A. Definition of Descriptive Text

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Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text is a text type that is widely used in everyday life to describe objects,
places, people, animals and so forth. Descriptive Text is an English text for
mengggmbarkan as to what objects or living things that we describe, either in
appearance, odor , sound, or texture of objects or living things are.
B. Purpose Communicative Descriptive Text

Communicative tujan of Descriptive Text is to describe and express the

characteristics of objects, places, or certain beings in general, Tenpa for research or
peneilitan in depth and menyuluruh.

C. Generic Structure Descriptive Text

In every Descriptive Text there are two parts that is characteristic of Descriptive Text
itself. Both sections are:
1. Identification
Idnetification is part of Descriptive Text that contains the topic or the "what" to be
depicted or described.
2. Description
Description is the last part of the Descriptive Text that contains a discussion or
description of the topic or the "what" in the identification of the physical appearance,
quality, general behavior and properties.
D. Characteristics Kebahasan Descriptive Text

1. Descriptive Text using the Present Tense, for example: go, eat, fly, etc.

2. Descriptive Text using berbagaimacam Adjectives (adjectives) which are

describing (portrait), Numbering (Menomerkan), and Classifying (classify), for
example: two strong legs, sharp white fangs, etc.

3. Descriptive Text using Verbs Relating to provide information about the subject,
for example: my mum is realy cool, it has very thick fur, etc.

4. Descriptive Text using Thinking Verbs (verb think, like belive, think, etc.) and
Feeling Verbs (verb flavorings, such as feel) to express the author's personal views
about the subject, for example: police believe the suspect is armed, I think it is a
clever animal, etc.

5. Descriptive Text also use Adverbs (adverb) to provide additional information

about the behavior or trait (Adjective) described, for example: it is extremely high, it
definitely runs past, etc.

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