Practical Guide To Plyometric Intensity

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Practical Guidelines for

Plyometric Intensity
William P. Ebben, PhD, CSCS,*D

S trength and conditioning pro-

fessionals have long relied
on plyometrics as one of the
primary tools for developing athletic
power and speed. It is not surprising
focus of this article is to help the reader
understand the basic types of plyometric
exercises and to provide some guidelines
regarding the progression of plyometric
exercises through increasing intensity
guidelines have been gleaned from these
studies. Assuming all plyometric exer-
cises are performed maximally:

• Any single leg plyometric exercise is

that training exercises such as plyomet- over the course of a program. more intense than the same exer-
rics, which are performed with high cise performed on both legs.
movement speeds would improve the Categorizing Plyometric
performance of activities requiring speed,
Intensity • Despite being considered a low
such as jumping, running, and agility.
Classic text books describe typical cat- intensity category, “jumps in place”
The technical term for this idea is “speci- such as the pike and tuck jump
egories of plyometric exercises and
ficity.” In other words, training that is have the highest knee joint reaction
intensities (2). These categories are a
“specific” or similar to the activity to be forces.
useful starting point for understanding
performed is believed to be optimal. As
plyometric exercise options, their inten-
a result, recreational athletes, as well as
sity, and program design. Common • The height that the athletes jumps
those who desire to increase their overall
categories and examples of plyometric up to or down from (as in depth
fitness and add variety to their training,
exercises are briefly described in table jumps) is one of the most potent
often incorporate plyometric training
1, which represent increasing exercise predictors of plyometric intensity.
into their programs.
intensity from jumps in place to depth For example, a person who per-
jumps. Intensity has been defined as the forms a “jump in place” with a 30
Plyometrics can be thought of as exer- inch vertical jump will experience
amount of stress the plyometric drill
cises that train the fast muscle fibers greater ground reaction force and
places on the muscle, connective tissue,
and the nerves that activate them, as thus stress, than if they performed
and joints (2). As such, for plyometrics,
well as reflexes, and include a variety of a “depth jump” from an 18 inch
intensity depends on the specific exercis-
hopping, jumping, and bounding move- box. Thus, “jumps in place” may
es performed. However, recent research
ments, which ideally are organized into be of higher intensity than “depth
has advanced the understanding of the
a cohesive program. The main difficulty jumps.”
intensity of plyometric exercises based
with creating a plyometric program may
on the muscle activation, connective
be the choosing the correct exercises
tissue, and joint stress associated with
and progression of intensity (1). The
various plyometrics (1,3). The following

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 12

Plyometrics Practical Guidelines For Plyometric Intensity

• Jumps performed with added weight, Table 1. Exercise categories for a number of plyometric drills
such as a weighted vest or dumb-
bells held at the side are typically • Jumps in place. These are drills where involving repeated jumps
only moderate in intensity as a and landing in the same place. Some examples include multiple
result of the ground reaction forces. vertical jumps while reaching an overhead object, squat jump
For this type of plyometric inten- (figure 1), pike jump (figure 2), or tuck jump.
sity is determined more by the
jump height than the added weight. • Standing jumps. These plyometrics can be performed with either
Since the added weight limits jump a horizontal or vertical emphasis, but typically are performed for
height, these plyometrics are only one maximal effort. Examples include the single leg jump (figure
moderately intense. 3), maximal vertical jump (figure 4), standing long jump (figure 5),
or lateral long jump.
• Jumps performed while reaching the • Multiple hops and jumps. These drills involve the performance of
arms overhead, particularly when multiple hops or jumps. Examples would include multiple long
trying to reach to a challenging jumps (figure 6) or cone hops performed in succession, such as 5
goal (e.g. basketball rim) result in hops in a row (figure 7).
higher jump height and as a result
are of higher intensity. • Box drills. This type of plyometric is performed using special
boxes or other stable elevated surfaces that the exerciser
attempts to jump up to. Examples of these drills include box
Plyometric Program jumps (figure 8), repeated box jumps, and single leg box jumps.
Design Guidelines
• Depth jumps. These drills are also referred to drop jumps and
Table 2 presents a ranking of plyometric
are performed by jumping down from a plyometric box or other
exercise intensity based on the research
elevated surface such as the first row of bleachers. Examples
(1,3). With the knowledge of exercise
include stepping off the box and landing, stepping off the box
intensity one can begin to create a program. and jumping vertically immediately after landing (figure 9), or
A number of design variables for creating stepping off the box, landing, and sprinting.
plyometric programs have been described
(2). Plyometrics, like other forms of
of repetitions such as sets of one, three, contacts of high box depth jumps, single
training are usually only performed two
five, and ten repetitions in order to train leg jumps, pike jumps, and maximal
or three times a week. Training should
explosiveness as well as power endurance overhead jumps and reaches.
occur in a non-fatigued state. Therefore,
across a continuum.
these exercises should not be performed
Plyometric programs should start with
after resistance training or aerobic condi-
The amount of plyometric training, or low intensity exercises such as those
tioning. Ample rest between sets should
volume, which is performed in any given described in table 2. Over time, moder-
be used in order to avoid turning these
training session is measured by the num- ate and eventually higher intensity exer-
speed and power enhancing exercises into
ber of foot contacts. Beginners often cises can be incorporated for those who
endurance training. As a general rule, rest
perform approximately 80 to 100 foot are healthy and fit. A sample program for
five to ten times more than it takes you
contacts per session (2). However, half of a fit and moderately trained exerciser is
to perform the set of plyometrics. Thus, if
that amount may be appropriate, particu- described in table 3. You will notice that
you do a set of multiple hops that takes
larly for children, older adults, or those this program increases the volume (foot
four seconds, you should rest 20 to 40
who are untrained. Obviously, exercise contacts) to a point and then volume
seconds prior to the next set or exercise.
intensity is an important consideration eventually decreases as exercise inten-
Another good rule to follow is to limit
as well. Eighty foot contacts of a variety sity increases, in order to reduce exerciser
your sets to no more than 10 repetitions.
of line hopes, cones, and ankle hopes fatigue and increase adaptation to the
In fact, it is probably good to use a range
is dramatically less intense than 80 foot program.

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 13

Plyometrics Practical Guidelines For Plyometric Intensity

Table 2. The Approximate Highest to Lowest Intensity Plyometric

Summary Exercises
Plyometrics can be thought of as one
of the important tools in the tool box • Single leg jumps
for those who wish to add another • Depth jumps from heights that are similar to the exercisers actual
dimension to their training programs. vertica jump height
If improving variables such as speed,
jumping ability, and agility is a goal, • Tuck and pike jumps
plyometrics may be the most important • Maximum jump and reach to overhead goals
of these tools. Maximizing plyometric
program effectiveness and preventing • Maximum jump and reach without overhead goals
injuries depends on the logical pro-
• Low box and depth jumps
gression of exercise intensity. Therefore
the goal of this article was to provide • Weighted jumps
information about the intensity of plyo-
metric exercises, as well as to offer some • Squat jumps
general guidelines for plyometric pro- • Sub-maximal jumps in place (tall cone hops)
gram design.
• Sub-maximal jumps in place (short cone hops, ankle hops, split
squat jumps)
1. Jensen RL, Ebben WP. (2005).
Ground and knee joint reaction forces and researcher at Marquette University.
during variation of plyometric exercises.”
He has previously served as a strength
In: Proceedings of the XXIII International
and conditioning coach for the University
Symposium of the Society of Biomechanics
of Wisconsin, U.S. Olympic Education
in Sports, (K.E. Gianikellis, ed.) Beijing,
Center, Green Bay Packers, Marquette
China: 222 – 225. University, as well as in small college and
2. Potach DH, Chu DA. (2000) high school position. He also conducts
Plyometric Training. In: Essentials of plyometric, vertical jump, and speed devel-
Strength Training and Conditioning. TR opment camps and works with personal
Beachle and RW Earle (eds). Champaign, training clients.
Il: Human Kinetics. ▲

3. Simenz C, Leigh D, Geiser C, Melbye

J, Jensen RL, Ebben WP. (2006).
Electromyographic analysis of plyomet-
ric exercises. In: Proceedings of the XXIV
International Symposium of the Society of
Biomechanics in Sports, (H. Schwameder,
G. Strutzenberger, V. Fastenbauer, S.
Lindinger, and E. Muller, eds.) Salzburg,

About the Author

William Ebben is an assistant professor

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 14

Plyometrics Practical Guidelines For Plyometric Intensity

Figure 1. Squat Jump Figure 2. Pike Jump Figure 3. Single Leg Jump

Figure 4. Maximal Vertical Jump Figure 5. Standing Long Jump Figure 6. Multiple Long Jumps

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 15

Plyometrics Practical Guidelines For Plyometric Intensity

Figure 7. Multiple Cone Hops Figure 8. Box Jump Figure 9. Depth Jump

Table 3. Sample 5 week program to be performed twice a week.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Volume 60 FC 80 FC 70 FC 60 FC 50 FC
line hops line hops squat jumps squat jumps squat jumps
Exercises 3x10 3x10 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10
ankle hops ankle hops split squat jump split squat jump multiple long jump
1x10 2x5 3x5 2x5 5x3
cone hops cone hops multiple cone hops tuck jump lateral long jump
2x5 3x5 5x3 5x1 5x1
squat jumps squat jumps lateral long jump lateral long jump pike jump
2x5 2x5 5x1 5x1 5x1
split squat jump weighted squat weighted squat two leg jump/reach
2x5 jump 10 x 1 jump 10 x 1 5x1
long jump box jump box jump single leg jump/reach
5x1 2x5 2x5 5x1
12 inch depth 18 inch depth jumps
jumps 10x1 5x1

FC = Total foot contacts per training session as determined by the total sets and repetitions for that session

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