Budi Waluyo Resume
Budi Waluyo Resume
Budi Waluyo Resume
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) Budi Waluyo, S.Pd., MA.
Address(es) A/n Bpk. Ibrahim Lakoni, Gg. Taman Siswa RT.07 RW.03 No. 67 Kel. Talang Rimbo Baru Kec. Curup
Tengah 39113 Kab. Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Telephone(s) Mobile: 646-243-8922
Fax(es) -
E-mail [email protected]
Nationality Indonesia
Gender Male
Seminars 1. The participant in “500 days of Action for the MDGs’, United Nations, New York, Aug 18, 2014
2. The speaker in a National Seminar of Leadership and Motivation Training, IAIN Bengkulu, 20
April 2013
3. The speaker in a National Seminar of Writing Scientific Paper, Universitas Bengkulu, 14 April
2013The speaker in a National Seminar of “TOEFL and IELTS for Success” at Dehasen
University, Feb 02, 2013
4. The participant in the seminar of Intellectual Property held by JICA Japan (2008)
5. The participant in Indonesian Students’ International Scientific Meeting, in London (2011)
Work experience
Social skills and competences - Team work : during my teaching periods, I worked with my colleagues to identify
students’ difficulties in learning English and provided the solutions.
- Mediating skills : I used to help my students solve their learning problems which tend to be
related to their friends and families.
- Intercultural skills : My students came from different areas in Bengkulu, Indonesia that had
different ethnic languages and cultures.
Organisational skills and Since 2005, I have Involved in some organizations taking part in dealing with educational issues. For
competences instance, I was the Coordinator of Department of Knowledge HIMAGRIS FKIP Bengkulu University
(2006-2007), the Coordinator of Department of Talent and Interest UKM FOSI FKIP Bengkulu University
(2007-2008), the Coordinator of Department of Strategic Analysis KAMMI KOMSAT FKIP Bengkulu
University (2006-2007), the General Secretary KAMMI KOMSAT FKIP Bengkulu University (2007-2008),
the Chief of HIMAGRIS FKIP Bengkulu University (2007-2008), the Chief of KPU FKIP Bengkulu
University (2007-2008), the Member of Development, Research and Analysis Student Organization
Bengkulu University (2007-2008), the Staff of Education Division in Indonesian Students Association in
Greater Manchester (2011-2012), the Staff of Education and Career Department in Indonesian Students
Association in United Kingdom (2011-2012), and the student representative of MA Educational
Technology and TESOL Periods 2011-2012 at the University of Manchester. Now, I am active as a
student representative in Diversity Committee, Vice President of Lehigh Fulbright Association, and Vice
President of Comparative and International Education Club at Lehigh University, USA.
- Personal Interests: sport, writing, and learning tools related to educational purposes.