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Practice Teaching

The phase where we will be trained to teach in the actual teaching

grounds with the help of what we’ve learned the past four years.

Practice Teacher
The student who’s soon to be a professional teacher who will apply
his gained knowledge, attitude and behavior into real teaching.

Practice Teaching Supervisor

The teacher who will look onto the practice teachers’
over-all performances.

Supervising Instructor
The person who monitors the practice teachers’ performances in and
out of the campus.

Laboratory School
The school where practice teachers’ are ought to teach inside the
campus’ boundaries.

Cooperating School
The school where practice teachers’ are ought to teach in a public
school outside the campus.
Orientation Phase
I expect to be oriented with useful and informative tips that I may
use during on and off campus teaching. I hope that those tips and
information will get me prepared and oriented on the operations
during our practice teaching.

On-Campus Phase
I expect that the teachers, officials and students are very much
cooperative when we are going to teach in PSU Integrated High School.
I hope that this phase will prepare me on what I will be facing
outside the campus.

Off-Campus Phase
I expect a lot number of students who are very diverse that will help
me develop as teacher. I hope to improve my skills in teaching. I
hope that this phase will boost my confidence to teach specially in
the real field of teaching profession.

Evaluation Phase
This phase is where I’ll be evaluated as a practice teacher. I hope
to hear good feedbacks but ,of course, I will get myself ready on the
points where I did not do the tasks given to me effectively. I will
take them constructively to improve.

Cooperating Official
The officials (ex. Principal) to consult regarding the about the
tasks and performances of practice teachers.

Cooperating Teacher
The teacher from cooperating school who is expected to guide the
practice teacher in train in the real field of teaching.
Describe your feelings at the start of this.

Practice teaching itself gives me chills. Who won’t? I personally don’t

know yet what will I be facing on this phase as a future teacher. Of
course I expect a class of diverse students but I really don’t know
yet on how will I be doing on this training. How will I teach them?
How will I be an effective teacher? How will I get along with my CT
and students? How will I be teaching? There are many questions running
on my mind, but I do hope that everything will be in control.

What did I learn?

During on and off campus teaching, I learned that I must enjoy every
moment. What I do regret right now is that I stressed myself on the
first month of off campus teaching. If I were to go back at that point,
I will make sure that I will take things easy. I will not let myself
down on negative thoughts. But nevertheless, practice teaching prepared
me with the reality of teaching. I just hope that I will do well when
I will really work professionally.
How will I make my teaching fun? How will I catch students’
attention? What techniques and strategies should I do in my
teaching today? What’s new? What to do Ma’am Jess? These are
the questions every time I move on to another lesson. And it
all lies on having a good lesson plan. Lesson plan is one key
point on being a teacher. It steers your discussion in a class,
without your plan, what will your teaching be? Will you just do
whatever comes in your mind? The answer is a big NO. You face
your class, you must have brought enough strategies to bring
the discussion alive.
Mastering one’s self is the key for having a good lesson plan.
You must get to know your strengths and weaknesses. Considering
them before even writing lesson plan gives you your do’s and
don’ts in discussion. Why would you stick to a plan in which
you really can’t do effectively, right?
But what’s the importance on creating lesson plans every time
you teach? Creating lesson plans on every topic makes you an
artist. You let yourself the scenarios on your teaching for the
day. You let yourself design activities. You let yourself direct
the flow of everything in your class. And most importantly, you
let yourself explore. Explore the possibilities that might come
across. Explore fun activities that enhances your abilities as
well as your students. Explore knowledge that hones students’
mind. Explore everything that might lift your spirit for the
As teacher and a lesson plan maker, be ready to face
possibilities. Find ways to improve. Be a creative planner. Be
fun. Be you. Having these skills might help you create a great
lesson plan. And when you’re plan is great, execute it good. By
making a lesson plan everyday, you’ll think of ways that will
lift the discussion. So what are you waiting for? Make a good
plan and hope for a good result.
Creating a bulletin board is fun. It lets your inner creativity come
out. The things you put there must not only be informative but also an
attention-grabber. The content, budget and design were the main things
to consider when making one. The content may be trivial or funny as
long as it satisfies one’s mind. The designs must also compliment the
topic to have a stronger impact. Lastly, the budget. The budget should
not abuse your pockets. If possible, use cheaper items or even by
recycling things. After all, it’s the content that matters the most.

IM and bulletin board making are challenging. It definitely tested my

skill, specially in creativity. Instructional materials are really
difficult to do since I must consider the topic and of course, what
will catch and maintain the students’ interest. As weeks pass by,
creating IMs is getting easier as long as I have the time and budget.
IMs are very crucial since they are one of the main cores of teaching-
learning process.
Next one is the bulletin board. The bulletin board is one fun
yet challenging task to do. It is fun since it’s like you’re creating
a canvass. But challenging since it must be pleasing to our eyes, just
like the IMs, since it will last a longer period. Plus, when I made
bulletin board in my assigned classroom, the space was very small so
I had to consider it’s size and what design it will have.

that I was sent to only have on in our department so I

I made, I considered using technology (DLP) but the school
Instructional materials making is challenging. The first time
Making Instructional Materials surely did encourage me to reflect and
think critically. IMs are very crucial part of teaching and learning
processes. Thus it should be created considering all factors related
to it. When making an IM, the students’ interests must be satisfied and
maintained throughout the discussion. Making it challenged my mind and
my creativity. Plus different topics, different approaches and IMs so
you really have to make an useful IMs.

The bulletin board I made on our classroom was filled with pictures and
trivias. The pictures were attractive enough to catch their attentions.
By attracting their attentions first, it will have a higher chance that
they will read the trivia and info about Earth. I also posted did you
know facts, from their, they’ll have to think about some controversial
trivia I put. As they read the given trivia, there are reactions like
“Ah ganun pala yun.” Since I handled Science subject, naturally the
language is in English but in very shallow words so they can easily
interpret and understand what were posted.
The school I was assigned to teach in is my alma mater,
Basista National High Shool. I was scared and excited at the
same time. It was actually my former, some teachers know me.
I was scared since I have to meet their expectations as the
school’s product. But that feeling faded as soon I met them
again and interacted with them like I used to when I was still
studying there. Then the feeling of excitement blended with
the fear. It was overwhelming that I was chosen to teach
there. I am very much looking forward to reunite with my
former advisers and subject teachers. I was even more excited
to the fact that I will stand in front of different classes.
As a former student of that school, I already knew some
I was actually
hints in itsmixture
feeling of excitement
operations. Though I and fearreally expect that
the weeks before we’ll be sentistostill
the school our cooperating
the same, Ischool. Whothe very beginning
hoped at
wouldn’t? It will that
be only be not
I will one have
of the bighighlights
adjustments.of being
an education student. IIdon’t actually
am very much know how should
oriented that theI act
students of Basista
on the day. But of course, since I am a future teacher,
National High School are respectful. They know I how to act and
should be physically, emotionally and mentally prepared.
pay respect to teachers and even to student teachers.
I personally askedBasista
guidance from the
National HighLord Almighty
School was myfor
learning environment
the journey of the andpractice
a home toteaching. And offor
be considered course,
almostI two
gotmonths. It was fun
countless encouragement
and full from my family.
of different Thosethat
challenges simple
I faced during those
encouragements gave me enough confidence on the
times. But it was also sometimes stressful start of since I have to
practice teaching,beat
specially during
countless the off-campus
tasks. It did not teaching.
only serve as my learning
On the physical preparation, I started to put
environment in the field of teaching,light make-up
but it can be also
to be formal enough when I face
considered as the teachers
a home sinceand
I students
was ableofto build lifetime
my cooperating school.
connection with some teachers and students there.
One who undergoes practice teaching must be ready at all
cost. What drove ‘ me to start and finish this period as
education student ?is that, everything will put to an end. But
I made sure at the }very start that I wouldn’t settle for less.

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