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1. Due to a vascular malformation of the capillaries in the dermis.
Rarely may be associated
wih Sturger-Weber syndrome. a. Strawberry naevus b. Port wine stain (naveus flammeus) c. capillary haemangioma d. talipes equinovarus e. neonatal urticaria 2. Not usually present at birth but appear in the first month of life. More common in preterm infants. Increases in size until 3-9 months then gradually regresses. a. Port wine stain (naveus flammeus) b. talipes equinovarus c. neonatal urticaria d. Strawberry naevus e. capillary haemangioma 3. Stillbirths plus deaths within the first week per 1000 live births and stillbirths a. antenatal mortality rate b. postnatal mortality rate c. neonatal mortality rate d. infant mortality rate e. perinatal mortality rate 4. Which of the following is NOT associated with macrosomia? a. IUGR b. hypoglycaemia c. polycythaemia d. birth asphyxia e. birth trauma, esp shoulder dystocia 5. Very low birthweight is defined as less than ________ g a. 3000 b. 1500 c. 1000 d. 2000 e. 2500 6. Places the foetus at risk of intracranial haemorrhage from birth trauma. Platelet transfusions may be required. a. Systemic lupus erythematosus b. Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura c. Diabetes d. Cytomegalovirus e. Hyperthyroidism 7. When an earpiece is inserted into the ear canal producing a sound which evokes an echo or emission from the ear if cochlear function is normal a. EEG b. AABE c. EOAE d. EABR e. AABR 8. Extremely low birthweight is defined as a. 1500 b. 1000 c. 2500 d. 3000 e. 2000 9. Preterm is defined as gestation less than _____ weeks of pregnancy a. 34 b. 37 c. 38 d. 36 e. 35 10. If a neonates heart rate is <60 bpm IV adrenbaline may be considered at an initial dosage of a. 0.1 ml/kg b. 1.0 ml/kg c. 0.01 ml/kg d. 10.5 ml/kg e. 1.5 ml/kg 11. Associated with recurrent miscarriage, intrauterine growth restriction, placental abruption, and preterm delivery. There may be a self limiting rash and (rarely) heart block a. Hyperthyroidism b. Diabetes c. Cytomegalovirus d. Systemic lupus erythematosus e. Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura 12. Shortly after birth, increased left atrial filling results in a rise in left atrial pressure leading to a. patency of the ductus arteriosus b. closure of the foramen ovale c. constriction of the pulmonary vessels d. closure of the ductus arteriousus e. patency of the foramen ovale 13. Low birthweight is defined as being less than ______ g a. 3500 b. 4000 c. 3000 d. 2000 e. 2500g 14. Which of the following maternal medications may lead to midfacial hypoplasia, CNS, limb and cardiac malformations, and developmental delay? a. Warfarin b. Diethystilbestrol (DES) c. Lithium d. Anticonvulsant therapy e. Propylthiouracil 15. In neonatal CPR, pressure should be applied ______ an imaginary line joining the nipples a. to the childs right and on b. centrally and on c. centrally and just above d. centrally and just below e. to the childs left and just above 16. Which of the following does the Guthrie test not screen for? a. hypothyroidism b. coeliac disease c. haemoglobinopathies d. phenylketonuria e. cystic fibrosis 17. The normal neonatal heart rate (awake) is a. 200-260 bpm b. 140-210 bpm c. 110-160 bpm d. 240-300 bpm e. 80-120 bpm 18. Babies with a birtweight below the ____ centile for their age are called small for gestational age a. 2 b. 10 c. 7 d. 12 e. 5 19. About 10% of those who mothers are infected have clinical manifestations. These include retinopathy, cerebral calcification and hydrocephalus a. Rubella b. Parvovirus c. Varicella zoster d. Cytomegalovirus e. Toxoplasma gonadii 20. Developmental dysplasia of the hip is ____ common in girls a. 6 times less b. 6 times more c. 2 times less d. 4 times more e. 2 times more 21. Large for gestational age is when the birthweight is greater than the _____ centile for gestational age a. 85th b. 90th c. 80th d. 95th e. 98th 22. Clinical features include a characteristic rash on the soles of the feet and hands and bone lesions. If there is any doubt about adequacy of maternal treatment, treat infant with penicillin. a. Cytomegalovirus b. Rubella c. Toxoplasma gonadii d. Parvovirus e. Syphilis 23. Markedly reduces the incidence of RDS, intraventricular haemorrhage and neonatal mortality in preterm infants a. Warfarin b. Glucocorticoid therapy c. Antihistamines d. Flecainide e. Digoxin 24. Suggested by foetal tachycardia, foetal goitre, neonatal irritability, weight loss, diarrhoea and exopthalmos lasting several months a. Systemic lupus erythematosus b. Cytomegalovirus c. Hyperthyroidism d. Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura e. Diabetes 25. A common rash appearing at 2-3 days of white pinpoint papules at the centre of an erythematous base. The fluid contains oesinophils. Lesions concentrated on the trunk. a. neonatal urticaria b. epulis c. ranula d. epstein's pearls e. Stork bites 26. Altough 90% of those who mother was infected develop normally, 5% develop hepatosplenomegaly and petechiae, and neurodevelopmental disabilities such as hearing loss, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and cognitive impairment. a. Toxoplasma gonadii b. Rubella c. Varicella zoster d. Cytomegalovirus e. Parvovirus 27. Raised maternal serum alphafetoprotein is suggestive of a. Turner's syndrome b. Neural tube defects c. Thalassaemia d. Down's syndrome e. Thrombocytopaenia 28. Which of the following maternal medications may lead to enamel hypoplasia of the teeth? a. Diethystilbestrol (DES) b. Warfarin c. Tetracycline d. Anticonvulsant therapy e. Propylthiouracil 29. Infection before 8 weeks gestation causes deafness, congenital heart disease and cataracts in over 80% a. Rubella b. Parvovirus c. Cytomegalovirus d. Toxoplasma gonadii e. Varicella zoster 30. Drug(s) given during labour that may cause hyperstimulation of the uterus leading to foetal hypoxia a. Epidural anaesthesia b. Opioid analgesics/anaesthetics c. Intravenous fluids d. Oxytocin e. Diazepam 31. If an ultrasound scan at 18 weeks shows a 'lemon shaped' skull and an abnormal cerebellum this is associated with spina bifida. What is this known as? a. Sickle sign b. Rhellus sign c. Hallum-Cheynes malformation d. Arnold-Chiari malformation e. Chester-Haynes malformation 32. Small for gestational age is when the birthweight is less than the _____ centile for gestational age a. 2nd b. 10th c. 15th d. 1st e. 5th 33. Using the APGAR scoring system a baby with pink body and blue extremeties would score a. 3 b. 2 c. 1 d. 4 e. 0 34. Which of the following problems is NOT associated with poorly controlled maternal diabetes? a. Neonatal hyperglycaemia b. Polycythaemia c. Macrosomia d. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy e. Respiratory distress syndrome 35. A heart rate is below in the newborn would require positive pressure ventilation a. 100 bpm b. 120 bpm c. 140 bpm d. 80 bpm e. 60 bpm 36. Suggests a poor period of poor intrauterine growth. These infants are more likely to remain small permanently. a. Bivariate growth restriction b. Asymmetrical growth restriction c. Unsymmetrical shortage d. Univariate growth restriction e. Symmetrical growth retardation 37. Which of the following maternal medications may lead to clear cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina and cervix in the foetus? a. Propylthiouracil b. Lithium c. Warfarin d. Anticonvulsant therapy e. Diethystilbestrol (DES) 38. In most hospitals, babies are given Vitamin ___ at birth to prevent haemorrhagic disease of the newborn a. D b. K c. A d. E e. B12 39. A neonate is an infant aged a. 28 days or less b. 35 days or less c. 7 days or less d. 21 days or less e. 14 days or less 40. In the newborn, pink macules on the upper eyelids, mid forehead and nape of the neck are common and arise from distention of the dermal capillaries. They are sometimes known as a. neonatal urticaria b. Stork bites c. ranula d. e. epstein's pearls epulis 41. Using the APGAR scoring system, a gasping or irregular respiratory effort would score a. 0 b. 4 c. 3 d. 1 e. 2 42. Post term refers to gestation equal to or greater than _____ weeks a. 43 b. 40 c. 42 d. 44 e. 41 43. Women who show seroconversion can be treated with spiromycin a. Rubella b. Toxoplasma gonadii c. Parvovirus d. Varicella zoster e. Cytomegalovirus 44. The weight or abdominal circumference lies on a lower centile than the head. a. Unsymmetrical shortage b. Bivariate growth restriction c. Symmetrical growth retardation d. Univariate growth restriction e. Asymmetrical growth restriction 45. A stillbirth is a foetus borun with no signs of life at ___ weeks of pregnancy or later a. 24 b. 26 c. 22 d. 23 e. 21 46. Which of the following maternal medications may interfere with cartiladge formation, leading to nasal hypoplasia and epiphyseal stippling. May also cause cerebral haemorhage and microcephaly a. Diethystilbestrol (DES) b. Warfarin c. Tetracycline d. Anticonvulsant therapy e. Propylthiouracil 47. Characterised in the foetus by gross generalised oedema, ascites, and bilateral pleural effusion a. Encephalocele b. Hypoglycaemia c. Duodenal atresia d. Hyperglycaemia e. Hydrops fetalis 48. Which of the following is NOT associated with poorly controlled maternal diabetes? a. Pre-eclampsia b. Congenital malformations c. Fetal mortality d. decreased incidence of cardiac malformations e. Polyhydramnios 49. White pimples on the nose an cheeks from retention of keratin and sebaceous material a. neonatal urticaria b. epstein's pearls c. ranula d. epulis e. milia 50. With regards to routine examination of the newborn infant, which of the following is FALSE? a. central cynosis is best seen on the tongue b. femoral pulses are decreased if there is a patent dutus arteriosus c. heart rate may drop to 85 bpm during sleep d. the liver normally extends 1-2cm below costal margin e. the spleen may be palpable 51. A serious congenital anomaly is present at birth in about __________ live births a. 2-4/1000 b. 10-15/1000 c. 15-30/1000 d. 5-10/1000 e. 1-2/1000 52. With respect to resuscitation of the pre-term infant which of the following is FALSE? a. preterm infants are particularly liable to hypothermia b. 100% oxygen shold be used c. Very premature infants often develop RDS d. Early administration of surfactant may reduce mortality e. Infants < 30 weeks should be covered with food grade cling film (except the face) 53. Which of the following maternal medications may lead to goitre and hypothyroidism in the foetus? a. Warfarin b. Lithium c. Anticonvulsant therapy d. Propylthiouracil e. Diethystilbestrol (DES) 54. Drug(s) given during labour that may cause maternal pyrexia during labour a. Diazepam b. Epidural anaesthesia c. Opioid analgesics/anaesthetics d. Oxytocin e. Intravenous fluids 55. With regards to testing for developmental dysplasia of the hip, which of the following is false? a. Ligamentous clicks without movement of the head of femur are significant b. the dislocated hip may be relocated using the Ortolani manoeuvre c. DDH is more common with breech births d. DDH is more common in girls e. the hip may be dislocated posteriorly using the Barlow manoeuvre 56. Drug(s) given during labour that may cause hypothermia and hypotension in the newborn a. Oxytocin b. Diazepam c. Intravenous fluids d. Opioid analgesics/anaesthetics e. Epidural anaesthesia 57. Associated with growth restriction, characteristic face, developmental delay and cardiac defects a. Warfarin b. Tetracycline c. Thalidomide d. Excessive maternal alcohol consumption e. Maternal smoking 58. A rare inborn mitochondrial error of fatty acid metabolism causing acute illness and hypoglycaemia following fasting a. DCAM b. CAMD c. MCAD d. MDAC e. MACD 59. A term used to describe infants that fail to reach their genetically determined growth potential a. Achondroplasia b. small for gestational age c. Dwarfism d. spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita e. IUGR 60. In the foetus, most blood from the right side of the heart flows through the a. superior vena cava b. ductus arteriosus c. inferior vena cava d. left atrium e. pulmonary arteries 61. Using the APGAR scoring system, a heart rate over 100bpm would score a. 3 b. 0 c. 1 d. 4 e. 2 62. Term is defined as ______ weeks of pregnancy a. 38-42 b. 35-39 c. 39-43 d. 36-40 e. 37-41 63. As there is no vaccine and no antiviral therapy which is safe and effective, pregnant women are not screened for this a. Parvovirus b. Toxoplasma gonadii c. Cytomegalovirus d. Varicella zoster e. Rubella 64. Twins occur naturally in the UK in 1 out of ___ deliveries. a. 150 b. 105 c. 75 d. 120 e. 90 65. In the UK ____ % of babies are low birthweight (< _____ kg ) and they account for ___% of neonatal deaths. a. 15, 2.3, 70 b. 5, 2.5, 85 c. 7, 2.5, 70 d. 1, 3.5, 60 e. 10, 3.0, 70 66. Fifteen per cent of pregnant women are susceptable to this, but if the mother develops the resulting condition in the first half of pregnancy the foetus risks severe scarring of the skin and possibly ocular and neurological damage a. Toxoplasma gonadii b. Cytomegalovirus c. Varicella zoster d. Rubella e. Parvovirus 67. On average, the first breath occurs a. in the birth canal b. 6 seconds after delivery c. 30 seconds after delivery d. 12 seconds after delivery e. as soon as the head is delivered 68. Occurs when the placenta fails to provide adequate nutrition late in pregnancy but brain groiwth is relatively spared at the expense of liver glycogen and skin fat. a. Univariate growth restriction b. Asymmetrical growth restriction c. Symmetrical growth retardation d. Bivariate growth restriction e. Unsymmetrical shortage 69. The latest (Resuscitation Council, UK, 2005 guidelines) suggest that the ratio of compressions to inflations in newborn resuscitation is a. 12:1 b. 30:2 c. 15:2 d. 5:1 e. 3:1 70. Can be given to the mother to treat foetal supraventricular tachycardia a. Glucocorticoid therapy b. Warfarin c. Flecainide d. Diatizalem e. Antihistamines 71. Which of the following is FALSE? a. Vitamin K can not be given orally b. anticonvulsants impair the synthesis of vitamin K- dependant clotting factors c. Infants with liver disease are at increased risk of Vit K deficiency d. vitamin K deficiency may result in haemorrhagic disease of the newborn e. breast milk is a poor source of vitamin K 72. A rare (1 in 5000) condition involving maternal anti- platelet antibodies crossing the placenta. a. Hydrops fetails b. Perinatal isoimmune thrombocytopaenia c. Autoimmune perinatal thrombocytosis d. Hydrops encephalitis e. Rhesus isoimmunisation 73. Drug(s) given during labour that may suppress resopiration at birth a. Oxytocin b. Intravenous fluids c. Epidural anaesthesia d. Opioid analgesics/anaesthetics e. Diazepam 74. If given to the mother during labour may cause neonatal hyponatraemia a. Intravenous fluids b. Opioid analgesics/anaesthetics c. Diazepam d. Epidural anaesthesia e. Oxytocin 75. Which of the following is associated with multiple pregnancy? a. twin twin blood transfusion b. complicated deliveries c. all of these d. congenital abnormalities e. preterm labour and IUGR Key 1. B 2. D 3. E 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. D 14. D 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. E 20. B 21. B 22. E 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. D 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. A 36. E 37. E 38. B 39. A 40. B 41. D 42. C 43. B 44. E 45. A 46. B 47. E 48. D 49. E 50. B 51. B 52. B 53. D 54. B 55. A 56. B 57. D 58. C 59. E 60. B 61. E 62. E 63. C 64. E 65. C 66. C 67. B 68. B 69. E 70. D 71. A 72. B 73. D 74. A 75. C 76.