Teamwork Rubric: This Rubric May Be Used For Self-Assessment and Peer Feedback
Teamwork Rubric: This Rubric May Be Used For Self-Assessment and Peer Feedback
Teamwork Rubric: This Rubric May Be Used For Self-Assessment and Peer Feedback
Teamwork Rubric
Partially Unsatisfactor POINT
CATEGORY Exemplary Proficient
Proficient y S
Focus on the 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points ___/3
Stays on task Stays on Stays on Hardly ever
all of the time task most of task some of stays on task.
without the time. the time. Lets others do
reminders. Group Group the work.
members members
can count on must
this person. sometimes
remind this
person to do
the work.
A true team A strong Sometimes Sometimes
member who group an active chooses not to
works hard and member who group help out, and
helps others in tries hard! member, but does not
the group. needs to try complete
harder. tasks.