Teamwork Rubric: This Rubric May Be Used For Self-Assessment and Peer Feedback

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The document discusses a rubric for evaluating teamwork and participation that can be used for self-assessment and peer feedback. It contains categories like focus on task, work habits, listening and discussing, research and information sharing, problem solving, and teamwork.

The rubric contains categories like focus on task, work habits, listening and discussing, research and information sharing, problem solving, and teamwork.

Some examples of duties for assigned team roles mentioned are performing tasks, contributing knowledge and opinions, and sharing skills with the team.

This rubric may be used for self-assessment and peer feedback.

Teamwork Rubric
Partially Unsatisfactor POINT
CATEGORY Exemplary Proficient
Proficient y S
Focus on the 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points ___/3
Stays on task Stays on Stays on Hardly ever
all of the time task most of task some of stays on task.
without the time. the time. Lets others do
reminders. Group Group the work.
members members
can count on must
this person. sometimes
remind this
person to do
the work.
A true team A strong Sometimes Sometimes
member who group an active chooses not to
works hard and member who group help out, and
helps others in tries hard! member, but does not
the group. needs to try complete
harder. tasks.

Work Habits 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points ___/3

Is on time for Usually on Sometimes Late for all or
meetings, turns time for late for most
in all work meetings, meetings, meetings, and
when it is due. turns in most often turns in late turning in
work when it work late. work.
is due.
Completes Completes Does not Does not
assigned tasks most follow complete
and does not assigned through on tasks.
depend on tasks. most tasks Depends on
others to do the and others to do all
work. sometimes of the work.
counts on
others to do
the work
Listening, 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points ___/3
Questioning and
Discussing Respectfully Respectfully Has trouble Does not
listens, listens, listening with listen with
discusses, discusses respect, and respect,
asks questions and asks takes over argues with
and helps questions. discussions teammates,
direct the group without and does not
in solving letting other consider other
problems. people have ideas. Blocks
a turn. group from

Research 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points ___/3

and Information
-Sharing Gathers Usually Sometimes Almost never
information and provides provides provides
shares useful useful useful useful
ideas for information information information or
discussions. Al and ideas for and ideas for ideas for
l information discussion. discussion. discussion.
fits the group’s
Problem-Solving 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points ___/3
Actively seeks Improves on Does not Does not try to
and suggests solutions offer solve
solutions to suggested solutions, but problems or
problems. by other is willing to help others
group try solutions solve
members. suggested problems.
by other

3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points

Works to Usually Occasionally Does not work
complete all helps to helps to well with
group goals. complete complete others and
group goals. group goals. shows no
interest in
group goals.
Always has a Usually has Sometimes Often makes
positive attitude a positive makes fun of fun of others’
about the attitude the task(s) or work and has
task(s) and the about the the work of a negative
work of others task(s) and other group attitude.
the work of members.
All team Assisted Finished Contributed
members group/partne individual little to the
contributed r in the task but did group effort
equally to the finished not assist during the
finished project. group/partne project.
project. r during the
Teamwork ___/3
Performed all Performed Performed a Did not
duties of nearly all few duties of perform any
assigned team duties of assigned duties of
role and assigned team role assigned team
contributed team role and role and did
knowledge, and contributed a not contribute
opinions, and contributed small knowledge,
skills to share knowledge, amount of opinions or
with the team. opinions, knowledge, skills to share
Always did the and skills to opinions, with the team.
assigned work. share with and skills to Relied on
the team. share with others to do
Completed the team. the work.
most of the Completed
assigned some of the
work. assigned


Appendix 3: Sample rubrics for assessment
(a) Rubric for participation and group work. It is also suitable for self-assessment and peer
Adapted and used with permission from Karen Franker. For original click here.
Adapted and used with permission from Teach-nology. For original click here.
(b) Rubric for graphic organizer.
Used with permission from Teach-nology. For original click here.
(c) Rubric for oral presentation.

Used with permission from Teach-nology. For original click here.

(d) Rubric for research reports.
Used with permission from Teach-nology. For original click here.
(e) Rubric for posters.
Used with permission Anthony Salcedo. For original click here.
(f) Rubric for concept maps.

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