Beam Design

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Beam Design Dead Load (kPa)

Roof Loads
Beam Span 5700 mm Tile Roof 0.8
Roof Load Width 3760 mm Sheet Roof 0.4
Wall Height 2400 mm Wall Loads
Floor Load Width 2850 mm Brick Veneer 2.85
Roof Dead Load 0.4 kPa Single Stud 0.5
Roof Live Load 0.25 kPa Floor Loads
Wall Load 0.6 kPa Tiles 1
Floor Dead Load 0.4 kPa Carpet/Timber 0.4
Floor Live Load 1.5 kPa
Beam Dead Load 0.3 kN/m Wind Pressure Uplift Serv
Wind Classification N 3 N2 - W33 0.48
Wind Uplift Service 0.71 kPa N3 - W41 0.71
Deflection Limit - Span/ 500 N4 - W50 1.04
Deflection = 11.4 mm
Total Dead Load 4.384 kN/m Timber E (Mpa)
Total Live Load 5.22 kN/m F27 18500
Total Wind Load 2.67 kN/m F17 14000
F8 9100
Timber - Gravity - 2DL + LL
Serviceability Load 13.98 kN/m
Timber - Wind - WL + 0.8DL
Serviceability Load -0.84 kN/m Steel - DL + 0.7LL
Worst Case Serv. Load 13.983 kN/m Serviceability Loa 8.0345
Timber Evalue 18500 Mpa Steel - WL + 0.8DL
Ixx Required 9.1E+08 mm4 Serviceability Loa -0.84
Beam Width 170 mm Worst Case Serv. 8.03
Beam Depth 400.68 mm Ixx Required ###

Masonry - Gravity - 2.28DL + 1.21LL

Serviceability Load 21.76 kN/m
Masonry - Wind - WL + 0.8LL
Serviceability Load -2.75 kN/m
Worst Case Serv. Load 21.76 kN/m
Core Fill Conc Strength 15 Mpa
Lintel E value 19581 Mpa
Masonry Lintel Width 190 mm
Masonry Lintel Depth 590 mm Area of steel mm2
Ixx effective 8.5E+08 mm4 N12 110
Deflection 17.96 mm N16 200
= span/ 317 N20 310
Moment 1.25DL + 1.5LL 66.16 kNm N24 450
Area of Steel required 320.3 mm2
Live Load (kPa)


Beam Ixx
1.5 150 PFC 8,340,000
1.5 180 PFC 14,100,000
200 PFC 19,100,000
Uplift Ultimate (kPa) 230 PFC 26,800,000
1.14 250 PFC 45,100,000
1.73 300 PFC 72,400,000
2.54 380 PFC 152,000,000
200UB22.3 15,800,000
200UB25.4 23,600,000
200UB29.8 29,100,000
250UB25.7 35,400,000
250UB31.4 44,500,000
250UB37.3 55,700,000
310UB32.0 63,200,000
310UB40.4 86,400,000
310UB46.2 100,000,000
kN/m 360UB44.7 121,000,000
360UB50.7 142,000,000
kN/m 360UB56.7 161,000,000
kN/m 410UB53.7 188,000,000
mm4 410UB59.7 216,000,000

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