Remedies Earthing Electrode
Remedies Earthing Electrode
Remedies Earthing Electrode
We REMEDIES EARTHING SYSTEMS PVT. LTD, entered the earthing & lightning industry in the early part
of the 2005’s much before the technological revolu on took place. In 10 years, a er dealing earthing &
copper bonded rod of all types and sizes, we realized that the en re industry’s success and failure fell in
the hands of an Lightning system.
We are Authorized distributor of PROTART ELEKTRIK BILISIM TEKNOLOJILERI DIS TIC. A.S from Turkey,
PROTART is a manufacturer of ESE Lightning conductor his device is one of the best ESE lightning device
in the world.
In REMEDIES EARTHING SYSTEMS PVT. LTD, we are experts in lightning protec on. We have at your
disposal all the exis ng technology and innovate every day, giving suitable solu ons to each par cular
case. We manufacture our products according to maximum quality standards. Research, innova on
and safety are the key factor underlining our leadership and presence the world over.
RESPL not only provides these services for Railways, Telecom, Power Companies, Ins tu ons, Hospitals,
Sewage Treatment plants, Pump Sta ons, and other process industries but also for dwelling units, thereby
increasing the safety by combining high-quality services with latest technology.
RESPL provides Safety with Quality by understanding customer requirements & implemen ng their
thoughts into ac on. We assure and ensure special a en on to comprehend the complexi es of the
customer objec ves
process, priori es and their expecta ons. This helps us to provide solu on in a befi ng manner to reach
the utmost customer sa sfac on
Remedies Earthing Systems Pvt. Ltd. Is the leading manufacturer of unique earthing with brand
name of “ERIC” Maintenance Free Earthing Electrode with exclusive Pipe in Pipe & Strip in Pipe
REMEDIES EARTHING SYSTEMS offers you a whole team of specialists to facilitate all the following services:
Studies and projects: risk of lightning strike analysis, regulatory compliance, reports, diagrams and
quota ons. Technical assessment: Technical team for evalua ng the most suitable solu on for each case.
Verifica on and maintenance: inspec on of the lightning protec on installa ons according to the standards
and adjustment /maintenance of them. Installa on: groups of installers and specialists in ver cal works for
carrying out the installa ons.
Earthing and grounding is the most important component in an electrical circuit. It is necessary to eliminate
electrosta c discharge which can destroy sensi ve equipment and disturb power supply. The primary
objec ve of earthing is to control radio frequency emission and electro magne c interference to provide
stable reference poten al for instrument to provide a safe discharge path for short circuit and ligh ng
Apart from human safety, costly and sensi ve electronic equipment are vulnerable even to small fault
currents which seriously affect the life and performance of the equipments.
Over the years, billions of dollars worth of property has been destroyed due to electrical failures, short
circuits etc causing fires, electrocu ons and other mishaps. But more importantly, lives were lost.
A complete lightning protec on & earthing system cons tutes the following:
Safe Earthing
Equipment Earth
Poor Earthing
Grounding / Earthing
Good earthings of Lightning Protec on Systems shall be able to withstand lightning currents
and to disperse them quick and safely.
Other Details:
What is lightning ?
• Cloud to Cloud
• Intra Cloud
• Cloud to Earth
Advance Lightning
Protection Radius, Rp
Model: PRO- 60
Type: E.S.E. Lightning Rod
(Early Streamer Emission)
Model: PRO- 30
Type: E.S.E. Lightning Rod
(Early Streamer Emission)
With PRO TESTER, you are able to determine if there is a short circuit
or a fault in the ion generator immediately by simply screwing in the
special plug at the end of the cable to the ESE rod and pressing the
bu on on the tes ng device. We are able to make the cable on the
tes ng device according to the customer’s requirements.
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