to dry thoroughly. Use sealable plastic
one variety or another by constructing screen cages and
placing them over one or more varieties. This is best used for
non-sprawling crops, such as tomatoes, beans (they can cross-
pollinate if insects are abundant), okra, cotton, and chiles.
bags, paper envelopes, jars with good lids or any airtight
container to store seed from one year to the next. Spread wet
seeds from squash, melons, tomatoes, etc., on clean dish
Dear Seedsavers…
towels. We do not recommend paper towels (they stick) or What a difference a year can make! We had such
Hand-pollinating. Manually transfer pollen from one
newspaper (toxic print). Store seeds in a cool, dry place, such an ethusiastic response to our color format last year
flower to another. Hand pollination will differ depending on
as your hall closet or freezer. that seeds literally flew out the door! This is a good
the crop but essentially you want to be sure that neither the
flower being pollinated nor the one used as the pollen source thing, for everyone. Needless to say, we’re staying
have been previously pollinated. with the color format, though we have added names
to the photographs, which should make ordering a
little easier!
C8. Alegria. A. cruentus. Produces blond seed C10. Mano de Obispo. Celosia cristata. Also
typically used for a traditional confection, alegria, which is made known as cockscomb, this ornamental decorates graves for Dia de
with popped seed and honey in central Mexico. los Muertos (All Souls Day) on November 2. Most flowers are vivid
magenta, some golden. The black seed is edible.
C5. Guarijio Grain. A. hypochondriacus x A.
hybridus. “Guegui.” From the Rio Mayo in Sonora, Mexico, a white- C16. Marbled. A. cruentus. Originally collected in
C4 Mt. Pima Greens C10 Mano de Obispo seeded grain used for tamales, pinole or popping. the state of Morelos, Mexico in 1979. The inflorescences are
predominantly red but marbled with green. The green leaves
C17. Guatemalan. A. cruentus. Originally have light red venation.
collected in San Martin Jilotepeque, Guatemala. The leaves are
green as are the “flowers” (bract), though occasional red C11. Mexican Grain. A. cruentus. A blond seed
inflorescences are also produced. Seeds are blond. produced from green plants and flowers. Original seed donated
to Rodale Research by a gardener in Hobbs, New Mexico.
C2. Hopi Red Dye. A. cruentus. ”Komo.” The attractive
plant can grow 6ft. tall with a 1-2ft. long scarlet inflorescence. The C4. Mt. Pima Greens. A. cruentus. From the
C5 Guarijio Grain C11 Mexican Grain Hopi make a natural food dye from the flower bract to color “piki” Sonora/Chihuahua border in Mexico. The leaves are used for
bread. In Hopi land, this greens and the light colored seeds are ground for pinole.
readily crosses with wild
A. powelli. Black seeds are C9. Paiute. A. cruentus. From a garden on the Kaibab
edible. Southern Paiute Reservation in southern Utah. Edible seeds and
PC12 Amarillo del Norte Common Bean Phaseolus vulgaris Bulk quantities available for $7 (56gms)
Common beans are a diverse and important crop to Native American farmers throughout the Southwest.
They are eaten young as green beans or dried and shelled. Plants can be bush, semi-pole, or pole. Approx.
15-28gms/packet, depending on seed size.
Culture: Beans need warm soil for best germination. Plant seeds in spring or summer about 1 inch deep and 6
PC18 Hopi Black Pinto PC42 Tara. Chókame inches apart or in basins. Semi-pole and pole varieties will benefit from a trellis —try intercropping them with
corn or sorghum. Overwatering will cause “chlorosis,” yellowing in young leaves due to nutrient deficiencies.
Seedsaving: An annual that is generally self-pollinating, but can cross with other common bean varieties. Dried
pods can be harvested throughout the growing season, or harvest whole plants as described for teparies.
Separate varieties by 10 yards (9 meters).
PC67. Colorado Bolita. Pinkish-beige Hispanic PC18. Hopi Black Pinto. Striking black and
heirloom dry farmed at 7000’ in the Four Corners area. Early- white/beige pinto, dry farmed in Hopi fields of northeastern
maturing pole bean with good green beans and colorful Arizona. Early-maturing bushy-pole beans with colorful
pods. High-yielding. mottled pods. High-yielding.
PC32 Vadito Bolita PC63 O’odham Pink
PC122. Durango Purple Star*. Large beans PC105. Hopi Light Yellow. Large, light
with purple star pattern radiating over cream-beige yellow-beige beans from Hotevilla collections. Also called
background. Pole bean from the state of Durango, Mexico. “grease beans,” plants are somewhat early-maturing pole
beans. High-yielding, with good green beans.
PC4. Frijol Chicharero*. Classic vayo
PC34 Tara. Bakákima PC66 Yoeme Ojo de Cabra bean with light tan and dark brown veins, from Nievas,
PC19. Hopi Yellow. “Sikya mori.” Large bronze
Durango. Pole bean.
seeds, common in Hopi country, may be dry farmed or
irrigated. High-yielding pole type, good as a green bean.
PC125. Frijol Chivita. “Little goat.” A yellow
Jacob’s Cattle Bean from the arid piñon, oak and juniper
PC73. Mayocoba*. Large beige vayo-type bean.
area of the eastern Tarahumara in Chihuahua. Also known
Tasty as a green bean. Originally collected from Mayocoba,
as “Golondrina” or “Cinco Minutos.” Color may vary from
PC40 Tara. Carpintero PC67 Colorado Bolita white with gold mottling to gold with white mottling.
Sonora. Late-maturing in the Conservation Farm grow-out.
More Common Bean Phaseolus vulgaris
PC87. Mitla Black. Originally collected in PC47. Tarahumara Frijol Amarillo*. Large,
Oaxaca, Mexico, and grown for us at High Desert Research gold, high-yielding staple. Vigorous pole bean producing PC68 Hopi Black PC96 Tara. Purple Star
Farm at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico, at 6,500 ft. flavorful beans with creamy texture.
elevation. The small pods are edible as a green bean. Good
producers at the CFarm. PC54. Tarahumara Ojo de Cabra*. “Goat’s
eye.” High-yielding pole bean producing large seeds with dark
stripes over a speckled light background. A diversely-colored
PC86. Mt. Pima Pintado. Plum and white
bean with stripes ranging from brown and tan to blue-gray
Jacob’s Cattle type collected in Yecora, Sonora. High-
yielding pole bean. Gorgeous.
and black. Occasional red beans, pintos, and gold beans mixed PC71 Yoeme Purple Str. PC97 Yoeme Vayo
in. Plants produce white and lilac-white flowers, and purple
striped pods. A sweet, mild staple of the Sierra Madre.
PC24. New Mexico Bolita. Pinkish-beige
rounded beans grown for centuries by traditional Hispanics PC130. Tarahumara Purple. Medium-high
of northern New Mexico in irrigated plots. Faster cooking yielding pole bean with gorgeous, large, shiny, deep-purple
than pintos and early-maturing too. High-yielding pole. seeds. Sweet taste, smooth texture. From central (mountain-
ous) and eastern (high mesa) Tarahumara country, Chihuahua. PC73 Mayocoba PC100 Taos Red
PC63. O’odham Pink. “S-wegi mu:n.” A
pink bean from desert borderlands of Sonora and Arizona. PC96. Tarahumara Purple Star*. Large purple
Fast growing, the plants will sprawl and produce in early and white beans from central and southern Tarahumara
spring or late fall in the low desert. country in Chihuahua. Purple pattern radiating outward from
the seed “eye” across a white background. Very late-maturing
PC100. Taos Red. Very large, red with darker pole beans when grown at the Conservation Farm.
maroon mottling/striping. Grown under irrigation in Taos
PC78 Chihuahua Canario PC105 Hopi Light Yellow
Pueblo at 7,500’ elevation. Rare in the Pueblos, although PC131. Tohono O’odham Vayo
very similar to Hopi Red. Low pole, almost bushy, with Amarillo. Large gold beans grown-out from collections from
outstanding dark red mature pods. High-yielding. the border region of Arizona and Sonora. A Mexican bean
introduced to the Tohono O’odham. Pole bean with sweet
PC34. Tarahumara Bakámina. Rare. Semi- flavor and creamy texture.
pole plants produce tiny, burgundy, kidney-shaped seeds PC86 Mt. Pima Pintado PC122 Durango Purple S.
with a black ring around the hilum. Pods are quite long and PC32. Vadito Bolita. Pinkish-beige bean from
make excellent green beans. Vadito, New Mexico. Good for high elevations and short
season areas. High-yielding pole bean.
PC40. Tarahumara Carpintero. Striking
black and white Jacob’s Cattle bean. Originally collected in
PC66. Yoeme Ojo de Cabra. Small beige bean with
central and southern Tarahumara country, Chihuahua. This
golden brown lineation, hence “goat’s eye”. Can be eaten green
pole bean is prolific with a little shade in Tucson.
or as a dry bean. From Vicam, Sonora, a traditional Yoeme
PC87 Mitla Black PC125 Frijol Chivita
village, where it is planted in January and harvested in May.
PC42. Tarahumara Chókame. Medium-sized Late-maturing, high-yielding summer pole bean grown at the
shiny black bean from the Sierra Madre of Chihuahua, Conservation Farm.
Mexico. Pole bean producing lilac flowers and colorful
mottled pods. Beans have a distinct earthy flavor.
PC71. Yoeme Purple String. A prolific pole bean
PC95. Tarahumara Ejotero Negro. Bush green that can be eaten green or shelled. Seeds are purple on beige. PC90 Frijol en Seco PC130 Tara. Purple
beans producing black dry beans at maturity. Very early- Plants are heat tolerant.
maturing at the Conservation Farm. Dark lilac flowers.
Original collections from the southern edge of Tarahumara
country in Chihuahua.
PC97. Yoeme Vayo. Medium-sized beige seeds with
veins collected in a Yoeme village outside of Ures, Sonora.
Early-maturing, high-yielding pole bean.
PC95 Tara. Ejotero Negro PC131 T.O. Vayo Amarillo
PL12. Calico. These large, heirloom beans are maroon PL72. Hopi Yellow. “Sikya hatiko”. Seeds vary from
with creamy white swirls. Originally collected in Wild Horse, deep yellow to dark orange with black mottling. During Spring
Colorado. Prolific producer at the Conservation Farm (4000 ceremonies, seeds are sprouted, attached to katsina dolls,
ft.). rattles, and bows and given to children. Sprouts are then
chopped, boiled and cooked in soup for feasting.
PL10 Pima Beige PL72 Hopi Yellow
PL80. Hopi Gray. “Maasi hatiko”. The light beige
beans can be plain or mottled with black. The seeds are PL10. Pima Beige. Originally collected from the Gila
sometimes sprouted and used in ceremonies. May have good River Indian Community in Arizona. The light beige beans can
resistance to Mexican Bean Beetle. be plain or mottled with black.
PL9. Hopi Red. “Pala hatiko”. Selected by the late PL11. Pima Orange. Wonderfully colored orange
Hopi artist Fred Kabotie, these limas are prolific in the low beans with black mottling. From the Gila River Indian
desert. Tasty and meaty, beans are solid red, or may be Community in Arizona.
streaked with black. PL11 Pima Orange PL80 Hopi Gray
Scarlet Runner Bean Phaseolus coccineus PS3. Aztec White. White flowered variety that produces
Large and showy flowers make this an attractive large, white seeds. The fastest maturing scarlet runner at the
garden plant. The large pods can be eaten as green Conservation Farm (4000 ft.).
beans or you can use the beans dried. Not suitable
PS1. Four Corners. A beautiful deep purple and black
for low desert. Approx. 28gms/packet. bean from the Navajo Reservation. Originally collected in the
Culture: Plant 1 inch deep and 6 inches apart in the late ‘80s. Produces bright red flowers that attract
Spring after danger of frost is past. Plants can be bush hummingbirds. Does not like intense heat of the low desert, PS1 Four Corners PS7 Tara. Bordal
but is prolific at the CFarm at 4000'.
or produce long vines which need to be trellised.
Flowers may drop with no pod set if daytime PS7. Tarahumara Bordal. Large white beans from the
temperatures are too high. remote Tarahumara community of Otachique, Chihuahua.
Seedsaving: An annual that is insect pollinated, so PS8. Tarahumara Tekómari. Large black, purple with
varieties will cross. Harvest dried pods throughout the black spots, white, and gray with black spots from the Sierra
growing season. Madre of Chihuahua, Mexico.
PS3 Aztec White PS8 Tara. Tekómari
Seeds All seed packets are $3 each. Visit for a complete listing of available seeds.
PT89. Brown Speckled. Very round beans with
beige speckles on light gray, originally separated out of Blue PT98. San Pablo Balleza. High-yielding black
Speckled. High yielding. tepary bean collected in an Hispanic colonial town on the
eastern slopes of the Sierra Madre in Chihuahua, Mexico.
PT107. Cocopah Brown. Early-
PT67 S.F. Pueblo White PT112 Big Fields Brown PT114. San Pablo Balleza White. Originally
maturing medium-sized flattened orange-tan and orange
collected in 1985 from the colonial town of San Pablo
speckled beans originating from along the lower Colorado
Balleza, Chihuahua. Similar to San Pable Balleza tepary
River in Sonora.
(PT98) but white. Both are grown locally in the area.
PT108. Cocopah White. “Frijoles
PT111. Santa Rosa White. An old collection
Cucupa.” Grown in gardens by the Chupa (River People), or
from the Tohono O’odham village of Santa Rosa. White
Cocopah, living in Sonora, Mexico, just south of San Luis, a
PT75 T.O. Brown PT113 San Ignacio U.S. border town.
seeds. Drought-hardy.
PT79 Blue Speckled PT115 Guarijio White PT78. Yoeme Brown (formerly
PT115. Guarijio White. White bean with variable “Yoeme”). Colorful mixture of medium-sized tan-brown and
shapes and sizes originating in the pine-covered mountains pink-brown beans. Early-maturing, with both white and lilac
of the Sonora/ Chihuahua border. Originally collected flowers. Originally from a traditional Yoeme village on
around 1984-1985. southern Sonora’s coastal plain.
PT119. Menager’s Dam Brown. “W’pegi bawi.” PT3. Yoreme White (formerly “Mayo
A red-brown bean from the Menager’s Dam near the
PT89 Brown Speckled P116 T.O. White Mexican Border.
White”). Medium-sized white beans originating from the
western flanks of the Sierra Madre along the Sonora-Sinaloa
PT4. Sacaton Brown. “S’oam bawi.”
Medium-sized orange-tan seeds. Early-maturing. Once
commercially cultivated by the Gila River Pima near
Sacaton, Arizona.
PT98 San Pablo Balleza PT118 C. Morelos Speckled
About Bean Common Mosaic Virus
Bean Common Mosaic Virus (BCMV) is a plant disease that can affect all New World beans
(Phaseolus spp.), including common beans, tepary beans, lima beans, and scarlet runner beans.
It is not harmful to humans or other animals, but can cause decreased yield or death in beans.
PT107 Cocopah Brown PT119 Men. Dam Brown Tepary beans may be “carriers” of BCMV, as they tolerate the disease with only minor
symptoms if grown in arid regions. Because teparies may carry BCMV, do not grow teparies
near other species of beans that are more susceptible to the virus — especially those to be saved
for seed. Signs of the virus include stunted plants, downward curling and puckering of leaves,
and yellow-green mottling of leaves. BCMV is a seed-borne disease, and seeds saved from
infected plants can pass the virus on to future crops. Healthy plants can be infected by aphids
spreading the virus from diseased to healthy plants, by infected leaves touching healthy ones, or
by gardeners handling healthy plants after working with diseased plants. Diseased plants should
be carefully rogued (removed) and discarded.
Not seeing an old standby? Check out our website for your favorites… and more!
Black-eyed Pea Vigna unguiculata Bulk quantities available for $7 (56gms)
An introduced legume from Africa that tolerates high heat and drought — a good producer in the low, hot
desert. Peas can be eaten green (immature) or dry. Also known as Southern Peas, Cow Peas, or Crowders.
Approx. 7gms/packet.
V3 Mayo Colima V13 Corrientes
Culture: Plant 1 inch deep and 6 inches apart, or in basins, in the spring or with summer rains. Plants sprawl.
Seedsaving: An annual that is mainly self-pollinating but will cross with other cowpea varieties. Dried pods should
be harvested throughout the growing season. Mature pods will split open if left on the plant.
V1. Bisbee Black. Original seeds came from a V9. Pima Bajo. "Tukwupoikam" (black
Native American in Bisbee, AZ, who gave them to a truck eyes it has). Originally collected from the Pima Bajo living V4 Sonoran Yori Muni V14 Yori Cahui
driver, who passed them on to a NS/S member in Missouri. near the Rio Yaqui in Onavas, Sonora, Mexico. The small
Solid black seeds, a good producer in the low desert. white beans have black and brown eyes.
V2. Bisbee Red. Same story as Bisbee Black. V4. Sonoran Yori Muni. From the Rio Mayo
Does well in the low desert, producing long pods with dark watershed in Sonora, Mexico. A small white bean with
red seeds. chocolate brown eyes.
V18. Cerocahui. A typical-looking cowpea, the seeds V19. Tarahumara. From a remote village in V5 Tetapeche Gray Mot. V15 Mayo Speckled
are cream with a black eye. From Cerocahui in the Barranca Batopilas Canyon in the Sierra Madre. The seeds are
del Cobre. predominantly cream to biege with occasional brick or
black-colored seeds.
V13. Corrientes. Collected in Nayarit, Mexico.
Extremely hardy and prolific, with dark red seeds. Excellent V5. Tetapeche Gray Mottled. These speckled
as green beans or shelled. seeds look like wild beans. They are pea size. From a market
in Sonora, Mexico. V6 Tohono O’odham V16 Mt. Pima Yori Muni
V11. Ejotero. Grown by Mayo Indians in
Sinaloa, Mexico, along the Rio Fuerte. The long pods are V20. Texas. The color of red sandstone, this
used as green beans. Dried beans are light beige. cowpea is from the Eagle Pass area of Texas. They were
described as a heat tolerant ‘pole bean’ with superior flavor.
V8. Guarijio Frijol Gamuza. A small tan/orange
bean with a white eye used by the Guarijio and Mayo V6. Tohono O’odham. “U’us mu:n.”
Indians in subtropical/desert canyons of Sonora.
D33. Kori Sitákame. “Red chile.” From Norogachi, a D10. Pequin. Some plants fuzzy with long, hanging chiles,
Tarahumara pueblo in highland Chihuahua. Relatively thin-walled other plants smooth with shorter chiles that stand up. Medium,
and smooth-skinned triangular fruit. Looks almost translucent when increasing to hot after a few seconds. 3-3.5” (c,d)
dry. Medium to hot, increasing after a few seconds. 3.5” long. (j)
D51. Pico de Pajaro. “Bird’s beak.” From Yecora,
D9 Ordoño D21 Cochiti Sonora. The knobby fruit are often curved. Mild in heat. Almost 1”
D5. Mirasol. “Looking at the Sun”, yet these chiles hang
wide and 5-5.5” long. (a)
down on the branches. From southern Chihuahua. Used in soups,
stews, and chicken dishes. Mild to medium. 1” wide and 5” long. (g)
D7. San Felipe. Planted in mid-May by many farmers at
San Felipe Pueblo (5,200’) in New Mexico. Medium to medium-hot. 3-
D2. Negro. “Black” or rich brown. From Chihuahua. Sweet 4” long. (i, j)
and flavorful when mature. May contain an occasional plant bearing
red or differently shaped fruit. Mild heat. 4.5-5” (b) D24. San Juan. “Tsile.” A native New Mexico type
chile still grown by elder farmers in San Juan Pueblo north of
Española, NM. Matured early at our growout at the CFarm in 2001.
D52. Negro de Valle. First collected in 2000 north of Mild to medium-hot. 3.5-5” long. (i)
D10 Pequin D24 San Juan Buenaventura, on the plains of Chihuahua. Similar to Vallero, but
contains only the darker, “native, old
type” chile. Some cooks select only D17. Santo Domingo. Originally from Santo
these dark brown chiles to make the Domingo Pueblo in northern NM (5,200’). This chile matured early at
best chile colorado. Medium heat. 6” our CFarm in 2001. Mild to medium. 3.5-5” long. (i)
long. (j)
DF1. Tabasco. C. frutescens. Hot, prolific, and hardy, this is the
ingredient in the famous hot sauce. Narrow 1"–long fruits are yellow
D9. Ordoño. An ornamental or orange maturing to red. Good for container gardening. (c)
type of chile producing green, yellow,
orange, purple and red fruits, which
D15 Isleta D32 Escondida D53 Tara. Chile Colo. are an inch long and grow upright.
D53. Tarahumara Chile Colorado. An elongated poblano-
shaped chile from southern Chihuahua. Very shiny when green. Mild
Hot and edible. From Batopilas heat. 1.5” wide at shoulders and 3.5-4” long. (k)
Canyon, Chihuahua, Mexico. Good for
container gardening. (f)
D20. Vallero. Originally from Buenaventura, Chihuahua, it
was first collected in 1990. Used by Barney and Mahina’s favorite
D59. Patagonia. chile colorado restaurant. Fleshy when green. Rich brownish-black to
An Hispanic heirloom grown in reddish-brown when mature. Medium heat, but can vary. 6” long. (j)
Patagonia, AZ. The cone-shaped chiles
stand up on the plants, and are yellow D50. Velarde. A native New Mexico chile from
with some purple mottling, ripening Velarde, New Mexico, 6,300’. One of the first to mature at the CFarm
D17 Santo Domingo D50 Velarde D55 Caribe
to orange then red. Used to make a in 2001. Mild to mild-medium in heat. 3.5-4” long. (i)
thin hot sauce by blending with
8 vinegar. Medium-hot. 1” long. (f) D60. Zia Pueblo Mix. From the same farmer as our other Zia
Pueblo chile, but a cross between the local chile and a larger, fleshier
chile from Ignacio, Colorado,
which it resembles. Medium
heat. 6.5-7”(j)
Dent Corn Mature kernels are dented due to flour heart and flint sides. Used for elote (roasted), tamales, tortillas,
corn beer & animal feed.
ZD81 Mayo Batchi ZD84 Dia de San Juan ZD84. Dia de San Juan. An all-purpose white corn used ZD86. Pepitillo. Originally collected in southern Chihuahua
for everything by the Mayo. From north of Alamos, Sonora. Planted in 1985. Medium-large, thick ears that taper toward the tip. Kernels
on the Dia de San Juan (June 24) when Southwestern folks are mostly dented and white or yellow with occasional purple.
traditionally celebrate the coming of the summer rains.
ZD32. Tohono O’odham June. Traditionally
ZD81. Mayo Batchi. A desert staple of Sonora’s Mayo River floodwater farmed in midsummer with the desert rains. Ears up to 6
heartland. The short fat ears have clear white/yellow kernels with inches. Clear/white kernels with a hint of pink and soft, floury
some red cobs. Dry farmed. centers. Grows to 8 feet, with red on stalks, silks and tassels.
Originally collected in 1981 on the Tohono O’odham nation south
ZD83. Mayo Tuxpeño. A recent growout of a 1985 of Sells.
collection from Saneal, Sonora, Mexico. Large fat ears on 10-12 ft.
ZD83 Mayo Tuxpeño ZD86 Pepitillo high plants, with yellow, blue and yellow, or pink kerneled ears.
Flour Corn Soft grinding corn used for cornmeal, elote (roasting corn or fresh tamale corn) and
hominy (masa or nixtamal).
ZF139. Escondida Blue. Dark to light blue ZF87. Southern Maiz Negro. Originally
kernels on medium-sized ears. From Escondida in from northern Durango, it has also been grown at
south central New Mexico. low elevation in Sinaloa. A “Maiz Azul” landrace, it
produces dark blue kernels. Used for tortillas.
ZF39. Guarijio Maiz Azul. A unique blue ZF10 Mojave ZF21 Tara. Maiz Azul ZF54 Sto.Dom. Blue
corn with kernels ranging from light blue to deep
blue to lavender and purple on thick cobs. ZF34. Taos Blue. Deep blue kernels on
Prominent denting. Grown at lower elevations than medium-sized ears. From Taos Pueblo, NM.
most maiz azul races.
ZF18. Tarahumara Blando de Sonora.
. ZF51. Hopi Greasy Head. “Wiekte.” One of the mainstays of Tarahumara corn production,
Often planted early by Hopi farmers so the harvest used for making tamales (in milk stage) or ground
can be used for the Home Dance ceremony in July. into flour. Large ears with large white kernels.
Plum-colored kernels on 10-12 inch ears.
ZF57. Tarahumara Harinoso de Ocho. ZF11 Tara. Rósari ZF34 Taos Blue ZF57 Tara. Harinoso
ZF6. Isleta White. From the NM Pueblo south
Flour corn with large ears and large flat kernels.
of Albuquerque. Medium length ears (11”) have
Grown at low elevations in the Barranca del Cobre,
white (and a few red) kernels.
Chihuahua, Mexico.
ZF9. Mayo Tosabatchi. Blando de
Sonora landrace from Sinaloa, Mexico. The white ZF21. Tarahumara Maiz Azul. Blue
kernels are ground to make a soft flour/meal for (and some white) kernels on medium large ears. This
cookies. 70-75 days for elote; 90 days for dry. corn is widely used in the barrancas. During the first
harvest ceremonies, tortillas and tamales are made
ZF10. Mojave. Colorado River from it.
Indians used this fast-growing corn for boiling and ZF14 Navajo White ZF38 Mt. Pima M Azul ZF87 South. M. Neg.
cornmeal. Similar to Tohono O’odham 60-Day ZF11. Tarahumara Rósari. A more colorful
(ZF16). version of the basic Tarahumara Gordo (ZF20). These
beautiful kernels are white with plum/lavender
ZF38. Mt. Pima Maiz Azul. Among some of speckles, solid rose to blue and white. A good
our earliest collections of maize in the Sierra Madre. grinding flour for tortillas and flour.
Deep to lighter blue kernels with occasional white
and yellow ones. Ground into flour and used for ZF16. Tohono O’odham 60-Day. Extremely
tortillas. fast desert-adapted corn traditionally grown by the
Tohono O’odham with the summer rains in
floodwater fields. Short (6-10") ears with white
ZF14. Navajo White. Small kernels on short plant stalks. ZF16 T.O. 60-Day ZF39 Guarijio M Azul ZF124 Vadito Blue
kernels on slender ears of this dry-farmed corn.
ZF52. San Felipe Pueblo Blue. Small kernels Vadito Blue. A short
on long slender ears. Grown with irrigation in New season corn grown at
Mexico’s Rio Grande valley. 8,000’ in northern NM.
Kernels are pale to
ZF54. Santo Domingo Blue. Large ears with
deep blue kernels from Santo Domingo Pueblo.
dark blue, used for
grinding. 9
ZF9 Mayo Tosabatchi ZF18 Tara. Blando ZF52 San Felipe Blue ZF139 Escond. Blue
Flour/Flint Corn These kernels may be of either a hard, flinty texture or soft and floury. When dry, flints generally store better
and have greater resistance to insect damage.
ZL138. Flor del Rio. A rainbow corn with red, yellow, ZL126. Santo Domingo Posole. Large white, flat kernels, used
blue, chinmark and some white kernels. A Spanish family for posole (hominy). Grown in the pueblo in northern NM. Hefty ears.
heirloom collected in Velarde, New Mexico.
ZT33. Tarahumara Apachito. One of the most common types of
corn grown by the Tarahumara. Kernels are typically a pearly light pink to
ZL60. Gila Pima. “A:al Hu:ñ.” Cream- dark rose and occasionally pearly white or yellow.
colored and clear kernels on smallish cobs. Matures quickly and
with minimal irrigation. From the Gila River Pima Reservation in ZL81. Tarahumara Maiz Colorado. A beautiful corn with a mix ZL60 Gila Pima ZL126 Sto. Dom. Pos.
central Arizona. of blue, white, purple and red colored kernels on the same cob or as
single-colored cobs. Mostly flour with some flinty kernels. From a remote
ZT45. Guarijio Maiz Amarillo. Collected in location in the Sierra Tarahumara.
1986 from a Guarijio farmer in Sonora. A dry-farmed, semi-flint
corn with yellow and some white kernels. Used for tamales, atole,
ZT110. Tarahumara Maiz Pinto. Grown at lower elevations in
pinole and as elote. Plants were over 8’ tall when grown at the
the Barranca del Cobre, this lovely mix of blue, white and purple kernels
Conservation Farm!
includes both flour and flint types.
ZL134. Jicarilla Apache Concho. Pearl ZT44. Tarahumara Serape. This Cristalino de Chihuahua
white kernels on 6-8 inch ears; 3-5 foot stalks tolerant of cool, land race has beautiful long slender ears, pearly white, red and striped
high elevations. Approx. 75-80 days from planting to dry seed. kernels. ZL81 Tara. Maiz Colo. ZL138 Flor del Rio
Popcorn Used for pinole (toasted and ground) and as popped corn. Popcorns are flint corns.
ZP90. Chapalote. "Pinole Maiz." One of the four ZP99. Palomero de Chihuahua. White pointy
most ancient corns, it is small kerneled with slender ears. The only kernels on small cobs typical of many popcorns.
brown corn. Makes a sweet meal excellent for pinole. Originally
collected in Sinaloa, Mexico. ZP92. Reventador. Old fashioned pinole corn
with translucent white kernels once grown in Arizona
ZP93. Flor del Rio. A mix of red, blue, white, chinmark, with irrigation. Obtained from central Sonora, Mexico. A ZP92 Reventador ZP94 Mayo Yellow ZP99 Palomero
yellow, brown, and orange kernels on small ears (2-6 inches). good, hardy, crunchy popcorn
Similar to the small “Indian corn” cobs sold in craft and grocery when popped.
stores during the holiday season. Collected in Velarde, New
Mexico, along the Rio Grande. ZP101. Tarahumara.
From the bottom of Copper
ZP94. Mayo Yellow “Chapalote.” A flinty, yellow corn, Canyon in Chihuahua. The
often ground and used to make an especially flavorful pinole. flinty, pale yellow kernels are
From the remote Rancho Camacho, near Piedras Verdes. produced on thin, slender cobs
reminiscent of ‘reventador’,
referring to the popping ZP90 Chapalote ZP93 Flor del Rio ZP97 Onaveño ZP101 Tarahumara
ZP97. Onaveño. Flinty, cream colored kernels. An ancient nature of the corn. Ground and
grinding corn used for pinole. From the Rio Mayo in Sonora. used for pinole or popped.
Seeds All seed packets are $3 each. Visit for a complete listing of available seeds.
Sweet Corn Used for pinole, roasted and reconstituted, or fresh boiled. Kernel colors develop when the corn is
past milk stage.
Z121. Northern Tepehuan Maizillo-Annual Teosinte. Zea mays ssp. mexicana. Found in Nabogame, southern Chihuahua, where
the plants begin to flower in September. Native farmers say growing this near cultivated corn makes their crops "stronger." Native wild
Z121 Wild Corn stands are prolific producers of seed. Plants tend to tiller more in the northern United States. Green stems are chewed for the sweet juices.
Cotton Gossypium spp. Cotton seeds can only be shipped to AZ, NM, TX and OK addresses.
Cultivated since ancient times, people have utilized the lint for spinning and weaving. In frost free areas, cotton can be a perennial shrub or small
H1. Hopi Short Staple. G. hirsutum var. punctatum. Originating in H2. Sacaton Aboriginal. G. hirsutum var. punctatum. Grown by the Pimans
Central America and traded north, this variety was prehistorically grown by for food and fiber until 1900. Padre Kino noted the extensive cotton fields and use of the
the Hopi. It has a short growing season (100 days). Our original seed came fiber for weaving into clothing and blankets. This variety, related to Hopi cotton, was
from a USDA research geneticist. maintained by the Field Station in Sacaton, AZ, for many years under the name "Sacaton
Aboriginal." Pimans planted cotton "when the mesquite began to leaf out."
H2 Sacaton Aborig.
U2 Dolores del Hidalgo U2. Dolores del Hidalgo. From Guanajuato in central Mexico, the plants are prolific in the low desert winters, producing small beans.
M1. Alamos. Originally collected in 1984 in Alamos, M34. Tepehuan Canteen. Teardrop-shaped fruits
Sonora. The gourds are large and banana-shaped with occasional originally collected at Santa Rosalia, Chihuahua, a Tepehuan
teardrops. (d, i) village in a remote area of the Sierra Madre of Mexico. (d) Letters at the end of descriptions
refer to the key. All shapes in the
M64. Hernandez Dipper. Purchased in Hernandez, New M12. Wild Luffa. Luffa operculata. From key may not be currently available.
Mexico, these gourds have long handles and somewhat elongated dooryard gardens in terraces along the
M40 Mayo Teardrop
bases. (g) Rio Mayo in Onavas, Sonora, Mexico.
Plants produce 2-3 inch egg-shaped
M7. Mayo Canteen. Slightly bilobal to short-necked fruit. Removing the thin, papery skin
bilobal gourds. From the Mayo region of southern Sonora. (d, j) reveals the small “luffa sponge” which
can be used as a kitchen or bath
M40. Mayo Teardrop Bule. Teardrop to slight bilobal- scrubber. In the low desert, plant with
shaped gourds. Used to make deer dance rattles. (c, d) the summer rains. M1 Alamos M7 Mayo Canteen M64 Hern. Dipper
Greens Bulk quantities available for $8 (5gms) GR7. Chual. Chenopodium berlandieri. Grown by a
Mayo gardener near Piedras Verdes, Sonora, Mexico. Leaves are
Greens are an excellent source of vitamins, calcium and iron. Originally
eaten raw or cooked.
gathered from the wild, they will readily self-seed and can give urban
gardeners plenty of potherbs. Approx. 0.3-0.5 gms/packet. GR15. Dublan Green. Chenopodium berlandieri. The
Culture: The small seeds should be broadcast or raked in. young, succulent leaves are steamed like spinach and eaten as
quelite. Collected near Nuevo Casas Grandes at Colonia Dublan.
Seedsaving: These annuals are insect pollinated; do not grow different varieties of
the same species if saving seed. Seed pods form along the flower stalk. Allow to GR8. Mostaza Roja. “Mequasare.” Brassica spp. A
mature and dry before harvesting. Place dried seed heads in a paper or cloth sack, wild mustard with tender, mild-flavored leaves. Use in salads
strip off seeds, and winnow out chaff. or as cooked greens. Plant in fall in the low desert. GR8 Mostaza Roja
F11. Hopi Casaba. Two distinct fruit types within F6. San Juan. A prolific honeydew-type with smooth,
this collection: 1) wrinkled, round, yellow-green fruits and 2) smoothly light green skin and light to deep lime-colored flesh. Vines are
elongated yellow-green fruits. Both have pale green to orange flesh. somewhat compact and desert hardy.
Juicy with a mild flavor. Tasty with chile, salt, and lime. Good keepers if
F7 San Felipe F19 Sto.Dom.Casaba unbruised. F24. San Juan Native. Collected in 1993 from an
elder in San Juan Pueblo. Fruit are oblong with ribs and the smooth
F4. Isleta Pueblo. This skin of native melons. Skin turns yellow when ripe. Flesh is light green
orange and green fleshed, ribbed melon to orange.
is from near Albuquerque, NM. Tolerates
F19. Santo Domingo Casaba. Originally collected in
Santo Domingo Pueblo, this is a casaba-type melon. The skin is slightly
F21. Jemez. Oval, ribbed, wrinkled, the flesh is white to light green. Sweet and tasty.
F8 Ojo Caliente F20 Cochiti Mix F23 Corrales mostly smooth-skinned typical native
melon. Orange flesh and sweet flavor. F2. Santo Domingo Mixed. Round- to teardrop-
Collected in Jemez Pueblo in 1990. shaped fruit with smooth skin. Some honeydew-types. Flesh varies
Okra Abelmoschus esculentus Okra seeds can only be shipped to AZ, NM, TX and OK addresses.
OK2. Beck’s Gardenville. A Texas heirloom OK1. Guarijio “Nescafe.” From Sonora, Mexico. The
from San Antonio. A vigorous, productive and drought- beautiful yellow flowers have red throats. Young pods are fried,
tolerant plant. Okra is ready to pick when it snaps off the boiled or added to stews and gumbos. Seeds can be roasted, ground
stalk. and mixed with coffee. Large mature pods are good for dried
OK4. Eagle Pass. From the Carrizo
Springs/Eagle Pass area in Texas. Good in gumbo or cut and OK3. Texas Hill Country Red. Attractive plant with
OK1 OK2 OK3 OK4 fried. Not slimy or stringy when cooked. Plants bear large colorful bronze-red fruit. Produces well in summer heat. Plants are 5-
Guarijio Beck’s Texas Eagle Pass pods beginning near ground level, up to 5 ft. 6 ft. Slender pods can be slivered and eaten raw in salads or cooked.
B1. Tohono O’odham I’itoi. An early introduction by the Spanish, these are a wonderful addition to winter gardens in the low desert. In cooler
B1 Tohono O’odham I’itoi regions, growth is in the summer. Mild flavor.
Not seeing an old standby? Check out our website for your favorites… and more!
Panic Grass Panicum sonorum
A native domesticate of arid America, the grass is used as a forage and the tiny seed harvested for grain. Replace a quarter to
half of the flour in recipes with finely ground seed. Approx. 1 gram/packet.
Culture: Plant with summer rains by broadcasting. Rake in. Protect germinating seeds from birds.
Seedsaving: A wind-pollinated annual. Birds love the seed, which is borne in loose heads. Protect with paper or cloth bags. Harvest
when dry, strip seeds and winnow off chaff.
O1. Panic Grass. “Sagui”. A rare grass. The small golden seed is rich in lysine. Attractive plants are fast growing and heat tolerant. Birds love it!
O1 Panic Grass
Q3. Alverjon Temporal. A “dry farm” pea introduced by the Q8. San Luis. Our only collection from southern
Colorado. Seeds are tan to light yellow with smooth skin. Good
Q3 Alverjon Temp. Q20 O’odham Green
Spanish and now grown in the Manzano Mountains at 7500 ft. in
northern NM. for soups. Grown at 8500 ft.
Q24. Cumpas Green. A smooth green pea from central Q22. Southern Tarahumara. From the far southern part
Sonora, once home to the Opata. Used in soups. of the Sierra Tarahumara in a very remote and difficult to access
Q23. New Mexico. A typical smooth-skinned, beige
Spanish soup pea. Grown throughout New Mexico. Q6. Taos. Grown in Taos Pueblo, New Q6 Taos Q22 Southern Tara.
Mexico. The large seeds are tan to light green and smooth.
Q1. O’odham. Grown for more than 300 years as a Good in soups.
desert winter crop by O’odham farmers. Has been planted in commercial
fields in rotation with cotton to reduce Texas root rot. Alkali tolerant and Q2. Tarahumara “Chicharos.” From the
very hardy. Sierra Madre in northern Mexico. Grown along the edges of
bean and corn fields. Plant in early spring in cooler climates.
Q20. O’odham Green. Originally collected in 1981 from
Q8 San Luis Q23 New Mexico
Santa Rosa Village on the Tohono O’odham Nation. Good in soups and Q11. Tepehuan.
stews. Smooth, green seeds. Does well at the Conservation Farm (4000 ft.). Originally collected from the
Sierra Madre in southern
Q9. Salt River Pima. The large seeds are tan and Chihuahua. Produced well in
smooth. Good in soups and stews. Hardy in the desert, but also did very Tucson. Tan-colored seeds.
well at the Conservation Farm (4000 ft.). Q1 O’odham Q9 Salt River Pima Q24 Cumpas Green
S7. Caña Ganchado. S. bicolor. Grown by the S5. Tarahumara Popping. Sorghum sp. White seed
Guarijio in Sonora, Mexico. Seeds are dark maroon and the sweet collected from Batopilas Canyon.
canes can be 6 feet tall.
S6. Texas Black Amber Molasses. S. bicolor. An
S3. Mayo Broomcorn. Sorghum sp. “Caña de Escoba.” heirloom from Waco, TX. Plump black seeds. Used for molasses and
Tassel spikes are used to make brooms. Collected near Alamos, silage.
S5 Tara. Popping S10 White Mt. Apache
S2. Tohono O’odham. S.
S18. Mt. Pima. S. bicolor. A red-seeded sugar cane bicolor. “Ka:ña.” Crosses with S.
grown by the Mt. Pima for eating. halapense, Johnson grass.
S4. Onavas Red. S. bicolor. The stalks produce many S10. White Mountain
tillers and are sweet and juicy, with burgundy red seeds. From the Apache. S. bicolor. Red-seeded
Pima Bajo village of Onavas. sorghum from Cibeque, Arizona.
S11. San Felipe Pueblo. S. bicolor. Raised as “sugar cane,” S2 Tohono O’odham S6 Texas Black Amber S11 San Felipe Pueblo
these stalks are chewed as a sweet treat. Dark black seeds, plants are
up to five feet tall.
Seeds All seed packets are $3 each. Visit for a complete listing of available seeds.
Seeds All seed packets are $3 each. Visit for a complete listing of available seeds.
C. argyrosperma
Striped cushaw-type fruit. The fast-growing vines have large splotched leaves. Characteristic peduncles (stems) are large and
corky. The fruits of this species usually have a long storage life.
EA2 San Pedro
EA5 Pima Bajo Seg. EA31 Batopilas EA4. Calabasa de las Aguas. Planted with the rains, or EA5. Pima Bajo Segualca. From Onavas, Sonora.
“aguas.” From the bottom of Copper Canyon in Mexico. Small to Small green and white striped fruits, round or with small necks, and
medium-sized fruits have light orange, very sweet flesh. Taos seed pale cream flesh.
EA2. San Pedro. “Ha:l.” A hard-shelled variety with Taos-
EA38. Douglas Heirloom. This squash was collected in 1982
type seeds. A new grow-out of an old collection from the Tohono
from Douglas, AZ in the southeastern corner of the state, on the
O'odham village of San Pedro. Fruit is yellow with some green
border with Mexico. It has solid pale yellow with occasional green
EA14 T. O’odham EA32 La Bufa fruit and heavy ribbing or “warting” on the stem end, giving it a
somewhat unattractive appearance. Tasty, thick orange flesh.
EA15. Silver Edged. Grown for the tasty seeds,
14 EA32. La Bufa. Large fruit are green and white striped or which are large and white with a silver edge. Seeds are roasted for
mottled, dark green or green with orange splotches; predominantly pepitas or used in pipian sauce.
tear-drop shaped with an expanded, squat bottom end and very
large, corky stems. Thick flesh is light orange-colored. From Batopilas EA14. Tohono O’odham. “Ha:l”. A short-season crop and
Canyon in the Sierra Tarahumara. Not yet tested in the low desert of very heat tolerant. Prized for the immature fruits, “Ha:al mamat,”
Tucson, but grows at low elevation in the hot, deciduous forest zone. (O’odham for “children”). Mature fruits have light orange flesh and
EA15 Silver Edged EA36 Mayo Cushaw store well.
EA24. Magdalena Cushaw. Originally from Magdalena,
Sonora. Good keeper. EA20. Veracruz Pepita. The round, flattened fruits
are white with green mottled stripes. Grown for the long, narrow
seeds, which are toasted for snacks or ground to prepare pipian
EA36. Mayo Cushaw. Common in Mayo country between
sauces. Originally collected in Veracruz, southern Mexico.
Navajoa and Alamos in southern Sonora. Fruit range from nearly
white (pale green) to green and white stripes to solid dark green.
Shapes vary, including nearly round, tear-drop to slightly bilobal.
EA24 Mag. Cushaw EA38 Douglas Heirl. Thickened stems and yellow to pale orange, somewhat thin flesh.
C. maxima
Hubbard or turban type fruit, large beige seed.
EX7. Escondido Calabaza. One of the few hubbard-type squash we’ve collected in south central NM.
From Escondida at 5000’, low for a traditional hubbard. These are relatively pure. Fruits 4-15 lb., oblong or
rounded with slight ribbing and cream to light orange skin. Flesh yellow-orange.
EX13. Mormon Squash. Collected in Hopiland but considered to have been from the
Mormons. Typical hubbard with blue-green skin (some orange fruit also) and thick orange flesh. Flowered
earlier than many other C. maximas in our grow-out at the Conservation Farm.
EX6. Peñasco Cheese. A flat, ribbed cheese-shaped squash with sweet orange flesh. Fruits
EX13 Mormon Squash have gray or pale pink skin and can weigh 5-8 lbs. Collected in the Spanish village of Peñasco (8000 ft.), NM.
C. moschata
Includes Butternut and Big Cheese fruit types. They can cross with C. argyrosperma, but usually flower later. They have a non-stringy texture and are good keepers.
EM29. Carrizo. Formerly listed as "Sonora/Sinaloa Border.” The orange EM34. Mayo Segualca. An early collection from Los Capomos, an old
fruit are butternut-shaped and tasty. Makes a great soup or puree. Common in ceremonial village in northern Sinaloa, Mexico. Sweet and tasty.
EM 28 Rio. Mayo. Seg. southern Sonora.
EM30. Pima Bajo. Small fruits are striped green and white with
EM33. Guarijio Segualca. narrow necks. Collected near Onavas, Sonora.
Originally collected in San Bernardo, Sonora. Fruit
types vary in shape and size. Good keepers. EM27. Rio Fuerte Mayo Segualca. A popular squash planted in the
fall in Sinaloa, Mexico.
EM31. Magdalena Big Cheese.
One of the oldest types of cultivated squash. Excellent EM28. Rio Mayo Segualca. Round, fluted big cheese type fruits with
EM 31 Mayo Big Chs. EM 37 Sonoran producer of large, light orange, ribbed fruits with a flavorful orange flesh.
flattened pumpkin shape and sweet, bright orange
flesh. EM37. Sonoran. Beautiful muted orange and cream-striped fruit
with bright orange flesh. Purchased at a roadside stand in central Sonora, an area
EM32. Mayo Kama. A butternut shaped fruit once inhabited by the Opata.
with flavorful salmon colored flesh. Productive until
frost and good keepers. From Sonora, Mexico. EM40. Yoeme Segualca. Collected from the Yoeme village of Vicam,
Sonora. Fruit are large, muted-orange colored, and fluted with a flattened shape.
Excellent taste. Like other C. moschata varieties, may require a long growing season.
EM 32 Mayo Kama EM 40 Yoeme Seg.
C. pepo
Mostly grown for immature fruit and seeds. Pumpkins, acorn squash, zucchini and ornamental gourds
are also C. pepos. Do not grow these varieties together if saving seeds.
EP45. Acoma Pumpkin. Round fruits have dark and light EP46. Pacheco Pumpkin.
green stripes. Grown in northern New Mexico and used as An unusual collection from the northern
winter squash.
EP40 Mt.Pima Cal. EP42 Tarahumara EP45 Acoma Pumpkin
plains of Chihuahua — the seed reportedly
came from a ranch to the west in Sonora. Typical round to elongated “native
EP44. Hopi Pumpkin. Fruits can be round or pepo” with bright yellow skin and delicious cream-colored flesh.
elongated, striped or solid green turning yellow as they
mature. Originally collected from Hotevilla, Arizona. EP42. Tarahumara. Pumpkin-shaped medium sized
fruits are cream and green striped with beige ribs. Very sweet, great tasting.
EP40. Mt. Pima Calabaza. “Vavuli.” From
the Sierra Madre Mountains of western Chihuahua, Mexico. EP43. Tepehuan. “I:ma.” Fruits come in a variety of
Pale green to yellow skins with cream-colored flesh. shapes and colors, from dark green to stripes. Long-season crop, may not
produce seed in northern climates. EP43 Tepehuan EP46 Pacheco Pump.
I1. Apache Brown Striped. White with brownish stripes I2. Havasupai Striped. From the bottom of the Grand
on medium-sized heads. From the San Carlos Reservation, AZ. Canyon. Long narrow seeds. Lodging is a problem in the low desert.
I8. Havasupai Mix. A recent growout that yielded a mix of I3. Hopi Black Dye. Called “Tceqa” by the Hopi, the
striped and black sunflower seeds. Originally collected at Havasupai blue/black hull is used for wool and basket dye, and eye medicine,
Village. but seed is also edible.
I2 Havasupai Striped I10 Hopi Mixed
I14. Havasupai Small-seeded. Collected at Havasupai, I12. Hopi Branched. Plants have many branches with small
this sunflower has black seeds that are much smaller than any of heads rather than a single stalk. Contains white/black striped, solid
our other sunflowers. It was originally collected in the mid-80’s and black and gray/black striped seeds. Originally collected in 1978 in
sent to the USDA. We obtained a sample in 1993. lower Moenkopi.
N6. Isleta Pueblo. From the pueblo south of Albuquerque, NM. N5. San Juan Pueblo. Traditionally grown by elders in small N3 Sto. Dom. Cer. N8 Papante
Plants grow to 4-1/2 ft., including flowers. secluded patches. Leaves are used ceremonially. Plants have small, tubular
yellow flowers.
N10. Mt. Pima. Collected in the Mt. Pima region of western
Chihuahua. It is commonly grown in plots or gardens around the house N3. Santo Domingo Ceremonial. A cultivated annual
and used for smoking. Delicate pink-tinged flowers and huge leaves! grown in irrigated gardens by various Puebloans. Used in rain ceremonials.
N8. Papante. Tall plants (>5ft.) with large, deer-eared shaped N9. Southern Tepehuan. “Macuchi” From Santa Maria Ocotan,
leaves and large seed capsules. From Piedras Verdes, Sonora. Durango, Mexico. Reported to be very strong and mildly hallucinogenic.
N1. Punche Mexicano. From northern New Mexico, this N4. Tarahumara El Cuervo. From a very isolated area of
tobacco was used by early Spanish settlers until the 1930s. Batopilas Canyon, Chihuahua, Mexico. Smoked traditionally by older
Tarahumarans. N5 San Juan N10 Mt. Pima
The Original The Sonoran Desert has been home to the O’odham people for centuries.
Following in the footsteps of their ancestors, they perfected a system of
agriculture — including a palette of crops — suited to the high
indigenous and other gardeners and farmers. Today, NS/S is a major
regional seed bank, dedicated to conserving the seeds of domesticated crops
and wild crop relatives utilized by the cultures whose homelands include the
Early efforts focused primarily on visiting indigenous farming communities We are grateful for and indebted to these original seedsavers for their
in the southwestern US and northwestern Mexico, particularly the Sierra contributions in developing and passing on the agricultural biodiversity of
Madre, locating seeds of heirloom crops and making them available to our region.
Seeds All seed packets are $3 each. Visit for a complete listing of available seeds.
Seeds All seed packets are $3 each. Visit for a complete listing of available seeds.
Tomato and Tomatillo Lycopersicon spp. & Physalis spp. Bulk quantities available for $7 (3gms)
Tomatillos, the small green "husk tomatoes" used to make traditional and savory green salsas and stews, are not tomatoes
(Lycopersicon) but members of the Physalis family that includes ground cherries and Cape gooseberries. Approx. 0.5gms/packet.
Culture: In the spring, plant seeds directly in the garden 1/4 inch deep, or start indoors and transplant. Allow 15 inches between plants.
Seedsaving: Flowers are both insect and self-pollinated, and varieties can cross. Grow only one variety at a time, or isolate plants.
Tomatillos begin to ripen when they turn from green to light yellow. When the husk is dry and begins to split open at the bottom, the fruit
can be harvested for seed. To remove seeds, mash and puree ripe fruit with water in blender. Allow the puree to stand 4-6 hours. Pulp will
TM2 Tep. Tomati. TM7 Punta Banda rise and seeds will sink. Ladle off pulp (add more water and flush out remaining pulp if needed), spread seeds on a cloth and allow to dry.
TM5. Ciudad Victoria. Lycopersicon esculentum var TM7. Punta Banda. Lycopersicon esculentum.
cerasiforme. A weedy, semi-cultivated tomato from dooryard Collected on the Punta Banda Peninsula in Baja California.
gardens in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Small, round, Plants produce hundreds of red, meaty, thick-skinned fruits
sweet fruit are late maturing. despite heat, water stress and poor soil. Great paste tomato.
TM11. Mt. Pima Tomatillo. Physalis philadelphica TM2. Tepehuan Tomatillo. Physalis philadelphica var.
var. philadelphica. Grow-out of a 1988 original collection. philadelphica. Small green fruits with husks on weedy plants
Husked fruit are small and plants are somewhat sprawling. collected in Nabogame, Chihuahua, Mexico, a remote
Commonly used in salsa. mountainous region. Our collectors were served these tasty
fruits with their beans for breakfast.
TM3 Zuni Tomati. TM11 M.P. Tomati. TM13 Pres. Heir. TM14. Nichols Heirloom. Lycopersicon esculentum.
These seeds were sent to us by the Nichols family in Tucson. TM12. Texas Wild Cherry. Lycopersicon esculentum.
Volunteer seeds that just kept coming up, they have been All we really know is that seed of this tomato was collected
maintained by the family patriarch for about 50 years. It is from a patch of apparantly “wild” tomatoes in southern Texas.
G2. Hopi Yellow. “Sikyatko.” A favorite at the G15. Santo Domingo Winter. Round pale green (almost
Conservation Farm. The green striped fruits have pale yellow/orange “white”) fruit with some pale striping. Flesh is muted red, not as
G3 T.O. Yellow Meated G7 Rio San Miguel flesh. Large fruit with crisp, sweet taste. bright as in many commercial varieties. Considered to keep well
through the winter months.
G13. Jumanos. A rare watermelon collection
from Redford, Texas. Round, smallish, “native-type” fruit with pale to G3. Tohono O'odham Yellow Meated. A high
darker green skin. Just over the border in Chihuahua it is known as yielder of green oval fruit with sweet and crisp yellow to orange
“sandia tuliza”. flesh. Fruit can be up to 35 lb. Originally collected at Queenswell,
G5. Mayo. Originally collected from Mayo
G5 Mayo G9 Navajo Red Seeded farmers in Los Capomos, Sinaloa, Mexico. Prolific vines produce small
melons of various colors in the hot summer.
We envision the Greater Southwest as a place where farms and gardens, kitchens and tables,
stores and restaurants are brimming with the full diversity of aridlands-adapted heirloom crops;
people are keeping the unique seeds and agricultural heritage alive;
and the crops, in turn, are nourishing humankind.
Wheat Triticum aestivum
Widespread use in the southwest after introduction by Spanish. Approx. 28gms/packet.
Culture: Plant in December through January. Broadcast and rake in seed, then lightly pat soil. If birds are a problem, cover very thinly with straw and sticks.
Keep moist until sprouted.
Seedsaving: A self-pollinating annual. Birds love to eat the ripe seeds, so protection may be necessary. Harvest when dry, strip stems or walk on seedheads to
remove seeds and winnow off chaff.
WH2 Baart
WH3. Pima Club. At one time grown by the Pima
on the Gila River Reservation. Seed heads are short, beardless WH1. White Sonora. A beardless spring wheat. The
and club shaped (flattened). White kernels are soft and produce compact head is medium long, with a soft kernel. Originally
flour used for cookies and pastry. brought into the U.S. from Magdalena Mission in Northern
Sonora, where it has been grown since around 1770. Common
among the Pima and Yuma after 1820.
WH2. Baart. An heirloom spring wheat, introduced
by the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station in Tucson in
1900 from Australia. It became the Southwest’s leading variety
of wheat. Kernels are white, semi-hard and excellent for milling.
Seed heads have long beards; plants average 50”.
wildflower blends
DW2. Catalina Foothills. These 17 varieties are native to
the beautiful desert near Tucson and include many in the
Sonoran Desert Mix plus Dyssodia, Blue Flax, Goldeneye,
Paperflower and Blue Trumpets. Plant fall to early spring.
DW16. Cut Flower Wildflower Mix. Fifteen wildflowers
perfect for cutting but also beautiful in your yard. Includes
Scarlet Sage, Firewheel, Larkspur, Purple Coneflower and Most desert wildflowers are planted in fall/winter in the desert, early spring in cooler climates. Planting instructions
more. Plant fall to early spring. $2/pkt are included on the packets of these lovely native southwestern desert wildflowers. Small packets cover approx. 30 sq.
DW17. For the Birds & Bees Wildflower Mix. Especially feet; large packets, 100-200 sq. feet, depending on seed variety.
chosen to attract birds, butterflies, bees & Sphinx Moths.
Includes Blackfoot Daisy, Desert Sunflower, Butterfly Weed,
Rocky Mt. Bee Plant, Penstemon and more. Plant fall to
early spring. $2/pkt wildflowers Check our website for more wildflower seed availability!
DW25. Great Basin Wildflower Mix. Especially mixed for
Prescott, Payson, southern Utah, Santa Fe, and similar
DW30. Blue Flax. Linum lewisii. Perennial herb DW24. Firecracker Penstemon. Penstemon DW22. Mexican Hats. Ratibida columnaris. The
habitat. Contains 13 different wildflowers including
blooms sky blue with 5 petals from April to eatoni. Bright red flowers that attract colorful 1.5” sombrero-shaped flowers
Buttonroot Snakeweed, Purple Coneflower, and Mexican
September. Used for fiber. Plant fall to spring. hummingbirds. Will bloom March through July generally appear April to November. Easily
Hats. $2/pkt
$2/pkt depending on water. Plant early fall to winter. grown from seed. Plant fall to early spring.
DW26. Mogollon Rim Wildflower Mix. For Flagstaff and $2/pkt $2/pkt
DW31. Brittlebush. Encelia farinosa. Perennial
locations above Arizona’s Mogollon Rim. Best at
shrub, blooms with yellow composite flowers DW20. Firewheel. Gaillardia pulchella. DW23. Owl’s Clover. Orthocarpus purpurascens.
elevations of 6500-9000’. The different wildflowers include
in early spring. Sap from stems was used to Firewheel has 2” diameter daisy-like flowers Showy 6” tall spikes of red-purple flowers from
Goldpea, Locoweed and Tall Verbena. (Locoweed not
make a burnable incense. $2/pkt that are deep red with yellow tips. Blooms March to May. Difficult to germinate, but once
recommended in livestock areas.) $2/pkt
March through September. Plant in fall. $2/pkt established it easily reseeds. Best sown with
DW52. Colored Globemallow. Sphaeralcea grasses or other wildflowers. Plant fall to winter.
DW51. Old Town Tucson Wildflowers. Thirteen beautiful
ambigua. This multi-stemmed mallow is a good DW4. Lupine. Lupinus succulentus. Beautiful $2/pkt
wildflowers commonly found growing in central Tucson.
source of pollen and nectar for honey bees. spikes of violet-blue, pea-like blooms. Plant fall
Cultivation instructions included. One ounce covers
Plants are usually 2-4’ tall with blooms in to early spring. $2/pkt or $12/.5oz DW6. Palmer’s Penstemon Penstemon palmeri.
approx. 200 sq. feet. $2/1.5gm or $12/oz
shades of pink and lavender. Plant fall to early Beautiful white flowers tinged with pink or lilac.
spring. $2/pkt or $12/oz DW9. Mexican Evening Primrose. Oenothera Has a delicate, inviting fragrance. Grows in
DW1. Sonoran Desert Mix. A spectacular mix of 14
speciosa. Low growing perennial with bright washes and along roadsides at 3500-6000’.
species of annuals and perennials native to the Sonoran
DW10. Desert Blue Bells. Phacelia pink, cup-shaped flowers. Plant anytime. $2/pkt Plant fall to early spring. $2/pkt
Desert. Includes Mexican Poppy, Owl’s Clover, Desert &
campanularia. Low growing, blue-violet flowers
Arroyo Lupine, and Penstemon. Plant fall to early spring. DW3. Mexican Gold Poppy. Eschscholtzia
with yellow stamens look like little bells. Plant DW5. Parry’s Penstemon. Penstemon parryi. A
$2/pkt mexicana. The most popular, most
fall to early spring. $2/pkt favorite of hummingbirds, this tall perennial
photographed golden desert wildflower. Plant has rose colored, bell shaped flowers. Plant fall
DW18. Sonoran Summer Blend. Eighteen wildflowers
DW12. Desert Marigold. Baileya multiradiata. fall to early spring. $2/pkt or $12/oz to early spring. $2/pkt or $12/.5oz
including Trailing Windmills, Sacred Datura, Dyssodia,
Lemon yellow flowers on long stems with gray
Firewheel, Summer Poppy, Lemon Mint, Desert Four
green foliage. Blooms mainly in the spring and
O’Clock, and more. Plant January to July. $2/pkt
after summer rains. Plant fall to early spring.
$2/pkt or $12/oz
Baseball Cap
NSS002. Low profile cotton cap embroidered with the NS/S logo in three colors. One
size, adjustable. Khaki with green brim. $16
Bucket Hat
NSS003. Perfect for gardening, fishing or hiking. Please specify: A. S/M B. L/XL $18
Boonie Hat
NSS029. One size. $22
Not seeing an old standby? Check out our website for your favorites… and more!
Foods Availability of many of our food products fluctuate with the seasons.
For the most up-to date information please check our website:
Chiles Our chiles are packed in either glass bottles or sealed plastic bags. Please specify size or heat where necessary!!
is a type of dried Poblano. It has a light fruity nuance 2oz bottle $3.50 4oz pkg $4.50 grinding whole chipotles. Try adding them to favorite cookie or
and a much more pronounced smoky character than muffin mix for a fiery twist. A. 2oz bottle $3.50 B. 4oz pkg $4.50
its relative, the Ancho. The quintessential mole chile. FD030. Jalapeño. For the chile head and the brave, this fiery green
1.5oz pkg $2.50 powder comes from the intense Jalapeño pepper. FD022. Chipotle Chile Powder. Smoked jalapeños ground into a
A. 2oz bottle $3.50 B. 4oz pkg $4.50 powder. Heavenly aroma and flavor. Medium hot.
FD110. Negro Pasilla. Chile pasilla in western Mexico is sometimes A. 2oz bottle $3.50 B. 4oz pkg $4.50
called chile negro. Adds an interesting taste and color to standard red FD109. Negro Pasilla. This pasilla has a rich, complex, deep, smoky,
chile enchilada sauce. 1.5oz pkg $2.50 herbal, raisin flavor. Used in a variety of dishes, including moles. FD639. Hot Green Flakes. These chiles are from hot green chiles
A. 2oz bottle $3.50 B. 4oz pkg $4.50 from New Mexico that are roasted, dried and crushed to produce a
FD088. Pasilla de Oaxaca. Only found in the Oaxaca region, this very spicy flake. Sprinkle onto a hot or cold dish for a little flare!!
smoky, dark red chile has a pungent fruit flavor. Excellent with beans 2oz pkg only! $2.50
and posole. 1.5oz pkg $4.50
These incredible blends of flavor are just what your kitchen needs to easily bring the unique flavors of the Southwest to your
Mole Powders cooking. Mole usually refers to a sublime blend of chiles, spices and fruits to make a sauce served over chicken, fish or
perhaps, iguana. Please specify size and price: A. 2oz refillable tin $9 or B. 4oz bag $13
FD138. Verde. This one contains: FD137. Dulce. Mexican chocolate FD140. Adobo. Chiles, sesame seed, FD139. Pipian rojo. This blend
pumpkin seed (green), sesame seed, (sugar, cacao nibs, soy lecithin, spices, garlic, corn tortilla meal, contains: chile, pumpkin seed, almonds,
green chiles, cilantro, salt, garlic, spices, cinnamon flavor),raisins, chile, almonds, mexican brown sugar, onion, salt and corn tortilla meal, spices, mexican
onion, parsley, and epazote. corn tortilla meal, banana, graham mexican oregano. brown sugar, salt, garlic, sesame seed
crackers, spices, mexican brown sugar, and onion.
salt, garlic and onion.
FD040. Mexican Oregano. Gathered in FD311. Desert Mint White Sage Tea. A FD312. Pomegranate Cranberry. A
Native Seed/SEARCH’s delicious and versatile baking mixes will satisfy cravings for the spicy or sweet.
Baking Mixes All you need are a few common kitchen ingredients to serve up delightful breakfast or dessert treats.
Quantities are limited! See our website for an up-to-date list of offerings!
JM018. Blue Corn Amaranth Baking Mix (Pancakes, Crepes or Cornbread). A delicious blend of organic
blue cornmeal, organic amaranth and organic evaporated cane juice. No Wheat Flour! This deep blue mix
has excellent blue cornmeal flavor laced with a nutty amaranth taste. Includes recipes for coffee cake,
savory dinner pancakes and peach citrus crepe filling. Makes one dozen pieces or uses a 9” square pan.
10oz $9
JM004. Chile Chocolate Brownie Mix. Made with premium ground chocolate and cocoa with flavorful
chile powder and spices, these easy to make chocolaty brownies laced with chile practically melt in your
mouth. Uses a 9” square pan. 12oz $9
JM011. Spicy Chile Hot Chocolate Mix. A delicious blend of ground chocolate, cocoa, sugar, chile
powder and spices for that cold winter night. Also good chilled for a refreshing warm weather drink.
Makes 10 cups. 10oz $9
Not seeing an old standby? Check out our website for your favorites… and more!
Grains, Meals, Corn &More
FD080. Chia Seeds. A nutritious seed that contains fiber, FD001A. Organic Amaranth, Whole Grain.
helpful in blood sugar regulation. A fabulous source of Ancient grain of the Aztecs and greater
omega-3s, you’ll notice how much more energy you have with southwestern peoples. Delicious nutty taste.
regular use. Traditionally used in the southwest mixed with Contains significant amounts of protein, iron,
water to extend endurance. Can be used to “gel” fruit salad or calcium, and phosphorus while being low in
to thicken salad dressings. fat. Can be ground to produce a gluten-free
Please specify: 4oz $4 8oz $8 1lb $12 meal. Recipes included. $4.50/lb
FD011. Hopi Cornmeal. Grown, roasted, dried and ground by FD069. Parched Corn. Made from yellow,
Millie & Jeff Polewytewa from Hopi white corn used by her blue and red corns grown by the people of
family for generations. Use as any other corn meal. The white Santa Ana Pueblo in Bernalillo, New Mexico.
may be flecked with red and yellow and has a mildly sweet Parched in a cast-iron kettle without oil for a
flavor. 12oz pkg $4.50 healthy, crunchy and uniquely southwestern snack. 4oz pkg
FD017. Mesquite Meal. This mesquite meal is finely ground
with a fruity, caramel-like flavor. It’s a good source of calcium,
manganese, potassium, iron, and zinc. A great food for
FD047. Posole, Blue Corn. Treated with lime to remove the
hulls, this posole comes from a small farm in New Mexico.
Southwestern Heirloom
diabetics because of its ability to assist in stabilizing blood Delicious with beans or alone and you won’t believe the color
sugar. Recipe sheet included. of the broth! $6/lb FD105. Southwest Heirloom Bean Soup Mix.
Please specify: 4oz $4 8oz $7 16oz $13 Five varieties of our beans, organic red and
FD043. Posole, White Corn. Treated with lime to remove the green lentils, organic pearl barley, Mexican
FD005. Organic Amaranth, Popped. Organic grain Amaranth hulls, this posole is actually more yellow in color and is oregano, a bay leaf and a red chile are packed
is heated in a little oil until popped. Great as a snack or as a delicious in stews, soups or on its own. $6/lb with an included recipe so anyone outside of
topping for salads. May also be added to pancakes, muffins, Tucson can enjoy NS/S’s own specialty mix.
breads or other baked goods. 4oz pkg $5 FD009. Tamaya Blue Cornmeal. Finely ground cornmeal flour
Enjoy on a cool fall or winter day. $7/lb
produced and packaged by Santa Ana Pueblo in New Mexico;
they also grew the corn! 12oz pkg $3.75
FD025. Tamaya Blue Corn Atole Flour. Called atole, this
cornmeal is toasted and finely ground for cooking like
creamed wheat. It can also be used in any cornmeal recipe for
Bean Soup Mix
a toasted flavor. 12oz pkg $3.75
When ordering seeds… Please check the information in the “Culture” and “Seedsaving” sections under each
crop heading in the Seedlisting and as well as on pages 2–3 to help with your seed selection. Fill out the order
form on the back and make certain to identify your tribal affiliation. Please, only one order form per
household. Paying the shipping charges for your order would be appreciated. Call us if you need assistance:
For Native Americans living in the Greater Southwest region or belonging to tribes within the
Southwest Region… Free seed on a total of 30 regular-priced packets with a limit of 3 packets per variety
(e.g., 3 packets of ZS142 Guarijio Sweet Corn, 3 packets of PC100 Taos Red Bean up to a total of 30);
additional seed packets can b purchased at half price — $1.50 per packet. Group exceptions may be
considered. Please contact us and we will do our best to meet your needs.
For Native Americans living outside of the Greater Southwest region… Half-price seed on up to 30
regular-priced packets with a limit of 3 packets per variety (e.g., 3 packets of ZS142 Guarijio Sweet Corn, 3
packets of PC100 Taos Red Bean up to a total of 30); additional packets can be purchased at regular price.
on our website! Mexico, Canada & International Triple regular shipping charges.
2010 Seedlisting Catalog Order Form
send orders to: Native Seeds/SEARCH, 3061 N. Campbell Avenue, Tucson AZ 85719 Sow the Seeds of Conservation
fax: 520.622.5591 online at our secure website:
Join Native Seeds/SEARCH, renew your membership, or, give a gift membership
Full Name _____________________________________________ Shipping Address (if different): and contribute to our work conserving, distributing, and documenting the adapted
and diverse varieties of agricultural seeds, their wild relatives and the role these
Street Address _____________________________________________ Full Name _______________________________________
seeds play in cultures of the American Southwest and northwest Mexico.
City/State/Zip _____________________________________________ Street Address _______________________________________
Join, renew, or give online at, or, fill out the form and mail
Daytime Phone _____________________________________________ City _______________________________________ with payment to Native Seeds/SEARCH, 3061 N. Campbell Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85719.
Email _____________________________________________ State/Zip _______________________________________
J Is this a gift? Let us know what to put on the card! (in 20 words or less) NAME(S)
Quantity Item Name/No. Size/Letter Unit Price Amount ADDRESS
Membership Levels (check one) Outside the U.S., please add $20 to all levels.
J Squash $30 J Gourd $50 J Bean $100 J Chile $250 J Corn $500 J Sunflower Guild $1,000
J Native American* within Greater Southwest (free) J Native American* outside Greater Southwest ($20)
*Please list tribe affiliation_______________________________
J Additional donation: _________
Gift Membership Check one: Please send an J Acknowledgement card or J Acknowledgement email to: