Case Study Mental Health Care Patient Management System (MHCPMS)
Case Study Mental Health Care Patient Management System (MHCPMS)
Case Study Mental Health Care Patient Management System (MHCPMS)
Mental Health Care Patient Management System
This case study is based on a real system that is in use in a number of hospitals.
For reasons of commercial confidentiality, I have changed the name of the
system and have not included information about any specific system features.
1. Background
A regional health authority wishes to procure an information system to help
manage the care of patients suffering from mental health problems. The overall
goals of the system are twofold:
1. To generate management information that allows health service managers to
assess performance against local and government targets.
2. To provide medical staff with timely information to facilitate the treatment
of patients.
The health authority has a number of clinics that patients may attend in
different hospitals and in local health centres. Patients need not always attend
the same clinic and some clinics may support ‘drop in’ as well as pre-arranged
The nature of mental health problems is such that patients are often
disorganised so may miss appointments, deliberately or accidentally lose
prescriptions and medication, forget instructions and make unreasonable
demands on medical staff. In a minority of cases, they may be a danger to
themselves or to other people. They may regularly change address and may be
homeless on a long-term or short-term basis. Where patients are dangerous,
they may need to be ‘sectioned’ – confined to a secure hospital for treatment
and observation.
Users of the system include clinical staff (doctors, nurses, health visitors),
receptionists who make appointments and medical records staff. Reports are
generated for hospital management by medical records staff. Management have
no direct access to the system.
The system is affected by two pieces of legislation (in the UK, Acts of
Parliament). These are the Data Protection Act that governs the confidentiality
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of personal information and the Mental Health Act that governs the compulsory
detention of patients deemed to be a danger to themselves or others.
The system is NOT a complete medical records system where all information
about a patients’ medical treatment is maintained. It is solely intended to
support mental health care so if a patient is suffering from some other unrelated
condition (such as high blood pressure) this would not be formally recorded in
the system.
2.1 Concerns
Concerns are intended to represent high-level organisational goals that are often
vague and poorly specified. These are important to the success of the system
and so the requirements engineering process must try to understand their
implications for the system. However, the nature of concerns is such that some
aspects will always be vague (e.g. the notion of ‘reasonable’ costs) and subject
to individual interpretation.
The principal concerns in the MHCPMS are:
1. Usability. The system must be used by a range of staff, often working under
time pressure and with different levels of experience using computer-based
information systems.
2. Safety. Patients may cause harm to themselves or others. The provisions of
the Mental Health Act must be taken into account.
3. Privacy. Patient privacy must be maintained according to the Data
Protection Act and local ethical guidelines.
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2.2 Viewpoints
Viewpoints are a means of structuring the collection and documentation of
requirements from classes of system stakeholder. Each viewpoint represents a
partial specification of the system so the complete specification is created by
integrating the requirements from each viewpoint. Viewpoints may either be
interactor viewpoints representing stakeholders who interact directly with the
system, indirect viewpoints representing stakeholders that require information
from the system or are involved with the system management and domain
viewpoints that represent
There are four principal viewpoints that place requirements on this system.
1. Clinical staff. Clinical staff interact directly with the system, looking up
and modifying patient information. They are particularly concerned with
maintaining a history of consultations and recording the treatment and
medication prescribed to patients.
2. Receptionists. Receptionists interact directly with the system and use it in
conjunction with a generic appointments system to record information about
patient appointments. They need to record when appointments were made,
the appointment date and whether or not patients attended appointments.
3. Medical records staff. Medical records staff interact with the system to
generate management reports and to link information in the system with
more general patient health records.
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3. Concern decomposition
The DISCOS method starts by identifying concerns and decomposing these to
sub-concerns and questions. A complete decomposition would be too lengthy to
show here but we can look at the early levels of decomposition for all concerns
and then examine a limited number of these in more detail.
The four concerns identified are usability, safety, privacy and operational costs.
Figure 1 shows the first stage of decomposition of these concerns.
Operator satisfaction
Operator reliability
Patient safety
Staff safety
Public safety
Maintenance costs
Operational costs
Running costs
Accidental self-harm
Patient safety Deliberate self-harm
Incorrect treatment
Adverse reaction to medication
Attacks by
Safety of relatives patients
Public safety Attacks by
Safety of general public patients
Confinement of patients
4. Dependability requirements
Dependability requirements are generated from concerns by associating
questions with each of these concerns. The answers to these questions (which
may come from stakeholders, documentation, etc.) are the basis for the
dependability requirements. Questions may also be generated that apply to the
requirements generated from each viewpoint. These questions check that the
requirements are consistent with the organisational concerns.
Let us consider the Patient Safety concern and its associated sub-concerns of
deliberate and accidental self-harm, incorrect treatment and adverse reactions to
treatment. We can associate general questions with each of these subconcerns:
What information from the system might reduce the risks to patient safety under
these headings?
Who requires this information and when do they require it?
By asking these questions, we can establish a set of safety requirements.
Examples of these requirements are:
1. The records of patients who have a history of deliberate self-harm shall be
highlighted in some way to bring them to the attention of clinical system
2. The system shall be able to generate warning letters to clinic staff and
patient relatives about a patient indicating the possibility of deliberate self-
3. The system shall provide fields that allow details of incidents or threats of
deliberate self-harm to be maintained.
4. Information about incidents of accidental self-harm shall only be
maintained when these are directly related to the treatment prescribed (e.g.
over or underdosing of medication).
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5. When treatment details are entered in the system, the system shall display
details of previous treatment. This will make it easier for clinical staff to
check that treatment prescription errors have not been made.
6. The system shall allow information about adverse reactions to treatment to
be maintained. If a patient is known to be allergic to any particular
medication, then prescription of that medication shall result in a warning
message being issued.
7. Prescribers may overrule warning messages from the system. In such
situations, the system shall maintain a record of the warning issued and the
identity of the prescriber who overruled the warning.
8. The system shall generate a daily list of patients who were expected to
attend a consultation but who failed to attend. This list shall be
automatically e-mailed to the consultants responsible for the care of these
9. The system shall provide information to medical staff which reduces the
probability of over-prescription of medication. (Note: that this is quite a
vague requirement – there is an associated question How can over-
prescription of medication be avoided which is put to the system
stakeholders when the system facilities to support prescription are defined).
10. To reduce the probability of over-prescription of medication, the system
shall highlight the date of the patient’s previous consultation when a patient
attends a drop-in consultation session. (Note: some patients attend several
sessions to try to get extra medication which they can then sell on).
11. The system shall generate a daily list of patients where the patient has
attended a consultation and where the records have not been updated. This
list shall be emailed to the clinic where the patient has attended the
consultation. Each record on this list shall be highlighted in the system until
an update has been made. (Note: this is intended to help detect records
which, through human or system failure, have not been updated after a
The process of generating safety requirements for the other safety concerns
continues until all concerns have been addressed. Because of the spiral nature
of the derivation process (see paper on the DISCOS method), this process will
overlap with the process of discovering viewpoint requirements.
Now let us consider some of the dependability requirements that are generated
from the privacy concern. Initially, the derivation of requirements from each
concern should be undertaken independently. As discussed above, privacy
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7. The system shall record that information has been deleted or changed
according to a patient change request. The patient record shall not be linked
to any change requests made for that record.
8. When notified of the death of a patient, the patient record shall be locked as
read-only. Within 3 months of the notification of death, the patient record
shall be removed from the MHCPMS system and stored in an archive
5. Viewpoint requirements
Concerns are used to drive the derivation of dependability requirements and
requirements associated with organisational goals. System stakeholder
requirements must also be discovered. By organising these around viewpoints,
we reduce the likelihood of failing to consult key stakeholders and we make it
easier to detect overlaps and conflicts between requirements.
The derivation of viewpoint requirements is also driven by concerns. During
the process of deriving requirements, each stakeholder should be asked the
questions associated with the identified concerns. These not only generate
dependability and organisational requirements, but also help stakeholders and
requirements engineers to assess the relationships between specific viewpoint
requirements and dependability requirements.
updated during a consultation should be flagged to indicate that they are not
completely up-to-date. (This allows for system failure or for individual
doctors, for whatever reason, being unable to update the record at the time
of a consultation. An example of such a situation is where a patient
threatens or commits violence and has to be forcibly restrained).
3. Free form text input fields shall be provided to allow comments on the
patient by individual clinicians to be recorded.
4. It shall be possible, from within the system, to consult the known side-
effects for any drug that may be prescribed using the system.
5. The system shall provide a risk indicator field that allows the risk status of
the patient to be recorded. Risk status reflects the clinical assessment of
whether the patient is likely to be a danger to themselves or others.
6. The MHCPMS system shall support the printing of medication
7. It shall be possible to print patient records selectively by highlighting record
components that are to be printed.
8. Nurses visiting patients at home should be able to download patient records
in advance to a laptop computer, modify these records then upload the
records to the server.
6. Requirements conflicts
During the requirements elicitation process, potential conflicts between
requirements should be identified and an explicit conflict analysis and
negotiation meeting should be scheduled to resolve these conflicts.
From the requirements that have been proposed here, a number of conflicts can
be identified. Consider the following safety and privacy requirements:
The system shall be able to generate warning letters to clinic staff and patient
relatives about a patient indicating the possibility of deliberate self-harm.
The system shall only allow the transmission of personal patient information to
accredited staff and to the patient themselves.
The first requirement is designed for the benefit of the patient and is intended to
warn carers that this patient has a history of self harm and that they should
therefore watch him or her with a view to preventing or detecting this at an
early stage. The second requirement is also supposedly for the benefit of the
patient and is intended that patient privacy is maintained. There may be
circumstances where a patient does not wish his/her relatives to know that they
are attending a mental health clinic.
It is not clear how this conflict can be resolved. It is probably the case that the
legal requirements imposed by the Data Protection Act must take precedence so
the safety requirement should therefore be amended or rejected.
Another potential conflict may be revealed when the safety and operational
costs concerns are compared. Consider the following requirements:
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A detailed risk assessment shall be carried out and recorded in the system each
time a change in the patient’s condition is diagnosed or medication is changed.
The deployment of the MHCPMS shall not require any additional staff to be
These requirements might conflict if a significant time is required for risk
assessments. To resolve such a conflict, it might be possible to classify patients
as low, medium and high risks and to only re-do risk assessments when a
patient’s classification changes.
As a final example of conflict, consider the conflict between the functionality
required by clinical staff and the security requirement from the medical records
Nurses visiting patients at home should be able to download patient records in
advance to a laptop computer, modify these records then upload the records to
the server.
All PCs used to run the MHCPMS system shall have a static IP address and
access and update requests shall only be accepted from PCs whose address is
registered with the server.
It is not practical to assign static IP addresses to mobile systems such as
Resolution of these conflicts requires discussion with the stakeholders involved
to arrive at a compromise situation where requirements that allow system
development to proceed can be established. For example, it may be that access
from laptops is allowed only on the condition that the laptop disk is encrypte
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