Models of Communication

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Aristotle’s Model of Communication Summary

Group 1
Aristotle (384 – 322 BC)

- Greek philosopher and scientist

- Nichomachus
- Proxenus of Atarneus
- Plato’s Academy of Athens

Aristotle model of communication (Before 300 BC)

This model is more focused on public speaking than interpersonal communication.

5 elements of Aristotle’s model of communication
1. Speaker- He/she the one who takes complete charge of the communication. The speaker is the
sender of the message.
2. Speech- Is a verbal form of speaking. A person stands in front or in stage and speaks to a large umber
of people on a special occasion.
3. Occasion- is a particular time or instance of an event. I t is what the topic is all about. It is probably
the main cause of a communication occurrence.
4. Audience- Has a passive role. Without active response. No concepts of feedback. Should be
persuaded/ be influenced by the speaker.
5. Effect- Is the response we elicit or say from the recipient of our communication. The aim, result, and
the outcome of the communication.

Key concept of this communication is to:

 Persuade
 Convince; and
 Influence audience

What is the importance and significance of this model of communication?

 This model of communication was the first model being proposed by Aristotle and the importance is
to inform the audience and since it was proposed before 300 B.C it is important because before
there is no technology exist.

Illustration of the model

Shannon – Weaver’s Model of Communication Summary (Group 2)

Claude Shannon – an American mathematician, engineer, and cryptographer

Warren Weaver – an engineer

Both of them were engineers during the World War 2 and their primary concern was to find out the most
effective means of communication.

The Shannon – Weaver’s model of communication is a two way process and was created in 1948. It was
designed to mirror the functioning of radio and telephone. This model is also known as “The Telephone
Model”. The main purpose of this model is to improve technical communication.

Noise – is a physical disturbance and the most important element in the Shannon – Weaver’s model of

Encoder – the sender who encodes the message

Decoder – a machine used to convert signals or binary data

Channel – is a medium used to send a message

Message – the information, idea, or concept that is being communicated

Receiver – the recipient of the message

Feedback – reply or reaction

Source – is a specific reason to begin the communication

Group 3 (Oral communication)

Schramm’s Model of Communication
 Schramm Model- Postulated by Wilbur Schramm in 1954
-The model suggests that encoding and decoding are the two most important part of a communication
 Wilbur Schramm- Wilbur Schramm was a forefather in the development of a basic model of
-Shcramm was born in 1907 in Marietta, Ohio. He graduated from Marietta College in 1928. He
completed the doctoral program at the University of Iowa in English Literature.

Illustration of Schramm Model

 Prominent of Schramm’s Model of communication-
 Circular communication gives opportunity to both parties to give their opinion.
 Concept of interpretation makes the communication effective.
 Context
 Feedback
 Semantic noise
 Disadvantage of Schramm Model-
 This model cannot deal with multiple levels of communication and complex communication
 Message sent and received might be interpreted differently than intended.
 Elements and their functions:
 Source- the source of communication is the sender who has the message to impart.
 Encoder- the person who converts the message to be sent into codes.
 Message- contains the ideas, information and thoughts.
 Channel- the medium by which the message is delivered or received.
 Decoder- the person who converts the encoded message into the language understandable by
the person.
 Receiver- the person that receives the message.
 Feedback- process of responding to receive the message by the receiver.
 Field of experience- are the things that influences the understanding and interpretation of
message like culture, social background, beliefs, experiences, values and rules.

 Significance- The field of Experience affects the interpretation of the message.


By Group 4
WHAT DID EUGENE WHITE CONTRIBUTE IN THE  The mechanism that the speaker uses to
COMMUNICATION PROCESS deliver his message

 He contributed the concept of feedback TRANSMITTING

What is White’s Model of Communication?  The waves of sound that carries the
speakers message to the listeners
 Is a Cyclical Model
 It has no beginning or end. RECEIVING
 Predicts decisional outcomes
 When the listeners receive the message

 Thinking DECODING
 Symbolizing
 The listeners interprets the message
 Expressing
 Transmitting FEEDBACKING
 Receiving
 Decoding  The listener’s response to the speaker
 Feed backing
 The speaker will monitor the listeners
 A Desire provides a speaker a stimulus to gestures, to know is going on inside the
communicate a need listeners mind, and is open on any possible
 The code or language with which to
represent the speakers idea  The class president is proposing an idea for
their classroom beautification and she is
EXPRESSING open for any suggestions.

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