PST Names: Jaimee Kilker & Marnie Crawford Topic: Chemical Science Year Level: Grade 6
PST Names: Jaimee Kilker & Marnie Crawford Topic: Chemical Science Year Level: Grade 6
PST Names: Jaimee Kilker & Marnie Crawford Topic: Chemical Science Year Level: Grade 6
Victorian Curriculum
Science Understanding
Chemical sciences
Solids, liquids and gases behave in different ways and have observable properties that help to classify them
Changes to materials can be reversible, including melting, freezing, evaporating, or irreversible, including burning
and rusting (VCSSU077)
Science Inquiry Skills
Questioning and predicting
With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical problems or inform a scientific investigation, and predict what
the findings of an investigation might be based on previous experiences or general rules (VCSIS082)
With guidance, plan appropriate investigation types to answer questions or solve problems and use equipment,
technologies and materials safely, identifying potential risks (VCSIS083)
Decide which variables should be changed, measured and controlled in fair tests and accurately observe,
measure and record data (VCSIS084)
Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to record, represent and describe
observations, patterns or relationships in data (VCSIS085)
Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations (VCSIS086)
Communicate ideas and processes using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena and to
identify simple cause-and-effect relationships (VCSIS088)
C1) Solids hold their shape, liquids flow and settle in containers, gases take up space in containers.
C2) Physical changes to materials are reversible.
C3) Chemical changes to materials are irreversible and involving the production of new substances.
S1) Communicate ideas and processes using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena and to
identify simple cause-and-effect relationships.
S2) Analyse and compare data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations.
S3) Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to record, represent and describe
observations, patterns or relationships in data.
Unit outcomes
Throughout this unit students will:
- engage with chemical science through the concepts of properties of matter, physical changes and chemical changes.
- explain that matter forms a solid, liquid or gas and can undergo changes that are either reversible or irreversible.
- explore scientific phenomenon through recording observations and ideas.
- elaborate on their understandings of concepts through application to new situations.
- evaluate their learning through reflection, comparison, analytic discussion and self evaluation.
Table 2. Linking Teachers need to clearly identify big ideas, key concepts and their representations (use
concepts to literature here)
What representations are used to understand this concept and the phenomena involved?
CONCEPTS Describe why these are useful by stating how the REPRESENTATIONS are LIKE and NOT
LIKE the natural phenomena.
C1) Solids hold their A scientifically canonical representation of a solid, liquid and gas state of matter, presented
shape, liquids flow and through a printed image on a worksheet, refer to Table 6, Lesson 1a. This representation is like
settle in containers, the natural phenomena in that the small circles show the particles of matter in each state, and it
gases take up space in describes the positioning and movement the materials within a container. It is not like the
containers. phenomena in that it is a drawn figure of the concept; it does not show visual examples or
appear as a solid, liquid or gas typically would. It directs students to see how each state
behaves when contained.
C2) Physical changes A three dimensional model of matter in each state and how it changes states with an
to materials are accompanying worksheet; representing the processes of melting or freezing between a solid
reversible. and a liquid and evaporation or condensation between liquid and gas, refer to Table 6, Lesson
3a. This is like the phenomena in that it describes the processes involved in matter physically
changing, and correctly depicts the order in which matter changes from a gas to a solid, to a
liquid. It is not like the phenomena in that it does not show what actually happens in the
process of melting, evaporating, freezing or condensation.
C3) Chemical changes A cake will be baked in order to represent chemical reactions and change, and how to identify
to materials are when a chemical reaction has occurred. Students will observe the beginning ingredients of a
irreversible and cake mix e.g eggs, batter, butter. Whilst mixing the ingredients discuss the changes that are
involving the taking place. Explain that even though they may look different the ingredients are still there and
production of new haven't changed. Once heat has been added the students will observe a completely new
substances. substance. This is an example of the real phenomena because it’s a clear example that a
chemical change has occurred because changes to the ingredients are irreversible.
Table 3. Measuring the Assessment tasks, representations included. (incl. What criteria will you use to make
learning gains through brief description) judgements? What evidence will you look
Assessment for?
DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT - Input into group discussions on all three concepts Criteria:
- usually in the Engage - Various worksheets; students will answer questions, fill - students will reveal their current
lesson in tables and draw images with annotations in their understandings through engagement in
science journal discussions and sharing their existing ideas
- Hands on activities and experiments about:
- states of matter: solid, liquid and gas and
- physical changes:
- chemical changes: irreversible changes
and how to identify them
- students will explain and justify their answers
- the content and quality of written answers,
diagrams, and student ability to communicate
what they know
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT - Input into group discussions on all three concepts Criteria:
(Assessment for) - Worksheets: students will answer questions in their - progress or changes in alternative conceptions
(Assessment as) science journal - students will explain and justify their answers
- usually in the Explore, - Interactive poster with themed and topical cards sorted
Explain and Elaborate onto a venn diagram Evidence:
lessons - Self reflection and review activity - the content and quality of written answers,
diagrams, and student ability to communicate
what they know
- completed activities and worksheets
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT - Large interactive posters that display aspects of each of Criteria:
(Assessment of) the concepts explored - identify the three states of matter and the
- usually in the Elaborate - A compiled case file which includes the completed physical properties of each with examples
and Evaluate lesson science journal - able to explain that physical changes are
- A student-led experiment of chemical change rates reversible with examples of the processes of
melting, freezing etc.
- able to explain that chemical changes are
irreversible and result in new substances being
- able to identify the signs of chemical change
- the content and quality of written answers,
diagrams, and student ability to communicate
what they know
- the completed projects and tasks
Conclusion 5 Minutes
A brief overview of the
lesson, where students can
comment on new or different
words or ideas they
encountered and share their
thoughts and feelings about
the different activities and the
topics covered.
Conclusion 5 Minutes
A revision of the brainstorm
worksheet and a
A solid is placed in a
container, then a liquid and
then another empty container
is covered. Student are to
comment on what occurs in
each container, linking to
Concept 1.
Celebration Students will display their scientific ‘case file’ and combined poster; a compilation of the units work,
Day evidence of their learning and created work pieces, in investigative themed folders.
Scientific literacy is a vitally important outcome of science education, as it is the ability that enables students to connect
learnings in the classroom to a lifetime of experiences; thus it builds up students to become active citizens who apply
their scientific knowledge in work and social spaces (MCEETYA 2008, p. 4-5). As in recent years, student’s interest in
science has remarkably declined (Lindahl, 2007; Tytler & Osborne, 2012) which emphasises our role, as teachers, in
sparking the interest of our students and making science engagingly relevant to students. This unit of Chemistry
Science aims to grow students’ scientific literacy through the use of the 5E Instructional Model as an inquiry approach.
As each phase, engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate, is progressively worked through according to their
‘specific purpose’ (Bybee , p. 29), students will be given the opportunity ‘to apply science processes, skills and
attitudes’ (Skamp et al. 2015, p. 3) in a variety of ways and from different perspectives. This approach aims to give
students a ‘better understanding of content, attitudes and skills’(Bybee 2015, p. 29). The lessons will form as an
investigation into the content, where students will engage in hands on experiments, observe and record ideas and
data, ask and discuss questions and possible solutions and represent these experiences in verbal, written and
modelled form.
One featured approach in this inquiry science unit is in the use of representations and the construction of
representations. Representations, the display, likeness or reflection of a phenomena, are known to be a successful
method of inquiry practice because it engages students physically and mentally as they watch and participate in their
learning. Students use scientific skills and thinking as they work to represent the phenomenon they are learning about,
as Tytler et al. supports with ‘students need to know how to interpret, represent, and assess scientific claims, implying
a foundational role for representational work’ (Tytler et al. 2013, p. 3). Making representations also gives students
ownership of their work and demonstrates a selected point of view of a concept, encouraging students to think and
make creative and critical decisions. Representations are used with the aim to increase student meaning making and
ownership of their work, as they are able to negotiate and select the form of representation they use that best suits the
aspect of the content they are trying to reflect, to in turn stimulate student motivation, creativity and outcomes (Tytler et
al. 2009. p. 21).
In our 5E pedagogical model unit we’ve incorporated representations and activities throughout the lessons ‘in order to
more deeply engage students in the knowledge building practices of science (Tytler et al. 2013, p. 32)’.
Representations can take many ‘different forms or modes, and can extend from the concrete to the abstract; It can be
visual, tactile, graphical, physical, aural, concrete, symbolic, verbal, gestural, dynamic, static, two or three
dimensional(Deakin University , 2)’. Our representations include written words, drawings, verbal descriptions,
explanations, comparisons, videos, diagrams, tables in addition to visual representations.
In this sequence of six lessons, linked with the principles and structure provided by the 5E instructional model, students
learn that solids hold their shape, liquids flow and settle in containers, gases take up space in containers. Students also
explore how physical changes to materials are reversible and chemical changes to materials are irreversible involving
the production of new substances. Throughout the unit students participate with experiments and learn that science is
about making predictions and testing these predictions by collecting data to interpret as evidence. In the engage lesson
we created a lesson that would capture the student’s interest and helped build a stimulating learning environment for
the students. As the teachers we motivated the students to manage their own learning. We used experiments,
diagrams, tables, and drawings to get the students interested and curious. The representations were used to help
support student learning by helping the learner build their own understanding. We introduced new ideas to their
learning to find out what they know about solids, liquids and gases and how they have different observable properties
that behave in different ways. This lesson helped elicit students’ questions about how to identify solids, liquids and
gases. In the explore lessons we provided students with hands on experience. The students were exploring the
properties and behaviour of the three states of matter. The students discussed the observable properties of liquids,
solids and gases and recorded them into their science journal. Students explored gases and their properties, i.e. gases
have a mass and take up space. This was explored through an experiment where students predicted what they thought
would happen when a tissue was placed inside a plastic cup and tipped upside down into water. The representation
demonstrated to the students that gas takes up space inside containers.
Bybee, R 2015, The BSCS 5E instructional model: creating teachable moments, NSTA Press, National Science
Teachers Association, Arlington, Virginia.
Chittleborough G., Connection concepts and representations, Deakin University, retrieved 11 August 2018,
MCEETYA - See Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs
Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs 2008, Melbourne Declaration of Educational
Goals for Young Australians, MCEETYA, retrieved 9 May 2018, <
Primary Connections 2012a, ‘What’s the matter’, Year 5 Chemical Science: Primary Connections, Australian Academy
of Science, Canberra, ACT.
Primary Connections 2012b, ‘Change detectives’, Year 6 Chemical Science: Primary Connections, Australian Academy
of Science, Canberra, ACT.
Skamp, K, Preston, C 2015, Teaching primary science constructively, 5th Edn, CENGAGE Learning, South Melbourne,
Tytler, R, Haslam, F, Prain, V, Hubber, P 2009, ‘An explicit representational focus for teaching and learning about
animals in the environment’, Teaching Science, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 21-28.
Tytler, Russell, Hubber, Peter, Prian, Vaughan and Waldrip, Bruce 2013, A representation construction approach, in
Constructing representations to learn in science, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp.31-49.
Tytler, R, Prain, V, Hubber, P, Waldrip, B 2013, Constructing representations to learn in science, SensePublishers,
Rotterdam, Boston.
TABLE 6. Resources (name and brief description)
Resources from online Resources you develop Materials and equipment
a: Primary Connections - ‘What’s Lesson 1a: Preliminary Findings & Mystery General materials/equipment:
The Matter’, Lesson 1, Mysterious Bag Worksheet - Large poster paper or A3 paper
Matter activity, p. 14-17. - Writing & drawing equipment
Primary Connections 2012, ‘What’s - Scissors
the matter’, Year 5 Chemical Science: - Glue
Primary Connections, Australian - Internet access
Academy of Science, Canberra, ACT. - Monitor, laptop or interactive
b: Youtube - Blow Up a Balloon with - Printed worksheets
Coke and Mentos | Fun Science - Folders, one per student
Experiment Lesson 1 specific:
UW7EIvx9QE - Balloons
- Mentos
c: Primary Connections - ‘Change - Coke
Detectives’, Lesson 1, Mysterious - Ziplock bags
matter activity, p. 12-13.
Primary Connections 2012, ‘Change - Markers
detectives’, Year 6 Chemical Science: - A range of solids: rock, pasta,
Primary Connections, Australian powder, elastic band
Academy of Science, Canberra, ACT. - A range of liquids: vinegar, honey,
water, oil
d: Primary Connections - ‘What’s
the matter’, Lesson 3-4, Solid
Lesson 2 specific:
studies & what a gas, p. 25-35.
- Plates
Primary Connections 2012, ‘What’s
- Plastic cups
the matter’, Year 5 Chemical Science:
Primary Connections, Australian
- Tissues/napkins
Academy of Science, Canberra, ACT. - Clear container
- A range of solids: powder, wood,
e: Youtube - Crash Course Kids: soap, clay, balloon
Wood, Water and Properties - A range of liquids: milk, coffee, honey, oil, water
Lesson 3 specific:
f: Youtube - Crash Course Kids: - Cake batter
Chemical Changes - Oven - A solid, liquid and gas representation
37pir0ej_SE&frags=pl%2Cwn - Images of freezing, melting,
evaporating and condensation
g: Primary Connections - ‘Change - Camera or photo taking device
Detectives’, Session 2, Gas bags,
Lesson 1b: Balloon Explosion Worksheet
p. 35-37.
Primary Connections 2012, ‘Change Lesson 4 specific:
detectives’, Year 6 Chemical Science: - Images of the chemical change signs
- Red bull
Primary Connections, Australian - Milk
Academy of Science, Canberra, ACT.
Lesson 5 specific:
- Poster paper
Lesson 6 specific:
- Poster paper