IEEETPCTutorial Sag TensionCalcs
IEEETPCTutorial Sag TensionCalcs
IEEETPCTutorial Sag TensionCalcs
Allen L. Clapp
Paper No.
I ~-
Allen L. Clapp, P.E., R.L.S., Senior Member
Clapp Research Associates, P.C.
Raleigh, N.C.
Pressure in Ib./sq. R =
Pressure in pascals =
where V = velocity in miles per hour or meters per
second. as applicable. Wind Pmsures for commonly
used wind velocities a n shown in NESC Table 250-2.
A1 -2
. ..
normal calculation, if the computer program allows you to (aluminum conductor steel reinforced) conductors under a
do that. That way, the sags without wind loading will be 6 psf wind loading.
correct for vertical sag, and the sags with wind loading
will be correct for the resultant displacement along the
Figure 4, Wind Displacement of Aluminum Conductors,
swing angle. shows the relative displacement of representative AAC
(all-aluminum) conductors under a 6 psf wind loading.
The resultant sag along the swing angle under wind
loading is the hypotenuse of a right triangle; the wind
displacement is its base. The horizontal displacement of Rules of Thumb for Estimating Horizontal
the cable or conductor can be directly calculated fiom the Displacement of Conductors By Wind
swing angle and the sag (hypotenuse). There is a simple rule of thumb that is useful in the field
Figure 2, Wind Displacement of Copper and Coppenveld when trying to determine if a conductor might be blown
Conductors shows the relative displacement of copper and too close to a building. If the sag at 60 O F can be easily
copper-clad wires and cables under the influence of a 6 psf determined or estimated, it can be used to estimate the
wind pressure. This figure was prepared using initial sags wind displacement under a 6 psf wind.
and tensions commonly used for the conductors. The As shown by Figure 2, copper and copper-clad conductors
displacement of each conductor is graphed relative to of #6 AWG and smaller will be displaced horizontally by a
100% of its unloaded final sag at 60 O F . Each of the types distance equal to or almost half again as great as the 60 O F
of conductor exhibits its own sag-change characteristics. sag. Likewise, Figure 3 shows the break point to be
The conductors do not swing on an arc from the unloaded between 210 and 310 AWG for aluminum. It can be seen
position; they stretch more under wind loading. that the small ACSR conductors will be displaced
Figure 3, Wind Displacement of ACSR Conductors shows horizontally almost twice the amount of the 60 O F sag.
the relative displacement of representative ACSR
A 1 -3
I I I I (inches) 1 Ib. pw
lin R I F-
1b.p.r I v.rtk.1 I -OnAwk I
Figure3 also illustrates a more exact rule of thumb. The For the smaller conductors, the actual displacement under
relative ratio of wind-force/conductor-weightis the tangent wind loading (expressed as a percentage of unloaded sag)
of the swing angle; this windweight ratio can also be used is significantly less than the windweight ratio. For the
to estimate the maximum horizontal displacement of a larger, heavier conductors, the actual displacement is still
conductor under wind loading. less, but is very close to the ratio. For example, if the
swing angle line of 336.4 ACSR is extended down to the
In Figure3, the horizontal dashed line at the bottom of the horizontal line of Figure 3, you can see that the horizontal
figure graphically represents the wind force on 4 AWG 6/1 displacement is only slightly less than would be produced
ACSR relative to its weight. The solid line extending by application of the windweight ratio to the 60 O F final
along the swing angle from the LOS to the 4 AWG 611 unloaded sag.
ACSR deflectionpoint and the dashed line that continues
on to meet the horizontal dashed line represents the Horizontal Displacementof Suspension Insulator
resultant of the horizontal wind force and the weight. The Strings
ratio of the wind force to this resultant is the sine of the
swing angle. The deflection of insulator strings can be calculated in the
same way as the deflection of the supported conductors,
It can be seen that the sag of the 4 AWG 611 ACSR along
except that certain constraintscan be used to shortcut the
the swing angle (the solid line) is not as long as the full
routine, if desired.
hypotenuse of the triangle. In other words, the actual
horizontal displacement under wind loading, relative to Strings of suspension insulators weigh more per lineal foot
the final unloaded sag, is not as great as the windweight than the conductors that they support. However, due to the
ratio: the tangent of the swing angle. The actual horizontal greater length, the supported conductor typically has more
displacement is thus less than the windweight ratio relative wind loading than the insulators. The actual swing
multiplied times the unloaded sag. How much less angle of the insulator string, considering both the forces
depends upon (a) the stretchingcharacteristics of the transferred to it by the conductor and the wind and weight
conductor or cable messenger and (b) the original forces produced by the string itself, will generally be less
unloaded tension as a percentage of the rated breaking than the swing angle of the conductor supported in the
strength. suspension shoe attached to the last insulator.
A1 -4
I I word l -
\ I
Sag at
60 OF
No Wind
Figure 2
Wind Displacement of Copper and Copperweld Conductors
A 1 -5
Sag at
60 'F
No Wind Wind Displacement
of ACSR Conductors
Figure 3
Figure 3
Wind Displacement of ACSR Conductors
Sag at
60 'F
No Wind
Figure 4
Wind Displacement of Aluminum Conductors
A 1 -6
Some methods of calculating the swing of insulator string
assembliesresemble the balancing of a seesaw (teeter-
totter.) If a big kid weighs twice as much as a little one,
the little one has to sit twice as far out as the big one to
achieve balance.
In this balancing act, the moment produced by the weight W i h t of Crosshatched
supported Area Shows
of Kid #1 multiplied times its moment arm (his distance Fadlis Increase in
only Pr0)eCted
from the fulcrum, or balancing point) is the same as the Wind Area
moment produced by the weight of Kid #2 multiplied
times his own moment arm.In other words, applying half
the weight at the full distance produces the same moment
as applying the full weight at half the distance. wnd Load
on Supported
The same moment-balance concept is useful in thinking
about how a suspension insulator swings from its pivot
The forces on the last insulator in the string, to which the
suspension hardware is attached, include (a) the forces
transmitted from the conductor and suspension hardware Figure 6
(applied at the attachmentpoint end), (b) the wind on the Comparison of Loading on Suspension
insulator, and (c) the weight of the insulator. See Figure Insulator With and Without Wind Loading
5-Displacement of Suspension Insulator Due to Wind
l,oading. Typically, the bottom insulators in a long string are more
affected by the wind due to their greater swing angle. See
Figure 7- Wind Displacement of Insulator String.
Wind Load of
Faalhes Plus
One-Half of the
horizontal s,,,iWa"ge '.
Wnd Load on
the Insulator Bell
; FaaliiPlus
1 One-Harofthe
! insulator 6eil Figure 7
; Wiht Wind Displacement of
*or other appropriate ratio
A 1 -7
places must all be considered: (a) forces transmitted from (d) apply the total weight and wind loading of the
the supported facilities, (b) wind on the insulator, and (c) suspension clamp and supported conductor to the
the weight of the insulator. attachment point at the lower end of the last insulator bell,
(e) add half (or a different ratio, if appropriateto
The teeter-totter effect can be used to recalculate the wind
achieve the correct total moment) of the weight and wind
and weight forces on the insulator itself and move them to
loading of the last insulator bell and apply it to attachment
the bottom attachment point to coincide with the
point at the lower end of the last insulator bell,
application point of the forces transmitted from supported
( f ) calculate the swing of the last insulator, and
facilities. In other words, the fill weight of the insulator
(g) repeat the process, working your way one
applied at half the length produces the same moment as
insulator at a time back up to the point of attachment of
half the weight applied at the full length. See
the fvst insulator to the structure. See Figure 5.
Figure &Forces on Insulator Due to Wind Loading and
Insulator Weight. One common mistake is to forget that the area exposed to
the wind increases as the bell is tumed more sideways.
The most accurate method of determining the horizontal
See Figure 6.
deflection of an insulator string under wind loading
conditions is to: Although the above method is technically correct, it is
(a) apply the total suspended weight and horizontal tedious. There is an approximate method that is much
wind loading of the conductor to the end of the suspension easier to use and has been used with success. This
clamp, involves calculating the weight and wind loading of the
(b) add half (or a different ratio, if appropriate to string and applying half of it (along with all of the
achieve the correct total moment) of the weight and wind conductor loadings) to the end of the insulator string, as if
loading of the suspension clamp and apply it to the end of the string were a single stiffmember.
the suspension clamp,
(c) calculate the swing of the clamp,
I .
If d = 2c Full
wt f--- Wind Load (hL) x C
Y = Half Wind Load x D
Figure 8
Forces on Insulator Due to Wind Loading and Insulator Weight
AI -a
The approximate method is just that; depending upon the
length of the insulator string and how it actually operates,
and depending upon the length and size of the supported
conductor, the result will be close, but not necessarily
correct. This method can underestimate the deflection of Windspeed 50 70 90 100
the insulator string with light conductors and may not mPh mph mph mph
yield reliable results, especially if the purpose is to
calculate swing angles under extreme wind conditions to Wind Pressure 6 psf 13 psf 21 psf 26 psf
check structure clearances.
Swing Angle 65.34’ 78.05” 82.57” 83.98”
Fortunately, there is a very conservative method that
happens to be even easier. As a practical matter, the swing Resultant Sag 5.19 fl 6.46 fl 7.46fl 7.98fl
angle of the loaded insulator string is generally less than Along the
or equal to that of the conductor. Although the swing angle Swing Angle
of a small, light conductor can greatly exceed the swing
angle of its insulator string, the swing angle of the
Horizontal 4.72 fl 6.32 fl 7.40fl 7.98fl
insulator string cannot be greater than that of the
supported conductor except in very short spans.
Thus, the swing angle of the suspended conductor or cable
can be used as the swing angle for the insulator string The at-rest clearance requirements of Rules 234B (to other
assembly. It may overstatethe horizontal displacement of supporting structures) and 234C (to buildings) should not
the string, but in most cases that would be preferable to be confused. Although both of these rules require primary
understatement. voltage conductors to be installed at rest so that they will
The reverse is not true. Since the swing angle of the not come horizontally closer to the structure than 4.5 feet
insulator string is often less than the swing angle for the under a 6 psf wind loading, Rule 234B has a basic at-rest
conductor for light conductors, using the swing angle of clearance of 5.0 feet, while Rule 234C has a basic at-rest
the insulator string as the swing angle of the conductor clearance of 7.5 feet.
can cause serious trouble, especially when trying to In essence, the wind loading controls most clearances of
determine the clearance to an “other” supporting structure, conductors which go by, but do not attach to, another
building, billboard or other installationunder NESC Rules supporting structure, since the horizontal wind
234B and 234C. displacement only has to be 6 inches (5.0 ft - 4.5 ft) before
the wind loading controls the required location. For
Horizontal Displacementof Conductorsand clearances to buildings, however, the at-rest clearances of
Table 234-1 will control the short spans where the wind
Cables Under Extreme Wind Loading
displacement does not exceed 3.0 feet (7.5 ft - 4.5 ft).
NESC Rule 234 specifiesthe clearances that are required
when the conductor is displaced horizontally toward a
building or other installation by a 6 psf wind. Obviously, Installation Problems: The Wrong Tension Can
this is not the greatest wind loading that the conductors Cause Serious Clearance Problems
and cables would be expected to experience during their The stringing tension of a conductor affects both the fmal
lifetime. See the wind map in NESC Rule 250. unloaded sag and the sag change under wind loading. The
The coordinated system used in the NESC serves to limit greater the tension as a percentage of the rated breaking
the opportunity for conflict, even in extreme winds. For strength, the lesser is the fmal unloaded sag. However, the
example, consider a 300 ft span of #4 ACSR, 611 stranding additional stretch due to wind loading increases with
(Code Name: Swan) with sag of 3.0 ft at 60 OF, operating initial tension.
at 7200 Volts to ground. If this conductor runs alongside a Table 5, Differences in Horizontal Displacement of #4
billboard to which it does not attach, Rule 234C and Table ACSR Conductor Under Extreme Wind Loading Due to
234-1 requires the greater of two clearances: 7.5 ft with Diflerences in Stringing Tension shows the relative sag
the conductor at rest, or 4.5 ft with the conductor displaced along the swing angle and the horizontal displacement
toward the building by a 6 psf wind loading. under various wind loadings for #4 ACSR, 6/1 stranding
Since the horizontal displacement of this conductor under (Code Name: Swan), 300 ft span, in the Heavy Loading
the specified wind loading is 4.72 ft, the applicable District. Three tension levels under the combined ice and
clearance requirement is 9.22 A (4.5 + 4.72 = 9.22) with wind loading design condition are used to develop the
the conductor at rest. The actual horizontal displacement data. They are 60% of the rated breaking strength (NESC
of the #4 ACSR conductor under wind loading is less than limits), 50% of RBS (ALCOA limits), and 40% of RBS.
the at-rest clearance of 9.22 ft for any of the wind speeds These data illustrate the problem. If the conductors are not
shown in Table &Horizontal Displacement At Variow initially sagged to the correct tension, significant wind
Wind Speeds. To put it another way, the increase in displacement can occur. If line workers hang conductors so
horizontal displacement under extreme wind loading, that they “look good”, they may be in for a rude surprise
beyond the displacement under a 50 mph wind, is less one day.
than the 4.5 feet used in the rules.
A1 -9
Horizontal Displacement(feet)
Wind Speed Wind Pressure Sine of Swing NESC ALCOA Special
(mph) (PSO Angle
50 6 .go91 6.26 9.14 12.65
70 13 .9783 7.75 10.38 13.90
90 21 .9916 8.66 11.06 14.42
100 26 .9945 9.11 11.40 14.67