Concrete Beton July 07
Concrete Beton July 07
Concrete Beton July 07
The Official Journal of
The Concrete Society of Southern Africa
• Fibre Reinforcement – Steel versus Macro
(Structural) Synthetic
• KZN Branch – Concrete Achiever Award 2006
• Eastern Cape Branch – Student Award
• National Honorary Award conferred on
Prof MG Alexander
• Proportioning of Concrete Mixes
• Chemical Admixtures for use in Concrete
July 2007
President's Message
The Fulton Awards 2007, held believe that this will give our members far more insight
over a weekend at Champagne into each of the winning projects. We hope that you will
Sports Resort, was a resounding enjoy these series of articles.
success. We can proudly reflect
on what was generally believed It is with great sadness that I must announce that our
to have been the best Fulton administrator, Irma Dyssel, after 13 years with the
Awards that we have ever had. Concrete Society, has decided to pursue other interests.
The weekend event was attended Irma has done extensive work for the Society and we
by over 400 people partaking in will really miss her. Irma will be leaving us at the end
more than 500 activities, like golf, of September. On behalf of Council and the members, I
bird-watching, helicopter flips, would like to thank her for all her hard work, dedication
spa treatments and horse riding. and loyal service to the Society and wish her well for the
It appears that everybody enjoyed the new future.
format and many have encouraged us to follow
the same format in the future. This we will A replacement for Irma is being sought and we will
gladly endeavour to do if our sponsors support communicate these details to you as soon as they are
us again. Some have already indicated that available.
they want to be part of the next Fulton Awards
event. We also welcome new sponsors who We are in the process of organizing a national seminar on
would want to be actively involved with the ‘Durability’ in conjunction with the Cement and Concrete
Concrete Society and especially the Fulton Institute. This should take place in October this year.
Awards. Your respective branches will be communicating with
you shortly regarding the exact details of this seminar.
It was an honour and pleasure to be able Considering how lively the last seminar on ‘Durability’
to attend the branch reviews as well. was, you would not want to miss this one!
Unfortunately I do not get the opportunity to
attend branch functions often and it was very We hope that you will enjoy this edition of Concrete
pleasing to meet so many members of the Beton.
Concrete Society.
Concrete Chatter
KZN Branch
Concrete Achiever 2006 bridge, a practical and cost effective design in this
One of the highlights
of the year for the KZN A prestressed concrete ribbon bridge consists of a ribbon
CSSA branch is always of precast concrete elements that are post tensioned to
the presentation of the induce continuity in the deck, and are designed to remain
Concrete Achiever of in compression under design loads. The use of precast
the year award. This concrete elements was also beneficial as these could be
year the KZN Branch constructed concurrently with the abutments, thereby
Committee had no hesi- reducing the overall construction time. Precast elements
tation in recognising Mr have the added benefit of being cast in a casting yard
Corrie Meintjes as the and transported to the site. This would present fewer
most worthy recipient challenges for the contractor to face in the rural setting
of this award for his sig- of the Mkomaas River Pedestrian Bridge.
nificant contribution to-
wards the promotion of This construction method has been successfully used in
concrete during 2006. the northern hemisphere. The Mkomaas River Pedestrian
Bridge is a first of its kind in South Africa and its clear
Mr Corrie Meintjes, span of 150m is equal to the world record for this type
senior partner of Jeffares & Green, has been involved in of pedestrian bridge (as far as could be determined, the
the design of concrete structures for more than 30 years. current world record of 150m is held by a similar bridge
In this time he has been involved in key projects such over the ship canal in Plovdiv, Bulgaria). Mr Meintjes
as elevated motorways, incrementally launched bridges was therefore presented with design and construction
and various other types of concrete structures. challenges which have never previously been attempted
in this country.
Recently, he was involved with, and responsible for, the
concept and design of the Mkomaas River Pedestrian In catenary type structures such as stress ribbon bridges
Bridge in the Squandulweni area. This bridge was the deflections are large, therefore conventional software
commissioned by the KwaZulu - Natal: Department of is unable to analyse these structures as it assumes
Transport. It came to their attention that children in the deflections are small relative to the structures dimensions.
area were often unable to attend school due to dangerous In order to analyse the structure, independent, self-
water levels denying them access to the school on the generated spreadsheets were developed in house by
opposite bank of the river. The construction of a bridge Jeffares & Green. Then, due to the novelty of this concept
over the Mkomaas River would resolve this problem, as in South Africa, the Institute of Civil Engineering at the
well as being of long-term benefit to the community in University of Stellenbosch was commissioned to do a
general. finite element analysis of the bridge using a sophisticated
computer package. This analysis confirmed the in-house
Mr Meintjes determined that the most practical design results obtained. An external wind expert was also asked
for crossing the Mkomaas River was to construct a to assess the behaviour of the structure under various
single span bridge. This would obviate the need for wind loadings and determined that the design was safe.
piers, thereby eliminating any structural obstruction in Even under high wind conditions, in which people would
the watercourse, as well as any potentially dangerous not venture outside, the structural integrity of the bridge
construction work, which would have to take place is not compromised.
within the river basin. This choice was justified, as from
January to March 2006, during the period of construction The Mkomaas River Pedestrian Bridge is environmentally
of the bridge, high water levels in the Mkomaas River friendly in that there are no elements that interfere with
made it difficult for the contractor to cross the river, let the flow of the river, and the vertical curvature of the
alone construct within its basin. structure is aesthetically pleasing and compliments the
rural landscape.
Several types of bridges such as cable stay, suspension
and a hybrid between these are capable of the required Congratulations once again to Corrie and we trust
150m single span. However, in recently constructed that this project will inspire the industry even further,
suspension structures, the local communities have especially with the amount of interesting and challenging
expressed their concern about the movement of these work to be done before 2010. The KZN Branch looks
structures under load. Mr Meintjes therefore looked to forward to some tough decisions for this annual award
a more innovative design concept. His investigations in the next few years.
lead him to investigate the prestressed concrete ribbon
Concrete Chatter
Inland Branch
Honorary Award
In recognition of his out- At a special function held in Cape Town recently , the
standing commitment president of the Concrete Society, Mr Dave Miles,
and dedication to the presented the Honorary Membership certificate to
Concrete Society, in par- Professor Alexander, stating that the award was also
ticular the Western Cape made in appreciation of his academic career and
Branch, and its objectives contribution in guiding engineers as well as the greater
over many years, Profes- construction industry.
sor Mark Alexander from
the University of Cape Prof. Alexander, currently Deputy Dean of the Faculty
Town has been awarded of Civil Engineering at the University of Cape Town, has
Honorary Membership of published widely and presented numerous papers at
the Society. conferences and symposia both locally and overseas.
Fulton Awards
The Fulton Awards 2007 Gala function was held at the The project stand competition created considerable
Champagne Sports Resort in the Drakensberg on 8- interest, especially since the first prize was a trip for 2
10 June 2007. Approximately 400 people attended this people to Dubai.
event and judging by all the tremendous feedback that
was received, it is evident that everyone really enjoyed The Black Tie Gala Event took place on Saturday
the weekend. evening and provided the perfect culmination to an
exciting weekend. The Fulton Award Winners and
The main aim of the weekend was to give far greater Commendations were announced at a glittering event
exposure to the nominated projects, contractors, that had a very professional and personable Michelle
suppliers and our sponsors. It also provided an McLean as MC for the evening. The Concrete Institute
opportunity for guests to network in a relaxed of Australia gave a short and informative presentation
atmosphere. The Concrete Society is proud to confirm by Dr.Daksh Baweja, President of CIA and Mr. Ian Booth
that these objectives were achieved. Written and verbal CEO of CIA.
feedback confirm that the Industry at large regards this
event as the best Fulton Awards function ever. After the Fulton Golf Challenge prizes were presented
the party started with the great entertainment of Danny’s
An informal dinner on Friday evening, 8 June, started the Angels and for quite a few people, the evening lasted
weekend’s proceedings. After a hard week and a long until the early hours in the cosy Cathkin’s Bar.
drive the food, entertainment and music were enjoyed
by all. The Concrete Society of Southern Africa wishes to
congratulate all the project winners and those who
The Fulton Golf Challenge took place on Saturday received commendations. We wish to extend our sincere
morning with a field of 96 golfers. Various other organised appreciation to all the Sponsors, who helped making this
activities also took place, such as Spa Treatments, a event possible.
presentation by Michelle McLean, Birds of Prey outing,
helicopter flips and horse riding. For those who did not Fulton Awards 2009, quo vadis?
feel too energetic, the beautiful view from the Hotel,
together with inviting log fires was the ideal way to relax.
Civil Engineering
Building Projects
Aesthetic Appeal
Construction Techniques
Design Aspects
Special Recognition
Fulton Award,
Spoornet Universal/
Infrabolt Concrete
Sleeper Project
Fulton Awards
Jeffares & Green was appointed by the KwaZulu- Typically pre-stressed concrete ribbon bridges consist
Natal Department of Transport to design a pedestrian of pre-cast concrete elements suspended from cables
bridge over the Mkomaas River in the Sisonke District tensioned between abutments. These elements are
Municipality. then joined and stressed along the length of the bridge
by tensioning a second set of cables placed in ducts
As the client was experiencing problems with the through the elements. Compression stresses induced
resonant behaviour of cable supported pedestrian this way compensate for tensile stresses resulting from
bridges, Jeffares & Green was asked to investigate subsequent live loads. As far as can be ascertained,
alternatives that will render a more stable walkway the construction method used for the Mkomaas River
for a long-span bridge such as that required over the pedestrian bridge is a first in Africa and the length of its
Mkomaas River. After considering various alternatives clear span equals the world record of 150 meters set by
the consultant proposed a pre-stressed concrete ribbon the Plovdiv footbridge over a ship canal in Bulgaria.
type structure for this site.
Fulton Awards
This innovative all-concrete design is cost effective, This is a catenary type bridge, which found favour with
aesthetically pleasing, highly functional and some designers in Europe, Asia and North America. As
environmentally friendly in so far as it does not interfere yet the consulting engineer could not find evidence to
with the flow of the river in any way, neither does it have suggest that this method of construction has ever been
towers, stabilisers or large abutments that impose on used before on the African continent, or elsewhere in
the rural landscape. the southern hemisphere. The following construction
sequence is typical for this type of bridge:
• First abutments are built and anchored back to rock
In August 2004 the mayor of the Sisonke District on either side of the river (see fig. 1 a and b).
Municipality wrote to the KwaZulu-Natal MEC of Transport • Main bearer cables are then placed and stressed
requesting assistance in respect of the difficulties faced between the two abutments (see fig. 1 c).
by children crossing the Mkomaas River to and from
• Pre-cast concrete elements are manufactured and
school. According to him during the wet season and
suspended from these cables and slid across the
when the level of the river rises, even fractionally, these
river on these cables to their respective positions
children were denied access to their school, sometimes
for many days at a time. Shortly thereafter Jeffares along the length of the bridge (See fig. 1 d).
& Green was appointed by the provincial regional • These pre-cast deck elements are then joined by
engineer for the design and construction monitoring of a lapping reinforcement and placing insitu concrete
pedestrian bridge over the river at this site. In particular, in order to render the deck into a continuous ribbon
the consulting engineer was cautioned against the use of running from one abutment to the other
cable supported bridges, as the department of transport (see fig. 1 e).
has experienced problems with people refusing to make • Longitudinal post-tension cables are then placed
use of bridges that resonate in response to live loads. along the length of the bridge, in ducts inside the
elements and tensioned in order to provide sufficient
The consulting engineer nevertheless favoured the compression stresses to compensate for live load
concept of a single long span bridge over the river due induced tensile stresses within the elements
to environmental and construction constraints. In this (see fig. 1 f).
case the construction of single long-span bridge will • Handrails and other finishing then follow before the
not impede the river’s flow and therefore cannot be bridge is commissioned (see fig. 1 g).
classed as an activity listed in terms of GN No. R1182
of 5 September 1997 and therefore does not require The other long-span alternative considered was a
environmental authorization in terms of Section 22 of suspension bridge. This type of bridge is often used
the Environmental Conservation Act, 1989 (Act No. for pedestrian bridges, pipe bridges and other light
73 of 1989) and no delay was experienced in waiting structures in South Africa. On the negative side the
for a record of decision from the KZN Department of client had experienced problems with people refusing
Agriculture and Environmental Affairs. to make use of such bridges, as they tend to resonate
while pedestrians are crossing. Even the introduction
Due to its large and relatively steep catchment area the of stabilisers to dampen this resonance proved only
Mkomaas River is known for its fast flowing waters and moderately successful. Their towers also tend to impose
flash floods. And as the construction of a bridge this size on a rural landscape and are largely steel structures,
would require several months it was inevitable for some which are relatively expensive to maintain.
of the work to take place in the rainy season. Therefore,
the river’s potential for flooding also influenced the The stress ribbon bridge was determined to be the
choice of a single-span bridge and proved to be correct, more viable option, in terms of meeting the design
as during the period of January until March of 2006 the requirements, cost effectiveness and time constraints.
level of the river was so high that the contractor had
great difficulty in crossing the river, let alone construct DESIGN
anything in it.
Geometric conditions
The consulting engineer also considered the use of pre- The maximum slope of the bridge was limited in the
cast concrete elements beneficial, as it reduced the design to 1:8 as per the SABS specifications (refer
time for construction in so far as tasks may overlap. SABS 0400-1990, Part D paragraph 3). Figure 2 is
That is, deck panels could be manufactured before the an exaggerated diagram of the bridge profile used in
abutments were in place. The use of pre-cast panels determining the geometric conditions for design.
also reduced the concrete work required on site, under
difficult circumstances, and therefore a pre-stress
concrete ribbon type bridge seemed like the logical
Fulton Awards
g. Final Product
Figure 1: Construction sequence of stressed ribbon bridges
Fulton Awards
when such a wind is blowing. For wind speeds less
than 80 km/h aeroelastic excitations of the bridge will
be insignificant. Under extreme wind loads (with return
1740 periods in the order of 1:250 years and gusting up to
150 km/hr) the bridge will resonate moderately, but the
structure will remain intact.
Figure 3: The deck section of the
Apart from an extensive literature search, Dr. Goliger
Mkomaas River Pedestrian Bridge
conducted an analysis using a computer model of the
bridge and a physical water tunnel test.
Analysis of stress ribbon
As conventional software packages are based on the
Geotechnical Design
assumption that plane sections remain plane and that
The maximum horizontal force that could be applied
deflections are small in relation to actual dimensions,
to each of the abutments under working loads is in the
these are unable to analyse catenary type structures,
order of 10 MN, which meant that the abutments had to
where deflections are large. Therefore the design was
be securely anchored.
done on self-generated spreadsheets based on first
After preliminary assessments of both the site and the
intended design, two possible options were evaluated
The in-house analysis began by examining a catenary
for anchoring the abutments. The first was the use of
with an assumed nadir depth (“a”, as shown in figure
a dead man anchor located in the alluvial soils and the
2) with the ultimate goal of minimising the slope such
second was the use of anchors drilled and grouted into
that the bridge could accommodate pedestrians as per
the underlying rock.
the SABS stipulation. Knowing the length and shape
Under the design loadings the size of the dead man
of the catenary it was possible to calculate the tensile
anchor block was determined, using conventional
stress in the cables, and derive from this calculation
earth pressure analysis, to be 25 metres wide for a 9
the stress in the cables with a hypothetical zero loading
metre deep block. The required volume of concrete
(straight cable). This same zero loading had to hold for
exceeds that of the abutment itself and was considered
subsequent loadings. Obviously the work included a fair
amount of examination by trial-and-error.
As competent rock (charnockite with a compressive
It is common for tensile stresses to generate below the
strength of approximately 50 Mpa) was discovered
deck near the abutments when the post-tension force is
on site, the use of rock anchors became a technically
applied to the structure. However, these stresses were
feasible option. Preliminary investigations suggested
reversed by the introduction of haunches at the two
that the anchor interface required for the estimated
abutment ends and a lowering of the post-tension cable
load of 10 MN was in the order of 20 square metres.
in this area.
This was based on the side resistance of the hard rock
Fulton Awards:
being about 5% of the compressive strength of the rock prestressing tendons and 31.5 MN prestressing
(Williams et al, 1980) and using a factor of safety of 5 due anchorages.
to the “fail-unsafe” mode of failure.
The tendered price for the Works (including VAT) was
Eventually rock anchors were used, as it was more cost- R3,53 million, which was well within the client’s initial
effective than dead man anchors. estimate of R5,0 million.
The analysis of the movement of the base assumed a The main Contractor was:
stressing sequence beginning with the front anchors, Somerset Oaks Trading 19 (Pty) Ltd
then the middle, followed by the back anchors. The
settlement and horizontal movement of the base was And sub-contractors included:
calculated at each stage. It was noted that, if the Infraset Manufacture and supply of pre-cast concrete
preloading of the anchors was left at the maximum level deck elements
then the application of the prestressing to the bridge Esor Installation of ground anchors
cables led to an overload on the back anchors. The Freyssinet Pre-tensioning and post-tensioning
required loads were therefore calculated for the anchors operations
ranging from 250 to 2000 kN such that once the deck
loads were applied, the loads in all the anchors would SUMMARY
be the same.
The Mkomaas River Bridge presented the designers
During construction, the rock strength parameters with challenges that have never been attempted before
determined in the geotechnical investigation were in Africa, as it is the first pre-stressed concrete ribbon
confirmed, to ensure that the assumed conditions are bridge built in the country and its clear span of 150 meters
similar to the actual conditions. Cement based grout equals the world record for this type of footbridge.
was used to bond the anchor cables to the rock. The
performance of the anchors was evaluated as part of the It is an honest structure without imposing towers that will
construction phase. detract from the rural landscape in which it was built. Its
walkway is also its main structural member that spans
As the design of a Stress Ribbon Bridge is a new clear across the river without props, piers or stabilisers
concept in the African context, it was decided by the that could impeded the flow of water under the bridge.
Engineers involved, that the loads experienced by the
anchors should be monitored and compared with the The design was sensitive to the many challenges faced
design values. The Mechanical Engineering School at by a contractor when building a bridge over a large river
the University of KwaZulu-Natal was commissioned to in a remote area of KwaZulu-Natal. It made use of pre-
design and construct load cells to measure the maximum cast concrete deck elements which reduced the amount
stresses imposed on the anchors. The load cells were of construction required on site thereby alleviating some
constructed from a “smart” material of which magnetic of the burden on the contractor to produce a quality
properties change under stress, and the measurement product under difficult circumstances. The use of a
and interpretation of these properties determine the single span Stress Ribbon Bridge also did not require
maximum stress exerted on the material. the contractor to work inside a river notorious for its
flash floods.
Construction The extensive use of concrete elements makes this a
bridge that will serve its purpose virtually maintenance
Construction of the Mkomaas River Pedestrian Bridge free for many years.
commenced in November 2005 and was completed in
December 2006 and, remarkably, it is the first bridge
that this contractor was ever commissioned to build.
Fulton Awards
Launch of Self Compacting Concrete
Lafarge Aggregates & Readymix has announced the “Pumping costs can be reduced by up to 60% because
launch of the Lafarge Ultra Series SCC, a new range of the product’s high fluidity and the superior flow and
of innovative self compacting concrete. This product is quality with the resulting superior finish significantly
specifically aimed at providing maximum performance reduces the need for time consuming and costly
and quality for demanding construction requirements patching,” he adds. “Other benefits include labour
and designed to save time in the overall construction cost savings, as less labour time is required due to the
process. increase of speed of casting and pouring.”
This is according to Maxime Sibille, National Marketing With regard to coverage, 1 cubic metre of Ultra Series
Manager, Lafarge Aggregates & Readymix, who says SCC will cover an area of 10 square metres at a 100mm
that this new product range offers a new innovative thickness.
concrete mix design, backed by 10 years of intense
worldwide research and development (R&D) into cement, The Ultra Series SCC range of concrete can be used
aggregates and admixtures. for different applications Ultra Series SCC Vertical for
columns, walls, and all areas with heavily re-enforced
“This has resulted in one of Lafarge’s most important structures and Ultra Series SCC Horizontal for flatworks
innovations in the readymix arena to date,” says Sibille. and foundations in housing, commercial and industrial
“Among other things, the new range offers excellent applications.
strength, quality and durability, ease-of-use and
eliminates many steps in the construction process and Sibille says that Ultra Series SCC also provides a
is more economical than traditional concrete solution better quality surface finish than conventional concrete,
resulting in reduced costs.” with excellent strength and improved durability. “It is
particularly suitable for mass concrete pans, bridge
Because of its self compacting design, application times decks, walls, columns, slabs, trenches and pre-cast
are dramatically cut compared to the application of applications and all areas with re-enforced structures.”
traditional concrete, resulting in cost savings of up to
70%, depending on the individual job site. “It creates “More complicated design options and shapes that were
value for the client due to the reduction in labour previously technically difficult to create with traditional
requirements, application time, pumping costs, hiring of concrete are now easy to construct,” he adds. “This
equipment and overall construction costs,” he says. is due to the product’s fluidity and improved ability to
completely fill previously difficult areas, allowing for
Its fluidity enables it to fill in all corners and areas in the design of more complex shapes and forms to be
the formwork or mold, spreading easily and quickly created.”
throughout. “Furthermore, the high fluidity of the
product means that the traditional requirements for Ultra Series SCC is part of the new range of Lafarge
noisy vibrations in order to compact concrete, is readymix concrete Ultra Series. Product ranges include
eliminated providing a healthier work environment for fibre concrete, early strength, flowable, waterproof, pool,
construction workers,” says Sibille. “Ultra Series SCC is foam, ultra light, industrial floor solutions and aqua floor
quick and easy to place and moves effortlessly through concrete for under water construction.
highly congested re-enforced areas with no bleeding or
segregation and provides the best quality.” “It’s the best thing since sliced bread and the right
solution for easy, fast and demanding construction in
Faster, unassisted placing means lower site costs with South Africa providing an ultra performance, ultra quality
reduced risks and exposure to move and vibration. and ultra innovation,” Sabille concludes.
Technical Paper
R. Ratcliffe BE MIEAust CPEng
General Manager BOSFA
(Bekaert OneSteel Fibres Australasia)
Around the millennium, suppliers of micro synthetic This evolution into structural applications was mainly the
fibres started to offer macro synthetic fibres, with the result of the progress made in SFRC technology, as well
typical marketing approach being that they can provide as the research done at different universities and technical
the same performance as steel fibres at a lower cost per institutes in order to understand and quantify the material
cubic metre and with enhanced durability (no rusting). properties. In the early nineties, recommendations for
Interestingly, the performance established for steel design rules for steel fibre reinforced concrete started
fibres using the EFNARC(1996) panel test to a mid point to be developed. Since October 2003, RILEM TC 162-
deflection of 25mm and the correlating 40mm mid point TDF(2003) recommendations for design rules have been
deflection of the newly introduced ASTM C-1550(2005) available for steel fibre reinforced concrete.
test was taken by the early suppliers of macro synthetic
fibres to be the bench mark by which macro synthetic Background on macro (structural) synthetic fibres
fibres should be compared to steel, despite the fact
that the shapes of the curves for each type of fibre are Micro synthetic fibres are typically 6 to 12 mm long and
markedly different with no work having been undertaken to have a diameter of 16 to 35 micron, and are widely used
establish the relevance of a performance test determined to reduce plastic shrinkage cracks, as well as to reduce
for steel fibres when using macro synthetics. concrete spalling during a fire. As Young’s modulus for
This is not to say that macro synthetic fibres do not have a polyolefin is typically around 3,000 to 5,000 MPa, it is
their applications, a number of fibre suppliers actually sell generally understood that the reinforcing effect of these
both steel and synthetic. This paper has been written to fibres is gone after a couple of hours of hardening of
provide what will hopefully be perceived as an unbiased the concrete, as hardened concrete typically shows a
assessment of the true comparative performance of Young’s modulus of around 30,000 MPa.
steel and macro synthetic fibres. Macro synthetic fibres typically have dimensions equal
to steel fibres, with length varying from 15 to 60 mm, and
Background on steel fibres diameters from 0,4 to 1,5 mm. Macro synthetic fibres
are to be considered as a relatively new construction
Steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) was introduced material, but are often marketed as being equal to steel
into the European market in the second half of the fibres on the basis of their performance in toughness
1970’s. No standards, nor recommendations were tests. But is this a reasonable proposition?
available at that time which was a major obstacle for the
acceptance of this new technology. In the beginning, steel Fibre Reinforcement.
fibres were mostly used as a substitute for secondary
reinforcement or for crack control in less critical parts Fibres have typically been added into the internal matrix
of the construction. However, over time, SFRC came to of other materials to form a composite material of
be applied in many different construction applications, enhanced robustness that will perform better in terms of
such as in tunnel linings, ground support in mines, floors its load carrying characteristics. Typical well established
on grade, floors on piles and prefabricated elements, to examples are horse hair or straw added to mud bricks,
the point where, nowadays, steel fibres are widely used asbestos or cellulose fibres added to cement sheets
as the main and unique reinforcement for industrial floor (FRC), glass fibres or mats inside a polymer matrix
slabs, shotcrete and prefabricated concrete products. (fibreglass) and glass fibres added to cement or cement
Steel fibres are also now being considered for many sand mortars(GFRC). In all these cases the primary aim
structural purposes contributing to the construction’s is to either increase the load carrying capacity of the
strength, stability and durability in:- parent material or make it less prone to damage during
- foundation piles When it comes to cementitious materials, the aim has
- pile supported slabs typically been to enhance the inherently low tensile
- precast tunnel segments strength of the parent matrix when subjected to either
- concrete cellars and slab foundations direct tensile or flexural strain actions. This is typically
- pre-stressed construction elements as shear achieved by targeting one of the three load/deflection or
reinforcement tensile stress/strain response graphs shown in Figure 1.
Technical Paper (cont.) - Fibre Reinforcement Steel Versus Macro (Structural) Synthetic
support and in fact many other common applications
used in everyday construction - it is not an uncommon
The ability of SFRC to provide strain hardening behaviour
depends, not only on providing continuity in the loaded
element but on the performance of the fibre reinforcement,
where the performance of the fibre reinforcement is in
turn a function of the dosage and physical properties of
the fibres used.
Technical Paper (cont.) - Fibre Reinforcement Steel Versus Macro (Structural) Synthetic
Technical Paper (cont.) - Fibre Reinforcement Steel Versus Macro (Structural) Synthetic
it, especially if the element carrying load is quite prone
to creep. For this reason it is important to understand
the creep properties of both steel and macro synthetic
fibres. A perceived lack of definitive test information
along with the lack of a standard test procedure led
Lambrechts(2005) to publish the results of some in
house creep tests performed at NV Bekaert in Belgium
and the results are shown in Figure 6.
Macro synthetic fibres type1 and type 2 were added at a
dosage of 4,55 kg/m3 (0,5 vol%). Dramix RC-65/35-BN
steel fibres were dosed at 20 kg/m3(0.25 vol%). As there
is no standard test method it is worthwhile summarising
the main features of the test procedure adopted as
Mesh - F41; Steel fibres - Hooked end @ 40 kg/m3; follows:-
Structural synthetic - 48mm macro synthetic @ 10 kg/ 1. The long term load chosen to establish the creep
m3 behaviour of the beams was taken as 50% of the
residual load capacity measured at a deflection of
Figure 4: Comparison of performance for RDP tests
5mm in a standard displacement controlled beam
test - It is known that increasing the long term load as
There is no argument that macro synthetic fibres can
a percentage of a sections measured load capacity
provide a sufficient level of reinforcement, provided
the dosage is adequate, to ensure strain hardening will tend to increase the amount of creep measured.
behaviour can be achieved, at least in the short term. 2. The residual strength at a deflection of 5mm was
The problem is, that the basis for comparison between established for each beam using a standard test
steel and macro synthetic fibres being used to justify method, at which point the beam test was stopped.
quite low dosages of macro synthetic fibres is currently 50% of this load was then applied to that beam in
the toughness (or area under a load/deflection graph) the same four-point bending configuration used in
determined to very high deflections and crack widths. the beam test - In this way the tensile stress in each
The relevance of this approach seems very dubious if the fibre crossing the crack under the long term load
importance of load carrying capacity or strain hardening was targeted to be 50% of what it was for a 5mm
behaviour is accepted and serviceability requirements, deflection in the beam test. Hence every fibre beam
in regards to deflections, rotations and crack widths are tested was targeted to have exactly the same relative
not being overlooked. It is also in disagreement with starting point in terms of the stress in the fibres – 50%
the approach taken by RILEM(2003) and many other of their actual capacity.
international performance standards, where the typical 3. The resulting creep deflection was measured at
approach is to use the results from beam tests up to a regular intervals for a period of over 1 year. The results
maximum crack width not exceeding 4mm to determine achieved were recorded in 1/100mm increments as
the capacity of fibre reinforced concrete or shotcrete. per the Y-axis of Figure 6.
The relative importance of load carrying capacity at 4. No effects of temperature or humidity variations were
small crack widths, and hence small deflections and taken into account.
rotations, is of recent times, assuming much greater
importance to the designers of civil engineering tunnels As can be seen from Figure 6, the polypropylene fibres
in Australia. Even though the specified test of choice tended to creep 7 to 20 times more than the steel fibres
is typically the ASTM C1550 round determinate panel after 1 year. Moreover, the creep of the macro synthetic
test, the specifications now require the performance to fibres was continuing after one year i.e. the creep curve
comply with mid point deflections between 0.72mm and for the macro synthetic fibres and hence the crack
7.5mm, instead of, or in conjunction with, the overall widths, rotations and deflections had not stabilised.
toughness to a mid point deflection of 40mm. The mid Therefore considerably higher creep was still expected
point deflections nominated are in fact chosen on the for the macro synthetic fibres over time, perhaps eventual
basis of correlating back to equivalent crack widths used rupture.
in third point loaded flexural beam tests.
What this means in terms of FRC using macro synthetics
2. Creep as the sole reinforcement, is that if there is a sustained
load on a structural element, there will be a marked
It is one thing to achieve a certain level of load capacity or tendency for the deflections, crack widths and rotations
strain hardening but it can be quite another to maintain in that element to significantly increase over time.
Technical Paper (cont.) - Fibre Reinforcement Steel Versus Macro (Structural) Synthetic
the load/deflection graph) produced for crack widths
exceeding 3-4mm unless the shape of the graphs are
also considered.
The propensity for synthetic fibres to creep should be
considered when the applied loads are to be sustained
over extended periods.
Concrete Tips
Concrete Tips
Concrete Tips
Contrary to popular belief retarders do not reduce the of excessive retardation. Water reductions of up to 20%
heat of hydration of the concrete but they do reduce the (40 litres/cubic metre) or more are possible.
rate of heat evolution at early ages and hence delay the Their two main uses are the manufacture of very high
temperature peak. strength concrete, particularly when condensed silica
fume is used in the mix, and the manufacture of flowing,
Air-entraining agents self-compacting concrete.
Air-entraining agents produce millions of small, stable Early superplasticisers suffered from poor workability
air bubbles in the cement paste. In hardened concrete retention (the effect wore off after 30 minutes or so)
the two major benefits of air-entrainment are vastly but this has been largely overcome with subsequent
improved resistance to freeze-thaw exposure conditions generations of the admixtures.
and, paradoxically, decreased permeability (the air The main side effect is the increased possibility of
bubbles block capillary pores and are discontinuous). segregation of the mix.
In fresh concrete the benefits are reduced bleeding and
increased workability. Accidental “admixtures”
The only side effect of excessive air-entrainment is Experience has shown that accidental admixtures
reduced strength. sometimes get into the mix.
The amount of air entrained by a particular air-entraining
agent is highly dependant on the sand grading, and the These include:
cement type, and the extender (if any) and site trials • Sugar which causes severe retardation of set,
must be carried out to determine the air content of the discolouration and reduction of long term strength
concrete. The air content of concrete is measured with • Urine, which contains sugars, see above
a piece of equipment known as, logically enough, an air • Seeds which cause popping of the surface of the
meter. Air meters are expensive and are not generally concrete
available on site. • Organic impurities, normally in the sand, which may
Air-entraining agent dosages are small and it is easy cause severe retardation, but usually without the
to overdose the admixture. Air-entraining plasticisers discolouration associated with sugar
are less sensitive to mis-use and are recommended if • Small roots in the sand which cause localised
available. retardation and discolouration
• Chlorides which cause increased efflorescence and
Plasticisers increase the risk of reinforcement corrosion.
Plasticisers, or water reducing agents, are the most
commonly used admixtures in concrete. When Use of admixtures – practical tips
concrete is mixed the cement grains flocculate to some The following tips may seem obvious but...:
degree, trapping some of the mixing water in the floc. • Above all else, use manufacturers whose products
Plasticisers are dispersants which disperse the cement comply with recognised quality standards and who
flocs, releasing the trapped water. Typically the water can demonstrate compliance with a recognised
content of the concrete can be reduced by 10 to 15 litres
quality assurance programme and who can supply
per cubic metre.
expert technical back up.
Plasticisers can be used in one of three ways: • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions with regard to
• To increase the workability and maintain the strength storage, use and dosage.
of the concrete at constant water and cement • Use calibrated dispensing systems (which the
contents manufacturer will supply).
• To increase the strength of concrete by reducing • Design the concrete mixes to incorporate the
the water content of the concrete at a constant admixture, this is especially important in the case of
workability air entraining agents and superplasticisers.
• To make more economical concrete by reducing • Do not mix different admixtures in the same concrete
the water and cement contents of the mix while mix without consulting the manufacturer/(s). Even
maintaining the required workability. if supplied by the same manufacturer different
admixtures are not necessarily compatible.
The main side effect of plasticisers is retardation of set • Check the admixture is compatible with the cement
if overdosed. This can be used to advantage in hot and/or extender being used.
weather or where delays in placing are anticipated. • Be aware of possible side effects of the admixture.
Concrete plasticisers and mortar plasticisers are not the • Train staff on use of admixtures and the consequences
same. Mortar plasticisers are in fact air-entraining agents of both over- and under-dosing.
and will seriously weaken the mix if used in concrete.
Superplasticisers, or high range water reducers, are Acknowledgement:
chemically distinct from plasticisers and can be used at Compiled for ConQuest by:
much higher dosages as they do not have the side effect Steve Crosswell Pr Eng MICT – PPC Cement
Branch Calendars
INLAND BRANCH EVENTS CALENDAR Chairman: Trevor Sawyer, Cell: 082 851 1531
Diary of Forthcoming Events
Diary 2007
15-17 August Sandton The Water, Energy, Earth and Air Exhibition
27-29 August Singapore 32nd Conference on our World in Concrete & Structures
3-5 September Ghent, Belgium 5th International RILEM Symposium on Self Compacting Concrete
4-6 September Dundee, Scotland 7th International Congress on Concrete: Construction’s Sustainable Option
10-12 September Cape Town 3rd International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and
19-21 September Maryland, USA 1st International Conference on Recent Advancement in Concrete
10-12 October Yantai, China 9th International Conference on Steel, Space & Composite Structures
14-15 October Beijing, China 9th International Conference on Steel, Space & Composite Structures
17-19 October Beijing, China 7th International Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures
18-20 October Adelaide, Australia Concrete 07, Design, Materials & Construction
28-30 November Changsha, China 2nd International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
2-5 December Kingdom of Bahrain 4th Middle East Nondestructive Testing Conference & Exhibition 2007
Diary 2008
20-22 February Johannesburg, South Africa International Concrete Conference and Exhibition (ICCX)
11-16 August Washington DC, USA 6th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical
August Singapore 33rd Conference on Our World in Concrete & Structures
24-26 November Cape Town, South Africa International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation &
The Department of Education has again granted its accreditation to the Concrete Society of
Southern Africa’s journal
Concrete/Beton, accredited under the new rules, invites academics to submit
technical papers on concrete research and practice. A panel of eminent professionals
will review all technical papers and on approval, the paper will be submitted for
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