People of The Philippines, Appellee, vs. Nestor G. Soriano Alias
People of The Philippines, Appellee, vs. Nestor G. Soriano Alias
People of The Philippines, Appellee, vs. Nestor G. Soriano Alias
constituting Simple Arson are crimes with a lesser degree of perversity and
viciousness that the law punishes with a lesser penalty. In other words, Simple
Arson contemplates crimes with less significant social, economic, political and
national security implications than Destructive Arson. However, acts falling
underSimple Arson may nevertheless be converted into Destructive
Arson depending on the qualifying circumstances present.
In the present case, the act committed by accused-appellant neither
appears to be heinous nor represents a greater degree of perversity and
viciousness as distinguished from those acts punishable under Art. 320 of The
Revised Penal Code. No qualifying circumstance was established to convert
the offense to Destructive Arson. The special aggravating circumstance that
accused-appellant was “motivated by spite or hatred towards the owner or
occupant of the property burned” cannot be appreciated in the present case
where it appears that he was acting more on impulse, heat of anger or risen
temper rather than real spite or hatred that impelled him to give vent to his
wounded ego. Nothing can be worse than a spurned lover or a disconsolate
father under the prevailing circumstances that surrounded the burning of the
Cimagala house. Thus, accused-appellant must be held guilty of Simple
Arson penalized under Sec. 3, par. 2, of PD 1613 for the act of intentionally
burning an inhabited house or dwelling.
In addition, we find that there exists a mitigating circumstance that should
have been appreciated by the trial court in determining the penalty to be
imposed on the accused-appellant: a circumstance similar and analogous to
passion and obfuscation. An impulse of invidious or resentful feelings
of Arson under the Spanish Penal Code. In the old law on which The Revised
Penal Code is based, he comments that the authors clearly had in mind certain
considerations in imposing penalties of exceptional severity in the various cases
of arson. The observations of Mr. Justice Carson in Butardo are thus still
relevant in our contemporary interpretation of criminal law:
The authors of the Spanish Penal Code, in imposing penalties of exceptional severity
in certain cases of arson, clearly had in mind:
First. The extreme danger to which human lives may be exposed by the malicious
burning of dwelling houses and the like;
Formerly, where these elements marked the commission of the crime, the single
penalty prescribed by law was that of death, but this severity was finally relaxed, and
while exceptionally severe penalties are still imposed in such cases, the authors of the
Penal Code appear to have endeavored to graduate these penalties in accordance
with the degree of danger to life and property, resulting from the commission of the
To this end the severest penalties are prescribed for the malicious burning of edifies
in which large numbers of persons are assembled. Less harsh, but still very severe
penalties are imposed on those setting fire to dwelling houses and other buildings
more or less permanently occupied. Less severe penalties on those guilty of burning
unoccupied dwellings, the penalty being more or less severe as the house appeared to
be situated so as to make a widespread conflagration more or less probable. And
finally, sufficient, but not notably harsh penalties are prescribed in cases where the
property of others is set on fire under conditions which do not suggest special danger
to human life or the likelihood of considerable destruction of property.
In the opinion of Groizard, one of the most famous commentators on the Spanish
Penal Code, of which ours is but a copy, “it is the potential damage that is considered
here in fixing the grave penalty of cadena temporal to cadena perpetua. The risk
which a person runs who may be found in a place that is burned, whether it be a
building, a farm-house, a hut or shelter, or a vessel in port, is what constitutes the
gravity which is the object of this crime; just as the damaging intent of the agent,
manifested by his setting fire to a place where he knows there is one or more persons,
gives an idea of his subjective perversity.”
The same author adds: “In the classification of the crime attention must be given to
the intention of the author. When fire is used with the intent to kill a determined
person who may be in a shelter, and that object is secured, the crime committed is not
that defined herein, but that of murder, penalized in article 418 (art. 403 of the Penal
Code of the Philippines), with the penalty of cadena temporal in its maximum degree
to death” (Groizard, Vol. 8, p. 45).
Under Sec. 3, par. 2, of PD 1613, in relation to Art. 64, par. 2, of The Revised
Penal Code, the imposable penalty for simple arson is reclusion
temporal to reclusion perpetua the range of which is twelve (12) years and one
(1) day to reclusion perpetua. Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the
penalty next lower in degree to the imposable penalty is prision mayor the range
of which is six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve (12) years in any of its periods.
Under the circumstances, it is believed that an indeterminate prison term of six
(6) years four (4) months and twenty (20) days of prision mayor minimum as
minimum to fourteen (14) years two (2) months and ten (10) days of the
minimum of reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua as maximum may be
imposed on the accused.
As to the award of damages, this Court has consistently held that proof is
required to determine the reasonable amount of damages that may be awarded
to the victims of conflagration. As a rule, therefore, actual or compensatory
damages must be proved and not merely alleged. We believe that the records
do not adequately reflect any concrete basis for the award of actual damages
to the offended parties. The court a quo granted the award solely on the bare
assertions of the complaining witnesses. Moral damages cannot be awarded in
this case, as there is no evidentiary basis to justify it. However, accused-
appellant’s civil liability is beyond cavil; what needs to be resolved is the amount
of indemnity he should pay to the owners of the burned houses for the damage
caused. In lieu thereof, this Court may award temperate or moderate damages
to the victims of the conflagration in accordance with Art. 2224 of the Civil Code.
Indeed, the records evince that the victims suffered some pecuniary loss
although the amount thereof cannot be proved with certainty. Consequently,
temperate damages in the amount of P250,000.00 which is considered
reasonable under the circumstances should be awarded to each of the
complaining witnesses or their heirs as the case may be.
Exemplary or corrective damages should likewise be awarded as a way to
correct future conduct of this nature and preserve the public good. Such
damages are designed to reshape behavior that is socially deleterious in its
consequences. Hence, exemplary or corrective damages in the amount