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1-Handout For ToT On Geotagging R03

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Information Management Service

DPWH Central Office

Page 2 of 23

A. About Infratrack App

Infratrack App (IA) is a simple, easy to use application developed by the Information Management Service (IMS),
designed to improve transparency and accountability in the monitoring of civil works projects implemented by the
Department. It uses geotagging technology to help the DPWH Management monitor the progress of the projects

Infratrack has two major components, the mobile app to take geotagged photographs and the web application to see
all the geotagged photographs uploaded using the mobile app along with project details and the geographical location
of projects from the Multi-Year Programming and Scheduling Application (MYPS) and project and contract
implementation data from the Project and Contract Management Application (PCMA) implemented by Planning Service
(PS) and Bureau of Construction (BOC) respectively.

Figure 1: General Infratrack App Process Flow

B. Purpose of Infratrack App

To help improve transparency and accountability by ensuring that all civil works projects that are being implemented
by the Department are on the right location as planned and to provide evidence (photographs) of physical progress.
Page 3 of 23

C. How it Works

Prepare Collect Visualize

Table 1: Process Flow for DPWH

Process No. Description Tools In-charge

1 Extract MYPS and PCMA Data daily Database Extractor IMS
(Data Preparation) Publish the Infratrack App Form and the Survey123 Connect IMS
georeferenced projects from MYPS and PCMA. ArcGIS Online
2 Download the latest Infratrack App Form Survey123 for ArcGIS USER
(Data Collection) App
Collect data in the field using mobile app Survey123 for ArcGIS USER
Submit/Send the data directly to the Web App Survey123 for ArcGIS USER
3 Visualize and analyze the results of submission as Infratrack Web App and USERS/MANA
(Visualization and maps and charts. Survey123 Web GEMENT/

D. Requirements for Geotagging

Below are the lists of requirements for geotagging:

No. Requirements
1 GPS Capable Mobile Device
2 Survey123 for ArcGIS App
3 ArcGIS Online Organization Account
4 Wifi Connection for submission of Data /Mobile Data
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Requirement 1: GPS Capable Mobile Device

For better results in using Survey123-based mobile app, the users should make sure that they are using a
mobile device that has the minimum technical specifications. The users should use a uniform/standard mobile
device for data gathering. Using a mobile device that does not meet the minimum specifications can result to
sub-par output or data not being collected properly. The users may get in touch with Mr. Fortunato G. Bergania,
Jr., Chief, IT Assets Management Section, User Support Division, IMS at (02) 304-3567 for details on how to
procure the required appropriate mobile devices.

Requirement 2: Survey123 for ArcGIS App

Survey123 for ArcGIS is the main app that the users will need in collecting data including location and
geotagged photos and is available in Google Playstore for free.
The user shall download one (1) mobile app: Survey123 for ArcGIS via google playstore. Copying the mobile
apps through Bluetooth or other file-sharing app is not advisable because it can lead to problems/issues.

Requirement 3: ArcGIS Online Organization Account

Project Engineers shall coordinate with IMS for creation of username and password to download the form.

Requirement 4: Wifi Connection for submission of Data /Mobile Data

Wi-Fi connection shall be made available specifically for submission of surveys. The following are the rules for
Wi-Fi connection:

 Router will be managed under Network Administration Section(NAS) supervision

 Only DPWH issued mobile device will be registered to the router using the device’s MAC Address
 Router will be limited to maximum of 20 Users

E. Guidelines and Schedule for Geotagging

There are four (4) specific stages and purposes for capture of these photographs:

‘Before’ photos are the responsibility of the IO Planning and Design

1 Before
Division/Section and shall be captured during budget preparation.
‘Mobilization’ photos are the responsibility of IO Construction
Division/Section and shall be captured during the conduct of the
2 joint field as-staked survey to ensure the Project is in same location
as was funded, and to confirm site availability and condition as
compared to the “Before” stage.
‘Monthly Progress’ photos, which best represent accomplishments
Monthly Progress
3 during the month are the responsibility of IO Construction
Division/Section and shall be captured to show physical progress.
‘Completion’ photos are the responsibility of IO Construction
Completion Division/Section, shall be captured during final inspection, and
4 should be uploaded before or on the day of issuance of Certificate
of Completion to show the completed infrastructure.

The schedule for compliance for all stages and for other infrastructure types is stated in D.O. No. 16, Series of 2016
(Please see Annex 1).
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For the Mobilization, Monthly Progress and Completion stages, the number and type of photographs to be taken
shall be as follows:

Type Of Infrastructure Location Photographs to be taken

Linear: Roads, Bridges, Start, Intermediate, Mobilization: Take photograph no greater than
Flood Control Structures and End five (5) meters away from the start of the project
component site, facing the start of the project
component site.

Monthly Progress: Take photograph at the

section that best represents the project
component’s progress.

Completion: Take photograph no greater than

five (5) meters away from the end of the project
component site, facing the end of the project
component site.

Point: Office buildings, If flagpole is Take photograph showing the contract site.
school buildings, day care available, get the
centers, municipal location there. For the Completion Photos, the entire structure
buildings and other Otherwise, get the should be captured in the photograph.
similar infrastructure location no greater
than five meters from
the door of the
building (or the
closest area in front
of the building where
GPS signal is

F. Step-by-step procedure in using Infratrack App

F.1 Download Survey123 for ArcGIS

Step 1: Download the Survey123 for ArcGIS app, via either Google Play store, or Windows Store on your mobile
device. Open the app after downloading.
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Step 2: Press <Get Surveys> button then sign in using your ArcGIS online credentials to download the survey form
created for Infratrack App for Contract Management.

For Training Purposes, use the Usernames and Password in Annex 2.

F.2 Data Collection Procedure

Step 1: Activate GPS on your device to ensure a more accurate survey location point.

It is a good practice for users to always check the GPS capability of their mobile devices. This will
help the users to ensure that the data being collected have coordinates or geotagged.
Make sure that the device is GPS-capable. To check this, the user shall go to device’s
Settings and turn on Location
Make sure the camera app of device is also GPS-capable: Open device’s camera app  go to
camera’s Settings  turn on Location or GPS or GPS tag
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Step 2: Go to the survey location and start your survey task.

Step 3: Press <Collect> option to start the survey.

The options on this form are as follows:

• Collect - Opens a new, blank survey page
for inputting data
• Inbox – Allows the user to download and
edit pre-existing surveys or the forms
previously submitted to the web app
• Drafts - Opens to a form currently left
uncompleted by closing the survey before
sending it
• Outbox - Opens to a listing of all forms
finished but unsent, either by choice or due
to the device being offline when submitting
• Sent - Contains the records of all forms
submitted to the survey’s creator

Step 4: The user shall choose the Implementing Office (IO) of the Project Component to be geotagged. The user
may type a keyword to limit the choice feeds being given by the form.

Photo: Select Implementing Office

Step 5: Enter Project Component ID

The mobile app has preloaded data on DPWH Civil Works projects, which are sourced from PCMA, which in turn,
generated from MYPS. Only the Project Component IDs from the selected Implementing Office in Step 4 will be

Photo: Project Component ID

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Step 6: Purpose of Geotagging

The user shall also specify whether the purpose of geotagging is for MOBILIZATION, MONTHLY PROGRESS or

Photo: Purpose of Geotagging

Step 7: Record Location Coordinates

The App will record the Location Coordinates as shown in the Map. The pushpin in the map indicates the location
coordinates that the app will be recording. Verify that you are in the right location by clicking on the map. If the
map shows a different location, perform a mobile device initialization by following Step 1 in Data Collection

Photo: Record Coordinates

Step 8: Capture Photos
a. Press the camera icon to start capturing photo.

Photo: Geotagging Photos

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b. Make sure that the photo captured is clear, otherwise press the trash bin icon to delete the photo and repeat
the process for capturing photo.

Photo: Captured Photo

c. Once the photo has been taken, the user shall enter the Remarks.
The App will alert “Coordinates are not within the accuracy threshold of 10 m” if the accuracy before capturing
photo is more than 10 meters due to reception or GPS issues.

The user shall input in the Accuracy in meters as illustrated below to serve as justification. The user may also
input the Landmark visible in the Photo which can be a house, tree, electric post, and etc.

Photo: Remarks for the captured photo

d. The user shall then classify the Type of Photo being captured. For every infrastructure type, there is a
corresponding list of types of photo.
Page 10 of 23

Photo: Type of Photo

e. The user may attach more than one (1) geotagged photo to the survey by clicking the plus icon, and then
follow the same procedure for capturing photo. For every photo being taken, the Remarks and Type of Photo
should be filled in.

Step 9: Accomplished by
The user shall enter his/her Employee ID Number and Name following this format: Employee ID/Last Name, First

Photo: Accomplished By

Step 10: Double Check the Summary of Project Component Details

Upon entering a valid Project Component ID in Step 5, a summary of details pertaining to that Project
Component will appear to check if the user is surveying the right project component.
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If the user entered a Project Component ID that is not yet in the preloaded dataset, the user cannot proceed
to the next steps. Only the available Project Component Ids in the preloaded data can be geotagged.

Photo: Summary of Project Component

Step 11: Send the Survey

After completing the form, the user shall press the check icon to verify if the required data are provided.

If the device is online the following options shall appear:

Send Later: the form will be saved in outbox
Send Now: the form will be sent and shall be saved in the Sent Items
Continue this survey: the user can still edit the survey before sending

Photo: Sending Survey

Note that the form name is automatically formatted to Project Component ID and Project Description.
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If the user is offline the survey will be automatically saved in the outbox

Photo: Survey Completed-Offline Mode

The user may send multiple surveys by clicking the <Send> Option inside the outbox

Photo: Sending Multiple Surveys in Outbox

Step 12: Edit Saved Survey

This allows the user to edit previously saved or finalized survey.
From the Main Menu, select Draft/Outbox.
Select the survey the user wishes to edit.
After editing, the user may choose to send the survey or save in outbox.

Photo: Edit Saved Form inside Draft/Outbox

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Step 13: Edit a previously submitted Survey

This allows the user to edit his/her previously submitted survey that is not anymore available in the Sent
From the Main Menu, select Inbox.
The user should click the <Refresh> button to download all the surveys from the clouds.

Photo: Download/Edit Pre-existing form

Select the survey the user wishes to edit.

After editing, the user may choose to send the survey or save in outbox.

Limitations on editing Pre-existing Survey using Inbox

Only the Project Details of the survey is allowed to be modified. Editing the Photo Attachment is not yet
supported using Inbox. ESRI is still improving the capability of Inbox)

Contact Information Management Service (IMS) if the user wishes to delete an erroneously submitted
Survey in the Infratrack Web App

Step 14: Delete Saved Survey

This allows the user to delete a previously saved or finalized survey. This is useful when the user has to free
up space on his/her device to gather more data.
From Infratrack Main Menu, select Draft/Outbox/Sent
Select the form(s) the user wishes to delete.
Click the Trash bin to delete selected forms in Draft and Outbox

Photo: Delete Saved survey in Draft/Outbox

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Click empty to free space in the Sent Items. Do not worry to empty the Sent Items because the user
may download and edit pre-existing form using Inbox.

Photo: Empty Sent Items

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G. How to use Infratrack (IA) Web App

The survey from Infratrack App is automatically posted in the Infratrack Web App.This has six (6) major
components: (1) Title Bar, View Tools and Search Bar, (2) Map Overview, (3) Draw and Bookmark, (4) Open
Attribute Tables, (5) Widgets Bar, and (6) Widget Tool Pop-up. The web contains construction status, showing
which projects are ongoing and which have been completed and the photos to prove it.

The URL of this web app is: https://bit.ly/dpwhinfratrackapp

Photo: Components of Infratrack Web App

1. Title Bar, View Tools and Search Bar

The Title Bar displays the name of the Application. In this case, it is Infratrack Web App. Right below the Title
Bar are the default View Tools of the web application.

Zoom In – allows user to closely examine geographic data on the data view frame
Zoom Out – allows user to view a larger scope of the data view frame
Default Extent (Home) – shifts the view the cover the whole map
Find your location – allows user to get actual location based on GPS (This will only run using https in the

The Search Bar allows the user to perform quick search for any data uploaded in this application by typing any
search item.
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2. Map Overview

The Map Overview tool allows the user to view an inset map showing a larger scope of the data frame. To toggle
this tool on / off, just click on the “eye” icon at the upper right corner of the page.

3. Draw and Bookmark Widget

Draw Widget
The Draw widget allows user to create graphics that display on the map. It can optionally add line distance
or polygon area to the feature as text.
The Draw widget enables end users to draw simple graphics and text on the map. It provides basic sketching
and redlining functionality for the web app. When the widget initially opens, a dialog box appears that contains
11 feature creation tools. From left to right, they are as follows:

Bookmark Widget
The Bookmark widget stores a collection of map view extents (that is, spatial bookmarks) displayed in the
app. It also allows user to create and add spatial bookmarks through configuration or at run time after the
app starts.
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4. View Attribute Tables

The View Attribute Tables icon is located on the lower right portion of the map. This allows the user to view,
filter and download the attribute table of the layers loaded on the Application.

Clicking the Options Menu will show functions like (1) Show Selected records, (2) Show related records, (3) Filter,
(4) Show / Hide Columns and (5) Export the data shown in the table as a Comma Separated Values (.csv) file.

The Filter by Map Extent option can be toggled ON and OFF. If the menu is highlighted in “white” it indicates
toggled ON.

5. Widgets Bar and Widgets Tool Pop-Up

The Widgets Bar contains a variety of tools that may be used depending on the user’s purpose. The Widget Tool
Pop-up shows the details of the selected widget bar.

a. About Widget
The About Widget gives a brief description of the Web App. This will help the users to have a general idea of the
uses, purpose and disclaimer of this web application.
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b. Layer List
There are 6 layers in this web app. The Layer List widget allows users to toggle on and off the layers they want
to load on the map.

Zoom To
The Zoom to becomes activated when a user select an entry (or entries) on the table/Layer. Clicking Zoom
to will focus the display of the map to the selected entry.

c. Legend Tool
The Legend Tool generates a window that shows the layers in the map and its symbology.
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d. Basemap Gallery
The Basemap Gallery allows users to select from different basemaps from the ESRI gallery.

e. Measurement Widget
The Measurement widget provides the users with three (3) options:
Measure an Area by drawing a polygon – a measurement result will be shown instantly
Measure by Distance by drawing a line from the points being measured – a measurement result will be
shown instantly.
Measure by Location – the user can get the coordinates of a selected point. A dynamic visualization of
the coordinates is also shown as the cursor is moved.

f. Data Query
The Query widget allows users to retrieve information from source data by executing a predefined query and
displaying fields in query results. The user can type or use the drop-down list to execute a Query.
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g. Print Widget
The Print widget connects the web app with a printing service to allow the current map to print.

h. Chart Widget
The Chart widget displays quantitative attributes from an operational layer as a graphical representation of data.
It makes it easier for end users to observe possible patterns and trends out of raw data.
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Annex 1
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Annex 2

Default Password: geotagging2018

Username Region III

IA_training1 Region III
IA_training2 Aurora District Engineering Office
IA_training3 Bataan 1st District Engineering Office
IA_training4 Bataan 2nd District Engineering Office
IA_training5 Bulacan 1st District Engineering Office
IA_training6 Bulacan 2nd District Engineering Office
IA_training7 Nueva Ecija 1st District Engineering Office
IA_training8 Nueva Ecija 2nd District Engineering Office
IA_training9 Pampanga 1st District Engineering Office
IA_training10 Pampanga 2nd District Engineering Office
IA_training11 Pampanga 3rd District Engineering Office
IA_training12 Tarlac 2nd District Engineering Office
IA_training13 Tarlac District Engineering Office
IA_training14 Zambales 1st District Engineering Office
IA_training15 Zambales 2nd District Engineering Office


Information Management Service
DPWH Central Office
Page 2 of 23

A. About Infratrack App

Infratrack App (IA) is a simple, easy to use application developed by the Information Management Service (IMS),
designed to improve transparency and accountability in the monitoring of civil works projects implemented by the
Department. It uses geotagging technology to help the DPWH Management monitor the progress of the projects

Infratrack has two major components, the mobile app to take geotagged photographs and the web application to see
all the geotagged photographs uploaded using the mobile app along with project details and the geographical location
of projects from the Multi-Year Programming and Scheduling Application (MYPS) and project and contract
implementation data from the Project and Contract Management Application (PCMA) implemented by Planning Service
(PS) and Bureau of Construction (BOC) respectively.

Figure 1: General Infratrack App Process Flow

B. Purpose of Infratrack App

To help improve transparency and accountability by ensuring that all civil works projects that are being implemented
by the Department are on the right location as planned and to provide evidence (photographs) of physical progress.
Page 3 of 23

C. How it Works

Prepare Collect Visualize

Table 1: Process Flow for DPWH

Process No. Description Tools In-charge

1 Extract MYPS and PCMA Data daily Database Extractor IMS
(Data Preparation) Publish the Infratrack App Form and the Survey123 Connect IMS
georeferenced projects from MYPS and PCMA. ArcGIS Online
2 Download the latest Infratrack App Form Survey123 for ArcGIS USER
(Data Collection) App
Collect data in the field using mobile app Survey123 for ArcGIS USER
Submit/Send the data directly to the Web App Survey123 for ArcGIS USER
3 Visualize and analyze the results of submission as Infratrack Web App and USERS/MANA
(Visualization and maps and charts. Survey123 Web GEMENT/

D. Requirements for Geotagging

Below are the lists of requirements for geotagging:

No. Requirements
1 GPS Capable Mobile Device
2 Survey123 for ArcGIS App
3 ArcGIS Online Organization Account
4 Wifi Connection for submission of Data /Mobile Data
Page 4 of 23

Requirement 1: GPS Capable Mobile Device

For better results in using Survey123-based mobile app, the users should make sure that they are using a
mobile device that has the minimum technical specifications. The users should use a uniform/standard mobile
device for data gathering. Using a mobile device that does not meet the minimum specifications can result to
sub-par output or data not being collected properly. The users may get in touch with Mr. Fortunato G. Bergania,
Jr., Chief, IT Assets Management Section, User Support Division, IMS at (02) 304-3567 for details on how to
procure the required appropriate mobile devices.

Requirement 2: Survey123 for ArcGIS App

Survey123 for ArcGIS is the main app that the users will need in collecting data including location and
geotagged photos and is available in Google Playstore for free.
The user shall download one (1) mobile app: Survey123 for ArcGIS via google playstore. Copying the mobile
apps through Bluetooth or other file-sharing app is not advisable because it can lead to problems/issues.

Requirement 3: ArcGIS Online Organization Account

Project Engineers shall coordinate with IMS for creation of username and password to download the form.

Requirement 4: Wifi Connection for submission of Data /Mobile Data

Wi-Fi connection shall be made available specifically for submission of surveys. The following are the rules for
Wi-Fi connection:

 Router will be managed under Network Administration Section(NAS) supervision

 Only DPWH issued mobile device will be registered to the router using the device’s MAC Address
 Router will be limited to maximum of 20 Users

E. Guidelines and Schedule for Geotagging

There are four (4) specific stages and purposes for capture of these photographs:

‘Before’ photos are the responsibility of the IO Planning and Design

1 Before
Division/Section and shall be captured during budget preparation.
‘Mobilization’ photos are the responsibility of IO Construction
Division/Section and shall be captured during the conduct of the
2 joint field as-staked survey to ensure the Project is in same location
as was funded, and to confirm site availability and condition as
compared to the “Before” stage.
‘Monthly Progress’ photos, which best represent accomplishments
Monthly Progress
3 during the month are the responsibility of IO Construction
Division/Section and shall be captured to show physical progress.
‘Completion’ photos are the responsibility of IO Construction
Completion Division/Section, shall be captured during final inspection, and
4 should be uploaded before or on the day of issuance of Certificate
of Completion to show the completed infrastructure.

The schedule for compliance for all stages and for other infrastructure types is stated in D.O. No. 16, Series of 2016
(Please see Annex 1).
Page 5 of 23

For the Mobilization, Monthly Progress and Completion stages, the number and type of photographs to be taken
shall be as follows:

Type Of Infrastructure Location Photographs to be taken

Linear: Roads, Bridges, Start, Intermediate, Mobilization: Take photograph no greater than
Flood Control Structures and End five (5) meters away from the start of the project
component site, facing the start of the project
component site.

Monthly Progress: Take photograph at the

section that best represents the project
component’s progress.

Completion: Take photograph no greater than

five (5) meters away from the end of the project
component site, facing the end of the project
component site.

Point: Office buildings, If flagpole is Take photograph showing the contract site.
school buildings, day care available, get the
centers, municipal location there. For the Completion Photos, the entire structure
buildings and other Otherwise, get the should be captured in the photograph.
similar infrastructure location no greater
than five meters from
the door of the
building (or the
closest area in front
of the building where
GPS signal is

F. Step-by-step procedure in using Infratrack App

F.1 Download Survey123 for ArcGIS

Step 1: Download the Survey123 for ArcGIS app, via either Google Play store, or Windows Store on your mobile
device. Open the app after downloading.
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Step 2: Press <Get Surveys> button then sign in using your ArcGIS online credentials to download the survey form
created for Infratrack App for Contract Management.

For Training Purposes, use the Usernames and Password in Annex 2.

F.2 Data Collection Procedure

Step 1: Activate GPS on your device to ensure a more accurate survey location point.

It is a good practice for users to always check the GPS capability of their mobile devices. This will
help the users to ensure that the data being collected have coordinates or geotagged.
Make sure that the device is GPS-capable. To check this, the user shall go to device’s
Settings and turn on Location
Make sure the camera app of device is also GPS-capable: Open device’s camera app  go to
camera’s Settings  turn on Location or GPS or GPS tag
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Step 2: Go to the survey location and start your survey task.

Step 3: Press <Collect> option to start the survey.

The options on this form are as follows:

• Collect - Opens a new, blank survey page
for inputting data
• Inbox – Allows the user to download and
edit pre-existing surveys or the forms
previously submitted to the web app
• Drafts - Opens to a form currently left
uncompleted by closing the survey before
sending it
• Outbox - Opens to a listing of all forms
finished but unsent, either by choice or due
to the device being offline when submitting
• Sent - Contains the records of all forms
submitted to the survey’s creator

Step 4: The user shall choose the Implementing Office (IO) of the Project Component to be geotagged. The user
may type a keyword to limit the choice feeds being given by the form.

Photo: Select Implementing Office

Step 5: Enter Project Component ID

The mobile app has preloaded data on DPWH Civil Works projects, which are sourced from PCMA, which in turn,
generated from MYPS. Only the Project Component IDs from the selected Implementing Office in Step 4 will be

Photo: Project Component ID

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Step 6: Purpose of Geotagging

The user shall also specify whether the purpose of geotagging is for MOBILIZATION, MONTHLY PROGRESS or

Photo: Purpose of Geotagging

Step 7: Record Location Coordinates

The App will record the Location Coordinates as shown in the Map. The pushpin in the map indicates the location
coordinates that the app will be recording. Verify that you are in the right location by clicking on the map. If the
map shows a different location, perform a mobile device initialization by following Step 1 in Data Collection

Photo: Record Coordinates

Step 8: Capture Photos
a. Press the camera icon to start capturing photo.

Photo: Geotagging Photos

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b. Make sure that the photo captured is clear, otherwise press the trash bin icon to delete the photo and repeat
the process for capturing photo.

Photo: Captured Photo

c. Once the photo has been taken, the user shall enter the Remarks.
The App will alert “Coordinates are not within the accuracy threshold of 10 m” if the accuracy before capturing
photo is more than 10 meters due to reception or GPS issues.

The user shall input in the Accuracy in meters as illustrated below to serve as justification. The user may also
input the Landmark visible in the Photo which can be a house, tree, electric post, and etc.

Photo: Remarks for the captured photo

d. The user shall then classify the Type of Photo being captured. For every infrastructure type, there is a
corresponding list of types of photo.
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Photo: Type of Photo

e. The user may attach more than one (1) geotagged photo to the survey by clicking the plus icon, and then
follow the same procedure for capturing photo. For every photo being taken, the Remarks and Type of Photo
should be filled in.

Step 9: Accomplished by
The user shall enter his/her Employee ID Number and Name following this format: Employee ID/Last Name, First

Photo: Accomplished By

Step 10: Double Check the Summary of Project Component Details

Upon entering a valid Project Component ID in Step 5, a summary of details pertaining to that Project
Component will appear to check if the user is surveying the right project component.
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If the user entered a Project Component ID that is not yet in the preloaded dataset, the user cannot proceed
to the next steps. Only the available Project Component Ids in the preloaded data can be geotagged.

Photo: Summary of Project Component

Step 11: Send the Survey

After completing the form, the user shall press the check icon to verify if the required data are provided.

If the device is online the following options shall appear:

Send Later: the form will be saved in outbox
Send Now: the form will be sent and shall be saved in the Sent Items
Continue this survey: the user can still edit the survey before sending

Photo: Sending Survey

Note that the form name is automatically formatted to Project Component ID and Project Description.
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If the user is offline the survey will be automatically saved in the outbox

Photo: Survey Completed-Offline Mode

The user may send multiple surveys by clicking the <Send> Option inside the outbox

Photo: Sending Multiple Surveys in Outbox

Step 12: Edit Saved Survey

This allows the user to edit previously saved or finalized survey.
From the Main Menu, select Draft/Outbox.
Select the survey the user wishes to edit.
After editing, the user may choose to send the survey or save in outbox.

Photo: Edit Saved Form inside Draft/Outbox

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Step 13: Edit a previously submitted Survey

This allows the user to edit his/her previously submitted survey that is not anymore available in the Sent
From the Main Menu, select Inbox.
The user should click the <Refresh> button to download all the surveys from the clouds.

Photo: Download/Edit Pre-existing form

Select the survey the user wishes to edit.

After editing, the user may choose to send the survey or save in outbox.

Limitations on editing Pre-existing Survey using Inbox

Only the Project Details of the survey is allowed to be modified. Editing the Photo Attachment is not yet
supported using Inbox. ESRI is still improving the capability of Inbox)

Contact Information Management Service (IMS) if the user wishes to delete an erroneously submitted
Survey in the Infratrack Web App

Step 14: Delete Saved Survey

This allows the user to delete a previously saved or finalized survey. This is useful when the user has to free
up space on his/her device to gather more data.
From Infratrack Main Menu, select Draft/Outbox/Sent
Select the form(s) the user wishes to delete.
Click the Trash bin to delete selected forms in Draft and Outbox

Photo: Delete Saved survey in Draft/Outbox

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Click empty to free space in the Sent Items. Do not worry to empty the Sent Items because the user
may download and edit pre-existing form using Inbox.

Photo: Empty Sent Items

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G. How to use Infratrack (IA) Web App

The survey from Infratrack App is automatically posted in the Infratrack Web App.This has six (6) major
components: (1) Title Bar, View Tools and Search Bar, (2) Map Overview, (3) Draw and Bookmark, (4) Open
Attribute Tables, (5) Widgets Bar, and (6) Widget Tool Pop-up. The web contains construction status, showing
which projects are ongoing and which have been completed and the photos to prove it.

The URL of this web app is: https://bit.ly/dpwhinfratrackapp

Photo: Components of Infratrack Web App

1. Title Bar, View Tools and Search Bar

The Title Bar displays the name of the Application. In this case, it is Infratrack Web App. Right below the Title
Bar are the default View Tools of the web application.

Zoom In – allows user to closely examine geographic data on the data view frame
Zoom Out – allows user to view a larger scope of the data view frame
Default Extent (Home) – shifts the view the cover the whole map
Find your location – allows user to get actual location based on GPS (This will only run using https in the

The Search Bar allows the user to perform quick search for any data uploaded in this application by typing any
search item.
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2. Map Overview

The Map Overview tool allows the user to view an inset map showing a larger scope of the data frame. To toggle
this tool on / off, just click on the “eye” icon at the upper right corner of the page.

3. Draw and Bookmark Widget

Draw Widget
The Draw widget allows user to create graphics that display on the map. It can optionally add line distance
or polygon area to the feature as text.
The Draw widget enables end users to draw simple graphics and text on the map. It provides basic sketching
and redlining functionality for the web app. When the widget initially opens, a dialog box appears that contains
11 feature creation tools. From left to right, they are as follows:

Bookmark Widget
The Bookmark widget stores a collection of map view extents (that is, spatial bookmarks) displayed in the
app. It also allows user to create and add spatial bookmarks through configuration or at run time after the
app starts.
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4. View Attribute Tables

The View Attribute Tables icon is located on the lower right portion of the map. This allows the user to view,
filter and download the attribute table of the layers loaded on the Application.

Clicking the Options Menu will show functions like (1) Show Selected records, (2) Show related records, (3) Filter,
(4) Show / Hide Columns and (5) Export the data shown in the table as a Comma Separated Values (.csv) file.

The Filter by Map Extent option can be toggled ON and OFF. If the menu is highlighted in “white” it indicates
toggled ON.

5. Widgets Bar and Widgets Tool Pop-Up

The Widgets Bar contains a variety of tools that may be used depending on the user’s purpose. The Widget Tool
Pop-up shows the details of the selected widget bar.

a. About Widget
The About Widget gives a brief description of the Web App. This will help the users to have a general idea of the
uses, purpose and disclaimer of this web application.
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b. Layer List
There are 6 layers in this web app. The Layer List widget allows users to toggle on and off the layers they want
to load on the map.

Zoom To
The Zoom to becomes activated when a user select an entry (or entries) on the table/Layer. Clicking Zoom
to will focus the display of the map to the selected entry.

c. Legend Tool
The Legend Tool generates a window that shows the layers in the map and its symbology.
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d. Basemap Gallery
The Basemap Gallery allows users to select from different basemaps from the ESRI gallery.

e. Measurement Widget
The Measurement widget provides the users with three (3) options:
Measure an Area by drawing a polygon – a measurement result will be shown instantly
Measure by Distance by drawing a line from the points being measured – a measurement result will be
shown instantly.
Measure by Location – the user can get the coordinates of a selected point. A dynamic visualization of
the coordinates is also shown as the cursor is moved.

f. Data Query
The Query widget allows users to retrieve information from source data by executing a predefined query and
displaying fields in query results. The user can type or use the drop-down list to execute a Query.
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g. Print Widget
The Print widget connects the web app with a printing service to allow the current map to print.

h. Chart Widget
The Chart widget displays quantitative attributes from an operational layer as a graphical representation of data.
It makes it easier for end users to observe possible patterns and trends out of raw data.
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Annex 1
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Annex 2

Default Password: geotagging2018

Username Region III

IA_training1 Region III
IA_training2 Aurora District Engineering Office
IA_training3 Bataan 1st District Engineering Office
IA_training4 Bataan 2nd District Engineering Office
IA_training5 Bulacan 1st District Engineering Office
IA_training6 Bulacan 2nd District Engineering Office
IA_training7 Nueva Ecija 1st District Engineering Office
IA_training8 Nueva Ecija 2nd District Engineering Office
IA_training9 Pampanga 1st District Engineering Office
IA_training10 Pampanga 2nd District Engineering Office
IA_training11 Pampanga 3rd District Engineering Office
IA_training12 Tarlac 2nd District Engineering Office
IA_training13 Tarlac District Engineering Office
IA_training14 Zambales 1st District Engineering Office
IA_training15 Zambales 2nd District Engineering Office



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