Arahan Teknik Jalan 4 85 Pind 1997 Application For The Installation of Public Utilitiy Services Within Road Reserve PDF
Arahan Teknik Jalan 4 85 Pind 1997 Application For The Installation of Public Utilitiy Services Within Road Reserve PDF
Arahan Teknik Jalan 4 85 Pind 1997 Application For The Installation of Public Utilitiy Services Within Road Reserve PDF
Application For
The Installation of Public
Utility Services within
Road Reserve
Roads Branch
Public Works Department Malaysia
Jalan Sultan Salahuddin
50582 Kuala Lumpur
This revision of Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 4/85 was done by collecting comments from all JKR
State and District offices in the country on the original version of the Arahan Teknik (Jalan)
4/85. The printing of it is divided into two:
This enables the applicant to obtain the relevant part (Second Schedule) from Cawangan
Pengurusan dan Tender, Kementerian Kerja Raya, thus reducing the load of making duplicates of
that part by JKR offices. Relevant aspects such as the delegation of powers to all District
Engineers and circular from Ketua Pengarah Kerja Raya on `Garispanduan Pengalihan dan
Pemasangan Semula Kemudahan Awam' are also included for easy references.
Comments on the revised version is most welcome for on-going improvements and can be for-
warded to:
I. General
2. Power to Approve Application and. Other Legal Matters
3. Categories of Roads
4. Siting of Utility
5. Application and Approval
6. Reinstatement Works and Markings
7. Traffic Control and Signages
Appendix I - Delegation of Powers Under Section 77, 84, 85 and 85A of the Road
Transport Act 1987
Appendix II - Application Form - Form JKR 84/1
Appendix III - Model Reply
Appendix IV - Agreement Form
Appendix V - Surat Pekeliling `Garispanduan Pengalihan dan Pemasangan Semula
Kemudahan Awam dalam Rizab Jalan'
First Schedule is meant for the information and guidance of JKR Engineers only and is not for
sale to the public.
1. Introduction
2. Definitions and Interpretation
3. Application
4. General Conditions Relating to The Installation of Public Utility Services Within the Road
II. The first Edition of this Arahan Teknik(Jalan) 4/85 was approved during the workshop on
Standardisation and Guideline held at lbu Pejabat JKR. Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur on 16th -
17th May 1984.
1.1 Location of utility lines in, on, or over highway rights-of-way is at the discretion of
1.2 JKR shall reserve the right to review and approve the location and design of all utility
installations, adjustments, or relocations affecting the highway and issue permits for the
proposed work.
1.3 JKR shall reserve the right to stipulate bonds to guarantee proper consummation of
rights-of-way and performance of utility plants.
2.1 The power to approve all applications pertaining to the application for the installation of
public utility within the road reserve has been delegated to the District Engineer .
(Please refer to Appendix 1 - Delegation of Powers Under Section 77, 84, 85 and 85A
of the Road Transport Act 1987, dated 28th. December 1995)
3.1 If the proposal to lay the utility installation af fects the Federal Highways directly or
indirectly, the proposal must be sent to the Director .-General JKR Headquarters
(Attention to Director of Road Branch) through the District Engineer/S tate Director. The
State Director should give his specific recommendations on the proposal.
4.1 General
4.1.1 A proposal from the Applicant should be carefully examined, and the of ficials of
JKR should ensure that the locations of the utility installations are so located that
these would permit future highway improvement without any necessity to relocate
the installation as far as possible.
4.2.1 The Applicant shall work out a system of "space allocation" for general implementation,
e.g., water mains could be laid on both sides of the highway to avoid crossings.
4.2.2 Service tunnels or culverts should be provided by JKR whenever new highways are
constructed or existing highways improved.
4.2.3 Utilities are not permitted to be laid under road pavements except in extreme cases
and under strictly controlled conditions, e.g., for water communication purposes,
only one crossing is allowed across the roadway.
4.2.4 In urban areas, when conditions justify, utilities may be placed longitudinally beneath
pavements under strict controlled conditions. In rural areas, it is not advisable to place
utilities longitudinally under pavements.
4.2.5 Cables, pipes etc. shall he laid on the extreme edge of the rights-of-way unless it is
not practicable to do so. In this case the District Engineer/S tate Director should give
comments on reasons as to why the Applicant is unable to do so.
4.2.6 (a) Preference should always be given to laying of utilities along service roads or
back lanes instead of along major roads and wherever possible installations along
heavily trafficked highways should be avoided.
(b) Installations of utilities that will interrupt traf fic flow on heavily trafficked
highways should be restricted to off-peak hours. The State Director should
recommend the appropriate times of work according to local situations when
recommending for approval.
4.2.7 Encasement of buried utilities especially those with less than minimum bury , near
bridge footings or other hazardous locations, should be considered, for structural
protection from external loads or shocks, and should be extended to a minimum
distance of 1.5 m beyond the slope line or to a line that allows for future widening.
4.2.8 New underground installations in scenic areas should be allowed only where
extensive removal of trees or other visible features can be avoided.
4.3.1 Generally overhead lines are to be avoided. All installations of utilities should be
4.3.2 Overhead lines should be located at or near the right-of-way boundaries, and at least
outside the clear roadway areas where suf ficient space is available. If this is not
feasible, the poles should be located behind the sidewalk or a minimum distance of
2,0 m behind the face of the curb, or behind guardrails, beyond open ditches, slopes,
retaining walls or similarly protected locations.
4.3.3 To ensure the safety of the overhead lines and that the highway traf fic is not affected
by the overhead lines, a minimum vertical clearance of 6.0 m is required.
4.3.4 New overhead installations should be considered only where other locations are
unusually difficult and unreasonably costly or less desirable visually or where under
grounding is not technically feasible, or where the proposed installation uses designs
and materials that give adequate attention to the visual qualities of the area traversed.
4.3.5 The utility companies shall take up `Public Liability Insurance' for any work
a. overhead installations that crosses the road, its' operations and maintenance,
b. transmission towers/structures outside the ROW which have the possibility of
falling on the ROW, to cover JKR (or any `third party') against any claim on any
cost and expenses of litigation with respect to;
a. damage to other utilities in the ROW,
b. injury and death to road users and damage to their properties,
4.3.6 A certified true copy of the insurance policy must be given to the nearest JKR before
commencement of work.
4.4.1 Utilities which must cross the roadway should be buried as near perpendicular to the
roadway alignment as practicable but in no case less than 30 degrees and that the
crossings must avoid deep cuts, footings, intersections, drains and wet or rocky terrain.
4.4.2 The District Engineer/State Director shall consider and give recommendations for
any exception being sought by the Applicant to the condition under clause 4.0, in the
`General Conditions Relating to the Installation of Public Utility Services Within the
Road Reserve' as per Second Schedule of this Arahan Teknik(Jalan) regarding crossing
of utilities near intersections.
4.4.3 As far as possible all crossings shall be done by tunneling (horizontal drilling). In
cases where it is difficult to comply with the above ruling the following guidelines
shall be considered for discretion.
(a) On all highways carrying a traffic volume of 2,000 or more Average Daily Traffic
(ADT) in both directions, crossings shall be done only by tunneling unless otherwise
approved specifically by the Director-General of JKR.
(b) For highways carrying traffic volumes of 1,000 - 2,000 ADT, a road diversion
(for a design speed of at least 40 km per hour) may be constructed by the Applicant
concerned in lieu of tunneling
(c) For highways carrying traffic volumes of less than 1,000 ADT, half-width open
excavation may be allowed. Each lane open to traf fic shall have a minimum width of
4 m. Uniformed flagmen shall be employed to control the flow of traf fic. It is advisable
that at least a one way traf fic is maintained during daylight hours and two-way traf fic
during the night.
4.5.1 Generally attachment of utilities to structures is not permitted, unless the structure
has been so designed with the appropriate attachments to take utilities. The District
Engineers should consult and check with the respective design sections about the
capacity of the structures to take any additional loadings.
4.5.2 Pipes should not be attached to overpasses of highways or railroads, and those carrying
flammable, corrosive or explosive agents are not permitted to be attached to any
structure. Exception may be granted with approval from the Headquarters.
4.5.3 Attachments of utilities are not permitted on grade separation structures except wires,
and these are authorised only when no other practicable crossing means is available.
4.5.4 Drilling of concrete or steel members on existing bridges for the attachment of utilities
shall not be permitted.
4.5.5 Welding of structural steel members for attachment of utilities shall be prohibited.
4.5.6 All attached pipes that are exposed to view must be painted to blend with the supporting
4.6.1 Utilities sited on flat, undulating terrain should be placed right to the edge of the road
reserve. In areas where installation cannot be made due to site problems or other
constraints, the Applicant shall construct structures or other methods where applicable,
and maintain the same at his own cost.
4.6.2 The Applicant has to obtain approval from the JKR District Engineer on the type of
structures or other methods of installation at the problematic locations.
4.7.1 Along cut sections no utilities are to be buried. It should be sited on the ground level
or on structures beyond the drain at the toe of the slope. Utilities must be protected
or enclosed in a conduit. If the utilities are placed beyond the shoulder , a guardrail to
protect the utilities must be installed. Installation and maintenance of the guardrail
are to be borne by the utility(ies) company(ies).
Preferably, utilities along fill sections are to be located 4 m away from the embankment
toe in an enclosed conduit or on structures. If the conduit is to be placed at the edge of
the formation on ground level or on structures, it must be placed minimum 4 m from the
edge of the embankment fill.
Applications for buried utilities (the depth and the soil stability) should be considered
on case to case basis and geotechnical expert opinion must be sought.
4.7.2 The Applicant has to obtain approval from the JKR District Engineer on the type of
structures or other methods of supporting structures.
4.8.1 Preferably, utilities are not to be placed on the embankment. It should be located at
the toe of the embankment, minimum distance from the embankment toe is 4 m.
However, if the built embankment sections have 1:2 ratio slope (vertical:horizontal),
they are considered stable and utilities can be placed at the edge of the formation
width , either buried or exposed on ground level. The utilities mast be located at a
minimum distance of 4 m from the edge of the embankment. Exposed utilities or
utilities on structures must be protected by a guardrail. Installation and maintenance
of the guardrail are to be borne by the utilities companies.
5.1.1 The Applicant Form, Form JKR 84/1, should be submitted in triplicate to JKR or the
road authorities, duly completed.
5.1.2 All drawings, calculations, tables, and further information shall be submitted in
5.2.1 JKR shall require the Applicant to enter into a written agreement with them on matters
pertaining to the installation of the utilities, reinstatement of the roads and the relocation
of the utilities due to reasons deemed appropriate and necessary as instructed by the
JKR, like future road improvement / widening and road safety improvement, to do so at
the cost to the Applicant.
6.1 In line with clause 4.5 under section 4.0 `General Conditions Relating to The Installation of
Public Services Within the Road Reserve' to the Second Schedule of this Arahan
Teknik(Jalan), the reinstatement work
should be done by the Applicant. However, a decision can be reached at the time of
according the approval as to whether JKR or the Applicant will do the reinstatement works.
If JKR is to reinstate the works then the Applicant concerned must pay the estimated
amount in advance to reimburse JKR for all cost incurred.
6.2 All utilities must be properly marked or identified on the ground and properly recorded on
plans or documented for future reference.
6.3 Standard colour markings should be used to mark the location of under ground utilities.
Present markers used by the Applicants are adequate.
6.4 Utility installation must riot present a physical obstruction or a visual distraction to the road
users. All utility pits and manhole covers should be flushed with the ground surface.
6.5 Consideration should be given to details and locations of junction boxes, fixtures and
6.6 As a general rule no road excavation will be allowed on newly laid bituminous surfaces
within 12 months of laying.
7.1 The uses of traffic control devices for the warning and protection of the public and
workman conforming to existing and latest JKR Manual on Traffic Control Devices Arahan
Teknik (Jalan) 2/85 must be strictly complied with.
7.2 a) During construction should the Applicant require any localised diversion of installation
from the original approved drawing, approval from JKR must be obtained before the
diversion can commence.
b) If a road diversion is required, the Applicant should submit a Traffic Management Plan,
complete with details of all necessary diversions, temporary road works, signages,
barriers and alternative routes (if necessary.), to ensure save, smooth and ef ficient traffic
management at the job site. The Traffic Management Plan shall be approved by a
registered professional road engineer.
Delegation of Powers Under Section 77, 84, 85 and 85A of the Road Transport Act 1987
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 of the Delegation of Powers Act 1956, the
Minister delegates his powers under section 77, 84, 85 and 35A of the Road Transport Act 1987 in
respect of Federal roads to the of ficers specified in column (1) of the Schedule in respect of the
areas specified in column (2).
(1) (2)
Officers Districts
Director, The State of Perlis Public Works Department,
District Engineer Kota Setar and Padang Terap Districts
Public Works Department,
Kota Setar/Padang Terap
Appendix I - 1
District Engineer Seberang Perai Tengah
Public Works Department Seberang Perai Selatan and
Seberang Perai Seberang Perai Utara Districts
District Engineer Larut, Matang and Selama Districts
Public Works Department
Larut, Matang and Selama
Appendix I - 2
District Engineer Kelang District
Public Works Department
District Engineer Seremban District
Public Works Department
Appendix I - 3
District Engineer
Public Works Department Melaka Tengah District
Melaka Tengah
District Engineer Johor Bahru District
Public Works Department
Johor Bahru
Appendix I - 4
District Engineer Kuantan District
Public Works Department
Appendix I - 5
District Engineer Kuala Terengganu District
Public Works Department
Kuala Terengganu
(1) (2)
District Engineer Kota Bharu District
Public Works Department
Kota Bharu
Divisional Engineer Kuching Division
Public Works Department
Kuching Division.
Appendix I - 7
(1) (2)
Divisional Engineer Sibu Division
Public Works Department
Sibu Division
District Engineer Kunak District
Public Works Department
Appendix I - 8
Appendix I - 9
Appendix I - 10
(1) The Minister charged with the responsibility for works (in this section hereinafter referred
to as the "Minister") in relation to any Federal road, and the appropriate authority in relation to
any other road, within the area of such authority , may cause or permit traffic signs to be placed
on or near such road and may from time to time repair , alter, change or remove the same.
(2) Any police officer or other public officer acting in the course of his duty may cause or
permit to be placed and maintained on or near any road any traf fic sign which may be necessary
or expedient to give effect to any regulations or orders lawfully given or made under any
powers conferred upon any police officer or other person by any written law relating to the
prohibition, restriction, regulation or control of traf fic or the search of vehicles or persons on
such road or which may be necessary or expedient to prevent or mitigate congestion or
obstruction of traffic or danger to or from traf fic in consequence of extraordinary circumstances:
Provided that no such sign shall be maintained for any period longer than may be necessary for
such purpose.
(3) Any person or public authority authorised under any written law to do or cause to be done
any work on a road shall place and maintain or cause to be done any work on a road shall place
and maintain or cause to be placed and maintained on or near any road such traf fic signs as are
necessary or expedient to prevent or mitigate danger to persons so working on such road or to
or from traffic whilst such work is being carried out.
(4) The owners or workers of any railway, light railway or tramway undertaking or any dock or
harbour undertaking may place and maintain or cause to be placed and maintained on or near
any road any traffic sign in pursuance of, or which is necessary or expedient for the exercise of,
any powers conferred upon them by any written law .
(5) After the appointed day no traffic sign other than a traffic sign lawfully placed in pursuance
of this Part shall be placed on or near any road.
(6) For the purposes of this Act, any traffic sign existing on the appointed day which was
lawfully placed on or near a road before the appointed day , and which complies as to size,
colour and type with this section or with the provisions of any written law repealed by this Act,
shall be deemed to have been lawfully placed in pursuance of this Part.
(7) Traffic signs other than notices in respect of the use of a bridge or traf fic signs placed on or
near any road in exercise of any powers conferred by subsection (2) or (3) shall be of the
prescribed size, colour and type and shall if so prescribed be illuminated by lighting or by the
use of reflectors or reflecting material in such manner as is prescribed:
Provided that traffic sign shall not be deemed to be unlawfully placed on or near a road by
reason only of a failure to comply with this subsection if in the opinion of a court the deviation
from the prescribed size, colour, type or illumination is of a trivial character .
Appendix I - 11
(8) The Minister in relation to a Federal road, and the appropriate authority in relation to any
other road, within the area of such authority, may by notice in writing, require the owner or
occupier of any land on which there is any traf fic sign or any object which so closely resembles
a traffic sign that it might reasonably be taken to be such a sign or any advertisement or other
structure which is so placed as to obscure any traf fic sign from view or to distract the attention
of drivers, to remove it or to cut down any tree or vegetation which is growing on such land in
such a manner as to obscure any such sign, and if any person fails or neglects to comply with
such notice, may effect such removal or cutting down doing as little damage as may be and may
recover as civil debt from the person in default the expense incurred in so doing:
Provided that this subsection shall not apply to any traf fic sign placed on such land by the
Minister or the appropriate authority or any public of ficer or authority acting in pursuance of
any powers conferred by any written law.
(9) The Minister or the appropriate authority or any person acting under his or its authority may
enter any land and exercise such other powers as may be necessary for the purpose of the
exercise and performance of his or its powers and duties under this section:
Provided that unless with the consent of the occupier , no such entry shall be made into any
dwelling house in actual occupation without twenty-four hours previous notice to such occupier
or after sunset and before sunrise.
(10) In this Act, any reference to the placing of traf fic signs shall include a reference to the dis
play thereof in any manner whether or not involving fixing or placing.
(11)Any person wilfully damaging, defacing, altering, removing or tampering with any traf fic
sign which is lawfully placed in pursuance of this Part shall be guilty of an of fence and shall on
conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred ringgit.
(12)Any person other than a person authorised thereto under the provisions of this Part who
places on or near any road any traf fic sign or object which so closely resembles a traf fic sign
that it might reasonably be taken to be such a sign, or who places on or near any road any sign
or advertisement in such manner as to obscure from view any traf fic sign lawfully placed in
pursuance of this Part shall be guilty of an of fence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not
exceeding five hundred ringgit.
(1) Where any structure has been erected or set up on or over a road or on or over a road
reserve otherwise than under any written law, the Minister charged with the responsibility for
works (in this section hereinafter referred to as "Minister") in relation to a Federal road or of
any road reserve bordering on a Federal road, and the appropriate authority in relation to any
other road or road reserve, within the area of such authority , may be notice in writing, require
the person having control or possession of the structure to remove it within such period as may
be specified in the notice or within such extended period as the Minister or appropriate
authority, as the case may be, issuing the notice may allow .
Appendix I - 12
(2) If any structure in respect of which a notice has been served under this section is not
removed within the time specified in the notice, the Minister or the appropriate authority may
remove the structure:
Provided that the power of the Minister or the appropriate authority under this subsection shall
not be exercised until the expiration of one month after the date of the service of the notice.
(3) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), where there is a likelihood of immediate danger to
traffic arising from any structure referred to in subsection (1), the Minister or the appropriate
authority, as the case may be, may take such action as is necessary to remove such structure
without giving notice to any person.
(4) Where any structure has been removed by the Minister or the appropriate authority under
this section, and the expenses of the removal and detention of the structure have not been paid
within one week after the date of such removal, the Minister or the appropriate authority may ,
after giving one month's notice in writing to the person having control or possession of the
structure immediately before such removal, sell by public auction or otherwise dispose of such
structure; and any proceeds from such sale or disposal shall be applied in payment of the
expenses of such removal and detention and any surplus shall be paid to the person having the
control or possession of the structure immediately before such removal or shall, if not claimed
by such person within three months after the date of the sale or disposal, be forfeited to the
revenue of the Federal Government or the appropriate authority , as the case may be.
(a) the disposal as the Minister or the appropriate authority may think fit of any fish, meat,
fruit, vegetable or other perishable goods, if any, removed together with the structure, and
any proceeds from such disposal shall be applied in the same manner as hereinbefore
provided in respect of proceeds from the sale or disposal of the structure; or
(b) the recovery as a Civil debt of the whole or part of the expenses of removal or detention
from the person having the control or possession of the structure immediately before such
(6) Notice under subsection (1) may be served either personally or by post or by af fixing it to
the structure to which the notice relates.
(7) In this section, the expression "structure" includes any machines, pumps, posts and such
other objects as are capable of causing obstruction or of endangering traf fic.
Appendix I - 13
Section 85. Construction of access and drains and laying of public utility
installations to existing roads
(c) carry out any works of any description in, upon, over or under any road,
unless plans containing details of the layout thereof (including such particulars as may be
prescribed) have been submitted to and approved by the Minister char ged with the
responsibility for works in relation to a Federal road, or the appropriate authority in relation
to a road other than a Federal road, and the Minister or the appropriate authority , as the
case' may be, may refuse such application or allow it on such conditions as he or it may
(2) Wherein the opinion of the Minister or the appropriate authority there is -
(a ) a likelihood or danger to traf fic;
(c ) any failure to comply with any conditions imposed under subsection (1),
in the course of, or arising from any works referred to in subsection (1), the Minister or the
appropriate authority may, by notice in writing, require the person to whom approval was
granted or the occupier of the premises or land, as the case may be, to take such appropriate
action as is necessary to remove the danger or to remove any interference, obstruction or to
stop up any drain or to comply with the conditions imposed within the time specified in the
notice, failing which the Minister or the appropriate authority may take such actions as are
necessary to discontinue the danger or flooding, interference or obstruction or to ensure
compliance with the conditions imposed. (3) Subject to subsection (6), it shall be lawful for
the Minister or the appropriate authority, as the case may be, by notice in the Gazette, to
require the closure or diversion of or alterations to be made to any access road (whether
constructed before or after the commencement of this Act).
(4) Where any action has been taken by the Minister or the appropriate authority under
subsection (2) or (3), the expenses incurred and certified in writing by the Minister or the
appropriate authority in taking such action shall be a debt due to the Government or the
appropriate authority, as the case may be, by the person to whom approval was granted or the
occupier of the premises or land and may be deducted from such security deposit paid to the
Minister or the appropriate authority as a condition for carrying out the works referred to in
subsection (1).
Appendix I - 14
(5) Where any works under subsection (1) has been executed and it is found that the works
were executed for the purpose of making any direct connection of any public utility to any
premises or for joining a drain to one constructed alongside a road for the purpose of drainage
of the land on which the first mentioned drain was constructed the occupier of the premises or
land shall be deemed to be the person carrying out such works for the purpose of this section.
(6) Where as a result of a notice issued by the Minister or the appropriate authority under
subsection (3) an access road existing at the time of the issuance of the notice will be totally
closed and there will be no alternative access road, the Minister or the appropriate authority , as
the case may be, shall, prior to the closure, provide an alternative access road;
Provided that where an alternative access road cannot be provided or cannot be provided
without incurring unreasonable amount of expenditure, the land so af fected shall be acquired in
accordance with any existing law relating to compulsory acquisition and such acquisition shall
be deemed to be for a public purpose.
(7) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) or fails to comply with such conditions as may
be imposed in a permit issued under that subsection shall be guilty of an of fence and shall on
conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding one year.
Provided that any punishment imposed under this subsection shall not af fect any civil liability of
the person to whom approval was granted or the occupier of the premises or land.
(8) The Minister or the appropriate authority, as the case may be, may make rules to regulate
and control the carrying out or construction of any of the works referred to in subsection (1).
(1) The Minister charged with the responsibility for works (in this section hereinafter referred
to as "Minister") in relation to any road reserve bordering on a Federal road or the appropriate
authority in relation to any road reserve, within the area of such authority , may, subject to
subsection (2), if the road reserve is for the time being not being used for the purpose for which
it is reserved, grant a right occupation of the whole or any part of the road reserve to any person
for the purpose of erecting structures for advertisement or other public announcement for such
duration on such terms and conditions, including occupancy char ges, as the Minister or the
appropriate authority may determine.
(2) No such right of occupancy may be granted unless plans containing details of layout of the
structure (including such particulars as may be prescribed) have been submitted to and approved
by the Minister or the appropriate authority, as the case may be, who may require the payment
of security deposit and the purchase of public liability insurance, of such sum as the Minister or
the appropriate authority thinks fir, by the applicant as part of the condition for approval.
(3) The Minister or the appropriate authority, as the case may be, may make rules to regulate
and control the construction of the structures.
Appendix I - 15
(b) Address :
(b) Designation :
Appendix II-1
(c) Address :
………… ………………………………………………………………………
………… ………………………………………………………………………
(4) Description of works : (A separate sheet may be used if space provided is insufficient)
………… ……………………………………………………………………………….
………… ……………………………………………………………………………….
………… ……………………………………………………………………………….
………… ……………………………………………………………………………….
………… ……………………………………………………………………………….
………… ……………………………………………………………………………….
………… ……………………………………………………………………………….
………… ……………………………………………………………………………….
………… ……………………………………………………………………………….
………… ……………………………………………………………………………….
Having examined the ‘conditions of the laying of the Public Utilities Within the Federal Road
Reserve’ we the undersigned agreed to abide by the condition as stated in second schedule to
bear fully whatever coast incurred due to :
Appendix II-2
Model Reply
Subject : …………………………………………………………………………………
………… ………………………………………………………………………
………… ………………………………………………………………………
With reference to the above, you a re hereby i nformed that your ap plication dated
………………….. is approved/not appr oved subject to the “Conditions for t he Lay ing of
Public Utilities Within the Federal Road Reser ve’ as per Clause 4.0 of t he Second Schedule,
and the following additional comments :-
Before the works can be executed, y our are required to finalised the Agreement with th e
Government on matters pertaining to the installation of the utilities, reinstatement of t he road
and the relocation of the Utilities due to r easons deem ed appropriate and necessary as
instructed by the Government, like future road i mprovement/ widening a nd road safety
Agreement Form
(Name of Project/Works)
Appendix IV – 1
This AGRE EMENT is made on the ……… day of ………. 20…..,between the
GOVERNMENT OF M ALAYSIA of the one part and (hereinafter ref erred to as the “t he
GOVERNMENT” of the one part and (Name of Utility company)
of (Address) …………………………………………………………………………………….
(hereinafter referred to as “the APPLICANT”) on the other part,
2. The APPLICANT agreed to abide by the Conditi ons as stated in Clause 4.0 –
‘Conditions Relating to the Installation of Public Utility Servic es Within the Road
Reserve’ of the Second Schedule to the Inst ruction to Applicants of the Arahan
Teknik (Jalan) 4/85(Pin.1997) and forming part of this AGREEMENT.
3. The APPLICANT also agreed to bear fully whatever cost incurred with regard to :
II. Reinstatement Works to the road and Repair Works carry out to made good
defects appearing within the Defect Liability Period as stipul ated under
Clause 4.0 – ‘Conditions Relating to the Installation of Public Utility Services
Within the Road Reserve’, and
III. Future relocation of the U tilities due wh atever reaso ns deem ed appropriate
and necessa ry as directed by the GOVERN MENT such as road
improvement/widening works, road safety enhancement etc.
Appendix IV-2
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereto caused this AGREEMENT to be signed in
their respective names as of the day and year first above written.
By : By :
Name : Name :
Designation : Designation :
Name : Name :
Designation : Designation:
Appendix IV – 3
Surat Pekeliling
`Garispanduan Pengalihan dan Pemasangan Semula Kemudahan Awam dalam Rizab Jalan'
1.1 Tujuan garis panduan ini adalah untuk memaklumkan prosedur kerja serta kaedah
pembesaran bagi pengalihan dan pemasangan semula kemudahan-kemudahan awam seperti
tiang dan kabel telekom dan letrik, paip-paip air dan saluran gas, pembentungan dan
kemudahan-kemudahan awam lain dalam rizab jalan yang terlibat dengan kerja-kerja
pembesaran dan menaikkan taraf jalan.
2.1 Soal pengalihan dan pemasangan semula beberapa kemudahan awam dalam rizab jalan
yang terlibat dengan kerja-kerja pembesaran dan menaikkan taraf jalan telah menimbulkan
beberapa masalah kepada pihak-pihak berkuasa jalan termasuk Kerajaan Persekutuan,
Kerajaan Negeri dan Penguasa-penguasa Tempatan. Antara masalah yang dikenalpasti
termasuk soal menentukan siapa yang bertanggungjawab membiayai dan jumlah kos yang
sepatutnya dibayar bagi kerja-kerja pengalihan clan pemasangan semula kemudahan awam
tersebut dan juga masalah penyelarasan kerja antara agensi-agensi yang terlibat. Masalah ini
timbul kerana terdapat peraturan-peraturan yang tidak seragam berhubung dengan perkara
ini diterimapakai oleh pihak-pihak berkuasa jalan dan agensi-agensi kemudahan awam
yang terlibat.
2.2 Bagi mengatasi masalah berbangkit dan jugs dengan tujuan mewujudkan keseragaman
dalam prosedur kerja serta kaedah pembayaran pengalihan dan pemasangan semula
kemudahan awam dalam rizab jalan yang terlibat dengan pembesaran dan menaikkan taraf
jalan, Kerajaan telah menetapkan supaya prosedur dan kaedah seperti terkandung dalam
garis panduan ini diterimapakai oleh semua pihak berkuasa jalan termasuk Kerajaan
Persekutuan, Kerajaan Negeri, Penguasa-penguasa Tempatan, agensi-agensi kemudahan
awam dan syarikat-syarikat swasta yang memberi perkhidmatan kemudahan awam.
3.1.3 Setelah maklumat mengenai sesuatu projek jalan diterima, agensi kemudahan awam
yang terlibat adalah dikehendaki berhubung dengan pihak berkuasa jalan berkenaan
untuk mengemukakan maklumat terperinci (jika ada) mengenai kemudahan awam yang
mungkin terlibat dalam projek jalan berkenaan.
3.2.2 Setelah juruukur tanah dilantik, jurutera projek/pihak berkuasa jalan berkenaan perlu
pula mengadakan mesyuarat antara juruukur tanah clan semua agensi kemudahan awam
yang terlibat, menerangkan mengenai skop kerja yang lebih terperinci termasuk
penjajaran semula, pelebaran jalan, aras baru jalan dan maklumat penting yang lain.
3.2.3 Dua (2) set pelan yang menunjukkan lokasi jalan sedia ada dan sempadan rizab jalan
hendaklah dikemukakan kepada semua agensi kemudahan awam yang terlibat. Pelan
yang diutamakan adalah dalam bentuk 'Revenue Sheet' dengan skala yang bersesuaian
iaitu 1 inci: 4 rantai.
3.2.5 Setelah semua maklumat bersama-sama dengan pelan ukur yang lengkap diperolehi,
jurutera projek/pihak berkuasa jalan seterusnya perlu menyediakan 4 reka bentuk jajaran
jalan yang muktamad dengan tujuan supaya, seberapa boleh, mengelakkan keperluan
pengalihan kemudahan awam.
3.2.6 Apabila reka bentuk penjajaran jalan muktamad tersebut telah disediakan, satu (1) set
pelan penjajaran jalan itu hendaklah dihantar semula kepada agensi kemudahan awam
bagi mereka menyemak dan mengadakan kedudukan kemudahan awam sedia ada
dengan tepat agar dapat mengelak atau mengurangkan pengalihan kemudahan awam
berkenaan. Agensi kemudahan awam berkenaan seterusnya hendaklah mengembalikan
pelan muktamad yang terperinci itu dalam tempoh satu (1) bulan kepada pihak berkuasa
jalan berserta dengan cadangan pengalihan kemudahan awam yang berkaitan.
3.2.7 Apabila semua pelan telah siap disediakan, jurutera projeklpihak berkuasa jalan
hendaklah mengadakan satu mesyuarat untuk memutuskan kerja-kerja pengalihan
kemudahan awam terbabit. Mesyuarat akan berbincang mengenai opsyen yang perlu
dan boleh diambil ke atas cadangan pengalihan kemudahan awarn berkenaan iaitu:
Opsyen yang dipilih hendaklah menimbangkan faktor kos dan masa yang diperlukan
untuk pelaksanaan projek jalan serta kesulitan yang akan dihadapi oleh pengguna-
pengguna kemudahan awam berkenaan.
3.2.8 Di peringkat ini, keputusan hendaklah dibuat untuk menetapkan sama ada pihak
berkuasa iaian berkenaan atau agensi kemudahan awam sendiri yang akan menjalankan
kerja-kerja pengalihan kemudahan awam tersebut.
3.2.9 Sekiranya keputusan dibuat supaya pihak berkuasa jalan berkenaan menjalankan kerja
pengalihan kemudahan awam, maka:
ii) Jurutera projek/pihak berkuasa jalan hendaklah menyemak sama ada agensi
kemudahan awam berkenaan memerlukan subkontraktor yang berdaftar dengan
mereka untuk 'membuat kerja-kerja pengalihan dan pemasangan semula tersebut.
Jika perlu, maka pernyataan hendaklah dimuatkan dalam fasal kontrak yang
kontraktor utama dimestikan memilih subkontraktor yang berdaftar dengan agensi
kemudahan awam ' berkenaan sahaja, bagi menjalankan kerja-kerja pengalihan dan
pemasangan semula tersebut,
iii) Jurutera projek/pihak berkuasa jalan hendaklah juga menyemak dengan agensi
kemudahan awam terlibat bagi menentukan sama ada agensi berkenaan memerlukan
atau tidak pengawasan/penyeliaan kerja secara berterusan oleh kakitangan mereka
sendiri terhadap kerja-kerja pengalihan dan pemasangan semula kemudahan awam
yang khusus (special services).
iv) Dalarn kes-kes di mana tawaran kerja projek jalan perlu dipanggil dengan segera,
satu Peruntukan Sementara (Provisional Sum) yang berpatutan hendaklah disediakan
dalam tawaran kerja pengalihan dan pemasangan semula kemudahan awam tersebut.
3.2.10 Sekiranya diputuskan bahawa agensi kemudahan awam itu sendiri yang akan
menjalankan kerja pengalihan dan pemasangan semula kemudahan awam maka:
3.3.2 Sekiranya kerja-kerja pengalihan dan pemasangan semula dijalankan oleh pihak
berkuasa jalan, jurutera projek/pihak berkuasa jalan hendaklah menyimpan akaun yang
terperinci tentang kerja-kerja pengalihan dan pemasangan semula yang dibuat termasuk
segala pindaan, bagi tujuan mengemukakan tuntutan kepada agensi kemudahan awam
3.3.3 Semua akaun untuk kerja pengalihan dan pemasangan semula kemudahan awam
hendaklah disiapkan dalam tempoh enam (6) bulan selepas tarikh siap kerja-kerja
pengalihan dan pemasangan semula tersebut.
4.1 Kerajaan telah menetapkan bahawa segala kos untuk pengalihan dan pemasangan semula
kemudahan awam dalam rizab jalan yang terlibat dengan kerja-kerja pembesaran dan
menaikkan taraf jalan hendaklah ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh agensi/syarikat
kemudahan awam.
5.1 Peraturan yang ditetapkan dalam garis panduan ini adalah berkuat kuasa serta-merta.
5.2 Sebarang persoalan berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan mana-mana peraturan seperti yang
ditetapkan dalam garis panduan ini, hendaklah ditujukan kepada Jabatan Kerja Raya,
Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat Jabatan Kerja Raya, Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50508
Kuala Lumpur.