A General Review On Bioanalytical Method Development & Validation For LC-MS/MS
A General Review On Bioanalytical Method Development & Validation For LC-MS/MS
A General Review On Bioanalytical Method Development & Validation For LC-MS/MS
Rapid growth in the use of LC-MS/MS MS/MS for the interpretation of pharmacokinetic, bioavailability,
analysis of drugs in biological matrices has been drug-drug
drug interaction, bioequivalence and
compelled by the need for timely and high high-quality compatibility studies [1]. Validation of any analytical
data at every stages in drug discovery and method ensures that the developed method is
development process: from throughput screening of reproducible, stable, sensitive, robust, suitable and
drug candidates and rapid data generation for pre pre- reliable for its application in blood, plasma, urine,
clinical studies to almost 'real-time'
time' analysis of serum and faeces analysis. Bioanalytical validation
clinical samples. A well developed bioanalytical ensures the high-quality
quality data for regulatory
development and its validation plays
ays a pivotal role in submission as well as for the drug discovery and
achieving the goals. . The aim behind this review is development [2].
to enlighten the need of validation which provide a
practical approach for determining the different The official test methods that result from these
parameters like selectivity, specifity, limit of processes are used by quality control laboratories
labo to
detection, lower limit of quantitation,
ntitation, linearity, range, ensure the identity, purity, potency and performance
accuracy, precision, recovery, stability, ruggedness, of drug products [3] and includes all the procedures
and robustness to help the perfect studies of demonstrating particular method used for quantitative
pharmacokinetic, toxic kinetic, bioavailability and measurement of analytes in a given biological matrix,
bioequivalence. Bio-analysis
analysis study is for the such as blood, plasma, serum, or urine, reliable and
quantitative determination of drug and their reproducible for the intended use [4,5]. The analysis
metabolites in biological fluids. Accurate and robust thus carried out must be verified for its alleged
methods for quantitative analysis of drug and their purpose and must be validated. An investigation
metabolites are important for the successful conduct should be performed during each step to determine
of pre-clinical, bio-pharmaceutics
pharmaceutics and clinical whether the external environment,
environmen matrix or
pharmacology. procedural variables can affect the estimation of
analyte in the matrix from the time of collection up to
Keywords - LC-MS/MS
MS/MS bioanalysis , Bio
Bio-analytical the time of analysis [6]. Recent progress in methods
method development,Validation parameters, sample development has been largely a result of
Preparation LLE, SPE. improvements in analytical instrumentation.
INTRODUCTION Both HPLC and LC-MS/MS MS/MS can be used for the
The word “high Bioanalytics” refers to the analysis of bioanalysis of drugs in plasma. Each of the
the desired analyte in biological fluids. In the present instruments has its own merits and demerits. HPLC
pharmaceutical industry,
try, the bioanalytical methods coupled with UV, PDA or fluorescence detector can
are playing a crucial role in the quantitative be used for estimation of many compounds but it does
determination of low molecular weight drug not give the high sensitivity as required by some of
molecules and macromolecules. The quantitative the potent, low dose drugs and lacks selectivity [7].
determination leads to the evaluation and The main advantages of LCMS-MS
LCMS include low
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
where analyte is weakly retained, interferences are reproducible methods and techniques are always very
strongly held on the cartridge and the analyte is demanding for the drugs and its metabolites studies
collected for the further treatment [18]. for bioavailability (BA), bioequivalence (BE) and
pharmacokinetic (PK) parameter for conducting the
Protein precipitation- Protein precipitation is the
pre clinical studies [20-21]. A perfect approach to reach
simple method of extraction as compared to the LLE
the drugs and its metabolites best efficacy and side
and SPE. This can be carried out by using the suitable
effects value can be known by the accurate and
organic solvents which has good solubility of the
sensitive method development and validation. In
analyte and protein precipitating properties.
respect of economy and market demand the chief and
Acetonitrile is the first choice of solvent for protein
best bio-analytical methods are adopted for routine
precipitation due to its complete precipitation of
analysis [22]. In bio-analytical method validation
proteins and methanol is the second choice of organic
different types and levels are come which must be
precipitant provided the solubility of the analyte in
need to understand basic requirement in the process.
these solvents. After protein precipitation the
Here all types are defined in very specific manner.
supernatant obtained can be injected directly in to the
HPLC or it can be evaporated and reconstituted with
Full Validation- Full validation of bioanalytical
the mobile phase [19].
methods is important:
During development and implementation of a
novel bioanalytical method.
For analysis of a new drug entity.
For revisions to an existing method that add
metabolite quantification.
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
single study are conducted at more than one site or replicate analysis of samples containing known
more than one laboratory, cross-validation with amounts of the analyte (i.e., QCs). Accuracy should
spiked matrix standards and subject samples should be measured using a minimum of five determinations
be conducted at each site or laboratory to establish per concentration. A minimum of three concentrations
inter-laboratory reliability [23,24]. in the range of expected study sample concentrations
is recommended. The mean value should be within
Need & importance for analytical methods to be 15% of the nominal value except at LLOQ, where it
validated should not deviate by more than 20%. The deviation
The main objective of a method validation is to check of the mean from the nominal value serves as the
the reliability of a particular method for evaluating an measure of accuracy.
analyte concentration in a specific biological matrix,
such as blood, serum, plasma, urine, or saliva. Precision is defined as The closeness of individual
Moreover, if an anticoagulant is used, validation measures of an analyte when the procedure is applied
should be performed using the same anticoagulant as repeatedly to multiple aliquots of a single
for the study samples [25]. Generally a full validation homogeneous volume of biological matrix and it is
should be performed for each species and matrix measured by using a minimum of five determinations
concerned for the standardization o the procedure by per concentration. A minimum of three concentrations
which an analyte is analyzed. in the range of expected study sample concentrations
is recommended. The precision determined at each
PARAMETERS OF VALIDATION- [26-32] concentration level should not exceed 15% of the
coefficient of variation (CV) except for the LLOQ,
1. System suitability where it should not exceed 20% of the CV.
System suitability should be confirmed prior to each
run to ensure the performance of the instrument for
𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 − 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒
that particular bioanalytical method. The validity of % 𝐵𝑖𝑎𝑠 = × 100
the analysis is done on routinely basis and checked by 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒
evaluation of calibration curves and QC sample in 𝑆𝐷
each analytical run. System performance experiment % 𝐶𝑉 = × 100
was performed by injecting sequence of injections at 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛
the beginning of analytical batch or before any re-
injection. The Signal to Noise ratio should be more 4. Calibration curve/Linearity range
than or equal to 5 for LLOQ QC sample. It represents the relationship between the response of
the instrument and the known concentration of the
2. Selectivity/specificity analyte. A calibration curve should be performed for
Selectivity is a term defined as the ability of an each analyte in the sample. The calibration standards
bioanalytical method to differentiate and quantify the can contain more than one analyte. A calibration
analyte in the presence of other components in the curve should be prepared in the same biological
sample & specificity is a term which is defined as the matrix as the samples in the intended study by spiking
ability of the bioanalytical method to produce a signal the matrix with known concentrations of the analyte.
only for the analyte of interest and not for other The calibration curves were constructed from a blank
interfering components. Generally, the procedure sample (a plasma sample processed without IS), a
followed for the evaluation of selectivity & specificity zero sample (a plasma processed with IS), and eight
is to compare the response of an analyte in the concentrations covering the expected range including
biological sample at the lower limit of quantification the LLOQ. The drug-to-IS peakarea ratio was plotted
(LLOQ) with blank matrix sample. It is recommended against the respective standard drug concentration to
to take blank matrix from at least six different sources obtain the graph and the linearity was evaluated by
and compare it with the spiked LLOQ in the matrix. weighted (1/x) least-squares regression analysis. The
acceptance criteria for each calculated standard
3. Accuracy & Precision concentration was no more than 15% deviation from
Accuracy is defined as the closeness of mean test the nominal value, except for the LLOQ, for which
results obtained by the method to the actual value 20% was acceptable. Unknown sample peak–area
(concentration) of the analyte and it is determined by
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2018 Page: 1343
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
ratios were then interpolated from the calibration replicates per QC concentration level before and after
curve to provide concentrations of unknown samples. the stability storage. The acceptance criteria suggest
that the mean accuracy of the measurements at each
5. Recovery level should be within ±20% deviation of the
It is defined as the detector response obtained from an theoretical concentrations , while USFDA draft
amount of the analyte added to and extracted from the guidelines suggest that the stability study sample
biological matrix, compared to the detector response results should be within ±15% of the nominal
obtained for the true concentration of the analyte in concentrations.
solvent. The procedure involves by comparing the
analytical results for extracted samples at three 7. Matrix effect
concentrations (low, medium, and high) with It is defined as the effect or the response produced by
unextracted standards that represent 100% recovery. any undesired analyte which have an interference
Recovery of the analyte need not be 100%, but the with the analyte response. Generally, it is caused by
extent of recovery of an analyte and IS should be the matrix components or the metabolites which get
consistent, precise, and reproducible. eluted along with the analyte. Matrix effect can also
be caused when molecules co-eluting with the
Calculated concentration compounds of interest alter the ionization efficiency
Recovery % = × 100 of the electrospray interface. Usually, the matrix
𝑆𝑝𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
effect is assessed either by post extraction addition
6. Stability method or the post-column infusion method.
Validation studies should determine the analyte Matrix effect can be evaluated by spiking analyte at
stability after the freeze-thaw cycles, short term and two concentration levels (low and high QC) in six
long-term storage. The stability of the analyte should different lots of blank matrix and reading against
be evaluated in the stock and working solutions using freshly prepared CC. The matrix effect is calculated
solutions at or near the highest and lowest by matrix factor (MF). Matrix factor can be calculated
concentration levels under the actual solution storage by the following formula:
conditions. According to EMA guidelines it is
recommend to evaluate the stability of at least 3
8. Robustness
The robustness of an analytical procedure is a measure of its capacity to remain unaffected by small, but
deliberate variations in method parameters and provides an indication of its reliability during normal usage.
The evaluation of robustness should be considered during the development phase and depends on the type of
procedure under study. It should show the reliability of an analysis with respect to deliberate variations in
method parameters.
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
validation methods US FDA guidelines
Selectivity Analyses of blank samples of the appropriate biological matrix (plasma, urine or other
(specificity) matrix) should be obtained from at least six sources. Each blank should be tested for
interference and selectivity should be ensured at LLOQ
Recovery Recovery experiments should be performed at thre threee concentrations (low, medium and
high) with unextracted standards that represent 100% recovery
Calibration curve Should consist of a blank sample (matrix sample processed without internal standard), a
zero sample (matrix sample processed with internal standard) and six to eight non-zero
samples covering the expected range, including LLOQ
Short-term stability Three aliquots of each of the low and high concentrations should be thawed at room
temperature and kept at this temperature for 44–24
24 hours and analyzed. Percent deviation
should be <15%
Long-term stability At least three aliquots of each of low and high concentrations at same conditions as
study samples. Analyze on three separate occasions. Storage time should exceed the
time between the date of first sample collection and the date of last sample analysis
Stock-solution Stability of stock solutions of drug and the internal standard should be evaluated at
stability room temperature for at least 6 hours. Percent deviation should be <15%
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2018 Page: 1346
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
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@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2018 Page: 1347